Detailed Lesson Plan I. Objective: Value Focus: Healthy Lifestyle
Detailed Lesson Plan I. Objective: Value Focus: Healthy Lifestyle
Detailed Lesson Plan I. Objective: Value Focus: Healthy Lifestyle
I. Objective
At the end of 50- minute period at least 75% of the learners must be able to:
a. Visualize the area of a Parallelogram.
b. Determine and use the formula for finding the area of a Parallelogram.
c. Find the area of a Parallelogram.
III. Procedure
1. Motivation
(Let the students to sing the
Mathematics song.)
Okay Isaiah please lead the song.
2. Drill
The teacher must use the chart.
4x3 3x6 12 18
3x7 4x5 21 20
4x2 2x9 8 18
5x3 7x4 15 28
6x 4 8x2 24 16
9x 3 1x7 27 7
Another Examples:
4m A = 7m x 4m
A = 28m²
4m A = 5m x 4m
A = 20m²
6m A = 3m x 6m
A = 18m²
c. Abstraction
So, again what is the formula in finding The formula in finding the area of
the area of a Parallelogram? Parallelogram is A=b x h -
Through our exercises, how do we find the To find the area of a Parallelogram, we
area of a Parallelogram? multiply the base and the height and express
in terms of square units.
d. Application
- OK children, I will divide you into
four (4) groups. Each group will have a
parallelogram plot.
Group 1
A plot A is a parallelogram shape. It is
covered with tomato plants. What is the
area of a parallelogram shape of the plot?
A = 60cm x 50cm
60cm A = 3000cm²
Group 2
A plot B is a parallelogram shape. It is
covered with an eggplant. What is the area
of a parallelogram shape of the plot?
A = 70cm x 30cm
70cm A = 2100cm²
Group 3
A plot C is a parallelogram shape. It is
covered with radish plants. What is the area
of a parallelogram shape of the plot?
A = 90cm x 30m
90cm A = 2700cm²
Group 4
- A plot D is a parallelogram shape. It is
covered with okra plants. What is the area
of a parallelogram shape of the plot?
A = 60cm x 20cm
A = 1200cm²
Very Good! So children the tomato, They are the kinds of vegetables.
eggplant, radish, and okra are the kinds of?
IV. Evaluation
Find the area of the Parallelogram using the following data. Choose the letter of
the correct answer and write it in your sheet of pad paper.
8m a. A= 16m ²
1. b. A= 18 m²
c. A = 24 m²
2m d. A=20 m²
2. a. A = 17m²
b. A = 12m²
3m c. A = 15m²
d.A=14 m²
3. a. A = 22m²
b. A = 18m²
2m c. A = 16 m²
d.A=24 m²
4. a. A = 12m²
b. A = 20m²
3m c. A = 16m²
V. Assignment
Direction: Copy and Answer Get Moving A 1-5 on page 203 in your Math
Prepared by:
Student Intern
Mrs. Lory P. Magallona
Cooperating Teacher
Internship Teacher