Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3
a book
a pencil
a bag
a whiteboard
a ruler
a desk
an eraser
a calendar
a window
s a flag
a map a chair
Smart and excellent 1
Lets Read. 1. This is a whiteboard. That is a whiteboard. 2. This is a desk. That is a desk. 3. This is a chair. That is a chair. 4. This is a window. That is a window. 5. This is a door. That is a door. 6. This is an eraser. That is an eraser. 7. This is a calendar. That is a calendar. 8. This is a wall. That is a wall . This is a book. That is a book. 1!. This is a flag. That is a flag. Grammar Preference This and That Lets look at the pictures and study the sentences.
Lets read and learn the sentences below. This is a door This is bot a window $s this a bag# %o& this is not a bag This is a pencil case Exercise Lets name the things below. a a (((((.
This is a desk This is not a chair $s that a broom# 'es& that is a broom
((((( a ((((..
a (((((
a (((((
a (((((
a (((((
an (((((
a (((((
an (((((
a (((((
a (((((
Lets fill in the blanks with the right word. This is a ((( This is an ((( This is a ((( This is a ((( This is a ((( This is an ((( This is a ((( This is a ((( This is a ((( This is an (((
Smart and excellent 3
( calendar
( umbrella
( en)elope
( rubbishbin
( pen
( clock (
( ball
( eraser
( table
Lets arrange the letter into words! *+ample ulerr , ruler 1. lebat, 2. sa)e, 3. lencip , 4. richa, 5. pam , 6. morosslac , 7. dinoww , 8. kobo, . naf , 1!. reasre , Lets answer with yes or no, then write the right answer! !ample $s this a ball# 'es& this is a ball. $s that a book# %o& that is an eraser 1. $s that an eraser# --------------------------2. $s this a pencil# --------------------------3. 4. $s this a table# --------------------------$s that a window# --------------------------5. $s this a pen# -------------Smart and excellent 5
"ne fan
"ne book
"ne bag
"ne table
"ne eraser
"ne pencil
Two books
Two pencils
Three bags
#our chairs Lets %ount and &rite number in nglish ( is plus ) is minus ! is times * is de$ided + is e,uals or is 7 . 8 , 15 / 1e)en plus eight e2uals fifteen 3r se)en plus eight is fifteen 4+2,8 4our times two e2uals eight 3r four times two is eight Exercise
#i$e erasers
Three pens
11 0 5 , 6 *le)en minus fi)e e2uals si+ 3r ele)en minus fi)e is si+ 42 / 7 , 6 4ort5 two de)ided se)en e2uals si+ 3r fort5 two de)ided se)en is si+
5. 6. 7. 8. . 1!.
32 78 87 74 77 44
"rnidal 'umber 1. 1st / ((((((((((((((((((.. 2. 12th / ((((((((((((((((((.. 3. 1 th / ((((((((((((((((((.. 4. 21st / ((((((((((((((((((.. 5. 32nd / ((((((((((((((((((.. 6. 43rd / ((((((((((((((((((.. th 7. / ((((((((((((((((((.. 8. 15th / ((((((((((((((((((.. . 25th / ((((((((((((((((((.. 1!. 37th / ((((((((((((((((((.. Lets tell your friends. ten &hat numbet is it$t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number $t6s number 1! 41 12 53 35 13
7et6s look at 5our classroom& then write what 5ou find in it. 8ount the things that 5ou find9 *+ample / There are two board marker There is one white board 1. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 2. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 3. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 4. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 5. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 6. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 7. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 8. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( . ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1!. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Smart and excellent 8
Chapter 3 Vegetables and Fruits Lets look at the picture and say the $egetables below.
%a uli flower
% orn
Long bean
Lets read the te!t below. 2t 1reen .tall There are man5 kinds of )egetables in the green stall. The5 are carrot& spinach& potatp& bean& long bean& broccoli& cabbage& etc. $ like carrot& potato& and broccoli but $ don6t like cabbage and longbean. *)er5 da5 $ eat )egetables because )egetables are good for our health. Lets study and read the sentences below. 1. $ like potato. 2. $ don6t like bean. 3. :5 fa)orite )egetable is cabbage. 4. :and5 like broccoli. 5. 1and5 doesn6t like spinach. 6. ;manda6s fa)orite )egetable is cauliflower. 7. :other likes eggplant. 8. 4ather doesn6t like carrot. . "e don6t like chili. $t is hot. 1!. The5 like longbean. !ercise Lets fill the blank with nglish meaning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. <embang kol =uncis <acang pan>ang =awang merah =awang putih 7abu Terung "ortel / / / / / / / / . 1!. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. =a5am 8abai Tomat ?agung =awang putih <entang Tauge / / / / / / /
an apple
a pineapple
a mangosteen
a durian
an orange
a melon
a kiwi
an a$ocado
2t the fruit .tall There are ten apples on the table& fi)e good apple and fi)e bad apples. There are fi)e pears and nine oranges. $ like fruit )er5 much. Grammar preference : Like and dislike Lets study the fa$orite fruit below $ 'ou The5 "e $ 'ou The5 "e :5 friend 1he Ae :5 friend 1he Ae like ;pple
@on6t like
=anana Brapes
Lets read the con$ersation below. ;manda :and5 ;manda :and5 ;manda / what kind of fruit do 5ou like& :and5# / $ like orange. / do 5ou like strawberr5# / %o& $ don6t. $ like apple. / because it is )er5 sour.
Lets read and learn the sentences below. 3ntroducing and, but and because 2nd * dan /ut * tetapi /ecause * karena 4ather likes melons and rambutans. :other likes apple but she dislikes durians. :and5 likes oranges because the5 are >uic5. $ like apple but $ don6t like pear !ercise Lets fill the blank with nglish. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. %anas ;nggur Cisang 1emangka :anggis / / / / / 6. 7. 8. . 1!. ;lpukat :angga Capa5a 1troberi ?eruk / / / / /
Lets write your fa$orite fruit. 'o. 5. 7. 8. 9. :. ;. <. =. >. 5?. 'ame of fruit "range Like 6 4islike Reason .weet
Lets guess what it is. 1. $t is round. $t is red or green $t is sweet and >uic5 "e eat it. $t is an ( 2. $t is 5ellow. $t is long. $t is sweet. "e eat it. $t is a ( 3. $t is orange and greem. $t is long. $t is sweet. Lets arrange the letters into words. 1. pegar / g ((((.. 2. tamburan / r ((((.. 3. pare / p ((((.. 4. telecut / l ((((.. 5. noion / o ((((.. 6. gerano / o ((((.. 7. trancor / c ((((.. 8. otomat / t ((((.. . chansip / s ((((.. 1!. bena / b ((((..
"e eat it. $t is a ( $t is orange. $t is round. $t is sour and sweet. "e eat it $t is an ( $t is purple& green and red $t is round. $t is sweet "e eat it. $t is a (
Chapter 4
Smart and excellent 13
Animals Lets look at the picture and say. They are tame animal @petsA.
Lets look at the pictures and say. They are wild animals.
Smart and excellent 14
Lets match the animals in 3ndonesian with nglish ?erapah Ba>ah :on5et <erbau 1api <ambing =urung <uraDkura <odok <ucing 7et6s answer the 2uestions below. *+ample / "hat animal is that# That is a rabbit
8at :onke5 4rog =uffalo Biraffe Turtle *lephant 8ow Boat bird
"hat animal is that# That is a (((. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((..
2. 3.
4. 5.
That is a ((.. 7. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. "hat animal is that# That is a ((..
1!. "hat animal is that# That is a ((.. Lets write the sound of the animals below
Grrr..grr !oo" # !oo" oin$ # oin$ %a # a # a # ba # a # a &o&$ # a # doodle ' do
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The dog is barking. $t sa5s / The sheep is bleating. $t sa5s / The tiger is roaring. $t sa5s / The pig is grunting. $t sa5s / The cock is crowing. $t sa5s /
Lets guess what it is. 1. $t is white or brown or black. $t has four legs $t has a long tail. $t gi)es us milk $t is a ((.. 2. $t is big $t is gre5 $t has a short tail. $t has a long nose.
Smart and excellent 17
$t is an(( 6. 3. $t li)es in a cage. $t doesn6t ha)e wings. $t has big teeth. $t has long ears. $t is a (. $t has wings. $t cannot fl5. $t has two legs. $t has eggs. $t is a (.. $t has wings. $t has a beak. $t eats fish. $t has a long neck. $t is a ((( 7. $t is gre5. $t has two legs. $t has two hands. $t has a short nose. $t is a ((( $t is small $t has wings $t can fl5. $t li)es in the cage. $t is a (((. $t eats plants. $t has four legs. $t la5s eggs. $t has a shell. $t is a ((((
This is father
m5 famil5 tree. There are four members in m5 famil5. $ am :and5. :5 is :r. 1te)e and m5 mother is :rs. =renda. $ ha)e one brother& ;nd5. "e are a good famil5.
Lets say the words below. 4ather :other 8hildren 1on @aughter Brandfather Encle ;unt 8ousin
Lets read and look at the pictures below. This is m5 brother Ae is a student. This is m5 father. Ae is a doctor
This is m5 uncle. Ae is a pilot This is m5 grandmother. 1he is old This is m5 mother. Grandfather Grandmother 1he is a teacher.
This is m5 grandfather. Ae is old. This is m5 sister. 1he is a college student. This is m5 aunt. r andf at her Gr andm ot her 1he isGa housewife.
This is ;manda6s famil5 tree. There are fourteen members in her big famil5. 7et6s stud5 it. . Uncl e + Aunt Fat her + M ot her Uncl e + Aunt
Smart and excellent 19
Cousi n
Am anda
Mi chael
Cousi n
Exercise Lets make a family tree based on the te!t below. 2ndys #amily This is ;nd5 famil5 tree. There are ten members in his famil5. The5 are ;nd5& :r. and :rs. @ion& :ichael& grandfather& grandmother& uncle =rad& aunt 1arah& %anc5 and Fonald. %anc5 and Fonald are his cousins. :r. and :rs. @ion are his parents. :ichael is his brother. The5 are all friendl5. Lets answer the ,uestions based on the te!t abo$e. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "hose famil5 is this# Aoe man5 members are there in this famil5# "ho are ;nd56s parents# $s :ichael his brother# ;re th5 all friendl5#
Lets tell about your family based on the ,uestion below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "hat is 5our father6s name# "hat is 5our mother6s name# "hat is 5our father6s occupation# Aow man5 brothers and sisters do 5ou ha)e# "here are the5 going to school#
Lets ask your friends about their family wuth the ,uestion below,
Smart and excellent 20
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Aow old are 5ou# Aow man5 brothers and sisters do 5ou ha)e# "hat is 5our father6s occupation# "hat is 5our mother6s occupation# "here does 5our famil5 spend the holida5s#
:5 mother is a ((( 2. 6.
$ am a (((..
:5 grandmother is (((. 4. 8.
7ittle sister is a ((( Lets arrange the letters below into words. 1. Aermot , mother 2. Fobteh ,( 3. Tuna ,( 4. Fetsis ,( 5. Terfah ,( Lets complete the sentence below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $ call m5 mother6s father(. $ call m5 father6s mother ( $ call m5 mother6s brother ( $ call m5 father6s sister ( $ call m5 mother and father6s son (
:5 aunt is a (((.
6. 7. 8. . 1!.
,( ,( ,( ,( ,(
a guitar
a piano
a harmonica
a harp
a triangle
a $iolin
a !ylophone Lets read and learnthe sentences below. 1. 8an 5ou pla5 guitar# 'es& $ cam. $ can pla5 guitar with m5 fingers. 8an 5ou pla5 harmonica# 'es& $ can.
a flute
a set of drums
$ blow harmonica with m5 mouth. 3. 8an 5ou pla5 )iolin# 'es& $ can. $ can pla5 )iolin with m5 hand.
Smart and excellent 23
4. 5.
8an 5ou pla5 flute# %o& $ can6t $ can6t pla5 flute. 8an 5ou pla5 piano# 'es& $ can.
$ can pla5 piano with m5 fingers. 6. 8an 5ou pla5 drum# %o& $ can6t. $ can6t pla5 drum
Exercise Lets write the names of musical instruments. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 1!. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Lets make simple sentences with the names of musical instruments *+ample / I can play gutar. Or I cant play piano 1. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 2. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 3. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 4. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 5. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 6. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 7. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 8. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( . ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1!. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Lets arrange the letters below into words.
Smart and excellent 24
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
/ / / / /
Lets complete the sentences below. 1. That man is pla5ing the (((((.