RCA Cleaning Process
RCA Cleaning Process
RCA Cleaning Process
)de) t! achie'e the #est )es"lts* +!" sh!"ld )e a)e all #aths )i!) t! sta)ting the cleaning )!cess*
A* STAN,AR, CLEAN N!*1(SC-1) a. Chemicals and mixing ratio i. 5 parts Di water ii. 1 part Ammonium Hydroxide (NH4OH !"#$ iii. 1 part Hydrogen %eroxide (H!O! &'#$ (. )*uipment+Apparatus i. ,et (ench 1. chemical tan- .4 (unless heated solution is desired$ ii. ,a/er(s$ holder iii. 0ea-er (optional$ c. %rocess i. Add 1''ml o/ ammonium hydroxide to tan- .4 ii. Add 1''ml o/ hydrogen peroxide to tan- .4 iii. Add 5''ml o/ D1 water to tan- .4. i2. %lace wa/er(s$ into tan- and hold /or 5 minutes or until metals ha2e (een remo2ed. 2. 3inse with D1 water tan- .! /or & minutes while /lushing tan-. 2i. 1mmediately place wa/ers into H4 (ath /or the oxide clean. Note: If heated bath is desired, submerge wafers in holder with wafers in cold solution and place the beaker on hot plate. 1. Heat solution to 55 to "'6C and maintain temp. !. %lace wa/er(s$ into solution and hold /or 5 minutes or until metals ha2e (een remo2ed. &. 3emo2e wa/er(s$ and place it immediately in D1 water tan.! and rinse /or & minutes while /lushing tan-. 4. 7rans/er wa/er(s$ directly into oxide clean (ath. d. Clean8up i. 9se the chemical aspirator to dispose o/ chemical waste a/ter solution has cooled down. ii. 3inse out chemical tan- with D1 water and aspirate to remo2e rinsing water. iii. 3inse: dry and put away all chemical mixing containers. i2. ,ipe down all wor-ing sur/aces on wet (ench. 2. 7urn o// air and D1 water supply to wet (ench.
-* O.I,E CLEAN a. Chemicals and mixing ratio i. 1 part Hydro/luoric Acid (H4 4;#$ ii. &' parts D1 water (. )*uipment+Apparatus i. %ropylene (ea-er (DO NO7 use glass (ea-er /or H4 chemical processing$ ii. ,a/er(s$ holder c. %rocess i. %our D1 water into (ea-er. ii. %our acid into (ea-er and mix. iii. %lace wa/er(s$ into solution /or 15 seconds. )xposed silicon ((ut not <iO!$ should repel H4 solution. i2. 3inse in D1 water tan- .! /or &' seconds to remo2e H4 solution (this minimi=es re8growth o/ a hydrous oxide /ilm$. 2. 7rans/er wa/er assem(ly immediately: without drying: into hot <C 8 ! solution. C* STAN,AR, CLEAN N!*2(SC-2) desorption o/ ionic and hea2y metal atomic contaminants a. Chemicals needed and mixing ratio i. > parts D1 water ii. 1 part Hydrogen %eroxide (H!O! &'#$ iii. 1 part Hydrochloric Acid (HC? &5#$ (. )*uipment+Apparatus i. ,et (ench 1. use chemical tan- .> !. wa/er holder &. (ea-er (optional$ c. %rocess i. %our chemicals into chemical tan-. 0e sure to add acid to water and not 2ice 2ersa. ii. <u(merge wet wa/ers /rom H4 clean into (ath /or 1' minutes or until metals ha2e (een dissol2ed. iii. 3emo2e wa/ers /rom (ath and immediately place wa/ers in dirty D1 rinse tan- .! while /lushing tan- /or 5 minutes. i2. 3inse wa/ers in clean D1 rinse tan- ." /or &' seconds. 2. Dry wa/ers with N! gun. Note: If heated bath is desired, submerge wafers in holder with wafers in cold solution and place the beaker on hot plate. 1. Heat solution to 55 to "'6C and maintain temp. !. %lace wa/er(s$ into solution and hold /or 1' minutes or until metals ha2e (een disol2ed. &. 3emo2e wa/er(s$ and place it immediately in D1 water tan- .! 4. and rinse /or 5 minutes while /lushing tan-.
5. 3inse wa/ers with clean D1 rinse tan- ." /or &' seconds. >. Dry with N! gun. d. Clean8up i. 9se the chemical aspirator to dispose o/ chemical waste a/ter solution has cooled down. ii. 3inse out chemical tan- with D1 water and aspirate to remo2e rinsing water. iii. 3inse: dry and put away all chemical mixing containers. i2. ,ipe down all wor-ing sur/aces on wet (ench. 2. 7urn o// air and D1 water supply to wet (ench.