Icore 14

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Call for Papers

Theme: Innovations in Teaching and Learning

2nd International Conference on Research in Education
N No ov ve em mb be er r1 18 8--2 20 0,, 2 20 01 14 4 at

Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore-PAKISTAN

The ICORE Organizing Committee would like to invite you to participate in the 2nd International Conference on Research in Education (ICORE 2014), organized by Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan to be held on November 18 - 20, 2014. This conference will be a great opportunity to researchers, teacher educators, teachers, social scientists and professionals around the world for presentation of research based knowledge, experiences, new advancements, research results and innovations in the field of education. Besides the formal conference activities Educational Exhibition will also be organized for the participants.

SPECIAL NOTE: IIC CO OR RE E iis sp po os st tp po on ne ed dt to oN No ov ve em mb be er r1 18 8-2 20 0,, 2 20 01 14 4d du ue et to o c co on ns st tr ru uc ct tiio on na an nd dr re en no ov va at tiio on nw wo or rk ka at tV Ve en nu ue e.. W We ef fe ee ell s so or rr ry yf fo or rt th hiis s iin nc co on nv ve en niie en nc ce ea an nd dt th ha an nk ks sf fo or ry yo ou ur r u un nd de er rs st ta an nd diin ng g..

Important Dates:
Please, remember the following important dates:

Activities Abstract Submission Deadline Notification of Acceptance/Rejection Final Paper Submission Deadline Early Bird Registration Deadline

Authors Who Received Acceptance Letters November 30, 2013 December 31, 2013 February 15, 2014 June 30, 2014

March 31, 2014 April 15, 2014 May 31, 2014

June 30, 2014

Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Secondary Education Higher Education Business Education Islamic Education Special Education Inclusive Education Technology Education Vocational Education Comparative Education Teacher Education Educational Planning and Management Educational Administration and Leadership School Improvement School Restructuring Quality Assurance in Education Human Resource Management in Education Educational Consultancy Knowledge Management Economics of Education Sociology of Education Mathematics Education Science Education Educational Policy Study Language Education Educational Psychology Stress Management Job Satisfaction Guidance and Counseling Teaching and Learning Processes Teaching Styles Learning and Cognitive Styles Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education E-learning and Distance Education Curriculum Development and Instruction Curriculum Design and Innovations Curriculum Reforms Curriculum and Instructional Adaptation Innovations and Sustainable Development Practice Teaching Educational Assessment & Evaluation Globalization in Education Adult and Continuing Education Contemporary Issues in Education

Note: Abstracts, not exceeding 250 words be submitted on prescribed form through, email: [email protected].

Conference Chair
Dr. Mumtaz Akhter Professor & Director Institute of Education and Research University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan

Conference Secretary
Dr. Muhammad Shahid Farooq Assistant Professor Institute of Education and Research University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan Email: [email protected]

2nd International Conference on Research in Education

November 18-20, 2014 at

Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore-PAKISTAN ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM
Abstract ID
(For ICORE use)

Title of the Paper Mode of Presentation Strand"Cate#or$

(From conference strands list)




Latest Photograph of Author (s)

Na%e Dr&" Mr&" Miss&" Mrs& Desi#nation Depart%ent"Or#ani'ation Uni(ersit$ Cit$ e%ail

Co)ntr$ Phone"Cell

Brief Profile of A)thor *s+, (Max !"" #ords)

Abstract, *Ma-& ./0 1ords+

(A$stract should $e in paragraphic form focusing on %&ac'ground( Research design( O$)ecti*e( Population + sampling( Instrumentation( Findings( Conclusion( Implications%)


2e$ 3ords, . ! / 0

Theme: Innovations in Teaching and Learning

2nd International Conference on Research in Education
November 18-20, 2014 at

Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore-PAKISTAN

EARLY REGISTRATION (30.06. 2014) Authors Co-authors Additional submission Participants Accompanying person Virtual Presenter Poster Presenters Students (Undergraduate & Master level) Euro 200.00 Euro 200.00 Euro 150.00 Euro 200.00 Euro 200.00 Euro 200.00 Euro 200.00 Euro 150.00 USD 300.00 USD 300.00 USD 200.00 USD 300.00 USD 300.00 USD 300.00 USD 300.00 USD 200.00 PKR 3000.00 PKR 3000.00 PKR 2500.00 PKR 2000.00 PKR 2000.00 PKR 2000.00 PKR 2000.00 PKR 1000.00

Registration Fee in PKR (Pakistani Rupees) is only for Local/National presenters

LATE REGISTRATION (After 30.06. 2014) Authors Co-authors Additional submission Participants Accompanying person Virtual Presenter Poster Presenters Students (Undergraduate & Master level) ON INFORMATION DESK (18.11.2014) Authors Co-authors Additional submission Participants Accompanying person Poster Presenters Students (Undergraduate & Master level) SPECIAL NOTE: Authors/Co-authors Registration Fee Includes: Participation in the Program Lunches Dinners Conference Badge Conference bag and conference accessories Conference documents and proceeding Certificate Coffee/Tea Conference tour Participants Registration Fee Includes: Participation in the Program Lunches Conference Badge Conference bag and conference accessories Conference documents and proceeding Certificate Coffee/Tea Accompanying persons Registration Fee Includes: Coffee/Tea & Lunches Opening & Closing Session Access to the Conference Rooms Euro 300.00 Euro 300.00 Euro 250.00 Euro 300.00 Euro 300.00 Euro 300.00 Euro 250.00 USD 400.00 USD 400.00 USD 300.00 USD 400.00 USD 400.00 USD 400.00 USD 300.00 PKR 4000.00 PKR 4000.00 PKR 3500.00 PKR 3000.00 PKR 3000.00 PKR 3000.00 PKR 2000.00 Euro 250.00 Euro 250.00 Euro 200.00 Euro 250.00 Euro 250.00 Euro 250.00 Euro 250.00 Euro 200.00 USD 350.00 USD 350.00 USD 250.00 USD 350.00 USD 350.00 USD 350.00 USD 350.00 USD 250.00 PKR PKR PKR PKR PKR PKR PKR PKR 3500.00 3500.00 3000.00 2500.00 2500.00 2500.00 2500.00 1500.00

Registration Fee in PKR (Pakistani Rupees) is only for Local/National presenters

*Registration Fee in PKR (Pakistani Rupees) is only for Local/National presenters

Virtual Participants If you wish your paper to be published in ICORE 2014 Publications, but are not able to attend the ICORE 2014 in person, you can register as a virtual presenter. Virtual authors should submit their abstracts for evaluation before the deadline: March 31, 2014. When an abstract is accepted, the full paper should be submitted on or before May 31, 2014. The Virtual Participant can send a PowerPoint presentation and the conference team upload it to the ICORE 2014 web page. Abstracts and papers will be included in ICORE 2014 publications. Virtual participants should register up to
June 30, 2013.

The registration fees include:

Conference proceeding An Author certificate An invoice of the registration fee Upload to the ICORE 2014 web page

OTHERS A Co-Author cannot and should not register as an Accompanying person (without bag). An Accompanying person does not submit or be part of the Co-Authors of a paper. A Participant is an attendee that does not submit or present a paper, but attends sessions. Virtual presenter not attending author who is not able to attend the ICORE 2014 in person and can register as a virtual presenter. Cancellation Policy o Any cancellation after your registration will take EUR 150.00/USD 200/ PKR 1000 as administrative charges. o No cancellation will be allowed after the July 31, 2014.

Theme: Innovations in Teaching and Learning

2nd International Conference on Research in Education
November 18-20, 2014 at

Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore-PAKISTAN

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