Bagalamukhi: The Goddess of Hypnotic Power

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Bagalamukhi: The Goddess of Hypnotic Power

Bagalamukhi: The Goddess of Hypnotic Power

Published on Feb 09 0!" 0 :0# P$ % Posted by &adha Pukan % Gods and Goddesses There is nothing like a Goddess scorned' (nd in case of Bagalamukhi )called the *ne who checks the mouth+, she can be a towering personality to behold' -hile she protects her de.otees, she can be the face of in case of any wrong doer' /he is the eighth of the ten forms of the goddess known as dashamaha.idya' /ome ancient scriptures also call her crane faced' /he is focused on her intent and ga0e like the crane who waddles in the waters looking at its target' Those who pray to her whole heartedly, get the same kind of physiognomies to silence their enemies' But they can be granted their wish only when they are able to fulfill the rituals and manage to appease her long enough to grant a blessing' &ecogni0ing the Goddess

1t is not only her crane face that is identified as her main feature' /he is called Peetambari de.i or Brahmastra &oopini in some of the northern regions of 1ndia' This is because she wears yellow colored clothes and has a golden aura around her' Her throne is also made of yellow lotuses' /he has a crescent shaped moon on her head' 1n some images she is shown two arms and in some she is four armed' 1n west Bengal her worshippers see her as a demon slaying demi goddess' /he carries a club in her right hand and looks ferocious' -ith her left hand she is puling out the demon2s tongue' -ith this image one knows that the Goddess is capable of 3uashing her ad.ersaries and has the ability to paraly0e them completely' 1n a way her powers are such that a person who uses speech for doing is made silent' /he can o.erturn failure into success' (nd in a metaphysical way she can also re.eal the significance of life in death' /he can transform defeat into .ictory for her followers'

Goddess Bagalamukhi is a perfect e4ample of duality 5 the ying and yang' *ne can easily find peace and balance in lie following her principles' 1n a more metaphysical way she embodies the consummation of the unborn into the uncreated'

6egends about the Goddess

7.ery God and Goddess is associated with some legend' How Goddess Bagalamukhi came to earth is an interesting tale' 7ons ago there was a raging storm on earth' 1t was so strong that it would ha.e wiped out all creation from it' The Gods were perturbed and held an emergency council to stop the flooding and destruction of $other 7arth' The meeting was apparently held in /aurastra )western 1ndia+' The storm had to be weakened' From the Haridra / emerged the form of Goddess Bagalamukhi' This e.ent has been faithfully recorded in the scriptures of Peetambari Peeth in $adhya Pradesh' (s the power of the Goddess grew she assumed responsibility for her followers' They started to dedicate temples for her'

Temples in her honor

The most important shrine of the Goddess is in Guwahati in (ssam' The temple is .ery close to 8amakhya where high ranked tantrics meet' /he is also worshipped in 9ewar city )Patan, 9epal+, Bankhandi )Himachal Pradesh+, Peetambar Peeth ):atia, $P+ and 9alkheda )/ha;apur, $P+'

How the Goddess blesses her followers

$ost of the deeper religious te4ts in Hinduism deal with Tantra either in the dualistic or non5dualistic forms' (n ordinary mortal identifies himself as a dualistic entity' They are different from the uni.erse or any other form of di.inity' 1n the higher stage, the duality is no longer e4istent' 9ow there is no separation between the di.ine and the mortal being' They are *ne' The followers of the Goddess ha.e gone beyond the stage of duality and ha.e become *ne with her' The use of the potent mantra is used to silence their critics and enemies alike' The hypnotic ga0e and power of /tambhana )paralysis+ allows things to be balanced'

For the neophyte, non5dualistic followers the enemy is the ego' This called for <sadhana2 or meditation' 1t de.elops the follower into a more stronger being' -ith the continuous chanting of the mantra the breath is regulated and it is easier to get self5reali0ation' This is the strength of the mantra' There are many other spiritual benefits that Her de.otees get'

Benefits and Blessings

Goddess Bagalamukhi is pleased when she is respected and followed in the right manner' The correct recitation of the mantra has many benefits' 1t helps one to con3uer the internal demons and e4ternal ad.ersaries too' $ortal human beings suffer due to greed, lust, pride, enmity, and different attachments' /ome relationships become to4ic' $ost humans forget that the goal of life is to get liberated e.entually' *nly the practice of meditation and regime of sadhana are useful to get self5reali0ed' This way the cycle of birth and death are reduced' 1t is said that e.en 6ord 8rishna and his Panda.a friend (r;un worshipped her'

1t is not easy to seek self5reali0ation alone' The help of the guru is .ital in this achie.ement' 7.en before starting the mantra ;ap, proper initiation is important' -ith the right kind of de.otion to the Goddess, the soul on the path of enlightenment with guidance' (s the kundalini rises, so does the soul'

:e.otees are protected from:

!' black magic ' curse done by others #' legal problems "' possibility of accidents =' ad.erse incidents >' unnatural e.ents ?' enemy@s mal5intention A' disease 9' po.erty

(strological significance of $a Bagalamukhi Poo;a

-e seek the help of God only when we are in trouble' -ith the di.ine inter.ention of $a Bagalamukhi, the troubles are reduced' -hen a person has a malefic intent of $ars in the birth chart or an antardasa )specific period of suffering+, then they can do the poo;a of this

Goddess' The poo;a helps in o.ercoming the difficulties in the form of obstacles, enemies or se.ere problems in personal and professional life' 1t is also a protecti.e gear for accidents, unnatural e.ents and other disastrous which are life threatening'

$antra for the Goddess Bagalamukhi:

hring baglamukhi de.yayae namah hring bagalamukhi sar..adushtanam ..achanmukham padam stambhaya ;ih.a kilaya kilaya buddhi .inaashaya hring swaha

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