History of The Gifts Timeline Figures - Catechesis of The Good Shepherd
History of The Gifts Timeline Figures - Catechesis of The Good Shepherd
History of The Gifts Timeline Figures - Catechesis of The Good Shepherd
What are some of the gifts that God has given us?
A gift is meant to create a relationship.
Saying thank you is a special prayer called praise.
Adam Noah Abraham
Let Man have power Every creature that is God made the believers a
over the fish, birds, alive will be yours to tribe
cattle, wild animals, and eat.
God took Abraham outside
crawling creatures.
and said, “Look up at the
Never again will
stars…you will have more
God said, “See, I give everything be destroyed
children, grandchildren, and
you every seed-bearing by a flood.
so on than these.”
plant & every tree that
grows fruit to be your Gen. 9
God said to Abraham, “I will
reward those who aregood to
you and I will punish those
God said, “It is not good
who are bad to you. Through
for man to be alone. I
your family, all nations will be
will make a suitable
partner for him
God said to Abraham, “I give
you the land of Canaan.”
Gen. 1-2
Gen 12-22
Moses David Prophet Isaiah
will be my special
I will rejoice over Jerusalem
and take delight in my people;
people; you will be a
the sound of weeping and of
kingdom of priests.”
will be heard in it no more.
God gave the 10 Isaiah 65:17-25
Commandments and the
The Glorious New Creation
Exodus 19-24
Prophet Jeremiah Prophet Ezekiel Christ
God gave Israel a God gave Israel a God gives salvation to all
prophet prophet
While they were eating, Jesus took
covenant 11
" 'For this is what the thanks and offered it to them,
with the house of Israel Sovereign LORD says: I saying, "Drink from it, all of you.
and with the house of myself will search for my
This is my blood of the[b] covenant,
Judah sheep and look after them. 12 which is poured out for many for the
As a shepherd looks after his forgiveness of sins. 29I
"This is the covenant I will
scattered flock when he is
make with the house of Israel Matthew 26
with them, so will I look after
after that time," declares
my sheep. I will rescue them
the LORD.
from all the places where
"I will put my law in their
they were scattered on a day "Therefore I want you to know that
of clouds and darkness.” God's salvation has been sent to the
and write it on their
Gentiles, and they will listen!"[b]
I will be their God,
and they will be my Ezekiel 34:11
Acts 28
Jeremiah 31