Awakening Indians To India (Presentation)

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Awakening Indians To India

Education @ INDIA
Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. India invented the Number System. The decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages.

Education @ INDIA
The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana in the 6th century. The World's first university was established in Takshashila in 700 BC. India has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World.

Is it education?

According to recent surveys,38% People are uneducated in INDIA i.e. Nearly 40 crores people in INDIA are uneducated.

India towards the life

Sushruta who lived in 600 BC is the father of surgery. The origins of yoga are shrouded in antiquity and mystery around 200 BC. The recent trends in medication is impossible without Ayurveda

Life is cheaper than money

In INDIA every year the people death in different diseases is 0.7% that is 7000000 people die in different diseases.

Our Challenges
Poverty Population Education Regionalism Naxalite Terrorism Poor condition of Women

In India 35% to 40% people belongs to below poverty line. Nearly 5% of people go to bed without any food. Poverty is one of the biggest problem of our country reason behind this : a. Unequal distribution of money b. Politics c. Lack of education d. Population

INDIA is the second largest populated country in the world. Population is not only the problem of our country but also whole world. The Reasons are: 1-Our Religion 2-Lack of Education 3-Superstition

In our country approximately 38% people are uneducated. The reasons are : i. Poverty ii. Distinction between boys and girls iii. Religion iv. Population v. Lack of Communication to Remote area.

A Nation Where A Italian Born Woman scarifies the post of prime ministry for a sikh who takes the oath from an islamic President to govern a nation Where 81% People are Hindu.

The reasons behind this are: I. Poverty II. Lack of education III. We the people IV. Politics

Naxalite movement now a day it biggest problem of our society.

who responsible for this???

a) b) c) d) Poverty of people Behaviors of our society Division of cast Politics

Terror. Fear But Why??? A. Directly or In-directly we are responsible B. History

Poor condition of women

In INDIA the poor condition of women is one of the major problem. who responsible behind this?? 1) Women herself 2) Our society 3) Our religion like 4) Their own believe

My dream INDIA
In my dream INDIA there will be
I. II. No difference between poor & rich people. All will financially equal. No difference between people of low cast i.e. (harijan) & people of higher cast (Brahmin). No difference between Men & Women as both have the same responsibility toward our society & our Nation. No sign of crime or criminal. No conflict between people of different religion. We will Rule The World together.


IV. V. VI.

Proud to be an indian

Reference: 1. 2. News Channel

Samrat Suna


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