Math IB Revision Statistics SL

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The document discusses test results and statistics for 1000 candidates and other related word problems.

The marks are distributed as follows: Marks 1–10 had 15 candidates, 11–20 had 50 candidates and so on, with the highest range 91-100 having 20 candidates.

To find the median score, a cumulative frequency graph needs to be drawn and used to estimate the median. To find the number of candidates who had to retake, the question asks to find the number of candidates who scored less than 35.

1. One thousand candidates sit an examination.

The distribution of marks is shown in the following

grouped frequency table.

Marks 1–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–60 61–70 71–80 81–90 91–100
Number of
candidates 15 50 100 170 260 220 90 45 30 20

(a) Copy and complete the following table, which presents the above data as a cumulative
frequency distribution.
Mark ≤ 10 ≤ 20 ≤ 30 ≤ 40 ≤ 50 ≤ 60 ≤ 70 ≤ 80 ≤ 90 ≤ 100
Number of
15 65 905

(b) Draw a cumulative frequency graph of the distribution, using a scale of 1 cm for 100
candidates on the vertical axis and 1 cm for 10 marks on the horizontal axis.

(c) Use your graph to answer parts (i)–(iii) below,

(i) Find an estimate for the median score.


(ii) Candidates who scored less than 35 were required to retake the examination.
How many candidates had to retake?

(iii) The highest-scoring 15% of candidates were awarded a distinction.

Find the mark above which a distinction was awarded.
(Total 16 marks)

2. At a conference of 100 mathematicians there are 72 men and 28 women. The men have a mean
height of 1.79 m and the women have a mean height of 1.62 m. Find the mean height of the 100




(Total 4 marks)


∑x i
3. The mean of the population x1, x2, ........ , x25 is m. Given that i =1 = 300 and

∑ ( x – m)

i =1 = 625, find

(a) the value of m;

(b) the standard deviation of the population.



(a) …………………………………………..
(b) ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)

4. A supermarket records the amount of money d spent by customers in their store during a busy
period. The results are as follows:

Money in $ (d) 0–20 20–40 40–60 60–80 80–100 100–120 120–140

Number of 24 16 22 40 18 10 4
customers (n)

(a) Find an estimate for the mean amount of money spent by the customers, giving your
answer to the nearest dollar ($).

(b) Copy and complete the following cumulative frequency table and use it to draw a
cumulative frequency graph. Use a scale of 2 cm to represent $ 20 on the horizontal axis,
and 2 cm to represent 20 customers on the vertical axis.
Money in $ (d) <20 <40 <60 <80 < 100 < 120 < 140
Number of customers (n) 24 40

(c) The time t (minutes), spent by customers in the store may be represented by the equation

t = 2d + 3.

(i) Use this equation and your answer to part (a) to estimate the mean time in minutes
spent by customers in the store.

(ii) Use the equation and the cumulative frequency graph to estimate the number of
customers who spent more than 37 minutes in the store.
(Total 15 marks)

5. The table shows the scores of competitors in a competition.

Score 10 20 30 40 50
Number of competitors 1 2 5 k 3
with this score

The mean score is 34. Find the value of k.




(Total 4 marks)

6. A survey is carried out to find the waiting times for 100 customers at a supermarket.

waiting time number of

(seconds) customers
0–30 5
30– 60 15
60– 90 33
90 –120 21
120–150 11
150–180 7
180–210 5
210–240 3

(a) Calculate an estimate for the mean of the waiting times, by using an appropriate
approximation to represent each interval.

(b) Construct a cumulative frequency table for these data.


(c) Use the cumulative frequency table to draw, on graph paper, a cumulative frequency
graph, using a scale of 1 cm per 20 seconds waiting time for the horizontal axis and 1 cm
per 10 customers for the vertical axis.

(d) Use the cumulative frequency graph to find estimates for the median and the lower
and upper quartiles.
(Total 10 marks)

7. The following diagram represents the lengths, in cm, of 80 plants grown in a laboratory.

2 0

1 5
f r e q u e n c y
1 0

0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 05 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0 0
l e n g t h ( c m )

(a) How many plants have lengths in cm between

(i) 50 and 60?

(ii) 70 and 90?


(b) Calculate estimates for the mean and the standard deviation of the lengths of the plants.

(c) Explain what feature of the diagram suggests that the median is different from the mean.

(d) The following is an extract from the cumulative frequency table.

length in cm cumulative
less than frequency
. .
50 22
60 32
70 48
80 62
. .

Use the information in the table to estimate the median. Give your answer to two
significant figures.
(Total 10 marks)

8. Given the following frequency distribution, find

(a) the median;

(b) the mean.

Number (x) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (f) 5 9 16 18 20 7



(a) …………………………………………..
(b) ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)

9. The table below represents the weights, W, in grams, of 80 packets of roasted


95 < W ≤ 100 < W ≤ 105 < W ≤ 110 < W ≤

Weight (W) 80 < W ≤ 85 85 < W ≤ 90 90 < W ≤ 95
100 105 110 115

Number of
5 10 15 26 13 7 4

(a) Use the midpoint of each interval to find an estimate for the standard deviation of the

(b) Copy and complete the following cumulative frequency table for the above data.

W≤ W≤ W≤ W≤ W
Weight (W) W ≤ 105 W ≤ 115
85 90 95 100 ≤ 110
Number of
5 15 80

(c) A cumulative frequency graph of the distribution is shown below, with a scale 2 cm for 10
packets on the vertical axis and 2 cm for 5 grams on the horizontal axis.

8 0

7 0

6 0

5 0
N u m b e r
o f
p a c k e t s
4 0

3 0

2 0

1 0

8 0 8 5 9 0 9 5 1 0 0 1 0 5 1 1 0 1 1 5
W e i g h t ( g r a m s )

Use the graph to estimate

(i) the median;

(ii) the upper quartile (that is, the third quartile).

Give your answers to the nearest gram.


(d) Let W , W , ..., W be the individual weights of the packets, and let W be their mean.
1 2 80
What is the value of the sum

(W1 – W ) + (W2 – W ) + (W3 – W ) + . . . + (W79 – W ) + (W80 – W ) ?


(e) One of the 80 packets is selected at random. Given that its weight satisfies
85 < W ≤ 110 , find the probability that its weight is greater than 100 grams.
(Total 14 marks)

10. The speeds in km h of cars passing a point on a highway are recorded in the following table.

Speed v Number of cars

v ≤ 60 0
60 < v ≤ 70 7
70 < v ≤ 80 25
80 < v ≤ 90 63
90 < v ≤ 100 70
100 < v ≤ 110 71
110 < v ≤ 120 39
120 < v ≤ 130 20
130 < v ≤ 140 5
v > 140 0

(a) Calculate an estimate of the mean speed of the cars.


(b) The following table gives some of the cumulative frequencies for the information above.

Speed v Cumulative frequency

v ≤ 60 0
v ≤ 70 7
v ≤ 80 32
v ≤ 90 95
v ≤ 100 a
v ≤ 110 236
v ≤ 120 b
v ≤ 130 295
v ≤ 140 300

(i) Write down the values of a and b.

(ii) On graph paper, construct a cumulative frequency curve to represent this

information. Use a scale of 1 cm for 10 km h on the horizontal axis and a scale of
1 cm for 20 cars on the vertical axis.

(c) Use your graph to determine

(i) the percentage of cars travelling at a speed in excess of 105 km h–1;

(ii) the speed which is exceeded by 15% of the cars.

(Total 11 marks)

11. From January to September, the mean number of car accidents per month was 630. From
October to December, the mean was 810 accidents per month.

What was the mean number of car accidents per month for the whole year?




(Total 6 marks)

12. A taxi company has 200 taxi cabs. The cumulative frequency curve below shows the fares in
dollars ($) taken by the cabs on a particular morning.

2 0 0

1 8 0

1 6 0

1 4 0

1 2 0
N um ber of cabs

1 0 0

8 0

6 0

4 0

2 0

1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0
F a r e s ( $ )

(a) Use the curve to estimate

(i) the median fare;

(ii) the number of cabs in which the fare taken is $35 or less.

The company charges 55 cents per kilometre for distance travelled. There are no other charges.
Use the curve to answer the following.

(b) On that morning, 40% of the cabs travel less than a km. Find the value of a.

(c) What percentage of the cabs travel more than 90 km on that morning?
(Total 10 marks)

13. Three positive integers a, b, and c, where a < b < c, are such that their median is 11, their mean
is 9 and their range is 10. Find the value of a.




(Total 6 marks)

14. In a suburb of a large city, 100 houses were sold in a three-month period. The following
cumulative frequency table shows the distribution of selling prices (in thousands of dollars).

Selling price P P ≤ 100 P ≤ 200 P ≤ 300 P ≤ 400 P ≤ 500

($ 1000)
Total number 12 58 87 94 100
of houses

(a) Represent this information on a cumulative frequency curve, using a scale of 1 cm to

represent $ 50000 on the horizontal axis and 1 cm to represent 5 houses on the vertical

(b) Use your curve to find the interquartile range.


The information above is represented in the following frequency distribution.

Selling price P
($ 1000) 0 < P ≤ 100 100 < P ≤ 200 200 < P ≤ 300 300 < P ≤ 400 400 < P ≤ 500

Number of
12 46 29 a b

(c) Find the value of a and of b.


(d) Use mid-interval values to calculate an estimate for the mean selling price.

(e) Houses which sell for more than $ 350 000 are described as De Luxe.

(i) Use your graph to estimate the number of De Luxe houses sold.
Give your answer to the nearest integer.

(ii) Two De Luxe houses are selected at random. Find the probability
that both have a selling price of more than $ 400 000.
(Total 15 marks)

15. The number of hours of sleep of 21 students are shown in the frequency table below

Hours of sleep Number of students

4 2
5 5
6 4
7 3
8 4
10 2
12 1


(a) the median;

(b) the lower quartile;

(c) the interquartile range.



(a) …………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………..
(c) ..................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

16. A student measured the diameters of 80 snail shells. His results are shown in the following
cumulative frequency graph. The lower quartile (LQ) is 14 mm and is marked clearly on the

9 0
8 0
7 0
C u m u la tiv e fre q u e n c y

6 0
5 0
4 0
3 0
2 0
1 0
0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0 4 5
L Q = 1 4
D i a m e t e r ( m m )

(a) On the graph, mark clearly in the same way and write down the value of

(i) the median;

(ii) the upper quartile.

(b) Write down the interquartile range.



(b) …………………………………………..

(Total 6 marks)

17. The cumulative frequency curve below shows the marks obtained in an examination by a group
of 200 students.

2 0 0

1 9 0

1 8 0

1 7 0

1 6 0

1 5 0

1 0 4
N u m e r b
o f 1 3 0
s t u d e n t s
1 2 0

1 1 0

1 0 0

9 0

8 0

7 0

6 0

5 0

4 0

3 0

2 0

1 0

1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0 0
M a r k o b t a i n e d

(a) Use the cumulative frequency curve to complete the frequency table below.

Mark (x) 0 ≤ x < 20 20 ≤ x < 40 40 ≤ x < 60 60 ≤ x < 80 80 ≤ x < 100

Number of
22 20

(b) Forty percent of the students fail. Find the pass mark.



(b) …………………………………………..
(Total 6 marks)

10 3
18. When the expression (2 + ax) is expanded, the coefficient of the term in x is 414 720. Find the
value of a.



(Total 6 marks)

19. The cumulative frequency curve below shows the heights of 120 basketball players in

1 2 0

1 1 0

1 0 0

9 0

8 0

7 0

6 0
N u m b e r o f p l a y e r s
5 0

4 0

3 0

2 0

1 0

1 6 01 6 51 7 01 7 51 8 01 8 51 9 01 9 52 0 0
H e i g h t i n c e n t i m e t r e s

Use the curve to estimate

(a) the median height;

(b) the interquartile range.



(a) …………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………..
(Total 6 marks)

20. Let a, b, c and d be integers such that a < b, b < c and c = d.

The mode of these four numbers is 11.

The range of these four numbers is 8.
The mean of these four numbers is 8.

Calculate the value of each of the integers a, b, c, d.



a = ............................., b = .............................
c = ............................., d = .............................
(Total 6 marks)

21. A test marked out of 100 is written by 800 students. The cumulative frequency graph for the
marks is given below.

8 0 0

7 0 0

6 0 0
N u m b e r
o f 5 0 0
c a n d i d a t e s
4 0 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0 0

M a r k

(a) Write down the number of students who scored 40 marks or less on the test.

(b) The middle 50 % of test results lie between marks a and b, where a < b. Find a and b.












(Total 6 marks)

22. The 45 students in a class each recorded the number of whole minutes, x, spent doing
experiments on Monday. The results are ∑ x = 2230.

(a) Find the mean number of minutes the students spent doing experiments on Monday.

Two new students joined the class and reported that they spent 37 minutes and 30 minutes

(b) Calculate the new mean including these two students.



(a) …………………………………………..

(b) ..................................................................

(Total 6 marks)


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