The Problems of Forest Fires

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The Problems of Forest Fires

for the Environment

By : Safira Fereste

NIM : 1941420104

Class : 1A-D4

Chemical Departement
State Polytechnic of Malang
Forest Fires

Forest fires are condition in which a forest attacked by fire. Fires that arise and
cause forest fires can arise due to various factors. The cause forest fires are
nature and amount of vegetation cover and other combustible material such as
dead wood,dry leaves,determine the nature and extent of forest fires. High
atmospheric temperatures,dryness (low humidity),the strength of prevailing
wind and the slope of the ground. Forest areas are particulary susceptible to
fires, which are mostly manmade although sometimes these could be the result
of lighting strike during serve thunderstroms. Throughout the world, forest fires
are out of control - not because of conflagrations regularly featured on our
televisions, but fundamentally because governments, international agencies and
importantly, communities have failed to agree on how fires should be managed.
This lack of clarity, further muddled by fires and fire-related risks being used to
promote a complex mix of narrow interests, means that forest fires will remain a
source of bitter controversy, expense and damage into the future.

The Causes of Forest Fires:

1.Occur naturaly

Forest fires are naturally triggered by lightning,melting of volcanic lava

and friction between trees. Lightning strikes and tree friction can turn into fire if
forest conditions allow,such as a long drought. According to articles that i’ve
read, In subtropical forests such as the United States and Canada.,lightning
strikes and friction of branches often trigger fires. But in tropical rain forests
Indonesia,this is a bit impossible. Because the occurrence of lightning will
usually be accompained by rain or lightning occurs along the rain. So its very
unlikely to cause a fire. Another natural trigger is friction between branches and
branches. This usually only happens in dry forests. Tropical rain forests have
high humidity so that the possibility of friction trees causes a very small fire.

2.Triggered by Human Activities

Forest fires are triggered by human activities can be caused by two

things,intentionally an unintentionally. Most deliberate fires are caused by
exploitation of natural resources,both to rejuvenate forests,clear land or
eradicate pests. While accidental fires are caused by negligence,such as
forgetting to turn off a campire,burning rubbish,littering cigarette butts and
other acts of negligence. In indonesia,99% of forest fires are caused by human
activities,intentionally or unintentionally. Only 1% of them occur naturally. 4
since the 1980 land clearing of oil palm plantations and industrial plantation
forests is though to be the main cause

The Effects of Forest Fires:

1.Positive effects of forest fires

 in a lot of thick forests, there is obvious overgrowth of trees,from the

ground vegetation to high rising trees, hence resulting in more
competition for soil nutrients and water. Suprisng as it may sound,a forest
fire is benefical in providing fresh nutrients in the soil for a new
generation of vegetation. The nutrients from the burning vegetation return
to the soil,making it somewhat more fertile. As a fact,the extreme heat
from the fire is required for the germination process of certain plants.
 a forest fires help form fresh new habitat zones from old. Marginally
decreasing the overgrowth in a forest makes way for more water,nutrients
and healthier food sources for the animals. The new micro habitat or
ground cover that grows after the fire is more healthy and fresh.
2.Negative effects of forest fires

 the biggest negative effects of forest fires inobviously the casualties

caused,especially lifesavers and firefighters. An extreme forest fires leads
to destruction of property and loss of lives of hundreds of people,before
its brought under control
 the forest vegetation is known as watershed protector as forest water-
tables are a major source of waparts of the world. A forest fires can be
detrimental to the forest water tter in some able,leading to an alteration in
connected streams and even rivers.

Possible solutions by individuals

 Supporting research to improve the understanding of forest fires and their

ecology,ecologial and social costs and benefits,causes and management
 Building awareness amongst policy-makers,the public and the media of
the underlying causes of catastrophic forest fires
 Estabilishing reliable fire monitoring systems that provide early warning
of high fire risk and fire occurrence and include evaluation of ecological
and human impacts of fire

Possible solutions by government

Governments need to recognise that there are some aspects of forest fires
that they cannot control and that they can't stop all fires: some are necessary,
some are useful and accidents or deliberate fire-setting will always occur to
some extent. However, those responsible for land management can help manage
the ways and extent to which people create conditions that encourage fire,
particularly the build-up of inflammable material. Fire can be reintroduced to
landscapes where its short-term absence will lead to larger scale and more
intense fires in the future. Governments can do more to address issues of
governance and the breakdown of the rule of law: many fires are set in, for
example, Indonesia, the Mediterranean and Brazil because those behind the fires
are confident they won't suffer consequences from their actions. Perhaps most
important of all, governments need to decide exactly what they are trying to
achieve, in terms of amounts of fire, zoning of fires and levels of risk. Until we
know where we are going, we are unlikely to get there. Managing fires has more
to do with agreeing aims and ways of cooperation as with technological
sophistication or the size of fire-fighting teams.

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