Math SL Probability Questionbank Questions

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The document contains 38 pages of math problems and solutions related to probability. Many involve calculating probabilities using formulas, Venn diagrams, and tree diagrams.

The sample space consists of 36 possible outcomes. There are 6 ways to get one 6, 6 ways to get two 6s, so the probability is 12/36 = 1/3.

It is given that 80% of players weigh between 68kg and 82kg. If the probability of weighing less than 68kg is 0.05, then the probability of weighing more than 82kg must be 0.15 by the complement rule.


The Venn diagram below shows events A and B where P(A) = 0.3, P( A B) = 0.6 and P(A B) = 0.1. The values m, n, p and q are robabilities.


(i) (ii)

!rite down the value o" n. #ind the value o" m, o" p, and o" q.


#ind P(B$).
(2) (Total 6 marks)


%n an& given season, a so''er team la&s 6( ) o" their games at home. !hen the team la&s at home, the& win *3 ) o" their games. !hen the& la& awa& "rom home, the& win +6 ) o" their games. The team la&s one game. (a) #ind the robabilit& that the team wins the game.


%" the team does not win the game, "ind the robabilit& that the game was la&ed at home.
(4) (Total 8 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL


%n a grou o" 16 students, 1+ ta,e art and * ta,e musi'. -ne student ta,es neither art nor musi'. The Venn diagram below shows the events art and musi'. The values p, q, r and s re resent numbers o" students.


(i) (ii) (iii)

!rite down the value o" s. #ind the value o" q. !rite down the value o" p and o" r.


(i) (ii)

. student is sele'ted at random. /iven that the student ta,es musi', write down the robabilit& the student ta,es art. Hence, show that ta,ing musi' and ta,ing art are not inde endent events.


Two students are sele'ted at random, one a"ter the other. #ind the robabilit& that the "irst student ta,es only musi' and the se'ond student ta,es only art.
(4) (Total 13 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL


. 'om an& uses two ma'hines, . and 0, to ma,e bo1es. 2a'hine . ma,es 60 ) o" the bo1es. *0 ) o" the bo1es made b& ma'hine . ass ins e'tion. 30 ) o" the bo1es made b& ma'hine 0 ass ins e'tion. . bo1 is sele'ted at random.


#ind the robabilit& that it asses ins e'tion.



The 'om an& would li,e the robabilit& that a bo1 asses ins e'tion to be 0.*4. #ind the er'entage o" bo1es that should be made b& ma'hine 0 to a'hieve this.
(4) (Total 7 marks)


5onsider the events A and B, where P(A) = 0.(, P(B) = 0.4 and P(A B) = 0.3. The Venn diagram below shows the events A and B, and the robabilities p, q and r.


!rite down the value o" (i) (ii) (iii) p6 q6 r.


IB Questionbank Maths SL


#ind the value o" P(A 7 B$).



8en'e, or otherwise, show that the events A and B are not inde endent.
(1) (Total 6 marks)


1 9os: travels to s'hool on a bus. -n an& da&, the robabilit& that 9os: will miss the bus is 3 . 4 %" he misses his bus, the robabilit& that he will be late "or s'hool is * . 3 %" he does not miss his bus, the robabilit& that he will be late is * . ;et E be the event <he misses his bus= and # the event <he is late "or s'hool=. The in"ormation above is shown on the "ollowing tree diagram.


#ind (i) (ii) P(E F)6 P(F).


IB Questionbank Maths SL


#ind the robabilit& that (i) (ii) 9os: misses his bus and is not late "or s'hool6 9os: missed his bus, given that he is late "or s'hool.

The 'ost "or ea'h da& that 9os: 'at'hes the bus is 3 euros. 9os: goes to s'hool on 2onda& and Tuesda&. (') Copy and 'om lete the robabilit& distribution table. 0 3 6

X (cost in euros) P (X)

1 3


#ind the e1 e'ted 'ost "or 9os: "or both da&s.

(2) (Total 14 marks)


The diagram below shows the robabilities "or events A and B, with P(A$) = p.


!rite down the value o" p.



#ind P(B).

IB Questionbank Maths SL


#ind P(A$ 7 B).

(3) (Total 7 marks)


The letters o" the word P>-0.0%;%T? are written on 11 'ards as shown below.

Two 'ards are drawn at random without re la'ement. ;et A be the event the "irst 'ard drawn is the letter .. ;et B be the event the se'ond 'ard drawn is the letter 0.


#ind P(A).


#ind P(B@A).


#ind P(A B).

(3) (Total 6 marks)

Two bo1es 'ontain numbered 'ards as shown below.

Two 'ards are drawn at random, one "rom ea'h bo1.

IB Questionbank Maths SL


5o & and 'om lete the table below to show all nine eAuall& li,el& out'omes. 3, 3 3, 10 3, 10

;et S be the sum o" the numbers on the two 'ards. (b) !rite down all the ossible values o" S.


#ind the robabilit& o" ea'h value o" S.



#ind the e1 e'ted value o" S.



.nna la&s a game where she wins B(0 i" S is even and loses B30 i" S is odd. .nna la&s the game 36 times. #ind the amount she e1 e'ts to have at the end o" the 36 games.
(3) (Total 12 marks)


%n a 'lass o" 100 bo&s, (( bo&s la& "ootball and 4( bo&s la& rugb&. Ca'h bo& must la& at least one s ort "rom "ootball and rugb&. (a) (i) (ii) #ind the number o" bo&s who la& both s orts. !rite down the number o" bo&s who la& onl& rugb&.

IB Questionbank Maths SL


-ne bo& is sele'ted at random. (i) (ii) #ind the robabilit& that he la&s onl& one s ort. /iven that the bo& sele'ted la&s onl& one s ort, "ind the robabilit& that he la&s rugb&.

;et A be the event that a bo& la&s "ootball and B be the event that a bo& la&s rugb&. (') (d) C1 lain wh& A and B are not mutuall& e1'lusive.

Dhow that A and B are not inde endent.

(3) (Total 12 marks)


5onsider the inde endent events A and B. /iven that P(B) = +P(A), and P(A B) = 0.(+, "ind P(B).
(Total 7 marks)


. "our#si$e$ die has three blue "a'es and one red "a'e. The die is rolled. ;et B be the event a blue "a'e lands down, and R be the event a red "a'e lands down. (a) !rite down (i) (ii) P (B)6 P (R).

IB Questionbank Maths SL


%" the blue "a'e lands down, the die is not rolled again. %" the red "a'e lands down, the die is rolled on'e again. This is re resented b& the "ollowing tree diagram, where p, s, t are robabilities.

#ind the value o" p, o" s and o" t.


/uise i la&s a game where he rolls the die. %" a blue "a'e lands down, he s'ores + and is "inished. %" the red "a'e lands down, he s'ores 1 and rolls one more time. ;et X be the total s'ore obtained.


(i) (ii)

3 . Dhow that P (X = 3) = 16
#ind P (X = +).


(i) (ii)

5onstru't a robabilit& distribution table "or X. 5al'ulate the e1 e'ted value o" X.


%" the total s'ore is 3, /uise /uise

i wins B10. %" the total s'ore is +, /uise

i gets nothing.
(4) (Total 16 marks)

i la&s the game twi'e. #ind the robabilit& that he wins e1a'tl& B10.

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There are +0 students in a 'lassroom. Ca'h student la&s onl& one s ort. The table below gives their s ort and gender. %oot&all %emale 'ale (a) ( E Tennis 3 + Hockey 3 3

-ne student is sele'ted at random. (i) (ii) 5al'ulate the robabilit& that the student is a male or is a tennis la&er. /iven that the student sele'ted is "emale, 'al'ulate the robabilit& that the student does not la& "ootball.


Two students are sele'ted at random. 5al'ulate the robabilit& that neither student la&s "ootball.
(3) (Total 7 marks)


Paula goes to wor, three da&s a wee,. -n an& da&, the robabilit& that she goes on a red bus is 1 . E (a) !rite down the e1 e'ted number o" times that Paula goes to wor, on a red bus in one wee,.

%n one wee,, "ind the robabilit& that she goes to wor, on a red bus (b) (') on e1a'tl& two da&s6

on at least one da&.

(3) (Total 7 marks)


;et A and B be inde endent events, where P(A) = 0.6 and P(B) = x. (a) !rite down an e1 ression "or P(A B).

IB Questionbank Maths SL



/iven that P(A B) = 0.*, (i) (ii) "ind x6 "ind P(A B).


Hence, e1 lain wh& A and B are not mutuall& e1'lusive.

(1) (Total 6 marks)


Two standard sixFsided di'e are tossed. . diagram re resenting the sam le s a'e is shown below. D'ore on se'ond die 1 1 + D'ore on "irst die 3 E ( 6 G G G G G G + G G G G G G 3 G G G G G G E G G G G G G ( G G G G G G 6 G G G G G G

;et X be the sum o" the s'ores on the two di'e.


#ind (i) (ii) (iii) P(X = 6)6 P(X H 6)6 P(X = 4 7 X H ().

IB Questionbank Maths SL



Clena la&s a game where she tosses two di'e. %" the sum is 6, she wins 3 oints. %" the sum is greater than 6, she wins 1 oint. %" the sum is less than 6, she loses k oints. #ind the value o" k "or whi'h ClenaIs e1 e'ted number o" oints is Jero.
(7) (Total 13 marks)


0ag . 'ontains + red balls and 3 green balls. Two balls are 'hosen at random "rom the bag without re la'ement. ;et X denote the number o" red balls 'hosen. The "ollowing table shows the robabilit& distribution "or X. X P(X = x) 0 1 +

3 10

6 10

1 10


5al'ulate C(X), the mean number o" red balls 'hosen.


0ag 0 'ontains E red balls and + green balls. Two balls are 'hosen at random "rom bag 0. (b) (i) (ii) Kraw a tree diagram to re resent the above in"ormation, in'luding the robabilit& o" ea'h event. 8en'e "ind the robabilit& distribution "or Y, where Y is the number o" red balls 'hosen.

. standard die with si1 "a'es is rolled. %" a 1 or 6 is obtained, two balls are 'hosen "rom bag ., otherwise two balls are 'hosen "rom bag 0. (') 5al'ulate the robabilit& that two red balls are 'hosen.

IB Questionbank Maths SL



/iven that two red balls are obtained, "ind the 'onditional robabilit& that a 1 or 6 was rolled on the die.
(3) (Total 1 marks)


+ 1 4 5onsider the events A and B, where P(A) = ( , P(B$) = E and P(A B) = * .

(a) (b) (') !rite down P(B). #ind P(A B). #ind P(A | B).
(Total 6 marks)

1 .

The e&e 'olour o" 34 students is re'orded in the 'hart below. 0rown 2ale #emale -ne student is sele'ted at random. (a) (b) (') !rite down the robabilit& that the student is a male. !rite down the robabilit& that the student has green e&es, given that the student is a "emale. #ind the robabilit& that the student has green e&es or is male.
(Total 6 marks)

0lue +1 13 16 13

/reen 3 13

IB Questionbank Maths SL



. air o" "air di'e is thrown. (a) 5o & and 'om lete the tree diagram below, whi'h shows the ossible out'omes.


;et E be the event that e(actly one "our o''urs when the air o" di'e is thrown. (b) 5al'ulate P(E).

The air o" di'e is now thrown "ive times. (') 5al'ulate the robabilit& that event E o''urs e(actly three times in the "ive throws.


5al'ulate the robabilit& that event E o''urs at least three times in the "ive throws.
(3) (Total 12 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



Two restaurants, Center and New, sell "ish rolls and salads. ;et F be the event a 'ustomer 'hooses a "ish roll. ;et S be the event a 'ustomer 'hooses a salad. ;et N be the event a 'ustomer 'hooses neither a "ish roll nor a salad. %n the Center restaurant P(F) = 0.31, P(S) = 0.6+, P(N) = 0.1E. (a) Dhow that P(F S) = 0.04.


/iven that a 'ustomer 'hooses a salad, "ind the robabilit& the 'ustomer also 'hooses a "ish roll.


.re F and S inde endent eventsL 9usti"& &our answer.


.t New restaurant, P(N) = 0.1E. Twi'e as man& 'ustomers 'hoose a salad as 'hoose a "ish roll. 5hoosing a "ish roll is in$epen$ent o" 'hoosing a salad. (d) #ind the robabilit& that a "ish roll is 'hosen.
(7) (Total 16 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



The Venn diagram below shows in"ormation about 1+0 students in a s'hool. -" these, E0 stud& 5hinese (C), 3( stud& 9a anese (J), and 30 stud& D anish (S).

. student is 'hosen at random "rom the grou . #ind the robabilit& that the student (a) (b) (') studies e1a'tl& two o" these languages6

studies onl& 9a anese6


does not stud& an& o" these languages.

(3) (Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



. bag 'ontains "our a les (A) and si1 bananas (B). . "ruit is ta,en "rom the bag and eaten. Then a se'ond "ruit is ta,en and eaten. (a) 5om lete the tree diagram below b& writing robabilities in the s a'es rovided.



#ind the robabilit& that one o" ea'h t& e o" "ruit was eaten.
(3) (Total 6 marks)


;et A and B be inde endent events su'h that P(A) = 0.3 and P(B) = 0.*. (a) (b) (') #ind P(A B). #ind P(A B). .re A and B mutuall& e1'lusiveL 9usti"& &our answer.
(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



%n a 'lass, E0 students ta,e 'hemistr& onl&, 30 ta,e h&si's onl&, +0 ta,e both 'hemistr& and h&si's, and 60 ta,e neither. (a) (b) (') #ind the robabilit& that a student ta,es h&si's given that the student ta,es 'hemistr&. #ind the robabilit& that a student ta,es h&si's given that the student does not ta,e 'hemistr&. Dtate whether the events <ta,ing 'hemistr&= and <ta,ing h&si's= are mutuall& e1'lusive, inde endent, or neither. 9usti"& &our answer.
(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



. game is la&ed, where a die is tossed and a marble sele'ted "rom a bag. 0ag 2 'ontains 3 red marbles (R) and + green marbles (G). 0ag M 'ontains + red marbles and * green marbles. . "air si1Fsided die is tossed. %" a 3 or ( a %" an& other number a ears on the die, bag 2 is sele'ted ( M).

ears, bag M is sele'ted ( N).

. single marble is then drawn at random "rom the sele'ted bag. (a) Copy and complete the robabilit& tree diagram on your ans)er s*eet.



(i) (ii) (iii)

!rite down the robabilit& that bag 2 is sele'ted and a green marble drawn "rom it. #ind the robabilit& that a green marble is drawn "rom either bag. /iven that the marble is green, 'al'ulate the robabilit& that it 'ame "rom 0ag 2.


. la&er wins B+ "or a red marble and B( "or a green marble. !hat are his e1 e'ted winningsL
(4) (Total 14 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



+ 1 Cvents E and F are inde endent, with P(E) = 3 and P(E F) = 3 . 5al'ulate
(a) (b) P(F)6 P(E F).
(Total 6 marks)


0ag . 'ontains + red balls and 3 green balls. Two balls are 'hosen at random "rom the bag without re la'ement. ;et X denote the number o" red balls 'hosen. The "ollowing table shows the robabilit& distribution "or X X P(X = x) (a) 0 1 +

3 10

6 10

1 10

5al'ulate C(X), the mean number o" red balls 'hosen.


0ag 0 'ontains E red balls and + green balls. Two balls are 'hosen at random "rom bag 0. (b) (i) (ii) Kraw a tree diagram to re resent the above in"ormation, in'luding the robabilit& o" ea'h event. 8en'e "ind the robabilit& distribution "or Y, where Y is the number o" red balls 'hosen.

. standard die with si1 "a'es is rolled. %" a 1 or 6 is obtained, two balls are 'hosen "rom bag ., otherwise two balls are 'hosen "rom bag 0. (') (d) 5al'ulate the robabilit& that two red balls are 'hosen.

/iven that two red balls are obtained, "ind the 'onditional robabilit& that a 1 or 6 was rolled on the die.
(3) (Total 1 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL


2 .

Two unbiased 6Fsided di'e are rolled, a red one and a bla', one. ;et E and F be the events E N the same number a ears on both di'e6 F N the sum o" the numbers is 10. #ind (a) (b) (') P(E)6 P(F)6 P(E F). Working:

AnswersN (a) .................................................................. (b) .................................................................. (') ..................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



The table below shows the subOe'ts studied b& +10 students at a 'ollege. ?ear 1 8istor& D'ien'e .rt Totals (0 1( E( 110 ?ear + 3( 30 3( 100 Totals *( E( *0 +10


. student "rom the 'ollege is sele'ted at random. ;et A be the event the student studies .rt. ;et B be the event the student is in ?ear +. (i) (ii) (iii) #ind P(A). #ind the robabilit& that the student is a ?ear + .rt student. .re the events A and B inde endentL 9usti"& &our answer.


/iven that a 8istor& student is sele'ted at random, 'al'ulate the robabilit& that the student is in ?ear 1.


Two students are sele'ted at random "rom the 'ollege. 5al'ulate the robabilit& that one student is in ?ear 1, and the other in ?ear +.
(4) (Total 12 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



. 'lass 'ontains 13 girls and 11 bo&s. The tea'her randoml& sele'ts "our students. Ketermine the robabilit& that all "our students sele'ted are girls. W o r k in g :

A nsw ers: ........................................................

(Total 6 marks)


The events A and B are inde endent su'h that P(B) = 3P(A) and P(AB) = 0.6*. #ind P(B) W o r k in g :

A nsw ers: ........................................................

(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



The "ollowing robabilities were "ound "or two events R and S.

1 E 1 P(R) = 3 , P(S | R) = ( , P(S | R ) = E .

(a) Copy and complete the tree diagram.



#ind the "ollowing robabilities. (i) (ii) (iii) P(R S). P(S). P(R | S).
(7) (Total 1! marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



1 3 4 ;et A and B be events su'h that P(A) = + , P(B) = E and P(A B) = * .

(a) (b) (') 5al'ulate P(A B). 5al'ulate P(AB). .re the events A and B inde endentL /ive a reason "or &our answer. Working:


(Total 6 marks)


Kumisani is a student at %0 !orld 5ollege.

4 . The robabilit& that he will be wo,en b& his alarm 'lo', is * 1 . %" he is wo,en b& his alarm 'lo', the robabilit& he will be late "or s'hool is E 3 . %" he is not wo,en b& his alarm 'lo', the robabilit& he will be late "or s'hool is (
;et W be the event <Kumisani is wo,en b& his alarm 'lo',=. ;et ! be the event <Kumisani is late "or s'hool=.

IB Questionbank Maths SL



5o & and 'om lete the tree diagram below. !

! !



5al'ulate the robabilit& that Kumisani will be late "or s'hool. (3)


/iven that Kumisani is late "or s'hool what is the robabilit& that he was wo,en b& his alarm 'lo',L
(4) (Total 11 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



. a',et o" seeds 'ontains E0) red seeds and 60) &ellow seeds. The robabilit& that a red seed grows is 0.3, and that a &ellow seed grows is 0.*. . seed is 'hosen at random "rom the a',et. (a) 5om lete the robabilit& tree diagram below. 0 .3 / ro w s

0 .E

> ed

K o e s n o t g ro w / ro w s

? e llo w

K o e s n o t g ro w (3)


(i) (ii) (iii)

5al'ulate the robabilit& that the 'hosen seed is red and grows. 5al'ulate the robabilit& that the 'hosen seed grows. /iven that the seed grows, 'al'ulate the robabilit& that it is red.
(7) (Total 1! marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



5onsider events A, B su'h that P (A) 0, P (A) 1, P (0) 0, and P (0) 1. %n ea'h o" the situations (a), (b), (') below state whether A and B are mutuall& e1'lusive (2)6 inde endent (%)6 neither (M). (a) (b) (') P(.70) = P(.) P(. 0) = 0 P(. 0) = P(.) Working:

AnswersN (a) .................................................................. (b) .................................................................. (') ..................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



%n a s'hool o" ** bo&s, 3+ stud& e'onomi's (C), +* stud& histor& (8) and 33 do not stud& either subOe't. This in"ormation is re resented in the "ollowing Venn diagram. & E (3 + ) % (+ * ) (* * )


$ 33


5al'ulate the values ", #, $.



. student is sele'ted at random. (i) (ii) 5al'ulate the robabilit& that he studies &ot* e'onomi's and histor&. /iven that he studies e'onomi's, 'al'ulate the robabilit& that he does not stud& histor&.


. grou o" three students is sele'ted at random "rom the s'hool. (i) (ii) 5al'ulate the robabilit& that none o" these students studies e'onomi's. 5al'ulate the robabilit& that at least one o" these students studies e'onomi's.
(5) (Total 12 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL


3 .

. ainter has 1+ tins o" aint. Deven tins are red and "ive tins are &ellow. Two tins are 'hosen at random. 5al'ulate the robabilit& that both tins are the same 'olour. Working:

AnswerN ..................................................................
(Total 6 marks)


. bo1 'ontains ++ red a les and 3 green a les. Three a the other, without re la'ement. (a) (b) The "irst two a

les are sele'ted at random, one a"ter

les are green. !hat is the robabilit& that the third a le is redL les are redL

!hat is the robabilit& that e1a'tl& two o" the three a Working:

AnswersN (a) .................................................................. (b) ..................................................................

(Total 6 marks)


Two "air di'e are thrown and the number showing on ea'h is noted. The sum o" these two numbers is S. #ind the robabilit& that (a) (b) S is less than *6

at least one die shows a 36


IB Questionbank Maths SL



at least one die shows a 3, given that S is less than *.

(3) (Total 7 marks)


3 E . #or events A and B, the robabilities are P (A) = 11 , P (B) = 11

5al'ulate the value o" P (A B) i"

(a) (b)

6 6 P (A B) = 11
events A and B are inde endent. Working:

AnswersN (a) .................................................................. (b) ..................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



. bag 'ontains 10 red balls, 10 green balls and 6 white balls. Two balls are drawn at random "rom the bag without re la'ement. !hat is the robabilit& that the& are o" di""erent 'oloursL Working:

Answer: .......................................................................
(Total 4 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



The "ollowing Venn diagram shows the universal set & and the sets A and B. & A B


Dhade the area in the diagram whi'h re resents the set B AQ.

n(&) = 100, n(A) = 30, n(B) = (0, n(A B) = 6(. (b) (') #ind n(B A ). .n element is sele'ted at random "rom &. !hat is the robabilit& that this element is in B A L Working:

Answers: (b) .................................................................. (') ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



The events B and C are de endent, where C is the event <a student ta,es 5hemistr&=, and B is the event <a student ta,es 0iolog&=. %t is ,nown that P(C) = 0.E, P(B 7 C) = 0.6, P(B 7 C) = 0.(. (a) 5om lete the "ollowing tree diagram. 5 h e m is tr& 0 io lo g &

B 0 .E C B B C B

(b) (')

5al'ulate the robabilit& that a student ta,es 0iolog&. /iven that a student ta,es 0iolog&, what is the robabilit& that the student ta,es 5hemistr&L Working:

AnswersN (b) .................................................................. (') ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)


%n a surve& o" +00 eo le, 30 o" whom were "emale, it was "ound that 60 eo le were unem lo&ed, in'luding +0 males. (a) Rsing this in"ormation, 'om lete the table below.

IB Questionbank Maths SL


2ales Rnem lo&ed Cm lo&ed Totals





%" a erson is sele'ted at random "rom this grou o" +00, "ind the robabilit& that this erson is (i) (ii) an unem lo&ed "emale6 a male, given that the erson is em lo&ed. Working:

AnswersN (b) (i) .......................................................... (ii) ..........................................................

(Total 4 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



%n a surve&, 100 students were as,ed <do &ou re"er to wat'h television or la& s ortL= -" the E6 bo&s in the surve&, 33 said the& would 'hoose s ort, while +3 girls made this 'hoi'e. 0o&s /irls Total

Television D ort Total 33 E6 +3 100

0& 'om leting this table or otherwise, "ind the robabilit& that (a) (b) a student sele'ted at random re"ers to wat'h television6 a student re"ers to wat'h television, given that the student is a bo&. Working:

AnswersN (a) .................................................................. (b) ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



Two ordinar&, 6Fsided di'e are rolled and the total s'ore is noted. (a) 5om lete the tree diagram b& entering robabilities and listing out'omes. 6 ....... 6 ....... ....... not 6 6 ....... not 6 ....... ............... ....... ............... ............... - u t' o m e s ...............

not 6


#ind the robabilit& o" getting one or more si1es. Working:

Answer: (b) ...............................................................

(Total 4 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL


4 .

The "ollowing Venn diagram shows a sam le s a'e & and events A and B'


n(&) ( 36, n(A) = 11, n(B) = 6 and n(A B)$ = +1. (a) (b) -n the diagram, shade the region (A B)$' #ind (i) (ii) (') n(A B)) P(A B)'

C1 lain wh& events A and B are not mutuall& e1'lusive. Working:

AnswersN (b) (i) ........................................................... (ii) ........................................................... (') ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL



#or the events A and B, p(A) = 0.6, p(B) = 0.* and p(A B) = 1. #ind (a) (b) p(AB)6 p( . B). Working:

AnswersN (a) .................................................................. (b) ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)


The weights o" la&ers in a s orts league are normall& distributed with a mean o" 46.6 ,g, ('orre't to three signi"i'ant "igures). %t is ,nown that *0 ) o" the la&ers have weights between 6* ,g and *+ ,g. The robabilit& that a la&er weighs less than 6* ,g is 0.0(. (a) #ind the robabilit& that a la&er weighs more than *+ ,g.


(i) (ii)

!rite down the standardiJed value, J, "or 6* ,g. 8en'e, "ind the standard deviation o" weights.

IB Questionbank Maths SL


To ta,e art in a tournament, a la&erIs weight must be within 1.( standard deviations o" the mean. (') (i) (ii) #ind the set o" all ossible weights o" la&ers that ta,e art in the tournament. . la&er is sele'ted at random. #ind the robabilit& that the la&er ta,es art in the tournament.

-" the la&ers in the league, +( ) are women. -" the women, 40 ) ta,e art in the tournament. (d) /iven that a la&er sele'ted at random ta,es art in the tournament, "ind the robabilit& that the sele'ted la&er is a woman.
(4) (Total 15 marks)


The "ollowing diagram shows a 'ir'le divided into three se'tors ., 0 and 5. The angles at the 'entre o" the 'ir'le are 30S, 1+0S and 1(0S. De'tors . and 0 are shaded as shown.

. 5 1(0S 30S 1+0S 0

The arrow is s un. %t 'annot land on the lines between the se'tors. ;et A, B, C and S be the events de"ined b& AN BN CN SN .rrow lands in se'tor . .rrow lands in se'tor 0 .rrow lands in se'tor 5 .rrow lands in a shaded region.

IB Questionbank Maths SL


#ind (a) (b) (') P(B)6 P(S)6 P(AS). Working:


(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL


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