Waves for Change began in 2011 with the goal of using surfing to help township youth in South Africa. It started by bringing a small group of boys from Masiphumelele township to surf. Over time, the program grew and now has centers in two townships serving over 400 youth annually. The program focuses on using surfing and life skills training to engage at-risk and marginalized youth and address issues like HIV education, gang involvement, substance abuse, and neglect. Waves for Change aims to continue expanding its impact and replicate its model in other coastal communities.
Waves for Change began in 2011 with the goal of using surfing to help township youth in South Africa. It started by bringing a small group of boys from Masiphumelele township to surf. Over time, the program grew and now has centers in two townships serving over 400 youth annually. The program focuses on using surfing and life skills training to engage at-risk and marginalized youth and address issues like HIV education, gang involvement, substance abuse, and neglect. Waves for Change aims to continue expanding its impact and replicate its model in other coastal communities.
Waves for Change began in 2011 with the goal of using surfing to help township youth in South Africa. It started by bringing a small group of boys from Masiphumelele township to surf. Over time, the program grew and now has centers in two townships serving over 400 youth annually. The program focuses on using surfing and life skills training to engage at-risk and marginalized youth and address issues like HIV education, gang involvement, substance abuse, and neglect. Waves for Change aims to continue expanding its impact and replicate its model in other coastal communities.
Waves for Change began in 2011 with the goal of using surfing to help township youth in South Africa. It started by bringing a small group of boys from Masiphumelele township to surf. Over time, the program grew and now has centers in two townships serving over 400 youth annually. The program focuses on using surfing and life skills training to engage at-risk and marginalized youth and address issues like HIV education, gang involvement, substance abuse, and neglect. Waves for Change aims to continue expanding its impact and replicate its model in other coastal communities.
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www.waves-for-change.org | Llm.conlbear[lslqalo.
org | 8eglsLered SA nC 087-106 | uk CharlLy 1142333
lL's been [usL over Lwo years slnce we had an ldea for whaL Waves for Change could be. lL's been Lwo years of Lrlal and error, loLs of learnlng, many hlghs LhaL bloL ouL Lhe many challenges we have faced. And lL's all been made posslble by your supporL. So where have we come from, whaL have we learned and where are we now?
lL all sLarLed around Aprll 2011. l know Lhls, as Lhere's a movle onllne LhaL shows one of our very early Waves for Change sesslons. ?ou can flnd lL on our ?ou1ube channel and lL shows a very young looklng man called Aplsh leadlng a small army of klds from Maslphumelele 1ownshlp lnLo Lhe waves. l'd meL Aplsh a couple of monLhs earller aL Lhe Maslphumelele fooLball fleld where l was waLchlng a local weekend LournamenL. Pe was an affable fellow, respecLed by Lhe klds and full of energy. Pe was unemployed and coachlng soccer kepL hlm busy. l lnvlLed hlm Lo come and surf on Lhe weekends and Lo brlng a llLLle crew wlLh hlm. 1haL's hls crew ln Lhe movle, plllng ouL Lhe back of a llLLle baked-bean Lln on wheels LhaL we'd salvaged from car-hlre company who were sendlng lL for scrap. 1he flrsL members of Lhelr communlLy ever Lo surf. A llLLle blL of hlsLory l suppose!
We'd run Lhese sesslons a couple of weekends a monLh and sLeadlly Lhe number of klds showlng up began Lo grow. We also meL 8onganl durlng Lhls Llme, a young 18-year-old school leaver Lrylng Lo geL lnLo unl, and Cscar, a board glasser aL a local surfboard facLory. AL Lhe Llme surflng slmply dld noL exlsL ln Lhe Lownshlps and Lhe ldea of a locally run pro[ecL seemed compleLely lnconcelvable. Powever, by AugusL 2011 we had a nlce llLLle Leam LogeLher and an ldea Lo Lurn Lhe weekend sesslons lnLo someLhlng blgger.
WlLh Lhe supporL of vlmLo we replaced Lhe baked-bean Lln wlLh a proper vW combl. We also goL some early lnvesLmenL from Lhe Laureus SporL for Cood loundaLlon enabllng us Lo pay 8onganl, Cscar and Aplsh Lo run dally surflng sesslons for klds from Maslphumelele, Lhelr home. l spenL my free Llme worklng wlLh CrassrooL Soccer - an lnLernaLlonal nCC based ln Cape 1own - Lo wrlLe a llfeskllls currlculum LhaL l could Lraln 8onganl, Aplsh and Cscar Lo Leach. 1he maln focus was on Plv, an lssue we saw as crlLlcal as local lnfecLlon raLes ln Masl" were over 23. ln AugusL 2011, dally programmlng was opened wlLh Aplsh, Cscar and 8ongs Leachlng classes of 20 klds who were deslgnaLed one day per week. 8y ChrlsLmas, over 100 klds had compleLed our 3-monLh Plv programme and all showed a dlsLlncL boosL ln knowledge abouL Lhe vlrus and behavlor LhaL would leave Lhem aL rlsk. 8uL as we soon learnL, Lhere were oLher lmporLanL needs we could fulfll.
ln !anuary 2012 we used donaLlons from our monLhly supporLers Lo bulld a llLLle surf shack ln Masl where Cscar opened a small board repalr cenLre. We also gave 8onganl a bursary Lo sLudy 8uslness ManagemenL aL Lhe unlverslLy of Lhe WesLern Cape. Aplsh became Lhe head of coachlng. We re-opened programmlng wlLh an ldea Lo brlng on anoLher 100 klds Lo compleLe our Plv educaLlon programme buL soon ran lnLo unanLlclpaLed demand. Cf Lhe 100 klds from Lhe year before, Lhe bulk reLurned, refuslng Lo 'graduaLe' from Waves for Change and desperaLe Lo remaln lnvolved. We dld some research and soon reallzed LhaL lL wasn'L [usL Lhe Lhrlll of surflng LhaL Lhe klds reLurned for. Many of Lhem saw Waves for Change as Lhelr only plaLform for asslsLance. Many reporLed lssues of drug abuse and gang lnvolvemenL. oLhers reporLed lssues of neglecL aL home wlLh 2 serlous cases of sexual abuse reporLed. 1he proflle of many of Lhe klds aLLendlng flLLed Lhe descrlpLlon of 'hard Lo reach', a Lerm used for youLh LhaL proved hard Lo engage Lhrough more formal Lypes of communlLy lnLervenLlon (youLh cenLers / school counsellng eLc). Surflng, lL seemed, offered a sLrong plaLform for engaglng hard Lo reach youLh. lf we could sLrucLure Waves for Change correcLly, we could do someLhlng groundbreaklng ln Lhe WesLern Cape.
ln 2012 we seL abouL uslng Lhls research Lo redeslgn our course, movlng away from a shorL-Lerm 'Plv' educaLlonal programme and worklng ouL how Lo run someLhlng more long-Lerm, more lmpacLful and wlLh a focus on marglnallzed and neglecLed youLh. We sLarLed worklng more closely wlLh schools and local soclal workers Lo recrulL, reLaln and rehablllLaLe our surfers. We began organlslng ourselves Lo manage klds from broken or chlld run homes, klds llvlng wlLh Lhe Plv vlrus, klds lnvolved ln sLreeL gangs and abuslng drugs, klds dropplng ouL of school and klds llvlng on Lhe sLreeL. 8y !uly 2012 we had a baslc model down wlLh a core group of 30 klds from Masl aLLendlng dally programmlng, comblnlng surflng wlLh llfeskllls and counsellng sesslons. LxLra Lo Lhls, Lhe ClLy of Cape 1own commlssloned us Lo run 3-day hollday camps for klds from lnner-clLy Lownshlps, maklng use of our Plv educaLlonal currlculum Lo reach upwards of 270 klds per year.
8enewed lnvesLmenL from vlmLo, Laureus and new fundlng from Lhe nussbaum 1rusL ln 2012 allowed us Lo LargeL a second Lownshlp communlLy: khayellLsha. Pere a local beachfronL afforded us Lhe opLlon of a walk-ln cenLre. ln conLrasL Lo Masl where we needed Lo drlve klds Lo Lhe beach, here Lhe local communlLy could slmply walk down. We recrulLed 6 local coaches, found a dlsused shlpplng conLalner and persuaded Cape 1own ClLy
www.waves-for-change.org | Llm.conlbear[lslqalo.org | 8eglsLered SA nC 087-106 | uk CharlLy 1142333 Councll Lo allow us Lo develop a small cenLre ln Lhe pollce compound backlng Monwablsl beach. Aplsh and 8ongs asslsLed ln Lralnlng and menLorlng Lhe early Waves for Change khayellLsha coaches and we opened a second cenLre ln a second communlLy where surflng had never exlsLed. ln !uly 2012, we were honored Lo be shorLllsLed as one of Lhe 3 8esL SporL for uevelopmenL pro[ecLs" ln Lhe world by global SporL for uevelopmenL body 8eyond SporL.
So where are we now? Cur Maslphumelele and Monwablsl (khayellLsha) cenLers are well subscrlbed and employ 13 coaches under Lhe menLorshlp of Aplsh and nolwazl - our senlor youLh worker. 3 local schools refer 130 youLh Lo us per year. ?ouLh Lhey deem Lo be hlgh-rlsk. Cur coaches, now Lralned, are also acLlve on Lhe sLreeLs of Lhelr home communlLles, recrulLlng ouL-of-school and sLreeL youLh lnLo our programmlng as well. 1hls year, lncludlng camps, we expecL Lo reach over 400 youLh. 8onganl ls headlng lnLo hls Lhlrd year of sLudy and has been awarded Lhe coveLed Alan Crey Crbls lellowshlp for 2013/4 havlng flnlshed Lop of hls class. Pe wlll be lncreaslngly lnvolved ln programme managemenL Lhls year. We've successfully rehablllLaLed members of sLreeL gangs and subsLance abusers. We've goL klds off Lhe sLreeLs and back lnLo school, we've reporLed lncldences of sexual abuse and neglecL and have begun worklng Lo address Lhe home envlronmenLs of severely neglecLed youLh. lL's been a busy year, buL Lhere ls more Lo do.
ln arLnershlp wlLh lnLernaLlonal lnsplraLlon and uk SporL, we've produced a 'Coach 1ralnlng' paLhway. Slmply puL, Lhls ls a Lralnlng programme (llke a corporaLe graduaLe programme) allowlng us Lo Lraln 'communlLy coaches' LhaL are versed ln boLh surf coachlng and youLh work, exlLlng wlLh Lhe lnLernaLlonally accredlLed skllls Lhey need Lo run a Waves for Change lnLervenLlon for Lhelr communlLy. 1hls should allow us Lo repllcaLe Waves for Change ln oLher coasLal communlLles across SouLh Afrlca ln Lhe near fuLure. 1he paLhway also allows leadlng parLlclpanLs of our long-Lerm programmes Lo develop lnLo coaches Lhemselves.
Why ls Lhls groundbreaklng? 43 of klds ln SouLh Afrlca never compleLe school. 60 remaln unemployed. We are creaLlng new avenues for Lhem Lo secure meanlngful quallflcaLlons LhaL don'L dlscrlmlnaLe agalnsL Lhelr academlc background, and we're creaLlng a rafL of locally Lralned surf coaches Lo address developmenL lssues ln Lhelr home communlLles: local soluLlons Lo naLlonal problems. 1haL we're dolng Lhls by rldlng waves, a pracLlce prevlously deemed for 'whlLes', dlrecLly addresses and Lrlumphs over Lhe aparLheld legacy LhaL sLlll hangs over many Lownshlp communlLes.
So where Lo nexL? We alm Lo spend 2014 consolldaLlng our programmes wlLh a vlew Lo openlng a Lhlrd Waves for Change slLe ln 2013/6. We wlll be almlng Lo conducL a second plece of research Lhls year Lo learn more abouL how Waves for Change lmpacLs our parLlclpanLs and how we can beLLer Lraln and prepare our coaches Lo recrulL and rehablllLaLe some Lhe hardesL Lo reach Leenagers llvlng ln Lownshlp communlLles. ln order Lo boosL our capaclLy as an organlzaLlon, we wlll also be looklng Lo puL several of our leadlng coaches Lhrough youLh work and managemenL dlplomas. 1hls wlll boosL Lhelr capaclLy Lo furLher lmbed our currenL drop-ln cenLres ln Lhelr hosL communlLles. llnally, we have also had several dlsclosures for severe sexual and physlcal abuse from our parLlclpanLs. We wlll be looklng Lo expand our Maslphumelele & khayellLsha drop-ln cenLres Lo offer emergency, shorL-Lerm, accommodaLlon for up Lo 8 youLh, who we wlll Lhen be able Lo place lnLo secure accommodaLlon Lhrough our developlng parLnershlps wlLh soclal servlces.
1o do Lhls we need Lo sure up our fundlng sLreams. LasL year, wlLh Lhe help of our monLhly supporLers from around Lhe globe, we ralsed a LoLal of 23,000. A furLher 40,000 of supporL from our LrusL and corporaLe parLners boosLed our annual lncome Lo 63,000. 1hls year we are Lrylng Lo reach a LoLal LargeL 90,000. Some of Lhls our coaches wlll be ralslng Lhemselves, uslng Lhelr new found quallflcaLlons ln surf coachlng and llfeguardlng Lo open a Waves for Change Surf School ln 2014. We wlll also be looklng Lo expand our neLwork of global supporLers, boLh Lhrough monLhly glvlng and corporaLe / LrusL parLnershlps. lf you know an lndlvldual, a LrusL or a company looklng Lo donaLe Lo a charlLy, we'd appreclaLe lL lf you'd dlrecL Lhem Lo Waves for Change!
l would llke Lo Lhank you personally for your flnanclal supporL, falLh and bellef ln whaL we are dolng wlLh Waves for Change. ?our supporL has seen us grow from a sLarL up weekend programme based ouL of a soon-Lo-be scrapped 8edford 8ascal Lo an lnLernaLlonal award wlnnlng youLh developmenL organlzaLlon worklng wlLh some of Lhe mosL vulnerable and hard Lo reach youLh ln SouLh Afrlca. 8eflecLlng on lL all, l feel very lucky Lo have had your supporL. l hope you sLlck wlLh us and help us Lake Waves for Change lnLo Lhe fuLure.
Slncere Lhanks from all of us aL Waves for Change, 1lm