The Teaching of the Himalayan adept Djwhal Khul.
The book "The main occult laws and concepts" - is the first in the series. It constitutes a basis, and allows you to rethink many of the scientific concepts and philosophical categories - there are "Spirit", "Matter", "Soul", "mass", "energy", "space" and "time."
Yin and Yang, and their true meaning. What is "elementary particle" from the position of esotericism. The basis of its internal structure. A comparison of the concepts of "particle" and "soul".
The creation and destruction of Ether, its emission and absorption, Fields of Attraction and Repulsion.
Explanation of some occult symbols - Pentagram, Star of David, swastika and other.
What is 666 - Number of the Beast?
Involution and evolution, Heaven and Hell, Baptism by Water and by Fire.
How to interpret the meaning of the Apocalypse?
The memory of elementary particle - in other words, its Karma, the Akashic records.
Chakras - open and closed.
What is the Ascension, Salvation, Exodus, Easter?
Law of Identification is as a root cause of our incanation, and then the subsequent unwillingness to die.
Sons of Earth and Fire, Shiva and Brahma, Cain and Abel, Castor and Pollux.
Secrets of Eastern philosophy can lead to revolution in the scientific worldview.
This work may be interesting to scientists who are looking for an alternative explanation of the various scientific issues and questions both finished and outstanding.
In addition, we can expect that people who study religious scriptures and treatises on philosophy and theosophy will pay attention to this wok. Also, this may include people interested in literature New Age.
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T.Danina - The Teaching of Djwhal Khul - The Main Occult Laws and Concepts
The Teaching of the Himalayan adept Djwhal Khul.
The book "The main occult laws and concepts" - is the first in the series. It constitutes a basis, and allows you to rethink many of the scientific concepts and philosophical categories - there are "Spirit", "Matter", "Soul", "mass", "energy", "space" and "time."
Yin and Yang, and their true meaning. What is "elementary particle" from the position of esotericism. The basis of its internal structure. A comparison of the concepts of "particle" and "soul".
The creation and destruction of Ether, its emission and absorption, Fields of Attraction and Repulsion.
Explanation of some occult symbols - Pentagram, Star of David, swastika and other.
What is 666 - Number of the Beast?
Involution and evolution, Heaven and Hell, Baptism by Water and by Fire.
How to interpret the meaning of the Apocalypse?
The memory of elementary particle - in other words, its Karma, the Akashic records.
Chakras - open and closed.
What is the Ascension, Salvation, Exodus, Easter?
Law of Identification is as a root cause of our incanation, and then the subsequent unwillingness to die.
Sons of Earth and Fire, Shiva and Brahma, Cain and Abel, Castor and Pollux.
Secrets of Eastern philosophy can lead to revolution in the scientific worldview.
This work may be interesting to scientists who are looking for an alternative explanation of the various scientific issues and questions both finished and outstanding.
In addition, we can expect that people who study religious scriptures and treatises on philosophy and theosophy will pay attention to this wok. Also, this may include people interested in literature New Age.
The Teaching of the Himalayan adept Djwhal Khul.
The book "The main occult laws and concepts" - is the first in the series. It constitutes a basis, and allows you to rethink many of the scientific concepts and philosophical categories - there are "Spirit", "Matter", "Soul", "mass", "energy", "space" and "time."
Yin and Yang, and their true meaning. What is "elementary particle" from the position of esotericism. The basis of its internal structure. A comparison of the concepts of "particle" and "soul".
The creation and destruction of Ether, its emission and absorption, Fields of Attraction and Repulsion.
Explanation of some occult symbols - Pentagram, Star of David, swastika and other.
What is 666 - Number of the Beast?
Involution and evolution, Heaven and Hell, Baptism by Water and by Fire.
How to interpret the meaning of the Apocalypse?
The memory of elementary particle - in other words, its Karma, the Akashic records.
Chakras - open and closed.
What is the Ascension, Salvation, Exodus, Easter?
Law of Identification is as a root cause of our incanation, and then the subsequent unwillingness to die.
Sons of Earth and Fire, Shiva and Brahma, Cain and Abel, Castor and Pollux.
Secrets of Eastern philosophy can lead to revolution in the scientific worldview.
This work may be interesting to scientists who are looking for an alternative explanation of the various scientific issues and questions both finished and outstanding.
In addition, we can expect that people who study religious scriptures and treatises on philosophy and theosophy will pay attention to this wok. Also, this may include people interested in literature New Age.
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100%(3)100% found this document useful (3 votes)
1K views232 pages
T.Danina - The Teaching of Djwhal Khul - The Main Occult Laws and Concepts
The Teaching of the Himalayan adept Djwhal Khul.
The book "The main occult laws and concepts" - is the first in the series. It constitutes a basis, and allows you to rethink many of the scientific concepts and philosophical categories - there are "Spirit", "Matter", "Soul", "mass", "energy", "space" and "time."
Yin and Yang, and their true meaning. What is "elementary particle" from the position of esotericism. The basis of its internal structure. A comparison of the concepts of "particle" and "soul".
The creation and destruction of Ether, its emission and absorption, Fields of Attraction and Repulsion.
Explanation of some occult symbols - Pentagram, Star of David, swastika and other.
What is 666 - Number of the Beast?
Involution and evolution, Heaven and Hell, Baptism by Water and by Fire.
How to interpret the meaning of the Apocalypse?
The memory of elementary particle - in other words, its Karma, the Akashic records.
Chakras - open and closed.
What is the Ascension, Salvation, Exodus, Easter?
Law of Identification is as a root cause of our incanation, and then the subsequent unwillingness to die.
Sons of Earth and Fire, Shiva and Brahma, Cain and Abel, Castor and Pollux.
Secrets of Eastern philosophy can lead to revolution in the scientific worldview.
This work may be interesting to scientists who are looking for an alternative explanation of the various scientific issues and questions both finished and outstanding.
In addition, we can expect that people who study religious scriptures and treatises on philosophy and theosophy will pay attention to this wok. Also, this may include people interested in literature New Age.
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THE MAIN OCCULT LAWS AND CONCEPTS Book 1 * * * * * THE SERIES THE TEACHING OF DJWHAL KHUL ESOTERIC NATURAL SCIENCE * * * * * 2 The teaching of the Master of the Trans-Himalayan Esoteric School, Djhal !h"l# The contin"ation of $ooks of H% Bla&atsky an' (( Bailey# Synthesis of Science an' Religion * * * * * TATIANA DANINA * * * * * )*1+ (nother $ook of the series ,The Teaching of Djhal !h"l - Esoteric .at"ral Science/ - Ethereal mecha!c"# - htt0122#ama3on#com2'02B**I4!S545 The $ook ,Ne$ E"%ter!c A"tr%l%&'/ yo" can $"y here - htt0122#ama3on#com2'02B**678RM95 (n' here is the $ook of my gran'0a, M!chael N%(!)%(* a m!l!tar' +arame,!c# 5o" can rea' his mem%r!e" a-%.t the F!!"h $ar htt0122#ama3on#com2'02B**65DIT:8 The $ooks1 ,(stronomy an' cosmology/, ;Mechanics of $o'ies;, ;<0tics;, ;Biology =an' >"estions of Breatharianism?;, ;Thermo'ynamics;, ;Electromagnetism;, ;9hemistry; ill $e soon 0"$lishe' in English# <fficial e$site1 htt0122nee3o#r" E-mail1 'anina#t@yan'eA#" 7ace$ook1 htt0s122#face$ook#com2tatiana#'anina Titter1 htt0s122titter#com2TatianaDanina1 Ha++' rea,!&/ CONTENTS 1# The %reface 3 *1# The series of $ooks ;The Teaching of Djhal !h"l - Esoteric nat"ral science; an' a so"rce of information for itB *)# Chy is s"ch e0igra0h "se'D *E# ( 0rimary 0"r0ose of the $ookB *+# (n a''itional task of the $ook is the analysis of ha$it"al e&entsB *F# Be s"r0rise' $y the fact of yo"r eAistenceB *8# The cr"tches of h"manityB *G# Money# The 0ro$lems of h"manityB *4# Hife after 'eathB *I# The 0"r0ose of s0irit"al 0racticesB 1*# ( 'ream of anyoneB 11# Chat can 0eo0le 'o the $est of allD 1)# Thanks to my family an' frien's# )# %art 1# (ll si'es of the ($sol"te =Jo', the 9reator, the Thinking S"$stance? *1# The Main ;(ctors; of occ"ltismB *)# The act of creation =a short &ersion?B *E# Matter is the first as0ect of the ($sol"te =of the Thinking S"$stance?B *+# S0irit, 7ather, Hight, 7ire, Min', Hogos, Tho"ght, 9hrist, <siris, B"''ha, Energy, Ether, (kasha, Im0"lse, 7ohatB *F# S0ace is the 9reator# The 'is0"te $eteen .eton an' EinsteinB *8# S0irit - that is Ether, Energy, an' Information# So"l - is an elementary 0articleB *G# So"l - is the Thir' Hy0ostasis# The mechanism of manifestation =creation?B *4# 9omments to the Book of D3yan =the Stan3as of D3yan as taken from &ol"me 1 of ;The Secret Doctrine; of H% Bla&atsky?B *I# Str"ct"re an' a >"ality of elementary 0articles =So"ls?# 5in an' 5angB 1*# %rinci0les of $eha&ior of Ether =Energy-Information?B 11# 7iel's of (ttraction an' Re0"lsion - are the o"tar' manifestations of the >"ality of elementary 0articlesB 1)# The 'ifference $eteen the creation of Ether an' its emission, as ell as $eteen the 'estr"ction an' a$sor0tionB 4 1E# The tri0le meaning of conce0ts ;Matter; an' ;S0irit;B 1+# Shi&a an' Brahma, 9ain an' ($el, Destroyers an' 9reatorsB 1F# Se&en %lans are the totalities of elementary 0articlesB 18# Se&en Rays, Se&en Brothers, Se&en Se0hirots, Se&en Rishis, Se&en Sons, Se&en S0irits, Se&en %rinci0les - all these are the se&en ty0es of So"ls =elementary 0articles?B 1G# 9onformity of the G Rays to G colorsB 14# ;The +I Hights of Brahma;B 1I# The 9lassification of 0articles of elementsB )*# The Se&en HierarchiesB )1# The Memory of the elementary 0article, the 9onscio"sness of the (tom, the (kashic recor's, !armaB ))# The Ha of I'entity of ;I; ith ;.on-I;# Chy 'o e incarnateD )E# The attainment of .ir&ana# (tonement, (scension, Sal&ation, EasterB )+# (n (0ocaly0se - is a 0ersonal 'ecision for e&eryone# (gni 5oga# Ba0tism $y 7ireB )F# The conce0ts of time of .eton an' Einstein# %arallel orl'sB )8# %ralaya an' Maha0ralaya, Man&antara an' Mahaman&antara# The Day an' .ight of Brahma, Inhalation an' EAhalation# The Day ;Be ith "s;# 6"'gment Day, En' of the Corl'B )G# E&ol"tion an' In&ol"tion# The 7all of H"ciferB )4# The Tree of Hife# Esoteric sym$olism of the !ing'oms of .at"re# The ."m$er of the Beast =888?, the Star of Da&i', the 9hristian 9ross an' other sym$olsB )I# The &ario"s &ersions of the Kni&erseB E*# ( Himitless <ceanB E1# Ether - is the ca"se of firmness of elementary 0articlesB E)# The Bo"n'lessness of the S0aceB EE# So hat is o"tsi'e the infinite Kni&erseD E+# Jo' is e&eryhereB EF# Chat is the ;(kasha;D E8# B"''ha an' 9hrist - are the sym$ols of the S0iritB EG# The Holy JrailB E4# 9hrist an' (ntichrist, Hea&en an' HellB EI# The 7ather, the Son, an' the Holy S0iritB +*# The Ba0tism $y Cater an' $y 7ireB +1# R"0a an' (r"0a, forms an' formlessnessB 5 +)# The chakras - close' an' o0en# The mechanism of initiation an' the goal of e&ol"tion =$riefly?B +E# The Initiations of + elementsB ++# The 0ara$le of ('am an' E&e# I do not invent hypotheses Isaac Newton Memento mori the famous phrase When we say that we live on the planet, this expresses our delusions of grandeur. Earth allegedly elongs to us, it is ours, we are its owners. !ut this is nonsense. "ur world # is a thin layer around the gloe, height aout seven $ilometers, deep, where the sea, five % in general, the twelve $ilometer layer. &. !osh$e, '(n$nown' )nd death shall have no dominion *ylan +homas, Welsh poet ... it is the customary fate of new truths to egin as heresies and to end as superstitions +homas ,enry ,uxley THE PREFACE 01 THE SERIES OF 2OOKS 3THE TEACHING OF DJWHAL KHUL - ESOTERIC NATURAL SCIENCE3 4 AND A SOURCE OF INFORMATION FOR IT In o"r lifetimes there is 0ro$a$ly nothing more mysterio"s, enchanting, enticing an' frightening at the same time rather than a contact ith something s"0ernat"ral# The Higher Min', other orl's, mysterio"s 0laces, kee0ing the secrets, an' strange $eings en'oe' ith a$ilities that are "na&aila$le to the common man# (ll this an' m"ch more, "nknon has alays $een the s"$ject to scr"tiny $y the 0eo0le# 6 ItLs like a 'oor entailing somehere into the "nknon, hich allos to look $eyon' the 'aily ro"tine, eA0an'ing the hori3ons of o"r imagination# This is the only area that $est informs "s a$o"t the iss"es of 'eath, an' hat ill $e after it# (n', of co"rse, 0eo0le canMt 0ass "0 the o00ort"nity to look into the 'oor, an' e&en 0ass thro"gh it# The Himalayan Mahatmas s"ng o0en $efore h"manity one of these 'oors# They are s"0erh"man, hite mages, mentors an' teachers# The or' ;Mahatma; is translate' from Sanskrit as a ;Jreat So"l#; The (scen'e' Masters, they ha&e gone on the 0ath of e&ol"tion far from "s# Hoe&er, they chose to remain to g"i'e an' coor'inate the formation an' 'e&elo0ment of 0eo0le# This is the greatest 'iffic"lty for them an' the $oon for "s# The Masters of the Trans-Himalayan Esoteric School take 'isci0les into their s0irit"al ashrams from aro"n' the glo$e# ( contact carrie' o"t not in 0erson, $"t on the s"$tle 0lans, in the min'# In the co"rse of s"ch intangi$le teaching 0eo0le are ta"ght to all kin's of s0irit"al 0ractices that lea' to enlightenment an' the attainment of tr"e knole'ge a$o"t the orl'# The $est-knon teachers of this school are !"th"mi, Moria an' Djhal !h"l# 7rom the mi''le of the 1Ith cent"ry Mahatmas a''itionally committe' themsel&es to tele0athically transmit thro"gh the interme'iaries =ho as chosen from among the 'isci0les? the teAts of orks, connecting science an' religion# Helena Bla&atsky as the first messenger-tele0ath# S"ch mon"mental $ooks like ,Isis Kn&eile'/ an' ,Secret Doctrine/ ere $orn thanks to her coo0eration ith the Himalayan a'e0ts# In the )*th cent"ry (lice (nne Bailey contin"e' her ork# She as the oner of great sylla$le an' style# D"ring her contact ith Djhal !h"l, she rote more than )* $ooks containing &al"a$le information a$o"t the $asics of o"r Being, the 0sychology of 0eo0le an' the techni>"es of me'itation# In 0artic"lar, the series of orks entitle' ;( Treatise on the Se&en Rays; is sim0ly "ni>"e in its im0ortance# In the $ooks of (lice Bailey there is the 0re'iction that itLs not the latest series of orks, an' in the $eginning of the )1st cent"ry, it ill contin"e# These $ooks ill $e also 'e&ote' to the theme of synthesis of science an' esotericism# B"t their central foc"s of attention ill $e 'irecte' 0recisely on the scientific iss"es an' 0ro$lems an' their 'ecision# 7 (n' I am l"cky to 0resent to yo" this series of orks entitle' ;The Teaching of Djhal !h"l - Esoteric .at"ral Science; =$eca"se here 'ealt mainly nat"ral science iss"es?# Het yo" not $e afrai' of the or' ;'isci0line;, that remin'ing rote learning an' eAams# Ce trie' to "se a sim0le an' clear lang"age, $"t itho"t neglecting the las of logic# <"r aim is to re&eal the 'ee0er meaning of the knon scientific las an' conce0ts of the nat"ral 0rocesses an' 0henomena, "sing information gleane' from (geless Cis'om# Bring to yo"r attention the series of $ooks create' '"ring the tense tele0athic contact ith one of the (scen'e' Masters =as they are often calle'? of the Trans-Himalayan Esoteric School - Djwhal Khul# The 0"r0ose of this series of treatises - is to com$ine science an' occ"lt# To eA0lain nat"ral 0rocesses an' 0henomena, to try "sing the $asic occ"lt terms an' conce0ts# To sol&e the 0ro$lems o&er hich scientists $reak their hea's# (lso e ant to take a look at the esotericism from the scientific 0oint of &ie# ( lot of hat is sai' in this $ook $y the 'ifferent scientists at the 'ifferent times has alrea'y $een 0"t forar' in the form of $ol' hy0otheses# So from it, eLll start# Hoe&er, thro"gho"t the teAt e ill inea&e an esoteric terminology, seeking to 0"t an e>"al sign $eteen occ"ltism an' science# In this series of $ooks e tell se0arately a$o"t e&ery fiel' of science# (ltho"gh it as not easy# (t the core of each of them there are the same f"n'amental las of .at"re# Therefore, as e try, the "s"al se0aration of Sciences yo" ill not fin' here# ( narro s0eciali3ation is "sef"l for the 0erce0tion of the st"'ie' material# Hoe&er, the aim of this $ook - a synthesis, so there are often times yo" ill fin' the a$sol"te ;miA; of sciences# Before e $egin to make any changes in 0hysics, chemistry, $iology, astronomy, e $o to the tr"ly titanic ork of the scientists of all time, ho ha&e erecte' along their sho"l'ers the colossal an' terrific science $"il'ing# Science 0er&a'es all areas of e&ery'ay life, facilitating o"r eAistence# In no e&ent e are going to 'estroy the fo"n'ation of scientific knole'ge, 0artic"larly to"ching the >"estion of its 0ractical eA0erience# Ce j"st try to look at the knon nat"ral 0rocesses an' 0henomena "n'er somehat 'ifferent from the esoteric 0oint of &ie# 8 The h"manity 'oes not still 0ossess a "nifie' orl' o"tlook hich o"l' "nite all 0eo0le# B"t it is necessary to create s"ch - for the sake of the f"t"re of o"rsel&es# %eo0le 'ie e&ery'ay# Healthy 0erson is or sick, $"t 'eath is ine&ita$le for e&eryone# (n' e ant to ask o"rsel&es an' yo"1 'o e not all are tire' of the en'less, ma''ening series of losses of the lo&e' ones an' frien's an' of o"r on eA0ectation of 'eathD May$e is it time to change somethingD May$e is 0ossi$le for "s another eAistenceD Ce ant 0eo0le ho rea' these lines, share' ith "s this knole'ge an' s"00lemente' it ith their on# 7or h"manity, in hole, 0rocess of tr"e re&elation has not starte' yet# Transforming from h"man to s"0erh"man state, e ;ill stan' "n'er a aterfall; of information of a$sol"tely ne le&el, hich $y a&alanche going to fall on "s# Ce sho"l' not $e afrai' of it, $"t $efore that m"st 0re0are o"r $o'ies, these ;ne f"rs; for the ;ne ine#; .eAt, e are aiting for the en'less on'ers# Ce $elie&e in the ha00y en'ing of o"r eAistence# If all goes $a', then itLs not a final yet# (n' the ;final; is not ;en'; in the "s"al sense of this or'# It is a transition to another state of EAistence# 561 WH7 IS SUCH EPIGRAPH USED8 (s the first >"ote of e0igra0h to this $ook, e took Isaac .etonLs famo"s or's - ;I 'o not in&ent hy0otheses;# (ltho"gh, a'mitte'ly, it as not alays 0ossi$le to follo his ;a'&ice; - science is im0ossi$le itho"t hy0otheses an' ass"m0tions# ItMs es0ecially in the 0rocess of forming a ne theory# Hoe&er, all hy0otheses m"st $e as close to reality an' $ase' on eA0erience an' logic# Ce ass"me that $y ;hy0otheses;, hich .eton 'i' not recogni3e, he "n'erstoo' any fantastic ass"m0tions, 'etache' from reality# It is the first, hy 'o e ha&e >"ote' .eton# (n' the secon' - is tri$"te of gratit"'e to his geni"s# Its merit is, first of all, in the acc"racy of many his 'isco&eries an' ass"m0tions# This refers to the nat"re of light, the Ha of Jra&ity, the Ha of Inertia, the nat"re of the S0ace an' Time# 9 In mo'ern 0hysics only a se0arate niche is gi&en to classical mechanics# Chile the tenets of the relati&ity theory an' >"ant"m mechanics are consi'ere' as more "ni&ersal# In hat follos e ill foc"s on the ass"m0tions of $oth mechanics an' yo"Mll see ho far-sighte' .eton as# (n' that classical mechanic is early to rite off# Sho"l' rather re&i&e it, "0'ate, an' "se its las not only in relation to $o'ies, $"t also to the chemical elements an' elementary 0articles# (s for the secon' >"ote "se' as an e0igra0h, it is also taken not $y acci'ent# Memento Mori =lat# ;Remem$er that yo" 'ie;? - Hatin 0hrase hich $ecame a catch 0hrase# In ancient Rome, this 0hrase as 0rono"nce' '"ring the tri"m0hal march of the Roman military lea'ers, ho ere ret"rning ith a &ictory# Behin' the $ack of military comman'er 0"t the sla&e ho as re>"ire' to 0erio'ically remin' tri"m0hant, that in s0ite of his fame, he is mortal =see ;Ciki0e'ia;?# If yo" remem$er a$o"t 'eath, it ill hel0 yo" to ac>"ire the correct attit"'e to life# (areness of the fact that e&erything in this orl' not lasts fore&er, incl"'ing yo" yo"rself, ena$le ith yo", first, to a00reciate more e&ery moment of life, an' secon'ly, less tie' to e&erything that yo" can ha&e in life# The thir' >"ote s0eaks for itself# This is a00ealing to 0eo0le not to consi'er themsel&es as the cron of e&ol"tionary creation an' not to see themsel&es as oners of the 0lanet# (s for the $ea"tif"l 0oem of Dylan Thomas, it can $e regar'e' as a sym$ol of the age-ol' 'ream of mankin' - the life itho"t 'eath# The concl"'ing statement - the or's of Thomas Henry H"Aley - tells "s that, on the one han', h"man thinking has inherently certain inertia an' 0eo0le can react to ne knole'ge $elate'ly# <n the other han', h"man knole'ge is in the 0rocess of constant reneal, an' can $ecome o$solete an' 'iscar'e'# 591 A PRIMAR7 PURPOSE OF THE 2OOK ( 0rimary 0"r0ose of this series of $ooks is to scientifically inter0ret the 0henomenal achie&ement of 6es"s 9hrist an' other (scen'e' Masters# ( minor, $"t also &ery im0ortant task is to $ring 10 together the knole'ge a$o"t the "ni&erse str"ct"re, acc"m"late' $y h"man science, ith the esoteric information that is anciently containe' in religio"s scri0t"res an' treatises, an' is knon as the Timeless Wisdom# (t the same time e set to o"rsel&es another goal - to stri0 the soil those im0la"si$le scientific fantasies an' hy0othesis, 'i&orce' from reality, hich are 0resent in the scientific literat"re# (nother 0"r0ose - is to remo&e fore&er from the min's of 0eo0le the fear associate' ith the incorrect inter0retation of $i$lical 0ro0hecies# Jenerally, the less of all kin's of fear o00ress the h"man, then he is freer an' ha00ier# The series is 'i&i'e' into a n"m$er of orks, each of hich is 'e'icate' to a s0ecific area of science# Most of 'ata an' facts ill $e associate' ith 0hysics# This is not s"r0rising# It m"st $e a'mitte' - 0hysics is a $asis for all other sciences# Information of scientific o"tlook on the Bi$le an' the faith of 6es"s, B"''ha an' other (scen'e' Masters is the most im0ortant for h"manity# 5:1 AN ADDITIONAL TASK OF THE 2OOK IS THE ANAL7SIS OF HA2ITUAL E;ENTS ( 'esire to hel0 0eo0le relaA, 'o not orry a$o"t the h"ge n"m$er of ho"sehol' challenges that e all face e&ery 'ay - this all ith a large eAtent stim"late' the 0rocess of creating of this $ook# .ot s"ffer of the e&ery'ay little things - hat co"l' $e $etterN In each e&ent e sho"l' see the las of nat"re - the las of 0hysics, chemistry, astronomy an' $iology - an' in case of any fail"res =or rather, hat is consi'ere' to $e fail"res? ;shift the $lame; on these las, an' 'o not re0roach o"rsel&es# Chen yo" reali3e a h"ge, immense, all-encom0assing see0 of ha00ening - yo" cease to s"ffer from any kin' of misste0s or $eca"se of hat a00ears to $e a misste0 for others# 5o" $egin to a00reciate those times hen yo" manage' to 'o e&erything right# (fter all, all of "s li&ing on the 0lanet, e&ery moment has to fight ith a lot of the Kni&ersal Has, hich has $een stea'ily an' making no eAce0tions, 'etermine all o"r eAistence =for eAam0le, e ha&e to fight ith the infl"ence of the gra&ity fiel' of the 0lanet?# 11 Imagine that yo" 'ro00e' the c"0# It fell to the floor an' shattere' into 0ieces# Then there is o"r "s"al reaction1 ;<h, hat a 0ityN It as s"ch a $ea"tif"l thingN Chat ha&e I 'oneN ;# Ho often e react so, es0ecially hen the c"0 as really lo&e'# B"t it o"l' $e goo' to see yo"rself a little $it from the si'e - a creat"re of small si3e on the h"ge 0lanet h"rtling in the o0en s0aces of the $o"n'less "ni&erse - a ;&ictim; of "nforgi&ing las of nat"re# It hel0s to recogni3e in ha00ene' a hole series of mechanical 0henomena# (n' a hole n"m$er of >"estions line "0 in the hea'1 1? Chat ha00ene' in the time of im0act of han' ith a c"0 on the e'ge of the ta$le =or it sli00e' from han's, $eca"se they or a c"0 as et?D )? Chy the c"0 asnMt left stan'ing on the ta$le, an' $egan to mo&e after im0act, an' then 'ro00e', hen the ta$le s"rface is o&erD E? Chy has a c"0 fallen hen the ta$le s"rface is o&er an' not ho&ering, for eAam0le, in the airD +? Chy has a c"0 smashe' hen it face' ith a har' floor s"rfaceD F? Chy the 0arts into hich it smashe', 'o not fall right there in the 0lace of collision ith the floor, an' 'is0erse' all o&er the kitchen =room?D (n' so on# The n"m$er of >"estions yo" can ask yo"rself, analy3ing e&ery min"te e&ent in yo"r life can $e o&erhelming# In a''ition, yo" can 0ay attention to the chemical com0osition of the c"0, the chemical com0osition of the air thro"gh hich the c"0 as falling, the chemical content of the ta$le on hich it stoo', the chemical elements of the han' that shot it 'on, chemistry of the floor on hich it fell, etc# (n' all of this ill gi&e yo" more information a$o"t hat ha00ene' an' ill esta$lish any reg"larities# 5o" can think a$o"t the state of on organism, an' analy3e the reasons for hich yo" ha&e shot 'on =has $een 'ro00e'? the c"0# May$e yo" ere in a h"rry to somehere or ha&e $een too scattere' an' immerse' in yo"r on tho"ghts an' may$e yo" ere angry or offen'e' $y something, or may$e j"st tire'# <r yo" ere fille' ith joy, an' yo" ere not "0 to the c"0# The concl"sions ill hel0 yo" to fig"re o"t at least ro"ghly, hat ha00ens to yo"r $o'y an' ho it res0on's to hat is ha00ening to yo" in life in general# 12 Ho m"ch interesting an' "sef"l information e can eAtract from a sim0le falling of the c"0 on the floor instea' $anal1 ;<h, hat ILm akar'N; %erha0s after that the 0rocess of falling c"0s on the floor ill $e so interesting for yo" that yo" ill $"y a 'o3en at a $argain 0rice, an' ill see hat ill $ecome hen yo" ill 'ro0 them from et han's, j"st 'ro0, thro, thro on the all, thro from the $alcony ### (n' enth"siastically atch hat ha00ens ith c"0s, ith yo" an' ith others =es0ecially ith them?### ThatLs hy eLre riting this $ook - in or'er that it ill $e interesting for yo" to 'ro0 the c"0s# (n' also in or'er to yo" ha&e not felt g"ilty hen yo" 'ro0 something, smash, hen yo" s0oil the things# Chen any 0rocesses that yo" 0lanne' 'o not orking o"t# Ce ant yo" 'issect the s"rro"n'ing reality, re&eal the lo'on of tra'itions an' analy3e the rit"als - hat lies $ehin' them, an' hether yo" sho"l' follo them $lin'ly# Ce ant 0eo0le to not li&e a"tomatically, itho"t thinking a$o"t hat they 'o, ho 'o, hy they 'o hat they 'o, an' also a$o"t hat ha00ens aro"n' them### Hife itho"t analysis is the roa' to 0rej"'ice# (ltho"gh it is recogni3e' that the ha$its, tra'itions make life m"ch easier, they allo yo" to go ith the flo, hel0 to relaA an' "nin'# If something is going rong, as it sho"l' $e, or as 0rescri$e', 'o not $lame yo"rself an' analy3e hat is ha00ening# (n' if others ill look at yo" askance an' ith 'isa00ro&al, 'o not $e shy an' try to "n'erstan' hy they $eha&e this ay# Hikely that most of them are still in the thrall of thinking, not incline' to analysis# In other or's, in front of yo" there are the 0eo0le far from science# Do not j"'ge them for it strictly an' take this fact for grante'# May$e many of them yet in the f"t"re ill em$ark on the 0ath of the researcher an' the eA0erimenter# 5<1 2E SURPRISED OF THE FACT OF 7OUR E=ISTENCE1 Make yo"r min' a$stract# Con'erN Be s"r0rise' the &ery fact of yo"r eAistence# Take a look aro"n' as an a$sol"tely, totally aseA"al creat"re or rather, as a creat"re e>"ally com$ines the feat"res of $oth seAes# 13 %ercei&e life as a "ni>"e o00ort"nity to 0artici0ate in the 0rocess of creation $o'ies of the 0erfect $eings, for hich a &astness of the "ni&erse ill $e accessi$le, itho"t "sing of s0ace &ehicles# Search for the meaning of life, as ell as the a'o0tion of ne or another religion =not necessarily one of the cores? - is an eA0lanation of hat is ha00ening ith yo" an' aro"n' yo"# The 0erson 'isco&ers the tr"e meaning of $irth an' 'eath of self, others an' all li&ing things# The 0rocess of aareness the s"rro"n'ing reality alays starts ith a >"estion1 ,Chat am ID (n' hat is this orl' here I amD/ The tho"ghts that come to yo" after that in the hea' - this is the anser to yo"r >"estion# %erha0s it ill $e not tho"ghts, $"t only sensations# 7or eAam0le, itMs the feeling of ac"te aareness of the moment of $eing# The hole 0rocess of aareness is &ery similar to the o0eration of aakening# 5o" look at yo"r $o'y, at the things aro"n' yo", at the s"n, at the sky, at 0eo0le, an' are ama3e' - ,Jo', hat is all this an' hy is this all hereD,# (n' hile yo" ;are aakene';, all of these >"estions are contin"o"sly 0resent in yo"r min'# If they 'isa00ear, then yo" ;are fallen aslee0; again# To h"manity is a$sol"tely necessary to look at itself ell from the o"tsi'e# Recall the 0ast, see into the f"t"re an' a00reciate the 0resent# (fter that e ill finally "n'erstan' the meaning of o"r eAistence an' the eAistence of this orl' at all# There is a constant clatter of heels on the 0a&ement# There are chil'ren h"$$"$ an' noise of 0assing cars# Echo 'ras the geometric lines $eteen the ho"ses# Jreen lans an' 0laygro"n', $athe' in nat"ral light# <n the gro"n' there is clearly &isi$le e&ery s0eck of '"st, e&ery stick an' small insect# Hiterally e&ery 0art of the air is 0ermeate' ith light# S"n$eams from metallic coatings an' in'o 0anes j"m0 from trees along the si'ealk, an' from there into the street an' $ack, in'iscriminately cral into the eyes of c"rio"s chil'ren an' res0ecta$le a'"lts# This is or orl'# 5>1 THE CRUTCHES OF HUMANIT71 H"manity can $e com0are' ith the 0atient reco&ering from a 0rolonge', se&ere illness# It relies on cr"tches an', thanks to them, can alk# ;( serio"s illness; in this case is the origin of the man, the roots 14 that originate from the early stages of e&ol"tion of life on the Earth# Hike any mineral, 0lant or animal, the h"man is chaine' to the 0lanet an' a'a0te' to this eAistence# (ll $iochemical an' 0hysiological reactions of the h"man $o'y are '"e information store' in all elementary 0articles of the $o'y# (n' this information is acc"m"late' $y all three king'oms of nat"re that 0rece'e' the h"man# ;Bones; - are the techno s0here of all mankin', all ho"sehol', in&entions an' tools that s"00ort an' facilitate an eAistence# The mankin' Oreco&erP finally an' 'iscar' ;cr"tches;, only hen ill mo&e to a ne le&el of e&ol"tion - in the state of s"0erh"manity# 5?1 MONE71 THE PRO2LEMS OF HUMANIT71 The ca"se of all ills an' sins of mankin' lies in the meta$olism of the h"man organism# The h"man $o'y - is a legacy of the animal king'om# Ce 0eo0le ha&e constantly to collect the 0lants an' kill animals for s"$sistence, $eca"se e are not a$le to synthesi3e macromolec"lar com0leAes from car$on 'ioAi'e an' ater, as the 0lants 'o# In the to'ayLs orl' money is a sym$ol of foo'# The a&aila$ility of money is e>"ate' to the 0resence of foo'# This means that this 0erson ill li&e# Hack of money means no foo' that sym$oli3es 'eath# Money - this is the scoring system, $y hich 0eo0le e&al"ate each otherLs ork# %eo0le, ho are not in&ol&e' in farming or her'ing, se0arate' from the nat"ral foo' so"rces# Mostly, they are the tons0eo0le# 7or them money is the central moti&ation of their li&es, as it is - the main con'ition of their s"r&i&al# 7olloing the instinct of self-0reser&ation, these 0eo0le seek to get =earn? as m"ch money# <therise - 'eath or h"ngry, misera$le eAistence# Some 'o not neglect s"ch metho's ;of earnings; as ro$$ery an' theft# <ften they are accom0anie' $y m"r'ers# The 0"rs"it of money is harassing, $"t &ital# %eo0le ant to s"r&i&e an' to li&e ith comfort, itho"t feeling anAiety a$o"t foo' an' shelter for tomorro 'ay# %eo0le 0lan their li&es, as o00ose' to animals, &ery caref"lly# In a''ition 0eo0le ha&e the $eginnings of altr"istic $eha&ior - a care of their on kin' =altho"gh all in &arying 'egrees?# Hence it is s"ch a com0leA socioeconomic str"ct"re of h"man society# 15 R"ral resi'ents are not so 'e0en'ent on money as tons0eo0le# Money, as o00ose' to agric"lt"ral 0ro'"cts, is m"ltif"nctional# It can $e eAchange' for any ;$enefits of ci&ili3ation;, hile make this ith the fr"its of 0lants an' animal carcasses is more 'iffic"lt# Ty0ically, in areas here the 0lants are gron an' animals are $re', 0eo0le ha&e an eAcess of these 0ro'"cts# Therefore, an eAchanging $eteen each other j"st 'oes not ha00en - there is no one to sell# (t the same time these 0eo0le nee' in the 0ro'"cts of artisans ho li&e in "r$an centers# (n' the tons0eo0le themsel&es in 'ire nee' of agric"lt"ral 0ro'"cts an' almost 'o not nee' in the goo's of the same artisans# (s a res"lt, money has $ecome the greatest $oon, alloing each orker to ac>"ire hat he nee's at the moment# Therefore, it m"st $e a'mitte' that the money gi&es e&eryone free'om# The s0ectr"m of h"man nee's is gra'"ally increasing '"e to the a00earance of ;s0irit"al nee's; in a &ariety of forms# This means that 0eo0le are starting to $e more acti&ely intereste' in the meaning of their on eAistence# (s a res"lt, the creati&e 0rofessions are $ecoming more an' more 0o0"lar in society - films, TQ, theater, 'ance art, m"sic, literat"re, science, art, an' in'"stry of com0"ter 0rogramming, s0orts shos, an' more# Ce canMt list all# S"ch mo'ern 0henomenon as ;sho $"siness; sometimes com$ines all areas of creati&e tho"ght# The life of mankin' is $ase' on the 0ossession, "se, 0"rchase an' sale of &ario"s ty0es of chemical com0o"n's =reso"rces? an' 0ro'"cts of them =goo's?# ;The 0ro$lem of money,; is eternal# 6"st as the crimes of 0eo0le for money are eternal# This means that all of this ill eAist as long as h"manity ill remain the cron of nat"re# (s soon as in the 'e0ths of mankin' the s"0erh"manity ill $lossom, the money 0ro$lem ill gra'"ally rece'e# (n' then 'isa00ear com0letely hen the n"m$er of s"0erh"man ill large eno"gh# %eo0le ill ne&er sol&e all their 0ro$lems - ill not 'efeat h"nger, 'isease, ill not resol&e the f"el crisis, ill not get ri' of the 'eath# B"t all this ill on forces to re0resentati&es of coming o&er mankin', the fifth s"0erh"man king'om in nat"re# (ltho"gh they ill not ha$it"ally sol&e all h"man 0ro$lems# Rather, they ill not sol&e them at all# (ll these 0ro$lems sim0ly 'isa00ear $y themsel&es# H"nger, 'isease, lack of f"el an' energy, an' 16 'eath - from it all s"0erh"man ill $e s0are', $eca"se the meta$olism of their organisms ill $e >"ite 'ifferent# The Earth ill cease to $e their only ha$itat 0lace# 5@1 THE LIFE AFTER DEATH1 ( groing n"m$er of scientists $egin to consi'er ith attention to the conce0t of eAistence of h"man ;I; after 'eath# Hoe&er, the fact of life after 'eath is not scientifically confirme'# Chat 'oes it mean ;not scientifically confirme';D This means that any 0erson ith 0hoto or &i'eo camera =or any other instr"ment fiAing light or electromagnetic a&es? 'o not 'ea', an' then ret"rne' - that is, came to life an' shoe' e&ery$o'y hat he =she? sa# Science is serio"s a$o"t only to s"ch e&i'ence# S"ch eA0eriments o"l' ne&er $e enforce'# Death is a se0aration of $o'ies consisting of elementary 0articles of 'ifferent 0lans, integrate' '"ring life into a single hole - in the $o'y# That is, life itself - is a rationing of "nity of the 0articles of 'ifferent >"ality# If e acce0t that h"man ;I; is the $o'y of &ery lo 'ensity, then an instr"ment that registers e&ents m"st $e the same, rarefie' $o'y# %erha0s the h"man ;I; g"i'ing the h"man organism '"ring the life an' se0arate' from the 0hysical $o'y after 'eath - this is the most acc"rate, relia$le 'e&ice, storing in memory all that ha00ens to "s, hether e are ali&e =connecte' ith the 'ense $o'y? or ;in other orl'; =se0arate' from the 0hysical $o'y?# The 0ro$lem is that h"man ;I; is not a$le to transfer to other h"man ;I; memories of the 0ost-mortem eAistence $y technical means# Beca"se 'e&ices are the 'ense $o'ies 'e0ri&e' of elementary 0articles of (stral, Mental, B"''hic or e&en higher 0lans# (n' science canMt create a trans'"cer of signals of these %lans into signals of the %hysical %lan# It sho"l' $e note' that a similar nat"ral transformer - is the h"man $o'y# Therefore, in or'er to make s"re in reality of life after 'eath, 0eo0le nee' to im0ro&e not a technology, $"t their on $o'ies# 5A1 THE PURPOSE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICES 17 (nimals an' 0eo0le ten' to li&e ith the ;looking $ack; - that is they constantly look aro"n' for fear of attacks $y 0re'ators or com0etitors# In 0eo0le s"ch $eha&ior manifests itself in a m"ch lesser eAtent com0are' ith the animals# This is '"e to a more reasona$le organi3ation of the h"man comm"nity an' more 0oerf"l 'e&elo0ment of altr"istic feat"res of $eha&ior# To li&e ;looking $ack; means to not ha&e a sta$le meta$olic state# The $o'y then calms 'on, then sitches to mo'e ;fight or r"nning aay;# The 0"r0ose of the s0irit"al 0ractice - is the 'e&elo0ing of the a$ility to go aay from the animal an' h"man $eha&ior, an' look at the e&ents in'ifferently, from a 0osition of ;o$ser&er; itho"t fear of others# This means that the 0erson seeks to maintain itself in a 0e00y, $"t not of o&ereAcite' state, hen $oth 'i&isions of the (.S - the sym0athetic an' 0arasym0athetic - are in a state of $alance# He a00reciates e&ery 'ay of life# In $eha&ior this is reflecte' the form of "nillingness to follo the ;loer; =earlier? 0rograms of $eha&ior# (s a res"lt there a00ears rel"ctance to fight ith others, ;earn their 'aily $rea';# 5o" j"st ant to look at e&erything, $"t not to 0artici0ate, $lin'ly imitating the cro'# There a00ears an a$ility to mo&e aay from conflicts# The h"man as if initially sees the "ltimate goal of eAistence of this orl'# 051 THE DREAM OF AN7ONE MAN (ll h"man 'reams co"l' $e s"mme' as follos1 ;Citho"t 'isease an' ol' age HIQE 7<REQER an' $e a$le to freely an' instantly tra&el to any 0oint in the "ni&erse - that is, BE (BHE T< 7H5 ;# 001 WHAT CAN PEOPLE DO THE 2EST OF ALL8 The chief &irt"e of mankin' is that 0eo0le ell eno"gh st"'ie' all the s"$stances in the cr"st# They ha&e mastere' e&ery 0ossi$le com$ination of these s"$stances ith each other - mechanical or chemical, or com$inations of $oth# %eo0le miA, com$ine, merge an' gro"0 the s"$stances, an' the in'i&i'"al elements, creating ne ones an' ne com$inations of materials =mechanisms?# 18 061 THANKS TO M7 FAMIL7 AND FRIENDS I ant to eA0ress my 'ee0 gratit"'e to my 0arents - Hy"'mila Michailo&na .o&iko&a =mom? an' (natoliy Maksimo&ich ='a'? for their lo&e an' s"00ort no an' all my life# (lso I eA0ress the great lo&e an' a00reciation to my son Daniel for hat he is# (n' here is my thanks to other relati&es, frien's an' ac>"aintances# In 0artic"lar, to .atalia Sne3hinskaya, .a'e3h'a Bortniko&a, Elena Sh"milo&a, Qera I&ano&na !olo0atina, <lga (n'ree&na %ortno&a, Igor !"lesho&# (n' no e ask yo" to take their seats an' feel yo"rself comforta$le '"ring o"r tra&eling to ne knole'ge# Enjoy yo"r jo"rneyN THE MAIN PART1 ALL SIDES OF THE A2SOLUTE BGOD* CREATOR* THE THINKING SU2STANCEC 501 THE MAIN 3ACTORS3 OF OCCULTISM1 Occultism =from lat# "ccultus - a secret, hi''en? - is a common name for the teachings, hich re&eal $efore the 0eo0le ho knos ho to "n'erstan' their hi''en meaning, the all lo'on of o"r orl'# Knlike normal h"man science, hich foc"ses only on s0ecific 0henomena an' 0rocesses of reality, occ"ltism ten's to 'irect h"man attention 0rimarily on the $asis of the Kni&erse, to in'icate those "ni&ersal las an' factors that lie at the heart of e&erything - as eAisting an' hi''en# Moreo&er, eAactly "n'erlying factors are recogni3e' as tr"ly incorr"0ti$le# It re0orts as the generali3e' scheme, hich contains information a$o"t hat is this orl', this "ni&erse# (n' transmitte' knole'ge is often im0rinte' in the sym$olic form# 19 It o"l' seem strange1 ho can e in the religion talk a$o"t any facesD (fter all, the Kni&erse - itLs not a h"man# Hoe&er, as is ell knon, religions constantly 'iscern an' "se anthro0omor0hism in res0ect of glo$al, 0hiloso0hical categories# Ce 0l"nge into sym$olism an' constantly come $efore the Hea&enly %ersons - Men an' Comen, Jo's an' Jo''esses# ThatLs hy e ha&e taken the li$erty to claim that Jo' a00ears $efore o"r researcher look is a$le to $e an actor an' change its masks# ;The Main (ctors; - are the Hy0ostases of 9reator, 0art of hich e all are# HetLs look at the $asics of occ"lt sym$olism# The main goal of o"r eAc"rs"s ill $e to fin' as many similarities in &ario"s esoteric ritings an' the Holy Scri0t"res# Ce nee' to i'entify main gro"0s of synonyms, narrating a$o"t the same as0ects of the ($sol"te# Chen the series of 'efinitions relating to one an' the same ill $e ma'e "0, 0eo0le st"'ying the esoteric, ill $e easier to sort o"t all the a$"n'ance of sym$olic information, that sat"rating the esoteric- religio"s treatises, here it is &ery easy to sink# <"r "ni&erse, o"r Jo' - itLs a $rilliant actor, 'irector, screenriter together# ChatLs its 'ressing roomN (n' hat a scene an' sceneryN (nyone can &erify this $y looking in the mirror or aro"n' yo"# (n' the first role in hich the 9reator acts - is he# <r rather, itself, $eca"se the "ni&erse - itLs not a man# The ($sol"te, the Jo' <ne Reality, "n0arallele', Thinking 9osmic S"$stance - these all are synonyms# 20 It is that Unimaginale Something that fills the s0ace, an', in fact, is itself an !ntellectual S"atial Tissue# This is eAactly the same Tao# the 0oetic treatise $ao T%u &Tao Te 'hing& is 'e'icate' to# Moreo&er, translating into R"ssian the Tao as ;the Tr"th; Qalery %ereleshin certainly is not rong# The Jo' - this is the only tr"th to hich e are all really stri&e to an' hich alays el"'es from "s# .o e $arely hinte' at the most im0ortant characters of the saga of the occ"ltism# There is nothing in the $ase, $"t this Essence filling the s0ace, hich is the s0ace itself# There is nothing $"t ;One o( Whom )out *aught +ay ,e Said;# 21 It is eternal, inaccessi$le, "nknoa$le an' in'escri$a$le, in&isi$le, ina"'i$le, o'orless an' tasteless# B"''hism teaches "s that B"''ha attaine' enlightenment is immerse' into *ir-ana# (s yo" remem$er, .ir&ana canMt $e characteri3e', "sing h"man lang"age, for it 'oes not fit any knon 'efinitions# ThatLs hy B"''hists ha&e resorte' to the only remaining in their 0ossession 'escri0tion metho' - the metho' of 'enial# Denying that hat .ir&anic state is not, they there$y gi&e "s some i'ea of hat it is, or at least, of hat it cannot $e# .ir&ana - is not this an' not that### (n' the ($sol"te cannot $e trace' "tili3ing the a&aila$le h"man lang"age 'efinition# There is only the ($sol"te =%ara$rahm, the <ne Jo'### etc#?# (n' it has to main states - acti&e an' inacti&e# *ot acti-e state - is a state of the Unmani(estation# )cti-e - is, of co"rse, a mani(est state# If yo" ill rea' esoteric ritings an' treatises, yo" ill fin' that a$o"t 4*R of the information containe' therein is gi&en to the n"ances an' s"$tleties of the manifest =acti&e? state of Jo'# (t the same time, only aro"n' )*R of the 'ata are rele&ant to the ($sol"te in an inacti&e ="nmanifeste'? state# (n "nmanifeste' state of the 9osmic S"$stance - is +aha"ralaya, i#e# .reat /ralaya# ItMs the time hen ($sol"te rests of its ork# (n' ;Jo' knos,; ;hat a$o"t the S0ace thinks; '"ring its 0erio'ically "0coming Dream# The manifeste' state of <ne Reality - is +ahaman-antara, i#e# .reat +an-antara# 22 ItMs the time hen Jo' is in the state of acti&e intelligence of its internal ca0a$ilities# ,/ararahm =the One 0eality# the )solute? is the fiel' of ($sol"te 9onscio"sness, i#e#, that Essence hich is o"t of all relation to con'itione' eAistence/ =H#%# Bla&atsky, Secret Doctrine, I, 0# 1F?# Ce canMt s0ec"lati&ely s0rea' a$o"t the nat"re of the ($sol"te, hen it is in the "nmanifeste' state# 7or the sim0le reason that it is $eyon' the com0rehension of any li&ing $eing ho 'ells in the 'e0ths of the 9reator an' $eing its integral 0art# If the ($sol"te is manifeste', e can in'irectly j"'ge of hat ;insi'e; it on those gro"n's, that e can o$ser&e in "s an' aro"n' "s# Manifestation, Man&antara gi&es "s a chance to look at It from the si'e, itho"t lea&ing $eyon'# Ce learn to o$ser&e the ;face; of 9osmic S"$stance $y its (ttire, $y Its 9o&er# The st"m$ling $lock for 0eo0le 0l"nging into occ"ltism - is a$"n'ance of synonyms# The same as0ect of Jo' &iee' at 'ifferent angles is calle' 'ifferently# 7or this reason, the 0erson may ha&e a false sense that the orl' of religion is cro'e' ith all sorts of $eings, each of hich li&es its on life, has its on s0here of infl"ence an' its on f"nctions# Ce ass"re yo", this is nothing more than a 'ece0ti&e im0ression# (ct"ally the Main (ctors rather can $e co"nte' on one han'# Three main as0ects - +atter# S"irit# Soul, or otherise - +other# 1ather# Son, - are the three hy0ostases of Jo', three looks at It# This Trinity "n'er 'ifferent names e fin' in all the major orl' religions# It 0resents in Hin'"ism an' !a$$alah, at Egy0tians an' ancient Jreeks, in B"''hism, 9hristianity, Islam an' Soroastrianism# 23 It 'oes not matter hat names e assign to 0ersons of the Triad# The main thing - is to "n'erstan' the general scheme of the mechanism of manifestation an' the n"ances of ;relationshi0s; $eteen the ;+emers; of this ;Di-ine 1amily;# .o coinci'ence thinkers of ancient 0eo0les consi'ere' the feat"res manifestations of the ($sol"te "n'er s"ch &ery h"man 0ers0ecti&e# The i'ea of f"sion of to as0ects ith the aim to $irth a thir', of co"rse, is somehat similar the h"man life# The +atter 2 is the (irst as"ect o( )solute. In the state of Manifestation - this is the 7irst (s0ect of ($sol"te# (n' in the Knmanifestation - it is the ($sol"te# This is the Reasona$le, Initial Essence, 'e&oi' of the S0irit - the Male %rinci0le - an' So"l - of the Knion of ComenLs an' MenLs# 3irgin +ary# +aya# De-amatri# S-aha-at# In reality, there is only the Thinking S"$stance - S"$stance-%rinci0le, hich has no the secon'# EAactly it is the $asis of total - (HC(5S# 24 Ce can assign any n"m$er of names an' gi&e in o"r tho"ghts any traits an' seA"al i'entity, $"t ne&ertheless this S"$stance is at the same time all of these an' none of these# The main characters are three, $"t only one of them alays eAists as in manifestation, an' itho"t it - itLs the Matter =Mother?# The other to - S0irit an' So"l 0resent only hen the ($sol"te is ;aakene';# Their $irth is j"st marking the $eginning of the ne Day of Jo'# Chen ($sol"te manifests itself, the hi''en $efore i'ea $ecomes &isi$le - the S0irit is $orn# The S0irit - is a manifestation of the 9reatorLs Min'# The S"irit - is a characteristic feat"re of Matter in the 'e&elo0mental state, its 'isting"ishing feat"re# ItMs the Secon' (s0ect of the ($sol"te# The +atter - is a S"atial Tissue, an' the S0irit - is the a$ility of this Tiss"e to think, reali3e, $ring forth i'eas# The S0irit - is the change' state of Matter# ItMs something like ;&i$ration;, ;aterhole; on the s"rface of the Matter# Ce can try to fin' other or's to 'escri$e this kin' of con'ition, $"t yo" sho"l' $e aare in fact, that any of them 'oes not characteri3e the S0irit correctly, an' gen"inely the S0irit is not this# ItLs j"st images, allegories# The S0irit, the Male %rinci0le, arising o"t from the ComenLs, from the Matter, itLs her 7irst-$orn Son# The 9reator - is the <ne Jo', hich as 'haos an' Dar4ness, hen it as "nmanifeste'# The scientific name for the %oer 9enter, for the So"l - is an elementary "article# 25 5o" can also "se the or' ;)tom;# Hoe&er, itLs not the atom of 0hysicist or chemist, hich is a conglomeration of 0articles, namely, the tr"ly in'i&isi$le o$ject# The So"l in hich emerges the S0irit - is the Dragon o( Wisdom, or ser"ent iting its own tail# The last eA0ression &ery acc"rately 'escri$es the 0rocess that takes 0lace in each se0arate 0article# (nother name for the Ser0ent - Kundalini, hich translates from Sanskrit as ;1olded ring;, ;'urled u" in the (orm o( sna4e;# Kundalini - it is the same ser0ent, ;'e&o"ring; itself# Dragon of Cis'om, the Ser0ent, !"n'alini - itLs all the So"l# (nother &ery commonly "se' name for the elementary str"ct"ral "nits - is the 7ire# The S0irit manifeste' in Matter - is 1ire# Chile the Matter =s"$stance? in the "nmanifeste' state - is Water# (nother synonym for the elementary 0article - is a ;Wheel;# The S0irit manifeste' in Matter is in occ"ltism the ;+o-ement; or otherise ;,reath; (ny Cheel, i#e# any elementary 0article - is the 26 S0irit that mo-es not in s"ace ut in time =tro"gh time? - $orn, for some time eAisting in this 0henomenal orl' an' then colla0sing# This is the rotating ser0ent# It comes from the so"rce - from the Silent Citness =as in the Stan3as of D3yan the Matter is? - make the ;'ircle through Time; an' then ;go $ack; to the original so"rce that emits it - $ack to the Matter# 561 THE ACT OF CREATION BSHORT ;ERSIONC1 The 7irst (s0ect of 9reator - the +atter - is the /rimal Sustance# the 3irgin +other 53irgin +ary# +aya# !sis# E-e6# It 0ro'"ces in itself an' from itself the Secon' (s0ect - 1ather# S"irit# $ight# +ind# Thought# 1ire# +ahat# ,uddhi# 'hrist# ,uddha# Osiris# Energy# /ower# thermogen# 1ohat# /urusha# Ether# )stral $ight ### The list of synonyms is long eno"gh# The S0irit in the Matter is not in the 0assi&e state# She gi&es $irth to him# (n' then he $ecomes her son-$rother-h"s$an'# She ;shall come; ith him in the "nion, an' together they form the hole manifeste' Kni&erse# The Kni&erse consists of So"ls - elementary 0articles# Mother an' 7ather, Water an' 1ire manifest together in the ,uilding ,loc4s# Se-en /rinci"les# )h-hi# Se-en 0ishis# Se-en ,rothers# Se-en Sons# Se-en Se"hiroth, that are se&en main ty0es of eAisting in the Kni&erse elementary "articles# They sho"l' also $e calle' as +onads, )toms# <ther names for them1 Wheels, 'ircles, Kundalini, 'ha4ras, Sna4es# iting their own tails, Dragons o( Wisdom, ,indu# The or' ;Cheel; &ery acc"rately reflects the mechanism of manifestation# The S0irit rotates in the Matter =thro"gh time? - it is $orn an' 'isa00ears# This is a Cheel, a So"l, a hirlin', a s0irill"m, a 0oer center# The So"l - is the S0irit rotate' in the Matter# (n' the S0irit - is an altere' state of Matter, a sort of ;Ri00le;, ;Qi$rations;, altho"gh, of co"rse, itLs not a ri00le or &i$ration# 27 The S0irit - is the 3oice# the $ogos# the Word# the ,reath# the +o-ement# Shi-a# ,rahma-3ishnu - is the Hin'" Trim"rti# Shi-a - is the Mother, ,rahma - is the 7ather, the S0irit, an' 3ishnu - is the So"l# 28 29 591 THE MATTER IS THE FIRST ASPECT OF THE A2SOLUTE BTHE THINKING SU2STANCEC1 The +atter - is the first as0ect of the ($sol"te, the first si'e of the 9osmic S"$stance, hich is re&eale' to "s as e try to "n'erstan' its nat"re# The Matter - is an in'ication of the material reality of Jo', that the S0ace is not em0ty# 30 <ften in occ"ltism e e>"ate the Matter to the ($sol"te# <nly the Matter is alays 0resent an' in hate&er state of the 9reator - an' "nmanifeste' an' manifeste' - an' lies at the center of e&erything# In the religio"s treatises "nmanifeste' ($sol"te is often i'entifie' ith the Mother an' is 0resente' as the Qirgin Mother =Qirgin Egg?# The 7eminine <rigin is 'e0ri&e' of the Masc"line# ,The Eternal %arent ra00e' in her E&er-In&isi$le Ro$es, ha' sl"m$ere' once again for Se&en Eternities/ =E# Bla&atsky, Secret Doctrine 1, Book D3yan, Stan3a 1#1?# The Matter, the S0irit an' the So"l merge into a hole one at each 0oint of the Manifeste' ($sol"te# They are the faces of the 9reator, its as0ects# Three as0ects of the ($sol"te - these are three of its faces, the three 0arts ith hich hel0 e can look at each of its 0oints# The Matter - is the S0atial Tiss"e itself# The S0irit - is an i'ea that arises in this Tiss"e# (n' the So"l - this is the s0here in hich the S0irit a00ears an' 'isa00ears# The or' Tao - this is another name for the S0ace# Qalery %ereleshin translate' the or' ;Tao; as ;Truth;# There as something &ag"e in the 'istance, (rose $efore Hea&en an' Earth1 It is ina"'i$le an' can not $e seen, (ll in the orl' is f"ll $y this fore&er# ItLs - the Beginning of the Hea&en an' the Earth# ) =11E? The "ni&erse emerge' from it, (n' there the mother o( li(e lies# Cho ill this mother in the dar4 can fin', Cill kno in this time ith her the chil'ren yet# (n' ho at first ill "n'erstan' her ki's, Imme'iacy the mother ill, an' she !s immortal an' (ull o( itsel(# E =FF? I o"l' not kno name for it, 31 B"t I name' her $y the Truth# Is it easy to 'escri$e its nat"reD Jreat, mo&a$le an' ali&e, Is not a&aila$le for cognition, an' is easily lost# + =F8? (n' only tr"th an' sky so great###;# Tao is calle' the Tr"th# ItMs the synonym of the ($sol"te, the <ne Reality# The Tr"th - is Matter - ;the mother of $eing;, ;mother in the 'arkness; =Matter, Darkness?# There is ,an Omni"resent# Eternal# ,oundless and !mmutale /0!*'!/$E, on hich all s0ec"lations are im0ossi$le, since it transcen's the 0oer of h"man conce0tion an' co"l' only $e 'arfe' $y any h"man eA0ression or similit"'e# It is $eyon' the range an' reach of tho"ght -- in the or's of Man'"kya, ;unthin4ale and uns"ea4ale/ =H%B, The Secret DoctrineB Qol# 1, 0age 1+?# Dar4ness# Water# 'haos# the One 0eality# /rimordial De"th +ula"ra4riti 0ootless 0oot# the 3irgin +other# the Sustance- /rinci"le# S-aha-at# Oeaohoo# Kali Hamsa# Water o( $i(e# )solute# S"ace# Truth# /rimordial +other gi-ing irth# $imitless )ll# Eternal *ot-,eing# $imitless 'ircle# 7ero# World wom# 3irgin Egg# Ein-So(# .aia# De-amatri# World 0oot# *ot-*umer. ThatMs not all the 'efinitions that there are, only a certain 0ercentage of them# The ($sol"te in the "nmanifeste' state is characteri3e' $y the fact that the Matter an' the S0irit in it eAist as a single hole# It is the <ne Matter-S0irit# The Intelligent %lastic S"$stance-%rinci0le eAists as S-aha-a - ;in'e0en'ent;, ;0er se;# ,That central 0eality can e called y any name that man may choose accor'ing to his mental or emotional $ent, racial tra'ition an' heritage, for it cannot $e 'efine' or con'itione' $y names# H"man $eings 0erforce alays "se names in or'er to eA0ress that hich they sense, feel an' kno, $oth of the 0henomenal an' also of the intangi$le/ =)lice ,ailey# The 0ea""earance o( the 'hrist# 'ha"ter 8 ?# 32 +aya# gi&ing the $irth to the B"''ha an' +ary - the mother of 6es"s 9hrist - are the sym$olic re0resentation of the Matter, the first hy0ostasis of Jo'# (n' B"''ha an' 9hrist can $e seen as images of the So"l, the Son# The 7ather of So"l, of Son is the S0irit# (nother name of Maya - is an !llusion# )ncient Egy"tian !sis, the sister an' ife of Osiris - it is also a sym$ol of the Matter# The S"$stance got marrie' to her $rother - the S0irit, the Jo' <siris# .ore - the chil' of Isis an' <siris - is the So"l# )ncient .ree4 0hea, ife an' sister of 'ronos - is an eA0ression for the Matter too# 33 'ronos and 0hea - are the Titans, the chil'ren of Kran"s an' Jaia# .aia and Uranus - Earth an' Sky - are the Matter an' S0irit, taken o"tsi'e the manifeste' state# Chile 9ronos an' Rhea - itLs all the same, the Matter an' the S0irit in&ol&e' in the 0rocess of formation of the Kni&erse an' the ;$irth of the <lym0ian go's;# <lym0"s in this case sym$oli3es all o"r Kni&erse, entire orl' aro"n' "s# <lym0ian go's - are the $"il'ing 0rinci0als# (ny .od o( Time, s"ch as, 7eroana-)r4an, is the S0irit that "ses Matter as a $asis for manifesting# 9ronos as a sym$ol of the S0irit 'e&o"rs its chil'ren $orn $y Rhea# The mechanical f"nctioning of e&ery B"il'ing Block of the Kni&erse $ase' on the 'estr"ction of Im0"lse Manifestation occ"rring after his $irth on this# In Hin'"ism e see ith s"ch conce0ts as /ra4riti an' /urusha# ItLs all the same Matter an' S0irit, ser&ing $y reason for the a00earance in the original s"$stance the &isi$ility, i#e# the So"l# ;1iery 1ish o( $i(e; - is also Matter, ;fertili3e'; ith the S0irit# ;So say the ancient 9omments on Stan3a IQ# Mother is the fiery 7ish of Hife# It s0ans an' Breath =Motion? heats an' 'e&elo0s it# Jrain =9a&iar? soon attracte' to each other, forming clots in the <cean =S0ace? ; =;The Secret Doctrine;, Qol"me 1, H# %# Bla&atsky?# ;,reath;, ;+o-ement; in this >"ote sym$oli3es the S0irit, the 7ather, the secon' as0ect of the 9reator# ;.rains;, ;'a-iar;, ;'lots; - are So"ls, elementary 0articles# 5o" can fin' still many synonyms for Mother, here the S0irit manifests, an' hich together generate the So"l - the thir' hy0ostasis of Jo'# ,To ren'er these i'eas clearer to the general rea'er, let him set o"t ith the 0ost"late that there is One )solute 0eality hich antece'es all manifeste', con'itione', $eing# This !n(inite and Eternal 'ause -- 'imly form"late' in the ;Unconscious; an' ;Un4nowale; of c"rrent E"ro0ean 0hiloso0hy -- is the 0ootless 0oot of ;all that as, is, or e&er shall $e/# It is of co"rse 'e&oi' of all attri$"tes an' is essentially itho"t any relation to 111 It is ;,e-ness; rather than Being =in Sanskrit, Sat?, an' is $eyon' all tho"ght or s0ec"lation =;The Secret Doctrine;, Qol"me 1,%roem, H# %# Bla&atsky?# This is ;)solute )stract S"ace, re0resenting $are s"$jecti&ity, the one thing hich no h"man min' can either eAcl"'e from any 34 conce0tion, or concei&e of $y itself; =;The Secret Doctrine;, Qol"me 1, %roem, H% Bla&atsky?# In s0ite of the fact that in occ"ltism there is often ma'e a 'istinction $eteen the 9reator in 0assi&e an' acti&e states, yet it is the same 9reator, the one an' the same Uni-ersal 'reati-e Sustance endowed with the +ind. Chen this s"$stance is acti&ely manifeste', e j"'ge a$o"t 0resence in it the Tho"ght 0recisely on this in'irect ca"se - $y arising a 9hange' State of Matter, hich in occ"ltism is the S0irit an' the So"l# (t the same time e 'o not recogni3e an' canMt say anything a$o"t the ($sol"te, hich is creati&ely not acti&e# B"t, ne&ertheless, there are no the 'ifferent 9reators =realities?, there are only 'ifferent in their con'itions# We should rememer this always. The +atter is identi(ied with that /rimordial De"th# Original 'haos# with Water and Dar4ness, from hich the Hight =So"l, Energy? as $orn# ItMs the Matter, itho"t the S0irit manifeste' in her =I'eation of the Kni&erse? that forms So"ls, is all the same ,Knconscio"s/ an' ,Knknon/ ,E&er Reason/ a$o"t e talk hen s0eak a$o"t the Knmanifeste' S0ace# The Birth of this Kni&erse hich a00ears as a res"lt of merging Matter an' S0irit is a ,Knion of Cater an' 7ire/ here the Cater is the <rigin Basis $y itself, i#e# the Matter# (n' the 7ire - is the So"l, the res"lt of manifestation of the S0irit in the Matter# The S"$stance in the Knmanifeste' state - this is the ell-knon for "s the Qirgin Matter, the Qirgin Mary# The Matter ga&e $irth to the h"s$an' in herself =ho is the first son at the same time? - the S0irit =Tho"ght-image of the Kni&erse?# The )solute in Unmani(ested state 2 this is the +atter 5ut more accurately the +other-1ather6. The Eternal /arent wra""ed in her E-er-!n-isile 0oes9 =Stan3a 1? - itMs M"la0rakriti, Root-Matter, if to translate from Sanskrit# ,/ararahm 5the One 0eality# the )solute6 is the fiel' of ($sol"te 9onscio"sness, i#e#, that Essence which is out o( all relation to conditioned e:istence, an' of hich conscio"s eAistence is a con'itione' sym$ol# B"t once that e 0ass in tho"ght from this =to "s? ($sol"te .egation, '"ality s"0er&enes in the contrast of S0irit =or 35 conscio"sness? an' Matter, S"$ject an' <$ject/ =E./. ,la-ats4y# &The Secret Doctrine&# ;# /roem?# ,S0irit =or 9onscio"sness? an' Matter are, hoe&er, to $e regar'e', not as in'e0en'ent realities, $"t as the to facets or as0ects of the ($sol"te =%ara$rahm?, hich constit"te the $asis of con'itione' Being hether s"$jecti&e or o$jecti&e/ =E#%# Bla&atsky, ;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, %roem?# The 0refiA ;/ara; in Sanskrit means a reference to something that is o"tsi'e of something $eyon' this# ,rahman, in t"rn, is a synonym for I'eation, S0irit, Min', hich is a characteristic feat"re of S"$stance of Matter# That is, as yo" can see, in this case, %ara$rahm - is in some ay a reference to the secon' as0ect of the 9reator - on its reasona$leness# This means that for <ne Reality, e&en in its 0assi&e state, has to characteristics - materiality =Matter? an' the a$ility to think =S0irit?# ;)l"ha and Omega; =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, %roem?# ,S0irit =or conscio"sness? an' Matter are, hoe&er, to $e regar'e', not as in'e0en'ent realities, $"t as the to facets or as0ects of the ($sol"te =%ara$rahm?, hich constit"te the $asis of con'itione' Being hether s"$jecti&e or o$jecti&e/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, %roem?# ,/ararahm is not ;Jo',; $eca"se It is not a Jo'# T IT is ;S"0reme; as 9(KSE, not s"0reme as effect# %ara$rahm is sim0ly, as a ;Secondless 0eality; the all-incl"si&e 9osmos -- or, rather, the in(inite 'osmic S"ace -- in the highest s0irit"al sense, of co"rse/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, %roem?# ,Dar4ness alone fille' the ,oundless )ll/ =Stan3a 1#F?# Both these 0hrases are 'efinitions-synonyms# ,Eternal *on-,eing - the One ,eing/ =Stan3a 1#G?# ,)lone# the One 1orm o( E:istence stretched oundless# in(inite# causeless# in Dreamless Slee"/ =Stan3a 1#4?# In this >"ote, an' in the neAt it in'icates on the Kni&erse in "nmanifeste' =inacti&e? state# ,Dar4ness alone was 1ather-+other# S-ah<-at= and S-ah<-at was in Dar4ness/ =Stan3a )#F?# ,The Di-ine Thought and the Di-ine ,osom/ =Stan3a )#8?# The S0irit - is the Di&ine Tho"ght, an' the Matter - is the Di&ine Bosom# ,The Waters/, ,The +other-Dee"/ =Stan3a E#E?# ,The eternal# e-er "resent cause o( all/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#1?# ,S"ace is the one eternal thing that e can most easily imagine, immo&a$le in its a$straction an' "ninfl"ence' $y either the 0resence or 36 a$sence in it of an o$jecti&e Kni&erse# It is itho"t 'imension, in e&ery sense, an' self-eAistent/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#1?# ,+ula"ra4riti# the root-/rinci"le/, ,the "rimordial sustance, hich is the $asis of the "0a'hi or &ehicle of e&ery 0ossi$le 0henomenon, hether 0hysical, mental an' s0irit"al# It is the so"rce from hich (kasha ra'iates =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#1?# ,*on-eing# hence which is asolute ,eing# E:istence/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#+?# ,.othing is 0ermanent eAce0t the one hidden asolute e:istence which contains in itsel( the noumena o( all realities/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#+?# ,K)0)*)> eternal cause =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#F?# ,/aranish"anna; is the asolute "er(ection to hich all eAistences attain at the close of a great 0erio' of acti&ity, or Maha- Man&antara, an' in hich they rest '"ring the s"ccee'ing 0erio' of re0ose/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#8?# %aranish0ana - is at the same time 'irection to the state in hich there is the Knmanifeste' S"$stance# B"t this conce0t can $e consi'ere' as 'irection on the inar'ness of that e name the <ne# ,.on Ego, Qoi'ness, an' Darkness/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#G?# ,The Qisi$le that as, an' the In&isi$le that is, reste' in Eternal *on-,eing - the One ,eing/ =Stan3a 1#G?# ,/raha-a"yaya/, ;the 0lace hence is the origination, an' into hich is the resol"tion of all things/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#4?# ,)stract# the sel(-e:istent "lastic Essence and the root o( all things/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#4?# ,/aram?rtha/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a 1#I?# ,OE)OHOO is ren'ere' ;1ather-+other o( the .ods; in the 9ommentaries, or the SIU I. <.E, or the se0tenary root from hich all 0rocee's/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#F?# ,Oeaohoo is the &0ootless 0oot o( )ll&= hence# one with /ararahman/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#F?# ,THE 0OOT O1 $!1E =Stan3a E#8?# 37 ,'haos/ ,The de"ths o( the .reat Dar4 Waters/ =Stan3a E#G?# ,The ,oundless 'ircle 57ero6/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a +#F?# ,The Un4nown One# the !n(inite TOT)$!T@/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a F#)?# ,*o-D%rm A the root o( the world A the De-amatri and S-<h<-at, reste' in the $liss of non-$eing/ =Stan3a )#1? The waters o( li(e, or 'haos, the female 0rinci0le in sym$olism - are the -acuum/B 3irgin Egg# BStaEa 919C1 3irgin +other# =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#+?# The immaculate root9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#+?# 3irgin 1emale /rinci"le9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#+?# THE +U*D)*E E..9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#+?# 'osmic +atter9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#+?# S/)'E (illed with dar4ness9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#G?# Kala-Hamsa9 2 ,lac4 Swan9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#4?# The sym$ol of the Matter, merge' ith the S0irit, $"t "nmanifeste'# !ala - means ,$lack/, ,Hamsa/ - is ,San/# The San is the sym$ol of Matter, Darkness =!ala?# ,The Wom o( the World/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#4?# The un4nown dar4ness9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a E#1*?# Swaha-at9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a +#F?# The Dar4ness# !n(inity# or not a numer# )di-*ida9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a +#F?# The Un4nown One* the !n(inite Totality9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a F#)?# The 'ircle %D !n(inity9 =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, comment for the Stan3a F#)?# 38 Ein So( - =He$re?, the eternal state of Being, incom0rehensi$le 0rinci0le, s"0reme 'eity, the a$sol"te# ItMs 0ossi$le to o0en it only thro"gh the 0rocess of eliminating all its 0ercei&e' attri$"tes in a s0ecific or'er# Being "n'etecta$le the ($sol"te 0er&a'es all s0ace# ($stracte' to the 0oint of incom0rehensi$ility, Ein Sof is the "nlimite' state of all things# The s"$stances, essence an' min's a00ear from the el"si&e Ein Sof, $"t the ($sol"te is 'e&oi' of s"$stantiality, the nat"re an' reasona$leness# !a$$alists call it the ol'est of the ol'est an' alays &iee' aseA"al# The ro"n', the tr"e em$lem of eternity sym$oli3es the nat"re of Ein Sof# Synonyms1 Ensof, (yn Sof# .aia 5Earth? - is the ancient Jreek go''ess, ife of Kran"s, ho $efore $ecoming his ife has create' her f"t"re h"s$an'# (n' this is a 'irect in'ication to the 0rocreation $y the first as0ect - $y the Matter - of the secon' - the S0irit, an' after they ha' connecte' an' forme' all that is in this Kni&erse# 5:1 SPIRIT* FATHER* LIGHT* FIRE* MIND* LOGOS* THOUGHT* CHRIST* OSIRIS* 2UDDHA* ENERG7* ETHER* AKASHA* IMPULSE* FOHAT1 (n' no, hen e are a little ac>"ainte' ith the first as0ect of the Jo'-($sol"te-Matter, letMs 0rocee' to its secon' as0ect - to the S0irit# In 0re&io"s, intro'"ctory articles e eno"gh tol' a$o"t the nat"re of the S0irit# So here e nee' to re0eat some general moments# (n' also e ill make a list of synonym of esoteric 0hrases relate' j"st to the secon' (s0ect of the 9reati&e S"$stance# Here e t"rn again to the treatise of $ao Tt%u Tao te 'hing9 to remem$er that ,Tr"th/ =Tao? - itMs the Matter# The Matter ,gi&es $irth to <ne/ - to the S0irit# ,To ha&e a00eare' from <ne/ - to o00osite 'irecte' 0rocesses taking 0lace in e&ery elementary 0article - the $irth of the S0irit an' its 'isa00earance# The $irth of the S0irit - itMs a s0irit"al origin, 5in, Brahma, Rajas# The 'isa00earance of the S0irit - itMs a material origin, 5in, Shi&a, Tamas# 39 ,7rom To are forme' the Three/ - to origins - s0irit"al an' material - are merge' in e&ery 0article hich is the thir' 0rinci0le - Satt&a, Qishn", So"l, the Knion of Matter an' S0irit# (n' no letMs s0eak a$o"t the S0irit# The S0irit - is the Secon' (s0ect of the ($sol"te# (n as0ect - is the &ie on some o$ject or 0henomenon# The S0irit - itMs a %ert"r$ation in the S0ace, ith some s0ecial ay changing it# Chat is the %ert"r$ation an' ho it ha00ens - for "s itMs a secret# The S0irit - is Information nascent in elementary 0articles an' 'ying in them# The S0irit from the 0oint of &ie of occ"ltism itMs the 7irst-$orn Son of the Qirgin Mother, the Matter hich then $ecomes her ,H"s$an'/, an' together they s0an the Thir' (s0ect - all m"ltit"'e of the Kni&erse forms# B"t act"ally an' the S0irit an' the So"l - are j"st another state of the Intellect"al S"$stance, insi'e of hich e inha$it# The S0irit - itMs a tem0orary creation in the Matter# The So"l is its contin"ation an' concrete manifestation, also tem0orary# (n' the S0irit an' the So"l are tem0orary as o00osite to the constant S0ace here they manifest# ItMs first# (n' secon', the chain of changing hich e name the ,time/ is inherent eAactly to the S0irit an' the So"l# The So"l - itMs the same S0irit enclose' in a s0here# In e&ery So"l is taking 0lace the rotation of the S0irit thro"gh the time# (ll this sai' an' re0eat ith the 0"r0ose to tell yo" that any Jo' of Time in literat"re is nothing $"t the Sym$ol of Time an' 0ersonification of S0irit an' So"l - inconstant 0rinci0le of the Kni&erse# In the Stan%as o( the ,oo4 D%yan it is sai'1 ,The Ray shoots thro"gh the Qirgin Egg, the Ray ca"ses the Eternal Egg to thrill, an' 'ro0 the non-eternal Jerm, hich con'enses into the Corl'-Egg/ =Stan3a E#E?# The Ray - itMs the Ray of Hight, an' Hight as is knon the synonym of the S0irit# ,The non-eternal Jerm/ - itMs the totality of elementary 0articles =So"ls?# The or' ,non-eternal/ in'icates on the inconstancy of eAistence the manifeste' Kni&erse# In the Stan3as the 'efinition ,Eternal .on-$eing/ is "se' for the S"$stance itself# Here also lea&e that the 40 Time from the occ"lt 0oint of &ie itMs the sym$ol of S0irit an' So"l# (ny So"l =chakra, 0article? - itMs a 'ircle# 0ound# 0ing o( Time#
(n' no letMs go to the list of synonyms of occ"lt an' s0irit"al 'efinitions, ith the hel0 of hich the thinkers an' me'itati&e &isionaries of 'ifferent times an' nations characteri3e' an' name' the Secon' Hy0ostasis of the 9reator# In the gi&en >"otes these 'efinitions ill "se $ol' italic# 41 ,Uni-ersal +ind as not, for there ere no (h-hi to contain it/ =Stan3a 1#E?# Ce ha&e $eg"n from the Kni&ersal Min'# This is one of the 'efinitions for the Secon' Hy0ostasis of Jo', the S0irit# (h-hi - these are elementary 0articles, So"ls# (s e ill say in the neAt articles, the S0irit sat"rates elementary 0articles -e can say that they contain him# ,Her Heart ha' not yet o0ene' for the <ne Ray to enter/ =Stan3a )#+?# The <ne Ray - itMs one of the synonyms of the S0irit# ,The Kni&erse as still conceale' in the Di-ine Thought an' the Di-ine ,osom/ =Stan3a )#8?# The Di&ine Tho"ght an' the Di&ine Bosom - are the sym$ols of the S0irit an' the Matter, the Male an' the 7emale %rinci0les# ,Darkness ra'iates $ight, an' $ight dro"s one solitary 0ay into the Caters, into the Mother-Dee0# The 0ay shoots thro"gh the Qirgin Egg, the Ray ca"ses the Eternal Egg to thrill, an' 'ro0 the non-eternal Jerm, hich con'enses into the Corl'-Egg/ =Stan3a E#E?# Ce ha&e j"st s0oken a$o"t hat is the Hight an' hat is the Ray# ,The Root of Hife as in e&ery Dro0 of the Ocean o( !mmortality, an' the Ocean was 0adiant $ight# which was 1ire# and Heat# and +otion/ =Stan3a E#8?# The <cean of Immortality, the Ra'iant Hight, 7ire, Heat an' Motion - these are all the synonyms of the S0irit# The 'efinition ,the <cean of Immortality/ is "se' 0ro$a$ly $eca"se the S0irit is like the %hoeniA constantly restores in e&ery So"l# ,$ight is 'old 1lame# and 1lame is 1ire# and 1ire "roduces Heat# which yields Water - The Water o( $i(e in the .reat +other/ =Stan3a E#I?# The Cater - is the sym$ol of the Matter, 7emale <rigin# B"t the 0hrase ,The Water o( $i(e/ - itMs j"st the 'efinition of the S0irit, the Male <rigin# ,Then S&a$hV&at sen' 7ohat to har'en the (toms# Each is a 0art of the Ce$/ =Stan3a E#1)?# 7ohat - itMs a synonym of the S0irit, the 7ather# 7ohat - itMs the S0irit that flos thro"gh the (toms =So"ls?# It fills the (toms an' $y this ay makes them soli' in relation to each other# ,Twho are orn (rom the /rimordial 1lame/ =Stan3a +#)?# 42 The %rimor'ial 7lame - itMs one more synonym for the Secon' (s0ect# ,7rom the Eff"lgence of Hight - the Ray of the E&er-Darkness/ =Stan3a +#E?# The Ray of Hight - the S0irit - is $orn from the Darkness, i#e# from the Mother, Matter# ,The (rmy of the 3oice# the Di-ine +other o( the Se-en/ =Stan3a +#+?# 9"rio"sly that in this case the Qoice, aka the S0irit, e call it ith the female name - the Di&ine Mother# ,The )di-Sanat# the *umer# (or he is One/ =Stan3a +#F?# In the occ"lt teAts the Matter has the name ,.on-."m$er/, hile the S0irit - the ."m$er or the <ne# (s the S0irit - is the first 'ifferentiation of the Matter an' the S0irit $y itself 'oes not form sha0es - 0articles - it j"st fills them# The S0irit is calle' the <ne Element, the 7ifth Element, as it is e&eryhere in the Kni&erse# ;Tthe One# the Eight le(t out# and his ,reath which is the $ight- +a4er; =Stan3a +#F?# The Eighth Son - this is the 7irst$orn of the Mother-Matter, her H"s$an'-Son-Brother, that is, the 7ather# In fact, $reathing is not of the 7ather, $"t of the Mother# The Breathing is the S0irit, the 7ather, an' the Hight# ;They make of him the Messenger of their Cill# The D3y" $ecomes 1ohat> the swi(t Son o( the Di-ine Sons# whose Sons are the $i"i4a# runs circular errands. 1ohat is the Steed# and the Thought is the 0ider. He "asses li4e lightning through the (iery clouds;=Stan3a F#)?# In fact, 7ohat an' Tho"ght - are the same# The 'ifference $eteen them is only in that the Tho"ght - is the S0irit in a general sense hile 7ohat - is the S0irit rotating in a ;s0iral &orteA; thro"gh time in the (toms =Hi0ikas?# The Di&ine Sons - are Hi0ikas, So"ls# ,He li(ts his 3oice# and calls the innumerale S"ar4s# and joins them together. He is their guiding s"irit and leader#/=Stan3as F#)B F#E?# Ce again s0eak a$o"t the S0irit# ,1# ,y the "ower o( the +other o( +ercy and Knowledge# Kwan- @in - the Tri"le o( Kwan - Shai-@in# residing in Kwan -@in 2Tien 2 1ohat# the ,reath o( their /rogeny#the Son o( the Sons# ha-ing called 43 (orth# (rom the $ower )yss# the !llusi-e 1orm o( Sien --Tchan and the Se-en Elements. )# The Swi(t and the 0adiant One "roduces the se-en $aya 'entres# against which none will "re-ail to the .reat Day &,e With Us&= and seats the Uni-erse on these Eternal 1oundations# surrounding Sien-Tchan with the Elementary .erms.9 =Stan3a 8#1?# ;When the One ecomes Two; =Stan3a G#E?# The One - is the ($sol"te in the "nmanifeste' state, the Matter, 'e&oi' of any signs of 'ifferentiation# ;The One ecomes Two; means that the Matter has generate' the Secon' %rinci0le - the S0irit# ;The S"ar4 hangs (rom the 1lame y the (inest thread o( 1ohat; =Stan3a G#F?# Here e are talking a$o"t the mechanism of 9reation, as a res"lt of hich there occ"rs the manifestation of the S0irit in Matter# The S0ark - is an elementary 0article, the So"l# The 7lame - it is the S0irit# ;The (inest thread o( 1ohat; - is the same as the (ntahkarana or the Ray of the Hight# This is the 7lo of the S0irit, of Ether, mo&ing thro"gh the S0arks =elementary 0articles?# ,1rom the 1irst-orn the Thread etween the Silent Watcher and his Shadow ecomes more strong and radiant with e-ery 'hange. The morning Sunlight has changed into noonday glory..../ =Stan3a G#8?# In this >"otation e s0eak a$o"t the same as in the 0re&io"s one - a$o"t the mechanism of Manifestation# 1irst-orn - is the 7ather, the S0irit# The Silent Watcher - is the S"$stance, the Matter, his Shadow - itLs the So"l, elementary 0article# The Thread (rom the 1irstorn - itLs the same thing as the ;thread o( 1ohat;# Ce list a n"m$er of synonyms for all the major of the Secon' %erson of the Trinity - for the S0irit, the 7ather that e may fin' in the st"'ying of occ"lt, religio"s an' scientific literat"re# S"irit# 1ather# +ale /rinci"le# 1irst-orn Son# Eighth Son# @ang# Di-ine Thought# Uni-ersal +ind# *ous# )solute# /er"etual +otion# )solute 'onsciousness# .reat ,reath# ,reath o( $i(e# 'entral S"iritual Sun# /urusha# *e(esh# Water o( $i(e# Ocean o( !mmortality# $ogos# 3er# Word# *umer# 7eroana-)r4an# ,rahma# )-alo4itesh-ara# +ahat# D%yu# )di-Sanat# Sanat Kumara# 44 Dai-i"ra4riti# !swara# .od# Osiris# )dam# 'hrist# ,uddha# Beho-ah# @ahweh# Sawao(# Elohim # Tetragrammaton# Uranus# 'ronus# .uan Shi @in# the )ncient o( Days# The 1i(th Element# One Element# Holy S"irit# 1ohat# $uci(er# the Dragon o( Wisdom# the Kundalini ser"ent# Ocean 5Sea6 o( +il4# 1ire# $ight# Heat# Electricity# 1orce# Energy# !m"uls# 4inetic energy# thermogen# Electromagnetic (ield# !n(ormation 1ield# 1orce 1ield# Ether# )4asha# the )stral $ight# /rotil# )"eiron# )rchaea# /rana# 'hi# Ki# 1ood o( the .ods. The S0irit, the Secon' (s0ect, in the 0rocess of manifestation forms the Ring =9ircle, Cheel? in e&ery elementary 0article =each so"l? an' rotates# B"t not in s0ace $"t in time =thro"gh time? - it is $orn an' 'isa00ears, is $orn an' 'isa00ears# Chen e are talking a$o"t the S0irit, rotating in the 0articles, e often "se for it other 'efinitions, rather than hen e talk a$o"t it in a general sense# 7or eAam0le, 1ohat - this is the S0irit, rotating an' making the (toms soli'# Ser"ent# Dragon# Kundalini# 0ay o( $ight# 0o"e o( )ngel#s )ntah4arana# ,ridge# lin4ing the S"irit with the Soul# )r4an o( S"irit# Sutrama# the Thread o( $i(e# The thread o( 1ohat# the Thread o( the 1irstorn - itLs all 'efinitions for the same S0irit, $"t in a 0artic"lar ay, consi'ere' in relation to in'i&i'"al elementary 0article# ,Tthe C,reath which is eternal.C !t "roceeds (rom without inwardly# when it is e-erywhere# and (rom within outwardly# when it is nowhere -- 5i.e.# maya# one o( the centres6. !t e:"ands and contracts 5e:halation and inhalation6/ =9atechism of the occ"lt, taken from ,The Secret Doctrine/ $y H% Bla&atsky?# ,Tasolute )stract +otion re"resenting Unconditioned 'onsciousness# E&en o"r Cestern thinkers ha&e shon that 9onscio"sness is inconcei&a$le to "s a0art from change, an' motion est symoli%es change# its essential characteristic. This latter as"ect o( the one 0eality# is also symoli%ed y the term &The .reat ,reath#& a symol su((iciently gra"hic to need no (urther elucidation# =,The Secret Doctrine/ $y H% Bla&atsky, %rolog"e?# ,This something# at "resent un4nown to Western s"eculation# is called y the occultists 1ohat. !t is the &ridge& y which the &!deas& e:isting in the &Di-ine Thought& are im"ressed on 'osmic sustance as the &laws o( *ature. 1ohat is thus the dynamic energy o( 'osmic !deation= or# regarded (rom the other side# it is the intelligent medium# 45 the guiding "ower o( all mani(estation# the &Thought Di-ine& transmitted and made mani(est through the Dhyan-'hohans# the )rchitects o( the -isile World. Thus (rom S"irit# or 'osmic !deation# comes our consciousness= (rom 'osmic Sustance the se-eral -ehicles in which that consciousness is indi-iduali%ed and attains to sel( A or re(lecti-e A consciousness= while 1ohat# in its -arious mani(estations# is the mysterious lin4 etween +ind and +atter# the animating "rinci"le electri(ying e-ery atom into li(e#/ =,Secret Doctrine/, Bla&atsky, %rolog"e?# ,S"irit is the (irst di((erentiation (rom +H)T# the causeless cause of $oth S0irit an' Matter/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a 1#1?# ;The Uni-ersal +ind; =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a 1#E?# ;The .reat ,reath; =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a 1#8?# O*ousP =OThe Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a 1#I?# ;)solute 'onsciousnessD ehind "henomena; =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a 1#I?# ,)rchEus or &1ather-Ether#& A the mani(ested asis and source o( the innumerale "henomena o( li(e/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a 1#I?# ,Sel(-analy%ing 'onsciousness 5S-asam-edana6/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a )#1?# ,The &,reath& o( the One E:istence is "se' in its a00lication only to the s0irit"al as0ect of 9osmogony $y (rchaic esotericismB otherise, it is re0lace' $y its e>"i&alent in the material 0lane W Motion# The <ne Eternal Element, or element-containing Qehicle, is -pace, 'imensionless in e&ery senseB co-eAistent ith hich are W en'less duration, 0rimor'ial =hence in'estr"cti$le? matter, an' m%t!% A asolute &"er"etual motion& which is the &reath& o( the &One& Element#/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a )#)?# ,Cater is the Mother, an' 1ire is the 1ather/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a )#E?# ,Tthe +ale element in *ature 5"ersoni(ied y the male deities and $ogoi A 3iraj# or ,rahma= Horus# or Osiris# etc.# etc.6 is orn through# not (rom# an immaculate source# "ersoni(ied y the &+other&= ecause that +ale ha-ing a +other cannot ha-e a &1ather&/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a )#+?# 46 ;The &Son& o( the immaculate 'elestial 3irgin 5or the undi((erentiated cosmic "rotyle# +atter in its in(initude6/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a )#+?# ,Dthe )stral $ight# the great Decei-er o( manCs limited senses/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a )#+?# ,The i'ea of the &reath& o( Dar4ness mo-ing o-er &the slumering Waters o( li(e#& hich is 0rimor'ial matter ith the latent S0irit in it, recalls the first cha0ter of Jenesis#/ =;The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a E#)?# ,The solitary ray dro""ing into the mother dee" may e ta4en as meaning Di-ine Thought or !ntelligence# im"regnating chaos/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a E#E?# ;Sea o( +il4D Ocean o( +il4; =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1 9omment Stan3a E#+?# The &(ire#& &heat#& and &motion& here s0oken of, are, of co"rse, not the fire, heat, an' motion of 0hysical science/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1 9omment Stan3a E#8?# In o"r o0inion, the (ire and the heat o( "hysical science - this is (ire and heat o( the occult - i#e# the secon' as0ect of Jo'# ,E&en in the min'-$affling an' science-harassing Jenesis, light is create' o"t of 'arkness ;an' 'arkness as "0on the face of the 'ee0; =ch# i# &# )#? W an' not vice versa. ;!n him 5in dar4ness6 was li(e= and the li(e $a" the l!&ht %D me; =6ohn i# +?# ( 'ay may come hen the eyes of men ill $e o0ene'B an' then they may com0rehen' $etter than they 'o no, that &erse in the Jos0el of 6ohn that says ;)nd the light shineth in dar4ness= and the dar4ness com"rehendeth it not.; They ill see then that the or' ;'arkness; 'oes not a00ly to manLs s0irit"al eyesight, $"t in'ee' to ;Darkness,; the a$sol"te, that com0rehen'eth not =cannot cogni3e? transient light, hoe&er transcen'ent to h"man eyes# *emon est *eus inversus. The 'e&il is no calle' Darkness $y the 9h"rch, hereas, in the Bi$le he is calle' the ;Son o( .od; =see 6o$?, the right star o( the early morning, $uci(er =see Isaiah?# There is a hole 0hiloso0hy of 'ogmatic craft in the reason hy the first (rchangel, ho s0rang from the 'e0ths of 9haos, as calle' H"A =H"cifer?, the ;H"mino"s Son of the Morning,; or man &antaric Dan# He as transforme' $y the 9h"rch into H"cifer or Satan, $eca"se he is higher an' ol'er than 6eho&ah, an' ha' to $e sacrifice' to the ne 'ogma# =See Book II#?/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a E#8?# 47 ,Kwan-Shai-@in is identical with# and an eFui-alent o( the Sans4rit A(alF)!tG"h$ara# and as such he is an androgynous deity# li4e the Tetragrammaton and all the $ogoiG o( antiFuity# It is only $y some sects in 9hina that he is anthro0omor0hi3e' an' re0resente' ith female attri$"tes,H hen, "n'er his female as0ect, he $ecomes Kwan- @in# the goddess o( mercy# called the &Di-ine 3oice.&/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1 9omment Stan3a E#G?# ,;The &Dragon o( Wisdom& is the One# the &E4a& 5Sans4rit6 or Sa4a# It is c"rio"s that Beho-ahCs name in Herew should also e One# Echod. ;His name is Echo';1 say the Ra$$ins# The 0hilologists o"ght to 'eci'e hich of the to is 'eri&e' from the otherWling"istically an' sym$olically1 s"rely, not the SanskritD The &One& and the Dragon are e:"ressions used y the ancients in connection with their res"ecti-e $ogoi. Beho-ah A esoterically 5as Elohim6 A is also the Ser"ent or Dragon that tem"ted E-e# and the &Dragon& is an old gly"h (or &)stral $ight& 5/rimordial /rinci"le6# &which is the Wisdom o( 'haos.&/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a E#G?# ,The "rimiti-e symol o( the ser"ent symolised di-ine Wisdom and /er(ection# and had always stood (or "sychical 0egeneration and !mmortality. Hence A Hermes# calling the ser"ent the most s"iritual o( all eingsB Moses, initiate' in the is'om of Hermes, folloing s"it in JenesisB the .nosticCs Ser"ent with the se-en -owels o-er its head# eing the emlem o( the se-en hierarchies o( the Se"tenary or /lanetary 'reators. Hence# also# the Hindu ser"ent Sesha or )nanta# &the !n(inite#& a name o( 3ishnu# whose (irst 3ahan or -ehicle on the "rimordial waters is this ser"ent. $i4e the logoi and the Hierarchies o( /owers# howe-er# the &Ser"ents& ha-e to e distinguished one (rom the other. Sesha or )nanta# &the couch o( 3ishnu#& is an allegorical astraction# symoli%ing in(inite Time in S"ace# which contains the germ and throws o(( "eriodically the e((lorescence o( this germ# the ma!De"te, Uni-erse= whereas# the gnostic O+h!" contained the same tri"le symolism in its se-en -owels as the One# Three and Se-en- syllaled Oea%h%% o( the )rchaic doctrine= !1e1# the One Unmani(ested $ogos# the Second mani(ested# the triangle concreting into the Huaternary or Tetragrammaton# and the rays o( the latter on the material "lane#/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a E#G?# ;In the Book of Hermes L%yman'erL ol'est an' most s0irit"al of the Hogoi of the estern continent, a00ears to Hermes in the form of the 48 7ire Dragon of; Hight, 7ire an' 7lame# ;%yman'er, 0ersonifie' ;Di&ine Tho"ght;, says1 ;The light - it is I, I am the .o"s =min' or Man"?, I am a Jo', ILm a lot ol'er than the h"man element coming from the sha'os ='arkness, or in the Deity?, I am the germ of tho"ght, res0len'ent Cor', the Son of Jo'# (ll that $eca"se he sees an' hears in yo", there is a &er$ Teachers# It - Tho"ght =Mahat? hich is Jo' the 7ather# Hea&enly <cean, Ether ### is the Breath of the 7ather - the life-gi&ing Home, Mother - the Holy S0irit ### for they are inse0ara$le an' their f"sion is the Hife ;=; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, taken from the 9ommentary on Stan3a E#G?# ,1ire is Ither in its "urest (orm# and hence is not regarded as matter, $"t it is the "nity of Xther W the secon' manifeste' 'eity W in its "ni&ersality/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1 9omment Stan3a +#1?# ;The 'entral# S"iritual Sun; =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a +#1?# ,When the Son se"arates (rom the +other he ecomes the 1ather/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a +#E?# ,The &army o( the 3oice& is a term closely connected with the mystery o( Sound and S"eech# as an e((ect and corollary o( the cause A Di-ine Thought#/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a +#+?# ,The &)rmy o( the 3oice#& is the "rototy"e o( the &Host o( the $ogos#& or the &WO0D& o( the Se"her Be%irah# called in the Secret Doctrine &the One *umer issued (rom *o-*umer& A the One Eternal /rinci"le#/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a +#+?# ,1ohat is closely related to the &O*E $!1E.& 1rom the Un4nown One# the !n(inite TOT)$!T@# the mani(ested O*E# or the "eriodical# +an-antaric Deity# emanates= and this is the Uni-ersal +ind# which# se"arated (rom its 1ountain-Source# is the Demiurgos or the creati-e $ogos o( the Western Kaalists/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a F#)?# ,1ohat, then, is the 0ersonifie' electric &ital 0oer, the transcen'ental $in'ing Knity of all 9osmic Energies, on the "nseen as on the manifeste' 0lanes, the action of hich resem$les W on an immense scale W that of a li&ing 7orce create' $y CIHH, in those 0henomena here the seemingly s"$jecti&e acts on the seemingly o$jecti&e an' 0ro0els it to action# 7ohat is not only the li-ing Symol and 'ontainer o( that 1orce, $"t is looke' "0on $y the <cc"ltists as an 49 Entity W the forces he acts "0on $eing cosmic, h"man an' terrestrial, an' eAercising their infl"ence on all those 0lanes res0ecti&ely# <n the earthly 0lane his in(luence is (elt in the magnetic and acti-e (orce generated y the strong desire o( the magneti%er# <n the 9osmic, it is 0resent in the constr"cti&e 0oer that carries o"t, in the formation of things W from the 0lanetary system 'on to the glo-orm an' sim0le 'aisy W the 0lan in the min' of nat"re, or in the Di&ine Tho"ght, ith regar' to the 'e&elo0ment an' groth of that s0ecial thing# He is# meta"hysically# the ojecti-ised thought o( the gods= the &Word made (lesh#& on a lower scale# and the messenger o( 'osmic and human ideations> the acti-e (orce in Uni-ersal $i(e. !n his secondary as"ect# 1ohat is the Solar Energy# the electric -ital (luid#G and the "reser-ing (ourth "rinci"le# the animal Soul o( *ature# so to say# orAElectricity./ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a F#)?# ,;1orce#& &Energy#& may e a etter name (or it/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1 9omment Stan3a F#)?# ,The 7eroana )4erne is also the &,oundless 'ircle o( the Un4nown Time#& (rom which 'ircle issues the radiant light A the Uni-ersal SU*# or Orma%d J A and the latter is identical with Kronos# in his Iolian (orm# that o( a 'ircle/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a F#)?# ,) right star dro""ed (rom the heart o( Eternity= the eacon o( ho"e on whose Se-en 0ays hang the Se-en Worlds o( ,eing/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a F#+?# ,;1ire#& it says# &is the most "er(ect and unadulterated re(lection# in Hea-en as on Earth# o( the O*E 1$)+E. !t is $i(e and Death# the origin and the end o( e-ery material thing. !t is di-ine CSU,ST)*'E#M / =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1, taken from the 9ommentary to Stan3a F#+?# ,Dthe "ersonal Ego and the im"ersonal Sel(# the *oumenon and /arent-Source =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1, 9ommentary on Stan3a F#8?# ,Din Occult meta"hysics there are# "ro"erly s"ea4ing# two &O*ES& W the <ne on the "nreacha$le 0lane of ($sol"teness an' Infinity, on hich no s0ec"lation is 0ossi$le, an' the Secon' ;<ne; on the 0lane of Emanations# The former can neither emanate nor $e 'i&i'e', as it is eternal, a$sol"te, an' imm"ta$le# The Second# eing# so to s"ea4# the re(lection o( the (irst One 5(or it is the $ogos# or !swara# in 50 the Uni-erse o( !llusion6/ =; The Secret Doctrine ;, 1 9omment Stan3a F#8?# ,(s ell sai' in the Bhaga&a'gita Hect"res, ;The hole !osmos m"st necessarily eAist in the <ne So"rce of energy from hich this light =&ohat? emanates#; Chether e co"nt the 0rinci0les in !osmos an' man as se&en or only as fo"r, the forces of, an' in, 0hysical .at"re are Se&enB an' it is state' $y the same a"thority that ;.ragna, or the ca0acity of 0erce0tion, eAists in se&en 'ifferent as0ects corres0on'ing to the se&en con'itions of matter; =.ersonal and impersonal /od?. 7or, ;j"st as a h"man $eing is com0ose' of se-en "rinci"les, 'ifferentiate' matter in the Solar System eAists in se&en 'ifferent con'itions; =iid?. So 'oes 7ohat# He is One and Se-en, an' on the 9osmic 0lane is ehind all such mani(estations as light# heat# sound# adhesion# etc.# etc.# and is the &s"irit& o( E$E'T0!'!T@# which is the $!1E o( the Uni-erse# (s an a$straction, e call it the O*E $!1EB as an o$jecti&e an' e&i'ent Reality, e s0eak of a se0tenary scale of manifestation, hich $egins at the "00er r"ng ith the <ne Knknoa$le C(KS(HIT5, an' en's as <mni0resent Min' an' Hife immanent in e&ery atom of Matter# Th"s, hile science s0eaks of its e&ol"tion thro"gh $r"te matter, $lin' force, an' senseless motion, the <cc"ltists 0oint to intelligent L(C an' sentient LI7E, an' a'' that 1ohat is the guiding S"irit o( all this#; =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1 9omment Stan3a 8#)?# 5<1 THE SPACE IS CREATOR1 THE DISPUTE 2ETWEEN NEWTON AND EINSTEIN1 If yo" ill 'ee0ly tho"ght a$o"t the significance of the or' ,S0ace/ yo" ill ha&e to a'mit that 0ractically im0ossi$le to say a$o"t it something 'efinite an' really eA0lain hat it is# S"ch or's as ,em0tiness/, ,&ac""m/, ,infinity/, ,Kni&erse/ or something of the sort ill come to min'# (gree itMs not easy for the h"man to talk a$o"t hat is em0ty for him =her? - in&isi$ly, "nhear', im0al0a$le, itho"t taste an' smell, hile all aro"n' "s e can to"ch, see, hear, scent an' taste# (s a res"lt, in the min's of most 0eo0le, the s0ace has alays $een no more than an en'less &ol"me of em0tiness here there is o"r orl' an' e - in other or's, something non-eAistent# 51 The thinkers of 0hiloso0hy an' science ha&e s0ent a goo' 'eal of time an' effort trying to 'isco&er the relations $eteen the s0ace an' all the o$jects in it# S"re, originally the scientists are mainly intereste' in the s0ace from a 0ractical 0oint of &ie# E&en in ancient times 0eo0le ha' eA0erience' a nee' to kno the 'istance $eteen the $o'ies as acc"rately as 0ossi$le# ( 'istance meas"rement is a meas"rement in the s0ace# 7or this 0"r0ose there is geometry, the $asis of hich as lai' in III cent"ry $efore 9hrist $y E"cli'# He consi'ere' the s0ace as ,em0tiness/# 7rom his 0oint of &ie it is isotro0y, homogeneo"s an' limitless# 7or reali3ation of 'istance meas"rements it as nee'e' to E"cli' only three coor'inates as o00osite to the m"ltit"'es folloing of the Einstein 0hysics, for hom itMs not eno"gh three an' they $ro"ght 'on on "s yet the fo"rth coor'inate ='imension?, fifth, siAth an' so on# Chat are they forD Hereinafter the scientific &ies on this >"estion $ecame all more to a00roach to the 0hiloso0hical# In this scientific-0hiloso0hical synthesis e &ie the s0ace e&eryhere together ith other category - ,time/# 7or them there as contra 0ose' the ,Matter/ or otherise ,material o$jects/# In the history of 0hiloso0hy there are to conce0ts 'escri$ing the relation to each other of the s0ace =an' the time? an' o$jects in it# Ce name one of them as s"$stantial, an' other - as relational# Disagreement ith each other of these conce0ts is 'irectly connecte' ith the scientific 'is0"te of the classic mechanics an' relati&istic# This scientific 'e$ate e can call as the ,dis"ute o( *ewton and Einstein e:tended through the time/# The $asis of classical mechanic is the s"$stantial conce0t accor'ing to this the s0ace =an' the time? eAists $y itself, regar'less of the o$jects locate' insi'e this s0ace# I# .eton s"00ose' that the s0ace here e li&e is like the fore&er eAisting, "nrestricte'ly large, fiAe' ,$oA/ itho"t si'es - the container of the Matter# The 0ro0erties of this ;$oA; 'o not change o&er time an' 'o not 'e0en' on ho the s"$stance 'istri$"tes an' re'istri$"tes in it# 52 I"aac Ne$t% The S0ace of .eton an' E"cli' is not a$le to shrink an' stretch - i#e# to c"r&e# Therefore, in this s0ace the shortest 'istance $eteen to 0oints - is alays a straight line and not a cur-e# The relational conce"t =hence the similar name? lies in the frameork of relati&istic mechanics# %ro0onents of this &ie consi'er that the ;s0ace; is 0ro'"ce' $y the o$jects eAisting in it# The s0ace of (# Einstein can $ent =contract an' eA0an'? an' it is a non-E"cli'ean =or in other or's a non-.etonian?# 53 Al-ert E!"te! In s"ch non-E"cli'ean s0ace the shortest 'istances $eteen 0oints, the segments m"st constantly $en', an' the 'istances $eteen 0oints m"st increase than 'ecrease# Einstein connecte' gra&ity ith the com0ression of s0ace, an' the acceleration or 'eceleration of time ith a 'egree of c"r&at"re of s0ace# The more it is com0ressing an' the more eight at this 0oint, the sloer time 0asses there# The more eAten'e' an' less eight at this 0oint - the faster it flos the time# Ce share the con&iction of the first conce0t - the s"$stantial an', so are increasingly 0ro0onents of classical mechanics, not relati&istic# Ce consi'er that the s0ace 'oes not 'isa00ear, if &anish all eAisting o$jects in it# In a''ition, e $elie&e that s0ace is not com0resse' an' eA0an'e'# These 0ro0erties are inherent only in the s"$stance# B"t at the same time, e m"st acknole'ge that the relational conce0t of relati&istic mechanics has lifte' on a s"rface a &ery im0ortant layer of knole'ge a$o"t the str"ct"re of the "ni&erse# The only 0ro$lem is that the 0ro0onents of each &ie 'escri$e the "ni&erse from their on 0oints of &ision# (t the same time, classical mechanics an' the s"$stantial conce0t are really talking a$o"t the relationshi0 $eteen the s0ace an' the o$jects in it# Chile the conce0t of relational an' relati&istic mechanics tells not a$o"t the s0ace, $"t a$o"t hat act"ally eAists in it, an' is one of its manifestations, namely, a$o"t the S0irit =Energy, Ether?# The fallacy of relational conce0t an' relati&istic mechanics is that they attri$"te to the s0ace the 0ro0erty of mo$ility hile it is act"ally stationary# Ce can say that relati&ists ha&e $ase' on all things of the Mo&a$le, 7l"i' S0ace, hile mo&ing an' floing is the S0irit, the secon' as0ect of the ($sol"te, $"t not the S0ace =Matter, S"$stance?, 7irst, %rimal (s0ect# The merit of the same Einstein is that he came close to "n'erstan'ing that ;something; in the s0ace can mo&e in any 'esire' 'irection# 54 5es, thatLs right, ;something; is ;floing; in s0ace an' from the floing of this ;something; all 0rocesses an' 0henomena in the "ni&erse are 'e0en'e'# This ;something;, as has j"st $een sai', it is the S0irit# Besi'es the &ies on s0ace of science an' 0hiloso0hy, a s0ecial 0lace among all the eAisting o0inions occ"0ies the Theoso"hical course le' $y +adame ,la-ats4y and )) ,ailey# Helea Petr%(a 2la(at")' 55 Ma"ter KH* the Ma"ter M%r'a* Ma"ter Ra)%"!* HP 2la(at")' 56 Al!ce A 2a!le' Al!ce 2a!le' Theoso0hical &ies on this matter are s"ch that e can attri$"te them in some eAtent to the s"$stantial 0hiloso0hical conce0t# The 'ifference is that the theoso0hists not only consi'er the S0ace as secon'ary to the o$jects of the Kni&erse, $"t also gi&e it the main role, seeing it as the first 0rinci0le# Chile for all the o$jects, ;mo&ing an' eAisting; ithin the $or'ers of this s0ace, the Theoso0hists ga&e the 0osition of the secon' 0lan# 7or them, the o$jects are secon'ary, an' the S0ace is 0rimary# Ce offer to yo"r attention a series of >"otes taken from the theoso0hical literat"re, 0artic"larly from $ooks ,la-ats4y E. and ). ,ailey# ,There is one ,oundless !mmutale /rinci"le= one )solute 0eality which# antecedes all mani(ested conditioned ,eing. !t is eyond the range and reach o( any human thought or e:"ression. 57 The manifeste' Kni&erse is containe' ithin this ($sol"te Reality an' is a con'itione' sym$ol of it# In the totality of this manifeste' Kni&erse, three as0ects are to $e concei&e'# 1# The 7irst 9osmic Hogos, im0ersonal an' "nmanifeste', the 0rec"rsor of the Manifeste'# )# The Secon' 9osmic Hogos, S0irit-Matter, Hife, the S0irit of the Kni&erse# E# The Thir' 9osmic Hogos, 9osmic I'eation, the Kni&ersal Corl'-So"l# 7rom these $asic creati&e 0rinci0les, in s"ccessi&e gra'ations there iss"e in in or'ere' se>"ence the n"m$erless Kni&erses com0rising co"ntless Manifesting Stars an' Solar Systems/ =)lice ,aileyCs &) Treatise on 'osmic 1ire&, 00# E)-EE?# ,S"ace is an entity an' the entire ;&a"lt of hea&en; =as it has $een 0oetically calle'? is the 0henomenal a00earance of that entity/ =(# Bailey ;Esoteric (strology;, 0age 14?# ,The (ncient Cis'om teaches that ,S0ace is an entity/ =(# Bailey; Esoteric (strology ;, 0age 1I?# ,Chat is that hich as, is, an' ill $e, hether there is a Kni&erse or notB hether there $e go's or noneDL asks the esoteric Sen3ar 9atechism# (n' the anser ma'e is WS%(9E/ 5&The Occult 'atechism&# ta4en (rom the Secret Doctrine y H/ ,la-ats4y?# Theoso0hists ga&e to the s0ace a reality# In their inter0retation, it is something concrete, real, an' not ;em0ty;# In their "n'erstan'ing the s0ace is not ;nothing;, it is - ;something;# 7inally, e sho"l' mention one more look at the s0ace - the religious# The "ni>"eness of this &ie lies in its imaginary a$straction from hat it really 'e'icate'# The theoso0hical literat"re lea's "s to this 0oint of &ie on the s0ace# (ct"ally, the Theoso0hical co"rse is j"st inten'e' to "nify an' reconcile of all eAisting religions in the orl'# Therefore, e can ass"me that the theoso0hical literat"re 0a&es the ay for the rea'er, on the one han', in the orl' of religion, an' on the other - in the realm of science# Theoso0hy seeks to gi&e a scientific eA0lanation of religio"s $eliefs, as ell as to resol&e the 0ro$lems an' 'is0"te the >"estions of science ith the hel0 of esoteric conce0ts an' information# 58 If yo" start to st"'y religio"s treatises, it t"rns o"t that mystically min'e' researchers of mysteries of Being an' seekers of meaning in life alays s0oke a$o"t the S0ace# <f co"rse, they ere ell aare of hat they s0oke, $"t 0referre' not to call 'irectly that a$o"t they rote $y the S0ace, an' ga&e for it all sorts of names# The S0ace - this is the Matter, the first as0ect of Jo'# (n' e ha&e alrea'y s0ent a lot of time trying to tell the tale of this Knknon Something# Hoe&er, e re0eat an' gi&e the most famo"s of these names - 'reator# .od# )solute# the )lmighty# the World +ind# )llah# the One# ;One o( Whom )out *aught +ay ,e Said;, One 0eality# !n(inite /rinci"le# the $ord o( the World# the Uni-erse# S"ace# ,rahman# *othing# Eternity# Di-ine Unity# the )solute 'onsciousness# the United Sel(-e:isting reality# the One ,eing# )l"ha and Omega# S-ah<-at# .loal Essence# the Di-ine ,eing# the )solute /rinci"le# /ararahman# 0eality not ha-ing a second# 'om"rehensi-e S"ace# !n(inite One ,eing# )solutely E-erything# the )solute 'ontainer o( all things# the One $i(e# &!n him we li-e and mo-e and ha-e our eing&# 0ootless 0oot# !n(inite and Eternal 'ause# the Unconscious and the Un4nowale# +ula"ra4riti 5+ula 2 the root# /ra4riti 2 the +atter6 &)ll in )ll&# /radhana# the One Eternal Element# )ll-ness# 'auseless 'ause# &Eternal ,reath are unaware o( itsel(#& )"eiron# )rche. This list e co"l' go on an' on# Min'ing of the nee' to "nite the scientific o"tlook ith the religio"s, e also ill attri$"te to this list s"ch scientific conce0t as a -acuum# The stri&ing of Initiates 0oets an' riters ahea' of time 'o not 'isclose to immat"re 0eo0le all Secrets of Being an' .ot-Being - thatLs the reason for the 0resence in their literat"re the mystical co&er, ith hich they hi' from the "ninitiate' the &ery fo"n'ation of o"r eAistence# Het "s try to com$ine as m"ch as 0ossi$le the &ies of scientists an' 0oets# This sho"l' $enefit $oth, an' others - $on'ing, th"s, the fo"n'ation of the h"man orl' &ie# The S0ace 'escri$e' $y E"cli' an' .eton - itMs the +atter# the /rimal Essence# the !n(inite 'onstant /rinci"le# the )solute 0eality# Ce can really com0are this Knmanifeste' 9osmic Min' ith an em0ty $oA itho"t alls# (ltho"gh in reality this ;em0tiness; is not em0ty# 59 This is the fo"n'ation of the "ni&erse, its origin, the matriA# This &oi' e can see as a f"n'amental 0rinci0le, ;fa$ric;, on hich the manifeste' Kni&erse is 0ainte' like a 0attern# ($o"t this S0ace Bla&atsky an' Bailey tol', calling it the ;entity;# This S0ace is really a$sol"te - i#e# constant, fiAe' an' eternal# (n' it is ;em0ty; in the state of unmani(estation# (re there anyhere $or'ers of the S0aceD Chether it comes in contact ith something similar or 'ifferent from itD If are a00lica$le to it all o"r h"man notions of $or'ersD To these >"estions e ha&e no ansers# In relation to S0ace itMs 0ointless to "se 0rono"ns that characteri3e seA"al i'entity, as the 'i&ision into to seAes - a 0henomenon "ni>"e to the 0lant, animal an' h"man organisms# Therefore, the s0ace - itLs not ;he; or ;she#; The closest thing to it the 0rono"n ;it;, $"t this is a con&ention# To the s0ace in general e sho"l' not "se the conce0ts relate' to seA 'ifferences# This can $e 'one only to the S0irit an' Matter, an' then sym$olically# In the state of manifestation the S0irit floing in the ,So"ls/ fills the 9osmic S"$stance =Matter?# Mo'ern scientists ha&e largely rejecte' the i'ealistic a00roach to the >"estions of the str"ct"re of the Kni&erse# They reject the 9reator, Jo' as the main lea'ing an' the creati&e 0rinci0le of the Kni&erse# Hoe&er, in science e&eryhere yo" can fin' the conce0t ;*ature; Incom0rehensi$le, ineA0lica$le, omni0otent, an' semantically it is &ery reminiscent the religio"s terms ;Jo'; an' ;9reator;# (n' hen the scientist says1 ;Has of .at"re;, it so"n's like the ;Cor' of Jo'; in the mo"th of a tr"e $elie&er# E&eryhere yo" can fin' manifestations of creati&e acti&ity of Jo' =9reati&e S0ace?# Each chemical element, each elementary 0article - is the res"lt of Its incessant ;ork#; By o$ser&ing the 0hysical, chemical, $iological an' astronomical 0henomena of the orl', e to"ch the Di&ine# 5>1 THE SPIRIT 4 IS ETHER* ENERG7* INFORMATION1 THE SOUL - IS AN ELEMENTAR7 PARTICLE1 60 Het "s once again look at the scheme of manifestation of this Kni&erse# The Matter - is the 1irst 'osmic $ogos, that $all of "nimagina$le si3es that a00eare' in the S0aceB that 9osmic Egg, sym$oli3e' in the esoteric $y the circle itho"t a 0oint# Cithin this orl' all cosmic 0rocesses an' 0henomena an' ill ha00en hereinafter, the Hife ill 'e&elo0# The Second 'osmic $ogos - this is an in'ication that the S0irit as $orn in the Matter, an' no they are to# (n' lastly, the Third 'osmic $ogos - this is the Matter, gi&ing $irth to the So"ls insi'e itself ith the hel0 of the S0irit# The So"ls are 5in an' 5ang# $ogos - itLs j"st a name for a 0artic"lar state of S0ace# HetLs talk a$o"t the Secon' an' Thir' S0ace Hogos# The moment came hen in the 7irst 9osmic Hogos in the ;em0ty; s0ace, in the Matter, the S0irit arose, rather, many S0irits# The S0irit 'i' not come freely, $"t in the So"ls# This is a 0ass of the 7irst Hogos in the stat"s of the Secon', an' the Thir', this ha00ens at the same time# E&ery S0irit that arose in Matter $ecame the $asis for the emergence of the So"l# (n' there as an association of S0irit an' Matter in the So"ls# ;7ather; an' ;Mother; ;ha&e $orn/ ;the 9hil'ren;# Matter, S0irit an' So"l - Mother, 7ather an' Ba$y - together form &the -ery same& Holy Trinity, the o$ject of religio"s orshi0# 61 It is an esoteric &ie on the 0rocess of emergence of the manifeste' Kni&erse# (n' the scientific "n'erstan'ing of this 0rocess is folloing# <nce "nimagina$ly long time ago =in h"man notions? the S0ace change'# In this sim0le an' familiar or' - ;change; - hi''en all secret sense of ho the Matter internally transforme' to $ecome o"tar'ly &isi$le, manifeste'# (n' it is this altere' state of Matter in the occ"ltism e call the S0irit# The Matter ga&e $irth to the S0irit =Energy? - i#e# some 0artic"lar state $egan to emerge in it, the essence of hich is $eyon' o"r "n'erstan'ing# The S0irit forme' the ;'enters o( 'reation;, ;,uilding Units o( the Uni-erse;, ;Touch /oints y the 'reator himsel( inside;, ;/ower 'enters;# These are 'ifferent names for the same# Democritus thinking a$o"t the orl' s"00ose' their eAistence an' calle' these 0oer centers $y the )toms - in'i&isi$le 0articles# (n' he as right a$o"t their in'i&isi$ility# B"''ha also mentione' that all things are com0ose' of some ;Dharma;# (00arently, $y this he meant all the same centers of 0oer# Th"s, ell-knon to "s ;Elementary /articles;, ;cha4ras;, ;atoms; an' ;Dharma; - are synonyms# 62 Ce co"l' come "0 an' fin' still a lot of other sym$olic eA0ressions for these ama3ing formations that arose once in the s0ace an' eAist since# Hoe&er, any of them o"l' $e 0oerless to gi&e at least some information a$o"t the 'ee0 essence of that "nknon ;something;# In science, chemical elements are the ,atoms/# Ce recall that translation of the ;(tom; is ;indi-isile;# Chen scientists $egan to o0en "0 an' eA0lore the chemical elements, they ere the same in'i&isi$le elementary "nits, a$o"t the eAistence of hich the ancient Jreek 0hiloso0hers s0oke# (n' so they ha&e a00ro0riate' the name of ;(toms;# !n our series o( oo4s the conce"t o( &)tom& is eFual to the conce"t o( &elementary "article&# and the chemical element is the &chemical element&, or j"st - &element&. It is 'iffic"lt to talk a$o"t any str"ct"re of elementary 0articles# Ce talk a$o"t the str"ct"re of something, if it incor0orates smaller str"ct"ral "nits# ( 0article - is a holistic str"ct"re# ItLs not e&en the str"ct"re, $"t sim0ly an area of the s0ace, ;the material 0oint;# &/oint o( contact& o( the 'reator-S"ace with itsel(. The S0irit - is the fo"n'ation an' filling of the So"ls# It is their so"rce# The main synonym for esoteric conce0t ;S"irit; is another esoteric term - ;Ether; hich, accor'ing to the i'eas of 0hiloso0hical an' theoso0hical thinkers fills the entire Kni&erse# 63 The notion of the ;S0irit; is also consistent ith s"ch occ"lt terms as ;1ather;, ;,rahma; =this, along ith Qishn" an' Shi&a, one of the hy0ostases of the Hin'" Tri"ne Jo'?, ;Hea-en;, 1ohat, /urusha, ,reath o( Hea-en, ,reath o( $i(e, *e(esh, ;$ight;# The transition of the S0ace from the state of the 7irst Hogos to the state of the Secon' an' Thir' Hogos - this is the moment hen the 0articles starte' to create ether an' 'estroy it# It can $e ass"me' that the S0irit is 0recisely there$y ;Einstein s0ace; =that fills the real s0ace?, hich, as Einstein $elie&e', can $e $ent# The S0ace itself =Matter, the 7irst Hogos? is not c"r&e' - it is static# B"t the S0irit emitte' an' a$sor$e' $y the elementary 0articles is a$le to ;(low;, hat it 'oes# The Ether emitte' an' a$sor$e' $y the 0articles - this is the S0irit floing in the S0ace# ( hint of hat in the S0ace ,Something/ =the S0irit? is floing e can fin' in the esoteric literat"re in the form of references to the ;/rana; - a &ery thin, "ltra-light, ra'iant s"$stance that is a$le to 0ass from $o'y to $o'y, occ"0ying the entire Kni&erse# (nother name for the S0irit is ,Hi/, anyay - ;'hi;# HetLs talk a $it more a$o"t hat the S0irit is Hight# 7rom a scientific 0oint of &ie, ;the Hight; - is &isi$le 0hotons that are mo&ing from the emitting or reflecting them $o'y an' getting to o"r &is"al analy3ers, ca"se a &is"al sensation that e call the light# Hoe&er, the real ca"se of &is"al 0erce0tion is the ether emitte' $y 0articles that gets to the &is"al analy3er# Th"s, Ether =S0irit? - this is the ;light; in the $roa' sense of the or'# EAactly a$o"t this ;light; =i#e# the Ether, S0irit? the 1irst ,oo4 o( +oses 5.enesis ;>K says6> &)nd .od said# $et there e light. )nd there was light&. Ce can name elementary 0articles sym$olically as the ;$"il'ing $locks; that are forming ;the Tem"le o( the +ani(ested Uni-erse;# Hence, it $ecomes clear hy to 'escri$e the stages of h"man knole'ge an' the 'e&elo0ment it has $een "se' the Masonic sym$olism# ;+ason; from 7rench is a ;ric4layer;# Elementary 0articles - these are the same ;stones; from hich 7reemasons stri&e to esta$lish the ;Tem0le; - the $o'y of the manifeste' Kni&erse# In a narro sense, the +asons - are 0eo0le em$arking on the 0ath of initiation, i#e# in the 0ath of 9hrist, B"''ha an' other great Teachers# 64 In a i'er sense, 1reemasonry is a sym$ol of the totality of eAisting in the Kni&erse the li&ing organi3e' systems# Each one of "s - is a $"il'er an' stonemason# (ny re0resentati&e of any !ing'om of .at"re - is a Mason# Minerals, 0lants, animals - all are Masons, as strange as it may so"n'# Scientists still are $"sy looking for can'i'ates for the role of ;$asic elements; hich make "0 all that is in the "ni&erse# Ce are con&ince' that the only s"ita$le can'i'ates for this role are elementary 0articles# The totality of So"ls, eAisting in the Kni&erse, along ith Ether =S0irit?, create' an' 'estroye' in them, forms the Soul o( the World - )nima +undi# (t the en' of e&ery 9hristian 0rayer e "se the folloing eA0ression1 ;In the .ame of the 7ather an' of the Son an' of the Holy S0irit#; This e can attri$"te to a n"m$er of inacc"rate 0hrases# (n' all $eca"se, the conce0t of ;7ather; in this case sym$oli3es the Mother, the Matter, the <riginal S"$stance, the 7irst (s0ect of Jo'# The conce0t of the ;Son; is a So"l# B"t the ;Holy S0irit; - it is 0recisely the ;S0irit;, the Secon' (s0ect, the Hight# The Matter in this 0rayer afterar' is not mentione'# This is not s"r0rising, gi&en for hat 0erio' of h"man history ha' the formation of 9hristianity# The conce0t of ;matter; is synonymo"s ith the conce0t of ;Mother; - that is, feminine# In the harsh 0atriarchy the feminine 0rinci0le entirely s"$or'inate an' ensla&es, hereof the neglect of it $y the fathers of the 9hristian ch"rch# Therefore more right to say1 ;In the .ame of the Mother, the Son, an' the Holy S0irit,; here the Holy S0irit - the 7ather# <r yo" can like this1 ;In the .ame of the Mother, the 7ather an' the Son#; B"t hy is in the name of the Son, an' not of the Da"ghterD E&en $etter1 ;In the name of the Mother, the 7ather, an' of their 9hil'#; What are the S"irit and SoulL Cith hich can e com0are themD 7irst, in no case e canMt gi&e them the feat"res of something eternal, 0ermanent# The only eternal s"$stance that eAists in the Kni&erse - it is the &ery S0ace, the Matter# Chile the S0irit =Ether? an' So"ls =elementary 0articles? as alrea'y mentione' are the altered state o( S"ace# disturance in it# 65 Ce can com0are the S0irit ith ri00les on the s"rface of the 0on'# (ltho"gh, of co"rse, the S0irit 'oes not a ri00le# It is e0hemeral, immaterial an' ill"sory# ( Ri00le 'istorts the sha0e of the ater s"rface, $"t the ater all the same remains the ater# The same a00lies to the S0irit# It 'istorts the state of the S0ace, $"t the S0ace 'oes not sto0 to $e itself# The 0articles - are also a ;ri00le;, $"t of a 'ifferent kin' than the Ether# (n' yet, in s0ite of the ill"sory nat"re of S0irit an' So"l, for "s, creat"res $"ilt $y them, they are more than real# Ce call the f"n'amental 0articles an' chemical elements of science ;st"ff;# Hoe&er, the real materiality has only the S0ace itself# %articles are as e0hemeral as the ether# That is hy the orl' of hat e call ;s"$stance; an' ,matter/ - is the orl' of S0irit an' the So"ls forme' $y it are in esoteric literat"re the orl' of +aya, illusion# Think a$o"t1 We and the world around us li4e the Uni-erse - itCs just a disturance in the s"ace. )nd the S"ace itsel( - this is the only thing that creates us# y what 5or whom6 &we li-e and mo-e and ha-e our eing&. )nd the true and "ro(ound nature o( this S"ace has een yet closed to the human understanding. 66 5o" canMt ass"me that the 0articles an' the Ether ere once create' $y Jo' =the Mother?, an' after this ;he; =,she/? left them ;at rest; an' they are in themsel&es, an' the 9reator is itself# .o# These centers ha&e emerge' an' contin"e to eAist, thanks to "nceasing ;creati&ity; of the 7irst Hogos# Cill sto0 this creati&e act - ill sto0 their eAistence# E&ery millimeter of the s0ace, regar'less of create' $y it in itself elementary 0articles an' ether, has a min', conscio"sness# The hole "ni&erse is reasona$le, an' not j"st "s h"mans# B"t let "s ret"rn once more to the ;'is0"te of the mo'els of s0ace; - E"cli'ean-.eton s0ace an' Einstein s0ace# Einstein as right in something relati&ely to the $asic str"ct"re of the Kni&erse# The ;something; that eAists in S0ace =the S0irit? is in a mo$ile state, an' can fleA# B"t as the S0ace 'oes not fleA, the shortest 'istance $eteen to 0oints is a segment, the line# Therefore, e sho"l' not 'o"$t the E"cli'ean geometry - the science st"'ying of metho's an' las of meas"rements of s0ace an' matter# B"t the meas"rement of the segments ith the hel0 of c"r&es e sho"l' regar' as erroneo"s# Science thro"gh any technical means, in the la$oratory, ill ne&er $e a$le to 'irectly see the nat"re of the Ether an' elementary 0articles# <nly in'irectly, $y st"'ying the interaction of the 0articles ith each other# B"t the &ery h"man min', the h"man ;I; can come close to sol&ing this greatest of mysteries - to the knole'ge of the essence of the 9reator, creating "s in itself an' of itself# 67 Chen yo" look at the s"rro"n'ing $o'ies, constantly kee0 in min' that there is nothing $"t elementary 0articles =So"ls? of &arying >"ality an' the Ether =the S0irit?, 0enetrating 0articles, create' $y them an' 'isa00earing into them# There is no s"oonD9 5?1 THE SOUL 4 IS THE THIRD H7POSTASIS1 THE MECHANISM OF MANIFESTATION BCREATIONC1 In the en' itLs time to talk a$o"t the thir' as0ect of the 9reator =Thinking S"$stance? - a$o"t the So"l# In o"r &ie, in the occ"lt an' religio"s teAts an' scri0t"res the most attention is 'irecte' to this hy0ostasis of Jo' an' the most information is 'e&ote' to it# ($o"t the secon' as0ect of the S0irit also it is sai' a lot, $"t a$o"t the So"l a little more# Scientists also say a lot a$o"t it, tho"gh they 'o not reali3e that they are talking eAactly a$o"t that# So hat is the So"lD (s many times e ha&e re0eate' this is the s0ecial formation in the $o'y of S0ace, the 0ert"r$ation in it# This is a s0here in the center of hich there is the emergence of the S0irit, an' in the 0eri0hery - its 'estr"ction# 68 ThatLs s"ch ama3ing ;Something; this So"l, or rather, the So"ls, hich in the &ast, incre'i$ly h"ge n"m$er the .at"re creates in itself an' from itself# B"t hat is the kin' of 0ert"r$ation, hat is the tr"e essence of hat e call the So"l, e 'onMt kno# Chen occ"lt $ooks talk a$o"t the Thir' (s0ect, first, they call the 9enter of 7orce itself that has the a$ility to create an' 'estroy the S0irit# (n' secon', they gi&e the 'ifferent names for the S0irit itself, a00earing an' 'isa00earing in each 0article# So hen e talk a$o"t the Thir' Hy0ostasis - the So"l, at the same time mention an' the Secon' - the S0irit# (n' this is >"ite tr"e, as the Secon' %erson of Jo' - is the ca"se of the Thir'# The 0rimary com0onent of the So"l - is the S0irit that sat"rates it an' a''s har'ness# Therefore, e first list the synonyms for the So"l as a hole# (n' then again e ill re0eat those conce0ts that characteri3e the S0irit in the So"l# (s the So"ls of the Kni&erse make Se&en $asic ty0es at each le&el of each %lan, &ery often they ha&e a 0artic"lar name or 'efinition, com$ine' ith the n"m$er Se&en# Soul# Third Hy"ostasis 5Third )s"ect6# the Son o( the $ight 5used (or the naming o( the S"irit and Soul6# Bi-a# Dhyan 'hohan# Se"hiroth# $i"i4a# /itris 5$unar and Solar#6 ,rothers 5Se-en ,rothers6# 0ishi 5Se-en 0ishis o( the .reat ,ear6# Sisters 5The Se-en Sisters o( the /leiades6# /rinci"les 5Se-en /rinci"les6# Kumara# De-a# Sura# )sura# Dayitas# )ditya# Dana-a# .andhar-a# )ngels o( the Throne# Su"remacies# Hierarchies# ,eginnings# 'heruims# Sera"hims# Demons# )rmy o( the 3oice# $egion# 0u"a# )ru"a# Oeaohoo Bunior# *ot-Eternal .erm# 1ire 5$ight6 o( ,rahma# the Sons o( the Sun# the Se-en 'reati-e )rmies# Se-en ,uilders# Se-en Su"reme $ords# Se-en Truths# The Se-en .reat 'auses o( +isery# Se-en Days o( 'reation 5Se-en /eriods or 'ycles6# Se-en ,reaths o( Dragon o( Wisdom# Se-en Seeds# Se-en Worlds o( +aya# the Se-en Hierarchies# Shimmering Se-en# +ind-orn Sons# The Se-en $i-es# ,eaming Sons o( Dawn o( +an-antara# +essenger o( .ods# s"ar4s# (lames# )h-hi# 1orce 'enters# (orce# Energy# elementary "articles# Elements# Elements# )toms# +onads# 'ha4ras# ,indu# 1iring 3ortices# Dharma# $aya 'enters# Wheels# Ser"ents# Dragons# Shadow o( .od# 0e(lection o( .od# +irror o( .od# Wic4s# 'lots in the Ocean o( +il4# 'a-iar# which is s"awned y the 1ire 1ish o( $i(e 51ish .rains o( 69 $i(e6# *umers# Sons o( the Earth and the Sons o( 1ire 5@in and @ang# +atter and S"irit# 'ain and )el# Shi-a and ,rahma# 'reators and Destroyers6. Ce incl"'e' here also the names for the S0irit in the So"l# B"t e ill list them again se0arately# Se-en S"irits e(ore the Throne o( .od# a whirlwind o( (ire# Sna4e# iting its own tail# the Dragons o( Wisdom# $uci(er# Kundalini 51ire Ser"ent6 1ohat# )ntah4arana# ,ridge connecting the S"irit with the Soul# 0ay o( $ight# Se-en Ways to ,liss# Wheel# 'ircle# ,reath o( Dragon o( Wisdom# Sutrama# Thread o( $i(e# The Thread etween the Silent Witness and his Shadow# 1lame# The Stream o( 'onsciousness. The 1aric# which is s"un y the +other and 1ather# the World Egg# .old Egg# Hiranyagarha# Sien-Tchan# +aya# !llusion# S"ace o( $ight# S-ah<-at# Hierarchies o( 1orms# the Uni-erse 2 the Son o( *ecessity - these are conce0ts an' 'efinitions that 'escri$e the Kni&erse as a hole# This is only a mo'est 0ortion of all titles that e can fo"n' in the esoteric an' the scientific literat"re# 5o" can train yo"rself to fin' these synonyms# ,The Son can do nothing o( himsel(# ut what he seeth the 1ather do> (or what things so e-er Mthe 1atherN doeth# these also doeth the Son li4ewise#/ =The .e Testament, the Jos0el of 6ohn, 9h# F11I?# 5@1 COMMENTS TO THE 2OOK OF DI7AN BSTANIAS DI7AN WAS TAKEN FROM ;OLUME 0 OF 3THE SECRET DOCTRINE3 OF HP 2LA;ATSK7C1 0C ;Uni-ersal +ind was not# (or there were no )h-hi to contain it#; =StaEa 019?# Uni-ersal +ind - is the 9osmic 9onscio"sness, the Secon' (s0ect of Jo', )h-hi =sen3ar#? - these are the So"ls, Ser0ents, Dragons of Cis'om, the elementary 0articles that contain Min', fille' ith it# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6C ,The Se-en Ways to ,liss were not The .reat 'auses o( +isery were not# (or there was no one to "roduce and get ensnared y them.9 =StaEa 01:?# The "ltimate goal of the eAistence of o"r "ni&erse is the "nion of information an' i'entification of all ith all# 70 (ll siA %lans an' all siA main ty0es of So"ls sho"l' $e merge' together# Th"s the Mahatma - The Jreat So"l - is $orn# (n' the more of these creat"res ill $e e&ent"ally in the Kni&erse, the closer the orl' o"l' $e to the "ltimate goal of eAistence# Bliss, .ir&ana - this is the final o"tcome of this orl'# (n' each ty0e of So"l is con&entionally referre' as the Way to ,liss# The S0irit flos thro"gh the So"l, it is the Way# <n the other han', all the time that the "ni&erse is mo&ing toar's the "ltimate goal, accom0anie' $y the ine&ita$le S"ffering of im0erfect $eings that $orn in it an' 'ie >"ickly $eca"se of their im0erfections# That is hy these same Se&en $asic ty0es of So"ls ha&e another name - ;The great causes o( +isery;# EA0eriencing 0ain, e&erything in this orl' is mo&ing toar's the 0erfection# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9C ... (or 1ather# +other# and Son were once more one# and the Son had not yet awa4ened (or the new Wheel and his /ilgrimage thereon/ =Stan3a 1#F?# D"ring Maha0ralaya there is no the 7ather =S0irit of Ether? an' the Son =So"l?# (ll of this is 0otentially hi''en in the 'e0ths of the Matter =the <riginal S"$stance?# The Wheel - this is another name for the So"l, the Cheel - itMs the Ether rotating in a circle# The *ew Wheel - itMs a sym$ol of the ne Mahaman&antara, manifeste' thro"gh the totality of 0ro'"ce' So"ls# ,/ilgrimage/ of the Son on the Cheel - this is an in'ication of the 0erio' of the neAt man&antaric eAistence of o"r Kni&erse# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :C ,The Se-en Sulime $ords and the Se-en Truths had ceased to e# and the Uni-erse# the Son o( *ecessity# was immersed in /aranish"anna# to e outreathed y that which is# and yet is not./ =Stan3a 1#8?# The Se-en Sulime $ords as ell as the Se-en Truths - itLs the same thing as the Se&en S0irits $efore the Throne of Jo', or the Se&en Sons - se&en $asic ty0es of elementary 0articles =So"ls?# D"ring Maha0ralaya they 'o not eAist# There is no Kni&erse in the form in hich e are acc"stome' to contem0late it no# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 <C ...Where were the ,uilders# the $uminous Sons o( +an-antaric DawnL ... !n the Un4nown Dar4ness in their )h-hi /aranish"anna. The /roducers o( 1orm (rom *o-1orm 2 the 0oot o( the World 2 the De-am<tri and S-ah<-at# rested in the ,liss o( *on- ,eing#/ =Stan3a )#1?# 5o" 0ro$a$ly alrea'y g"esse' that the B"il'ers an' the H"mino"s Sons of Man&antaric Dan - are the So"ls, B"il'ing Elements of the Kni&erse# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >C ;K. The Hour had not yet struc4= the 0ay had not yet (lashed into the .erm= the +<tri"adma had not yet swollen. O. Her Heart had not yet o"ened (or the One 0ay to enter# thence to (all# as Three into 1our# into the $a" o( +aya. P. The Se-en were not yet orn (rom the We o( $ight. Dar4ness alone was 1ather-+other# S-ah<-at= and S-ah<-at was in Dar4ness.;=Stan3a )#EB )#+B )#F?# The 0ay - itLs the Ray of Hight, S0irit, 0assing thro"gh the So"ls an' animating them# The We o( $ight - it is the S0irit that fills the s0ace# The Se-en - itLs all the same se&en ty0es of So"ls, the Se&en Rays# Three into 1our1 Three - are the three highest manifestations - Matter, S0irit, So"lB 1our - the fo"r Elements - is another classification of So"ls# ;Three into 1our; means that three higher (s0ects of Jo' are manifeste' thro"gh the fo"r elements# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?C ;These Two are the .erm# and the .erm is One. The Uni-erse was still concealed in the Di-ine Thought and the Di-ine ,osom#; =Stan3a )#8?# The .erm - is the manifeste' Kni&erse, the totality of B"il'ing Knits, &i&ifie' $y the S0irit# The "ni&erse 0resents to major ty0es of So"ls - 5in an' 5ang, Matter an' S0irit# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @C ;Dar4ness radiates $ight# and $ight dro"s one solitary 0ay into the Waters# into the +other-Dee". The 0ay shoots through the 3irgin Egg# the 0ay causes the Eternal Egg to thrill# and dro" the non-eternal .erm# which condenses into the World-Egg#; =Stan3a E#E?# The non-eternal .erm, like the World-Egg - itMs a sym$ol of the Manifeste' Kni&erse# 72 The Eternal Egg - is the <riginal S"$stance itself, the Qirgin Mother# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC ;The Three (all into the 1our. The 0adiant Essence ecomes Se-en inside# Se-en outside. The $uminous Egg# which in itsel( is Three# curdles and s"reads in mil4-white 'urds throughout the De"ths o( +other# the root that grows in the De"ths o( the Ocean o( $i(e.9 =Stan3a E#+?# That is the ;Three (all into the 1our; e recently 'isc"sse'# The 0adiant Essence ecomes Se-en inside# Se-en outside9 m"st also $e clear - the emergence in the S0ace &i&ifie' $y the S0irit =Hight? the Se&en major ty0es of So"ls# Se-en inside# se-en outside - Se&en S0irits manifest them thro"gh se&en ty0es of so"ls# The $uminous Egg - it is a translation of the or' ;Hiranyagarha;, the .olden Egg - the &isi$le Kni&erse# Trinity of the H"mino"s Egg - Three Main Hy0ostasis re0resent the Manifeste' Kni&erse# The Ocean o( $i(e - is the <cean of Ether =S0irit?# Its heart is the Root, the Matter# +il4-white 'urds in the Ocean o( $i(e# in the Ocean o( +il4 - these are the So"ls, the B"il'ing Knits# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05C &Dthe 0adiant 'hild o( the Two# the un"aralleled re(ulgent .lory- ,right S"ace# Son o( Dar4 S"ace# who emerges (rom the De"ths o( the great Dar4 Waters. !t is Oeaohoo# the @ounger# the GGG. He shine (orth as the Sun# he is the ,la%ing Di-ine Dragon o( Wisdom= the E4a is 'hatur# and 'hatur ta4es to itsel( Tri# and the Union "roduces the Sa"ta# in whom are the Se-en# which ecome the Tridasha# the Hosts and the +ultitudes. ,ehold him li(ting the 3eil# and un(urling it (rom East to West. He shuts out the )o-e# and lea-es the ,elow to e seen as the .reat !llusion. He mar4s the "laces (or the Shining Ones# and turns the U""er into a shoreless Sea o( 1ire# and the One +ani(ested into the .reat Waters#;=Stan3a E#G?# The 0adiant 'hild o( the Two, the un"aralleled re(ulgent .lory - ,right S"ace# Son o( Dar4 S"ace# who emerges (rom the De"ths o( the great Dar4 Waters9 - this is, of co"rse, the So"l, hich is a 0ro'"ct of the synthesis of Matter an' S0irit# The Matter in this case - itLs not the ty0e of So"l, $"t namely, the <riginal S"$stance# (n' the S0irit - this is not a 0article 5ang an' Information, the Hight# The S0irit - this is the 73 Hight, the Son of Dark S0ace# His rotation in e&ery elementary 0article forms in total the Bright S0ace# Oeaohoo# the @ounger - itLs the So"l# The Hight mo&ing in e&ery So"l is the flaming, Di&ine Dragon of Cis'om# E4a - is the <ne, the S0irit# 'hatur - itMs fo"r, 7o"r Elements# ;'hatur ta4es to itsel( Tri; - ithin this fo"r-elements classification, i#e# ithin the Kni&erse, there are 0articles of three 0rimary colors - $l"e, yello an' re'# These three colors are Tri# 9lassification ithin the classification# The 0articles of three colors gi&e $irth to a s0ectr"m in hich siA colors 0l"s the se&enth, com0leA# (n' there are se&en %lans# Here yo" ha&e the Sa"ta - se&en, se&en times se&en - +I# These +I - this is the Tri'asha, the Hosts an' the M"ltit"'es - all the &ariety of 0ossi$le com$inations of elementary 0articles in the Kni&erse# Sea o( 1ire - itLs the same as the S0ace of Hight, i#e# <cean of Ether, S0irit# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00C ;1ather-+other s"in a We# whose u""er end is (astened to S"irit# the $ight o( the One Dar4ness# and the lower one to its shadowy end# +atter= and this We is the Uni-erse# s"un out o( the Two Sustances# made in One# which is S-ah<-at.; =Stan3a E#1*?# 1ather-+other sym$oli3es the com$ination in the Kni&erse of the areas here the S0irit =the 7ather? is orking - i#e# here it arises, an' of the areas here the Matter =Mother? is orking - i#e# here the S0irit 'isa00ears an' the S0ace ret"rns to the original state - to the Matter# The 1aric, hich is s0"n $y Mother an' 7ather really, itMs the Kni&erse, the totality of elementary 0articles, hich e can 'i&i'e into to main ty0es - the 5in an' 5ang# These 5in an' 5ang - this is To Entities merge' together# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06C ;Then S-ah<-at send 1ohat to harden the )toms. Each is a "art o( the We. 0e(lecting the &Sel(-E:istent $ord&# li4e a +irror# each ecomes in turn a World.;=Stan3a E#1)?# S-ah<-at in this case - is the Matter, Thinking S"$stance, here the S0irit =the 7ather? eAists# 1ohat - itLs the same thing as the S0irit, hoe&er, consi'ere' to each elementary 0article =the So"l?# 7ohat =S0irit? fills (toms =0articles? an' th"s makes them im0ermea$le ith res0ect to one another# 74 In this ay 7ohat makes the (toms soli'# 1aric which is s"un y S-ah<-at, as alrea'y mentione', it is the Kni&erse as the totality of its constit"ent elementary 0articles - (toms# The So"l is in the occ"lt a reflection, a mirror for the S0irit, hich is otherise also knon as Self-EAistent Hor'# (nother name for 7ohat rotating in the So"ls - is the Ser0ent, the Dragon of Cis'om# The Ser"ent# the Dragon - is a monkey of Jo', hich re0eats all its mo&ements, $"t not a Jo' in its entirety, $"t only 0art of It# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09C &...$isten# ye Sons o( the Earth# to your !nstructors - the Sons o( the 1ire. $earn# there is neither (irst nor last= (or all is One *umer# issued (rom *o-*umer.; =Stan3a +#1?# Sons o( the Earth - is one ty0e of So"ls, the 0articles 5in# Sons o( the 1ire - is the secon' ty0e of So"ls, the 0articles 5ang# (s yo" ill learn later from the Ha of I'entification, namely the 0article 5in, Sons of the Earth, a$sor$ information =Energy, S0irit? emanating from the 0articles 5ang, Sons of the 7ire, an' not &ice &ersa# That is ho e sho"l' "n'erstan' an eA0ression $isten# ye Sons o( the Earth# to your !nstructors - the Sons o( the 1ire9# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:C ;1rom the E((ulgency o( $ight - the 0ay o( the E-er- Dar4ness - s"rang in S"ace the reawa4ened Energies= the One (rom the Egg# the Si:# and the 1i-e. Then the Three# the One# the 1our# the One# the 1i-e - the Twice Se-en# the Sum Total. )nd these are the Essences# the 1lames# the Elements# the ,uilders# the *umers# the )rQ"a # the 0Q"a # and the 1orce or Di-ine +an# the Sum Total. )nd (rom the Di-ine +an emanated the 1orms# the S"ar4s# the Sacred )nimals# and the +essengers o( the Sacred 1athers within the Holy 1our; =Stan3a +#E?# $ight - is a 0ro'"ct of the Matter - the Ray of E&er-Darkness, here Dar4ness - this is the Matter# The reawa4ened Energies - are the smaller $ranches of <ne Ray - smaller rays, each of hich is 7ohat or Ser0ent, animating its So"l# The Egg - is the Matter# This refers to the Eternal Egg, not Jol'# The One (rom the Egg - is the <ne Ray, i#e# the S0irit in the general sense# 75 The Tice Se&en - is the Se&en %lans an' the Se&en colors - is +I, the s"m of all# This is the totality of the elementary 0articles of the Kni&erse# The Essences# the 1lames# the Elements# the ,uilders# the *umers# the )rQ"a# the 0Q"a, the 1orce# the 1orms# the S"ar4s# the Sacred )nimals# the +essengers o( the Sacred 1athers - all these are synonyms of the So"l# The Secret 1ather - is the S0irit $ehin' e&ery So"l, fee'ing it $y itself# The Di-ine +an - is the Manifeste' Kni&erse, all the totality of So"ls# ;The +essengers o( the Sacred 1athers within the Holy 1our; - this means that all So"ls e can classify ith the hel0 of the 7o"r Elements# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0<C ;That was the )rmy o( the 3oice# the Di-ine +other o( Se-en. S"ar4s o( Se-en and the ser-ants are suject to the 1irst# Second# Third# 1ourth# 1i(th# Si:th and Se-enth o( the Se-en. They are called S"heres# triangles# cues# lines# and molders# (or so 4ee"s Eternal *idan - Oi-Ha-Hou9 =Stan3a +#+?# The 3oice - is synonymo"s ith the S0irit# Here he as gi&en the name of the Di&ine Mother of Se&en, $eca"se some religio"s systems 0ersonify the S0irit as 7eminine Deity# In the S0irit of many synonyms, an' this is one of them# The )rmy o( the 3oice - it is the totality of So"ls $orn of the <ne S0irit# S"ar4s o( Se-en - this is the same thing as the Se&en S0irits, Se&en Sons - Se&en ty0es of So"ls# S"ar4s o( Se-en and the ser-ants are suject to the 1irst# Second# Third# 1ourth# 1i(th# Si:th and Se-enth o( the Se-en - this is the list of synonyms of Se&en !ing'oms of .at"re# S"ar4s o( Se-en and the ser-ants are suject9 means that the same ty0es of Se&en So"ls form the mem$ers of the !ing'oms# (n' the se&enth king'om - it is alays the case ith the n"m$er ;se&en,; an in'ication of the com0leAity# Chat is this list - S"heres# triangles# cues# lines# and moldersL Here o"l' still ha&e to a'' the %entagram an' the siA-0ointe' star, an' so $"il' a list - S"heres# lines# triangles# cues# /entagram and si:-"ointed star. 76 S"here - itMs a ;0etal;, one %lan in the !ing'om# It is a sym$ol of the mineral king'om# $ine - is to %lans gro"0e' together as 0art of a mem$er of another king'om - %lant# <therise the line can also $e calle' as a segment, i#e# a section of the line connecting to 0oints, in this case, to 0articles, to %lans# Triangle - is, res0ecti&ely, the sym$ol of the animal king'om, of the "nion of three So"ls, three %lans# Three 0etals - is 888# 'ue in'icates on n"m$er fo"r - fo"r 0etals, fo"r joint %lans, a sym$ol of the h"manLs king'om# (n' finally, the "entagram an' the si:-"ointed star - to s"0erh"man king'oms# /entagram com$ines fi&e 0lans, an' the Star o( Da-id - siA# ( conglomerate of elementary 0articles - is also a 0article, only an "nsta$le, "sing the lang"age of science# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0>C ;)# The -oice o( the Word# S-aha-at numers# ecause he is one and nine. E# &SFuare without Sha"es; =Stan3a +#F?# S-aha-at - is the Mother-7ather, Matter an' S0irit# *umer - is a Kni&erse in their entirety of the So"ls in its com0osition# S-aha-at numers - means that e refer to Matter an' S0irit in their 0rimary sense, $"t as the So"l-0olar o00osites - 5in an' 5ang# <ne an' .ine1 <ne - is one S0irit an' .ine - is three an' siA# Three - three 0rimary colors# Si: - siA sim0le %lans# SFuare without Sha"es - is a classification of the So"ls of the elements# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0?C ;F# Then there are the children ...# Se-en Warriors# ) - Eighth le(t aside# and his reath is $ight-gi-er# 8# Second Se-en ... then that is $i"i4a generated y three. 0ejected One Son. &Sons o( the Sun& innumerale;=Stan3a +#F, +#8?# Se-en Warriors - are the se&en major ty0es of So"ls# The Eighth Son - is the 7ather, the S0irit# This is - Rejecte' <ne Son# His reath is $ight-gi-er. The S0irit - this is the reath an' it animates e&ery 0art of the orl' - e&ery so"l# Second Se-en# that is $i"i4a - itLs all the same ty0es of So"ls# .enerated y three - this eA0ression in'icates that the tria' of as0ects re0resents e&ery so"l =elementary 0article?# 77 Sun - is the S0irit of the 7ather# Sons o( the Sun - are the So"ls, or the Rays of the S"n# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0@C ,The /rimordial Se-en# the 1irst Se-en ,reaths o( the Dragon o( Wisdom# "roduce in their turn (rom their Holy 'ircumgyrating ,reaths the 1iery Whirlwind#/ =Stan3a F#1? The Dragon o( Wisdom - is the S0irit =Ether, Energy?, ;s0inning; in any So"l# The Dragon of Cis'om - this is the same as the Holy 'ircumgyrating ,reath# 1ire Whirlwind generated y the Holy ,reath - is an elementary 0article =So"l?# The /rimordial Se-en# the 1irst Se-en ,reaths o( the Dragon o( Wisdom - are the se&en major ty0es of So"ls that eAist at each le&el of each %lan# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0AC ,They ma4e o( him the +essenger o( their Will. The D%yu ecomes 1ohat> the swi(t Son o( the Di-ine Sons# whose Sons are the $i"i4a# runs circular errands. 1ohat is the Steed# and the Thought is the 0ider./ =Stan3a F#)?# They =the %rimor'ial Se&en? ma4e o( him =7iery Chirlin'? the +essenger. Do yo" remem$er, Merc"ry is the messenger of the Jo's, tooD ( hirlin' of S0irit, $orn an' 'ie' in the 0articles, it is the same S0irit, $"t in the concrete sense# He is the messenger of Jo's, an' he is Jo' $y himself# He informs that carries information# Do not $e conf"se' $y all this fog of occ"lt terminology# (n' the Di-ine Sons an' the $i"i4a - all these are synonyms of So"ls# The D%yu in this case sym$oli3es the S0irit in a general sense# 1ohat - it is the S0irit in a 0artic"lar ay# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65C ,He is their guiding s"irit and the dri-er. Starting wor4# he se"arates the s"ar4s o( the lower 4ingdoms# and in the joy o( WE)0!*. Fui-ering in their aodes 0adiant and (orms o( these rudiments o( Wheels. He "uts them in the si: directions o( s"ace and one in the middle - +iddle Wheel ;=Stan3a F#E?# Chat means these 0hrases1 ;He 51ohat6 is their guiding s"irit and the dri-er. He se"aratesD(ormsD"uts/D 78 Some eAternal manifestation of >"ality characteri3e elementary 0articles - that is, the 0articles or a$sor$ the Ether =7ohat? or emit it, an' ith a certain s0ee'# ($sor$ing 0articles form th"s aro"n' the 7iel' of (ttraction, there$y attracting to themsel&es the s"rro"n'ing 0articles# Emitting 0articles form the 7iel's of Re0"lsion, hich 0"shes the s"rro"n'ing 0articles# So, the characteristics of the 7ohat =Ether?, 'is0laying in the 0articles, 'etermine ho they ill $eha&e in the en&ironment of other 0articles# This is the ork of 7ohat as the 'ri&er, the g"i'e an' lea'er of the 0articles# (n' S0arks - is a synonym of the 0articles# The S"ar4s o( the lower 4ingdoms - are the 0articles of the %hysical %lan, hich form the Mineral !ing'om - the loest of all, that closest to the center of the Kni&erse# Wheels - itMs the Chirlin's of this Ether, ;rotating; =thro"gh time? in So"ls =elementary 0articles?# Cheels - itLs the same thing as the Dragons, Ser0ents# The rudiments o( Wheels he "uts in the si: directions o( s"ace - this is a fig"rati&e eA0ression, s"ggesting that each ty0e of elementary 0articles in the Kni&erse ten's to occ"0y its on 0osition relati&e to the center, an' this fact is '"e to the 0ec"liarities of manifestation of the 0articles the 7ohat =Ether?# +iddle Wheel - is an association of 0articles of 'ifferent ty0es into one - so there is a se&enth, integrate' color# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60C ;$i"i4a outline the Triangle# the 1irst One# the 'ue# the Second One# and /entagram in the Egg. This ring# called &Do not transgress& (or those who descend and ascend# who during the Kal"a mo-ing to .reat Day &,e with Us& ... Thus were created the )ru"a and 0u"a# (rom One $ight Se-en $uminaries# (rom each o( the se-en times Se-en $uminaries. Wheel guard ring ... ;=Stan3a F#8?# The 0ing - it is the &ery s0here of any elementary 0article# %erha0s the ring e call ;Do not transgress; for the reason that the Ether ithin the s0here of each 0article - is its on ;0ro0erty;# (n' other 0articles canMt ;0reten'; to this Ether hen it is ithin a gi&en 0article# The So"ls, 0articles, 'escen' an' ascen'# )ru"a - is a 0article 5ang, 0u"a - 5in 0article# (r"0a - those that 'o not create the forms# R"0a, on the contrary, create the forms# 79 This classification is >"ite "n'erstan'a$le# %articles R"0a, 5in ha&e the 7iel's of (ttraction, an' it is '"e to this, they 0ro'"ce forms, attracting other 0articles# %articles (r"0a, 5ang, ha&e the 7iel's of Re0"lsion, an' so 'o not create forms, as re0el the s"rro"n'ing 0articles# Wheel - is a flo of Ether =S0irit?, mo&ing in the elementary 0article =mo&ing in time?# EAactly the Ether fills the 0articles an' makes them im0er&io"s to each other# That is ho e sho"l' "n'erstan' the 0hrase - ;Wheel guard ring; or rather, ;Each heel 0rotects its on ring;# ;1rom One $ight Se-en $uminaries# (rom each o( the se-en times Se-en $uminaries ; - this 0hrase e sho"l' inter0ret as a sign that the s0ectr"m - that is, totality of siA $asic ty0es of 0articles =0l"s com0leA 0articles that com$ine 'ifferent ty0es of 0articles? ithin each of the se&en %lans "n"s"ally large# Chat means the eA0ression - ;$i"i4a outline the Triangle# the 1irst One# the 'ue# the Second One# and /entagram in the Egg;D This is tr"e tol' E% Bla&atsky in the ;Secret Doctrine;1 ,Tthe &0ing /)SS-*OT& that the $i"i4a trace around the Triangle# the 1irst One# the 'ue# the Second One# and the /entacle to circumscrie these (igures# is thus shown to contain the symol o( K;O;P again# or the coe((icient constantly used in mathematical tales 5the -alue o( "# "i6# the geometrical (igures standing here (or numerical (igures#/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, 9omment# to Stan3a F#8?# Hoe&er, Elena %etro&na consi'ere' the conce0t of ,;Ring; 'o not transgress/ from the astronomical 0oint of &ie, $eca"se the meaning of this eA0ression >"ite 'ifferent - e sai' j"st a$o&e that itMs the &ery s0here of the elementary 0article# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66C ,,y the "ower o( the +other o( +ercy and Knowledge# Kwan-@in - the Tri"le o( Kwan - Shai-@in# residing in Kwan -@in 2 Tien 2 1ohat# the ,reath o( their /rogeny# the Son o( the Sons# ha-ing called (orth# (rom the $ower )yss# the !llusi-e 1orm o( Sien --Tchan and the Se-en Elements./ =Stan3a 8#1?# 5o" can kno the i'entity of the names of !an-5in an' !an- Shai-5in# The eAistence in the 9hinese 0antheon of Deities, i'entity, $y the ay, the In'ian (&alokitesh&ara, acc"rately reflects the i'ea of the S0irit, of the 7ather, of the Secon' (s0ect of Jo'# 80 The S0irit - thatLs eAactly the <ne Something that 0ermeates an' sat"rates the Kni&erse, an' changes someho the "n'erlying S"$stance, an' is eAactly hat the other religio"s systems calle' the Hogos, the Cor', Qoice# The same conce0t an' e a'here to# S0irit - that sen' to o"r orl' ;Qoice; that makes a circle an' $ack to emitte' so"rce# Th"s, each s"ch ;Ro"n'; $rings information a$o"t the changes that ha&e taken 0lace in the Kni&erse along the ay of the ;So"n';# Tien translates as ;hea&en;# Kwan-@in-Tien e can inter0ret as ;the Kni&erse, Sky, S0ace, here !an-Shai-5in inha$its an' kee0 track of e&erything going on;# That is, the s0ace fille' ith those ho see the so"n's of the orl' is itself the So"n'# (ccor'ingly, as e ha&e alrea'y mentione', 7ohat - it is really the S"awn of Kwan-Shai-@in, a 0ro'"ct of the S0irit# 1ohat - this is the S0irit, $"t eAisting in a single 0article, the Tiny Ray of the <ne Ray# 7ohat - is the Son of the 7ather, the <ne S0irit, an' So"l =0article? - this is the Sons of Mother an' 7ather# It t"rns o"t that 7ohat - is ;the Son o( the Sons;# The $ower )yss - this is the Matter, Sha'o, %rimal Essence that has create' e&erything in this orl'# The a$yss from hich there as all# Bottomless, en'less $asis# The Se-en Elements - itLs all the same ty0es of Se&en So"ls, elementary 0articles that $"il' the Kni&erse# 1ohat ;ha-ing called ### the !llusi-e 1orm o( Sien-Tchan; - that 7ohat, S0irit, ;orking; in each elementary 0article, has ca"se' a &isi$le manifestation of o"r orl'# ;The !llusi-e 1orm; - is a synonym of Maya, Ill"sion, commonly calle' as the Kni&erse# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69C ;The Swi(t and the 0adiant One "roduces the se-en $aya 'entres# against which none will "re-ail to the .reat Day &,e With Us&= and seats the Uni-erse on these Eternal 1oundations# surrounding Sien-Tchan with the Elementary .erms.; =Stan3a 8#)?# The Swi(t and the 0adiant One - it is the S0irit# The Se-en $aya 'entres - are the se&en $asic ty0es of So"ls# The .reat Day &,e with Us& - the $eginning of the en' Mahaman&antara - Maha0ralaya# /rimary .erm - this is the So"l =sta$le elementary 0articles?# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 6:C ;O( the Se-en - (irst One mani(ested# Si: concealed= Two mani(ested# 1i-e concealed= Three mani(ested# 1our concealed= 1our "roduced# Three hidden= 1our and One Tsan re-ealed# Two and One- Hal( concealed= Si: to e mani(ested# One laid aside. $astly# Se-en Small Wheels re-ol-ing= one gi-ing irth to the other#;=Stan3a 8#E?# There e 'escri$e' the se>"ence of entry of the %lans into incarnation# Si: to e mani(ested# One laid aside - siA sim0le %lans an' one com0leA that a00ears as the s"m of all in its final form last# Se-en Small Wheels re-ol-ing= one gi-ing irth to the other - So"ls of Se&en %lans, the Higher %lans ;sat"rate; the loer ith their ether - gi&e $irth# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6<C ;He uilds them in the li4eness o( older Wheels# "lacing them on the !m"erishale 'entres. How does 1ohat uild themL He collects the 1iery Dust. He ma4es ,alls o( 1ire# runs through them# and round them# in(using li(e there into # then sets them into motion= some one way# some the other way. They are cold# he ma4es them hot. They are dry# he ma4es them moist. They shine# he (ans and cools them. Thus acts 1ohat (rom one Twilight to the other# during Se-en Eternities#/ =Stan3a 8#+?# The Older Wheels - are the conglomerates, collecte' from the sta$le 0articles, i#e# 'irectly from the in'i&isi$le So"ls# The 1iery Dust - this is the elementary 0article# ,alls o( 1ire - are the conglomerates of So"ls# Twilight - itMs Maha0ralaya, the 'isintegration of the Kni&erse# Se-en Eternities - are the consistent formation of the Se&en !ing'oms of .at"re# ) Wheel - this is the same as the rotating Ether - nascent, an' then 'isa00earing# 7irst of all, a Cheel - it is the &ery So"l, as in e&ery 0article the Ether is $orn at the same time an' 'isa00ears# This is a Small Cheel# B"t if Ether is $orn in a single 0article, an' is 'estroye' in the other - it is also the Cheel of Ether# Ce can s"00ose that a conglomerate of 0articles forms this Cheel, an' e consi'er it as the <l'er to the in'i&i'"al So"l# 82 The more 0articles are in the conglomerate, the Cheel is greater, i#e# <l'er# The $o'y of any re0resentati&e of any of the king'om - is also a Cheel# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6>C ;)t the 1ourth# the Sons are told to create their !mages# One- Third re(uses. Two oey. The 'urse is "ronounced. They will e orn in the 1ourth# su((er and cause su((ering. This is the 1irst War#;=Stan3a 8#F?# To create their !mages - is the 0rocess of com$ining 0articles into conglomerates =gro"0s? '"e to the eAistence of gra&ity# The !ing'oms of .at"re ere $orn as a res"lt of consistent association of the 0articles# In the 0rocess of creating the Images, i#e# in the Birth of !ing'oms, all %lans are incl"'e', $eca"se the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction that can $ecome the centers of attraction are the 0art of any %lan# ItMs first# (n' secon', not only the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction can s"$or'inate, $"t also the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion# Hoe&er, the more "00er is the %lan, the more there are 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion =an' the greater the &al"e of these 7iel's?, an' the smaller 0ercentage of 0articles ith 7iel's of (ttraction =an' the loer is the &al"e of these 7iel's?# It t"rns o"t that the "00er %lans, es0ecially the last to - (tmic an' Mona'ic - eAtremely rel"ctant to take 0art in the 0rocess of "nification of 0articles - the 7iel's of Re0"lsion 0re&ent# These to %lans of the siA sim0le are 0recisely the re(using One-Third. The other fo"r loer %lans - itMs Two oeyed Thirds - as their total 7iel's of (ttraction are more an' the 7iel's of Re0"lsion are less# B"t these to "00er %lans ill still come into incarnation - ;They will e orn in the 1ourth;# This means that their aim an' o$jects, ith hich they ill interact, ill $e the re0resentati&es of the 7o"rth !ing'om - h"man# The 0rocess of forming the s"0erh"man !ing'oms is &ery 'iffic"lt# ItLs not easy to create forms that can ithstan' high le&els of Energy, $eca"se the Energy =Ether? 'estroys $on's =gra&itational, chemical - itMs the same?# Therefore, any 0erson on the ay to $ecoming of S"0erh"man has $ig 'iffic"lties an' s"ffering# This roa' is &ery har', an' not e&eryone "n'er force# This is the 1irst War - a ar $eteen the 5in an' 5ang, '"e to the com0lete o00osite manifestations of their >"ality# 83 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6?C ;The Older Wheels rotated downward and u"ward ... The +otherCs S"awn (illed the whole. There were ,attles (ought etween the 'reators and the Destroyers# and ,attles (ought (or S"ace= the Seed a""earing and rea""earing continuously.;=Stan3a 8#8?# The +otherCs S"awn - is again synonyms of So"l# The Matter - S0ace - gi&es rise to a ;see';, Jerm, S0an - So"l# The So"ls fill the S0ace# The Seed a""earing and rea""earing continuously - it is the S0irit that is $orn in the So"ls# 'reators and Destroyers - are the 0articles 5ang an' 5in# @ang 2 are 'reators, $eca"se there is a 'omination of the 0rocess of creation of the S0irit in them# @in 2 are Destroyers, as they 'estr"ct the Ether more than creates# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6@C ;+a4e thy calculations# O $anoo# i( thou wouldst learn the correct age o( thy Small Wheel. !ts 1ourth S"o4e is our +other. 0each the 1ourth 1ruit o( the 1ourth /ath o( Knowledge that leads to *ir-ana# and thou shalt com"rehend# (or thou shalt see... ;=Stan3a 8#G?# The 1ourth 1ruit o( the 1ourth /ath o( Knowledge that leads to *ir-ana - itLs the 7o"rth Ray, harmony thro"gh conflict, com$ining all other siA Rays# In the article on the Se&en Rays e say that the siA Rays are sim0le, $"t the se&enth - is the com0leA# Hoe&er, 'o not "n'erstan' the 0hrase ;se&enth ray; as a literal reference to RayLs n"m$er# In fact, the Ray "n'er the n"m$er ;G; - is sim0le# Chile the com0rehensi&e Ray - has the n"m$er ;+; as has j"st $een sai'# 7or any 0erson, $efore getting into a s"0erh"man state $y the a''ition of 0articles of (tmic an' Mona'ic %lans, it is necessary to reach the state of the 7o"rth Ray# The 0erson 'o this $y incl"'ing into the $o'y the 0articles of all siA sim0le Rays - that is, all le&els of B"''hic %lan sho"l' $e s"$mitte' in the 0erson# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6AC ,,ehold the eginning o( sentient (ormless $i(e. 1irst# the Di-ine# the One (rom the +other S"irit= then# the S"iritual= the Three (rom the One# the 1our (rom the One# and the 1i-e# (rom which the Three# the 1i-e and the Se-en. These are the 84 Three(old and the 1our(old downward= the +ind-orn Sons o( the 1irst $ord# the Shining Se-en. !t is they who are thou# !# he# O $anoo= they who watch o-er thee and thy mother# ,hQmi/ =Stan3a G#1?# 1irst# the Di-ine# the One - is an in'ication of the <ne ($sol"te o"t of the state of manifestation# Then# the S"iritual - or sim0ly ;the S0irit;, is the secon' as0ect# The Three (rom the One, the Trinity - as 0art of any le&el of any %lan are the So"ls of only three 0rimary colors - re', yello or $l"e# The 1our (rom the One, :"aternary - the S0irit manifests thro"gh fo"r Elements# )nd the 1i-e - the S0irit itself re0resents the 7ifth Element - Ether# The 7irst Hor' - is the %rimal Essence, S0ace# The Min' - is the S0irit# The +ind-orn Sons o( the 1irst $ord# the Shining Se-en - are the So"ls, Se&en Rays# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95C ,The One 0ay multi"lies the smaller 0ays. $i(e "recedes 1orm# and $i(e sur-i-es# the last atom. Through the countless 0ays the $i(e-0ay# the One# li4e a Thread through many ,eads./=Stan3a G#)?# The One 0ay an' $i(e - are the synonyms of the S0irit, the Secon' (s0ect of the ($sol"te# The One 0ay multi"lies the smaller 0ays - S0irit manifests thro"gh a great &ariety of So"ls =elementary 0articles?# 1orm - itMs a So"l# $i(e "recedes 1orm - S0irit manifests itself in the form of the So"l, $"t not &ice-&ersa# $i(e sur-i-es# the last atom - hen, after Mahaman&antara all (toms =So"ls? ill 'isa00ear, the S0irit remains# Hife ill $e s0ille' in the S0ace of the <ne Bo"n'less <cean# Through the countless 0ays the $i(e-0ay# the One# li4e a Thread through many ,eads - S0irit 0ermeates, sat"rates, fills the So"ls =Small Rays?# S0irit, as the threa' in necklace, 0enetrates all free an' $rings all together# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90C ,When the One ecomes Two# the Three(old a""ears# and the Three are One= and it is our Thread# O $anoo# the Heart o( the +an- /lant called Sa"ta"arna/ =Stan3a G#E?# The One - is the ($sol"te, the <riginal S"$stance# 85 The One ecomes Two - the S0irit is $orn in the Matter# The S0irit is $orn in a Thir' (s0ect, in the So"l - the Three(old a""ears# and the Three are One# The Thread - is the $asis that hol's together an' "nites# The Heart - means the fo"n'ation, the S"$stance# The +an-/lant - it is a Hea&enly Man, hich is the manifeste' Kni&erse# The Kni&erse is like a man, eAactly - a man like it, for the reason that in the Kni&erse an' in the h"man the So"ls of 'ifferent >"ality an' 'ifferent %lans "nite together# The mani(ested Uni-erse# li4e a lotus (lower# has its roots in the water# i.e. in +atter =Cater - is a sym$ol of Matter?, $"t the floers =manifestation? a$o&e the Cater - o"tsi'e# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E6C ,!t is the 0oot that ne-er dies= the Three-tongued 1lame o( the 1our Wic4s. The Wic4s are the S"ar4s# that draw (rom the Three- tongued 1lame shot out y the Se-en - their 1lame - the ,eams and S"ar4s o( one +oon re(lected in the running Wa-es o( all the 0i-ers o( Earth#/=Stan3a G#+?# The 0oot that ne-er dies, the Root of Man-%lant - this is the <riginal S"$stance, Matter, Cater# The 1our Wic4s - 7o"r Elements =classification of 0articles accor'ing to the elements?# The Three-tongued 1lame - there are only three 0rimary colors of elementary 0articles - re', yello an' $l"e# The rest of the eAisting colors - are the com$inations of the main# The S"ar4s# the Wic4s - all these are synonyms for the conce0t of ;So"l;# The Three-tongued 1lame shot out y the Se-en - the n"m$er ;G; in'icates that the 0articles of three 0rimary colors manifest in se&en colors# One +oon re(lected in the running Wa-es o( all the 0i-ers o( Earth - is one S0irit that 0er&a'es the entire "ni&erse, filling all eAisting Ethereal 7iel'# ,eams and S"ar4s - So"ls - the res"lt of creation an' the areas of manifestation of the <ne Moon - <ne S0irit# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99C ,The S"ar4 hangs (rom the 1lame y the (inest thread o( 1ohat. !t journeys through the Se-en Worlds o( +aya. !t sto"s in the 1irst# and is a +etal and a Stone= it "asses into the Second# and 86 ehold - a /lant= the /lant whirls through se-en changes and ecomes a Sacred )nimal. 1rom the comined attriutes o( these# +anu# the Thin4er# is (ormed. Who (orms himL The Se-en $i-es and the One $i(e. Who com"letes himL The 1i-e(old $ha. )nd who "er(ects the last ,odyL 1ish# Sin# and Soma.../ =Stan3a G#F?# The S"ar4 - is a synonym for the So"l# The 1lame - this is <ne S0irit# The (inest thread o( 1ohat - it is the S0irit, manifeste' in the So"l =0article?# The Se-en Worlds o( +aya - are the Se&en !ing'oms of .at"re# +aya - is the Manifeste' Kni&erse# The 1irst# the Second# the 1i-e(old $ha - are the Se&en !ing'oms of .at"re, here the Se&enth - com0leA - is the Kni&erse# The 1irst Kingdom - is Mineral, the Second - is Qegeta$le# !t 5S"ar46 journeys through the Se-en Worlds o( +aya - the So"ls constr"ct the each !ing'om of .at"re# +anu# the Thin4er - is the <ne 9onscio"sness, o&en from the min's of all 0articles of the re0resentati&es of any of these !ing'oms# The Se-en $i-es - are the se&en ty0es of So"ls, One $i(e - is <ne S0irit# The /lant whirls through se-en changes and ecomes a Sacred )nimal. The /lant here - itLs Man-%lant, an' the Sacred )nimal - is the Ham$ slain from the fo"n'ation of the orl'# (n' the +an-/lant, an' the Sacred )nimal =Ham$? - are synonyms of manifeste' Kni&erse, hich sooner or later 'estine' to sink into o$li&ion - to 0l"nge into Maha0ralaya# Se-en changes - is the change of the Se&en !ing'oms, the same as the Se-en Days o( 'reation# The S0irit t"rns into So"ls - itLs calle' the Cheel, S0irit rotates in time# So"l - is the Small Cheel# The %lans, the king'om - are the <l'er Cheels# In each of them the S0irit also rotates collecti&ely# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9:C ,1rom the 1irst-orn the Thread etween the Silent Watcher and his Shadow ecomes more strong and radiant with e-ery 'hange. The morning Sunlight has changed into noonday glory.../ =Stan3a G#8?# Cith e&ery change, i#e# e&ery king'om, the threa', i#e# S0irit manifests itself ith e&er greater force - the threa' is getting stronger an' all the more ra'iant ith each mo'ification# This is "n'erstan'a$le, 87 $eca"se gra'"ally coming into incarnation the more energy-intensi&e %lans# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9<C ,RThis thy "resent WheelS# said the 1lame to the S"ar4. RThou art mysel(# my image and my shadow. !ha-e clothed mysel( in thee# and thou art my 3<han to the Day &,e With Us&# when thou shalt re-ecome mysel( and others# thysel( and meS. Then the ,uilders# ha-ing donned their (irst 'lothing# descent on radiant Earth and reign o-er men -- who are themsel-es.... ./ =Stan3a G#G?# (s yo" can see, the Stan3a D3yan also confirms o"r or's that the heel - is the rotating Ether =or S0irit?# The Thread o( the 1irst-orn, or otherise the 1ohat thread is the flo of Ether =S0irit?, hich is 0o"ring o"t into o"r orl' thro"gh each So"l =S0ark?# Thou art mysel(# my image and my shadow. ! ha-e clothed mysel( in thee# and thou art my 3<han - So"l =S0ark? - it is the same flame, the same S0irit, $"t limite' $y the $or'ers of the s0here - of the So"l =0article?# That is hy the Stan3a says, ,Tho" art myself/, i#e# So"l - is the S0irit, the Son of the 7ather, his likeness, co0y, Sha'o# ,To ha-e clothed in something/ means to acce0t some co&ers, some sha0e# The S0irit takes the sha0e of a s0here - the So"l# So"l - is a Horse, 3<han =agon?, an' the S0irit - is a Ri'er# Horse, agon o$eys to the mo&ements of Ri'er# ,###to the Day &,e With Us&# when thou shalt re-ecome mysel( and others# thysel( and me9 - So"ls =elementary 0articles? ill eAist "ntil the en' of Mahaman&antara an' ill 'isa00ear ith the onset of Maha0ralaya, i#e# the Day ;,e with Us;# (t this 0oint, the So"ls ill 'issol&e in the <ne S0irit, an' all ill $ecome the one# The ,uilders - these are the So"ls, S0arks# The ,uilders# ha-ing donned their (irst 'lothing - this in'icates that there is a 'irectly $irth of So"ls, in their original form# 0adiant Earth - itLs the &ery image of the manifeste' "ni&erse, "nlike the Sky - is the sym$ol of 0"re s0ace, 'e&oi' of any signs of manifestation# ,,uildersT reign o-er men9 means that 0eo0le are entirely '"e to the feat"res of manifestation of these $"il'ers - elementary 0articles - as $"il'ers ,$eing $y themsel&es/, are at the heart of 0eo0le# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9>C ;(lmost fi&e cent"ries B#9# He"ci00"s, the instr"ctor of Democrit"s, maintaine' that S0ace as fille' eternally ith atoms 88 act"ate' $y a ceaseless motion, the latter generating in '"e co"rse of time, hen those atoms aggregate', rotatory motion thro"gh m"t"al collisions 0ro'"cing lateral mo&ements# E0ic"r"s an' H"creti"s ta"ght the same, only a''ing to the lateral motion of the atoms the i'ea of affinity -- an occ"lt teaching#/ =;The Secret Doctrine;, %rolog"e?# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9?C ,Tan out-reathing o( the Cun4nown essenceC "roduces the world= and an inhalation causes it to disa""ear. This "rocess has een going on (rom all eternity# and our "resent uni-erse is ut one o( an in(inite series# which had no eginning and will ha-e no end. ;=H% Bla&atsky, ;Isis Kn&eile';, Qol"me )?# ,The <ne is an "n$roken 9ircle =ring? ith no circ"mference, for it is nohere an' e&eryhereB the <ne is the $o"n'less 0lane of the 9ircle, manifesting a 'iameter only '"ring the man&antaric 0erio'sB the "ne is the in'i&isi$le 0oint fo"n' nohere, 0ercei&e' e&eryhere during those 0erio's/ =; 9atechism of the <cc"lt ;, taken from; The Secret Doctrine ;$y H% Bla&atsky?# ,7ohat is th"s the 'ynamic energy of 9osmic I'eationB or, regar'e' from the other si'e, it is the intelligent me'i"m, the g"i'ing 0oer of all manifestation, the Tho"ght Di&ine transmitte' an' ma'e manifest the Dhyan-9hohans, the (rchitects of the &isi$le Corl'#/ =;The Secret Doctrine; $y H% Bla&atsky, %rolog"e?# 5A1 THE STRUCTURE AND THE JUALIT7 OF ELEMENTAR7 PARTICLES1 7IN AND 7ANG1 (mong all 0re&io"sly liste' $efore the synonyms of the occ"lt term ;so"l; e sho"l' consi'er the most scientific of all the notion ;elementary 0article;# In the s0ace, once &ery, &ery long time ago elementary 0articles of &arying Fuality a00eare'# Chat is the Fuality an' the structure of themD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;6 THE ST0U'TU0E O1 E$E+E*T)0@ /)0T!'$ES. (ny elementary 0article is a s0here# Regar'less of the >"ality, the ra'i"s any of them is the same for all eAisting 0articles# 89 5o" sho"l' not to imagine the 0article as a 'ense formation ith soli' alls# .o, the 0article is immerse' in Ether# ( 0article - is a ;0oint of contact of 9reator ith itself;, it is Something# Ether =Energy?, filling a s0here at any gi&en time, $elongs only to this 0article# (ll other 0articles can not at this moment in any ay ;0reten'; to this ether, filling the 0article# E&ery 0article has a '"al ;relationshi0s; ith Ether =Energy- Information?# ) certain amount o( Ether 'isa00ears ='estroys? at "nit of time in any 0article# This 0rocess occ"rs in the central 0art of the 0article - in the 7one o( Destruction# 90 9onc"rrently, each 0article in a "nit of time creates a certain amount o( Ether# Energy-Ether a00ears in the central 0art of the elementary 0article - in the 7one o( 'reation - an' mo&es toar's its 0eri0hery# Th"s the flo of Energy-Ether, 0ro'"ce' in the central 0art of the s0here, an' mo&ing toar's the 0eri0hery, forms the $o'y of the elementary 0article# 91 The Sone of Destr"ction 'oes not 'isting"ish $eteen its on Ether, arising in it, an' mo&ing from the center to the 0eri0hery, as ell as Ether, hich may come into the 0article from o"tsi'e# This Sone ,'oes not care/ hat Ether 'estroys in it# The main is - ith a certain s0ee' to 'estroy Ether that enters into it# (s yo" ill fin' o"t later, this ;illegi$ility; of a Sone of Destr"ction is the $asis of a &ery c"rio"s la of nat"re - the Ha of Transformation of eAternal >"ality of 0articles# In t"rn, this la is so im0ortant an' is the reason of so many nat"ral 0henomena that its role of a "ni&ersal scale is 'iffic"lt to o&erestimate# Ce ill not go into 'etails, $"t e gi&e a sim0le eAam0le# Stars emit light only thro"gh the action of the Ha of Transformation# In other or's, $eca"se a Sone of Destr"ction in elementary 0articles can a$sor$ not only their on, an' eAternal for them Ether# Ether, filling 0articles, is no 'ifferent from the ;free; Ether, o"tsi'e the 0articles# It as tho"gh 0ermeates e&ery 0article, ;im$"es; it like a s0onge# Elementary 0articles like e0hemeral s0heres s"s0en'e' there# Hoe&er, Ether filling any 0article is its ;on;# (n' other 0articles canMt a$sor$ that Ether that fills at this moment a gi&en 0article# <nly the Ether that goes $eyon' the s0here $ecomes a&aila$le for a$sor0tion $y others# In all elementary 0articles of hate&er >"ality Energy-Ether mo&es from the center to the 0eri0hery# The 0articles - are not close' forms# They are o0en for entry of Ether into them from the o"tsi'e# 92 Ether, hich is o"tsi'e the $o"n'aries of the 0article, 'oes not $elong to the 0article an' it in no ay connecte' ith it# (s for Ether emitte' $y 0articles ith Re0"lsion 7iel', it ceases to ha&e anything to 'o ith the 0article imme'iately after emitting# B"t Ether, that fills the 0article at gi&en time, $elongs only to it# Chile the 0articles ith the 7iel' of (ttraction are mo&ing they contin"e to com0ensate for the 'eficiency of Ether arising in them, a$sor$ing it in the co"rse of the mo&ement from the s"rro"n'ing ethereal fiel'# Chen the 0articles ith the 7iel' of Re0"lsion are mo&ing they 'o not sto0 to emit a00earing in them an eAcess of Ether# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T6 THE HU)$!T@ O1 E$E+E*T)0@ /)0T!'$ES. The >"ality of elementary 0article - itMs the ratio of Ether create' an' 'estroye' in it 0er "nit of time# Ce can say it in another ay1 the ratio of the s0ee' of creation an' the s0ee' of 'isa00earance ='estr"ction?# There is a h"ge range of &al"es for the >"antity characteri3ing the s0ee' of 'estr"ction in the &ario"s 0articles# 93 B"t the magnit"'e of the s0ee' of creation of Ether can take only three 0ossi$le &al"es# They corres0on' to the $l"e, yello an' re' ;colors;# Ce "se' to "se the ;color; as a characteristic 0ertaining only to the 0hotons of the &isi$le range of the fre>"ency scale# Hoe&er, in fact, the &isi$le 0hotons - it is j"st one ty0e of elementary 0articles# (n' o"r &is"al analy3ers recei&e information in the form of &isi$le 0hotons# (n' they 'onMt "se the 0articles of other >"ality# 94 B"t, ne&ertheless, a$sol"tely e&ery eAisting elementary 0article has re', yello or $l"e color, no matter ho m"ch Ether 'isa00ears in it# 0ed &color& corres0on's to the highest s0ee' of creation of Ether from the 0ossi$le, lue - to the smallest from the 0ossi$le, an' yellow - the s0ee' interme'iate $eteen these to# 95 These are three 0rimary colors# There are yet three a''itional, $"t the more a$o"t the color theory e ill 'isc"ss in the f"t"re# <"r &is"al analy3ers 'etect not only ho m"ch the coming to them &isi$le 0hotons create Ether, $"t also ho m"ch they a$sor$# Th"s, the Fuality o( elementary "article - is the ratio in the 0article to "nits, one of hich characteri3es the s0ee' of creation of Ether in it, an' other - the s0ee' of 'estr"ction# The outward mani(estation o( the Fuality of the 0article is the 0resence either the 7iel' of (ttraction or the 7iel' of Re0"lsion, an' the &al"e of eAisting fiel's '"e to the ratio in the 0article the s0ee' of creation of Ether an' the s0ee' of 'estr"ction# In hat follos, e often ill meet the conce0t of ;>"ality; an' to ork ith it# Hoe&er, as yo" can see, in a''ition to the >"ality of the 0article, there is j"st the o"tar' manifestation of their >"ality# (n' then, $oth are &ery im0ortant for "n'erstan'ing of nat"ral 0rocesses an' 0henomena# %erha0s in the f"t"re e ill call the >"ality of the 0articles as an ;internal Fuality; of the 0article, an' the o"tar' manifestation - as an ;e:ternal Fuality;# (ltho"gh, e ill 'o this only for con&enience an' $re&ity of eA0lanation, not more# (n' hen 0ossi$le, the conce0ts ill $e left ith their tr"e names# The 7iel's of (ttraction characteri3e the 0articles here the amo"nt of 'estroye' Ether is more than create'# 96 The s"rro"n'ing Ether, in hich the 0article ith the 7iel' of (ttraction is immerse', comes into it in the area of contact the ethereal fiel' ith the ;all; of the 0article# (n' Ether s"rro"n'ing the 0article fills arising &oi' an' mo&ing in the 'irection of the 0article# Ether flo mo&ing toar' the 0article is a 1ield o( )ttraction# 97 Each 0oint of the s"rface of 0article 0er "nit of time a$sor$s the same amo"nt of Ether# The 7iel's of Re0"lsion 0resent in the 0articles hose amo"nt of create' Ether is greater than amo"nt of a$sor$e'# The 0article 0rimarily 'estroys the on Ether, that it ;0ro'"ces; itself# The remaining in the 0article after 'estr"ction eAcess of Ether is emitte' $y 0article s"rface# This flo of energy emitte' $y the 0article 0"shes ether s"rro"n'ing the ;alls; of the 0article# Ether flo mo&ing aay from the 0article s"rface is a 1ield o( 0e"ulsion# 98 Each 0oint of the s"rface of the 0articles emits 0er "nit of time the same >"antity of ether# The &al"e of the 7iel' of (ttraction is greater, the more Ether in a "nit of time is a$sor$e' $y the 0article from the s"rro"n'ing ethereal fiel' - i#e# then higher the s0ee' of a$sor0tion# 99 DonUt con(use the asor"tion o( Ether with its destruction. (ccor'ingly, the &al"e of the Re0"lsion 7iel' is greater, the more 0er "nit of time this 0article emits energy into the am$ient ethereal fiel' - i#e# then higher is the s0ee' of emission# We should not mi: such conce"ts as the emission o( Ether and its creation. In the f"t"re, generally s0eaking a$o"t the 7iel's of (ttraction an' 7iel's of Re0"lsion, e can sometimes "se the term ;1orce 1ield;# This term is >"ite 0o0"lar in the scientific literat"re# Chy e nee' to in&ent something ne that 0erha0s ill not $e acce0te'# 100 Ce sho"l' mention that the eAisting in the esoteric literat"re =in the treatise on the Tao, for eAam0le? a reference on 5in an' 5ang refers s0ecifically to the 0articles ith 'ifferent 7orce 7iel's# 5in an' 5ang - are to connecte' ;'ro0s;, $lack ith a hite circle in the center =5in? an' hite - ith a $lack circle =5ang?# @in - is an esoteric sym$ol of all eAisting in the Kni&erse elementary 0articles =So"ls? ith the 7iel's of (ttraction# Here, the $lack color means that the 'estr"ction of Ether =S0irit? in the 0article goes on faster than its creation# @ang - itMs an image of elementary 0articles =So"ls? ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion# The 0re'ominance of hite o&er $lack says that the creation of Ether goes on faster than 'estr"ction# In the esoteric literat"re, ;The Hight; sym$oli3es the S0irit =Ether?, an' ;Darkness; - its a$sence# 5ang as it sai' in the ;Tao Te 9hing; is in heat - is a so"rce of rage# 0age in o"r lang"age connects ith the heating, e&en tho"gh o"r $loo' in anger =the or's ;anger; an' ;7ire; can $e consi'ere' cognate?# The heating is 'irectly relate' to the 0rocess of emission of Ether# 5in grows scanty - that is, loses something# In this case, there is the analogy ith the 0rocess of 'isa00earance of Ether eAcee'ing the 0rocess of creation# 101
102 103 104 7IN 4 the +art!cle" $!th the F!el," %D Attract!% 4 !" a -lac) ,r%+ $!th a $h!te c!rcle1 7ANG 4 the +art!cle" $!th the F!el," %D Re+.l"!% 4 !" a $h!te ,r%+ $!th a -lac) c!rcle1 2lac) c%l%r here 4 !" a "'m-%l %D ,e"tr.ct!% %D Ether1 Wh!te 4 !" a "'m-%l %D creat!% %D Ether1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the $ooks of )lice ,ailey e can often fin' the conce0t of ;>"ality;# Ce are talking a$o"t one an' the same# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K6 ) S!7E O1 E$E+E*T)0@ /)0T!'$E. ( si3e of elementary 0articles is incre'i$ly small# Elementary 0articles $"il' the chemical elements# The chemical elements themsel&es - are the tiny formations, com0are' s"ch as the h"man $o'y# The si3e of elementary 0articles on the scale of a chemical element is similar to the si3e of a h"man $o'y on the scale of a 0lanet# 051 THE PRINCIPLES OF 2EHA;IOR OF ETHER BENERG7-INFORMATIONC1 Ether in the S0ace - is ;free; Ether, if e may say so, in contrast to Ether ;locke'; in the 0articles# 7ree Energy flos from $o'y to $o'y, $athes them like a&es in the ocean# B"t an' free Ether an' ,locke'/ in their 0hysical 0ro0erties are a$sol"tely i'entical to each other# This means that an' free, an' ;locke'; e>"ally s"$or'inate to the las =0rinci0les? that controls the $eha&ior of Ether# The n"m$er of s"ch $asic 0rinci0les is j"st to# Here, e are talking s0ecifically a$o"t the 0hysical 0ro0erties of Ether, $"t not on its information content, as Ether - is the S0irit, an' the S0irit - that is, information, an' for each 0article information $eing $orn in it is its on# @ou can sustitute the word &Ether& y the conce"t o( &Energy.& )nd you can say# (or e:am"le# not the Ethereal 1ield# ut the 1ield o( Energy# or energetic (ield. The meaning does not change. ;6 THE /0!*'!/$E ; THE 3O!DS DO*UT O''U0 !* THE ETHE0E)$ 1!E$D 105 (ll eAisting in the Kni&erse Ether seeks to e&enly fill each 0oint in the s0ace# Hence, the (irst "rinci"le - &The -oids do not occur in the ethereal (ield&# This eA0ression means that if at any 0oint in s0ace Ether is 'estroye', so s"rro"n'ing ethereal fiel' ;flos; in a gi&en 'irection, creating a stream# Ho is it going the mo&ement of Ether in the 'irection of its 'eficiencyD Ether cotermino"s ith the 0lace here there is the 'estr"ction as0ires there# (s a res"lt, the 0lace, here it j"st as, is eAem0t# (n' on its 0lace, Ether as0ires, hich cotermino"s ith it# (n' in its 0lace Ether mo&es, locate' f"rther aay from the 0lace of 'estr"ction# (n' so on# (s a res"lt to the 0lace of arising lack from the en&ironment an ethereal flo is mo&ing# This r"le also a00lies to elementary 0articles# They also ha&e not &oi's - the s0ace that is not fille' ith Ether# This reg"larity of $eha&ior of Ether is the $asis of the mechanism of gra&ity - attraction to each other of elementary 0articles, an' the $o'ies of all si3es, consisting of them# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T6 THE /0!*'!/$E T THE )0E)S W!TH THE EV'ESS!3E DE*S!T@ DO*UT O''U0 !* THE ETHE0!' 1!E$D Ether 'oes not shrink or eA0an'# Its concentration anyhere, in any 0oint of the ethereal fiel' of the Kni&erse is the same# The second "rinci"le - &The areas with e:cessi-e density donUt occur in the ethereal (ield& - means that if at any 0oint of the s0ace Ether arises, that s"rro"n'ing fiel' $egins to mo&e aay from it# Ce can say that arising Ether 0"shes s"rro"n'ing# This 0rinci0le, like the 0re&io"s one, a00lies also to Ether in the elementary 0articles# It is the $asis of the mechanism of anti-gra&ity - re0"lsion of o$jects# 001 THE FIELDS OF ATTRACTION AND REPULSION - THE OUTWARD MANIFESTATION OF THE JUALIT7 OF ELEMENTAR7 PARTICLES1 106 If in the 0articles Ether only 'isa00eare', an' 'i' not arise, then they o"l' recei&e 0er "nit of time from the s"rro"n'ing s0ace only as m"ch as the 0article m"st to 'estroy# Similarly, if Ether in the 0articles only a00eare' an' 'i' not 'estroy, the 0articles o"l' emit 0er "nit of time as m"ch as they create'# Hoe&er, in reality, the folloing occ"rs# Ether arising in the 0articles is "se' 0rimarily for ,'estr"ction/ $y the &ery same 0article creating it# Beca"se, mo&ing from the 0eri0hery to the center 0oint, Ether meets on the ay the Sone of Destr"ction, here its necessary >"antity &anishes 0er "nit of time# !( the s"eed o( destruction is greater than the s"eed o( creation, all creating Ether ;is eA0en'e';# (n' 0l"s, there is still a ;lack; of Ether, hich m"st 'estroye' in the 0article 0er "nit of time# This 'eficiency comes to the 0article from the s"rro"n'ing ethereal fiel'# !( the s"eed o( creation is more than the s"eed o( destruction, in the 0article an ;eAcess; of Ether arises, an' it emits into the en&ironment# Ce think yo" alrea'y g"esse' that Ether coming to 0articles ith a ;'eficiency; of Ether - this is knon to science 1ields o( )ttraction 5.ra-itational 1ields6# (ccor'ingly, Ether emitte' $y 0articles ith its ;eAcess; - this is "nrecogni3e' $y science 1ields o( 0e"ulsion 5)nti-gra-itational 1ields6# .ote, Ether mo&es toar's the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction not $eca"se they attracte' it to them, $"t in accor'ance ith the fact that ;&oi's 'onMt occ"r in the ethereal fiel';# Ether is alays mo&es there here neAt to it there is a ;ga0; in the ethereal fiel'# Ce can say that it is ;floing; into the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction# (lternati&ely, s"ch 0articles e can call as asoring Ether# Similarly, Ether mo&es aay from the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion not $eca"se they ;0"sh; it# In accor'ance ith the 0rinci0le of ;the areas ith eAcessi&e 'ensity 'o not occ"r in the ethereal fiel';, it alays mo&es aay from the 0lace here in the ethereal fiel' s"0erfl"o"s Ether a00ears# It ;flos; from the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion# (n' these 0articles e sho"l' call as emitting Ether# Ether emitte' $y the 0articles or coming to them - this is Ethereal 1lows# <ther synonymo"s names - are /ower 1ields# Ethereal Wa-es# In any case, it is Ether mo&ing in the s0ace# 107 7iel's of (ttraction an' Re0"lsion are the only 0ossi$le s0ecies of Ethereal flos# The 0resence of 7iel' of (ttraction or Re0"lsion, an' the &al"e of either, or else, characteri3es the >"ality of elementary 0articles# EAactly the 0rinci0les of $eha&ior of Ether are the ca"se of arising in the "ni&erse Ethereal flos# The 7iel's of (ttraction an' Re0"lsion of the 0articles - are the only 0ossi$le ty0es of ethereal flos, mo&ing in the s0ace# This means that the ca"se of origin of ethereal flos is either a'mission to the 0articles of Ether or its re0"lsion# The Sone of Destr"ction in the 0articles like ;im$i$es; Ether there, here it is 0l"nge'# If the 0article a$sor$ing or emitting Ether, is not in immo$ility in the s0ace, $"t mo&es, the generate' $y it ethereal flo ill generally re0eat the trajectory of its motion# Ether comes to 0articles from all si'es an' emits in all 'irections# (s the 'istance from the 0article, the &ol"me of the s0ace s"rro"n'ing it concentrically increases# (n' the closer to the 0article, res0ecti&ely, it concentrically re'"ce'# In this regar' the nearer to the 0article, the higher the s0ee' of a$sor$ing or emitting Ether# (ccor'ingly, itMs the f"rther from the 0article, the loer is its s0ee'# The smaller is the &ol"me of s0ace thro"gh hich Ether mo&es toar's the 0article, the higher ill $e the rate of flo# 5o" can com0are the s0ee' of flo of Ether ith the flo rate of ater in the ater 0i0e# The smaller the 'iameter is, the higher is the s0ee' of the ater# Similarly, then closer to the 0article, the higher is the s0ee' of emitte' or entering Ether# The sit"ation is similarly ith Ether emitte' $y the 0articles# 9loser to the 0article - the s0ee' of emitte' Ether is higher, f"rther - itMs loer# ( 0article - is a s0here, an' if to mo&e aay from it, the &ol"me of s0ace s"rro"n'ing the 0article ill gro concentrically# The f"rther aay from the 0article, the greater is the &ol"me of Ether s"rro"n'ing the 0article# Each 0article ith the 7iel' of (ttraction a$sor$s Ether from the am$ient, ethereal fiel' ith a certain &elocity# The s"eed o( asor"tion o( Ether y "articles - this is the initially inherent (or this "article -alue o( the 1ields o( )ttraction. Hoe&er, the f"rther aay from the 0article, the greater &ol"me of Ether ill s"rro"n' her# The (arther away (rom the "articles# the 108 smaller will e the s"eed with which Ether will a""roach to this "article =i#e# the smaller the rate of ethereal flo ill $e? - i.e. the lower the -alue o( 1ields o( )ttraction will e. 9onse>"ently, the Jra&ity 7iel' of the 0article has to &al"es1 first, the initially inherent, meas"re' at a certain 'istance from the 0article# The same e can say a$o"t the 7iel' of Re0"lsion# Its &al"e 'ecreases ith 'istance# The f"rther aay from the 0article, the greater the &ol"me of Ether s"rro"n'ing the 0article# Each 0article ith the 7iel' of Re0"lsion emits Ether into the s"rro"n'ing ethereal fiel' ith a certain s0ee'# The rate o( emission o( Ether y "article - this is the initially inherent -alue o( the 0e"ulsion 1ield. Hoe&er, the farther aay from the 0article, the greater &ol"me of Ether ill s"rro"n' it# (ccor'ingly, the (arther away (rom the "article# the smaller will e the rate at which Ether will mo-e away (rom the gi-en "article =i#e# the smaller is the rate of the Ethereal flo? - i#e# the smaller will e the -alue o( 0e"ulsion 1ield. (s in the case of the 7iel' of Re0"lsion there are to &al"es1 initially inherent, an' meas"re' at a certain 'istance# 061 THE DIFFERENCE 2ETWEEN CREATION OF THE ETHER AND EMISSION* AS WELL AS 2ETWEEN DESTRUCTION AND A2SORPTION1 Ce o"l' like to 'ra yo"r attention to one im0ortant 0oint# In e&ery 0article to o00osite 'irecte' 0rocesses flo1 creation of the Ether an' its 'estr"ction ='isa00earance?# <n the other han', the 0articles 5in a$sor$ Ether, an' 5ang 0articles emit it# Ce ask yo" not to mi: such conce"ts as &creation o( Ether& and its &emission&# and &destruction o( Ether& and its &asor"tion&. In each 0article there are 0rocesses of creation an' 'estr"ction of Ether, $"t not e&ery 0article a$sor$s Ether, an' not each emits it# 5in 0articles a$sor$ an' 5ang 0articles emit# 109 Ce can ass"me that the 0rocesses of creation an' 'estr"ction of Ether ha&e a "ni&ersal character, hile a$sor0tion an' emission - this is the characteristics of a 0artic"lar ty0e of 0articles# 091 THE TRIPLE MEANING OF THE CONCEPTS 3MATTER3 AND 3SPIRIT31 Some conce0ts in the occ"lt literat"re ha&e 'o"$le or sometimes tri0le meaning# This feat"re eAists, for eAam0le, for s"ch terms as ;.ight an' Day of Brahma,; ;inhalation an' eAhalation of Brahma;, ;e&ol"tion; an' ;in&ol"tion;# The same e can say a$o"t s"ch f"n'amental categories as the ;Matter; an' the ;S0irit;# <n the one han', the Matter - it is a sym$ol of the ($sol"te as the in'estr"cti$le hole, the S0ace, here the &isi$le Kni&erse j"st also emerges# (n' the S0irit - is the Mental fo"n'ation of the Kni&erse, the Min' of Matter, an' its change' state# B"t hoe&er, the 0articles 5in, a$sor$ing Ether, are calle' the ,Mother/, an' the ;S0irit; - is 5ang 0articles that emit the Ether# To eA0lain the reasons for s"ch names is eno"gh easy# Ether - is the S0irit# In the 0articles 5in the s0ee' of creation of Ether =of S0irit manifestation? is lo, $"t high rate of its 'estr"ction# In the 0articles 5ang the sit"ation is o00osite - the rate of creation is high an' the rate of 'estr"ction is lo# It t"rns o"t that in the 0articles 5ang the as0ect of the S0irit manifests itself strongly, an' in the 0articles 5in - 0oorly# That is hy "s"ally e call the 0articles 5ang the ;S0irit;# Chile the 0articles 5in - are ;Matter;, $eca"se the 0rocess of 'estr"ction of S0irit an' ret"rning to the original state 'ominates in them# ItMs the ret"rn to the clean Matter, "ns"llie' ith the S0irit# (n' lastly, e tell yo" a$o"t another meaning of ;Matter; an' ;S0irit;# 9onglomerates of the elementary 0articles of each "n'erlying %lan ith res0ect to the 0articles of o&erlying %lans, act as a material 0rinci0le, i#e# Matter# 110 (t the same time, conglomerates of the 0articles of o&erlying %lans ith res0ect to the "n'erlying %lans - itLs the s0irit"al origin - the S0irit# ItMs &ery easy to eA0lain this fact# The 0ercentage of the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion =5ang? from the loer %lans to the "00er gra'"ally increases, an' the 0ercentage of the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction =5in? re'"ces# Th"s from the loer le&els to the to0 the &al"e of the Re0"lsion 7iel's increases an' the magnit"'e of the (ttraction 7iel's 'ecreases# (s recently mentione', 5in 0articles in the occ"lt literat"re e name the Mother, an' 0articles 5ang - the S0irit# It t"rns o"t that each o&erlying %lan ith res0ect to the "n'erlying e sho"l' regar' as the ;S0irit; an' the "n'erlying in this case o"l' $e for it the ;Mother;# Each "00er le&el of any %lan ith res0ect to the loer le&el of the same %lan - is the ;S0irit; an' the loer le&el for it - is the ;Matter;# This means that, for eAam0le, the %hysical %lan for all other %lans - itLs the Matter, an' all others for it - are the S0irit# (stral - is the Matter for all %lans eAce0t %hysical# Mental, the thir' - is material for the B"''hic, (tmic an' Mona'ic, an' for the %hysical an' (stral - the S0irit# B"''hic - is the Matter for the (tmic an' Mona'ic, an' the S0irit for Mental, (stral an' %hysical# (tmic %lan - is the Matter for Mona'ic, for others it - the S0irit# (n' finally, the Mona'ic - is s0irit"al for all other 0lans# The Mineral !ing'om e sho"l' consi'er as the Matter in relation to all the other !ing'oms of .at"re# Re0resentati&es of the Qegeta$le !ing'om - are 'efinitely more s0irit"al# (n' all $eca"se in the conglomerates of (stral 0articles hich forms the g"i'ing 0rinci0le of any 0lant, the 0ercentage of 0articles 5ang is larger an' of 0articles 5in is smaller# (n' the &al"e of the 7iel's of Re0"lsion is higher an' of (ttraction 7iel's is less than in the conglomerates of the %hysical %lan# The ;S0irit; e>"ates to higher %lans an' the ;Matter; - to the loer# The ;S0irit; refers to the thin, i#e# rarefie' s"$stance, an' the ;Matter; - to the 'ense# %lease note that e attri$"te these conce0ts to the s"$stance# The mo'ern esotericist calls $y the Matter the $o'ies an' o$jects aro"n', as ell as his on 'ense $o'y# B"t the ;S0irit; for him =her? is the s"$stance of ;in&isi$le orl'; not 0ercei&e' $y any of o"r senses# In some ays, this &ie is close to the tr"th# 111 The 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion ha&e the a$ility to create the s0arseness of the s"$stance, $eca"se they contin"o"sly 0ost0one the s"rro"n'ing 0articles $y emitting Ether# (t the same time, 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction com0act the material $eca"se they a$sor$ Ether, hich can se0arate the 0articles# Therefore, the s"$stance in the gaseo"s state e may consi'er as more ;s0irit; =ethereal? in com0arison ith a s"$stance in the soli' state, hich, in t"rn, to the gas is more ;material;# Tho"gh, still, 'escri$ing the 'ensity of matter, the $est ay to say - ;s0arse or 'ense matter; an' not s0irit"al or material# Hoe&er, e&ery time yo" meet in the literat"re the reference to material or s0irit"al s0heres, kno that the s0irit"al areas in this case are those that 0ro'"ce ether, an' the material - those that cons"me it# In the series of $ooks of (lice Bailey, hich has a general name ;Treatise on the Se-en 0ays;, the Matter an' S0irit j"st often act from the 0osition of the secon' an' the thir' of the a$o&e meanings# 7or eAam0le, hen the ;Esoteric %sychology; says a$o"t the m"t"al infl"ence of the Rays of the Matter, So"l an' S0irit, these three conce0ts e sho"l' inter0ret in terms of the thir' meaning# The Matter in this case - is the 0articles of the loest %lans of h"man $eing1 the %hysical %lan, the (stral an' Mental# The So"l - is the conglomerates of the 0articles of the B"''hic %lan, an' the S0irit - of the (tmic an' Mona'ic# The Ray - is the same thing as an elementary 0article# 0:1 SHI;A AND 2RAHMA* CAIN AND A2EL* DESTRO7ERS AND CREATORS1 3ishnu corres0on's to the satt&a-g"na# Bhrig" M"ni checke' this kicking Qishn" $y foot in the chest# This 'i' not 0"t 3ishnu o"t of $alance, ,rahma manifeste' Raja an' Shi-a - Tama-g"na ### The Hin'" teAts narrate so# Qishn" =Sanskrit ;com0rehensi&e;? - in Hin'"ism is one of the most im0ortant an' most re&ere' go'sB ith Shi&a an' Brahma, he forms the 'i&ine tria', Trim"rti1 Qishn" - is the kee0er of the Kni&erse, majestic an' terri$le at the same time, $"t less formi'a$le than Shi&a# Qaishna&ites, 'e&otees of Qishn", consi'er him the s"0reme go' - one of his e0ithets - ;s"0reme go';# Brahman, the Hin'" conce0t of the 112 ;($sol"te; or the "ltimate reality, is sometimes 'e0icte' as Qishn"# (ccor'ing to one of the myths from the na&el of Qishn" emerge' the lot"s floer - an' seate' in the center of the floer Brahma $egan the act of creation# The &ery name of ,Shi&a/ emerge' as one of the e"0hemistic e0ithet of R"'ra, create' to 0ro0itiate the terri$le Jo', $"t hereinafter the ,R"'ra/ $ecame an e0ithet of Shi&a# The Resi'ence of R"'ra is in the north, aay from other go's, correlate' ith the east, eA0lains the inter0retation of the 'eity as an alien ='es0ite the fact that he as consi'ere' as the father of the go's of the storm of Mar"ts? to the Qe'ic Jo's# ( legen' of the 'estr"ction $y him of DakshaLs sacrifice in'irectly in'icates on the com0leAity of his incl"sion in the main Hin'" 0antheon - a legen' hich, accor'ing to some ass"m0tions, as the s"$ject of early In'ian rit"al 'rama-.atak# (ccor'ing to this legen' =Maha$harata, Qishn" %"rana, Qay" %"rana?, hen the 'eity of ('itya the Daksha 0erforme' a sacrifice to the Himalayas, ha&ing in&ite' to a feast all the go's, eAce0t R"'ra-Shi&a, the last ith his ;hor'e; arrange' 0ogrom an' 'estroy the &ictim, an' agrees to restore it only hen he ill recei&e a share '"e to him# Ha&ing achie&e' this Shi&a enters into the s"0reme 0antheon, occ"0ying there gra'"ally all the higher 0lace an' 0"shing into the $ackgro"n' many of the major# So Qishn" - is the 0reser&er of the "ni&erse, Brahma - is the creator, Shi&a - the 'estroyer# Qishn" - is Satt&a, Brahma =Brahman? - Rajas, Shi&a - Tamas# (s e ha&e sai', the Matter, the S0irit an' the So"l - are in 'o"$t conce0ts in the occ"lt# <n the one han', they ser&e as the 'efinitions for the glo$al categories as the <riginal S"$stance =the Matter?, its altere' state =the S0irit? an' elementary 0articles =So"ls?# <n the other han', Matter, S0irit an' So"l - these are conce0ts that e "se to characteri3e the >"ality of the 0articles an' their organi3e' systems - re0resentati&es of the &ario"s !ing'oms of .at"re# The 0articles a$sor$ing the S0irit =Ether?, referre' to as the ;Matter; an' emitting the S0irit =Ether? ill $e name' the ;S0irit;# (ccor'ingly, conglomerates of So"ls, here the 0articles of the ty0e ;Matter; 'ominate from the 0oint of &ie of the occ"lt, e sho"l' call as the +atter# 7rom the 0osition of the h"ns, they ha&e a tamasic nat"re# 113 Bo'ies, here the 0articles of the ty0e ;S"irit; 'ominate, e sho"l' call as the S0irit# 7rom the 0osition of the h"ns, their nat"re is rajasic# (s for the $o'ies here the 0articles of $oth ty0es are e>"ally, e sho"l' attri$"te them to the ty0e of ;Soul;# This is the tr"e satt&a, i#e# a harmony of Rajas an' Tamas# Th"s, the Trim"rti of Hin'"ism - Shi-a# ,rahma and 3ishnu - the three of the Jo'hea', hich em$o'y the elementary 0article in terms of their >"ality# The 0articles an' the $o'ies forme' $y them - Tamas# 0ajas and Satt-a# 3ishnu 2 is the Deity o( harmony - the ,odhisatt-a. ,rahma and Shi-a are consistent with such 'hristian characters as )el and 'ain. 114 <r e can say otherise - this is 5in an' 5ang# Brahma - is Rajas, ($el, 5ang# Shi&a - is Tamas, 9ain, 5in# Brahma - itMs e&ol"tion, EAhale, Day, Man&antara# This creati&e act of the S0irit forms the Kni&erse# That is hy Brahma - 9reator# Shi&a - is in&ol"tion, Inhale, .ight, %ralaya ='issol"tion?# This is - the 'estr"ction of the creati&e im0"lse# That is hy Shi&a - the Destroyer# The 0roof that eAactly Shi&a is 9ain is the fact that R"'ra-Shi&a ca0t"res 0art of the sacrifices of Qishn" an' Brahma ith the $attle# The i'ea of Sacrifice in Hin'"ism, in this case resonates ith the i'ea of sacrifice in the <l' Testament# There 9ain an' ($el $ro"ght the sacrifice to the Jo', an' 9ain kille' ($el $eca"se Jo' ha' 0referre' ($elMs incense smoke# Shi&a also he gets a sacrifice ith the $attle# ;Incense smoke of sacrifice; - is Ether =the manifeste' Cor', the S0irit?, an' Shi&a =9ain? lacks to it, so he takes it from Brahma =($el? an' Qishn"# ItMs the same ith the 0articles 5in# They create Ether a little, so they a$sor$ eAternal# HetLs talk more a$o"t 9ain an' ($el# E&e =M"la0rakriti, Mother? ga&e $irth to to sons - 9ain an' ($el# 9ain an' ($el $ro"ght gifts to the Jo'1 9ain - fr"its, ($el - shee0# (n' the Jo' 0referre' the ($elLs gift# Chat 'oes all this meanD 115 'ain and )el - are the So"ls =0articles? arisen in the $o'y of E&e =in the %rimor'ial Matter?, 5in an' 5ang# 7or all their 0ro0erties, they - are the eAact o00osite of each other# 9alling of 9ain - is the Earth# This alone in'icates that the So"l, calle' 9ain, immerse' into this element# So there is - 5in 0articles in the hea&enly $o'ies are in the most n"m$er# Chat 'oes it mean - the Jo' ha' 0referre' the gift of ($el an' ha' not the gift of 9ainD Incense smoke, fragrance, 0leasing to the Jo' - itMs the Cor' of Jo', S0irit, nascent in e&ery So"l# The 0articles ;($el; generate a lot of incense smoke - gi&e $irth to a lot of S0irit# In 0articles ;9ain; the Cor' of Jo' is $orn 0oorly - at the en' they 'o not emit it at all, an' a$sor$# 9ain kille' ($el o"t of jealo"sy# The Jo' sai' to him1 ;What did you doL The -oice o( thy rotherCs lood is crying to me (rom the ground. )nd now you are cursed (rom the earth# which hath o"ened its mouth to recei-e your rotherCs lood (rom thy hand;=Jenesis, 9ha0ter +11*?# <f co"rse, the m"r'er in reality as not# It is an allegory# ;The 3oice o( rotherUs lood; - is the Cor' of Jo', $orn in ($el an' coming thro"gh him, this is the emitte' S0irit# Beca"se the 0articles ;($el; gi&e $irth to a lot of S0irit, an' ;9ain; - a little, recent a$sor$ its $rotherLs &oice - that is, the Cor' of Jo' is gone o"t thro"gh ($el# It is thro"gh the So"ls of 9ain the eAcess (kasha of ($el flos 'on into the earth, ;hich has o0ene' its mo"th; - that is, ret"rns to the Matter ga&e $irth to it# Remem$er the Stan3a of the $ook D3yan# In Stan3a +#1 e can rea'1 ;### $isten# ye Sons o( the Earth# to your !nstructors - the Sons o( the 1ire;# Sons o( the Earth - are the 0articles 5in, Matter, Shi&a, 9ain# Sons o( the 1ire - are the 0article 5ang, S0irit, Brahma, ($el# The Sons of the Earth, i#e# 5in 0articles literally ,listen/ to the Sons of the 7ire, i#e# 5ang 0articles, $eca"se they ha&e to a$sor$ the Ether emitte' $y them# Ce remin' yo" that Ether - is information# (n' no a fe or's a$o"t the Destroyers an' 'reators mentione' in Stan3a 8#81 ;There were ,attles (ought etween the 'reators and the Destroyers# and ,attles (ought (or S"ace;# (lso, in the comments to the Stan3a G E% Bla&atsky s0eaks of the 9reators an' the De&o"rers, an' the B"il'ers an' Destroyers# 116 (ll these e0ithets refer to the 7iery Hi&es, hich are also S0arks, Mona's, (toms, 7orce 9enters, elementary 0articles# 9reators, B"il'ers - are the 5ang# Eaters, Destroyers - are the 5in# ;)tomD !t creates and 4ills= it is sel(-generating and sel(-destroying= it rings into eing# and annihilates ###; =;The Secret Doctrine;, 1?# Self-generating of the (tom =elementary 0article? - is a creation of Ether in it, self-'estroying - is a 'isa00earance ='estr"ction? of Ether# This is e&erything that e talk a$o"t the f"nctions of any elementary 0article# 0<1 SE;EN PLANS ARE THE TOTALITIES OF ELEMENTAR7 PARTICLES1 In esoteric literat"re, 0artic"larly in the $ooks of E# Bla&atsky an' (# Bailey, itMs often mentione' s"ch conce0t as the ;%lans;# Chat is it, hat are they an' ho many of themD ( /lan - it is the totality of So"ls =elementary 0articles?, hich ha&e ithin the s0ace '"ring the initial 0erio' of the Kni&erse a00roAimately the same location# Kn'er the same location of the 0articles e sho"l' here "n'erstan' the stay ithin the same s0herical area of the s0ace# In com0arison, for eAam0le, ith o"r solar system this s0herical region has "nimagina$ly h"ge si3e# In a''ition, ithin a 0lan the 0articles each of three 0rimary colors ha&e the similar magnit"'e of the 7orce 7iel'# The 0articles $elonging to the same %lan can $e anyhere in the s0ace, $"t they ill still $elong to the 0artic"lar %lan# Besi'es this ithin the same %lan the 0articles of each of three main colors are characteri3e' $y the similar &al"e of the 7orce 7iel's# Tho"gh ne&ertheless, initially the 0articles $elonging to the same %lan occ"0ie' in the Kni&erse the same s0here of s0ace# E-ery /lan is the range of &al"es for amo"nt of Ether, 'isa00earing ='estroying? in the 0article 0er "nit of time# This means that ithin the same %lan there are the 0articles as ith $igger &al"es of s0ee' of 'isa00earing Ether, an' ith smaller# B"t in general, the 'ifference in &al"es is not &ery high, hich allos "s to relate s"ch 0articles to one %lan# 117 E&en tho"gh the fact that ithin the %lan there are the 0articles of three 'ifferent colors - re', yello an' $l"e - they are all characteri%ed y the similar s"eed o( destruction o( Ether# HetMs re0eat once more# (s yo" alrea'y kno, the 0articles in a''ition to the 'isa00earance of Ether in them yet create it# Therefore, ithin each 0lan, there are the 0articles ith the same &al"es of 'isa00earing Ether, $"t ith 'ifferent - of create' Ether# Three 0articles ithin a certain 0lan may ha&e the same &al"e of 'isa00earing Ether, $"t at the same time one is $l"e, the other - is yello, an' the thir' - is re'# De0en'ing on the >"ality of elementary 0articles in the Kni&erse there are siA sim0le %lans an' one com0rehensi&e - in total G# Each sim0le %lan com$ines elementary 0articles ith the a00roAimately same magnit"'e of 'isa00earing Ether# Het "s en"merate all eAisting in the Kni&erse sim0le %lans in or'er of 'ecreasing the magnit"'e of amo"nt of 'isa00earing Ether in the forming them 0articles1 ;6 /hysical /lan# si:th= T6 )stral# (i(th= K6 +ental# (ourth= O6 ,uddhic# third= P6 )tmic# second= 86 +onadic# (irst. (mo"nt of Ether, &anishing 0er "nit of time in the 0articles gra'"ally re'"ce from the %hysical %lan to the Mona'ic# In other or's, the s0ee' of 'estr"ction of Ether 'ecreases# If e consi'er the liste' %lans in the form of scale, each 0oint in'icates on the certain &al"e of the rate of 'estr"ction of Ether, corres0on's to three ty0es of 0articles ha&ing 'ifferent s0ee' of creation# These three ty0es of 0articles corres0on' to three 0rimary colors - $l"e, yello an' re'# Esoteric so"rces re0orts that the n"m$er of %lans is not siA, an' se&en# Ce say that there are siA %lans# Ho to eA0lain this 'iscre0ancyD ItLs &ery sim0le# There is no 'iscre0ancy# The n"m$er of %lans is really se&en, not siA# B"t only siA of these 0lans are sim0le# The se&enth %lan - is com0rehensi&e, $ogoic# This is the only %lan, hich is a ;miAt"re; of the 0articles of all siA sim0le %lans# It consists of organi3e' systems forme' $y So"ls 118 =elementary 0articles? of &arying >"ality# The sim0lest re0resentati&es of the Hogoic %lan are the chemical elements of the &egeta$le king'om# (n' hy is not the mineral, for eAam0leD 5es, $eca"se the chemical elements of the mineral king'om contain the elementary 0articles of only one 0lan - %hysical# Ho to 'etermine here one %lan en's an' the other $eginsD Ce consi'er that theoretically make it 0retty easy# 7irst, yo" nee' to esta$lish the scale of the s0ee' of 'estr"ction of Ether for all eAisting 0articles in the Kni&erse# Thereafter, this range e sho"l' 'i&i'e into siA e>"al 0arts# That 0art of the range, here the s0ee' ill $e the highest, corres0on's to the siAth, the %hysical %lan# The loest s0ee' of 'estr"ction corres0on's to the Mona'ic %lan, the first one# The remaining fo"r %lans locate $eteen these to# 0>1 SE;EN RA7S* SE;EN 2ROTHERS* SE;EN SEPHIROTS* SE;EN RISHIS* SE;EN SONS* SE;EN SPIRITS* SE;EN PRINCIPLES - ALL THESE ARE THE SE;EN T7PES OF THE SOULS BELEMENTAR7 PARTICLESC Se&en Rays, Se&en Brothers, Se&en Se0hiroth, Se&en Rishis, Se&en Sons, Se&en S0irits, Se&en %rinci0les ### The list is longer, an' in hat follos, e 0resent other synonyms# Ce not $y chance ha&e collecte' these eA0ressions an' line' them "0 in a ro# They all re0resent the same thing - se&en >"alitati&ely 'istinct each of other emanations of Jo'# If to eA0ress a more familiar lang"age, it is nothing like the Se-en 'olors o( the rainow# Hoe&er, it sho"l' also $e note' here that in the rain$o, i#e# in the s0ectr"m, there are se&en colors an' not siA# The se&enth color, as in the case of the Se&enth %lan is a com0rehensi&e, com$ining siA sim0le# (ltho"gh if e ill $e com0letely acc"rate, only three main colors of siA sim0le - re', yello an' $l"e - e can consi'er as tr"ly sim0le# Three a''itional - orange, green an' 0"r0le - are the com$inations of the main colors# 119 Hoe&er, three a''itional colors - orange, green an' 0"r0le - can also $e attri$"te' to a n"m$er of sim0le, together ith the main colors, as com0are' ith the se&enth color - com0leA# The se-enth color - itLs a rain$o, s0ectr"m, all siA colors together# (s for the clearly eA0resse' light $l"e stri0e in the rain$o, its reason - the $l"e color of the atmos0here# (&aila$le oAygen in the o3one stat"s an' oAygen in the molec"les of ater are an a''itional so"rce of light $l"e 0hotons# ('miAt"re to the $l"e of infrare' 0hotons an' makes the color $l"e, i#e# light $l"e# This eA0lanation is $rief, see more in other $ooks of this series ,Esoteric .at"ral Science/, 'e&ote' to >"estions of 0hysics - for eAam0le, ,Ethereal mechanics/ or ,<0tics/# The most 'etaile' 'emonstration of the meaning of hat are the ;Se&en Rays; e can fin' in the 0ages of the orks of riter-occ"ltist (lice Bailey, of the 'isci0le of one of the Himalayan Mahatmas, Djhal !h"l# The cycle of her $ooks j"st ears this name - ;) Treatise on the Se-en 0ays;# '+he .reat ,reath digs through -pace se-en holes into 0aya to cause them to circumgyrate during Manvantara' 1-ecret *octrine I, 2345. ;Se-en holes into $aya; - are also names of the Se&en Rays# ;Holes in S"ace; - is a &ery a00ro0riate ay, as if e are really talking a$o"t these ;holes;, ;in'os; thro"gh hich the flos of the S0irit stream o"t into the orl'# ;Water o( $i(e; - that is the S0irit - 0o"rs thro"gh the ;holes of the s0ace; into this orl' an' ;floo's; it in s"ch ay, i#e# generates# So hat is the origin of the eA0ression ;The Se&en Rays;D (n' hat is the ;Ray;D '6.+he ,our had not yet struc$7 the 8ay had not yet flashed into the /erm7 the M9tripadma had not yet swollen. 3.,er ,eart had not yet opened for the "ne 8ay to enter, thence to fall, as +hree into &our,into the 0ap of Maya'1-tan:as ;.67;.35. 6. *ar$ness radiates 0ight, and 0ight drops one solitary 8ay into the Waters, into the Mother%*eep. +he 8ay shoots through the <irgin Egg, the 8ay causes the Eternal Egg to thrill, and drop the non%eternal /erm, which condenses into the World%Egg. 3. +he +hree fall into the &our. +he 8adiant Essence ecomes -even inside, -even outside. = 1-tan:a 6.676.35. ;+atri"adma; - is the +atter, hoe&er, as ell as the ;Dar4ness;, ;Water;, ;+other-Dee"; an' &3irgin Egg;# (ll these 120 or's are synonyms of the first as0ect of the 9reator - the <riginal S"$stance# ;&rom the Effulgency of 0ight % the 8ay of the Ever%*ar$ness % sprang in -pace the reawa$ened Energies; 1-tan:a 3.65. ;$ight; - is the S0irit of the Secon' (s0ect of the 9reator, a 0ro'"ct of the Mother, her 7irst-Born Son# ;The Ray of the E&er-Darkness/ - is the S0irit, he is Hight, 7ire, Ether, Energy an' Information# Single ;Ray; - is a So"l, a 0ri&ate, a concrete manifestation of the total, one S0irit# Chy 'o e "se the or' ;Ray;D %ro$a$ly, $eca"se in real life light mo&es in the form of rays# (n' a Ray - is a form of the 0ath tra&ele' $y light 0articles# %erha0s e "se the or' ;Ray; also $eca"se the Hight =S0irit? is characteri3e' $y the Mo&ement - namely, $y rotation tro"gh time# In each elementary 0article =the So"l? it a00ears, an' then 'isa00ears# In general, in the occ"ltism, the ;Mo&ement; is one of synonymo"s names for the S0irit# The S0irit =Hight? rotates# %erha0s this is hy the Hight mo&ing in the So"ls is calle' the ;Ray;# (n' e-ery Soul - this is a concrete# se"arate &0ay o( $ight& 5S"irit6. 121 In the (lice BaileyLs ;Esoteric %sychology; is another name "se' for the Rays - a ;stream o( energy# emanating (rom the .od )lmighty;# <r there are other names - ;line o( (orce; or sim0ly ;the 1orce;# So, hen yo" fin' in the orks of this a"thor these eA0ressions, kee0 in min' that this is the same thing as the ;So"l;# ;Then come the Sons, the Se&en 7ighters, the <ne, the Eight left o"t, an' his Breath hich is the Hight-Maker; =Stan3a +#F?# ;The Se-en 1ighters; - this is one of the synonyms to refer to the Se&en Rays, Se&en ty0es of So"ls# ;Eighth Son# Eighth 1ighter; - this is j"st the S0irit itself, taken in the generali3e' sense, hich manifests itself in e&ery of the remaining se&en sons# The S0irit himself is the Son of the Mother, her 7irst$orn# Hoe&er, itMs taken generally, consi'ere' as a hole# It 'oes not form a sha0e, i#e# 'oes not form the elementary 0articles# ThatLs hy it is sai' a$o"t him that he ha' left asi'e# ;This ,reath which is the $ight-+a4er; - in fact, the S0irit - this is the Breath an' the fact that gi&es light# So, the Se-en 0ays# Se-en ,rothers# Se-en Se"hiroth# se-en 0ishis# Se-en Sons# Se-en S"irits# Se-en /rinci"les 2 this is nothing li4e Se-en ty"es o( Souls# se-en ty"es o( elementary "articles# which we can (ound at any le-el o( any /lan. 122 Cith regar' to s0ecific 0hysical reasons of hy 0articles of re', yello an' $l"e colors are com$ine' to form three a''itional colors - orange, green an' 0"r0le - an' together they form the siA colors of the rain$o - e 'escri$e them in 'etail in the $ook 'e&ote' to the <0tics =series ,Esoteric .at"ral Science/?, in the articles, relating the color theory an' mechanism of occ"rrence of s0ectr"m# Here e only mention that only mo&ing 0articles can create a rain$o# Ce ill say fe or's a$o"t the incl"sion of the conce0ts ;Se&en Rishi; an' ;Se&en Se0hiroth; into the list of synonyms for the se&en ty0es of So"ls# Rishi =sometimes - rsi, Skt# Rsi - seer, sage? - are sages in Hin'"ism, to hom the Jo's o0ene' the Qe'ic hymns# (lrea'y in the Rig&e'a e fin' se&en main ;great; Rishi### Some of Rishi are re0eate' in the n"m$er of %raja0ati, of hich first se&en also as, then eight or e&en ten# To the &ery ancient feat"res of the se&en rishis it $elongs their i'entification ith the se&en stars of the Jreat Bear, $ase', 0erha0s, on the harmony of the or's ;Rishi; an' OrkshaP =OBearP al-Jreek## YZ[\]^, Hat# Krs"s?# Hence there is the tra'ition that the Rishis ere $efore the $ears# Their n"m$er =se&en? "s"ally 0lace' in connection ith a n"m$er of 'ifferent categories of 0riests mentione' in the Qe'ic teAts;# The eAistence of the se&en categories of the 0riests, or else the se&en ty0es of Rishi - is nothing $"t an in'ication for the eAistence of 'ifferent gro"0s of So"ls# ( %riest - is the one ho comm"nicates ith Jo'# 123 (ny So"l =elementary 0article? e can regar' as a kin' of $ri'ge, a connection link $eteen the Internal %lan of the 9reator an' this Manifeste' orl'# Hence the "se of the image of the Se&en Rishis is a sym$ol of the Se&en major ty0es of shoer, or the Se&en Rays, in another ay#
0?1 CONFORMIT7 OF ? RA7S TO ? COLORS1 Three main Rays - ; 5Will6# T 5$o-e6 and K 5)cti-e !ntelligence6 corres0on' to the three $asic colors that eAist in the Kni&erse - re', yello an' $l"e# (s it is knon, these three colors, each of hich in'icates the amo"nt of create' Ether 0er "nit of time =s0ee' of creation? characteri3e all eAisting elementary 0articles =So"ls?# 0ay ; corres"onds to red# 0ay T - yellow# 0ay K - lue. Besi'es three major rays, there are + a''itional# (ll fo"r are synthetic# Three of them consist of to colors =Rays?, an' the fo"rth - of the siA - three major an' three a''itional ones# P 0ay 5'oncrete Knowledge or Science6 corres"onds to the green. It consists of the secon' an' thir' Rays, of yello an' $l"e colors# 8 0ay 5De-otion or !dealism6 2 is orange. It consists of yello an' re', of the secon' an' the first Rays# W 0ay 5Order and 'eremonial +agic6 2 is a "ur"le color. It consists of re' an' $l"e colors, of the first an' the thir' Rays# O 0ay 5Harmony through con(lict6 2 itUs a synthetic 0ay# a s"ectrum# a synthesis o( all si: colors. It is com0ose' of re', orange, yello, green, $l"e an' 0"r0le colors, hich is nothing else than the 1, ), E, +, F an' 8 Rays# (n' in this synthetic + Ray the forming it Rays-colors 'o not $len', each retains its i'entity# 124 The FFuote (rom &Esoteric /sychology&# 3olume ;# )lice ,ailey> ). The Three 0ays o( )s"ect. Ce shall no eA0ress the ray 0"r0ose in the form of an ancient teaching 0reser&e' on lea&es that are so ol' that the riting is sloly fa'ing# I no translate it into mo'ern lang"age tho"gh m"ch is lost there$y# THE 1!0ST /U0/OSE O1 DE!T@ 0ay !. Will or /ower. Behin' the central sacre' s"n, hi''en ithin its rays, a form is fo"n'# Cithin that form there glos a 0oint of 0oer hich &i$rates not as yet $"t shines as light electric# 7ierce are its rays# It $"rns all forms, yet to"ches not the life of Jo' incarnate# 7rom the <ne ho is the se&en goes forth a or'# That or' re&er$erates along the line of fiery essence, an' hen it so"n's ithin the circle of the h"man li&es it takes the form of affirmation, an "ttere' fiat or or' of 0oer# Th"s there is im0resse' "0on the li&ing mol' the tho"ght of# ##### =the hi''en, ineA0ressi$le ray name#? Het 'ynamic 0oer, electric light, re&eal the 0ast, 'estroy the form that is, an' o0en "0 the gol'en 'oor# 125 This 'oor re&eals the ay hich lea's toar's the centre here 'ells the one hose name cannot $e hear' ithin the confines of o"r solar s0here# His ro$e of $l"e &eils his eternal 0"r0ose, $"t in the rising an' the setting s"n his or$ of re' is seen# His or' is 0oer# His light, electric# The lightning is his sym$ol# His ill is hi''en in the co"nsel of his tho"ght# .o"ght is re&eale'# His 0oer is felt# The sons of men, reacting to his 0oer, sen' to the "tmost $o"n's of light a >"estion1 Chy this $lin' 0oerD Chy 'eathD Chy this 'ecay of formsD Chy the negation of the 0oer to hol'D Chy 'eath, <h Mighty Son of Jo'D 7aintly the anser comes1 I hol' the keys of life an' 'eath# I $in' an' loose again# I, the Destroyer, am# This ray Hor' is not yet in f"ll eA0ression, eAce0t as He ca"ses 'estr"ction an' $rings cycles to an en'# The Mona's of 0oer are m"ch feer in n"m$er than any others# Egos "0on the 0oer ray are relati&ely not so fe# They are characterise' $y a 'ynamic ill, an' their 0oer ithin the h"man family orks o"t as the force of 'estr"ction, $"t in the last analysis it is a 'estr"ction that ill 0ro'"ce li$eration# Ce shall see as e contin"e to st"'y first ray egos an' 0ersonalities that 'eath an' 'estr"ction are alays to $e fo"n' in their ork, an' hence the a00arent cr"elty an' im0ersonality of their reactions# 7orm 'oes not co"nt ith first ray ty0es their energy 0ro'"ces 'eath to form, $"t "shers in great 0erio's of cyclic 0ralayaB the first ray is the controller of the 'eath 'rama in all king'omsWa 'estr"ction of forms hich $rings a$o"t release of 0oer an' 0ermits ;entrance into Hight thro"gh the gateay of Death#; The intent of the Hor' of the first ray is to stan' $ehin' His siA Brothers, an' hen They ha&e achie&e' Their 0"r0ose, to shatter the forms hich They ha&e $"ilt# This He 'oes $y 0assing His 0oer thro"gh Their $o'ies, an' Their "nite' effort lea's to a$straction an' a ret"rn to the center hence the initial im0"lse came# The first ray 0"r0ose therefore is to 0ro'"ce 'eath, an' some i'ea of that 0"r0ose may $e gleane' if e st"'y some of the names $y hich the ray Hor' is calle'1 The Hor' of Death The <0ener of the Door The Hi$erator from 7orm 126 The Jreat ($stractor The 7iery Element, 0ro'"cing shattering The 9rystalli3er of the 7orm The %oer that to"ches an' ith'ras The Hor' of the B"rning Jro"n' The Cill that $reaks into the Jar'en The Ra&isher of So"ls The 7inger of Jo' The Breath that $lasts The Hightning hich annihilates The Most High The >"alities an' characteristics of this Hor' Cho $rings release may $e gathere' from the folloing siA a0horisms hich, an ancient legen' says, His siA Brothers ga&e to Him, as They $egge' Him to hol' His han' till They ha' ha' time to ork o"t Their 0"r0oses1 1# !ill o"t 'esire hen 'esire has f"lfille' its ork# Tho" art the one ho in'icates f"lfillment# :"ality######clear &ision# )# Seek o"t the gentle ay, <h Hor' of %oer# Cait for thy $rother on the 0ath of Ho&e# He $"il's the forms that can ithstan' thy 0oer# :"ality###### 'ynamic 0oer# E# Cithhol' the han' "ntil the time has come# Then gi&e the gift of 'eath, <h <0ener of the Door# :"ality######sense of time# +# Stan' not alone, $"t ith the many join thyself# Tho" art the <ne, the Isolate'# 9ome forth "nto thine on# :"ality###### solitariness# F# Hea' thine on forth $"t learn to kno thine on# Hate not attachment $"t see its 0lan an' 0"r0ose# :"ality###### 'etachment# 8# Thro"gh thee the life 0"lsates, the rhythm is im0ose'# The life is all# Ho&e life in all its forms# :"ality######singleness of 0"r0ose# The siA >"alities en"merate' a$o&e eA0ress the force of this ray as it makes its 0resence felt in the fo"rth king'om in nat"re# The effects in other king'oms 'iffer, $"t e shall confine o"r attention to the stan'0oint of h"manity# The 0"r0ose of the first ray, an' its main ork, is to 0ro'"ce cessation an' the 'eath of all forms in all king'oms in nat"re an' on all 0lanes# The energy of this ray Hor' $rings a$o"t the 127 'eath of an ant or of a solar system, of an organisation, a religion, or a go&ernment, of a race ty0e or of a 0lanet# His ill or 0"r0ose orks o"t thro"gh the la of 0erio'icity# THE SE'O*D /U0/OSE O1 DE!T@ 0ay !!. $o-e-Wisdom The Cor' is iss"ing from the heart of Jo', emerging from a central 0oint of lo&e# That Cor' is lo&e itself# Di&ine 'esire colo"rs all that life of lo&e# Cithin the h"man hierarchy, the affirmation gathers 0oer an' so"n'# The Cor' in the $eginning as# The Cor' hath 'elt an' 'ells ith Jo'# In Him as light# In Him as life# Cithin His light e alk# His sym$ol is the th"n'er, the Cor' that cycles 'on the ages# Some of the names of this ray Hor' hich con&ey his 0"r0ose are as follos1 The Dis0layer of Jlory The Hor' of Eternal Ho&e The 9osmic Magnet The Ji&er of Cis'om The Ra'iance in the 7orm The Master B"il'er The 9onferrer of .ames The Jreat Jeometrician The <ne Cho hi'es the Hife The 9osmic Mystery The Hight Bringer The Son of Jo' Incarnate The 9osmic 9hrist The legen' tells "s that the siA Brothers s"mmarise His >"alities in the folloing a0horisms1 1# Sen' forth the Cor' an' s0eak the ra'iant lo&e of Jo'# Make all men hear# :"ality######lo&e 'i&ine# )# Het the glory of the Hor' shine forth# Het there $e ra'iant light as ell as ra'iant lo&e# :"ality######ra'iance# E# Dra to thyself the o$ject of thy search# %"ll forth into the light of 'ay from o"t the night of time the one tho" lo&est# 128 :"ality######attraction# +# Chen light an' lo&e are shen forth then let the 0oer ithin 0ro'"ce the 0erfect floer# Het the or' that heals the form go forth# That secret or' that then m"st $e re&eale'# :"ality######the 0oer to sa&e# F# Sal&ation, light, an' lo&e, ith the magnetic 0oer of Jo', 0ro'"ce the or' of is'om# Sen' forth that or', an' lea' the sons of men from off the 0ath of knole'ge on to the 0ath of "n'erstan'ing# :"ality######is'om# 8# Cithin the ra'i"s of the lo&e of Jo', ithin the circle of the solar system, all forms, all so"ls, all li&es re&ol&e# Het each son of Jo' enter into this is'om# Re&eal to each the <neness of the many li&es# :"ality######eA0ansion or incl"si&eness# The thir' ray, hich is one that has a &ery long cycle, ha&ing $een in manifestation since (#D# 1+)F, has a 'irect effect "0on the fifth root race, the (ryan, an' has connecte' ith it a set of c"rio"s 0hrases hich eA0ress its 0"r0ose# THE TH!0D /U0/OSE O1 DE!T@ 0ay !!!. )cti-e !ntelligence or )da"taility Het the Car'en of the So"th contin"e ith the $"il'ing# Het him a00ly the force Chich ill 0ro'"ce the shining li&ing stone that fits into the tem0leLs 0lan ith right eAactit"'e# Het him 0re0are the corner stone an' isely 0lace it in the north, "n'er the eye of Jo' Himself, an' s"$ject to the $alance of the triangle# Het the Researcher of the 0ast "nco&er the tho"ght of Jo', hi''en 'ee0 ithin the min' of the !"maras of Ho&e, an' th"s let him lea' the (gnish&att&as, aiting ithin the 0lace of 'arkness, into the 0lace of light# Het the !ee0er of the s0arks $reathe ith the $reath 'i&ine "0on the 0oints of fire, an' let him kin'le to a $la3e that hich is hi''en, that hich is not seen, an' so ill"mine all the s0heres hereon Jo' orks# I o"l' call attention to the fact that all I can 'o here is to 0"t into or's certain ancient sym$ols, an' so em0hasi3e the 0rocess =a'o0te' $y the early initiate-teachers? of en"nciating a or' or so"n', hich 0ro'"ces a sym$olic form, hich in its t"rn, is ca0a$le of translation into or's# These m"st in their t"rn $e com0rehen'e' int"iti&ely an' a'a0te' to in'i&i'"al nee', an' th"s $e assimilate' into the life 0ractice# <therise these ancient an' interesting i'eas, these inter0retati&e names, 129 an' these a0horisms, con&eying the ;0oer of >"alities;, are orse than "seless an' ser&e $"t to increase res0onsi$ility# The ca0acity to see o$jecti&e significances an' then a00ly them to life is an eA0ression of the tr"e esoteric sense# If one st"'ies these ta$"lations an' 0hrases ith care, they ill $e fo"n' to con&ey in'ication as to oneLs in'i&i'"al ray, life ten'encies an' 0"r0oseB if the a00eal the &ario"s statements make anent a 0artic"lar ray e&oke an int"iti&e "n'erstan'ing on the 0art of the st"'ent, so that he recognises himself, his ray energy an' as0ects of his latent an' 'ee0ly 'esire' s0irit"al nat"re, then these comm"nications I am making here as to %"r0ose, .ame an' :"ality ill $e 0rofita$le an' "sef"l# Some of the names of the Hor' of the thir' ray in'icate His "se of force an' His real nat"re# They are as follos1 The !ee0er of the Recor's# The Hor' of Memory The Knifier of the loer 7o"r The Inter0reter of That Chich is seen The Hor' of Balance The Di&ine Se0arator The Discriminating Essential Hife The <ne Cho 0ro'"ces (lliance The Three-si'e' Triangle Tenty-7o"r Books of Esoteric %hiloso0hy 9o0yright _1II4 HK9IS TRKST The Ill"minator of the Hot"s The B"il'er of the 7o"n'ation The 7orer"nner of the Hight The <ne Cho &eils an' yet re&eals The Dis0enser of Time The Hor' of S0ace The Kni&ersal Min' The Threefol' Cick The Jreat (rchitect of the Kni&erse an' many others terms hich in'icate relation to light, to time, to s0ace, to the manifeste' Hogos, to matter an' to the ;0oer hich e&okes the form#; If all these names are st"'ie' in connection ith mo'ern 'e&elo0ments or mo'ern c"lt"re an' science, it ill $ecome a00arent ho 0otent an' infl"ential in o"r 'ay an' time is this 0artic"lar ray Hife, 130 an' ho His energies =ha&ing 0ro'"ce' the tangi$le o$jecti&e orl's? are t"rne' to the manifestation of o"r mo'ern ci&ilisation, ith its material em0hasis, its search as to the nat"re of time an' s0ace, an' that mental "nfol'ment hich it is the glory an' the 'estiny of o"r 0artic"lar race to 'emonstrate# The >"alities hich characterise this ray Hor' might $e en"merate' in the folloing 0hrases# Ce m"st $ear in min' that the se&enth or synthetic characteristic of each of the rays is 'enote' $y the ray name an' is not s0ecifically state' in the other siA >"alities# His siA Brothers, Sons of the one 7ather, chante' these inj"nctions to Him on the 'ay of His renee' acti&ity =on hat e call the 'ay of creation?1 1# %ro'"ce the '"al form an' &eil the life# Het form a00ear, an' 0ro&e itself 'i&ine# (ll is of Jo'# :"ality######the 0oer to manifest# )# 9onform the shell to that hich 'ells ithin# Het the orl' egg a00ear# Het ages 0ass, then let the so"l a00ear# Het life emerge ithin a 'estine' time# :"ality######the 0oer to e&ol&e# E# Het min' control# Het the clear shining of the s"n of life re&eal the min' of Jo', an' set the shining one "0on his ay# Then lea' him to the central 0oint here all is lost ithin the light s"0ernal# :"ality######mental ill"mination# +# Jo' an' His form are one# Re&eal this fact, <h so&ereign Hor' of form# Jo' an' His form are one# .egate the '"al conce0t# Hen' colo"r to the form# The life is oneB the harmony com0lete# %ro&e th"s the to are one# :"ality###### the 0oer to 0ro'"ce synthesis on the 0hysical 0lane# F# %ro'"ce the garment of the Hor'B set forth the ro$e of many colo"rs# Then se0arate that ro$e from That Chich hi'es $ehin' its many fol's# Take off the &eiling sheaths# Het Jo' $e seen# Take 9hrist from off the cross# :"ality######scientific in&estigation# 8# Het the to 0aths con&erge# Balance the 0airs of o00osites an' let the 0ath a00ear $eteen the to# Jo' an' the %ath an' man are one# :"ality######$alance# Th"s the three major rays s"m "0 in themsel&es the 0rocess of creation, of energising, thro"gh the "rge of the 'i&ine illB an' the ork of the fo"r minor rays =as they are calle', tho"gh ith no i'ea of there 131 $eing lesser or greater? is to ela$orate or 'ifferentiate the >"alities of the life, an' so 0ro'"ce the infinite m"lti0licity of forms hich ill ena$le the life to ass"me its many 0oints of foc"s an' eA0ressWthro"gh the 0rocess of e&ol"tionary manifestationWits 'i&erse characteristics# ,. The 1our 0ays o( )ttriute. THE 1OU0TH /U0/OSE O1 DE!T@ 0ay !3. Harmony# ,eauty# )rt 9olo"r, an' yet no colo"r no is seen# So"n' an' the so"n'less <ne meet in an infinite 0oint of 0eace# Time an' the timeless <ne negate the tho"ghts of men# B"t time is not# 7orm is there fo"n', an' yet the 0sychic sense re&eals that hich the form is 0oerless to hi'e,Wthe inner synthesis, the all-em$racing 0rism, that 0oint of "nity hichWhen it is '"ly reache'Wre&eals a f"rther 0oint here all the three are one, an' not the to alone# 7orm an' its so"l are merge'# The inner &ision atches oLer the f"sion, knos the 'i&ine relation an' sees the to as one# B"t from that 0oint of high attainment, a higher &ision $la3es forth $efore the o0ene' inner eye# The three are one, an' not alone the to# %ass on, < 0ilgrim on the Cay# In rea'ing these or's, the st"'ent m"st $ear in min' that the antecham$er has $een left $ehin' an' man stan's =hen he has alloe' the fo"rth ray to 'o its ork an' can therefore f"nction on the fo"rth or $"''hic 0lane? ithin the tem0le of the Hor'# He has fo"n' a meas"re of light, $"t in that light he no sees light, an' &isions a greater re&elation an' $rilliance# This no $ecomes the o$ject of his search# He has mastere' the "ses of '"ality an' has learnt to at-one so"l an' $o'y into one instr"ment for s0irit# .o he 0asses on his ay to achie&e the greater synthesis# The Hor' of the fo"rth ray has many names hich arrant caref"l st"'y an' m"ch consi'eration# In less than a h"n're' years this Hor' of harmonising 0oer ill ha&e more infl"ence an' ill offset some of the Sat"rn 'isr"0tion of the first 'ecanate of (>"ari"s# In the meantime a st"'y of His names ill 0ro'"ce a sim0lification of His efforts an' $"il' "0 a $o'y of constr"cti&e tho"ght hich ill facilitate His ork hen He is again in acti&e manifestation# He is alays, hoe&er, more or less in 0oer here the h"man family is concerne', for there is a n"merical alliance $eteen the fo"rth ray, the fo"rth 9reati&e Hierarchy, or the 132 h"man mona's, an' the fo"rth king'om in nat"re# His 0oer is alays conse>"ently acti&e# The %ercei&er on the Cay The Hink $eteen the Three an' Three The Di&ine Interme'iary The Han' of Jo' The Hi''en <ne The See', that is the 7loer The Mo"ntain hereon 7orm 'ies The Hight ithin the Hight The 9orrector of the 7orm The <ne Cho marks the 0arting of the Cay The Master The Deller in the Holy %lace The Hoer than the Three, the Highest of the 7o"r The Tr"m0et of the Hor'# The a0horisms connecte' ith this fo"rth ray are not easy of com0rehension# They re>"ire an eAercise of the int"ition an' are con&eye' $y siA short an' eAcessi&ely $rief comman's "ttere', c"rio"sly eno"gh, late in the creati&e 0erio' an' at the time hen the fo"rth 9reati&e Hierarchy came into incarnation1 1# S0eak lo the Cor'# S0eak lo# :"ality######0oer to 0enetrate the 'e0ths of matter# )# 9ham0ion 'esire# Ji&e hat is nee'e' to the seeker# :"ality######the '"al as0ects of 'esire# E# Hoer the threa'# Knfol' the Cay# Hink man ith Jo'# (rise# :"ality######0oer to re&eal the 0ath# +# (ll floers are thine# Settle the roots in m"', the floers in s"n# %ro&e m"' an' s"n, an' roots an' floers are one# :"ality######0oer to eA0ress 'i&inity# Jroth# F# Roll an' ret"rn, an' roll again# 9ycle aro"n' the circle of the Hea&ens# %ro&e all is one# :"ality######the harmony of the s0heres# 8# 9olo"r the so"n'# So"n' forth the colo"r# %ro'"ce the notes an' see them 0ass into the sha'es, hich in their t"rn 0ro'"ce the so"n's# Th"s all are seen as one# :"ality######the synthesis of tr"e $ea"ty# This instr"ction on the rays is of 'ee0er significance than can as yet $e com0rehen'e'# 9aref"l systematic st"'y an' a sane refraining 133 from the forming of ra0i' 'e'"ctions ill $e the isest ay in hich to a00roach its consi'eration# It is not 0ossi$le for me to 'eal ith the 'efinite h"man 0sychological a00lications at this early stage# I am occ"0ie' ith starting a general o"tline, ith the im0artation of i'eas, ith the gro"n'ing of a fe $asic conce0ts in the conscio"sness of the rea'er, an' ith an attem0t to clothe this most a$str"se an' 'iffic"lt s"$ject in s"ch a form that some ne rhythm of tho"ght may $e set in motion, an' some ne realisations $e gras0e' an' hel'# These concern at 0resent a 0rototy0al cosmic 0rocess, an' ill lea' e&ent"ally to an "n'erstan'ing of the 0art an in'i&i'"al may 0lay in a st"0en'o"s cosmic hole#Ce $egin ith the "ni&ersal an' en' ith the 0artic"lar, hich is e&er the tr"ly occ"lt metho'# Hoe&er, all that I am 0ositing a$o"t a ray Hife may $e e>"ally ell 0osite' anent a h"man life, $"t it sho"l' $e $orne in min' that the 0"re ray ty0e 'oes not as yet eAist, for there is not to $e fo"n' that 0erfect form, mechanism or eA0ression of the ray >"ality, nor that a$sol"tely 0"rifie' a00earance in the h"man family, eAce0t in s"ch rare cases as the B"''ha, or 9hrist, an' =in another fiel' of eA0ression? an (leAan'er or 6"li"s 9aesar# Heonar'o 'a Qinci as an analogo"s eA0ression# The rays concern energy an' conscio"sness, an' 'etermine eA0ression, $"t here the matter "tilise' an' the &ehicle informe' is as yet im0erfectly e&ol&e', there is then limitation an' the ;t"ning o"t; a"tomatically of m"ch of the energy# The effect of ray force, orking thro"gh im0erfect forms, m"st $e 'istorte' an' c"rtaile' an' misa00lie'# Het me ill"strate# I ha&e sai' that first ray energy orks o"t as the 'estr"ction of formsB it m"st $e remem$ere' that a 0"re 'estroyer is "tterly "nknon, an' mercif"lly for the race this is so# It is a $eneficent con'ition that as yet a first ray ego is so han'ica00e' an' limite' $y the form nat"re an' the >"ality of that form nat"re that it is "na$le to make a'e>"ate or intelligent "se of its 'estr"cti&e force# 7irst ray 0ersonalities are oft 'estr"cti&e, as ell yo" kno, $"t the energy generate' is ins"fficient to ork m"ch harm# (gain, 0"re lo&e is inca0a$le of eA0ression to'ay, its flo $eing im0e'e' $y the form nat"re# ( consi'eration of these to cases ill hel0 the rea'er to a00reciate the sit"ation# B"t the time is near at han' herein there ill $e a f"ller eA0ression of ray 0"r0ose, ty0e or >"ality, an' therefore a tr"er a00earance# This is oing to the imminent a00earance, or manifestation, of certain great Hi&es Cho ill em$o'y the energy of rays to, three, fi&e 134 an' se&en# They ill th"s constit"te focal 0oints for the inflo of these fo"r ty0es of 'i&ine energy an', this ill 0ro'"ce a tremen'o"s stim"lation of their corres0on'ing an' res0on'ing "nits of life# These fo"r Beings, Cho ill a00ear as h"man $eings in the fiel' of the mo'ern orl', may $e looke' for $efore the en' of this cent"ry an' Their "nite' effort ill ina"g"rate 'efinitely the .e (ge, an' "sher in the 0erio' hich ill go 'on in history as the time of glory for the fifth root race# Each of these fo"r Masters, for that They ill $e, is also s"$jecti&ely the focal 0oint for a tri0le inflo of energy from the centre in the Bo'y of Jo' hich is sym$olically s0oken of as ;the heart of the S"n#; 7or each ray is in its t"rn a tri0le manifesting entity as is the solar Deity Himself# Ho&e ill $e Their o"tstan'ing characteristic, an' thro"gh that attracti&e magnetic force the ne forms ill come into $eing hich ill 0ermit of 0"rer ray ty0es, an' th"s of more tr"ly eA0ressi&e a00earances# ( great 'eal of the 'estr"cti&e energy eAtant in the orl' to'ay is '"e to the 0resence on the astral 0lane of a first ray 'isci0le of the 0lanetary Hogos# His ork it is to clear the ay for the manifestation of these other fo"r major Disci0les, Cho are 0rimarily B"il'ersB They ill enter on Their ork hen the task of the reckers of form has $een accom0lishe'# I sho"l' like here to gi&e a s"ggestion, for it is necessary that some of the metho's of the Hierarchy sho"l' $egin to $e "n'erstoo'# The ork of hat in the Cest is calle' ;the 9hrist %rinci0le; is to $"il' the forms for the eA0ression of >"ality an' life# That is the characteristic ork of the secon' as0ect of 'i&inity# The ork of the (ntichrist is to 'estroy forms, an' this is essentially the ork of the first eA0ression of 'i&inity# B"t the ork of the 'estroyer is not the ork of $lack magic, an' hen ignorant h"manity regar's (ntichrist as orking on the $lack si'e, their error is great# His ork is as $eneficent as that of the $"il'ing as0ect, an' it is $"t manLs hatre' of the 'eath of forms hich makes him regar' the ork of the 'estroyer as ;$lack,; as $eing against the 'i&ine ill, an' as s"$&ersi&e of the 'i&ine 0rogramme# The ork of the re0resentati&es of that mysterio"s 0oer hich e call cosmic e&il, an' their res0on'ing re0resentati&es, is in'ee' orthy of the or' ;$lack;B $"t it is not a00lica$le to the ork of (ntichrist# It might $e a''e' that the ork of the $lack forces ells "0 from $elo, hilst the ork of the 'estroyers is im0elle' from a$o&e# The sym$ols of these to ays are the sor' an' the cross# 135 (fter these 0reliminary remarks, hich are inten'e' to in'icate the magnit"'e of the s"$ject, e shall no 0rocee' to an analysis of the three rays hich still remain to $e consi'ere'# THE 1!1TH /U0/OSE O1 DE!T@ 0ay 3. 'oncrete Knowledge or Science The th"n'ers crash aro"n' the mo"ntain to0B 'ark clo"'s conceal the form# The mists, arising from the atery s0here, ser&e to 'istort the on'ro"s###### fo"n' ithin the secret 0lace# The form is there# Its note is so"n'ing forth# ( $eam of light ill"minates the formB the hi''en no a00ears# !nole'ge of Jo' an' ho He &eils Himself fin's cons"mmation in the tho"ghts of man# The energies an' forces recei&e their secret names, re&eal their inner 0"r0ose, an' all is seen as rhythm, a ret"rning on itself# The great scroll can no $e rea'# Jo'Ls 0"r0ose an' His 0lans are fiAe', an' man can rea' the form# The 0lan takes form# The 0lan is form# Its 0"r0ose is the re&elation of the min' of Jo'# The 0ast re&eals the form, $"t the 0resent in'icates the floing in of energy# That hich is on its ay comes as a clo"' hich &eils the s"n# B"t hi' $ehin' this clo"' of immanence is lo&e, an' on the earth is lo&e an' in the hea&en is lo&e, an' this,Wthe lo&e hich maketh all things neW m"st stan' re&eale'# This is the 0"r0ose $ack of all the acts of this great Hor' of !nole'ge# Before en"merating the names of this great Hife, I sho"l' like to 0oint o"t that the fifth ray is one of "ni>"e an' 0ec"liar 0otency in relation to the h"man king'om# The reason is that the fifth 0lane of min' is the s0here of His major acti&ity an' it is on this 0lane that e fin' the tri0le as0ects of min'1 1# ($stract or higher min', the em$o'iment of a higher tria'# )# The concrete or loer min', the highest as0ect of the loer self# E# The ego or solar (ngel, the 0"re Son of Min', Cho eA0resses intelligence, $oth a$stractly an' concretely, an' is the 0oint of "nification# This Hife has also m"ch 0oer to'ay in connection ith the fifth root-race an' ith the transference of the conscio"sness of h"manity into the fifth or s0irit"al king'om# St"'ents o"l' learn m"ch if they contraste' the $"il'ing 0oer of the higher min' ith the 'estroying 0oer of the loer# 6"st as the 0ersonality has no other f"nction in the 136 'i&ine 0lan than to $e a channel for, an' the me'i"m of eA0ression of, the so"l, so the loer min' is inten'e' to $e the channel for the 0"re inflo of higher min' energy# This fifth ray is a Being of the intensest s0irit"al light an' in His manifestation on this fifth 0lane, hich is 0ec"liarly His, He sym$olises the three as0ects in a ay achie&e' $y no other ray# Thro"gh His >"ality of higher min', this ray is a 0"re channel for the 'i&ine ill# Thro"gh the se0tenary gro"0ing of the solar li&es on the mental le&els hereon they a00ear, He $ro"ght into f"nctioning acti&ity se&en corres0on'ing reflections of the se&en centres of Deity, as far as o"r 0lanet is concerne', a thing hich none of His siA $rother rays ha&e 'one# This statement means little to yo", $"t the tremen'o"s sacrifice an' effort th"s in&ol&e' are 0arallele' only $y the life of the B"''ha, an' this is one of the reasons hy, in this fifth race, lo&e an' min' m"st e&ent"ally an' m"t"ally re&eal each other# Some of the names gi&en to the Hor' of this ray are as follos1 The Re&ealer of Tr"th The great 9onnector The Di&ine Interme'iary The 9rystalli3er of 7orms The Three-fol' Thinker The 9lo"' "0on the Mo"ntain-to0 The %reci0itator of the 9ross The Di&i'ing Sor' The Cinnoer of the 9haff The 7ifth great 6"'ge The Rose of Jo' The Hea&enly <ne The Door into the Min' of Jo' The Initiating Energy The R"ler of the Thir' Hea&en The J"ar'ian of the Door The Dis0enser of !nole'ge The (ngel ith the 7laming Sor' The !ee0er of the Secret The Belo&e' of the Hogos The Brother from Siri"s The Master of the Hiero0hants 137 This fifth ray has so many names, oing to His close connection ith man =since man as originally create'?, that it has not $een easy to choose those hich are of the most "se in ena$ling the st"'ent to form an i'ea of the fifth ray characteristics an' missionB $"t the st"'y of the siA a0horisms, an' the >"alities hich they in'icate, ill sho ho 0otent an' im0ortant is this ray Hor'# These siA a0horisms ere chante' $y His siA Brothers at that momento"s crisis herein the h"man family came into eAistence an' the solar (ngels sacrifice' themsel&es# Esoterically s0eaking, they ;ent 'on into hell, an' fo"n' their 0lace in 0rison#; <n that 'ay so"ls ere $orn# ( ne king'om of eA0ression came into $eing, an' the three highest 0lanes an' the three loer ere $ro"ght into a scintillating interchange# 1# Jo' an' His (ngels no arise an' see# Het the mo"ntainto0s emerge from o"t the 'ense et mist# Het the s"n to"ch their s"mmits an' let them stan' in light# Shine forth# :"ality###### emergence into form an' o"t of form# )# Jo' an' His (ngels no arise an' hear# Het a 'ee0 m"rm"r rise an' let the cry of seeking man enter into their ears# Het man listen# Het man call# S0eak lo"'# :"ality######0oer to make the Qoice of the Silence hear'# E# Jo' an' His (ngels no arise an' to"ch# Bring forth the ro' of 0oer# EAten' it o"tar' toar' the sons of menB to"ch them ith fire, then $ring them near# Bring forth# :"ality###### initiating acti&ity# +# Jo' an' His (ngels no arise an' taste# Het all eA0erience come# Het all the ays a00ear# Discern an' chooseB 'issect an' analyse# (ll ays are one# :"ality######re&elation of the ay# F# Jo' an' His (ngels no arise an' sense the o'or rising from the $"rning-gro"n' of man# Het the fire 'o its ork# Dra man ithin the f"rnace an' let him 'ro0 ithin the rose-re' centre the nat"re that retar's# Het the fire $"rn# :"ality######0"rification ith fire# 8# Jo' an' His (ngels no arise an' f"se the many in the <ne# Het the $len'ing ork 0rocee'# Het that hich ca"ses all to $e 0ro'"ce the ca"se of their cessation# Het one tem0le no emerge# %ro'"ce the croning glory# So let it $e# 138 :"ality######the manifestation of the great hite light# =The Shekinah# (#(#B#? There is m"ch of 0ractical "sef"lness to the rea'er in a st"'y of these >"alities# Chen he $elie&es himself to $e "0on a 0artic"lar ray, they ill in'icate to him some of the characteristics for hich he may look, an' 0erha0s 'emonstrate to him hat he has to 'o, hat he has to eA0ress, an' hat he has to o&ercome# These >"alities sho"l' $e st"'ie' from to angles1 their 'i&ine as0ect an' their re&erse as0ect or the form si'e# This ray, for instance, is shon to $e the re&ealer of the ay, an' it sho"l' $e remem$ere' therefore that this fifth ray re&eals the ay 'on into 'eath or into incarnation =hich is the 'eath-like 0rison of the so"l?, or it re&eals the ay "0 an' o"t of 'arkness into the 0"re light of Jo'Ls 'ay# I mention this as I am eAcee'ingly anAio"s that all ho rea' this treatise sho"l' make a00lication of this teaching to their 'aily li&es# I am not intereste' in im0arting eir' or "n"s"al items of information anent these matters for the 'electation of an "nhealthy mental a00etite# The stocking of the memory ith occ"lt 'etail hich ser&es no "sef"l 0"r0ose only strains the $rain cells an' fee's the 0ri'e# THE S!VTH /U0/OSE O1 DE!T@ 0ay 3!. De-otion or !dealism This ray hich is j"st going o"t of manifestation, is of &ital interest to "s, for it has set its mark "0on o"r estern ci&ilisation in a more 'efinite ay than any of the others# It is for "s the most familiar an' the $est knon of the rays# The mantram hich 'efines its 0"r0ose is "nlike the others an' might $e eA0resse' somehat as follos1 The 9r"sa'e is on# The arriors march "0on their ay# They cr"sh an' kill all that im0e'es their ay, an' a"ght that rises on their onar' 0ath is tram0le' "n'er foot# March toar's the light# The ork goes forar'# The orkers &eil their eyes from 0ity as from fear# The ork is all that co"nts# The form m"st 'isa00ear so that the lo&ing s0irit may enter into rest# .a"ght m"st arrest the 0rogress of the orkers ith the 0lan# They enter "0on the ork assigne' ith 0aean an' ith song# The cross is reare' on highB the form is lai' thereon, an' on that cross m"st ren'er "0 its life# Each $"il's a cross hich forms the cross# They mo"nt "0on the cross# Thro"gh ar, thro"gh ork, thro"gh 0ain an' toil, the 0"r0ose is achie&e'# Th"s saith the sym$ol# 139 It ill $e note' ho this 0"r0ose, hen a00lie' $y man to himself, orks his release# Chen a00lie' $y man to man, it has 0ro'"ce' the corr"0t an' af"l story of manLs cr"elty to man# In the a$o&e mantram yo" ill fin' the cl"e to the siAth ray 0"r0ose as it a00ears in the h"man king'om, an' a close eA0ansi&e st"'y =note that 0ara'oAical 0hrase? of the "n'erlying i'eas ill re&eal a little of the larger 0"r0ose# The so"l is an' sho"l' $e 0itiless to its form an' its 0ro$lem# The so"l can, hoe&er, com0rehen' the nee' for 0ain an' 'iffic"lty in the orl', for he can eAten' a knole'ge of his on techni>"e ith himself to the techni>"e of Jo' ith His orl'B $"t he 'oes nothing knoingly that co"l' 0ossi$ly increase the orl'Ls 0ain or sorro# Some of the names for this $eneficent yet somehat &iolently energise' Hor' of a ray are as follos1 The .egator of Desire The <ne Cho sees the Right The Qisioner of Reality The Di&ine Ro$$er The De&otee of Hife The Hater of 7orms The Carrior on the March The Sor' Bearer of the Hogos The K0hol'er of the Tr"th The 9r"cifier an' the 9r"cifie' The Breaker of Stones The Im0erisha$le 7laming <ne The <ne Chom .a"ght can t"rn The Im0laca$le R"ler The Jeneral on the %erfect Cay The <ne Cho lea's the Tel&e 9"rio"sly eno"gh, this siAth ray Hor' has alays $een a lo&e' enigma to His siA Brethren# This comes o"t in the >"estions hich They a''resse' to Him on one occasion hen They met ;"n'er the eye of the Hor'; to interchange Their 0lans for "nite', 'i&ine, harmonio"s action# They aske' these >"estions in a s0irit of hea&enly joy an' lo&e, $"t ith the intent to thro some light "0on the somehat o$sc"re >"ality of Their lo&e' Brother# 1# Chy is 'esire re'D Chy re' as $loo'D Tell "s, <h Son of Jo', hy thy ay is re' ith $loo'D :"ality######0oer to kill o"t 'esire# 140 )# Chy 'o yo" t"rn yo"r $ack "0on the s0here of earthD Is it too small, too 0oorD Chy kick it as a $all "0on a 0laying fiel'D :"ality###### s0"rning that hich is not 'esire'# E# Chy set the cross from earth to hea&enD B"t earth can $e a hea&en# Chy mo"nt the cross an' 'ieD :"ality######self-immolation# +# Chy $attle th"s ith all that is aro"n'D Seek yo" not 0eaceD Chy stan' $eteen the forces of the night an' 'ayD Chy th"s "nmo&e' an' calm, "ntire' an' "nafrai'D :"ality##### en'"rance an' fearlessness# F# See yo" not Jo' in all, the life in all, an' lo&e in allD Chy se0arate yo"rself an' lea&e $ehin' the lo&e' an' the ell-knonD :"ality######0oer to 'etach oneself# 8# 9an yo" arrest the aters of the siAth great s0hereD 9an yo" stem he floo'D 9an yo" reco&er $oth the ra&en an' the 'o&eD 9an yo", the 7ish, sim freeD :"ality######o&ercoming the aters of the emotional nat"re# This o"t-going ray of 'e&otion to the i'eal, an' the incoming ray of magical or'er or organisation are largely res0onsi$le for the ty0e of manLs conscio"sness to'ay# Man is essentially 'e&ote' =to the 0oint of fanaticism? to hate&er may $e the goal of his lifeLs attention# This goal may $e to achie&e 'isci0leshi0, or to raise a family, or to get money, or to achie&e 0o0"larity, or any other o$jecti&e to hich he consecrates his time an' energyB $"t hate&er it may $e, to it he 'e&otes all that he is or has# Man also is essentially an' inherently a 0ro'"cer of la an' or'er, tho"gh this >"ality is only j"st $eginning to make its 0resence felt# This is $eca"se mankin' is, at last, $ecoming mentally centre', an' hence e ha&e in the orl' at this time the many an' &arie' attem0ts to straighten o"t affairs along $"siness, national, economic, social an' other lines, to 0ro'"ce some system an' or'er, an' to $ring a$o"t the re-arranging of all energies ith the o$jecti&e ="nrealise' conscio"sly as yet? of ina"g"rating the .e (ge# <ing, hoe&er, to 'efecti&e mental control an' to an almost "ni&ersal ignorance as to the las of tho"ght, an' in a''ition, to a 0rofo"n' lack of knole'ge as to manLs on nat"re, man orks $lin'ly# The i'eals sense' are not correctly inter0rete' $y the min' nor a00lie' in s"ch a ay that they are of general an' a00ro0riate a00lication# Hence the conf"sion an' the chaotic 141 eA0erimentation going on, an' hence also the im0osition of 0ersonal a"thority to enforce an in'i&i'"alLs i'ea of the i'eal# The nee' to'ay is for so"n' teaching as to the las of tho"ght, an' the r"les hich go&ern the $"il'ing of those tho"ght-forms hich m"st em$o'y the i'eas sent forth from the "ni&ersal 'i&ine Min'# Men m"st $egin on the s"$jecti&e 0lanes of life to ork o"t the nee'e' or'er# Chen this is realise', e shall ha&e e&ery im0ortant gro"0 of men engage' in orl' affairs, or in the ork of go&ernment in all its $ranches, ai'e' on the mental 0lane $y traine' thinkers, so that there may $e right a00lication an' correct a'j"stment to the %lan# This time is as yet far aay, an' hence the 'istortions an' misre0resentations on earth of the %lan as it eAists in hea&en, to "se the 9hristian 0hraseology# It as the realisation of the 0resent orl' nee' for ill"mine' thinkers an' s"$jecti&e orkers hich 0rom0te' Those Cho g"i'e so to 'irect the incoming s0irit"al energies that the formation of the esoteric gro"0s e&eryhere came a$o"tB it le' also to the 0"$lication of the mass of mystical an' <riental literat"re on me'itation an' allie' to0ics hich has floo'e' the orl' to'ay# Hence also the effort that I, a orker on the inner si'e of life, am making to teach the neer 0sychology in this treatise, an' so sho to man hat is his e>"i0ment an' ho ell s"ite' he is to the ork for hich he has $een create', an' hich he has as yet faile' to com0rehen'# The force an' the effect of the se&enth ray infl"ence ill, hoe&er, re&eal to him the magical ork, an' the neAt tenty fi&e h"n're' years ill $ring a$o"t so m"ch change an' make 0ossi$le the orking of so many so-calle' ;miracles; that e&en the o"ter a00earance of the orl' ill $e 0rofo"n'ly altere'B the &egetation an' the animal life ill $e mo'ifie' an' 'e&elo0e', an' m"ch that is latent in the forms of $oth king'oms ill $e $ro"ght into eA0ression thro"gh the freer flo an' the more intelligent mani0"lation of the energies hich create an' constit"te all forms# The orl' has $een change' $eyon' $elief '"ring the 0ast fi&e h"n're' years, an' '"ring the neAt to h"n're' years the changes ill $e still more ra0i' an' 'ee0-seate', for the groth of the intellect"al 0oers of man is gathering moment"m, an' Man, the 9reator, is coming into 0ossession of His 0oers# THE SE3E*TH /U0/OSE O1 DE!T@ 0ay 3!!. 'eremonial Order or +agic 142 ;Het the Tem0le of the Hor' $e $"ilt;, the se&enth great (ngel crie'# Then to their 0laces in the north, the so"th, the est an' east, se&en great sons of Jo' mo&e' ith meas"re' 0ace an' took their seats# The ork of $"il'ing th"s $egan# The 'oors ere close'# The light shone 'im# The tem0le alls co"l' not $e seen# The se&en ere silent an' their forms ere &eile'# The time ha' not arri&e' for the $reaking forth of light# The Cor' co"l' not $e "ttere'# <nly $eteen the se&en 7orms the ork ent on# ( silent call ent forth from each to each# 5et still the tem0le 'oor staye' sh"t# (s time ent on, the so"n's of life ere hear'# The 'oor as o0ene', an' the 'oor as sh"t# Each time it o0ene', the 0oer ithin the tem0le greB each time the light aAe' stronger, for one $y one the sons of men entere' the tem0le, 0asse' from north to so"th, from est to east an' in the centre of the heart fo"n' light, fo"n' "n'erstan'ing an' the 0oer to ork# They entere' thro"gh the 'oorB they 0asse' $efore the Se&enB they raise' the tem0leLs &eil an' entere' into life# The tem0le gre in $ea"ty# Its lines, its alls, its 'ecorations, an' its height an' 'e0th an' $rea'th sloly emerge' an' entere' into light# <"t from the east, the Cor' ent forth1 <0en the 'oor to all the sons of men ho come from all the 'arkene' &alleys of the lan' an' seek the tem0le of the Hor'# Ji&e them the light# Kn&eil the inner shrine, an' thro"gh the ork of all the craftsmen of the Hor' eAten' the tem0leLs alls an' th"s irra'iate the orl'# So"n' forth the Cor' creati&e an' raise the 'ea' to life# Th"s shall the tem0le of the light $e carrie' from hea&en to earth# Th"s shall its alls $e reare' "0on the great 0lains of the orl' of men# Th"s shall the light re&eal an' n"rt"re all the 'reams of men# Then shall the Master in the east aaken those ho are aslee0# Then shall the ar'en in the est test an' try all the tr"e seekers after light# Then shall the ar'en in the so"th instr"ct an' ai' the $lin'# Then shall the gate into the north remain i'e o0en, for there the "nseen Master stan's ith elcoming han' an' "n'erstan'ing heart, to lea' the 0ilgrims to the east here the tr"e light shines forth# ;Chy this o0ening of the tem0leD; 'eman' the greater Se&en# Beca"se the ork is rea'yB the craftsmen are 0re0are'# Jo' has create' in the light# His sons can no create# Chat can else $e 'oneD; ;.a"ghtN; came the anser from the greater Se&en# ;Het the ork 0rocee'# Het the sons of Jo' create#; 143 These or's ill $e note' $y many as of 'ee0 significance an' as in'icating a i'e intention ='"ring the coming cycle? to o0en the 'oor i'e into the tem0le of the hi''en mystery to man# <ne $y one e shall "n'ergo the esoteric an' s0irit"al co"nter0art of the 0sychological factor hich is calle' ;a mental test#; That test ill 'emonstrate a manLs "sef"lness in mental ork an' 0oer, it ill sho his ca0acity to $"il' tho"ght-forms an' to &italise them# This I 'ealt ith in ( Treatise on Chite Magic, an' the relation of that treatise to the magical ork of the se&enth ray an' its cycle of acti&ity ill $ecome increasingly a00arent# ( Treatise on Chite Magic is an attem0t to lay 'on the r"les for training an' for ork hich ill make it 0ossi$le for the can'i'ate to the mysteries to enter the tem0le an' to take his 0lace as a creati&e orker an' th"s ai' in the magical ork of the Hor' of the Tem0le# The names here$y this ray Hor' is knon are many, an' their meaning is of 0rime significance to'ay# The ork of the f"t"re can $e seen from a st"'y of these names# The Kn&eile' Magician The Corker in the Magical (rt The 9reator of the 7orm The Bestoer of Hight from the Secon' Hor' The Mani0"lator of the Can' The Catcher in the East The 9"sto'ian of the Se&enth %lan The In&oker of Crath The !ee0er of the Magical Cor' The Tem0le J"ar'ian The Re0resentati&e of Jo' The <ne Cho lifts to Hife The Hor' of Death The <ne Cho fee's the Sacre' 7ire The Chirling S0here The Sor' of the Initiator The Di&ine (lchemical Corker The B"il'er of the S>"are The <rienting 7orce The 7iery Knifier The !ey to the Mystery The EA0ression of the Cill The Re&ealer of Bea"ty 144 This ray Hor' has a 0ec"liar 0oer on earth an' on the 0hysical 0lane of 'i&ine manifestation# His "sef"lness to His siA Brothers is therefore a00arent# He makes Their ork a00ear# He is the most acti&e of all the rays in this orl' 0erio', an' is ne&er o"t of manifestation for more than fifteen h"n're' years# It is almost as if He hirle' in an' o"t of acti&e ork "n'er a &ery ra0i' cycle, an' His closest relation, sym$olically, is to His Brethren of the secon' an' fifth rays in this orl' 0erio'# He $"il's ="sing secon' ray coo0eration? thro"gh the 0oer of tho"ght =th"s coo0erating ith the Hor' of the fifth ray an' on the 0hysical 0lane, hich is His on essential an' 0ec"liar s0here?# In another orl' 0erio' His relation ith the other ray Hor's may "n'ergo change, $"t at this time His ork ill $e more easily "n'erstoo' hen He is recognise' as ai'ing the $"il'ing Hor' of the secon' ray an' "tilising the energies of the Hor' of concrete tho"ght# The a0horisms em$o'ying His >"alities r"n as follos, an' ere esoterically his0ere' into His ears hen He ;left the most high 0lace an' 'escen'e' into the se&enth s0here to carry o"t the ork assigne'#; 1# Take thy tools ith thee, $rother of the $"il'ing light# 9ar&e 'ee0# 9onstr"ct an' sha0e the li&ing stone# :"ality######0oer to create# )# 9hoose ell thy orkers# Ho&e them all# %ick siA to 'o thy ill# Remain the se&enth in the east# 5et call the orl' to enter into that hich tho" shalt $"il'# Blen' all together in the ill of Jo'# :"ality######0oer to coo0erate# E# Sit in the centre an' the east as ell# Mo&e not from there#Sen' o"t thy force to 'o thy ill an' gather $ack thy forces# Kse ell the 0oer of tho"ght# Sit still# :"ality###### 0oer to think# +# See all 0arts enter into the 0"r0ose# B"il' toar's $ea"ty, $rother Hor'# Make all colo"rs $right an' clear# See to the inner glory# B"il' the shrine ell# Kse care# :"ality######re&elation of the $ea"ty of Jo'# F# Catch ell thy tho"ght# Enter at ill into the min' of Jo'# %l"ck thence the 0oer, the 0lan, the 0art to 0lay# Re&eal the min' of Jo'# :"ality######mental 0oer# 145 8# Stay in the east# The fi&e ha&e gi&en thee a frien'ly Cor'# I, the siAth, tell thee to "se it on the 'ea'# Re&i&e the 'ea'# B"il' forms ane# J"ar' ell that Cor'# Make all men seek it for themsel&es# :"ality######0oer to &i&ify# Th"s e ha&e st"'ie' a little the ork of the se&en rays# The teaching has ha' to $e con&eye' sym$olically an' its "n'erstan'ing necessitates an aakene' esoteric senseB to com0rehen' it all is not as yet 0ossi$le# The 9hohans of the siAth initiation ha&e the g"i'ance of those "nits of conscio"sness in hom their 0artic"lar ray &i$ration an' color 0re'ominate# The &ast im0ortance of this fact is often o&erlooke', e&en hen theoretically acknole'ge' $y as0irants to initiation# Hence the im0ortance of 'etermining the ray of the ego an' of the Mona',W something of &ital moment after the thir' initiation# ( majority an' a minority alays eAist in e&ery 'e0artment of life# So it is in the ork of the Hogos, for at the en' of the greater cycle =man&antara? the majority ill fin' their ay to the synthetic lo&e rayB a small minority ill fin' their ay to the 0oer ray# This minority are 'estine' for an im0ortant f"nction# They ill constit"te the n"cle"s hich =in the neAt solar system? ill constit"te the majority, fin'ing their synthesis on ray one# This is a great mystery an' not easily "n'erstoo'# Some hint toar's its sol"tion ill $e fo"n' hi''en in the real meaning of the or's ;eAoteric; an' ;esoteric#; The fact sho"l' $e remem$ere' that only fi&e rays 'ominate at any one time# (ll manifest, $"t only fi&e 'ominate# ( 'istinction sho"l' $e ma'e $eteen the rays 'ominating in a solar system an' those 'ominating in a scheme, or a chain# To this reference has $een ma'e in ( Treatise on 9osmic 7ire# Three rays o"t of the se&en synthesise# <ne ray o"t of the three ill synthesise at the c"lmination# 7or the first solar system the thir' ray as the synthetic ray, $"t for this solar system the secon' ray is the synthetic ray, an' for the neAt solar system the first ray ill 0erform a similar f"nction# To rays are largely the goal of h"man en'ea&o"r, the first ray an' the secon' ray# <ne ray is the goal of the 'e&a or angel e&ol"tion, the thir' ray# (ll these three rays contact the to 0oles, an' the attainment of the goal at the en' of the cycle marks the achie&ement of the solar Hogos# This again is hi''en in mystery# The se&enth ray an' the first ray 146 are &ery closely allie', ith the thir' ray linking them, so that e ha&e the relation eA0resse' th"s,W 1# E# G# There is a close association also $eteen rays )# +# 8#, ith the fifth ray in a 0ec"liar 0osition, as a central 0oint of attainment, the home of the ego or so"l, the em$o'ie' 0lane of min', the 0oint of cons"mmation for the 0ersonality, an' the reflection in the three orl's of the threefol' mona'# Ray I#####Cill, 'emonstrating as 0oer in the "nfol'ing of the %lan of the Hogos# Ray III###('a0ta$ility of acti&ity ith intelligence# This ray as the 'ominant one in the 0ast solar systemB it is the fo"n'ation or $asis of this system, an' is controlle' $y the Mahachohan# Ray QII##9eremonial rit"al or organisation# This is the reflection on the 0hysical 0lane of the to a$o&e, an' is likeise connecte' ith the Mahachohan# It controls the elemental forces an' the in&ol"tionary 0rocess an' the form si'e of the three king'oms in nat"re# It hol's hi' the secret of 0hysical colo"r an' so"n'# It is the la# These three rays together em$race an' em$o'y all# They are %oer, (cti&ity an' the Ha in manifestation# Ray II####Ho&e an' Cis'om, the synthetic ray hich is the goal for this system, hol'ing all in close harmony an' relation# Ray IQ###The eA0ression of Harmony, $ea"ty, m"sic an' "nity# Ray QI###The ray of De&otion to the ar'o"r of as0iration, an' of the sacrifice of the 0ersonal self for the goo' of all, ith the o$ject in &ie of harmony an' $ea"ty, im0elle' thereto $y lo&e# These to gro"0s of rays might $e relate' to each other as follos1 Rays 1# E# G are the great rays connecte' ith the form, ith the e&ol"tionary 0rocess, ith the intelligent f"nctioning of the system, an' ith the las controlling the life in all forms in all the king'oms in nat"re# Rays )# +# 8 are the rays connecte' ith the inner life, eA0an'ing thro"gh those forms,Wthe rays of moti&e, as0iration an' sacrifice# Rays 0re-eminently of >"ality# Rays 1# E# G 'eal ith things concrete an' ith the f"nctioning of matter an' form from the loest 0lane to the highest# Rays )# +# 8 'eal ith things a$stract, ith s0irit"al eA0ression thro"gh the me'i"m of form# Ray F # # # #forms the connecting link of the intelligence# 147 0@1 :A FIRES OF 2RAHMA1 In occ"lt literat"re e can fin' the folloing eA0ression - ;+I 7ires of Brahma;# Chat is its meaningD ;The 1ire o( ,rahma; - this is the Thir' Hy0ostasis of the ($sol"te, the So"l, an elementary 0article# Chere e took the fig"re ;+I;D It is more logical ay to eA0lain the fig"re +I as the 0ro'"ct of G $y G# (t the same time one of these ;Se&ens; - a n"m$er of %lans that eAist in the Kni&erse# The secon' ;Se&en; - is the n"m$er of colors, or, in other or's, the n"m$er of $asic ty0es of So"ls, eAisting at each le&el of each %lan# (s alrea'y mentione', the n"m$er of colors in the s0ectr"m - siA, se&en instea'# The se&enth color - a com0rehensi&e, res"lt of the com$ination ith each other the 0articles of siA sim0le colors# The m"lti0lication of the se&en %lans for the se&en colors gi&es, in the en', ;+I 7ires of Brahma; - +I $asic ty0es of ;7ires of Brahma; =elementary 0articles?# The 0articles are a$le to form s0ectra only hile they are in motion# The 0articles are really at rest anyhere in the s0ace, 'o not form a s0ectr"m# (t resting 0osition, the 0articles 'o not form a''itional colors - orange, green, 0"r0le# This is the first# The secon' - only the mo&ing 0articles are a$le to get into o"r &is"al analy3er# (n' the thir' - o"r &is"al analy3ers as markers of colors "se only 0hotons in the &isi$le range# (n' thatLs not all# Take, for eAam0le, the s0ectr"m forme' $y &isi$le 0hotons# The &isi$le 0hotons in the s0ectr"m are not characteri3e' $y the same &al"e of the 'isa00earing Ether# That is hy the affiliation of the 0articles to any s0ectr"m e canMt regar' as one of the to factors "n'erlying the classification of ;+I 7ires of Brahma;# The &isi$le s0ectr"m - is not only of all# The n"m$er of s0ectra, e&en ithin the same 0lan =for eAam0le, the same %hysical? is large# <"r $o'ies j"st are not a$le to 0ercei&e the other s0ectra, eAce0t the &isi$le# 148 B"t, $y the ay, the 0articles that form o"r H"man 9onscio"sness =consisting of 0articles of B"''hic %lan? recei&e all the 0articles in contact ith them, any >"ality, any %lan - in other or's, can ;see; each 0article, hich a'join# The 0articles not only B"''hic, $"t any other %lan 0ossess this a$ility# Th"s, the eA0ression ;OX 1ires o( ,rahma; can $e regar'e' as an in'ication of the a$ility to classify all eAisting in the Kni&erse elementary 0articles# To &al"es 0erform $y the $est ay the f"nction of classifying factors - the s0ee' of 'estr"ction of Ether =that forms the $asis of classification of %lans? an' the s0ee' of creation# ;+I 7ires of Brahma; - it is the totality of eAisting in the Kni&erse the elementary 0articles of &arying >"ality, as ell as the chemical elements that com$ine all sorts of 0articles# <f co"rse, that ;the ty0es of elementary 0article; - is a relati&e conce0t# ItLs like 'i&isions s"00orte' on any scale, $eteen hich there are myria's of interme'iate &al"es# There is an ass"m0tion that the eA0ression ;Twice Se-en; hich e can meet in the Stan3a D3yan, it is not nothing $"t a 'o"$le Se&en - i#e# all the same to se&ens - Se&en %lanes an' Se&en 9olors# Here is the eAact teAt of the >"ote1 ;Then the Three, the <ne, the 7o"r, the <ne, the 7i&e - the Tice Se&en, the S"m Total; =Stan3a E#E?# 0A1 THE CLASSIFICATION OF PARTICLES 27 THE ELEMENTS1 The ancient Jreek 0hiloso0hers $elie&e' that only fe ;$asic elements; $"il' the Earth# Em0e'ocles of (kragant ho li&e' a$o"t +E* B9 has i'entifie' fo"r of these elements1 earth, air, fire an' ater# (ristotle intro'"ce' another fifth element - Ether# (n elementary 0article - is a So"l, a 7orce 9enter, an' S0irit - is an ethereal ;cloth; create' $y this center an' 'isa00earing into it# Ether =S0irit? has a relation to any 0article# So e can eAcl"'e Ether from this classification# There remain fo"r elements - Earth# 1ire# Water and )ir# (s for elementary 0articles, each of them 'e0en's on the >"ality that e can attri$"te to one of these fo"r elements# 149 H% Bla&atsky calls the Brahma in the ;Secret Doctrine; $y the ,1our-1aced ,rahma/# The Stan3as of ;Book D3yan; say that ;The Three (all into the 1our; =Stan3a E#+?# The 1our-1aced ,rahma an' the 1our# into which the Three (all - are the fo"r 0rimary elements, the fo"r elements of hich e are s0eaking# <f co"rse, the 7o"r-7ace' Brahma, an' transformation of Three into 7o"r - is nothing more than a sym$olic image# The n"m$er ;Three; 0oints "s to the Hy0ostases of the 9reator =Matter, S0irit, So"l?, an' th"s gi&es "s the $asic information a$o"t $asic $"il'ing $locks of the Kni&erse# Hoe&er, j"st the n"m$er ;7o"r; in'icates that not all elementary 0articles are i'entical an' there are &ario"s ty0es of them# 150 The classification of 0articles $y the ,elements; e can "se in to ays1 a$sol"te an' relati&e# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;6 THE ),SO$UTE 3E0S!O* O1 THE '$)SS!1!')T!O* The a$sol"te &ersion of the classification can "se for all eAisting 0articles in the Kni&erse# In this case, the elements ;Earth; an' ;7ire; are the 0articles of the loest le&el of the %hysical %lan# The elements ;Cater; an' ;(ir; are a$o&e all the 0articles of the to0 le&el of the Mona'ic %lan# %articles of all other %lans ha&e interme'iate o0tions $eteen the eAtreme co"0les of the elements# In the a$sol"te &ersion of the classification fo"r elements re0resent eAtreme ty0es of eAisting elementary 0articles# The 0articles ith a high s"eed o( destruction o( Ether refer to the elements ;Earth; an' ;1ire;# The 0articles ith a low s"eed o( destruction o( Ether refer to the elements ;Water; an' ;)ir;# The 0articles ith a low s"eed o( creation o( Ether refer to the elements ;Earth; an' ;Water;# The 0articles ith a high s"eed the creation o( Ether re(er to the elements ;1ire; an' ;)ir;# Th"s, in 0articles of the element ;Earth; Ether 'isa00ears ith a high s0ee', an' creates ith a lo# In 0articles of the element ;1ire; as the s0ee' of 'estr"ction of Ether an' creation is high# 151 In 0articles of the element ;)ir; the s0ee' of 'estr"ction is lo, an' the s0ee' of creation is high# In 0articles of the element ;Water; as the s0ee' of 'isa00earance an' creation is lo# !n the "articles in the (irst turn their own Ether disa""ears 2 Ether created y them. The 0articles of the element ;Earth; an' close to them $y >"ality in a small ay ;meet their nee's; for the 'eficiency of Ether at the eA0ense of their on create' Ether - as 0er "nit of time they create a little Ether, an' it 'isa00ears into them a lot# The 0articles of the element ;7ire; an' close to them $y >"ality com0letely 0ro&i'e themsel&es ith Ether, $eca"se it 'isa00ears in them a lot an' creates a lot# The 0articles of the element ;Cater; an' close to them $y >"ality little nee' for Ether of the s"rro"n'ing fiel' as tho"gh they create a little $"t 'o not nee' m"ch Ether, $eca"se they it 'isa00ears in them ith &ery lo s0ee'# E&ent"ally, the 0articles of the element ;(ir; an' close to them $y >"ality, as ell as the 0articles of the element ;Cater; 'o not feel the nee' in the s"rro"n'ing ether, as they create a lot, an' 'estr"ct a little# The 0articles of the elements ;Earth; an' ,Cater; ha&e the 7iel's of (ttraction - Ether, mo&ing to them from the am$ient ethereal fiel'# The 0articles of the elements ;7ire; an' ;(ir; ha&e the 7iel's of Re0"lsion - Ether, coming into the s"rro"n'ing ethereal fiel'# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T6 THE SHU)0E O1 THE E$E+E*TS& 7o"r elements are the 0ointers of eAtreme &ariants of eAisting 0articles in the Kni&erse# <ne can imagine this classification gra0hically as a s>"are here each angle is one of the elements an' each of eAisting 0articles e can 0osition on one si'e of the s>"are# 152 3The "K.are %D the Elemet"3 - !" the cla""!D!cat!% %D elemetar' +art!cle"1 The h%r!E%tal "!,e" %D the "K.are 4 are the ra&e" %D "+ee, %D creat!% %D Ether ! the +art!cle"1 The (ert!cal "!,e" 4 are the ra&e" %D "+ee, %D ,e"tr.ct!% %D Ether1 2l.e* 'ell%$ a, re, l!e" are the t%tal!t!e" %D +art!cle"* ,e+e,!& % the "+ee, %D creat!% %D Ether ! them 4 !1e1 the t%tal!t!e" %D +art!cle" %D three +r!mar' c%l%r"1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The &ertical si'e of the s>"are is a range of &al"es of s0ee' of 'estr"ction of Ether# The n"m$er of s"ch &al"es can $e infinite# The hori3ontal - is the s0ee' of creation# It has in total three 0ossi$le &al"es corres0on'ing to three 0rimary colors - $l"e, yello an' re'# Bl"e corres0on's to the loest s0ee' of creation of Ether, re' - to the highest an' yello is interme'iate $eteen $l"e an' re'# The n"m$er of 0articles of clear ty0es as a 0ercentage is negligi$le# The o&erhelming majority of eAisting in the Kni&erse 0articles has interme'iate >"ality# This means that a &al"e of the rate of creation of Ether e can locate anyhere on the si'es-ranges $eteen ;Earth; an' ;Cater; or ;7ire; an' ;(ir;# 153 In the ranges e sho"l' attri$"te the 0article to the element to hich it is 'is0lace'# Take, for eAam0le, a 0article of ;Earth-Cater;, hich locates on the si'e $eteen the corners of ;Earth; an' ;Cater;, an' closer to ;Cater;# The >"ality of this 0article may $etter s"it to the element ;Cater;# The eAternal manifestation of the >"ality of the 0articles is more con&enient to com0are along the lines corres0on'ing to the colors# <n the si'e of the s>"are ;Earth-Cater; =the line corres0on'ing to the $l"e color?, all 0articles ha&e the 7iel' of (ttraction# (t the same time the &al"e of the 7iel' 'ecreases from the ;Earth; to ;Cater;# <n the si'e of the s>"are, ;7ire-(ir; =the line corres0on'ing to the re' color?, all 0articles ha&e the 7iel' of Re0"lsion# Its &al"e increases from ;7ire; to ;(ir;# (n' finally, along the line connecting the centers of the si'es ;Earth-7ire; an' ;Cater-to-(ir; =line corres0on'ing to the yello color?, from $elo an' to the mi''le of the line the 0articles ha&e the 7iel's of (ttraction, an' from the mi''le to the "00er - the 7iel's of Re0"lsion# The 0articles are eAactly in the mi''le of the line are ne"tral# The 0articles of the $ottom half of the ;yello line; an' of the "00er half of the ;$l"e line; ha&e e>"al magnit"'e of 7iel's of (ttraction# Hoe&er, the >"ality of the 0articles of $oth ranges is com0letely 'ifferent# The 0articles of the "00er half of the ;$l"e line; 'estroy Ether ith the loer s0ee' than the 0articles of the loer half of the yello line an' create ith more s0ee'# B"t as a res"lt the 0articles of $oth lines sho o"tsi'e the same >"ality - the 7iel's of (ttraction# (n' the 7iel's of (ttraction an' those an' other are e>"al# Similarly, the 0articles of the lo half of the ;re' line; an' of the "00er half of the ;yello line; ha&e e>"al magnit"'es of the 7iel's of Re0"lsion, altho"gh the >"ality of those an' others are 'ifferent# The 0articles of the "00er half of the ;yello line; 'estroy Ether ith a loer s0ee' com0are' ith the 0articles of the loer half of the ;re'-line;# Hoe&er, the s0ee' of creation of the ;"00er yello; is less than of the ;loer re';# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K6 &THE S')$E O1 THE E$E+E*TS& 154 3The "cale %D the Elemet"3 4 !" a l!ear (er"!% %D the cla""!D!cat!% %D +art!cle" acc%r,!& t% the elemet"1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 0articles of the loer half of the scale of the elements ha&e the 7iel's of (ttraction, an' the 0articles of the "00er half - the 7iel's of Re0"lsion# The 0articles of the interme'iate >"ality e can characteri3e $y the same magnit"'e of the 7iel's of (ttraction or Re0"lsion# Hoe&er, their >"ality is 'ifferent# The 0articles of the loer half of the ;yello line; an' the "00er half of the ;$l"e line; ha&e e>"al magnit"'e of the 7iel's of (ttraction# B"t the >"ality of the 0articles of $oth ranges is com0letely 'ifferent# The 0articles of the "00er half of the ;$l"e line; 'estroy an' create less Ether com0are' ith the 0articles of the loer half of the ;yello line;# (s a res"lt, the ratio of 'estroye' an' create' Ether in the 0articles of $oth ranges is the same# Similarly, the 0articles of the loer half of the ;re' line; an' the "00er half of the ;yello line; ha&e e>"al magnit"'es of the 7iel's of Re0"lsion, altho"gh the >"ality of these an' other is 'ifferent# The 0articles of the "00er half of the ;yello line; 'estroy an' create less Ether com0are' ith the 0articles of the loer half of the ;re' line;# Hoe&er, the ratio of the 'estroye' an' create' Ether in the 0articles of $oth ranges is the same# 155 The 0articles of the loer half of the $l"e line - are the 0articles of the element ;Earth;# The 0articles of the "00er half of the $l"e line an' the loer half of the yello together are the element ;Cater;# The 0articles of the "00er half of the yello line an' the loer of re' - itMs ;7ire;# 7inally, the "00er half of the re' line - this is elementary 0articles of the element ;(ir;# 5o" can make s"ch glo$al classification# (n' at the same time as yo" ill see f"rther, in any %lan yo" can select the ranges for the s0ee' of 'estr"ction of Ether, ithin each of hich the 0articles of three 0rimary colors can $e classifie' into fo"r elements in the same ay as ithin the hole Kni&erse# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O6 THE 0E$)T!3E 3E0S!O* O1 THE '$)SS!1!')T!O* The relati-e -ersion of the classification eAists for com0aring the >"ality of the 0articles ithin the same %lan# S"00ose e e&al"ate the >"ality of to 0articles# They ha&e a small 'ifference in the amo"nt of 'isa00earing Ether# (n' an amo"nt of create' Ether in these 0articles is i'entical an' corres0on's to the re' color# If yo" "se the relati&e classification, the 0article that 0er "nit of time creates less Ether, ill $e closer to the element ;7ire; than to the element ;(ir;# The relati&e &ersion of the classification e "se in astrology to characteri3e the >"alitati&e an' >"antitati&e com0osition of elementary 0articles that come to the Earth from the S0ace# 651 SE;EN HIERARCHIES1 The Hierarchy - is a conce0t hich relates to all the same Se&en B"il'ers, Se&en %rinci0les of the Kni&erse =Se&en Brothers, Se&en Rishis, etc#?, i#e#, to the Se&en main ty0es of So"ls# The B"il'er - this is the Mona' =(tom, 0article, %oer 9enter, etc#?# 156 (s yo" kno, in the manifeste' Kni&erse there are se&en %lans# Moreo&er, the Se&enth is the entire Kni&erse as hole or some $eing that incl"'es all 8 sim0le %lans =s"ch $eing e name as Mahatma?# (t any le&el of any %lan originally there ere three ty0es of Mona's =0articles?# They corres0on' to three 0rimary colors - $l"e, yello an' re'# The $l"e create the S0irit ith the loest s0ee', re' - ith the highest# 5ello - ha&e the interme'iate s0ee'# The $l"e - are 5in# The re' - are 5ang# The yello on the loer %lans act as 5in =a$sor$ the S0irit?, an' on the "00er - 5ang =emit?# Ce can 'i&i'e e&ery %lan into small ranges# Cithin each of these ranges from "00er to loer the s0ee' of a$sor0tion of the S0irit =the &al"e of 7iel's of (ttraction? increases - in the 0articles 5in, an' the s0ee' of emission rate =the &al"e of the 7iel' of Re0"lsion? falls - in the 0articles 5ang# If the so"rce of 0articles =any heate' $o'y? emits these three $asic ty0es of 0articles, an' they mo&e =of co"rse, $y inertia?, then 0ro&i'e' the same initial moment"m making them to mo&e, they ill mo&e ith a 'ifferent s0ee' '"e to that each of these 0articles ill ha&e its on 7orce of Re0"lsion, making it to mo&e forar'# It is $eca"se the 'ifference in the s0ee' of the 0articles of 'ifferent ty0es, they are arrange' in a s0ectr"m - a rain$o# This is $eca"se the 0articles of the &iolet en' of the s0ectr"m mo&e more sloly an' of the re' - faster# (s a res"lt, the &iolet ones $etter attracte' $y the action of the 7orce of (ttraction of the chemical elements of the material thro"gh hich they 0ass, after hat there is a s0ectr"m# Hence, the Hierarchy - it is the totality of the 0articles of the same color that 0ermeates all siA =act"ally, se&en? %lans# Elementary 0articles of the same Hierarchy ha&e the same color# In other or's they are on the same Ray# 601 A MEMOR7 OF THE ELEMENTAR7 PARTICLE* A CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE ATOM* AKASHIC RECORDS* KARMA1 The 7a$ric of the S0ace =the Jreat Qoi'?, the ($sol"te, an' the %rimal S"$stance - itMs the Internal %lan from hich the S0irit 0rocee's, 157 hich is the $asis of hat is ha00ening here, as 0art of the Manifeste' Kni&erse# E&erything that eAists, e&erything that ha00ens in the Kni&erse, all arising So"l - all this is secon'ary to the internal 0lans# The Internal %lan, S0atial 7a$ric - this is the most sacre' things for hich e 0ray, an' that is o"r fo"n'ation an' generating start# The Internal %lan - this is It, Something, in the occ"lt ith it not the Male <rigin relates ith it, $"t namely 7emale - the Mother# The S0irit, the (ltere' State of the Matter together ith the Mother in the esotericism e call $y the 9reator# The So"ls =elementary 0articles, atoms, mona's? - itMs a kin' of 0ortals, gates, the in'os of the 9reator into o"r orl', the orl' of the Manifeste' Kni&erse# Thro"gh these ;'oors; the 9reator comm"nicates ith the orl' that It creates# Elementary 0articles - are the 0oints of ;transmission an' gathering of information; an' Information - that is the S0irit, Energy# The Internal %lan =S0atial 7a$ric? - this is a f"n'amental 0rinci0le an' the store of all sorts of information a$o"t e&erything that e&er as, is, an' ill $e 0erforme' in this Kni&erse, an' that it as ithin this ;7a$ric; an' hat ha00ene' ith it yet $efore this &ersion of the Kni&erse arose# Before anything arises in the orl' of this Manifeste' Kni&erse, it is alrea'y 0resent on the Internal %lan# The Internal %lan - itMs a orl' of I'eas# (n' this orl' manifests $y means of the 7orce 9enters =So"ls? an' Ether =Energy, S0irit? floing thro"gh them# There are not to 'imensions - se0arately for the Internal %lan, an' se0arately - for the Manifeste' Kni&erse# (ll are in the same &ol"me of s0ace# It is also 0resent here an' the Internal %lan, an' here - the 0henomenal orl'# Internal %lan 0ermeates, integrates an' im$"es its creation - the &isi$le Kni&erse# 3! e:ist# su""orting this whole world y one "art o( myself/ =!hagavad-gita# ;Y>OT?# ;One "art o( mysel(; in this case - is Ether =S0irit? coming from the Internal %lan# Ether - itMs ;'irecti&es of Jo',; its instr"ctions for manifeste' orl', its Cor', the Hogos# This co'e' signal $y hich information is sent from the Internal %lan into the orl' of creation# Ether - is information, Ether - is the 7orce, Energy# 158 ($sol"tely e&ery elementary 0article gets this information# The 0roof of this is the fact that Ether arises =creates? in a$sol"tely each elementary 0article# This im0"lse like the signal of locator is sent to the orl'# It eAists here "ntil it 'isa00ears in some elementary 0article =the same or 'ifferent?# (ny elementary 0article - is its on in'o into the Kni&erse# Ether, a00earing in e&ery elementary 0article - is information j"st for it an' a$o"t it# ItLs like a &ie of the Kni&erse from the 0oint of &ie of eAactly this 0article# In this information contains the entire history of eAistence an' mo&ement of this 0article ithin the $o"n'aries of the Kni&erse# Cith hat 0articles it contacte' an' hen, in the com0osition of hat $o'ies an' the $eings it entrance'# This information hich arises in the 0article as nascent Ether - is its 9onscio"sness# (ny elementary 0article - is an (tom, tr"ly in'i&isi$le Elementary Knit of Jenesis# 6"st a$o"t this 'onsciousness o( the )tom an' trie' to tell "s (lice Bailey an' her Teacher Djhal !h"l in the $ook ith the same title - ,The 'onsciousness o( the )tom/# (ltho"gh in the $ook they 'oes not say a$o"t the synonymity of the conce0ts ;(tom; an' ;elementary 0article; =it is allege' here?# (n' the (tom in her $ook - itMs likely the (tom of 0hysicists an' chemists, i#e# the one here many elementary 0articles are collecte' =here, in this $ook, e call it a conglomerate of the 0articles or $y an "nsta$le elementary 0article?# B"t someho, in her ork is 0resent eAtremely im0ortant i'ea of the a$ility of (tom to recogni3e that ha00ens to it, to feel the reality an' make a conscio"s an' 0"r0osef"l choices a$o"t here an' hat kin' of 0articles =other (toms? to stay# ( Hife History of any elementary 0article is a&aila$le to the hole 9reator, the hole S0atial 7a$ric# (nother name for the 9onscio"sness of the (tom - is (kasha# In Sanskrit `k`aa translate' as ;s0ace;, ;sky;# The Sanskrit or' ;(kasha; is synonymo"s ith ;Ether;, ;Energy;, ;Information;, ;7orce;# The )4ashic 0ecords - itMs the information a$o"t e&ery eAisting elementary 0article, ritten $y the 9reator =S0irit? on the S0atial Basis# (n' these chronics, this 9onscio"sness manifests into the orl' of this Kni&erse as Ether =Energy?, arising in any elementary 0article# Ether, 'isa00earing in a 0article - itMs like its ;re0ort; for the Internal %lan, information a$o"t hat is ha00ening ith the 0article at 159 the moment# This is a &ie of the "ni&erse from the stan'0oint of this 0artic"lar so"l# Karma - is a ca"se-an'-effect relation - itMs also one of the in'ications of eAistence of the gyre of information# Chen Ether is 'estroye' in a 0article, it in s"ch ay ;gets/ on the Internal %lan, carrying information of hat ha00ene' to the 0article# (n' in the en' it $ecomes the ca"se for the conse>"ence - for the arising in the 0articles of Ether, hich is nothing other than information# Information is em$o'ie' an' manifeste' "ntil it is re0lace' $y ne information - ne Ether, hich is 'issol&e' in the 0article# (ny elementary 0article is a ;tiste'; in s0ace an' time, floing Ether =S0irit, Energy, 7orce?# ;+o-ement in time; means that Ether =Energy? is $orn in the 0article, eAists some time in the orl' an' then 'isa00ears =is 'estroye'? or in the same 0article, or in others, hich a$sor$e' this Ether# Ether rotation in a 0article, as s"ch, 'oes not eAist# ( gyre of Ether =Energy? - itMs a fig"re of s0eech, referring s0ecifically to the mo&ement in the time# The ra'i"s of all eAisting elementary 0articles is the same# Ether is $orn in the central area of the s0here of elementary 0articles, in a Sone of 9reation, ith certain s0ee' =hich 'e0en's on the internal >"ality of the 0article?# Thereafter, it is "niformly ra'iate' in all 'irections from this central 0oint an' mo&es linearly "ntil it reaches the ;s"rface s0here;# ( Sone of Destr"ction - itMs an area here Ether 'isa00ears =is 'estroye'?# This 3one is ;anyay; hat kin' of Ether to 'estroy - that arose in this 0article or entering from the si'e# Ether 'estr"ction occ"rs in it ith a certain s0ee' corres0on'ing to its internal >"ality =as in the case of creation s0ee'?# It t"rns o"t that Ether in a 0article 0asses a certain ay in a straight line from the center to the 0eri0hery, $efore to 'estroy in the area of 0eri0hery# (s yo" can see, there is not ha00ening of real rotation of Ether# Rotation in this case sho"l' $e taken not literally $"t fig"rati&ely, as ell as, for eAam0le, the &i$rational 0rocesses hich often are not real fl"ct"ations in s0ace $"t the cyclic changes of some 0rocess# (n elementary 0article =So"l? - itMs the floing in the Matter S0irit# (n' e&ery moment of time some region of S0ace =Matter?, $elonging to the concrete 9onscio"sness =S0irit? is an area of 0artic"lar 160 certain ;!;# (ll other 0articles in&ol&e' $y other 9onscio"sness =S0irits?, the 0article 0ercei&es to it as ;*ot-!;# Ce can say that all other 0articles for a gi&en 0article are strangers, o"tsi'ers, other than it# The S0irit forming a gi&en 0article is its 9onscio"sness, its ;I;# The S0irit that is concentrate' in a gi&en area of the S0ace - an' it is the So"l# 7or this 0article =So"l? is its on 0ri&ate 9hronics, its on Recor', history, ongoing since its ince0tion an' a recor'e' $y the Matter# The Matter, here im0"lse =S0irit? manifests, is the So"l# The So"l - is the S0irit, they are, in fact, are one an' the same# S0irit is taken not in a general sense, an' in 0artic"lar, in relation to a gi&en region of the S0ace, to a gi&en elementary 0article# It is the So"l, the 9onscio"sness of this gi&en elementary 0article# Th"s, all of the 'efinitions that e "se in res0ect of the S0irit, in 0rinci0le, are to the same eAtent s"ita$le for the So"l# The S0irit - is Hight, 7ire, Energy an' Electricity# (n' the So"l - is Hight an' 7ire, an' Energy an' Electricity# Each S0irit is consi'ere' not in general an' in the s0ecific sense is floing information a$o"t e&erything that has ha00ene' to this elementary 0article from the first moment after the $eginning of its eAistence# Elementary 0articles are a$le to mo&e in the S0ace in any 'irection, to change their location in e&ery 0ossi$le ay# So information - the 9onscio"sness of some 0artic"lar elementary 0article - 'oes not $elong to any 0artic"lar fiAe' area of the S0ace# .o, information - itMs the emerging S0irit - the altere' state of the Matter# (00arently, this greatest (rchitect an' B"il'er - the Matter =S0ace? - itself at e&ery moment of time It knos an' 'eci'es hat is each forme' $y it the Single S0irit - i#e# the So"l# (fter all, eAactly the Matter - this is the reason an' the so"rce of any S0irit# (fter all, the S0irit - itLs j"st the certain ay mo'ifie' Matter, no more# Do not $e conf"se' $y the fact that in the occ"ltism as in 'etail the S0irit an' the So"l are 'isc"sse'# They are, in a ay, the fictions# There is nothing $"t the Matter, the S"$stance# She - the ca"se of all, of all &isi$le 0henomena# (ll the so"rces are in it, all the roots# )ll S"irits# all Souls 2 are nothing more than a names (or what ha""ens to the +other# and that ha""ens to her. 161 Th"s, namely the Matter is the ca"se of emergence in it of the "nimagina$ly $ig n"m$er of areas of the altere' state - information fiel's - the S0irits in the s0ecific sense, i#e# the So"ls# It creates an' forms these elementary 0articles, these information fiel's insi'e itself, an' 'irects $y them, 'etermines their >"ality, 0lays ith them, makes them each moment of time# 6"st the Matter sets for the 0articles the ;r"les of the game; - s0eaking the lang"age of science, 'etermines the Has of .at"re# Beca"se the .at"re - itMs the Matter, the ($sol"te, the <riginal S"$stance# 9onscio"sness, hich is the So"l, the S0irit in a s0ecific sense - itMs, fig"rati&ely s0eaking, the 'raing create' $y the Matter insi'e itself, ho is $oth an artist an' can&as an' 0alette an' $r"sh# Ho else to eA0lain that e&ery elementary 0article - is an ineAha"sti$le so"rce of the S0irit =Energy, Information?, hich forms the 0article itself# )tom is truly ine:haustile in the sense o( Energy. Hoe&er, the tr"ly en'less (tom - this is an elementary 0article, not (tom of 0hysicist or chemist# The latest is j"st e&en 0ossi$le to ;scoo0 to the $ottom;# .ot e&ery atom =elementary 0article? emits its energy-information to the o"tsi'e, only the 0articles 5ang# Chile the 0articles 5in not only emits the Energy-Information, $"t also ha&e to a$sor$ another emitte' $y the 0articles 5ang# (ny 0article has the a$ility to aare its location in s0ace, in the o&erall scheme of Jenesis# It really "n'erstan's here it is c"rrently locate' an' hat kin's of 0articles s"rro"n' it# It is aare of the >"ality of all 0articles aro"n' at the moment - i#e# they emit the Energy- information or a$sor$ it, an' ith hat s0ee'# That is, the 0article act"ally knos an' remem$ers here an' hen, at hat time an' in hat com$ination, in hich ;com0any; of the 0articles it staye' an' there as# (t the same time, the 0article 'oes not kno anything a$o"t those 0articles, ith hich it 'oes not contact or hose Ether 'oes not reach it =e are talking a$o"t the 0articles 5ang, $eca"se eAactly they 'oes not emit Ether?# It is interesting to feel yo"rself in the mi'st of the elementary 0articles of &ario"s ty0es# (n ama3ing feeling co&ers yo" hen yo" reali3e that e&erything that s"rro"n's yo", thatLs all - nothing $"t the sentient tiniest Hi&es, S0irits, So"ls, 9onscio"sness# E&eryhere aro"n' 162 yo" there are the 7orces, information, energy, electromagnetic fiel's, hich nothing more than the en"meration of synonyms# 7iction an' non-fiction is f"ll of images of 7orces, Energies, eAisting in e&erything an' e&eryhere, affecting, infl"encing each other, hich are transmitte' from 0erson to s"$jects an' $iological organisms an' $ack# Mo&ies an' TQ shos are literally o&erfloing $y the similar i'eas# Magic, magic rit"als - itMs an area of knole'ge that allos "n'erstan'ing hat the so"ls are aro"n' yo", an' gi&es information a$o"t ho to contact ith these so"ls an' to interact# (ny o$ject in o"r en&ironment consists of chemical elements# 9hemical elements consist of elementary 0articles =so"ls?# ( So"l - is the S0irit, Information consi'ere' in relation to this area, to this elementary 0article# %eo0le from time immemorial feel an' im0rint in their oe"&re, as ell as j"st in a common-sense thinking, the i'ea of transferring something in&isi$le from $o'y to $o'y# The most commonly for naming of this transferring in&isi$le ;Something; itMs "se' the conce0t of ;7orce;# In the last cent"ries has $ecome eAtremely 0o0"lar the or' ;Energy;# B"t hate&er the conce0t, the essence an' the meaning of the i'ea remain the same# So the conce0t of So"l an' of the a$ility of 'ifferent So"ls to interact ith each other for a long time is &ery close an' clear for the large 0ercentage of 0eo0le li&ing on o"r 0lanet# HetLs summari%e o"r arg"ments on the s"$ject of the Memory, 9onscio"sness of the So"l# The asic nature o( the S"irit 2 !n(ormation# Energy# Ether 2 is e-erywhere the same. !n any elementary "article 5the soul6 there is orn and is disa""eared the same &Something&# one o( the names o( that is the &S"irit&. The general nat"re of the S0irit is the same, $"t there are 'ifferences# B"t these 'ifferences relate to the 0articles, $"t not to the $asis of the S0irit# 7irst, the S0irit is $orn an' is 'isa00eare' in the 0articles at 'ifferent s0ee' - that is the ca"se of 'ifferences in the >"ality of the 0articles an' in its eAternal manifestation =the 7iel's of (ttraction or Re0"lsion, an' their magnit"'e?# B"t these 'ifferences are of the 0articles an' not the S0irit therein# ( secon' 0oint concerns the content of the S0irit that is $orn in each 0article, information a$o"t all contacts of the 0article from its 163 ;$irth;# B"t this ,information/ feat"re of the S0irit is no ay connecte' ith its inner nat"re, hich makes it that it is# %lease note, that these to factors an' are the ca"se of the 'ifferences that e =o"rsel&es $eing nothing more than cl"sters of elementary 0articles? feel, sense, 0ercei&e, contacting ith other 0articles, or rather, ith their emitte' S0irit =Energy, Information?# Ce 0ercei&e1 1? a 0article a$sor$s the S0irit =Ether?, or emits, an' at hat s0ee' - so e a00reciate the >"ality of the 0articlesB )? 'irectly the history of 0articles transmitte' as 0art of this same S0irit, that is, all contacts ith other 0articles from the moment of emergence of the 0article# 9an yo" imagine ho m"ch information e an' e&erything aro"n' "s 0ass thro"gh o"rsel&esN Each 0article - this is a sensiti&e mechanism, hich res0on's sensiti&ely to their s"rro"n'ings an' ethereal flos that act on it, 0ass thro"gh it, an' in hich it is in&ol&e'# <f co"rse, e 'o these ;ethereal $los; as a r"le, 'o not o$ser&e &is"ally# B"t o"r tho"ghts an' feelings - thatLs a real in'icator as to hat ethereal =information? a&es e 0ercei&e at the moment# Ce li&e in an ocean of information a&es, energy fiel's# (n' a totality of + $o'ies that form the h"man $o'y is act"ally >"ite nice to kno ho to na&igate in this sea of flos# Take, for eAam0le, the same olfactory analy3er# Ho many smells, fla&ors it kee0s in its ,memory/N (n infinite n"m$er of &ariations# (n' all of this 'ata $ank is store', "0'ate' an' "se' itho"t any s0ecial effort on the 0art of h"man ,I/ - the 0articles that form the $o'y of the B"''hic %lan# ;Corking; ith smells - itMs a concern of the Mental %lan - its a&erage le&els# Chy 'o e make s"ch concl"sionD Beca"se the sense of smell as forme' in the animal king'om# Each scent - is store' information =memory? of a com$ination of any n"m$er of information =ethereal? a&es of a certain >"ality recei&e' to the $rain thro"gh the nose# <f co"rse, not ethereal a&es of the smelle' molec"les of s"$stances ,fly/ into o"r $rains# .o, the transfer of information occ"rs '"e to mo&ement along the ner&es of the elementary 0articles, assimilate' the information in the olfactory $"l$s# Reaching the $rain 0articles transmitte' the im0rinte' information to the 0articles in the chemical elements of the $rain cells# (n' this information $ecomes a&aila$le to the 0articles of the Mental %lan, hich are ,ork/ ith it# 164 (n' these 0rocesses constantly occ"r in o"r $o'ies# E&erything in an' aro"n' "s is in&ol&e' in an en'less cycle of 0erce0tion, storage, 0rocessing an' transmission of Information =in other or's, the S0irit, Ether?# )nd an only tool o( all this 2 is an elementary "article 5Soul6. !t is the storage medium o( e-erything# with anything came in contact# and in what was in-ol-ed. Ce kin'ly ask yo" not for a moment forget that, in s0ite of the fact that 0eo0le analy3e an' gi&e the names to all, for eAam0le, the same So"ls =0articles?# Hoe&er, this analysis an' this naming $ring "s a little to com0rehension the tr"e meaning of things# Sometimes e&en the o00osite - se0arates# (n eAam0le of ho sometimes the naming might conf"se 0eo0le, can ser&e as lists of synonyms for each of the three as0ects of Jo'# The names are many - the heart is one# Hoe&er, the analysis is a$sol"tely essential to h"man $eings in or'er to correctly na&igate in the aro"n' orl' an' to s"r&i&e in it the $est ay 0ossi$le# 661 THE LAW OF IDENTIFICATION 3I3 WITH 3NOT-I31 WH7 DO WE INCARNATE8 ;6 THE +)!* /)0T O1 THE $)W Het "s ask the folloing series of >"estions# Chy 'oes an emergence of organisms occ"r here elementary 0articles =So"ls? of 'ifferent %lans are com$ine'D Chy on the Earth 'o the !ing'oms of .at"re a00earD Chy, year after year, cent"ry after cent"ry, millenni"m after millenni"m it ha00ens a formation of &ario"s ty0es of organisms of li&ing $eings - minerals, 0lants, animals, 0eo0le, s"0erh"mansD Chat ca"ses the 0articles to seek to each other in search of hat e call the ,incarnation/D Ce ant to ask yo" a $asic >"estion - hy are e $ornD Chy is at 0eo0le, for eAam0le, all this en'less 0rocess of generational changeD Chy 'oesnMt sto0 the 0rocess of $irth of more an' more ne organi3e' systems =organisms?D Ho 'oes f"nction all this mechanism of HifeD 165 In or'er to a'e>"ately anser on these >"estions e m"st $egin ith the fact that only 0articles 5in =a$sor$ing the S0irit ho is also the Information? are a$le to consistently 0ercei&e other Information =the S0irit?, e&en o"tsi'e of the state of transformation of inherent >"ality =the so-calle' reco&ery of !"n'alini?# Chile the 0articles 5ang =emitting the S0irit? are ca0a$le of a similar 0erce0tion of eAtraneo"s Information =Energy, S0irit? only in cases hen there is a transformation of their >"ality, that is, hen they recei&e the eAcess S0irit =Ether, Information?# The ,Metho's/ of Transformation =E&ol"tion? are 'escri$e' in 'etail in the $ook ,Ethereal mechanics/- htt0122#ama3on#com2'02B**I4!S545?# Since the 0articles 5in 'o not emit the S0irit o"t of transforme' state, therefore, the main so"rce of eAternal Energy-Information for any 0article 5in - is the 0articles 5ang# Hoe&er, in the $o'ies all 0articles - an' the 5in an' 5ang - ha&e access to Information of each other# Het "s form"late a Ha that ill hel0 "s anser all the >"estions 0ose' a$o&e, an' hich is the $asis of $"il'ing the Hogoic %lan# That is the com0rehensi&e an' "nifying together the 0articles of 'ifferent sim0le %lans =hich, yo" kno, are siA?# Ce ill call this inno&ation $y the $aw o( !denti(ication !9 with *ot-!9# <r yo" can say a little 'ifferently - the $aw o( !dentity !9 and *ot-!9# 9hoose to yo"r taste, the names are e>"al# (n' ;I; an' ;.ot-I; in this case - are synonyms of the So"l, an elementary 0article# ItMs a 9onscio"sness, S0irit, manifeste' in the Matter# The only 'ifference $eteen them lies in the fact that !9 - is a So"l, a 0article of hich is sai' in the first 0erson# Chile ;.ot-I; - itLs all the other So"ls, consi'ere' in relation to it as eAternal# (ny of eAisting elementary 0articles can $e &iee' from the 0ers0ecti&e of ;I;# (n' then all other 0articles ill act in relation to it as a ;.on-I;# Ce can ass"me that this is all the con&entions, eA0laine' $y the feat"res of the o$ser&erLs 0osition, an' no more# ( hint to eAistence of this Ha, yo" can fin' in the orks of )lice ,ailey, hich she 0erforme' "n'er the lea'ershi0 of the Tietan +aster 166 Djwhal Khul# In 0artic"lar, the reference of the ha00ening i'entification of ;I; ith ;.ot-I; can $e fo"n' in the 0ages of the secon' &ol"me of Esoteric /sychology9 5the author 2 ). ,ailey6# In a''ition to the Ha of (ttraction, the Ha of Re0"lsion, an' the Ha of Transformation of the :"ality, of hich e in 'etail tell in the $ook ,Ethereal mechanics/ an' that lie at the heart of 0hysics, chemistry an' astronomy, this Ha of I'entity is as &ersatile as these three# (ltho"gh it 'oes not manifest itself 'irectly an' &is"ally accessi$le# B"t the conse>"ences of its actions each of "s can feel on self# It is res0onsi$le for the state of conscio"sness of elementary 0articles, an' is the $asis of science 0sychology, hich is still &ery 0oorly 'e&elo0e' =in com0arison to the kin' of real 'e&elo0ment it can get in the f"t"re?# (ny elementary 0article stores information a$o"t e&erything that ha00ene' to it from the &ery $eginning of its eAistence# This +emory of 0article - is its Karma, its 'hronics, the 0ecord# $i"i4a hat are knon in the occ"lt as chroniclers of Jenesis, are elementary 0articles, so"ls, of hich e s0eaks# !( any "articles asor Energy 5!n(ormation6 emitted y other "articles# so it ca"tures a +emory o( it# ta4es o-er the S"irit o( this "article# writes a 'hronics o( it. (fter s"ch ;a$sor0tion; there occ"rs hat is calle' an e:tension o( consciousness9 of the 0article salloe' the information# )n asoring "article egins to identi(y itsel( with the "article whose in(ormation it asored. ) "article whose in(ormation this "article has "ercei-ed ecomes to the (irst one li4e a "art o( that. It 'oes not make a 'istinction $eteen itself an' another 0article, 0re&io"sly alien to it# ,.ot-I/ $ecomes the 0art of ;I;# Information - this is the S0irit, an' each t"rn of the S0irit in the So"l =the 0article? stores information a$o"t the location of a 0article in the S0ace, an' of its s"rro"n'ings# (n' the S0irit that lies at the heart of e&ery So"l, an' hich recor's information on the S0atial Basis, makes no 'istinction $eteen itself - that is, the S0irit =Information? of the on 0article an' the S0irit of other 0articles, hose S0irit as a$sor$e' $y its 0article# ThatLs the "ni>"eness of the "ni&erse# This Ha in'icates that e&erything aro"n' is the hole one an' comes together, in general, from a single so"rce# 167 %ay attention to this eA0ression - ,to ta4e o-er the S"irit/# Qery often in the creati&e orl' of art 0eo0le s0eak a$o"t the 0erce0tion of some image, some i'ea# It j"st refers to the 0rocess of a$sor0tion of eAternal S0irit# This ama3ing Ha is as "ni>"e as las of mechanics# B"t we should not mi: the action o( the $aws o( )ttraction and 0e"ulsion on the one hand and the $aw o( !denti(ication with the other. These Has are 'e&ote' to the 'ifferent moments of Jenesis# (n' common $eteen them is that all they manifest themsel&es in elementary 0articles# The 'esire to incarnation sho"l' not $e conf"se' ith the 0"rs"it of the 0articles get closer to each other =ith gra&ity?# (n' a eak ill to materiali3e sho"l' not $e e>"ate' to the ten'ency of the 0articles to re0el each other =i#e# ith anti-gra&ity?# If after ,a$sor0tion of ,energy/ the contact of 0articles as interr"0te' - the 0article hich has a$sor$e' information ceases to recei&e it - it ill consi'er it as a loss of self# It from no ill ne&er forget a$o"t ha00ene' "nion ith another 0article, hose Ether it took# (n' all remaining time of its life, "ntil the neAt Maha0ralaya, it ill remem$er a$o"t the inci'ent contact, as it no consi'ers a 0article hose information it a$sor$e' as 0art of itself# (n' it ill seek to the former connection# (ltho"gh, as yo"Lll see on later, itLs not as easy as it might seem# The loss occ"rre' one 'ay contact ith the o"tsi'e Energy- Information is consi'ere' $y the 0article as a loss of the former integrity# It seems "nreal, strange that these in&isi$le, tiny 0articles of the Being can eA0erience something like this# This seems "n$elie&a$le $"t it is tr"e# Their sense of loss is the $asis an' the reason of so familiar to "s the feelings of loss, loneliness, longing for the lost# This sit"ation is the root of o"r sa'ness an' 'esire to Knearthly# Re"nion, restoring the interr"0te' contact ith the same so"rce of information gi&es the 0articles that a$sor$ this energy, joy# E&en j"st the tho"ght of a 0ossi$le 0erce0tion of some lost energy is ha00y for the 0article# %article ill $e ha00y of the contact ith any Energy =hoe&er, as yo" ill see later, there are eAce0tions?# Similarly, a$sor$ing 0article sa''ens comm"nication ga0 ith any energy# 168 Hoe&er, the elementary 0articles in the Kni&erse are myria's of myria's# (n' so the contacts ith the ne Energies 'ron the 0ain of the $reak ol' ties# Meetings an' 0artings, joy, sa'ness - all are as e, the 0eo0le# This is not s"r0rising, $eca"se e are ma'e "0 of elementary 0articles =So"ls?# (ccor'ingly, the 0articles 5ang in this en'less melo'rama of meetings an' fareells are a $it aloof# This es0ecially a00lies to the 0articles 5ang of three K00er %lans - B"''hic, (tmic an' Mona'ic, +th, Eth an' )th - here the 0articles 5ang are n"merically 'ominant o&er 5in 0articles an' here the &al"e of the s0ee' of emission of Energy =Information-Ether? is highest =it increases from the loer to the higher %lans?# 6"st the 0articles 5ang emitting the Ether, in the greatest meas"re esche the incarnation# (t the &ery least, they ill not e&er $e a$le to $ecome the centers of attraction, collecting aro"n' them other 0articles, in contrast to the 0articles 5in, for hich a similar 0rocess =forming? - is their essential feat"re# In any, the smallest conglomerate of the 0articles there is the transformation of all the 0articles in its com0osition# This means that into the 0articles eAternal Ether enters mo&ing from the 0eri0hery toar' the center# Moreo&er, those 0articles 5ang =emitting Ether?, hich are locate' on the 0eri0hery are a$le to transmit their information =S0irit? to the 0articles near the center# Th"s, all 0articles in the $o'y $egin to i'entify themsel&es ith those 0articles 5ang, hich are locate' ith res0ect to them closer to the 0eri0hery# Some conglomerates of 0articles, eAchanging $y 0articles 5ang or sim0ly $y acting on one another ith the Ether emitte' $y them, inform each other a$o"t themsel&es# .o yo" can imagine the scale of ha00ening in the Kni&erse of the eAchange of information an' the stri&ing to the I'entification of the ;I; ith the ;.ot-I;# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T6 THE 0U$E O1 SU,O0D!*)T!O* O1 THE +)TTE0 5/)0T!'$ES @!*6 TO THE S/!0!T 5/)0T!'$ES @)*.6# )*D O1 THE $OWE0 TO THE H!.HE0 5!* THE 'O*.$O+E0)TES6= In the 0rocesses of i'entifying 0articles 5in =Matter? are the le', g"i'e', that is they are i'entifie', hile eAactly the 0articles 5ang =S0irit? g"i'e them, i#e# i'entify them# 169 This r"le is &ery clear, an' eAcl"'ing from it can $e only the case hen the 0article 5in mo&es $y inertia =an', therefore, has the 7iel' of Re0"lsion, that $ecomes 5ang on the mo&e?# (fter that it colli'es ith a stationary 0article 5ang an' 0asses to it $y this ay its information <nly in this case, the 0articles 5in can s"$'"e 5ang 0articles - to i'entify them ith themsel&es# In all other sit"ations, hen the 5in 'oes not emit Energy an' a$sor$, it is 5ang - a so"rce of Information, i'entifying origin an' 5in - is the recei&er, i'entifie' origin# E:actly this 0ule is dedicated all the second -olume o( &Esoteric /sychology#& written y )lice ,ailey. .o as regar's for s"$mission of loer to the higher# This 0art of the R"le refers to the 0articles not in the free state, $"t as 0art of conglomerates =$o'ies?# Ce can ass"me that the hole manifeste' Kni&erse - it is also a great $o'y, an' it also s"$or'inates to this R"le# Cithin the Kni&erse the loer %lans are s"$ject to the highest, as in the loer %lans the 0ercentage of 0articles 5ang is smaller an' the magnit"'e of 7iel's of Re0"lsion is less# Chile 5in 0articles in the com0osition of these %lans are more, an' the &al"e of their 7iel's of (ttraction is more too# Cithin the Kni&erse Ether is mo&ing from the 0eri0hery to the center, an', therefore, to a great meas"re the 0articles of the loer %lans are i'entifie' ith information of "00er ones than the re&erse# In conglomerates of 0articles, for eAam0le, in the com0osition of chemical elements, those 0articles 5ang =emitting information? that are farther from the center, i#e# a$o&e, are a$le to i'entify ith themsel&es all the "n'erlying 0articles# (n' not only 5in $"t 5ang too# The reason is that in the com0osition of any $o'y the transformation of the 0articles $y gra&ity takes 0lace# The total Jra&ity 7iel' 'irecte' toar's the center is the reason that in all 0articles ;forci$ly; enters re'"n'ant Ether mo&ing from the 0eri0hery# %articles 5ang hich are closer to the center recei&e it too# 7or them, $y s"ch Ether =Information? is the one that is emitte' $y o&erlying 0articles 5ang# So is the i'entification of all the 0articles in the conglomerate# (s for the 0articles 5ang, they alays ,transmit/ into the orl' their on eA0erience, their 9hronics# 170 Hoe&er, if Energy of other 0article 5ang e&er infl"ence' on their memory, on their ,I/, on their ;conscio"sness;, this eAtraneo"s information is also o&en into the Recor's of the 0article# (n' then it ill $e as 0art of its on 9hronics $roa'cast the Information of that other 0article# (n' the Information of that other 0article $ecomes an integral 0art of a00rehen'ing its 0article# That is, the 0article, recei&e' Information, 'oes not 'isting"ish itself from the 0ercei&e' one# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K6 THE 0U$E O1 DE/E*DE*'E THE DE.0EE O1 !DE*T!1!')T!O* 10O+ THE E$E+E*T O1 THE /)0T!'$E B"t here come into effect clarifying moments for the Ha of I'entification# 5es, of co"rse, the R"le of most &al"e of the strongest, the closest an' the latest energy contacts acts alays, an' it canMt $e cancele'# Hoe&er, the Ha of I'entification itself is manifeste' 'ifferently for the 0articles of not same >"ality# The fact is that the 0articles are relate' to 'ifferent elements ha&e 'ifferent a$ility to the i'entification ith the information =the S0irit? of other 0articles# 7or eAam0le, strongly marke' 5in 0articles are i'entifie' ith eAternal energies so 0oerf"lly that ha&e a$o"t themsel&es e&en more eak &ie than for others# 5o" can call this clarification of the Ha of I'entification $y the 0ule o( de"endence the degree o( identi(ication (rom the element o( the "article# The higher is the s0ee' of 'estr"ction ='isa00earance? of the Ether- Energy in the 0article an' the sloer is the s0ee' of creation, the more the 0article ill i'entify itself ith o"tsi'e, eAternal Ether, not ith its on, create' $y itself# (n' &ice &ersa - the smaller is the s0ee' of 'estr"ction of Ether an' the faster is the creation, the orse s"ch 0article can $e i'entifie' ith others# 7rom this e can 'ra a sim0le concl"sion that the Ha of I'entifications to the greatest eAtent manifests itself in 0articles of the element ,Earth/, $eca"se they ha&e the highest rate of 'estr"ction of information as com0are' ith all other eAisting 0articles, an' the s0ee' of creation of Ether is smallest o"t of a 0ossi$le# They are folloe' $y the 0articles ,Cater/# Then the ,7ire/ is, an' finally - ,(ir/# 171 EAactly in this conse>"ence 'ecreases the a$ility of the 0articles to $e i'entifie' ith eAternal for them so"rces of Energy-Information an' increases the a$ility to retain its self, an' th"s the information they carry# The 0articles of the elements ;Earth; an' ;Cater; o"t of the transformation state are 5in - a$sor$ the Energy# (t the same time, the 0articles of the elements ;7ire; an' ;(ir; are alays, in any state $elong to the 5ang - emit Energy-Information =S0irit?# %articles 5ang - are the 0articles in hich the S0irit =Energy? is 'ominate'# 5in - are the 0article ith a 0re'ominance of Matter - ith a minor manifestation of the S0irit# 5ang - this is the S0irit"al origin of the Manifeste' Kni&erse, an' 5in - the Material# 5ang - is a ;s0irit"al; 0articles, an' 5in - ;material;# The str"ggle for s"r&i&al, the instinct of self-0reser&ation - is the 0rerogati&e of the 0articles 5in# So manifests itself the Material %rinci0le of the orl'# Chile the 0articles 5ang, s0irit"al origin, hel0 the organisms to o&ercome the as0iration to $lin'ly o$ey the instinct of self-0reser&ation# %articles 5ang to a m"ch lesser eAtent are afrai' of losing their momentary energy contacts, to lea&e the $o'y, of hich they no are the 0art# In the occ"lt, religion an' c"lt"ral $ackgro"n' it is acce0te' strongly $lame the Material %rinci0le# Hoe&er, this is 0recisely rong a00roach# The Matter =0articles 5in? is goo' in the same ay as the S0irit =0articles 5ang?# Some of its 0ro0erties are $ro"ght "s the 'iscomfort sometimes# Hoe&er, this 'oes not mean that yo" sho"l' fling it asi'e an' ref"se# 7or eAam0le, j"st $eca"se of the Matter =5in?, e are a$le to recei&e information a$o"t each other an' comm"nicate# The S0irit =5ang?, in contrast to the Matter, is self-s"fficient an' is not ca0a$le of "n'erstan'ing the eAternal to it - only "n'er certain con'itions# <nly the com$ination of 5in an' 5ang gi&es "s the tr"e f"llness of Being# This is not goo' an' not $a' that some 0articles - 5in - more incline' to i'entify ith other 0articles, hose energy-information they 172 a$sor$, com0are' ith other 0articles - 5ang# 5o" sho"l' not "se in this case similar categories# ItLs j"st there, itLs the feat"res of these 0articles, thatLs all# (ll the las of nat"re - are the las of o"r <riginal S"$stance, creating this orl' an' filling it - these are its r"les# They may not $e goo' or $a', they j"st are# (n' the only thing e can 'o - is to st"'y them 0ossi$ly goo' an' 'o not neglect them, $"t "se on o"r on# Interesting that eAistence of the organism, its life is 0ro&i'e' at first j"st the 0articles 5in, their greatest a'herence to the Ha of I'entification# B"t the ca"se of 'eath, of 'estr"ction of the $o'y - is the 0articles 5ang, gra'"ally acc"m"late' in the $o'y an' 'estroying it# Hoe&er, the 'estr"ction of the $o'y is not '"e to eak a'herence 5ang 0articles to the Ha of I'entity, an' $eca"se of the Ha of Re0"lsion# The 0articles 5ang ith emitte' $y them Ether literally loosen the connection $eteen chemical elements an' molec"les# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O6 THE 0U$E O1 +OST 3)$UE O1 THE ST0O*.EST# THE '$OSEST )*D THE $)TEST E*E0.@ 'O*T)'TS 1or any "article THE ST0O*.EST# THE '$OSEST )*D $)TEST energy contacts ha-e the greatest signi(icance and -alue com"are with any other energy relations# not as much strong# close and late. This means that any 0article hich has a$sor$e' energy of someone else is afrai' most of all to lose energy connection =an' it regar's these contacts as the most im0ortant an' significant? ith 0articles 5ang, hich ha&e the largest 7iel's of Re0"lsion =i#e# emit Ether ith a higher s0ee'?# The largest 7iel's - itMs com0are' ith others, ith hich it is linke' at the moment '"e to the a$sor0tion of their Energy-Information an' hich are closest locate' to it at the moment# (t the same time, the 0article is less orrying a$o"t the loss of connections that eAiste' once $efore, an' connections ith the 0articles 5ang, hich are more 'istant from her, an' ties ith the 0articles hose 7iel's of Re0"lsion has a loer &al"e# EAactly this r"le - the 0ule o( most -alue o( the strongest# the closest and the latest energy contacts - is the $asis of self-0reser&ation instinct of any organism# 173 7or this reason, it is often that, e&en tho"gh the occ"rre' 0hysical contact of to 'ifferent organisms an' sharing of Energy-Information, they can start to fight ith each other# Im0ortance of occ"rre' contact ith each other in these organisms is less significant com0are' to the &al"e of eAisting links $eteen the 0articles com0rising each of the organisms# Declare "nto easier for each of the organisms ,on skin is more eA0ensi&e/# This R"le of most &al"e the strongest, the closest an' the latest energy contacts is at the heart of s"ch a large-scale 0henomenon on Earth, as the struggle (or e:istence# To organisms e&en tho"gh their arisen i'entification to each other ill fight for the con'itions that s"00ort an eAistence of the integrity of each# ( 0re'ator, cl"tching his teeth into the &ictim, of co"rse, is also i'entifie' ith it# Hoe&er, the nee' of its on organism in foo' an' ina$ility to o$tain it $y any other ay $"t to kill another $eing, o&ersha'o the sym0athy for the &ictim# The main thing for it - is to sa&e its on life# Therefore, an arise' i'entification 'oes not 0re&ent the 0re'ator to kill in or'er to $e sat"rate' an' to allo its eAistence# .o think an' remem$er - "nless 0eo0le 'o not eAactly in the same ayD Cell, yes, eAactly# (fter all, eLre animals, intelligent, $"t the animals# (ltho"gh often e manage to $lock in o"rsel&es these 0oerf"l im0"lses of self-0reser&ation# 5o" may say that 0eo0le can sacrifice themsel&es to sa&e others# 5es, 0eo0le $eha&iors 'iffer from animal 0rograms# (ltho"gh not e&ery 0erson is a$le on the 'ee'# <nly in the e&ent that h"man conscio"sness ha' or has contact - as i'entifie' - ith 0articles of higher %lans# Beca"se of this the 0erson has an as0iration not only in the orl' of the Matter, $"t in the orl' of the S0irit too# The orl' of Matter in this case - itLs the orl' of three loer %lans, an' the orl' of S0irit - is an area of three highest %lans# That is, man in this case is enlightene', aare' of the fact that there is not only 'ense forms of life, $"t thin too, an' that ith the 'eath this 0erson ill eAist in other orl's# 7or any 0article that can take someone elseLs information, 0riority is alays the one that recei&e' the latter# ($sor$ing it 0article ill i'entifies itself ith this information# 174 Hoe&er, in any organism, s"ch as a chemical element, hich is the smallest organism, there is its on, 0ermanent, not 'isa00earing so"rce of information - in the form of 0resent in it 0articles 5ang# This means that for any 0article 5in as 0art of any organism the latest 0ercei&e' information - is its on# (n' any incoming in it o"tsi'e information, "nless it has $een 0asse' $y the acc"m"late' 0articles 5ang =hich themsel&es $ecome 0art of the $o'y? ill 0lay a secon'ary role# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P6 THE 0U$E O1 )3O!D)*'E O1 *E.)T!3E !*1O0+)T!O* )*D 1!.HT W!TH !T# )*D )S/!0)T!O* TO THE /OS!T!3E 7ear of 0articles to lose the most im0ortant to them energy contacts often takes on the character of str"ggle ith those other organisms that are for the 0articles 'irect or in'irect threat# *egati-e in(ormation - this is information a$o"t the organism or from its si'e, carrying the 'anger for the organism, 0ercei&ing it# ( threat - it is a 'anger or se0aration of the 0articles from the conglomerate, of hich it is 0art =or se0aration of its smaller conglomerate from the $igger conglomerate, for eAam0le, from the chemical element of the $o'y?, or the 'estr"ction of the conglomerate# ( 'irect threat - itMs a 'anger of the 0oer effects on the $o'y that ill ca"se its 'estr"ction# (n in'irect threat - this is the 'anger of in&ol&ing the $o'y in sit"ations that entail its 'estr"ction from the thir' forces =for eAam0le, the shortfall in foo' for animals, lack of heat or its eAcess, as for 0lants an' animals?# The fighting of conglomerate of 0articles =of the $o'y? ith other organisms can take many forms# In this - there is the entire history of o"r 0lanet# ItMs a constant ar of all ith all# This may $e as a 'irect 0oer str"ggle of in'i&i'"als, an' a&oi'ance of the $o'y of the 0articles an' conglomerates that are ca0a$le of ca"sing it harm, 'isr"0t its integrity# (t the same time the organisms ant to $e as close as 0ossi$le to that hich contri$"tes to their 0ros0erity, sec"rity an' ell-$eing# ( 0re'ator is committe' to its &ictims# (nimals an' 0lants co-eAist si'e $y si'e, hen it s"its them# (nimals form gro"0s, if it lea's to increase' s"r&i&al rates# %arents stay ith their c"$s an' s"00ort them, $eca"se it increases the s0ecies as a hole =they see the joeys as 0art of 175 themsel&es, $eca"se they are genetically transmitte' to them their on Information?# Ce can contin"e for a long time an' refine the list, in hich e ill gi&e eAam0les of cases here organisms ten' to li&e together# (s yo" can see, there is a &ery interesting feat"re# (ny free 0article a$sor$ing Ether has nothing against to $e i'entifie' ith a$sol"tely any so"rce of Information# (ny 0ercei&e' information ill $e for it near an' 'ear# Hoe&er, the same canMt $e sai' of the 0articles ithin the conglomerates# That $o'y in hich it no resi'es is of 0aramo"nt im0ortance for# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 THE 0U$E O1 )TT0)'T!O* $!KE W!TH $!KE The 0articles, in more than half of the cases, are 0art of conglomerates - "nsta$le elementary 0articles =if to "se the terminology of n"clear 0hysics?# The largest s0ecies of the conglomerate - is a chemical element# .e"trons, 0rotons - are small aggregates as com0are' to the chemical element# %articles 5in are alays the 0art of any $o'y# EAce0t for those times hen they mo&e freely in the s0ace# Hoe&er, cases of their mo&ement - it is only a transition from one conglomerate to another# (s for the 0articles 5ang, then they themsel&es 'o not form the $o'ies, an' in their com0osition are ith a 'iffic"lt# It 'e0en's on the s0ee' of their emission of Energy =Ether? - on the &al"e of their 7iel' of Re0"lsion# Those hose s0ee' is small =small si3e of the 7iel' of Re0"lsion? is easy eno"gh to tolerate staying in the conglomerate, as their rate of emission of Ether is inferior o the total rate of energy a$sor0tion $y this $o'y# %articles 5ang of three loer %lans can often $e fo"n' in the $o'ies, that canMt $e sai' a$o"t the 0articles 5ang of three highest %lans# Moreo&er from the loer to the higher %lans this 0ro$a$ility 'ecreases# Chat are e all talking a$o"tD B"t to the fact that in nat"re there is an "nimagina$le >"antity of conglomerates here 0articles 5in are com$ine' ith 0articles of 5ang# These $o'ies re0resent in the same time the so"rces of information ='"e to the 0resent of the 0articles 5ang? an' recei&ers ='"e to 0article 5in?# <"r h"man ;I;, o"r conscio"sness, hich $elong to the +th %lan, B"''hic, is also com0ose' of s"ch "nions of 0articles# 176 Being a 0art of the h"man $o'y, o"r ;I;, a conglomerate of 0articles of the +th %lan, remem$ers e&erything that ha00ene' ith the 0erson at the time hen this conscio"sness as "0on the hea' - i#e# hile the 0erson as ali&e an' sentient $eing# (n' the 0articles 5in an' 5ang can memori3e# B"t the main role in the 0rocess of remem$ering, es0ecially eAternal information, it is still 0laye' $y the 0articles 5in# ( free 5ang 0article remem$ers only hat ha00ene' to it 'irectly# <nly those 5ang can memori3e eAternal information can only those 5ang, hich are 0art of the $o'ies ='"e to the transformation $y gra&ity?# The same thing - are in&ol&e' in the 0rocess of remem$ering e&erything that ha00ens to the h"man $o'y - make the associations of 0articles of remaining three %lans - Mental, (stral an' %hysical# %articles 5in in their com0osition a$sor$ any Energy-Information that reaches them '"ring the life of this h"man $o'y - hether eAternal or internal =coming from the 0articles 5ang of other $o'ies as 0art of the same organism?# Chen a 0erson 'ies =0hysically or s0irit"ally?, the $o'y-shell of B"''hic %lan is 'etache' from the hea' an' lea&es the $o'y# Hoe&er, in this B"''hib $o'y-shell information a$o"t hat ha00ene' to it '"ring the lifetime of a gi&en organism remains# (n' this Information is store' as $y 0articles 5in an' $y 5ang# Chy - it as sai' j"st that# Memory of 0articles 5in is 'ee0er# Jenerally, the larger is the s0ee' of a$sor0tion of the Ether $y the 0article - i#e# the greater its 7iel' of (ttraction - the greater its a$ility to memori3e# Hoe&er, only 0articles 5ang ha&e an a$ility to transfer Information, hich they on# The 0articles 5in are also can this, $"t only in one case - in a state of inertial motion in collisions ith other 0articles# The 0articles of any %lan that a$sor$e' in the 0rocess of life in this h"man $o'y Information from other $o'ies =internal an' eAternal?, then, after the se0aration, ill $e associate' ith them, an' ill seek to re- merge ith them# To re-a$sor$ their Information that ill restore their lost sense of the former "nity# They ill seek again to incarnation - to connection ith the carriers of the same Information that they took in 0re&io"s incarnations# 177 This is ho another r"le acts "n'er the Ha of I'entifications - the R"le of attraction like ith like# (n' the >"estion here is not a$o"t the Ha of (ttraction# ,+agnetic attraction/ of hich it is sai' m"ch in the $ooks of (lice Bailey, in 0artic"lar, in ;Esoteric %sychology;, this is 0recisely the ten'ency of 0articles i'entifie' ith someone Information, to re-"nite ith the so"rce of this information# &+agnetic attraction& o( )lice ,ailey 2 this is as"iration to incarnation. )nd it should not e seen as a direct re(erence to +agnetism# o( which tells the story the human science# and which# y the way# is nothing other than the gra-itational interaction. HetLs ".m .+ a little in o"r reasoning an' thinking a$o"t this eAtremely interesting Ha of the Kni&erse# This theme is &ery com0leA an' 0er&asi&e in or'er to $e a$le to j"st like that, all at once, in one article to co&er all its 'etails an' ill"minate all the n"ances# The Ha co&ers e&ery inch of o"r 0henomenal orl'# That Ha of I'entification, along ith the Has of (ttraction an' Re0"lsion, is the main controlling factor in the Kni&erse# ($sol"tely e&eryone o$eys to them# So far, science has recogni3e' an' reali3e' an effect of only one of them - of the Ha of (ttraction# (n' it stays on the &erge of recogni3ing the secon' - the Ha of Re0"lsion# Hoe&er, $efore the recognition of the thir' - the Ha of I'entification - it is still far as it is e&en "naare of its eAistence# (ny elementary 0article as 0art of any %lan is in&ol&e' in the 0rocesses of i'entification - either as i'entifying =emitting Information? or as i'entifie' =a$sor$ing Information?# Take a look aro"n'# Ho many s"$jects, ho many $o'ies are aro"n' yo" - the li&ing an' non-li&ing =as 'efine' $y science?# (n' each contains $oth these ty0es of 0articles# This means that each $o'y is in&ol&e' in the i'entification of - either on one si'e or the other# May$e yo" are a mystically min'e' 0erson ho is intereste' in e&erything the "nknon, the mysterio"s, s"ch as eAtrasensory 0erce0tion, clair&oyance an' claira"'ience# <r yo" are a religio"s 0erson, an' often 0ray, crying o"t to Jo' for the satisfaction of yo"r 'esires an' nee's# <r yo" are a man of the scientific min'set, an' yo" j"st intereste' in the mechanisms of memory, storage an' transmission of information# 178 So, the mechanism of eAtrasensory 0erce0tion - it is nothing like the mechanism of 0rayer - s0eaking $y the lang"age of science, the mechanism of transmitting the Information =Energy, S0irit?# Information - itMs the Energy, Ether, S0irit# It is emitte' $y the 0articles 5ang# Information can $e 'istri$"te' 'irectly itho"t elementary 0articles# (lso, any free 0article =incl"'ing 5in? is the so"rce of certain information, an', going from a conglomerate to a conglomerate, the 0articles th"s transmit information# (n' conglomerates themsel&es, mo&ing in s0ace an' to"ching, share information# 7rom this e can 'ra a sim0le concl"sion1 no one action, any tho"ght 'o not go "nnotice'# The more 0oerf"l is the so"rce of Energy-Information, the $etter yo" ill $e ;seen; an' the faster ill $e notice'# It follos the sim0le concl"sion a$o"t the necessity of healing the $o'y, $eca"se only a strong organism can shine $rightly itho"t 'amage to itself an' itho"t 'iscomfort# (ll of the a$o&e r"les, clarifying the Ha of I'entification, ith the main 0art, "n'erlie the mechanism of the en'less incarnations an' reincarnations of li&ing $eings =here it sho"l' also incl"'e an' chemical com0o"n's - the Mineral !ing'om?# The "articles asoring Energy-Ether always identi(y themsel-es with the "articles which emit this energy-in(ormation 5S"irit6. (n' letMs list the r"les1 1? The R"le of s"$or'ination of the Matter =0articles 5in? to the S0irit =0articles 5ang?, an' of the loer to the higher =in the conglomerates?B )? The R"le of 'e0en'ence the Degree of I'entification from the element of the 0articleB E? The R"le of most &al"e the strongest, the closest an' the latest energy contactsB +? The R"le of a&oi'ance of negati&e information an' fight ith it, an' as0iration to the 0ositi&eB F? The R"le of attraction like ith like# The Ha of I'entifications ith its com0lementary r"les eA0lains hy Hife on Earth is there, hy not sto0 an' ho the transmission of here'itary information occ"rs# (n' also eA0lains the reasons for the $eha&ior of li&ing things - ho they relate to themsel&es an' to other $eings# 179 It re&eals the reason for the eAistence of self-0reser&ation an' of the str"ggle for eAistence# ( lot of "sef"l information e can learn from o$ser&ing the orl' aro"n' "s, hile $earing in min' a$o"t the 0rocesses of i'entification of 0articles#
691 THE DI;E INTO NIR;ANA1 ATONEMENT* ASCENSION* SAL;ATION* EASTER1 B"''ha after reaching Enlightenment 0l"nge' into .ir&ana# 6es"s 9hrist after Transformation reache' the same stat"s - the nir&anic# They $oth came to the same - they ha&e reache' an (scen'e' State, ere Resc"e'# They accom0lishe' the %lan of Jo', each in his 0artic"lar case# They reache' 0erfection# Chat is 0erfection for Jo'D (n' hy is it so im0ortant for e&erything in the Kni&erseD ,%erfection/ means the f"lfillment or com0letion# B"''ha an' 9hrist com0lete' the constr"ction in themsel&es of the Se&enth, the com0rehensi&e %lan, Hogoic, hich com$ines siA sim0le %lans# (ll main ty0es of elementary 0articles - So"ls - ere re0resente' in their $o'ies# This means that after their $o'ies ere re0eate' in miniat"re the 9osmos an' $ecame a microcosm# The 0articles of 'ifferent %lans are si'e $y si'e ith each other an' eAchange Information# Hoer %lans are i'entifie' ith the "00er, "00er - ith the loer# There no more s"ffering 0articles of 'ifferent %lans $eca"se there is no se0aration from each other# (ll siA %lans are together# In the $o'ies of Mahatmas Energy forms a channel of Hight hich is carrie' o"t $y the interaction of the Matter =loer %lans? ith the S0irit ="00er %lans?# This channel is in the $o'y of any li&ing $eing 0asse' the stage of initiation# Chen the Energies ra'iate' $y 'ifferent $o'ies are merge' together, they i'entifie' ith each other# Hoe&er, only in the $o'y of Mahatma there is a "nion of $o'ies $elonging to siA 'ifferent %lans, hile in "s"al h"man $o'y only fo"r %lans - %hysical, (stral, Mental an' B"''hic - are "nite' together# 180 In the $o'y of Mahatma the Matter an' the S0irit are e>"al# This is the tr"e Satt&a, in 0erfect harmony# 6oining $y Mahatmas in their $o'ies of to 0articles of higher %lans - (tmic an' Mona'ic - lea's to the Earth =or to any other inha$ite' 0lanet here there is a similar 0rocess? .e Energy, hich, from the 0oint of &ie of science, ha&e a greater &al"e than that of the loer %lans# If yo" s0eak the lang"age of the occ"lt, these Energies ha&e thinner, more 0oerf"l &i$rations# These ne Energies carry on the Earth a ne >"ality of Hife, change the 0hysiology of creat"res, assimilating them, change their ay of life# (n' e&erything the Mahatma to"ches, e&en all of hat he =she? thinks is $eginning to $ear the im0rint of ne &i$rations# He =she? seeme' to $los ne life into e&erything# He =she? re0orts to all aro"n' the ne, more 0oerf"l im0"lse, stronger as0iration# By his =her? 0resence in the orl' he =she? clears all an' enno$les, makes sitching from their on narro self-interest to a more s0irit"al moti&es an' moti&ation# The Mahatma, that com$ines all siA sim0le %lans in the $o'y hich com0lete' the 0rocess of initiation, i#e# there as an i'entification ith each other of all elementary 0articles, 'e&oi' of S"ffering of a se0aration# (ll com$ine' in him 9onscio"sness 'oes not ant more at the same time in 'ifferent 'irections - to the Matter =to the loer %lans? an' to the S0irit =to the "00er %lans?# (ll is merge', all is together an' 'o not nee' to $e torn $eteen the 0airs of o00osites# M"ch a$o"t that has $een ritten in the $ooks of (lice Bailey - a$o"t the s"fferings of the h"man so"l, the h"man conscio"sness stri&ing sim"ltaneo"sly in 'ifferent ays# The 0oem ;Bhaga&a'-Jita; is 'e&ote' to this theme# The ,attle o( )rjuna =arjuna - hite, light? - itMs the s"ffering of the h"man I, force' to choose $eteen to o00osite ays, $oth of hich are e>"ally 'ear to him an' necessary# Hence, there are all s"ffering an' 0ain of so"lf"l ang"ishes an' searching for a h"man $eing# E&ery initiation carries a >"iet, $"t the final one, hich marks the achie&ement $y the $eing of the state of the Mahatma - the Jreat So"l - gi&es a 0erson the greatest 0ossi$le sense of 0erfection an' joy of the achie&e'# ;It is finishe'; - that 6es"s 0roclaime', going "0 to the final 0oint, to the a0ogee# It as his 0ersonal a0ocaly0se - Re&elation# The Earth 181 has teame' "0 ith the Hea&en, the Matter ith the S0irit, there arose a channel thro"gh hich the Energy-Information circ"lates in $oth 'irections# East has merge' ith the Cest# .ir&ana means 0eace an' tran>"ility, an eAtinction of s"ffering an' agoni3ing# This is tr"e 0eace# (lice Bailey is ell aare of the tr"e meaning of hat .ir&ana is, an' she rote a lot of it# Djhal !h"l 0asse' information of hat is the ;0e-elation o( the sons o( .od;, hich is so colorf"l an' faithf"lly is rote $y the a0ostle %a"l in the .e Testament1 ,T1I# 1or the creation waits in eager e:"ectation (or the children o( .od to e re-ealed# )*#
1or the creation was sujected to (rustration# not y its own choice# ut y the will o( the one who sujected it# in ho"e )1# that the creation itsel( will e lierated (rom its ondage to decay and rought into the (reedom and glory o( the children o( .od. ))# We 4now that the whole creation has een groaning as in the "ains o( childirth right u" to the "resent time# )E# *ot only so# ut we oursel-es# who ha-e the (irst (ruits o( the S"irit# groan inwardly as we wait eagerly (or our ado"tion to sonshi"# the redem"tion o( our odies/ =Romans 4, 1I-)E?# The Re&elation, (0ocaly0se can $e "n'erstoo' as a re&elation of Matter for occ"rrence into it the S0irit# This is o0ening of the channel connecting the loer %lans ith the "00er =highest?# ( $"' of the Matter is o0ening# The S0irit 0l"nges into the Matter, hich lea's to the ascension of the Matter into hea&en# 5es, the hole "ni&erse is really aiting for a00earance on the Earth of the !ing'om of S"0er h"mans an' e&ery thing of Jo', e&ery creat"re ill feel the 0oer of the grace that comes from these holy $eings - from Mahatmas, from S"0er h"mans# By com$ining the Matter an' the S0irit - loer %lans ith higher, they there$y 0"t an en' to the ,Car/, hich is in Hea&en from the &ery $eginning of the orl' - $eteen the Carriors of Hight =H"cifer?, the S0irit an' the Carriors of Darkness =De&il?, the Matter# 6:1 APOCAL7PSE 4 IS A PERSONAL DECISION OF E;ER7ONE1 AGNI 7OGA1 2APTISM 27 FIRE1 182 The main task of each 0artic"lar 0erson an' of h"manity as a hole - is to achie&e the state of Bo'hisatt&a# ,odhisatt-a =from Skt# Bo'hisatt&a? - is a creat"re ith an aakene' conscio"sness# ,,odhi/ means ;enlightenment,; ;aakening;# ;Satt-a; - ;"urity; - is a g"na =>"ality? of goo'ness# Satt&a - is the harmony of Rajas an' Tamas, S0irit an' Matter# ;,odhi; - is a term that comes from the &er$ ;B"'h; =to ake "0, reali3e, see, "n'erstan'?# ;,uddhi; is translate' as ;min';, ;S0irit;# (ll this taken together in'icates that at the Bo'hisatt&a the S0irit =Ether? manifests in harmony1 half as m"ch as the elements =elementary 0articles? of the S0irit =Rajas?, an' half as m"ch as the elements of the Matter =Tamas?# 6"st to the attainment of a state of Bo'hisatt&as all eAisting s0irit"al 0ractices are 'e&ote'# 5oga, for eAam0le, is 'irecte' eAactly at it# In B"''hism, the 0rocess of $ecoming a Bo'hisatt&a calle' as Enlightenment, in 9hristianity - as Trans(iguration# In the $ook of (lice Bailey ;Esoteric %sychology; =Qol"me )? it is s0oken of this as the ;.reat Way o( lieration or enlightenment;# B"t regar'less of the religion an essence of hat is ha00ening ith the 0erson is the same# The h"man $o'y is eA0ose' to the .e Hight, the .e Energy# It is no acci'ent the 0eo0le ha&e taken the 0ath of s0irit"al self-im0ro&ement an' s"ccessf"lly mo&ing ahea' on it, referre' to as the Saints an' Enlightene'# (n' the $o'ies of s"ch 0eo0le literally $egin to contain more light =energy?# The S0irit - is the Hight an' B"''hi - is the Hight# Enlightenment, transfig"ration of the 0erson th"s increases in the organism the rajasic element, i#e# shifts the state of the ratio of 5in 2 5ang com0are' to the normal in the si'e of 5ang# This 'oes not mean that 5ang =Rajas? $egins to 'ominate# .o, j"st in com0arison to or'inary 0eo0le the Holy 0erson has 5in less, an' 5ang more# (n' he =she? is closer to their harmony# 5in makes the $o'y too 'ense, inert, sl"ggish, altho"gh '"ra$le# 5ang, $y contrast, gi&es s0arseness, lea's to eAcitation, hy0eracti&ity# Hoe&er, eAcess of 5ang can 'estroy the $o'y, to make the connection $eteen the chemical elements fragile# B"t this is o"r aim - to get an ethereal $o'y, light an' fl"i'# 183 The aim of any 0erson - is to $alance an' sta$ili3e $oth >"alities, to come to their harmonio"s 0arity# The 0ractice of the ;+iddle Way; is also teaches that - the $alancing of the 0airs of o00osites# (t or'inary 0eo0le the >"ality 5in 0re'ominates, tho"gh at 'ifferent ty0es of h"mans in &arying 'egrees# They 'o not e&en kno hat heights in terms of increasing the $o'yLs on energy can $e achie&e', an' a$sol"tely no harmf"l effects on health, in contrast to the metho's associate' ith 'r"g "se# The only s"re ay of energi3ing - itLs &egetarianism ith a gra'"al transition to a state of 0rana-eating 0l"s a 0hysical acti&ity# (n' along ith it - 'ifferent ays of knoing the orl', com$ine' ith ser&ice to the $enefit of the common goo'# (ll e nee' is lo&e - $est or's for e&eryoneN ( man sho"l' c"lti&ate the s0irit"al origin an' at the same time to 0acify an' transform the material# Is not a$o"t that e hear the con&ersations in the intelligent en&ironment, an' is not to this enco"rages "s the thinking 0art of h"man societyD ItMs raising of the energy le&el of the organism, transformation into B"''ha, a fin'ing in the heart of 9hrist# (fter all, B"''ha, an' 9hrist - they are sym$ols of the S0irit, its synonyms, an' not that other, as Energy# ( "s"al 0art of h"manity is a 0risoner of the Matter, 5in# 5in, Tamas g"i'es their actions an' tho"ghts# Three loer %lans - %hysical, (stral an' Mental - thatLs the foc"s of 5in# In these three %lans the 0articles 5in 0re&ail, an' 5ang 0articles are lacking# Here it is, the sym$ol of the Beast, 888, ere each SiA - is a 0article of one of the loer %lans# These three %lans j"st sym$oli3e the Matter in the Kni&erse# Chile the h"man min' in relation to them - it is the S0irit, $eca"se in the B"''hic %lan the 0articles 5ang 0re&ail# To the h"man ;I; of B"''hic %lan nee' to s"$'"e the infl"ence of this ;loer origin; - that is, the $o'ies =shells?, consisting of the 0articles of these three %lans# This ;s"$mission; marks the Thir' Initiation# In the f"t"re, if the h"man g"i'e - the h"man $o'y - o"l' $e ell-a'j"ste', it ill $e "se' - ill $oer - $y any higher conscio"sness, the 7ifth %lan - (tmic, e&en more sat"rate' $y the S0irit than B"''hic# 184 Merge an' infl"ence of the 0articles of the 7ifth %lan - this is the 7o"rth Initiation# 7inally, the f"rther e&ol"tion of creat"res that ha&e 0asse' this Initiation ill lea' to that the $eings consisting of 0articles of higher, the )th %lan =Mona'ic?, ill 0ay attention on them# (n' as a res"lt they ill g"i'e this creat"re, connecting to its hea' an' s"rro"n'ing it# So there is a $irth of Mahatmas - the Jreat So"ls, the Masters# There is a se>"ential a''ition of $o'ies consisting of 0articles of higher an' higher, of more s0irit"al %lans# (ccor'ingly, in the $eing, 0assing thro"gh a series of s"ch consec"ti&e In'i&i'"ali3ations =connections?, Initiations an' I'entities, the 0ercentage of 5ang an' 'ecreases the 0ercentage of 5in increases more an' more# That is, s"ch $eing increasingly closes to the i'eal - to the harmony of 5in an' 5ang - to Satt&a# The h"man $o'y in the co"rse of this e&ol"tionary 0rocess $ecomes more ethereal, more s0irit"al, $eca"se Ether - is also one of the synonyms of the S0irit# Th"s the Son of Jo' is $orn, the 0erfect man, the likeness of Jo'# Similarity - $eca"se in the "ni&erse there is an e>"al n"m$er of 0articles 5in an' 5ang, in hich the s"$stance ten's to harmony, the n"m$er of 0articles of $oth ty0es is also seeking to $alance# Descent $o'ies consisting of 0articles of higher %lans to merge ith the $o'ies of the loer %lans, to assign them an' g"i'e them - is a ,Di&e S0irit into Matter/, or, in other or's, ;The 7all of H"cifer;# Both of these eA0ressions are &ery ell knon in occ"lt literat"re# If yo" remem$er, in hea&en, or in the Kni&erse, there is a ;ar; $eteen 0u"a an' )ru"a, 5in an' 5ang, here H"cifer - itMs the S0irit, synonym of 5ang an' (r"0a# (n' R"0a an' 5in - itMs the Matter# The armies of H"cifer =(r"0a, 5ang? 'i' not ant to take sha0e, are rel"ctant to 0artici0ate in their creation, hich is not s"r0rising, $eca"se they are characteri3e' $y 7iel's of Re0"lsion# (r"0a themsel&es 'o not form the conglomerates of 0articles an' into the conglomerates incl"'es ith har' ay# They contri$"te likely to the 'estr"ction of most forms, not creation of them# B"t Jo' ants to com$ine all %lans, i#e# make the Matter has teame' "0 ith the S0irit, e&en 'es0ite the o00osition of (r"0a =5ang?# The meaning of ;War in Hea-en; is the 0olar o00osite of all 0ro0erties an' >"alities of the 0articles of these to $asic ty0es# 185 ;Di-e S"irit into +atter; - that is, a'herence to the h"man $o'y the $o'ies consisting of 0articles of highest %lans =in hich com0osition 5ang 0re'ominates? - lea's to the ;)scension the +atter to Hea-en;# In the lang"age of science, the Matter literally $ecomes easier, an' organisms are less attracte' to the hea&enly $o'ies, to hich they $elong# ;Easiness; of the Matter is achie&e' thro"gh its transformation# 7irst, the staying of the 0articles in the conglomerates =e#g# chemicals? alays lea's to their transformation# Therefore, the 0articles 5ang are transforme' themsel&es - $y gra&ity# The 0articles 5ang themsel&es ;ignite;, j"st $y joining the chemical elements consisting of 0articles of the loer %lans# The name of this 0rocess is calle' in occ"ltism as ;ignition o( $ights;, or ;rise o( Kundalini; - or in other or's - trans(ormation# trans(iguration or transmutation# S0eaking in a scientific ay, the heating, an' the tem0erat"re rise# (n' secon'ly, an' most im0ortantly, the 0articles 5ang ith their 7iel's of Re0"lsion, i#e# the S0irit emitte' $y them, transform s"rro"n'ing 0articles# They heat the $o'y, to hich are joine' - all 0articles in its chemical elements# There is a transformation $y anti- gra&ity# This is the most im0ortant ;ignition of Hights; hich occ"rs in the $o'y, an' ;Hights; - these are transforma$le 0articles in the $o'y# (s yo" can see, there is a 'o"$le transformation - $y gra&ity an' $y antigra&ity# (n' all of this lea's to increase of the o&erall tem0erat"re of the chemical elements in the $o'y of a h"man $eing# B"t 'o not imagine it literally - as a flaming fire# Ce are talking a$o"t a small increase in tem0erat"re# ItMs changing the eAternal >"ality of 0articles - their 7iel's of Re0"lsion gros an' 7iel's of (ttraction are re'"ce'# The (gni 5oga is 'e'icate' to this 0rocess of raising the !"n'alini that from the stan'0oint of 9hristianity is calle' ;Ba0tism $y 7ire;# )gni @oga - itMs learning to the 0rocess of Ba0tism $y 7ire# It can $e ass"me' that ,a"tism o( 1ire - itMs the rise of !"n'alini, energi3ing of the shells of the $o'y# Bo'hisatt&as remain j"st in s"ch state# The Matter ithin their $o'ies occ"ltly Orises;, ;is sa&e';# 186 %articles 5in ithin their $o'ies literally $ecome easier $eca"se it re'"ces their eight =Jra&ity 7iel'?# The $o'y $ecomes lighter, rises, soars# The large energi3ing of the $o'y may gi&e rise to s"ch 0henomena as alking on ater, le&itating# (n' all $eca"se of the fact that the mass 'ecreases an' antimass gros# (n' the gra&ity of the 0lanets can $e o&ercome only ith the hel0 of antigra&ity - the 7iel's of Re0"lsion# Bo'hisatt&a ins the Matter, or rather, esta$lishes a 0arity of Matter an' S0irit# The loer %lans com$ine' ith the higher - an' in s"ch $o'y the ;Car; age' since the $eginning of creation sto0s# There comes a tr"e 0eace, nir&ana# Chen the Matter, inter0rete' as the loer %lans, ceases to 'ominate - this is the Sal&ation, EAo'"s, Easter# If yo" start from the $i$lical teAts, the ;Egy"t; in this case o"l' sym$oli3e the material 0rinci0le, ;The "eo"le o( !srael; - is the H"man 9onscio"sness, an' ;Esca"e (rom Egy"tian sla-ery; - is the en' of the 'ominance of material 0rinci0le o&er the s0irit"al# (0ocaly0se - Re&elation - itMs a sym$ol of o0ening the ay to sal&ation for the H"man So"l# )"ocaly"se - itMs a story that is Easter, Ba0tism $y 7ire, 0asse' in sym$olic form# ;0e-elation o( St. Bohn the E-angelist; - is an analog"e of (gni 5oga - a story a$o"t the essence of the ;Ignition of the $o'y;, ;Rise of !"n'alini;# E&eryone sho"l' reali3e this occ"lt a0ocaly0se in itself# (n' the (0ocaly0se - is 0rimarily a 0ri&ate matter of e&eryone# <f co"rse, these in'i&i'"al 0rocesses for each in total ha&e an' the general 0lanetary significance# So e can talk a$o"t the (0ocaly0se of glo$al scale# Chen the 0rocess of transformation, s0irit"ali3ation of h"manity gains moment"m an' strength, a lot of 0eo0le come to this $right 0ath of (scension# It is 0ossi$le that the 'ark 0art of h"manity, not anting s"ch a change ill $e for some time to co"nteract the Hight <nes, eager for the s0irit"al life# B"t sooner or later e&erything ill sta$ili3e, an' e&eryone in the orl' is gra'"ally reali3es the f"ll $enefits of s"ch change# Mankin' ill $e transforme' into S"0erh"manity, an' the face of the 0lanet ill change 'rastically# Chen the 0rocess ill $e more or less com0lete, it ill $e 0ossi$le to talk a$o"t the transition to the stage, hich is name' in the Bi$le $ook of Re&elation as ;the +illennial Kingdom o( the Saints;# 187 6<1 THE CONCEPTS OF TIME OF NEWTON AND EINSTEIN1 THE PARALLEL WORLDS1 Time, accor'ing to the &ies of Isaac .eton, ;in all 0oints of s0ace floe' an' flos e>"ally, i#e# in hich region of s0ace e 0lace any clock, it ill co"nt 'on the time ith one an' the same s0ee';# (ccor'ing to the i'eas of Einstein, s0ace an' time are not a$sol"te# In kee0ing ith his &ies, they ha&e the 0ro0erty of &aria$ility# Einstein connecte' the gra&ity ith the com0ression of s0ace, an' the acceleration or 'eceleration of time - ith a 'egree of c"r&at"re of s0ace1 the more it is com0resse' an' the more the mass at this 0oint, the sloer time 0asses there# The more eAten'e' an' less the mass at this 0oint - the faster the time flos# Einstein 0ost"late' the non-sim"ltaneity of 0rocesses in 'ifferent 0arts of the Kni&erse# Time as the &al"e tracking the o&erall 0rogress of the 0rocesses of "nification into one of elementary 0articles of the siA %lans is an a$sol"te &al"e - the same for each 0oint of the Kni&erse# 9elestial $o'ies are $orn from the com0o"n' of the 0articles of the %hysical %lan# In the f"t"re, they are ;coloni3e'; $y the 0articles of o&erlying fi&e %lans, $eginning from the (stral# Time as the co"nter of ra'ioacti&e 'ecay may sto0# Hoe&er, the time as the &al"e in'icating the le&el of e&ol"tionary 'e&elo0ment of life in the Kni&erse ill not sto0 "ntil the 9reatorLs %lan ill not materiali3e# There is sim0ly no force ca0a$le to 0re&ent it# In a$sol"te time in&ariant for all 0oints of the Kni&erse, e, the 0eo0le, select ;segments; of any si3e =the ;length;?# So there are ;time "nits;# Time 2 this is not the (ourth dimension o( s"ace# By meas"ring the &al"e of segments, areas an' &ol"mes of s0ace, it has nothing to 'o# The s"ace has a total o( three dimensions 2 three coordinates 2 and no more. )ll other &dimensions& - are (igment o( the imagination o( "eo"le. Ce, creat"res that li&e on the s"rface of one of the 0lanets that eAist in the "ni&erse, associate the conce0t of ;time; ith the rotation of 188 the 0lanet on its aAis ='ays? an' its mo&ing aro"n' the star - the S"n =years?# Hife time is too small, an' the science still gains strength# This eA0lains hy e 'o not "se as a time inter&al the 0erio' of re&ol"tion of o"r solar system aro"n' the JalaAy ."cle"s or aro"n' ."cle"s of S"0er galaAy aro"n' the 9entral 9elestial Bo'y of the Kni&erse# Cithin each of the three coor'inates ='imensions?, e can mo&e in'efinitely# The time, of co"rse, canMt $e consi'ere' as a fo"rth coor'inate =+th 'imension? that can $e "se' ith res0ect to the $o'ies in the s0ace# Ce are not a$le to mo&e freely ;there - here; $eteen the f"t"re an' the 0ast# In reality, there is not a se0arate ;f"t"re;, ;0ast; an' ;0resent;# Time - itMs a chain of s"ccessi&e changes of 0osition of elementary 0articles an' their conglomerates, scattere' in the s0ace# In reality, the 0ast an' the f"t"re 'o not eAist, there is only the 0resent# Ce get information a$o"t the orl', an' o"r ;I; fiAes it# This store' memory is 0recisely the ;0ast;# Ce 0lan in o"r min' o"r on an' othersL ork, e ass"me hat ha00ens in the orl' aro"n' "s# These tho"ghts can $e seen as the ;f"t"re;# Hoe&er, in the 9reati&e S0ace that eAists in'e0en'ently of elementary 0articles, there is no f"t"re, no 0ast, no 0resent# (n' yet they are in the ;it;, sim"ltaneo"sly as the ;i'eas of the 9reator;# ;Eternal *ow;, not em$o'ie' in reality $y elementary 0articles# Time canUt slow down or s"eed u". Het no$o'y mislea' yo" $y s"ch meta0hors as ;0assage of time;, ;r"nning of time;, ;co"rse of time;# Time - 'oes not a flo an' not a ri&er, ashing o&er "s in s0ace# <f co"rse, all these com0arisons are &ery $ea"tif"l, $"t o"r scientific thinking m"st resist the "rge to take them literally# Time, like the S0ace, is a$sol"te, an' at any 0oint in the s0ace is the same# It is a reflection of a single co"rse of the 0rocesses occ"rring in the Kni&erse, associate' ith the mo&ement, association an' se0aration of elementary 0articles of the same or of the 'ifferent >"ality# 189 If e consi'er the Kni&erse as a 'eri&ati&e of a single ;Monolith; - S0ace - then e m"st imme'iately characteri3e e&erything that ha00ens ithin this Kni&erse# In the S0ace there are not some ;corners; o"t of 0artici0ating in the single 0rocess of Manifestation# (lso, in the S0ace there are not some areas, o"t of folloing the <ne Has of the Kni&erse# This is the meaning of 0hrase ;at the same time;# E&erything is shon in accor'ance ith a common %lan# .o some of their on ;time co"rses;, ;tists in time; here there are &ery 'ifferent Has# Hoe&er, it sho"l' $e recogni3e' - e&erything that h"mans ha&e e&er 'reame' of, e&erything they imagine', has the real im0lications# %erha0s, s0eaking of m"lti-tem0oral Kni&erse, 0eo0le ho say it are not 0ercei&e' information a$o"t the Kni&erse to'ay, $"t of that hich once eAiste' in a 0erio' of some Man&antara# <r, o"r S0ace is not one in the Corl', an' hile at the same time as here, there are s"ch Has of .at"re, hich e no kno, in other S0aces are >"ite 'ifferent Has# In this case, in o"r Kni&erse is one time, an' in the manifeste' Kni&erse of other S0ace ill $e another# So, the time - it is not a s0atial coor'inate# In a''ition, to 'etermine the 0osition of the elementary 0article in s0ace e 'o not nee' a fo"rth or fifth, nor the secon', nor any other eAtra coor'inate# 7or this 0"r0ose, to us Fuite enough o( three coordinates 5dimensions6# If e ante' to 0"t in gra0h another coor'inates, they sim0ly ha' no 0lace to enter# Where must we "ut the coordinates and whyLZ ' L E 7"rthermore, there is no some other s0ace ;e'ge'; in that, in hich e li&e# Ho is it 0ossi$le to imagineD ( n"m$er of mo'ern scholars $elie&e that the intro'"ction of a''itional s0aces, $"ilt as nesting 'olls, in o"r s0ace, ill sol&e all eAisting 0ro$lems in 0hysics# 190 .ot at all# This inno&ation f"rther com0licates the 0ict"re of the Kni&erse# These $"ilt-in one to another s0aces are calle' as ;"arallel worlds;# 7antastic literat"re a$o"n's ith them in 'ifferent &ariations# The S0ace - is a ;fa$ric of the Kni&erse#; Ce call the S0ace $y em0tiness# %ro0erties of the S0ace can $e consi'ere' &irt"ally "neA0lore'# Ce st"'y elementary 0articles# (n' the s0ace itself - is the "nknoa$le ($sol"te# 5o" can 'efinitely say a$o"t it, that we do not 4now aout it anything# E&en if it is ass"me' that to s0aces coeAist someho in one &ol"me, each of them m"st $e f"lly occ"0y this &ol"me# Hoe&er, they m"st $e a$sol"tely "nite'# It co"l' not $e# %ro$a$ly yo" sho"l' alrea'y feel the a$s"r'ity an' irrationality of s"ch reasoning# HetLs s"mmari3e an' acce0t the assertion that the nature o( S"ace is holistic and indi-isile# If to s0eak a$o"t the ;0arallel orl's;, e m"st say - that they eAist# B"t this term 'oes not refer to the s0ace is 'i&i'e' against itself# The term ;0arallel orl's; is most consonant ith the conce0t of ;%lans;# %lans - is the real-orl' s0heres of the S0ace 0o0"late' $y elementary 0articles# %lans eAist in the Kni&erse ;in 0arallel; ith o"r orl'# D"ring o"r lifetime, e 'o not 0ercei&e them &is"ally, $"t ne&ertheless they 'o eAist# 6>1 PRALA7A AND MAHAPRALA7A* MAN;ANTARA AND MAHAMAN;ANTARA1 DA7 AND NIGHT OF 2RAHMA* ITS INHALATION AND E=HALATION1 THE DA7 32E WITH US13 THE JUDGMENT DA7* THE END OF THE WORLD1 In occ"lt literat"re e can fo"n' the folloing conce0ts - %ralaya, Maha0ralaya, Man&antara, Mahaman&antara# Chat is their meaningD (ll these terms e can meet in Hin'" literat"re# /ralaya =from Skt# %ralaya? - is a O'estr"ctionP# (ccor'ingly, +aha"ralaya =from Skt# MahV-0ralaya? - is a Ogreat 'estr"ction;# 191 +an-antara =from Skt# Man&antara? - is a O0erio' of Man";# +ahaman-antara =from Skt# MahV-man&antara? - is a Ogreat 0erio' of Man"#; Chat is the 'ifference $eteen %ralaya an' Maha0ralaya an' $eteen Man&antara an' Mahaman&antaraD (s yo" can see, the or's ;Maha0ralaya; an' ;Mahaman&antara; contain the root ;maha;, hich translates from Sanskrit as ;a great, $ig;# D"ring Maha0ralaya S0irit an' So"ls are a$sent, $eca"se %ralaya - is %eace, Relief from the Manifestation# 192 Manifestation - itMs Man&antaras, an' Knmanifestation - is %ralaya# It says here as a$o"t %ralayas, an' a$o"t Maha0ralayas, a$o"t as Man&antaras an' Mahaman&antaras# ChatLs the 'ifferenceD %ralaya - is the Inhale of Brahma# Brahma - is the S0irit# (n' Man&antara - is the EAhale of Brahma# The Inhale an' eAhale of Brahma - is constantly a floing 0rocess of creation an' 'estr"ction of the S0irit =of the im0"lse of creation?# This 0rocess occ"rs in e&ery elementary 0article at e&ery moment of time "ntil there is this Kni&erse# Chile Mahaman&antara lasts# (n' sto0 only ith the onset of Maha0ralaya# This is the 'ifference $eteen sim0le %ralaya an' Maha0ralaya# D"ring Maha0ralaya 'isa00ears all the Manifeste' Kni&erse# %ralaya - itMs the term hich refers only to the 'isa00earance of the S0irit in a 0artic"lar 0article# EAactly the same 'ifference is $eteen Man&antaras an' Mahaman&antara# Mahaman&antara - is the emergence of the entire Manifeste' Kni&erse# Chile Man&antara - itLs EAhalation, the $irth of Brahma, the emergence of the S0irit, of the im0"lse in the 0articles# In esoteric ritings, for eAam0le, in the $ooks of (# Bailey, E# Bla&atsky, an' .# Roerich yo" can fin' s"ch eA0ressions as the ;Day of Brahma; an' the ;.ight of Brahma#; Chat is itD It is nat"ral to ass"me, $y analogy ith the h"man ay of life, that the Day of Brahma - itMs a 0erio' of acti&ity, an' the .ight - is a Rest time# B"t hat 'o e call $y the Day an' .ight of Brahma - $y Man&antara an' %ralaya or Mahaman&antara an' Maha0ralayaD The anser - a00arently, yo" can call $y the Day of Brahma as the Man&antara an' Mahaman&antara, an' $y the .ight of Brahma - an' %ralaya, an' Maha0ralaya# The same can o$&io"sly $e sai' of the eAhalation an' inhalation of Brahma# The E:halation 2 this is the Day o( ,rahma# and the inhalation 2itUs the *ight. Cith the hel0 of ins0iration an' eA0iration can $e characteri3e' the common 0erio' of the Manifestation an' Knmanifestation of Jo' - itLs a$o"t Maha0ralaya an' Mahaman&antara# (n' 0ri&ate, s0ecific act committing ithin a single so"l =elementary 0article? - itMs %ralaya an' Man&antara# 193 (t the same time, the .ight of Brahma, his inhalation - itMs a 0erio' or a moment of resi'ence of the S0ace in a state of .on-Being# (ccor'ingly, the Day of Brahma, EAhale - itMs a 0erio' or a moment of Being, of the Manifestation of the Kni&erse# D"ring Maha0ralaya the Manifeste' Kni&erse is missing# There is no Ether =S0irit?, or elementary 0articles =so"ls?, there is only 0"re S0ace =Matter?# There is no one chemical element# 9elestial $o'ies also there are not, an' so there is not the "s"al 0rocess of the 'e&elo0ment of life on 0lanets# The s0ace is em0ty# B"t this em0tiness 'oes not mean that it sto0s those "n'erlying 0rocesses of conscio"sness, of min', of hich 0resence e g"ess, $"t kno a$sol"tely nothing# The conce0t of ;Being; refers only to the manifestations of Jo'- S0ace, to to of its Hy0ostases - to the S0irit an' So"l - an' their com$inations# The S0ace itself =the Matter? eAists alays an' 'oes not 'isa00ear# In the state of Mahaman&antara in the S0ace a00ears all of hat it 'reame' an' tho"ght in its slee0 ;at night,; in a state of %ralaya# It is likely that only this Mahaman&antara marke' $y the 0resence of Ether an' elementary 0articles# It is 0ossi$le that in the neAt Mahaman&antara familiar to "s no the face of this Manifeste' Kni&erse ill change $eyon' recognition, an' all the Has of .at"re ill $e >"ite 'ifferent# The en' of Mahaman&antara an' the $eginning of Maha0ralaya is marke' $y the 0rocess of ;'il"tion;, the 'isa00earance of all that as 'is0laye' '"ring the Mahaman&antara# 7or eAam0le, this Mahaman&antara, '"ring hich e no eAist, ill com0lete of 'isa00earance of the Ether an' elementary 0articles# (n' ith them ill 'isa00ear an' all that eAists# The transition of the Kni&erse from Manifeste' state to Knmanifeste', from Man&antara to %ralaya is calle' in the Stan3as of the Books D3yan as the ;.reat Day ,e with Us/, an' in the Bi$le - ,$ast Budgment ;=or ;Day o( Budgment;?# ;It is the Ring calle' ;%ass not; for those ho 'escen' an' ascen'B ho '"ring the !al0aare 0rogressing toar's the Jreat Day ;,e With Us;###; =Stan3a F#8?# 194 ;The Sift an' the Ra'iant <ne 0ro'"ces the se&en Haya 9entres, against hich none ill 0re&ail to the Jreat Day ;,e With Us;; =Stan3a 8#)?# ;In the 'ay hen Jo' shall j"'ge the secrets of men $y 6es"s 9hrist accor'ing to my gos0el. ###; =The .e Testament, ;The E0istle to the Romans St# %a"l the (0ostle;?# <therise Day ;Be ith Ks;, 6"'gment Day can $e calle' as ,the en' of the orl'/, as the Hight - is synonymo"s ith the S0irit, an' sto0 the manifestation of the ($sol"te is to $e linke' to the 'isa00earance of the S0irit - that is, Hight# This is - the End o( the World# Ho many times the Mahaman&antara has alrea'y $een an' %ralayas re0lacing them, no one knos# (t least no one is in this orl'# If yo" "se com0"ter terminology, it can $e com0are' the Maha0ralaya ith 0estart, after hich ill $e 0resente' a ne &ersion of the Kni&erse# Do yo" remem$er hen e 'escri$e' the str"ct"re of elementary 0articlesD There e talke' a$o"t the Sone of Destr"ction - an area on the 0eri0hery of any 0article, here there is the 'estr"ction of Ether =S0irit?# So, %ralaya =from Skt# - Destr"ction? - this is the 'estr"ction, 'issol"tion, 'isa00earance of Ether, S0irit# 6?1 E;OLUTION AND IN;OLUTION1 FALL OF LUCIFER1 E&ol"tion =from Hat# E&ol"tio? - is a 'e0loyment an' in&ol"tion =from Hat# In&ol"tio? - is a clotting# Ks"ally, these to terms are "se' mainly for 'escri$ing an' 'isclosing the nat"re of 0rocesses an' 0henomena taking 0lace in the history of life of the $iological forms# Hoe&er, in reality it is something more, an' $oth of these conce0ts can $e seen in a glo$al sense, in relation to a$sol"tely any form of life# The main li&ing form, hich lies at the $ase of all, it is an elementary 0article, a so"l, "sing the lang"age of occ"ltism# (n' the 0rocesses of e&ol"tion an' in&ol"tion occ"r in each 0article# E&ol"tion - itLs the same thing as the eAhalation of Brahma, the $irth of the S0irit =Ether?# 195 In&ol"tion - is the o00osite 0rocess - the inhalation of Brahma, the 'estr"ction ='issol"tion? of the S0irit =Ether?# In&ol"tion an' e&ol"tion are in the same list of 0airs of o00osites, hich is $ase' on the ;"nity an' str"ggle; of 5in an' 5ang, Matter an' S0irit, of the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction an' the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion# These to or's - e&ol"tion an' in&ol"tion - sho"l' $e "se' in this conteAt# Hoe&er, they can $e gi&en some 'ifferent meaning an' $e "se' for 'escri$ing of some other 0rocesses, in the same time, closely relate' to ones that ha&e $een mentione' at the $eginning# 5o" can call $y the in&ol"tion the 0rocesses of ra00rochement an' "nification of the 0articles or their conglomerates =$o'ies?, $eca"se in them there is a 0rocess of In&ol"tion - 9lotting, Destr"ction of Ether, hich fin's eA0ression in half of the eAisting 0articles in the form of 7iel's of (ttraction# The 0rocess of gra&ity =attraction? can $e calle' $y the In&ol"tion# (ltho"gh still gra&ity - itMs rather a conse>"ence of the eAistence of in&ol"tion# 6"st $eca"se the gra&ity is ca"se' $y an in&ol"tion, it =gra&ity? can $e &iee' as an in&ol"tion 0rocess# ($o"t the same thing e can say a$o"t the e&ol"tion an' anti- gra&ity# Ce can call the 0rocess of re0"lsion =antigra&ity? $y the e&ol"tion, lea'ing to the eA0ansion of $o'ies, to increasing the 'istance $eteen the 0articles an' to their 'istance from each other an' from the cro'# (ltho"gh, as in the case of gra&ity, it is not tr"e com0letely i'entify ith each other the e&ol"tion an' anti-gra&ity, an' the secon' here =e&ol"tion? - is the ca"se of the first =re0"lsion?# (n' so, in general, the re0"lsion of 0articles an' $o'ies an' eA0ansion of $o'ies - this is certainly an e&ol"tionary 0rocess# 5o" can look at the in&ol"tion an' e&ol"tion from a slightly 'ifferent 0oint of &ie# In this case, the in&ol"tion an' e&ol"tion are to 0henomena that 'emonstrate the to si'es of the $"il'ing 0rocess of the Se&enth %lan - Hogoic# Both con'itions eAist sim"ltaneo"sly# Hoe&er in&ol"tion 0rece'e' the onset of e&ol"tion# Ce can ass"me the e&ol"tion of the secon'ary to the in&ol"tion# E&ol"tion o"l' ha&e ne&er starte', if not 0re&io"sly starte' the in&ol"tion# 196 !n-olution - is the 0rocess of connecting ith each other the elementary 0articles# (t the heart of the in&ol"tion is the mechanism of attraction# The ca"se of in&ol"tion - are the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction# (n eAam0le of the in&ol"tion - is the formation of the 9entral Bo'y of o"r Kni&erse# E-olution, in t"rn, is com0letely 'e0en'ent on the in&ol"tion# (t the heart of it is the mechanism of the transformation of the eAternal manifestations of the >"ality of the 0articles# The ca"se of e&ol"tion - are the 0articles ha&ing the 7iel' of Re0"lsion# (ltho"gh the ca"se of in&ol"tion - 0articles 7iel's of (ttraction, $"t in the 0rocess of "nification of the 0articles in&ol&e' not only them, $"t also 0articles ith Re0"lsion 7iel's# That is to the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion refers an esoteric conce0t of ;$uci(er;# ;Hight-carrying; of the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion - is the emission of light $y them, i#e# the Ether =S0irit?# Hence s"ch esoteric eA0ression as ;The 1all o( $uci(er; sho"l' "n'erstan' not only as a 0rocess of in&ol"tion of 0articles ith Re0"lsion 7iel's# B"t as the fact that these 0articles are in&ol&e' in the common 0rocess of merging oc elementary 0articles, along ith 0articles ith 7iel's of (ttraction# (s 0art of each %lan are the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion# (s a 0art of the "00er three %lans they 0re'ominate# The synonym for ;The 7all of H"cifer; - is ;the Di-e o( the S"irit into the +atter;# In the esoteric literat"re the ,S0irit/ is calle' as the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion, an' the ,Matter/ is the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction# ,The Di-e o( the S"irit into the +atter/ - itMs a com0o"n' of the 0articles ith the 7iel's of Re0"lsion ith the 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction - i#e# their in&ol"tion# The res"lt is ,)scension o( the +atter to Hea-en/ - the se0aration of 0articles ith the 7iel's of (ttraction together ith the 0articles ith Re0"lsion 7iel's from the total n"m$er of in&ol"tion ones an' therefore connecte' to each other, an' 'istancing them from the hea&enly $o'ies# ;(scension of the Matter to Hea&en; - this is the E&ol"tion# 197 Mo&ing aay from the total n"m$er of 0articles - i#e# e&ol&e - re0resentati&es of any of the fo"r !ing'oms# 7or eAam0le, the e&ol"tion of minerals - is the er"0tion of &olcanoes# B"t itMs not only this# The e&ol"tion of 0lants - is their groing "0, i#e# from the center of the 0lanet# (nimals are a$le to r"n an' j"m0 - i#e# $reak aay from the s"rface of the 0lanet# H"man e&ol"tion still has a more technical foc"s# 7or eAam0le, itMs a flight into s0ace# The e&ol"tion t"rn of the $o'y =an organi3e' system? can $e 'escri$e' as the 0rocess of gaining in'e0en'ence from the total conglomerate of elementary 0articles that ga&e rise to the organism# The to0ic of e&ol"tion is 0resente' in the lang"age of h"man thinking an' lang"age $y the images of flight, gaining of ings, se0aration, ele&ation, s0in-off from the cro'# Synonyms for the eA0ression ,)scension the +atter into Hea-en; - are ,Easter9, ,E:odus9, ,)scension/, ,Sal-ation9# 6@1 THE TREE OF LIFE1 ESOTERIC S7M2OLISM OF THE KINGDOMS OF NATURE1 THE NUM2ER OF 2EAST B>>>C* THE STAR OF DA;ID* THE CHRISTIAN CROSS AND OTHER S7M2OLS1 SiA sim0le %lans of the Kni&erse take 0art in the formation of the se&enth, com0leA - Hogoic# Taken together all se&en %lans - siA sim0le an' one com0rehensi&e =Hogoic %lan? - can $e name' as the ,Tree o( $i(e/, "sing the ca$$alistic sym$olism# The hole Manifeste' Kni&erse is forme' $y ten Se"hiroth here the Three Higher are the Three Main Hy0ostases of 9reator - Matter, S0irit, an' So"l, an' the Se&en Hoer are the se&en $asic ty0es of so"ls in e&ery le&el of each %lan# EAisting in this orl', e th"s ;eat fr"its; of this Tree# 5o" can s0eak fig"rati&ely, that e-ery elementary "article 2 is &the (ruit o( the Tree o( $i(e&. 198 (t first in the Kni&erse the celestial $o'ies arose - itMs the Mineral !ing'om# In the formation of it as atten'e' the elementary 0articles only of the %hysical %lan# 9hemical elements of the Mineral !ing'om $ecame the $asis an' the elementary 0articles of all other %lans in the 0rocess of $"il'ing $y them the Hogoic %lan ,fiAe'/ to it# The 0articles of the "n'erlying %lan alays ser&e as a $asis for the 0articles of o&erlying %lan# Each !ing'om of .at"re therefore is calle' as the !ing'om that its re0resentati&es s"$stantially im0ro&e the e&ol"tionary rates an' there$y $egin to 'ominate o&er re0resentati&es of the 0re&io"s !ing'om# The Qegeta$le !ing'om arose on the $asis of chemical elements of the Mineral one an' the g"i'eline of 0lants $ecame the elementary 0articles of the (stral %lan# The (nimal !ing'om flo"rishe' on the $asis of Qegeta$le "n'er the g"i'ance of 0articles of the Mental %lan# By the $asis of the H"man !ing'om the (nimal !ing'om $ecame, an' its g"i'ing 0rinci0le - is the 0articles of the B"''hic %lan# The S"0erh"man !ing'om that ill 'e&elo0 on the $asis of H"man <ne, ill take the 0articles of to %lans - (tmic an' Mona'ic# (fter that in the Kni&erse, there o"l' $e a h"ge n"m$er of s"ch creat"res co"l' $e consi'ere' that the 0"r0ose of the 9reator to this Man&antara has achie&e' - the !ing'om of Jo' eAists as a reality# (ll the 0lanets an' many of the moon in a certain 0erio' of their eAistence make their contri$"tion to the formation of the Hogoic %lan - are in&ol&e' in the creation of the ;Tree of Hife;# (n' no letMs talk a$o"t the esoteric sym$olism of the !ing'oms of .at"re# This is com0letely ne information# Kntil to'ay, yet nohere among the 0eo0le it is not mentione' that the king'oms of .at"re can $e 'escri$e' $y any sym$ols# ( re0resentati&e of any !ing'om - is a 0ro'"ct of com$ining of elementary 0articles of 'ifferent 0lans# ( chemical element, a re0resentati&e of the Hogoic %lan, is the $asis on hich are str"ng 0articles of all %lans# Each !ing'om of .at"re is marke' $y the accession of the 0articles of one more, o&erlying %lan# In or'er to sho that the 0articles of 'ifferent %lans are connecte' in the hole one, itMs "se' the sym$ol of the floer - lot"s# Each 0etal in the floer - is a sym$ol of elementary 0articles of any %lan# 199 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;6 One-"etal $otus - is a something mi''le $eteen to astrological signs - (ries an' Ta"r"s - a sym$ol of the Mineral !ing'om# <ne single 0etal tells "s that elementary 0articles of 'ifferent le&els of only %hysical %lan are "nite' in the com0osition of any chemical element of the mineral king'om# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T6 Two-"etal $otus 2 is the symol o( in(inity, eight - is a sym$ol of the Qegeta$le !ing'om# 200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K6 Three-"etal $otus 2 888# the *umer o( the ,east# the +ar4 o( the ,east - is a sym$ol of the (nimal !ing'om# In the h"man min' the fear of $i$lical 0ro0hecies# B"t all is not as $leak as it seems at first glance# Bi$le in general canMt $e taken literally# It is ritten in 0ara$les, is 0ermeate' $y allegories, is sat"rate' $y images# 7or eAam0le, letMs consi'er hat is the ;+ar4 o( the ,east; or otherise ;the *umer o( the ,east; It is nothing like an esoteric sym$ol of the (nimal !ing'om# Dra on the 0a0er trefoil - three-0etal lot"s - hereLs $efore yo" the ."m$er of the Beast, three siAes - 888# Each 0etal of the trefoil - this is a siA =8?# The 0articles of the Mental %lan join to the chemical elements that are the com0onents of some 'e0artments of the $rain of animals# (s a res"lt, elementary 0articles of three %lans - %hysical, (stral an' Mental are com$ine' in the (nimal !ing'om# (n' each 0etal, i#e# e&ery siA - itMs a sym$ol of one of the three %lans# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O6 1our-"etal $otus 2 itUs the 'hristian 'ross# the Swasti4a - itMs a sym$ol of ManLs !ing'om# 201 The 9hristian 9ross an' sastika - are the same things# Their images are a $it 'ifferent from one another, $"t in general, they re0resent the same meanings# The .a3is a'o0te' the sastika as its sym$ol, an' "n'er its a"s0ices ere 'oing e&il# Hoe&er, the 9hristian 9ross also staine' ith $loo', remem$er the 9r"sa'es an' the Holy In>"isition# (s yo" can see, the sym$ols are not ith it# Selfish, militant 0eo0le are a$le to 'enigrate anything# Elementary 0articles of the B"''hic %lan join to the chemical elements in the ne"rons of the cere$ral corteA of 0eo0le# (s a res"lt, the 0articles of fo"r %lans - %hysical, (stral, Mental an' B"''hic come together at 0eo0le# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P6 1i-e-"etal lotus 2 /entagram# 1i-e-"ointed star - is the sym$ol of the first of s"0erh"man !ing'oms folloing after h"manity# 202 The 0articles of fi&e %lans - %hysical, (stral, Mental, B"''hic an' (tmic are com$ine' together in $o'ies of re0resentati&es of this !ing'om# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 Si:-"etal $otus 2 Star o( Da-id - is a sym$ol of more a'&ance' $eings# Re0resentati&es of this !ing'om on the Earth are B"''ha, 9hristos an' other (scen'e' Masters a$o"t hom e hear so m"ch# 203 In the $o'ies of re0resentati&es of this !ing'om $esi'es elementary 0articles of en"merate' a$o&e fi&e %lans there are also the 0articles of the siAth %lan - Mona'ic# The !ing'om of S"0er h"mans is engen'ere' on the Earth an' eAists for a long time in o"r Solar system an' in the $or'ers of Kni&erse# (n' it 'is0lays in totality hat in Bi$le is name' the .odUs Kingdom, or otherise the Hea-enly Kingdom# 6A1 ;ARIOUS ;ERSIONS OF THE UNI;ERSE1 Qery often, 0l"nging into the tho"ghts a$o"t this manifeste' Kni&erse, e can $e "nha00y an' 'isa00ointe' $y 'ictates of the las of the S0irit, So"l an' Matter# Distant goals of the 9reati&e S0ace are incom0rehensi$le for 0eo0le# Ce 'o not kno here it came from, hat constit"tes, here is locate' an' hether it is a00ro0riate in relation to this ;Something; in general, any 'isc"ssion a$o"t the $o"n'aries an' herea$o"ts# Chy is this s0ace, hich e are 0art, follos the 0ath of creating a ;Holy Trinity; - that is, Matter, S0irit an' elementary 0articles =the So"ls, hich are the res"lt of com$ining the first to?# This ay is s"ch 'iffic"lt an' thorny# <rganisms are the res"lt of com$ining of the 0articles of 'ifferent >"ality an' 'ifferent 0lans - a00reciate in the first 0lace only their on eAistence# Chy the S0ace co"l' not create $eings alrea'y in the form that o"l' $e nee'e'D Chat for all this &iolence, all these $irths an' 'eaths, 0ain an' s"fferingD 5es, they are, $"t for hat all thisD Chy the S0ace co"l' not 'o, creating a 0henomenal orl', itho"t all thisD May$e this manifeste' Kni&erse - is not the only &ariant an' ere an' ill $e 'ifferentD Chy the S0ace ;&ent"re'; all this ;e0o0ee; ith the eAistence of 0articles of 'ifferent >"ality# 7iel's of (ttraction an' Re0"lsion - these are the mechanisms of con&ergence ith each other an' f"rther aay of 0articles an' chemical elements# B"t hy the S0ace, if it is a$le to create ether a' centers of 0oer, nee's these fiel's for the connection an' 'isconnection of the 0articlesD 204 Chy, for hat itLs all in&ente' an' eAists, an' ho is the ;a"thor; of this cr"el orl'D Is it im0ossi$le to 'o itho"t all of this im0erfectionD B"t as a r"le, the i'eas a$o"t the nat"re of the S0ace come to re0lace these 0"33le' tho"ghts# May$e this &ersion of the manifeste' "ni&erse is not fore&erD May$e this &ariant ith all its Has of In&ol"tion an' E&ol"tion, (ttraction an' Re0"lsion an' the 'e&o"ring $y one king'om another - it is really j"st one of the o0tionsD (n' ere another Kni&erses $efore, an' others ill $e after thatD (n' the S0ace is j"st 0laying ith itself# May$e these ;games; - are the only thing for hich it eAists, the only ;occ"0ation;, hich is a&aila$le to itD May$e these ;games; are the nat"ral acti&ity of this Something - an act of ceaseless enjoying the fact that it first creates an' then 'estroysD Ce acce0t the las of the "ni&erse as a gi&en# Ce e&en there is no 'o"$t in the fact that e&erything is as it sho"l' $e# B"t it may $e, that S0ace ;ha&ing 0laye' eno"gh; this &ersion of the Kni&erse ;erases; all eAisting elementary 0articles an' then ;come "0 ith; something ne# Chat if in the ne &ersion of the Kni&erse ill not $e anything familiar - no chemical elements an' elementary 0articles, or celestial $o'ies, no 0lants, no animals, no 0eo0le, no omen, no men, no ki'sD Someone ill say1 ;B"t ho is that 0ossi$leD; B"t it tells in "s the familiar, ell-esta$lishe' orl'&ie# Ce 'o not kno all ca0a$ilities of this S0ace# Ce 'o not e&en g"ess### 951 A LIMITLESS OCEAN1 Sometimes, hen e get tire' of the e&ery 'ay &anity, e $egin to 'ream a$o"t some $o"n'less ocean# The ocean in this case - itLs j"st a sym$ol# Best reflects the essence of this ;<cean; clear, clo"'less $l"e of the e&ening sky# 5o" ant to sink in it, 'issol&e, a$sor$ it, to $reathe, to sail into it, to $ecome 0art of it# The or' ;<cean; $est reflects the 0resence in the em0tiness of some an "ncharte', "nknon, mysterio"s, entailing 'e0th# In this Hea&enly <cean, 0erha0s, there is anything that only 0ossi$le, as ell as 205 the a$yss that e sim0ly can not imagine# There is a $liss, 0eace an' tran>"ility# B"t at the same time there is a 0oer, g"st an' s0ee'# (n' in all of this there is greatness an' goo'ness, an' omniscience, an' an "n'erstan'ing of a$sol"tely e&erything, an' the a$sence of any mysteries, ta$oos an' ignorance# This is all"ring infinity, the tr"e home of all of "s# (n' ith that this is the eternal eAciting jo"rney# Chat can $e com0are' to the "ni&erse that a00ears $efore h"man conscio"sness after 'eath, an' rarely in lifeD 9o"ntless So"ls =elementary 0articles? at the same 0ace, like ocean a&es, rolle' on yo", merge' in a single hole an' ashe' 0l"nging into this ocean conscio"sness# (n' it $ecomes a 0art of that ocean, ceasing to feel their self an' 'issol&ing into the <ne Im0ersonal# (n' 'i&e into that <ne - great $liss, ith hich not all earthly feelings an' eA0eriences can $e 0"t on a 0ar# 901 ETHER - IS THE CAUSE OF FIRMNESS OF ELEMENTAR7 PARTICLES1 By themsel&es elementary 0articles 'e&oi' of >"ality - i#e# 'o not 'estroy an' 'o not create Ether - ;e0hemeral; - as if they are not there for each other# This means that all elementary 0articles of the "ni&erse can $e com$ine' ith each other an' they ;o"l' feel;# <f co"rse, in reality, this 0rocess of connecting ith each other centers of 0oer, 'e0ri&e' of >"ality, ne&er ha00ene'# B"t this tho"ght eA0eriment hel0s to "n'erstan' their nat"re# Elementary 0articles canMt merge ith each other $eca"se they are fille' ith Ether# .otice ho on'erf"lly e&erything orks# Ether filling in some 0oint of time any 0article $elongs at this moment only this 0article# (n' eAactly Ether filling 0articles, gi&e them an' also to s"$stance hich they form a &ol"me, 'efines the $o"n'aries, ;o&erste0; hich neigh$oring 0articles canMt# It is thanks the Ether filling them the 0articles re>"ire a certain 0lace in the s0ace# 206 Hoe&er, eAactly the 0article is the ca"se of that ithin its s0here a certain amo"nt of Ether is alays ke0t# The ra'i"s of all 0articles is the same# It can $e ass"me' that elementary 0articles ca"se the 'iscreteness of the Kni&erse# The 0articles, ho "nimagina$ly h"ge there o"l' not the n"m$er of them in the "ni&erse, can $e co"nte' ;$y the 0iece#; B"t in res0ect of Ether it canMt $e 'one# Elementary 0articles fragment Ether# 961 A 2OUNDLESSNESS OF THE SPACE1 The Infinity of the Jo'-($sol"te - is, literally, ;an a$sence of limits;# The 9reati&e S0ace is "nifie'B it 0ermeates an' im$"es all that eAists, from a 0article to 0article# E&eryhere in the Kni&erse there is only one S0ace# (n' thereLs no $o"n'aries for him, there are no limits# The 0articles ha&e limits, $"t not the s0ace containing an' creating them# The same can $e sai' a$o"t chemical elements an' $o'ies# In the o"tsi'e orl' $o'ies ha&e $eginning an' the en's# B"t the fact that there are $or'ers for elements an' $o'ies 'oes not mean that they are for the S0ace sat"rating an' creating them# ! e:ist# su""orting this whole world y one "art o( myself/ =!hagavad-gita# ;Y>OT?# ,The Bhaga&a' Jita1 ;Ha-ing "er-aded this whole Uni-erse with a (ragment o( +ysel(# ! remain/ =(lice Bailey ,Esoteric %sychology, ?# ;S"00orting, 0er&a'ing of the Kni&erse; can $e "n'erstoo' as a 0rocess of formation of each elementary 0article# This feat"re - s"00orting, a00ro&al - 0erforms 7ohat 0erforms that is ;a00ro&ers; an' ;mo"l'er;# The 7ohat - is one of many synonyms for the conce0t of ;S0irit;, the secon' as0ect of the manifeste' "ni&erse# EAistence in the Kni&erse of the S0irit, 7ohat, Energy is the reason for eAistence of elementary 0articles an' their ;har'ness; in relation to one another# 207 By sat"rating the 0articles, S0irit as if 'eclares its tem0orary right for a gi&en &ol"me of the s0ace, in hich the forme' $y it 0article is locate' at this moment, an' no other 0articles is no longer a$le to transgress this $or'er# (n' any 0article ill alays $e an oner of the certain &ol"me of S0ace, same for all# 991 SO WHAT IS OUTSIDE THE INFINITE UNI;ERSE8 Chat is $eyon' the $or'ers of the infinite "ni&erseD Qerily, it is the most eternal an' "nfathoma$le >"estion of all aske' $y 0erson to himself# Before it the $est min's of mankin' retreat in the 0oerlessness# This is the greatest mysteries of the cosmos, hich the h"man min' has not yet $een a$le to sol&e# (s if insi'e each of "s t"rn on some emergency $locking system of conscio"sness, as only a 0erson tries to 0resent to himself that, in his &ie, m"st limit o"r "ni&erse an' contin"e f"rther# 6"st here an' there a com0lete 0aralysis of tho"ght comes, $or'ering on a 0anic# (fter all, from the 0oint of &ie of any of "s, it is illogical1 that hat contains so m"ch of the en'ing, meas"ring, itself has no en' or e'ge an' cannot $e 'efiniti&ely meas"re'# It m"st ha&e - o"r inner &oice tells "s# B"t if 'oes it ha&eD Then hatD Chat 'oes s"rro"n' the Kni&erseD (n' hat 'oes s"rro"n' that, hat 'oes s"rro"n' the "ni&erseD (n' hat 'oes s"rro"n' that, hat 'oes s"rro"n' that, hat 208 'oes s"rro"n' the "ni&erseD (n' so on# The min' gi&es "0, o&ereAten's, an' ref"ses to s"$mit "nimagina$le# B"t it may $e that here the logic is 0oerless, 'oes the int"ition hel0 "sD May$e 'oes someone on the Earth kno the anser to this o&erri'ing >"estionD <r is anyone in the Kni&erseD HetLs ho0e thatLs the case### %erfectly the iss"e of the infinity of the s0ace rises in the $ook of *icholas 0oerichCs &Se-en .reat +ysteries o( 'osmos&1 ,Since times immemorial 0eo0le ha&e looke' at the starry sky re&erentially, a'miring the glimmer of inn"mera$le orl's# Man as ama3e' $y the gran'e"r of 9osmos since the &ery $eginning of his 0resence on the Earth# Es0ecially in solit"'e of the immense 'esert or ami' the conglomeration of gigantic mo"ntains man "nintentionally 0l"nges into the tho"ghts of immensi$ility of the Kni&erse, infinity of the 9osmic s0ace# H"man min' has $een astonishe' $y that Infinity# B"t also it co"l' not imagine 9osmos $eing limite'# (ss"ming the eAistence of the limit of s0ace somehere, another >"estion arises imme'iately1 hat is $eyon' that limitD If it is not the s0ace then hat is itD E&ery time the h"man min' has to a'mit that 9osmos cannot ha&e any limits# 9osmic s0ace infinitely stretches on all si'es/ =.icholas RoerichLs ;Se&en Jreat Mysteries of 9osmos;, The 7irst Mystery Days an' .ights of Brahma?# 9:1 GOD IS E;ER7WHERE1 .o yo" are at the $eginning of this series of $ooks 'e&ote' to the main fiel's of the h"man science# (n' after e 'i&e into the analysis of the 0rocesses an' 0henomena of this orl', go thro"gh all the intricacies of the Matter, S0irit an' So"l an' analy3e 'ifferent ty0es of elementary 0articles, chemical elements an' their com0o"n's, an' all sorts of re0resentati&es of the &ario"s !ing'oms of .at"re, e recommen' to yo" to come $ack to the reali3ation this all taken together - no more than a 'ist"r$ance in the s0ace - Maya, an ill"sion, a 'ream that can ;see; the 9reati&e S0ace# (n' e&eryhere, e&eryhere there is nothing $"t the Jo'# 9<1 WHAT IS THE 3AKASHA38 209 H#%# Bla&atsky i'entifies (kasha in her orks ith M"la0rakriti that is not >"ite tr"e# M"la0rakriti - is the Root-Matter, the <riginal S"$stance# (kasha - 'oes not the Matter that is not the first as0ect of 9reator# (kasha - itLs 'irectly the changing of the material $asis# (kasha - is synonymo"s to the S0irit, the secon' as0ect# (kasha is a Sanskrit or' - ;&isi$ility;, hich in itself in'icates that the (kasha is relate' to the state of manifestation# Chile M"la0rakriti hi''en in the ;integ"ment, fore&er "nseen#; This is - the first 0lace# Secon', the main characteristic of (kasha is ;sha$'a; =so"n'?, hich in'icates a relationshi0 ith the Qoice, S0eech, Cor', the list of synonyms, here each conce0t re0resents the ay of manifestation of the S0irit in the Matter# Thir', accor'ing to the K0anisha's, (kasha - is the (irst element =huta?, hich the Brahman create'# (n' first, as e kno, the S0irit as $orn# The Element of the Matter - itLs not the Matter itself, $"t its altere' state# (kasha - this is one of the great elements - +ahahuta# (kasha - this is the (i(th element, forme' in the Matter, hich com$ines together all other fo"r elements - (ir, 7ire, Cater an' Earth# (n Im0"lse of Manifestations =(kasha?, in'ee', im$"es e&ery 0oint of the s0ace, 0enetrates any of eAisting elementary 0articles# 7o"rth, (kasha is characteri3e' $y the ;inherent light an' 'arkness,; an' this corres0on's to reality# ( metho' of forming of (kasha - is to $"il' of to ty0es of constr"ction "nits - Hight =5ang? an' Dark =5in?# 7ifth, (kasha - is a ;re0ository of knole'ge an' information,; an' rightf"lly so, as the (kasha - is the S0irit, an' the S0irit - this is information# 9>1 2UDDHA AND CHRIST 4 ARE THE S7M2OLS OF THE SPIRIT1 The image of B"''ha in B"''hism also is sym$olic as the image of 9hrist in 9hristianity# ,uddha - is aakene' one# It is almost the same as the $"''hi - (akening, the first tho"ght of the <ne, Im0ersonal =Brahman? after aking "0, i#e# '"ring the transition from Man&antara into %ralaya# 210 B"''ha =B"''ha? - is the same as the B"''hi - the Min', Di&ine Tho"ght, S0irit, is em$o'ie' in the Matter# B"''ha 0lays the role of the Male %rinci0le generating this 0henomenal orl'# 'hrist in 9hristianity has the same sym$olic f"nction - the male 0rinci0le, marrie' to the female 0rinci0le - the 9h"rch of 9hrist, ith the res"lt that there is this 0henomenal orl'# ,uddha and 'hrist - are the sym$ols of the S0irit manifeste' in the Matter# B"''ha as s"ffering in this orl'# B"t the .o$le Eightfol' %ath sa&e' him from s"ffering an' le' to .ir&ana# 9hrist s"ffere' on the cross, $"t after his 'eath, he ascen'e' an' as in the %ara'ise# 211 (n' in fact, in $oth cases, the s"fferings in this 0henomenal orl' are com0lete' $y li$eration an' 0eace# The (scension of 9hrist an' the B"''haMs entry into .ir&ana - are the sym$ols of achie&ing $y them, each in his life, the state that the Bi$le calle' as the (0ocaly0se# The )"ocaly"se - is the sal&ation of the H"man 9onscio"sness from the cl"tches of material eAistence, Jetaay, ;E:odus (rom ondage in Egy"t;# The 0erio' of mass achie&ements of s"ch an eAistence ithin the $o"n'aries of the "ni&erse is calle' $y the Bi$le ;the +illennial Kingdom o( the Saints;# This is not immersion into %ralaya# .o, %ralaya ill follo later, hen - is "nknon# Chen the 0"r0ose of the Jo' ill $e com0lete'# <$&io"sly, B"''ha an' 9hrist ere 'one the sym$ols $y those 0eo0le ho ma'e $iogra0hies of real 0ersonalities, ho ore these names# 9?1 THE HOL7 GRAIL1 The Holy .rail - is the &essel, to here the $loo' of 9hrist is going# More 0recisely, not here itLs going, $"t here it circ"lates# 212 This &essel - itLs MotherLs Com$ =Matter? ith the S0irit manifeste' in it - that is, the So"l, an elementary 0article# This is the Holy Jrail# The ,lood o( 'hrist - is the Ser0ent of S0ace =the Dragon of Cis'om?, floing Ether =S0irit? hich ca"ses o$jecti&i3ation, the manifestations of this "ni&erse# The eA0ression ;the Bloo' of 9hrist; is closely linke' ith other conce0ts enco"ntere' in the occ"lt so"rces - the ;seat of the Mother;, ;sc"m;# The Bloo' of 9hrist - is the secon' as0ect of Jo', the ;Cater of Hife;, Energy ;Cill-Be;# The ,ody o( 'hrist - is a synonym for the Holy Jrail - for the Matter ith the S0irit manifeste' in it# The So"l - is the &isi$le Kni&erse# The $loo' is floing in the Bo'y# (n' as long as the $loo' flos, the $o'y is ali&e - that is eAists# If the Bloo' ill sto0 to r"n, the $o'y ill 'ie - 'isa00ear# 9@1 CHRIST AND ANTICHRIST* HEA;EN AND HELL1 9hrist an' (ntichrist, Hea&en an' Hell, Ba0tism $y 7ire an' Ba0tism $y Cater, S0irit an' Matter - all these are from the series in'icating to the 0airs of o00osites# The or' ,9hristianity/ has a 'o"$le meaning# 7rom one si'e, this is an real 0erson, holy, Mahatma, ho 0asse' thro"gh all fi&e Initiations, an' ac>"ire' '"ring this ay the stat"s of a S"0erh"man an' an (scen'e' Teacher# 7rom other si'e - itMs a sym$ol of the S0irit, the Hight, the 7ire, an' the 7ather# <ften in the .e Testament yo" can meet a statement that 9hristos is the Son of Jo'# (ll is tr"e# Kn'er the ,Son of Jo'/ e sho"l' "n'erstan' a re0etition in a miniat"re the image of Jo' - all siA %lans are merge' together in the $o'y of 9hrist# 9hrist is a sym$ol of the S0irit# The conce0t ,S0irit/, as yo" remem$er, can $e "se' in general meaning as an in'ication on the S0irit 213 s0ille' in the S0ace, or the S0irit - itLs 0articles ith 7iel's of Re0"lsion, 5ang# By irony of fate, $"t most 0ro$a$ly j"st $eca"se of mis"n'erstan'ing the tr"e sense of occ"lt conce0ts H"cifer in 9hristianity is o00ose' to 9hrist an' i'entifie' ith his anti0o'e - (ntichrist# B"t H"cifer is j"st an analog of 9hrist# (n eA0lanation of the meaning of the conce0t ,H"cifer/ as an antagonist of 9hrist is erroneo"s# The 9h"rch, Bri'e of 9hrist, sho"l' $e consi'ere' as a sym$ol of Matter - in this case as elementary 0articles ith 7iel's of (ttraction, 5in# B"t the Bri'e of 9hrist - is the Matter 'e0ri&e' of her 'ominate' 0osition# She is le' $y 9hrist - i#e# the S0irit# There is one more conce0t in the 9hristianity that is o00osite to 9hrist - itLs (ntichrist# So hat is itD (ntichrist - itMs the same as the Matter# Hoe&er "nlike the Bri'e of 9hrist, it kee0s H"manMs ,I/ in 0risoner# (ntichrist - itMs the ,Beast/, animal 0rinci0le of the h"man organism, three siAes =888?, three %lans - %hysical, (stral an' Mental - ensla&ing the h"man So"l, the $o'y of the B"''hic %lan# 9hristos constit"tes the Sa&ior of h"man ,I/ from the yoke of the "nenlightene' Matter, (ntichrist# 9hrist - is to highest %lans - (tmic an' Mona'ic - a s0irit"al 0rinci0le as in relation to three loest %lans, an' to the H"man 9onscio"sness, relate' ith the B"''hic %lan# Hell an' Hea&en are the States of 9onscio"sness# Hell - itMs an i'entification of the H"man ,I/ ith the material 0rinci0le, sensation of its hea'shi0 an' ins"$or'ination# The feeling of ,Hell/ is tightly connecte' ith aakening in the 0erson of the ,Beast/, an animal nat"re, (ntichrist# EAactly the same ay Hea&en - itMs the state of the H"man 9onscio"sness# ItMs 0ossi$le to $e in %ara'ise in the 'isem$o'ie' state, or 'onLt $reaking the connection ith 'ense $o'y# The last corres0on's to the B"''hist ,Staying in .ir&ana/# %oer o&er the Matter, control a$o&e an animal 0rinci0le# (t the same time, the Matter isnMt j"st "n'er control# .o, she is 'issol&e' in the S0irit, i'entifie' ith him, she is his 0art an' in'i&isi$le hole# Ce can say that the 0oer is gi&en &ol"ntarily, an' the "nion is $ase' on the lo&e# In accor'ance ith the Ha of I'entification, there is a s"$jection of the largest 7orce =Information?# This means that the information, hich is transmitte' $y 214 the most 0oerf"l 0articles 5ang =i#e# emitting the Ether ith the $iggest s0ee'?, is the most im0ortant an' &al"a$le# If to s0eak $y cleanly occ"lt lang"age =not a''ing the scientific terminology?, then s"ch 0articles can $e 'escri$e' as ha&ing the most strong an' most thin &i$rations# ,To take the 9hrist into the heart/ means to i'entifie' on inferior material ,I/ =the heart is a sym$ol of (stral %rinci0le? ith the highest, s0irit"al %lans, 0resente' in the $o'y, consisting of lager amo"nt of 0articles 5ang# These higher %lans - are the 9hrist for the inferior %lans# Information of the higher %lans affects on the information of inferior - an' re$"il's $y s"ch ay the loer $o'ies-shells# The H"manLs So"l =shell, consisting of the 0articles of the B"''hic %lan?, eA0eriencing s"ch transforming infl"ence from the S0irit =9hrist?, $ecomes ,sa&e'/, an' it can consi'er as ,staying in the %ara'ise/# If the material 0rinci0le in the h"man 'oesnMt s"$or'inate an' is an in'e0en'ent %oer, a$le to 'irect the actions an' acts of 0erson, then it can consi'er that the H"man So"l ,has got to Hell/# (s yo" remem$er, in accor'ance ith the Ha of I'entification, the last taken information has the most im0ortance# (n' this state of ,most im0ortance/ is sa&e' "ntil this information arri&e' into 0articles 'oes not ,cancele'/ $y the ne, more &al"a$le one# 7rom this it follos the concl"sion, relating to the 0ostmortem eAistence of 0erson# The state o( Human 'onsciousness# which was ty"ical (or him during the li(e# "ersists y him as the managing# dominant and a(ter death until another stronger Energy-!n(ormation will a((ect on him. Chat is this ,stronger Information/D This is the $o'ies of essences li&ing in the s0ace, on the higher %lans, an' containing $igger 0ercent of 0articles 5ang# They ith $igger s0ee' emit Information - i#e# Ether# (ll as regar's the >"estions of interaction of Energies-Informations is eAtremely im0ortant for "n'erstan'ing of the main 0oints that ha00ens at ,Initiations/# B"t itMs not only for this# In s"rro"n'ing "s life e constantly meet ith 'emonstrations of the Ha of I'entification# Ce nee' to learn to 'ifferentiate these &ario"s manifestations an' calmly o$ser&e them, an' also as far as 0ossi$le to control them# Beca"se of the mentione' conser&ation after 'eath last lifetime states, 0ro$a$ly most of stories a$o"t eA0erience of the H"man So"l 215 ,getting after 'eath or in Hea&en, or in Hell/ can $e consi'ere' eno"gh tr"thf"l# B"t yo" m"st also remem$er a$o"t the fact that any one of after- 'eath states is not constant# (s alrea'y as sai', if a 0article is infl"ence' $y ne, more 0oerf"l Information, its con'ition changes# %ro$a$ly so hen the 0erson j"st has 'ie' or is 'ying to him in&ite the 0eo0le ho can affect ell on the H"man 9onscio"sness, remo&e from it negati&e memories - lo&ing close familiars an' frien's, relati&es, shamans, 0riests?# Therefore the rit"al of a$sol"tion, re0entance eAists - this clears the So"l, an' it goes to ,free life/ - into another orl' - clean, 'e&oi' of chaining it false =sinf"l? 0rograms of $eha&ior# The H"man So"l after 'eath in the most meas"re ill gra&itate to those %lans that are more strongly infl"ence on it '"ring the life# (fter-'eath eAistence of the H"man ,I/ is f"lly 'eterminate' $y its !arma, its 9hronics of (kasha, that Information, hich im0resse' in the 0articles of the H"man 9onscio"sness at the life# ThatMs hy so "sef"l for o"r So"l an infl"ence all of higher, that hel0ing "s to go o"t the frameorks of tri&ial state# <f co"rse, it 'oes not mean, that contact ith the three loest %lans is harmf"l# .ot in the least# Hoe&er yo" sho"l' reali3e that %hysical %lan, (stral an' Mental $efore others $egin to 0artici0ate in constr"cting of !ing'oms of .at"re1 the %hysical %lan $efore than the (stral, the (stral $efore than the Mental, the Mental $efore than the B"''hic, the B"''hic later than the (tmic# (n' the Mona'ic %lan enters in this 0rocess after all, $eca"se it is sat"rate' $y 0articles 5an more than all others# (n' the s0ee' of emitting of Ether $y 0articles of this %lan is $iggest# Ce can say that the loer %lans 0ersonifie' the history of Earth =an' not only of Earth, $"t in general, in oec"menical scales?, the history of formation an' e&ol"tion the life on it# So itMs nat"rally to s"00ose, that the lo %lans - are carriers of more earlier, more 0rimiti&e information# 9A1 THE FATHER* THE SON AND THE HOL7 SPIRITE1 In religio"s an' esoteric literat"re there are not less com0lications, am$ig"ities an' mis"n'erstan'ings than in "s"al $ooks, an' 'oesnMt e&erything sim0ly# 216 The S0irit is regar'e' $y the tr"e Male %rinci0le of the Kni&erse, the 0artner of the Matter# .e&ertheless e consi'er that an' in this >"estion are hi''en >"ite a fe inacc"racies# In the 9hristian Trinity the 7ather - itMs not the Secon' Hy0ostasis, $"t the 7irst, main, gi&en $irth to the Son, an' from her emanates the Holy S0irit# In Stan3as of the Book of D3yan the 7ather is calle' - the 7ather, an' the 7ather is "nite' ith the Mother - ,Mother-7ather/# In the same 0lace he is name' yet as Jo'like Tho"ght =the Matter - Jo'like Bosom?# (n' in religio"s an' occ"lt teAts there are >"ite many Trinities# ,7ather - Son - Holy S0irit/ =9hristian?, ,S0irit - So"l - Bo'y/ =0hiloso0hic?, ,S0irit - So"l - Bo'y/ =0hiloso0hic?# There are still to Hin'" Trinities1 ,Shi&a - Qishn" - Brahma/, ,(tma - B"''hi - Manas/# (n' also there is a Trinity, meeting in the $ooks of (lice Bailey1 ,Hife - :"ality - %henomenon/# 7rom all liste' Trinities only in one of them is mentione' the or' ,7ather/ - in 9hristian Trinity1 ,7ather - Son - Holy S0irit/# In it the 7ather an' is name' so - the ,7ather/# Here sim"ltaneo"sly there are conce0ts ,7ather/ an' ,S0irit/# (n' it in'icates that e&ery of them has its on meaning an' f"lfills its on f"nction# (s yo" see, in this Trinity the S0irit - is not the 7ather# .e&ertheless tra'itionally e consi'er that the S0irit an' the 7ather - are synonyms# %ro$a$ly, $eca"se the S0irit - Breath - as the Male %rinci0le in the .at"re at fertili3ation $ecomes the reason of $eginning of ne Hife - i#e# enli&ens the Matter# In Stan3as itMs not sai' a$o"t the 7ather as of something se0arate' from the Matter# In the <l' Testament E&e an' ('am are together too# E&e sym$oli3es the Matter# (n' then ho is ('am as the sym$ol, if the Ser0ent that tem0te' the E&e, $est s"ite' to the role of that hat im0regnates the (toms, i#e# on the role of the S0iritD B"t from other si'e all in the Kni&erse is $orn in the res"lt of "nion of ,7ire/ an' ,Cater/, here the Cater - is the Matter, an' the 7ire - is the S0irit# 217 The S0irit - itMs the Breath of the Matter itself, of %rimor'ial S"$stance, the 7irst Male %rinci0le, generate' $y the Qirgin Mother# HetMs acce0t the conce0t that S0irit - is the 7ather# ( "nion of the Mother an' the 7ather, 5in an' 5ang, gi&es $irth to the So"l, to the Son - an elementary 0article# In accor'ance ith teAts of the Book D3yan it comes o"t that the S0irit - this is the S0"rne', Eighth Son of the Mother, ho also is name' the 7irst Born# Th"s in the Trinity ,7ather - Son - Holy S0irit/ the or' ,7ather/ reflects an image of the Mother =as it not s"r0risingly?, the Most 7irst %rinci0le, generating other to# The or' ,Son/ sym$oli3es the So"l, an elementary 0article# (n' ,Holy S0irit/ - itMs eAactly the S0irit, the Hight# :51 2APTISM 27 WATER AND 27 FIRE1 HetMs sto0 on the theme of Ba0tism# Ho to inter0ret the meaning of that sacramentD Ho to "n'erstan' the sense of Ba0tism $y Cater an' Ba0tism $y 7ireD (n' ho they connect ith each otherD Ce start ith the fact that the 'ross - itMs a sym$ol of the Mankin' !ing'om# The 7o"r-0etal Hot"s is the Merging in one hole of the 0articles of fo"r %lans - %hysical, (stral, Mental an' B"''hic# This is in the narro sense# (n' in the more i'e, the 9ross in'icates on the 0rocess of association the 0articles of 'ifferent >"ality, for eAam0le, 5in an' 5ang# Th"s, the conce0t ,Ba0tism/ sho"l' $e inter0rete' as a connection of the 0articles =or, e can say, $o'ies? of 'ifferent >"ality, forming the h"man organism# (s is ell knon to main Ba0tisms eAist in 9hristianity - $y Cater an' $y 7ire# Chat is that, an' ho sho"l' "n'erstan' their meaningD Both Ba0tisms for ,fathers of ch"rch/ are sacraments# ItMs s"r0risingly as far as little tr"e meaning of this striking 0henomenon is "n'erstoo'# Ba0tism $y Cater, re0resenting in reality no more than sym$olical image, t"rne' into some attri$"te of 0rotection from ,'ark 0oers/ 218 =hammy, &itiation an' so on?, in the o$ligatory rit"al ceremonies, entirely 0agan# (n a$l"tion of ki' =or a'"lt? $y connecting of to chemical elements - this is only a sym$ol# (n' some shamanistic, 0rotecti&e meaning is gi&en to it# S"00ose'ly that after hanging to a 0erson on the neck a 0iece of iron in the sha0e of cr"cifie' 9hrist he =she? $ecomes in&"lnera$le for e&il# <f co"rse, it is im0ossi$le to 'eny that fact the talismans =an' the ,cross/ is talisman? 0ossess some 0oer - all 'e0en's from that, ho create' it, ho to"che' it, ho ears it an' of hat material itMs ma'e# This is interesting theme, $"t e 'onMt stay on this no# Hoe&er to associate the earing of talisman =,cross/? an' Ba0tism $y Cater in hole one - itMs a f"ll a$sence of tr"e "n'erstan'ing that hat is Ba0tism# B"t letMs ret"rn to the inter0retation of the meaning# In the Bi$le, in .e Testament, in Jos0el from 6ohn says that no$o'y enters in Jo'Ms !ing'om, not $a0ti3e' $y Cater an' not acce0te' the Holy S0irit from high# ,6es"s ansere'1 tr"ly, tr"ly say to yo"1 if some$o'y isnMt $orn from ater an' S0irit, canMt enter into Jo'Ms !ing'om/ =.e Testament from 6ohn, 9ha0ter E1F?# The Holy S0irit - itMs the same as the 7ire# Th"s 9hrist claime' that no$o'y to"ches the Hea&enly !ing'om =at essence it is the same as 'i&e into .ir&ana? "ntil acce0ts 'o"$le Ba0tism - $y Cater an' $y 7ire# Chat 'oes it meanD Water in occ"ltism - itMs the sym$ol of Matter, 1ire - of S0irit# The Ba0tism $y Cater necessarily m"st 0rece'e to the Ba0tism $y 7ire# ,a"tism y Water - itMs merging in the one hole the 0articles of material 0rinci0le, $o'ies =shells? of three loer %lans - %hysical, (stral an' Mental - hich can consi'er as the Matter in res0ect to three high %lans - B"''hic, (tmic an' Mona'ic, that are the S0irit =7ire? as regar'ing to the loers# (fter that ha00ens f"ll merging =In'i&i'"ali3ation, Initiation an' I'entification? of $o'ies of three loer %lans - i#e# Ba0tism $y Cater finishes, an' $egins the time for the neAt stage - e&ol"tionary# ItMs time for ,a"tism y 1ire - se>"ential joining the $o'ies of three high %lans# The H"man !ing'om first of all $egins to join the ,fiery %lans/, an' namely B"''hic# I#e# each of "s, is j"st $orn, is alrea'y in&ol&e' into the 0rocess of Ba0tism $y 7ire# 219 Ce can attract attention of $eings of to more high %lans - (tmic an' Mona'ic, e&en more ,fiery/# (n' then, if it ha00ens, if their $o'ies integrate into o"r organism, then o"r 7iery Ba0tism gains yet the more strength an' 0oer# (n' e $ecome the Mahatmas o"rsel&es - Jreat So"ls, Jo'like, in hose organisms the 0articles of all siA sim0le %lans are "nite' =like the 9reator?# (n organism of Mahatma is the re0resentati&e of the Se&enth %lan - $ogoic, com0leA# ThatLs hat the Ba0tism $y Cater an' $y 7ire from the 0osition the Teachers of (geless Cis'om, an' so they are interrelate'# Ce can consi'er the Old Testament, Bohn ,a"tist an' ,a"tism y Water as the sym$ols of material origin, 5in# Chile the *ew Testament, Besus 'hrist an' ,a"tism y 1ire - are the images of s0irit"al 0rinci0le, 5ang# :01 RUPA AND ARUPA* FORMS AND FORMLESSNESS1 The lo %lans in hole are ru"a - here forms li&e# The forms are re0laye' $y 0articles 5in - a$sor$ing energy =ether?# Doing this they there$y fasten all together# By s"ch ay itM creation of forms ha00ens# In mechanics there is s"ch conce0t - ,de(ormation/# This is changing, 'estr"ction of the form "n'er effect of some 7orce# Chat $o'ies are more 'iffic"lt to 'eformD Dense, har'# They nee' to a00ly the force, an' significant# Try to 'eform a 0iece of ironN B"t li>"i's are 'eforme' &ery easy - $lo on it, an' there is a ri00le on it# (n' to 'eform a gas is yet sim0ler# B"t in hat is the ca"se of 'ifferenceD (n anser is 'i&erse ratio of the 0articles 5in an' 5ang# In li>"i's the 0ercent of the 0articles 5ang is $igger than in metals# In gases it is $igger than in li>"i's# (n' they 'eform easy $eca"se 5ang 'oesnMt create connections $eteen itself an' others# They only 'estroy# In three loer %lans 0articles 5in 'ominate in hole# So the matter of these %lans is 'enser# 7rom the %hysical to the Mental a 'ense falls# This is r"0a %lans# Tho"gh they ha&e $o'ies - r"0a an' ar"0a# (n' in three high %lans the 0ercent of 5ang is $igger# This is ar"0a %lans# 220 ,)t the 1ourth# the Sons are told to create their !mages# One- Third re(uses. Two oey. The 'urse is "ronounced. They will e orn in the 1ourth# su((er and cause su((ering. This is the 1irst War/ =Stan3a 8#F?# This >"ote has 'irect relation to the theme of o"r con&ersation# The Sons are energy "nits, 0articles# ,One-Third re(uses/ - this is eAactly to high %lans of siA# In them the 0ercent of 0articles 5ang is the largest# ,Two oey/ - forms of the Kni&erse first of all are $"ilt of the %hysical, (stral, Mental, B"''hic an' (tmic %lans# In the forth king'om =h"man? - to higher %lans ill $egin gra'"ally to join - i#e# ill $orn# :61 THE CHAKRAS - CLOSED AND OPEN1 THE MECHANISM OF INITIATION AND THE GOAL OF E;OLUTION B2RIEFL7C1 The $ook of Basmuheen &The 1ood o( .ods& has greatly contri$"te' to the riting of this article# Rea'ing intro'"ctory cha0ters I se&eral times met in the teAt her or's that e are facing a choice of ho to make o"r $o'y - emitting or a$sor$ing - energy# These or's imme'iately $ecame the trigger# Beca"se the theme of '"ality of o"r orl', the "ni&erse - one of the central 0ro$lems in o"r ork# 9reators an' 'estroyers, 5in an' 5ang, Matter an' S0irit, mass an' energy, etc# In res0onse to the i'eas of 6asm"heen I imme'iately recalle' a$o"t the chakras - close' an' o0en# I lit "0 ith a flash of insight# I s"''enly reali3e' the reasons for their o0enness an' closeness# The mechanism of this 0henomenon a00eare' $efore my min'Ls eye ith the "tmost clarity# That is hat I ant to try to con&ey to yo"# (n' also to start a story of hat is an Initiation# (fter all, this iss"e is 'irectly relate' to the theme of chakras# (ct"ally, an Initiation is the 0rocess of changing the chakras - o0ening, closing, an' the ignition an' reorientation, as ell as their interaction ith each other an' ith the o"tsi'e orl'# In occ"ltism a n"m$er of conce0ts at the same time has se&eral, little 'ifferent from each other semantic loa's# 221 This a00lies to s"ch categories as Matter, S0irit, an' So"l# Ce also i'entifie' the ;chakra; ith the elementary $"il'ing $lock of the "ni&erse, 0"tting it on a 0ar ith terms s"ch as ;atom; an' ;elementary 0article;# In the Kni&erse e&erything is ;as elow# so ao-e;# <&erall e can o$ser&e an analogy - $oth in str"ct"re an' in 'e&elo0ment# ( chemical element in its str"ct"re is similar to a 0lanet, a 0lanet - to a solar system, the last - to a JalaAy, a JalaAy - to a S"0er galaAy, an' so on, "ntil the r"ng of the la''er - to the 9entral Hea&enly Bo'y of the Kni&erse# Beca"se o"r Kni&erse eAists in the form of a great $ig galaAy# (n atom, an elementary 0article - this is a smallest force center, a center of creation# ( chemical element - is a $igger force center, hich is a cl"ster of elementary 0articles# (ny celestial $o'y - is a cl"ster of chemical elements# (ll elementary 0articles, as is knon, 'i&i'e' into to main ty0es - a$sor$ing an' emitting# <r to a$sor$ energy-information-ether, or emit# 5in or 5ang# Hoe&er, any of them an' creates energy, an' 'estroys# In any conglomerate of 0articles $oth ty0es are 0resent# ( 0ercentage ratio of ty0es may $e any# De0en'ing on this ratio any conglomerate is either 0re'ominantly emitting or a$sor$ing# The same can $e sai' of any celestial $o'y an' j"st the $o'y in general# (n a$sor$ing 0lanet - is unholy# (n emitting - is sacred# ($sor$ing 0eo0le are normal, emitting are !nitiate, Holy# ( chakra - is not only a smallest s"$atomic 0article# It is also a name of a 0oer center as a conglomerate of 0articles# Energy ,is rotate'/ in any elementary 0article - thro"gh time - a00ears an' is 'estroye' ='isa00ears?# In any conglomerate energy also rotates in a circle - first, $eca"se it is com0ose' of 0articles, an', secon'ly, $eca"se the 0articles eAchange energy ith each other - 5in a$sor$ the energy of 5ang# ;( chakra; in the mo"th of an esotericist sym$oli3es one of 0oer centers in the h"man $o'y# ( 0oer center in this case - is a sym$ol of s"$tle $o'ies that encircle the 'ense 0hysical $o'y# Ethereal, astral, mental, $"''hic $o'ies - all these are the thin $o'ies of h"man# The chakras# 222 These s"$tle $o'ies also consist of 0articles# The areas in the h"man a"ra, here is the greatest concentration of these 0articles, the 0racticing esotericist ho feeling an' seeing them j"st calls them as the chakras - centers of 0oer# ThatLs hat a chakra from the 0oint of &ie of a 0racticing occ"ltist# B"t it ill not $e rong to call as chakras s"$tle $o'ies of h"man# (t the &ery least, any 0oer center - is a 'irect eA0ression of any %lan or S"$- %lan# (n' here e j"st come to the theme of o0en an' close' chakras - to their reasons for o0ening an' closing# <0ening an' closing of chakras are 'irectly connecte' ith the le&el of a h"man holiness# ( Holiness of h"man is 'etermine' $y meas"re of energetic sat"ration# Then more it is sat"rate', the more it is holy# (n' itMs nothing else# The more energy 0er "nit of time it is ;0ro'"ce'; in the $o'y, incl"'ing the s"$tle $o'ies, not j"st the 0hysical, an' then more holy, more energy-sat"rate' the 0erson is# ( Holiness, an Initiation - itLs j"st that# Moreo&er, the higher is the %lan, the more energy its 0articles 0ro'"ce 0er "nit of time# Therefore, the thinner, higher %lans $ecome the 0art of the h"man $o'y, the more holy, an' more s0irit"al, more energetic it $ecomes# The ratio of 0articles 5in an' 5ang ithin the same 0lan in the $o'y too can change# If a$sor$ing 0articles, 5in are 0re'ominate' - they 'oes not a'' holiness# :"ite the contrary - they re'"ce the le&el of energy# This is the 'arkness# If the n"m$er of 0articles 5ang $ecomes more an' more - in each of the s"$tle $o'ies - an' it is com0are' ith the n"m$er of 5in - then this is the Sanctity# In that is 0recisely the hole secret of Initiation# That ay going from the Initiation to the Initiation, a 0erson a''s to the $o'ies more 0articles 5ang# I'eally the n"m$er of 5in sho"l' $e e>"al to the 5ang n"m$er# Then amo"nt of emitte' energy is eAactly e>"ale' to amo"nt of a$sor$e'# (n' the man $ecomes the Jo'# Beca"se in the $o'y of o"r 9reator, the Kni&erse, there are e>"ally of 5in an' 5ang, ho m"ch energy is emitte', so m"ch is a$sor$e'# ItLs the 0erfect $alance, alloing the "ni&erse to remain in e>"ili$ri"m# 223 )nd "recisely in this the mystery o( lo-e is. .od is lo-e. @ou can o(ten hear these words. ,ut whatCs ehind themL !tUs an asolute harmony. $o-e in the ideal - is to asor as much as to gi-e. Then there is no e:cess or de(iciency. E-erything is constantly re(illed. *o one is hurt. )nd this is the mystery o( the Second 0ay. The second 0ay is yellow "articles. !n the three low "lans they asor energy# ut less than lue. )nd in the to" three - emit# ut less than red. Summary# across the Uni-erse# e:actly yellow# the Second 0ay# are ideally harmoni%ed. *ot lue# and not red. In "nholy man there are 'ominate' 0articles that a$sor$ energy - $l"e an' yello# Ce say otherise - the 0articles of loer 0art of s0ectr"m are 'ominate'# ItMs in all $o'ies - not only in 'ense# Beca"se of this these $o'ies-shells of the h"man are a$sor$ing of energy an' not emitting - or at least they o"l' $e in $alance# The h"man $o'y 'oes not ha&e eno"gh energy 0ro'"ce' $y its# (n' it has to take the o"ter# To arm "0 $y the fire - e can say literally an' fig"rati&ely# To a$sor$ energy from the s"rro"n'ing so"rces# Beca"se of this the $o'y t"rns into a kin' of 0oint for eAternal energy# B"t energy - it is an information# (lays# So yo" can imagine - ho m"ch eAtraneo"s information a h"man has to 0ass thro"gh him =her?# (ny - 0ositi&e, negati&e# Trying to make yo"r life less like caro"sel of information, the 0erson starts to limit the contacts ith the o"tsi'e orl', making them electi&e# In or'er to a$sor$ only the energy that he =she? likes an' is familiar# He 'eli$erately closes his chakras, for fear of falling into the $o'y of "nnecessary energy# Chen a 0erson goes thro"gh the series of Initiations, he =she? $egins to 0ro'"ce more energy thro"gh him =her-?self# His life $ecomes more sta$le# If $efore any eAternal co"l' infl"ence on his life, hi0 from the ay, then no he $ecomes the com0etent mem$er of life melo'rama# He =she? try an infl"ence, $"t make an im0act on the s"rro"n'# His chakras are o0ene'# He =she? conscio"sly o0ens them to the orl' to comm"nicate ith it, $eca"se he =she? no more fears it# This consists all sense of conce0ts ,o0ene' chakras an' close'/# ( close' chakra - itMs a chakra not t"ne' "0 to the recei&ing of eAternal information, more 0recisely, t"rne' "0 to the recei&ing of selecti&e information# 224 In hat follos a 0erson tries to att"ne the organism $y s"ch ay that comm"nicate ith eAternal orl' ith the hel0 only one chakra - se&enth, com0leA# This chakra - is a Single Eye o( the ody# ,!( thine eye e Single# thy whole ody shall e (ull o( light/ - s"ch the ancient is'om, em$o'ie' in the $ook of )lice ,ailey 1eats o( Heracles9# This Single chakra - itMs the $o'y of se&enth, Hogoic %lan# Bo'y of the higher %lan - Mona'ic - o&ersha'os hea' of 0erson, here "n'er it ="n'er this higher $o'y? is the shell of the (tmic %lan, an' all other fo"r - B"''hic, Mental, (stral an' %hysical# This higher, com0leA $o'y re0orts to all organism energy im0"lses, an' for its t"rn recei&es reci0rocal ones# It means that se&enth chakra $ecomes the g"i'ing 0rinci0le of 0erson# (t him all chakras sto0 to 'ominate, eAce0t the se&enth# If $efore this at 0erson all chakras co"l' react on eAternal en&ironment in'i&i'"ally - in him - cor'ial, or g"tt"ral, or solar 0leA"s, or the others, then no the contact ith the orl' is 'etermine' $y only one chakra# <thers are s"$or'inate' to it an' listen to it# Its energy im0"lses for them - are the most im0ortant# It 'oesnMt mean that $o'y sto0s to eAchange ith o"tar' things $y 0articles, $y energy =ether? ith the hel0 of these chakras# .o, the chakras are acti&e an' ,$"rn/ as $efore# <nly ith the 'ifference that no all 0ercei&ing an' all re0orting to the orl' energy- information they com0are ith a higher tem0late - ith information store' in the se&enth chakra# ( 0erson $ecomes sho $y himself a single hole - none 'iscor'# This is a single 0erfect $eing# In this is all meaning of the e&ol"tion, all meaning of 'e&elo0ment of o"r Kni&erse - a creating of s"ch 0erfect $eings, Mahatmas# (t the same time loer chakras all also acti&e# Hoe&er no they first of all res0on' on information that comes from the se&enth chakra# The loer chakras $ecome the channels connecting S0irit an' Matter# They 'onMt g"i'e $y the $o'y themsel&es# The $ooks of (lice Bailey are 'e&ote' eAactly to this >"estion# The S"irit is immersing into the +atter # the higher %lans connect ith loer# ItMs the in&ol"tion# This lea's to the energeti3ation of a 0erson, to the e&ol"tion, (scension, Sal&ation, Easter# (n' the +atter - i#e# organism - o&ercomes gra&itation an' 0ro0ensity to material - an' rises to the S4y# In the organism there are e>"ally 5in an' 5an, Matter an' S0irit# 225 7rom the Initiation to the initiation organism acce0t into itself all more an' higher %lans, an' learn to interact ith them# Chen the $o'ies of the higher %lans only o&ersha'o the hea', eakly 0enetrate, they canMt f"ll-scale coo0erate ith the $o'ies of the loer %lans in the organism# Chen an energy-sat"rate' $o'y of higher %lans 0enetrates the hea' 'ee0ly the most on'erf"l an' "ni>"e $egins# The transfig"ration of conscio"sness $egins, an' then of the hole organism# The lo chakras of organism ere acti&e $efore this, $"t the higher ere not# (n' '"ring of the 0enetrating the high 9onscio"sness more an' 'ee0er insi'e the hea', the lo chakras cease to 'ominate, an', the higher, o00osite, $ecome the lea'ing# Till they $ecome the 'ri&en too - eAce0t one of them - se&enth - Single Eye - Sahasrara# S"ch is the common schema an' the general 0lan, an' common 'irection of 'e&elo0ment of any organism# (n' there is a little more information a$o"t chakras# 'losed and o"ened cha4ras. Chen clair&oyant looks at the 0erson he =she? sees the energy centers =chakras? as floers of life# <r close' $"'s - are 'ark, 'im an' little-acti&e, or - $right floers - are $"rn like the S"n# The first ones he ill 'escri$e as close' chakras, the secon' ill name the o0ene'# Their o0enness or closeness - itMs not a fig"rati&e eA0ression# ItMs their real energy state# Chen into com0osition of thin shell forming that or other chakra, enter more an' more 0articles 5an =emitting energy-ether?, from hat their n"m$er e>"ates ith the n"m$er of 0articles 5in =a$sor$ing ether?, the chakra is o0ene'# Chat 'oes it meanD This means that the energy center is o0ening to the eAternal orl'# The chakra $egins to eAchange energy ith s"rro"n'ing $o'ies# If there are little of 0articles 5ang, energy is 0ro'"ce' a little# ItMs eno"gh only for circ"lation ithin on energy center# (ll this little >"ality of energy is a$sor$e' the chakra $y itself, its 0articles 5in# The 0oer of ether flo is not eno"gh to f"ll-scale comm"nicate ith o"tar's things# ( chakra - is the central area of any thin shells constit"ti&e the $o'y, is this a man or an animal, a 0lant or a mineral# <r a s"0erh"man# ( chakra - is the heart of this thin $o'y-shell# B"t $or'ers of thin $o'y 'onMt coinci'e ith the $or'ers of the chakra# They stretch m"ch farther# Bor'ers of thin $o'ies are rather amor0ho"s an' changea$le# 7or eAam0le hen the 0erson learns to attention, concentration, 226 memori3ation, or $ecomes 0roficient in any other intellect"al f"nction, he act"ally is traine' to o0erate ith his mental $o'y# He learns to mo'ify its form# Cith its hel0 he gets information from the o"tar' things# (ny of thin $o'ies-shells is a$le to eAchange energy-information ith s"rro"n'ings# 9omm"nication is carrie' o"t s"ch ay# ) thin ody (orms (rom itsel( the channel o( communication# or can say a tongue o( communication9. Tongue as a "rotuerance. Hike at the S"n# That one, that can ,lick/ st"'ie' $o'y an' 'i&i'e ith it information# ( thin shell 0o"rs o&er the researche' $o'y or en&ironment $y its energy# This energy fl"A in accor'ance ith 0hysical las forces o"t the same or almost the same 0ortion of energy-ether from this $o'y# This is e:change o( in(ormation9. .ot fictitio"s, fig"rati&e, $"t real, literal# So an' it is ha00ening the comm"nication on all le&els, at any %lan, at any chakra, at any $o'y# B"t this is not an only eAisting mechanism of eAchanging $y energy# E&ery $o'y acc"m"lates in its chemical elements the solar 0articles =0hotons?# Chen 0hoton is in the $o'y, it recor's information a$o"t this $o'y, an' tem0orary $ecomes as if its integral 0art# So if s"ch 0hoton gets into another 0lace - flies thro"gh or attracts - it ,tell/ a$o"t that $o'y here it has come from# Beca"se eAce0t of eAchange $y energy-ether fl"Aes 'irectly, odies also can gi-e to each other the "ortions o( (ree "articles 2 "hotons# charged9 with in(ormation. 'an name this method y electromagnetic. Here so the chakras an' comm"nicates ith the o"tar' things - energy or 0articles =they also transmit an energy?# Than more of energy one or another thin $o'y 0ro'"ces, i#e# the more in it there are the 0articles 5ang, then on more 'istance it co"l' ,reach/ ith its energy lang"age# (n' then more long ill 0rolongs inertial mo&ing of emitte' free 0articles# (fter all only inertial mo&ing of 0articles 5an can last fore&er# Here an' is all secret# More energy chakra is more o0en, it more intensi&ely comm"nicates ith the orl'# If there is little of energy, the chakra is close'# Its energy there is $arely eno"gh for circ"lation ithin itself an' the $o'y of organism# 227 :91 THE INITIATIONS OF : ELEMENTS1 This article sho"l' consi'er as 'irect contin"ation of the article ,9hakras - o0ene' an' close'# The mechanism of Initiation =$riefly?/# Here e 0rolong the theme of mechanism o( !nitiation# In article folloe' o&er this e ill talk a$o"t not less im0ortance >"estion - to the Rising of !"n'alini# In the $ook of )lice ,ailey !nitiation# human and solar9 there is analogy $eteen h"man organism, 0lanetary =0lanet? an' solar =solar system?# )s ao-e# is so elow. (n' a 0lanet, an' a solar system - these are organisms similar to the h"man, j"st ha&ing another scale an' other form =form an' scale are not most main thing here?# %lanets an' solar systems as an' JalaAies, an' S"0er JalaAies, an' of co"rse all Kni&erse these are organisms li&ing as e&ery their com0onent is li&e an' has a 9onscio"sness - e talk a$o"t elementary 0articles# (ny $o'y - itMs totality of assem$ling it ills# The ill in this ay - itMs a conscio"sness of a smaller "nit# B"t in the finite res"lt e all the same come to the most small - in'i&isi$le, to the atom, to the 0article, to the energy center# .ot only men can go thro"gh the Initiations, $"t also the 0lanets# (n' solar systems an' JalaAies# (n' S"0er JalaAies# (ll Kni&erse as a hole goes thro"gh one glo$al Initiation# Re0resentati&es of loer king'oms - animals, 0lants, minerals - also arenMt 'e0ri&e' of their '"e share of this o00ort"nity# (cce0tance of &ario"s kin's of the Initiations - itMs inaliena$le an' constant 0art of o"r orl'# This is a 0rocess more fre>"ent an' "s"al than "ninitiate' can g"ess a$o"t this# (ll in .at"re is s"$or'inate' to the en'less rhythm of initiations hich are rolle' on the $each of the Kni&erse in their on only to them knon or'er again an' again# In tra'itions of oriental schools of s0irit"al 'e&elo0ment there are mentioning a$o"t + Initiations thro"gh hich 0erson goes thro"gh as meas"re of his =her? e&ol"tion# In other ay they are name' as the !nitiations o( O elements# Ce sho"l' eA0lain hat ha00ens at this time in the organism, in thin shells# 228 7rom Initiation to initiation into thin $o'ies in the series all more an' more s0arse, energy-sat"rate' shells containing the $igger 0ercent of 0articles 5an =emitting energy? integrate# The 0erson in series goes thro"gh the Initiations of Earth, Cater, 7ire an' (ir# 6"st in this se>"ence in the scales of the Kni&erse it increases an energy le&el of elementary 0articles -from the 7iel's of (ttraction =Earth, Cater? to the 7iel's of Re0"lsion =7ire, (ir?# (t that 7iel's of (ttraction gra'"ally 'ecrease an' 7iel's of Re0"lsion increase# The le&el of energy smoothly gros# 6"st in this or'er the le&el of energy changes insi'e thin shells of 0erson# (s yo" see energy in the $o'y is a''e' gra'"ally# It gi&es time for a'a0tation of lo $o'ies es0ecially of 'ense 0hysical# If the energy in one moment j"m0s from the Earth le&el to the (ir le&el, 0assing Cater an' 7ire, organism o"l' 'ie# (s yo" see in this >"estion the .at"re is le' $y all the same ell making a goo' shoing 0rinci0le of smooth an' gra'"al a00roAimation to the ishe' 0"r0ose# This metho' - is the isest in the Kni&erse# It alays gi&es the $est res"lts as against the metho' of >"ick lea0s# If e locate the 0articles of the Kni&erse in the hierarchical or'er in accor'ance ith >"ality of "sing or 0ro'"cing $y them of energy, then they are 'is0ose' j"st in this or'er - Earth, Cater, 7ire an' (ir# The Initiations goes at the same or'er# E&ery man takes the Initiation of Earth a"tomatically, j"st gi&ing $irth in this orl'# The Initiation of Cater is name' yet - /arjanya-3aruna# <f 7ire - is the !nitiation )gni# <f (ir - is the !nitiation 3ayu# <riginal 9hristian name for the Initiation - is Ba0tism# ( 9ross - is the sym$ol of association in single hole the 0articles of 'ifferent %lans# It is no on'er that the ,a"tism 5!nitiation6 y Water at 9hristians forestalls the ,a"tism 5!nitiation6 y 1ire# (s yo" see there is a f"ll analogy ith <riental tra'itions# Besi'es j"st in this or'er 0articles react on the Jra&ity =attraction?# In the 'irection from (ir to Earth 0articles are all more strongly attracte' =$eca"se gra&itation?# This r"le can $e o$ser&e' $y an eAam0le the 0hotons of &isi$le 'ia0ason, hen they are refracte' an' make s0ectr"m# Refraction of the light ay - this is j"st its gra&itation - attraction of 229 0hotons# To the &iolet 0art of s0ectr"m the refraction =gra&ity? increases, an' to the re' - 'ecreases# Interestingly that on this scale of elements the reaction of 0articles to the antigra&ity is 'irectly o00osite# 7rom Earth to (ir, going thro"gh Cater an' 7ire, the 0articles are all $etter re0"lse' from the o$jects emitting Ether - antigra&itating# 7rom the Initiation to the Initiation the thin $o'ies of 0erson are $"il' into itself all more an' more the 0articles 5an, till the n"m$er of 0articlesof $oth ty0es - 5in an' 5an - e>"ali3es# This is a scientific-esoteric sense of the Eastern Initiations of + elements# Enjoy yo"r listening# T(TI(.( D(.I.(# THE TE(9HI.J <7 D6CH(H !HKH# THE M(I. <99KHT H(CS (.D 9<.9E%TS# 9H(%TER ::1 THE PARA2LE A2OUT ADAM AND E;E1 E-e - is the h"man $o'y, collection of 0articles of the %hysical, (stral an' Mental %lans# )dam - is a ;H"man 9onscio"sness;, ;H"man I;, $o'ies-shells of 0articles of the B"''hic %lan# If e "se the terms ;Matter; an' ;S0irit; in the form in hich they are "se' in most esoteric $ooks, the S0irit is 0articles of higher 0lans ith res0ect to 0articles of loer %lans# (n' the Matter is 0articles of loer %lans ith res0ect to the 0articles of higher %lans# Then ('am - B"''hic 0articles - this is the S0irit ith res0ect to E&e - the Matter - 0articles of %hysical, (stral an' Mental %lans, forming in total the 'ensest as0ects of the h"man $o'y# The conce0t of ;Matter; is ell consistent ith the female maternal 0rinci0le# Chile the conce0t of ;S0irit; has alays $een i'entifie' ith the male, 0aternal origin $y consi'ering men as carriers of the s"0reme 0rinci0le, an' omen - as the loest# This is not s"r0rising if to consi'er the 'omination of males o&er females# Hence, it $ecomes clear that ser&e' as the $asis for the $i$lical 0ara$le a$o"t ('am an' E&e# ('am - a man - has $ecome the 0ersonification of the 230 H"man So"l - H"man I# (n' E&e - a oman - is the sym$ol of the h"man $o'y# (t the o"tset of the 0ara$le e say that originally ('am an' E&e li&e' in %ara'ise# Here e sho"l' look at hat is Hea&en an' Hell# Hea-en and Hell - are the states of conscio"sness# Hea&en =%ara'ise? - is a state of 0eace, a$sence of conflicts, confrontation# Hell - itLs the o00osite state - fighting, se0arating, an' 'iscor'# Staying o( )dam and E-e in /aradise means that in earlier eras of h"man eAistence as a s0ecies, the So"l =I? as still aslee0# It as a 0erio' of h"man chil'hoo'# ( 9onscio"sness is not yet aakene', not miAe' ith the h"man $o'y - ith E&e# In o"r or'inary slee0 a conscio"sness se0arates from the $o'y an' stays near$y $"t 'oes not merge ith the cere$ral corteA# D"ring aking conscio"sness 0enetrates 'ee0 into the corteA# %articles of the B"''hic %lan fill the ga0s $eteen elements in the cortical cells# It occ"rs that hat is calle' as to ;regain conscio"sness;# Chen the h"man min' =So"l? is merge' ith the corteA - the 0erson is aake# While )dam &was slee"ing& in /aradise - that is, as in a state of $lissf"l ignorance, E&e as tem0te' an' se'"ce' $y the De&il =aka - Ser0ent, Satan?, offering to ;her; to eat the fr"it from the Tree of !nole'ge of goo' an' e&il# Cho is the De&il, an' hat means ;to taste the for$i''en fr"itD; The De-il 5DCe-l6 - this is a general name for the hole collections of 0articles of %hysical, (stral an' Mental %lanes# Se'"ction an' tem0tation of E&e $y De&il means that the h"man $o'y is ma'e "0 of 0articles of only these %lans as =an' is? the 0art of the De&il# The $o'y 'e0ri&e' of close contact ith 0articles of the B"''hic %lan =the H"man So"l? as the g"i'ing 0rinci0le o$eys to the memory store' in the $o'y# The Tem0tation of the De&il - is the a'herence to its information 0rograms# The Tree o( Knowledge o( good and e-il - itLs o"r entire Kni&erse is in&ol&e' in the 0rocess of com$ining 0articles of all 0lans# %ro0osal $y E&e to ('am the fr"it from the tree of knole'ge of goo' an' e&il sym$oli3es the 0rocess of in&ol&ing 0articles of the B"''hic %lan in the 0rocess of $"il'ing the Hogoic %lan that is o"r Kni&erse# That moment hen )dam eats &(ruit& sym$oli3es the f"sion 0rocess of the H"man So"l =B"''hic conscio"sness? ith the Bo'y# This 231 moment of merger corres0on's to the eA0"lsion of ('am an' E&e from %ara'ise# In the 0ara$le 'oes not say that after the eA0"lsion from E'en, ('am an' E&e go to Hell# B"t the ay it is# Hea&en an' Hell - are to main an' the only 0ossi$le state of conscio"sness# ItLs like to 0oles# Beteen them there is an infinite &ariety of &ariations# The lack of "nity an' integrity s0eaks a$o"t the eAistence of str"ggle an' confrontation =Hell?# Chen the So"l as merge' ith the $o'y, it as "nha00y that it ha' to en'"re# ( 9onscio"sness has felt all the har'shi0s of eAistence in the animal $o'y# ;('am sa the nake';, ;the nee' to 0ro&i'e foo' $y har' ork;, ;0regnancy an' chil'$irth in omen,; an' other a'&ersities# (ll this has $ecome a h"ge $"r'en for ('am - for So"l that >"ite acc"stome' to >"ite another life in Hea&en# ( state of $lissf"l ignorance =%ara'ise? as re0lace' $y a state of frightening knole'ge =Hell?# ( staying in the com0leA of 0articles of three loer 0lans as &ery 'iffic"lt# %rior to the merger of ('am ith E&e, he =the so"l, ('am? li&e' in %ara'ise - this as the state of ineA0ressi$le joy# The fact that E&e as a00ointe' as an assistant to ('am 0oints o"t that h"man conscio"sness has more energy an' more a'&ance' 0rograms $eha&ior com0are' ith the 0articles of the three loer 0lans# The total &elocity of the energy =ether? from the $o'y of B"''hic %lan is more# That is hy the $o'y $ecomes an assistant to the so"l, $"t not &ice &ersa# Thank yo" &ery m"ch for yo"r attentionN (nother $ook of the series ,The Doctrine of Djhal !h"l - Esoteric .at"ral Science/ - Ethereal mecha!c"# - htt0122#ama3on#com2The-Doctrine-Djhal-!h"l-mechanics- e$ook2'02B**I4!S545# The $ook ,Ne$ E"%ter!c A"tr%l%&'/ yo" can $"y here - htt0122#ama3on#com2'02B**678RM95 (n' here is the $ook of my gran'0a, M!chael N%(!)%(* a m!l!tar' +arame,!c# 5o" can rea' his mem%r!e" a-%.t the F!!"h $ar htt0122#ama3on#com2'02B**65DIT:8 The $ooks1 ,(stronomy an' cosmology/, ;Mechanics of $o'ies;, ;<0tics;, ;Biology =an' >"estions of Breatharianism?;, 232 ;Thermo'ynamics;, ;Electromagnetism;, ;9hemistry; ill $e soon 0"$lishe' in English# <fficial e$site1 htt0122nee3o#r" E-mail1 'anina#t@yan'eA#" 7ace$ook1 htt0s122#face$ook#com2tatiana#'anina Titter1 htt0s122titter#com2TatianaDanina1