Sarpa Dosha or Naga Dosha

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Sarpa Yoga is also known as Sarpa Dosha or Naga Dosha.

It is caused due to wrath of the Serpent God in previous birth. Due to Sarpa Yoga, marriages are delayed or ruined, rogeny may be denied, miscarriages!"bortion will occur. Sarpa Yoga #Sarp Dosh or Naga Dosha$ is different from %al Sarpa Yoga ! Dosha #%SY$. &any astrologers!writers have written about %al Sarpa Yoga!Dosha. I will not talk about %al Sarpa Yoga!Dosha but only about Sarpa !Naga Dosha.

Important informations about Sarpa Yoga / Sarpa Dosha.

Sarpa Dosha delays marriage and also delays progeny!children. 'et us e(amine planetary combinations in the birth chart indicating Sarpa Dosh ! Naga Dosha. ). ,. 1. *hen %etu or +ahu is placed in )st, ,nd, -th, .th or /th house Indicate Sarpa Dosha ! Naga Dosha. *omen suffering from Sarpa!Naga Dosha will have children after conducting oo0a of Naga Devatha. *hen %etu or +ahu is placed in )st or ,nd 2ouse, Indicate delay in marriage, If the person is married, creates problems in family life and sometimes leads to divorce or separation. %etu or +ahu in -th house leads to delay in getting children! rogeny and also leads to abortions. "lso +ahu aspect on -th house also indicates Sarpa!Naga Dosha. Naga rathistapana at any Naga temple should be done for getting children. %etu or +ahu in .th house 'eads to problems in family life, misunderstandings, fre4uent 4uarrels, wife!2usband will have 2ealth problems etc. %etu or +ahu in /th house Indicate 2ealth problems of wife or 2usband, skin disease etc. 6he person suffering from Sarpa!Naga dosha will see Snakes!Serpents in their dream. 6hat is a clear Indication of Sarpa dosha.




Remedies for Sarpa Dosha / Naga Dosha

2ere are some simple remedies according to indian 7oncept of worship and tantra. It is advised not to follow these remedies blindly, better take the advice from e(perts. ). ,. 1. *orship of 'ord Shiva on every &onday. +ecite mantra 8 9& N"&"2 S2I:"Y );/ times daily. our mi(tire of pure water and pure milk on Shiva 'inga #i.e. a cylinderical stone called Shiva 'ing$. "pply sandle powder paste on forehead daily. 6hrow 3 kg lead metal deep in flowing water on *ednessday <vening or on solar eclipseor on lunar eclipse or on new moon # amawasya $by applying carbon black #kaa0al $ and mustard oil on it. %eeping wings of peacock in home. *earing gems cats eye # lasaniya$ and hamsonite #gomed$ either in pendal or in rings made of five metals gold,silver. =ipsum , iron and copper. 6here are number of remedies to get ward of the inauspicios effects of this curse called %aal Sarpa Dosha

3. -.

Can Sarpa Yoga be Benefic?

Yes, this yoga is benefic in many cases and if this yoga starts giving positive results, then sky is the limit for that person.

Dos & Donts re ated to Sarpa Yoga

). erform the Naga!Sarpa dosha poo0a in auspicious dates only other wise oo0a will not be <ffective!fruitful, "void doing poo0a during Dashami, fasting days like <kadashi, "shtami, during grahana #solar!'unar eclipse$, Gokulashtami, Shivarathri etc. Don>t perform poo0a nearer to monthly date for girl!woman. 9therwise dosha will not be removed. Give at least 58/ days gap to conduct the poo0a. Don>t enter any Naga 6emple, if you have monthly Date for women!Girls. *hole family including Grandparents, father, mother, children etc needs to present for Sarpa dosha arihara oo0a. ?ut in %ukke Subrahmanya, they allow only 3 ersons. erform Sarpa dosha arihara oo0a during Shasti, an important day for 'ord Subramanya #'ord %arthikeyan$, 2e is the lord of all snakes and serpents. It usually falls on 5th day after "mavasya @ urnima! oornima in every month. 6he dates of Shasti for the year ,;)) are as follows, Aan );th ,;)), Beb Cth, &arch ))th, "pril Cth, &ay Cth,, Auly 5th, "ug 3th, Sept 1rd, 9ct ,nd, Nov 1;th @ Dec 1;th. "fter conceiving, don>t visit any Naga 6emple, You can visit any of these temples after birth of the child only. "s per vedic te(ts, the child in the womb will have negative effects. regnant *omen should not :isit any of Naga 6emple. "fter conducting Sarpa dosha arihara oo0a in %ukke Subrahmanya! 6irunageswaram!%alahasti etc, Go home @ have bath, don>t visit any temple like 6irupathi when you visit %alahasti or Dharmastala, when you visit %ukke Subrahmanya. If you are performing oo0a is done. oo0a in &orning hours, don>t have any food i.e ?reakfast. You can eat only after








Don>t do Sastanga Namaskar #*here your forehead, chest, hands, knees and legs will be touching the ground$ in any Naga 6emple. Don>t erform Naga dosha parihara listed 6emple only. oo0a# Sarpasamskara oo0a$ at home, It should be done in above


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