Rudolf Steiner Handbook 684

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174 174b The Spiritual Background of the First World War

Gesamtausgabe, first edition 13(24.02.1918, Stuttgart) (293ff.) 3488 174-14 physical body The human head develops three to four times faster than the remaining organism and has completed its development with the 28th year. The fact that the human being does not die then is based on the fact that the remaining organism sends "rays of development" into the head (hereditary forces, while the head is a cosmic creation). Thats why one can only have an educative effect on the head at first. However, education should work in such a way that the head can later deliver that (heart education) to the remaining organism what was brought up in it. 180/6 or 13(1/12/1918, Dornach): The overly fast development of the human head is connected with the overly fast movement of the earth through the universe.

174-15 14(4/23/1918, Stuttgart) (310ff.) 3509 education In the first third of postmortal life, the experiences unfold as Imaginations that were got during the life between birth and death more unconsciously, whereas the conscious impressions are more like reminiscent pictures. In the second third, the soul lives in Inspirations by which it understands which meaning these pictures have in the cosmic connection. In the last third, the soul submerges in its psycho-spiritual surroundings, in Intuitions. These Intuitions is the prologue of that Intuition... that consists in the fact that the soul submerges in the body which is delivered to him in the hereditary current by parents, grandparents et cetera. The habit of submerging in the surroundings will maintain in the first seven years as imitative instinct. Similarly 181/10(4/2/1918, Berlin). On childish imitation see 302/8(6/19/1921, Stuttgart).
16(3/21/1921, Stuttgart) (354ff.) 4423 174-16 First World War On the problem of the war guilt. Steiner doubts that a better judgment can be delivered in future than from the possibilities of judgment of his time. The question as dictation of the victors: And that this has happened in an incomprehensible way, what never had been allowed to happen that this dictation of the victors has been signed, thus a fact came into being one cannot regret enough. The Austrian and the German politics had reached zero in the period before the outbreak of the war, because they were not guided by higher ideas as the British were (world domination lying in the development of the Anglo-Saxon nations, socialist experiments in the East etc.). The tragic role of the German chief of staff Helmuth von Moltke jr. (1848-1916, picture). Cf. also 185a/1 and /2(11/9/ and 11/10/1918, Dornach). On H. v. Moltke jr. see Th. Meyer (editor) Light for the New Millennium. Rudolf Steiners Association with Helmuth and Eliza von Moltke. Letters, Documents and After-Death Communications RSP 1997. References to lectures of CW 174b in 157-07, 157-22, 158-01, 161-08, 163-06, 164-01, 174-08, 174-11, 203-09.


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