Yearly Plan Form 2 Ictl

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1-2 1. C !"#$%& L'( R%)#*'$+ ,1.1 Computer Lab Rules 1.2 User 1.3 Equipment 1.1.1 List computer Lab rules 1.2.1 &ractice computer Lab rules 1.3.1 'andle equipment responsibly + S#o,s and e-plains computer lab rules in t#e computer lab + Reportin! on practical lab rules usin! ,or%s#eet. + E-plainin! procedures (or responsible care o( equipment. + Discussin! and listin! appropriate ,ays o( #andlin! equipment !roups + E-planation on t#e importance o( pass,ord and username.

1.4 Data and User Security 2. L'( O&)',+.'$+ , 2.1 r!ani"ation C#art State t#e importance o( data and user Security. State t#e or!ani"ation c#art o( a computer lab )denti(y t#e computer lab Coordinator State t#e responsibility o( a computer lab coordinator *d#ere to t#e timetable )denti(y types o( lo! boo% List usa!e o( lo! boo% &ractice responsible use o( computers

+ S#o,in! and e-plainin! t#e or!ani"ation c#art

2.2 Computer Lab $imetable 2.3 Lo! boo%

+ Usin! computer lab accordin! to t#e allocated timetable + S#o,in! sample o( lo! boo%s. - Computer Lo! .oo% - Computer Lab Lo! .oo% /Re(er *ppendi- L0 Si!n in and si!n out lo! boo% Si!n in ,#en t#ey use t#e computer

/ E$0+1- 2 C !"#$%& U-')% 3.1 Copyri!#t 3.1.1 State t#e et#ics o( Computer Usa!e. 3.1.2 De(ine t#e meanin! o( copyri!#t 3.1.3 State t#e e((ects o( copyri!#t 1iolation 3.2 Unet#ical use o( computers 3.2.1 List out 1arious unet#ical use o( computers + E-plainin! t#e et#ics o( computer usa!e. E-plainin! t#e meanin! o( copyri!#t

Discussin! in !roups t#e e((ects o( copyri!#t 1iolation

+ Conductin! discussion on t#e misuse o(

computers 3.2.2 State t#e e((ects o( unet#ical use o( computers + )n pairs2 pupils bro,se t#e internet to locate in(ormation on t#e misuse o( computer.

4 2 C !"#$%& P'&$& C !" ,%,$2.1 1er1ie, o( t#e Computer system 2.1.1 )denti(y main components in t#e computer system. 3onitor 4eyboard Spea%er 3ouse System Unit &rinter + S#o,s t#e main components o( t#e computer system. + Labelin! t#e main components o( t#e computer system in t#e ,or%s#eet to be %ept in t#e port(olio.

2.1.2 State t#e (unctions o( t#e main components in t#e computer system. 2.1.3 E-plain brie(ly t#e data processin! cycle o( a computer system. )nput &rocess utput Stora!e

+ Carryin! out brainstorms session on t#e (unction o( t#e main component o( t#e computer system + 5ritin! do,n t#e (unctions and %eepin! t#e s#eet in t#e port(olio. + Dra,in! and e-plain t#e data processin! cycle o( t#e computer system on a paper and to be %ept in t#e (olio

)nput &rocess utput Stora!e

2.2 System Unit

2.2.1 )denti(y t#e components o( a system unit )nput7 utput port /)7 port0 Reset button CD R 3 Dri1e 8loppy Dri1e 'ard Dis% dri1e 2.2.2 State t#e (unctions o( t#e main components o( a system unit

+ )ntroducin! t#e components o( a system unit + Labelin! t#e di((erent components o( a system unit in a ,or%s#eet to be %ept in t#e port(olio. + S#o,in! a system unit to t#e class

E-plainin! t#e (unctions o( t#e component o( a system unit suc# as port )7 2 Reset button2 CDR 3 dri1e2 8loppy dri1e2 'arddis% Dri1e. + 5ritin! do,n t#e (unctions o( t#e component o( t#e system unit and %eep it in t#e port(olio + S#o,in! a mot#erboard to t#e class. + )denti(y2 e-plain and discuss t#e (unction o( C&U2 R*32 R 3 and e-pansion slots (ound in t#e mot#erboard. + 5ritin! t#e (unctions o( t#e components in t#e ,or%s#eet pro1ided and %eepin! t#em in t#e port(olio + Carryin! out in pairs or !roup acti1ities

2.2.3 State t#e (unctions o( C&U2 R*32 R 32 E-pansion Slots (ound on t#e mot#erboard

2.2.4 )nculcate 1alues o( responsibility and cooperation amon! t#e

pupils 9 2.3 &erip#erals 2.3.1 State t#e de(inition o( perip#erals 2.3.2 )denti(y di((erent types o( perip#erals )nput de1ices utput de1ices Stora!e de1ices 2.3.3 State e-amples o( di((erent types o( perip#erals &rinters Scanner LCD pro:ectors Di!ital cameras E-ternal CD dri1es E-ternal Stora!e 2.3.4 E-plain t#e (unctions o( eac# perip#eral e-plains t#e de(inition o( perip#erals

S#o,in! t#e di((erent types o( perip#erals

+ S#o,in! t#e e-amples o( di((erent types o( perip#erals suc# as printers2 scanners2 LCD pro:ectors2 di!ital cameras2 e-ternal CD dri1es and e-ternal stora!es Collectin! pictures o( perip#erals and %eepin! t#em in t#e port(olio

+ S#o,s types o( perip#erals commonly (ound in t#e computer lab Carry out a brainstorm session on t#e (unctions o( eac# perip#eral. + 5rite t#e (unctions o( eac# perip#erals and %eepin! t#em in t#e port(olio. + E-plainin! t#e use o( perip#erals and demonstrate #o, to operate t#em + Doin! #ands-on acti1ities ,#ile teac#er as (acilitates + Set up input and output de1ices. - 3onitor - 4eyboard - 3ouse - Spea%er + Demonstratin! #o, to customi"e settin! (or display2 mouse and sound + Carry out #ands-on acti1ities + Demonstratin! #o, to customi"e settin! (or date and time2 lan!ua!e and re!ional options + Carry out #ands-on acti1ities accordin! to instructions


3.1 'andlin! input and output de1ices

3.1.1 Set up input and output de1ices correctly. 3.1.2 )nculcate t#e 1alues o( responsibility in #andlin! t#e #ard,are.

3.2 Computer settin!

3.2.1 Customi"e settin! (or - display - sound - 3ouse. 3.2.2 Customi"e settin! (or - Date = $ime2 -Re!ional and lan!ua!e options

> - 11 4 D'$'('-% S 2$5'&% <.1 )ntroduction to Database

<.1.1 State t#e usa!e o( database so(t,are

S#o,in! e-amples o( database so(t,are E-plainin! t#e usa!e o( database so(t,are

<.2 Startin! database so(t,are

<.2.1 Start presentation so(t,are <.2.2 State t#e steps o( startin! database so(t,are <.2.3 State and identi(y (eatures in t#e database so(t,are and demonstrate understandin! o( user inter(ace <.2.4 State t#e main toolbars in t#e database so(t,are - Database bar - Database 5indo, bar - b:ect bar <.2.6 List icons in t#e database bar2 database ,indo, bar and ob:ect bar

E-amples o( database application? -E3)S -Sistem 3a%lumat 3urid /E3)S0 Demonstratin! #o, to start a database so(t,are and e-plorin! t#e user inter(ace

Discussin! t#e toolbars in 3S *ccess Labellin! eac# icon in t#e #andout !i1en

E-plainin! t#e usa!e o( icons in database ,indo, bar and ob:ect bar

<.2.9 State t#e (unction o( icons in database bar2 database ,indo, bar and ob:ect bar
12 - 14 <.3 Creatin! Database <.3.1 Sa1e database (ile <.3.2 Create table by usin! ,i"ard <.3.3 Di((erentiate (ield2 record and table <.3.4 De(ine primary %ey <.3.6 )nsert data in t#e table <.3.9 Sa1e table <.3.; 8ind record (rom table <.3.< Create (orm by usin! ,i"ard - *dd record - Edit record <.3.> Create query by usin! ,i"ard <.3.1@ Create report by usin! ,i"ard <.4.1 3odi(y table? - *dd (ield <.4.2 3odi(y (orm <.6.1 )mport data (rom ot#er (ile type Carryin! out #ands-on acti1ities Aamin! database Sa1in! database Closin! database penin! e-istin! database )nsertin! data *ddin! and editin! records 8indin! records 8indin! reports


<.4 Editin! database

Re(er to? &&4 CSel( *ccess Learnin! 3oduleD - 3s *ccess 3odule

<.6 Bettin! e-ternal data


>.@ &ro!rammin! >.1 )ntroduction to &ro!rammin!

>.1.1 De(ine pro!ramme and pro!rammin! lan!ua!e

Discussin! brie(ly t#e de(inition o( pro!ramme and pro!rammin! lan!ua!e Aamin! database Sa1in! database C . L &*SC*L C $#e de1elopment o( .*S)C pro!rammin! lan!ua!e .asic Eisual .asic Eisual .asic.Aet S#o,in! t#e di((erent pro!rammin! tool /inter(ace0 o( .*S)C E-plain t#e steps in pro!rammin! de1elopment usin! pro!ramme de1elopment Li(e Cycle


>.2 Steps in &ro!rammin! De1elopment

>.2.1 State t#e main steps in pro!ramme de1elopment? -&roblem analysis -&ro!ramme desi!n -Codin! -$estin! and debu!!in! -Documentation >.3.1 State t#e (eatures o( t#e pro!rammin! tools

1> - 21

>.3 De1elopin! a simple pro!ramme

E-plain t#e (eature o( &ro!ramme So(t,are /Eisual .asic E-press or Fust .asic0 #ttp? 77msdn.microso(t.com71studio7e-press71b7do ,nload7 8amiliari"in! ,it# Eisual basic E-press )nter(ace Creatin! ob:ects in a (orm usin! toolboC#an!in! t#e ob:ects properties in properties ,indo,s E-plainin! 1ariables in pro!ramin! t#at co1ers? Data type Declaration o( 1ariable *ssi!n 1alue o( 1ariable De1elopin! biodata pro!ramme consists o( o o Lo!in 8orm .iodata 8orm

22 -24

>.3.2 )denti(y t#e 1isual de1elopment en1ironment o( pro!rammin! tool - $oolbar - $oolbo>.3.3 Create ob:ects usin! toolbo-? -label -.utton -$e-tbo- &icture bo>.3.4 Declare Eariables - Strin! - )nte!er - Double >.3.6 5rite code (or simple pro!ramme

De1elopin! personal account pro!ramme &ro:ect ? De1elop a simple pro!ramme (or t#e students daily needs based on t#e basic elements learnt Re(er to ? &&4 CSel( *ccess Learnin! 3oduleD

-&ro!rammin! 3odule

NET3ORKS AND THE INTERNET 26 Aet,or%s 1.1 )ntroduction to Aet,or%s 1.1.1 De(ine net,or%s 8indin! t#e de(inition o( net,or%s (rom boo%s. 3a!a"ines2 ne,spapers and ot#er appropriate sources Discussin! t#e bene(its o( compute net,or%s? o S#arin! de1ices o S#arin! data and in(ormation o S#arin! internet access S#o,in! actual e-amples o( net,or% in t#e computer lab Listin! 1arious types o( net,or%s o L*A o 5*A o 3*A


List bene(its o( computer net,or%s


)denti(y t#e de1ices needed in a computer net,or%s


1.2 $ypes o( Aet,or%

1.2.1 List types o( computer net,or%s L*A 5*A 3*A 1.2.2 Di((erentiate types o( computer net,or%s

)denti(yin! t#e di((erences bet,een types o( computer net,or%s o Co1era!e

Aet,or% implementation o( or!ani"ation


1.3 Aet,or%s $opolo!y


State types o( net,or% topolo!y Star topolo!y Rin! topolo!y .us topolo!y

S#o,in! and e-plainin! types types o( net,or%s o( net,or% topolo!y S%etc#in! t#e types o( net,or% topolo!y



S#are Document

1.4.1 S#are documents ,it# ot#er users t#rou!# Local *rea Aet,or%s /L*A0 1.4.2 Recei1e and trans(er documents t#rou!# L*A 1.6.1 S#are printer in L*A

Creatin! s#ared (olders Recei1in! and trans(errin! documents


S#are #ard,are

&rintin! documents usin! s#ared printer

2> = 3@

1.9 Current $ec#nolo!y in Computer net,or%s

1.9.1 E-plain current tec#nolo!y in computer net,or%s

Discussin! current7latest tec#nolo!y in computer net,or%s? - 5i8i - .luetoot# Collectin! and !at#erin! all related in(ormation on current tec#nolo!y in net,or%in! to be %ept in t#e port(olio

THE INTERNET 2.1 )ntroduction to 3 t#e )nternet 1 2.1.1 De(ine internet Locatin! t#e meanin! o( internet (rom boo%s 2 ma!a"ines and ot#er appropriate sources Discussin! ad1anta!es and disad1anta!es o( t#e internet

2.1.2 Discussin! ad1anta!es and disad1anta!es o( t#e internet


2.2 )nternet Requirements

2.2.1 List requirements needed to access t#e internet

o o o o o o o

S#o,in! and e-plainin! basic requirements to access t#e internet 3odem /internal and e-ternal modem0 *ccess account Aet,or% )nter(ace Card /A)C0 5ireless net,or% )nter(ace Card 'ub7 s,itc# Router 5ireless access point E-plainin! t#e meanin! o( 5orld 5ide 5eb /5550 )ntroducin! ,eb bro,sera )nternet E-plorer Aetscape Aa1i!ator pera Sa(ari Bod"illa Listin! e-amples o( searc# en!ine -Ga#oo -Boo!le -*lta Eista -'ot .ot


2.3 )nternet *pplication

2.3.1 De(ine t#e 5orld 5ide 5eb /5550 2.3.2 State t#e a1ailable ,eb bro,sers

o o

2.3.3. List commonly used searc# en!ine

2.3.4 State t#e (unction o( a searc# en!ine

Discusin! t#e (unction o( a searc# en!ine

3 4 = 3 6

2.3.6 Searc# t#e in(ormation usin! a searc# en!ine

Demonstratin! #o, to searc# (r in(ormation (rom t#e internet H use in(romation and communication s%ill o Use Boo!le to searc# (or rele1ent in(ormaion o Demonstratin! to do,nload (iles (rom t#e internet o Do,nloadin! (ies (rom t#e internet? - ima!es - 1ideos - audio o

2.3.9 Do,nload (iles (rom t#e internet

3 9

2.3.; E-ercisin! responsibility ,#en do,nloadin! in(ormation (rom t#e internet 2.3.< E-ercisin! accountability (or in(ormation searc#ed

Demonstratin! security ,#ile sur(in! t#e internet o Demonstratin! security tools settin! (ound in ,eb bro,ser o o o 4no,led!e all resources (ound true on t#e internet Demonstratin! security settin! in sur(in! t#e internet Locatin! t#e meanin! o( Aetiquette (rom boo%s2 ma!a"ines and ot#er appropriate resources Aetiquette relates to online communication not sur(in! List Dos and DonIts ,#ile communicatin! ,it# ot#ers online /sur(in! t#e internet0 Listin! netiquette items? - Use a pleasant tone in ,ritin! -Ensure t#at messa!es are clear and concise -a1oid spammin! -a1oid C(amin!D -Use emoticons ,isely -E-ercise :ud!ment be(ore sendin! messa!es )ntroducin! pupils to se1eral (orms o( )nternet communications? E-mail C#attin! Con(erencin! /audio and 1ideo0 Aet 3eetin! Ae,s !roup 8orum

3 ;

2.4 Aetiquette


E-plain t#e meanin! o( netiquette


List out t#e doIs and donIts ,#ile sur(in! t#e )nternet. *d#ere to t#e netiquette in 1arious (orms o( online communications



2.6 )nternet communications

2.6.1 State t#e 1arious (orms o( communication on t#e internet

o o o o o o

2.6.2 List perip#erals used (or communication

2.6.3 Communicate usin! email 2.6.4 &ractice #onesty in online communication 2.6.6. bser1e sa(ety precautionIs ,#en retrie1in! mail

Listin! perip#erals used (or communication? o 5eb camera o 3icrop#one o Earp#one o o o o o Demonstratin! #o, to? Re!ister an e-mail account Send messa!es *ttac# (iles to messa!es Recei1e and retrie1e messa!es Delete 7 sa1e messa!es


2.6.9.Communicate usin!

)ntroducin! pupils to )nternet Relay

)nternet Relay C#at /)RC0 o o o o o o o 4@ 2.9 Cyber La, 2.9.1 Describe t#e need (or Cyber-La, o o

2.6.; bser1e sa(ety precautions ,#en communicatin! on-line

C#at? 3)RC 3s-C#at )CJ 3essen!er tool C#attin! usin! a 3essen!er? Communicatin! bet,een t,o or more users bser1in! sa(ety precaution bser1in! Aetiquette 8acilicatin! discussion on reasons (or t#e need o( Cyber La, 5rite a s#ort essay on t#e need (or Cyber La,

THE 3EBSITE 41-42 3.1 )ntroduction to 5ebsite 3.1.1 3.1.1 De(ine ,ebsite List ,ebsite so(t,are )ntroducin! se1eral ,eb desi!n so(t,are 3icroso(t 8ront&a!e 3acromedia Dream,ea1er Claris 3icroso(t 5ord Creatin! a ,ebsite usin! ,ebsite tool desi!n? )nsertin! te-t )nsertin! ima!es )nsertin! #yperlin%s 5or%in! in !roups to create a ,ebsite (or sc#ool club society C#oose a ,eb ser1er to place t#e ,ebsite Uploadin! ,eb pa!es to #e (ree ,eb #ostin!? Ga#oo $ Re(er to ? &&4 CSel( *ccess Learnin! 3oduleD -Creatin! 5ebsite 3odule YEAR END SCHOOL HOLIDAY

3.2 De1elopin! a ,ebsite


Create a ,ebsite.

3.2.2 3.2.3

Re!ister t#e ,eb ser1er Upload ,eb pa!es

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