LACIP Year One 2012-13 New One

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Livelihood Support & Promotion of Small Community Physical Infrastructure

Year One


Introduction to LACIP

02 LACIP in Retrospect 03 District Portfolio 04

Baseline and Response

05 06 07 08
Project Summary

Monitoring Communications Future Plans Financial Summary




*Chitral *D.I Khan *Charsadda *Buner *Swabi *Haripur

#Project Components
*Small/Medium Scale Infrastructure *Livelihood Enhancement & Protection *Health & Education *Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation

#21 #60 #31.5

Partner Organizations

Target Union Councils

Million Euros Project Cost


LACIP Year One Report 2012-13


Introduction to LACIP

The program Livelihood Support & Promotion of Small Community Infrastructure Project (LACIP) is co-financed by the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW. The total Project cost is 31.5 Million Euros and will be executed by Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) over a period of three years. It aims to reduce the poverty levels by increasing economic opportunities in the project region. The project is mandated to work in Institutional Development as a foundation and create an integrated approach towards development using the components of Small and Medium Scale Infrastructure (SMI), Livelihood Enhancement & Protection (LEP), Health & Education (H&E) and Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM) in the 7 selected districts (Chitral, Buner, Swabi, Charsadda, D.I. Khan Haripur and Nowshera) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Small and Medium Scale Infrastructure will respond to the communitys basic needs and demands following the Community Driven Development approach. In total, approximately 2,350 CPI schemes (2000 conventional and 350 innovative) will be implemented through the Project in the 6 target Districts. Livelihood support is a major component in the Project. It will work towards the setting up of 7000 units of livelihood support, and provide asset and business management trainings to the beneficiaries in the 6 Districts. Through the Health and Education (H&E) component, support would be provided to villages with existing health or education facilities operated by the government or community organizations requiring physical and functional improvements. Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM) is vital to the Project, not only to mainstream DRR in the small and medium scale infrastructure schemes but also to enhance capacities of the communities to prepare for and cope with likely disasters.

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13



LACIP in Retrospect

of Districts Swabi and D.I Khan completed

#Newsletter called LACIP Update shared within PPAF and donor #Background paper of LACIP completed #LACIP Website launched with GIS coordinate Maps #MOUs with University of Gomal, University
of Swat, QAIU \and Aurat foundation

#Two Day Orientation Session held with

Phase I, II & III Partner Organizations

#CPI Manual Revised by committee

lead by the Senior Group Head - PGS

#Baseline conducted and report published #Coordination meetings held with DCOs of Chitral and Charsadda, DG
PDMA and Speaker Provincial Assembly for establishment of District Development

report published

#3 KfW missions facilitated by LACIP PMU to Chitral, Swabi and Charsadda #Workshop on Multi Sector Planning conducted
LACIP Year One Report 2012-13

#ART Mission facilitated by LACIP



District Portfolio


*3 POs *7 UCs

*4 POs *9 UCs

*2 POs *4 UCs
LACIP Year One Report 2012-13

*3 POs *7 UCs

#D.I. Khan
*5 POs *7 UCs

*1 PO *2 UCs


Community Organizations

District Portfolio

Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes Initiated

Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes Completed

Assets Transferred

Health and Education Schemes

The District of Buner is divided into two Tehsils. It comprises of a total area of 1,865 square kilometers.

5 Partner Organizations

7 Union Councils under LACIP

Chagalai Gulbandi Ghorghosto Amazai Mukhranai Nawagai Koga

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13


District Portfolio

The District covers an area of 996 square kilometers. Charsadda is administratively subdivided in to 2 Tehsils

2 Partner Organizations
4 Union Councils under LACIP



Community Organizations

Mandani Hisra Nehri Dhakay Prang

Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes Initiated

Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes Completed

Assets Transferred


LACIP Year One Report 2012-13



District Portfolio

Community Organizations

Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes Initiated

3 Partner Organizations #MIED

Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes Completed



7 Union Councils under LACIP

Yar khoon Shishikoh Koh Khot Oveer

Assets Transferred Health and Education Schemes

450 16
LACIP Year One Report 2012-13

Chitral II Mulkhow

The District covers an area of 996 square kilometers. Charsadda is administratively subdivided in to 2 Tehsils


D.I Khan
District Portfolio

5 Partner Organizations






DI Khan has an area of 7,326 square kilometers. The District is subdivided into 3 Tehsils Community Organizations

Community Physical Infrastructure Schemes Initiated

Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes Completed

9 Union Councils under LACIP Assets Transferred

Korai Mehra


Daraban Parowa

Health and Education Schemes

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13

10 10


District Portfolio
4 Partner Organizations #SWWS #NRSP #SDF #GBTI

Community Organizations Community Physical Infrastructure Schemes Initiated

Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes Completed

9 Union Councils under LACIP

Sara Cheena

Assets Transferred

Checknodha Anbar Asota Bachai Parmolai Kohta

Health and Education Schemes



LACIP Year One Report 2012-13

The total area of Swabi comprises of 1,543 square kilometers. There are 5 Tehsils in Swabi



Baseline and Response

Baseline Findings
Irrigation and Agriculture
#2 main sources of Irrigation water are Canals (67%) and Rainfed (67%)

#Average Household Size is 6-10 Individuals #Common source of income is Agriculture (67%) #Major tradesLivestock (73%), Skilled Worker (67%), Street Vendors (27%) #Women accounted for 6% of all earning Members, highlighting their marginalization #(67%) of communities surviving at less than 1 US $ Per day #On average, one earner per 5 persons

#(67%) of all child deliveries in rural areas take place at homeKP Data PSLM 2010-11 #Maternal Morbidity rate for KP is 275 per 100,000 live births #Diarrhea (87%), Typhoid (53%), Malaria (53%), Hepatitis (33%) # (99%) of households do not use any water purification methods

#(47 %) of the villages do not have sewerage system #(6%) of households reported they did not have latrine #(32%) of population disposed waste in the street

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




Institutional Development

Baseline and Response

#At household level, only (17%) households indicated that they were members of any community organization #Common community organization is Village Council (47%) #Community Based Organization (36%) #Masjid Committees (14%)

#Buner and D.I. Khan stand out with lowest school attended rates (37%) and (31%) #Overall literacy rate for rural KP is (48%) with (29%) for femalesPSLM 2010-11 #(56%) of population has received no education #(12%) has 1-5 years education #(7%) has more than 5-8 years education #(13%) has more than 10 years education #Schools composition - Government Schools (77%), Private Schools (22%)

#Only (23%) of Villages indicated they were informed before the flood #(43%) of Cases reported that no flood relief reached the affected village #(87%) Villages surveyed, were affected by disaster in last 5 years #Disaster compositionFloods (53%), Earthquake (33%)

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




Baseline and Response

Village Organizations and Union Council Development Organizations being formed at Union Council level

Formation and Revitalization of Community Organizations in Districts of LACIP Elections in Women Community Organizations initiated
LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




Baseline and Response

Small and Medium Infrastructures initiated in LACIP Districts

PCC Link Roads, Bridges

Drinking Water Schemes

Irrigation Projects
Flood Protective Walls

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




Baseline and Response

Assets Transferred to community organization members scoring low on the Poverty Score Card Survey Asset, Business Management and Livelihood Trainings given to Asset transfer recipients

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




Basic Health Units Established at Union Council Level

Baseline and Response

Trainings provided to Teachers PTCs Formed Renovation of Existing facilities Missing facilities given to Schools and Health Units

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




Monitoring Tier Levels

Community Organization Level

Operational Unit Level

Monitoring & Evaluation Unit Level

Internal Audit Unit Level

Financial Unit Level

External Audit Level

The Partner Organizations report on outputs achievements and budgets on the basis of indicators developed for the Project on monthly and quarterly basis using standard formats of PPAF. The information is compiled and stored in the LACIP computerized Management Information System (MIS). During regular monitoring visits the following activities are performed: Field visits and discussions with Partner Organizations, Community Organizations and local communities Review of LACI-P activities and their effectiveness in coordination with PPAF, with regard to achieving the Project objectives

Apart from reviews and progress reports, regular audits are carried out by the Internal and external auditing teams and the finance unit.

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




#Verification of Partner Organizations record keeping


#Quality assurance of Community Organizations formed

#Monitoring Visits to all LACIP Districts

#Health and Education Schemes visits of BHUs


LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




#Verification of asset transfer recipients


#Monitoring of infrastructure schemes in all LACIP Districts

#D.I Khan



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13 20


#Multi-Sector Planning Workshop Communications

#Workshop held by HELVETAS-Advisory Review Team (ART)

For developing an integrated and inclusive approach at the community level, PPAF organized a one-day orientation workshop around Multi-Sector Planning for partner organizations in Islamabad on 6th May 2012. PGM-LACIP Mr. Masood Khalid shared the objectives and scope of the workshop. He encouraged the participants to share their perspectives and insights about the Project to create a better understanding among the partners about the scope of the LACIP.

A one-day introductory workshop was organized by PPAF and HELVETAS Swiss Inter Cooperation at PPAF Office on 2nd August, 2012. Senior Group Head (PGS) Mr. Zaffar Pervez Sabri, General Managers of PPAF, Advisory review team of HELVETAS Swiss Inter Cooperation and 12 Partner Organizations (POs) from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa participated in the workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to introduce the ART assignment including the field visit program to the POs, get brief introduction of each PO, bring in discussion the expectation of the POs from the ART over the coming days and present the expectations of the ART from POs in the field.

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13



#LACIP POs Orientation Workshop Communications

#Launching Ceremony of the LACIP

The two day orientation workshop which was held in Peshawar on the 29th and 30th of November, 2012. PGM-LACIP Mr. Masood Khalid shared the objectives and scope of the Workshop in his welcome address. While focusing on the LACIP, Mr. Masood emphasized on the development of Village Development Plans (VDP) for each revenue village. He encouraged the POs to carry out the activity of developing a before and after poster of their village with the community institutions in which they will draw the present situation of the village and how they would like to see the village after five years. He urged the POs to conduct multi-sector planning at Union Council level and once the planning is complete, all POs should coordinate to develop a District Development Forum which would be chaired by the DCO. PPAF held a successful launching ceremony for the KfW funded Livelihood Support & Promotion of Small Community Infrastructur e Project (LACIP) on 14th of September, 2012 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad. The Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Barrister Masood Kausar was invited as the Chief Guest, while the list of distinguished guests included KfW Country Director Dr. Anna Christine Janke, Social Welfare Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ms. Sitara Ayaz and C.E.O PPAF Mr. Qazi Azmat Isa. Dr. Anna Christine Janke said that it was a laudable initiative taken by PPAF which would result in the benefit of over 600,000 people in the target districts. Barrister Masood Kausar stated that it was indeed a moment to recognize the commitment of PPAF to eradicate poverty and that this Project would open up new vistas of opportunities for the poor in Khyber Pakhthunkhwa and Fata.

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13




#BMZ Mission to District Charsadda

The LACIP Team organized a field visit for the BMZ Mission in the District Charsadda on the 9th of April, 2013. The team visiting Charsadda comprised of PPAF C.E.O Qazi Azmat Isa along, KfW Director Anna Christine Janke, KfW Program Manager Haroon Razzaq, Senior Group Head PGS Zaffar Pervez Sabri and PGM-LACIP Masood Khalid. PPAFs Partner Organization SRSP facilitated the visiting team in the field and called upon a community organization to give a presentation on the positive impacts of the link road constructed in their village. The team met with several asset transfer recipients in the union council Mandani. The members of the BMZ mission and KfW representatives commended team LACIP and its PO SRSP and gave their positive feedback on the quality of work and its impacts on the lives of people there.

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13



#Creation of District Development Forums

Future Plans

#LACIP Coordination meetings with Mr. Pervez Khattak Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The rationale of District development forums in LACIP is to create ownership to ensure sustainability of the small community projects undertaken by community organizations partnering with PPAF. This concept will be applied to all the Districts under LACIP. The possible actors involved in DDF is the local government, line departments and civil society organizations (CSOs), Local support organizations (LSOs) and Partner Organizations of PPAF. DDF constituted at the District level, will hold its meetings chaired by the Deputy Commissioner on quarterly basis to discuss the local felt needs of the Project area and issues faced by POs and CSOs. The MoUs of Collaborative Partnerships will also be signed with Provincial Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Provincial Bar Council

Coordination meetings with Chief Minister Mr. Pervez Khattak carried out by LACIP GM Mr. Masood Khalid. LACIP will initiate a poverty reduction cell at the Union Council level and link it with District development forum meetings held quarterly. A Union Council based network will be created in which Presidents of various institutions of Academia, the media and the Bar, civil society organizations will take part in and the DCO will chair the meetings. The ultimate goal is make the Union Councils a part of the Annual Development Plan next year.

#Initiating Union Council Level Resource Centers

The Union Council development organizations (UCDOs) will hold their activities at Resource Centers at the Union Council level. Resource centers will be cost effectively created as existing buildings such as those of Basic Health Units will be used. These Resource centers will also act as Mobile Courts where Judges will be asked to hear all Union Council legal cases and bring swift justice for communities. These centers will also be used for Disaster Risk Reduction cell units where equipment and personnel will be placed for the communities assistance and information.

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13



Future Plans

#Trainings provided to Community Members from all LACIP Districts at NLCATIN

There are a total of 513 community members being provided trainings in heavy machinery, auto cad, surveyor training, construction machinery, auto mechanics and electronics at NLC ATIN institute in Dina. These trainees will spend 3 months at the institute and at the end of the training will be given a certificate of completion and then placed in to jobs. These trainings for community members from LACIP Districts will be carried out in batches over the year.

LACIP Year One Report 2012-13



Financial Summary #Utilization Status as of May 2013 (EUR)

6,203,332 5
LACIP Year One Report 2012-13

Small & Medium Scale Infrastructure

,213,544 (EUR)

2,420,758 EUR
Livelihood Enhancement & Protection

830,405 EUR
Health & Education


492,609 EUR


Progress Summary

#Project Progress Summary as of May 2013

Assets Transferred
LACIP Year One Report 2012-13

641 1,649
Community Organizations



Small & Medium Infrastructure Schemes



Livelihood Support & Promotion of Small Community Physical Infrastructure

Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund 1,Hill View Road, Banigala, Islamabad.

UAN +92-51-111-000-102 Fax +92-51-261-3931-33

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