Base Metal: Click On Any of The Label Images To Get More Information or in The Menu Sidebar

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The microstructure in the true heat affected zone (HAZ) is largely dependent upon the

heat input and its location or distance from the fusion boundary. As the distance from
the fusion boundary increases, the peak temperature that the base metal microstructure
is exposed to decreases. A high heat input increases the time that the base metal
microstructure is exposed to the peak temperature. The peak temperature in the true
HAZ does not reach the melting point of the C-Mn steel.
Generally, the true HAZ is the base metal underlying the weld which has been heated
to temperatures above the Fe-Fe Carbide metastable phase diagram A1 (723 C)
temperature and below the solidus temperature, typically 1495 C. However, with
higher heat input processes, such as submerged arc or electroslag welding, the true
HAZ includes peak temperatures below the A1 temperature. This is because
spheroidization of the pearlite Fe carbide plates occurs as a result of tempering. The
longer the base metal is exposed to temperatures just below the A1, the greater the
Ensuing pages will deal with the microstructures of the true HAZ and factors which
influence their formation.
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True HAZ Regions and the Fe-Fe Carbide Metastable Phase Diagram
The true HAZ consists of four regions: coarse-grained supercritical, fine-grained
supercritical, intercritical and the subcritical. The partially melted zone component of

the fusion boundary is also considered part of the HAZ but not the true HAZ since
there has been some melting in this zone. Note: than in the above figure the HAZ
regions have been greatly exaggerated in size relative to the weld. This was done for
the purpose of clarity.
The above figure relates the weldment regions to the Fe-Fe carbide metastable phase
diagram. The peak temperature represents the maximum temperature seen by the
unaffected base metal as a result of a welding thermal cycle. The peak temperatures
define the size of each region. This is shown by extending the 0.15% C line vertically
and intercepting it with the lines dividing the phases on the phase diagram. These
intercepts are then projected horizontally until they intersect the temperature gradient
curve in the figure to the left. This second intercept is then extended vertically and
downward to the weldment to reveal the "relative" width of each HAZ region. In
practice the HAZ width is very small. In practice, the HAZ size is very small in
relation to the weld size.
The partially melted zone has been subjected to peak temperatures where the base
metal is transformed to delta ferrite and liquid (between the solidus and liquidus
temperatures). This zone is very narrow, perhaps a grain diameter or two in thickness.
Since high peak termperatures occur in this zone, large grains result as in the coarsegrained supercritical.
The coarse-grained supercritical is adjacent to the fusion boundary of weld and has
been subjected to peak temperatures (above the recrystallization temperature, typically
1000 C and below the solidus temperature, typically 1495 C) which promote
rapid austenite grain growth (large grains). This region also includes base metal which
has been exposed to temperatures below the solidus, where austenite and delta ferrite
both exist. In practice, this region is rarely seen because of the very narrow
temperature zone in which austenite and delta ferrite exist. In practical terms, the
thickness of this region is usually less that a grain diameter.
The fine-grained supercritical is adjacent to the coarse-grained supercritical and has
been subjected to peak temperatures below the recrystallization temperature but above
the Ac3 temperature (the equilibrium cooling temperature at which some of the
austenite transforms to ferrite). Since the peak temperature is below the
recrystallization temperature, rapid austenite grain growth does not occur. In practice,
aluminum killed carbon steels which have been agitated with nitrogen during steel
making, precipitate Al nitrides in this temperature zone. The Al nitrides are extremely
small and precipitate at the base metal grain boundaries. There presence at the grain
boundaries helps prevent the grain boundaries from moving, hence, the high peak
temperatures do not result in large grain growth.

The intercritical is adjacent to the fine-grained supercritical and has been subjected to
peak temperatures between Ac3 and A1, where the base metal ferrite
and carbides begin to transform to austenite. Grain refinement occurs at these peak
temperatures. A normalizing heat treatment of the base metal occurs in this region.
The subcritical is between the intercritical and unaffected base metal and has been
subjected to peak temperatures below the A1. At temperatures just below the A1, the
pearlite carbide plates begin to spheroidize. A tempering heat treatment of the base
metal occurs in this region, however, the pearlite does not completely spheroidize
since the weld thermal cycle is too short for this to happen.

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