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Romanian Environmental News

No.025 Published 31st January 2014 (sorry a bit late!)

Scientists studying the impacts of unconventional gas drilling['fracking'] warn that gas is likely to have a greater influence on water, air and climate than previously understood. Major scientific bodies have cautioned against a national commitment to gas as a bridge fuel, citing the need for further research into the potential consequences of continued reliance on this fossil fuel. (Read More)

n !his Edition
Editorial "orry #rs$ %riedman: Imagining the future &erman '#ira(le' )nli*ely to be Re+eated in Romania ,uildin- a Pros+erous Romania .ould "wit/erland re0orm #onetary "ystem1 !hreat o0 #assive '2ydrauli( %ra(turin-' 3ooms over Romania #inin- 4at(h Re+orts 2i-hli-ht #inin- Pressure )N 3aun(hes "ustainable develo+ment 2015 Romanian News 4orld News 6bout REN

We make choices e er! da! and e en "erha"s e er! hour of e er! da!. #ome choices are unim"ortant and "erha"s e en minutes after making them the! are forgotten and fair$! irre$e ant to the "resent. % en if in the un$ike$! e ent that one "articu$ar decision actua$$! had a significant effect on the &or$d at $arge' &e &ou$d not (e a($e to fo$$o& the course of e ents (ack to our seeming$! unim"ortant choice. )ther choices are $ife changing' and &e ma! s"end the rest of our $i es regretting them or thanking ourse$ es that &e made the right choice. *he su(+ect &e stud! at uni ersit!, the "erson &e choose to marr!, a decision taken to find a (etter $ife in a foreign countr!. *hese are decisions $ike$! to

sha"e the &ho$e course of our $ife for (etter or for &orse. No matter ho& im"ortant these choices are for us indi idua$$!' and our sma$$ grou" of direct$! affected friends-fami$!' the! are un$ike$! to dramatica$$! change the course of e ents on our "$anet. .ut toda! there is one choice &hich &e a$$ ha e to make. Indi idua$$! and co$$ecti e$! this choice &i$$ resonate around the &or$d. % er!one a$i e toda! and e er!one sti$$ to (e (orn &i$$ fee$ the effects of our choice. *he choice in /uestion is ho& &e choose to $i e our $ife. We can $i e our $ife to ma0imise our income' regard$ess of e er!one and e er!thing outside our immediate fami$!. *he source of the mone!' assuming it is $ega$$! o(tained' is irre$e ant. *he conse/uences of ho& &e s"end our mone! a$so has no re$e ance to an!one other other than those around us. )r &e can choose to $i e different$!. We can choose to $i e as if e er! sing$e "erson on this "$anet has e/ua$ im"ortance. We can choose to $i e a $ife &hich sustains our "$anet and a$$ the aried $ife u"on it. We can choose to $i e our $ife on$! considering "ersona$ &ea$th and the circumstances of our e0istence' after &e ha e done our utmost to ensure &e are not damaging others or degrading our "$anet. 1hoosing the first route ma! $ead to ast "ersona$ &ea$th' (ut it can ne er $ead to com"$ete "ersona$ satisfaction. 1hoose to "ut "eo"$e and "$anet (efore "ersona$ gain and increased "ersona$ satisfaction is a$most guaranteed. Mi$$ions of "eo"$e around the &or$d ha e chosen to take the second route in recent !ears. *housands more make the choice to "ut societ! and "$anet (efore mone! e er! da!. *he fa(ric of human societ! and the hea$th of the "$anet de"ends on !our choice. R%N urges !ou to chose the route &hich can $ead to com"$ete "ersona$ satisfaction. Return to contents

"orry #rs$ %riedman

Mea cu$"a. I ho$d u" m! hands and admit free$! that most of m! "re ious artic$es for R%N ha e (een fair$! ($eak in their out$ook, a$as I ha e often (een something of a 2eremiah' one cr!ing in the &i$derness a(out a "$anet and her "eo"$es increasing$! under ho"e$ess assau$t and &oe is us. *his one &i$$ (e different' rea$$!. 3irst though' it's &orth reminding m! c!nica$ o$d se$f ho& difficu$t it can (e to maintain ho"e in the face of our enormous "ro($ems... I am &riting in the aftermath of the disastrous t!"hoon 4ai!an' for &hich &e ma! or ma! not ha e (een "art$! res"onsi($e. *he ci i$ &ar in #!ria drags on' and as Western forces "re"are to &ithdra& from oi$5rich Ira/ the current dangers in that de astated countr! might &e$$ esca$ate. 6$$ o er the &or$d democrac! is under threat and &orking "eo"$e find it increasing$! difficu$t to make ends meet &hi$e ast &ea$th sits in the accounts of g$o(a$ cor"orations and a fe& (i$$ionaires' e er more of them' ironica$$!' in the 7eo"$e's Re"u($ic of 1hina' &here' I'm sure' e er!one is ha""! for their 1omrades' good fortune. )n to" of a$$ this' one of the (ooks I'm current$! reading is Naomi 8$ein's '*he #hock 9octrine'' a thorough ana$!sis of the dead$! and dangerous a$$iance (et&een Washington' (ig cor"orations and the 1hicago schoo$ of economic thought :e0ce$$ent though the (ook is' it has !et to ans&er the crucia$ /uestion: &as Mi$ton 3riedman the 6ntichrist; #orr! Mrs. 3riedman' on$! +oking). Need I continue; Not rea$$!: &e're a$$ sad$! &e$$ a&are of &hat's going on (oth $oca$$! and g$o(a$$!. #o am I ha ing a change of heart; We$$' des"ite the a(o e $ist' I kno& that there is ho"e. 6s &e$$ as occasiona$ ictories' some in the face of o er&he$ming odds' for the rura$ and ur(an "oor' &orkers'

en ironmenta$ cam"aigners and assorted c!c$ists' hi""ies and tree5huggers 5I'm gui$t! on a$$ three counts5 this !ear one of m! o$dest friends (ecame a father for the first time' (eautifu$ t&in gir$s' so there's some rea$ and tangi($e ho"e right there in the crad$e. Is that rea$$! enough' 2eremiah; <ou'$$ ha e to do (etter than that. )8' here it is. 6 fe& &eeks ago the ..1 inter ie&ed the &riter and +ourna$ist 2ames .urke [$ink to audio inter ie& (e$o&]. .urke' a historian of science' is a &ise and insightfu$ man' and the inter ie& &as "articu$ar$! concerned &ith "redictions he made =0 !ears ago. 6(out > and a ha$f minutes in he &as encouraged to make "redictions a(out the ne0t =0. .urke sees techno$og! and the internet as "otentia$$! $i(erating' not too$s for ens$a ing "eo"$e or e0c$uding the man! from their (enefits in fa our of the fe&' and "ro"hesied that (! 205? &e might &e$$ (e $i ing autonomous$!' &ith neither states nor go ernments' in a "ost5scarcit! econom!' thanks $arge$! to nano techno$og!. 9es"ite' (! his o&n admission' drastica$$! underestimating the e0"$osion in com"uter use' .urke's o(ser ations in @AB? &ere remarka($! accurate' and this is another reason I'm inc$ined to "ut considera($e faith in his foresight. .ut sure$! an o$d "essimist $ike me' &ho' I'm sorr! to sa!' is these da!s often made sad (! things &hich once made him angr!' &i$$ imagine this techno$og! (eing contro$$ed (! the immense mu$tinationa$s &hich are toda! in charge of so man! of our resources and ser ices; No' sur"rising$!. *he genie is a$read! out of the (ott$e: &ho contro$s the internet; No(od!' not com"$ete$! an!&a!' and consider the e0"onentia$ gro&th of the 'net and access to it in recent !ears' not to mention the corres"onding $ea"s and (ounds in techno$ogica$ de e$o"ment. )n $ine' a$ong &ith a$$ manner of other things' are instructions for (ui$ding !our o&n &ind tur(ine and ?59 "rinter' so the techno$og!' and access to it' is out there' (ecause thankfu$$! not e er!one is sim"$! interested in cornering the market and making a (uck' or "refera($! as man! (ucks as "ossi($e. In ear$ier times' &hen fe& "eo"$e understood Catin' the church found it much easier to ho$d s&a! o er a $arge$! uneducated f$ock' and conse/uent$! firm$! resisted trans$ation of the .i($e into the $anguages of the "eo"$e' e en unto (urning the heretics &ho did so' in accordance &ith the $o ing and "eacefu$ message of 1hrist. 6nd ho& the o$d church must ha e hated the "rinting "ressD .urke (e$ie es that &e are in the midst of a simi$ar re o$ution' and s"eaks of "eo"$e (ecoming increasing$! Einformation $iterateF. *his' and free access to information and techno$og! offer man! more of us the "ossi(i$it! of "eacefu$ esca"e from se$f5interested mu$tinationa$s and go ernments. 1ou$d it (e that the cor"orate &or$d didn't see this coming and has he$"ed so& the seeds of its o&n do&nfa$$; I sure$! ho"e so. 2ames .urke's ision sounds uto"ian' and there's no kno&ing ho& "eo"$e and societies &i$$ react to this re o$ution' if it goes as he imagines' or &hat the! &i$$ do &ith the "ossi(i$ities offered' (ut I for one &i$$ do &e$$ to remem(er his fina$ remark' concerning "essimists' and ho"e that if I make it to the t&ins =0 th (irthda! "art! the &or$d &i$$ (e a er! different "$ace. htt":--audio("redicted5the5future5in5@AB?5no&5he5does5it5again Richard 7roctor' No em(er 20@?. r"roctorH$ett.u((c$ Return to contents

&erman '#ira(le' )nli*ely to be Re+eated in Romania

3o$$o&ing the #econd &or$d War Ierman! &as defeated' destro!ed and (ankru"t. 4o&e er' starting from the @A50s and gaining s"eed in the @AG0-B0s' Ierman! ra"id$! (ecame much richer' emerging at the (eginning of the @A>0s as one of the richest nations in the &or$d. *he transformation &hich occurred in Ierman! is e0act$! &hat the go ernment in Romania $ikes to te$$ us &i$$ soon ha""en in Romania. Is this a "ossi(i$it!; *he sim"$e ans&er is that Romania &i$$ ne er e0"erience the Ierman mirac$e. *he conditions &hich e0isted in Ierman! during the @AG0-B0s do not e0ist in Romania toda!. Ierman! had e er!thing in its fa our' Romania has nothing in its fa our. It is Ierman! &hich e0"orts $u0ur! cars to Romania' not the other &a! around as it &ou$d need to (e if &e are to &itness an economic mirac$e in Romania. *oda!' Ierman! e0"orts far more than it did &hen the countr! &as reco ering from the &ar and (ui$ding to (ecome %uro"e's strongest econom!. 6nd !et toda!' economic gro&th is much $ess than during the (oom !ears. 50 !ears ago Ierman! had a er! sma$$ "otentia$ market area. %astern %uro"e &as "art of the #o iet ($ock. 6sia &as a$so "art$! communist' (ut for the most "art +ust too far a&a! and too "oor. Ierman! had to create an interna$ market. In the most "o"u$ous state in %uro"e' &ith a "o"u$ation &ith no&here (etter to go' &ith good trans"ort $inks' and er! im"ortant$! $o& unem"$o!ment' a$$ the necessar! conditions e0isted. *his a$$ ha""ened (efore *hatcher and Regan dec$ared &ar on &orkers. It ha""ened (efore techno$og! came a$ong to re"$ace mi$$ions of ski$$ed +o(s. 1oa$ miners' car &orkers and hea ! engineers &ere &e$$ organised. *here &as no one to re"$ace them at a $o&er &age, in a c$imate of fu$$ em"$o!ment and a ski$$ed &orkforce the &orkers had considera($! more "o&er than toda!. *he Ierman go ernment kne& this' and an!&a! the $ast thing the! &anted &as conf$ict. Wages rose faster than inf$ation' consum"tion sk!5rocketed, no5one &as forced into unem"$o!ment. Ierman! e0"orted to the sma$$ grou" of a$most e/ua$$! rich countries surrounding them #&itJer$and' Nether$ands' .e$gium. 7roduction cou$dn't mo e to 1hina or 8orea' or e en Romania, the "o$itica$ situation' the distance' the $ack of good communications a$$ ru$ed that out. Ierman! "ros"ered' (ecause the! had a $arge' &ea$th!' interna$ market' that &as getting &ea$thier &ith each "assing da!. *he! "ros"ered' (ecause the! had to im"ro e "roduction in Ierman! as there &as no "ossi(i$it! to mo e factories. *he &orkers "ros"ered (ecause the! &ere ski$$ed' cou$d not (e re"$aced &ith ro(ots' &ere &e$$ organised and "erha"s most of a$$ (ecause there &as near$! fu$$ em"$o!ment. *he com"anies &hich "ros"ered &ere Ierman o&ned. *he "rofits sta!ed in Ierman! and as such added to the &ea$th . It does not take an e0"ert to rea$ise that none of the conditions &hich e0isted in Ierman! during the @AG0-B0s e0ist in Romania toda!. 3actories are foreign o&ned' so "rofits are (eing "aid to shareho$ders outside Romania :ironica$$! man! of them in Ierman!). *here is a sma$$ interna$ market' communications are "oor$! de e$o"ed' and most of the "o"u$ation is im"o erished. *he huge factories &hich e0isted in Ierman!' &ith an associated enormous' &e$$5organised and informed &orkforce sim"$! do not e0ist. Mechanisation and ro(otisation has reduced the num(er of ski$$ed &orkers re/uired' re"$acement &orkers can (e found from the $arge "oo$ of the unem"$o!ed, factories are easi$! mo ed to distant $ocations if 'go ernment incenti es' are sufficient$! a$$uring. Working in sma$$' &ide$! dis"ersed factories &orker organisation is much more difficu$t. *he go ernment and the &orkers do not trust each other and se$dom &ork together. *here are man! other e$ements &hich make the Romanian mirac$e e en $ess $ike$!. %0treme$! chea" unso$d and second hand c$othes dum"ed on Romania and surrounding countries K ironica$$! the sur"$us from 'rich' Western %uro"e 5 has destro!ed $oca$ industries' and im"o erished c$othes sho" o&ners' to cite +ust one.

*he road to &ea$th in Romania cannot fo$$o& the Ierman mode$. Romania can (e er! &ea$th!' and actua$$! is much c$oser than Ierman! to a rea$ sustaina($e 'gro&th' and '&ea$th' creation. #ee ho& in the ne0t artic$e. Return to contents

,uildin- a Pros+erous Romania

Monetar! a$ue and I97 gro&th are out of date measurements for ho& &e$$ a countr! is faring.. It is eas! to demonstrate that there is (ad gro&th 5 "o$$uting' en ironmenta$$! destructi e' creating conf$ict (et&een those &ith most and those &ith $east 5 and good gro&th. Iood gro&th im"ro es communit!' (ui$ds in o$ ement' and "rotects the en ironment. 6s demonstrated a(o e the search for &ea$th (! de e$o"ing industr!, e0"$oiting natura$ resources, (ui$ding a $arge consumer (ased econom! is not o"en to Romania. .ig (usiness ru$es toda! &here once trade unions had "o&er. Carge sca$e unem"$o!ment means &ages are un$ike$! to rise faster than inf$ation. Whi$e those at the to" make a(surd sums of mone!' the gu$f (et&een the rich and "oor &idens. *he differences in &ea$th &e see across societ! toda! ha e not (een seen for @00 !ears. 7eo"$e &ork a $ot &ithout getting "aid for it. We c$ean our houses' cook our food' cu$ti ate egeta($es in our gardens. We ma! $ook after chi$dren or those $ess a($e than ourse$ es. If &e gro& our o&n egeta($es' &e kno& the! are chemica$ free and fresh. With chickens and-or "igs &e can (egin to "roduce much of the food &e need to sur i e. 1ooking our home5gro&n food sa es mone! and ensures &e ha e a mi0ed hea$th! diet. *o cook and to heat our home &e use &ood or another (io5com(usti($e' &hich &e ha e gro&n ourse$ es or ha e direct contact &ith the "roducer' so &e kno& this has come from a sustaina($e source. In the right conditions this &ork can (e en+o!a($e and fu$fi$$ing. 3or none of this &ork does an!(od! "a! us an!thing. 6$$ the time !ou do this &ork !ou are (ui$ding resi$ience. We are (ui$ding inde"endence from the destructi e consumerist societ!. We are esca"ing from &age s$a er!. *his condition is t!"ified (! someone &ho s"ends a$$ his-her &orking hours &orking for mone! and &ho s"ends a$$ their free time s"ending that mone! in a er! inefficient &a!. Mind$ess consum"tion or a &or$d &hich "uts $i ing first that is the choice (efore us. In the cit! or to&n &orking for ? to = da!s a &eek and the rest of our time s"ent in the i$$age. 3ostering communit!, gro&ing and cooking, (ui$ding resi$ience. %nough mone! to (e an a&are consumer. %nough time to take care o er ho& &e s"end our mone!. 6$$ this e/ua$s good gro&th. If !ou ha e not +oined it !et it is no& time to take the ste" !ou &i$$ ne er regret for the rest of !our $ife. Romania has the (est conditions in %uro"e to create a re&arding $ifest!$e, a $ifest!$e &hich corrects the current discre"ancies, (ridges gu$fs in societ!, re"airs the "$anet. Return to contents

#onetary Re0orm nitiative in "wit/erland

*&o themes that ha e occurred in a num(er of occasions in R%N is that of monetar! reform and the idea of direct democrac!. 9irect 9emocrac! :99) or 7artici"ati e 9emocrac! remo es "o$iticians from "o&er gi ing the "eo"$e direct "o&er o er decisions.

#&itJer$and ma! (e %uro"e's (est go erned countr!. 7erha"s' "art$! (ecause #&itJer$and +ust ha""ens to (e the countr! &ith the most de e$o"ed 99 in the &or$d. No& there is a mo ement in #&itJer$and to force a ote on monetar! reform. Reform &hich &i$$ remo e the "o&er from (anks to "rint mone! and gi e that "o&er to an inde"endent grou" of e0"erts charged &ith (ui$ding &hat the countr! most needs rather than creating "ro"ert! (u(($es. 4ere is "art of a re"ort &hich &as "osted on the 7ositi e Mone! &e(site. "wit/erland is +oliti(ally uni7ue L...... as the #&iss 1onstitution "ro ides a +oliti(al instrument *nown as the Volksinitiative :7eo"$esM Initiati e) &hich ena($es #&iss citiJens to $aunch an initiati e aimed at changing s"ecific "ro isions &ithin the #&iss 1onstitution. *o do so re/uires first of a$$ the co$$ection &ithin an @> month "eriod of @00M000 a$id signatures in su""ort of the initiati e. #hou$d this hurd$e (e surmounted' the initiati e &ou$d then (e "ut to a nationa$ ote. *he (iggest cha$$enge for the team at this stage of the cam"aign is to find the needed he$" and financing for signature co$$ection. *he minimum amount of funding re/uired for a successfu$ cam"aign is estimated to (e @50M000 143 or +ust o er @00M000 I.7. 6$though' this is a non5N8 initiati e' shou$d the MoMo team succeed in "utting such a fundamenta$ reform "ro"osa$ to a nationa$ ote' this &ou$d (e a momentous achie ement for the monetar! reform mo ement in %uro"e and across the g$o(e. 6$$ e!es &ou$d (e fi0ed on #&itJer$and' (ecause success for this sma$$ (ut significant "$a!er in the financia$ arena &ou$d ine ita($! ha e a ri""$e effect in other countries. Oie& 7ositi e Mone! Re"ort Return to contents

!hreat o0 #assive '2ydrauli( %ra(turin-' 3ooms over Romania

6$most e er!one in the &or$d &ho &ants to kno&' must (! no& ha e heard of the Romanian i$$age of 7ungesti. *his i$$age is a short distance from the most ad anced fracking site in Romania. In ear$! 9ecem(er $oca$s and acti ists from around Romania fought running (att$es &ith '+andarmi' :mi$itar! "o$ice) as the $oca$s tried to take (ack "ossession of their $and 'rented' to the 6merican com"an! 1he ron. *oda!' t&o months on' the i$$age is sti$$ under "o$ice contro$ &ith numerous restrictions of freedom. 6n attem"t to ha e the "o$ice actions dec$ared i$$ega$ has fai$ed. 6 (ra e man &ent on hunger strike in .ucharest on$! to see his "rotest ignored (! the mainstream "ress and media. It is our o$d friend' mone! taking "recedent o er information. *here is a "ossi(i$it! the $a& can (e changed. 6 "ar$iamentarian has introduced a (i$$ in "ar$iament to ha e mining using h!drau$ic fracturing dec$ared i$$ega$. Man! acti ist sites' on face(ook etc' are urging e er!one to &rite to their de"ut! to e0"ress their concerns. 6s has (een seen in the N8 :Wh! are Romania and the N8 so often found together on the &rong side of an en ironmenta$ issue;)' des"ite massi e un"o"u$arit! and constant re"orts of "o$$ution incidents coming out of the N#6 : Oie& recent artic$e)' the go ernment is determined to destro! trust &ith the "eo"$e and "ush through this massi e$! "oisonous' destructi e and un"$easant techno$og! no dou(t ho"ing to $ater &in "o"u$arit! &ith $o& "rices for natura$ gas. It seems that it is the constant desire of Romanian go ernments to destro! &hat is (est and most

(eautifu$ and most uni/ue a(out Romania. *he communists did it &ith massi e "o$$uting chemica$ factories and no& the ca"ita$ist ho"e to achie e the same (! se$$ing off the countr! for gas' oi$ and "recious meta$s mining. Re"orts from 7ungesti can (e found in %ng$ish at this site: frack off 7ungesti Return to contents

#inin- 4at(h Re+orts 2i-hli-ht #inin- Pressure on Romania

:.e$o& is a trans$ation of the introduction to Mining Watch's $atest re"orts on Romania) *he economic crisis and a raised $e e$ of "rices for meta$s o er the "ast fe& !ears has resu$ted in an increased interest among in estors internationa$$! to ro$$ out mining "ro+ects across %uro"e. 6cross #outh %ast %uro"e' interest is at a "articu$ar$! high $e e$. In Ireece a$one' there are eight "ro+ects under &a!. *he tendenc! to&ards increased interest is e ident a$so in Romania' es"ecia$$! since the meeting in 20@2' &hen %uro"ean "ar$iamentarians and the Romanian go ernment discussed the "otentia$ of sma$$ sca$e go$d mining "ro+ects using c!anide. Romania is considered to ha e the $argest reser es of go$d of an! %uro"ean countr!. 6 stud! carried out in the 6"useni Mountains (! the Ieo$ogica$ institute of Romania identified G> go$d de"osits. In "resentations and inter entions interested "arties ha e "romoted the ne& strategic direction for go$d mining, sma$$ sca$e "ro+ects em"$o!ing c!anide to e0tract the go$d. *he inde"endent centre for de e$o"ing natura$ resources has o(tained from the Nationa$ 6genc! for Natura$ resources' fo$$o&ing $ega$ action' a com"$ete $ist of a$$ the $icences &hich ha e (een issued for si$ er' go$d or mu$ti"$e meta$s e0traction. In the ne& situation of re5e a$uation of de"osits and the "ossi(i$it! of sma$$ sca$e mining o"erations' there &i$$ (e an considera($e increase in the num(er of mining o"erations in the ne0t fe& !ears. 6ccording to #tefan Marincea' an e0"ert in the area &ho has studied the "ro"osa$s' meta$ mining in Romania cou$d resu$t in at $east 2A00 hectares of $and (eing co ered &ith mining &aste containing c!anide. !he three re+orts issued by minin- wat(h Romania hi-hli-ht the +roblems whi(h already e8ist 0rom +revious minin- o+erations and 0aulty li(ensin- 0or new +ro9e(ts$ n the 0irst re+ort the on-oin- e00e(ts o0 Romania's worst es(a+e o0 (yanide waste into the river system: whi(h o((urred in 2000: is evaluated in the li-ht o0 new attem+ts to re;o+en the mine$ #assive irre-ularities in the do(umentation obtained by #invest <eva who have started minino+erations near <eva are des(ribed in the se(ond re+ort$ !he third re+ort loo*s at the li*ely e00e(t on (ommunities a(ross !ransylvania: i0 the +ro+osed small;s(ale minin- -oes ahead$ Read Re+orts in Romanian Return to (ontents

)N 3aun(hes "ustainable develo+ment 2015

It is time to get acti e on the "o$itica$ front. If the NN &ants rea$ sustaina($e de e$o"ment the! shou$d (e g$ad to ha e our su""ort and in"ut. Nnder the s$ogan Helping stakeholders shape new global goals for humanitys future

the NN has $aunched = NN #ustaina($e de e$o"ment 20@5 *he document o"ens &ith these fine &ords *he NN "rocess to define a ne& set of g$o(a$ goa$s to eradicate "o ert! through sustaina($e de e$o"ment must (e o+en: trans+arent and in(lusive. 7artici"ator! decision5making is the idea that in o$ ing a$$ stakeho$ders' at e er! $e e$' &i$$ resu$t in more informed' (etter outcomes. *he "ur"ose of this "rogramme' L... is to increase stakeho$der "artici"ation in these g$o(a$ de$i(erations and faci$itate the goa$sM effecti e im"$ementation. #920@5 &i$$ "ro ide too$s and o""ortunities for a$$ stakeho$ders to he$" (ui$d a more sustaina($e future through fi e focus areas: raising a&areness, increasing engagement, em"o&ering stakeho$ders, coordinating ad ocac!, and strengthening go ernance % er!&here "eo"$e are on the mo e for a (etter &or$d. We must make our &eight fe$t. )n$! the oice of ordinar! "eo"$e &ho &ant a fairer "$anet' to $i e hea$th! $i es and to kno& that their chi$dren &i$$ ha e a future' can ensure that &e ha e rea$ sustaina($e de e$o"ment. We do not &ant a mu$ti5nationa$ sham de e$o"ment' &hich continues the "$anetar! destruction' and accumu$ation and misuse of &ea$th that &e see toda!. )ur oice must (e heard so $oud$! it cannot (e ignored. Oie& $aunch .rochure Return to (ontents

Romanian News
"avin- %ish "to(*s in ,la(* "ea
Is it too $ate to sa e the o er5fished and "o$$uted .$ack #ea. 6s disaster inches nearer the countries (ordering the sea ha e fina$$! got together and e0"ressed an eagerness to do something a(out the dire situation for fish in the sea. In 8ie $ast &eek' 36)Ms regiona$ office for %uro"e and 1entra$ 6sia conducted the fina$ meeting on the .$ack #ea 3ish "ro+ect' &ith de$egates from the si0 $ittora$ states: .u$garia' Ieorgia' Romania' Russian 3ederation' *urke! and Nkraine. *he meeting ado"ted (! consensus a historic "ro+ect "ro"osa$ document &ith a tota$ (udget of N#P @5 mi$$ion' designed to (oost scientific and technica$ coo"eration and kno&$edge of marine resources in the .$ack #ea. 4igh5 a$ue' migrating stocks of ancho !' tur(ot and other s"ecies are the focus of the "ro+ect. E3or the first time in o er ha$f a centur!' there seems to (e a genuine &i$$ from a$$ the .$ack #ea $ittora$ states to coo"erate on a +oint "ro+ect that &i$$ generate su(stantia$ ne& information on the fish stocks' and "ossi(i$ities for their sustaina($e e0"$oitation'F said 36) fisheries officer *homas Moth57ou$sen Read more

&overnment #oves on Rosia #ontana 6-ain

*he Romanian go ernment has co5o"ted *rans"arenc! Internationa$ into their efforts to "ush

through a $a& to "ermit mining &ith c!anide in Rosia Montana. *rans"arenc! Internationa$ in Romania is $ed (! a man &ith $inks to (oth the mining com"an! and the go ernment. 3ears are that an! $a& &i$$ (e an!thing (ut trans"arent. 6cti ists ha e "rotested outside the head/uarters of the organisation in .er$in. In Romania *rans"arenc! Internationa$ is under "ressure to &ithdra& from an! coo"eration &ith the go ernment. Read More Mihai Iotiu in Romanian

6r(hite(ts '&reen' .lu9

6 ision of 1$u+ &ith the gre! communist ($ocks com"$ete$! transformed (! a""$!ing shee"'s &oo$ insu$ation' and turning the roofs into gardens has (een "romoted (! a grou" of architects. *he architect 4oratiu Racasan from the grou" R6NM has "ut the idea (efore the cit! counci$ and asked that funds (e inc$uded from the (udget to rea$ise a stud! on the feasi(i$it!. 6$though this seems $ike fantas! in 1$u+ it is a$read! occurring around the &or$d and needs to (e taken serious$!. Re"ort in Romanian &ith 7ictures #ee more of the $o& Im"act "ro+ects of R6NM Return to 1ontents

4orld News
Pres(ri+tion <ru-s more <an-erous than lle-al <ru-s
What ha""ens &hen !ou massi e$! increase the amount of "rescri"tion drugs issued e er! !ear. *he N#6 has found out, /uite sim"$! !ou massi e$! increase the num(er of o erdoses *he data suggests the num(er of "eo"$e o erdosing from "harmaceutica$ 5 or "rescri"tion 5 drugs has tre($ed o er that decade' +ust as the /uantit! of "rescri"tion "ainki$$ers so$d to "harmacies' hos"ita$s' and doctors' offices has /uadru"$ed o er the same "eriod. 6s a resu$t in 20@0' "rescri"tion drugs ki$$ed more than 22'@00 "eo"$e in the N#' more than t&ice as man! as cocaine and heroin com(ined. Read ..1 Re"ort

2ot 2ouse &rowin- 4aistlines

4a ing the centra$ heating on ma! (e contri(uting to our (a$$ooning &aist$ines' 9utch researchers suggest. *he! sa! higher tem"eratures in homes' offices and hos"ita$s "ro ide more comfort' (ut mean (odies no $onger need to (urn e0tra ca$ories to kee" &arm. *he &eight $oss idea' "ro"osed in *rends in %ndocrino$og! and Meta(o$ism' comes do&n to energ! (a$ance. 7eo"$e &i$$ gain &eight if the! consume more ca$ories in food than the! (urn off in da!5to5da! $ife. *he re"ort said "eo"$e s"ent A0Q of their time indoors and !et R&e coo$ and heat our d&e$$ings for ma0ima$ comfort &hi$e minimising our (od! energ! e0"enditure necessar! to contro$ (od! tem"eraturesR. *he energ! (a$ance is shifted to&ards &eight gain and can re/uire a dro" in tem"erature to he$" (urn off some ca$ories.

Read )rigina$ artic$e 6nother Pesti(ide <an-er Revealed

It is a$most a(surd to think that a chemica$ designed to ki$$ mi$$ions of insects' &i$$ not ha e knock on effects on a$$ other $ife forms. No& it has (een re ea$ed that 99*' a chemica$ (anned in most de e$o"ed countries for man! !ears' (ut sti$$ ad ised to com(at ma$aria in de e$o"ing countries' has $ong term conse/uences for human hea$th. 99* $ingers in the human (od! &here it is (roken do&n into 99%. 6 team at Rutgers Nni ersit! and %mor! Nni ersit! tested $e e$s of 99% in the ($ood of >G "eo"$e &ith 6$Jheimer's disease and com"ared the resu$ts &ith BA hea$th! "eo"$e of a simi$ar age and (ackground. *he resu$ts sho&ed those &ith 6$Jheimer's had ?.> times the $e e$ of 99%. *he researchers (e$ie e the chemica$ is increasing the chance of 6$Jheimer's and ma! (e in o$ ed in the de e$o"ment of am!$oid "$a/ues in the (rain' a ha$$mark of the disease' &hich contri(ute to the death of (rain ce$$s. 7rof 6$$an Ce e!' the director of the 6$Jheimer's 9isease Research 1entre at %mor!' said: R*his is one of the first studies identif!ing a strong en ironmenta$ risk factor for 6$Jheimer's disease. R*he magnitude of the effect is striking$! $arge' it is com"ara($e in siJe to the most common genetic risk factor for $ate5onset 6$Jheimer's.R 3e$$o& researcher' 9r 2ason Richardson added: RWe are sti$$ (eing e0"osed to these chemica$s in the Nnited #tates' (oth (ecause &e get food "roducts from other countries and (ecause 99% "ersists in the en ironment for a $ong time.R Read )rigina$ 6rtic$e

E) le-islates to sto+ ban*s s+e(ulatin- on %ood

Wor$d 9e e$o"ment Mo ement :W9M) cam"aigners ha e &on a ma+or ictor!. 2B50@520@= S *he %N has taken a historic ste" to introduce regu$ation to "re ent s"ecu$ation (! (anks and hedge funds dri ing u" food "rices and e0acer(ating the g$o(a$ hunger crisis. *he $imits to cur( s"ecu$ation on food "rices &ere agreed on @= 2anuar! 20@= fo$$o&ing more than three !ears cam"aigning (! anti5"o ert! charit!' the Wor$d 9e e$o"ment Mo ement :W9M). *he ne& contro$s &i$$ "$ace a $imit on the num(er of food contracts that (anks and other finance com"anies can ho$d' and &i$$ force traders to o"en their acti it! to greater "u($ic scrutin!. W9M has hai$ed the decision as an historic ste" for&ard' (ut said that the N8 go ernment's o""osition to tough contro$s has resu$ted in serious $oo"ho$es in the regu$ation. In "articu$ar' $imits &i$$ (e set at nationa$ rather than %N $e e$' &hich cam"aigners sa! risks a regu$ator! 'race to the (ottom' as countries cou$d com"ete to set &eaker $imits. *he grou" is urging the %uro"ean regu$ator %#M6 to ensure that the ne& ru$es are im"$emented effecti e$!' and not &atered do&n further (! industr! $o((!ing. Io$dman #achs' .arc$a!s' 9eutsche .ank' 27 Morgan and Morgan #tan$e! together made an estimated T2.2 (i$$ion from s"ecu$ating on food inc$uding &heat' maiJe and so! (et&een 20@0 and 20@2. #"ecu$ation increases "rice o$ati$it! and has (een a ma+or factor in the shar" s"ikes in g$o(a$ food "rices of the $ast si0 !ears. Read fu$$ 6rtic$e

Pro9e(t .>= 4<#

W9M is a i(rant net&ork cam"aigning for a fairer &or$d. Working in so$idarit! &ith acti ists around the &or$d' W9M tack$es the root causes of "o ert!. *he NI) researches and "romotes "ositi e a$ternati es that "ut the rights of "oor communities (efore the interests of (ig (usiness. !o 0ind out more about 4<# and how you (an su++ort their (am+ai-nin- wor*: visit www$wdm$or-$u*$

#onsanto?s Evil !win

In the N#6 the fight to ha e "roducts containing IM)s goes on. )rdinar! "eo"$e fighting (ig (usiness in the $and &here the citiJens are su""osed to (e the "o&er' (ut &here in recent !ears go ernment and (ig (usiness ha e (ecome a$most indistiguisha($e. .efore there &as Monsanto &ith its IM)s :genetica$$! modified organisms)' there &ere +unk food com"anies hard at &ork "edd$ing their inf$uence' and "romoting their agendas' in 1ongress. Now: the &ro(ery #anu0a(turer?s 6sso(iation o0 6meri(a (&#6): whi(h re+resents the world?s lar-est +urveyors o0 9un* 0ood: is wor*in- in (ahoots with #onsanto to +rote(t their obs(ene +ro0its by doin- everythin- in their +ower to *ee+ labels o00 o0 &#@; (ontaminated 0oods$ *he IM6 is "ushing for a &atered5do&n' o$untar! IM) $a(e$$ing $a&' one that &ou$d a$$o& IM)5contaminated foods to (e $a(e$$ed Enatura$.F 6nd itMs threatening to sue an! state that "asses a IM) $a(e$$ing $a&. 6nd it's e en going after the Washington #tate attorne! genera$ for the right to hide cam"aign contri(utions. If Monsanto is the most e i$ cor"oration in the &or$d' the IM6 is sure$! the .iotech .u$$!Ms e i$ t&in. Read the essay and wat(h the video Return to 1ontents

6bout REN 2el+ REN .ontributorsA!ranslators editorsA+ublishin- dates

4ebsites o0 interest in Romania

%n ironmenta$ ne&s in Romanian: htt+=AAwww$e(oma-a/in$roA WW))3 Romania for o$unteering on organic and traditiona$ farms in Romania %corura$is su""orts traditiona$ farming methods and farmers Rosia Montana: cam"aign to sa e area from mining "ro+ect Infomg: information a(out gm cro"s in Romania *ransition to&ns in Romania Irou"s seeking to transform their to&ns to make them more sustaina($e s$o&food: Romanian (ranches of internationa$ cam"aign to encourage hea$th!' $oca$'traditiona$ food

7ermacu$ture Ne&s' courses and transition to&ns htt"s:--&&&.face("ages-*arnat58a$otasJeg59ura(i$-25?A55>2=G55BA= K NI) that su""orts tradition and sustaina($e de e$o"ment in 8a$otasJeg. htt"s:--&&&.face( K "age to "romote the $oca$' historic market in 4uedin-.anff!hun!ad and good $oca$ food.

.he(* out these En-lish lan-ua-e websites=

*ransnationa$ Institute, a &or$d&ide fe$$o&shi" of scho$ar acti ists htt":--"$anetgreen.disco er!.com-feature-"$anet5@00!ou can &atch en ironmenta$ ne&s from around the &or$d in %ng$ish. htt":--&&& is fu$$ of a$$ things en ironmenta$ and ethica$

6bout REN R%N is a tin! "art of the $argest mo ement this "$anet has e er seen. *he mo ement to harmonise our re$ationshi" &ith our "$anet, to remo e "rofit as the so$e aim of enter"rise, to im"ro e our /ua$it! of $ife for no& and fore er. Romanian Environmental Newsletter cam"aigns for a sustaina($e' ethica$' e/uita($e future for Romania. 2el+ REN R%N is com"$ete$! o$untar! and no mone! is in o$ ed. R%N is a$&a!s $ooking to im"ro e. 1an !ou he$"; R%N &e$comes contri(utions from a$$' in an! of our three $anguages: %ng$ish' Romanian' and 4ungarian. 6rtic$es shou$d not (e too $ong :one "age or $ess 5 font @2). Cinks shou$d (e inc$uded to &e(sites for those &ho &ant to read more. R%N25 is on$! a""earing in %ng$ish' (ut if an!one &ou$d $ike to trans$ate a$$ or an! "art of it into Romanian or 4ungarian and "ost it on a ($og-face(ook etc' "$ease fee$ free. #end emai$ to find out more R%N information R%N is "u($ished /uarter$!. Ne0t "u($ishing date: 67R ?0th 20@=. 1)N*61* R%N

Editor ; 9oug$as Mcfar$ane

*he content of artic$es is the so$e res"onsi(i$it! of the author. R%N does not necessari$! agree &ith a$$ o"inions e0"ressed. *he accurac! of trans$ations cannot (e guaranteed. *he origina$ document shou$d (e consu$ted to erif! facts if necessar!. R%N does not e0ist as a $ega$ entit!

Publishin- dates

REN2B 6+r 30th 2014C REN2D July 31st 2014C REN2E @.!31st "end (ontributions to dou-lasm(0arlaneFhotmail$(om

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