Double Comparative

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The document discusses repeated comparatives and double comparatives. Repeated comparatives describe things that are increasing or decreasing over time, while double comparatives describe a cause-and-effect relationship.

Repeated comparatives describe things that are increasing or decreasing over time. Double comparatives describe a cause-and-effect process where one action leads to a subsequent result.

More and more boring, worse and worse, later and later, warmer and warmer, messier and messier, more and more expensive, more and more violent, more and more difficult, better and better.



Repeated comparatives describe things that are increasing or decreasing. The birth-rate is getting lower and lower. Fewer and fewer children are leaving school. Its becoming more and more difficult. By the end of the century, couples were waiting longer and longer to marry.

FILL THE GAPS ACCORDING TO THE EXAMPLES ABOVE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. He gets _______________________ (boring). I cant listen to him any longer. I didnt like this book at first, but its getting ________________________________(interesting) My daughters English results are getting __________________________________(bad) The boss will be angry with you. You arrive _________________________ (late) at work. In spring the weather gets _______________________________________ (warm) Its time you tidied your room. Its getting _____________________________ (messy) Food is getting _______________________________ (expensive) I think TV programs are getting ________________________________ (violent) I find it _____________________________________________ (difficult) to see him. Shes getting over her operation. She feels ________________________ (good)

Double comparatives describe a cause-and-effect process. The more education women get, the later they marry. The better the quality of health care (is), the higher the life expectancy (is).

What happens when you sunbathe? The longer you are in the sun, the more tanned you get The more sensitive your skin is, the more dangerous it is. The earlier in the morning you sunbathe, the less dangerous it is for your skin. 1.- What happens when you practise sport? 5.- What happens if you drink too much?

2.- What happens when you eat too much?

6.- What happens if you cant sleep?

3.- What happens when you have exams?

7.- What happens if youve got a lot of work?

4.- What happens if you are waiting for somebody?

8.- What happens if it rains?

Double Comparatives

Choose one of the following adjectives and put it into the correct form before placing it in a space in the sentences.

better loud hot probable small better more rich big

less happy merry late safe fast cheap more hard

1. The __________ you study for these exams, the __________ you will do. 2. She doesn't really like vodka, so the __________ a bottle you find, the __________ it will be for us. 3. My neighbour is driving me mad! It seems that the __________ it is at night, the __________ he plays his music! 4. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. The __________ the food is, the __________ he likes it. 5. Of course you can come to the party. The __________ the __________. 6. She will be really angry about that vase being broken! The __________ she knows about it, the ___________. 7. He has 6 large dogs to protect his house. The __________ the dog, the __________ he feels. 8. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. The _________ he becomes, the ________ he is. 9. You must drive slower in built up areas. The __________ you drive in the city, the __________ it is that you will have an accident.



As I get older, I become more irritable THE OLDER I get, THE MORE IRRITABLE I become 1.- If a child is well brought up, he will behave well 2.- If you always drive so fast, youre likely to have an accident 3.- If you work so little, youll have low marks in your exams 4.- If you study hard, youll find exam quite easy 5.- I waited for him for a long time and I was getting worried 6.- I practised a lot of sport and I became fit 7.- I explained it to him a lot of times and he couldnt understand at all 8.- How cold! I put on a lot of clothes and Im still cold 9.- Ive known him for a long time, but I still dont like him

I usually eat very little and I get fat THE LESS I eat, THE FATTER I get 10.- If the students are clever, theyre easy to teach 11.- Its better if you come back soon 12.- Itll be worse if you pay him a lot of attention 13.- If you work in a pleasant atmosphere, you wont be stressed 14.- If you are careful when driving, youll have few accidents 15.- He earns a lot of money, but his wife is always complaining 16.- If you do a lot of exercises, youll learn the subject well 17.- I listened to his story for a long time and I was more and more surprised 18.- If you live far from your school, youll have to get up early

I feel better and better when the weather is warm The warmer the weather, the better I feel 1. I like it more when things are dangerous. 2. As Mark is getting old, he looks more and more like his grandfather. 3. When I met him I didnt like him at all but I do, now that I know him better. 4. She had to wait for a long time and she got very impatient. 5. If a chicken is old, its rather tough. 6. When a student is careful, he makes very few mistakes. 7. A diamond is very expensive if its perfect. 8. When the plums are ripen, they are very sweet. 9. If you drink a lot of coffee, youll get more and more nervous. 10. When people eat very quickly, there is a high chance of indigestion. 11. Houses close to the centre are very expensive. 12. When people are young, they learn very quickly. 13. If we leave early, the roads will be clear. 14. A big supermarket usually has a very wide choice. 15. when the weather is hot the beaches get crowded. 16. Im trying to work this out, but Im more and more confused.


1.- Oil and water dont mix very easily because water isnt .............................. oil. (thick) 2.- Everyone enjoys listening to him. He tells ................................. stories youve ever heard. (amusing) 3.- Health is a question of diet. .................................. food you eat, ............................ you are. (good/healthy) 4.- Nobody wants to go out with him. Hes ........................................... person Ive ever known. (boring) 5.- You should talk to him ............................. possible. .............................. you wait, .................................... (soon/long/bad) 6.- The exam turned out to be ............................... ..... we had thought. (easy) 7.- Hes an experienced climber. Hes climbed some of .................................mountains in the world. (high) 8.- I dont know what he does. .............................. he gets, ............... .................... he looks. (old/young) 9.- If you do ................................. exercise, youll get .............................. (much/fit) 10.- A - I wont invite ............................ people, otherwise there wont be enough room in the dining-room. (many) B - Yes, but you must take into account that ..................................... people you invite, ................................. presents you will get. (many/many) 11.- You havent done this exam ................................. you usually do. I think you must study ......................................... next time. (well/hard) 12.- He never stops. Hes ........................................ person in the office. (hard-working) 13.- Minor roads have .................................. traffic but they are ............................. and ............................................. motorways. (little/slow/dangerous) 14.- ................................ I think about the problem, ................................... it seems to me to solve. (much/difficult) 15.- Excuse me, can you tell me where ............................... post o ffice is? (near) 16.- His new car is ............................ and ............................. his old one. Obviously, it is ............................. . It is ................................. model in the market. (large/fast/expensive/new)

PAGE 1 REPEATED COMPARATIVES 1. more and more boring 2. more and more interesting 3. worse and worse 4. later and later 5. warmer and warmer 6. messier and messier 7. more and more expensive 8. more and more violent 9. more and more difficult 10. better and better DOUBLE COMPARATIVES (IDEAS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. the the the the the the the the more sport you practise, the fitter you get more you eat, the fatter you get more I study, the better marks Ill get in the exam longer I wait, the more impatient I get more I drink, the less self-control I have less I sleep, the more tired I am the following day more work I have, the longer I have to work more it rains, the better crops they get

PAGE 2 DOUBLE COMPARATIVES 1 1. harder - better 2. smaller - cheaper 3. later - louder 4. hotter - more 5. more - merrier 6. less - better 7. bigger - safer 8. richer - happier 9. faster - more probable DOUBLE COMPARATIVES 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The better a child is brought up, the better he behaves faster you drive, the more likely you are to have an accident less you work, the lower marks youll have in your exam harder you study, the easier youll find exams longer I waited for him, the more worried I got more sport I practised, the fitter I got more I explained it to him, the less he understood more clothes I put on, the colder I am longer I know him, the less I like hium cleverer the students are, the easier it is to teach them sooner you come, the better more attention you pay to him, the worse more pleasant atmosphere you work in, the less stressed youll be more careful you are when driving, the fewer accidents youll have more money he earns, the more his wife complains more exercises you do, the better youll learn the subject longer I listened to his story, the more surprise I was farther from your school you live, the earlier you-ll have to get

PAGE 3 DOUBLE COMPARATIVES 3 1. The more dangerous things are, the more I like it 2. The older Mark gets, the more he looks like his grandfather 3. The more I get to know him, the more I like him 4. The longer she waited, the more impatient she got 5. The older a chicken is, the tougher 6. The more careful a student is, the fewer mistakes he makes 7. The more perfect a diamond is, the more expensive 8. the more ripen plums are, the sweeter 9. The more coffee you drink, the more nervous you get 10. The more quickly people eat, the higher chance of indigestion they have 11. the closer to the centre a house is, the more expensive 12. The younger people are, the more quickly they learn 13. The earlier we leave, the clearer the roads will be 14. The bigger a supermarket, the wider choice it has 15. The hotter the weather is, the more crowded the beaches get 16. The more I try to work this out, the more confused I get PAGE 4 REVIEW ON ALL COMPARATIVES 1. as thick as 2. the most amusing 3. the better the healthier 4. the most boring 5. as soon as the longer the worse 6. easier than 7. the highest 8. the older the younger 9. more fitter 10. more the more the more 11. as well as harder 12. the most hardworking 13. less slower more dangerous 14. the more the more difficult 15. the nearest 16. larger faster than more expensive

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