Surface Area

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Topic: Surface Area of a Cylinder Goal The overall goal is for students to demonstrate application of surface area in the

world round us. Students will apply formulas to a model a cylindrical structure so they can determine the volume and surface area of the cylinder. Objectives: At the end of the session, the students will be able to: a. Recall formula for finding area of circle and rectangle and circumference of a circle. b. Derive the surface area of a cylinder c. Solve the area of a cylinder d. Actively participate in the task given involving surface area.

Outcomes: (project) Students will create a presentation to share and exhibit their process of determining the surface area of the cylindrical structure. The presentation will include digital pictures of the model as it is being developed, formulas, and calculations. Additionally, students will research paint prices and include information about the paint they would use to paint the structure, as well as anticipate the price for the overall project. Procedure: 1. Preliminary Activity 2. Review on concepts needed for the derivation of the surface area of cylinder. 3. Lesson Proper a. Present a cylinder. b. Ask a student to determine the number of surfaces the cylinder have and describe how these surfaces are represented according to shapes. So that the student will have a clearer representation on the curved wall, allow the student to imagine how the curved wall will be like if it is cut from to bottom and spread wide to open the curve wall. c. + + = Surface Area

Lesson Plan: Surface Area of Cylinder

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d. Ask the student to give formula of finding the area of a circle and rectangle

= Surface Area

e. Ask the student about the relationship of the length of the rectangle to circle.

+ r 2 + r 2

+ + (2r)(h)

= Surface Area = Surface Area

f. Ask the student the derived formula for the total surface area. Surface Area=2r2 + (2r)(h) g. Try the following: i. Example 1: If r = 6 ft and h = 4 ft, then the surface area would be SA = 2(3.14)(6 ft)2 + 2(3.14)(6 ft)(4 ft) = 2(3.14)(36 ft2) + 2(3.14)(24 ft2) = 226.08 ft2 + 150.72 ft2 = 376.8 ft2. h. Activity: i. If r = 5 cm and h = 2 cm, then the surface area would be ii. The diameter of the base of a cylinder is 12 cm and the height is 8 cm. Find the surface area of the solid cylinder. iii. The figure shows a section of a metal pipe. Given the internal radius of the pipe is 2 cm, the external radius is 2.4 cm and the length of the pipe is 10 cm. Find the total surface area of the pipe

Summary/Agreement: 1. Ask the student to complete some statement to summarize the activity. 2. Ask the student to derive the surface area of a sphere.

Lesson Plan: Surface Area of Cylinder

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