My Assessment: - Mar Izquierdo - Theory and Methodology of Assessment - 2013

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MAR IZQUIERDO Theory and Methodology of Assessment 20 !

We are going to imagine that we are in a bilingual class (Spanish, English), of 13-year-old. 1. collection of !"-3" items (semi ob#ecti$e % ob#ecti$e % sub#ecti$e) selected from $arious sources and annotated

1.&'(E)*+,E*+.E- !" minutes 1.1- la acera a. lamp post b. sidewal/ c. dri$eway d. highway 1.!- Estoy 'ien means.. a. + am bad b. + am fine c. 0ow are you d. What are you doing e. Sleep Well 1.3- +f going to meet the go$ernor of las/a, and you wanted to as/ him how he was, you would say...... a. )omo sta usted1 b. 2ue tal1 c. 2ue pasa1 1.3- )ome se llama1 means What is your name. a. *rue b. 4alse 1.5- 2ue pasa is formal a. *rue b. 4alse 1.6- 2ue70ow many

a. *rue b. 4alse 1.8- 1 a. 9no b. dos c. cuatro 1.:- timido a. shy b. sincere c. nice d. blonde 1.;- rubio(a) a. dar/ b. redheaded c. blonde d. brunette 1.1"- What is the fifth day of the wee/ if monday is the first (espanol) a. s<bado b. martes c. #ue$es d. $iernes !.SE.+-&'(E)*+,E*+.E- 3" minutes !.1 s we li$e in =ondon, we had thought it was a good >>>>>>>>>>>>>to go to ?aris for one wee/. s you can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, we were $ery happy and enthusiastic. >>>>>>>>>>>, something unpredictable happened. !.! We had boo/ed a small>>>>>>>>>>>> in a nice hotel>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ri$er.

!.3 >>>>>>>>>>> we got there, the lady at the>>>>>>>>>>>>>> informed us that they had no more a$ailable rooms and went inside the office. We were surprised and furious. 0ow was it possible that they didn@t ha$e our room ready1 !.3>>>>>>>>>>>>the lady reappeared and ga$e us great news. >>>>>>>>>>>> it was their mista/e, we were offered a >>>>>>>>>>>> free of chargeA !.3 *he new room was huge, with a gorgeous >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the city and the ri$er. nd they >>>>>>>>>>>>> brought us a bottle of champagne to our room. +t was certainly an unforgettable eBperienceA !.5 + often go to $isit our grandma >>>>>>>>>>> the afternoon. !.6 What do you usually do >>>>>>>>>>>> the wee/ends1 !.8 What time do you get up >>>>>>>>>>>> Sundays1 !.: Coes your sister li$e >>>>>>>>>>>>>.adrid1 !.; She goes >>>>>>>>>>>>> the cinema e$ery month. !.1" .y parents are >>>>>>>>>>>> holiday in Spain. 3. S9'(E)*+,E *+.E- 3" minutes each one. 3.1 Dow write a composition about your dialy routine 3.! Dow write about your family 3.3 Dow write an e-mail about your fa$ourite pop star. 3.3 Dow write about your fa$ourite sport 3.5 Dow write an e-mail about your town. 3.6 Dow write about a famous person. 3.8 Dow write about what you did last summer. 3.: Dow write about your fa$ourite film. 3.; Dow write about a school trip you ha$e made to an aEuarium or a Foo.


collection of !"-3" items (semi-ob#ecti$e % ob#ecti$e % sub#ecti$e) created by you.

1.&'(E)*+,E *+.E 15 minutes )omplete the sentences with another, other o others. 1.1 Would you li/e GGGGG.. slice of ca/e1 1.!. Some people li/e the seaGGGGGG.. prefer the mountains. 1.3. + want to go out tonight but my partner has GGGGGGGGG. plans. 1.3. + would li/e to ha$e GGGGGGGGGG. child. 1.5. Some children are playing outside and the GGGGGGGGG. are watching a film in the li$ing room. 1.6. + am loo/ing for GGGGGGGG.. flat because the one + ha$e is $ery noisy. 1.8. Co you ha$e this *-shirt inGGGGGGG. colours1 1.:. Co you ha$e this *-shirt in GGGGGGGGG.. colour1 1.;. Co we ha$e GGGGGGGGGG.. options or is this the only one1 1.1". We can go camping. *he GGGGGGGGG option is to stay home and $isit eBhibitions all summer. !. SE.+-&'(E)*+,E *+.E- 3" minutes complete the sentence.

EB- ?etra es estudiante. !.1 Ho ....................... mIdico !.! Il ....................... piloto. !.3 nosotros ................... estudiantes !.3 $osotras ................... enfermeras !.5 ellas ...................... secret<rias - nswer the Euestions. EB, J eres estudiante1 - Si, soy estudiante !.6 J es usted profesor1 - ................................. !.8 J eres ingeniero1 - ................................. !.: J eres piloto1 - .................................

!.; J sois estudiantes1 - ................................. !.1" J son ustedes arEuitectos1 - ............................... 3. S9'(E)*+,E *+.E- 6" minutes + gi$e students a role with an action written in English and they ha$e to represent it in class, the rest ha$e to guess. 3.1 4ly 3.! Craw 3.3 Ki$e a present 3.3 Study 3.5 Ko to shopping 3.6 .eet with their friends. )L+*EL+ &4 E, =9 *+&D E$aluation procedure*he criteria of e$aluation of the areas will be referring fundamental to e$aluate both the degree of acEuisition of basic s/ills and the achie$ement of the ob#ecti$es. Curing the first month of the school year the guardians and tutors will ma/e initial unae$aluacion of students. *o remember the studied in pre$ious years. *his assessment will be the reference point of the teaching staff for the ta/ing of decisions concerning the de$elopment of the curriculum. *hree e$aluations will ta/e place throughout each school year. t the end of each one of them, shall be informed in writing to students and their families about lascalificaciones obtained in each one of the curricular areas. *he guardian of each group will raise record of the de$elopment of the assessment sessions, in which shall be entered the agreements and decisions ta/en. *he assessment of the results deri$ed from these agreements and decisions shall constitute the starting point for the neBt assessment session. +n the case that areas not o$ercome in any e$aluation, will be proposed lascorrespondientes reco$ery testing so that, once o$ercome, corresponding to such reco$ery ratings replaced pre$ious negati$e Eualifications. *he e$aluation of students with specific needs of educational support with adapting the curriculum, will be the e$aluation criteria reflected in these, and lreferente /ey to assess the le$el of achie$ement of basic s/ills. What@s in these eBercises1 Specific tests (oral Escritosy controls) how acti$ities that we ha$e #ust seen. - wor/ done in class- oral production and written (in the case of !nd cycle) -participation in communicati$e acti$ities in class- oral production and comprehension -attitude-

M towards fellow M towards the foreign language and the Spanish culture and English M towards acti$e participation in class t the end of each cycle or stage will decide about the promotion of students al)iclo or neBt stage on the basis of1.-achie$e the programmed ob#ecti$es .!-&$er$iew of the o$erall maturity of the student in instrumental s/ills. 3. ?ossibility to continue further studies successfully. .ust promote the students responsible and constant wor/-based criteria set by the educational team and that they recorded in paragraph of obser$ations of the following form- carries out acti$ities in the classroom - acti$ely participates in the dinamicade class and focus on laconsecucion of the acti$ities - ssists with regularity and punctuality to classes -pay attention in class - organiFes and ta/e care material -is respectful of all persons 4. A reflective essay on own learning management fter completing this pro#ect, + can say that it has not been an easy tas/, in fact has cost me enough.

+ ha$e tried to capture in the eBercises that + ha$e added as it would be a /ind of Spanish for beginners, where the first language would be English. Seeing this from the point of $iew of a student + thin/ the eBercises are suitable, they are not neither too easy nor too difficult for someone who has a minimum of this language notions. *his wor/ helped me, to be able to propose a few eBercises, ha$e a criterion to choose them, and what is more difficult, to create own eBercise in$ented by my. + can say that you found me a rewarding #ob, in which + ha$e ta/en into account aspects related to the age and the le$el of the group to which are directed. 4irst, + created a target eBercise to complete with blan/ spaces, where we ha$e 3 options to choose from when it comes to filling, ma/ing more easy the eBercise since we already assume based on the options that we ha$e, then, ha$e created an eBercise target semi where also there are gaps in white fill, but this time do not ha$e the options as we guide to fill them. So it is more difficult, but must be ta/en into account that this thing would within a conteBt, with an eBplanation of the issue that

we would be studying. nd finally, the last eBercise that + ha$e created is more sub#ecti$e, much more abstract, it is write an essay of this mode reEuires more difficult, because it doesn@t ha$e any /ind of help or guide for writing. +n terms of methodology, we can say that it has helped me to learn the mode in which be passed /nowledge students, always ta/ing into account that children are the protagonists of their own learning, based on their own eBperiences, achie$ing a meaningful learning. *he main ob#ecti$e of my tas/ should be that children learn. +n terms of e$aluation, + belie$e that it has ser$ed to ta/e into account all the aspects that should be e$aluated after performing an acti$ity, it is not sufficient to assess only the students, we also ha$e to do a self-e$aluation to impro$e e$ery day with e$ery new wor/ or acti$ity we underta/e that we ha$e to surpass oursel$es in e$erything we do and always try to o$ercome e$ery day. s for eBample, in this case + feel identified, since + am studying here in Lomania in a language 4oreing is not my, when + too/ a long because + don@t ha$e a good le$el of English, but e$en so, e$en without ha$ing it perfect, + ha$e greatly impro$ed with effort and + am able to read and understand teBts in English that was pre$iously unthin/able for my+ ha$e at least impro$ed somewhat, and + want to continue to impro$e it e$en more, since + still ha$e much wor/ ahead. &n the other hand if we tal/ about the sub#ect, it has been an eBperience that has helped me to better understand the tas/ that we will de$elop in the future as teachers. Each section of the wor/, has gi$en me a new $ision of what really pretend wor/ at the end of this race. ll that + ha$e read and seen, it has helped me to learn more about education, it has been $ery rewarding from the point of $iew as a future teacher. ?repare a class or eBercises is more complicated than it seems, for mi, wor/ of teacher, at least in Spain is $ery under$alued and not recogniFes the wor/ of the teacher, and $ery few people gi$en the importance that it deser$es, and because of this and much more there are so many flaws in the education. ccording to my point of $iew, this should not be so, since the future of a country and all, in children who are now sitting in classrooms, studying, and for this reason we ha$e to in$est our time in them, not only because they deser$e it, but because it is the people who ta/e care of e$erything that surrounds us in the future. +f + choose tubiera that remain with something of what + ha$e studied, of N=earning to li$e togetherN. *his ob#ecti$e, + belie$e that it is one of the most important, since +@$e learned from my own eBperience that the relationship with others allows you to grow as a person, both in /nowledge and in feelings and $alues. +t is $ery important to /now to be part of a society that already it is formed and which is intended to accommodate the new people who come to the world, we do not tal/ only of people but also of our en$ironment in general, through the interaction the $ast ma#ority of the ob#ecti$es can be achie$ed if they wor/ since they are small. + will Euote as an eBample to a philosopher and writer 4rench, called ?ascal, that once + Euote in one of their lboo/O being all the things that cause and helped caused and helpers, mediate and immediate, and all sustained by a natural and insensiti$e union lin/ing the furthest and the most different, + consider it impossible to /now party, are particularly /nown

parties. P 4or this reason it is necessary to learn to O be there P means learning to li$e, to share, to communicate, to communeQ it is something that is learned only in and by the uniEue cultures. Dow we need to learn to be, to li$e, to share, to communicate as humans of planet Earth. Stop being only a culture and also inhabitants of the Earth. We must not only de$ote oursel$es to dominate, also must condition, impro$e and understand. +n teaching all this bound, we ha$e to ta/e e$ery opportunity that gi$es us life to learn from it, and also teach those who surround us, whether a friend, a brother, or a student, because the education not only in the four walls of the classroom, education and teaching this in e$erything that surrounds us, class should be the place of learning of the debate argued of the necessary rules for discussion, awareness of the needs and processes of compression of the thin/ing of others, of listening and respect of minority and marginaliFed $oices, but the world that surrounds us, any occasion in our day to day is as important as this, and must /now how to ta/e ad$antage of it. *hus, compression learning must play a fundamental role in democratic learning. s a final conclusion, note that prior /nowledge that + had ha$e increased than/s to all the new concepts and ideas that + wor/ed this academic course in this sub#ect and all the others. 4rom now on + will be able to use this /nowledge, not only throughout our career, in other sub#ects, but also throughout all my time as a teacher in the future. Rnowledge does not occupy place, so it is good and abo$e all for a future teacher, being in a continuous learning, refresh /nowledge and be in full today of what surrounds us in society.

BIBLIOGRAPHY http-SSwww.testdesigner.comSEuestionsSSocial>Sciences!!".html http-SSwww.nonstopenglish.comSeBercise.asp1eBid7;1: http-SSwww.autoenglish.orgSwriting.htm

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