Delbag Filter System MultiAir Eco 2000-MWF

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Compact aerosol filter

DELBAG® MultiAir Eco

The space miracle for your machine tool


Safety for people and the environment


Air Eco2nomy is more than just enginee-

ring. It is an attitude that creates values
with a future: quality of life for people.
Protection of the climate and environment.
for companies and investors.

DELBAG® Air Filtration means competence and experience from more than 100 years of
market leadership in air filter technology. Under our motto Air Eco2nomy we offer you
comprehensively oriented solutions that set economic and ecological standards. Another
example of this is the development of an extremely compact filtering aeorosol separator:
the DELBAG® MultiAir Eco.

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Especially in smaller companies you literally grow with your tasks. Whereas metalwor- Keep an eye on things: According to
king tasks were carried out yesterday with simple lathes, professionalizing the next the state of the art (DGUV Regulation
109-003) the following concentrations
steps is an absolute "must" in the growth of the company and its market position
of cooling lubricants in the air must be
today in comparison to its competitors.

The investment in modern CNC machine tools is a logical step that not only places new • Water-mixed cooling lubricants for
demands on the workplace and installation site. Always in view: The company's metalworking, glass and ceramic
responsibility for its most valuable asset, human performance. "You can't make an processing, water-miscible and
omelette without breaking eggs." However, in this case cooling lubricants are released water-mixed forming lubricants 10
into the breathing air, leading to irritations and hazards in the body at to skin or eye mg/m3
contact. Thus, the expansion of economic competitiveness also leads to the expansion • Non-water-miscible cooling lubricants
of occupational safety. The workplace concentrations in accordance with TRGS 611, with a flash point > 100 °C for
TSRG 900, 910, etc., can be calculated as follows (TSRG = German technical rules of metalworking 10 mg/m3
industrial safety) must be observed. • Non-water miscible forming lubricants
40 mg/m3
For installation of a CNC machine tool in the working environment of a production hall, • Non-water-miscible cooling lubricants
the use of a decentralized filter system on site is recommended. With this system, a with a flash point < 100 °C for
number of emission sources can be sucked off and cleaned. The cleaned extract air can metalworking 100 mg/m3
simply be blown out into the hall as recirculating air (of course the statutory occupatio-
nal safety regulations for recirculating air operation in the hall must then be observed).

DELBAG® Air Filtration is a competent partner of the industry in all fields of air pollution
control. We have found flexible solutions for changing tasks. Here, our engineers had
the task of delivering a particularly compact result that was economically advantageous
for everyone. The right solution: The very compact MultiAir Eco aerosol separator
ensures clean air at the workplace with Air Eco2nomy.

DELBAG® MultiAir Eco - small and powerful,

portable for your machine and economically
sustainable for your company.

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Quality in the smallest place

• Safe filter function - no risk of The MultiAir Eco is the development of a proven DELBAG® family, which is characteri-
explosion or fire zed by compact yet flexible construction. This innovative development takes compact-
• Recirculating-air mode through safe ness to the top of the line. It is no coincidence that we proudly call the MultiAir Eco a
compliance with AGW (work station "space miracle". However, the flexible combination of different filter levels remains
limit value) and TRK (technical easily possible here as well. The the MultiAir Eco is particularly easy to operate and
guideline concentration) values particularly easy to handle during maintenance and filter replacement. You can adapt it
• Technology for horizontal or side to its task with just a few simple steps.
installation on processing machines

• Oil-tight welded design Due to its small format, the compact separator requires very little space and is easy to
• Efficient fans install. Assembly and installation on the machine tool are just as possible as installation
• Innovative filter control system next to the machine (we offer a height-adjustable support column as an accessory for
MechaTronic EC this purpose).
• Fast replacement of plug-in seals
made of nitrile butadiene rubber Continuously improved encapsulation means that advanced CNC machine tools often
(NBR) with stainless-steel cores have reduced air-extraction volumes. At the same time, however, this development has
meant that increasingly greater filtration efficiency is required for such systems. In order
to meet this demand, the MultiAir Eco offers volume flow control as standard, which
adapts to your requirements. The main functionalities and features correspond to the
larger versions of the MultiAir family. Despite its compactness, the MultiAir Eco also
demonstrates what it can do when it comes to efficiency, economy, safety and
handling - but it really shines when it comes to compactness and economy.

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Innovative filter technology - with experience

LoTex® filter pads -

technology for lower energy consumption
DELBAG® Air Filtration has developed LoTex, a new type of filter material based on the
lotus effect. It is used primarily for separating liquid droplets from the air stream, as the
unique media treatment allows for a significantly reduced wettability. Water, oils, and
emulsions easily pearl off, instead of evaporating in the filter and resinifying there.
These characteristics mean that relatively large amounts of liquids can be separated
and effectively reused, if desired. A further benefit: since the pressure drops with
DELBAG® Air Filtration LoTex® filters are appreciably less than those experienced in
conventional demisters (droplet separators), power consumption for air filtration is cut LoTex filter pads
in half. The advantages are double: cost reduction and protection of the environment

FogTex - Large drainage effect with small pressure difference

The filter pads 1902 FogTex are high-quality fleece with a very low pressure difference.
They consist of a very open polyester fiber package with compression on the pure-air
side. Due to their unique open surface structure, the filter pads have a very efficient
drainage property that sustainably protects downstream filter media.

FogTex filter pad

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Creating space for some security



Air Eco2nomy means proven filter technology

based on many years of experience. So you
can always intervene with determination, as
your processes require, without endangering
your health.

When it comes to detecting cooling lubricant mist within

machine tools, you are looking at a very complex topic. Expert
advice is of great advantage here.

Take a look at a few factors and questions that may arise when dealing with this topic,
and that may help you to avoid possible separation errors. Incorrect or inadequate
filtering not only leads to a risk to the health of your employees, but can also result in
increased operating costs.

First of all, what does "cooling lubricant" actually mean? The mechanical abrasion of
workpieces generates a high degree of waste heat, which is why cooling lubricants are
used to bind the material erosion and for cooling. The misting of cooling lubricants
produces very fine, submicron aerosols in high concentrations. A filter system must

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therefore be able to reliably eliminate these aerosols and remove the separated cooling
lubricant from the extract-air flow.

A first basic decision is whether to choose a decentralized or a central extraction solution

to process the exhaust air flow safely. However, both solutions have one thing in common
in their wide range of variants, namely recording within the machine tool.
Here a first principle applies: as much volume flow as necessary, but not as much as
There must always be a vacuum inside the machine tool, and this is sufficient if the air
flows from the outside to the inside at all openings and slits in the processing chamber.
An air velocity of 0.2 to 0.5 m/s should be planned here.

But there must also be a targeted air flow inside the machine tool, otherwise the cooling
lubricant aerosols cannot be detected correctly and the dangerous mist "gets stuck" in the
machine tool. Remember: If possible, the extraction point should be located in the ceiling
or wall area opposite the operating door. No coolant jet should go in the direction of the
extraction point and the extraction speed should be less than 4 m/s, otherwise unneces-
sary quantities of large aerosols are collected and sucked in.

Once the machining process is completed, an increased extraction volume flow must
detect the remainder of suspended aerosols in the machine tool so that no "mist" can
escape into the hall when the operating door is opened.

Approx. 50 mass percent of the aerosols detected are ≤ 1 µm, i.e. the selected separator
must take this into account. The right filter combinations ensure high droplet separation
and very rapid collection, in conjunction with the appropriate volume flow. By using
different pre-filters and main filters, the aerosol separator can be optimally adapted to the
respective application.

If the aerosols remain in the filter element, secondary evaporation occurs. Separated
aerosols must be able to drain off quickly. Another principle is therefore: Double filter
surface = four times the service life and half the pressure difference! Therefore, do not Separator schematic sketch
save on filter area.

When using a DELBAG MultiAir unit such as the MultiAir Eco as a decentralized solution,
you can be sure that all factors have been implemented as performance features in the
development of the unit. The polluted air is reliably cleaned so that it can even be driven
in recirculating-air mode. The system reliably prevents any danger of fire or explosion.

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99.9% pollutant separation – fully

automatically controlled
MechaTronic EC - the comfort control - it saves money and
everyone understands it

The MechaTronic EC always keeps the air flow at the optimum level. Not too
much, not too little. This in combination with a highly effective EC fan results
in minimum electric power consumption and optimum filter media service life.

• Selectable air flows

Up to 5 different, freely selectable air flows can be set depending on the
process. This guarantees high safety at minimized energy costs
• Simple display
The plain text display is easy to understand and can be shown graphically or
• Wide selection of languages Filter control MechTronic EC
The MechanTronic EC is available in 19 languages. This enables you to
operate the control system globally and easily.
• Potential-free contact
The floating contact to the machine tool ensures proper operating messages
between the MultiAir Eco and your plant.
• Versatile positioning
The MultTronic EC control system can be mounted directly on the unit or the
unit column. Integration into a central control system in the control station is
also possible.

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The compact unit with high performance

• One-piece, oil-tight welded steel

housing with two chambers sealed off
from each other
(no bypasses)
• Wide selection of filter configurations
• Fan with high efficiency, minimum
energy costs
• Adjustable filter clamping device, each
filter assembly finds its place
• Low-cost, fully incinerable main filters
with plastic edging or metal frame -
no swelling of the material as with
wooden frames
• Plug-in, quickly replaceable seals made
of NBR with stainless steel core

Size G G
F HF H MultiAir Eco 2000

Max. air flow m /h

width mm 540
Height mm 685
Length mm 833
Weight kg 70
Max. operating temperature °C 40
Relative humidity % 100
Rated voltage VAC 50/60 Hz 400
Fan power consumption kW 1.18
Sound pressure level 1 db (A) < 65
at a distance of 1 m

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Filter media

1 2 3 4

5 6

pre-filter Pre-filter and post-filter

1 Coalescer support frame 5 Filter cells F7, F9

Support frame for washable Pleated oil and hydrophobic filter material in
coalescer pad FogTex, regenerable plastic or metal frames

Metal filter, expanded metal 6 HEPA filter E11, H13
Various metal filter cells, aluminum expanded Pleated oil and hydrophobic filter material in
metal or stainless steel mesh, regenerable plastic or metal filter frames, various filter depths

3 MultiCase holding frame G4, M5

Holding frame for filter pad combinations such
as filter pads LoTex® M5

Holding frame MultiCase W135 G4, M5
Holding frame for various filter pad combina-
tions, large filter surface by W-shaped arrange-

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The following accessories are available for MultiAir Eco:

Installation upright 1
adjustable heights in 100-mm increments from
1.8 to 2.5  m, for installation at high levels

Diverse air-intake hoods
including accessories for connections to the
air-extraction point

Drainage systems

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DELBAG® Air Filtration is active worldwide in the fields of air
treatment technology - filter technology - air pollution control.

Our nearest sales and service teams will be glad to discuss ideas
and develop creative and effective solutions with you.

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