Session 1: Advanced Concepts of C and Introduction To Data Structures

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Session 1

Advanced Concepts of C and Introduction to data structures (Page 1 22)

1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.". 1.%. 1.(. 1.). 1.1+. 1.11. Introduction Data Types Arrays Handling Arrays Initiali ing t!e Arrays. #ultidi$ensional Arrays Initiali ation o& T'o Di$ensional Array Pointers Ad*antages and disad*antages o& pointers Declaring and initiali ing pointers Pointer Arit!$etic

1.12. Array o& pointers 1.13. Passing para$eters to t!e &unctions 1.14. ,elation -et'een Pointers and Arrays 1.15. .cope ,ules and .torage /lasses 1.15.1. Auto$atic 0aria-les 1.15.2. .tatic 0aria-les 1.15.3. 12ternal 0aria-les 1.15.4. ,egister 0aria-le 1.1". Dyna$ic allocation and de3allocation o& $e$ory 1.1".1. 4unction $alloc(si e) 1.1".2. 4unction calloc(n5si e) 1.1".3. 4unction &ree(-loc6) 1.1%. Dangling pointer pro-le$. 1.1(. .tructures 1.1). 1nu$erated /onstants 1.2+. 7nions

Session 2
Introduction to Data structures
2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.". 2.%. Introduction Data 8-9ects : Data .tructures Pri$iti*e Data structures ;on Pri$iti*e Data structures I$ple$entation o& t!e Data .tructures A-stract Data type Algorit!$ and pseudo code

(Page 23 27)

2.(. /o$ple2ity o& Algorit!$s

Session 3
Arra s
3.1. Introduction 3.2. 1*aluation o& Polyno$ials 3.2.1. Polyno$ial in a single *aria-le 3.2.2. Polyno$ial in T'o *aria-les 3.3. .trings 3.4. .tring 4unctions 3.4.1. .tring <engt! 7sing Arrays 7sing Pointers 3.5. .tring /opy 3.5.1. 7sing Arrays 3.5.2. 7sing Pointers 3.". .tring /o$pare 3.".1. 7sing Arrays 3.%. /oncatenation o& .2 to t!e end o& .1 3.(. T'o Di$ensional Arrays 3.). .parse #atri2 3.1+. #ultiplication o& t!e sparse $atrices 3.11. #ultidi$ensional Arrays

(Page 28 51)

Session !
#in$ed #ists

(Page 52 8"

4.1. Introduction 4.2. .ingly <in6ed <ist =or> 8ne 'ay c!ain 4.2.1. 4unction to add a node at t!e end o& t!e lin6ed list 4.2.2. 4unction to add a node at t!e -eginning o& t!e lin6ed list 4.2.3. 4unction to add a node a&ter t!e speci&ied node 4.2.4. 4unctions &or display and count 4.2.5. 4unction to delete t!e speci&ied node &ro$ t!e list 4.3. Dou-ly <in6ed <ists =or> T'o3'ay c!ain 4.4. Applications o& t!e lin6ed lists 4.5. <in6ed lists and Polyno$ials.

Session 5
Stac$s and &ueues

(Page 81 % 113)

5.1. Introduction 5.2. .tac6s 5.3. I$ple$entation o& .tac6s using Arrays To Insert an ele$ent into t!e stac6 to delete an ele$ent &ro$ t!e stac6 5.3.3. 4unction to peep an ele$ent &ro$ t!e stac6 5.3.4. 4unction to c!ange an ele$ent in t!e stac6 5.4. I$ple$enting .tac6s using <in6ed <ists 5.4.1. 4unction to c!ec6 '!et!er t!e stac6 is e$pty 5.4.2. 4unction to c!ec6 '!et!er t!e stac6 is &ull 5.4.3. 4unction To pus! an ele$ent into t!e stac6 5.4.4. 4unction To pop an ele$ent &ro$ t!e stac6 5.5. ?ueues 5.". I$ple$enting ?ueues using Arrays 5.".1. 4unction to insert an ele$ent into t!e ?ueue 5.".2. 4unction to delete an ele$ent &ro$ t!e @ueue 5.%. ?ueues using lin6ed lists 5.%.1. 4unction to c!ec6 '!et!er t!e @ueue is e$pty 5.%.2. 4unction to c!ec6 '!et!er t!e @ueue is &ull 5.%.3. 4unction To insert an ele$ent into t!e @ueue 5.%.4. 4unction To delete an ele$ent &ro$ t!e @ueue 5.(. /ircular ?ueue 5.(.1. 4unction to &ind t!e ne2t position in t!e circular @ueue 5.(.2. 4unction to &ind '!et!er t!e circular @ueue is e$pty 5.(.3. 4unction to &ind '!et!er t!e circular @ueue is &ull 5.(.4. 4unction to add an ele$ent to t!e circular @ueue 5.(.5. 4unction to delete an ele$ent to t!e circular @ueue 5.). /ircular ?ueue using lin6ed list= /ircular <ists> 5.).1. 4unction to c!ec6 '!et!er t!e circular list is e$pty 5.).2. 4unction to c!ec6 '!et!er t!e circular list is &ull 5.).3. 4unction To insert an ele$ent into t!e circular list 5.).4. 4unction To delete an ele$ent &ro$ t!e circular list 5.1+. 1*aluation o& e2pressions 5.11. Post&i2 e2pression 5.12. Pre&i2 e2pression

Session '

(Page 11! 133)

".1. Introduction ".2. Ad9acency #atri2 and Ad9acency lists ".3. Areadt! &irst searc! and Dept! &irst searc! ".4. 8t!er Tas6s 4or T!e Brap!sC a. To &ind t!e degree o& t!e *erte2 -. To &ind t!e nu$-er o& edges. c. To print a pat! &ro$ one *erte2 to anot!er. d. To print t!e $ultiple pat!s &ro$ one *erte2 to anot!er. e. To &ind t!e nu$-er o& co$ponents in a grap!. &. To &ind t!e critical *ertices and edges.

Session 7
(Part 1)

(Page 13! 181)

%.1. Introduction %.2. ,ooted Tree %.3. Ainary Tree %.4. /reation o& Ainary Tree %.5. Areadt! 4irst .earc! %.". Ainary .earc! Trees %.%. Ainary .earc! Tree /reation %.(. .earc!ing a *alue in a -inary searc! tree %.). Dept! 4irst Tra*ersal o& t!e tree %.1+. Tree Tra*ersals %.1+.1. Preorder tra*ersal o& t!e tree %.1+.2. Postorder tra*ersal o& t!e tree %.1+.3. Inorder Tra*ersal %.11. 4unctions to &ind Predecessor5 .uccessor5 Parent5 Arot!er %.12. To delete a node &ro$ t!e tree %.13. 12pression trees.

Session 8
*rees (PA,* 2)

(Page 182 1+')

(.1 Introduction (.2. Ainary T!readed Tree (.2.1. Inorder T!reading (.2.1.1. To create a si$ple -inary tree and t!en t!read it (.2.1.2. To t!read t!e tree during creation (.3. Postorder T!reading (.4. Preorder Treading (.5. Tra*ersal o& Ainary T!readed Tree (.5.1C Inorder Tra*ersal (.5.2. Preorder Tra*ersal (.5.3. Postorder Tra*ersal

Session +
Searc)ing And Sorting
).1. Introduction ).2. .earc!ing Tec!ni@ues ).2.1. .e@uential .earc! ).2.2. Ainary .earc! ).3 .orting ).3.1. .election .ort ).3.2.Au--le sort ).3.3 #erge .ort ).3.4. ?uic6 .ort(Partition 12c!ange .ort) ).3.5. ,adi2 .ort ).3.". Heap .ort

(Page 1+7 225)

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