Iron-IronCarbide Phase Diagram

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290 Chapter 9 / Phase Diagrams

T h e I ro n C a r b o n S ys t e m
Of all binary alloy systems, the one that is possibly the most important is that for iron and carbon. Both steels and cast irons, primary structural materials in every technologically advanced culture, are essentially ironcarbon alloys. This section is devoted to a study of the phase diagram for this system and the development of several of the possible microstructures. The relationships among heat treatment, microstructure, and mechanical properties are explored in Chapters 10 and 11.


ferrite austenite

A portion of the ironcarbon phase diagram is presented in Figure 9.24. Pure iron, upon heating, experiences two changes in crystal structure before it melts. At room temperature the stable form, called ferrite, or a iron, has a BCC crystal structure. Ferrite experiences a polymorphic transformation to FCC austenite, or g iron, at 912C (1674F). This austenite persists to 1394C (2541F), at which temperature the FCC austenite reverts back to a BCC phase known as d ferrite, which finally

Composition (at% C) 1600 0 1538C 1493C L 2500 1394C 1200 Temperature (C) , Austenite 1000 912C + Fe3C 2.14 +L 5 10 15 20 25


1147C 4.30 2000 Temperature (F)


+ 0.76 0.022

1500 727C


, Ferrite

+ Fe3C Cementite (Fe3C) 1000


0 (Fe)

3 4 Composition (wt% C)


Figure 9.24 The ironiron carbide phase diagram. [Adapted from Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd edition, Vol. 1, T. B. Massalski (Editor-in-Chief), 1990. Reprinted by permission of ASM International, Materials Park, OH.]

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9.18 The IronIron Carbide (FeFe3C) Phase Diagram 291

Figure 9.25 Photomicrographs of (a) a ferrite (90) and (b) austenite (325). (Copyright 1971 by United States Steel Corporation.)




melts at 1538C (2800F). All these changes are apparent along the left vertical axis of the phase diagram.1 The composition axis in Figure 9.24 extends only to 6.70 wt% C; at this concentration the intermediate compound iron carbide, or cementite (Fe3C), is formed, which is represented by a vertical line on the phase diagram. Thus, the ironcarbon system may be divided into two parts: an iron-rich portion, as in Figure 9.24, and the other (not shown) for compositions between 6.70 and 100 wt% C (pure graphite). In practice, all steels and cast irons have carbon contents less than 6.70 wt% C; therefore, we consider only the ironiron carbide system. Figure 9.24 would be more appropriately labeled the FeFe3C phase diagram, since Fe3C is now considered to be a component. Convention and convenience dictate that composition still be expressed in wt% C rather than wt% Fe3C; 6.70 wt% C corresponds to 100 wt% Fe3C. Carbon is an interstitial impurity in iron and forms a solid solution with each of a and d ferrites, and also with austenite, as indicated by the a, d, and g singlephase fields in Figure 9.24. In the BCC a ferrite, only small concentrations of carbon are soluble; the maximum solubility is 0.022 wt% at 727C (1341F). The limited solubility is explained by the shape and size of the BCC interstitial positions, which make it difficult to accommodate the carbon atoms. Even though present in relatively low concentrations, carbon significantly influences the mechanical properties of ferrite. This particular ironcarbon phase is relatively soft, may be made magnetic at temperatures below 768C (1414F), and has a density of 7.88 g/cm3. Figure 9.25a is a photomicrograph of a ferrite.

The reader may wonder why no b phase is found on the FeFe3C phase diagram, Figure 9.24 (consistent with the a, b, g, etc. labeling scheme described previously). Early investigators observed that the ferromagnetic behavior of iron disappears at 768C and attributed this phenomenon to a phase transformation; the b label was assigned to the high-temperature phase. Later it was discovered that this loss of magnetism did not result from a phase transformation (see Section 20.6) and, therefore, the presumed b phase did not exist.

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292 Chapter 9 / Phase Diagrams The austenite, or g phase of iron, when alloyed with carbon alone, is not stable below 727C (1341F), as indicated in Figure 9.24. The maximum solubility of carbon in austenite, 2.14 wt%, occurs at 1147C (2097F). This solubility is approximately 100 times greater than the maximum for BCC ferrite, since the FCC interstitial positions are larger (see the results of Problem 4.5), and, therefore, the strains imposed on the surrounding iron atoms are much lower. As the discussions that follow demonstrate, phase transformations involving austenite are very important in the heat treating of steels. In passing, it should be mentioned that austenite is nonmagnetic. Figure 9.25b shows a photomicrograph of this austenite phase. The d ferrite is virtually the same as a ferrite, except for the range of temperatures over which each exists. Since the d ferrite is stable only at relatively high temperatures, it is of no technological importance and is not discussed further. Cementite (Fe3C) forms when the solubility limit of carbon in a ferrite is exceeded below 727C (1341F) (for compositions within the a Fe3C phase region). As indicated in Figure 9.24, Fe3C will also coexist with the g phase between 727 and 1147C (1341 and 2097F). Mechanically, cementite is very hard and brittle; the strength of some steels is greatly enhanced by its presence. Strictly speaking, cementite is only metastable; that is, it will remain as a compound indefinitely at room temperature. However, if heated to between 650 and 700C (1200 and 1300F) for several years, it will gradually change or transform into a iron and carbon, in the form of graphite, which will remain upon subsequent cooling to room temperature. Thus, the phase diagram in Figure 9.24 is not a true equilibrium one because cementite is not an equilibrium compound. However, inasmuch as the decomposition rate of cementite is extremely sluggish, virtually all the carbon in steel will be as Fe3C instead of graphite, and the ironiron carbide phase diagram is, for all practical purposes, valid.As will be seen in Section 11.2, addition of silicon to cast irons greatly accelerates this cementite decomposition reaction to form graphite. The two-phase regions are labeled in Figure 9.24. It may be noted that one eutectic exists for the ironiron carbide system, at 4.30 wt% C and 1147C (2097F); for this eutectic reaction,
Eutectic reaction for the iron-iron carbide system

L g Fe3C



the liquid solidifies to form austenite and cementite phases. Of course, subsequent cooling to room temperature will promote additional phase changes. It may be noted that a eutectoid invariant point exists at a composition of 0.76 wt% C and a temperature of 727C (1341F).This eutectoid reaction may be represented by
Eutectoid reaction for the iron-iron carbide system

g 1 0.76 wt% C 2 a 1 0.022 wt% C 2 Fe3C 1 6.7 wt%C 2




or, upon cooling, the solid g phase is transformed into a iron and cementite. (Eutectoid phase transformations were addressed in Section 9.14.) The eutectoid phase changes described by Equation 9.19 are very important, being fundamental to the heat treatment of steels, as explained in subsequent discussions. Ferrous alloys are those in which iron is the prime component, but carbon as well as other alloying elements may be present. In the classification scheme of ferrous alloys based on carbon content, there are three types: iron, steel, and cast iron. Commercially pure iron contains less than 0.008 wt% C and, from the phase diagram, is composed almost exclusively of the ferrite phase at room temperature. The

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