02 Eccom 50 Neues Stufenloses Getriebe

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Presseinformation Press Information

Page 1/3, 09.10.2008

Eccom 5.0: New CVT

ZF extends the power range of continuousl !aria"le transmissions up to 500 #$ Continuousl !aria"le power split transmissions offer great "enefits to high%performance agricultural tractors with regard to the uniforml continuous increase of draw"ar pull force and the transfer of full engine power in the speed range with optimum fuel efficienc . For these applications& ZF has designed a continuousl !aria"le transmission 'CVT( for input power of up to 500 #$ 'fig. )( which is "ased on the series% production%pro!en ZF%Eccom transmission 'fig. *(. +ith the enhanced performance data descri"ed a"o!e& this transmission co!ers a ma,or portion of articulated !ehicles. With the newly adapted reverse drive range, the easy mechanical front axle connection, the optionally attachable PTO clutch and the highly efficient pump drive for working and steering hydraulics, the system is optimally matched to the requirements of this vehicle class. oreover, the wide overall transmission ratio, combined with high drawbar pull force when driving off, allows !" km#h transport operations at reduced engine speed with optimum fuel efficiency, as well as top speeds of $" km#h. The integration of an efficient, modern electronic control directly at the transmission creates a complete transmission system from one single source which represents a trend%setting alternative to full%powershift transmissions currently used as standard equipment.

&'T design The (ccom $." design is based on a performance%optimi)ed (ccom planetary transmission, together with a performance%matched hydrostatic unit in back%to%back design.

*ollowing are the ma+or design features of the (ccom $.", transmission design for vehicles with frame%built chassis
ZF Friedrichshafen AG Zentra e !ffent ich"eitsar#eit $or%orate P&# ic 'e ations 88038 Friedrichshafen (e&tsch and German) %resse*+f.com ,,,.+f.com -e efon ./9 01/1 0022001 -e efa3 ./9 01/1 002204/

Presseinformation Press Information

propshafts to front and rear axles clutch optional PTO clutch with integrated PTO brake. PTO stub freely rotatable in standstill pump drive for working and steering hydraulics drive for emergency steering pump integrated system pressure and lubricating pump integrated (&/ *W- via dog% input via propshaft output via

Page 2/3, 09.10.2008

*ig., 0.1 &'T (ccom $." for input powers up to $"" 2P. 3.1 &'T (ccom 4.$ for engine powers up to 40" 2P. Pictures, 5*

ZF Friedrichshafen AG Zentra e !ffent ich"eitsar#eit $or%orate P&# ic 'e ations 88038 Friedrichshafen (e&tsch and German) %resse*+f.com ,,,.+f.com -e efon ./9 01/1 0022001 -e efa3 ./9 01/1 002204/

Presseinformation Press Information

Page 3/3, 09.10.2008

Press &ontact, -ernot #ein, 2ead of arketing 6 &ommunications Tel., 7!3 80 $91 ! 3!%:! 0", *ax, 7!3 80 $91 ! 3!%3" :! 0" (% ail, gernot.hein;)f.com +olfgang +ohlgemuth, Team anager arket &ommunications Tel., 7!3 80 $91 ! 3!%:< "4, *ax, 7!3 80 $91 ! 3!%3" :< "4 (%mail, wolfgang.wohlgemuth;)f.com
The 5* Off%=oad -riveline Technology and >xle ?ystems -ivision develops and produces transmissions and axles for agricultural and construction vehicles as well as axle systems for buses and trucks. With <,""" employees, the division generated sales of @9.03 billion in :""<. 5* is one of the worldAs leading automotive industry suppliers speciali)ing in driveline and chassis technologies. With a workforce of B",""" employees, the company operates 993 plants in :$ countries. To sustain its success with innovative products, 5* invests $ percent of its annual revenues 8over @B3! million from an annual total of @9:.B billion in :""<1 in research and development. *or pictures and further press information go to, www..f.com/presscenter

ZF Friedrichshafen AG Zentra e !ffent ich"eitsar#eit $or%orate P&# ic 'e ations 88038 Friedrichshafen (e&tsch and German) %resse*+f.com ,,,.+f.com -e efon ./9 01/1 0022001 -e efa3 ./9 01/1 002204/

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