Confined Space Entry Program 11 2021

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November 2021

Table of Contents

I. Purpose

II. Definitions

III. Categories of Confined Spaces

IV. Potential Hazards

V. Confined Space Entry Work Procedures

A. Identification and Labeling of Confined Spaces

B. Planning Confined Space Entry Work

C. Confined Space Entry Permit

D. Responsibilities

VI. Safety Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment

VII. Training and Recordkeeping


Appendix A: Permit Required Confined Space Entry Procedure Form

Appendix B: UNC Confined Space Entry Permit

Appendix C: Confined Space Entry Permit Inventory Locations


I. Purpose

One of the most common causes of fatal industrial accidents involves confined
spaces, which may include boilers, furnaces, manholes, pipelines, utility vaults,
sewers, storage tanks and below ground rooms. Confined space work is particularly
hazardous due to the difficulty in detecting and quick onset of the possible dangers
involved. A good rule of thumb is to consider any hazard in a confined space as
having a much greater potential for risk than similar work done under normal
conditions. This document is intended to establish safety policies and procedures for
confined space entry in accordance with guidelines provided by OSHA in 29 CFR

Effective control of confined space entry is a complex task on the University of

Northern Colorado (UNC) campus as the regulatory definition of confined space is
broad and will apply to a number of various locations. Department tasks are highly
varied and in some cases, the need for confined space entry cannot be predicted
beforehand. In addition, a large number of people may be involved including
representatives from several departments and outside contractors. In order to make
this procedure effective and practical, the intent is to limit the number of individuals
with the authority to issue permits (confined space entry supervisors), and prescribe
the use of personal protective equipment and special procedures for confined space
entry. Each confined space entry supervisor is responsible for specific areas on
campus and for specific tasks associated with the trades and department they
supervise. These assignments will be delegated according to the individual’s
assigned duties for UNC.

The key factors in making this system work are knowledge, participation,
attentiveness, training, and prior planning on the part of the confined space entry
supervisors, attendants, and workers.

II. Definitions

Attendant: an individual stationed outside one or more permit spaces who monitors
the authorized entrants and who performs all attendant’s duties assigned in the
employer’s permit space program.

Authorized Entrant: an employee who is authorized by the employer to enter a

permit space.

Confined Space – a space that:

• Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and
perform assigned work
• Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example, tanks, vessels,
silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have limited
means of entry)
• Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy

Engulfment: the flow of liquid or loose particles into the space trapping, crushing,
and smothering/drowning the entrant.

Entrapment: where the configuration of the inside of the space traps or smothers an
entrant because of inwardly converging walls, or a floor which slopes down and
tapers to a smaller cross section.

Entrant: any person(s) who is required to perform work inside a confined space.

Entry permit: the document that is provided by the employer to allow and control
entry into a permit space containing the information specified in Appendix B.

III. Categories of Confined Spaces

For the purpose of this document, confined spaces are divided into two categories:
low risk (non-permit) spaces and high risk (permit required) spaces.

• Low-Risk Spaces (Non-Permit) – Primary hazards are remoteness,

confinement, communication difficulty, and consequences of physical hazards
such as slips and falls, and falling objects. These spaces do not have the
potential to cause death or serious physical harm.

• High-Risk Spaces (Permit Required) – Primary hazards are engulfment,

entrapment and/or hazardous atmospheres. Quick rescue could be impeded by
a hazardous atmosphere or by the physical configuration of the space. High risk
spaces also have the potential to contain any hazards of a low-risk space.

IV. Potential Hazards

Hazardous Atmospheres

• Oxygen deficient – deficient atmospheres (19.5% or less) are a result a

decrease in oxygen due to consumption or displacement

• Oxygen enriched – enriched atmospheres (22% or above) provide the potential

for flammable materials to burn.

• Flammable atmospheres – any atmosphere containing gas, vapor, or flammable

dust in excess of 10% of its Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). Hot work (permit
required work involving torch cutting or welding) and other work generating
extreme heat or flame must be monitored continuously. (See UNC Hot Work

• Toxic atmospheres – any atmospheric concentration of a gas or vapor

exceeding its Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL). Hazard has a direct effect on
human health and may require the use of respirators and other personal
protective equipment (PPE).

Mechanical Hazards – moving or rotating parts and other energy sources including
pumps, process lines, electrical sources, etc., must be identified. Proper
Lockout/Tagout procedures must be followed when necessary.

Physical Hazards – extreme heat/cold, falling objects, slippery surfaces, noise,

vibrations, engulfment, or entrapment are all potential hazards of high risk confined

V. Confined Space Entry Work Procedures

The following sections describe procedures for working in confined spaces and must
be done when confined space is performed. If needed, a “Permit Required Confined
Space Entry Procedure” form is attached. (Appendix A)

A. Identification and labeling of confined spaces

Confined space entry supervisors must identify spaces within their area of
jurisdiction which fall under the definition of a “confined space.” A list of these
spaces shall be submitted to the Environmental Health & Safety Director. These
areas will be compiled for the entire campus and categorized as a high risk (permit
required) or low risk (non-permit) area. The confined space inventory list will be
available through the Environmental Health and Safety Department. The inventory
list will be reviewed and updated every two years.

Each high risk (permit required) area will be labeled with a hazard warning at the
entrance to the confined space reading: “WARNING - CONFINED SPACE
HAZARD – ENTRY PERMIT REQUIRED”. Barriers shall be constructed to avoid
entry by non-authorized personnel. If new areas are identified, they will also be
labeled and added to the list, and the list will be re-distributed as specified above.

B. Planning for confined space entry work

Entry into a confined space for maintenance or other work may require extensive
pre-planning and monitoring for hazardous conditions. This is especially true for
entry into high risk, permit required areas.

The following activities must be planned before entry into any confined spaces:
• Determine the type of work and space to be entered
• Assess potential risks and hazards using:
o Current atmospheric readings
o Previous Permits to identify hazards and unanticipated risks or situations
o Personal and collective knowledge about the space: location, substances,
equipment, and processes within it

Atmospheric monitoring

To ensure that employees will not be placed at risk due to a hazardous

atmosphere, monitoring before and during a confined space is mandatory.

• Analysis of the air inside a confined space must be accomplished before workers
enter the space to determine whether a Permit is required for this entry, including
the types of respiratory protection that may be needed.

• The trained attendant must perform testing with at least a 4 gas monitor (O2, H2S,
LEL, CO) before an employee enters a confined space.

• Entrant must also take a monitor into the confined space.

• Testing for other specific gases must be performed if there is a potential for their
presence. Arrangements for additional special testing can be made with
Environmental Health and Safety in advance.

• Once workers enter the confined space, monitoring of the atmosphere should be
continued regularly through the use of portable monitors designed to sound an
alarm in the presence of a hazardous atmosphere


Forced-air ventilation (purging) can help disperse hazardous gases, as well as

correct oxygen deficient atmospheres. Generally, a large fan is used to force air
through a large diameter hose that is placed and fastened within the confined
space. Constant ventilation must be provided to avoid harmful gases from re-
accumulating in the space. Ventilation is more effective when there is an exhaust
as well as an entry vent. Constant air monitoring is required under these


Lockout/Tagout procedures must be performed, if necessary, for specific tasks

presenting mechanical hazards. Further details can be found in the UNC Electrical
Safety Guidelines.


In order to protect/prevent public bystanders from hazards posed by confined

spaces, proper isolation procedures may need to be in place before proceeding
with work. Warning signs and physical barriers help prevent unauthorized entry
and may also protect workers from external hazards.

C. Confined Space Entry Permit

The Confined Space Entry permit is the written procedures for preparing and
entering a Permit Required Confined Space. This includes a checklist for safety
precautions to be taken before entry is authorized and are to be completed EVERY
TIME an entry is made.

An example of the UNC confined space entry permit is included (Appendix B).
Copies of the permit should be routed through the standard organizational chains
of authority within the department sponsoring the entry activity.

Preplanning for unanticipated emergency entries is essential. The Permit for any
reasonably probable emergency entry should be prepared in advance and quickly
reassessed just prior to the actual entry so that employees are afforded the
necessary safety whenever they must enter a permit required confined space.

D. Responsibilities


Every supervisor whose employees are required to enter a confined space is a

Confined Space Entry Supervisor and is responsible for the following:

• Identification and labeling of confined spaces in their jurisdiction

• Planning, scheduling of confined space entry work (when required), and issuing
• Designate workers and assign specific tasks and roles. One or more persons
may enter a confined space to do the necessary work.
• Ensure that all equipment is available and working properly
• Ensure that all employees receive proper training on procedures and equipment
• Ensure proper entry procedures are followed
• Remain in contact with the attendant and give required direction throughout the
entry, and terminate the entry and permit in case of emergency or when
• Provide decision making should unanticipated circumstances arise during the
• Schedule a specific time and date for the entry operations and ensure
beforehand that all participants are notified, and all equipment is available and
• Prepare an escape plan and decide on standby rescue procedures. Greeley Fire
Department (GFD) is UNC’s rescue resource on campus. UNC personnel DO
NOT attempt rescue functions
• Analyze and distribute the completed Permit to EHS

At least one person, the Attendant, must stay immediately outside the space
throughout the entire entry.
The role of the Attendant is to:
• Notify UNCPD Dispatch that the Permit Required Confined Space Entry is
commencing, the nature of work, number of entrants, location, and expected
duration of the entry
• Maintain and record the visual, oral, and/or radio contact with the space
entrant(s) and atmospheric or related tests.
• Remain in contact with the supervisor, and convey any unanticipated
circumstances so a decision can be made to continue or terminate the entry.
• Evacuate the entrants should any circumstance warrant terminating the entry or
until further direction can be obtained from the supervisor.
• Contact UNC Dispatch via radio or by dialing 351-2245 or 911 in an emergency
to summon rescue if the space entrant(s) encounter difficulty or when entry is
• Relay information to rescue authorities (GFD)

Entrants are responsible for and shall receive training in the following:
• Knowledge of hazards that may exist during entry, including signs, symptoms,
and consequences of exposure
• Proper use of equipment including atmospheric monitoring equipment,
ventilation equipment, communication equipment, Personal Protective
Equipment, barriers, and rescue equipment
• Maintain communication with the attendant in order to enable the attendant to
monitor entrant status and to alert entrants when evacuation is necessary
• Alert the attendant when a hazardous condition is detected
• Exit the confined space as quickly as possible when an evacuation is necessary
or a dangerous condition is detected
No UNC employee or contractor shall enter a Permit Required Confined
Space unless the activity has been discussed, planned beforehand and a
permit is signed and activated.

VI. Safety Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment

In order to properly and safely perform work in confined spaces, specific safety and
personal protective equipment may be required. The department which needs to
enter the confined space is responsible for procuring and maintaining safety
equipment. Equipment which may be required includes but is not limited to:

• Personal protective equipment including safety boots, gloves, hard hats, safety
glasses and hearing protection
• Radios, cell phones, or an electronic signaling system for communication (Not to
be used in explosive atmospheres as indicated by LEL 10% or greater). A radio
is to be used at the site by the attendant to access UNCPD for immediate
emergency communication
• Atmosphere testing and monitoring equipment for toxic gas, flammable gas
detection and oxygen levels. This Equipment may not be used when multiple
entrants enter unless an area has been pre-approved by the Confined Space
Entry Supervisor
• Harnesses, winches, tripods, safety lines, scaffolds or other fall protection. This
equipment may not be used when multiple entrants enter a confined space
unless an area has been pre-approved by the Confined Space Entry Supervisor
• Portable ventilators / blowers for ventilating the space
• Respiratory protective equipment including dust masks, air purifying respirators,
supplied air respirators, self-contained breathing apparatus or escape air units
• Lockout/Tag out equipment and supplies

VII. Training and Recordkeeping

All employees required to perform confined space entry work, including entry
supervisors, shall receive confined space entry training at least every 2 years to be
considered current. The Environmental Health and Safety Department and the
confined space entry supervisors will coordinate and plan the training.

All forms and other documentation concerning Confined Space Entry will be kept on
file with the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. This includes training
records, preplanning forms, completed entry permits, and lists of known confined
spaces on campus. All documentation will be kept on file for at least 3 years.

Appendix A.
Permit Required Confined Space Entry Preplanning
Action Responsible Person Complete?
Assess confined space for risks and hazards Supervisor
Preplan entry Supervisor
Prepare permit Supervisor
Notify entrants and attendants Supervisor
Ensure availability of equipment Supervisor
Meet with entrants and attendant just prior to entry Supervisor
Remain in contact with attendant throughout entry Supervisor
Set up equipment at entry site Entrants and
Obtain atmosphere monitor and police radio from Attendant
Review permit with all entrants Attendant /entrants
Take pre-entry atmosphere reading Attendant
Notify Dispatch before CSEntry is about to start. Advise Attendant
location, number of entrants, nature of work and approx.
Maintain contact with entrant(s) at specified intervals. Attendant
Conduct space monitoring at specified intervals. Log. Attendant
Emergency Attendant

❑ No communication from entrant(s),
❑ Monitoring indicates abnormality,
❑ Attendant must leave,
❑ Supervisor advises,
Call out entrants immediately, and get direction from
supervisor to continue or terminate entry
Emergency Attendant
Contact UNCPD Dispatch in emergency to summon
Emergency UNC PD Dispatch
UNCPD Dispatch calls Fire Dept and sends UNC Police
Officer to site
Emergency Attendant
Convey necessary info to Fire Dept rescue
Advise Dispatch when Entry Terminated Attendant
Return police radio and atmosphere monitors to Dispatch Attendant
and sign in
Recharge and calibrate monitors EHS Specialist
Sign off Permit and return to Supervisor Attendant
Analyze entry, close permit and file Supervisor

Appendix B.
University of Northern Colorado Confined Space Entry Permit
Facilities Management
Location or I.D. #: Type space: Storm Drain Sanitary Sewer Utility vault

Other: _________________________________________________________
Air Monitor Brand Name: Model #: Serial #: Last Calibration Date:

Record Levels and Time of Test

Test to be Taken Yes No TLV* Time Time Time Time Time Time
% Oxygen <19.5% or >23.5%
% LEL** Comb. 10%
Carbon Monoxide (Tox 1) 35 PPM
Hydrogen Sulfide (Tox 2) 10 PPM
Name of Person(s) Testing Atmosphere: ___________________________________________
* TLV – Threshold Limit Value – (8 hour time-weighted average concentration t which all workers may be continuously exposed without
adverse health effects)
** LEL – Lower Explosive Limit
Special Requirements Yes No Personal Protective Equipment Yes No
Work Site Protection Protective Clothing
Ventilation Body Harness
Lock Out/Tag Out Filter Respirator
Lines Broken, capped or blanked SCBA/Supplied Air Respirator
Lighting Emergency Escape Respirator
Fire Extinguishers Means of Entry/Exit
Tripod/ Retrieval Equip./Lifelines Physical Hazards Precaution
Communication Type: Voice Radio Intercom Rope signals Other: ________
Communication System Functional: Yes No Rescue Plan Defined: Yes No
Emergency Services Standby: Yes No Phone # 911 or 351-2245 Radio Contact – UNCPD
Hot work to be performed: Yes No If Yes, Hot work Reviewed: Yes No
Actual Entry Time (First Person In): Actual Exit Time (Last Person Out):
Authorized Entrants:
1.) ___________________________________________________________
2.) ___________________________________________________________
3.) ___________________________________________________________
1.) ___________________________________________________________
2.) ___________________________________________________________
3.) ___________________________________________________________
I certify that I have inspected the work area for safety and reviewed all necessary precautions recorded on this permit.
Entry Supervisor: ________________________________ ______________________________ __________ _________
Print name Signature Date Time
This permit has been terminated:
___________________________________ _____________________________ __________ _________
Print Name Signature Date Time
Reason for Termination: Work was completed
Unforeseen Hazards – List Hazards ______________________________________
Other _____________________________________________________________
In case of an emergency or rescue call UNCPD immediately.
Contact by Radio, 911 or (970) 351-2245

Appendix C.
University of Northern Colorado Confined Space Inventory
All sewers, manholes are Permit Required. All Permit required spaces MUST be tested for
oxygen, LEL, CO and H2S before planning entry AND before and during actual entry. Call
EHS if you know of a confined space not on this list.

Confined Spaces Central Campus

Space Building Room Type of space Comments PERMIT?
ID #
Frasier Basement Steam ✓
Mechroom Production
Frasier tunnels Under For steam line- X
Music none none
Carter Basement Utility tunnels X
Kepner none none
Crabbe Tunnel Steam prod. X
Gray Basement Tunnels X
Gunter Tunnel Steam prod. ✓
Gunter Utility Tunnel to Crawl Tunnel very ✓
Tunnel Belford limited access and not
South side. lit.
Connects at South side
utility tunnel.
Gunter NW of Meter Pit Domestic water meter ✓
Building for Central Campus
Bond to Mechrooms Utility Tunnel Access from Manhole ✓
Dickerson both
Tobey- Tunnel Steam prod. X
Kendal Mechroom
Bond Hall Main Valve vault X
Weibking Main Domestic tank ✓
Wilson Main DomesticTank ✓

Space Building Room Type of space Comments PERMIT?
ID #
Belford AHU DomesticTank ✓
Gordon AHU DomesticTank ✓
Snyder AHU DomesticTank ✓
Decker AHU DomesticTank ✓
Hansen- Main DomesticTank ✓
Willis Mechroom
Faculty Apt Main DomesticTank ✓
1 Mechroom
Tobey- Main DomesticTank ✓
Kendal Mechroom
Tobey- Outside east Domestic Manhole access ✓
Kendal of building Water Meter
Sabin AHU Domestic ✓
Mechroom Tank
Jackson North Mechanical 3 vaults total ✓
Field parking lot vaults

Confined Spaces West Campus

Space Building Room Type of Comments PERMIT?
ID # space
Bishop Lehr Equipment tank DHW tank confined ✓
Bishop Lehr tunnels X
University Entrance to Meter Pit UC domestic meter to ✓
Center North lot. West Campus loop
14th Ave East side of Meter Pit Second domestic meter to ✓
Entrance street West Campus loop
Ross Hall New Wing Exhaust ✓
Penthouse plenum
Ross Hall 89 Wing Exhaust hazardous atmosphere ✓
Penthouse plenum “89
Ross hall Volatile Hazardous atmosphere ✓
Lawrenson Main Tank DHW ✓

Space Building Room Type of Comments PERMIT?
ID # space
Lawrenson Main Tank DHW ✓
Lawrenson Main Tank Condenser tank chiller ✓
Lawrenson manholes Domestic water meter ✓
CBII Main Tank DHW ✓
CBII Main Tank Condenser tank ✓
CBII J0284 Elevator Trap Door in Floor X
Pit Access
McKee Hall Main Tank DHW ✓
McKee Hall Main Tank Condenser Water ✓
Michener Main Tank Condenser Water ✓
Michener Main Tank Condenser Water ✓

Michener North And Pipe chase ✓

South walk access
Turner Main Tank DHW ✓
Turner Main Tank DHW ✓
Turner Main Tank Condenser ✓
Turner Manhole Domestic water meter ✓
Harrison Main Domestic DHW ✓
Mechroom Tank
Harrison Main Domestic DHW ✓
Mechroom Tank
Harrison Manhole Domestic water meter ✓

Confined Spaces East Campus
Space Building Room Type of space Comments PERMIT?
ID #
Heat plant basement Flash tank Confined, blanked off ✓
Heat Plant basement Make up tank Confined, blanked off ✓
Heat Plant ground Boilers Low risk due to current X
Heat Plant no North ✓
Heat Plant 50 South ✓
Heat Plant 1 Fuel Tank Aboveground Tank ✓

Key: X Depending upon conditions, may be a non-permitted confined space entry

✓ Permit required confined space entry


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