Khutbah Haajah

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All praises belong to Allah, we seek his assistance, and ask his forgiveness and we seek refuge in Allah

from the evil of our souls and from the evil of our actions. Whomever Allah guides, none can mislead him. Whomever he leads astray, none can guide him.

In nal ham da lil laa hi nah ma du hu wa nas ta ee nu hu wa nas tag fi ru hu wa na oo zu bil laa hi min shu ruu ri an fu si naa wa min sai yi aa ti a a maa li na may yah di hil laa hu fa laa mu dil la lah wa may yud li la hu fa laa haa di ya lah

I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, alone without partner and that Muhammad (s) is his slave and Messenger.

Wa ash ha du an laa e laa ha il lal law wah da hu laa sha ree ka la hu. wa ash ha du an na mu ham ma dan ab du hu wa ra suu lu hu.

O You who believe! Fear Allah, as He should be feared and do not die except in a state of Islam. (3:102)

Yaa ai yu hal la zi na aa ma nuut taq qul law ha haq qa tu qaa ti hi wa laa ta muu tun na il laa wa an tum mus li moon.

O mankind! be dutiful to Your Lord, who created You from a single person (Adam), and from Him, He created his wife, and from them both He created many men and women and fear Allh through whom You demand Your mutual (rights), and (Do not cut the relations of) the wombs. Surely, Allh is ever watching over you. (4:1)

Yaa ai yu han naa suit ta quu rab ba ku mul la zee kha la qa kum min naf siw waa hi dah. Wa kha la qa min haa zaw ja haa. wa bas tha min hu maa ri jaa lan ka thee ra tiw wa na saa a. Wa taq qul law hal la zee ta saa a luu na bi hi wal ar haam. In nal law ha kaa na a lai kum ra qee baa.

O ye who believe! Have taqwa of Allah, and speak words straight to the point. He will direct you to do good deeds will forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and his Missenger. He has indeed achieved a great achievement. (33:70-71)

Yaa ai u hal la zee na aa ma nuut ta qul law ha wa quu luu qaw lann sa dee daa. Yus lih la kum a a maa la kum wa yag fir la kum zu nuu ba kum wa mai yu ti il laa ha wa ra suu la hu fa qud faa za fau zann a zee maa.

Indeed the best speech is the book of Allah, and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammd (s). And the worst of matters are those innovated by the people, and every innovated matter is a bidah and every bidah is going astray, and every going astray is in the fire.

Fa in na khai ral ha dee si ke taa bul law(h). Wa khai ral had yi had yu mu ham ma din (sal lal law hu a lai hi wa sal lam) wa shar ral u muu ri muh da thaa tu haa. Wa kul la muh da tha tinn bid a(h). Wa kl la bid a tinn da laa lah. Wa kul la da laa la tinn fin naar

Having said this, I seek Allahs forgiveness for myself and for you and for all the Muslims from every sin. So seek forgiveness. Verily He is most forgiving, most merciful.

A qoo lu qaw li haa zaa wa as tag fi rul law ha lee wa la kum. Wa li saa e rul mus li mee na min kul li zam bin fas tag fi ruu hu in na hu hu wal ga foo rul ra heem.

All praises belong to Allah. And we send salaam and saluation upon the messenger of Allah (s).

Al ham du lil laa hi wa sa laa tu wa sa laa mu a laa ra suu lil lah sal lal laa hu a lai hi wa sa laam.

"Lo! Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Ask blessings on him, salute him with a worthy salutation." (33:56)

In nal law ha wa ma laa e ka ta hu yu sal loo na a lan na bee. Yaa ay u hal la zee na aa ma noo sol loo a lai hi wa sal la moo tas lee maa.

O Allah! Let peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You let peace come upon Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem. Verily, You are praise worthy and glorious. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You bless Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem. Verily, You are praise worthy and glorious.

Allah humma sal li a laa sai yi di naa mu ham mad wa a laa aa li sai yi di naa mu ham mad ka maa sol lai tu a laa ib ra heem wa a laa aa li ib raa heem in na ka ha mee dum ma jeed. Al laa hum ma baa ri ka a laa sai yi di naa muhammad wa a laa aa li sai yi di naa muhammad ka maa baa rak ta a laa ib raa heem ma wa a laa aa li ib raa heem ma in na ka ha mee dum ma jeed.

Our lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the fire. (2:201)

Rab ba naa aa te naa fid dun yaa ha sa na(h). wa fil aa khira ti ha sa na(h). wa qi naa a zaa ban naar

Our lord! Forgive me and my parents and the believers on the day of judgement.(14:41) Rab big fir lee wa li waa li dai ya wa lil mua me nee na yaw ma ya qoo mul he saab.

Our lord! Bestow on us patient and set firm our feet and give us help against those who reject faith. (2:250)

Rab ba naa af rig a lai naa sob ran wa thab bit a qa daa ma naa wan sur naa a lal qaw mil kaa fi reen.

Our lord! Take us not to task if we forget or fall into error.(2:286)

Rab ba naa laa tu aa khis naa in na see naa aw akh tua naa.

Our lord! Lay not upon us such a burden as You placed upon those before us. (2:286)

Rab ba naa wa laa tah mil a lai naa is ran ka maa ha mal ta hu a lal la zee naa min qab li naa.

Our lord! Impose not upon us that which we cannot bear, grant us forgiveness and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so help us against those who deny the truth. (2:286)

Rab ba naa wa laa tu ham mil naa maa laa taa qa ta la naa bi(h). wa(a) fu an naa wag fir la naa war ham naa. An ta maw laa naa fan sur naa a lal qaw mil kaa fi reen.

Glory to thy Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power (He is free) from what they ascribe (to Him). And Peace on the messengers. And all praises belong to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds.

Sub haa na rab bi ka rab bil iz za ti am ma ya si foon. Wa sa laa mun a lal mur sa leen. Wal ham du lil laa hi rab bil aa la meen.

Worship Allah!

E baa dal law.

"Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and giving to kith and kin, and He forbids all indecent deeds, and evil and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition." (16:90)

In nal law ha y(a) mu ru kum bil ad li wal ih saa ni wa e taa e zil qur baa way an haa a nil fa(h) shaa e wal mun ka ri wal ba(gg). Ya iz za kum la al la kum taz ku roon.

Remember Allah! And He will remember you. Thank Him for His blessings and He will increase then. And verily, The remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing. And Allah knows what you do.

Oz ku rul law ha yaz ku ru kum wash ku roo hu a laa ni me he na zid kum. Wa la zik rul law hi ta aa la ak bar. Wal law hi n(a) la mu maa tas ma oo(n)

Wa a qi mus sa laa(h)

And establish salaah

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