LI 2021007100002GaiaUserManual0903

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Gaia User's Manual Vers.

0903 English Adimac srl


Cod. 21007100002

AD!NAC SRL v!A DE! P!N!, +2 36016 TH!ENE (v!) !TALY
PHONE NUNBER ++39 0++5 36103+ FAX NUNBER ++39 0++5 362768 e-mail: [email protected]


Picture 1 Nachine dimensions page 2
Picture 2 Frontal section of the machine page 2
Picture 3 !nternal components Gaia E3 page 3
Picture + !nternal components Gaia S+ page 3
Pictures' legend page +
1. General information page 5
2. Technical specifications page 5
3. Basic description page 7
+. Transport page 8
5. Unpacking page 8
6. Positioning page 9
7. Electrical connection page 10
8. Water connection page 10
9. Nachine installation page 12
10. Safety systems page 13
11. Cleansing of the food zone page 1+
12. Food products loading page 15
13. Some remarks about the main functions page 16
1+. Selection and delivery page 18
15. Programming page 18
16. Diagnosis of faults and warning messages page 30
17. Setting of the coffee grinder page 33
18. Setting of the coffee grams page 33
19. Changing from water main connection to tank and vice versa page 3+
20. Changing canister configuration page 37
21. !nstalling of coin validator page +0
22. Periodical servicing and cleaning page +2
23. Wiring diagram model E3 page ++
2+. Water diagram model E3 page +5
25. Wiring diagram model S5 page +6
26. Water diagram model S5 page +7
27. General rules of warranty page +8
28. Preservation of the instruction manual page +8
29. Temporary removal of the machine from service page +9
30. Demolition of the machine page +9
31. EC Declaration of conformity page 50

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
Picture 1.

Picture 2.

+0.5 cm






76.5 cm
+3.6 cm

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
Picture 3 Gaia E3 {see chapter 1.3)

Picture 4 Gaia S5 {see chapter 1.3).












Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

1- LCD 2x16 display.
2- Advertising panel.
3- Keyboard for the selection.
4- Lock.
5- Area for the delivery of the beverage.
6- Main switch.
7- Main fuse {in the version 110Vac it is internal).
S- Socket for power supply cable.


1- Upper door panel.
2- Coffee beans canister.
3- Solubile canister.
4- Setting key.
5- Grinder.
6- Coffee group.
7- Door micro switch.
S- Water drip tray.
9- Central pipe.
10- Mixer tank.
11- Mixer.
12- Adjusting feet.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

1.1 The purpose of this manual is to inform the user about the machine's functions and
method of operation, in order to ease its use and to get the best performance. Please read
the entire manual very carefully before operating the machine. For legal reasons, this
manual forms an integral part of the machine and must be kept inside the machine and
readily available for reference until the final demolition of the machine.

1.2 !n compliance with the attention of the society to make better products whenever it is
possibile, Adimac may change the next production and its instructions at any time without
notice and updating the existing products.
Adimac Srl may not be held liable for possible damages to people, things and animals due
- Wrong use of the vending machine;
- !nnacurate installation;
- !nnacurate electrical and water connection;
- Lacks of maintenance;
- Unauthorized operations or operations made by not-qualified staff;
- Use of not-original spare parts.

1.3 !n this user's manual some initials are used to identify the machine models or
versions. Here they are:
- E3: version with coffee beans and three solubles.
- E2: version with coffee beans and two solubles.
- S5: version with five solubles.
- S+: version with four solubles.


2.1 Dimension and weight (See picture n. 1 on page 2)

Height: 76.5 cm
Width: +0.5 cm
Depth: +3.6 cm
Net weight Gaia Espresso (E3): 38 kg
Net weight Gaia !nstant (S5): 3+ kg

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
2.2 Technical specifications

Electrical connection:

- Power supply: 110f120vAC 50f60 Hz
220f2+0vAC 50f60 Hz
(depending on the version)
- Nax power consumption: 1300 Wf1600 W (depending on the
- Daily approx. electrical consumption: 2.3 KWh (at an average of 25

Water connection:

- Pressure: Between 0,+ and 5 bar
- !nlet water temperature: From 5 C to 30 C
- Water hardness: Nax 20 FF (for higher value a water
filter is suggested)
- Nain water supply: " gas female inlet (together with
the machine is given a " fast on
inlet and a 2 mt tube diameter 6f8
plus a tap)

- Normal operating temperature: From +3 C to +30 C
- Noise level: Less than 70 dB(A)
- Length of the power cable: 2.50 - 3.00 m
- Price setting system: With independent prices or free
- Payment systems: All existing kinds of 12v standard
coin validator and serial payment
systems with executive protocol,
type Nars"
- Nachine painting: Epoxy powders
- Options: Payment system included
Choice of colour
Advertising graphics
Stainless steel front panel
Base cabinet with change giver
!ndependent tank kit
Anti-hardness filter.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
2.3 Main features

- Preheated coffee group.
- Espresso version with 2-3 containers for soluble.
- !nstant version with +-5 containers for soluble.
- 12 keys keyboard.
- Possibility of mixing all the solubles and the coffee beans in each selection.
- Possibilty of suppling hot water without passing through the mixer, so the water is clean,
for herb tea (by request).

2.4 Products capacity

Gaia E3 Gaia E2 Gaia S+ Gaia S5
Coffee beans Kg. 1,7 1,7 - -
!nstant coffee Kg. - - 1,2 1,2
Coffee dec Kg. - - - 1,2
Granulated milk Kg. 1,3 2,0 2,0 1,3
Lemon tea Kg. 2,9 - 2,9 2,9
Chocolate Kg. 2,2 2,6 2,6 2,6

2.5 Coin validator

The coffee machine accepts coin validator with front panel 12vdc (!t is needed a special
kit supplied as an optional from Adimac). !t is also possible to install a 2+vac changegiver
validator in a special cabinet (supplied as an optional from Adimac srl) with a NARS
standard executive protocol.

The machine is supplied without payment system. Any damage to the machine itself or
things and people caused by a wrong installation of the payment system is therefore to be
ascribed to those who have made the installation. For any further detail, please refer to
user's manuals supplied by the manufacturer.


3.1 USE: The machine delivers beverages automatically by mixing together food products
and hot water.
The manufacturer must declare that these products, which are contained in open
containers specific for food products, are suitable for vending purposes".
The delivered beverages must be consumed immediately. They must be never preserved
andfor consumed later. Any other use is to be considered improper and therefore

3.2 The electronic board has been designed with the purpose of controlling the different
components of the machine in order to make it as much flexible as to obtain a complete
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
settting of the values of all acceptable coins, the value given to all products, the set up of
the temperature in the boiler, the set up of the powder and water for the beverages.

3.3Here are all possible beverages:

Code N. Beverage Code N. Beverage

1 Espresso f !nstant coffee 7 Cioccolato
2 Long espresso 8 Choco + Nilk
3 Espresso + Nilk 9 Nilk + Choco
+ Nilk and Coffee 10 Nilk
5 Cappuccino 11 Hot water
6 CapCiok 12 Tea


The vending machine must be transported carefully and only by qualified staff, keeping it
always upright. Normally fourfsixfeight machines are supplied on a strongly made wooden
pallet, wrapped in protective nylon with an outer cardboard carton fixed to the pallet with
plastic strapping.


!t is strictly forbidden to turn the machine upside down and put other material on it.
These prohibitions are clearly specified on the packing.

Qualified technicians only, following this procedure, can transport, unpack and install the

Check that the machine has arrived safely inside its original packing, undamaged and still
retained by the plastic strapping.

Check that tamperings have not been done during the transport, too.
Carefully remove the protective carton, taking care not to damage the external parts of
the machine. We recommend that you keep the original packaging for any further removal
or repositioning. The packing materials (nylon, pallet, polystyrene, etc.) are dangerous to
children and must be kept out of their reach. The disposal of these packing materials must
be entrusted to a responsible organisation.
Any damage to the machine must be notified immediately to the organisation responsible
for the machine's transport. Packing material must be kept for the transport agent's

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

There are two distinct people who will be responsible for the machine:
- The Technician, who will be in charge of the machine's installation, maintenance and
- The Operator, who will be in charge of loading the products and carry out the day to
day cleaning.

Only a qualified Technician may carry out the installation.
Once the technician has completed the installation, the machine keys can be handled to a
qualified Operator.

The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for faulty operation of the
machine, because of errors in installation and servicing.

Do not install the machine outdoors. It must be installed in a dry environment
with temperatures between +3C and +30C and humidity not exceeding S0%.

The machine must not be located near esplosive or infiammable materials.

Do not install the machine where water jets are used (for instance big kitchens).
Furthermore, magnetic fields or the closeness to electrical machines could cause
malfunctions of the machine's electrical parts.

The machine must be positioned either on a support whose surface is wider than the base
of the dispenser and able to hold a weight of 100 kg or on its optional cabinet.

The machine must be adjusted with a maximum inclination of both sides of 1.5.

The space between the machine and the wall must be at least of 10 cm in order to obtain
a normal ventilation.

!f the machine is located in a security exit, the space between the machine with the door
open, in its widest position, and the nearest obstacle must be at least of 80 cm.

The machine must never be covered with clothes or similar.

The staff who is in charge of products' loading (Operator) must have a valid health

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

A suitably qualified Technician only can undertake electrical connection according to the
rules in force.

The electric cable is supplied with a standard plug that must be connected to a single-
phase socket with a safe, earthied power point. !f you are not sure of the perfect working
of any aspect of the power supply, you must get it checked by a qualified electrician.

Before connecting the plug, please check that the supply voltage corresponds to that
indicated on the machine's registration plate and that the power available is adequate for
the machine's requirements. You must also check that:

- The power supply voltage does not vary more than 6 from the nominal value.
- The main switch must be accessible. !t must be able both to provide the 1500w
maximum demand and ensure a single pole disconnection within a 3 mm opening of the

The manufacturer accept no responsibility if these vital safety instructions are not
complied with. Furthermore, suitable qualified staff must check all these safety aspects
once a year.

The use of adaptors, multiple sockets andJor extensions is strictly forbidden.


Qualified technicians only may carry out all operations for the water connection, according
to the rules in force.

S.1 Version with main water supply

!n this case the vending machine must be connected to a drinking water system with
perssure between 0.+ and 5 bar. !f the pressure is lower, it will be necessary the use of a

You are supplied with a kit for water connection including:
- 3f8" gas tap.
- 6f8 pipe fitting for 3f8" gas.
- 2 meters of 6f8 pipe.
- Fast pipe fitting for 6f8 pipe for " gas ( it is inserted in the suitable hole in the
boiler bracket, particularly between the boiler and the pressure reducer).

At first, connect the supplied tap 3f8" gas to the water system in a easily reachable area
to separate the vending machine from the water system in case of necessity. Then fix the
6f8 pipe fitting for 3f8" gas to the tap and the other 6f8 pipe fitting for " gas to the
machine water input fitting.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
IMPORTANT: Get the water flow out from the water system until this is clear,
without any impurity.

Finally connect the pipe to the machine with insering it on the fast fitting; whereas, on the
tap side, at first take out the fixing ring, pass the tube trought it, insert the tube in the
fitting and screw the fixing ring again.

IMPORTANT: always use the supplied tap because inside there is a filter
against possible impurity. For a good and lasting working of the machine the
water must have a hardness lower than 20FF.

You can avoid this problem by using anti-hardness filters. This highly reduces the
limestone formation, extends the lasting of all parts in contact with water and decreases
the number of the maintenance works.

S.2 Water tank version



!n this case you place the machine
on the cabinet and take away the
back panel and then the water
suction pipe must be connected to
the tank.
This pipe is usually brown and rolled
on the left low part of the back (part
A picture 5), one side is connected to
the volumetric counter, the other to
the one-way valveffilter (picture 6).
!n order to insert the pipe to the
suitable hole of the machine and
then to the below hole of the cabinet
(part B picture 5), it is necessary to
take away the one-way filter; after
that, re-position everything, even the
nut, and dip into the tank previously
filled of water.

Picture 6.
Picture 5.
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

9.1 Main supply version.

After taking away the back panel and after placing and connecting the machine to the
power and water supply by observing the subject matters of the chapters 6, 7, 8, you can
carry on the machine installation:

Picture 7.

Picture 8.

The inlet water pressure must be set to about 0.5 bar. !f you have a manometer with
connection 1f8" gas, you only have to connect it to the inlet A of the pressure reducer
(figure 9) and by turning the reducer handle it will be possible to obtain the right
pressure; after that the regulator must be locked by pressing the handle down.
!f you haven't any manometer at your disposal, it is possible to set the pressure just
looking at the water: while you are carrying out a washing cycle, as it is explained to point
5 of this chapter, set the pressure reducer until about one or two millimeters of water at
most will flow evenly at the bottom of the mixing tank (detail 10 picture 3 and +).

1. Turn on the tap.
2. Unlock by pulling upwards the
regulation handle of the
pressure reducer and turn
completely the handle two
times clockwise for vending
machines with pressure
reducer of 0-+ bar; + or 5
times for reducers of 0-2 bar
(picture 7).
3. Open the front door and pull
the microswitch outwards
(detail 7 picture 3 and + page
+. Switch on the vending
machine with the switch on
the back (picture 8).
5. Press the programming button
(detail + picture and + page 3)
and key 12 in a way that the
machine strat making the
rinsing cicle. !f it is necessary
do it again untill you see water
coming out from the mixers.
After this switch off and on the
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Picture 9.

9.2 Water tank version.

The subject matters of the chapters 6, 7, 8 must be observed for this version, too. After
that, you only have to follow the procedure described in the previous chapter 9.1 skipping
points 1 and 2.
!n this version no type of regulation concerning the inlet water pressure is required, as the
suction pump takes the water directly from the tank.


!t is forbidden to use the machine or carry out any work of it, unless you have previously
read and understood the whole of this user's manual.

!n particular, you must follow all the safety precautions detailed in thus manual.
You are strictly forbidden to use this machine in a different way or in different conditions
from those specified in this manual.
Adimac srl cannot accept any responsibility for damage, loss or accident caused by non-
compliance of these restictions.

10.1 Electrical security system

The vending machine is provided for safety reason with a low voltage electrical supply
except for the boiler resistance and the panel light, which operates at 230-2+0v, 50Hz (in
Europe) 110v, 60Hz (in America).

As a legal requirement, the power supply to all moving parts is automatically disconnected
by a safety Nicroswitch when the machine door is opened (see point n. 8 on page 3).
But before undertaking any work on the machine, you must ALWAYS disconnect the
power supply by switching the machine off at the back of the machine and removing the
plug from its socket.
!nlet for manometer 1f8"
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
On the input line there is a fuse of 6,3A for 230-2+0v or 16A for 110v collocated near
the switch of the machine.
On the electronic board there is a protective fuse, F1 from 10 AT, as protection of the
2+vdc low-voltage output, whereas, as for the microprocessor controller, the electronic
board has a switching component. that is able to protect the output.

!f it is necessary to do all these operations when the dispenser is open but operating, lift
the little pin of the door microswitch (part 7 fig. 3 and + page 3) to make the machine

Only authorised and suitable trained Technicians and Operators may have any dealings
with this operation.
Do not leave unattended with the door open.


According to the rules in force, it is essential to do an accurate cleaning of some parts of
the machine while installing it. This will guarantee a perfect hygiene of the delivered
products. All these operations must be done by qualified Technicians:
Before cleaning all parts do as follows:

- Wash your hands accurately.
- Prepare a disinfectant bactericidial and chlorine base solution, which is easily to found in
chemist's shops.
- Remove from the machine: the powder cups from the mixers, the water cups, the
product sliding panels, the silicone tubes for the exit of the product, the product
containers (included the container for the coffee beans if the machine is suitable for
ground coffee). Remember to separate the cover from the body of the coffee container,
the dump boxes, the drip trays as well as the water tank (if available).
- Wash all parts by using hot water. Dip everything for about an hour into the solution
which has been previously prepared.
- Clean the fans of the mixers and the not movable bases of the mixers by using a cloth
soaked in the solution.
-Step to the automatic cleaning of the mixers, by adding to the cups some drops of
clorynecleasing. To do that, press the setting mode's push button and the key 6 on the
keyboard. This operations is also useful to eliminate trails of dirty in the boiler.

- After the cleaning, rinse all the washed parts by using water in order to remove any
residue of the solution.
- Wipe accurately all the containers for the deposit of the powders, the drip trays and the
product containers and then re-assemble them.

ATTENTION: !f the dispenser does not work for a period longer than the date of expire
of the products, it is necessary to empty the product containers completely and step to
the cleaning.
- The cleansing operations must be done after 1+00-1500 selections at least.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

The Operators only, equipped with the machine's front door keys, can carry out all
products loading operations.

12.1 Suggested products location

12.1.1 Nodel E3:
Coffee beans

Nilk (solubile 1)
Chocolate (soluble 2)
Tea or vanille (soluble 3)

Type of canister: CC M P P

12.1.2 Nodel E2:
Coffee beans

Chocolate (soluble 1)

Nilk (solubile 2)

Type of canister: CC M Q

12.1.3 Nodel S+:
Tea (soluble 1)
Chocolate (soluble 2)

Nilk (soluble 3)
!nstant coffee

Type of canister: P M Q P

12.1.+ Nodel S5:
Tea (soluble 1)
Chocolate (soluble 2)
Nilk (soluble 3)
Decaffeinated coffee(soluble+)
!nstant coffee

Type of canister: P M M P P

12.1.5 Legend types of canisters:
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

P: Little canister with capacity of about 3.1 dm or liters.
M: Nedium canister with capacity of about 3.7 dm or liters.
G: Big canister with capacity of about +.8 dm or liters.
Q: Suare canister with capacity of about 7.3 dm or liters.
CC: Coffee beans canister with capacity of about +.1 dm or liters.

12.2 Loading operation

There are two ways to carry out this operation:

Nethod A:

1- Turn into right up position the pipe ( part 9 picture 3 and + page 3) of every single
canister to avoid product missing.
2- Take out the canisters.
3- Open the top of all canisters and fill in product using a quantita not exceding the total
consumption that will be used untill next re filling(this is important to have always fresh
product inside the machine).
+- Close the canisters and take bake to their position.

To refill the coffee canister you have to do the same operations as for the instant products
,pay attentino to close the slot for the coffee beans before remuving the canister, and
open it again when you replace it.

Nethod B:

1 Raise the vending machine upper panel (part 1 fig. 3 and + page 3).
2 Take away the tops from the canisters and fill with the suitable products by using
always a suitable quantity in order to avoid the possible agein of the products.
3 Close the canisters and the upper panel.

N.B. Make sure that the powders don't have lumps and the product don't be too
pressed, moreover carry out always a manual rinsing cycle of the mixers to
avoid the obstruction of the delivery pipes due to the accidental soluble
powder fall into the mixers during the relocaion of the canisters and the
respective delivery pipes.


13.1 Ignition of the machine

After each ignition of the machine, a reset operation of the coffee group willl be carried
out and the display will show the version of the microprocessor and the setted up

13.2 Opening of the door
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

After each opening of the door all charges get disconneted and all deliveries get blocked.
!t is just like disconneting the machine power supply.
While closing the door the machine will do all the operations that get made by switching
on the machine.

13.3 Temperature control

Once the machine has been switched on, it is disconneted until the reaching of the
programmed temperature. From this moment onwards, the machine is always enabled
with any temperature.

13.4 Coin validator control

The coin validators are normally enabled except these following cases:

-During the starting waiting for the reaching of the programmed temperature.
-During the delivery.
-!f some warnings are present.

13.5 Delivery of a drink

The delivery of a drink will be disconnected in these following cases:

-During the starting waiting for the reaching of the programmed temperature.
-During the delivery of another drink.
-!f some warnings are present.
-!f the coffee group is out of sorts for some reasons.
-!f the selection button isn't enabled because of programming.
-!f the inserted money isn't enough.

13.6 Showed messages in good working order

When the machine has been switched on, it visualizes the display shows the kind of used
microprocessors, either MP0315AA for the version with the coffee beans or MP0315AB
for the version with instant coffee, followed by another inscription Rew.x.x" that shows
the version of the used firmware.
!f the machine is enabled, just after the starting message, the display will show Total
counter" and the value of the counter for four seconds, moreover the reset of the coffee
group will be carried out.
Until the progammed temperature has been reached, the display shows Wait please,
During the washing, it shows Rinsing cycle - Waiting please" and during the delivery
Drink XX - Waiting please".
When the machine is ready, the display will show the following messages:
-On the upper line Machine ready", if the Nr coffee res" function is enabled and its
value is lower than the reserve: Coffee reserve" (chapter 15.+.3).
-On the lower line, when the system of payment is Token" (chapter 15.+.1), the display
shows Insert token" and, after a token has been inserted, Select"; when the system
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
of payment is Coin", and so with a system of payment like coin acceptor the display will
show Credit" followed by the present credit. !f the inserted credit for the delivering of a
drink isn't enough and its selection button is pressed, the display will show Insert"
followed by the lacking amount.


As said at the previous chapter, when the machine has just been switched on, the water
in the boiler is clearly at room temperature, so the display will show the messages:
Heating","Wait please".
When the right temperature is reached (for default 95C), the messages will change to:
Machine ready", Credit 0.00" and the beverage supply will be possible.
At first, insert the cup or mug into the delivery area and insert the coins, the display will
show the already introduced amount. !f this is enough, by pressing one of the selection
push buttons, the delivery of the wanted product will start, otherwise the display will show
the inscription Insert" with the amount to be inserted to reach the price of the wanted
product, only after the insertion of this amount and the pressing of the selection button,
the delivery will be possible.
N.B. Before taking the drink, wait for the display showing the message
"Machine ready".


Only Technicians or Operators are allowed to set-up or to change programmed
parameters. This function enables you to set the system of payment, to adjust the doses
of beverages, etc. to set the machine as you prefer.

Enter the programming.

To enter the setting mode, , pull the door micro-switch (see point + page 3) and press the
programming key on the back of the keyboard. Then, with machine turned on:

- open the door of the machine
- pull the door micro-switch pin (see point 7 pics 3 and +, page 3).
- wait the end of the coffee group reset.
- push the programming key (see point + pics 3 and +, page 3).

On the display you will see INSERT PASSWORD"

Now you can:

Display the Boiler Temperature
Nake a Rinsing
!nsert Password and enter the programming menu

15.1 Display the Boiler Temperature

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
!f you press Key 11 the display shows the water temperature inside the boiler. This
could be useful to control the proper functioning of the machine.
!n this condition you can always select a beverage.
To come back to the normal condition, you must press the program key.

15.2 Manual rinsing.

With Insert Password" on the display, if you press the Key 12 the machine does a
rinsing of all the cups of any solubles . They will be washed one at a time with 50cc of hot
water. At the end, the machine goes back to the normal condition.
We recommended making regular rinsing, to keep the machine clean and to ensure proper
hygienic conditions.

15.3 Insert password and enter the programming.

The default password is 2222" and it must be dialed by using the selection keyboard as

Key Value
1 1
2 2
3 3
+ +
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9

Once in the programming menu, you can use the following keys:

1: Confirm the value and go to the following parameter or menu (Enter).
2: !ncrease the value (+).
3: Decrease the value (-).
+: Exit and goes back of a parameter or menu (Esc).

15.4 Main Programming Menu.

The main programming menu is divided in 6 different areas or menu. By using key 2 (+)
and 3 (-) is possible to choose the liked area and, by the key P1 (Enter) you can enter
that area. The menu are:

Sys of Payment
Selling Data
Set Password
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Once entered one of those menu, by using key + (Esc) you go back of one menu. !f you
press again + you will exit the programming.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
15.4.1 Sys of Payment

By this menu you can program the payment system with parameter like way of payment,
prices, operating or not of the selection key. Here after you find a list of the functions, the
menu message and their description.

1: Enter, confirm and go to the following parameter or menu (Enter)
2: !ncrease the value (+).
3: Decrease the value (-).
4: Go back of one step

Displayed Message Description Set up

Sys of Payment Shows the way of payment Token* or Coin

Base Coin !t gives a value to the basic coin for prices From 0 to 255.
and coin channels

Decimal Point This shows the number of decimal figures 00000 0000,0
you want to enable. 000,00 00,000

Channel 1 Coin Shows the value accepted by the payment From 1 a 255 times
system on channel 1. the value of the Base

Channel X Coin Shows the value accepted by the payment From 1 a 255 times
System on channel X. the value of the Base

Channel 6 Coin Shows the value accepted by the payment From 1 a 255 times
System on channel 6. the value of the Base

Beverage 1 Price Shows the selling price of beverage 1. From 1 a 255 times
the value of the Base

Beverage X Price Shows the selling price of beverage X. From 1 a 255 times
the value of the Base

Beverage 12 Price Shows the selling price of beverage 12. From 1 a 255 times
the value of the Base

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
Displayed Message Description Set up

Button 1 You can disable key 1 On - Off.

Button X You can disable key X On - Off.

Button 12 You can disable key X On - Off.

Hereafter you find the example of the Euro programming that is the default programming
for this menu:

Base Coin: 5
Decimal Point: 000,00
Channel 1 Coin: 0,05
Channel 2 Coin: 0,10
Channel 3 Coin: 0,20
Channel + Coin: 0,50
Channel 5 Coin: 1,00
Channel 6 Coin: 2,00
Beverage 1 Price: 0,00
Beverage X Price: 0,00
Beverage 12 Price: 0,00
Button 1: On
Button X: On
Button 12: On

* !n case you set Payment System to TOKEN, you will see the same messages you see
when you set CO!N, but, in the menu Beverage 1,2,3,.,12 Price". !n this menu you
have to set the value to 0 if you want the beverages are delivered at no cost or you have
to set to a value from 1 to 255 if you want to sell the beverages at the price of 1 token.
All the other sub-menu of the Payment system menu can be set in the same way
independently from the TokenfCoin choice.

15.4.2 Doses.

!n this menu you can select the doses of coffee, water and soluble to obtain different
beverages. When the machine is new this menu is set with standard values. By this menu
you can adapt the beverages to your taste.

Once in this menu, by using the key 2 and 3 is possible to select the beverage you want
to change the doses. By key 1 you enter that beverage doses menu and you can modify
all the parameters by key 2 and 3. Then, by key 1 you confirm the changes made.

Hereafter, you will find a list of the key function, the messages of the Doses menu for
each selection (XX means beverage number XX), the descriptions of those messages and
the set-up limits:

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
1: Confirm the value and go to the following parameter or menu (Enter).
2: !ncrease the value (+).
3: Decrease the value (-).
+: Exit and goes back of a parameter or menu (Esc).

{* ) One asterisk = versions E2 and E3.
{**) Two asterisk = versions S4 and S5.
{ ) No asterisks = all the version E2, E3, S4 e S5

Displayed message Description Setting

H2O Coffee XX Water coffee dose for beverage XX From 0 to 500 cc.

H2O Powder 1** XX Water dose for soluble 1 for beverage XX From 0 to 500 cc.

H2O Powder 1f2* XX Water dose for soluble 1 and 2 beverage XX From 0 to 500 cc.

H2O Powder 2f3**XX Water dose for soluble 2 and 3 beverage XX From 0 to 500 cc.

H2O Powder 3 * XX Water dose for soluble 3 beverage XX From 0 to 500 cc.

H2O Powder +** XX Water dose for soluble + beverage XX From 0 to 500 cc.

H2O Direct XX Direct water dose beverage XX From 0 to 500 cc.

T. Powder 1 XX Soluble time 1 beverage XX From 0 a 25,0 s.

T. Powder 2 XX Soluble time 2 beverage XX From 0 a 25,0 s.

T. Powder 3 XX Soluble time 3 beverage XX From 0 a 25,0 s.

T. Powder +** XX Soluble time + beverage XX From 0 a 25,0 s.

T. Coffee Pow.** XX Time for coffee soluble beverage XX From 0 a 25,0 s.


As you can see, the time to delivery the water and the powder of any soluble are
programmed separately. !f the time to delivery the powder is higher than the time the
machine needs to delivery the water, the delivery of powder will be stopped. !n other
words, when the water of the doses finish (to start with the water queue if in the point
15.+.+ you set a value higher than 0), it finishes also the delivery of the powder. This
means that it could happen that it is possible to set a time for a soluble but this time could
reduced by the machine.
See the following chart:

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
Graphic 1:



T1 Time

A: Powder delay (it is used to not to block the soluble mixer).
B: Soluble delivery.
C: Water for soluble delivery.
D: Delivery water queue.

T1 is the moment when the water (C) with soluble powder (B) stops coming out and the
water queue starts being delivered. !t is the maximum time in which the machine can
delivery the programmed quantity of powder (B).
!n case you the machine needs to delivery the programmed quantity of powder (B) plus
the Powder delay (A) would be more than T1, the machine doesn't delivery the exceeding
quantity of powder (B). See graphic 2:

Graphic 2:

A B B'


T1 Time

15.4.3 Counters.

The Counters menu serves to allow the monitoring of the vending machine. You can
enable the inverse-counter and you can set the starting value.
Hereafter, you find a list with the message displayed by the machine, a description of the
message and the min-max setting value.

Key 1: Enter the menu, confirm the parameters.
Key 2: !ncrease the parameter displayed (+).
Key 3: Decrease the parameter displayed (-).
Key 4: Exit to the previous menu.

{* ) One asterisk = versions E2 and E3.
{**) Two asterisk = versions S4 and S5.
{ ) No asterisks = all the version E2, E3, S4 e S5
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Displayed message Description Setting

Coffee Counter Enable the inverse coffee counter On Off

Coffee Number * value (in nr. of coffee) of the counter from 1 to 9999

Coffee Counter ** value (in seconds) of the counter from 1 to 6553,0 s.

Nr. Coffee Res.* Nr. of coffee used as reserve by the counter from 0 to 200

Coffee Reserve ** Quantity of coffee used as reserve by the
Counter (in seconds) from 0 to 25,0 s.

Grounds Nr. * Nax. Nr. of coffee grounds that could be from 0 to 250
Contained in the table-top base 0 = not enabled

Free Drink Count Enable a special counter for the beverage On Off
Sold in free-vend

Display Counter Enable the machine to display the Total life On Off
Counter when the machine is in reset phase

Hereafter you find an in-depth explanation of the terms above written:

"COFFEE COUNTER" is used to enable the coffee inverse-counter. This function is used
when you want to stop the machine working when a certain number of coffees have been
prepared or when you know how many coffees can be made after a refilling. You can use
this option to know how many coffee you could prepare before the coffee is all used up.

"COFFEE NUMBER" * for Espresso versions E2 - E3. This option allows you to set the
starting value (from 1 to 9999) of the coffee inverse-counter (see Coffee Counter").
When this inverse-counter gets to 0 the display will show the message "LACK OF
COFFEE". At this point the machine stops working and you must set the starting value of

"COFFEE COUNTER"** for Soluble versions S4 - S5. This option allows you to set the
starting value (from 1 to 6553.0 seconds) of the coffee inverse-counter (see Coffee
Counter"). When this inverse-counter gets to 0 the display will show the message "LACK
OF COFFEE". At this point the machine stops working and you must set the COFFEE
COUNTER** again.

"NR COFFEE RES" * for Espresso versions E2 - E3, is a function similar to the fuel
reserve of a car. This function works only if the "COFFEE COUNTER" is enabled. You can
set a number from 0 to 200. When the inverse-counter gets the number you set, the
display will show "COFFEE RESERVE".

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
"COFFEE RESERVE" ** for Soluble versions S4 - S5. !t is a function similar to the fuel
reserve of a car. This function works only if the "COFFEE COUNTER" is enabled. You can
set a value from 0 to 25 seconds. When the inverse-counter gets the value you set, the
display will show "COFFEE RESERVE".

"GROUNDS NR" * for Espresso versions E2 - E3. This is the number of grounds which
can be contained in the dump box (coffee waste box). You can set it from 0 (that means
not enabled) to 250. !f you enter a number different from 0 when the inverse-counter
gets to it, the display shows "ALARM - EMPTY GROUNDS" and the machine stops
working. Now you must empty the dump box (coffee waste box) and press key P1 and at
the same time key P2 until the display message shows "READY MACHINE" and the
machine starts working again.

"FREE DRINKS COUNT". Here you allowed the machine to count the beverage sold with
the price set to 0. !f this option is enabled, the free drinks are counted in the counter
displayed when you turn on the machine. Otherwise the total counter counts a beverage
only if it is sold at any price different to 0.

"DISPLAY COUNTER" Here you allowed the display to show the number of beverages
prepared by the machine. This number is showed when you turn on the machine.

15.4.4 Options.

!n this menu it is possible to modify andfor enable the most part of the working
parameters of the machine.
Hereafter, you find a list with the message displayed by the machine, a description of the
message and the min-max setting value.

Key 1: Enter the menu, confirm the parameters.
Key 2: !ncrease the parameter displayed (+).
Key 3: Decrease the parameter displayed (-).
Key 4: Exit to the previous menu.

{* ) One asterisk = versions E2 and E3.
{**) Two asterisk = versions S4 and S5.
{ ) No asterisks = all the version E2, E3, S4 e S5

Displayed message Description Setting

Language !s the language used in programming !talianfEnglishf

Nachine Type Nachine model. 1, 2 or 3 Solubles

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Displayed message Description Setting

Set Temp Boiler !s used to set the temp. of the water in the from 85 to 105C

Water Refill * Enable the water refilling in the boiler. On Off

Group Pause * !t's the pause after having prepared a coffee from 0 to 10.0 s.

Powder Delay The delay in working of the powder soluble
motors after the starting of the water from 1.0 to 5.0 s.

!nt. Powder 3 !ntermittence in delivery the powder from
soluble 3. From 1 to 3

!nt. Powder + ** !ntermittence in delivery the powder from
soluble +. From 1 to 3

!nt. Coffee ** !ntermittence in delivery soluble coffee. From 1 to 3

Water Queue Water queue for solubles. From 5 to 50 cc

Flowmeter Pulses volumetric counter pulses divisor. From 1 to +

Pre-Grind * Enable the pre-grinding option. On Off

Double Coffee XX * Enable double-shot coffee on beverage
number XX On Off

Hereafter you find an in-depth explanation of the terms above written:

"Language": it allows to read the messages from the menu in different languages; you
can choose among !talian, English, Spanish or among !talian, German, French depending
on the version of the micro-chip installed.

"Machine Type": in this part you have to set the number of solubles installed in the
machine; this parameter will be changed if you modify the configuration of the machine,
i.e.: adding an extra soluble.

"Set Temp. Boiler": with this function you can set the temperature of the water inside
the boiler.
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

"Water Refill": * for Espresso versions E2 - E3. This option enables the machine to
replenish the l water in the boiler regularly to keep the boiler always full; the refill lasts 1
second and it is done after 10 minutes have passed from the last beverage supplied with

"Group Pause": * for Espresso versions E2 - E3. !t's a delay between the moment
when you have just finished to prepare a beverage, which includes a coffee, and the
enable to prepare the following beverage.

"Powder Delay": when you select a beverage prepared with a soluble, the powder is
dispensed after a pause (powder delay) that allows a good mixing between powder and
water and prevents the mixer bowel from becoming blocked.

"Int. Powder 3": this option allows you to divide the powder delivery, in the soluble 3, in
1, 2 or 3 times. This option helps to melt the tea powder in a proper way, by dividing the
powder delivered in more smaller quantities. !n case you set this option to 1, the powder
is delivered in a single supply.

"Int. Powder 4" ** for Soluble versions S4 - S5. This option allows you to divide the
powder delivery, in the soluble +, in 1, 2 or 3 times. This option helps to melt the powder
in a proper way, by dividing the powder delivered in more smaller quantities. !n case you
set this option to 1, the powder is delivered in a single supply.

"Int. Coffee" ** for Soluble versions S4 - S5. This option allows you to divide the
supply of soluble coffee in a maximum of three single deliveries, like the above voices, but
only in version S+ and S5. !n case you set this option to 1, the powder is delivered in a
single supply.

"Water Queue": when you select a beverage prepared with a soluble, there is queue of
water after the powder falls; this is necessary to clean powder of solubles inside the mixer

"Flowmeter Pulses": this function is set from the manufacturer and it can't be changed.
!t is used to find out the exact quantity of water that is necessary to the machine to
prepare the beverage in the right doses.

"Pre-Grind" * for Espresso versions E2 - E3. This option allows you to enable or
disable the pre-grinding function. Normally, when you select a beverage with beans the
grinder grinds the right quantity of coffee, send it to the coffee-doser and, then, to the
coffee brewer. !n case you set the pre-grinding option to ON, the procedure is inverse.
!mmediately after having prepared a coffee (or any beverage that requires beans), the
grinder grinds the beans for the following coffee. So, as soon as you select coffee, it is not
necessary to wait for the grinding phase because the coffee is already grinded and sent to
the doser. This option is used to accelerate the procedure to prepare a coffee.

"Double Coffee XX" * for Espresso versions E2 - E3. !t allows you to prepare a
beverage with a double shot of coffee. To do it, the machine prepare two coffee in a
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
single beverage. !n the end, basically, the coffee is prepared with 16 grams of coffee
instead of 8 grams.

15.4.5 Date of sales.

The counter menu allows you to monitor the quantity and the amount sold for any
selection, the total number and amount sold by the machine.

Hereafter, you find a list with the message displayed by the machine and a description of
the message.

Key 1: Enter the menu, confirm the parameters.
Key 2: !ncrease the parameter displayed (+).
Key 3: Decrease the parameter displayed (-).
Key 4: Exit to the previous menu.

Displayed Messagges Description

Counter Bev. 1 !t counts the beverages prepared by selection 1
Amount Bev. 1 !t shows the amount sold by selection 1
Counter Bev. X !t counts the beverages prepared by selection X
Amount Bev. X !t shows the amount sold by selection X
Total Counter: !t shows the total number of beverages prepared by the
Total Amount: !t shows the total amount sold by the machine

Amount Bev. 1,2,X" The dates are shown using the BASE COIN (i.e. 0,05 cents for
the Euro), so you have to multiply the date for the base coin (i.e. 125 x 0,005 = 6,25

!t is not possible to modify the TOTAL COUNTER and TOTAL AMOUNT. You can only
set to 0 the counters for the single beverages.

15.4.6 Set Password.

!n this area, it is possible to change the password to enter the programming. The default
password is 2222.
Once you enter this menu, you can set a new password using the buttons
1,2,3,+,5,6,7,8,9 of the keyboard. At the end of this operation the display shows
CONFIRM?". To confirm the new password, push the programming key (point +, page

15.5 Fixed parameter.

For a better comprehension of the functioning of the machine, hereafter, you find a list of
the fixed parameters.
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

{* ) One asterisk = versions E2 and E3.
{**) Two asterisk = versions S4 and S5.
{ ) No asterisks = all the version E2, E3, S4 e S5

- Water refill after the last coffee prepared 10 min. *
- Water refill duration 1 s. *
- OpenfClose time cofee doser electromagnete 0,5 s. *
- Time-out coffe brewer motor 10 s. *
- Time-out grinder. 25 s. *
- Water quantity used to wash a single body mixer 50 cc.
- Delay after the last beverage. 5 s.
- Delay from the moment the pump finishes working to the
starting of the grinder 2 s. *
- Delay of Alarm message Lack of Water from the moment
the sensor sends the signal 2 s.


16.1 Alarms displayed by the machine.

This machine is equipped with mechanisms that constantly check many functions. !f
something irregular is detected, one of the following warning messages is displayed.

"Sorry No Coffee A" * for Espresso versions E2 - E3.

!t is displayed if the group motor is not able to reach the position within 10 sec. The
machine stops the delivery of the beverage.
You can reset this message by turning off and then turning on the machine, or entering
the programming (introducing the right password) and going out.

Likely Reason Solution
Coffee Group motor damaged. Replace it.
Coffee Group cam or micro-switch not
correctly positioned.
Set it in the right position.
One of the two micro-swithc that controls
the rotation is broken.
Replace it.
Wiring cut off Riconnect it.
The main board doesn't work. Send it to Adimac.

"Sorry No Coffee B".

!t is displayed when, during the delivery of a beverage, the volumetric counter doesn't
count at least +cc of water in the first 10 sec. The delivery of the beverage is stopped. You
can reset it by entering the programming (introducing the right password) and going out.
IMPORTANT: in case this message is displayed, you can check if anything
blocks the mix container before resetting the alarm.
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Likely Reason Solution
Lack of water from the main water supply or
in the water tank.
Riconnect to the tube to the main water
supply or re-fill the water tank.
Nain water supply filter stuffed up. Replace it.
Pressure regulator closed, stuffed up or
Set the pressure regulator or replace it if it
doesn't work.
The water pump doesn't work. Check the wiring or replace the pump if it is
The volumetric counter doesn't send the
count signal to the main-board.
Check the wiring or replace the volumetric
counter if it is faulty.
The electrovalve is faulty. Replace it.
Wiring cut off Riconnect it.
The main board doesn't work. Send it to Adimac.

"Sorry No Coffee C".

!t is displayed when the temperature sensor is in short-circuit or if the circuit is open.
When you turn on the machine, this alarm is disabled for 60 seconds.
!f the alarm is displaied, the boiler heating element is disabled. Once you solved the
problem, you can reset the alarm by entering the programming (using the right password)
and going out.

Likely Reason Solution
Faulty temperature sensor. Replace it.
Wiring cut off Riconnect it.
The main board doesn't work. Send it to Adimac.

"Sorry No Coffee D" * for Espresso versions E2 - E3.

!t is displaied if the grinder is not able to grind the exact quantity of coffee within 25
seconds. The delivery of the beverage is stopped. You can reset it by entering the
programming (introducing the right password) and going out.

Likely Reason Solution
Grinder stuck. Dismantle the grinder and eliminate what is
blocking it.
The grinder doesn't work. 1. !f a brush is weared out, replace it.
2. !f the motor is burned, replace it.
The grinder works but doesn't grind. Replace the grindstones or widen the
grinding to +-5 releases.
The coffee doser let the coffee goi around
because the doser doesn't close properly.
Replace it.
The coffee doser micro-switch doesn't work. Replace it.
Wiring cut off Riconnect it.
The main board doesn't work. Send it to Adimac.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
"Sorry No Coffee E".

!t is displaied, if it is enabled in the programming menu, when the coffee decounter gets
to zero (the machine has prepared the exact number of coffee set in COFFEE COUNTER"
in the COUNTERS menu (see point 15.+.3)).
!t can be reset by setting a value bigger than 0 in the COUNTERS menu.

"Empty Grounds" * for Espresso versions E2 - E3.

!t is displaied, if enabled in the programming menu, when the set coffee grounds number
(set in the GROUNDS NR" menu, point 15.+.3) has been reached.
You can reset the alarm by pushing key 2 while pushing key 1.

"Sorry Lack of Water".

!t is displayed if the sensor inside the water tank reads the lack of water in the tank. !f
you re-fill the tank with water, the alarms automatically disappears.

16.2 Other problems.

!t is not possible to turn
on the machine (no one
part of the machine is
power supplied).
1. No power supply.
2. The power supply cable not
connected or damaged.
3. The main fuse protection
burned. (nr. 7 pic. 2 page 2).
+. The main switch is damaged.
(nr. 6 pic. 2 page 2).
1. Restore the power supp.
2. Riconnect itfReplace it.

3. Replace it.

+. Replace it.
The light on the
advertising panel is
tuned on but the display
is not working.
1. The main-board fuse is
2. The door micro-switch is
3. The display flat cable is
disconnected or damaged.
+. The display is damaged.
5. The main-board is damaged.
1. Replace it.

2. Replace it.

3. Riconnect itf Replace it.

+. Replace it.
5. Send it to Adimac.
The machine is turned
on, you select a soluble
beverage but only water
is coming out.
1. One or more powder
canisters are empty.
2. There is an error in the
3. One or more soluble motors
is not working.
+. The wiring cut off.
5. The main-board is damaged.
1. Fill with products.

2. Enter the doses menu and
set the right doses.
3. Replace it.

+. Riconnect it.
5. Send to Adimac.
While selecting a
beverage with coffee
bean only water is
coming out.
1. The coffee doser micro-switch
is damaged.
2. The main-board is damaged.
1. Replace it.

2. Send to Adimac .
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
The beverage comes out
the cup.
1. There is an errr in the
programmed doses.
2. The main-board is damaged.
1. Enter the doses menu and
set the right doses.
2. Send to Adimac.


Technicians or Operators only have the key for the front door opening of the vending
machine and can carry out all setting operations.
Pay attention that a too fine regulation of the grinder could block the coffee group filters.

By turning the wheel you make rotate the grinder ring to adjust the grinding (part A
picture 10 on page 32):

- Rotate clockwise in order to obtain a finer grinding of the coffee.
- Rotate anti-clockwise in order to obtain a thicker grinding.

Before verifing the success of the regulation, it is necessary to select the beverage for 3 or
+ times at least in order to give the grinder and doser group the possibility to run out of
the quantity of the previously grinded coffee powder, which normally remains inside the

WARNING: we suggest you to calculate the time that the grinder takes to grind the
setted coffee quantity. For a good working, with the grinder in value 5 (about 7 grams),
the grinder must take +-5 seconds. !f the grinding takes 8-9 seconds, the grinder is
regulated too fine.

Picture 10


WARNING: we suggest you to calculate the time that the grinder takes to grind the
setted coffee quantity. For a good working, with the grinder in position 5 (about 7 grams),
the grinder must take +-5 seconds. !f the grinding takes 8-9 seconds, the grinder is
regulated too fine.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Picture 11

Picture 12


The change of the machine configuration must be carried out by using only the
kit provided by Adimac Srl. Adimac Srl may not be held liable for the changes
that are made with different or not provided parts, which may cause some

19.1 Changing from water main connection to tank

Tank connection kit is composed by:

A: silicon tube with filter and one way valve (picture 13 page 3+).
B: volumetric counter with exit tube and connection for pump (picture
13 page 3+).
The setting of the grams can
range from 5g (value=1) to 10g
(value=10). This operation is
delicate, so it must be carry out
with the utmost care by qualified
and suitable trained staff. This is
possible by adjusting the
regulation system, located on the
right side of the doser (part A
picture 11 page 33), in the
following way and as showed into
the detail of the picture.

To increase the dose, push the
block little lever (part C picture 12
page 33) inwards and while
holding the outer part of the
system (part D picture 12 page
33), turn the lever rightwards to
the values with a higher number.
Nove to the other way to obtain
less dose.


Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Picture 13

1- Turn off the main water.
2- Nake a selection in order to reduce the pressure in the hydraulic circuit.
3- Turn off the machine and disconnect the power supply plug.
+- Remove the back side panel.
5- Take off the volumetric counter connector.
6- Take off the water tube from the fast connector of the pressare reducer.
7- Take off the silicon tubes that connect the solubile electrovalves to the mixerbowls
(pay attention, a little quantity of water could exit).
8- Take out the boiler support for 5-7 centimetres by unscrewing the two screws and
lift it from the back side.
9- Take out the screws from the pressure reducer hole-closer support and the screw
that keeps the volumetric counter to the boiler support ( pay attention, this screw
has been put in from underneath).
10- Loosen the Bar connection on the input side of the pump.
11- Take out the reducer+volumetric counter from the machine.
12- Take out the pressure reducer hole-closer support from the pressure reducer, turn
it upside down (so the square hole stays on the lower side) and fix it to the boiler
13- By using silicon or hot glue, fix the new volumetric counter (part of the kit) in the
place of the old one; pay attention, insert it into the two holes of the boiler
support so that the two tubes go towards the back side of the machine.
1+- Connect the exit rubber connection of the volumetric counter with the input side
of the pump, by exerting a little pressure.
15- Re-position the boiler support in its housing by positioning first the two back side
appendages in their housings and then fixing it by the two front screws.
16- Connect the volumetric counter connector to the volumetric counter.
17- Position a tank (not included in the kit), full of water, in the base of the machine;
connect it to the volumetric counter by the tube, it must pass through the suitable
hole located at the bottom, on the right hand side of the machine.
18- Connect the two wires comeing from the water level sensor of the tank to the
gray and blue wires placed on the left side of the machine below the CPU board.
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
19- Connect the power supply cable, turn on the machine, open the door and pull the
door microswitch; make 3 or + rinsing cycles until the water flows correctly to the
mixing bowls.
20- Check if everything is ok and put back the back side panel.

19.2 Changing from tank to water main connection.

Water main connection kit is composed by:

A: Flow meter + water regulator (picture1+ page 35).
B: Fast on connection tap with filter (picture1+ page 35).
C: Three-screws (3.9x9.5mm) set (picture1+ page 35).

Picture 1+

1- Turn off the machine and disconnect the power supply plug.
2- Take out the back panel.
3- Take out the pressure reducer hole-closer support by unscrewing the two screws
+- Disconnect the Flow meter connector.
5- Disconnect the tank sensor by the fastons of the nr.5 grey wire and nr.+ blu wire,
placet below the CPU board, connect together the two ones that goes to the
board and take away the ones that goes to the cabinet.
6- Disconnect the hose and the connector from the input side of the pump.
7- Disconnect the hose that goes from the Flow meter to the base of the machine
and drop it into the cabinet and then remove the tank and the hose from the
8- By levering up with a screwdriver, disconnect the Flow meter and take it out; it is
fixed by using silicon.
9- Disconnect the silicon hoses that go from the solubile electrovalves to the mixers;
pay attention because a small quantity of water can come out.
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
10- Loosen the two screws which fix the boiler support; lift the boiler from the back
side and take it out for 5-7 centimeters.
11- Fix the BAR connector to the input side of the pump (pay attention to the right
position of the O-Ring) and take care of unscrewing the nut before introducing it
inside the pins and then fixing it by holding the connector with the other hand.
12- Fix with two 3.9X9.5 screws the support that closes the pressure reducer hole to
the pressure reducer by making the support pass through the fast main water
supply connector and turn it upside down compared to the previous position.
13- Fix the support that closes the pressure reducer to the boiler support with the
screws that had been used before and fix the volumetric counter to the boiler
support with the other 3.9X3.9 screw, from underneath by using the proper hole.
1+- Re-position the boiler support in its housing paying attention to position first the
two back-side appendages in their housings and then fix the support with the
front screws.
15- Connect the volumetric Counter to the tubes of solubile electrovalves.
16- Now, install the connection tap with filter, included in the kit, to the main water.
You can't avoid to install this tap because the machine works properly only if this
filter is installed.
17- Connect the machine with the tap-filter by using the Teflon 6f8 tube and turn on
the tap.
18- Connect the power supply, turn on the machine, open the door and pull the door
Nicro switch peg.
19- Nake 3 or + rinsing cycles and by operating on the pressure reducer adjust the
inlet water pressure until the water in the mixing bowls goes not higher than half
the space between the inlet water fitting and the bottom of the mixer tank, all the
cone-shaped bottom must have about two millimeters of water.
20- Check if everything is ok and put back the back side panel.

Picture 15


The change of the machine configuration must be carried out by using only the
kit provided by Adimac Srl. Adimac Srl may not be held liable for malfunctions
that are caused by changes carried out with different or not provided parts.

On the right, the final result after the
change of the type of connection. !n
the foreground, the pressure reducer
hole-closer support.

foro riduttore di pressione.
Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
20.1 From version S4 to S5


1- Disconnect the power supply.
2- Open the door and take out the third canister from the left (Q type).
3- !nstall the new canister (N type), holding it on the left, and position the pipe on the
same mixing bowl (the second).
+- Take the back-side panel out and install the soluble 80rpm in the only free space by
fixing it like the others.
5- Connect the motor-reducer with the wires nr.1+ and nr.18, already predisposed;
pay attention to keep the polarization. !f this is wrong, as soon as you prepare the
first beverage, the powder doesn't exit because the motor goes in the opposite
6- Now, insert the +th canister (P type) in the free space and install the pipe so that
the powder goes in the third mixing bowl (the last one on the right).
7- Reassemble the back side panel and turn on the machine.
8- Enter N!SCELLANEOUS menu and set up the machine as it works with 5 solubles
and make the changes to the beverages'doses.
9- Test the right working of the machine.

20.2 From version S5 to S4.


1- Disconnect the power supply.
2- Take out the third and fourth canisters (N and P type) and install the new canister
(Q type. See below).
3- Take the back-side panel out.
+- You can leave the motor-reducer related to the taken soluble because it isn't a
mechanical hindrance but you must disconnect the electrical wires.
5- Reassemble the back side panel and turn on the machine.
6- Enter N!SCELLANEOUS menu and set up the machine as it works with + solubles
and make the changes to the beverages'doses.
7- Test the right working of the machine.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Picture 16 Picture 17

20.3 From version E2 to E3


1- Disconnect the power supply.
2- Open the door and take out the third canister from the left (Q type. See below).
3- !nstall the new third canister (P type) by positioning it on the left and position the
pipe on the first left-side mixing bowl.
+- Take the back-side panel out and install the solubile 80rpm motor-reducer in the only
free space of the solubile motor support.
5- Connect the motor-reducer with the wires nr.22 and nr.18, already predisposed; pay
attention to the polarization of the motor because a wrong connection causes the
motor-reducer rotation in the opposite direction and so the powder can't exit.
6- !nsert the fourth canister (P type) and install the pipe so that the powder goes in the
second mixing bowl from the right.
7- Reassemble the back-side panel and turn the machine on.
8- Enter N!SCELLANEOUS menu and set up the machine as it works with three solubles;
make the changes to the beverages' doses by entering DOSES menu.
9- Test the right working of the machine.

20.4 From version E3 to E2.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

1- Disconnect the power supply.
2- Open the door and take out the third and fourth canisters (P type) from the left and
install the new canister (Q type. See below).
3- Take the back-side panel out.
+- You can leave the motor-reducer related to the third solubile (the one you want to
take out), but you must disconnect the electrical wires.
5- Reassemble the back-side panel and turn the machine on.
6- Enter N!SCELLANEOUS menu and set up the machine as it works with three solubles;
make the changes to the beverages' doses by entering DOSES menu.
7- Test the right working of the machine.

Gaia E2 Gaia E3
Picture 18 Picture 19


Coin Validator kit is composed by:

A: Cash box (part A picture 20 page +0).
B: Back cover for coin validator (part B picture 20 page +0).
C: Coin validator box (part C picture 20 page +0).
D: 3 screws to fix the cash box and the coin validator box (part D picture 20
page +0).

N.B. The Coin validator is provided only on request.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Picture 20


1- Disconnect the power supply.
2- Open the door of the machine.
3- Take out the keyboard cover sticker carefully.
+- By cutting the micro-junctions of the closing flat metallic plate, prepare the hole for
the validator housing.
5- Re-position the sticker, make the hole for the housing by following the shape of the
taken flat metallic hole and, in the upper part, prepare a +mm hole in the same
position of the one prepared on the machine door.
6- !nsert the coin validator (not included in the kit) in its box (part C picture 20 page
+0) and fasten it with the four screws that are usually supplied with the coin
7- Fix the box, with the validator, to the door with one of the three N+ screws
included in the kit (part D picture 20 page +0).
8- Connect the validator 10ways flat cable (not included in the kit) with the CN2
keyboard connector, but before you must remove the safety cover.
9- Re-position the keyboard cover and fix it with the coin validator cover by using the
oval hole (part B picture 20 page +0).
10- Put in the last two N+ screws, not completly, on the inner plate of the machine,
where there are two threaded holes.
11- !nstall the cash box (part A picture 20 page +0) by hanging it on the two screws
used at the previous point 10.
12- Turn on the machine and pull the micro-switch door..
13- Enter the SYS OF PAYNENT menu and set up the different items: the base coin
value, decimal point, coin channels and prices.
1+- Check the right working of the system.

For any further information refer to the coin validator user's manual.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

As to guarantee the correct working of the vending machine for a long time, servicing and
cleaning must be done scrupulously. !t is clear that external things, like the dampness, the
temperature of the environment, the water hardness, the used products and so on, can
influence the frequencyof interventions on the machine.
These operations are necessary to respect the rules of health actually in force.
All servicing operations must be executed from skilled Operators only.
Before making any intervention inside the machine, make sure that the switch collocated
at the back of the machine is in OFF machine.
NOTE: Wash your hands carefully before making any intervention.

N.B. It is strictly forbidden from using steel wools, steel brushes, abrasive
sponges, solvents or particularly aggressive chemical detergents. Only after
having executed the cleaning operations, you can load the products.

22.1 Daily cleaning.

This operation aims at preventing the origin of bacteria where food is collocated. !t is
necessary to keep the stainless steel or painted surfaces cleaned with neutral detergents
in order to prevent oxidization or chemical aggressions.
Use of solvents or water jets directly to the machine are absolutely forbidden.
Use a cloth damped with drinking water for cleaning the parts of the delivery area.
Dismantle and rinse carefully by using drinking water these parts:

- Solubile pipe (picture 21 page +2).
- Suction funnel (picture 22 page +2).
- Nixer exit (picture 23 page +2)
- Nixer impeller (picture 2+ page +2).
- Nixing group gasket (fig. 25 pag. +2).
- Silicone tubes for the exit of the product (picture 26 page +2).

Picture 21 Picture 22

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Picture 23 Picture 2+

Picture 25 Picture 26

Once washed the parts, dry them carefully by using a dry cloth and then assemble them
again by doing the opposite procedure as regards the disassembly.

22.2 Weekly cleaning.

!t is necessary to clean the drip and powder tray (part 8 picture 3 and +, page 3). This
must be regularly emptied and washed carefully in order to avoid the origin of moulds and
bacteria. This operation must be executed also more times a week depending on the
quantity of work and on the environment, where the machine is placed.
Noreover, clean the canister support, the bottom and the external side of the machine, by
paying particular attention to the finishing parts.

22.3 Monthly cleaning.

Once a week it is necessary to disinfect all parts in contact with food, see chapter 11 on
page 1+.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
24. WATER DIAGRAM model E3

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl
26. WATER DIAGRAM model S5

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

The manufacturer declines all responsibilities for the use of not original parts.


- Nechanic parts 2+ months since the date of delivery
- Electric parts 12 months since the date of delivery

27.1 AD!NAC s.r.l. grants its product which is identified throughout the plate placed on
the right side of the machine reporting the CE marking, the registration number and
machine code.


1- Because of reason independent from the manufacturer's will, that is to say for
inefficiency, lack of care or improper use of the machine that means a complete
inobservance of the user's manual.

2- Because of a wrong installation executed by non-qualified staff.

3- Because of lack or wrong servicing and cleansing by the staff in charge of doing that.

+- Because of modifications or a wrong machine use.

5- Because of repairs made by non-qualified staff.

6- Because of transport, wrong power supply, use of aggressive soaps that cause a
deterioration of the materials and anything else which cannot be ascribed to the
manufacturer such as other people servicing, fire, external agents (earthquake,
thunderbolt, flooding etc.)

7- This warranty covers exclusively the spare parts and not the labour costs.

8- The warranty expires in case of delay or even partial insolvency of the fixed payments.


The user's manual can be preserved inside the machine. !f this is lost, you must address
to AD!NAC s.r.l. via dei Pini, +2 Thiene (v!) Phone 0039 0++5 36103+, Fax 0039 0++5
362768, e-mail [email protected].

This user's manual is updated to the current technical knowledge of the machine and the
manufacturer reserves itself the right to modify models and characteristics without any

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

All these operations must be carried out by Technicians, who have the key for opening
the front door of the machine, according to the rules in force.
!f the machine isn't operative for a long time, it is necessary to follow these instructions:
- Disconnect the power supply cable.
- Turn the tap of the water connection off and disconnect the tube from the machine.
- Empty all containers.
- Disassemble and clean deeply all parts in contact to food by using hot water.
- Execute the operations of disinfection, as described in chapter 11 on page 1+.


This machine is made of recyclable iron and plastic materials. You must proceed with its
disassembly by dividing all the parts according to the material they are made of (metal,
stainless steel, iron, plastic,.).
You must address to the local companies for the elimination of all parts of the machine.

Gaia User's Manual Vers. 0903 English Adimac srl

We, manufacturer AD!NAC srl, with residence in v!A DE! P!N!, No. +2 Z!P CODE 36016



MODEL: E2 VERSION: 110J120 Vac 60Hz
E3 220J240 Vac 50Hz


MANUFACTURING YEAR ........................

Is in conformity with the legislative dispositions which traspose the following
- direction S9J336 CEE {Directive EMC) and next amendments
- direction 73J23 CEE {Directive of the Low Tension) and next amendments
- direction 9SJ37 CEE {Machine Direction)

and is in compliance with the here below rules andfor technical specifications:

EN 5501+-1 (1993) !EC 335-2-75 (1995)
EN 5501+-2 (1997) EN 292-1 (1991)
EN 292-2 (1991)

The beginning year of the CE marking on the Gaia is represented by the figures CE 02

Place : Thiene

This user's manual is an integral part of the machine. !t must be read and thoroughly
understood in order to make safe and proper use of the machine.