Living With Fire: Sustaining Ecosystems and Livelihoods Through Integrated Fire Management

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Living with Fire—

Sustaining Ecosystems & Livelihoods Through Integrated Fire Management

Ronald L. Myers

Global Fire Initiative

June 2006
For more information, please contact:
The Nature Conservancy
Global Fire Initiative (850) 668-0827
13093 Henry Beadel Drive e-mail: [email protected]
Tallahassee, FL 32312 web site:

© 2006 The Nature Conservancy

Cover Image: Fires set by chagras (Andean cowboys) to renew forage grasses Bottom Back Cover: Burning to help herd cattle during the annual cattle
are favoring páramo grasslands in Ecuador at the expense of Polylepis species round-up in northern Andes páramo grassland in Ecuador. Páramo is a
that dominate Andean dwarf forests. © Pete Oxford/Minden Pictures fire-dependent ecosystem but the ecologically appropriate fire regime is
poorly understood. © Pete Oxford/Minden Pictures
Top Back Cover: The Brazilian Cerrado, once covering 22 percent of the
Inside Front Cover: Slash-and-burn agriculture in eastern Bolivia.
country or 2 million sq. km, is a mosaic of savanna and shrubland molded
© Carlos Pinto
by a diversity of fire regimes. © Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures
Middle Back Cover: Traditional agriculture (tavy) in Madagascar.
© Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures
Living with Fire—
Sustaining Ecosystems & Livelihoods Through Integrated Fire Management

Executive Summary
The notion that fire can be a useful tool became known to ecosystems. Conversely, there are other areas where fire
early humans when they first took advantage of fire’s can lead to the destruction or loss of native species and
effects on the African savannas several million years ago habitats. These areas are called fire-sensitive ecosystems.
to manipulate vegetation and wildlife. The threat that fire Services provided by ecosystems such as clean air, clean
posed to their security and livelihoods was likely obvious water and healthy and productive soils can be affected
to these early people too. As humankind spread through- negatively or positively by fire depending on the
out the world, they created new fire regimes that continued adaptations of the species and other characteristics of the
to shape and modify landscapes. There also continued to environment, and on how often and how intensely an area
be fires that destroyed homes, crops, livestock and other burns. These facts are just beginning to come to light in
resources. There has always been these “two faces of the relatively new science of fire ecology.
fire”—beneficial fire and detrimental fire.
Still, the role of fire in many ecosystems around the world
In the twentieth century, fire became viewed as primarily a is poorly understood by scientists, and generally not
threat to people and natural resources, and many countries recognized at all by society. Where the benefits of fire are
have developed sophisticated fire prevention programs and recognized, the ecologically appropriate fire regime may
fire suppression organizations to protect people and natural be unknown.
resources. Some have been so effective and pervasive in
preventing and suppressing fires that society lost the The fact that fire has two faces—beneficial roles and
notion of fire as a useful tool and as an important process detrimental impacts depending on the circumstances—has
in shaping landscapes. The result was changed vegetation largely gone unrecognized by societies and governments
that fueled more intense fires during unusually dry years, that have demanded or developed ever more sophisticated
coupled with the loss of species that had thrived in more fire suppression technologies and fire prevention
open landscapes that previously burned more frequently campaigns. Only within the past 15 years have some
and less intensely. Compounding the problem, people in governments begun to recognize the unintended
ever increasing numbers built, and continue to build, their consequences of excluding fire from some landscapes and
homes in areas where suppression had long prevented the fact that the increased cost of more fire exclusion is
fires, but where flammable vegetation continues to persist resulting in diminishing returns. Governments and urban
and accumulate. The overall result of “successful” fire societies have also not recognized or understood the need
exclusion has been fires more damaging to forests, soils of many rural societies to use fire. Policies and programs
and watersheds, and an increasing economic cost both in have been designed around the belief that rural people are
lost property and in fighting these fires. the cause of fire problems. Instead, these policies should
look to rural communities as part of the solution and
In many other places around the world, people have provide them with incentives and technologies that build
continued to use fire in traditional ways, but population on their traditional knowledge of fire use so that they can
pressures are causing land use changes, migrations into more effectively manage fires that are needed or that occur.
new areas and increasing ignitions worldwide. Fire-prone
vegetation such as savannas and woodlands now burn Fire management is the range of possible technical
annually, decreasing tree density. In forested areas, decisions and actions available to prevent, maintain,
anthropogenic savannas and grasslands are spreading at control or use fire in a given landscape. The primary
the expense of forests even in climates where fire was premise of this paper is that more sophisticated fire
historically a rare event. management technologies are not likely to solve the
problem of destructive wildfires, nor are they going to be
Fire has become a conservation issue because many areas effective in re-establishing ecologically appropriate fire
around the world depend on fire to maintain native regimes in places that need to burn. There is a need to
species, habitats and landscapes. These are fire-dependent integrate socio-cultural realities and ecological imperatives

with technological approaches to managing fires. This paper playing an ecologically appropriate role? How and where
sets forth a framework that we are calling Integrated Fire should fires be constrained? Should some fires be
Management which leads to ecologically and socially purposely ignited and who should do that? What mix of
appropriate approaches to managing fires and addressing fire use, prevention and suppression strategies should be
fire-related threats on conservation lands. utilized? How will local communities be involved? Having
the answers to these questions will lead to better fire
Integral to the concept is that fires can be both beneficial management planning, community programs and
and detrimental depending how, where, when and why decisions on individual fires.
they are burning. Any single fire can have both beneficial
and damaging aspects. Decisions made while managing a To implement appropriate strategies, there need to be
fire can take advantage of the potential benefits while supportive laws and policies along with an institutional
striving to minimize potential damages. framework that embraces the concept of Integrated Fire
Management. Ecological and social information must
Also integral is the recognition that in many societies, also be incorporated into fire management curricula
burning is an essential tool for people in securing their at universities, technical schools and professional
livelihoods. Understanding the ecology of fire in a particular training programs.
landscape informs assessments as to whether people are
burning too much, too little or inappropriately to meet Fire management invariably involves preparedness and
both conservation goals and to maintain the ecosystems response capability to deal with fire emergencies. By
on which they depend. Identifying and understanding integrating information about past fires, ignition sources
society’s needs as well as the ecological constraints of an and the need and propensity of certain vegetation types to
area will lead to the design and application of more effective burn, agencies and communities can better anticipate fire
fire management programs. It makes little sense to have a events and make better decisions when fires occur.
strict fire prevention campaign in a region that ecologically
needs to burn, and where the inhabitants routinely use Post-fire recovery and restoration efforts are frequently
fire. Simple, but more appropriate messages beyond poorly designed, ineffective and costly. They can be better
“Prevent Forest Fires” need to be developed, such as “the designed by incorporating ecological knowledge of the
two faces of fire: good fire versus bad fire.” burned vegetation and its recovery potential. Efforts might
best be directed toward preventing subsequent fires in
Key to successfully integrating ecology, society and fire a burned area, rather than intensive seeding and
management technologies is effective analysis of the planting efforts.
situation. What is the ecological role and impact of fire in
a given area? What is the social, cultural and economic Many Integrated Fire Management decisions will be made
context in which fires are occurring? Who is doing the with incomplete knowledge and limited experience, so it
burning and why? How are they burning? What are the should be embedded within an adaptive management
characteristics of the fuels in the area and how does fire framework. Current plans and actions should be based
behave in them under different burning conditions? What on existing knowledge and inferences derived from the
other factors or threats are exacerbating the fire problem, initial situation analysis. The effects of those decisions
such as land tenure issues, illegal logging, invasive species must be monitored, and it is those monitored trends
or climate change? that will inform future management actions along
with the incorporation of new knowledge. Effective
Effective analysis is followed by identifying desired future mechanisms, such as fire learning networks, need to
condition and establishing fire management goals that will be in place to facilitate review of implementation
facilitate maintaining or reaching that condition. What strategies, and translation and dissemination of technology,
role should fire be allowed to play in the landscape? Are information and new knowledge.
there land uses or other constraints that limit fire from

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii
Fire as a Conservation & Social Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
This Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
The Role of Fire in Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Fire-Independent Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Fire-Dependent Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Fire-Sensitive Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Fire-Influenced Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
The Source of Fire Threats to Biodiversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Altered Fire Regimes: A Conservation, Biodiversity & Social Threat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Integrated/Collaborative Ecological & Social Approaches to Reducing
the Threat of Altered Fire Regimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Components of an Integrated Approach to Fire Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
1. Assessment & Analysis of Situation & Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
2. Fire Management Goals & Desired Ecosystem Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
3. Laws, Policy & Institutional Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
4. Prevention & Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
5. Fire Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
6. Preparedness & Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
7. Restoration, Recovery & Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
8. Adaptive Management, Research & Information Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Guiding Approaches to Integrated Fire Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

This paper is the synthesis of the ideas of many people working with fire around the world. I am indebted to colleagues and
friends in many countries for helping me shape the concepts presented here. This paper would not have come about without
the encouragement of Jeff Hardesty, former director of The Nature Conservancy’s Global Fire Initiative, who felt that it was
time to put the information that I had been teaching and conveying at a variety of forums into a concept paper. I want to
thank David Cassels, Mark Cochrane, Lynn Decker, Wendy Fulks, Darren Johnson, Mike Jurvelius, Guy McPherson, Peter
Moore and Ayn Shlisky for very helpful reviews of the manuscript, and Karen Foerstel,Wendy Fulks and Jeannie Patton for
their editorial guidance and suggestions. Merrill Kaufmann, Mark Cochrane, Carlos Pinto, Ary Soares and Archbold
Biological Station graciously granted use of their figures and/or photographs.

Fire as a Conservation & Social Issue
There has been a growing consensus that the incidence and The Global Review of Forest Fires 2000 (Rowell & Moore 2000)
severity of wildland fires (i.e. all vegetation fires) are on the reports:
increase worldwide, although this common wisdom is
difficult to tease out of existing records on forest fires (FAO “New evidence from the Amazon has concluded that
2005). In some countries, including the United States, the fire causes a positive feedback cycle in which the more
instances of very severe and damaging fires are increasing tropical forests burn, the more susceptible to future
because decades of successful fire prevention and suppression burning they become. This raises the possibility of large
in some fire-prone ecosystems have led to changes in fuel wildfire episodes happening more frequently and on
loads and forest composition that feed more intense fires such a scale that tropical forest ecosystems will not
(USDA Forest Service 2000; National Commission on endure. The scientists believe the whole Amazon
Wildfire Disasters 1995). These fires are difficult and expensive itself is threatened, which has global consequences
to control. The progression from a vegetation cover that was for biodiversity and climate change.”
maintained by frequent, low-intensity, non-lethal surface fires
to vegetation that now fuels lethal, forest stand-destroying The United Nations Environmental Programme’s report
fires is made all the more problematic by a huge influx of Spreading Like Wildfire—Tropical Forest Fires in Latin America & the
people building their homes within these altered forests and Caribbean: Prevention, Assessment & Early Warning (Cochrane
other naturally fire-prone forests and shrublands. The result 2002) states:
is the now frequent headlines of homes being lost to flames
during the fire season in the United States, Australia and “The fire situation is severe in many tropical evergreen
Canada. The long-term vegetation changes caused by forests in Latin America and the Caribbean...Through
successful fire exclusion, coupled with the novel fire regimes logging, burning, and natural events, the once near-
that these fuels create, are a threat to both biodiversity fire-proof forest is becoming fire-vulnerable and
and society. fire-prone…Fire has a momentum in tropical
evergreen forests…Each year’s forest degradation is
In some vegetation types, notably Mediterranean-type shrub- carried into the future…This process is under-appreciat-
lands in western North America (chaparral) and Australia, ed by resident populations, policy makers, fire managers
the boreal forests of Canada and the subalpine vegetation in and scientists.”
the western United States, rising costs of suppression and
damage to property are largely due to people moving into In many places, fire prevention campaigns and suppression
these naturally fire-prone environments and not so much a capabilities are only beginning to take hold, if they exist at all.
result of fire suppression (Bridge et al. 2005; Keeley & For example, in the Zambezia province of Mozambique, fire-
Fotheringham 2003; Johnson et al. 2001), although degraded Miombo woodlands burn annually. Thousands of
suppression may at times exacerbate these problems houses and 15 percent of crops in the province are destroyed
(Minnich & Chou 1997). In fact, ignitions have increased each year and fatalities are common (M. Jurvelius FAO,
over what was probably the historical range of variability in personal communication). Similar situations exist in many other
Mediterranean shrublands, subalpine forests, and boreal parts of Africa; they just rarely attract the attention of the
forests due to increasing human populations and access. In international media.
some instances, suppression may actually be preventing shifts
from these vegetation types to more fire prone vegetation, In other regions, such as the Mediterranean countries, fires
e.g. to non-native grasslands (Keeley 2001). Fire regime are increasing because changes in land use, such as the
characteristics and fuels are strong determinants of whether abandonment of traditional grazing practices and farming, are
fire suppression efforts are effective in excluding or reducing creating fuels in new landscape contexts that may have never
the incidence and impact of fire, even in countries like the existed before (Vélez 2005).
United States, Canada, Australia and Spain that have
developed sophisticated fire suppression organizations and Widespread fires throughout Latin America, the Caribbean,
policies. These countries are finding that they are approach- Africa, Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean, China and Siberia
ing diminishing returns in terms of costs and fire suppression increasingly threaten a wide variety of vegetation types and
effectiveness (Sheldon 2006). ecosystems, alter regional and global climate, and foster
spread of undesirable invasive species concomitant with
The experience of the United States and a few other forest and biodiversity loss. Furthermore, fire-induced
countries is in marked contrast to other regions of the world, damages are increasingly affecting human livelihoods, human
particularly, but not exclusively, in the tropics. health, and local and national economies.

© Pete Oxford/Minden Pictures © Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures

This Paper
There are disconnects between fire prevention programs, developed regions involving communities, rural land users,
suppression responses to wildfires, fire use, conservation government agencies and non-governmental organizations
of biodiversity, and the needs and aspirations of people (FAO 2003). In the latter case, it has at times been
who use and are affected by fire. This paper sets forth a inappropriately synonymous with Community-based Fire
framework called Integrated Fire Management, which Management (Goldammer et al. 2002).
incorporates the ecological, socio-economic and technical
aspects of fire in a holistic fashion, (1) to address the The term “integrated” has been used a number of times in
social and conservation problems and issues that result the past not only in relation to fire but also to describe
from the burning of vegetation, and (2) to meet the goal other approaches to managing natural resources such as
of sustainable ecosystems and human livelihoods in fire- “integrated forest management” or “integrated community
prone environments. development.” So while the term might seem hackneyed to
some, “integrated” is used in this paper because it concisely
The focus of the paper is on fire as an element affecting describes the state of bringing together diverse concepts
the conservation of biodiversity and maintaining sustain- and issues synergistically to produce effective outcomes
able resources and ecosystem services for people. Thusly, that cannot be attained by technology alone. It also readily
emphasis is placed on the management of fire at places translates into the languages of target audiences.
identified for their conservation value. Effective fire
management requires an integration of bottom-up The meaning of Integrated Fire Management in this paper
approaches—involving local ecology and fire science, is the integration of science and society with fire manage-
decisions and actions by on-the-ground managers, and the ment technologies at multiple levels. It implies a holistic
activities, needs and perceptions of rural people living in or seamlessly-woven comprehensive approach to address
conservation areas and their environs—with top-down fire issues that considers biological, environmental, cultural,
approaches that provide supporting policies, laws, social, economic and political interactions (Kaufmann et al.
educational programs, training, resources and emergency 2003). The concepts can be applied to all regions of the
response. The audience of this paper is conservation world irrespective of development status.
scientists, conservation practitioners, land managers and
decision-makers working with governmental agencies, The goals of this paper are to (1) succinctly define the role
non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), private lands of fire in ecosystems, (2) discuss how too much, too little,
and communities who have an interest in the conservation or the wrong kind of fire can be a threat to biodiversity,
of natural resources and in providing sustainable (3) define the concept of fire regime and the role of fire
livelihoods for people. regimes in maintaining ecosystems, (4) illustrate the need
of many rural communities to use fire and how some of
Integrated Fire Management is not a new term, as a quick the current approaches to fire prevention are out of step
internet search will attest. It has been previously used to with those needs, (5) define Integrated Fire Management,
narrowly define the integration of fire suppression actions and (6) present a process for integrated and collaborative
such as early warning, detection, initial attack and approaches to dealing with fire issues.
recovery. The term “Integrated Fire Management” has also
been used to describe fire management approaches in less

The Role of Fire in Ecosystems
In discussing and addressing fire as a conservation issue, it
is important to recognize and understand the different
roles that fire plays in different ecosystems. The Nature
Conservancy, in its preliminary global assessment of fire as
a conservation threat, identified three broad categories of
vegetation responses to fire: fire-dependent, fire-sensitive
and fire-independent (Hardesty et al. 2005). That report
focused on the predominant fire effect at the level of
biome and ecoregion, recognizing that within ecoregions
there can be a variety of ecosystems and habitats that
have responses different from the predominant effect.

Because this report focuses on potential management

actions to fire within conservation areas where multiple
responses may be manifested, a fourth category is includ-
ed: fire-influenced. These ecosystems may be linked
hierarchically to fire-dependent and fire-sensitive
ecosystems because they are frequently found as
transitions between them.

All ecosystems or native vegetation types do not fit

perfectly into each of these categories, but the groupings
provide a means of illustrating and discussing the threats
and conservation needs and opportunities associated with Figure 1. A fire-independent cloud forest in Costa Rica. The nearly
fire in diverse vegetation types and how management continuous cloud cover and aseasonal climate combine to make
actions may vary among them. both ignition and fire spread unlikely. Similar cloud forests are
increasingly affected by fire either because agricultural encroach-
ment has created adjacent flammable vegetation and altered the
Fire-Independent Ecosystems local climate, or where the cloud forest is juxtaposed next to or
Fire-independent ecosystems are those where fire normally between natural fire-dependent vegetation such as tropical pine
forests or tropical alpine páramo. Climatic oscillations periodically
plays little or no role. They are too cold, too wet or too dry
allow a drying of the cloud forests and fires enter from either above
to burn. Examples are deserts, tundra and rain forests in or below. (Photo by R. Myers)
aseasonal environments (Figure 1).

Fire becomes a threat only if there are significant changes to and habitats and species are lost. Individual species within
these ecosystems brought about by land use activities, fire-dependent ecosystems have evolved in response to
species invasions or climate change. The preliminary assess- specific fire regime characteristics such as frequency,
ment of fire as a conservation issue, which focused on 200 intensity and season of burn, and to the variability of
priority (i.e. based on their biodiversity value) ecoregions those characteristics. Types of fire regimes vary greatly,
worldwide, identified 18 percent by area as dominated by ranging from frequent, low-intensity, non-lethal surface
fire-independent ecosystems (Hardesty et al. 2005). fires to those characterized by mixed-severity fires (i.e.
lethal and non-lethal effects varying across the landscape),
Fire-Dependent Ecosystems to relatively infrequent, high-severity, lethal or stand-
Fire-dependent ecosystems (Figure 2) are those where fire is replacing fires that arrest or re-set ecological succession
essential and the species have evolved adaptations to respond creating a diversity of habitats in time and space as the
positively to fire (Figure 3) and to facilitate fire’s spread, i.e. vegetation recovers (Brown 2000). On an area basis,
the vegetation is fire-prone and flammable. They are often approximately 46 percent of the world’s priority
called fire-adapted or fire-maintained ecosystems. Fire ecoregions are dominated by fire-dependent ecosystems
in these areas is an absolutely essential process. If fire is (Hardesty et al. 2005), meaning they need to burn
removed, or if the fire regime is altered beyond its normal under an appropriate fire regime if they are to persist in
range of variability, the ecosystem changes to something else, the landscape.

Figure 2. A fire-dependent Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea) savanna in Belize maintained by a regime of frequent, low-intensity surface fires.
(Photo by R. Myers)

Examples of fire-dependent ecosystems abound around the Africa has been referred to as the “fire continent”
world. In Mesoamerica, there is a wide variety of fire- (Komarek 1971) primarily because much of Sub-Saharan
dependent pine forests and pine savannas. Mexico, with its Africa, with the exception of the tropical forests of west-
temperate and tropical environments, has the highest pine ern and central equatorial Africa, once consisted of a vast
species diversity in the world—55 species and varieties landscape of tropical and subtropical fire-prone savannas,
(Espinosa 2001). and fire-influenced woodlands and shrublands that have
been shaped by the longest history of human involvement
Most species of pine are linked to disturbance, often defined with fire in the world.
by specific fire regimes (Rodríguez-Trejo & Fulé 2003).
Several of these forest types extend into Central America. South America is just as much a “fire continent” as Africa.
The same can be said of Mexico’s high diversity of oak A significant proportion of South America lies in the same
species—110 species (Zavala Chávez 2003), a large number bioclimatic zone that supports savanna in Africa. The
of which may require fire or are favored by fire-induced Brazilian Cerrado, once covering 22 percent of the country
disturbances. Elsewhere in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, or 2 million sq. km, is a mosaic of savanna and shrubland
fire-dependent Pinus caribaea savannas and woodlands range molded by a diversity of fire regimes (Miranda et al.
from the Bahamas through Cuba and on to Belize, Honduras 2002). Other tropical grassland types in South America
and Nicaragua (Myers et al. 2004a; Myers et al. 2006). The are found in the Gran Sabana and Llanos of Venezuela,
Dominican Republic has forests and savannas of the endemic and in Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay. Temperate South
Pinus occidentalis, which are dependent on fire (Horn et al. America claims the vast Argentine pampas and other grass-
2000; Myers et al. 2004b). Besides P. caribaea, Cuba has lands. Fire’s role in other South American temperate ecosys-
three species of endemic pines that persist in fire- tems, such as the Araucaria forests, is poorly understood.
prone environments.
Fire-maintained palm forests and palm savannas are
Fire-adapted pine species also form extensive open forests common throughout the tropics (Myers 1990), along with
and woodlands in the tropical and subtropical environments a variety of fire-dependent and fire-influenced coastal and
of Southeast and South Asia. Fire plays a key, though poorly freshwater marshlands. Scientists are just beginning to
understood, role in the maintenance and characteristics of understand that fire is also an integral part of tropical
Pinus kesiya and/or P. merkusii forests ranging from the Assam alpine areas such as páramo in the Americas (Horn 1998;
Hills of India, across Myanmar, Thailand, Southern China, 2005) and Afro-alpine vegetation (Bond et al. 2004).
Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and the Philippines to Sumatra
(Kowal 1966; Richardson & Rundel 1998).

Other strongly fire-dependent environments include
Mediterranean-type forests, shrublands and savannas
located in widely dispersed parts of the world; temperate
and boreal coniferous forests and oak-dominated forests
and grasslands of North America, Central Asia, China,
Russia and Mongolia; and the eucalypt forests, savannas
and heathlands of Australia.

Fire-Sensitive Ecosystems
Fire-sensitive ecosystems have not evolved with fire as a
significant, recurring process. Species in these areas lack
adaptations to respond to fire and mortality is high even
when fire intensity is very low (Figure 4). Vegetation
structure and composition tend to inhibit ignition and fire
spread. In other words, they are not very flammable.
Under natural, undisturbed conditions, fire may be such
a rare event that these ecosystems could be considered
fire-independent. Only when these ecosystems become
fragmented by human activities, fuels are altered and
ignitions increase, do fires become a problem. As fires
become frequent and widespread, the ecosystem shifts to
more fire-prone vegetation. Tropical forests become
savannas of introduced grasses (Cochrane 2001;
Cochrane & Laurance 2004; D’Antonio 1992) and
semi-arid grasslands are invaded by non-native grasses
that create a continuous fuel (McPherson 1997). On
an area basis, 36 percent of ecoregions are dominated
by fire-sensitive ecosystems (Hardesty et al. 2005).

Examples of fire-sensitive ecosystems are the wide variety

of tropical and subtropical broadleaved forests found along
both altitudinal and moisture gradients and temperate zone
broadleaved and conifer forests at the wetter end of the
moisture gradient. There are a number of ecosystems
whose category is uncertain. An example is the Chilean
Matorral, a Mediterranean-type shrubland. Although
flammable, it appears to lack the regenerative responses to
fire of species found in other types of Mediterranean
shrublands around the world. In some ecosystems the b.
ecological role of fire simply has not been identified. Figure 3. Many species in fire-dependent ecosystems have
adaptations to not only survive fire but to respond to it reproductively.
a. Vegetative state of Bulbostylus paradoxa (Cyperaceae), a
Fire-Influenced Ecosystems common ground cover species in the savannas of Central and
This category includes vegetation types that frequently lie in South America. b. Bulbostylus paradoxa blooming within a few days
the transition zone between fire-dependent ecosystems and after a fire. It is likely that this species only blooms after it burns.
The presence of species with such strong adaptations to fire is an
fire-sensitive or fire-independent ecosystems (Figure 5), but
indicator of a long history of frequent fire. Photos taken in the pine
it may ultimately include broader vegetation types where the savannas of eastern Honduras. (Photos by R. Myers)
responses of species to fire have not been documented and
the role of fire in maintaining biodiversity is not recognized. In fire-influenced ecosystems, fires generally originate in
They are ecosystems that generally are either sensitive to fire adjacent fire-dependent vegetation and spread to varying
but contain some species that are able to respond positively degrees and at varying intervals into the fire-influenced
to fire disturbances, or they are ecosystems that would per- vegetation, although a low level of traditional agricultural
sist in the absence of fire but fire disturbances play a role in clearing and burning may have been important endogenous
creating certain habitats, favoring the relative abundance of sources of ignition. Here, fire may be important in
certain species, and maintaining biodiversity. creating certain habitats by opening forest or shrub

The Source of Fire
Threats to Biodiversity
The nature of fire-related threats varies depending on
ecosystem responses and the adaptations of species to fire.
A wide variety of fire-sensitive ecosystems in the tropics
and elsewhere are threatened by land use activities and
vegetation conversion efforts that either use fire or
increase the probability of ignitions. Forest vegetation that
rarely burns and normally resists fire is being modified by
human activities such that fire is entering these ecosys-
tems at shorter intervals. An initial fire is usually of very
low intensity, but the impacts are severe—killing trees,
increasing fuel loads and opening the canopy, allowing
fuels to dry and grasses and ferns to grow. Without
subsequent ignitions the forests can recover, but the
predominant trend is toward increased ignitions leading
to repeated fires and rapid changes in vegetation structure
and fuel characteristics. Fire creates a positive feedback
loop that leads to increasing flammability and drier
conditions (Cochrane 2001; 2003) (Figure 6).

These fire-sensitive ecosystems are now being exposed to

Figure 4. Fire-sensitive tropical moist forest in the Brazilian Amazon. frequent ignitions and require urgent and aggressive
Fires are typically very low intensity, but because the vegetation measures to counteract the sources of the threat or to
lacks adaptations to survive fire, the impacts are high. The fire mitigate their impacts. Experience gained from preventing
opens the canopy, allowing drying of the forest floor and the growth
and fighting fires in temperate and boreal ecosystems may
of flammable grasses and ferns. (Photo by Mark Cochrane)
not be transferable to tropical environments primarily
canopies, initiating succession and maintaining the because of different social and economic contexts and due
transitional vegetation. Fire-influenced ecosystems present to the costs associated with high-technology fire suppression.
challenging management issues because of the subtle role Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the underlying
that fire may play. Examples include the transition zone of causes of the fires and on developing local and regional
wet sclerophyll forest between savanna and rain forest that solutions that are sustainable (Hoffman et al. 2003).
occurs in northeastern Queenslands (Russell-Smith &
Stanton 2002), the riparian vegetation or gallery forests Conversely, as governments, land management entities and
along water courses in savanna or grassland vegetation scientists attempt to address fire-related threats through
(Kellman & Meave 1997), the “islands” of fire-sensitive policy changes, incentives and community-based prevention
vegetation often embedded in a matrix of fire-prone and suppression programs, there is a danger that the vital
vegetation such as “hammocks” in the Everglades of Florida role of, and need for, fire in many ecosystems will be over-
(Myers 2000) and similar vegetation patterns in the looked, as was done in much of the United States over the
Pantanal of Brazil, and certain types of tropical and last century and has occurred in portions of Australia and
subtropical forests like those identified in Mesoamerica Canada. There is a misconception (at least by fire
where fire has maintained the dominance of mahogany professionals and the interested public in temperate climes)
(Swietenia macrophylla) and associated species (Snook 1993). that the tropics is a vast fire-sensitive rain forest threatened
by rampant logging-induced fire and agricultural burning.
Climate change may cause significant changes in the In reality, the tropics include some broadleaved forest types
structure and shifts in location of fire-influenced where periodic fire is part of the system, i.e. fire-influenced
ecosystems. In other words, it may be in these ecosystems ecosystems, but where excessive burning is clearly a threat.
where climate change-induced shifts in vegetation will The tropics and subtropics also harbor ecosystems and
become most apparent over the short term. habitats that require fire.

Figure 5. The transition between a fire-dependent savanna (Cerrado, light-green areas) and fire-sensitive tropical moist/dry forest (dark-green
areas). Lightning-ignited fires occur every year in the savanna. Periodically, and to varying degrees, these fires burn downslope and enter the
broadleaved forest. These relatively rare fire events may be important in creating regeneration niches for some of the tree species. The transitional
vegetation can be considered fire-influenced. Noel Kempff National Park, Bolivia. (Photo by Hermes Justiniano)

There is a distinct possibility that many of these fire- The World Conservation Union (IUCN), in a special fire
dependent ecosystems may now be burning too much, but issue in Aborvitae (Stolton & Dudely, eds. 2003), states that:
there is also a general lack of information about the nature
and ecological appropriateness of current fire regimes in “Disturbance is present in all natural ecosystems. Forest
many of these ecosystems. management therefore needs to be able to accommodate
chance episodes of natural disturbance, including fire.
Lack of information about, and failure to understand, the Managers also need to distinguish between harmful and
role of fire in these ecosystems, coupled with community- harmless or beneficial fires. Fire is sometimes essential
based and national efforts to control or prevent all fires, has for forest regeneration, or provides tangible benefits for
the potential to lead many important conservation lands local communities; in other cases it destroys forests and
down the same road of ecologically-inappropriate fire has dire social and economic consequences.”
exclusion that the United States undertook decades ago
with similar results: altered vegetation, destroyed habitats,
species loss, destructive wildfires and watershed degradation.

Figure 6. A conceptual model illustrating the rapid change from fire-sensitive forested vegetation to fire-prone grassland or savanna once
fire initially burns the forest and ignition sources persist. Inadequately managed timber harvesting and agricultural clearing are the forcing
functions that initiate the change. Non-native grasses enter the process as a result of the initial opening of the forest canopy, but their spread
and predominance are the result of the feedback that produces drier, more flammable conditions. Although the process could operate in both
directions, i.e. a long fire-free period causing a transition back to forests, it is predominately one-way and is occurring worldwide throughout
the tropics and subtropics in forests ranging from dry to wet environments. (Adapted from Cochrane 2001)

Altered Fire Regimes:
A Conservation, Biodiversity & Social Threat
A fire regime is defined as a set of recurring conditions of An altered or undesirable fire regime is one that has been
fire that characterizes a given ecosystem. A specific range modified by human activities, such as fire suppression and
of frequency, fire behavior, severity, timing of burn, size prevention, excessive burning, inappropriate burning,
of burn, fire spread pattern and pattern and distribution ecosystem conversion or landscape fragmentation, to the
of burn circumscribe those conditions. Eliminate fire, extent that the current fire regime negatively affects the
increase fire, or alter or constrain one or more of the viability of desired ecosystems and the sustainability of
components of the fire regime such that the range of products and services that those ecosystems provide.
variability for a given ecosystem is no longer appropriate, The Nature Conservancy, an international, non-profit
and that ecosystem will change to something else— conservation organization dedicated to the conservation of
habitats and species will be lost. biodiversity by protecting and appropriately managing
conservation lands around the world, has identified altered
Virtually all terrestrial ecosystems have a fire regime, a fire regimes as one of the key threats to biodiversity
history of fire that has shaped or affected structure and (Hardesty et al. 2005). The human-derived sources of the
species composition. In tropical broadleaved forests, that threat include:
regime might consist of very small fires affecting a
miniscule portion of the ecosystem in any given year 1. Ignitions for agricultural clearing and site preparation by
coupled with perhaps a large landscape-scale fire recur- both rural farmers and by large commercial operations;
ring on the order of centuries or millennia from which
the forest recovers. These large fires in tropical forests 2. Other activities related to land clearing or land use
that increase fuels and their susceptibility to ignition,
usually occur during protracted droughts associated with
e.g. inadequately managed logging or population
El Niño events. Statistically any one spot on the ground
increase coupled with continued traditional fire uses
may not burn for hundreds, if not thousands of years. such as hunting, improving access, controlling pests,
Even fire-dependent ecosystems can burn inappropriate- signaling and improving forage or fruit production;
ly from too much or too little fire, or fire that occurs
during the wrong season. 3. Ignitions related to vengeance or protest, arson,
civil unrest and migration;
An ecologically appropriate fire regime is one that main-
tains the viability or desired structure, composition and 4. Grazing or changes in, or abandonment of, grazing
functioning of the ecosystem. It is not necessarily a practices (which, depending on the environment,
natural fire regime. Humans have been affecting fire may increase or decrease fire frequency or alter season
of burning);
regimes for millennia. Where people live in fire-prone
vegetation, they tend to burn it for a variety of reasons 5. Invasive species that follow logging disturbance,
and they tend to burn it frequently. In many areas, road building and land clearing, and change fuel
human ignitions may have played an important role in characteristics;
creating and extending specific ecosystem types and
vegetation structures that have conservation value today. 6. Landscape fragmentation (which may either limit
The important conservation questions are: What is the the spread of fires by breaking fuel continuity or
conservation value of a given or desired fire-prone increase the number of ignitions from increasing
ecosystem type or vegetation structure and what is the human populations and the proliferation of flammable
fire regime that will maintain these values? The question forest edges); and
is not necessarily whether the fires that maintain it or 7. Climate change affecting dry/wet seasons,
created it have been of human or natural origin. vegetation/fuel shifts and/or vegetation productivity.

Integrated & Collaborative Ecological & Social
Approaches to Reducing the Threat of Altered
Fire Regimes
Consequently, addressing the threat of altered fire
regimes requires:
1. Understanding the ecological role of fire;

2. Understanding the underlying causes of too much or

too little fire, such as why people are burning, why
they are burning the way they do, and how they are
affected by fires; and

3. Seeking sustainable solutions by developing integrated

approaches to managing fires that occur, or are needed,
in protected natural areas, in conservation zones and in
surrounding, adjacent or embedded communities.
Figure 7. Fire Management Triangle. Fire management is the
Without first understanding the ecological role of fire, it
application of appropriate fire prevention, fire suppression and
fire use technologies and tools to address wildland fire issues. is impossible to make decisions about whether people are
burning too much or not enough.
Fire management is the range of possible technical decisions and
actions directed toward preventing, detecting, controlling, contain- Integrated Fire Management is defined as an approach to
ing, manipulating or using fire in a given landscape to meet specific addressing the problems and issues posed by both damaging and
goals and objectives. Fire management can be thought of as a beneficial fires within the context of the natural environments and
triangle with the sides being prevention, suppression and socio-economic systems in which they occur, by evaluating and
fire use (Figure 7).
balancing the relative risks posed by fire with the beneficial or
The importance or priority of any one side depends on the necessary ecological and economic roles that it may play in a given
natural and cultural environment in which the fires are conservation area, landscape or region. It facilitates implementing
occurring, the specific conditions of any given fire and on cost-effective approaches to both preventing damaging fires and
the management goals for the area. maintaining desirable fire regimes. When fires do occur, it provides
a framework for (1) evaluating whether the effects will be detrimental,
Fire management is not the sole solution to fire problems. beneficial or benign, (2) weighing relative benefits and risks and
Many countries have developed national-level, top-down
(3) responding appropriately and effectively based on stated objec-
technical approaches to reduce fire hazard and improve
suppression capabilities modeled after fire organizations tives for the area in question. Managing beneficial aspects of fires
in the United States, Canada, Australia, Spain and else- may involve various forms of fire use (Myers 2006).
where (Moore et al. 2003). They have also passed laws
prohibiting or restricting the traditional use of fire. Integrated Fire Management involves integrating (1) the
Frequently, these government agency efforts have failed to three technical components of fire management:
engage the local people, who, in many places, not only prevention, suppression and use with (2) the key ecological
need to use fire and are the primary ignition source for attributes of fire, i.e. the ecologically appropriate fire
most fires but also are the segment of society most affect- regime and (3) the socio-economic and cultural necessities
ed by fires (Ganz & Moore 2002). Such policies have also of using fire along with the negative impacts that fire can
failed to consider the important and beneficial role of fire have on society.
in many ecosystems.

These three aspects of Integrated Fire Management
can be depicted by another triangle: the Integrated Fire Components of an
Management Triangle (Figure 8).
Integrated Approach
to Fire Management
Integrated Fire Management can be applied at multiple
scales from the individual fire through local communities
and conservation areas, to national government policies
and fire plans and multi-national cooperation. Integrated
Fire Management involves understanding fire’s benefits
and risks and developing integrated solutions to fire
problems by implementing strategies that deal effectively
with both beneficial fires and detrimental fires (Figure 9).
Integrated Fire Management strategies, whether focusing
on beneficial fires, damaging fires or both, include,

Figure 8. The Integrated Fire Management Triangle presents a 1. The assessment and analysis of needs and issues;
conceptual framework that integrates basic community perceptions
about fire and their need to use fire, and the beneficial and 2. The identification of fire management goals and
detrimental roles that fire may play in ecosystems, with all aspects desired future condition;
of fire management.
3. The development and implementation of appropriate
This triangle conveys the notion that fire management fire policy;
decisions should be made within the ecological and socio- 4. The design of fire prevention strategies appropriate to
economic/cultural contexts in which fires are occurring or the ecological and social situation;
from which they are excluded. Such integration will help
ensure that the underlying causes of fire and the ecological 5. The implementation of fire use strategies;
propensity and need for certain ecosystems to burn are 6. The strengthening of fire preparedness and response
addressed. Otherwise, outcomes will be unsuccessful, at all levels;
leading to vegetation changes, more fires destructive to
both the environment and to human livelihoods and 7. The implementation of recovery, restoration and
biodiversity loss, all at a high economic cost. ecosystem maintenance actions; and
8. Research (e.g. fire ecology, fire behavior, social sciences).
The vision of Integrated Fire Management is to:
Markedly and measurably reduce fire threats in conservation All strategies and actions are driven by adaptive
areas, on communal and private lands and within management, i.e. the feedback of monitored trends and
watersheds by maintaining the ecologically acceptable transfer of lessons learned.
range of variation of fire regimes, and improving
trends on those lands that are burning too much, 1. Assessment & Analysis
inappropriately or not enough. of Situation & Issues
The first step in developing and implementing Integrated
The goal of Integrated Fire Management is to:
Fire Management involves
1. Increase support among decision-makers at multiple
levels, as evidenced by the effectiveness of local and A. Assessing the ecological, social, cultural and economic
national institutions charged with managing fire, by roles of fire within a given area or region of interest;
2. integrating biological, environmental, and social needs
and benefits into fire management programs and B. Determining the level and underlying causes of fire-
responses, such that related threats, plus the degree and trend of ecosys-
3. socially and ecologically acceptable and sustainable tem degradation or improvement;
solutions to fire problems are attained.

Figure 9. Integrated Fire Management involves identifying and analyzing the potential environmental, social and economic benefits
and damages of fire at the local, regional, national or multi-national scale. Where fire’s benefits outweigh the risk of damages, fire use
strategies are predominant. Where damaging aspects of fires outweigh benefits, prevention and suppression strategies prevail.
Integrated solutions involve appropriate assessments, goal setting, public policies, education, fire management technologies, and
evaluation. Sustainable ecosystems and livelihoods are fostered through increased benefits of using fire and decreased damages from
undesirable types of fires. In most real-world situations, there will be a combination of fire use strategies and prevention/suppression
strategies that can be applied at multiple scales, from the effects of a single fire through multi-national cooperation.

C. Understanding fuels, their related fire behavior and Different strategies may have to be used in different parts
potential fire effects; and of the conservation area to maintain and protect desired
examples of each ecosystem.
D. Determining the nature of other threats that inter-
act with fire such as land use, invasive species and Economic and Social Context
climate change. People use fire to meet basic needs and to facilitate important
activities such as hunting, stimulating desirable plants used
All need to be done at an ecologically-relevant scale, i.e. for food or other needs (e.g. fiber, fuel wood), clearing
across ownership boundaries. vegetation for agriculture (Figure 10), improving forage
for domestic animals, controlling pests, easing travel and
Ecological Role and Impact of Fire communicating over long distances. Where vegetation is
It is essential to identify and understand how ecosystems not fire-prone, human activities almost invariably alter
vary in their propensity to burn and in their post-burn fuel structure and fuel characteristics that ultimately lead
responses. Ecosystems can generally be placed into one of to more flammable vegetation, i.e. frequently burned
the three fire response categories previously mentioned: fire-dependent ecosystems expand at the expense of less
fire-dependent, fire-sensitive and fire-independent. The fire-tolerant ecosystems. Novel, fire-prone vegetation
condition and dynamics of fire-influenced ecosystems also types may develop such as savannas and grasslands dominated
need to be identified. Each requires different fire by non-native species. Only where societal restrictions are
management approaches and actions. It is also important successfully imposed, or incentives provided, is the trend
to understand how fire affects the important targets of halted or reversed. In many places, expanding rural population
conservation such as keystone species, rare and endangered pressures, as well as colonization and subsequent conversion
species, and the species that control the fire regime. of natural lands are overwhelming the capacity of many
ecosystems to persist in the face of changing fuels and
An assessment may have to address issues related to two increasing ignitions. It is important to view people not
or more of the fire response categories in situations where solely as the cause of fire problems but rather as being
two or more occur within a specific conservation area or the source of potential solutions.
region of interest, and take into account the dynamic
relationships that occur among them. For example, fires We need to identify not only why and how people are
originating in fire-dependent ecosystems may enter, affect burning and why they burn the way they do, but also who
the boundary of or limit the extent of fire-influenced and is doing the burning. In some cultures, particularly in
fire-sensitive ecosystems. Boundaries will shift in response Africa, it is the women who do the burning, so in those
to a changing incidence and season of human ignitions, instances educational programs need to be designed for
and due to short-, medium- and long-term climatic trends. and directed toward women.
Figure 10. Slash and burn techniques to prepare land for the planting of crops are widely used throughout forested lands in the tropics.
Escaped fires from these plots are one of several sources of destructive fires in tropical forests. (Photo by Carlos Pinto)

Fire use by one segment of society may not be compatible with the wind or upslope, thus creating fires more likely to
with the needs and wants of other segments of society. Annual escape control. They may be burning this way because
burning for forage improvement may reduce the availability of those are the only conditions that allow them to get the
fuel wood for a different segment of society. Air quality and economic results they need in that particular environment.
human health are frequently at odds with fire use. People also It may do little good to try to convince farmers to burn at
want to be protected from fires that are destructive to night or with fires backing into the wind or down slope if
their values and livelihoods. They need to be educated in making those changes negatively impacts their livelihoods.
how to prevent unwanted or damaging fires, and how to Subsistence farmers have little incentive or leeway to
protect themselves and their property from fire. They adopt undemonstrated technologies without assurances
also need to have a basic understanding of the role of fire that their yields will not be negatively affected. Failure to
in the ecosystems in which they live and the propensity recognize and understand these environmental differences
of certain vegetation types to burn. Strategies may range and economic impacts may result in inappropriate educational
from the Fire Smart messages and programs used in programs and policies. Guidelines dealing with safe burn-
Canada, the Firewise Communities in the United States, ing practices need to be adapted to local situations. It may
and the poverty reduction program Working on Fire in be that wider fire breaks or more people tending a fire
South Africa to volunteer, community-based fire brigades would be more effective practices than shifting the timing
being formed in South and Southeast Asia, Latin of burns.
America and Africa. Fire use may be an important strategy
in protecting people from destructive fires. A subsistence farmer is unlikely to take the risk of altering
his or her burning practices or become involved in a com-
Managing fires requires understanding (1) how and why munity-based fire management program unless his or her
different cultural groups view and use fire in specific perceived benefits exceed perceived costs. Farmers simply
environments, (2) how economic incentives affect cannot risk taking on a novel activity or the modification
decisions about land use and thus burning and (3) how of an existing practice that might reduce or otherwise
government policies affect and become ingrained in negatively impact their already subsistence-level production.
human attitudes about fire that may either help or hinder This means that techniques or community activities need
the implementation of more enlightened approaches to to be demonstrated and supported with production or
managing fires. economic data before people will become involved.

It is important to understand why people burn the way Fuels and Fire Behavior
they do. People burn in different ways depending on their Fires on the landscape cannot be managed without
objectives and on the environments in which they live. For understanding basic fuel characteristics and how those
example, farmers in the humid tropics often burn during characteristics, coupled with topography and weather,
what would be considered severe burning conditions by influence fire behavior. Understanding fuels and how fuels
most fire managers, or they routinely ignite fires to burn can be managed and manipulated to obtain desired effects

is essential to (1) containing and controlling fires, thus capable of hijacking the fire regime (these species
(2) reducing fire intensity and (3) producing and main- invasions are usually closely associated with 1 and 2) and
taining desired conditions in both natural ecosystems and (6) climate change.
in domesticated landscapes. Knowledge of fire behavior
and its relationship to fuels and fire regimes is an essential 2. Fire Management Goals &
requisite for effective fire management decisions and Desired Ecosystem Condition
educational programs. Current Conditions
Assessment of other Fire-Related Threats In order to develop fire management approaches and
strategies that will meet protected area, community and
Fire is tied to several other conservation issues and threats
regional conservation and development goals, one must
to biodiversity. They include (1) inappropriate logging or
assess how fire and land use histories have interacted over
forestry practices including post-fire salvage or rehabilitation
time to create the current conditions at the site, and how
operations that change fuel characteristics and, in some
those conditions may help or hinder reaching or maintain-
parts of the world, are often followed by agricultural
ing desired conditions. Components or processes within
colonization concomitant with burning practices,
and among ecosystems may be missing or irreversibly
(2) inappropriate grazing practices that may either
altered, such as lack of inter-habitat connections, species
increase or decrease available fuels, and may involve burn-
extirpations, exotic species introductions, and changes in
ing too frequently or during the wrong season for certain
hydrologic regime. Certain components or processes may
groups of species, (3) road building and subdivision of the
now control the fire regime that did not exist in the past,
landscape for homes, which create urban/wildland inter-
e.g. invasive flammable grasses, or a proliferation of forest
faces and fragmented landscapes, (4) changes in hydrologic
edges. Fuel conditions may be altered to such a degree that
regimes through drainage or water use, (5) the introduction
and spread of invasive species that are flammable and reintroducing fire will lead to undesirable outcomes, or
that suppressing or preventing fires are nearly impossible.

a. b. c.

Figure 11. A simple, conceptual ecological model illustrating the relationship of fire regime to vegetation type in the uplands of central Florida,
USA. On the same soil parent material, three different fire regimes maintain three different stable vegetation states: pine savanna (a), pine-oak
scrub (c), and xeric oak forest (not shown). There is a transitional stage of mixed pine species and scrub oaks (b) that is unlikely to persist on a
particular spot, but is likely to occur somewhere on the landscape at any given time. Photographs (a) and (b) are the same view taken in 1929
(two years after the last fire) and 1984 (after a 57-year fire-free interval), respectively. A particular site can maintain all four vegetation types.
Management goals determine where and how fire will be managed to produce or maintain desired conditions. More detailed models can
illustrate fire regime variability within each stable vegetation type; for example, different fire frequencies and spatial patterns may produce
different pine stand densities and age classes in the pine savanna or pine-oak scrub. (Adapted from Myers 1985)
vegetation types and fire regimes. Restoration actions,
such as the re-introduction of fire, may initially move an
ecosystem further away from its desired state and it may
take centuries to establish or restore desired conditions.

Because conservation reserves and protected natural areas

are inevitably fragments or remnants of vegetation types
that once covered a much larger area, fire is frequently a
process that operated on scales larger than the extant
natural landscape. In deciding on desired future conditions
and how a particular remnant area should or should not
burn, two general options or models are available to
managers (Figure 12):

1. Restore and maintain the remnant as if it were a

“window” of what used to be on the larger landscape.
This allows the maintenance of a few large representa-
tions of vegetation that have long existed on the
remnant landscape that may be important for species
with large habitat requirements.

2. Restore and maintain the remnant as a “microcosm”

of what existed on a much larger landscape in the past
Figure 12. Management options for a conservation area in a rem- by managing fire such that burns are small compared
nant landscape. Patches may represent either different vegetation
to what once existed on the historical landscape. This
types maintained by unique fire regimes or the same vegetation
type with each patch a different age since last burn. The “window” allows for greater habitat diversity but at the expense
re-creates or maintains what had been historically on the remnant. of species with large specific habitat requirements.
Other habitats are lost, but species with large habitat requirements
may benefit. The “microcosm” creates and maintains the diversity of An example of the second model is Emas National Park in
habitats that once existed on the larger landscape. Habitat diversity
is greater, but species with large habitat requirements will be lost. the Cerrado of central Brazil (Figure 13). The 131,868-
One approach is not inherently better than the other; it depends on hectare park of grasslands and savanna is almost complete-
the goals for the remnant landscape. ly surrounded by agricultural lands, except for a biological
corridor being established that will connect it to the
A site or certain vegetation types may need ecosystem Pantanal region lying to its southwest. Over the past
recovery periods that may require focused burns with several decades, the park has experienced fires that burned
specific objectives, or aggressive fire exclusion and other the entire park in a single season. This suggests that fires
restoration efforts such as mechanical treatments. historically have operated at a larger scale than the size of
the park. The present-day large fires temporarily limit
Desired Future Condition habitat for the giant anteater, emus and untold other
Desired future condition represents a spatially explicit arrange- species, by eliminating nearly all cover, food sources,
ment of desired vegetation or biotic community patterns and escape refugia and population sources for recolonization of
processes in a landscape that will provide sustainable resources burned areas. In order to limit the size of fires that occur
and services expressed as management or conservation goals. each year and to prevent all habitats and refugia being
Desired future condition draws on known or presumed affected in a single fire, park managers annually subdivide
vegetation history and/or reference conditions, i.e. vegetation the park with a series of very long blacklines (fire breaks
examples considered to be in a relatively pristine state. But, that are created by burning) that serve to stop the spread
desired future condition must be incorporated into the existing of fires. To date, no prescribed burns are conducted
landscape context by taking into account current and desired within the units circumscribed by these blacklines
land use, biological corridors and conservation buffer zones. because management burns are prohibited within Brazil’s
national parks, but the fire break network allows the park
Achieving desired conditions may range from preventing to burn as a microcosm of how the larger landscape
and suppressing fires to encouraging fires to play their burned in the past, each year leaving large areas of
appropriate ecological role. Different fire regime scenarios unburned patches to serve as refugia, sources of
can be illustrated and assessed using conceptual ecological recolonization and nesting sites.
models (Figure 11) that show the relationships among

Fire Management Goals and Objectives
Fire management goals define the specific outcome of
managing fires in an integrated fashion to protect people
and property, reach the desired future condition, maintain
specific habitats, and restore, enhance or maintain ecosystem
services and products. These fire management goals also
should be in line with overall conservation goals and
community needs. This implies restoring, designing and
maintaining appropriate fire regimes for specific targets
of conservation such as key species, vegetation types,
landscape patterns or sustainable products. Strategies may
include removing, ameliorating or modifying sources of
fire-related threats such as the lack of control of agricultural
fires; managing unplanned fires to limit their detrimental
effects and to take advantage of their benefits; and apply-
ing fire as prescribed burns to mimic the appropriate role
of fire in a safe and controlled manner.

3. Laws, Policy & Institutional Framework

In many countries, national and local laws regarding
vegetation fires are not conducive to meeting appropriate
fire management or conservation goals. The role of fire in
maintaining certain ecosystems is frequently not
Figure 13. Part of an extensive fire break network created by
recognized throughout society even in academic circles, burning “black lines” that subdivide a savanna reserve into
let alone among decision makers. This has led to policies relatively small fire units to prevent large fires from affecting
and laws that view all fires as bad, prohibit the use of the entire natural area at one time. Emas National Park, Brazil.
prescribed fire in protected natural areas even though (Photo by Ary Soares)
parks and reserves have stated goals to maintain and
restore ecosystems (that require fire) and criminalize the concern themselves only with forest fires even though
agricultural use of fire without understanding needs of many of those fires originate in the agricultural sector.
subsistence farmers or providing alternatives.
A relatively new incentive that could help landowners
Criminalizing fire use rather than promoting safe and prevent fires in fire-sensitive vegetation is payment for
effective burning may actually lead to more escaped fires ecological services. The payment for ecological services is
because people will set what they perceive as needed fires probably best exemplified by the innovative program in
but leave them unattended so they cannot be held responsible. Costa Rica that pays land owners to maintain their forest-
ed lands and restore cleared land to forest. It includes
Laws should reflect the needs of rural communities and taking steps to reduce the probability of fire. This usually
promote proper use of fire while preventing unwanted means constructing fire breaks which may or may not be
ignitions and escapes and managing other negative impacts effective in stopping fires. Payment for ecological services
of fire such as its effects on air quality. This is best could be expanded to provide rural communities with
approached through a system of incentives, sanctions, resources to support paid, community-based fire brigades
education and government/community partnerships that that would not only suppress unwanted fires but also
encourage responsible uses of fire that support and conduct prescribed burns, help landowners keep their
improve a variety of activities, such as agriculture, agricultural and pasture burns under control, pre-burn
silviculture, grazing, hunting, land clearing, watershed high-risk areas prior to the fire season and maintain fire
protection, ecosystem maintenance and the specific needs breaks. The brigades could be financed through fees on
of priority species. Laws and policies should be integrated water services in larger cities that derive their water from
and compatible with other land uses and land protected watersheds. The income would help reduce
management and environmental policies and deal poverty and enhance livelihoods in local communities.
effectively with issues such as land tenure and liability.
Institutions that have responsibility for, or oversight of, In regions where prescribed fire is a legally accepted
land uses that involve fire, need to be integrated with each management practice, landowners need liability protection
other and must have consistent and compatible messages, as an incentive to maintain appropriate fire regimes.
incentives and programs. Forestry departments frequently Likewise, government agencies need to protect their

Figure 14.
Puppets depicting
“good fire” and
“bad fire” are being
used in some educa-
tional programs in
Latin America to
explain the dual role
that fire may play in
ecosystems and
(Photos by R. Myers)

personnel from personal lawsuits and provide job security seldom incorporated into fire prevention messages. The
should damages occur from an appropriately conducted notion that all fires are destructive becomes ingrained in
burn. The State of Florida in the United States has a “right- people’s minds and traditions through such campaigns as the
to-burn” law that limits liability of landowners using fire as popular Smokey Bear character encouraging fire exclusion in
long as a State-sanctioned planning and approval process is all cases in the United States. When the need for using fire
followed that includes certification (i.e. a specific level of becomes recognized by the managers of conservation lands,
training and experience) and the landowner is not proven the public invariably expresses its considerable resistance to
grossly negligent in conducting a burn. managing fires or to prescribed burning.

4. Prevention & Education Where fire is a necessary tool to maintain the livelihoods
Preventing damaging wildfires is a requisite component of rural communities, education and community programs
of all Integrated Fire Management approaches irrespective should be directed toward empowering people with the
of ecosystem needs and tolerances. In most places, in spite incentives, tools, information and skills to help them keep
of the fact that fires may be necessary, free-ranging wild- their needed fires under control so that their burning meets
fires can rarely be tolerated due to the potential toll they individual, community and ecosystem objectives.
can take in human life and property. The most cost-effective
approach to unwanted fires is prevention. A number of Whenever possible, traditional knowledge should be incor-
strategies are needed to successfully limit the number porated into messages and activities. Communities need
of unwanted ignitions: to be guided so they recognize the economic and social
benefits of keeping their burns under control benefits such
Education as water quality and quantity, sustainable forest products
Education and outreach need to be tailored to specific such as fuel wood, and ecotourism income. Communities
environments and targeted to community needs. One may also need to be trained, organized and equipped to
useful approach is to characterize fire as having two faces suppress unwanted fires, or given the tools and information
using a message of “the two faces of fire,” or “good fire” they need to increase fire prevention capacity.
bad fire” (Figure 14). Good fires are agricultural
versus “b
burns that remain under control. Good fires are those Fires can be prevented or the incidence of fires reduced
burning in a fire-dependent ecosystem with minimal by addressing conflicts between different groups of people.
negative impacts on human livelihoods and property, and Resolving land tenure disputes has been shown to reduce
with long-term benefits. Bad fires are escaped agricultural fires set as forms of protest or vengeance in Sumatra
fires and other fires that threaten life and damage property (Suyanto et al. 2004).
and conservation areas.
Education is also needed within land management agencies,
All too often, fire prevention campaigns focus on preventing political entities, interest groups and the scientific
all fires even in ecosystems that need to burn and may be community. Many current roadblocks to effective fire
burning appropriately through traditional fire use or in management exist because scientists and land manage-
places where people have no other alternative but to use fire. ment and fire professionals do not understand the role
Cultural perceptions about the benefits of burning are that fire plays in ecosystems and in people’s lives. It is not

Figure 15. Subsistence farmers
planting rice in lands cleared by
traditional tavy methods (swidden
agriculture), eastern Madagascar.
Tavy agriculture and its associated
burning are considered a primary
threat to remaining tropical forests
in Madagascar.
© Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures

uncommon to have the role of fire in many ecosystems In many places, traditional uses of fire are either (1) per-
completely unknown to, or misunderstood by, top-level sisting in an environment of increasing population growth
scientists within countries or regions. The views of these and the current level of burning is out-stripping the main-
people proliferate because they are the ones who are tenance capacity of the ecosystem or (2) being reduced
teaching and training the professional environmental through fire prevention efforts, suppression and changing
managers and scientists of the future. Technical/scientific land uses that no longer require or are tolerant of fire. An
transfer of knowledge is a key component of education. important component of Integrated Fire Management is
The translation of emerging concepts and technologies recognizing and understanding the important role that
into multiple languages is paramount. human fire use has played in any given landscape. Current
burning practices may or may not be at odds with conser-
5. Fire Use vation goals. In either case, rather than working against
Fire use takes on a myriad of forms and effects. Two those uses through prevention, it may be more practical to
discussed below include (1) the traditional uses of fire by look for ways to modify current fire use, either to mitigate
rural people that are either needed to maintain livelihoods current negative impacts or in some cases to actually
or have persisted even as the social/economic context of exploit existing fire uses to facilitate reaching fire manage-
the region has changed, along with the role that people ment objectives and conservation goals.
have played in creating, maintaining or changing desired
ecosystems and their components and (2) the managed For example, burns set by local communities for non-
use of fire to restore and maintain desired ecosystem conservation purposes can be strategically placed or timed
states or desired ecosystem products and services within to contain the spread of wildfires later in the dry season or
conservation areas. The latter may range from prescribed to prevent fires from burning into reserves. Such coopera-
burning in fire-dependent ecosystems to managing tion requires overcoming the challenges of different world
unplanned fires in these ecosystems and using fire to views, languages and cultural perspectives of conservation
eliminate or reduce fuel to control the spread of fire into managers, indigenous people and non-indigenous rural
fire-sensitive ecosystems. populations. Collaboration with local users of fire is
especially critical where large tracts of conservation lands
Traditional Fire Uses and Needs and their buffer zones are under the direct ownership
In fire-dependent ecosystems, people invariably have and/or control of indigenous people, or are communal
played a long-standing role in creating, maintaining, lands of rural communities. Box 1 describes four scenarios
expanding or changing the ecosystems that are desired where traditional human fire use has been or could be
today for conservation purposes. Many landscapes that are included into conservation area management.
now important to conservation were created, shaped
and/or maintained by human burning. In fire-influenced
and fire-sensitive ecosystems, burning associated with
swidden (slash-and-burn) agriculture has had an equally
long history (Figure 15).

Box 1. Case Studies: Incorporating Human Fire Use Into Conservation Area Management

• In Australia, aboriginal burning practices have been Alternatively, if park managers could develop a working
integrated into the fire management programs of northern relationship with the indigenous people so they would
Australia’s national parks and aboriginal lands (Morrison & strategically place some of their early dry season fires near
Cooke 2003; Lewis 1989). Conflicts have arisen in the critical forest recovery zones and areas of high risk for
best example of this practice in Kakadu National Park fires entering the forest, traditional fire use could become
because aboriginal burning practices have not always been an important tool in managing the relative abundance of
consistent with biodiversity goals (Keith et al. 2002). forest and grassland habitat in the park.

• In Canaima National Park, in the Gran Sabana of south- • In Zambia, prior to the 1990s, widespread uncontrolled
eastern Venezuela, the landscape is a mosaic of grassland burning annually affected vast areas of lowland grasslands
and wet tropical broadleaved forest. There has been a long- and upland woodlands. Most of the burning was done to
standing conflict between scientists and technicians and promote a green flush of grasses for livestock, but the
the Pemon Indians regarding the use of fire (Rodríguez fires were negatively affecting woodland resources such
2004). The conventional view among vegetation ecologists as fuel wood and thatch. In the early 1990s a joint
and land managers in Venezuela is that the savanna is Zambia-Dutch initiative prepared an Integrated Fire
edaphically derived rather than a result of fire. Management program by assessing the ecological aspects
of fire, the negative and positive socio-economic impacts,
This probable misconception adversely affects fire manage- existing and needed fire policy, and current fire use
ment approaches in the park which could have negative patterns. Their review has led to an Integrated Fire
impacts on the viability of both the forests and grasslands Management policy of planned and controlled burning of
of the park. The policy of the national park service is to selected rangelands and a reduction in burning and alter-
prevent fires, though they have limited capacity to ation of burning practices in the woodlands. The program
respond to fires when they occur. Indigenous people is implemented by local communities. Technical assistance
who live within the park regularly burn the savanna for is provided to facilitate decision-making by the communi-
reasons critical to their livelihood, e.g. to improve ties (Goldammer et al. 2004).
access, to attract wildlife to recently burned patches
to facilitate hunting and for long-distance signaling. • In La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas, Mexico,
They perceive fire as an integral part of the environ- most of the reserve lands are either in private hands or
ment that “cleans” the savanna and prevents large held as community property in ejidos (peasant communi-
destructive fires in the forests. ties). The reserve landscape consists of farm and grazing
lands at lower elevations, pine forest at mid-elevations,
Burning begins at the beginning of the dry season when and montane, wet-tropical broadleaved forest at higher
the grasses are still green. The high moisture content elevations. Farmers burn their agricultural plots and fields
dampens fire intensity and most fires go out as humidity on an annual basis. Escaped agricultural fires frequently
recovers at night. These fires rarely burn into the moist burn the understory of the pine forest. Residents also
forest vegetation. By the height of the dry season, when periodically burn the pinelands for a variety of reasons.
fires could enter the forest, most of the savanna has been As evidenced by a lack of pine regeneration, the pine
burned and the forests are protected from the possibility forests are probably burning too frequently. During
of severe, late dry-season fires. During protracted extreme droughts some of these fires enter the montane
droughts, fires do enter forested areas and can be quite forest and are very damaging.
destructive. When the forest is damaged, the change in
fuel characteristics, coupled with the frequent ignitions In 2005, The Nature Conservancy, in cooperation with
in the savanna, hinders recovery. the Mexican Protected National Areas Commission
(CONANP) and the NGO Conservación y Desarrollo,
If park staff ever become effective in reducing the A. C. implemented a project in which they provide tech-
incidence of early dry-season fires, there are two possible nical assistance to several communities to help them
outcomes: (1) complete success in preventing fires would keep their agricultural fires under control, develop fire
lead to a loss of savanna through forest encroachment or, management goals for the pinelands that are compatible
more likely, (2) large continuous tracts of grass with their needs and biodiversity conservation, and
fuels would persist into the late dry season potentially design and apply an appropriate prescribed fire regime
fueling large, intense fires which would cause widespread to the pinelands. Plans, decisions and implementation
forest damage. The result would be a rapid expansion of are all developed and carried out by the community.
grassland at the expense of forest.

Although traditional fire uses can be integrated into is becoming an increasingly important tool in maintaining and
conservation area and regional fire management plans and restoring fire-dependent ecosystems within protected natural
activities, care should be taken to not over-emphasize areas, in protecting human infrastructure in fire-prone land-
traditional uses. There are likely many different competing scapes, and in managing large-scale agricultural and forestry
uses of fire, each benefiting different groups of people that operations. It is more prevalent in regions of the world that
may be at odds with each other and with conservation have the resources and technical capacity to develop and
goals. For example, problems tend to arise when the implement prescribed burn plans, and where liability from
indigenous population has been supplanted by an damage caused by escaped fires is high.
immigrant population that possesses different or no fire
traditions. An example is in the Peten of northern A controlled burn is essentially the same thing but without
Guatemala. This landscape was once the homeland of the a written plan. Safe controlled burning, rather than
Maya culture, but their agricultural lands were reclaimed prescribed burns, is usually the goal of individual farmers
by forests when their culture largely disappeared centuries and community-based fire management programs in
ago. Only recently has this region been opened up to developing countries. The farmer conducting a burn has
colonization by landless peasants from the Guatemalan a plan, understands local fuels and weather conditions,
highlands who possess little knowledge of fire use. Over and has specific objectives—all kept in his or her head.
the past decade, the Peten has been the Meso-American
epicenter of destructive fires from escaped agricultural Controlled and prescribed burns do not necessarily need
and land clearing burns. In 2003, the impacts were so control lines but rather can rely on vegetation and fuel
severe that the United Nations had to supply the region changes, and changing fuel availability during the day or at
with emergency food shipments because the fires not only certain times of the year. Much of the burning that takes
destroyed forest vegetation but also the crops of many place in grasslands and savannas around the world
farmers. Community-based programs have since been depends on the igniter’s knowledge of where and when a
implemented to teach the farmers how to burn safely. fire will stop, not on the pre-placement of control lines.

Community-based fire management frequently involves Wildland fire use is the management of unplanned wild-
a diverse set of stakeholders with competing needs and fire, usually within conservation areas, to obtain beneficial
views about fire. A primary demand among these stake- outcomes that lead to management goals. It takes
holders is their securing the right to use fire as a vegetation advantage of the ecological work that an unplanned fire
management tool to suit their purposes. The key to will accomplish. The level of management of unplanned
successful community-based Integrated Fire Management fires may range from observation and monitoring within
is reaching agreement on where, when and how fire predetermined limits placed on fire size by existing natural
should be used in different environments for different and cultural fire breaks to more aggressive containment
objectives. Where fire is part of the culture, and where the within specified zones. A sound technical background in
needs and uses of fire vary and are often in conflict, the fire behavior and fuels is usually a requisite for making
goal should be to optimize the overall set of benefits of wildland fire use decisions.
burning such that each group of stakeholders understands
its contribution to sustaining personal, community Prescribed fire and controlled burning have their place in
and ecosystem products and services—such as balancing both fire-dependent and fire-sensitive ecosystems. In fire-
nutrient-rich forage for domestic livestock or game dependent ecosystems, burning can be used as a restoration
animals with producing fuel wood for cooking and heat— tool, with focused burns planned such that an area will
while at the same time minimizing detrimental impacts return to former or desired conditions. Burning can be
and halting or reversing declining ecosystem and biodiversity used to replace, augment or modify a current fire regime in
trends that will ultimately degrade the entire community areas where some or all free-ranging wildfires can no
and region. longer be tolerated. The controlled use of fire can also create
fuel breaks and patches of low fuel loads to facilitate the
Fire Use Approaches control of unwanted fires or to corral unplanned fires that
Prescribed fire is the application of carefully controlled burns are being managed for resource or conservation benefits.
under defined fuel and weather conditions to meet land
management or ecological objectives involving a written plan. In fire-sensitive ecosystems, prescribed burning is an
The objectives usually involve both desired fire effects of each important tool in creating fire breaks at reserve boundaries
burn, plus a long-term trend or goal from the application of and to pre-burn around zones of high risk of damage if a
fire over time, i.e. a fire regime goal. In other words, a pre- wildfire should occur. Prescribed fire techniques can be
scribed fire regime is a repeated pattern of burning designed to used by farmers, livestock herders and ranchers to keep
reach some desired or predicted outcome. Prescribed burning their fires from escaping into fire-sensitive vegetation.

Effective prescribed burning requires intensive training, Prescribed fire has other drawbacks. It may be difficult to
an understanding of fire behavior, fuels, weather, topography re-create the fire regime variability necessary to meet
and fire effects, along with considerable experience. The biodiversity goals using prescribed fire. Box 2 lists
level of training needed varies with the complexity and some additional potential pitfalls.
size of the area being burned and the associated risks to
the surrounding area should the fire escape control. Prescribed burning has a number of other uses in conser-
Careful planning and contingencies are essential and there vation areas, including fuel or hazard reduction burning to
must be the capacity to suppress an escaped fire. protect people living in flammable vegetation; silvicultural
burning to protect forest crops; site-preparation burning
Because prescribed burning is labor intensive and relatively to facilitate forest regeneration, disease and pest control;
expensive, many governments may never obtain the capacity and wildlife habitat management.
to use prescribed fire effectively on a large scale in
protected natural areas. In such instances, it may be more Prescribed fire training and educating the general public
effective to provide local communities with the skills to and local communities about the benefits and needs of
adapt their traditional burning practices to meet conservation using prescribed or controlled fire are sorely inadequate or
goals of protected areas. non-existent in many countries and regions. In many

Box 2. Potential Prescribed Fire Pitfalls

1. Applying fire regimes that are too narrow: Prescribed burning size and habitat diversity, or where there has been a loss
involves making decisions about the components of the of landscape context due to fragmentation and fire can
fire regime such as the interval between burns, fire no longer operate at the scale that it once did. Some of
intensity, size and pattern of burn and season of burn. these problems can be overcome by reserve design (e.g. see
For planning convenience and for safety and security Figure 10). They also require clearly stated goals, monitor-
reasons, managers tend to focus on average properties ing of outcomes and using feedback from monitored trends
of these components or on a very narrow range of the to inform future fire management actions.
component. For example, burns are applied at fixed
intervals, frequently during a season when the fires can 3. Distinguishing between restoration and maintenance phases:
be easily controlled and will have modest impacts. Restoration involves focused burning with specific
However, this timing and intensity may not be consistent outcomes for each burn. It may also require recognition
with the reproductive needs and growth constraints of that fire alone will not restore the desired outcome.
key species. Prescribed burns are usually surface fires, Maintenance burning calls for variable fire applications
but higher severity crowning or ground fires may create within the appropriate fire regime ranges for a given
effects and habitats needed by some species. Managers ecosystem.
are reluctant to plan for these types of fires. As a result,
there have been instances where prescribed fire regimes 4. Coping with exotic species: Where non-native invasive species
were unwittingly applied that were too narrow or lacked control the fire regime—such as where they produce the
the variability required to sustain certain species or available fuel that carries fire—novel fire regimes may have
maintain the ecosystem long-term. Instead of achieving to be designed that may gradually reduce the dominance of
the desired outcome, wholly unexpected results can the exotic, or that burn in such a way to limit adverse
gradually be created that include species extinctions impacts on desired ecosystem components and process-
(Gill & Bradstock 1995). Variation within fire regime es given the existing fuel characteristics. Where invasive
components may be more important ecologically than species are a threat from the outside, fire regimes may
average properties. have to be designed to discourage colonization.

To avoid this pitfall, it is important to understand, or to 5. Dealing with transitional vegetation: Fire needs to play its
make well-founded inferences about, the life histories and role in transitional vegetation types, i.e. fire-influenced
response to fire of (1) keystone species such as those that ecosystems. Frequently, fire-dependent vegetation is
control the fire environment by producing fuel, (2) domi- distinguished from fire-sensitive vegetation. The former
nant species that give the ecosystem its overall character is burned or allowed to burn, while in the latter fire is
and (3) species of special concern. Because decisions are excluded by using permanent fire breaks. This leads to
made from inferences, fire applications and subsequent the elimination of important transition zones and their
responses must be monitored and adapted through time. habitats. Fires can be allowed to enter fire-influenced
ecosystems if the relative differences in flammability of
2. Problems of scale: These develop when there is a failure vegetation types are understood.
to understand the habitat size requirements of desire-
species, where trade-offs have to be made between habitat

cases, long-standing fire prevention programs have created There are a wide range of technological resources available
a strong and ingrained bias against using fire in conservation to assist with preparedness, response planning and fire
areas or in and around communities. suppression operations. Too often, however, governments
and citizens simply react to large fire events that are
Burning also affects air quality and people’s health and handled at a national level as emergencies to protect
well-being and shapes people’s perception of fire. Major people and resources from a disaster in progress. The
international airports are sometimes closed for days in media reinforce these perceptions and reactions. Thus,
countries like Bolivia, Honduras and Indonesia where responses are event-driven. Huge sums of money are
dry season fires are ubiquitous. Prescribed fire provides poured into the suppression and recovery efforts. In the
techniques for managing smoke that are unavailable when immediate aftermath of the event, money frequently goes
burning is pervasive and uncontrolled. to purchase sophisticated and very expensive suppression
and detection equipment such as air tankers, engines and
Biomass burning can also be a significant source for helicopters. During intervals without significant media-
atmospheric carbon, though an appropriate fire regime in driven events, interest wanes and resources dwindle. The
a fire-dependent ecosystem is in steady state with respect process repeats itself when the next event occurs.
to carbon. What is released from a burn is recaptured
during the fire-free interval. It is fire suppression in fire- Although there is a place for sophisticated equipment and
dependent vegetation that ultimately results in carbon infrastructures in fire detection and fire suppression, a
release as severe damaging fires occur in abnormally heavy more integrated approach to preparing for and managing
fuels. In fire-sensitive forests and shrublands, deforestation is fires would look at fires not just as events, but as regimes
the source of carbon release. Fire is one of the tools that (Gill et al. 2002). A regime approach looks at current con-
facilitate that deforestation. ditions and desired outcomes as the result of a series of
events that have already occurred and will likely reoccur
In many countries, the use of prescribed fire in national over time. Rather than responding to events as emergencies,
parks and protected natural areas is prohibited by law or and in the immediate aftermath expending emergency
administrative policy even in areas that are recognized as monies on tools that might have been useful during that
fire-dependent. This is generally a philosophically based event, a regime approach would look at the cumulative
restriction of management activities in natural areas. effects of prior actions, existing factors and changing
Oftentimes, policies and laws also require agencies to environments such that mitigating actions are continuous-
suppress all fire regardless of threat or potential resource ly in progress to reduce the intensity and/or impacts of
benefit. For prescribed fire and wildland fire use to reach individual events. These mitigating actions, such as ecosystem
their potential, a considerable educational effort has to be maintenance burning, fuel reduction activities, community-
undertaken to change public policy and people’s perceptions based fire management programs and community fire
about the role and potential benefits of fire in ecosystems brigades, can tailor prevention, suppression and fire
that society has sought to protect. use activities to local conditions, needs and availability
of resources.
6. Preparedness & Response
Countries, land management agencies and communities 7. Restoration, Recovery & Maintenance
have to be prepared to respond effectively to inevitable Recovery after fires can be viewed as either an event
unwanted damaging fires. Strategies include the develop- response or as a long-term regime maintenance action that
ment and implementation of (1) early warning and predictive in effect puts management restraints on potential extreme
systems, i.e. fire danger rating, climate and weather events, thus limiting the instances that require emergency
monitoring and prediction, (2) fire detection and response community assistance and aggressive ecosystem recovery
processes and infrastructure, e.g. wildfire response efforts. There are many instances post-fire where
planning, fire caches, and aerial/satellite/land observation considerable effort and expense go into building and
detection systems, (3) communication systems and multi- maintaining tree nurseries, and implementing planting
lateral/multi-agency cooperative agreements with unified and reseeding projects, when the ecosystem is capable
command and control structures (Incident Command of self-recovery if it remains sufficiently fire-free. Efforts
System or ICS), so diverse entities can communicate, plan, might be better directed at reducing the probability of
and mobilize resources effectively and (4) highly competent additional ignitions. Salvage logging is another event
and trained personnel at all levels, from professional response that should be evaluated in the context of
fire managers and fire fighters to volunteer community ecosystem responses and community needs.
fire brigades.

Figure 16. The continuous adaptive management cycle.
Plans and strategies are developed using current knowledge.
Plans are implemented and those actions are monitored.
Feedback from monitored trends, plus the evaluation of new
knowledge developed elsewhere, are incorporated into plan
revisions and new actions. (From Kaufmann et al. 2003)

8. Adaptive Management, Research to be important. Nevertheless, the lack of scientific and

& Information Transfer technical articles and training courses in local languages is
Designing and managing ecologically appropriate fire a huge impediment to understanding the role of fire in
regimes that benefit both people and nature requires ecosystems and to having the capacity to integrate knowledge
the development of fire management goals. People about fuels, fire behavior and fire management techniques
have created protected natural areas, national parks and in many countries. Additionally, university and technical
forest reserves because they contain something of value schools need to be sources of innovation so that new
including needed products and services. These products concepts and applications regarding fire are continually
and services are the conservation “targets.” They may being fed into agencies, organizations and communities.
require fire, be sensitive to it or able to tolerate only
certain types of fire or specific fire regimes. Because these A tool that is proving effective in transferring information
areas have something of value that people want to restore, and technology is structured learning networks. The
maintain or enhance and these things or processes are Nature Conservancy, in collaboration with fire agencies
affected by fire, fire management goals need to be and other partners, is using fire learning networks in
set for those targets. Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States as a
mechanism to join forces effectively to achieve mutual
Goals have to be based on both knowledge and inferences goals related to fire by bringing people together to identify
about current status, life histories, habitat requirements, common needs, problems and barriers to the implementation
sustainable yields and fire dynamics of the conservation of effective fire management, and to develop and test
targets, within the context of the constantly changing strategies that are likely to succeed on different landscape
environment in which they occur. Because management areas (Figure 17). Through synthesis and shared experience,
actions are based on inferences about the targets, rather learning networks not only communicate existing knowledge
than on complete knowledge, those management actions but also create new knowledge as experiences and ideas
must be monitored. It is feedback from monitored trends are adapted to local situations.
and new knowledge that should drive future management
actions. This is adaptive management (Figure 16). Through facilitated workshops, site assessments, mentoring
and exchanges, internet discussion groups, websites and
For adaptive management to be influential and effective e-newsletters, learning network participants are intro-
beyond a specific site or conservation area, success stories, duced to the best available science and management
lessons learned and new tools developed in one place need options. They are guided through a process of identifying
to be translated for and disseminated to other sites and fire-related threats using conceptual ecological models and
adapted to new situations. Traditional modes of technology situation diagrams that illustrate ecological and social
transfer such as professional journals, manuals, confer- relationships affecting—and affected by—fire, identifying
ences, training courses and internet sites will continue desired future conditions and fire management goals, and

designing integrated strategies, i.e. integrated ecologically threats? One of the most important approaches is to
and socially appropriate fire management, to reach connect fire ecology to fire management. Another is
those conditions (see and the need to understand the underlying causes of fire problems. Combining fire ecology and the socio-
economic causes of most fires with the techniques of
The Regional Wildland Fire Networks being fomented fire management multiplies the potential effectiveness
around the world by the United Nations Food and of the latter and limits the possibility of fire management
Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Global Fire actions working at cross-purposes to societal and environ-
Monitoring Center are another venue for information mental needs. It makes fire management much more
exchange and international cooperation (see powerful, solving problems rather than preparing for and responding to events.

Places need Integrated Fire Management plans that

Guiding Approaches incorporate ecological and socio-economic issues and
identify constraints. Plans can be developed at multiple
to Integrated Fire scales from the community or protected natural area to
an entire country. Many government fire agencies have
Management as their sole focus “fire protection,” i.e. prevention and
suppression. Many are reluctant to broaden their mandate
to encompass the full scope of fire management decisions
The diversity of ecosystem responses to fire and the
and technologies. They do not want to become fire
diverse cultural perceptions and economic realities of
management organizations, let alone incorporate ecological
people deriving their livelihoods from these ecosystems,
and social concepts and pursue ecological goals. Failure to
coupled with the status and trend of fire regime alteration,
consider the benefits of fire use and to understand fire use
point to the need for flexible and multifaceted fire
technologies prevents agencies from grasping the full
management approaches. Add to this the current capacity,
potential of Integrated Fire Management with its ecological
or lack thereof, of governments and society to address
and socio-economic connections.
fire-related threats, and a daunting picture emerges—
one of degraded landscapes, costly damages, decreasing
Where agencies are unable to develop full-fledged fire
standards of living and declining human health.
management organizations, it is possible to bridge the
connections by forming multi-agency working groups or
What are some of the guiding approaches (see Box 3) fire management councils that include communities and
that will help countries and land managers implement non-governmental organizations. These entities can then
Integrated Fire Management and abate fire-related

Figure 17. Fire learning networks consist of

conservation projects with similar fire
threats and fire management issues.
Participants are brought together with fire
experts, decision-makers, and scientists in
facilitated workshops, training courses,
exchanges, mentoring programs and study
tours and are connected via the internet.
The process accelerates learning of
Integrated Fire Management concepts and
the development and implementation of
fire management plans that produce
tangible conservation results. Through
local workshops and programs, community
stakeholders are brought into the process
and may take the lead in implementing
some of the strategies.

develop an institutional framework at local, national Box 3. Guiding Approaches to Fire Management
and multi-national levels that embraces a broad
integrated approach to fire management that takes into 1. Understand the role of fire in the ecosystems being managed
and the influence any changes in the fire regime have on key
account the diversity of vegetation types and
ecosystem characteristics and conservation values.
community needs, rather than narrowly focusing on
prevention and suppression of fires in forested vegeta- 2. Document, promote and, where necessary, modify the
tion, or simply responding to events. The institutional beneficial aspects of traditional fire use, and develop the
framework must be able to develop a flexible national knowledge, capacity and technology to apply fire safely
fire policy or national fire management plan that inte- where it is needed.
grates regionally-varied ecological, economic and social 3. Reduce the incidence of human-caused ignitions in places
components of fire and ensures that these policies will where too much fire is a problem through community-based
be implemented. It also must incorporate these new education programs including incentives, capacity-building
approaches into educational and training curricula. and training either to reduce the need for burning and/or
reduce the probability of needed burns escaping control.

Conclusion 4. Develop laws and policies that ease restrictions on the use of
prescribed fire and provide mechanisms to reduce the liability
In this paper I have described what I believe is a useful or insurance costs incurred by agencies and landowners for
framework for addressing fire problems irrespective of escaped prescribed burns.
the type of environment and the economic capacity to 5. Develop and implement adequate and cost-effective
develop and implement appropriate strategies. The detection, prediction and response tools and procedures to
purpose of Integrated Fire Management is to reduce respond to inevitable unwanted fires and manage them to
the threats posed by fire to both people’s livelihoods minimize impacts, while also providing a process to take
and to biodiversity while at the same time recognizing advantage of potential benefits that they may present.
and maintaining fire’s important role in many ecosys-
6. Promote programs such as payment for ecological services to
tems and economies. The approach demands that we private landowners and to the holders of communal lands for
first understand how an ecosystem responds positively maintaining appropriate fire regimes through their judicious
or negatively to fire before we make decisions about placement of prescribed burns and fire breaks, and where
whether people are burning too much, not enough or appropriate support community fire brigades that can both
in a manner that promotes or is at least consistent with fight fires and conduct prescribed burns.
conservation objectives. It then asks that we under-
7. Link community-based fire management programs to
stand the underlying causes of fires and how fire is
poverty reduction, food security and human welfare
integral to the livelihoods of many rural people around initiatives.
the world. Inappropriate burning and wildfires can
then be viewed as somewhat predictable regimes that 8. Gain buy-in and support from local communities living and
can be managed effectively and safely to meet specific working in and around fire-dependent conservation zones
conservation, community and national goals. to work with conservation area staff to take advantage
of, and perhaps modify, the burning they do to better meet
conservation goals.
9. Promote a “two faces of fire” message, i.e. good fires
versus bad fires, instead of the typical “prevent all fires”
campaigns. In fire-dependent ecosystems, good fires are
those that fall within an appropriate range for the fire
regime that maintains the desired ecosystem but cause
little or no economic damage or loss. Good fires in
fire-sensitive ecosystems include necessary agricultural fires
that remain under control. Tools and knowledge to limit
escaped agricultural fires and manage other fires can be
made available through community-based fire management
10. Incorporate ecological information and the Integrated
Fire Management framework into fire curricula and
training programs.

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Photo by R. Myers
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