Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3

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Chapter 1 Things In The Classroom Vocabularies

a book

a pencil

a bag

a whiteboard

a ruler

a desk

an eraser

a calendar

a window

s a flag

a map a chair
Smart and excellent 1

Lets Read. 1. This is a whiteboard. That is a whiteboard. 2. This is a desk. That is a desk. 3. This is a chair. That is a chair. 4. This is a window. That is a window. 5. This is a door. That is a door. 6. This is an eraser. That is an eraser. 7. This is a calendar. That is a calendar. 8. This is a wall. That is a wall . This is a book. That is a book. 1!. This is a flag. That is a flag. Grammar Preference This and That Lets look at the pictures and study the sentences.

"hat is this# This is a bag. $t is a bag.

"hat is this# This is a flag $t is a flag

"hat is that# That is a chair

"hat is that# That is a desk

Lets read and learn the sentences below. This is a door This is bot a window $s this a bag# %o& this is not a bag This is a pencil case Exercise Lets name the things below. a a (((((.

This is a desk This is not a chair $s that a broom# 'es& that is a broom

Smart and excellent 2

((((( a ((((..

a (((((

a (((((

a (((((

a (((((

an (((((

a (((((

an (((((

a (((((

a (((((

Lets fill in the blanks with the right word. This is a ((( This is an ((( This is a ((( This is a ((( This is a ((( This is an ((( This is a ((( This is a ((( This is a ((( This is an (((
Smart and excellent 3

Lets decide whether using a or an for the things below.

( calendar

( umbrella

( en)elope

( rubbishbin

( pen

( clock (

cap ( fan ( whiteboard

( ball

( eraser

( table

Smart and excellent 4

Lets arrange the letter into words! *+ample ulerr , ruler 1. lebat, 2. sa)e, 3. lencip , 4. richa, 5. pam , 6. morosslac , 7. dinoww , 8. kobo, . naf , 1!. reasre , Lets answer with yes or no, then write the right answer! !ample $s this a ball# 'es& this is a ball. $s that a book# %o& that is an eraser 1. $s that an eraser# --------------------------2. $s this a pencil# --------------------------3. 4. $s this a table# --------------------------$s that a window# --------------------------5. $s this a pen# -------------Smart and excellent 5


Chapter 2 Numbers Lets count the cardinal numbers below

1 one 6 six 11 eleven 16 sixteen 21 twenty one 39 thirty nine 60 sixty 2 two 7 seven 12 twelve 17 seventeen 22 twenty two 40 forty 70 seventy 3 three 8 eight 13 thirteen 18 eighteen 25 twenty five 41 forty one 80 eighty 4 four 9 nine 14 fourteen 19 nineteen 30 thirty 48 forty eight 90 ninety 5 five 10 ten 15 fifteen 20 twenty 35 thirty five 50 fifty 100 one hundred

Lets say the ordinal number below

1st first 6th sixth 2nd second 7th seventh 3rd third 8th eighth 4th fourth 9th ninth 5th fifth 10th tenth

Lets say after your teacher.

"ne fan

"ne book

"ne bag

Smart and excellent 6

"ne table

"ne eraser

"ne pencil

Two books

Two pencils

Three bags

#our chairs Lets %ount and &rite number in nglish ( is plus ) is minus ! is times * is de$ided + is e,uals or is 7 . 8 , 15 / 1e)en plus eight e2uals fifteen 3r se)en plus eight is fifteen 4+2,8 4our times two e2uals eight 3r four times two is eight Exercise

#i$e erasers

Three pens

11 0 5 , 6 *le)en minus fi)e e2uals si+ 3r ele)en minus fi)e is si+ 42 / 7 , 6 4ort5 two de)ided se)en e2uals si+ 3r fort5 two de)ided se)en is si+

Lets tell in nglish. %arninal 'umber 1. 2! / ((((((((((((((((((.. 2. 8! / ((((((((((((((((((.. 3. 5 / ((((((((((((((((((.. 4. 45 / ((((((((((((((((((..

Smart and excellent 7

5. 6. 7. 8. . 1!.

32 78 87 74 77 44

/ ((((((((((((((((((.. / ((((((((((((((((((.. / ((((((((((((((((((.. / ((((((((((((((((((.. / ((((((((((((((((((.. / ((((((((((((((((((..

"rnidal 'umber 1. 1st / ((((((((((((((((((.. 2. 12th / ((((((((((((((((((.. 3. 1 th / ((((((((((((((((((.. 4. 21st / ((((((((((((((((((.. 5. 32nd / ((((((((((((((((((.. 6. 43rd / ((((((((((((((((((.. th 7. / ((((((((((((((((((.. 8. 15th / ((((((((((((((((((.. . 25th / ((((((((((((((((((.. 1!. 37th / ((((((((((((((((((.. Lets tell your friends. ten &hat numbet is it$t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number 1! 41 12 53 35 13

fourteen Twenty four

7et6s look at 5our classroom& then write what 5ou find in it. 8ount the things that 5ou find9 *+ample / There are two board marker There is one white board 1. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 2. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 3. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 4. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 5. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 6. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 7. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 8. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( . ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1!. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Smart and excellent 8

Chapter 3 Vegetables and Fruits Lets look at the picture and say the $egetables below.

%a uli flower



% orn




Long bean





/ean .pout cabbage eggplant pumpkin

Smart and excellent 9

Lets read the te!t below. 2t 1reen .tall There are man5 kinds of )egetables in the green stall. The5 are carrot& spinach& potatp& bean& long bean& broccoli& cabbage& etc. $ like carrot& potato& and broccoli but $ don6t like cabbage and longbean. *)er5 da5 $ eat )egetables because )egetables are good for our health. Lets study and read the sentences below. 1. $ like potato. 2. $ don6t like bean. 3. :5 fa)orite )egetable is cabbage. 4. :and5 like broccoli. 5. 1and5 doesn6t like spinach. 6. ;manda6s fa)orite )egetable is cauliflower. 7. :other likes eggplant. 8. 4ather doesn6t like carrot. . "e don6t like chili. $t is hot. 1!. The5 like longbean. !ercise Lets fill the blank with nglish meaning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. <embang kol =uncis <acang pan>ang =awang merah =awang putih 7abu Terung "ortel / / / / / / / / . 1!. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. =a5am 8abai Tomat ?agung =awang putih <entang Tauge / / / / / / /

Lets look and say the fruit below.


a pear bananas gua$a

Smart and excellent 10


an apple

a pineapple



a mangosteen

a durian

an orange

1rapes Lets read the short te!t below.

a melon

a kiwi

an a$ocado

2t the fruit .tall There are ten apples on the table& fi)e good apple and fi)e bad apples. There are fi)e pears and nine oranges. $ like fruit )er5 much. Grammar preference : Like and dislike Lets study the fa$orite fruit below $ 'ou The5 "e $ 'ou The5 "e :5 friend 1he Ae :5 friend 1he Ae like ;pple

@on6t like


like @oesn6t like

=anana Brapes

Smart and excellent 11

Lets read the con$ersation below. ;manda :and5 ;manda :and5 ;manda / what kind of fruit do 5ou like& :and5# / $ like orange. / do 5ou like strawberr5# / %o& $ don6t. $ like apple. / because it is )er5 sour.

Lets read and learn the sentences below. 3ntroducing and, but and because 2nd * dan /ut * tetapi /ecause * karena 4ather likes melons and rambutans. :other likes apple but she dislikes durians. :and5 likes oranges because the5 are >uic5. $ like apple but $ don6t like pear !ercise Lets fill the blank with nglish. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. %anas ;nggur Cisang 1emangka :anggis / / / / / 6. 7. 8. . 1!. ;lpukat :angga Capa5a 1troberi ?eruk / / / / /

Lets write your fa$orite fruit. 'o. 5. 7. 8. 9. :. ;. <. =. >. 5?. 'ame of fruit "range Like 6 4islike Reason .weet

Smart and excellent 12

Lets guess what it is. 1. $t is round. $t is red or green $t is sweet and >uic5 "e eat it. $t is an ( 2. $t is 5ellow. $t is long. $t is sweet. "e eat it. $t is a ( 3. $t is orange and greem. $t is long. $t is sweet. Lets arrange the letters into words. 1. pegar / g ((((.. 2. tamburan / r ((((.. 3. pare / p ((((.. 4. telecut / l ((((.. 5. noion / o ((((.. 6. gerano / o ((((.. 7. trancor / c ((((.. 8. otomat / t ((((.. . chansip / s ((((.. 1!. bena / b ((((..



"e eat it. $t is a ( $t is orange. $t is round. $t is sour and sweet. "e eat it $t is an ( $t is purple& green and red $t is round. $t is sweet "e eat it. $t is a (

Chapter 4
Smart and excellent 13

Animals Lets look at the picture and say. They are tame animal @petsA.




Rabbit 1oat %ock







Lets look at the pictures and say. They are wild animals.
Smart and excellent 14







1iraffe Lets read the sentences below.



That is a tiget That is not a cat *+ercise

This is a rabbit This is not a mouse

That is a fo+ That is not a lion

That is a duck That is not a hen

Smart and excellent 15

Lets match the animals in 3ndonesian with nglish ?erapah Ba>ah :on5et <erbau 1api <ambing =urung <uraDkura <odok <ucing 7et6s answer the 2uestions below. *+ample / "hat animal is that# That is a rabbit

8at :onke5 4rog =uffalo Biraffe Turtle *lephant 8ow Boat bird


"hat animal is that# That is a (((. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((..

2. 3.

4. 5.


"hat animal is that#

Smart and excellent 16

That is a ((.. 7. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((..


1!. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. Lets write the sound of the animals below
Grrr..grr !oo" # !oo" oin$ # oin$ %a # a # a # ba # a # a &o&$ # a # doodle ' do

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The dog is barking. $t sa5s / The sheep is bleating. $t sa5s / The tiger is roaring. $t sa5s / The pig is grunting. $t sa5s / The cock is crowing. $t sa5s /

Lets guess what it is. 1. $t is white or brown or black. $t has four legs $t has a long tail. $t gi)es us milk $t is a ((.. 2. $t is big $t is gre5 $t has a short tail. $t has a long nose.
Smart and excellent 17

$t is an(( 6. 3. $t li)es in a cage. $t doesn6t ha)e wings. $t has big teeth. $t has long ears. $t is a (. $t has wings. $t cannot fl5. $t has two legs. $t has eggs. $t is a (.. $t has wings. $t has a beak. $t eats fish. $t has a long neck. $t is a ((( 7. $t is gre5. $t has two legs. $t has two hands. $t has a short nose. $t is a ((( $t is small $t has wings $t can fl5. $t li)es in the cage. $t is a (((. $t eats plants. $t has four legs. $t la5s eggs. $t has a shell. $t is a ((((




Game Lets classify the words below into suitable coloumn.

Lettuce $le"h nt (o) to St rfruit . ngosteen rhinoceros /ruit Sn !e % rrot *e n -e r (iger +r "e S"in ch Str w&erry +o t % t $gg"l nt -u)"!in 0eget &le # c!fruit 'voc do ,en % && ge *ird -ot to 'ni) l

Chapter ( Famil) Lets read the te!t below.

Smart and excellent 18

This is father

m5 famil5 tree. There are four members in m5 famil5. $ am :and5. :5 is :r. 1te)e and m5 mother is :rs. =renda. $ ha)e one brother& ;nd5. "e are a good famil5.

Lets say the words below. 4ather :other 8hildren 1on @aughter Brandfather Encle ;unt 8ousin

Lets read and look at the pictures below. This is m5 brother Ae is a student. This is m5 father. Ae is a doctor

This is m5 uncle. Ae is a pilot This is m5 grandmother. 1he is old This is m5 mother. Grandfather Grandmother 1he is a teacher.

This is m5 grandfather. Ae is old. This is m5 sister. 1he is a college student. This is m5 aunt. r andf at her Gr andm ot her 1he isGa housewife.

This is ;manda6s famil5 tree. There are fourteen members in her big famil5. 7et6s stud5 it. . Uncl e + Aunt Fat her + M ot her Uncl e + Aunt
Smart and excellent 19

Cousi n

Am anda

Mi chael

Cousi n

Exercise Lets make a family tree based on the te!t below. 2ndys #amily This is ;nd5 famil5 tree. There are ten members in his famil5. The5 are ;nd5& :r. and :rs. @ion& :ichael& grandfather& grandmother& uncle =rad& aunt 1arah& %anc5 and Fonald. %anc5 and Fonald are his cousins. :r. and :rs. @ion are his parents. :ichael is his brother. The5 are all friendl5. Lets answer the ,uestions based on the te!t abo$e. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "hose famil5 is this# Aoe man5 members are there in this famil5# "ho are ;nd56s parents# $s :ichael his brother# ;re th5 all friendl5#

Lets tell about your family based on the ,uestion below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "hat is 5our father6s name# "hat is 5our mother6s name# "hat is 5our father6s occupation# Aow man5 brothers and sisters do 5ou ha)e# "here are the5 going to school#

Lets ask your friends about their family wuth the ,uestion below,
Smart and excellent 20

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Aow old are 5ou# Aow man5 brothers and sisters do 5ou ha)e# "hat is 5our father6s occupation# "hat is 5our mother6s occupation# "here does 5our famil5 spend the holida5s#

Lets use the helping words to fill in the blanks.

*ouse!i"e +""i&e student retired old nurse bab) s&hool



:5 mother is a ((( 2. 6.

$ am a (((..

:5 father works in an ((( 3. 7.

:5 sister is in the (((..

Smart and excellent 21

:5 grandmother is (((. 4. 8.

:5 grandfather has (( from work.

7ittle sister is a ((( Lets arrange the letters below into words. 1. Aermot , mother 2. Fobteh ,( 3. Tuna ,( 4. Fetsis ,( 5. Terfah ,( Lets complete the sentence below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $ call m5 mother6s father(. $ call m5 father6s mother ( $ call m5 mother6s brother ( $ call m5 father6s sister ( $ call m5 mother and father6s son (

:5 aunt is a (((.

6. 7. 8. . 1!.

Tehfarnargd 3sicun 8elnu 'bab %os

,( ,( ,( ,( ,(

Smart and excellent 22

Chapter , -usi&al Instruments Lets look at the pictures below.

a guitar

a piano

a harmonica

a harp

a triangle

a $iolin

a !ylophone Lets read and learnthe sentences below. 1. 8an 5ou pla5 guitar# 'es& $ cam. $ can pla5 guitar with m5 fingers. 8an 5ou pla5 harmonica# 'es& $ can.

a flute

a set of drums

$ blow harmonica with m5 mouth. 3. 8an 5ou pla5 )iolin# 'es& $ can. $ can pla5 )iolin with m5 hand.
Smart and excellent 23


4. 5.

8an 5ou pla5 flute# %o& $ can6t $ can6t pla5 flute. 8an 5ou pla5 piano# 'es& $ can.

$ can pla5 piano with m5 fingers. 6. 8an 5ou pla5 drum# %o& $ can6t. $ can6t pla5 drum

Exercise Lets write the names of musical instruments. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 1!. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Lets make simple sentences with the names of musical instruments *+ample / I can play gutar. Or I cant play piano 1. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 2. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 3. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 4. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 5. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 6. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 7. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 8. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( . ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1!. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Lets arrange the letters below into words.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

apino lo)ini iugrat udmr homrainca

/ / / / /

Lets complete the sentences below. 1. That man is pla5ing the (((((.


"e blow the (((.. in the new 5ear6s e)e.


:and5 can pla5 the ((.. well.


1andara is pla5ing (((((((.


:5 brother likes pla5ing ((((((..

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