Productivity Problems

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India has consolidated its position as the worlds o!rth lar"est econo#$% &ehind the United States% 'hina and (apan% in P!rchasin" Power Parit$ )PPP*% accordin" to the latest +orld De,elop#ent Indicators and has the third lar"est GDP in the entire continent o AsiaIt is also the second lar"est a#on" e#er"in" nations- )These indicators are &ased on p!rchasin" power parit$-* India is also one o the ew #ar.ets in the world which o ers hi"h prospects or "rowth and earnin" potential in practicall$ all areas o &!siness- +hen the Econo#ic Re or#s were introd!ced in /00/% India chose to shi t "ear ro# a closed% license1 dri,en Econo#$ to one% which e#&ar.ed on "lo&ali2ation and econo#ic li&erali2ation-

3,er the $ears% the printin" ind!str$ has "rown in all parts o the "lo&e- The ad,ent o T4 and Internet has not a ected the "rowth o and re5!ire#ent or printin" pro essionalsThe ind!str$ has #ade "iant strides in recent ti#es in i#pro,in" its #achiner$ in ter#s o the scope% technolo"$ and speed- 'o#p!ters and electronics ha,e in,aded all the depart#ents o printin"% i#pro,in" 5!alit$ and speed o the 6o&s e7ec!ted with the conse5!ent enhance#ent o costs enor#o!sl$- In act% the arri,al o co#p!ters has co#ple#ented the printin" &!siness and has pla$ed a ,ital role in increasin" its stat!s as a clean pro ession- So1'alled 8!&s or Printin" Ind!str$-


The Indian Print Ind!str$ has !nder"one a re,ol!tionar$ chan"e in the last /9 $ears- In /00:% India initiated a process o re or#s ai#ed at sheddin" protectionis# and e#&racin" li&erali2ation o the econo#$- Pri,ati2ation was initiated with the ai# o inte"ratin" the Indian econo#$ with the world econo#$- This chan"e opened the doors or the Indian Print Ind!str$ to #oderni2e% &$ in,estin" in the latest o technolo"$ and #achiner$- The a,era"e co#po!nd ann!al "rowth rate has &een hi"her than /;< o,er the last /9 $ears- 3!r pac.a"in" ind!str$ is c!rrentl$ "rowin" at a rate o #ore than /=< a $ear- Prior to /00:% #ost printers o!nd it eas$ to in,est in East Ger#an and '2echoslo,a.ian #achines- Post /00:% the trend has &een to ac5!ire the latest and the &est e5!ip#ent > #achines- The pro"ressi,e printers o toda$ are e5!ipped with the latest co#p!ter controlled printin"

#achines and low lines or &indin"% while state o the art di"ital technolo"ies are &ein" !sed in pre1press- ?eadin" print co#panies ha,e opti#i2ed the !se o in or#ation technolo"$ in each and e,er$ area o their &!siness- These printers are toda$ e5!ipped at par with the &est print prod!ction acilities in the worldToda$% India is ast &eco#in" one o the #a6or print prod!cer > #an! act!re o printed paper prod!cts or the world #ar.ets- The 5!alit$ standards ha,e i#pro,ed dra#aticall$ and i##ense prod!ction capacities ha,e &een created- So#e printers ha,e won reco"nition &$ winnin" pri2es at international co#petition or e7cellence in printin"- The c!rrent ann!al t!rno,er o all the co#ponents in the Indian printin" ind!str$ are #ore than Rs-9:%::: crores- That is in the re"ion o USD // @illion- Indian &oo.s% 6o!rnals and printin" 6o&s% etc- are &ein" e7ported to o,er /;: co!ntries o the world &oth de,eloped and de,elopin"- Indian e7ports o &oo.s% printed pa#phlets% newspapers > periodicals% 6o& printin" and printed #aterials d!rin" ;::A1:9 was esti#ated to the t!ne o USD 99: #illion-

Indian Printin" Ind!str$ has !nder"one #an$ re,ol!tionar$ chan"es in the past /9 $earsIndia in the $ear /00: initiated a process o re or#s which ai#ed at sheddin" protectionis# and e#&racin" li&erali2ation o the econo#$- Pri,ati2ation was e#er"ed with the ai# o inte"ratin" the Indian econo#$ with the world econo#$- This drastic chan"e in the co!ntr$s econo#$ opened the doors or the Indian Print Ind!str$ to #oderni2e% &$ in,estin" in the latest o technolo"$ and #achiner$- Bor the last /9 $ears the a,era"e co#po!nd ann!al "rowth rate has &een hi"her than /;<- Post /00: the trend was to ac5!ire the latest and the &est e5!ip#ent > #achines-

Toda$ the pro"ressi,e printers are e5!ipped with the latest co#p!ter controlled printin" #achines and low lines or &indin"% while the state o the art di"ital technolo"ies are &ein" !sed in pre1press- ?eadin" Printin" co#panies ha,e opti#i2ed the !se o in or#ation technolo"$ in each and e,er$ area o the Printin" &!siness- Printers toda$ are e5!ipped at par with the &est print prod!ction acilities in the world- India is &eco#in" one o the #a6or print prod!cer > #an! act!rer o printed paper prod!cts or the world #ar.ets- The Printin" Ind!str$s 5!alit$ standards ha,e i#pro,ed dra#aticall$ with i##ense prod!ction capacities-

So#e Printers in the co!ntr$ ha,e won reco"nition &$ winnin" pri2es at international co#petition or e7cellence in printin"-

3,er the $ears the Indian Printin" Ind!str$ has "rad!all$ "rown in all parts o the co!ntr$This ind!str$ has not &een a ected &$ the ad,ent o T4 and Internet ca!sin" no hindrance to the "rowth o and re5!ire#ent or printin" pro essionals- In recent ti#es the ind!str$ has #ade "iant strides &$ i#pro,in" its #achiner$ in ter#s o the technolo"$ and speed- Toda$ 'o#p!ters and electronics ha,e in,aded all the depart#ents o printin" which are i#pro,in" 5!alit$ and speed o enor#o!sl$In act e#er"ence o co#p!ters has co#ple#ented the printin" &!siness and has pla$ed a si"ni icant role in increasin" its stat!s as a clean pro ession- The So1'alled 8!&s or Printin" Ind!str$ are a set o ind!str$ pla$ers who are "rowin" s$ste#aticall$ and re"!larl$- The$ are !s!all$ the proprietors who carr$ their own &!siness > who speci icall$ do not &elon" to an$ speci ic re"ion o India &!t are scattered all o,er the co!ntr$- Bor ease there are cl!sters o printin" Ind!str$ which are present in NorthC A#ritsar% Delhi% Barida&ad 1 +estC Ah#eda&ad% @o#&a$% G!6arat So!thC @an"alore% 'oi#&atore% Madras% 8$dera&adThe Printin" &!siness in the pri,ate sector is also 5!ite lar"e in n!#&er and these are scattered thro!"ho!t the co!ntr$- @!t "enerall$ #a6orit$ o the# are ,er$ s#all in operation and are carried o!t on proprietor &asis- These are e,en con ined to prod!cin" titles in Indian re"ional lan"!a"es and caterin" the needs o the local #ar.ets in the cities- 4er$ ew )a&o!t /:<* o the Printin" concerns in India are reasona&l$ lar"e prod!cin" #ore than 9: titles ann!all$ and are e5!ipped with proper in rastr!ct!res and &asic a#enities s!ch as printin" presses and distri&!tion networ.sIn totalit$% toda$ Indian Printin" Ind!str$ is one o the "reatest in the world and the co!ntr$ is co!nted a#on" the top se,en p!&lishin" nations- There has &een an increased n!#&er o printers which are adoptin" newer #odern technolo"ies- The "rowth in these or"ani2ations indicate that recession is nothin" &!t a chan"in" trend towards adoption o new st$le o"- Toda$ in this era the #odern st$le o &!siness is co#pletel$ a,orin" cons!#ersthe 6o&s e7ec!ted with the conse5!ent enhance#ent o costs

The &!siness owners ens!re that the$ "i,e opti#!# 5!alit$ prod!cts at &are #ini#!# price to the c!sto#ersPro&a&l$ in all areas o li e the cons!#ers are "ettin" prod!cts at #ost co#petiti,e prices% which is de initel$ lower than $esterda$s prices and printin" ind!str$ is no e7ception- To #eet this challen"e% people in the printin" ind!str$ ha,e to ind the sol!tions and not ret on decline in prices- So#e printers with a ,ision ha,e alread$ ta.en a step towards it and are a&le to prod!ce printed prod!cts at #!ch lower !nit price &$ adoptin" new technolo"ies-


Indian screen printin" ind!str$ can &e de ined as the #!lticolored and #!lti1la$ered as the co!ntr$ itsel - It e7ists since A:1A9 $ears and it has to!ched al#ost all se"#ents li.e te7tile% cera#ic% ind!strial% 'Ds% P3Ps% ad,ertisin" and di"ital- India the co!ntr$ which is cent!ries old% ,ast% enor#o!s and has second lar"est pop!lation in the world% the printin" Ind!str$ is reasona&l$ $o!n" and not that lar"e pro&a&l$ doin" the &ac."ro!nd wor. or all the #ain ind!stries- E,en tho!"h one wo!ld ar"!e a&o!t n!#&ers% the Indian screen printin" ind!str$ can &e said to ha,e a&o!t =9%::: 1 /% ::%::: printers- Despite the si2e o the Indian Printin" ind!str$% it is one o the #ost d$na#ic sectors o the Indian Econo#$ with an ann!al "rowth rate o a&o!t /9 1 ;:<- D!e to the h!"e potential o the Printin" ind!str$ or "rowth% all international &rands and pla$ers are represented in India either directl$ or thro!"h their distri&!tors-


The ann!al t!rno,er o Indian printin" ind!str$ is #ore than Rs-9:%::: crores that is USD // @illion- Printin" 6o&s are &ein" e7ported to o,er /;: co!ntries o the world &oth de,eloped and de,elopin" nations- D!rin" ;::A1:9 the Indian e7ports o &oo.s% printed pa#phlets% newspapers > periodicals% 6o& printin" and printed #aterials was esti#ated to the t!ne o USD 99: #illion-

The Printin" acti,it$ is done with the help o printin" technolo"$- Printin" process has e,ol,ed as a hi1tech proposition- There is an increased and e icient !se o co#p!ters% lasers

and #icroprocessors which ha,e t!rned Printin" Ind!str$ into a #!lti1disciplinar$ pro essionThere are #an$ rep!ted colle"es% !ni,ersities and instit!tions o erin" de"ree > diplo#a pro"ra#s in printin" technolo"$- The d!ration o the !ll ti#e co!rses are three $ears- Bor a re"!lar diplo#a% one sho!ld ha,e passed /:th standard- There are also short1ter# certi icate co!rses which o er a co#prehensi,e st!d$ o all the aspects o printin"- In co#in" $ears 5!ali ied printin" pro essionals will &e in de#and- (o&s or printin" technolo"ist are !s!all$ a,aila&le in newspapersD#a"a2ines% ad,ertisin" a"encies% #achine #an! act!rers% Railwa$ Presses% pac.a"in" ind!stries% &oo. printers as well as pri,ate co##ercial press-

Toda$ the Indian S!&1 continent has o,er /%E:%::: o all t$pes o printin" presses all o,er the co!ntr$ and #ore than /: Million a#il$ in,ol,ed in the Print Ind!str$ crossin" ;: @illion F T!rno,er and the Per capita cons!#ption o Paper > &oards 1 A-9 KGs per $ear- Toda$ the #achiner$ new and second hand% !sed is predo#inatel$ ro# 'hina% En"land% and Brance% Ger#an$% Ital$% (apan% the Netherland% Swit2erland% Spain% Taiwan% USA- E#plo$#ent created &$ Indian Printin" Ind!str$ is Total No- o Printin" Presses T!rno,er Directl$ G%::%::: /%E:%::: ;: @illion F Indirectl$ A%9:%::: =:%:::) o set% sheet ed 1 we& ed*The Indian print ind!str$ in recent $ears has recorded a /;-=< 'AGR which is e7pected to "row till Rs-;E; &n ro# Rs-/;H &n &$ ;://- Indian print ind!str$ is hi"hl$ ra"#ented accordin" to the lan"!a"es li.e the 8indi% Tel!"! and other #a6or lan"!a"es o the co!ntr$ There are n!#&er o Indian print pla$ers who are con ined to their local re"ions and wo!ld li.e to re rain ro# enterin" new territories d!e to lac. o e7pand !rther!nds- The rela7ation in orei"n in,est#ent re"!lations &$ the "o,ern#ent in ;::; has "i,en the ind!str$ a le,era"e to


Si,a.asi is Indias printin" h!&- =:< o Indias o set printin" sol!tions is prod!ced in Si,a.asi- Si,a.asi ho!ses lar"est n!#&er o printin" #achines in the world ne7t onl$ to G!then&!r" in Ger#an$- All .inds o printin" 6o&s are !nderta.en in Si,a.asi incl!din" sec!rit$ 6o&s li.e printin" &an. 'he5!e &oo.s% li"ht tic.ets and lotter$ tic.ets- Most o the leadin" presses are e7portin" childrenIs &oo.s% note&oo.s% #a"a2ines% "reetin" cards% calendars% trade la&els and cartons thro!"ho!t the world- More than 9:%::: wor.ers are

en"a"ed in printin" and allied ind!stries- The town has a school o printin" technolo"$-The printin" ind!str$ in Si,a.asi is worth a&o!t /::: crores- The or printin" is "rowin" at the rate o /:< per ann!#-


The printin" ind!str$ was started in Si,a.asi d!rin" earl$ ;:th cent!r$- Mr- S- Kaliappa Nadar% Mr- N-R-K- Ra6arathna Nadar% Mr- Ar!na"iri Nadar were the pioneers o printin" in Si,a.asi- Printin" !nits were started #ainl$ to cater the local needs and a ter !rther e7pandin" their capacit$ the co#panies started to "et c!sto#ers ro# other parts o the co!ntr$- The printin" !nits and allied ind!stries ha,e or#ed a cl!ster in Si,a.asi that contri&!tes to the hi"h 5!alit$ cost e ecti,e printin" sol!tions to the c!sto#ers-

REASONS FOR THE CASE STUDY: Sivakasi - th !"i#ti#$ h%& '( s'%th )'si#$ its sh #
* A"'+kia"a,- TNN Ma$ ;;% ;:/E% :=-E/AM IST SI4AKASIC D!rin" the last decade% or an$ printin" needs% all the roads led to Si,a.asi and it is &elie,ed that this ind!strial town in Tir!nel,eli district was the h!& or So!th India% &!t o,er the $ears% thin"s ha,e chan"ed d!e to se,eral reasons- So#e o the# can &e attri&!ted to the ne,er1endin" power crisis% ano#alies in paper s!ppl$% la&o!r shorta"e and ret!rns on printin" technolo"ies that .eep chan"in"- The #ain c!lprit is the power crisis% which has p!t the printin" !nits in a spot o &other" the# !na&le to #eet the deadlines in deli,erin" the ordersJThe ann!al &!siness si2e has shr!n. &$ A:<- Bor instance% i the ann!al t!rn o,er is Rs /9: crore% it has red!ced to Rs H9 crore and the #a6or pro&le# is the power crisis%J said S 'heir#ara6% or#er president o Master Printers Association- J+e are not a&le to deli,er the orders in ti#e and 'hennai is ast" !p in o set printin" with the power ad,anta"e%J he said-

Sivakasi !"i#t "s %#a&) t' +'#v "t i#.%i"i s i#t' '"/ "s
S v " !'0 " +%ts a#/ a )a+k '( a++ ss t' +" /it hav ) / t' s%&sta#tia) /'0# ti1 ('" !" ss s Despite an increase in in5!iries ro# &oth do#estic and international c!sto#ers% the Rs /%9::1crore printin" ind!str$ in Si,a.asi is !na&le to con,ert the# into orders- Printin" !nits #ostl$ SMEs are acin" power c!ts and a slowdown in their traditional &!sinesses o note&oo.s% te7t &oo.s% no,els and la&elsStarted in /0;; &$ a Ta#il teacher% the printin" ind!str$ in Si,a.asi% a town located so#e 9;: .# ro# 'hennai% toda$ e#plo$s a&o!t 9:%::: people across =::1G:: !nitsK Sel,a.!#ar% director% ?o,el$ 3 set Printers P,t ?td% one o the lar"est printers in Si,a.asi% said that the ind!str$ is at the crossroads% &eca!se o the ad,ent o di"ital technolo"$% a decline in the #a"a2ine printin" &!siness and a slowdown in the &oo. printin"

&!siness% &!t the pac.a"in" ind!str$ has co#e to its resc!e- 8owe,er% the pro it #ar"in it o ers% at /: per cent% is less than the /9 per cent on the other &!sinessesSel,a.!#ar &elie,es the ind!str$ will "row &$ se,en to ei"ht per cent% and that e7port #ar.ets also o er "ood opport!nities- 8owe,er% the challen"es are #an$% incl!din" power c!ts% ierce co#petition and access to inanceToda$ the ind!str$ aces dail$ power c!ts o i,e to ei"ht ho!rs- K+e &elie,e in "enerators L power ro# the "rid is a &on!s%M said Sel,a.!#ar- @!t% while the &i""er co#panies can pa$ or "ensets% s#all ones cannot a ord the#M M!rali Mano6% director% Moorth$ 3 set Printers Pri,ate ?td% said a,era"e capacit$ !tilisation in s#all !nits% which ha,e !p to three #achines% is onl$ 9:1=: per cent and o the three #achines% one will &e idle at an$ "i,en point o ti#e- The ti#e ta.en to inish a 6o& has increased to /;1/A da$s% co#pared to i,e to se,en da$s earlier- @!siness has co#e down &$ E:1E9 per cent% he addedAlon" with power costs% which ha,e "one !p &$ ;: per cent% raw #aterial prices ha,e also shot !p &$ /9 per cent and eroded #ar"ins% he said- 'o#petitors ha,e started e7pandin" rapidl$ and now threaten to ed"e Si,a.asi o!t o the #odern printin" ind!str$ in the do#estic #ar.et4 Srini,asan% a local printer% said &an.ers are no lon"er willin" to #eet" capital re5!ire#ents and loan #one$ or &!$in" new #achines% as printin" !nits are alread$ de a!ltin" and #achines are idle+hile a"reein" that access to inance is an iss!e% Sel,a.!#ar sa$s the ind!str$ is hi"hl$ capital1 intensi,e and needs re"!lar in !sions o" capital- K+hile there is a dile##a a&o!t whether one sho!ld in,est in the c!rrent circ!#stances% the act is that an$one who does not in,est now will not &e a&le to s!stain the#sel,es in the ind!str$%M he added-

P"i#t2 k I#/ia s! aks t' A 3a"i"a,a# '( Chi1a N't &''ks

4 Sep 2013 | Marira6an o 'hi#a Note&oo.s% who is also the president o the Si,a.asi Master Printers Association )SMPA*% as he wal.s down #e#or$ lane% sa$s% JThe orties saw the "enesis o the printin" ind!str$ in litho"raph$ in the printin" annals o Si,a.asi- The "rowth in the irewor.s and #atches ind!stries in Si,a.asi "a,e a #a6or i#pet!s to the printin" ind!str$A&o!t the la&o!r shorta"e% and dail$ challen"es% he sa$s% JThe la&o!r shorta"e in the print ind!str$ is ,er$ ac!te- +hen the #achineries are &eco#in" ,er$ sophisticated% "ettin" the ri"ht operator to r!n the# is a &i" challen"e- Gone are the da$s o the la&o!r intensi,e ind!striesD#achineries-J 8e eels the J&i""est and the li e threatenin" pro&le# the ind!str$ aces% is the power scenarioJ- 8e states% JIn Ta#il Nad!% it has orced the clos!re o #an$ #icro and s#all scale ind!stries- The past /H #onths ha,e &een the dar.est period o the print ind!str$ o Si,a.asi-J 8is assess#ent o the pricin" #od!le in Si,a.asi is% JThe "rowth in the print ind!str$ in Si,a.asi and the print 6o&s handled this $ear lea,e #!ch to &e desired- There are #an$ e7ternal actors that are &e$ond o!r control- E,en in o!r press% the pricin" #od!le and the de#and pro6ections ha,e "one ha$wire &eca!se o the steep increase in the price o paper and the "o,ern#ent polic$ inter,ention8e has a word o ca!tion when he sa$s% JNot #an$ new hands are co#in" into the ind!str$+itho!t the #i"rant wor.ers ro# Assa#% @ihar and 3rissa% the sit!ation wo!ld ha,e &een ar worse-J Marira6an credits that the &est thin" a&o!t the Si,a.asi print ind!str$ is% JThe press has &een responsi&le in the "rowth o #an$ allied ind!stries in pre1press and postpress se"#ent- The capital in,est#ents and the "rowth o the allied ind!stries has &een widespreadN and this pheno#ena has &een creatin" a lot o s#all and s!ccess !l entreprene!rs- This in t!rn% has helped the prosperit$ o the town-J

P"i#t2 k I#/ia s! aks t' Cha#/"a 3'%)i '( O"i #t C')'" A"t P"i#t "s
Disc!ssin" the latest trends% Mo!li sa$s% J+e ha,e 2eroed in on an e7citin" new trend where we co#&ine the le7o and o set technolo"ies to create a h$&rid which enhances the ,al!e o the prod!ct- Another trend is to oc!s on increasin"l$ attracti,e pac.a"in" and e7istin" prod!cts which are printed on di erent and a ,ariet$ o s!&strates-J Mo!li anal$ses the "rowth tra6ectories a#on" A9: print ir#s in Si,a.asi &$ statin"% JIn ;:/; the print ind!str$ was doin" e7traordinaril$ well- I wo!ld sa$ there were a&o!t E: new presses installed- This $ear the print t!rno,er pro6ection wasnt ,er$ positi,e- E,en &an.ers too. to warnin" printers to sta$ awa$ ro# h!"e e7pansion or in,est#ent-J 8e contin!es% JSi,a.asis print shares a s$#&iotic association with the local irewor.s and #atch ind!stries which are #!t!all$ &ene icial to each other- Bollowin" a ew !n ort!nate incidents &ro!"ht on &$ !nlicensed #an! act!rers% new and strin"ent re"!lations and restrictions ha,e &een en orced which ha,e not &een a,o!ra&le to "rowth- Sales ha,e ta.en a hit and the printin" ind!str$ has &een eelin" the pinch- 'onse5!entl$ the n!#&er o #achine installs are also ,er$ low- @$ #$ esti#ate there wo!ld ha,e &een a&o!t /; installsSo there is a de1"rowth in the ind!str$3ne o the iss!es% Mo!li hi"hli"hts is% la&o!r- 8e sa$s% J?a&o!r is a #a6or h!rdle toda$- The pro&le# is indin" ade5!ate s.illed la&o!r- +e at 3rient 'olor Art Printers ha,e t!rned increasin"l$ to a!to#ated e5!ip#ent since we were aced with la&o!r scarcit$ i,e $ears a"o &!t with this .ind o technolo"$ s.illed operators ha,e &eco#e the need o the ho!r &!t !n ort!natel$ e,en as the de#and .eeps risin"% we contin!e to &e hard pressed to ind s!ita&le personnel-J Mo!li contin!es% JSalaries ha,e do!&led o,er the past three $ears &!t the increasin" lac. o discipline a#on" la&o!rers% escalatin" le,els o a&senteeis# which #a$ &e attri&!ted to the wel are sche#es i#ple#ented &$ the Go,ern#ent ha,e not done the ind!str$ an$ a,o!rsThe power crises which wrac.ed the state o,er the last $ear and a hal al#ost crippled prod!ction and le t printers a#on" other ind!strialists reelin" as costs soared- The worst o the crisis is &ehind !s howe,er% and I loo. orward to !rther "rowth in leaps and &o!nds-

Mo!li disc!sses the pricin" str!ct!re in Si,a.asi% and sa$s% JAs re"ards the pricin" str!ct!re% strate"icall$ we wo!ld li.e to consider o!rsel,es as challen"ers and o!r prod!cts are priced accordin"l$ to si#!ltaneo!sl$ sta$ co#petiti,e and also realise o!r worth-J A&o!t new print se"#ents% he states% JThe ace o printin" is &ein" re,italised and re,a#pedP!&lishin"% pac.a"in"% as well as re,ol!tionar$ printin" techni5!es ha,e &een introd!ced in Si,a.asi- Metallised e ects% a host o post processin" #ethods% lentic!lar printin" and di"ital printin" are &ein" carried o!t- It is the dawn o the di"ital era and #an$ wo!ld sa$ it is the wa,e o the !t!re- In .eepin" with this principle% print sectors in the cit$ ha,e in,ested in di"ital technolo"$- 'on,ersel$ o set owners are e7pandin" laterall$ with di"ital technolo"$Mo!li has a word o ca!tion when he states% JO!alit$ consistenc$ is a #a6or pro&le# with #ost o the printers d!e to an increasin" lac. o s.illed la&o!r-J And inall$% Mo!li hi"hli"hts the USP o Si,a.asi &$ statin"% JAn$ 6o& can &e done in a cost e ecti,e wa$ as co#pared to other places d!e to low o,erheads- The ind!strial spirit o Si,a.asi is well .nown and its PMini (apan "i,en &$ (awaharlal Nehr! is well deser,ed- 'lients are alwa$s in sa e hands in Si,a.asi-J These are the reasons that p!rs!ed #e to cond!ct a case st!d$ on e#plo$ee prod!cti,it$ and a&senteeis#-

A ter "oin" thro!"h all these pro&le#s a sol!tion is need to &e o!nd or the ollowin" iss!esThe$ are
Tho!"h the co#panies ha,e a!to#ated all their process the prod!cti,it$ is ,er$ low Tho!"h the e#plo$ees are paid a salar$ which is "reater than &e ore the$ are not a&le

to retain the# or a lon" period There is lar"e scale a&senteeis# in the co#pan$ tho!"h the$ ha,e ,er$ "ood internal

ser,ice 5!alit$T' (i#/ '%t th s')%ti'# ('" th s !"'&) 1s 4'v )5 O((s t P"i#t "s P"ivat 4i1it / - 0hi+h is '# '( th (%))5 a%t'1at / i# Sivakasi is +h's #. It has a t'ta) !'!%)ati'# '( 677 )'0 ) v ) 1!)'5 s a#/ 86 1i//) ) v ) 1a#a$ "s a#/ 6 t'! ) v ) 1a#a$ "s.

Bor o,er o!r decades% 4'v )5 O((s t P"i#t "s Pvt. 4t/.- has &!ilt a rep!tation as a leadin" printer in the co!ntr$- 3!r e7tensi,e &ac."ro!nd in "raphic desi"n and printin" #eans that we ha,e the s.ills and wisdo# to trans or# o!r clients creati,e ideas into co#pellin" printed #aterials ro# &oo.s% diaries% weddin" cards to &roch!res% newsletters and stationer$- +e pro,ide hi"h1end total print sol!tions to all o!r clientsAt ?o,el$ 3 set Printers P,t- ?td-% o!r oc!s is on prod!cin" e7cellent res!lts that #eet and e7ceed o!r c!sto#ers e7pectations- +e !se onl$ the top 5!alit$ #aterials and state1o 1the1art e5!ip#ents% incl!din" lar"e and s#all or#at Mist!&ishi% 8eidel&er" presses > 'reo 'TP% in pre1press- 3!r hi"hl$1trained pro essional sta !ses the latest technolo"$ to ens!re that e,er$ 6o& is co#pleted accordin" to speci ications% on ti#e and with !n ailin" attention to 5!alit$ control at e,er$ point o prod!ction- At ?o,el$ 3 set Printers P,t- ?td-% we stri,e to the act that% with the prod!ction o $o!r &oo.s and pro essional #aterials% we are answera&le or $o!r presti"e and standin" in the ind!str$- 8ence% e,er$ &it o e ort "oes into" the prod!ct co#para&le to world class standard+e are pro!d o the s!ccess we,e achie,edQ and we contin!e to loo. or wa$s to &eco#e e,en &etter- In a printin" acilit$% cleanliness can #ean the di erence &etween a "reat print 6o& and a lawed one- At ?o,el$ 3 set% o!r acilit$ is e7tre#el$ clean ro# the loors to the presses to the air- O!alit$ o $o!r inished prod!ct will ,o!ch the act-

Their prod!cts are desi"ned and #an! act!red to the hi"hest 5!alit$ standards and are the #ost relia&le- Ena&lin" their c!sto#ers to en6o$ the hi"hest print 5!alit$ and prod!cti,it$% &oth toda$ and to#orrow- De,elop s!ccess !l c!sto#er relationships- Use what we learn to #a.e !s &etter-

In o!r printin" roo#s% each 6o& is treated indi,id!all$ with respect to its own character- +ith a top o the line printin" technolo"$ co#&ined with o!r le"endar$ s.ills% we deli,er printin" to #eet $o!r e7pectations and $o!r deadlines #ost acc!ratel$@$ placin" responsi&ilit$ or e,er$thin" in o!r hands the client can &e ass!red o a !ni or#

5!alit$ and appearance in all aspects o their ad,ertisin" and pro#otion ca#pai"n- It also per#its ?o,el$ 3 set Printers to o er the ,er$ lowest prices consistent with 5!alit$ prod!cts and ser,ice-

3!r print shop is e5!ipped with G o!r colo!r o set #achines % / i,e colo!r 'P' o set #achine% and A sin"le colo!r per ectors- The press di,ision is s!pported &$ 9 !ll$ a!to#atic co#p!teri2ed "!illotines % E a!to#atic die c!ttin" #achines incl!din" a S!"ano die c!tter and two Bolder1"l!er )pastin" #achine*- 3!r &indin" section consists o A a!to#atic oldin" #achines% a saddle stitcher% a /= station "atherin" #achine and a per ect &indin" #achine- A host o hot sta#pin" and &lind e#&ossin" #achines are also a,aila&le 3!r pre1press !nit co#prises o Two 'reo Trendsetter O!ant!# H:: platesetters with s5!are1spot technolo"$ capa&le o prod!cin" ;: #icron Staccatto screens% ?inot$pe 8ell SEG:: dr!# scanner and a 8er.!les1 Pro dr!# i#a"esetter - I#a"e re1to!chin"% pa"ination and other special 6o&s are done on MA'DP' wor.stations e5!ipped with State1o 1the1Art so tware- +e also ha,e a collection o ;::%::: 8i1Res i#a"es% 9::%::: clip arts and a&o!t /:%::: onts that can &e !sed in $o!r artwor.-

PRE PRESS DIVISION: The pre1press acilit$ at ?o,el$ 3 set Printers P,t- ?td-% is e5!ipped with hi"h1end e5!ip#ents and licensed so twares to #eet the clients needs- The hi"hl$ trained desi"nin" and pre1press tea# ens!res that $o!r 6o& is processed to "et the &est res!lts and is co##itted to per ection-Scannin" is done on 'olo!r > Desi"nin" correction are #ade with a wide ran"e o Power Macs and P' +or.stations- Di"ital proo s on hi"h1tech Epson St$l!s Pro 0=:: printer is pro,ided to the client to &ene it a "li#pse o the colo!rs that is ,er$ nearest to inal #achine printed o!tp!t- Keepin" pace with technolo"ical ad,ance#ents% Di"ital wor. low on 'RE3 Trendsetter H:: O!ant!# acts as the spine to ens!re per ect re"istration on press+ith colo!r &ars% re"istration #ar.s% c!t and old #ar.s% created and directl$ i#a"ed on the cali&rated co#p!ter1to1plate s$ste# ro# 'RE3% we endorse a ,er$ hi"h print 5!alit$PRESS DIVISION:

?o,el$ 3 set Printers P,t- ?td-% has the state1o 1art printin" #achines ro# Mits!&ishi% 8eidel&er" and Ko#ori- 3!r SM1/:;DH can print either H colo!rs are ADA colo!rs in a sin"le pass-Upto A colo!rs pl!s an inline 'oatin" in a sin"le pass is possi&le with o!r Mit!s&ishi Dia#ond E:::?S1A with inline coater- 3!r printin" #achines are also e5!ipped with a!to1plate chan"ers and are 'IPA ena&led- The precision and a!to#ation ena&led &$ the a&o,e eat!res #a.e or 5!ic. #a.e1readies and ast t!rn1aro!nd ti#e- 3!r hi"hl$ trained and e7perienced press crew handle de#andin" 6o&s with !t#ost care and pro essionalis#-

BINDING DIVISION: Post1press operations are an i#portant and inte"ral part o the 6o&- Proper inishin" to a well1printed 6o& a "ood 6o& "reat 6o&- +e ha,e one o the inest &indin" !nits in the co!ntr$ that is capa&le o handlin" an$ t$pe o &indin"- +e &ind $o!r &oo.s% whether it is saddle stitched or per ect &o!nd or hard &o!nd% with ease on o!r sophisticated #achiner$- A co#plete hard co,er &oo. line with a 8ora! case a Kol&!s &oo. &loc. preparation !nit and a M!ller Martini 'asin"1in line can prod!ce !pto 9:%::: &oo.s a da$The &indin" !nit is well s!pported &$ = oldin" #achines% M!ller Martini 4ent!ra Sewin" #achine and three .ni e tri##ers- 3!r Acoro A9 per ect &inder can prod!ce !pto /::%::: so t co,er% per ect &o!nd &oo.s a da$PACKAGING DIVISION: The Pac.a"in" Di,ision is e5!ipped with a Yoco oil sta#per% Die '!tter and two older "l!ers- This di,ision is capa&le o prod!cin" hal 1a1#illion cartons a da$ witho!t an$ sweat- This di,ision ser,ices so#e o the #ost de#andin" c!sto#ers in ter#s o speed and 5!alit$ in the co!ntr$- +e are also e5!ipped with se,eral e5!ip#ents that add ,al!e to $o!r prod!cts li.e hot sta#pin" and &lind e#&ossin"- 3!r 5!alit$ ass!rance tea# ens!res that O!alit$ in o!r !nit is chec.ed at e,er$ sta"e- S$ste#atic" and se,eral well de ined processes "!arantee that e,er$ prod!ct that co#es o!t o o!r actor$ can #eet strin"ent 5!alit$ re5!ire#ents-

+e #an! act!re Diaries% 'alendars% Greetin" cards and +eddin" In,itations !nder o!r own &rand I?o,el$ 'ardsI- These prod!cts are #ar.eted thro!"ho!t India and

a&road thro!"h a ranchisee and dealer networ.- +e also e7ec!te c!sto#i2ed assi"n#ents or a host o corporate clients% ad,ertisin" a"encies% p!&lishers and retail ho!ses across the "lo&e% deli,erin" e,er$thin" ro# desi"n to print !nder one roo The corporate sector is e#er"in" as a critical pla$er in IndiaIs de,elop#ent process- Gi,en this scenario we !nderstood we had to li,e !p to new e7pectations ro# societ$% one o which relates to the i#pact o o!r acti,it$ on the en,iron#ent -En,iron#ental i#plications o IndiaIs ind!striali2ation process indicates that poll!tion has &een risin" steadil$ with% and o ten aster than% the "rowth in the ind!strial prod!ction@!siness and the en,iron#ent% traditionall$ seen as di,er"ent iss!es% are steadil$ co#in" closer dri,en &$ the risin" scale and intensit$ o en,iron#ental press!res and societ$Is chan"in" e7pectations- This con,er"ence o &!siness and concerns a&o!t s!staina&le de,elop#ent has led to chan"es in o!r response to en,iron#ental press!res- Reali2in" the increasin" co#ple7ities responsi&ilit$ towards itIn recent $ears we ha,e installed two wind t!r&ines% planted se,eral h!ndred trees and ta.en a n!#&er o &old and ,isi&le steps to inte"rate s!staina&ilit$ ele#ents into o!r o,erall corporate strate"$- +ith a oc!sed insi"ht on o!r e7pandin" role in enco#passin" en,iron#ental responsi&ilities towards s!staina&le ind!strial de,elop#ent in India% we will stri,e to &e a responsi&le en,iron#entalistacin" the en,iron#ent% we ha,e &e"!n to reco"ni2e o!r

E7ports ?o,el$ o set Printers e7port ,ario!s prod!cts to &!$ers in a&o!t /; co!ntries spannin" 9 continents- Good 5!alit$ at a co#petiti,e price and pro#pt s!ppl$ has helped in earnin" tr!st and contin!o!s &!siness with o,erseas clients- This $ear e7ports are e7pected to e7ceed ; #illion USD- 'olorin" &oo.s% S.etch pads% &oo.s% +ord search &oo.s% Te7t &oo.s and other paper stationer$ prod!cts are so#e o the prod!cts e7ported-


'ase st!dies are anal$ses o

persons% e,ents% decisions% periods% pro6ects% policies%

instit!tions% or other s$ste#s that are st!died holisticall$ &$ one or #ore #ethods- The case that is the s!&6ect o the in5!ir$ will &e an instance o a class o pheno#ena that pro,ides an anal$tical ra#e L an o&6ect L within which the st!d$ is cond!cted and which the case ill!#inates and e7plicates-J A case st!d$ )or case report* is a descripti,e% e7plorator$ or e7planator$ anal$sis o a person% "ro!p or e,ent- An e7planator$ case st!d$ is !sed to e7plore ca!sation in order to ind !nderl$in" principles- 8owe,er% this #a$ !nder#ine the h!#an philosophic principalit$ o all solilo5!$s- 'ase st!dies #a$ &e prospecti,e )in which criteria are esta&lished and cases ittin" the criteria are incl!ded as the$ &eco#e a,aila&le* or retrospecti,e )in which criteria are esta&lished or selectin" cases ro# historical records or incl!sion in the st!d$*Data collection done thro!"h o&ser,ation #ethod and inter,iew with top #ana"e#ent people-


To a,oid lar"e scale a&senteeis# and low prod!cti,it$ the ollowin" steps can &e adopted which are collecti,el$ called as e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent pro"ra#s6 St !s t' I1!"'v E1!)'5 incl!din"C /- I1!) 1 #t s'1 ('"1 '( ti1 " +'"/i#$ KYo! cant #ana"e what $o! cant #eas!reM% &$ capt!rin" ti#esheets $o! can !nderstand $o!r c!rrent !tili2ation and prod!cti,it$ ;- D (i# A!!"'!"iat Va"ia&) s i $o! sell ser,ices $o! will want to #eas!re char"ea&le !tili2ation% ens!re $o! de ine ,aria&les that ena&le $o! to #eas!re !tili2ation and prod!cti,it$ that is applica&le to $o!r &!sinessE- I1!"'v 5'%" !)a##i#$ i#pro,in" $o!r reso!rce deplo$#ent !p ront sho!ld not onl$ i#pro,e $o!r !t!re reso!rce prod!cti,it$ and !tili2ation% it will also "i,e $o! a #ore realistic ,iew o ,ers!s act!alA- 3a#a$ C%st'1 " E;! +tati'#s co##!nicate to $o!r entire tea# the i#portance o #ana"in" the c!sto#ers e7pectation ro# initial en5!ir$ all the wa$ thro!"h to pro6ect deli,er$- In the lon" r!n $o! will ha,e #ore happ$ c!sto#ers res!ltin" in $o!r e#plo$ees ha,in" to per or# less !n1prod!cti,e tas.s9-E#+'%"a$ C'))a&'"ati'# &oost $o!r prod!cti,it$ &$ creatin" an en,iron#ent where $o!r tea# #e#&ers can easil$ share .nowled"e% ideas and lessons learnedThis will not onl$ i#pro,e indi,id!al prod!cti,it$ it will help i#pro,e pro6ect standards and ser,ice deli,er$ @on!s pro"ra#s are t$picall$ enacted that .eep total co#pensation in line with trends% re"ardless o the ,al!e o wor. warrantin" incenti,e co#p- Trainin" tools are o ten sec!red ,ia the lowest1cost pro,ider #ethod with #ini#al consideration "i,en to which pro,ider wo!ld &e #ost e ecti,e- Recr!itin" practices too are #ore o ten #ana"ed with the pri#ar$ "oal o #ini#i2in" cost% not ena&lin" &!siness capa&ilit$Dcapacit$- Re"ardless o the !nction $o! loo. at% in the t$pical or"ani2ation% 8R is #ore concerned with e7ec!tin" transactions instead o deli,erin" prod!cti,it$ sol!tionsthe health o the or"ani2ation &$ co#parin" planned Uti)i:ati'# a#/ P"'/%+tivit5 In s!##ar$% there are 9

si#ple steps to how $o!r &!siness can i#pro,e e#plo$ee !tili2ation and prod!cti,it$

I $o! &elie,e as #ost sho!ld that the co#&ined e orts o the h!#an reso!rce !nction sho!ld positi,el$ in l!ence the per or#ance capa&ilit$ o the wor. orce instead o hinderin" it% $o! sho!ld !nderstand the actors that in l!ence per or#anceI3P4E3ENTATION OF AON HE2ITT<S ENGAGE3ENT 3ODE4C Aon 8ewitt de ines en"a"e#ent as the ps$cholo"ical and &eha,ioral o!tco#es that lead to &etter e#plo$ee per or#ance- The Aon 8ewitt #odel e7a#ines &oth the indi,id!als en"a"e#ent o!tco#es and the potential en"a"e#ent dri,ers that are part o the or"ani2ational wor. e7perience- This e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent #odel has &een tested% e,ol,ed and ,alidated &$ o,er /9 $ears o research on #illions o e#plo$ees across a ,ariet$ o co#panies and ind!stries% and thro!"ho!t Asia Paci ic% E!rope% ?atin A#erica and North A#erica- The #odel is !rther s!pported &$ $ears o research in the area o or"ani2ational ps$cholo"$-

+e de ine en"a"e#ent thro!"h three attri&!tes that incl!de the e7tent to which e#plo$eesC Sa5Lspea. positi,el$ a&o!t the or"ani2ation to co1wor.ers% potential e#plo$ees and c!sto#ers

Sta5Lha,e an intense sense o &elon"in" and desire to &e a part o the or"ani2ation St"iv Lare #oti,ated and e7ert e ort toward s!ccess in their 6o& and or the co#pan$ 4ario!s t$pes o e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent are disc!ssed &elow- The$ are F'+%s G"'%! E#plo$ers can pro#ote e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent &$ irst !nderstandin" how e#plo$ees eel a&o!t the or"ani2ation and their o,erall 6o&s- An e#plo$er can acco#plish this &$ de,elopin" a oc!s "ro!p to disc!ss what is" and what is not" within the or"ani2ation ro# the e#plo$eesI perspecti,e- A oc!s "ro!p is a s#all ro!nd ta&le o e#plo$ees who "et to"ether to tal. a&o!t ,ario!s iss!es that i#pact e#plo$ees as well as the e#plo$er- An e#plo$er can enco!ra"e e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent within the oc!s "ro!p &$" e#plo$ees or their ideas on how to i7 a pro&le# the$ ha,e o&ser,ed- An e#plo$er can also re5!est e#plo$ee inp!t on a proposed polic$ or "!ideline- Gatherin" inp!t ro# wor.ers &e ore rollin" o!t a new pro"ra# is a wa$ e#plo$ers can enco!ra"e en"a"e#entT a1 B%i)/i#$

An e#plo$er can pro#ote e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent &$ arran"in" tea#1&!ildin" acti,ities o!tside the o ice on a re"!lar &asis to .eep e#plo$ee #orale hi"h- Man$ e#plo$ees ail to en"a"e in acti,ities &eca!se there is a lac. o tea#wor. or cohesi,eness within an or"ani2ation- Tea# &!ildin" acti,ities enco!ra"e co1wor.ers to wor. to"ether toward a co##on "oal- Acti,ities also pro#ote a positi,e relationship &etween wor.ers and their #ana"ers- So#e e7a#ples o tea#1&!ildin" acti,ities incl!de &owlin"% a cit$1wide sca,en"er h!nt% co#pan$ picnic or an o,erni"ht retreatR 0a"/s a#/ R +'$#iti'#

An e#plo$er can pro#ote e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent &$ i#ple#entin" a rewards and reco"nition pro"ra#- These t$pes o pro"ra#s can appeal to e#plo$ees in a ,ariet$ o wa$s- Bor e7a#ple% e#plo$ees who are #one$ #oti,ated can &ene it ro# a reward pro"ra# that pa$s a #onthl$ &on!s or #eetin" "oals and o&6ecti,es- 3ther e#plo$ees who pre er personal ac.nowled"e#ent co!ld &ene it ro# a reco"nition pro"ra# that rewards achie,e#ents in non#onetar$ wa$s s!ch as thro!"h trophies or a da$ o ro# wor.- Rewards and reco"nition i#pro,e e#plo$ee satis action with their 6o&s and #oti,ate e#plo$ees to &e #ore prod!cti,e &eca!se o the potential or #onetar$ "ain or positi,e ac.nowled"e#ent and appreciationT"ai#i#$ a#/ D v )'!1 #t

Trainin" and de,elop#ent is an i#portant wa$ to pro#ote e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent- Internal trainin" pro"ra#s allow e#plo$ees to interact with one another% disc!ss ideas and learn #ore a&o!t a "i,en topic- Trainin" pro"ra#s help e#plo$ees acti,el$ participate in acti,ities and o er inp!t and eed&ac. on how processes can &e i#pro,ed- Trainin" and de,elop#ent pro"ra#s also &!ild e#plo$ee con idence% which #a$ enco!ra"e acti,e participation on the 6o& o!tside o the trainin" classP)a##i#$ Mana"e#ent &est practices in,ol,e hirin" the ri"ht e#plo$ee or the ri"ht 6o& so that e#plo$ees re#ain content with their wor. and e#plo$er- @!sinesses sho!ld .eep their 6o& descriptions realistic and ha,e an orientation pro"ra# that thoro!"hl$ a#iliari2es e#plo$ees with the and their 6o& roles and responsi&ilitiesS%"v 5 A &!siness sho!ld hire a pro essional cons!ltin" co#pan$ to iss!e s!r,e$s to e#plo$ees &e ore" i#pro,e#ents to increase e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent- +hile a &!siness owner can create s!r,e$s hi#sel % a speciali2ed cons!ltin" co#pan$ e7perienced in increasin" en"a"e#ent can s!""est areas o i#pro,e#ent to the &!siness owner a ter anal$2in" s!r,e$ res!ltsF) ;i&i)it5 @!sinesses with e#plo$ees who ta.e care o dependents sho!ld pro,ide the# with le7ti#e or a co#pressed wor.wee. and "enero!s lea,e &ene its to increase en"a"e#ent% accordin" to the Ba#ilies and +or. Instit!te- Ble7ti#e allows e#plo$ees to #odi $ the ho!rs the$ wor. and a co#pressed wor.wee. allows the# to acco#plish wee.l$ wor. in o!r da$s instead o i,eT"%st E#plo$ers sho!ld pro,ide openness and transparenc$ when dealin" with wor.ers% e,en when the$ ha,e to disclose &ad news s!ch as red!ced ho!rs- E#plo$ees tr!st e7ec!ti,es who li,e &$ e7a#ple% so &!siness owners sho!ld hold the#sel,es to the sa#e standard o cond!ct as the$ do their e#plo$eesC'1! #sati'# E#plo$ees e7pect air co#pensation or their wor. and &!siness owners sho!ld pro,ide prod!cin" e#plo$ees with &on!ses- This co#pensation sho!ld also incl!de pa$ increases and

&etter positions or e#plo$ees who consistentl$ e7ceed e7pectations- E#plo$ers sho!ld o er co#pensation that in,ol,es e#plo$ees in the !t!re o the co#pan$% s!ch as o erin" stoc. options and pro it sharin"Ga1 s @!siness owners sho!ld wor. co#petitions into their &!siness #odels to en"a"e e#plo$eesSplittin" e#plo$ees into "ro!ps and .eepin" score o their acco#plish#ents &rea.s !p the #onoton$ o wor.% "i,es the# oc!s and increases prod!cti,it$- Social reco"nition o e#plo$ee ,ictories !rther de,elops en"a"e#entR +" ati'# E#plo$ees appreciate recreational acti,ities their e#plo$er o ers% s!ch as a co#pan$ &ar&e5!e and ,ol!nteer acti,ities in which #ana"e#ent and &!siness owners participateThese acti,ities allow #ana"e#ent to or# a personal &ond with e#plo$ees% which increases the e#otional satis action o their wor.ers-


Impact of employee engagement on profitability

E#plo$ee en"a"e#ent has a n!#&er o i#plications or an or"anisationIs pro ita&ilit$- This i#pact o is lar"el$ indirect- Thro!"h i#pro,in" retention% c!sto#er lo$alt$% prod!cti,it$% and sa et$N or"anisations are a&le to .eep their &otto# line health$ while en"a"e#ent stren"thens all o these actors- The dia"ra# &elow ill!strates this relationshipResearch &$ Towers Perrin );::E* indicates that the #ore en"a"ed e#plo$ees at an or"anisation are% the #ore li.el$ it is to e7ceed the ind!str$ a,era"e in one1$ear re,en!e "rowth- Speci icall$% there is a trend showin" that hi"hl$ en"a"ed e#plo$ees wor. or or"anisations that had re,en!e "rowth at least one percenta"e point a&o,e the a,era"e or their ind!str$% while the or"anisations o the #ost disen"a"ed e#plo$ees wor. or co#panies where re,en!e "rowth alls one or two percenta"e points &elow the a,era"e )Towers Perrin% ;::E*- 8owe,er% it sho!ld &e noted that there is pro&a&l$ another actor at wor. here% in that or"anisations that are per or#in" &etter #a$ &e #ore li.el$ to attract #ore en"a"ed peopleThe "rowin" &od$ o research into e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent also $ields in or#ation on how en"a"e#ent i#pacts speci ic aspects o or"anisations% as o!tlined &elowSh"i#ka$

The a#o!nt o pro it lost to shrin.a"e )the t* is also lower when en"a"e#ent is increased8arter et al- );::0* showed that there is a ;G< drop in shrin.a"e when co#parin" &!siness !nits scorin" in the top and &otto# ;9< on en"a"e#ent- This represents a si"ni icant a#o!nt o #one$P"'/%+tivit5 S8RM Bo!ndationIs research o!nd a si"ni icant di erence &etween per or#ance related costs in the sales tea# o one or"anisation in ;::9- ?ow en"a"e#ent tea#s ell &ehind hi"h en"a"e#ent tea#s so #!ch that the di erence in per or#ance1related costs was in e7cess o R;%:::%::: )?oc.wood% ;::G*8owe,er it is not 6!st in sales tea#s that the prod!cti,it$ o en"a"ed e#plo$ees can a ect re,en!e "rowth- The$ can ha,e a si"ni icant indirect a ect &$ &" new "ro!nd in ter#s o inno,ations to &oost sales% or si#pl$ thro!"h s!pportin" other e#plo$ees B!rther#ore% cost o prod!ction is lowered when en"a"e#ent is increased d!e to #ore oc!sed and e icient wor.ers Sa( t5 As disc!ssed% there are &oth h!#an and inancial costs o sa et$ incidents in the wor.placeThe or"anisation at the centre o S8RM Bo!ndationIs research sa,ed in e7cess o R/%G::%::: in sa et$ costs in one $ear &$ i#pro,in" e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent )?oc.wood% ;::G*R t #ti'# Retention has a two old i#pact on pro ita&ilit$- Birstl$% replacin" an e#plo$ee can cost one and a hal ti#es their salar$- Secondl$% once an e#plo$ee has &een replaced% it the new e#plo$ee a period o ti#e to ad6!st to the role and start &ein" prod!cti,e- The i#pact o this on pro ita&ilit$ is especiall$ e,ident in sales% where it can ta.e $ears or a new e#plo$ee to "enerate the sa#e a#o!nt o re,en!e as an esta&lished one-

C%st'1 " )'5a)t5

It is co##on sense that ha,in" lo$al c!sto#ers who pro#ote a &!siness helps "row and #aintain re,en!e- '!lti,atin" the e#plo$ee1c!sto#er relationship will ena&le an$ or"anisation to &e a low1cost pro,ider and achie,e s!perior res!lts )8es.ett% Sasser > Schlesin"er% ;::E*- The .e$ to this is ha,in" en"a"ed e#plo$ees-


Impact of employee engagement on productivity

E#plo$ees who are en"a"ed with their 6o& and e#plo$er are #ore prod!cti,e &eca!se the$ are #oti,ated &e$ond personal actors- The$ are #ore oc!sed and #ore #oti,ated than their disen"a"ed co!nterparts- This #eans the$ wor. #ore e icientl$ and with the s!ccess o the or"anisation in #ind-


Impact of employee engagement on retention

Si#pl$ stated% en"a"ed e#plo$ees are less li.el$ to lea,e their 6o&- I an e#plo$ee has no e#otional co##it#ent to their 6o&% there is a "reater chance that the$ will lea,e to p!rs!e a 6o& that o ers% or e7a#ple% hi"her re#!neration or #ore le7i&le wor. conditionsBETTER SAFETY CONDITIONS:

E#plo$ees who are en"a"ed are #ore li.el$ to &e hi"hl$ in,ol,ed and a&sor&ed in their wor.- I an e#plo$ee is not en"a"ed% the$ are less oc!sed on their wor. and #ore li.el$ to

#a.e This has si"ni icant i#plications or ind!stries in which sa et$ is an i#portant actor.

Th!s e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent helps !s to red!ce a&senteeis# and pro,ide &etter place to li,e in or the e#plo$ees- Th!s i#ple#entin" this Aon 8ewitt e#plo$ee en"a"e#ent #odel e ecti,el$ will help !s to increase prod!cti,it$ in the or"anisation-


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