Tha Canadian War On Drugs, Structural Violence and Treatment of Black Canadians
Tha Canadian War On Drugs, Structural Violence and Treatment of Black Canadians
Tha Canadian War On Drugs, Structural Violence and Treatment of Black Canadians
of Pages 6
International Journal of Drug Policy xxx (2014) xxxxxx
The Canadian war on drugs: Structural violence and unequal treatment of Black Canadians
Akwatu Khenti a,b,
a b
Ofce of Transformative Global Health, CAMH Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Canada
a r t i c l e
i n f o
a b s t r a c t
This paper examines the impact of Canadas war on drugs on segments of the Black community, specically with respect to the impact of structural violence, over-policing, and high incarceration rates. It offers evidence of the systemic nature of these dynamics by examining the early context of the war, growing stigma against Blacks, globalizing inuences, and the punitive focus of funding and policy. The paper also explores how Black men have been identied as the main enemy and how drug control efforts have served to diminish the health, well-being, and self-image of Black men via discriminatory and inequitable treatment before the law. The current high rates of imprisonment of Black men are an indicator of systematic deprivation of signicant social capital, which will perpetuate socioeconomic harm and cycles of violence. This commentary calls for an immediate dissolution of policies regulating the war on drugs as the rst step in remedying the injustices experienced by Black Canadians. Due to the lack of Canadian data in this important area, the paper also emphasizes the critical need for more research to shed more light on the Canadian-specic complexities. 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Article history: Received 10 August 2012 Received in revised form 4 October 2013 Accepted 6 December 2013 Keywords: War on drugs Anti-Black stigma Racial incarceration Structural violence Human rights
Introduction Canadas Black community stands at the edge of a public health crisis precipitated by current drug war policy. In March 2012, the Federal Conservative government of Stephen Harper enacted Bill C-10 (the Safe Streets and Communities Act) that, among other things, intensied legal consequences for minor drug offences and further criminalized non-habitual drug use. It effectively expanded the Canadian governments longstanding low-level Canadian war on drugs (WOD) that previously targeted the poorest segments of Canadian society. The Bill complemented the Harper governments 2010 National Drug Strategy which prioritized get[ing] tougher on drug crimes (Mosher, 2011; Tanovich, 2006; Wood, McKinnon, Strang, & Kendall, 2012). Unbeknownst to many Canadians, Black communities in Canada have been the target of intensive policing since the inception of the WOD in the 1980s, especially in the province of Ontario where most Blacks reside1 . The war was purportedly designed to apprehend
high-level drug dealers deemed to be a risk to public safety. In reality, low-level cannabis users and dealers were targeted; 62% of drug arrests have been for cannabis, with about 75% involving possession charges (Dauvergne, 2009; Mosher, 2011). A lack of systematic race related data across the various jurisdictions of Canadas criminal justice system makes it difcult to gauge the full extent of the wars impact on Canadas Black communities, especially with respect to racial proling by police, prosecutorial decision making and pretrial detention. Nonetheless, the limited correctional and policing data suggest that the impact is far-reaching and severe (Tanovich, 2006; Wortley & Tanner, 2004; Wortley & Owusu-Bempah, 2011). A direct result of the inordinate police focus on Black communities has been a pattern of racialized mass incarceration, exemplied by a vast overrepresentation of Blacks within the federal offender population in prisons across Canada. In 20102011, Black inmates accounted for 9% of the federal prison population although Black Canadians only comprised 2.5% of the overall population (Wortley & Owusu-Bempah, 2011). This gure represents a 52% increase from 2000 to 2001 and the trajectory of growth seems certain to
Present address: 33 Russell Street, Rm. 4075, Toronto, ON M5S 2S1, Canada. Tel.: +1 416 535 8501x6684; fax: +1 416 595 5019; mobile: +1 416 272 4171. E-mail address: akwatu [email protected] 1 The majority of the visible minority population resides in Ontario and British Columbia. The three largest groups are South Asians (24.9%), Chinese (24.0%), and Blacks (15.5%). Fifty-two percent of the Black visible minority group reported Caribbean origins, while another 42.4% reported African origins; Black visible 0955-3959/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
minorities also reported British Isles origins (11.6%), Canadian origin (10.9%) and French origins (4.1%) (Statistics Canada, 2008). The Province of Ontario has the highest proportion of Black Canadians due largely in part to historical migration patterns. There is little disaggregation of data for Canadas Black population that is routinely collected in other provinces. For example, the category for Canadians of Caribbean origin does not exist in the data for provinces other than Ontario.
Please cite this article in press as: Khenti, A. The Canadian war on drugs: Structural violence and unequal treatment of Black Canadians. International Journal of Drug Policy (2014),
A. Khenti / International Journal of Drug Policy xxx (2014) xxxxxx
continue. By contrast, the predominant White population, along with Asian Canadians, have been under-represented and declining within the prison system during the past decade, even though the WOD ostensibly targeted all Canadians (Trevethan & Rastin, 2004). A similarly over-represented group, for whom data is systematically gathered, are the Aboriginal people of Canada. They comprise 3.8% of the national population but account for 21.5% of the incarcerated population (Ofce of the Correctional Investigator, 2012). Estimates indicate that the national adult Aboriginal incarceration rate, both federally and provincially, was 910 per 100,000 in 20102011 as compared to 109 per 100,000 for non-Aboriginal Canadians (Correctional Service of Canada, 2011). For Black Canadians, the incarceration rate in federal prisons is 3.4 times their proportion in the general population whilst the Aboriginal Canadian rate is approximately 5 times greater than their representation (Owusu-Bempah & Wortley, 2014). There is a similar disproportionate representation of Blacks in correctional facilities in the United States (Ramchand, Pacula, & Iguchi, 2006; Bobo & Thompson, 2010). The incarceration rate among African Americans (40.1%) was 2.9 times higher than their proportion in the general population (13.6%) in 2009 (West, 2010). Consequently, the estimated probability of the average African American going to prison is 26% higher than that of the average White American (Mukku, Benson, Alam, Richie, & Bailey, 2012). Given comparable contexts, these probabilities may apply to the average Black and Aboriginal Canadian. This commentary argues that the WOD is intensifying structural violence towards Blacks that existed at more muted levels following the civil and human rights achievements of the 1960s, and offers a compelling rationale to terminate current tactics. By focusing the states policing and wider criminal justice efforts on vulnerable communities with concentrated poverty, high unemployment and greater numbers of low income Black males, the Canadian state is arguable exacerbating precarious social determinants and impinging on the future prospects of Canadas Black population. This commentary assumes that race and/or ethnicity is a scientically untenable cause of crime; rather, racialization is the key concept used in the analysis (Roberts, 2012). Racialization is understood as a process of categorization through which social relations between people are structured by the signication of human biological characteristics in such a way as to dene and construct differentiated social collectivities (Denition by Robert Miles cited in Anthias, Yuval-Davis, Nira, 1993, p. 75). This contemporary process is buttressed by pre-existing racial stigma within the criminal justice system and society as a whole (Mosher, 1998). Historically, law enforcement ofcials have often considered Blacks to be responsible for the spread of illicit drug use in Canada (ibid). Authorities and public gures in Canada are thus drawn into a systemic historical, political, social and economic process whereby Black men who have long been stereotyped as criminals are now targeted as the enemy in the WOD, regardless of the involvement of other racial communities (Alexander, 2010; Tanovich, 2006; Welch, 2007). The direct consequence of drug war related racialization is a contemporary well-established association of Blackness with criminal tendencies (Alexander, 2010; Tanovich, 2006; Welch, 2007). The Ontario Human Rights Commission found that racialization usually takes place without negative intent and/or racist design but generates negative outcomes that are equally discriminatory to racialized persons and the communities to which they belong (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2003). Racialization strengthens systemic racism and reinforces structural violence (Tanovich, 2006). Consequently, Black Canadians experience a range of unequal life chances and associated inequities without clear evidence of individual actors deliberately instituting oppressive policies of racial proling and racialized incarceration (Farmer, 2005; Commission on Systemic Racism, 1995; Torczyner, 1997,
2003). Law enforcement and/or criminal justice practices may serve as a source of violence in the everyday lives of the marginalized and oppressed (Farmer, 1997, 2005). Arbitrary police stops, searches and seizures, arrests and extended periods of incarceration in Canada certainly attest to this contention. Structural violence theory also suggests that the same social system may then blame individuals for their particular circumstances and the wider social inequalities (Galtung, 1990; Sarang, Rhodes, Sheon, & Page, 2010). Pervasive and widespread racial proling, disparate gun violence and homicide rates among poor young Black men, may then be envisaged as the ultimate result of the criminal justice systems service as a structural mechanism of social suffering and unequal life chances. The nal section of the paper points to the health effects of the WOD, which has had a profound impact on the mental health and well-being of Black communities, specically young Black men, as they are threatened by discriminatory and inequitable treatment under the law. Due to the limitations of scholarship and policy remedies that follow from the lack of essential race-related statistics in Canada, the commentary ends with a call for such data gathering by the Canadian state, for racial proling to be made illegal, and for a greater international focus upon the various victims of Canadas WOD (Owusu-Bempah & Millar, 2010). Structural violence: early decisions & human rights consequences Structural vulnerabilities In the 1980s, Black Canadian life involved a range of challenges that can be characterized as structural vulnerabilities. Although similar levels of education existed between Black and White Canadians, 31% of Blacks lived below the poverty line compared to 10% of Whites. Forty percent of Black children aged 14 and under were also living below the poverty line compared with 19% of non-Black Canadians (Torczyner, 1997, 2003). At the time, the Black Canadian population was younger than the overall Canadian population, with 27% under the age of 14 compared to 21% for the general population, with a greater proportion of Black children living with a single parent than White children (46% vs. 18%) (Torczyner, 1997, 2003). During this period, the criminal justice issue of particular concern to Black communities was a greater share of police shootings involving Blacks. For instance, the 14 police shootings of Blacks which took place in Toronto between 1972 and 1992 (African Canadian Legal Clinic, 2012). Despite these vulnerabilities, the inmate population in the 1980s more closely reected the proportion of Blacks in Canadian society (Brennan, 2011; Commission on Systemic Racism, 1995). Early decisions The pursuit of an American-style WOD was initiated in July 1982 by Brian Mulroney, culminating in a national drug strategy. Legislation was enacted in Canada in 1988 and 1989 banning the sale of drug paraphernalia and strengthening the polices power to seize the assets of arrested drug offenders (Erickson, 1992). The criminal justice approach was further strengthened through the 1995 Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which enabled sweeping new police powers of arrest, search and seizure, as well as tough new maximum sentences for drug offences (Erickson & Hyshka, 2010). However, Mulroneys claim of a drug epidemic did not stand up to scrutiny. Cannabis, heroin, and cocaine use had been steadily declining following a peak in 1979. By 1991, rates were at their lowest in a generation (Adlaf, Smart, & Canale, 1991). Annual numbers of deaths caused by illicit drugs remained stable throughout
Please cite this article in press as: Khenti, A. The Canadian war on drugs: Structural violence and unequal treatment of Black Canadians. International Journal of Drug Policy (2014),
A. Khenti / International Journal of Drug Policy xxx (2014) xxxxxx 3
the 1980s (Jensen & Gerber, 1993). Given the declining use of illicit drugs at the time, there existed little reasonable cause to begin the WOD. The WOD seemed to reect political preferences for funding policing and prisons rather than social welfare and drug treatment. In 1992, enhanced law enforcement at both federal and provincial levels received $400 million in funding; in contrast, nancial support for treatment services was about $88 million (Single, Robson, Xie, & Rehm, 1996). Funds for prevention and public education were cut to sustain the criminal justice focus, as were funds for social supports, such as public housing (Prince, 1998). By 2008, 70% of funding for Canadas national drug strategy was still being directed to law enforcement initiatives, despite public demand for increased treatment, education, and prevention efforts (DeBeck, Wood, Montaner, & Kerr, 2009; Riley, 1998). One wonders if the two billion dollars spent annually on the Canadian corrections system, approximately $40,000$70,000 to house every offender (National Crime Prevention Centre, 1998), might not be better spent on prevention, treatment and harm reduction given the high prevalence of drug dependency amongst Canadas inmate population. The Canadian government continues to support a punitive approach, pursuing an especially tough on cannabis agenda, despite overwhelming evidence supporting alternative methods. In 1970, the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs indicated that 3.5% of Canadians had reported ever using cannabis with 1% reporting use in the past year (Nolin, Kenny, Banks, Maheu, & Rossiter, 2002). Despite a criminalized approach to dealing with the drug, the number of cannabis users continued to grow. By 2004, approximately half of Canadians 15 years or older reported lifetime cannabis use and 14.1% reported past year use (Patton & Adlaf, 2005). Since 2004, the prevalence of most illicit drug use has remained steady, while crack cocaine and cannabis use has declined alongside a decrease in serious youth crimes (Statistics Canada, 2012). Nonetheless, mandatory minimum sentences (MMS) were implemented in 2012, imposing a minimum one-year sentence for trafcking cannabis, even though social science research. . .has consistently demonstrated that MMS are ineffective, expensive and at times, unjust (Canadian Psychological Association, 2012). Incarceration consequences Potentially disastrous public health consequences of the new MMS are implied by the hugely disparate numbers of incarcerated Blacks resulting from prior prosecution of the WOD. Although Black men represented only 1.25% of the Canadian population in 2010/11, they accounted for 7% of persons on probation or parole in the community (Warde, 2013). By 2013, the federal incarceration rate for Blacks had grown considerably from approximately 6.3% in 2003 to 9.5% a 50% increase in a single decade (Sapers, 2013). The overrepresentation of Blacks in the correctional system is also a problem at the provincial level, regardless of their proportion within the population. For instance, sizeable Black populations in Ontario and Nova Scotia represented 3.8% and 2.1% of provincial populations from 2010 to 2011, respectively, but accounted for 18% and 14% of admissions to Ontario and Nova Scotian jails (Owusu-Bempah & Wortley, 2014). This trend also holds true in provinces with less signicant proportions of Blacks. In New Brunswick, Blacks only account for 0.6% of the population; nevertheless they represent 2.4% of the provinces inmates. Similarly, in Alberta, Blacks represent 1.4% of the provinces residents but 5% of its prison population (ibid). The extreme differences in current incarceration rates which run along racial lines is a stark consequence of the longstanding WOD (Wortley & Tanner, 2005; Owusu-Bempah & Wortley, 2014). Black males in Ontario were admitted at about ve times the rate of White males by 1993 largely due to this unnecessary war (Brennan,
2011; Commission on Systemic Racism, 1995). According to the Commission on Systemic Racism (1995) one effect of the war on drugs, intended or not, has been the increase in imprisonment of black people. . .[because] of the intensive policing of low income areas in which black people live (p. 8283). These elevated Black incarceration rates raises the question: What levels of imprisonment will prove politically and morally unacceptable to Canadian ofcials and institutional authorities? Intensication of racial proling Racial proling has also become a pervasive reality for Black Canadians due to the WODs particular focus on Black communities. The rst contemporary reports of this ofcially sanctioned targeting surfaced in the 1990s with police ofcers being trained to explicitly prole certain ethnic and/or racial groups for law enforcement purposes (Bobo & Thomspon, 2006; Operation Pipeline & Racial Proling, 2002; Tanovich, 2006). Canadian law does not explicitly permit this behavior; arbitrary stops and searches are specically prohibited by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (African Canadian Legal Clinic, 2012; Commission on Systemic Racism, 1995). However, such unwarranted searches, seizures, and arrests occur frequently (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2003). Without reasonable cause, police stop Blacks on the pretext of enforcing various laws, such as trafc violations, but are actually in search of illegal drugs (Rankin, Quinn, Shephard, Simmie, & Duncanson, 2002a; Rankin & Winsa, 2013). African Canadian Legal Clinic (ACLC) lawyers have argued that, young men are being proled, monitored, over-scrutinized, and (no matter how politely it is done) treated like criminals (2012, p. 3). Unreasonable dominance and submission are common features of such encounters (African Canadian Legal Clinic, 2012; Commission on Systemic Racism, 1995). Disproportionate levels of remands, arrests, and incarceration have all been recorded and continue three decades into the WOD (Rankin et al., 2002a; Rankin, Quinn, Shephard, Simmie, & Duncanson, 2002b). The numbers and proportion of the Black population affected by the proling practices are staggering. An internal police study in Montreal, Quebec found that between 2001 and 2006, 3040% of young Black males in certain neighbourhoods were stopped and questioned by police, as compared with approximately 6% of Whites (Gordon, 2010). The studys author, Michel Charest, who was commissioned by the Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal, concluded quite frankly that A large proportion of these checks can be judged as arbitrary or malicious. (ibid, p. 1). In Halifax, Nova Scotia, Black Canadians are contending with persistent consumer racial proling by police and other security personnel. A total of 24.7% of Black Canadians surveyed by the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission reported being stopped and searched in malls compared to only 6.2% of Whites (Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, 2013). Blacks in Toronto face an extreme form of racial proling by police the stopping, questioning and recording of personal details on cards known as 208s which occurs 217 times more frequently among Blacks than whites (Rankin & Winsa, 2011). It effectively subjects Black men to restrictions regarding where they can walk freely (African Canadian Legal Clinic, 2012). Recently, Toronto Star reporter, Jim Rankin, found that police records revealed that about 23,627 Black males or 22% of the Black male population (of 105,038) were carded (stopped and documented) between 2008 and 2012 in the process of general investigation (Rankin & Winsa, 2013). Additional evidence for the claim of intensied racial proling is drawn from a 2000 Toronto Youth Crime Victimization Survey which found that White high school students reported greater drug use and trafcking patterns than their fellow Black students (Wortley & Tanner, 2006). The survey found that 45% of White
Please cite this article in press as: Khenti, A. The Canadian war on drugs: Structural violence and unequal treatment of Black Canadians. International Journal of Drug Policy (2014),
A. Khenti / International Journal of Drug Policy xxx (2014) xxxxxx
students indicated lifetime cannabis use compared to 39% of Black students; 6% of White students reported lifetime use of cocaine or crack in contrast to 2% of Black students and 17% of White students reported selling illicit drugs during their lifetime vs. some 15% of Black students (Wortley & Tanner, 2006; Owusu-Bempah & Wortley, 2014). This survey has not been replicated; however its ndings are still believed to be relevant (Owusu-Bempah & Wortley, 2014). The discrepancy between the Toronto studys ndings and criminal justice practices are illustrated by the 1995 Report of the Commission on Systemic Racism in the Ontario Criminal Justice System which detected an 1164% increase in the number of Black prison admissions for drug trafcking between 1986 and 1993 in tandem with a more modest increase of 151% for White admissions (Wortley & Tanner, 2005; Owusu-Bempah & Wortley, 2014). Prior to the 1995 release of this Report, it is conceivable that the Government of Canada could have been oblivious to the disproportionate Black incarceration rate resulting from its WOD. However, this report and several subsequent ones, such as Paying the price: the human cost of racial proling (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2003), the Toronto Stars 2002 and 2010 reports on racial proling in Toronto (Rankin et al., 2002a; Rankin & Winsa, 2011), and ndings about racial proling of Black men by Montreal police between 2001 and 2006/7 (Gordon, 2010), highlighted the excessive and direct impact of the WOD on Black men in Canada. The current drug policy can therefore be construed as a more deliberate determination of racialized incarceration than was previously the case.
The health burden includes a disproportionate share of addictions and mental health problems that remain unaddressed due to a lack of services and delayed help-seeking. Addictive behaviors are criminalized early, rather than treated early. More than one out of ten (13%) male offenders in federal custody have been identied with mental health problems at admission; this proportion has almost doubled since 1996/97 (713%) (Correctional Service of Canada, 2010). Of all inmates, between 40% and 60% have substance use disorders. Their untreated disorders have contributed to their criminal involvement and exposed them to a disproportionate amount of police attention (Alexander, 2010; Drucker, 2006). Former inmates also suffer compounded stigmatization due to both racial and offender status and many report poorer health as a direct result (Alexander, 2010; Mukku et al., 2012).
Moral imperatives to end the war on drugs The WOD disproportionately targets Black communities, even though large segments of the White population also engage in drug use at similar rates. Police and governments chose to target a publicly neglected enemy with a weak voice poor Black men (Tanovich, 2006; Mosher, 1998). The WOD also demonized Black men and turned the Black population against itself, resulting in an intensication of interpersonal violence between young, poor Black men which serves as a reection of deepening structural violence. Parents and elders in these communities have come to fear young Black men in much the same way as wider society, and are unmotivated to advocate on their behalf due to the stigma associated with their criminalization (Alexander, 2010; Galabuzi, 2009; Owusu-Bempah & Wortley, 2014). Not surprisingly, the WOD has eroded the value of social capital in poor Black communities, understood as investment in social relations with expectations of reciprocity (Dekker & Uslaner, 2001). The situation in Montreal and Toronto are particularly illustrative. Despite an overall decrease in crime, homicide rates among Blacks in Montreal were estimated to be as high as 24 per 100,000, strikingly higher than their White counterparts at 3 per 100,000 (Ouimet, 1999). The homicide victimization rate among Blacks in Toronto reached four times the average city rate by 2007 (10.1 vs. 2.4 murders per 100,000) with the Black male homicide victimization rate at almost 12 times that of the overall population (28.2 vs. 2.4 per 100,000) (Owusu-Bempah & Wortley, 2014). Given such current disparities in inter-personal violence, the extended incarceration periods for drug offences promised by Bill C10 bodes ill for already vulnerable and stigmatized Black communities; especially given the strong association between incarceration and interpersonal violence (Johnson & Easterling, 2012; Lambie & Randell, 2013). According to a wide range of international obligations, Black Canadians are legally entitled to the same treatment as White Canadians before the law. Canada is obliged to pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating racial discrimination in all its forms (ICERD, 1965, Article 2.1) and to ensure that every individual has the right to equal protection and benet of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age or mental or physical ability. This includes protection from arbitrary detention and a framework for thinking about Black inequality before the law (Tanovich, 2006). Therefore, it is essential that the Canadian government enact legislation and judicial mechanisms aimed at ending racial proling and incarceration by its criminal justice institutions. As a critical preliminary step, systematic race related data gathering and reporting should be mandated for the criminal justice system. Police across Canada should be compelled to document the circumstances of all contact with civilians
Effects The burden that follow from violations of the right to equal treatment before the law are extensive, resulting in damaged individual and family lives and devastated Black communities forced to cope with increasing violence over generations of incarceration. The pejorative associations of Blacks and crime have intensied levels of stigma that have existed for decades but remained tangential to the lives of Black Canadians, since few interacted with the criminal justice system (Mosher, 1998). Diminished self-esteem, perceived discrimination, and internalized stigma are likely the biggest health risk factors borne by Black men and youth (Caldwell, Kohn-Wood, Schmeelk-Cone, Zimmerman, & Chavous, 2004; Seaton, Caldwell, Sellers, & Jackson, 2009). The mental health and well-being of poor Blacks is particularly impacted by the manner in which the WOD is conducted. An Ontario Human Rights Report, Paying the price: The human cost of racial proling, describes the harms caused by racial proling, such as increased fear, a sense of intimidation, reinforced anxieties, and enhanced feelings of helplessness and hopelessness may lead to suicidal thinking, depression, and drug use (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2003). Although Canadian data is not available to quantify the harmful health effects of everyday encounters with the police, studies conducted in the US have found that the humiliation associated with racial proling contributes to chronic psychological stress and undermines mental health (Harris, 2003; Alexander, 2010). Many young Black men have also been traumatized by their interactions with militarized police units enforcing the WOD (Kerr, Small, & Wood, 2005). Drug sweeps involving take-downs at gun point in the middle of the night, with doors being broken down and family members handcuffed and verbally abused, have taken place below the public radar. The effect on mental and physical wellbeing of experiencing such trauma can contribute to decreased functioning, isolation, and increased dependence on drugs for relief (Small & Rankin, 2012).
Please cite this article in press as: Khenti, A. The Canadian war on drugs: Structural violence and unequal treatment of Black Canadians. International Journal of Drug Policy (2014),
A. Khenti / International Journal of Drug Policy xxx (2014) xxxxxx 5 Galtung, J. (1990). Cultural violence. Journal of Peace Research, 27(3), 291305. Gordon, S. (2010). Claims of racial bias dog Montreal police. In The globe and mail. Retrieved 30.12.13 from claims-of-racial-bais-dog-montreal-police Harris, D. A. (2003). Proles in injustice: Why racial proling cannot work. New York: The New Press. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [ICERD]. (1965). United Nations Treaty Collection. Retrieved 12.07.12 from Jensen, E., & Gerber, J. (1993). State efforts to construct a social problem: The 1986 war on drugs in Canada. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 18(4), 453462. Johnson, E. I., & Easterling, B. (2012). Understanding unique effects of parental incarceration on children: Challenges, progress, and recommendations. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(2), 342356. Johnston, J. P. (1994). 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along with the race, age and immigration status of the individuals they approach (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2003; Tanovich, 2006). Notably, these records will not be used to characterize any particular racial or ethnic groups involvement in crime but rather, to determine whether and/or to what extent discrimination is present in the criminal justice system (Roberts, 2004; Johnston, 1994). Such data remains critical to both legal and social remedies; for without such basic information, the relevant criminal justice authorities will continue to contest the interpretations of human rights inequities and ignore political demands for change (Wortley & Owusu-Bempah, 2011). The WOD has proven ineffective in eliminating and/or reducing drug use and has instead resulted in much health-related harm to drug users. Blacks with criminal records are now as systematically excluded from mainstream Canadian life as their early 20th century ancestors before them (Erickson & Goodstadt, 1979; Walker, 2005). The WOD, purportedly aimed at reducing the harms associated with illicit drug use, has become a source of multiple harms undermining the fabric of life for many of Canadas most vulnerable Black communities. Ultimately, this war must be brought to an untimely end. Conict of interest statement None declared. References
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Please cite this article in press as: Khenti, A. The Canadian war on drugs: Structural violence and unequal treatment of Black Canadians. International Journal of Drug Policy (2014),