LACIP Background Paper

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Livelihood Support & Promotion of Small Community Infrastructure Project

Background Paper

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................1 2. PROGRAM OVERVIEW..............................................................................2 to 9 2.1 Program Introduction
2.2 Program Objectives 2.3 Expected Outputs and Outcomes 2.4 Project Implementation Principles 2.5 Program Activities 2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation 2.7 Steering and Coordination 2.8 Reporting


OTHER PROGRAMS IN THE PROJECT AREA (KP)..........................................10

3.1. Poverty Reduction through Rural Development in Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas 3.2. KfW funded Development of Hydropower, Renewbale Energy & Biodiversity Conversation Program in KPK

4. 5.

PROGRAM AREAS................................................................................11 to 12 PROGRAM COMPONENTS...................................................................13 to 15

5.1 Institutional Development (ID) 5.2 Community and Physical Infrastructure (CPI) 5.3 Livelihood Enhancement and Protection (LEP) 5.4 Establishment of basic health and educational services (H&E) 5.5 Disaster Preparedeness and Management measures (DPM)

6. 7.

SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT..................................................................16 to 18

6.1 Program Investment 6.2 Apportionment by Districts 6.3 Component wise Apportionment

PARTICIPATING PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS.......................................19 to 37

AKRSP Agha Khan Rural Support Program ART Advisory Review Team CPI Community Physical Infrastructure CO Community Organization CUP Community Uplift Program DNH No no harm Approach DPM Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation DRR Disaster Risk reduction ESMF Environment & Social Management Framework GBI Grants Based Interventions HADAF Hazara Development and Advocacy Foundation H&E Health and Education KfW (German Development Bank) KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa LACIP Livelihood Support and Small Community Infrastructure Project LEP Livelihood Enhancement and Protection MER Monitoring, Evaluation and Research MIS Management Information System MIED Mountain Institute for Educational Development MGPO Mountain and Glacier Protection Organization NRSP National Rural Support Program NWFP North West Frontier Province O&M Operation and Maintenance PSC Poverty Score Card PO Partner Organization PPAF Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund RDP Rural Development Program SABAWON Social Action Bureau for Assistance in Welfare and Organizational Networking SIE Senior International Expert SRSP Sarhad Rural Support Program SWWS Support with Working Solutions TOP Terms of Partnership VO Village Organization

Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) as an institution serves poor, marginalized and disadvantaged households by facilitating their access to resources and opportunities. This considerable lack of opportunities necessitated creation of an intermediary apex organization equipped with the resource backed capability to furnish financial and non-financial services to the impoverished and excluded sections of the community, through a community-based framework. As a lead apex organization of the country, PPAF works through 126 Partner Organizations (POs), selected through a stringent and comprehensive appraisal process. The entire infrastructure program of PPAF is community based and demand driven. The POs interact intensively with the local communities in helping them form into Community Organizations (COs) through the process of social mobilization. Once the COs are formed, they are given informed choices for the selection and prioritization of the projects to be implemented through PPAF assistance. When the project is identified, the Terms of Partnership (TOP) are signed, which clearly indicate the responsibilities of the PO and the CO. The TOP inter alia includes the minimum share of the CO in the capital cost of the project and an undertaking that the built facility will be maintained and operated by the CO with out any external support. The CO also assumes the primary responsibility of construction management, with the technical support of the PO. For this purpose, it is mandatory to have in place a project management committee, an accounts committee, an audit committee and an operation and maintenance (O&M) Committee. At a wider level, it is critical to cinch ownership, commitment, and participation from diverse stake holders for poverty reduction efforts to be successful over the long-term. To that end, PPAF has endeavored to crowd-in partnerships (both financial and non-financial) with the public sector, private sector, and civil society organizations at international, national and sub-national levels. The unique role of PPAF, therefore, goes beyond mere financing of civil society organizations but extends to sector development, market making, and quality assurance in terms of inclusion, outcomes, and impact.

The Background Paper consists of the following:

I. An outline of what LACIP comprises of in terms of the five major components; institutional development at community level in project region, community and physical infrastructure, livelihood enhancement and protection of weakest sections of the population, establishment of basic health and education services at grass root level and the preparation of the communities to respond to natural disasters in disaster prone areas. II. A detailed investment program giving the yearly schedule of outlays, apportionment of cost by the program components and at the district level.

2.1 Program Introduction
The Livelihood Support & Promotion of Small Community Infrastructure Project (LACIP) is co-financed by the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW and executed by PPAF over a period of three years. It aims to reduce the poverty levels by increasing economic opportunities in the project region. The project has started with the end of the Inception Phase and the Funding Phase One in April 2012. The project is mandated to work in Institutional Development (ID), Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI) development, Livelihood Enhancement & Protection (LEP), Health & Education (H&E) and Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM) in the 5 selected districts (Chitral, Buner, Swabi, Charsadda and D.I. Khan) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (see Annex 1). The estimated total cost underlying the project appraisal is 31.563 million Euros. The LACIP activities will be implemented in close coordination with the Partner Organizations. Where appropriate, the Consultant will coordinate activities to ensure that the proposed standards, systems, methods, etc. are compatible and complementary as much as possible, and to avoid duplication of efforts or inconsistencies of the approach. The implementation of the LACIP required PPAF to adjust and develop its management systems and structures to suit the implementation of the projects; Project Management Unit (PMU) was established at the end of August 2012. Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI) will respond to the community basic needs and demands following the Community Driven Development approach. In total approximately 2,350 CPI schemes (2000 conventional and 350 innovative) will be implemented through the Project in the 5 target Districts. In addition to the small infrastructure schemes, livelihood support is a major component in the Project. PPAF has acquired useful and valuable experience in the livelihood sector with a limited number of well-targeted initiatives. However, the setting up of this scale of livelihood support (7000 units) with successful implementation and effective control of this overall component is considered to be a major challenge for all the parties involved. Through the Health and Education (H&E), support would be provided to villages with existing health or education facilities operated by the government or community organizations requiring physical and functional improvements. Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM) is also a major focus to the Project not only to mainstream DRR in the small community infrastructure schemes but also to enhance capacities of the communities to prepare for and cope with likely disasters. PPAF has selected 20 Partner Organizations (POs) and the first 60 Union Councils (UCs) for the implementation of the Project activities. PPAF has conducted a preliminary poverty assessment and has also done preliminary social mobilization of the target communities. During the Inception Phase of the LACIP, the Consultant HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation had prepared the Inception Report, which provided an analysis of the current situation of the LACIP, provided an updated Project Implementation Concept and reviewed the scope of the consulting services. A baseline Survey has also been commissioned to an external consultant to be prepared for the LACIP. The baseline has covered the target UCs in all the 5 Districts of the LACIP.


Program Objectives:

Population and poverty is to be reduced through the creation of sustainable conditions of social and physical development, including income and production capacity increase. The overall objective of the Project is to contribute to the improvement of the general living conditions and quality of life of the poor population in the Project region with a special focus on the poorest. The project objectives are:

(i) Increased access to and sustainable utilization of social and economic infrastructure by the
population of the Project region;

(ii) Increased employment and income opportunities, especially for the poor (iii) Strengthening of the local civil society and enhanced participation of the population in the
decision making process and its disaster preparedness capacities at the local level.

The Project shall be regarded successful if during the final project review - approximately 3 years after Project completion the following three goals are reached: At least 60% of the infrastructure schemes financed through the Project are used, stay resistant to natural disasters and are operated and maintained by the target communities; At least 40% of the target groups have an increased income of 20% as compared to a baseline value baseline and reference time e.g. annually or over a multi-annual period which still needs to be defined based on the findings of the initial poverty assessment at the beginning of the Project. At least 33% of the community organizations supported through the Project continue to be actively involved in the planning and implementation of local development initiatives, have access to external support programmes and their capacity is built to cope with natural disasters.


Expected Outputs and Outcomes:

The Project Outputs are as follows:

1. Population in project areas is mobilized and organized in the form of community organizations 2. Community Physical Infrastructure is built 3. Assets are transferred and especially the poorest communities are trained

The intermediate Outcomes are as follows:

1. Community institutions (COs/VOs and clustered bodies) formed and functioning satisfactorily 2. Living standards of targeted households improved and vulnerability to shocks reduced 3. Poor communities gained increased access to quality infrastructure services 4. Access to quality education is improved and utilized by all primary school age children in PPAF 5. Men, women and children gain increased access to quality primary, preventive and maternal
health services. priority areas


Project Implementation Principles

PPAF follows implementation principles and approaches which can be characterized as pro-poor, community-driven/bottom-up, participatory and with special support to marginalized groups within the communities.

2.4.1 Pro-Poor Approach

The project region and beneficiaries will be selected by using methodologies such as the poverty score card. Wherever possible, priority shall be given to community physical infrastructure schemes which are labor intensive and thus create provision for a source of income for local unskilled labor above any community contribution provided in kind. Furthermore, local contributors in cash or kind to any intervention scheme shall be in general accordance with PPAFs standard procedures as outlined in the Operational Manual but with more flexibility towards poorer communities and beneficiaries. There will be 0% local contribution for the first scheme in very poor communities, 10% for the second and third scheme and 20% for any additional schemes. However, in case of a natural disaster or war hit zones, the community contribution may be waived for a maximum period of two years from the occurrence of the disaster.

2.4.2 Participatory Approach

All project intervention proposals are identified by the communities, as such the project is demand driven in nature. Therefore, communities have to be organized in the form of groups to take collective decisions, undertake implementation of projects and then accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of development interventions, whether infrastructure, education or health or any other form of development intervention. During community mobilization, special support will be given to marginalized groups within the communities.

2.4.3 Integrated approach

The LACIP Project follows an integrated approach, which means that a range of interventions will be carried out simultaneously in selected union councils and villages. The number of project interventions per village shall be based on a comprehensive needs assessment. A minimum of five interventions shall be implemented per village. At least 30% of villages in a union council shall be covered by the Project. Based on the minimal ratio of five interventions per village, Project activities will be limited to a maximum of 60 union councils in the five selected Project districts.

2.4.4 Do no harm approach

All project interventions will be planned and implemented in a conflict sensitive manner. PPAF will avoid any negative impact on the conflict. Regular results monitoring compliant with Do No Harm criteria and the relevant reporting will be carried out.


Program Activities:

The Total Cost and Financing of the LACIP is EUR 31.5 million, comprising of Programme Costs of EUR 27.5 million, Administrative Costs PPAF of EUR 1.060 million, International Consultant Costs of EUR 1.8 million and Contingencies of EUR 1.006 million. The total budget of the Program is 31.5 million Euros that will be used by PPAF has been shown in Table 1 and Figure 1 in accordance with the component wise breakdown:

Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5

Program Component
Small and Medium Scale Infrastructure (CPI) Livelihood Enhancement & Protection (LEP) Health & Education Services (H&E) Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM) PO Implementation Cost (Including ID Cost)

Investment Allocation (EUR)

13,765,400 4,910,657 2,000,000 1,000,000 5,934,482

49.86% 17.79% 7.24% 3.62% 21.49%




Investment Allocation
3.62 7.24 Small and Medium Scale Infrastructure Livelihood Enhancement & Protection Health & Education 49.86 Disaster Preparedness & Mitigation



Monitoring and Evaluation

The POs report on outputs, achievements and budgets on the basis of indicators developed for the Project on monthly and quarterly basis using standard formats of PPAF. Performance monitoring and evaluation is conducted at bi-annual basis by the Advisory Review Team (ART) jointly with PPAF. The focus of bi-annual reviews is to review processes and overall progress. During regular bi-annual reviews by the ART the following activities are performed: Field visits and discussions with PPAFs sector Units and the Senior Management, Partner Organizations, Community Organizations and local communities Review of LACIP activities and their effectiveness in coordination with PPAF, with regard to achieving the Project objectives Development of and/or review of specific proposals to adjust or further optimize Project performance, presentation and transparency, etc. The Consultant may also support PPAF in Impact Assessment and Evaluation tasks as outlined in the PPAF OPs Manual. Apart from reviews and progress reports, regular audits by internal and external audits are also conducted.


Steering and Coordination

The coordination between PPAF, KfW and HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation is done through the project PMU, the regular Tuesday Meetings and other mechanisms of exchange (see also Inception Report, chapter 3.4). The organizational Chart is attached in Annex 2. The implementation of the project is technically supported by an international consultant, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation. The team is led by a Team Leader based in Switzerland. The Pakistan team comprises two full-time and one half-time employees and support staff. The services consist of support to the PPAF in technical, social and monitoring tasks (with a change in focus of expertise from engineering to livelihood for the SIE) and will be complemented through a combination of short term international and national experts and through Advisory Review Team (ART) assignments. The pool of international and national experts can also be drawn from to conduct Special Studies (ref. Annex 9 of Inception Report, which are budgeted separately).



PPAF reports KfW on monthly and quarterly basis; these reports are jointly prepared by PPAF and the Consultant. PPAF has charged the Consultant to write the progress reports but provides all required data and comments on reports and acknowledge its content by countersigning the reports. Review and advisory reports are also prepared by the consultant. Project Completion report will be developed at the end of the project.

3 Other Programs in the Project Area (KP)

There are two other projects being either started or going to start during 2012 in the project area of Khyber Pakhtukhwa, Balochistan and FATA. PPAF is being the implementation agency for both of these projects, and will provide technical and financial assistance.

3.1 Poverty Reduction through Rural Development in Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas
The proposed program Poverty Reduction through Rural Development in Balochistan, KP and FATA to be financed by the Government of Italy through the Directorate General for Development Cooperation aims at contributing to poverty reduction for the population of Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas). These provinces bordering with Afghanistan are suffering from poverty, as well as from on-going conflicts and they have to be considered the most vulnerable areas of the country. The Italian program will be financed by the Italian Cooperation with a provision of 40 million Euros soft loan facility and a grant of 380,739.00 Euros for provision of Italian technical assistance. The soft loan will be transferred to PPAF by the Pakistani Government for financing social, livelihood and rural development activities. In line with the PPAF model, all interventions will be operated through Partner Organizations.


KfW funded Development of Hydropower, Renewable Energy & Biodiversity Con servation Program in KP

This project is anticipated to start in (2012) in 10 selected districts (Chitral, Dir (upper & lower), Swat, Buner, Swabi, Bannu, Lakki-Marwat, Hangu & Karak) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Total project investment is 22.5 million Euros which will be implemented in two phases; 10 million Euros will be spent during Phase-I of the Project on Social Mobilization, Institutional Development and Water & Renewable Energy infrastructures. The remaining 12.5 million Euros will be spent during Phase-II of the project on Renewable Energy projects and Biodiversity & Conservation activities. Although the Renewable Energy (RE) Project is purely technical and innovative in nature but the two projects together will certainly create synergies in terms of social mobilization, capacity building and infrastructure development of the local communities in at least 2 combine districts (Lakki-Marwat & D.I Khan) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The Project covers 5 target Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, namely Chitral, Swabi, Buner, Charsadda and D.I. Khan. The selected Districts represent topographical differences varying from high altitudes in the north to irrigated plains in the central valley and dry lands in the south. The total area covers 26,580 sq. km with a population of more than 4 million people. Generally, land holdings are relatively small and self-operated. With the exception of Charsadda, these Districts are spatially and economically marginalized, but all experienced recurring natural disasters. These districts are selected on the basis of their poverty ranking and deprivation. The five Project districts selected are presently considered sensitive due to recent history of violent conflict and a likely risk of being engulfed with such troubles again. Large areas in these districts were also affected by floods of 2010. It is expected that a tangible improvement of the living conditions of the poor in these districts will contribute to reducing the risk of further social and political unrest, instability, further marginalization of poor and an exponential increase in poverty. The Identification and selection of Union Councils, Villages and Target Communities is carried out using the Poverty Score Card technique. A situation analysis of the infrastructure and an analysis of institutions present in the identified UCs has also been carried out. At least 50% coverage of the rural households is mandatory in a selected UC to comply with the saturation approach stipulated by PPAF. A workshop in regard to the Multi Sectoral Approach was conducted by PPAF. The POs participated in the workshop, and a number of key lessons and perspectives were shared for the benefit of the LACIP. This was the first time that participants from different organizations worked together for the same area in the district, and in the process, informal learning was imparted to each other

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), is located in the north-west of the country. It borders Afghanistan to the north-west, GilgitBaltistan to the north-east, Azad Kashmir to the east, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) to the west and south, Balochistan to the south and Punjab and the Islamabad Capital Territory to the south-east. The main ethnic group in the province is the Pashtuns; other smaller ethnic groups include most notably the Hindkowans, Gujjars and Chitralis. The principal language is Pashto. The provincial capital is Peshawar. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is largely located on the Iranian plateau and Eurasian land plate, while peripheral eastern regions are located near the Indian subcontinent and this has led to seismic activity in the past. It covers an area of 74,521 km (28,773 sq mi). According to the 1998 census, the total population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was approximately 17 million out of whom 52% are males and 48% females. The density of population is 187 per km. Geographically the province could be divided into two zones: the northern one extending from the ranges of the Hindu Kush to the borders of the Peshawar basin; and the southern one extending from Peshawar to the Derajat basin. The northern zone is cold and snowy in winters with heavy rainfall and pleasant summers with the exception of Peshawar Basin, which is hot in summer and cold in winter. It has moderate rainfall. The southern zone is arid with hot summers and relatively cold winters and scantly rainfall. Its climate varies from very cold (Chitral in the north) to very hot in places like D.I. Khan. The major rivers that cross the province are Kabul River, Swat River, Chitral River, Panjgora River, Bara River, Karam River, Gomal River and Zob River.

Its snow-capped peaks and lush green valleys of unusual beauty attract tourists from far and wide while its art and architecture is no less known than the historic Khyber Pass. Once the cradle of Gandhara civilization, the area is now known for its devout Muslims who zealously guard their religion and culture and the way of life that they have been following for centuries. The region varies in topography from dry rocky areas in the south to forests and green plains in the north. Given the extremes in weather, agriculture remains important and viable in the area. The hilly terrain of Swat, Kalam, Upper Dir, Naran and Kaghan is renowned for its beauty and attracts a great many tourists from neighboring regions and from around the world. Swat-Kalam is also termed a piece of Switzerland as there are many landscape similarities between it and the mountainous terrain of Switzerland.


The Project follows an integrated approach, which means that a range of interventions will be carried out simultaneously in the selected Union Councils and Villages. The selection of interventions will be determined in a demand based, participatory process by the communities with the support of the POs and in accordance with PPAFs Operational Policies Manual for Grant-Based Interventions. Special focus will be given to marginalized and women-headed households entailing the formation of women community organizations and their active participation. The Project will finance the following components:


Institutional Development

Institutional Development (ID) has been included a component (approx. EUR 2 million) to help POs achieve their objectives by increasing capacities of individuals, enabling them to take advantage of available opportunities and choose for themselves an option that could help them come out of the vicious circle of poverty to the virtual cycle of opportunities.


Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI)

Community Physical Infrastructure will respond to a community demand and follow a Community Driven Development approach. Approximately 50% of the overall investment cost budget of approx. EUR 15 million will be used for the provision of CPI projects. In total approximately 2,350 CPI schemes (2000 conventional and 350 innovative) will be implemented through the Project in the 5 target Districts. Local contribution to any intervention scheme shall be in accordance with PPAF standard procedures, but with more flexibility towards poorest communities; in general this comprises 0% contribution in very poor communities for the first scheme, 10% for the second and third scheme and 20% for any additional schemes. However, in the case of natural disaster or in war hit zones the CO contribution may be waived but on the average a 10-15% contribution is expected.

CPI projects include both conventional and innovative schemes as follows:

The Conventional CPI include the construction and/or rehabilitation of i) irrigation water management schemes, ii) road sector, iii) soil conservation, DRR, mitigation and preparedness structures, iv) water supply and sanitation, v) school buildings and renovation and /or repair of existing school infrastructures vi) health center buildings and renovation and or/ repair of existing health infrastructures. Preference will be given to rehabilitation, modernization and/or extension of existing schemes. Where not possible, new schemes will be implemented using low cost local materials. Such schemes are relatively simple and can be constructed to a great extent by the communities themselves with technical support of the POs. The Average cost is assumed to be EUR 6000. The innovative CPI schemes require more technical assistance and in some cases are larger in scale and they are usually more costly. These schemes include i) solar and wind pumps, ii) wind turbines, iii) mini/ micro hydro-electric power projects up to 200 Kw capacity, iv) slope stabilization, v) drought mitigation, vi) high efficiency irrigation systems (including drip and sprinkler etc). An average cost of EUR 9000, excluding community contributions, has been allocated for such schemes. Due to the higher cost and complexity and the lower involvement of unskilled labor in the construction of these schemes, their number shall be limited to a maximum of 15% (350 units) of the overall number of schemes or 20% of overall costs (EUR 3.15 million).


An Operation and Maintenance (O&M) plan for each scheme will be established and discussed with the CO beforehand to ensure sustainability of the interventions. Consultants and PPAF will inspect the operation and maintenance of projects during their joint field visits. The existing monitoring procedures will be reviewed, e.g. by using the PPAF O&M Technical Guidelines. These guidelines will be updated and/or developed with the assistance of the Consultant. This applies particularly to complex and innovative CPI projects, as well as to health and education facilities.


Livelihood measures including Skills Training of Beneficiaries (LEP)

Livelihood initiatives have been included within the project (approx. EUR 5 million). Measures include targeted and appropriate skills, enterprise trainings (Ustaad-Shagird or Teacher-Student Principle) and targeted asset transfers for beneficiaries with Poverty Score Card scores less than 18. Households with scores up to 18 and those with scores up to 23 on the Poverty Score Card (PSC) are eligible for trainings but not asset transfers. Initiatives include advice on agricultural intensification, local job opportunity analyses, etc. PPAF supports innovative approaches to promote best practices and a thorough value chain analysis. The experiences of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in livelihoods enhancement approaches and value chains will add value to this component. The initiatives in the LEP component will include i) job market trends analysis, ii) vocational trainings , iii) agricultural intensification, iv) asset transfer, and v) business plans. All these measures are part of the overall strategy to help the targeted communities and families to graduate out of poverty.


Community Health and Education Schemes and Interventions (H&E)

H&E interventions have also been included in the project (approx. EUR 2 million).Through this component, support would be provided to villages with existing health or education facilities operated by the government or community organizations requiring physical and functional improvements. New schools or health facilities would only be provided in rare cases (e.g. if there is no facility within a 2 km radius) and if the sustainable operation of the facilities can be guaranteed. PPAFs strict and very specific criteria about when to support such investments must be applied to ensure sustainability and to avoid replacing the role of the Government. Prior to constructing new health and/or education facilities coordination with the relevant district and provincial departments is mandatory. However, some innovative interventions may be introduced with interested communities to initiate establishing self-operated schools. To this effect, services of the reputed model school will be engaged for skills training. The schemes to be initiated under Health will include i) health management committees, ii) staff trainings, iii) rehabilitation of BHUs, iv) provision of labs and medicines, and v) health awareness. The schemes to be initiated under Education will include i) school management committees, ii) teachers training programmes, iii) lab equipment and libraries, iv) toilet facilities, v) additional rooms, vi) play grounds, vii) boundary walls, and viii) water tanks.



Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation measures (DPM)

Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM) has been added to the project in view of its importance country-wide (approx EUR 1 MIllion) Focus will also be put on strengthening disaster preparedness capacities of the vulnerable communities (men, women and youth) in the target Districts by introducing a package of activities such as i) raising community awareness on DPM, ii) formation/training of Emergency Response Teams, iii) systematic vulnerability assessments and iv) implementation of early warning systems.


The overall time frame for the execution of the Project is 36 months starting from February 1, 2012 comprising of four phases. The planned completion of the Project is thus end of May 2015. 6.1 Program Investment

The proposed program will be completed in 3 years comprising of four phases. The first 3 months of the starting year had been devoted mainly to the field appraisal of the partner organizations (POs) and their approvals by the PPAFs in-house Credit Committee and the PPAF Board of Directors, followed by signing of finance agreements between PPAF and various participating POs. The POs then carried out social mobilization in the areas of their operation, in order to establish community organizations (COs), village organization (VOs) and sign Terms of Partnership (TOP) with them, following which the work on implementation of the project was started. The total Cost and Financing of the LACIP is EUR 31.508 million comprises Programme Costs of EUR 27.6 million, Administrative Costs PPAF of EUR 1.060 million, International Consultant Costs of EUR 1.8 million and Contingencies of EUR 1.006 million. The summary of the investment program has been provided in the Table 2 and the year wise cost allocation has been shown in Figure 1 below: Table 2: Summary of Investment Program Summary of Investment Program (Million Euros)
Sr# Project Component

Year 1

Year 2 5.51 1.96 0.80 0.60 2.37 11.24 40.7%

Year 3 4.82 1.72 0.70 0.40 2.08 9.71 35.3%

Year 4 13.76 4.9 2.00 1.00 5.93 27.61 100% 1.06 1.80 1.01 31.53

% Distribution 43.87% 15.54% 6.35% 3.17% 18.80% 87.73% 3.36% 5.70% 3.20% 100.00%

1 2 3 4 5

A: Program Cost Construction and Improvement of small-scale 3.44 Community Infrastructure Livelihood Enhancement and Protection 1.23 Establishment of Basic Health and Education 0.50 Services Disaster Preparedness 0.00 PO Implementation Cost (Including ID Cost) 1.48 6.65 24%

Sub-Total (A) Year wise % Distribution B: Operating Costs of PPAF C: Consultancy Services D: Contingency Total (A+B+C+D)


Figure 2: Year wise Investment Program

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 6.65 11.24 9.71

Million Euros


1.5 Years



The investment program of LACIP with the amounts allocated for all four phases and POs involved for the particular time span has been given in the Table 3 below: Table 3: Allocated amount for Funding Phase I-IV Funding Phase One (Committed) Two (Committed) Three (Proposed) Four Total Amount (Million Euros) 12.13 5.87 4.22 4.34 27.6 No. of POs 6 6 8 6 20 Name of POs AKRSP, SRSP, NRSP, SWWS, RDP, SERVE SABWON, HADAF, CUP, MGPO, MIED, SDF EPS, CIE, SDF, GBTI, AHO, CGN-P, SPADO Performance based selection of POs Time Span Apr 2012 to Sep 2014 Jul 2012 to Dec 2014 Oct 2012 to Sep 2014 April 2013 to March 2015



Apportionment by Districts

The amount of KfW investments in each district for Phase I, II, III and IV of Khyber Pakhunkhwa province is given in Table 4 and Figure 2 shows the district wise apportionment of KfW and PPAF investments. The more funds were allocated for the districts where less funds were disbursed under previous PPAF initiatives. Table 4: District wise apportionment of Program Cost Sr. No District No of UCs Phase-1 (Apr 2012 to Sep 2014) 0.64 2.71 4.37 3.84 0.56 12.13 Phase-2 (Jul 2012 to Dec 2014) 2.52 0 1.1 0.2 2.1 5.92 Phase-3 (Oct 2012 to Sep 2014) 1.42 0.54 1.63 0 0.62 4.21 Phase-4 (Jan2013 to Jun 2015) 2.6 2.6 0 0 0.80 5.34 Total Million Euros

1 2 3 4 5 Total

Buner Charsadda Sawabi Chitral DI Khan

8 7 7 7 7 36

6.8 6.9 5.5 4.0 4.4 27.6



There are around 20 matured/specialized partner organizations of PPAF who will be working in the selected districts for interventions under KfW funded project for Phase I-III. Due to the diverse nature of interventions (Institutional Development, Infrastructure, Water & Energy, Health & Education and Livelihood Enhancement & Protection) under this project, more than one partner organizations will be working in some districts to undertake different activities. e.g. there will be specialized POs working for the implementation of engineering (infrastructure, water & energy) activities while activities relating to the establishment of basic Health & Education services will be implemented through different POs in the same district. The interventions being carried out by the POs are based on the platforms of Community Organizations, Village Organizations and the Local Support Organizations. Every PO is designated target Union Councils in which they initiate schemes and interventions for the various components of LACIP. The UC based distribution of the Funding Phase I-III POs is as follows: Charsadda The district covers an area of 996 square kilometers. Charsadda is administratively subdivided in to 2 Tehsils which contain a total number of 46 Union Councils. District Charsadda SRSP SPADO Total Swabi The total area of Swabi comprises of 1,543 square kilometers. There are 5 Tehsils in Swabi. District Swabi SWWS NRSP UC Checknodha Anbar Asota Bachai Parmolai Sara Cheena Yaqobi Yarhussain Gharbi Sudher Dhobian Kota Batakra Total No of Ucs 2 3 UC Dhakay Mandani Hisra Nehri No of Ucs 3 1 4



2 12


DI Khan DI Khan has an area of 7,326 square kilometers. The district is subdivided into 3 Tehsils. District DI Khan SERVE CUP SABAWON AHO CIE Total Chitral The total area of Swabi comprises of 1,4850 square kilometers. There are 2 Tehsils in Chitral. District Swabi SRSP UC Shishikoh Yar Khoon Khot Oveer Mulkhow Chitral II Koh Yar Khoon Khot Oveer Koh Mulkhow Chitral II Total Buner The district of Buner is divided into two Tehsils. Buner comprises of a total area of 1,865 square kilometers. District Buner RDP HADAF MGPO UC Gulbandi Mukhranai Amazai Chagalai Ghorghosto No of Ucs 1 2 2 18 No of Ucs 1 UC Shorekot Korai Yarik Daraban Chaudhwan Mehra Korai Yarik Daraban Chaudhwan No of Ucs 1 2 2 1 4 6




Koga Nawagai Mukhranai Amazai Gulbandi

2 3 7

List of the 12 participating POs for Funding Phases I, II and III

Sr. No District No of UCs Participating Organizations (POs) Rural Development Program (RDP) Hazara Development And Advocacy Foundation (HADAF) Mountain and Glacier Protection Organization (MGPO) Childrens Global Network- Pakistan (Guarantee) Ltd. (CGN-P) Environmental Protection Society (EPS) Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP) Sustainable Peace and Development Organization (SPADO) Support with Working Solutions (SWWS) National Rural Support Program (NRSP) Salik Development Foundation (SDF) Ghazi Brotha Taraqiati Idara (GBTI) Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP) Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) Mountain Institute for Educational Development (MIED) SERVE Community Uplift Program (CUP) Social Action Bureau for Assistance in Welfare and Organizational Networking (SABAWON) Asia Humanitarian Organization (AHO) Change In Education (CIE)






D.I. Khan

Performance Based Selection of Partner Organizations will be carried out for the Fourth Phase of the LACIP.


Annex 1: Organizational Chart

Consortium Helvetas - Intercooperation - Skat Switzrland
HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation SKAT ( Sub-Contractor ) Project Coordinator and ART leader


ART Expert Pool ( International )
Funding Contractual Issue Coordination

Chris Morgan

Funding P.P.A.F

Short Term Expert Pool ( International )

- Project Management - Monitoring - Quality Control - Back Up

Local coordination
Consulting Services to P.P.A.F Consulting Services to P.Os through P.P.A.F

Consortium Project Office Islamabad at PPAF
Senior International Expert / Dep. Team Leader Senior National Expert

Project Executing Agency ( PEA )


Partner Organizations ( P.Os )

Senior National Expert ( 50 % )


In Districts of Chitral, Buner, Charsadda, Swabi and D.I Khan, Nowshera and Haripur in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ( Province )

ART Expert Pool ( National )

Short Term Expert Pool ( National )


Annex 2: The Logical Framework Analysis

Overall Objective Project Objectives (Apr 2012 Mar 2015) Project Objective Indicators At least 60% of infrastructure schemes financed through the project are used, operated and maintained by the targeted communities At least 40% of the target group have an increased income of 20% as compared to a baseline value At least 33% of the community organizations supported through the project continue to be actively involved in the planning and implementation of local development activities and/or have gained access to project external services. Frequency Means of Verification Risks for the Achievement of project objectives

Increase access to and sustainable utilization of social and economic infrastructure by the population of the project region Contribution to the improvement of the general living conditions and quality of life of the poor population in the project region


Periodic progress Reports, Field Visits, Survey reports, Databases

Weak and/or deteriorating Security situation

Increased employment and income opportunities, especially for the poor


Periodic progress Reports, Field Visits, Survey reports, Databases

Natural disasters (e.g. floods, earthquakes, etc.)

Strengthening of the local civil society and enhanced participation of the population in the decision making at the local level


Shortcoming in operation and maintenance of infrastructure Periodic schemes due to progress poor security Reports, Field situation and/ Visits, Survey or insufficient reports, human capaciDatabases ties on the part of communities or specialized operators. Risks for the Achievement of project objectives Weak and/or deteriorating Security situation and people are not able to attend COs meetings and continue to engage as group.

Intermediate Outcomes

Social Mobilization and Capacity Building:

Intermediate Outcome Indicators At least 50% of the households in each priority Union Council are members of COs. At least 60% of COs are viable and sustainable. At least 75% of the households in each targeted village are members of COs.


Means of Verification Sample surveys, Databases Sample surveys External studies/ assessments, Databases





Intermediate Outcomes

Social Mobilization and Capacity Building:

Intermediate Outcome Indicators At least 60% of poor/ poorest households in targeted communities are members of COs. At least 40% of all community institution members in every priority Union Council are women. At least 50% of the community organizations engaged with POs possess financial, technical (context oriented) and managerial skills and capabilities. Training manuals prepared by POs/PPAF/ Project for COs are used by 90% of social mobilizers when engaging with groups.


Means of Verification External studies/ assessments, Databases

Risks for the Achievement of project objectives



Databases, Periodic Progress Reports Weak and/or deteriorating Security situation and people are not able to attend COs meetings and continue to engage as group.


External studies/ assessments


Databases, Periodic Progress Reports

1. A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet, with the population ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand; though often located in rural areas, the term urban village is also applied to certain urban neighborhoods. 2. Poor (extremely, chronically and transitory poor) households will be identified using the Poverty Scorecard (Score Range 0-24). This score range has been labeled with the Population Quartile/ Poverty Bands taken from Centre for Research on Poverty Reduction & Income Distribution (CRPRID) and by the RSPs for National Level UC Based Poverty Reduction Programme (UCBPRP). a) At least 50% of the poorest households in the targeted UCs have (a) developed Livelihoods livelihood plans and/or Enhancement and received the livelihood Protection: grants. Living standards of targeted b) At least 70% of households those who have improved and received skills training vulnerability to and/or assets are using shocks reduced. them productively At least 50% of livelihood grant recipients are women.


Databases, Periodic Progress Reports

Lack of equal participation of ultra-poor households and women due to cultural environment of KP.


Periodic Progress Reports, Field Visits


Water, Energy and Infrastructure: Poor communities gained increased access to quality infrastructure services.

Education: Access to quality education is improved and utilized by all primary school age children in PPAF priority areas.

At least 70% of livelihood asset transfer and skills training recipients report improved economic opportunities, established linkages with markets, and/or improved quality of life Minimum ERR of 20% and FRR of 25% for project investment in water and infrastructure At least 90% of PPAF funded infrastructure schemes are maintained at a functional level and benefit at least 60% of COs (at least 50% beneficiaries should be women). Net student retention rate in a primary education cycle in PPAF-supported schools of at least 80% per annum maintained over the project period. At least 50% of students in PPAF-supported schools are girls. At least 80% of the parents of students of targeted project schools report satisfaction with PPAF supported education interventions. At least 40% of SMC members of PPAF-supported schools are women. At least 70% of students report improved reading, writing and arithmetic skills, as well as report their school environment has improved.


External studies/assessments/ sample surveys


External studies/assessments/ sample surveys Natural disasters (e.g. floods, earthquakes, etc.)


External studies/assessments/ sample surveys


External studies/assessments/ sample surveys




External studies/assessments/ sample surveys


Databases, Progress Reports


External studies/assessments/ sample surveys


At least 70% of the beneficiaries report satisfaction with PPAF supported health facilities. At least 50% of liveliHealth: hood grant recipients are women. Women and children gain increased At least 40% of Health Management Comaccess to quality mittee members in primary, preventive and maternal targeted project health centers are women health services. All HMCs are linked to (integrated with) the Govt supported village health committees (if existing) so that no parallel structures are created.


External studies/assessments/ sample surveys Databases, Progress Reports



Databases, Progress Reports


Databases, Progress Reports


Annex 3: Partner Organization (POs) Profiles

1. Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP)
AKRSPs programme area is comprised of the seven districts of Gilgit-Baltistan and the Chitral district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The organization has rich experience in designing, implementing and monitoring of community based infrastructure projects. AKRSP has presence in the districts namely; Gilgit, Skardu, Astore, Ghanche, Ghizar, Diamir and Chitral. The basic principles of participatory rural development which have been employed by AKRSP, to achieve its above mentioned goal and underlying objectives, include: (i) collective management of resources through social mobilization, (ii) capital-building through regular savings, and (iii) upgrading human skills through training to the community organizations and activists. In pursuit of the goal of poverty reduction and improving the quality of life of the rural community of GBC, AKRSP has consolidated its programmes into three major components; i.e. (i) Institutional Development, (ii) Resource Development, and (iii) Market Development. The issues of gender and poverty have been programmed as cross-cutting themes.


Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP)

Formerly SRSC (Sarhad Rural Support Corporation) was established in 1989. Subsequently renamed as Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP) and registered under companys ordinance 1984, SRSP is the largest non-profit/non-government organization of KP. The organization has a proven track record in planning, implementation, management, steering, monitoring and evaluation of community development, improvement in physical infrastructure, microfinance, human resource development and gender awareness and mainstreaming in rural areas of KP. It is planned to entrust SRSP with the responsibility to serve the deprived communities of the poverty stricken districts of KP through community physical infrastructure Projects. SRSP has in-house technical capability and over 10 years of experience in the community physical infrastructure sector. SRSP, through its mainstream programme, is operational in 17 out of the 24 districts in KP. These 17 districts include Kohat, Karak, Hangu, Peshawar, Nowshera, Charsadda, Haripur, Abbottabad, Mansehra, Battagram, Chitral, Kohistan Upper Dir, Lower Dir, Shangla, Swat, Buner and Mardan. Up till now Sarhad Rural Support Program has completed 2,515 infrastructure projects under different phases of PPAF funding. These infrastructure projects include drinking water supply, sanitation, irrigation, roads & bridges, micro hydroelectric units and flood protection walls etc.


National Rural Support Programme (NRSP)

Established in 1991, NRSP is the largest Rural Support Program in the country in terms of outreach, staff and development activities. It is a not for profit organization registered under Section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984. NRSPs mandate is to alleviate poverty by harnessing peoples potential and undertake development activities in Pakistan. It has a presence in 46 Districts in all the four Provinces including Azad Jammu and Kashmir through Regional Offices and Field Offices. NRSP is currently working with more than half a million poor households organized into a network. With sustained incremental growth, it is emerging as Pakistans leading engine for poverty reduction and rural development. NRSP supports rural communities through training, micro-credit, infrastructure development, natural resource management and productive linkages. NRSP intends to serve the deserving communities of the poverty stricken districts of KP through renewable energy projects like solar lights and Integrated Water Efficient Irrigation Projects. The Physical Infrastructure and Technology Development (PITD) at NRSP works with a mission that the Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI) by its appearance, function, and location should positively contribute to the environment and well-being of the rural communities. National Rural Support Program has completed 4,470 infrastructure projects under different phases of PPAF funding. These infrastructure projects include drinking water supply, sanitation, irrigation, roads & bridges, wind energy, solar energy, bio gas and flood protection works etc. NRSP has remained actively engaged in promoting the technological


innovations in participation with the local communities for improving their livelihoods. Implementation of solar energy, wind energy projects are the major areas of the technological innovations being under taken by NRSP to meet the priority needs of the community. Currently NRSP works in Charsada, Malakand, Mardan, Nowshera, Swabi and Swat districts of KP.


Support with Working Solution (SWWS)

Swabi Women Welfare Society (SWWS) was established in 1991 and was registered on 26 November 1992 as a non-government organization, based at Nawan Kalley (renamed as Kernal Sher Kalley), working in Swabi District. SWWSs vision is to improve socio-economic status of people (disadvantaged group including unskilled, skilled & semi-skilled rural poor both male & female of target area) and be actively involved in development.


Rural Development Project (RDP)

Rural Development Project (RDP) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation working for the empowerment of poor and vulnerable communities in Pakistan. Established in 1992 by a set of highly motivated, socially committed and like-minded individuals, the organization was registered under societies Act of 1860 in December 1993. RDP started its activities in 1992 on mutual help basis by mobilizing and organizing the masses for disaster management, poverty alleviation, gender-discrimination and protection of human rights. Currently RDP is a national level humanitarian organization working in Khyber Pukhtoonkhawa and Sindh provinces. Its operational districts are Haripur, Mansehra, Charsadda, Nowshera, Mardan, Swabi, Buner and Peshawer in KP, Muzaffarabad in AJK and Jamshoro and Dadu in Sindh. Being rights based humanitarian organization, RDP was able to respond the catastrophic earthquake of October 8, 2005, IDPs crisis 2009 and Pakistan floods 2010-2011. In all such responses, RDP was able to support and facilitate the poor and vulnerable families in different phases of emergency response, early recovery and reconstruction. RDPs response mechanisms are based on its twenty years of experience of disaster risk reduction and management. Major crosscutting themes envisaged for the well-being of masses are peace, democracy, knowledge building, rights and livelihoods. To achieve its mission RDP has designed programs like Emergency humanitarian response in emergencies, Food Security and sustainable livelihoods, Community based disaster risk reduction management, hygiene promotion, Poverty Alleviation, and community physical infrastructure development



SERVE Pakistan initiated its operation in 1998 after it got registered with the Social Welfare Department, Government of NWFP as an independent organization. The District of DI Khan has remained a high poverty pocket and ranks much lower, relative to other districts against the socio-economic development indicators. The population of D. I. Khan district is poorest of the poor and the area has always remained neglected where Government and non-government agencies have provided no or very little support. Hence some like-minded people of the area got together and formed an organization by the name of SERVE to work with poor and develop strategies to address the causes of poverty in the region. Since its establishment, SERVE Pakistan has been actively involved in addressing causes of poverty in the most disadvantaged areas and has contributed a great deal in facilitating the poor in creation of community based organizations, developing their capacities and empowering them to address their needs collectively. SERVE Pakistan has succeeded in facilitating formation of effective farmer organizations, women organizations, CBOs and a number of networks of partners. With joint efforts SERVE Pakistan has been able to make a major breakthrough in addressing causes of poverty and empowerment of the communities to undertake their own development agenda. SERVE Pakistan envisages socio-economic and political change that leads to poverty reduction and provides equal opportunities for all citizens of the country for the realization of human potential and guarantee peace, justice and democracy in Pakistan.



Salik Development Foundation (SDF)

Salik Development Foundation (SDF) is a non-profit civil society organization registered with social welfare department under social welfare act 1961. Salik Development Foundation is Mardan based organization, established in 1989 and its regional offices are in Mansehra, Muzaffarabad and Neelum districts. SDF supports community organizations through Physical Infrastructure, Capacity Building, improvement of health & education facilities, improved natural resources, advocacy for peace and Relief and Rehabilitation efforts in case of natural disasters and accidents. Salik Development Foundation is working in Peshawar, Swabi, Mardan, Mansehra, Batagram and Kohistan districts of KP along with Muzaffarabad and Neelum districts of AJK. Apart from this SDF has successfully completed IDPs support program in different camps like Jalala and Benazir camps for implementation of water supply & sanitation schemes and skill trainings for IDPs. SDF is working in the community for the last twenty years. During this period SDF has developed close connections with the communities and successfully implemented infrastructure projects. Up till now Salik Development Foundation completed 172 infrastructure projects under different phases of PPAF funding. These infrastructure projects include drinking water supply, sanitation, irrigation and roads & bridges etc.


Mountain and Glacier Protection Organization (MGPO)

MGPO was established in August 2001 as a voluntary non-profit organization. It is registered under the Registration and Control Ordinance 1961 (XLV of 1961) in Gilgit in August 2001. Under clause three of its constitution MGPO can operate anywhere in Pakistan where there are mountains and glaciers including the Northern Areas of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. MGPOs strategy is based on an integrated management approach towards conservation in order to manage both the environmental sustainability and the improvement of economic and social benefits in favor of the local communities. It operates on the principle that sustainable development and environmental protection are part of the development process through which the indigenous culture, heritage, ecology, wildlife and resources are utilized for the benefit of the local population and in accordance with their aspirations. MGPO has developed an integrated management plan to address all aspects of conservation. These include: Campsite development ( to provide facilities within a designated area for camping), Protection of the environment (removal of degradable and non-degradable pollutants), Protection of the habitat (Forestation and increase in agriculture and range land), Protection of bio- diversity ( training and patrolling of wildlife guards), Community welfare ( education, primary health care, hygiene, sanitation, clean drinking water and provision of micro hydel power as an alternate to using firewood for fuel) MGPO was the major PPAF partner for the CECP (Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy) funded US$ 12million Health and Education BOT project in the earthquake affected areas of AJK and KP. MGPO was responsible for the reconstruction and two years operation of 9 out of the 16 facilities of the project. Working in trying circumstances, the MGPO produced high quality work which was appreciated by all stakeholders including the provincial governments, ERRA and CECP.


Community Uplift Program (CUP)

The Community Uplift Program (CUP) is registered as a non for profit, national level development organization on 29th Jan 2001 under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance 1984. The governance structure of CUP comprises a two-tier system; Board of Directors (BoDs) and the Management Team. Its current area of operation is Bannu, Lakki Marwat, D.I.Khan, Kohat, Peshawar and Shangla districts for KP. CUP has undertaken to follow a democratic, non-political and a transparent system, with the overarching principle of promoting equal opportunities for women. CUP has completed 143 infrastructure projects under different phases of PPAF funding, benefiting 7,373 households and 56,245 persons. All the completed projects have been handed over to the local stakeholders for post completion operation and maintenance. CUP is a national indigenous solution for implementing poverty alleviation and humanitarian assistance projects with thematic areas of; (a) mother & child health, (b) education, (c) livelihoods and, (d) community infrastructure. CUP has also developed an intrinsic capacity to offer one-window management services, 27

which includes project management, monitoring & evaluation, baseline and research studies/surveys, and capacity building services, to development organizations, government agencies, donors, International NGOs and the private sector.

10. Social Action Bureau for Assistance in Welfare and Organizational Networking (SABAWON)
SABAWON stands for Social Action Bureau for Assistance in Welfare and Organizational Networking. It is a civil society organization created in September 1994, and is registered with the Government of Pakistan under the Societies Act of 1860. SABAWON is working for a society, free of all kind of discrimination and providing an enabling environment to poor community for ensuring sustainable livelihood. Motivated by our concern for the countrys poverty, affecting mostly women and children, SABAWONs mission is to provide access to primary education, infrastructure, health resources, prevent diseases and promote development, in social sector, through dynamic partnerships that build local capacity in efficient and measurable ways. Currently SABAWON is implementing projects in the KPK and Punjab provinces with UNICEF, Plan Pakistan, PPAF, EC, IWP, AKU/MoWD, Abt.Inc/USAID, Ministry of Industries Govt: of Pakistan and NEF. The Partnerships are in the field of Education, Health, Water & Environmental Sanitation, Community Physical Infrastructures, Rights, Good Governance and Institutional Development Sectors. SABAWON considers intervention in these sectors essential to reduce poverty and ensure gender balanced sustainable development.


Mountain Institute for Educational Development (MIED)

Mountain Institute for Educational Development MIED Pakistan, a non-profit national, was established in the year 2003. For the implementation of its educational programs MIED has been working with various organizations. It entered into an agreement with PPAF in November 2009 to implement School Improvement Program in 30 govt. primary and secondary schools (boys & girls) in District Batagram of KPK. MIED has been considered one of the top Three Quality Educational Organizations to build the capacity of Provincial and Regional Institute of Teacher Education selected by USAID for Pre-STEP project in Pakistan. In line with the Financing agreement, MIED provided with missing facilities to 30 project schools and worked with local communities and school PTCs and build their capacity for their role in school improvement. MIED also organized teachers training programs through quality trainers and training NGOs. In December 2009, MIED entered with another Financing Agreement with PPAF as PO for SIP in Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan. It targeted 21 govt. and 9 community managed schools in year 2010 and 2011. In March 2010, MIED through PPAFs support started interventions in Mianwali on request of the corporate sector (Nightingale Foundation). It is working with 4 SIP schools.

12. Hazara Development and Advocacy Foundation (HADAF)

HADAF was established in 2003 as a non-profit and non-governmental (NGO) public interest organization and registered under the Societies Act of 1860. HADAFs goal is to mobilize community members so that they can become agents of change in their villages. HADAF works with a wide range of stakeholders that include civil society groups, media, policy makers, government line agencies and opinion makers. HADAF has organized and strengthened community organizations in more than 146 villages as part of its social mobilization program. During the course of its activities HADAF has gained diversified and rich experiences.


Asian Humanitarian Organization (AHO)

The Asia Humanitarian Organization (AHO) is not-for-profit and non-governmental organization registered under the Joint Stock Companies and Societies Act XXI of 1860 in May 2003. Its working in the field of social, economic and infrastructure development and for the rights of the marginalized communities. It believes that sustainable development can only be achieved when communities are enabled to realize their full potential and empowering them to strive for their collective rights and solving their collective problems 28

by cooperating and participatory manner. AHO is working to achieve the vision with prime focus on mobilizing/organizing and delivering services to poor and deprived communities without extending any discrimination against social origin, sex, race, caste and religion. Therefore, AHO includes all vulnerable groups such as women& disabled, all ethnic groups, all sects, all religions, all castes etc in its programs and benefits of the project interventions with special parity towards the most vulnerable human beings.


Childrens Global Network-Pakistan (Guarantee) Ltd.

CGN-P was established in September 2005 and is registered with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan under section 43 of Companies Ordinance 1984.CGN-Ps mission is in line with the EFA and MDG goals and the objectives of the National Education Policy, Education Sector Reforms (ESR) and Provincial Reforms Program. CGN-P is a lead stakeholder in the education sector of Pakistan working in close collaboration with the government at federal, provincial and local level. It focuses on providing equitable quality education to the marginalized segments of society creating best learning opportunities for their children, exposing teachers to research based teaching methods, making learning fun for children by providing active learning material to the class rooms and making parents a partner in their childs education.


Change in Education

Change - in Education is a non-governmental and not-for-profit autonomous registered organization under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance 1984, under the regulatory supervision of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Change - in Education is a social and development sector initiative by Pakistans leading private education system to help sponsor educational change across public education system, born out of blazing passion for reformation of Education thus bridging the public and private sector quality divide. As education in Pakistan is no more an urban elite phenomenon, our core purpose is to revolutionize the public and community education system and connect by bridging the quality gaps. Change - in Education has been founded to deliver quality, affordable yet sustainable education. Change in Education has experience in schooling of children, capacity building, preparation and presentation of Audio Visual aids (AV aids), curricular and co-curricular teaching and learning activities. Academic activities of Change in Education focus on improving confidence of children and leadership skills. It has a strong governance structure and an efficient second line of management with demonstrated experience in handling community driven development projects.


Environmental Protection Society (EPS)

Environmental Protection Society (EPS) is a non-governmental organization (NGO). Since inception in 1991 till 1997 its main activities and projects were concentrated in District Swat. The Society earned a good name and started its journey towards professionalism as well and extended its interventions to the districts of Buner, Upper Dir, Lower Dir, Shangla, Kohistan,Malakand and other parts of KPK, where EPS has already developed good working relations with most of the organizations and the line departments of these areas. The Society maintained the tempo of work till 2008, when the Executive Board of the Society took the decision to expand EPS area of operation and work for the uplift of other areas throughout the country and establish a new office in Islamabad. Due to the man induced complex disaster, Malakand Division, specifically District Swat and Buner were confronted with a lot of damages and more than 2.5 million people were displaced from their place of origin. On July 20, 2009 some of the areas of Malakand Division were declared safe by the concerned line agencies and the early stage of recovery initiated. EPS closed its Islamabad Office and focused on Malakand Division to play its due role for the uplift of the area. EPS has a General Body and a Council of nine members. Natural Resource Management is its programmatic area and it has five units- Finance and Administration Unit, Human Resource Unit, Technical Unit, Monitoring & Evaluation Unit and Research and Publication Unit which provide technical support to the core


activities and projects executed by EPS. Founded in 1991, EPS was registered in 1994 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It is a non-profit and non-ethnic organization concerned with the physical, social and cultural environment of the Country. Natural Resource Management is the programmatic area of EPS and So far, the Society has successfully executed more than seventy projects in partnership with different national and international organizations. EPS remained a partner of CHIP for five years and got expertise in the field of social mobilization which is now its field of distinction. EPS established community organizationsfor the effective implementation of Malakand Rural Development Project in whole of Swat district. The other fields of expertise of the Society are HID, livelihood, WASH, CPI, health, DRM, disability, gender and development rural and urban management etc., and implemented a good number of projects with focus on these thematic areas. Currently, EPS is executing three projects- one on agriculture in partnership with FAO in Dir Upper, second on WASH in collaboration with German Agro Action (GAA) in Shangla and Kohistan and the third on integrated development in partnership with PPAF in district Swat. The project in partnership with PPAF has five components- Social mobilization, HID, CPI, disability and health. Out of the five components health and disability are successfully accomplished and the other three components are still in progress. Moreover, in Buner EPS in collaboration with Handicap international executed a project on WASH in two phases. EPS has a good knowledge of the area, its topography, norms & values and good working relation with the line agencies of the area. The Society has worked at the grassroots level in the area and has earned a very good name. It is therefore, pertinent that EPS relevant work experience in the project area will be helpful to make the project a success.


Ghazi Barotha Taraqiati Idara (GBTI)

Ghazi Barotha Taraqiati Idara (GBTI) is not-for-profit and non-governmental organization registered under the section 42 of companies ordinance 1984on October 08, 1995. Its working with a vision of alleviating poverty and improving quality of life of the rural people affected by the Ghazi Barotha Hydropower Project (GBHP) in Punjab (District Attock) and KP (District Haripur and Swabi). Their main focus is on social mobilization and integrated development through community physical infrastructure, natural resource management, micro-credit, enterprise development and capacity building. GBTI is working in 20 union councils. It believes that sustainable development can only be achieved through institutional development of rural communities and to enable them to realize their full potential and solving their collective problems by cooperating& participatory manner. GBTIs was mandate to facilitate a multi stakeholder consultation and interaction mechanism to help in achieving the desired Ghazi Barotha Hydro Power Project objectives and work as a catalyst, promoting participatory development of the affected communities to bring about lasting improvements in the quality of lives of the people of the Project area.



Sustainable Peace& Development Organization (SPADO)

SPADO is a non-profit, non-political organization registered in 2002 with the Government of Pakistan under the societys registration act of 1860. The organization is working for a peaceful environment. It has a wide coverage in KP & FATA. SPADO has worked with more than 60 local NGOs and CBOs, it has strong linkages with the local communities in FATA and KPK that include religious scholars, political leaders, media, academic institutions and youth. SPADO has established a youth network engaging potential youth for peace and development. The network has hundreds of members in KPK. It has good financial systems. The board consists of members from local government and the development sector. Its Core expertise, as the name indicates, is conflict resolution in conflict affected areas, youth mobilization, small business grants and water and sanitation projects. It has also implemented some health and education projects. In health, they have established a welfare hospital in Swat through philanthropist funding of 0.4 million and operated it for one year after which the community has been running it through its own resources as well as the income generated from the services of the hospital. In education, SPADO has strengthened 61 government schools in District Batagram through funding from UNICEF. The long term strategic plan of SPADO is based on sustainable structure, where the internal strengths, human and material resources are used in a manner of self-help supporting the running costs of the organization. In this regard the organization has already started working on the core ideas of organizational sustainability. SPADO is not only an organization but rather a campaign, active at local, regional and international levels. The organization has already established sound long term partnerships with many leading international organizations that will help a lot to further build its capacity and provide a solid basis for the sustainability of the organization.


Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

1,Hill View Road, Banigala, Islamabad UAN,+92-51-111-000-102, Fax. +92-51-261-3931-33 Website:

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