Nikola Tesla was influenced by ancient Vedic philosophy in developing his idea of free energy. He was aware of concepts from Vedic texts like the Upanishads and Sanskrit words like "akasha" and "prana" to describe the force and matter that exists all around us. Tesla corresponded with Swami Vivekananda and studied Eastern views of reality, which led him to develop wireless transmission of electricity and theories of free energy. While Tesla was unable to fully prove or demonstrate these concepts in his lifetime, modern science is increasingly aligning with the ancient spiritual views of reality described in Vedic texts.
Nikola Tesla was influenced by ancient Vedic philosophy in developing his idea of free energy. He was aware of concepts from Vedic texts like the Upanishads and Sanskrit words like "akasha" and "prana" to describe the force and matter that exists all around us. Tesla corresponded with Swami Vivekananda and studied Eastern views of reality, which led him to develop wireless transmission of electricity and theories of free energy. While Tesla was unable to fully prove or demonstrate these concepts in his lifetime, modern science is increasingly aligning with the ancient spiritual views of reality described in Vedic texts.
Original Description:
The Influence Vedic Philosophy Had On Nikola Tesla’s Idea Of Free Energy
Nikola Tesla was influenced by ancient Vedic philosophy in developing his idea of free energy. He was aware of concepts from Vedic texts like the Upanishads and Sanskrit words like "akasha" and "prana" to describe the force and matter that exists all around us. Tesla corresponded with Swami Vivekananda and studied Eastern views of reality, which led him to develop wireless transmission of electricity and theories of free energy. While Tesla was unable to fully prove or demonstrate these concepts in his lifetime, modern science is increasingly aligning with the ancient spiritual views of reality described in Vedic texts.
Nikola Tesla was influenced by ancient Vedic philosophy in developing his idea of free energy. He was aware of concepts from Vedic texts like the Upanishads and Sanskrit words like "akasha" and "prana" to describe the force and matter that exists all around us. Tesla corresponded with Swami Vivekananda and studied Eastern views of reality, which led him to develop wireless transmission of electricity and theories of free energy. While Tesla was unable to fully prove or demonstrate these concepts in his lifetime, modern science is increasingly aligning with the ancient spiritual views of reality described in Vedic texts.
The Properties of Space: Science works best when in harony with nature! "# we $ut these two to%ether, we can disco&er %reat technolo%ies that can only coe about when the consciousness o# the $lanet is ready to ebrace the! 'ne e(a$le is free energy, also known as zero-point energy, which utili)es the substance that e(ists all around us and con&erts it into usable ener%y! This would %i&e us a liitless source o# ener%y, and would $ractically wi$e out all $o&erty on the $lanet! *ore on this later in the article+ The $ro$erties o# s$ace ha&e been $ostulated by any, #ro ancient ,edic $hiloso$hy, -astern Mystics, &arious ancient ci&ili)ations throu%hout huan history all the way to .escartes, -instein, /ewton and ore! 0uans are curious bein%s, and our 1uest to disco&er what is will ne&er end! And they alloed Apollonius to ask !uestions" and he asked the# of hat they thought the cos#os as co#posed" $ut they replied" Of elements. Are there then four? he asked! Not four%& said 2archas, $ut fi'e(& And ho can there $e a fifth%& said 3$ollonius% alongside of ater and air and earth and fire)& There Object 1 is the ether%&re$lied the other, hich e #ust regard as the stuff of hich gods are #ade" for *ust as all #ortal creatures inhale the ire% so do i##ortal and di'ine natures inhale the ether(& A# I%& said 3$$ollonius, 4to regard the uni'erse as a li'ing creature)& +es%& said the other! 5 The 2i#e o# 3$ollonius o# Tyana, 6hilostratus, 2203. *source+ Science now knows that a aterial uni&erse as the #oundation o# what we $ercei&e to be our $hysical aterial world isn7t 1uite the case! Today, $hysicists reco%ni)e that $hysical atos are actually ade u$ o# &ortices o# ener%y that are constantly s$innin% and &ibratin%! 3t its sallest obser&able le&el, atter is ener%y, and this ener%y that e(ists all around us can be ta$$ed into and $ossibly used to %enerate $ower! 8uantu $hysics has le#t any scientists ba##led, a%ain, the disco&ery that our $hysical aterial reality isn7t really $hysical at all can be 1uite con#usin%! Scientists be%an to e($lore the relationshi$ between ener%y and the structure o# atter at the turn o# the 19th century, this is a$$ro(iately the tie when the idea o# a /ewtonian aterial uni&erse was dro$$ed #ro the heart o# scienti#ic knowin%, and re$laced by the #act that atter is nothin% but an illusion, that e&erythin% in the uni&erse is ade out o# ener%y! If !uantu# #echanics hasnt profoundly shocked you% you ha'ent understood it yet( E'erything e call real is #ade of things that cannot $e regarded as real(& , /iels :ohr, a .anish 6hysicist 3%ain, i# you obser&ed the co$osition o# an ato with a icrosco$e, you would see a sall, in&isible tornado like &orte(, with a nuber o# in#initely sall ener%y &ortices called 1uarks and $hotons! These are what ake u$ the structure o# the ato! 3s you #ocused in closer and closer on the structure o# the ato, you would see nothin%, you would obser&e a $hysical &oid! The ato has no $hysical structure, we ha&e no $hysical structure, $hysical thin%s really don7t ha&e any $hysical structure! 3tos are ade out o# in&isible ener%y, not tan%ible atter! -espite the unri'alled e#pirical success of !uantu# theory% the 'ery suggestion that it #ay $e literally true as a description of nature is still greeted ith cynicis#% inco#prehension and e'en anger(& *T! ;ol%er, 48uantu Shantu<= .isco&er 22:3>?43, 2001+ .et o'er it% and accept the inargua$le conclusion( The uni'erse is i##aterial,#ental and spiritual(& , @!A! 0enry, 6ro#essor o# $hysics and 3stronoy at Johns 0o$kins Uni&ersity! *source+ Tesla and Ancient Vedic Philosophy and the Properties of /pace Be7&e seen a &ery interestin% trend *es$ecially within the $ast decade+ o# odern?day science catchin% u$ to an ancient understandin% about the true nature o# reality, its ake?u$, how it #unctions and how we can work with it to brin% about chan%e on our $lanet! ;or anybody to label the er%in% o# spirituality and science as $seudoscience eans they ha&e not $ro$erly Object 3 in&esti%ated it! S$iritual conce$ts o# our ancient world are directly intertwined with odern?day science, ore so 1uantu $hysics, and /ikola Tesla was well aware o# this! All percepti$le #atter co#es fro# a pri#ary su$stance% or tenuity $eyond conception% filling all space% the akasha or lu#iniferous ether% hich is acted upon $y the life gi'ing Prana or creati'e force% calling into e0istence% in ne'er,ending cycles all things and pheno#ena(&? /ikola Tesla, Man7s Createst 3chie&eent, 190> *1+*2+ 3s you can see, Tesla was aware o# ancient conce$ts and the correlation it had with the science he was workin% on ?usin% sanskrit worlds like akasha, and prana to describe the #orce and atter that e(ists all around us! These words coe #ro the U$anishads *a collection o# ,edic te(ts+ The aakaash is not destructi$le% it is the pri#ordial a$solute su$stratu# that creates cos#ic #atter and hence the properties of aakaash are not found in the #aterial properties that are in a sense relati'e( The aakaash is the eternally e0istent% superfluid reality% for hich creation and destruction are inapplica$le(& , *"dha thadhakshare $arae &yoan! 6arae &yoan+ 5 6araahasa Tewari, -n%ineer, 6hysicist and "n&entor! *source+ /ikola Tesla had correlations with Swai ,i&ekananda *1DE3?1902+, who was one o# the ost #aous and in#luential s$iritual leaders o# the $hiloso$hies o# ,edanta *one o# the si( schools o# 0indu $hiloso$hy, the ter ori%inally re#erred to the u$anishads, a collection o# $hiloso$hical te(ts in 0induis+ and Fo%a! 0e was the chie# disci$le o# @aakrishna 6araahasa and the #ounder o# @aakrishna Math and @aakrishna Mission! 0e is a %iant #i%ure in the history o# the hindu re#or o&eents! ,i&ekananda wrote a later to Tesla in the late 1D00Gs statin%: 41r( Tesla thinks he can de#onstrate #athe#atically that force and #atter are reduci$le to potential energy( I a# to go and see hi# ne0t eek to get this ne #athe#atical de#onstration( In that case the Vedantic cos#ology ill $e placed on the surest of foundations( I a# orking a good deal no upon the cos#ology and eschatology of the Vedanta( I clearly see their perfect union ith #odern science% and the elucidation of the one ill $e folloed $y that of the other(& ? Swai ,i&ekananda *Ao$lete Borks, ,'2! ,, ;i#th -dition, 134>, $! >>+! *1+ Tesla be%an usin% the Sanskrit words a#ter eetin% with Swai, and a#ter studyin% the -astern &iew o# the true nature o# reality, about the echaniss that dri&e the aterial world! -&entually, it led hi to the basis #or the wireless transission o# electrical $ower, what is known as the Tesla Aoil Trans#orer! .urin% this year he #ade the folloing co##ents during a speech $efore the A#erican Institute of Electrical Engineers! *Ci&en be#ore he #ailiari)ed hisel# with the the ,edic sincere o# the easter nations o# "ndia, Tibet, and /e$al!+ Ere #any generations pass% our #achinery ill $e dri'en $y a poer o$taina$le at any point in the uni'erse( This idea is not no'el23e find it in the delightful #yth of Antheus% ho deri'es poer fro# the earth" e find it a#ong su$tle speculations of one of your splendid #athe#aticians2(Throughout space there is energy( Is this energy static% or kinetic) If static our hopes are in 'ain" if kinetic 4 and this e kno it is% for certain 4 then it is a #ere !uestion of ti#e hen #en ill succeed in attaching their #achinery to the 'ery heel ork of nature(& , /ikola Tesla *source+ The ,edas are a %rou$ o# writin%s that consist o# hyns, $rayers, yths, historical accountin%, science and the nature o# reality! They date back at least 5000 years, and are not so di##erent #ro other ancient te(ts that di&e into the sae atters #ro all across the %lobe! The lan%ua%e used is Sanskrit and its ori%ins are unknown! 4/a#i Vi'ekananda as hopeful that Tesla ould $e a$le to sho that hat e call #atter is si#ply potential energy $ecause that ould reconcile the teachings of the Vedas ith #odern science( The /a#i reali5ed that in that case% the Vedantic cos#ology 6ould7 $e placed on the surest of foundations( Tesla understood the /anskrit ter#inology and philosophy and found that it as a good #eans to descri$e the physical #echanis#s of the uni'erse as seen through his eyes( It ould $ehoo'e those ho ould atte#pt to understand the science $ehind the in'entions of Nikola Tesla to study /anskrit and Vedic philosophy(& , Toby Crot), 6resident, Bireless -n%ineerin% *source+ 3$$arently, Tesla was unable to show the identity o# ener%y and atter, this did not coe until 3lbert -instein $ublished his $a$er on relati&ity, which was known in the -ast #or the last 5000 years! 4All the poers in the uni'erse are already ours( It is e ho ha'e put our hands $efore our eyes and cry that it is dark(& , Swai ,i&ekananda Tesla7s &ision o# the wireless transission o# electricity and #ree ener%y has been $ost$oned #or alost one hundred years now! Bhich brin%s us to our ne(t to$ic! 3hat 3e 8no No 6Today7 A$out Free Energy These concepts ha'e $een pro'en in hundreds of la$oratories throughout the orld and yet they ha'e not really seen the light of day( If these technologies ere to $e set free orldide% the change ould $e profound% it ould $e applica$le e'eryhere( These technologies are a$solutely the #ost i#portant thing that ha'e happened in the history of the orld(& , :rian '7leary, ;orer /3S3 3stronaut and 6rinceton 6hysics 6ro#essor! *source+ 0ere is a &ideo o# world renowned 6hysicist 0arold -! 6utho##! 3n 3erican $hysicist who earned his 6h!. #ro Stan#ord Uni&ersity! " a best #ailiar with his work throu%h the declassi#ication o# the reote &iewin% $ro%ra conducted by the A"3 and /S3 in conHunction with Stan#ord Uni&ersity! *source 1+ *source 2+ *source 3+! 0e is the director o# the "nstitute #or 3d&anced Studies at 3ustin, and has ser&ed &arious %o&ernent a%encies throu%hout his years! Object 4 These are not *ust fringe scientists ith science fiction ideas( They are #ainstrea# ideas $eing pu$lished in #ainstrea# physics *ournals and $eing taken seriously $y #ainstrea# #ilitary and NA/A type funders( I'e $een taken out on aircraft carriers $y the Na'y and shon hat it is e ha'e to replace if e ha'e ne energy sources to pro'ide ne fuel #ethods(& , .r! 0arold -! 6utho## 49ack in a$out :;<= a researcher at the Hughes >a$oratory $y the na#e of ?o$ert >( Forard shoed that there as a particular effect% called the @asi#ir Effect% hich de#onstrated that this energy could $e taped(& , .r! 0arold -! 6utho## To see soe actual research, a research $a$er and a &isual deonstration o# soe achinery with $lans #or the de&ice, click 0-@- This is what Tesla was talkin% about when he said that an would attach their machinery to the very wheel work of nature. Its Ti#e For A @hange 'ur current ethods #or e(tractin% ener%y are destroyin% -arth! "t7s destroyin% the en&ironent, its $eo$le and creates con#lict! Be are ra$idly a$$roachin% a tie *i# not already in that tie+ where we need to i$leent systes to eliinate the use o# #ossil #uels! " ho$e that this article, and the ones linked within it, show you that this is $ossible! "# you are #urther interested in this subHect, you can check out Michael ;araday, :ruce .e6ala, 6araahasa Tewari and ore! -ner%y source transitions do not ha$$en o&er ni%ht! "t took us 100 years to trans#er #ro wood to coal, and another 100 years to o&e #ro coal to oil! :ut the ne(t ener%y transition ust ha$$en 1uicker than $re&ious ones, and it ust include #ree ener%y! 4No pessi#ist e'er disco'ered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land% or opened a ne dooray fro# the hu#an spirit(& , 0elen Ieller 4The day science $egins to study non,physical pheno#ena% it ill #ake #ore progress in one decade than in all the pre'ious centuries of its e0istence(& , /ikola Tesla