Viledon Product Catalogue 2013 2014 PDF

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Product catalogue 2013/2014 Air and liquid ltration

Industrial Filtration

Product range overview

Filter mats


Filter cells


Pocket lters


Cassette lters


HEPA lters


Gas phase ltration


Filter cartridges


High-temperature lters


Filters for dust removal


Liquid ltration





4 About Viledon 15 Air lter classication index 16  Product overview by lter classes

Air ltration
19  Filter mats Filter mats, lter panels, roll lters, paint mist arrestors 25  Filter cells 27  Pocket lters Compact, WinAir 37  Cassette lters MaxiPleat, NanoPleat, eMaxx, MVP, MVPGT 49  EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame, plastic frame, MDF frame, steel sheet frame, high volume ow, cartridges, plastic plenum hood, accessories 81  Gas phase lters Cassette lters (CarboPleat, DuoPleat), activated-carbon cartridges, ChemControl pellets, ChemControl modules 87 F  ilter cartridges (turbomachinery) Pulse-jet, depth-loading lters 91 H  igh-temperature (HT) lters HT lter mats, HT lter packs, HiProtec cassette lters, HT cassette lters 97 F  ilters for dust removal Filter cartridges, lter bags, lter plates, lter media



04 nutritexx 1 Filters for food and beverage 05 hydrotexx 1 Filters for drinking water 06 cooltexx 1 Filters for coolants and lubricants 10 pluratexx 1 Filters for hydraulic systems 12 novatexx 1 Membrane support media

117 Extras Mounting frames, seals, accessories for dust removal lters 127 O  rder|order inquiry form Information | legal notes Notes on technical specications
Filter classes Groups G to F according to EN 779:2012 Groups E to U according to EN 1822:2009 Energy eciency classes|Energy consumption According to EuROvent 4/11 measured at 3,400 m3/h

Superior ltration solutions for a better quality of life

One of the big challenges facing society today is safeguarding the cleanliness of air and liquids. Innovative solutions are called for and Freudenberg Filtration Technologies has the answers. We develop solutions that make processes more ecient, save resources and protect our environment, thereby raising the quality of life.

Our contribution to your improved energy eciency and climate protection balance
Ventilation systems require a relatively large amount of energy. In oce buildings, the proportion is about 40% of total consumption. In cleanrooms, it can be as high as 80%. A large part of the energy expenditure of variable-speed fans in ventilation (HVAC) systems is attributable to pressure drop, half of which are caused by the lters themselves. For this reason, acting responsibly in this area means reducing the pressure drop in air ltration systems to save valuable energy, avoid unnecessary costs and reduce CO2 emissions. Signicantly driven by Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, the new EUROVENT directive on energy eciency classi cation, EUROVENT 4/11, helps you to identify particularly energy ecient Viledon products. Numerous case studies have shown that our customers make a valuable contribution to energy saving and climate protection by using our ltration solutions.

Environmental responsibility begins in the development and production stages

We are committed to responsible management as a cornerstone of our sustainable business success. We are convinced that economic eciency, social responsibility and the protection of the environment are intimately linked. We pledge to promote sustainable technologies and product solutions that also provide the best possible product quality. Our activities in this area are wide-ranging. We avoid waste, reduce our use of materials and energy, increase the share of recycled raw materials and develop disposal-friendly and space-saving product alternatives. Sustainable production processes and products are not always obvious at rst glance for customers. This is why we actively support the Blue Competence initiative of the VDMA (German Engineering Federation). This initiative has dened robust sustainability criteria and standards, which are in turn conrmed by the actions of the membership. In this way, Blue Competence provides increased transparency, facilitates orientation and provides security for anyone looking for sustainable products or companies that work in a sustainable way.

Our customers gladly use the energy eciency logo in their documentation, which eectively says: We save energy and reduce CO2 emissions with Viledon air lters. As a partner of Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, you too can benet from the added value of our solutions. For example, by using the Viledon energy eciency logo. Contact your Viledon representative for more details.

Protecting people and the environment Optimizing industrial processes

With our innovative and powerful concepts for air and liquid ltration, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies combines eective protection against contamination with maximum cost-eciency.

Industrial air ltration

The Viledon brand represents the highest standards in industrial air ltration. Our system solutions are used in areas such as general HVAC and cleanroom technology, turbomachinery, surface technology, gas phase ltration and dust removal.

Liquid ltration
Viledon products set the standards for quality, reliability and diversity in industrial liquid ltration. Our well-known brands include hydrotexx for drinking water, nutritexx for food, cooltexx for coolant and lubricant ltration, pluratexx for hydraulic and lube ltration, as well as novatexx support media for membranes.

Human protection air ltration

Our Viledon ltration media provide people with eective protection against dusts and gases. In this segment, we develop solutions for respirators, secondary lters for vacuum cleaners, lter media and elements for room air cleaners, lters for protection against diesel emissions in mining, and customized ltration media.
Product information can be found at

Automotive air lters

micronAir is the number 1 in automotive cabin air lters and ensures eective protection against ne dust and odours. Made from fully synthetic ltration materials, micronAir engine intake air lters combine exceptional performance levels with new possibilities in terms of space utilization.
Product information can be found at

Oce air ltration

micronAir oce ne dust lters provide eective protection against emissions from laser printers, copiers and document shredders. They are certied by the German TV Nord and have been awarded ECARF approval for allergy-friendly products and services.
Product information can be found at

Some of the many industries we support

Automotive Cement Chemicals Cleanrooms Dust removal technology Energy Food and beverage production Health services Manufacturing Microelectronics Mining Oce buildings Paper and pulp Pharma

Residential buildings Steel Surface technology Transport (rail, sea and air) Wood industry

Innovative lter solutions developed and produced by Freudenberg

As part of the Freudenberg Group, we have access to all trend-setting technologies for lter media manufacturing. This provides the basis for our innovation leadership in industrial ltration. Because we develop and manufacture our own ltration media, we can ensure both process reliability and the highest quality ltration solutions. We can quickly and eciently respond to changing market requirements to set new standards from which our customers benet.

Innovations that set standards

Freudenberg innovations change the market and increase the eectiveness of industrial ltration. Here are just of few of the latest examples:

30 sqm lter surface area

Viledon sinTexx Plus lter cartridges with their corrugated polyester media with a nanober lining provide reliable protection and reduce energy costs. They achieve excellent performance for ne and hard-tohandle dust and smoke, and surpass the performance of previously used media, providing unprecedented levels of eciency.

Viledon eMaxx cassette lters represent a new generation of powerful, ecient, economical and durable lter cassettes. Designed for use in intake air ltration for gas turbines and compressors, they oer high reliability and eciency and a long service life, increasing the eciency of the turbine.

Viledon eMaxx cassette lters provide many advantages

Reliable, durable and long-lasting High dust-holding capacity with low pressure drop values Excellent ltration eciency, even in moist working conditions

Viledon sinTexx Plus

This symbol helps you recognize the new Viledon sinTexx Plus lter cartridges with corrugated polyester media and nanober lining.

Halogen- and corrosion-free plastic frame can be fully incinerated Can be mounted directly into existing designs

Well-proven products for industrial air ltration

The Viledon advantage is your advantage
Thanks to their special design features, Viledon lters for intake air, exhaust air and recirculating air systems are characterized by high ltration performance, excellent economy and outstanding reliability.

Proven storage specialist: Viledon Compact pocket lters

The rigid construction of the entire lter element results in uniform dust storage with full utilization of the lter surface area. This is achieved thanks to the leak-free, inherently rigid lter pockets with aerodynamic spacers, foamed into the PUR front frame. With four layers of ltration, the new nano jetSpin media achieves the highest possible levels of ltration. It is used in pocket lters belonging to classes F7 and F8.

Robust and durable: Viledon MaxiPleat cassette lters

Thermal embossing process with optimal V-shaped pleat geometry. Full utilization and uniform loading of the lter area for homogeneous air ow rates. High stability and torsional rigidity thanks to patented plastic frame construction. Uncompromising ne-particle ltration performance.

Highly reliable and ecient: Viledon high-temperature lters (with aluminum frame)
Specically developed for air ltration in paint dryers used in the automotive industry (also suitable for general drying technology). High dust-holding capacity and very good mechanical resistance, even for non-homogeneous air contamination. Meet particularly high requirements for air purity, process reliability and cost-eectiveness.

Technology and performance advantages

Long service life and high dust-holding capacity thanks to special depth-loading lter media. Aerodynamically optimized construction leads to low pressure dierences and reduced energy costs. According to the allocation to energy eciency classes, particularly energy ecient. Large savings for the operator across the entire lter-related cost spectrum. Excellent operational safety is achieved from the interaction of high-strength lter media, high dimensional stability and mechanical strength, as well as careful processing and quality control of the lter elements. Viledon lters are corrosion-free, 100% moisture-resistant and microbiologically inactive. Some products can also be fully incinerated. Viledon lters meet all requirements of the VDI 6022 hygiene regulations. Viledon ne lters are EUROVENT certied.

MaxiPleat cassette lters with plug-in connection for space-saving combination of two lter stages. (left) The welded spacers in Compact pocket lters optimally shape the pockets during operation. (right)

Maximum purity for liquid ltration

Whether for food and beverage ltration, drinking water ltration, coolant and lubricant ltration or membrane support media: Freudenberg Filtration Technologies provides a comprehensive product range of high-quality nonwoven fabrics for maximum purity and reliability in all applications.

For drinking water ltration

Under the hydrotexx brand, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies develops lter mats consisting of 100% food-grade bers. This makes them ideal for the ltration of food and drinking water. Physiologically harmless materials in combination with the most modern production technologies guarantee a lter medium that meets the stringent requirements of the food industry in terms of hygiene, eciency and extractable ingredients, every time.

For coolant and lubricant ltration

cooltexx provides durable, application-specic nonwoven fabrics for all vacuum, pressure and gravity belt lter systems, in all popular roll widths and lengths. This ltration media is custom-matched to the intended machining process, materials and process uids in terms of lter mesh size, ber type and media structure. These include, for example, emulsions and oils, washing, phosphating and coagulation baths.

For hydraulic uid and fuel ltration

Modern hydraulic lter systems require excellent lter media which, with their high mechanical and chemical resistance, are able to withstand extremely high dierential pressure, pressure peaks and volume ows. Modern diesel injection systems operate at extremely high pressures and require excellent particle and water separation. With pluratexx, we have developed lter media that can perfectly full all these demanding requirements.

For food and beverage ltration

For the ltration of beverages such as milk, wine and beer, Freudenberg nonwovens are fabricated into pockets and bags. In addition to being approved for food use, our media display high wet strength and a long service life thanks to the use of polyester cellulose bers in their production. This makes these products ideal for processing into durable bags (sewing, welding, stamping) with a low pressure dierence and excellent wet strength.

Membrane support media

Polymer-based membranes in many cases require additional mechanical reinforcement. This is the only way to ensure that they can withstand the physical stresses of production, further processing and operational use. In these terms, novatexx is well-proven as an eective support and drainage medium. The brand is synonymous with customized ltration media for liquids from the industrial and food sectors, as well as for products required in the production of membranes and lter cartridges.

Viledon lterCair Filters plus service plus consultancy the complete air quality management system

Viledon lterCair service

To ensure that you get maximum value out of our top-quality lters in your complex and sensitive systems, we have developed a unique and comprehensive lter management system: Viledon lterCair an individually bundled package consisting of a comprehensive lter range plus services and warranties.

Some examples of our Viledon lterCair services

Particle measurements by laser particle counter (stationary or as ProSim measurement) Determination of rates of descent, cabin balance, balance ventilation, temperature and humidity Paint inclusion and dirt-in-paint analysis on site or at the Viledon laboratories (SEM, EDX, IR microscopy) Computational uid dynamics (CFD) analysis in advance of reconstruction, redesign or realignment Use of a mist generator for the visualization of air streams Measurement of electrostatic charging and discharging processes Hygiene inspections and hygiene controls in accordance with VDI 6022, using trained personnel Changing lters, cleaning and disposal including acceptance testing according to DIN 1946-4 Technical service and maintenance of mechanical and electrical system components (such as dierential pressure monitoring, anti-icing system, etc.) Testing and calibration of dierential pressure gauges and transmitters Technical analysis of lter and ventilation systems (e.g. by measuring separation levels, air power, t testing, etc.) Checking the technical condition of the equipment, vulnerability analysis Filter procurement, stockholding, disposition Filter comparison measurements Energy eciency measurements

Technical and economic benets of Viledon lterCair

Reduction of inventories and warehousing costs Lower ordering costs Improved and stable air quality Long-term quality assurance Fewer suppliers Continuous improvements Complete cost control

Viledon Engineering Design and construction of lter units

Viledon Engineering oers a complete development and installation program for the upgrading and construction of air-cleaning equipment. Service packages focusing on the customers individual needs include performing an on-site status analysis, consultation, design of lter systems, precise proposals using 3D CAD drawings, protability analysis, order processing, documentation, training and after-sales support. Our many years of engineering experience in the elds of air-conditioning systems, (mechanical) process air and turbomachinery is documented in numerous successful projects worldwide. These include, for example, intake air systems for power plants, reneries, compressor stations, water plants, bottling plants, laboratories and oce buildings. We will be happy to present individual case studies in a personal meeting. Our engineering teams are in action around the globe and work closely with our customers to nd the right ltration solution, no matter how big the project may be. Each plant project is individually planned and implemented according to customer requirements. A special Viledon Engineering solution is Viledon eee.Sy. This stands for energy eciency-enhancement system and is a turnkey solution that provides improved energy eciency for turbomachinery while simultaneously utilizing waste heat to reduce energy consumption and increase plant protability.

Retrotting/ new constructions Concrete lter housings Steel lter housings Filter modules

Single or multi-stage Viledon lter wall solutions Air-cooling systems (Viledon eee.Sy) Weather hood constructions Anti-icing systems (Viledon IceProtect) Droplet separators Ventilation ducts Fans Transition elements Bends Silencers Support structures Electrical equipment

Viledon Engineering
Construction Retrotting/new constructions
Comprehensive status analysis Detailed cost analysis  3D CAD models to illustrate the concept Customized end-to-end solutions  Standardized modular lter system components  Turnkey solutions for all plant sizes Final on-site inspections Close collaboration with our customers

Front end protection

Operational service and support Viledon lters & spare parts

Top-quality Viledon lters Complete range of spare parts

Comprehensive service support

Repairand replacement Inspections Measurements Maintenance programs

Measurement technology



 Large selection of training courses

Performance and certied quality that you can rely on

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies is committed to delivering the highest quality. For you, this means increased safety during everyday use. Our consistent commitment to the highest standards is also reected in the diversity of the certication and quality improvement initiatives we deploy.

Others achieve the minimum requirements. We oer our customers more. This is why we do not restrict ourselves to completing externally required inspections we are committed to even more stringent internal quality criteria. We are certied according to DIN EN ISO 9001. Our overall integral management system is based on the current ISO/TS 16949 regulations (requirements of the automotive industry), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety). Six Sigma is an integral part of our corporate culture. Extremely rigorous testing in the Freudenberg lter laboratory ensures the consistent quality of all our lters.

Increased transparency: EUROVENT certication for ne lters

Not all lters deliver what their manufacturers promise. It is not uncommon to nd features in the product information that are never achieved in reality. But now, you can protect yourself. As an independent institution, the EUROVENT Certication Company has developed an international certication program for ne lters of groups M and F (according to EN 779:2012), which gives the user security. All Viledon ne lters are certied by EUROVENT.

ISO 9001


Sustainability through energy eciency Reduce energy costs with Viledon

Signicant cost reduction
The fan in an HVAC system consumes electrical energy during operation, for example, to overcome the lters resistance. In the case of variable-speed fans, energy consumption will continually increase as a result of the air lters pressure drop. Many conventional lters display unfavourable resistance behaviour. Not Viledon: our lters have a large dust storage capacity and the pressure drop increases only slowly.

Businesses across many industries and applications prot from the use of energy ecient Viledon lter solutions. You too can achieve signicant energy cost savings while contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Here is a typical example of the eciency of Viledon ltration solutions:

Example: 4.4 t less CO2 emissions per year with Viledon.

1st lter stage: 9 x conventional F6 pocket lters 2nd lter stage: 9 x conventional F9 cassette lters Volume ow: 30,000 m3/h 1st lter stage: 9 x F6 Viledon Compact pocket lters T60 2nd lter stage: 9 x F9 Viledon MaxiPleat cassette lters MX98 Volume ow: 30,000 m3/h

Conventional lters
Power consumption

Viledon system
19,930 kWh/year
Power consumption

27,820 kWh/year
Electricity costs*
(27,820 kWh x 0.10 /kWh)

(27,820 kWh x 0.559 kg/kWh)

/year 9 78 sa Cost vings

with Viledon

Electricity costs*
(19,930 kWh x 0.10 /kWh)

(19,930 kWh x 0.559 kg/kWh)

Cost savings per lter/year


15,551 kg/year

/year t/ 4.4t ction

CO2 redu with Viledon

11,140 kg/year
We will be pleased to send you documented case studies. Simply contact us.

Electricity costs for industry (0.10 /kWh), Source: BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V., correct as of 2011 ** Specic carbon dioxide emissions of the German electricity mix in 2011 (0.559 kg/kWh of CO2 emission factor), Source: German National Environment Oce, FG/2.5., correct as of April 2012


Energy eciency classication according to EUROVENT 4/11 Increased transparency in choosing lters
Rising energy costs and the need to reduce CO2 emissions are steadily increasing the focus on the energy consumption of HVAC systems. Energy-saving measures include the use of highly ecient frequency-controlled fans. Alongside that, a relatively simple and eective method of achieving signicant cost reduction is the use of top-quality, energy ecient Viledon air lters. To make it easier for users to choose the most energy ecient air lters, experts at Freudenberg Filtration Technologies introduced their own energy eciency classication system some years ago. Based on this work, a European energy eciency classication system for air lters was developed by the European Committee of manufacturers of air handling and drying equipment (EUROVENT). This is described in the EUROVENT Guideline 4/11. Class A stands for excellent energy eciency values, class G for very poor. For the energy-optimized operation of HVAC systems while still ensuring that lter eciency is adequate to deliver the necessary indoor air quality we recommend air lters in energy eciency classes A to C. In the study described in the EN 779 laboratory procedure for air lter testing, both lter eciency and pressure dierence are measured as a function of the dust load. This application uses the synthetic ASHRAE test dust. From the pressure dierence resulting from dust storage, a representative power consumption can be calculated with which the energy behaviour of the lter over an operating period of one year can be simulated in the laboratory. This representative energy value is used for the classication of air lters into energy eciency classes.

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co. KG

Viledon compact pocket filter T90


EN779: 2012

Approved 14/09/2012 Eurovent 4/11

Viledon air lters for the energy ecient use in HVAC systems
Viledon product
F 40 F 50 T 60 T 90 MF 90 MF 95 MX 85 MX 95 MX 98 MV 85 HSN MV 95 HSN MVP 85 MVP 95 MVP 98

The energy eciency class (EE class) helps you to recognize our highly energy ecient Viledon lters.

Pocket lter Pocket lter Pocket lter Pocket lter Pocket lter Pocket lter Cassette lter Cassette lter Cassette lter Cassette lter (synth.) Cassette lter (synth.) Cassette lter Cassette lter Cassette lter

Filter class*
G4 M5 M6 F7 F7 F8 F7 F8 F9 F7 F8 F7 F8 F9

Energy eciency class Annual energy conViledon EUROVENT sumption**

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A A A A C B B A A C B A A A 430 kWh 600 kWh 620 kWh 1,060 kWh 1,500 kWh 1,650 kWh 1,240 kWh 1,300 kWh 1,830 kWh 1,500 kWh 1,700 kWh 1,100 kWh 1,200 kWh 1,470 kWh

Report to performance data

Report to performance data

Report to performance data

* according to EN 779:2012 ** according to Eurovent 4/11: The indicated annual energy consumption results from a laboratory test procedure with synthetic test dust at 3,400 m/h and only refers to the portion of total energy consumption which is caused by the ow resistance of the lter. The annual energy consumption of an HVAC system may therefore dier signicantly in actual operation.


A partnership for your long-lasting success With Viledon at your side

Your direct route to us

To nd your customer service contact details for your region, please visit our website and go to Contact.

Apart from top-quality lter solutions, our portfolio also includes a comprehensive range of services to help our customers make optimum use of their lter systems in every respect. Our services at a glance:  Personal, expert on-site advice Our network of ltration consultants has numerous branches and distribution partners in Europe and worldwide. Reliable delivery service Delivery reliability is a key factor in our performance spectrum.  Filter program comprising more than 10,000 articles You will nd the right product for every need in our product range.  Tailored ltration solutions on demand Individual solutions lead to better results. We develop them together with you. Accessories A large number of extras support the eective use of our top-quality lters. Viledon academy In seminars, we pass on practical know-how and theoretical background knowledge related to all areas of ltration.  Filter measurement technology Using the latest test rig technologies, we subject our lters to standardized performance tests in accordance with national and international standards, as well as more stringent tests in our own test laboratory.

Our product portfolio also includes high-quality accessories, for example:

 Mounting frames of stainless steel or galvanized sheet steel with force-locking press-in spring system and rubber seal.  Dierential pressure gauges: display and switching device for b asic to very challenging applications. Rotational nozzle systems for eective cleaning of lter cartridges.  Pressure surge reectors to optimize pulse-jet cleaning.  Supporting baskets to prevent deformation of lter cartridges.  Particulate lter accessories: terminal housings, hood modules, fan-lter units, safe-change housings.


Air lter classication index

Filter application EN 1822:2009 (Part 1 to 5) Evaluation of lter performance at nominal air ow

Particulate air lters for general ventilation



EN 779:2012 evaluation of lter performance at 0.944 m/s (or nominal air ow)

Suitable for

Group designation

Filter classes

Test dust

Test aerosol

Final pressure drop in Pa

Minimum eciency for particles 0.4 microns in %

Previous: DIN EN 779:2003 (Predecessor: DIN 24185) Filter classes

Test aerosol

Integral value of eciency in the MPPS in %

Integral value of penetration in the MPPS in %

Local value of eciency in the MPPS in %

Local value of penetration in the MPPS in % 15 5 0.5 0.05 99.75 0.25 0.005 99.975 0.025 0.0005 99.9975 0.0025 0.00005 99.99975 0.00025 99.9999 0.0001

Average arrestance (Am) compared with test dust in %

Average eciency (Em) for particles of 0.4 microns in %

G1 250 40 Em <60 60 Em <80 35 55 70 F8 F9 E10 EPA: Ecient Particulate Air lter E11 E12 H13 H14 U15 ULPA: Ultra Low Penetration Air lter U16 U17 F7 F6 80 Em <90 90 Em <95 95 Em F5 G4 G3 G2 250 250 90 Am 80 Am <90 65 Am <80


50 Am <65


Coarse dust




1st lter stage (preltration)




Fine dust




450 DEHS (Di-Ethyl- 450 Hexyl450 Sebacate) 0.23.0 450 m 450

2nd lter stage (ne ltration)

85 95 99.5 99.95 99.995 99.9995 99.99995 DEHS (Di-EthylHexylSebacate) MPPS 0.10.3 m

Suspended dust

HEPA: High Eciency Particulate Air lter

3rd lter stage (nal ltration)

99.999995 0.000005

Previous: DIN EN 1822:1998 (Predecessor DIN 24184) H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 U15 U16 U17


2nd lter stage (ne ltration) 1st lter stage (preltration) Fine dust Suitable for Group designation Filter standard E (EPA) F M EN 779 EN 779
Average arrestance eciency Average eciency with 0.4 m

3rd lter stage (nal ltration) Coarse dust G

Suspended dust

U (ULPA) EN 779
Average eciency with 0.4 m / Minimum eciency


Product overview by lter classes

EN 1822 G4 90% G3 80% G2 65% G1 <65% M6 60% M5 40% E11 95% E10 85% Filter classes E12 99.5% H13 99.95% F9 95% | 70% F8 90% | 55% F7 80% | 35%

Total arrestance eciency (integral value)

H14 99.995%

U15 99.9995%

U16 99.99995%

U17 99.999995%

Filter mats (p. 2023) Roll lters (p. 24) MP 45 (p. 26) Compact (p. 2831) WinAir (p. 3235) MaxiPleat (p. 3842)

Filter mats Filter cells Pocket lters

NanoPleat (p. 43) eMaxx (p. 44) MVP (p. 45) MVPGT (p. 46+47)

Cassette lters

Aluminum frames (p. 5054) Aluminum frame with silgel seal (p. 5558)

Aluminum frame with sword prole (p. 59+60)


Plastic frame (p. 61+62) MDF frame (p. 6368)

DuoPleat (p. 82) Pulse-jet (p. 88) High volume ow (p. 73) Cartridge (p. 74+75) Fan-lter unit (p. 78) HT lter mats (p. 92) HT cassette lters (p. 95)

Steel sheet frame (p. 6972)

Plastic plenum hood (p. 76)

Adsorption lters Filter cartridges

Depth-loading lters (p. 89)

High-temperature lters HiProtec cassette lters (p. 94)


Air ltration

Filter mats
Filter mats, lter panels, roll lters, paint mist arrestors

Viledon lter mats are progressively structured, with the density of the ber layers increasing towards the clean air side. This ensures an optimum in terms of dened lter performance and dust holding capacity, coupled with a low pressure drop. All lter mats are produced using an eco- friendly formula. They are moisture-resistant up to 100% relative humidity and thermally stable up to at least 100C.


Filter mats Filter mats | Coarse dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Fire class Packing P15 and T3/290 S: Polyolen bers; Other: Polyester bers 250 Pa up to 100C 100% rel. hum. F1 acc. to DIN 53438 1 roll

PSB series Application The PSB lter mats are used for intake air ltration in air-conditioning systems of all kinds, particularly for coarse dust arrestance or as a prelter stage. The PSB range comprises of PSB/145 S PSB/275 S PSB/290 S Special features of the PSB series By virtue of their high dust holding capacity and their long lifetime, PSB lter mats are exceptionally cost-ecient. All types in this series prove their worth in application categories where stable arrestance performance is required when coping with a large dust loading and a high air ow rate. When used in exhaust air ltration, one of the advantages of the PSB series is that arrestance eciency and dust holding capacity are ideally matched to each other. P15 series Application All types in this series can cope with heavy-duty operation and are suitable for ltration in air-conditioning systems of all kinds. The P15 series features the familiar Viledon lter mats P15/150 S P15/350 S P15/500 S

Special features of the P15 series High arrestance eciency right from the start over the entire operational lifetime, for maximized operational dependability. The materials high mechanical strength ensures good dimensional stability, even when subjected to large air volumes, over the entire operational lifetime. Thanks to the polyolen bers used, P15 lter mats are largely resistant to chemicals such as solvents, acids and lyes. They must be protected against continuous UV irradiation. The lter mats can be cleaned by careful washing, beating or spraying; even after being washed, they remain dimensionally stable and retain their technical ltering characteristics. Our eco-friendly series of lters is much in demand among users prioritizing waste avoidance and ltration cost savings. T3/290 S This ultra-ecient G4 lter mat is suitable for ltration in conned spaces, e.g. in control cabinets or electrical equipment. Thanks to the use of polyolen bers, it is highly resistant to chemicals, and hydrophobic.

Delivery notes
All the lter mats we supply are airtight packed as roll goods in standard dimensions in plastic sheets. Other dimensions are available as roll goods or blanks. Special shapes like die-cuts and bags, welded or sewn, are available on request.

Article number


Dimensions (WxL) [mm/m]

2,000/40 2,000/40 2,000/30 2,000/30 2,000/20 2,000/20 2,000/40

Thickness approx. [mm]

10 8 15 14 20 20 8

Filter class

Nominal Initial pressure Average media velocity drop arrestance [m/s] [Pa] eciency [%]
2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.25 22 30 22 30 22 30 14 70 75 83 84 91 94 96

Dust holding capacity [g/m]

600 600 700 600 750 600 250

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

120 100 180 200 300 350 200
Subject to technical changes.

7833647 8039227 53375688 8039427 8019407

PSB/145 S 40/2000 P15/150 S 40/2000 PSB/275 S 30/2000 P15/350 S 30/2000 PSB/290 S 20/2000 P15/500 S 20/2000 T3/290 S 40/2000

G2 G2 G3 G3 G4 G4 G4


8040248 8105365

Filter mats Filter mats | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Migration test class Fire class PES 450 Pa up to 100C; PA/ProfAir: Briey up to 120C up to 100% rel. hum. S0 F1 acc. to DIN 53438

A3/300S Application The A 3/300 S lter mat is designed primarily for high-quality nal ltration in air-conditioning devices and systems, and as prelters in multi stage intake air systems. Special features The special smoothing of the clean air side increases the rigidity of the lter mat, rendering it sturdy and installation-friendly. By virtue of its very good arrestance performance, the A3/300 S lter mat can be used universally in all applications in which high-quality ltration in the ne dust range is demanded in order to protect both, humans and machinery. ProfAir Application ProfAir is a ne lter for nal ltration of intake air in repair paint-spray booths. The lter mat ensures high arrestance performance for particles >10 m and thus provides a high degree of protection against paintwork damage.

PA/500-10, PA/560 G-10 and PA-5 micron Application The PA/500-10 and PA/5560 G-10 lter mats, acknowledged as the standard in surface treatment technology, are used for nal ltration of the intake air in paint shops und paint-spray booths. The principal application category for the PA-5 micron lter mat is nal ltration of the intake air in paint-spray processes with particularly stringent requirements for air purity. Special features of the PA series PA/500-10 and PA/560 G-10 assure practically 100% arrestance of particles >10 m, which are able to cause visually perceptible surface blemishes. This oers their users maximized security against paintwork defects. With practically 100% arrestance of particles >5 m, the PA-5 micron lter mat meets even the most stringent of requirements in surface treatment technology and oers its users maximized dependability in the production process. The adherent surface of each individual ber in the lter media can be relied upon to retain already-arrested particles over the entire operational lifetime. Thanks to the adherent surface of the bers, the PA-5 micron is able to lastingly bond more than 3 kg/m2 of pourable aloxite dust. PA/560 G-10 and PA-5 micron additionally possess a reinforcing mesh fabric on the clean air side, which increases the lter mats stability and reduces the risk of the clean air side being damaged during installation. All PA lter mats are resistant to solvent vapours and contain no silicone.

Delivery notes
All the lter mats we supply are airtight packed as roll goods in standard dimensions in plastic sheets. Other dimensions available on rolls or as blanks. Special shapes like die-cuts and bags, welded or sewn, are available on request.

Article number


Dimensions (WxL) [mm/m]

2,000/20 2,000/20 1,600/18 2,000/20 1,600/20 2,000/20 1,600/22 2,000/22 2,000/20

Thickness approx. [mm]

20 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Filter class

Nominal media velocity [m/s]

0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

20 30 25 25 30 30 30 30 55

Average eciency [%]

46 45 50 50 55 55 55 55 70

Average arrestance eciency [%]

97 96 98 98 99 99 99 99 99

Dust holding Weight per capacity unit area [g/m] approx. [g/m]
330 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 545 500 500 580 580 580 580 650

8422288 53350549 7700072 7802106

Subject to technical changes.

A3/300 S 20/2000 ProfAir N 20/2000 PA/500-10 18/1600 PA/500-10 20/2000 PA/560 G-10 20/1600 PA/560 G-10 20/2000 PA/560 G-10 22/1600 PA/560 G-10 22/2000 PA-5 micron BK 20/2000

M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M6

53253198 7802206 8887232 8238130 53296957


Filter mats Filter panels

Filter medium Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Various Viledon lter media available 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane

Application The lter panels are used for intake air ltration in air-conditioning systems of all kinds, particularly for coarse dust arrestance or as prelter stage. Application areas include e.g. Heavy industry: cement plants, steel mills Automotive: paint booths Food industry Petrochemical industry Filter panels are used to protect the climate and ventilation systems, control panels and heating systems.

Special features Large range of high quality and ecient Viledon lter media Extremely rigid Non-corroding and moisture-resistant up to 100% relative humidity Easy installation, no extra clamping necessary Self-sealing through overlapping lter medium

Delivery notes
Filter panels in a washable version are available upon request.

Article number
53263665 53263659 53263662 53263658 53263660 53263661 53253599


Filter medium

Dimensions (WxL) [mm]

610x610 610x610 700x500 625x500 500x500 500x400 610x610 500x500 500x500

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

2,600 1,300 1,250 1,100 720 900 1,300 900 450

Pressure drop [Pa]

25 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 55
Subject to technical changes.

LH 111 MIT P15/150 S 610/610 LH 101 MIT PSB/290 S 610/610 LH 101 MIT PSB/290 S 700/500 LH 101 MIT PSB/290 S 625/500 LH 101 MIT PSB/290 S 500/500 LH 101 MIT PSB/290 S 500/400 LH 103 MIT P15/500 S 610/610 LH 103 MIT P15/500 S 500/500 LH 103 MIT PA/560 G-10 500/500

P15/150 S PSB 290 PSB 290 PSB 290 PSB 290 PSB 290 P15/500 P15/500 PA/560 G-10

G2 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 M5


53000301 53430605

Filter mats Roll lters | Coarse dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Initial pressure drop Dust holding capacity Gravimetric eciency Weight Polyester bers 160 Pa 50 Pa at 2.5 m/s 400 g/m 80% (EN 779) 250 g/m

Application The R/260 lter mat is used for ltration in roll lter equipment. The medium and its features The medium used is a high-performance nonwoven made of polyester bers with thermal ber bonding, i.e. without any bonding agents. The lter medium is progressively structured, featuring ber layers with dierent ber diameters, arranged one after the other in such a way that the density of the ber layers increases towards the clean air side. This ensures an optimum in terms of dened lter performance and dust holding capacity. Result: longer operational lifetime of the lter. A scrim increases the mechanical strength.

Fire behaviour Viledon lter media meet the stringent requirements of re class F1 in conformity with DIN 53438, and are thus self-extinguishing.

Delivery notes
Available on a cardboard core or a metal spool. The roll goods R/260 (40 running meters) are manufactured in three dierent widths: 2,200 mm, 1,900 mm and 1,600 mm.

Article number
53329934 53329914 53329936 53329915 53361322 53329938
Subject to technical changes.

LH_R 260/810 LH_R 260/838 LH_R 260/1110 LH_R 260/1143 LH_R 260/1250 LH_R 260/1410 LH_R 260/1448 LH_R 260/1710 LH_R 260/1753 LH_R 260/2010 D-spool LH_R 260/2058

Filter class
G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3

Thickness approx. [mm]

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

53329916 53329940 53329917 53355829 53329918


Filter mats Paint mist arrestors, glass-ber

Fillter medium Thermal stability Fire behaviour Nominal media velocity Glass-bers up to at least 80C non-ammable acc. to DIN 4102 0.71.75 m/s

Application High-quality ltration for paint-spray booth exhaust air. The PS 100 type, thanks to its higher arrestance eciency is particularly well suited for use in installations with heat recovery systems. The Paint Stop Hydro PSH 75 lter mat is ideally suited for arresting water-based paint. During the intended use as a paint mist arrestor, the safety regulations for avoiding self-ignition must be complied with. Special features PS 50/PS 100 Dimensionally elastic glass-ber medium with a progressive structure, i.e. openly structured face side (green) and increasing ber density towards the clean air side (white). High dimensional stability even when loaded thanks to low compressibility, which means the entire material depth is used for storing paint mist. Non-ammable in conformity with DIN 4102 and thermally stable up to 80C.

Special features of the PSH 75 Paint Stop Hydro A shape-elastic high performance glass-ber medium is used. Thanks to its ne, elastic material structure, the surface is prevented from being prematurely clogged. Enhanced material rigidity thanks to special nish. The paint mist arrestor PSH 75 scores excellently in terms of increased paint storage capacity for hydro-paints, with concomitantly long useful lifetime.

Delivery notes
PS 50/PS 100 and PSH 75 are available on request in all commonly encountered roll lengths and widths, and as rectangular blanks.


Dimensions (WxL) [mm/m]

1,000/20 1,524/20 2,000/20 500/25 1,000/25 1,250/25 1,524/25 2,000/25 500/50 1,000/50 1,250/50 1,524/50 500/91 610/91 660/91 760/91 860/91 910/91 1,000/91 1,250/91 1,524/91 2,000/91 1,000/20 1,524/20 2,000/20 1,000/20

Thickness approx. [mm]

5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 100 100 100 75

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 1460 1460 1460 1050

Paint mist arrestance eciency [%]

9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9397 9899 9899 9899 >98

Paint holding capacity Weight per unit area (at 80 Pa and 0.7 m/s) approx. [g/m] [g/m]
3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,5004,700 3,9005,050 3,9005,050 3,9005,050 >4,000 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 220240 350 350 350 300
Subject to technical changes.

PS 50 20/1000 PS 50 20/1524 PS 50 20/2000 PS 50 25/500 PS 50 25/1000 PS 50 25/1250 PS 50 25/1524 PS 50 25/2000 PS 50 50/500 PS 50 50/1000 PS 50 50/1250 PS 50 50/1524 PS 50 91/500 PS 50 91/610 PS 50 91/660 PS 50 91/760 PS 50 91/860 PS 50 91/910 PS 50 91/1000 PS 50 91/1250 PS 50 91/1524 PS 50 91/2000 PS 100 20/1000 PS 100 20/1524


PS 100 20/2000 PSH 75 20/1000

Filter cells

Viledon lter cells give reliable service in preltration jobs for intake, exhaust and recirculating air systems. They extend the operational lifetimes of the downstream ne lters.


Filter cells MP 45 | Coarse dust

Thermal stability Moisture resistance up to 70C 100% rel. hum.

Principal application category Filter cells are used for preltration in ventilation and air-conditioning units, and in intake air systems and lines, so as to extend the operational lifetimes of the downstream ne lters. Almost all commercially available lter cells and lter mats can be replaced in the removable frame by the lter cells MP 45 (frame material cardboard) and MP 45 K (frame material plastic). The MP 45 KTC lter cells can be used as prelters for the Viledon MaxiPleat lters, simply by clipping them on thus enabling another lter stage to be inserted without any structural modications.

Characteristics and pluses of the MP 45 KTC Four coupling holes (L) are provided in the frame corners of the clean air side. This means the prelter can be simply clipped onto an already-installed MaxiPleat basic lter tted with black connecting pins. The connecting pins anchored in the basic lter can no longer be detached. The MP 45 KTC prelter, however, can easily be removed again and replaced. Even while the intake air system is still operating, the prelter can be quickly and safely replaced. Velcro fastenings (KB) to the main lter increase the retention forces during operation. Additional metal brackets are available on request, which secure the lter in place when it is installed overhead. The entire lter element contains no metal, and is therefore non-corroding and fully incinerable.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and regionally divergent versions are available on request. Coupling holes in the frame corners of the clean air side = L Velcro fastenings to the main lter = KB

Article number


Dimensions (WxHxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

Average arrestance eciency [%]

Face velocity [m/s]

Recommended nal pressure drop [Pa]

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250

Filter area [m]


53307806 53408851 53349216 53401206 53307806 53408851 53349216 53401206

MP 45 0595x0595x96 MP 45 K 0595x0595x96 MP 45 0595x0595x48 MP 45 K 0595x0595x48 MP 45 0595x0595x96 MP 45 K 0595x0595x96 MP 45 0595x0595x48 MP 45 K 0595x0595x48 MP 45 KTC 0555x0555x092 LKB MP 45 KTC 0555x0555x092 LD

595x595x96 595x595x96 595x595x48 595x595x48 595x595x96 595x595x96 595x595x48 595x595x48 555x555x92 555x555x92

G3 G3 G3 G3 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4

4,250 4,250 4,250 4,250 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400

60 60 95 95 50 50 75 75 50 50

88 88 88 88 90 90 90 90 91 91

3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.1 3.1

2.0 2.0 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0

Cardboard Plastic Cardboard Plastic Cardboard Plastic Cardboard Plastic Nonwoven Nonwoven
Subject to technical changes.


53374950 53386678

Pocket lters
Compact, WinAir

Viledon pocket lters are made from non-breaking synthetic-organic bers and microbers. The pockets are welded and foamed into the front frame in a leakproof conguration so as to provide maximized security against dust breakthrough. Their high cost-eciency is rooted in low average pressure drops and optimized aerodynamics coupled with full utilization of the ltering area available.


Pocket lters Compact | Coarse dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Fire class Polyester bers 250 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Special features of all Compact pocket lters with lter class G Progressively structured high-performance nonwovens made from non-breaking synthetic-organic bers. High arrestance, low pressure drop, long operational lifetime, high cost- eciency. Free of glass-bers, non-corroding, moisture-resistant up to 100% rel. hum., self-extinguishing according to DIN 53438 (re class F1) and microbiologically inactive. They meet all the criteria laid down in VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for ventilation and air-conditioning systems and units. High functional dependability thanks to the leak proof welded conguration of the lter pockets, foam-sealed into a PUR front frame with aerodynamically optimized welded-in spacers and a dimensionally stable construction of the lter element as a whole. Application Compact pocket lters of lter classes G3G4 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration for air-conditioning systems of all kinds. As prelters for ne and ultra-ne lters in industrial processes (metalworking, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, optics, electronics, etc.), in ventilation and air-conditioning systems, in paint shops/booths and in turbomachinery. For the ltration of process air with high dust loading or coarse particles.

Special features of G 35 series The robust lter series for heavy coarse dust loadings, even at high air ow rates. The lters achieve medium clean air quality coupled with particularly cost-ecient operating behaviour and low energy costs. High functional dependability even when subjected to extreme humidity and moisture. By reason of their shorter pockets, the G 35 S provide a space-saving solution for systems in which the G 35 SL long-pocket lters cannot be used due to space constraints. Special features of F 40/45 series Stable arrestance performance even with high coarse dust loadings and high air ow rate. F 40 and F 45 SEL achieve energy eciency class A, thus ensuring reduced energy costs and downsized CO2 emissions. High functional reliability, even under extremely moist and wet operating conditions. Thanks to their shorter pockets, F 45 S lters oer a space-saving solution for plants where the use of long-pocket lters would not be possible. Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.

Article number


Dimensions (WxHxD) [mm]

Number of pockets

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

EE class

Energy consumption [kWh/a]

Average arrestance eciency [%]

Dust holding capacity (ASHRAE/ 450 Pa) [g]

1,180 950 700 2,300 1,850 1,350 800 2,600 3,200 590 470 350 1,425 1,150 850 500 1,980

Filter area [m]

Weight [kg]

Packaging unit [units/ carton]

7515413 7521289 7521389 7579317 7599437 7580138 7580238 8929206 53307071 7526134 7528456 7529267 8256138 8500259 8498114

G 35 S 1/1 * G 35 S 5/6 G 35 S 1/2 G 35 SL 1/1 G 35 SL 5/6 G 35 SL 1/2 G 35 SL 1/4 G 35 SE 1/1 G 35 SEL 1/1 F 45 S 1/1 * F 45 S 5/6 F 45 S 1/2 F 40 1/1 F 40 5/6 F 40 1/2 F 40 1/4 F 45 SEL 1/1

592x592x330 492x592x330 289x592x330 592x592x650 492x592x650 289x592x650 289x289x650 592x592x510 592x592x650 592x592x330 492x592x330 289x592x330 592x592x650 492x592x650 289x592x650 289x289x650 592x592x650

5 4 3 5 4 3 4 8 8 5 4 3 5 4 3 4 8

G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4

3,400 2,700 2,000 4,250 3,400 2,500 1,500 4,250 4,250 3,400 2,700 2,000 4,250 3,400 2,500 1,500 4,250

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 45 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 50 D D D A A A A A 410 400 890

86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93

2.0 1.6 1.2 4.0 3.2 2.4 1.5 4.7 6.2 2.0 1.6 1.2 4.0 3.2 2.4 1.5 6.2

1.2 1.0 0.8 1.7 1.5 1.2 0.7 2.3 2.7 1.2 1.0 0.8 1.7 1.5 1.2 0.7 2.7

4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Subject to technical changes.


8500359 53457509

* also available as reverse-ow version

Pocket lters Compact | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Fire class PES (F 50, T 60), polyolen (others) 450 Pa >3,000 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Special features of all Compact pocket lters with lter classes M and F High-performing, extremely cost-eective and energy ecient: Viledon Compact pocket lters oer dependable operating characteristics plus freedom from maintenance over the entire operational lifetime. They constitute an optimum combination of stable arrestance performance for ne dusts, high dust holding capacity, low pressure drop and long operational lifetime. Single- or multi-layered progressively structured high-performance nonwovens made from non-breaking synthetic-organic bers. High arrestance, low pressure drop, long operational lifetime, high cost- eciency. Free of glass-bers, non-corroding, moisture-resistant up to 100% relative humidity, self-extinguishing according to DIN 53438 (re class F1) and micro biologically inactive. They meet all criteria laid down in VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for ventilation and air-conditioning systems and units. High functional dependability thanks to lter pockets welded in a leakproof conguration foamed onto a PUR front frame, with welded-in aerodynamic spacers and a dimensionally stable construction of the entire lter element. F 50 und T 60 Application F 50 and T 60 are used for ltering intake, exhaust and recirculating air in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for sturdiness and costeciency, e.g. in industrial processes (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, optics, electronics, etc.) in intake and exhaust air ltration for paint shops in intake air ltration for gas turbines and turbocompressors onshore and oshore (especially T 60) for intake and exhaust air ltration in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (hospitals, laboratories, libraries, museums, airports), plus production facilities and factory halls (especially F 50) Special features T 60 and F 50 pocket lters are robust in continuous operation and achieve superlative performance even during temporary overload operation in terms of high clean air quality. Both pocket lter series achieve energy eciency class A and thus ensure reduced energy costs and downsized CO2 emissions.
Subject to technical changes.

In the intake air systems of gas turbines, T 60 lters can be relied upon to retain aggressive, abrasive particles, to minimize blade fouling and erosion, thus enhancing the eciency and availability of turbomachinery. They give excellent service even under extreme weather conditions, and in intake air systems on oshore installations, not least when subjected to increased volume ows. T 90 PRE Application T 90 PRE with proven jetSpin technology are used in intake air ltration for gas turbines and turbocompressors onshore and oshore. Special features In intake air ltration for gas turbines, T 90 lters can be relied upon to arrest aggressive, abrasive particles, to minimize blade fouling and erosion, and thus to upgrade the eciency and availability of turbomachinery. T 90, MF 90 and MF 95 Application T 90, MF 90 and MF 95 lters are used for intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with special requirements for arrestance performance, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (hospitals, laboratories, libraries, museums, airports, etc.) in industrial processes (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, optics, electronics, etc.) as prelters for EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters (MF 90 and MF 95) as downstream police lters in dust removal systems Special features T 90, MF 90 and MF 95 pocket lters featuring Nano jetSpin technology provide a sustainedly high level of mechanical ltering performance under all duty conditions. The advantage for the user: maximized operational reliability. The lters meet the toughest of requirements in terms of ne ltration and create very high clean air quality, thus making a crucial contribution to cost-ecient operation of sensitive lines and processes. T 90 pocket lters achieve energy eciency class A, thus ensuring reduced energy costs and downsized CO2 emissions.


Pocket lters Compact | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Fire class PES (F 50, T 60), polyolen (others) 450 Pa >3,000 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Article number


Dimensions (WxHxD) [mm]

592x592x330 592x592x650 492x592x650 289x592x650 289x289x650 592x592x510 592x592x650 492x592x650 289x592x650 289x289x650 592x592x650 289x592x650 592x592x650 492x592x650 289x592x650 592x592x650 492x592x650 289x592x650 289x289x650 592x592x650 492x592x650 289x592x650 289x289x650

Number of pockets

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

3,400 4,250 3,400 2,500 1,525 4,250 4,250 2,175 1,600 975 4,250 1,450 4,250 2,200 1,450 4,250 3,175 2,125 975 4,250 2,200 1,450 675

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

65 50 50 50 50 45 65 65 65 65 80 80 115 115 115 140 140 140 140 190 190 190 190

EE class

Energy consumption [kWh/a]

>1,300 600

Initial eciency [%]

53456360 7581349 7581449 7582150 7582250 53457510 8473449 8474150 8474250 8474350 53449490 53449491 53444184 53444180 53444179 53444178 53444175 53444172 53444170 53444168 53444167

F 50 S 1/1 * F 50 1/1 F 50 5/6 F 50 1/2 F 50 1/4 F 50 SE 1/1 T 60 1/1 T 60 5/6 T 60 1/2 T 60 1/4 T 90 PRE 1/1 T 90 PRE 1/2 T 90 1/1 T 90 5/6 T 90 1/2 MF 90 1/1 MF 90 5/6 MF 90 1/2 MF 90 1/4 MF 95 1/1 MF 95 5/6 MF 95 1/2 MF 95 1/4

5 5 4 3 4 8 8 4 3 4 12 4 12 6 4 8 6 4 4 12 6 4 4

M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F8 F8 F8 F8


610 620



67 67 67


67 67 67 67


84 84 84 84


53444166 53444165

* also available as reverse-ow version

Pocket lters Compact | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Fire class PES (F 50, T 60), polyolen (others) 450 Pa >3,000 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.

Minimum eciency [%]

Average eciency [%]

49 51 51 51 51 50 63 63 63 63 85 85

Average arrestance eciency [%]

95 97 97 97 97 97 99 99 99 99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99

Dust holding capacity (AC Fine/450 Pa) [g]

Dust holding capacity (AC Fine/800 Pa) [g]

Filter area [m]

Weight [kg]

Packaging unit [units/carton]

2.0 3,650 2,900 2,150 1,300 4.0 3.2 2.4 1.4 4.7 5,000 2,550 1,900 1,150 6.2 3.2 2.4 1.5 9.0 3.1 3,000 1,600 1,100 2,000 1,500 1,000 460 2,200 1,150 800 350 9.0 4.7 3.1 6.2 4.7 3.1 1.5 9.0 4.7 3.1 1.5

1.6 2.1 1.6 1.2 0.7 2.5 3.1 1.6 1.2 0.7 3.1 1.6 3.1 1.6 1.1 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.5 3.1 1.7 1.2 0.5

4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 4 6
Subject to technical changes.

36 36 36 35 35 35 35 55 55 55 55

89 89 89 88 88 88 88 95 95 95 95

6 4 6 6/12 2/5 4 6 6/12


Pocket lters WinAir | Coarse dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Fire class Polyester bers 250 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Application The WinAir 35 and WinAir 45 coarse lters provide stable arrestance of coarse dusts, and are particularly suitable as prelters.

Special features Good ltration characteristics thanks to progressively structured lter media made of synthetic-organic bers. Filter pockets foamed into the PU front frame, and welded in a leakproof conguration. Pocket forming through integrated welded seams. The pocket lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for ventilation and air-conditioning systems and units. Free of glass-bers, non-corroding, moisture-resistant up to 100% relative humidity, self-extinguishing under DIN 53438 (re class F1). Simple, secure installation, suitable for all commonly used mounting frames.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.

Article number


Dimensions (WxHxD) [mm]

Number of pockets

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

3,400 2,700 2,050 1,200 3,400 2,700 2,050 1,200 3,400 2,700 2,050 1,200 3,400 2,700 2,050 1,250

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

28 28 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 25 25 25

EE class

Energy consumption [kWh/a]

Average Filter arrearea stance [m] eciency [%]

86 86 86 86 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.7 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.7 3.1 2.5 1.9 1.1 3.8 3.0 2.3 1.4

Weight [kg]

Packaging unit [units/ carton]

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 2 8 4 6 2
Subject to technical changes.

53393071 53393073 53393072 53393159 53390774 53390780 53390777 53393160 53390775 53390781 53390778 53393161 53390776 53390782

WinAir 35 1/1 330 mm WinAir 35 5/6 330 mm WinAir 35 1/2 330 mm WinAir 35 1/4 330 mm WinAir 45 1/1 330 mm WinAir 45 5/6 330 mm WinAir 45 1/2 330 mm WinAir 45 1/4 330 mm WinAir 45 1/1 510 mm WinAir 45 5/6 510 mm WinAir 45 1/2 510 mm WinAir 45 1/4 510 mm WinAir 45 1/1 625 mm WinAir 45 5/6 625 mm WinAir 45 1/2 625 mm WinAir 45 1/4 650 mm

592x592x330 492x592x330 289x592x330 289x289x330 592x592x330 492x592x330 289x592x330 289x289x330 592x592x510 492x592x510 289x592x510 289x289x510 592x592x625 492x592x625 289x592x625 289x289x650

5 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 4 3 4

G3 G3 G3 G3 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4

1.2 0.9 0.7 0.5 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.5 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.6



90 90 90 90


91 91 91 91


92 92 92 92


53390779 53393162

Pocket lters WinAir | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Fire class Polyester (WinAir 50), polyolen (others) 450 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Application The WinAir ne lters create good clean air quality based on good arrestance coupled with a low pressure drop. Used as prelters, they protect the downstream lter stages.

Special features Good ltration characteristics thanks to progressively structured lter media made of synthetic-organic bers. Filter pockets foamed into the PU front frame, and welded in a leakproof conguration. Pocket forming through integrated welded seams. The pocket lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 "Hygiene requirements for ventilation and air-conditioning systems and units. Free of glass-bers, non-corroding, moisture-resistant up to 100% relative humidity, self-extinguishing under DIN 53438 (re class F1). Simple, secure installation, suitable for all commonly used mounting frames.

Subject to technical changes.


Pocket lters WinAir | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Fire class Polyester (WinAir 50), polyolen (others) 450 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Article number


Dimensions (WxHxD) [mm]

592x592x330 492x592x330 289x592x330 289x289x330 592x592x510 492x592x510 289x592x510 289x289x510 592x592x625 492x592x625 289x592x625 289x289x650 592x592x510 492x592x510 289x592x510 289x289x510 592x592x625 492x592x625 289x592x625 289x289x650 592x592x510 492x592x510 289x592x510 289x289x510 592x592x625 492x592x625 289x592x625 289x289x650

Number of pockets

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

2,500 2,000 1,500 900 3,400 2,700 2,000 1,200 3,400 2,700 2,000 1,250 3,400 2,550 1,700 800 3,400 2,550 1,700 800 3,400 2,550 1,700 800 3,400 2,550 1,700 800

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 45 45 45 45 100 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 170 170 170 170 140 140 140 140

EE class

53390783 53390795 53390787 53393163 53390784 53390796 53390788 53393169 53390785 53390797 53390794 53393170 53390798 53390803 53390801 53393171 53390799 53390804 53390802 53393172 53464906 53390810 53390808 53393173 53464907 53390811

WinAir 50 1/1 330 mm WinAir 50 5/6 330 mm WinAir 50 1/2 330 mm WinAir 50 1/4 330 mm WinAir 50 1/1 510 mm WinAir 50 5/6 510 mm WinAir 50 1/2 510 mm WinAir 50 1/4 510 mm WinAir 50 1/1 625 mm WinAir 50 5/6 625 mm WinAir 50 1/2 625 mm WinAir 50 1/4 650 mm WinAir 75 1/1 510 mm WinAir 75 5/6 510 mm WinAir 75 1/2 510 mm WinAir 75 1/4 510 mm WinAir 75 1/1 625 mm WinAir 75 5/6 625 mm WinAir 75 1/2 625 mm WinAir 75 1/4 650 mm Win-Air 90 1/1 N 510 mm WinAir 90 5/6 510 mm WinAir 90 1/2 510 mm WinAir 90 1/4 510 mm Win-Air 90 1/1 N 625 mm WinAir 90 5/6 625 mm WinAir 90 1/2 625 mm WinAir 90 1/4 650 mm

5 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 8 6 4 4 8 6 4 4 8 6 4 4 8 6 4 4

M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7



53390809 53393174

Pocket lters WinAir | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Fire class Polyester (WinAir 50), polyolen (others) 450 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Polyurethane F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request. WinAir 50 and WinAir 90 are also available in the sizes 1/2 and 5/6 for transverse installation.

Energy consumption [kWh/a]


Initial eciency [%]

Minimum eciency [%]

Average eciency [%]

Average arrestance eciency [%]

95 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99

Filter area [m]

Weight [kg]

Packaging unit [units/carton]

50 50 50 50

2.0 1.6 1.2 0.7 3.1 2.5 1.9 1.1 3.8 3.1 2.3 1.4 4.9 3.7 2.5 1.2 6.0 4.5 3.0 1.4 4.9

1.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.6 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.7 1.8 1.3 0.9 0.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.8 1.3 0.9 0.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

2 2 2 2 6 10 10 2 6 6 10 2 6 4 6 12 8 4 6 12
Subject to technical changes.


50 50 50 50


50 50 50 50


72 72 72 72


77 77 77 77


60 60 60 60

35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

81 81 81 81 83 83 83 83 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99

6 4 6 12 8 4 6 12

3.7 2.5 1.2 6.0 4.5 3.0 1.4


62 62 62 62


Cassette lters
MaxiPleat, NanoPleat, eMaxx, MVP, MVPGT

In the category of cassette lters, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies oers a broad choice of products. All models are characterized by high performance capabilities: Viledon cassette lters excel in terms of optimum media velocity with low pressure drop even at high volume ows. Plus a large dust holding capacity and exceptionally high stability of the entire lter construction for operational dependability in actual use.


Cassette lters MaxiPleat | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 650 Pa >6,000 Pa up to 70C 100% rel. hum. Without (D), 25 mm front frame, halogen-free plastic (N) Without (Z0), on request foamed-on PU seal (N1) On both sides, halogen-free plastic

Application Viledon MaxiPleat cassette lters oer maximized operational dependability and cost-eciency for intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for clean air quality, particularly in the case of critical local conditions, high volume ows, restricted space available, and when process dependability does not admit of any compromises, e.g. in intake air ltration of turbomachinery in industrial processes (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, optics, electronics, surface treatment technology, etc.) in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (laboratories, museums, airports, oce buildings, etc.) as police lters in dust removal systems

Special features The optimum V-shaped pleat geometry of the lter medium, as created by the thermal embossing process, enables the entire ltering area to be utilized, with uniform dust loading, and a homogeneous media velocity with a low average pressure drop. The high dust holding capacity of the MaxiPleat lters, in conjunction with a low pressure drop and superlative constructional stability, ensures cost-ecient and dependable operation over a very long operational lifetime. MaxiPleat cassette lters achieve energy eciency class A (MX 95 and MX98) and B (MX 85), thus ensuring reduced energy costs and downsized CO2 emissions. Casting the dimensionally stable pleat package in the torsion-resistant plastic frame assures exceptional sturdiness plus high security against dust breakthrough. Gripping lugs facilitate installation and removal, and the protection grid on both sides minimizes the risk of damage to the lter medium. With the MaxiPleat modular lter system, MaxiPleat lters of dierent lter classes and construction depths can be positively combined simply by clipping them on, thus enabling another lter stage to be inserted without any structural modications. MaxiPleat lters meet in full the requirements laid down in VDI 6022.
Nominal volume ow [m/h] Initial pressure drop [Pa] EE class

Article number


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

Filter class

53360086 53360087 53360088 53392076 53415630 53400130 53360039 53360040 53360043 53375079 53415632 53360024 53360025 53358070 53370948 53415637 53360019 53360020 53360021

MX75-R-0592x0287x292x25-Z08N-A84 MX75-R-0592x0490x292x25-Z08N-A84 MX75-R-0592x0579x292x25-N18N-A84 MX75-M-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-A84 MX75-R-0592x0592x292x25-Z08D-A84 MX85-R-0287X0287X292X25-Z08N-B84 MX85-R-0592x0287x292x25-Z08N-B84 MX85-R-0592x0490x292x25-Z08N-B84 MX85-R-0592X0579X292X25-N18N-B84 MX85-M-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-B84 MX85-R-0592X0592X292X25-Z08D-B84 MX95-R-0592x0287x292x25-Z08N-C84 MX95-R-0592x0490x292x25-Z08N-C84 MX95-R-0592x0579x292x25-N18N-C84 MX95-R-0592x0592x292x25-Z08D-C84 MX95-M-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-C84 MX98-R-0592x0287x292x25-Z08N-D84 MX98-R-0592x0490x292x25-Z08N-D84 MX98-R-0592x0579x292x25-N18N-D84 MX98-R-0592x0592x292x25-Z08D-D84 MX98-M-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-D84

592x287x292 592x490x292 592x579x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 287x287x292 592x287x292 592x490x292 592x579x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 592x287x292 592x490x292 592x579x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 592x287x292 592x490x292 592x579x292 592x592x292 592x592x292

M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9

2,000 3,500 4,150 4,250 4,250 1,000 2,000 3,500 4,150 4,250 4,250 2,000 3,500 4,150 4,250 4,250 2,000 3,500 4,150 4,250 4,250

135 135 135 135 105 140 140 140 140 140 110 150 150 150 120 150 175 175 175 135 175



53372259 53415639

Cassette lters MaxiPleat | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 650 Pa >6,000 Pa up to 70C 100% rel. hum. Without (D), 25 mm front frame, halogen-free plastic (N) Without (Z0), on request foamed-on PU seal (N1) On both sides, halogen-free plastic

Delivery notes
MaxiPleat cassette lters are also available in 140 mm construction depth as well as with and without PU seal. N = with 25 mm front frame; U = with 20.5 mm front frame; D = without front frame. An optional water barrier reduces the passage of intake water to the clean air side. Customized dimensions are available on request.

Energy consumption [kWh/a]

Initial eciency [%]

Minimum eciency [%]

Average eciency [%]

Dust holding capacity (AC Fine/800 Pa) [g]

Filter area [m]

Weight [kg]

Packaging unit [units/carton]

75 75 75 1,780 75 75 45 45 45 45 1,240 45 46 65 65 65 66 1,300 65 80 80 80 82 1,830 80 41 41 41 41 41 42 61 61 61 62 61 76 76 76 78 76 86 86 86 86 86 86 92 92 92 92 92 96 96 96 96 96

960 1,850 2,240 2,300 2,600 550 790 1,530 1,850 1,900 2,200 710 1,370 1,650 1,900 1,700 630 1,210 1,460 1,700 1,500

7.5 14.5 17.5 18.0 21.0 4.3 7.5 14.5 17.5 18.0 21.0 7.5 14.5 17.5 21.0 18.0 7.5 14.5 17.5 21.0 18.0

4.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0

2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 1
Subject to technical changes.

1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1


Cassette lters MaxiPleat | EPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa >6,000 Pa up to 70C 100% rel. hum. Without (D), 25 mm front frame, halogen-free plastic (N) Without (Z0), on request foamed-on PU seal (N1) On both sides, halogen-free plastic

Application Viledon MaxiPleat cassette lters oer maximized operational dependability and cost-eciency for intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for clean air quality, particularly in the case of critical local conditions, high volume ows, restricted space available, and when process dependability does not admit of any compromises, e.g. in intake air ltration of turbomachinery in industrial processes (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, optics, electronics, surface treatment technology, etc.) in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (laboratories, museums, airports, oce buildings, etc.) as police lters in dust removal systems

Special features The optimum V-shaped pleat geometry of the lter medium, as created by the thermal embossing process, enables the entire ltering area to be utilized, with uniform dust loading over the ltering area and a homogeneous media velocity with a low average pressure drop. The high dust holding capacity of the MaxiPleat lters, in conjunction with a low pressure drop and superlative constructional stability, ensures cost-ecient and dependable operation over a very long operational lifetime. Casting the dimensionally stable pleat package in the torsion-resistant plastic frame assures exceptional sturdiness plus high security against dust breakthrough. Gripping lugs facilitate installation and removal, and the protection grids on both sides minimize the risk of damage to the lter medium. With the MaxiPleat modular lter system, MaxiPleat lters of dierent lter classes and construction depths can be positively combined simply by clipping them on, thus enabling another lter stage to be inserted without any structural modications. MaxiPleat lters meet in full the requirements laid down in VDI 6022.

Delivery notes
MaxiPleat cassette lters are also available in 140 mm construction depth as well as with and without seal. N = with 25 mm front frame; U = with 20.5 mm front frame; D = without front frame. An optional water barrier reduces the passage of intake water to the clean air side. Customized dimensions are available on request.

Article number


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

Dust holding capacity (AC Fine/ 800 Pa) [g]

630 300 505 600 610 690 235 400 475 485

Face velocity [m/s]

Filter area Packaging unit [m] [units/carton]

53438221 53360015 53360016 53360017 53415622 53372031 53359975 53359976

MXH10-M-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-E84 MX100-R-0592x0287x292x25-Z08N-F84 MX100-R-0592X0490X292X25-Z08N-F84 MX100-R-0592X0579X292X25-N18N-F84 MX100-M-0592X0592X292X25-Z08N-F84 MX100-R-0592X0592X292X25-Z08D-F84 MX120-R-0592X0287X292X25-Z08N-G60 MX120-R-0592X0490X292X25-Z08N-G60 MX120-R-0592X0579X292X25-N18N-G60 MX120-M-0592X0592X292X25-Z08N-G60

592x592x292 592x287x292 592x490x292 592x579x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 592x287x292 592x490x292 592x579x292 592x592x292

H10 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H12 H12 H12

4,250 1,500 2,700 3,350 3,400 3,400 1,500 2,700 3,300 3,400

235 195 195 195 195 190 320 320 320 320

85 95 95 95 95 95 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9

3.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5

18.0 7.5 14.5 17.5 18.0 21.0 11.0 19.0 22.0 23.0

1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Subject to technical changes.


53359977 53415627

Cassette lters MaxiPleat | Modular lter system | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 650 Pa >6,000 Pa up to 70C 100% rel. hum. Without (D), 25 mm front frame, halogen-free plastic (N) Without (Z0), on request glued-on|foamed-on PU seal (N5) On both sides, halogen-free plastic

Application The Viledon MaxiPleat modular lter system is used for intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for the clean air quality, particularly when the space available is restricted, e.g. in intake air ltration for turbomachinery in industrial processes in sophisticated air-conditioning technology With the MaxiPleat modular lter system, MaxiPleat lters of dierent lter classes and construction depths can be positively combined simply by clipping them on, thus enabling another lter stage to be inserted without any structural modications.

Special features The optimum V-shaped pleat geometry of the lter medium, as created by the thermal embossing process, enables the entire ltering area to be utilized, with uniform dust loading over the ltering area and a homogeneous media velocity with a low pressure drop. The high dust holding capacity of the MaxiPleat lters, in conjunction with a low pressure drop and superlative constructional stability, ensures cost-ecient and dependable operation over a very long operational lifetime. To install the MaxiPleat modular lter system, the MaxiPleat basic lter tted with the black connecting pins is inserted in the existing support system. The prelter with the white connecting caps can now be simply clipped onto the installed basic lter. The connecting pins anchored in the basic lter can no longer be detached. The clipped-on prelter can be removed again and replaced. Casting the dimensionally stable pleat package in the torsion-resistant plastic frame assures exceptional sturdiness plus high security against dust breakthrough. Gripping lugs facilitate installation and removal, and the protection grids on both sides minimize the risk of damage to the lter medium. MaxiPleat lters meet in full the requirements laid down in VDI 6022.

Delivery notes
The MaxiPleat basic lters are supplied with connecting pins inserted (RB types). N = with 25 mm front frame; U = with 20.5 mm front frame; D = without front frame. The MaxiPleat modular prelters (RC types) are available in 292 and 140 mm construction depths. The standard version does not include a front frame, but is delivered with a clean air side seal and connecting caps inserted. An retaining bracket, which precludes the possibility of the prelter becoming detached under any operating conditions, is included in the delivery package of the 292 mm types (for vertical installation). In the case of overhead installation, an additional bracket is required, which can be ordered separately. An optional water barrier reduces the passage of intake water to the clean air side. Customized dimensions are available on request.

Article number


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

Average eciency [%]

Dust holding capacity (AC Fine/ 800 Pa) [g]

>1,500 >2,300 >1,900 >1,250 >1,900 >1,700 >1,150 >1,700 >1,500 >1,000 >1,500

Filter area [m]

Weight [kg]

Packaging unit [units/carton]

53372039 53378239 53403631 53371192 53375083 53371193

Subject to technical changes.

MX75-RC-0554x0554x140x10-N58D-A45 MX75-RC-0554x0554x292x25-N58D-A84 MX85-RB-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-B84 MX85-RC-0554x0554x140x10-N58D-B45 MX85-RC-0554x0554x292x25-N58D-B84 MX95-RB-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-C84 MX95-RC-0554x0554x140x10-N58D-C45 MX95-RC-0554x0554x292x25-N58D-C84 MX98-RB-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-D84 MX98-RC-0554x0554x140x10-N58D-D45 MX98-RC-0554X0554X292X25-N58D-D84

554x554x140 554x554x292 592x592x292 554x554x140 554x554x292 592x592x292 554x554x140 554x554x292 592x592x292 554x554x140 554x554x292

M6 M6 F7 F7 F7 F8 F8 F8 F9 F9 F9

3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400

135 95 100 140 100 105 150 105 125 175 125

79 79 87 82 87 92 91 92 96 96 96

12 18 18 12 18 18 12 18 18 12 18

4 7 7 4 7 7 4 7 7 4 7

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

53372040 3379914 53372041 53431249 53372421


Cassette lters MaxiPleat | Modular lter system | EPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 650 Pa >6,000 Pa up to 70C 100% rel. hum. Without (D), 25 mm front frame, halogen-free plastic (N) Without (Z0), on request glued-on|foamed-on PU seal (N5) On both sides, halogen-free plastic

Application The Viledon MaxiPleat modular lter system is used for intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for the clean air quality, particularly when the space available is restricted, e.g. in intake air ltration for turbomachinery in industrial processes in sophisticated air-conditioning technology With the MaxiPleat modular lter system, MaxiPleat lters of dierent lter classes and construction depths can be positively combined simply by clipping them on, thus enabling another lter stage to be inserted without any structural modications.

Special features The optimum V-shaped pleat geometry of the lter medium, as created by the thermal embossing process, enables the entire ltering area to be utilized, with uniform dust loading over the ltering area and a homogeneous media velocity with a low pressure drop. The high dust holding capacity of the MaxiPleat lters, in conjunction with a low pressure drop and superlative constructional stability, ensures cost-ecient and dependable operation over a very long operational lifetime. To install the MaxiPleat modular lter system, the MaxiPleat basic lter tted with the black connecting pins is inserted in the existing support system. The prelter with the white connecting caps can now be simply clipped onto the installed basic lter. The connecting pins anchored in the basic lter can no longer be detached. The clipped-on prelter can be removed again and replaced. Casting the dimensionally stable pleat package in the torsion-resistant plastic frame assures exceptional sturdiness plus high security against dust breakthrough. Gripping lugs facilitate installation and removal, and the protection grids on both sides minimize the risk of damage to the lter medium. MaxiPleat lters meet in full the requirements laid down in VDI 6022.

Delivery notes
The MaxiPleat basic lters are supplied with connecting pins inserted (RB types). N = with 25 mm front frame; U = with 20.5 mm front frame; D = without front frame. The MaxiPleat modular prelters (RC types) are available in 292 and 140 mm construction depths. The standard version does not include a front frame, but is delivered with a clean air side seal and connecting caps inserted. An additional retaining bracket, which precludes the possibility of the prelter becoming detached under any operating conditions, is included in the delivery package of the 292 mm types (for vertical installation). In the case of overhead installation, an additional bracket is required, which can be ordered separately. An optional water barrier reduces the passage of intake water to the clean air side. Customized dimensions are available on request.

Article number



MXH10-RB-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-E84 MX100-RB-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-F84 MX120-RB-0592x0592x292x25-Z08N-G60

592x592x292 592x592x292 592x592x292

H10 H11 H12

3,400 3,400 3,400

175 195 320

700 610 485

18 18 23

7.0 7.0 8.3

1 1 1


53381884 53372043

Subject to technical changes.

Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial Dust holding pressure drop capacity [Pa] (AC Fine/800 Pa) [g]

Filter area [m]

Weight [kg]

Packaging unit [units/carton]

Cassette lters NanoPleat | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Hybrid-synthetic nanober nonwoven 450 Pa 5,000 Pa up to 70C 100% rel. hum. Top frame 25 mm, halogen-free plastic

Application The Viledon NanoPleat lter, thanks to its innovative hybrid-synthetic nanober (HSN) technology, ensures superlative results in sophisticated air-conditioning technology. Wherever stringent requirements apply in terms of clean air quality, operational dependability, and cost-eciency, this premium lter sets new standards.

Special features Extremely sturdy: a signicantly higher withstand capability than conventional glass-ber-paper lters of this kind. Simple handling: thanks to the sturdy construction, installation is considerably easier. Highly water-repellent: the lter is moisture-resistant up to 100% relative humidity and extremely hydrophobic. Water droplets roll o the lter; the pressure drop shows only a marginal and temporary rise. Microbiologically inactive, conforms to VDI Guideline 6022: Viledon NanoPleat meets all the relevant criteria in terms of hygiene requirements. It is thus ideal for use in sensitive applications, e.g. the food and beverage industries (particularly in humid environments entailed by the production process involved), pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and in operating theaters and intensive care units. Cost savings: consistently high arrestance with ecient, energy-economical operating characteristics and long lifetime. Eco-friendliness: the entire lter element is free of metals and halogens, and is therefore fully incinerable, leaving almost no residues behind when it is burned. This means it is eco-friendly and easy to dispose of.

Article number


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

592x592x292 490x592x292 287x592x292 592x592x292 490x592x292 405x592x292 287x592x292 592x592x292 490x592x292 405x592x292 287x592x292

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

3,400 2,700 1,500 3,400 2,700 2,100 1,500 3,400 2,700 2,100 1,500

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

85 85 85 100 100 100 100 110 110 110 110

EE class

Energy consumption [kWh/a]


Initial eciency [%]

40 40 40

Minimum eciency [%]

Average eciency [%]

70 70 70

Weight [kg]

53424217 53429115 53429114 53424218 53429117 53441273

Subject to technical changes.

MV 75 HSN 1/1 MP MV 75 HSN 5/6 MP MV 75 HSN 1/2 MP MV 85 HSN 1/1 MP MV 85 HSN 5/6 MP MV 85 HSN 4/6 MP MV 85 HSN 1/2 MP MV 95 HSN 1/1 MP MV 95 HSN 5/6 MP MV 95 HSN 4/6 MP MV 95 HSN 1/2 MP

M6 M6 M6 F7 F7 F7 F7 F8 F8 F8 F8


5.8 4.8 3.3 5.8 4.8 4.6 3.3 5.8 4.8 4.6 3.3


60 60 60 60

57 57 57 57 67 67 67 67

85 85 85 85 90 90 90 90

53429116 53424229 53429124 53441279 53429118


70 70 70 70


Cassette lters eMaxx | EPA

Filter medium Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Micro-glass-ber paper up to 70C 100% rel. hum. Halogen-free plastic

Application Viledon eMaxx lters are a new generation of powerful, ecient, economic and durable cassette lters oering operational reliability and cost eciency for supply of air ltration systems which have stringent requirements for clean air quality. They are used in, e.g. intake air ltration for gas turbines and compressors ventilation systems Their characteristics and benets High-strength micro-glass-ber papers with hydrophobic coating are used as lter media. The entire lter element is non-corroding, and fully incinerable, since it contains no metal parts. Frame and protection grids consist of halogen-free plastic. eMaxx cassette lters have been optimized in terms of pleat geometry using the 3D pleating technology which ensures full utilization of the ltering area and uniform dust deposition. Combined with the lter elements depth of 420 mm particularly high dust holding capacity can be achieved resulting in long useful lifetimes. The leak-proof casting of the dimensionally stable media pleat pack provides high burst strength, as well as excellent security against dust penetration during operation. Prelters can be simply plugged-on by connecting pins and an additional retaining bracket.

Special features The eMaxx cassette lter range oers a combination of excellent dust holding capacity, low pressure drop at an optimum price-performance ratio. eMaxx cassette lters are supplied as standard with an adhesively axed gasket and a protection grid tted to minimize risk of damage during handling and operation.


53457960 53457959

EMAXX E10-P-1/1-W19N EMAXX E10-P-1/1-Z09N

593x593x420 593x593x420

H10 H10

4,250 4,250

170 170

85 85

>1,800 >1,800

30 30

Subject to technical changes.

Article number


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

Dust holding capacity (AC Fine/800 Pa) [g]

Filter area [m]

Cassette lters MVP | Fine dust

Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame 450 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Top frame 25 mm, halogen-free plastic

Application Viledon MVP cassette lters are used for intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems, e.g. oce buildings factory/production halls airports, libraries museums laboratories hospitals old peoples and nursing homes, etc.

Special features MVP cassette lters excel in terms of a high dust holding capacity and low pressure drop values. Casting the dimensionally stable pleat package in the plastic frame assures a high degree of security against dust breakthrough over the entire operational lifetime.

Delivery notes
MVP cassette lters are available on request in lter classes E10 to E12, and with a glued-on seal on the clean air side. Also available with 6 instead of 8 panels.

Article number


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

592x592x292 490x592x292 402x592x292 287x592x292 592x592x292 490x592x292 402x592x292 287x592x292 592x592x292 490x592x292 402x592x292 287x592x292 592x592x292 490x592x292 402x592x292 287x592x292

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

4,250 3,500 2,800 2,000 4,250 3,500 2,800 2,000 4,250 3,500 2,800 2,000 4,250 3,500 2,800 2,000

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

100 100 100 100 115 115 115 115 130 130 130 130 140 140 140 140

EE class

Energy consumption [kWh/a]


Minimum Average Filter Initial eciency eciency eciency area [%] [%] [%] [m]
70 70 70 70 18.0 14.5 11.8 8.5 18.0 14.5 11.8 8.5 18.0 14.5 11.8 8.5 18.0 14.5 11.8 8.5

53412032 53412030 53412623 53412029 53412035 53412034 53412634 53412033 53412038 53412037 53412635
Subject to technical changes.

MVP75-P-0593x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP75-P-0491x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP75-P-0402x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP75-P-0288x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP85-P-0593x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP85-P-0491x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP85-P-0402x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP85-P-0288x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP95-P-0593x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP95-P-0491x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP95-P-0402x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP95-P-0288x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP98-P-0593x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP98-P-0491x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP98-P-0402x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N MVP98-P-0288x0593x292/V08x25-Z00N

M6 M6 M6 M6 F7 F7 F7 F7 F8 F8 F8 F8 F9 F9 F9 F9



56 56 56 56

52 52 52 52 59 59 59 59 78 78 78 78

85 85 85 85 90 90 90 90 95 95 95 95


63 63 63 63

53412036 53412046 53412045 53412637 53412044


82 82 82 82


Cassette lters MVPGT | Fine dust

Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids 600 Pa 3,700 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Halogen-free plastic Flat seal, glued Halogen-free plastic, on the clean air side

Application Viledon MVPGT cassette lters are used in intake air ltration for gas turbines and turbocompressors on the mainland. They are particularly well suited for locations with low dust concentrations, with volume ows of 5,000 m3/h per lter unit and for systems with 6,000 operating hours/year.

Advantages Low pressure drop values Filtering area in accordance with industrial standard High dust holding capacity Casting the dimensionally stable pleat package into the plastic frame assures a high degree of security against dust breakthrough and a high pressure surge withstand capability over the entire operational lifetime.

Article number



MVPGT85-P-0593x0593x292/V08x25-W19N MVPGT95-P-0593x0593x292/V08x25-W19N MVPGT98-P-0593x0593x292/V08x25-W19N

592x592x292 F7 592x592x292 F8 592x592x292 F9

4,250 4,250 4,250

125 135 165

56 70 82

53 67 79

80 90 95

18 18 18


53413478 53413480

Subject to technical changes.

Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

Initial eciency [%]

Minimum eciency [%]

Average eciency [%]

Filter area [m]

Cassette lters MVPGT | EPA

Recommended nal pressure drop Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids 600 Pa 3,700 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Halogen-free plastic Flat seal, glued Halogen-free plastic, on the clean air side

Application Viledon MVPGT cassette lters are used in intake air ltration for gas turbines and turbocompressors on the mainland. They are particularly well suited for locations with low dust concentrations, with volume ows of 5,000 m3/h per lter unit and for systems with 6,000 operating hours/year.

Advantages Low pressure drop values Filtering area in accordance with industrial standard High dust holding capacity Casting the dimensionally stable pleat package into the plastic frame assures a high degree of security against dust breakthrough and a high pressure surge withstand capability over the entire operational lifetime.

Subject to technical changes.

Article number


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]


Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]


Initial pressure drop [Pa]


Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]


Filter area [m]





Aluminum frame, plastic frame, MDF frame, steel sheet frame, high volume ow, cartridge, plastic plenum hood, accessories

Whether EPA, HEPA or ULPA lters: all Viledon models guarantee eective protection for sensitive products and processes, by dependably arresting critical particles from intake and recirculating air ows in accordance with EN 1822. Even when subjected to high volume ows, they ensure optimum media velocity coupled with low pressure drop.


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depths 68 + 88 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed On both sides, steel grid, powder-coated

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications (operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in sensitive and highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food/beverage, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems Special features High-eciency micro-glass-ber papers are used as lter media. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow.

Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon HEPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting thanks to high twist strength. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.

Article number
53417676 53417677 53417679 53417681 53417683 53417686 53417688 53411760 53411849 53411822 53411851 53411835 53411853 53411836 53411854 53411837 53411855 53411842 53411858 53411844 53411846


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x610x68 305x762x68 457x457x68 610x610x68 610x762x68 610x1,220x68 1,220x1,220x68 305x305x68 305x305x88 610x610x68 610x610x88 610x1,220x68 610x1,220x88 610x1,525x68 610x1,525x88 610x1,830x68 610x1,830x88 762x1,220x68 762x1,220x88 762x1,830x68 915x1,220x68 915x1,220x88 915x1,830x68

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 50 70 50 70 50 70 50 70 50 70 50 50 70 50

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

580 730 660 1,200 1,500 2,400 5,000 135 135 600 600 1,200 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,800 1,800 1,500 1,500 2,250 1,800 1,800 2,700

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 120 90 120 90 120 90 120 90 120 90 120 90 120 120 90 120

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF13-A-0305x0610x068x05-N13N SF13-A-0305x0762x068x05-N13N SF13-A-0457x0457x068x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x0610x068x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x0762x068x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x1220x068x05-N13N SF13-A-1220x1220x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0305x0305x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0305x0305x088x07-N13N SF14-A-0610x0610x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x0610x088x07-N13N SF14-A-0610x1220x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x1220x088x07-N13N SF14-A-0610x1525x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x1525x088x07-N13N SF14-A-0610x1830x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x1830x088x07-N13N SF14-A-0762x1220x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0762x1220x088x07-N13N SF14-A-0762x1830x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0915x1220x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0915x1220x088x07-N13N SF14-A-0915x1830x068x05-N13N

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14


53427337 53411848

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 78 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed On both sides, steel grid, powder-coated

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications (operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food/beverage, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems

Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation, plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Easy handling and mounting thanks to high twist strength. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x78 305x457x78 305x610x78 305x762x78 305x915x78 305x1,120x78 457x457x78 457x610x78 545x545x78 545x1,155x78 610x610x78 610x762x78 610x915x78 610x1,220x78 610x1,525x78 610x1,830x78 762x762x78 762x915x78 762x1,220x78 762x1,525x78 762x1,830x78 915x915x78 915x1,220x78 915x1,525x78 915x1,830x78

Pleat depth [mm]

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

290 420 600 750 900 1,200 680 900 1,000 2,000 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,400 3,000 3,600 1,900 2,250 3,000 3,750 4,500 2,700 3,600 4,500 5,400

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95
Continued on page 52

SF13-A-0305x0305x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0305x0457x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0305x0610x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0305x0762x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0305x0915x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0305x1120x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0457x0457x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0457x0610x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0545x0545x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0545x1155x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0610x0610x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0610x0762x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0610x0915x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0610x1220x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0610x1525x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0610x1830x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0762x0762x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0762x0915x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0762x1220x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0762x1525x078x06-N13N
Subject to technical changes.

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13

SF13-A-0762x1830x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0915x0915x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0915x1220x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0915x1525x078x06-N13N SF13-A-0915x1830x078x06-N13N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 78 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed On both sides, steel grid, powder-coated


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x78 305x457x78 305x610x78 305x762x78 305x915x78 305x1,120x78 457x457x78 457x610x78 545x545x78 545x1,155x78 610x610x78 610x762x78 610x915x78 610x1,220x78 610x1,525x78 610x1,830x78 762x762x78 762x915x78 762x1,220x78 762x1,525x78 762x1,830x78 915x915x78 915x1,220x78 915x1,525x78 915x1,830x78

Pleat depth [mm]

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

135 200 280 360 430 600 335 450 500 1,000 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 950 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF14-A-0305x0305x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0305x0457x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0305x0610x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0305x0762x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0305x0915x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0305x1120x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0457x0457x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0457x0610x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0545x0545x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0545x1155x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0610x0610x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0610x0762x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0610x0915x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0610x1220x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0610x1525x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0610x1830x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0762x0762x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0762x0915x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0762x1220x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0762x1525x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0762x1830x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0915x0915x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0915x1220x078x06-N13N

H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14


SF14-A-0915x1525x078x06-N13N SF14-A-0915x1830x078x06-N13N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 150 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed On both sides, steel grid, powder-coated

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications (operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverage processing, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems

Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon HEPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting thanks to high twist strength. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x150 305x457x150 305x610x150 305x762x150 305x915x150 457x457x150 457x610x150 610x610x150 610x762x150 610x915x150 610x1,220x150 610x1,525x150 610x1,830x150 762x762x150 762x915x150 762x1,220x150 762x1,525x150 762x1,830x150 915x915x150 915x1,220x150 915x1,525x150 915x1,830x150

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

270 420 580 730 900 660 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,400 3,000 3,600 1,900 2,250 3,000 3,750 4,500 2,700 3,600 4,500 5,400

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95
Continued on page 54

SF13-A-0305x0305x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0305x0457x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0305x0610x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0305x0762x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0305x0915x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0457x0457x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0457x0610x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x0610x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x0762x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x0915x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x1220x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x1525x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0610x1830x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0762x0762x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0762x0915x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0762x1220x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0762x1525x150x05-N13N
Subject to technical changes.

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13

SF13-A-0762x1830x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0915x0915x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0915x1220x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0915x1525x150x05-N13N SF13-A-0915x1830x150x05-N13N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 150 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed On both sides, steel grid, powder-coated


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x150 305x457x150 305x610x150 305x762x150 305x915x150 457x457x150 457x610x150 610x610x150 610x762x150 610x915x150 610x1,220x150 610x1,525x150 610x1,830x150 762x762x150 762x915x150 762x1,220x150 762x1,525x150 762x1,830x150 915x915x150 915x1,220x150 915x1,525x150 915x1,830x150

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

135 200 280 360 430 335 450 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 950 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 350 1,800 2,250 2,700

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF14-A-0305x0305x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0305x0457x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0305x0610x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0305x0762x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0305x0915x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0457x0457x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0457x0610x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x0610x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x0762x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x0915x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x1220x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x1525x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x1830x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0762x0762x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0762x0915x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0762x1220x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0762x1525x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0762x1830x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0915x0915x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0915x1220x150x05-N13N

H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14


SF14-A-0915x1525x150x05-N13N SF14-A-0915x1830x150x05-N13N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 80 mm | Silgel seal | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Silgel On both sides, steel grids, powder-coated; also available in a stainless steel version

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter class H14 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications (operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food/beverage, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems

Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon HEPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting thanks to high twist strength. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal. Silgel seal for mounting systems with a sword prole.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x80 305x457x80 305x610x80 305x762x80 305x915x80 457x457x80 457x610x80 610x610x80 610x762x80 610x915x80 610x1,220x80 610x1,525x80 610x1,830x80 762x762x80 762x915x80 762x1,220x80 762x1,525x80 762x1,830x80 915x915x80 915x1,220x80 915x1,525x80 915x1,830x80

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

135 200 280 360 430 335 450 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 950 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995

SF14-A-0305x0305x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0305x0457x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0305x0610x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0305x0762x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0305x0915x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0457x0457x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0457x0610x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0610x0610x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0610x0762x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0610x0915x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0610x1220x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0610x1525x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0610x1830x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0762x0762x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0762x0915x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0762x1220x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0762x1525x080x05-F13N
Subject to technical changes.

H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14

SF14-A-0762x1830x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0915x0915x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0915x1220x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0915x1525x080x05-F13N SF14-A-0915x1830x080x05-F13N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 80 mm | Silgel seal | ULPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Silgel On both sides, steel grids, powder-coated; also available in a stainless steel version

Application Viledon ULPA lters of lter class U15 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications (operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food/beverage, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate.

The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon HEPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting thanks to high twist strength. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal. Silgel seal for mounting systems with a sword prole.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x80 305x457x80 305x610x80 305x762x80 305x915x80 457x457x80 457x610x80 610x610x80 610x762x80 610x915x80 610x1,220x80 610x1,525x80 610x1,830x80 762x762x80 762x915x80 762x1,220x80 762x1,525x 80 762x1,830x80 915x915x80 915x1,220x80 915x1,525x80 915x1,830x80

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

135 200 280 360 430 335 450 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 950 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995
Subject to technical changes.

SF15-A-0305x0305x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0305x0457x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0305x0610x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0305x0762x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0305x0915x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0457x0457x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0457x0610x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0610x0610x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0610x0762x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0610x0915x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0610x1220x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0610x1525x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0610x1830x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0762x0762x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0762x0915x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0762x1220x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0762x1525x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0762x1830x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0915x0915x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0915x1220x080x05-F13N

U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15


SF15-A-0915x1525x080x05-F13N SF15-A-0915x1830x080x05-F13N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 102 mm | Silgel seal | HEPA
Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Silgel On both sides, steel grids, powder-coated; also available in a stainless steel version

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter class H14 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in hospitals/medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, laboratories, research centers, etc. in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverage processing, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems

Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum. The sturdy construction is moisture-resistant and provides a high degree of security against the growth of bacteria and fungi (thus permissible according to VDI 6022). Simple handling and installation thanks to high distortion-resistance. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal. Silgel seal for mounting systems with a sword prole.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x102 305x457x102 305x610x102 305x762x102 305x915x102 305x1,120x102 457x457x102 457x610x102 545x545x102 545x1,155x102 610x610x102 610x762x102 610x915x102 610x1,220x102 610x1,525x102 610x1,830x102 762x762x102 762x915x102 762x1,220x102 762x1,525x102 762x1,830x102 915x915x102 915x1,220x102 915x1,525x102 915x1,830x102

Pleat depth [mm]

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

135 200 280 375 450 600 335 450 500 1,000 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 950 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995

SF14-A-0305x0305x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0305x0457x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0305x0610x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0305x0762x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0305x0915x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0305x1120x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0457x0457x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0457x0610x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0545x0545x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0545x1155x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0610x0610x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0610x0762x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0610x0915x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0610x1220x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0610x1525x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0610x1830x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0762x0762x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0762x0915x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0762x1220x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0762x1525x102x07-F13N
Subject to technical changes.

H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14

SF14-A-0762x1830x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0915x0915x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0915x1220x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0915x1525x102x07-F13N SF14-A-0915x1830x102x07-F13N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 102 mm | Silgel seal | ULPA
Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized Silgel On both sides, steel grids, powder-coated; also available in a stainless steel version

Application Viledon ULPA lters of lter class U15 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications (operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverage processing, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow.

Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon HEPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting thanks to high distortion-resistance. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal. Silgel seal for mounting systems with a sword prole. Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x102 305x457x102 305x610x1,025 305x762x102 305x915x102 305x1,120x102 457x457x102 457x610x102 545x545x102 545x1,155x102 610x610x102 610x762x102 610x915x102 610x1,220x102 610x1,525x102 610x1,830x102 762x762x102 762x915x102 762x1,220x102 762x1,525x102 762x1,830x102 915x915x102 915x1,220x102 915x1,525x102 915x1,830x102

Pleat depth [mm]

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

135 200 280 375 450 600 335 450 500 1,000 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 950 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995
Subject to technical changes.

SF15-A-0305x0305x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0305x0457x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0305x0610x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0305x0762x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0305x0915x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0305x1120x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0457x0457x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0457x0610x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0545x0545x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0545x1155x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0610x0610x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0610x0762x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0610x0915x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0610x1220x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0610x1525x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0610x1830x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0762x0762x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0762x0915x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0762x1220x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0762x1525x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0762x1830x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0915x0915x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0915x1220x102x07-F13N

U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15


SF15-A-0915x1525x102x07-F13N SF15-A-0915x1830x102x07-F13N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 109 mm | Sword prole | HEPA
Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized On both sides, steel grid, powder-coated

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter class H14 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications (operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverage processing, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems

Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon HEPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting thanks to high distortion-resistance. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal. Filter with sword prole for mounting systems with a uid gel channel.
Nominal volume ow [m/h]
135 200 280 360 430 600 335 450 500 1,000 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 950 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x109 305x457x109 305x610x109 305x762x109 305x915x109 305x1,120x109 457x457x109 457x610x109 545x545x109 545x1,155x109 610x610x109 610x762x109 610x915x109 610x1,220x109 610x1,525x109 610x1,830x109 762x762x109 762x915x109 762x1,220x109 762x1,525x109 762x1,830x109 915x915x109 915x1,220x109 915x1,525x109 915x1,830x109

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Filter class

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995

SF14-I-0305x0305x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0305x0457x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0305x0610x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0305x0762x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0305x0915x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0305x1120x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0457x0457x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0457x0610x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0545x0545x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0545x1155x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0610x0610x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0610x0762x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0610x0915x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0610x1220x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0610x1525x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0610x1830x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0762x0762x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0762x0915x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0762x1220x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0762x1525x109x05-Z03N
Subject to technical changes.

H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14

SF14-I-0762x1830x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0915x0915x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0915x1220x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0915x1525x109x05-Z03N SF14-I-0915x1830x109x05-Z03N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Aluminum frame | Construction depth 109 mm | Sword prole | ULPA
Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Extruded aluminum prole, anodized On both sides, steel grid, powder-coated

Application Viledon ULPA lters of lter class U15 are used in intake and recirculating air ltration for cleanrooms and in laminar ow boxes with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications(operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food/beverage, micro-electronics, etc.) in ceiling outlets and modules for exible cleanroom systems Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow.

Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of extruded, anodized aluminum and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon HEPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting thanks to high distortion-resistance. The lter elements feature protection grids on both sides made of powdercoated expanded metal. Filter with sword prole for mounting systems with a uid gel channel. Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x109 305x457x109 305x610x109 305x762x109 305x915x109 305x1,120x109 457x457x109 457x610x109 545x545x109 545x1,155x109 610x610x109 610x762x109 610x915x109 610x1,220x109 610x1,525x109 610x1,830x109 762x762x109 762x915x109 762x1,220x109 762x1,525x109 762x1,830x109 915x915x109 915x1,220x109 915x1,525x109 915x1,830x109

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

135 200 280 360 430 600 335 450 500 1,000 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 950 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995 99.9995
Subject to technical changes.

SF15-I-0305x0305x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0305x0457x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0305x0610x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0305x0762x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0305x0915x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0305x1120x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0457x0457x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0457x0610x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0545x0545x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0545x1155x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0610x0610x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0610x0762x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0610x0915x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0610x1220x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0610x1525x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0610x1830x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0762x0762x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0762x0915x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0762x1220x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0762x1525x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0762x1830x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0915x0915x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0915x1220x109x05-Z03N

U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15 U15


SF15-I-0915x1525x109x05-Z03N SF15-I-0915x1830x109x05-Z03N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Plastic frame | Construction depths 150 + 292 mm | EPA

Filter medium Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper, highly resistant to moisture and oils >3,000 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Halogen-free plastic; on request also with frame made from galvanized steel or stainless steel sheeting Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed, on one side; on request with at seal Plastic, on both sides (N18N), with 200 mm pleat depth standard version without protection grid (N10N)

Application Viledon EPA lters of lter class E11 are used for intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration of ventilation systems with special requirements for clean air quality, e.g. sophisticated air-conditioning applications (hospitals, labs, cleanrooms, museums, etc.) sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverages, micro-electronics, etc.) downstream policing lters in dust removal applications

Special features The patented thermal embossing technique ensures the optimum V-shaped geometry and equidistance of the pleats and therefore maximum, homogeneous air passage at a very low pressure drop. This results in a remarkably economical and reliable operation. The frame consists of halogen-free plastic and is exceptionally distortionresistant, moisture-resistant and fully incinerable. Viledon EPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting, thanks to exceptionally low weight. The entire lter element is non-corroding and easy to dispose of, as it is metal-free.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request. Also available as MaxiPleat lters with and without a top frame.

Article number
53392321 53359319 53360528 53386630 53352684
Subject to technical changes.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

300x305x150 457x457x150 610x610x150 610x610x150 610x305x292 610x610x292 610x762x292 610x305x292 610x610x292 610x762x292

Pleat depth [mm]

100 100 100 100 200 200 200 280 280 280

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

440 1,100 2,000 2,000 1,400 3,000 4,000 1,600 3,400 4,300

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

SF11-K-0305x0305x150x10-N18N-F45 SF11-K-0457x0457x150x10-N10N-F45 SF11-K-0610x0610x150x10-N10N-F45 SF11-K-0610x0610x150x10-N18N-F45 SF11-K-0610x0305x292x20-N10N-F60 SF11-K-0610x0610x292x20-N10N-F60 SF11-K-0610x0762x292x20-N10N-F60 SF11-K-0610x0305x292x28-N18N-F60 SF11-K-0610x0610x292x28-N18N-F60 SF11-K-0610x0762x292x28-N18N-F60

H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11

53352648 53357238 53351145 53351144 53357518


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Plastic frame | Construction depths 150 + 292 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Bursting pressure Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Protection grids Micro-glass-ber paper, highly resistant to moisture and oils >3,000 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Halogen-free plastic; on request also with frame made of galvanized steel sheeting or stainless steel sheeting Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed, on one-side; on request with at seal Plastic on both sides (N18N), with 200 mm pleat depth standard version without protection grid (N10N)

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning applications (operating theatres/intensive care units of hospitals, labs, cleanrooms etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverages, micro-electronics, etc.) in the treatment of dangerous substances (asbestos disposal, heavy metals, carcinogenic dusts, etc.) in the preliminary ltration of turbomachinery Special features The patented thermal embossing process ensures the optimum V-shaped geometry and equidistance of the pleats, and therefore maximum, homogeneous air passage at a very low pressure drop. This results in a remarkably economical and reliable operation.

Each lter element is leakproofed in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of halogen-free plastic and is exceptionally distortionresistant, moisture-resistant and fully incinerable. The patented design provides a high degree of security against the growth of bacteria and fungi (permissible according to VDI 6022 in accordance with independent test certicates). Easy handling and mounting thanks to exceptionally low weight and a continuous, homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane gasket. The entire lter element is non-corroding and easy to dispose of, as it is metal-free. Meets the requirements laid down in EN 60335-2-69 for lters being used in dust-eliminating machines and equipment of dust class H (see table). Delivery notes
Customized dimensions and other lter classes are available on request.

Article number
53357911 53380609 53358438 53361285 53352681 53353934 53440647 53364637 53352680 53351143 53383118 53367419 53363063 53392755 53352647 53351139 53383117 53373991 53373837 53390438 53381017 53367662 53358594


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x150 305x305x292 305x305x292 457x457x150 457x457x292 457x457x292 575x575x150 610x305x150 610x305x292 610x305x292 610x305x292 610x457x292 610x457x292 610x610x150 610x610x292 610x610x292 610x610x292 610x762x292 610x762x292 305x305x292 457x457x292 610x305x292 610x457x292 610x610x292 610x762x292

Pleat depth [mm]

100 200 280 100 200 280 100 100 200 280 280 200 280 100 200 280 280 200 280 280 280 280 280 280 280

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

325 500 700 800 1,300 1,800 1,400 700 1,100 1,550 1,800 1,800 2,500 1,500 2,500 3,400 4,000 3,150 4,300 375 900 850 1,250 1,700 2,150

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

220 250 250 220 250 250 220 220 250 250 330 250 250 220 250 250 350 250 250 150 150 150 150 150 150

Arrestance Dust class* eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF13-K-0305x0305x150x10-N18N-H45 SF13-K-0305x0305x292x20-N10N-H60 SF13-K-0305x0305x292x28-N18N-G60 SF13-K-0457x0457x150x10-N18N-H45 SF13-K-0457x0457x292x20-N10N-H60 SF13-K-0457x0457x292x28-N18N-G60 SF13-K-0575x0575x150x10-N18N-H45 SF13-K-0610x0305x150x10-N18N-H45 SF13-K-0610x0305x292x20-N10N-H60 SF13-K-0610x0305x292x28-N18N-G60 SF13-K-0610x0305x292x28-N18N-J60 SF13-K-0610x0457x292x20-N10N-H60 SF13-K-0610x0457x292x28-N18N-G60 SF13-K-0610x0610x150x10-N18N-H45 SF13-K-0610x0610x292x20-N10N-H60 SF13-K-0610x0610x292x28-N18N-G60 SF13-K-0610x0610x292x28-N18N-J60 SF13-K-0610x0762x292x20-N10N-H60 SF13-K-0610x0762x292x28-N18N-G60 SF14-K-0305x0305x292x28-N18N-J60 SF14-K-0457x0457x292x28-N18N-J60 SF14-K-0610x0305x292x28-N18N-J60 SF14-K-0610x0457x292x28-N18N-J60 SF14-K-0610x0610x292x28-N18N-J60 SF14-K-0610x0762x292x28-N18N-J60

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14






53353557 53361167

* according to DIN EN 60 335-2-69 appendix AA

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters MDF frame | Construction depth 78 mm | EPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. MDF Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon EPA lters of lter class E11 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive industrial processes as nal lters in ceiling air outlets

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. The frame consists of MDF (medium-density ber board) and is fully incinerable. The entire lter element is non-corroding and easy to dispose of, as it is metal-free. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request also available with a at gasket. Protection grids on request.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x78 305x457x78 305x610x78 305x762x78 457x457x78 457x610x78 610x610x78 610x762x78 762x762x78

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

220 350 480 600 550 750 1,000 1,300 1,640

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

SF11-M-0305x0305x078x05-N10N SF11-M-0305x0457x078x05-N10N SF11-M-0305x0610x078x05-N10N SF11-M-0305x0762x078x05-N10N

Subject to technical changes.

H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11

SF11-M-0457x0457x078x05-N10N SF11-M-0457x0610x078x05-N10N SF11-M-0610x0610x078x05-N10N SF11-M-0610x0762x078x05-N10N SF11-M-0762x0762x078x05-N10N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters MDF frame | Construction depth 78 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. MDF Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive industrial processes as nal lters in ceiling air outlets

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested for leak-proong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of MDF (medium-density ber board) and is fully incinerable. The entire lter element is non-corroding and easy to dispose of, as it is metal-free. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request also available with a at gasket. Protection grid on request.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x78 305x457x78 305x610x78 305x762x78 457x457x78 457x610x78 610x610x78 610x762x78 762x762x78 305x305x78 305x457x78 305x610x78 305x762x78 457x457x78 457x610x78 610x610x78 610x762x78 762x762x78

Pleat depth [mm]

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

250 400 550 700 630 850 1,200 1,500 1,900 120 200 280 350 335 420 600 750 900

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF13-M-0305x0305x078x05-N10N SF13-M-0305x0457x078x05-N10N SF13-M-0305x0610x078x05-N10N SF13-M-0305x0762x078x05-N10N SF13-M-0457x0457x078x05-N10N SF13-M-0457x0610x078x05-N10N SF13-M-0610x0610x078x05-N10N SF13-M-0610x0762x078x05-N10N SF13-M-0762x0762x078x05-N10N SF14-M-0305x0305x078x05-N10N SF14-M-0305x0457x078x05-N10N SF14-M-0305x0610x078x05-N10N SF14-M-0305x0762x078x05-N10N SF14-M-0457x0457x078x05-N10N SF14-M-0457x0610x078x05-N10N SF14-M-0610x0610x078x05-N10N

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14


SF14-M-0610x0762x078x05-N10N SF14-M-0762x0762x078x05-N10N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters MDF frame | Construction depth 150 mm | EPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. MDF Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon EPA lters of lter class E11 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive industrial processes as nal lters in ceiling air outlets

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. The frame consists of MDF (medium-density ber board) and is fully incinerable. The entire lter element is non-corroding and easy to dispose of, as it is metal-free. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request also available with a at gasket. Protection grid on request.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x150 305x457x150 305x610x150 305x762x150 457x457x150 457x610x150 610x610x150 610x762x150 762x762x150

Pleat depth [mm]

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

370 560 750 950 850 1,200 1,500 2,100 2,600

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

SF11-M-0305x0305x150x12-N10N SF11-M-0305x0457x150x12-N10N SF11-M-0305x0610x150x12-N10N SF11-M-0305x0762x150x12-N10N

Subject to technical changes.

H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11

SF11-M-0457x0457x150x12-N10N SF11-M-0457x0610x150x12-N10N SF11-M-0610x0610x150x12-N10N SF11-M-0610x0762x150x12-N10N SF11-M-0762x0762x150x12-N10N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters MDF frame | Construction depth 150 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. MDF Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive and highly sensitive industrial processes as nal lters in ceiling air outlets

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested for leak-proong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of MDF (medium-density ber panel) and is fully incinerable. The entire lter element is non-corroding and easy to dispose of, as it is metal-free. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request also available with a at gasket. Protection grids on request.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x150 305x457x150 305x610x150 305x762x150 457x457x150 457x610x150 610x610x150 610x762x150 762x762x150 305x305x150 305x457x150 305x610x150 305x762x150 457x457x150 457x610x150 610x610x150 610x762x150 762x762x150

Pleat depth [mm]

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

400 600 820 1,000 950 1,300 1,700 2,200 2,850 210 320 430 560 500 700 900 1,200 1,500

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF13-M-0305x0305x150x12-N10N SF13-M-0305x0457x150x12-N10N SF13-M-0305x0610x150x12-N10N SF13-M-0305x0762x150x12-N10N SF13-M-0457x0457x150x12-N10N SF13-M-0457x0610x150x12-N10N SF13-M-0610x0610x150x12-N10N SF13-M-0610x0762x150x12-N10N SF13-M-0762x0762x150x12-N10N SF14-M-0305x0305x150x12-N10N SF14-M-0305x0457x150x12-N10N SF14-M-0305x0610x150x12-N10N SF14-M-0305x0762x150x12-N10N SF14-M-0457x0457x150x12-N10N SF14-M-0457x0610x150x12-N10N SF14-M-0610x0610x150x12-N10N

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14


SF14-M-0610x0762x150x12-N10N SF14-M-0762x0762x150x12-N10N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters MDF frame | Construction depth 292 mm | EPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. MDF Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon EPA lters of lter class E11 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive and highly sensitive industrial processes

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. The frame consists of MDF (medium-density ber board) and is fully incinerable. The entire lter elements is non-corroding and easy to dispose of, as it is metal-free. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request also available with a at gasket. Protection grids on request.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

288x593x292 305x305x292 305x610x292 457x457x292 457x610x292 593x593x292 610x610x292 610x762x292

Pleat depth [mm]

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

950 500 1,050 1,200 1,650 2,150 2,250 2,870

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

SF11-M-0288x0593x292x20-N10N SF11-M-0305x0305x292x20-N10N SF11-M-0305x0610x292x20-N10N

Subject to technical changes.

H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11

SF11-M-0457x0457x292x20-N10N SF11-M-0457x0610x292x20-N10N SF11-M-0593x0593x292x20-N10N SF11-M-0610x0610x292x20-N10N SF11-M-0610x0762x292x20-N10N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters MDF frame | Construction depth 292 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. MDF Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive and highly sensitive industrial processes as nal lters in ceiling air outlets

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation plus a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested for leak-proong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of MDF (medium-density ber panel) and is fully incinerable. The entire lter element is non-corroding and easy to dispose of, as it is metal free. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request also available with a at gasket. Protection grid on request.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

288x593x292 305x305x292 305x610x292 457x457x292 457x610x292 593x593x292 610x610x292 610x762x292 288x593x292 305x305x292 305x610x292 457x457x292 457x610x292 593x593x292 610x610x292 610x762x292

Pleat depth [mm]

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

900 470 1,000 1,100 1,500 1,900 2,000 2,750 900 270 600 680 940 1,200 1,280 1,620

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF13-M-0288x0593x292x20-N10N SF13-M-0305x0305x292x20-N10N SF13-M-0305x0610x292x20-N10N SF13-M-0457x0457x292x20-N10N SF13-M-0457x0610x292x20-N10N SF13-M-0593x0593x292x20-N10N SF13-M-0610x0610x292x20-N10N SF13-M-0610x0762x292x20-N10N SF14-M-0288x0593x292x20-N10N SF14-M-0305x0305x292x20-N10N SF14-M-0305x0610x292x20-N10N SF14-M-0457x0457x292x20-N10N SF14-M-0457x0610x292x20-N10N SF14-M-0593x0593x292x20-N10N

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14


SF14-M-0610x0610x292x20-N10N SF14-M-0610x0762x292x20-N10N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Steel sheet frame | Construction depth 150 mm | EPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Steel sheeting, galvanized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon EPA lters of lter class E11 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent and ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive and highly sensitive industrial processes

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request available with at seal. On request with protection grid. The frame consists of galvanized steel sheeting. The sturdy construction is moisture-resistant and provides a high degree of security against the growth of bacteria and fungi (thus permissible according to VDI 6022).

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x150 305x610x150 457x457x150 575x575x150 610x610x150 610x762x150 610x915x150 610x1,220x150

Pleat depth [mm]

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

350 750 850 1,300 1,500 1,900 2,250 3,000

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

SF11-B-0305x0305x150x12-N10N SF11-B-0305x0610x150x12-N10N SF11-B-0457x0457x150x12-N10N

Subject to technical changes.

H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11

SF11-B-0575x0575x150x12-N10N SF11-B-0610x0610x150x12-N10N SF11-B-0610x0762x150x12-N10N SF11-B-0610x0915x150x12-N10N SF11-B-0610x1220x150x12-N10N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Steel sheet frame | Construction depth 150 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Steel sheeting, galvanized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent and ultrastringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive and highly sensitive industrial processes

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation. Each lter is tested in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request available with at seal. On request with protection grid. The frame consists of galvanized steel sheeting. The sturdy construction is moisture-resistant and provides a high degree of security against the growth of bacteria and fungi (thus permissible according to VDI 6022).

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x150 305x610x150 457x457x150 575x575x150 610x610x150 610x762x150 610x915x150 610x1,220x150 305x305x150 305x610x150 457x457x150 575x575x150 610x610x150 610x762x150 610x915x150 610x1,220x150

Pleat depth [mm]

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

420 860 1,000 1,550 1,800 2,300 2,780 3,700 230 450 525 850 950 1,200 1,470 1,950

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF13-B-0305x0305x150x12-N10N SF13-B-0305x0610x150x12-N10N SF13-B-0457x0457x150x12-N10N SF13-B-0575x0575x150x12-N10N SF13-B-0610x0610x150x12-N10N SF13-B-0610x0762x150x12-N10N SF13-B-0610x0915x150x12-N10N SF13-B-0610x1220x150x12-N10N SF14-B-0305x0305x150x12-N10 SF14-B-0305x0610x150x12-N10N SF14-B-0457x0457x150x12-N10N SF14-B-0575x0575x150x12-N10N SF14-B-0610x0610x150x12-N10N SF14-B-0610x0762x150x12-N10N

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14


SF14-B-0610x0915x150x12-N10N SF14-B-0610x1220x150x12-N10N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Steel sheet frame | Construction depth 292 mm | EPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Steel sheeting, galvanized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon EPA lters of lter class E11 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent and ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive and highly sensitive industrial processes

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request available with at seal. On request with protection grid. The frame consists of galvanized steel sheeting. The sturdy construction is moisture-resistant and provides a high degree of security against the growth of bacteria and fungi (thus permissible according to VDI 6022).

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

288x593x292 305x305x292 305x610x292 457x457x292 457x610x292 593x593x292 610x610x292 610x762x292

Pleat depth [mm]

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

1,000 550 1,150 1,300 1,750 2,270 2,400 3,000

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

SF11-B-0288x0593x292x20-N10N SF11-B-0305x0305x292x20-N10N SF11-B-0305x0610x292x20-N10N

Subject to technical changes.

H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11 H11

SF11-B-0457x0457x292x20-N10N SF11-B-0457x0610x292x20-N10N SF11-B-0593x0593x292x20-N10N SF11-B-0610x0610x292x20-N10N SF11-B-0610x0762x292x20-N10N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Steel sheet frame | Construction depth 292 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Steel sheeting, galvanized Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed

Application Viledon HEPA lters of lter classes H13 + H14 are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in air-conditioning systems with stringent and ultrastringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters, intensive care units in hospitals, laboratories, cleanrooms, etc.) in sensitive and highly sensitive industrial processes

Characteristics and pluses The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation. Each lter is tested in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. Endlessly and homogeneously foamed-on polyurethane seal; on request available with at seal. On request with protection grid. The frame consists of galvanized steel sheeting. The sturdy construction is moisture-resistant and provides a high degree of security against the growth of bacteria and fungi (thus permissible according to VDI 6022).

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

288x593x292 305x305x292 305x610x292 457x457x292 457x610x292 593x593x292 610x610x292 610x762x292 288x593x292 305x305x292 305x610x292 457x457x292 457x610x292 593x593x292 610x610x292 610x762x292

Pleat depth [mm]

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

1,000 520 1,100 1,250 1,750 2,270 2,400 3,000 1,000 310 640 730 980 1,250 1,320 1,680

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995
Subject to technical changes.

SF13-B-0288x0593x292x20-N10N SF13-B-0305x0305x292x20-N10N SF13-B-0305x0610x292x20-N10N SF13-B-0457x0457x292x20-N10N SF13-B-0457x0610x292x20-N10N SF13-B-0593x0593x292x20-N10N SF13-B-0610x0610x292x20-N10N SF13-B-0610x0762x292x20-N10N SF14-B-0288x0593x292x20-N10N SF14-B-0305x0305x292x20-N10N SF14-B-0305x0610x292x20-N10N SF14-B-0457x0457x292x20-N10N SF14-B-0457x0610x292x20-N10N SF14-B-0593x0593x292x20-N10N

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14


SF14-B-0610x0610x292x20-N10N SF14-B-0610x0762x292x20-N10N

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters High volume ow | Construction depth 292 mm | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Frame Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Steel sheeting, galvanized; also available with a stainless steel frame Semicircular PU prole, endlessly foamed, einseitig

Application Viledon high volume ow HEPA lters are used in intake, exhaust and recirculating air ltration in cleanrooms in air-conditioning systems with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters/intensive care units in hospitals and medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, labs, research centers, etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverage processing, micro-electronics, etc.)

Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed, plus the V-shaped conguration of the pleat package, ensure a particularly large ltering area for maximum air ow rate per lter element together with homogeneous media velocity, coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation with a very long lifetime. Each lter element is tested for leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame consists of galvanized steel or stainless steel sheeting and is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon high volume ow HEPA lters are microbiologically inactive and meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. A continuous and homogeneously foamed-on prole gasket made of polyurethane. Also available with a at gasket on request. The elements feature recessed grips at the side and a gripping lug for easier handling and installation.

Delivery notes
Also available as ULPA lter. Customized dimensions and variants available on request.

Article number
53438538 53412638 53411980 53412052 53412644 53412060 53412054 53412056
Subject to technical changes.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

288x288x292 288x593x292 305x305x292 305x610x292 593x593x292 610x610x292 610x610x292 610x762x292 288x288x292 288x593x292 305x305x292 305x610x292 593x593x292 610x610x292

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

850 1,800 1,000 2,000 3,600 3,400 4,000 4,700 850 1,800 1,000 2,000 3,600 4,000

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 320 320 320 320 320 320

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995 99.995

SF13-B-0288x0288x292/V06x25-N10N SF13-B-0288x0593x292/V06x25-N10N SF13-B-0305x0305x292/V06x25-N10N SF13-B-0305x0610x292/V06x25-N10N SF13-B-0593x0593x292/V12x25-N10N SF13-B-0610x0610x292/V10x25-N10N SF13-B-0610x0610x292/V12x25-N10N SF13-B-0610x0762x292/V14x25-N10N SF14-B-0288x0288x292/V06x25-N10N

H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H13 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14 H14

53417294 53415772 53418697 53429101 53412194

SF14-B-0288x0593x292/V06x25-N10N SF14-B-0305x0305x292/V06x25-N10N SF14-B-0305x0610x292/V06x25-N10N SF14-B-0593x0593x292/V12x25-N10N SF14-B-0610x0610x292/V12x25-N10N


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Cartridge | EPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Sheathing Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Expanded metal Semicircular PU prole, foamed

Application Viledon EPA cartridge lters oer in a minimized space highly ecient arrestance in a compactly dimensioned unit. They are used for various applications in medical technology and the pharmaceutical industry.


Nominal diameter/ Nominal height [mm]

175/173 175/224

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

130 170

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

120 120

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

95 95


SP11-A-0175x0173-LH SP11-A-0175x0224-LH

H11 H11

Subject to technical changes.

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Cartridge | HEPA

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Sheathing Seal Micro-glass-ber paper 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum. Expanded metal Semicircular PU prole, foamed

Application Viledon HEPA cartridge lters oer in a minimized space highly ecient arrestance in a compactly dimensioned unit. They are used for various applications in medical technology and the pharmaceutical industry.

Subject to technical changes.


Nominal diameter/ Nominal height [mm]

175/173 175/224

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

130 170

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

200 200

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

99.95 99.95

SP13-A-0175x0173-LH SP13-A-0175x0224-LH

H13 H13


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Plastic plenum hood | HEPA

Filter medium Initial pressure drop Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Micro-glass-ber paper at 0.45 m/s 140 Pa 600 Pa 70C 100% rel. hum.

Application Viledon HEPA lters/hood modules of lter class H14 are used for intake and recirculating air ltration of cleanrooms and exible cleanroom systems requiring the highest clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in hospitals/medical institutes, pharmacies, sterile rooms, laboratories, research centers, etc. in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverage processing, micro-electronics, etc.)

Special features The lter media used are high-arrestance micro-glass-ber papers. The MiniPleat technology employed ensures ow-friendly geometry and equidistance of the pleats, with homogeneous media velocity coupled with a very low pressure drop. This means particularly cost-ecient and dependable operation, and a quasi-laminar outow. Each lter element is tested using state-of-the-art scanning equipment for arrestance eciency and leakproong in accordance with EN 1822, and delivered together with the corresponding test certicate. The frame is made of extruded anodized aluminum, with an airtight, cast-in polystyrene plenum hood on the upstream side. An integrated perforated deector plate equalizes the incoming air ow (minimum lter size 610x610mm). The sturdy construction is moisture-resistant and oers high security against the growth of bacteria and moulds. Easy handling and mounting, as the units are distortion-resistant and exceptionally lightweight. The lter/hood modules feature a protection grid on the clean air side made from powder-coated expanded metal and a connection for measuring aerosol/pressure drop.

Delivery notes
On request also with integrated control and stop valve plus clean air side at gasket. Also available as ULPA lter of class U15. Customized dimensions (then with metal hood) available on request.


SF14-A-0305x0610x150x05-Z02H-250x50 SF14-A-0610x0610x150x05-Z02H-250x50 SF14-A-0610x1220x150x05-Z02H-250x50

305x610x150 610x610x150 610x1,220x150

H14 H14 H14

280 600 1,200

99.995 99.995 99.995


53412922 53413831

Subject to technical changes.

Article number


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Arrestance eciency MPPS [%]

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Accessories | Ceiling air outlets | With ceiling connection prole
Outlet housing Extruded, anodized aluminum frame and deep-drawn plastic plenum made of polystyrene and cast in an airtight conguration, with round connection piece on the side; on request also available with a metal plenum and a connection at the top/side As vortex ow outlet with adjustable air guide elements in powder-coated steel sheeting (RAL 9010), as a rectangular outlet with xed-position guide ns in anodized aluminum or painted, as perforated-plate diusor for low-turbulence displacement ow in anodized aluminum, painted, or stainless steel Associated lter elements must be ordered separately. The ceiling air outlets are suitable for Viledon HEPA lters with a 68, 78 or 88 mm deep aluminum frame and a foamed-on seal


Filter elements

Application Viledon lter ceiling air outlets are used for intake and recirculating air ltration of cleanrooms and air-conditioning systems with ultra-stringent requirements for clean air quality and sterility, e.g. in sophisticated air-conditioning technology (operating theaters/intensive care units in hospitals and medical institutes, labs, pharmacies, sterile rooms, research centers, etc.) in highly sensitive industrial processes (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemicals, optics, food and beverage processing, micro-electronics, etc.)

Special features The housings feature clamping devices for the lter elements and a port for measuring the raw gas concentration and the operational pressure drop. The construction is extremely solid and moisture-resistant. Viledon ceiling air outlets meet all hygiene requirements of the German VDI Guideline 6022 Hygiene requirements for HVAC systems and units. Easy handling and mounting, thanks to low weight and high twist strength. Filter replacement, cleaning and maintenance can be simply performed from the clean air side.

Delivery notes
On request also available with integrated control and stop valve. Customized dimensions (then with metal plenum) and variants available on request. Please order suitable lters as a separate item.

Article number
53425088 53424466 53427694
Subject to technical changes.


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

380x380x355 380x685x380 532x532x390 620x620x410 685x685x420 685x990x430 685x1,295x450 837x837x450

Dimensions of matching lters (WxLxD) [mm]

305x305x68|78|88 305x610x68|78|88 457x457x68|78|88 545x545x68|78|88 610x610x68|78|88 610x915x68|78|88 610x1,220x68|78|88 762x762x68|78|88


Diusor material

SFDLA-CA-0380x0380x355-EV-0-200-0-T SFDLA-CA-0380x0685x380-LA-0-200-0-0 SFDLA-CA-0532x0532x390-LV-0-250-0-0 SFDLA-CA-0620x0620x410-EV-0-250-0-0 SFDLA-CA--0685x0685x420FX-0-250-0-0 SFDLA-CA-0685x0990x430-LV-Z-250-0-0 SFDLA-CA-0685x1295x450-FX-0-250-0-0 SFDLA-CA-0837x0837x450-LV-Z-250-0-0

Vortex ow outlet Rectangular outlet Rectangular outlet Vortex ow outlet Perforated-plate diusor Rectangular outlet Perforated-plate diusor Rectangular outlet

Powder-coated steel (RAL 9010) Anodized aluminum Powder-coated steel (RAL 9010) Powder-coated steel (RAL 9010) Stainless steel Powder-coated steel (RAL 9010) Stainless steel Powder-coated steel (RAL 9010)

53427199 53424467 53427696 53424468 53427698


EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Accessories | Fan-lter unit

Description Fan with AC motor (220 V, 5060 Hz single-phase, 0.9 A/0.17 kW); Integrated electronic control system with main switch and heat protection; Noise level <52 dB (A) 1.5 m below the lter element; Outow velocity max. 0.6 m/s, depending on the lter eciency involved

Housing The housing consists of an extruded, anodized aluminum frame and a deep-drawn plastic plenum cast in an airtight conguration, with an integrated fan, a connection for measuring the raw-gas concentration and operating pressure drop, plus an operating light. The removable diusor, xed in place with tension closures, is made of perforated aluminum sheeting.

Filter element Associated lter elements such as Viledon HEPA/ULPA lters of lter classes H14 and U15 with aluminum frames can be ordered separately (see table for technical data). A prelter panel is integrated as a standard feature.

Delivery notes
A prelter panel is integrated as a standard feature. Please order suitable lters as a separate item.

Housing Article number



Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]


Outow area (WxL) [mm]


Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]


Initial pressure drop [Pa]

Weight [kg]


Applicable lters Article number

53411835 53415898 53411853


Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm]

610x1,220x68 610x1,220x78 610x1,220x88 610x1,220x68 610x1,220x88

Outow area (WxL) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

120 100 90 140 115

Weight [kg]
Subject to technical changes.

SF14-A-0610x1220x068x05-N13N SF14-A-0610x1220x078x07-N13N SF14-A-0610x1220x088x07-N13N SF15-A-0610x1220x068x05-N13N SF15-A-0610x1220x088x07-N13N

H14 H14 H14 U15 U15


53427808 53431655

EPA|HEPA|ULPA lters Accessories | Safe-change system

Accessories Bench Safety bag and elastic O-ring (featured one set per housing as standard) Aerosol connection for checking leakproong and lters seal t, and for measuring the operating pressure drop (T); Manometer for checking the pressure drop (M); Pressure equalization valve (R)

Housing The entire housing consists of powder-coated steel in the colour RAL 7035 (Type V) or stainless steel (Type X). The system provides for contamination-free lter replacement using a safety bag (bag in/bag out). The lter element is xed in place using two eccentric rods made of stainless steel. The hinged and removable maintenance cover is xed in position with manually operated clamping wheels, and sealed with a circumferential leakproof rubber seal. Bench For putting together a larger or multi stage lter system, up to six housings can be combined with each other in parallel. These are tted as standard with a rectangular intake and exhaust air duct. The entire unit stands on stable feet.

Filter element Fine or EPA/HEPA/ULPA lters can be used with plastic, steel-sheeting or MDF frames in various dimensions.

Delivery notes
Accessories (see above) can be integrated in the SF-benches on request. Please order the suitable lter as a separate item.

Housing Article number Article Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm] Dimensions of matching lters (WxLxD) [mm]
610x305x292 610x610x292 610x762x292 610x610x292

Housing material

Number Integrated option of lter stages

53424126 53412788

SFSafe-V-363 SFSafe-V-663 SFSafe-V-673

755x495x570 755x800x570 755x950x570 755x800x570

Steel, powder coated RAL 7035 Steel, powder coated RAL 7035 Steel, powder coated RAL 7035 Stainless steel (AISI 304)



Bench Article number Article Dimensions (WxLxD) [mm] Dimensions of matching lters (WxLxD) [mm]
610x610x292 610x610x292 610x305x292 610x610x150|292 610x610x150|292

Housing material

Number Integrated option of lter stages

SFBench-1-V-663-C-N-S-M-R SFBench-2-V-663-C-N-S-M-R
Subject to technical changes.

Steel, powder coated RAL 7035 Steel, powder coated RAL 7035 Stainless steel (AISI 304) Stainless steel (AISI 304) Stainless steel (AISI 304)

1 1 1 2 2

Pressure drop monometer, pressure equalization valve Pressure drop monometer, pressure equalization valve, 2 parallel lters Pressure drop monometer, pressure equalization valve, aerosol connection Pressure drop monometer (2x), pressure equalization valve, aerosol connection Pressure drop monometer (2x), pressure equalization valve, aerosol connection, 2 parallel lters


SFBench-1-X-363-C-N-S-M-R-T SFBench-1-X-6613-C-N-S-2M-R-T SFBench-2-X-6613-C-N-S-2M-R-T


Gas phase ltration

CarboPleat, DuoPleat, activated-carbon cartridges, ChemControl pellets, ChemControl modules

CarboPleat activated-carbon and DuoPleat combination lters improve indoor air quality und protect people as well as sensitive products, processes and equipment, by eliminating or reducing pollutant gases and unwanted odours. Viledon ChemControl pellets are used for the prevention of corrosion. They remove contaminant gases by means of adsorption, absorption and chemisorption.


Gas phase lters CarboPleat/DuoPleat | Fine dust

Recommended duty temperature Thermal stability Recommended duty humidity <30C 70C <60% rel. hum.

Application CarboPleat activated-carbon and DuoPleat combi lters improve the air quality in indoor environments and protect both, humans and sensitive products, processes and lines, by eliminating or reducing environmental pollutants and unwanted odours.

The activated-carbon media of both lters are xed in place using a special bonding process, and provide a maximum of active surface area for ecient gas adsorption. DuoPleat combi lters simultaneously provide particle ltration of class M6, thanks to their additional 3-layered high-performance nonwoven on the face side. The large ltering area installed and the special structure of the lter media involved create not only a particularly high holding capacity and a long operational lifetime, but also very low pressure drop. The lter capacities stated are referenced to DIN 71460, part 2.

Article number


Dimensions (WxHxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

70 70 70 130 130 130

Average eciency [%]

Recommended nal pressure drop [Pa]

Filter capacity toluene [g]

910 740 410

Filter capacity SO2 [g]

210 170 95 165 132 72

Filter capacity n-butane [g]

Subject to technical changes.

53439756 53439758 53439770 53438699

CP 1/1 CP 5/6 CP 1/2 DP85 1/1 DP85 5/6 DP85 1/2

592x592x292 592x491x292 592x288x292 592x592x292 592x491x292 592x288x292 M6 M6 M6

3,400 2,700 1,500 3,400 2,700 1,500

85 48 85 68 37

85 85 85

450 450 450

715 570 310


53438701 53438700

Gas phase lters Activated-carbon cartridges | Modules + individual elements

Adsorption medium Operating temperature Thermal stability Moisture resistance Top plate Cartridge sheathing Seal Activated-carbon, granulated 50C 70C 70% rel. hum. Steel, painted Expanded metal Flat seal

Application The lters are used in air-conditioning systems in public buildings, at airports, in oces and industrial facilities, in order to eliminate unwanted odours.

Special features Stable construction Compact single elements for easy handling and installation with bayonet lock Two dierent cartridge diameters (140 mm and 160 mm) Thickness of each activated carbon layer is 35 mm

Module Article Optimized for Dimensions (WxHxD) [mm]

305x610x430 507x610x430 610x610x430 305x610x430 507x610x430 610x610x430 305x610x430 507x610x430 610x610x430 305x610x430 507x610x430 610x610x430 305x610x430 507x610x430 610x610x430 305x610x430 507x610x430 610x610x430 610x610x40

Number of cartridges
8 12 16 8 12 16 8 12 16 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 9

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

1,700 2,500 3,400 1,700 2,500 3,400 1,700 2,500 3,400 1,500 2,550 3,000 1,500 2,550 3,000 1,500 2,550 3,000

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150

Activated-carbon volume [dm]

32 48 64 32 48 64 32 48 64 30 42 54 30 42 54 30 42 54

C bank B-0305x0610x430/08x140 odour C bank B-0507x0610x430/12x140 odour C bank B-0610x0610x430/16x140 odour C bank B-0305x0610x430/08x140 acid C bank B-0507x0610x430/12x140 acid C bank B-0610x0610x430/16x140 acid C bank B-0305x0610x430/08x140 iodine C bank B-0507x0610x430/12x140 iodine C bank B-0610x0610x430/16x140 iodine C bank B-0305x0610x430/05x160 odour C bank B-0507x0610x430/07x160 odour C bank B-0610x0610x430/09x160 odour C bank B-0305x0610x430/05x160 acid C bank B-0507x0610x430/07x160 acid C bank B-0610x0610x430/09x160 acid C bank B-0305x0610x430/05x160 iodine C bank B-0507x0610x430/07x160 iodine C bank B-0610x0610x430/09x160 iodine C plate B-0610x0610x40/09x160

Odours|organic solvents Odours|organic solvents Odours|organic solvents Acidic gases Acidic gases Acidic gases Radioactive iodine Radioactive iodine Radioactive iodine Odours|organic solvents Odours|organic solvents Odours|organic solvents Acidic gases Acidic gases Acidic gases Radioactive iodine Radioactive iodine Radioactive iodine

Individual elements (cartridges) Article Optimized for Nominal diameter/ Nominal height [mm]
140x400 140x400 140x400 160x400 160x400 160x400

Individual elements (plates) Article Abmessungen (BxHxT) [mm]

305x610x40 507x610x40 610x610x40 305x610x40 507x610x40 610x610x40

Number of cartridges

C cart B-0140x0400x035 odour

Subject to technical changes.

Odours|organic solvents Acidic gases Radioactive iodine Odours|organic solvents Acidic gases Radioactive iodine

C plate B-0305x0610x40/08x140 C plate B-0507x0610x40/12x140 C plate B-0610x0610x40/16x140 C plate B-0305x0610x40/05x160 C plate B-0507x0610x40/07x160 C plate B-0610x0610x40/09x160

8 12 16 5 7 9

C cart B-0140x0400x035 acid C cart B-0140x0400x035 iodine C cart B-0160x0400x035 odour C cart B-0160x0400x035 acid C cart B-0160x0400x035 iodine


Gas phase lters CCP Pellets | CCP Survey

Applications Viledon ChemControl Pellets are used in dierent areas for the prevention of corrosion caused by acidic gases. Special pellets are used for ammonia and chlorine. Paper and chemical pulp industrie Petrochemistry Mining Chemical industry Pharmaceutical industry CCP 104 Used for the prevention of corrosion caused by acidic gases. Remove contaminant gases by adsorption, absorption and chemisorption. Contain a minimum of 4% potassium permanganate to eliminate contaminants via oxidation reaction to inactive solids. CCP 108 Used for the prevention of corrosion caused by acidic gases. Remove contaminant gases by adsorption, absorption and chemisorption. Contain a minimum of 8% potassium permanganate to eliminate contaminants via oxidation reaction to inactive solids. CCP 210 Designed to remove or destroy airborne acidic gases by oxidation. Especially high reactivities and removal capabilities, even at high contaminant concentrations. Contain a mix of sodium and potassium permanganate at minimum 10% by weight. Excellent performance, lifetime and reactivity. CCP 310 Ideal for ltration of acidic gases in highly corrosive environments, e.g. pulp & paper industry. Very eective in removing hydrogen sulde, sulfurdioxide and
Article Diameter [mm] Face velocity [m/s] Ambient temperature [C] Removal capacity for Cl2 of own weight [%]

chlorine. Porous structure based on activated alumina impregnated with activated carbon, evenly distributed to achieve high eciency over long lifetimes. CCP 510 Used especially for removal of gaseous halogens from airstreams. Capture chlorine, bromine and iodine by adsorption and absorption. Highly porous structure of activated alumina impregnated with active ingredients. CCP 610 Used for the ltration of airborne contaminant gases e.g. hydrocarbons, VOCs, chlorine and nitrogen dioxide. Consist of virgin activated carbon with very high inner surface area to achieve excellent adsorption capacities. Very low resistance to airow and long service life. CCP 810 Blended pellets used for ltration of gaseous contaminants. 50:50 mix of CCP 108 and CCP 610 provides excellent adsorption, absorption and chemisorption. Ideal for restricted spaces or to provide eective ltration via oxidization of contaminants and adsorption of hydrocarbons, aldehydes and VOCs. CCP 903 Specically used for removal of gaseous ammonia from airstreams. They capture ammonia by means of adsorption and absorption inside their zeolite structure. High inner surface provides good removal capacity over a long service life.

Computer centre Labs Microelectronics Fertilizer

Please note: All application information provided are subject to on-site conditions, specic application requirements and potential alternating eects by combining several ChemControl pellets in multi-stage units. Please consult your local Viledon partner for further information.

Delivery notes
Other ChemControl pellets are available on request especially custom formulations with impregnations for specic contaminants gases.

Removal capacity for H2S of own weight [%]

7% 14% 25%

Removal capacity for NH3 of own weight [%]

Removal capacity for SO2 of own weight [%]

4% 7% 12% 10%

Moisture content (approx.) [%]

Crush strength (minimum) [kg]

CCP 104 CCP 108 CCP 210 CCP 310 CCP 510 CCP 610 CCP 810

3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 4x8 3.80 3.80 3.80

0.32.5 0.32.5 0.32.5 0.32.5 0.32.8 0.32.5 0.32.9 0.32.1 0.32.7

20 ... +50C 20 ... +50C 20 ... +50C 20 ... +50C 20 ... +50C 20 ... +50C 20 ... +50C 20 ... +58C 20 ... +50C 10% 15% 10% 4% 10%

20% 20% 20% 20% 15%

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Subject to technical changes.


7% 7% 12% 10% 3% 6%



CCP 840 CCP 903

Gas phase lters Modules | ChemControl modules

Application Viledon ChemControl Modules are the rugged plastic housings that contain our chemical ltration pellets. They come in a range of four sizes to suit all applications and are designed for easy handling and replacement. They can be supplied pre-lled, direct from our production facilities, or relled via their easy-access removable caps. The design of your system will determine which size of module you require. Factors that need to be taken into consideration include available space, airow volumes, type and concentration of contaminants and desired media life.

Proven performance and low whole-life costs. As with all Viledon products, our ChemControl Modules o er excellent airow performance with low pressure drops. We have designed our modules to minimize maintenance time and reduce whole-life costs.

Delivery notes
Please consult your local Viledon partner for further information.

Subject to technical changes.

Dimensions (LxWxD) [mm]

598x438x144 598x295x299 299x438x144 299x295x299

Weight [kg]
3.4 2.9 2 1.8

Depth [mm]
25.4 76 25.4 76

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

600 600 300 300

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

35 180 35 180

CCM 1810 CCM 1210 CCM 1805 CCM 1205


Filter cartridges (turbomachinery)

Pulse-jet, depth-loading lters

Viledon pulse-jet lter cartridges and depth-loading lter cartridges achieve optimum results in intake air ltration for turbomachinery. Pulse-jet lter cartridges are, for instance, the ideal solution for pulse-jet systems, where very high dust concentrations and/or ne, pourable dusts predominate.


Filter cartridges for turbomachinery Pulse-jet | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Material for cover, base and support cages Seal GTS: high-performance nonwoven with water-repellent coating made of synthetic microbers; GTB: blended synthetic micro-ber nonwoven with water repellent coating 800 Pa 80C 100% rel. hum. Steel, galvanized GTS: Polyurethane, GTB: neoprene

Application Viledon pulse-jet lter cartridges are used for intake air ltration at gas turbines and turbocompressors. The GTB series is suitable for dry locations. The GTS series is used at both onshore and oshore installations. With their optimum cleaning characteristics, pulse-jet lter cartridges maximize the lifetimes of intake air systems for turbomachinery and reduce the operating costs signicantly. Characteristics and pluses of the GTS lter cartridges Innovative high-performance nonwovens with a water-repellent nish and made of synthetic micro-bers enable GTS lter cartridges to retain their excellent performance features under all climatic duty conditions. The lter medium achieves high arrestance performance, large dust holding capacity, a low average pressure drop and high cost-eciency. The GTS series is particularly well suited for locations with high dust concentrations in the outside air. GTS lter cartridges have been optimized in terms of ltering area and pleat geometry. The active ltering area remains eective over the entire operational lifetime. In order to avoid corrosion, the inner and outer support cages, plus the cover and base, are made from galvanized steel or stainless steel. These components are cast in a leakproof conguration, so as to ensure maximized security against dust breakthrough during pulse-jet cleaning. Optimum seal with the mounting plate using a foamed-on polyurethane seal.

Characteristics and pluses of the GTB lter cartridges High-strength blended synthetic micro-ber nonwoven with water repellent coating that allows the cartridge to maintain excellent operational characteristics in most climatic conditions. The lter media, ensure high arrestance, high dust holding capacity (prior to self cleaning), low average pressure drop and high cost eciency. This makes the GTB particularly suitable for predominantly dry locations with high dust concentrations in the ambient air. GTB cartridges have been optimized in terms of ltering area, pleat depth and number of pleats which means the active ltering area remains completely eective over its entire operating lifetime. To minimize corrosion and handling damage, the inner and outer support cages and end base end caps are made of galvanized steel or stainless steel. All components are cast together to ensure leak-proof operation as well as high security against dust penetration during pulse operation. The foamed-on neoprene gasket ensures optimum sealing against the mounting plate.

Delivery notes
Customized variants of GTS cartridges and adapters (bayonet, etc.) plus cover, base and support cage in stainless steel version are available on request. GTB cartridges can be obtained in a variety of other dimensions, stainless steel end caps and support cages and can be supplied with installation accessories (washers and nuts).


Outer diameter [mm]

324 324 445|324 445|324 324 324 445|324 445

Construction height [mm]

660 700 1,330 660 660 700 1,330 660

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

1,100 1,100 2,500 1,400 1,100 1,100 2,500 1,400

Initial Initial pressure drop eciency [Pa] [%]

120 120 135 115 115 130 18 18 18 18 65 65 65 65

Average eciency [%]

96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 97.0 97.0 97.0 97.0

Average arrestance eciency [%]

>99 >99 >99 >99 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9

Filter area [m]

GTB 324 W66SO GTB 324 W70S0 GTB 324-445 W66S0 Set GTB 445 W66SO GTS 324 W66S0 GTS 324 W70S0

F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9

18.1 19.2 40.1 22.0 18.1 19.2 40.1 22.0

Subject to technical changes.


GTS 324-445 W66S0 Set GTS 445 K66S0

Filter cartridges for turbomachinery Depth-loading lters | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Maximum permitted operating pressure Material cover, base and support cages Seal TFP 60: synthetic-organic high-performance nonwoven; TFP 95: 3-layered synthetic-organic high-performance nonwoven; GTG: synthetic microglass-ber nonwoven with water repellent coating 800 Pa 3,000 Pa TFP 60|TFP 95: Polystyrene Foamed-on polyurethane

Application Viledon depth-loading lter cartridges are used in intake air ltration for gas turbines and turbocompressors at both onshore and oshore installations.

Characteristics and pluses of the GTG lter cartridges Innovative high strength synthetic micro-glass-ber nonwoven with water repellent coating. Uniform pleat spacing for maximum dust holding capacity. The lter medium oers excellent initial eciency, high dust holding capacity, low pressure drop and high cost eciency. This makes the GTG cartridges of lter class F. GTG cartridges have been optimized in terms of ltering area, pleat depth and number of pleats which means the active ltering area remains completely eective over its entire operating lifetime. The pleat pack, plus the inner and outer support cages are cast into the steel-galvanized or stainless steel end caps in a leakproof conguration. The foamed-on EPDM gasket ensures optimum sealing against the mounting plate.

Delivery notes
TFP 60/95: Other versions (e.g. metal version) and adapter (bayonet, Tenkay, etc.) available on request. GTG lter cartridges can be obtained in a variety of other dimensions, stainless steel end caps and support cages.

Article number


Construction height [mm]

Outer diameter [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

Average eciency [%]

Average arrestance eciency [%]

Dust holding capacity (AC Fine/ 800 Pa) [g]

1,200 1,300

Dust holding capacity (ASHRAE/ 450 Pa) [g]

Filter area [m]

Subject to technical changes.

53279363 53371572

TFP 60 P66P2 TFP 95 P66P2 GTG 324-445 W 66S0-Set

660 660 1,330 660 660

330 330 445|324 445|324 324

M6 F8 F9 F9 F9

1,000 1,000 2,500 1,400 1,100

110 110 135 70 120

65.0 92.0 98 98 98

>99.0 >99.0 >99.0 >99.9 >99.9

2.9 11.0 >1,750 >800 >800 40.1 22.0 18.1

53458789 53454436

GTG 445 K66S0 GTG 324 W66S0


High-temperature lters
HT lter mats, HT lter packs, HiProtec cassette lters, HT cassette lters

For air ltration at temperatures above 100C up to a maximum of 385C, the Viledon high-temperature lters are the right choice. The silicone-free lter elements meet particularly stringent requirements for air purity, process dependability and cost-eciency. The pleated lter media are made from special, thermally stable micro-glass-ber papers.


High-temperature lters HT lter mats | Fine dust

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability LH 244 Moisture resistance Fire class LH 243: Filter medium made from ultra-ne, homogeneously spun glass-bers, Clean air side with special nal layer made of glass-ber nonwoven; LH 244: Filter medium made from ultra-ne homogeneously spun glass-bers, Clean air side with special nal layer made of synthetic nonwoven 250 Pa 150C; LH 243 und LH 620: 200C 100% rel. hum. F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Application Filtration of recirculating air in drying booths or drying ovens in surface treatment systems. Filtration of air and gases at high-temperatures.

Delivery notes
Rolls are available up to a maximum of 10x1.5 m, customized dimensions are available as roll goods or blanks on request.


LH 243

20 20 20

M5 M5 M5

2,200 2,200 2,200

125 125 125

46 46 46

97 97 97


LH 244 LH 620

Subject to technical changes.

Thickness approx. [mm]

Filter class

Nominal media velocity Initial pressure drop [m/hxm] [Pa]

Average eciency [%]

Average arrestance eciency [%]

High-temperature lters HT lter packs

Filter medium Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Moisture resistance Fire class LH 350|LH 1000: Glass-ber nonwoven framed in expanded aluminum metal, type sticker on the clean air side, lean air side with additional glass-ber nonwoven; LH 1000 OV: Glass-ber nonwoven framed in expanded aluminum metal, type sticker on the clean air side; LH 370: Progressively structured PES staple-ber nonwoven with a scrim on the clean air side in expanded aluminum metal 250 Pa LH 350: 200C; LH 1000 und LH 1000 OV: 300C; LH 370: 120C 100% rel. hum. F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Application HT lter packs are used for recirculating air ltration in drying booths and drying ovens for surface treatment systems, and for the ltration of air and gases at high-temperatures.

Delivery notes
Standard dimensions: Approx. 480x480x14 mm, customized dimensions available on request. Delivery unit: 30 pcs./carton

Subject to technical changes.

Dimensions (WxL) [mm]

480x480 480x480 480x480 480x480

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

350 900 1,000 1,000

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

75 30 85 60

Average arrestance eciency [%]

99 99 94 92

Dust holding capacity (AC Fine/450 Pa) [g]

40 75 75 100

Weight [kg]
0.25 0.30 0.30 0.30

LH 350 LH 370 LH 1000 LH 1000/OV


High-temperature lters HiProtec cassette lters | Construction depth 78 mm | Fine dust

Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Frame Seal Fire class 300 Pa 385C (aluminum frame)|260C (steel sheeting frame) S: Extruded aluminum prole; A: Steel sheeting, galvanized Textile glass round-cord seal; G1: Raw air side; G2: Clean air side F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Application The principal application category for Viledon HiProtec cassette lters HPT 2.5 and HPT 1.0 with construction depths of up to 78 mm is air ltration in paint driers for the automotive industry. The lters are mounted in the booth ceilings or the side channels of the dryer pipes, and meet particularly stringent requirements for air purity, process dependability and cost-eciency. Besides the applications in surface treatment technology, the lters also meet the toughest of quality stipulations for general drying technology. Type HPT 2.5 A 480x480 mm (class M6) frequently serves as an upgrade for expanded-metal lter packs and cells.

Special features The Viledon HiProtec cassette lters HPT 2.5 and HPT 1.0 excel in terms of a high dust holding capacity and very good mechanical sturdiness even when subjected to inhomogeneous air ows. Thanks to low lter resistances, very long operational lifetimes can be achieved, coupled with exceptionally cost-ecient operating characteristics.

Delivery notes
Available in all dimensions commonly encountered on the market. Customized dimensions, ltering areas or frame materials available on request.

Article number


Dimensions (LxWxD) [mm]

915x457x78 915x457x55 915x457x55 805x575x55 610x610x78 610x610x78 610x610x55 610x610x55 490x490x40 480x480x78 915x457x78 915x457x78 915x457x55 915x457x55 610x610x78 610x610x78 610x610x55 610x610x55 490x490x40 305x610x78 305x305x55

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

1,900 1,800 1,800 2,000 1,700 1,700 1,600 1,600 860 1,050 1,900 1,900 1,800 1,800 1,700 1,700 1,600 1,600 860 850 400

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 85 85 95 95 85 85 95 95 160 85 95

Average eciency [%]

65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93

Average arrestance eciency [%]

99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99

Filter area [m]

Weight [kg]

Seal position

53463978 53457313 53463986 53458958 53299750 53463984 53457319 53457404 53457321 53456716 53463978 53463977 53457320 53456199 53463984 53456196 53457312 53457621 53463309

HPT2.5-S-0915x0457x078-1 HPT2.5-S-0915x0457x055-1 HPT2.5-S-0915x0457x055-2 HPT2.5-S-0805x0575x055-2 HPT2.5-S-0610x0610x078-2 HPT2.5-S-0610x0610x078-1 HPT2.5-S-0610x0610x055-1 HPT2.5-S-0610x0610x055-2 HPT2.5-S-0490x0490x040-2 HPT2.5-S-0480x0480x078-1 HPT1.0-S-0915x0457x078-1 HPT1.0-S-0915x0457x078-2 HPT1.0-S-0915x0457x055-1 HPT1.0-S-0915x0457x055-2 HPT1.0-S-0610x0610x078-1 HPT1.0-S-0610x0610x078-2 HPT1.0-S-0610x0610x055-1 HPT1.0-S-0610x0610x055-2 HPT1.0-S-0490x0490x040-2 HPT1.0-S-0305x0610x055-1 HPT1.0-S-0305x0305x055-1

M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8

7.4 6.5 6.5 7.2 6.6 6.6 5.8 5.8 2.1 4.1 7.4 7.4 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.6 5.8 5.8 2.1 3.3 1.45

5.5 4.5 4.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 1.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 1.5 4 2.5

Raw air side Raw air side Clean air side Clean air side Clean air side Raw air side Raw air side Clean air side Raw air side Raw air side Raw air side Clean air side Raw air side Clean air side Raw air side Clean air side Raw air side Clean air side Clean air side Raw air side Raw air side
Subject to technical changes.


53456195 53458016

High-temperature lters HT cassette lters | Construction depth 292 mm | Fine dust

Recommended nal pressure drop Thermal stability Frame Frame material Seal Fire class 300 Pa at least 260C 25 mm top frame (type B) or box shape (type A) Steel sheeting, galvanized; Aluminum extruded section Textile glass round-cord seal F1 acc. to DIN 53438

Application The principal application category for the Viledon HT 60 and HT 90 high-temperature cassette lters with an construction depth of 292 mm is air ltration in recirculating air equipment of paint drying processes in the automotive industry. The lters meet particularly stringent requirements for air purity, process dependability and cost-eciency. Besides the applications in surface treatment technology, the lters also meet the toughest of quality stipulations for general drying technology.

Special features The Viledon HT 60 and HT 90 high-temperature cassette lters excel in terms of a particularly high dust holding capacity and very good mechanical strength, even when subjected to inhomogeneous air ows. Thanks to low lter resistances, very long operational lifetimes can be achieved, coupled with exceptionally cost-ecient operating characteristics. Special variants For conned space situations, the lters are available with a top frame (type B) featuring a reduced through-hole width of 547 mm (designation: -547). For unfavourable ow conditions in the system, the lters can be supplied in a stronger version (designation: -reinforced). For temperatures up to 350C, the lters are also available with a frame made of aluminized steel sheeting (designation: -D).

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions, dierent frame materials, higher thermal stability or a specially reinforced version available on request.

For systems with only a conned space at their disposal, the lter elements are also available in an construction depth of 150 mm.

Article number


Dimensions (LxWxD) [mm]

Filter class

Nominal volume ow [m/h]

Initial pressure drop [Pa]

Average eciency [%]

Average arrestance eciency [%]

99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99 >99

Filter area [m]

Weight [kg]

Seal position

53366788 53414743 53366698 53366787 53394225 53414564 53414564 53429703 53367242 53426898 53366705 53366706 53394224 53340443 53433314
Subject to technical changes.

HT60-A-0610x0610x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT60-A-0610x0610x292-G-1-M-3-Q-2-F HT60-B-0592x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT60-B-0592x0592x292-G-1-M-3-Q-2-F HT60-B-0592x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2F-547 mm HT60-B-0592x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2F-547-Re HT60-B-0592x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2F-547-Re HT60-B-0490x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT60-A-0305x0610x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT60-A-0305x0610x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2F-reinfo HT60-B-0287x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT60-B-0287x0592x292-G-1-M-3-Q-2-F HT60-B-0287x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2F-547 mm HT90-A-0610x0610x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT90-A-0610x0610x292-G-1-M-3-Q-2-F HT90-B-0592x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT90-B-0592x0592x292-G-1-M-3-Q-2-F HT90-A-0305x0610x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT90-B-0287x0592x292-G-2-M-3-Q-2-F HT90-B-0287x0592x292-G-1-M-3-Q-2-F

610x610x292 610x610x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 490x592x292 305x610x292 305x610x292 287x592x292 287x592x292 287x592x292 610x610x292 610x610x292 592x592x292 592x592x292 305x610x292 287x592x292 287x592x292

M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8

3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 2,800 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 1,700 1,700 1,700

80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 90 110 110 110 120 120 140 140 130 150 150

71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 93 93 93 93 93 93 93

12.0 12.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 6.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 12.0 12.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 4.5 4.5

10.0 10.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 10.0 10.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 4.5 4.5

Clean air side Raw air side Clean air side Raw air side Clean air side Clean air side Clean air side Clean air side Clean air side Clean air side Clean air side Raw air side Clean air side Clean air side Raw air side Clean air side Raw air side Clean air side Raw air side Raw air side

53366717 53409792 53371208 53366727 53382668


Filters for dust removal

Filter cartridges, lter bags, lter plates, lter media

We develop customized dust removal concepts for enhancing occupational safety and protecting both, the environment and technical systems, as well as for product recovery. We customize Viledon lter media for dust removal, lter cartridges and lter plates in terms of model, construction height, nominal diameters and pleat geometry to suit the particular requirements involved.


Filters for dust removal Filter cartridges

DIN standard cartridges Cylindrical lter cartridges for horizontal and vertical installation with integrated interior support cage in various heights. Simple installation using a tie-rod or a closure cover. Available in nominal diameters of 327 mm and 200 mm, and in the standard heights of 400, 600, 660, 1,000 and 1,200 mm. Twist&Fix lter cartridges Cylindrical lter cartridges with four nominal diameters 145, 156, 218 and 324 mm, with standard heights of 300, 600, 1,000, 1,200 and 1,500 mm and with 3- or 4-hook anges. Perfect t of the lter cartridge and protection of the lter medium thanks to centering collar. Spacer ribs (patented) on both sides at the ange ensure correct installation and an optimum seal to the systems raw-gas compartment. A foamed-on seal on both sides for installation on the raw or clean-gas side as desired. Snap&Fix lter cartridges The cartridge series snaps into place properly, for a perfect axial seal achieved without any further aids like metal sleeves or spring washers. Suitable for upgrading old bag lter systems or for new installations. Installation: on the clean-gas side without any elaborate screwing work: simply press into place and the patented snap-on hooks will engage. Dismantling: just takes a matter of seconds with the aid of a snap-ring lifter.
Article number
53457670 53343700 53322727 53421628 53324309 53279884 8905042 7572040 53274360 8980677 8931038 53458532 53321826 53327406 53375277 53372251 53295115 53306324

Pluses Low pressure drop values Minimized compressed-air-consumption for the cleaning routine Pleat geometry optimally matched to the application concerned All cartridges are tted with surface media, and can be cleaned using a pulse-jet procedure or rotary nozzles Long operational lifetimes Low replacement costs Low disposal outlay thanks to long operational lifetimes Antistatic variants have DEKRA certication

Delivery notes
Available in the nominal diameters of 327 mm and 200 mm, and in the standard heights 400, 600, 660, 1,000 and 1,200 mm.



Filter medium

Nominal diameter/ Nominal height [mm]

351/710 327/1,205 200/400 327/660 327/1,205 327/305 327/660 327/660 327/765 327/1,005 327/1,205 327/600 152/1,505 155/1,505 145/1,005 156/1,005 218/1,505 324/605 324/1,205 145/1,505

Filter area [m]

17 15.6 2.0 14.0 25.0 5.0 11.0 11.0 12.8 13.0 15.6 10 5.4 5.4 2.7 3.6 7.5 7.7 25.0 5.4

Pleat depth [mm]

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 25 25 25 25 32 48 48 25

Dust class*

LP 351 D-71-A 17-76 LP 327 S-12-A 15-06 LP 200 S-40-A 20-07 LP 327 S-66-A 14-07-L LP 327 S-12-A 25-07 LP 02 S 30S0N LP 02 D 66S2N LP 02 S 66S2N LP 02 S 76S2N LP 01 S 10S4N LP 30 S 12S0C LP 327 S-60-A 10-76 LP 152 B-15-A 54-07 LP 155 B-15-A 54-07 LP 145 G-10-A 27-06 LP 156 G-10-A 36-06 LP 218 G-15-A 75-09 LP 324 G-60-B 77-21 LP 324 G-12-A 25-77 LP 145 G-15-A 54-77

DIN open/open DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge DIN standard cartridge Snap&Fix cartridge Snap&Fix cartridge Twist&Fix cartridge Twist&Fix cartridge Twist&Fix cartridge Twist&Fix cartridge Twist&Fix cartridge Twist&Fix cartridge

sinTexx Plus as FE 2506-sinus, PES (antistatic) FE 2507-sinus, PES FE 2507-sinus, PES FE 2507-sinus, PES FE 2509, PP FE 2509, PP FE 2509, PP FE 2509, PP FE 2509, PP FE 2521, PES + PTFE membrane sinTexx Plus as FE 2507-sinus, PES FE 2507-sinus, PES FE 2506-sinus, PES (antistatic) FE 2506-sinus, PES (antistatic) FE 2509, PP drainage nonwoven FE 2521, PES + PTFE membrane sinTexx Plus sinTexx Plus

Subject to technical changes.


53457204 53458531

* according to DIN EN 60 335-2-69 appendix AA

Filters for dust removal Filter bags

Viledon lter bags are available in a large number of dierent sizes, lengths and models, and in dierent top and bottom section variants. On request, Viledon lter bags are available made from almost all the lter media commonly encountered on the market. Viledon lter bags can be precoated to suit your own particular needs, e.g. with FHM-1500 for sticky dusts or with lime for oily dusts. Viledon NEXX Bags Viledon NEXX lter bags are the next generation of surface lters, with outstanding advantages compared to conventional lters featuring needlefelt. Original Viledon NEXX: This high-quality patented lter medium possesses unique properties for surface ltration. Worry-free cleaning: Dusts can be quickly and easily cleaned o the microber layer of the Viledon NEXX lter bags. Reduced energy costs: Thanks to optimized lter performance, less compressed air is used during the cleaning process, and the fans power consumption downsized. Low emissions: With Viledon NEXX, clean-gas values of <1 mg/m3 can be lastingly achieved. In comparison to needlefelts, Viledon NEXX requires around 50% less resources to produce. Coupled with the same (or an even higher) ltration performance! This means youre making a proactive contribution to protecting the natural environment and ensuring sustainable resource-economy.

Viledon Fiber Bags Filter bag with unique characteristics. In particular for extraction of brous dust, high arrestance with a low pressure drop can be achieved. Signicantly longer useful lifetimes than conventional needlefelts. Very high resistance to abrasion. Viledon FE 2519 + FE 2520 are made from recycled polyester. So the plastic can be brought back into industrial circulation and is not dumped on a landll. This is a proactive contribution towards resource-economy. Viledon MAXX Bags For maximized ltration performance. MAXX Bags are nished with a PTFE membrane on the face side. Ultra-ne dusts in the nm range are eciently arrested, and clean-gas concentrations of <1 mg/m3 achieved. Very good regenerability using a pulse-jet routine.

Delivery notes
The innovative Viledon lter media are also available as roll material: Antistatic (gray-black raster print) or in the standard version (gray).


Filter medium

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

240 240 250 260 280 280

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

700/800 700/800 750/750 750/750 750/750 750/750

Thermal stability [C]

150 150 150 150 150 150


Subject to technical changes.

NEXX NEXX as FE 2520 FE 2519 FE 2921 FE 2523

E.g. pigment, cement, metal industries, ne dusts E.g. pigment, cement, metal industries, ne dusts Wood industry, paper industry, brous dusts Wood industry, paper industry, brous dusts Ultra-ne dusts Ultra-ne dusts

NEXX Bags as Fiber Bags Fiber Bags as MAXX Bags MAXX Bags as


Filters for dust removal Filter plates

Note Electrostatically conductive lter plates must be properly earthed

Product characteristics High-performance lter plates for every application, to ensure compliance with the statutory residual-dust emission values. Long lifetime coupled with low maintenance and operating costs. Space-saving thanks to compact construction with pleated, synthetic lter media. Can be regenerated using all customary cleaning processes and by washing.

Delivery notes
Customized product variants and dimensions available on request. Please ask our customer service for technical data.
Subject to technical changes.


Filters for dust removal Filter media for dust removal elements

FE 2506-sinus and FE 2507-sinus The pleatable polyester lter media with sinusoidal cross-section and microbers achieve up to 35% energy cost savings when operating a cartridge system. You benet from an extended operational lifetime and reduced maintenance costs. The patented pleat stabilization is thermally stable up to 90C and remains mechanically stable even under alternating loads in the ltration and cleaning phases. Increase your lters air ow rate, since the cartridges nished with FE 2507- sinus oer a higher eective ltering area. Antistatic lter media Finished with a patented raster imprint on both sides, applied by carbon suspension. High operational dependability without restricting the lters performance. Retain their antistatic eect even with abrasive dusts or after being washed in conformity with the washing instructions. DEKRA test reports with electric surface and resistances to ground <108 are on le. Full-area thermal bonding of the media involved creates very smooth nonwoven surfaces. This means removal of the dust cake during cleaning is signicantly better than with spunbonded nonwovens featuring punctiform or linear bonding. Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request, not available as roll goods.

sinTexx Plus sinTexx Plus is a corrugated polyester medium with a nanober lining, developed specically for removing dust from smoke produced in welding, cutting and coating processes. Collection eciency for ne dust and smoke improved across the board and assured right from the start. Thanks to the higher collection eciency threshold limit values for the workplace can be reliably complied with. Highly ecient thanks to lower ow resistance. This signicantly reduces the consumption levels for power and compressed-air and extends useful lifetime of the lter elements concerned. Finally this improves the energy balance for the systems operator. Dispensation of the initial precoating of cartridges otherwise customary. This implies easier handling, less maintenance and the costs can be reduced. Combination of excellent properties of the corrugated Viledon lter medium with improved ltration behaviour. Ecacious ltration of ultra-ne and dicult-to-handle dust and smoke outperforming customary media. NEXX + NEXX as This patented microber material has been developed specically for the stringent requirements obtaining in dust removal systems, and possesses unique properties for surface ltration. Dusts can be quickly and easily washed o the microber layer of the Viledon NEXX lter medium. With Viledon NEXX clean-gas values of <1 mg/m3 can be lastingly achieved. Resource-saving manufacturing allows active contribution to environmental protection.
Thickness approx. [mm]
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.55 0.55 M M M M M M


Filter medium

Dust class*

Air-perme ability at 200 Pa [l/sxm]

280 280 300 300 500 500 3,400 3,400 220 220 360 360 450 400

Elongation at maximum tensile force along/across [%]

12/25 12/25 25/40 25/40 25/25 25/25 35 /35 35/35 35/35 35/35 35/35 35/35 25/40 25/40

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

300/600 300/600 300/600 300/600 350/600 350/200 750/750 750/750 750/750 750/750 700/800 700/800 500/700 500/700

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

260 250 250 240 130 120 260 250 270 280 240 240 240 240

FE 2501 FE 2502 FE 2506 FE 2507 FE 2508 FE 2509 FE 2519 FE 2520 FE 2521

Subject to technical changes.

PES, thermally bonded, antistatic halftone print PES, thermally bonded PES, thermally bonded, antistatic halftone print PES, thermally bonded 100% Polyolen, thermally bonded, antistatic halftone print 100% Polyolen, thermally bonded PES, thermally bonded, antistatic halftone print PES, thermally bonded PES, thermally bonded, + PTFE membrane PES, thermally bonded, antistatic halftone print, + PTFE membrane PES/PA, microlaments PES/PPA, microlaments; anistatic nish PES, thermally bonded with nanober lining PES, thermally bonded with nanober lining; antistatic nifh


FE 2523 NEXX NEXX as sinTexx Plus sinTexx Plus as


* according to DIN EN 60 335-2-69 appendix AA

Liquid ltration

nutritexx, hydrotexx, cooltexx, pluratexx, novatexx

Viledon sets the standard for industrial liquid ltration in terms of quality, reliability and versatility: with hydrotexx for drinking water ltration, with nutritexx for food and beverage ltration, with cooltexx for coolant and lubricant ltration, and with novatexx as support media for membranes.


Liquid ltration nutritexx | Food-grade nonwovens

Production process Material Bonding Food-grade testing Wet-laid nonwoven process Polyester (some with cellulose content) Chemical or thermal 2002/72/EC and 2011/10/EC

Application For ltering beverages like milk, wine and beer, Viledons food-grade nonwovens are made into bags. Besides a food-grade approval, our media also, thanks to being made from polyester-cellulose bers, exhibit a high wet strength and a long operational lifetime. Our nutritexx portfolio also includes lter media that can withstand the high- temperatures and meet the chemical-related requirements encountered in deep-frying-oil ltration.

Product advantages Good processability for making bags (sewing, welding, die-cutting) Long operational lifetime Low pressure drop High wet strength

Delivery notes
Customized roll dimensions available on request.


Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

100 100 75 65 30

Air permeability at 100 Pa [l/sxm]

150 900 1,600 1,800 3,500

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

130/220 120/75 90/60 80/60 20/14

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.24 0.64 0.6 0.5 0.25
Subject to technical changes.

FFL 2640 FFL 2641 FFL 2690N


FFL 2693N FFM 2681

Liquid ltration hydrotexx | Drinking water lter mats

Fiber Principal application Polyester Drinking water ltration

Application hydrotexx 2020 and 2040 are the newly developed lter mats that are made from 100% food-grade bers. They are therefore particularly well suited for ltering ideally suited food, beverages and drinking water. Physiologically safe raw materials in conjunction with state-of-the-art production technology guarantee a lter medium that consistently meets the food and beverage industries stringent requirements in terms of hygiene, eciency and extractable constituents.

Food-grade testing to: 2002/72/EC und 2011/10/EC FDA 21 CFR 177.1630 KTW (Plastic, Drinking Water) Guideline of the UBA (German Federal Environmental Agency) DVGW (German Association of the Gas and Water Industry) Worksheet W 270

Delivery notes
Standard roll: ca. 1.8x20 m

Subject to technical changes.


Dimensions (WxL) [mm/m]

1,600x20 2,000x12

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

300 400

Air permeability at 100 Pa [l/sxm]

2,700 2,300

Thickness approx. [mm]

17 38

hydrotexx 2020 hydrotexx 2040


Liquid ltration cooltexx | Polyester spunbonded nonwovens

Standard dimensions Length [m]: 150, 250, 500; width max. [mm]: 2,400

Anwendung Viledon cooltexx polyester spunbond media have a high mechanical and chemical resistance, are budget products, and on demand we also deliver food grade versions. Due to their excellent tensile strength, they can also be used on vacuum and pressure belt lines, where the lter material is under high mechanical stress. Product advantages Long lifetime Maximized process dependability Good lter cake detachment Optimum process matching

Product characteristics Maximized mechanical strength Filtration based on sieving eect Smooth surface High separation ecacy

Delivery notes
Customized lengths available on request.


Fiber structure

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

30 30 50 50 70 70 34 34 50 50 70 70 30 30 50 50 70 70 100 100

Belt lter principle

Machining process

Air permeability at 100 Pa [l/sxm]

3,300 3,300 2,500 2,500 1,600 1,600 2,000 2,000 1,200 1,200 600 600 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 2,700 2,700 1,800 1,800

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

40/20 40/20 70/50 70/50 110/60 110/60 80/30 80/30 130/60 130/60 170/80 170/80 60/60 60/60 110/100 110/100 175/170 175/170 230/220 230/220

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.14 0.14 0.22 0.22 0.32 0.32 0.16 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.30 0.30 0.14 0.14 0.23 0.23 0.29 0.29 0.38 0.38
Subject to technical changes.

cooltexx 6430 cooltexx 6430 cooltexx 6450 cooltexx 6450 cooltexx 6470 cooltexx 6470 cooltexx 6534 cooltexx 6534 cooltexx 6550 cooltexx 6550 cooltexx 6570 cooltexx 6570 cooltexx 7230 cooltexx 7230 cooltexx 7250 cooltexx 7250 cooltexx 7270 cooltexx 7270

Fine bers Fine bers Fine bers Fine bers Fine bers Fine bers Fine berspunctiform-bonded Fine berspunctiform-bonded Fine berspunctiform-bonded Fine berspunctiform-bonded Fine berspunctiform-bonded Fine berspunctiform-bonded Coarse bers Coarse bers Coarse bers Coarse bers Coarse bers Coarse bers Coarse bers Coarse bers

Gravity|pressure Gravity|pressure Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Gravity|pressure Gravity|pressure Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Gravity|pressure Gravity|pressure Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum Pressure|vacuum

Turning|drilling|milling Turning|drilling|milling Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Grinding (ultra-precision machining) Grinding (ultra-precision machining) Turning|drilling|milling Turning|drilling|milling Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Grinding (ultra-precision machining) Grinding (ultra-precision machining) Turning|drilling|milling (roughing) Turning|drilling|milling (roughing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Grinding|honing|lapping (ne-smoothing) Grinding|honing|lapping (ne-smoothing)


cooltexx H7210 cooltexx H7210

Liquid ltration cooltexx | Polypropylene spunbonded nonwovens

Standard dimensions Band lter principle Filter medium Bonding Length [m]: 100, 150, 200, 250, 500; width max. [mm]: 2,400 Pressure|vacuum Polypropylene bers Thermal, punctiform-bonded

Application Viledon cooltexx polypropylene spunbond media have a high mechanical and chemical resistance, are budget products, and on demand we also deliver food grade versions. Thanks to their excellent tensile strength, they can also be used on vacuum and pressure belt lines, where the lter material is under high mechanical stress. Due to the hydrophobic nature of polypropylene, the pressure drop in water ltration is increased. Additionally, polypropylene needs to be protected from UV light.

Product advantages Adsorption of foreign oil from the emulsion High chemical stability Good lter cake detachment Product characteristics Oleophilic and hydrophobic bers Pure polypropylene Smooth surface

Delivery notes
Customized lengths available on request.


Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

40 40 50 50 70 70

Machining process

Air permeability at 100 Pa [l/sxm]

1,400 1,400 1,200 1,200 700 700

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

100/60 100/60 90/60 90/60 180/100 180/100

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.38 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50

cooltexx 3440
Subject to technical changes.

Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Turning|drilling|milling (smoothing) Grinding (ultra-precision machining) Grinding (ultra-precision machining)

cooltexx 3440 cooltexx 3450 cooltexx 3450 cooltexx 3470 cooltexx 3470


Liquid ltration cooltexx | Cellulose-polyester media

Material Bonding Max. width Band lter principle Machining process Cellulose + Polyester Chemical 2.3 m Gravitation and where appropriate vacuum Grinding|honing|lapping (ne-smoothing)

Application Viledon cooltexx lter media with a cellulose content are used predominantly in aqueous solutions, where a low pressure drop is a primary consideration, e.g. with pure gravity systems. The hydrophilic properties of the cellulose ensure good wettability for water, so that despite the ne bers used and the good particle arrestance only a low pressure drop ensues. Since cellulose can be bonded only chemically, not thermally, the mechanical strengths will usually be lower than with polyester spunbonded nonwovens, so that their use is restricted to systems with low tensile stresses.

Product advantages Hydrophilic ne-ber medium with good water wettability Long operational lifetime thanks to depth-loading ltration Low pressure drop thanks to good wettability High separation ecacy, even with ne particles


Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

17 23 32 25 50 60 130 70

Air permeability at 100 Pa [l/sxm]

3,000 1,900 1,500 4,000 1,800 1,600 1,000 2,000

Pore size: Largest pore/MFP [m]

>200 300/160 230/100 >200 250/130 220/130 140/75 200/100

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.19 0.19 0.28 0.28 0.37 0.45 1.0 0.53
Subject to technical changes.

cooltexx 2652 cooltexx 2653 cooltexx 2654 cooltexx 2662 cooltexx 2663 cooltexx 2666


cooltexx 2689 cooltexx 2693

Liquid ltration cooltexx | Depth lter

Production process Material Bonding Standard dimensions Band lter principle Machining process Wet laid process Polyester (partly with cellulose content) needled + chemical [m]: 100, 150, 200, 250, 500; width max. [mm]: 2,000 Pressure|vacuum Grinding|honing|lapping [ne-smoothing]

Product advantages Particularly long operational lifetime thanks to deep bed ltration Low pressure drop High separation eciency, even for ne particles

Product characteristics High dust holding volume Depth-loading lter high nonwovens thickness High amount of ne bers

Delivery notes
Customized lengths available on request.


Dimensions (WxL) [mm/m]

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

Air permeability at 100 Pa [l/sxm]

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

Subject to technical changes.

Elongation at maximum tensile force along/across [%]

12/15 12/15 13/16 13/16

Particle size at 50% arrestance eciency [m]


Particle size at 90% arrestance eciency [m]


Dust holding capacity [g/m]

Thickness approx. [mm]

cooltexx 9210N cooltexx 9210N cooltexx 2689 cooltexx 2689

500/150 1,000/250 750/150 1,500/250

100 100 130 130

900 900 1,000 1,000

120/100 120/100 160/90 160/90


0.7 0.7




1.0 1.0


Liquid ltration pluratexx | Hydraulic lters >15m

Material Bonding Polyester Thermal

Application Modern-day hydraulic lter systems demand top-class lter media, which by virtue of their high mechanical strength and resistance to chemicals will withstand even extremely high pressure drop, pressure surges and high volume ows. Only very homogeneous materials meet the stringent requirements for consistently constant arrestance eciencies coupled with simultaneously high dust holding capacity. Fully synthetic media made of Viledon do without conventional glass-bers, thus preventing lter breakage even at low temperatures and ber release in lter operation and during production. With Viledon, there are no compromises in terms of occupational safety.

Product advantages High arrestance eciency thanks to ne bers Long operational lifetime (high dust holding capacity) High mechanical strength and resistance to chemicals No ber release, no glass-bers

Delivery notes
Customized roll dimensions available on request.


Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

165 155 190 120 120

Air-permeability at 200 Pa [l/sxm]

650 400 200 500 800

Pore size: Largest pore/MFP [m]

72/32 55/22 40/20 50/20 80/30

Particle size at 90% arrestance eciency [m]

24 15 10 20 23

Particle size at 99% arrestance eciency [m]

30 22 15 30 35

Dust holding capacity [g/m]

180 150 100 80 85

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.95 0.9 1.1 0.54 0.7
Subject to technical changes.

pluratexx 2033 pluratexx 2037 pluratexx 5100


pluratexx 5120 pluratexx 5121

Liquid ltration pluratexx | High Eciency Hydraulic Filters

Material Bonding Polyester + polyamide Thermal

Application Modern-day hydraulic lter systems demand top-class lter media, which by virtue of their high mechanical strength and resistance to chemicals will withstand even extremely high pressure drop, pressure surges and high volume ows. Only very homogeneous materials meet the stringent requirements for consistently constant arrestance eciencies coupled with simultaneously high dust holding capacity. Fully synthetic media made of Viledon do without glass-bers, thus preventing lter breakage even at low temperatures and ber release in lter operation and during production. With Viledon, there are no compromises in terms of occupational safety.

Product advantages Extremely high arrestance eciency thanks to ultra-ne bers Long operational lifetime (high dust holding capacity) Very high mechanical strength and resistance to chemicals No ber release, no glass-bers

Delivery notes
Customized roll dimensions available on request.

Subject to technical changes.

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

100 130 170

Air-permeability at 200 Pa [l/sxm]

90 40 40

Pore size: Largest pore/MFP [m]

60/21 45/15 32/13

Particle size at 90% arrestance eciency [m]

7 <4 <4

Particle size at 99% arrestance eciency [m]

11 7 6

Dust holding capacity [g/m]

100 100 150

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.45 0.5 0.7

pluratexx 2310S pluratexx 2313S pluratexx 2317S


Liquid ltration novatexx | Drainage nonwoven for lter cartridges

Maximum width Standard lengths 2,000 mm 500 m, 1,000 m

In the production of lter cartridges, Viledon novatexx spunbonded nonwovens serve as spacers between the pleats on the face side and as a drainage layer on the clean side. The performance proles of the media concerned can be very specically designed to requirements. The nonwovens involved can be easily pleated together with the membrane without damaging the latter.

In the products of the 20xx series, the use of special bi-component bers creates particularly high rigidity, which is indispensable for the pleating operation and signicantly enhances the stability of the lter cartridge. The raw materials used meet the requirements laid down for safety in food, beverage, medical and pharmaceutical applications.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request. Please protect products from exposure to direct sunlight.


Filter medium

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

50 70 30 30 50 15 17 20 30 40 50

Air permeability at 100 Pa [l/sxm]

1,300 1,200 1,800 3,900 1,800 5,000 2,100 [50 Pa] 1,900 [50 Pa] 2,000 1,300 1,000

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

155/90 170/90 85/50 60/35 140/70 25/15 25/25 35/30 55/55 85/85 100/100

Elongation at maximum tensile force along/across [%]

60/70 60/70 50/50 60/60 60/70 60/60 50/50 40/40 60/60 70/70 60/60

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.24 0.44 0.15 0.23 0.32 0.12 0.21 0.24 0.33 0.40 0.42
Subject to technical changes.

novatexx 2010 novatexx 2019 novatexx 2035 novatexx 2036 novatexx 2043 novatexx 2044 novatexx 6317 novatexx 6320 novatexx 6330

PP Biko PP Biko PP Biko PP Biko PP Biko PP Biko PP PP PP PP PP


novatexx 6340 novatexx 6350

Liquid ltration novatexx | Carrier materials for at membranes

Minimum width Standard lengths 15 mm 500 m, 1,000 m

Viledon novatexx products for at membranes stand for superior results in membrane production. The carrier materials are made of synthetic polymers, and are crucial to the mechanical and ltering properties of the ltration membranes. The specially created surface porosity enables the membrane solution to penetrate into the nonwoven, so as to achieve good adhesion results.

There is an option for additionally customizing the products by modifying the surface to suit the particular membrane production process involved. All polymers used are suitable for contact with food and beverages.

Delivery notes
Customized lengths, widths and surface modication available on request. Please protect products from exposure to direct sunlight.


Filter medium

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

100 90 100 60 32 25 50 30 60 85 27 100 70 70

Air-permeability at 200 Pa [l/sxm]

300 190 150 500 700 1,800 2,500 4,000 200 150 2,100 120 100 1,300

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

125/240 240/200 200/300 110/170 60/80 30/17 100/85 65/60 200/150 270/170 80/55 270/180 170/110 300/150

Elongation at maximum tensile force along/across [%]

10/25 25/30 65/65 60/85 50/70 10/10 30/30 25/30 28/28 25/30 20/25 25/30 25/30 40/40

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.19 0.15 0.22 0.14 0.11 0.06 0.35 0.31 0.12 0.18 0.11 0.15 0.10 0.20

novatexx 2413 novatexx 2429 novatexx 2430 novatexx 2431 novatexx 2432 novatexx 2442 novatexx 2463 novatexx 2465 novatexx 2470
Subject to technical changes.


novatexx 2471 novatexx 2473 novatexx 2481 novatexx 2483 novatexx 2597


Liquid ltration novatexx | Carrier materials for tubular membranes

Minimum width Roll length 15 mm 500 m

Viledon novatexx products for tubular membranes are very well established in the membrane industry. The products are predominantly made of polyester bers, and oer a high degree of stability. Combined with specially created surface porosity, novatexx products stand for superlative results in terms of membrane production.

There is an option for additionally customizing the products to suit the particular membrane production process involved, by surface modication or by providing an adhesive-compound nish. All polymers used are suitable for contact with food and beverages.

Delivery notes
Customized lengths, adhesive-compound coating and surface modication available on request. Please protect products from exposure to direct sunlight.


Filter medium

Weight per unit area approx. [g/m]

100 205 90 235 200 100 220

Air-permeability at 200 Pa [l/sxm]

300 6 190 4 90 120 6

Maximum tensile force along/across [N/5 cm]

125/240 500/550 240/200 550/600 650/380 270/180 800/380

Elongation at maximum tensile force along/across [%]

10/25 25/30 23/28 20/35 25/28 25/30 28/28

Thickness approx. [mm]

0.19 0.25 0.15 0.27 0.42 0.15 0.25
Subject to technical changes.

novatexx 2413 novatexx 2416 novatexx 2429 novatexx 2436 novatexx 2472



novatexx 2481 novatexx 2482


Mounting frames, seals, dust removal accessories

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies oer high-quality accessories matched to the entire range of lters. These include mounting frames for air lters, clip-on seals for mounting frames, pressure drop measuring instruments, and an extensive range of accessories for dust removal lters.


Accessories Mounting frames

Note ARV = Mounting frame galvanized; ARE = Mounting frame stainless steel

Design features High inherent rigidity thanks to special jointing process and large construction depth. Centering guides assure optimum positioning of the lter elements. Consistent leakproong thanks to four friction-locked clamping springs, which are xed in position in locking noses. The shape of the springs enables the lters to be easily installed and removed, since the free cross-sectional area of the mounting frame is available in full. The boreholes for the screws have been selected so as to ensure that mounting frames of dierent sizes can be combined without any problems. An ultra-exible, silicone-free rubber clip-on seal with a hollow compartment is supplied with the frame. The clip-on seal is weatherproof and thermally stable within a range of approx. 40C to +100C, with good resistance to alcohols, lyes and weak acids, and very long-lived. Depending on the size of the lter wall, and the stresses acting on it, we recommend providing additional reinforcements as a substructure. M 6x8 screws should be used for axing the frames; if reinforcements are provided, then correspondingly longer screws must be selected.

Application category Designing new air-conditioning systems and modifying existing ones with variable dimensions. Use Supporting Viledon lters with a top frame, e.g. Compact pocket lters or MaxiPleat cassette lters. Panel lters featuring the standard depth of 48 mm can also be installed. Execution Non-corroding stainless steel (material 1.4301) or galvanized steel sheeting (U-St 1203), burr-free, inherently rigid, in four sizes. Operationally dependable clamping spring system with four clamping springs and mechanical locking, including rubber clip-on seal enclosed loose. The mitered corners are rendered airtight with a permanently elastic sealing compound.

Article number
53373316 53373325 53435027 53435039 53377509 53377510


Dimensions (WxHxD) [mm]

610x610x75 610x610x75 508x610x75 508x610x75 305x610x75 305x610x75 305x305x75 305x305x75

Suitable for lters in the dimensions [mm, approx.]

1/1 592x592 1/1 592x592 5/6 490x592 5/6 490x592 1/2 287x592 1/2 287x592 1/4 287x287 1/4 287x287
Subject to technical changes.

ARV-LD NF 1/1 Mounting frame galvanized with seal ARE-LD NF 1/1 Mounting frame stainless steel with seal ARV-LD NF 5/6 Mounting frame galvanized with seal ARE-LD NF 5/6 Mounting frame stainless steel with seal ARV-LD NF 1/2 Mounting frame galvanized with seal ARE-LD NF 1/2 Mounting frame stainless steel with seal ARV-LD NF 1/4 Mounting frame galvanized with seal ARE-LD NF 1/4 Mounting frame stainless steel with seal


53435028 53435040

Accessories Seals

Clip-on seal U-shaped seal prole made of closed-pore EPDM soft rubber with embedded wire clamping band and formed sealing lips plus a hollow compartment made of EPDM cellular rubber; colour: black. The seal can be installed without needing any tools simply by pressing it in place by hand. The clip-on seal is held in position by the clamping eect of the rubber lips; no adhesives or other attachment aids are required. The Viledon clip-on seal is weatherproof and thermally stable in the range from 40C to +100C, possesses good resistance to alcohols, lyes and weak acids, and is durable. It is not resistant to concentrated acids, chlorinated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, oil and fuel. Good paint-compatibility, silicone-free.

Delivery notes
Other seals available on request.

Subject to technical changes.

Article number
53453283 53466122

Clip-on seal AR 2.5 running meters Clip-on seal AR 50 meters roll

Length [m]
2.5 50


Accessories Accessories for dust removal lters | Support cages + pulse-jet reectors + displacer units

Support cages In order to avoid deformations of Viledon lter cartridges in the case of high pressure drop, they are tted with reusable support cages. Pulse-jet reectors To optimize the pulse-jet cleaning function, when support cages of the type series 145, 156, 218 and 324 are being used, pulse-jet reectors can additionally be axed.

Displacer unit Use of the displacer unit leads to a signicant increase in cleaning intensity, which means real savings in terms of operating and capital investment costs. The tank pressure must be restricted to a maximum of 3 bar, or if the maximum tank pressure is retained, the valves must be reduced by one size.

Delivery notes
Customized dimensions are available on request.

Article number
53280727 53296351 53280134 53280728 53366927 53366928 53366935 53366936 53366945 53366947 53366946 53366949 53366951 53366952 53366953 53366954 53366955 53366956 53366957 53366958 53366959 53366960 53283768 53283767

Pulse-jet-reector 145/P946010 Pulse-jet-reector 156/P946013 Pulse-jet-reector 218/P946011 Pulse-jet-reector 324/P946012 Support cage 145/0600 Support cage 145/1000 Support cage 145/1200 Support cage 145/1500 Support cage 156/0600 Support cage 156/1000 Support cage 156/1200 Support cage 156/1500 Support cage 218/0500 Support cage 218/0600 Support cage 218/1000 Support cage 218/1200 Support cage 218/1500 Support cage 324/0600 Support cage 324/0660 Support cage 324/1000 Support cage 324/1200 Support cage 324/1500 Displacer unit 327/0600 Displacer unit 327/1000 Displacer unit 327/1200 Displacer unit 327/1500

Construction height [mm]

50 50 60 70 585 985 1,185 1,485 585 985 1,185 1,485 485 585 985 1,185 1,485 585 645 985 1,185 1,485 585 985 1,185 1,485

Diameter [mm]

Outer diameter [mm]

79 90 139 210

Inner diameter [mm]

62 71 92 156

Material thickness [mm]

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Subject to technical changes.

84 84 84 84 95 95 95 95 143 143 143 143 143 215 215 215 215 215


53281463 53283766

Accessories Accessories for dust removal lters | Filtering Aid FHM 1500

Application In what application categories does precoating with FHM 1500 oer advantages? Plasma/ame and laser-cutting of metals Welding Cleanable police lter stages Sticky dusts Coating processes like spray-galvanizing, spray-aluminizing Applications with low raw-gas concentrations Why precoating? To improve the cleaning characteristics For lower stable pressure drops How is precoating performed with FHM 1500? With Filtering Aid 1500 as a one-o routine on new lter cartridges (approx. 10 g/m2) Precoating duration: Minimum 15 min. compression with process dust to 2,0002,500 Pa

Important: Precoating and compression without cleaning. In accordance with the relevant DIN safety data sheet, wearing a respirator mask of protection level FFP1 is recommended when handling the FHM 1500.

Subject to technical changes.

Article number

Filtering Aid

Weight [kg]


Accessories Accessories for dust removal lters | Rotary nozzle systems

Suitable lter cartridges = 327 mm, H = 602 mm und 1,202 mm, particularly with small pleat spacings

Application The ROG 600 F-PL and ROG 1200 F-PL rotary nozzle systems ensure eective cleaning of lter cartridges with = 327 mm, H = 602 mm und 1,202 mm, particularly with small pleat spacings.

Special features Lasting operational dependability. The nozzle vane is mounted on life-time-lubricated ball-bearings encapsulated on both sides. Air distributor pipes and lower supporting rib plus stop plate made from high-quality, glass-ber-reinforced plastic. High accuracy of t of all joints to assure optimum concentricity. Quasi-oine cleaning featuring clean-gas-side stop plate operated by compressed air. Additional devices for securing the cartridge not required.

Article number

Rotary nozzle 1200/F-PL/P946713 Rotary nozzle 600/F-PL/P946712

Operating pressure [bar]

2.53.5 3.04.0

Solenoid valve + air feeding line [,,]

3/4 1

Pulse time [s]

0.81.0 1.01.5

Air-consumption per pulse [standard liters]

160 250


8928695 8925662

Subject to technical changes.

Accessories Accessories for dust removal lters | Tanks + valves

Pneumatic components Correct dimensioning of the cleaning unit is essential for eective, cost-ecient operation of dust removal systems. It is vital to select the right individual components and in the right dimensions too, in order to ensure trouble-free, cost-ecient ltration. Corrosion-proofed solenoid valves, optimized for maximum air ow rate with the shortest possible pulses, in conjunction with optimally dimensioned compressedair tanks, ensure gentle and nonetheless eective cleaning of the lters surface. Integral valves or corner valves with screw or quick-release locks are matched to the geometry used in the lter cartridges involved. Ready-for use customized cleaning units, consisting of compressed-air tank, valves and blowing pipes, can be supplied. Ready-to-connect BUS systems, e.g. for large lter systems, reduce the amount of work involved in installation and connection. Filter wall connections in various versions and sizes are available for simple installation of the cleaning unit.

Delivery notes
Compressed-air tanks, valves and blowing pipes are individually matched to each lter system, and have to be inquired for separately in each individual case.
Subject to technical changes.


Accessories Accessories for dust removal lters | Cleaning control

Cleaning control systems Cleaning control systems governed by pressure drop and time for highest requirements. Ultra-simple operator control of adjustments, and optimum visualization of the ongoing values. A huge range of dierent sizes for matching your own lter system. Ideal for utilizing the full potential of your lter inserts. Display and switching device with electrical and pressure connections for one or two switching points used to monitor the pressure dierential. Alarm function, plus switch-on/switch-o functions.

Delivery notes
Customized product variants available on request.


Subject to technical changes.

Accessories Accessories for dust removal lters | Cartridge protection sleeve

The CPSs are made from a fully synthetic PES lter medium, that excels particularly in terms of very high air-permeability measuring approx. 3,880l/m2s and a mean pore size of approx. 50 m. Fine particles can penetrate the lter medium, while coarse ones are arrested. Use For protecting a lter cartridge against irreversible dust deposits of coarse particles or brous dusts in the pleat package.

Application category Arresting brous dusts, for example. Montage The CPSs are secured in accordance with the illustration above with a cable tie underneath the ange of the lter cartridge, and cut o approx. 510 cm above the base of the lter cartridge.

Delivery notes
Cartridge protection sleeves are individually matched to each lter system, and have to be inquired for separately in each particular case. Cartridge protection sleeves are available for the following cartridge diameters: 145 mm, 218 mm and 327 mm.

Subject to technical changes.


Order|order inquiry form Information | legal notes


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Information | legal notes

Dear Viledon Customers, we not only provide eective and ecient lters and reliable services, we are also thriving to constantly improving our product documentation for you. Therefore, we appreciate your comments on how we could further upgrade our product catalogue to serve you in the best possible way. Please send an email to [email protected]. We look forward to your message. Your Viledon product catalogue editors

Important notes
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co. KG Viledon product catalogue editorial oce 69465 Weinheim/Germany [email protected] Date of publication: January 2013 Replaces all previous issues of this catalogue. The gures given are mean values subject to tolerances due to normal production uctuations. Our explicit written conrmation is always required for the correctness and applicability of the information involved in any particular case. Subject to technical changes, errors and misprints. Product pictures may vary from actual product. For our General Terms and Conditions please refer to our website: Viledon, micronAir and Freudenberg are trademarks registered and protected for Carl Freudenberg KG.

Notes on technical specications

Filter classes Groups G to F according to EN 779:2012 Groups E to U according to EN 1822:2009 Energy eciency classes|Energy consumption According to Eurovent 4/11 measured at 3,400 m3/h


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Freudenberg Filtration Technologies develops and produces high-performance, energy ecient ltration solutions, designed to make industrial processes more ecient, save resources and protect people and our environment, and thus to improve the quality of life. Our Viledon and micronAir brands enjoy an enviable reputation worldwide. Viledon ensures optimum results in industrial air and liquid ltration systems, while micronAir ne-dust lters are used as intake air lters for the engine and the passenger compartment in the automotive industry, as well as for improving indoor air quality in buildings. For more than 1,700 associates at over 30 facilities all over the world, customer satisfaction is the overriding goal.

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies is part of the Freudenberg Group, a family-owned group of companies active on the global stage. Besides ltration solutions, Freudenberg develops and manufactures seals, vibration control components, nonwovens, surface treatment products, release agents, speciality lubricants, medical technology, mechatronic and household products. Creativity, quality, diversity and innovative strength are the companys cornerstones. Reliability and responsible conduct rank among the basic values of the company which was founded over 160 years ago. Freudenberg is committed to partnerships with customers, and believes in a long-term orientation, nancial solidity and the excellence of more than 37,000 associates in 58 countries around the globe.

Viledon Distribution Partner

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co. KG 69465 Weinheim/Germany Phone +49 (0)6201 806264 | Fax +49 (0)6201 886299 [email protected] |

Viledon is a trademark registered and protected for Carl Freudenberg KG

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co. KG


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