The document discusses gas chromatography analyzers from Siemens for analyzing natural gas properties. It describes the STRATOS CV analyzer which provides fast, accurate analysis of natural gas quality properties. It also discusses various continuous gas analyzers from Siemens that use different measurement techniques like paramagnetic, ZrO2, flame ionization, and thermal conductivity to analyze gases. The document also mentions the LDS 6 in-situ laser diode spectrometer for applications like ammonia slip analysis in high temperature environments.
The document discusses gas chromatography analyzers from Siemens for analyzing natural gas properties. It describes the STRATOS CV analyzer which provides fast, accurate analysis of natural gas quality properties. It also discusses various continuous gas analyzers from Siemens that use different measurement techniques like paramagnetic, ZrO2, flame ionization, and thermal conductivity to analyze gases. The document also mentions the LDS 6 in-situ laser diode spectrometer for applications like ammonia slip analysis in high temperature environments.
The document discusses gas chromatography analyzers from Siemens for analyzing natural gas properties. It describes the STRATOS CV analyzer which provides fast, accurate analysis of natural gas quality properties. It also discusses various continuous gas analyzers from Siemens that use different measurement techniques like paramagnetic, ZrO2, flame ionization, and thermal conductivity to analyze gases. The document also mentions the LDS 6 in-situ laser diode spectrometer for applications like ammonia slip analysis in high temperature environments.
The document discusses gas chromatography analyzers from Siemens for analyzing natural gas properties. It describes the STRATOS CV analyzer which provides fast, accurate analysis of natural gas quality properties. It also discusses various continuous gas analyzers from Siemens that use different measurement techniques like paramagnetic, ZrO2, flame ionization, and thermal conductivity to analyze gases. The document also mentions the LDS 6 in-situ laser diode spectrometer for applications like ammonia slip analysis in high temperature environments.
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NaIuraI gas chromaIograph 5lTRAN5 CV
SlTPANS Cv is a micro process gas chromalograph especially
designed lor lhe reliable, exacl and lasl analysis ol nalural gas. The analyzer provides all inlormalion on lhe qualily ol nalural gas and ils physical properlies such as calorilic value and densily lhal are required lor manilold applicalions in lhe nalural gas induslry. The rugged and compacl design makes SlTPANS Cv suilable lor exlreme silualions, such as direcl mounling on a pipeline. The special sollware "Cv Conlrol meels lhe requiremenls ol lhe nalural gas markel, as exem- plilied by cuslody lransler. ConIinuous gas anaIyzers - eIracIive Siemens conlinuous gas analyzers are well known in lhe process induslry lor lheir qualily, reliabilily, measuring accu- racy and long service lile. Dillerenl physical measuring lech- niques, lo suil lhe applicalion, are available. The OXYMAT series 6 provides oxygen measuremenl lrom high concenlralion levels down lo lhe smallesl oxygen concenlralions in pure gas applicalions wilh maximum accuracy using paramagnelic or ZrO 2 (lor lrace analysis) lechnology NDlP gas analyzers, such as ULTPAMAT 6 and ULTPAMAT 23, are used in highly seleclive concenlralion delerminalions lor lP-aclive gases and gas compounds, such as CO, CO 2 or NO The FlDAMAT 6 provides lolal hydrocarbon analysis wilh a llame ionizalion deleclor. Almosl all applicalions can be employed in a range ol uses, lrom hydrocarbon lrace analysis in pure gases lo hydrocarbon sum measuring in corrosive gases. The CALOMAT series 6 lhermal conduclivily-based gas analyzer dislinguishes ilsell by high measuring range dynamics and shorl response limes in lhe measuremenl ol hydrogen or olher inerl gases in binary mixlures, even in corrosive gases such as chlorine. Oplimum solulions can be selecled lor all applicalions, lor example, rack or lield mounling, explosion proleclion, corro- sion resislanl versions and various communicalion lypes.
5iemens conIinuous gas anaIyzers - in-siIu LDS 6 is a slurdy and reliable in-silu process laser diode speclromeler. The analyzer provides excellenl resulls even in high lemperalure and dusly environmenls, making lhe LDS 6 perlecl lor applicalions such as ammonia slip analysis. Olher 27 measuring componenls are oxygen, HCl, HF, CO, CO 2 or H 2 O. ll is lasl, very sensilive and represenlalive, requires neilher sampling nor mainlenance, permils no drill and is mulli- channel capable. AnaIyIicaI soIuIions As well as delivering lhe lechnology, we can provide advice and answers lo your inlraslruclure developmenl issues. Siemens Process Analylics is your qualilied parlner lor elli- cienl solulions lhal inlegrale process analyzers inlo auloma- lion syslems in lhe process induslry. Our analylical solulions are always driven by your cuslomer requiremenls. We oller an inlegraled design covering all sleps, lrom sampling poinl and sample condilioning up lo complele analyzer cabinels or analyzer shellers. This includes signal processing and communicalion lo dedicaled conlrol syslems such as process conlrol or analyzer mainlenance. We provide Siemens qualily lrom a single source wilh lunclion warranly lor lhe enlire syslem. Our experl leam provides a wide porllolio ol services - lrom sile survey lo inslallalion check, lrom inslruclion ol planl personnel lo spare parl slock managemenl, and lrom FLLD (Fronl Lnd Lngineering and Design) lor process analylics lo an inlernel-based service holline.