The United States of America

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It is situated in North America. It borders on Mexico in the south Canada in the north !aci"ic ocean in the #est and At$antic ocean in the east. It consists 50 states and has about 300 million inhabitants.

In 1492 Christopher Columbus disco&ered America. 'ut he didn(t )no# that it(s a ne# continent he thou*ht that he sai$ed to India. The "irst euro+ean sett$ers came there at the be*innin* o" the ,- th centur.. Sett$ers "rom En*$and Pilgrims came to !$.mouth the shi+ #as ca$$ed Mayflower. The. #ere $oo)in* "or a re$i*ious "reedom and better $i"e. The $i"e in ne# countr. #as hard and dan*erous. One ha$" o" the +i$*rims died durin* the "irst #inter. In the s+rin* indians tau*ht them ho# to *ro# corn and other +$ants to eat. The S+ain tra&e$$ed u+ "rom Mexico $oo)in* "or *o$d. The. sta.ed in the South#est in #hat is no# Ca$i"ornia and Ari/ona. A"ter that more and more euro+eans came there. The $ar*est non0en*$ish #as 1ermans #ho came to "arm in !enns.$&ania. 2hen 'ritain had $aid a dut. on tea su*ar co""ee texti$e the. re"used to bu. it. 3'ritain needed mone. "or #ar #ith France.4 in ,556 shi+s brou*ht tea a*ain to 'oston. 'ut #hen dut. #as to be +aid as be"ore a$$ the tea #as thro#n into the sea. This Boston ea Party! is o"ten *i&en as the be*innin* o" the "ar of #n$epen$en%e. In the summer o" 1&&'( on )uly 4th #as dec$ared the *e%laration of #n$epen$en%e #hich #as #ritten b. homas )efferson. The "irst +resident #as +eorge "ashington, In ,7-, started the %i-il war. It started a"ter Abraham 8inco$n(s e$ection in ,7-9. There #ere t#o $ands: the .orth 32ashin*ton4 #here #ere "actories industria$ and rai$#a.s and the /outh 3Richmond4 #here #ere +$antations and ; mi$$ion s$a&es. In ,7-6 the sla-ery was abolishe$. In ,<=< the stoc) mar)et crashed and became the era ca$$ed the +reat *epression, In ,<6= Roos#e$t #as e$ected +resident he had his +o$itica$ +ro*ramme ca$$ed the .ew *eal. It he$+ed the USA a $ot. In ,<;, the >a+anese attac)ed Pearl 0arbour a"ter#ards the. entered 22II. 10iroshima( .agasa2i3. One o" the bi**est +o$itica$ scanda$ #as in ,<5; the watergate s%an$al. A"ter this Nixon had to resi*n. 3he sent a*ents to the hote$ #here the o++ossite +o$itica$ +art. had their documents but the securit. sa# them.4

2ASHIN1TON D.C. 3District o" Co$umbia4

The ca+ita$ cit. is 2ashin*ton D.C. It(s named a"ter the "irst +resident 1eor*e 2ashin*ton. It $ies in in the east o" the USA. Federa$ *o&ernment the !resident the Con*ress and the Su+reme Court are situated there. The most "amous house there is the 2hite House it has ser&ed se the home o" e&ere. US +resident 3exce+t 1. 2ashin*ton4.

NE2 %OR? 3@THE 'I1 A!!8EA4

It(s the $ar*est cit. o" the USA. It is a$so one o" the most important finan%ial( %ommer%ial an$ %ultural %entres in the worl$. Ne# %or) is a$so ca$$ed @The cit.

that ne&er s$ee+sA because it is a$i&e a$$ da. a$$ ni*ht. There are "i&e borou*hs: Manhattan( 4ueens( Bron5( 6i%hmon$ an$ Broo2lyn . Manhattan is the o$dest and the most im+ortant one. "all street is the s.mbo$ o" the "inancia$ #or$d home to t#o o" the nation(s stoc) mar)et and se&era$ ban)s. There are man. +$aces to &istit. The most "amous site o" the cit. is the /tatue of 7iberty. It is s.mbo$ o" "reedom and o" the US itse$". Other +$aces are "or exam+$e: Time SBuare Madison SBuare 1arden Centra$ !ar) the Roc)a"e$$er Centre. The best actin* and directin* ta$ent in the US can be "ound on Broa$way. There are a$so man. im+ortant ne#s+a+ers and ma*a/ines such as The Ne# %or) Times The 2ashin*ton !ost The Ne# %or)er Co*ue and Time. Other im+ortant cities are "or instance 8os An*e$es or Chica*o.

The Nationa$ s.mbo$s are "$a* and the 1reat sea$. The American "$a* consists o" ,6 a$ternate red and #hite stri+es and D9 #hite stars in a "ie$d o" b$ue re+resentin* the D9 states. There(s an ea*$e on the 1reat sea$. He ho$ds an o$i&e branch #hich s.mbo$i/es a desire "or +eace but a$so an abi$it. to #a*e a #ar.


The hi*hest mountain is Mount M%8inley in A$as)a 3- ,<;m4. The $o#es +oint is in *eath 9alley in California 37- m be$o# sea $e&e$4. The #est is &er. mountainous #ith the Sierra Ne&ada and Cascade mountian ran*es. The Cordi$$a mountain ran*e a$so in the #est occu+ies one ha$" o" the continenta$ US inc$udin* the Roc). mountains in Co$orado and the Famous 1rand Can.on. The US has man. ri&ers. The $ar*est ri&ers are Mississi++i and Missouri. The Hudson ri&er is im+ortant because it connects #ith the 1reat 8a)es. There are &ast c$imatic di""erences across the "i"t. states. The tro+ica$ and semi0 tro+ica$ c$imate can be "ound in Ha#aii F$orida and Ca$i"ornia. For Ha#aii are t.+ica$ hurri%anes( earh:ua2es or fires. In contrast in the northeast and mid#est the c$imate is more se&ere "eaturin* "our seasons and co$d #inters. Ho#e&er the most extreme arctic c$imate can be "ound in A$as)a.

No# I(m *oin* to ta$) about *o&ernment. The USA is a fe$eral republi%. The Head o" state is presi$ent no#ada.s it(s 'arac) Obama he(s e$ected b. +eo+$e "or a ;0 .ear term. Con*ress consists o" two houses; /enate an$ 0ouse of 6epresentati-es . There are ,99 members in the senate the. a$e e$ected "or a -0.ear term. The House o" Re+resentati&es consists o" ;6D mebers e$ected "or a term o" = .ears. he Constitution is se+arated into the three branches : e5e%uti-e 1Presi$ent3( legislati-e 1%ongress3 an$ <u$i%ial 1supreme %ourt3 .

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