Childcare Concepts and Childhood Periods
Childcare Concepts and Childhood Periods
Childcare Concepts and Childhood Periods
DR.Dumitra Simona DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Physical and mental health of children means welfare and most precious wealth of a nation . Who defines health as "a state of complete well physically , mentally and socially. It is not just the absence of disease or infirmity " .
DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY General Pediatrics study existing pathology in childhood and in it were identified : Clinical pediatrics - general pathology studying child . Preventive Pediatrics - deals with the study of the principles that underlie disease prevention , growth and development of young bodies . Social Pediatrics - child studying ecosystem , well the interrelation between the child and its life , natural and / or artificial , as the role of environmental factors on child development and growth . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Childcare , the term derives from the Latin puer (child ) and culture (growth ) ; It was used for the first time Balleyserd that in the eighteenth century the first public childcare Treaty . The activity of puericulture is the study of normal growth and development , physiology , nutrition and care that is given to children from conception through adolescence. DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Today extended childcare industry: the health of the parents ,
There is no border between childcare and pediatrics . The pediatrician will need to know the basics of baby care as every other medical specialty ( pediatric surgery , reanimate ) , but primarily family doctor, to know and be able to apply the concepts of childcare practice . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY The scientific study of the growth and development of somatic and social psychological concept of a nursery child . Child addresses the issue of the body so young, in terms of somatic. psihomotric , intellectually and socially. The purpose of the study is to know the laws of normal childhood and harmonious development of the child at different stages , from birth and up to 18 years. DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATION Child studying preconception health of the parents and the genetic and psycho -intellectual harmony future couples. Child prenatal life study dealing with product design . Scientific knowledge of intrauterine life , the embryonic period of organogenesis , has importance for the future of the concepts . This period of vulnerability to risk aggression anbiotic and / or biotic factors of the human ecosystem . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY The risk of structural malformations of the embryo genesis is maximum during this period , and sometimes the consequences are hard to predict . Various risk factors can cause abortion , some birth defects induce fetal death in uterus at age infant or child is born with various disabilities hardly recoverable . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Study the fetal period is important for the future of the concepts .
Analysis of the morphology and fetal distress is the cornerstone of antenatal diagnosis , quantification of risk pregnancy and fetal viability . This analysis allows making important decisions or obstetrical or medical purposes or anticipating premature birth prevention measures to be awarded newborn resuscitation in the delivery room or in the immediate postnatal period . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Internatal child studying product design during the transition from intrauterine life to extrauterine life . Climate change intrauterine fluid normothermia , which provides nutritional exchanges , gas (O2 , CO2 ) , excretory , anti-infective protection (Immunoglobulins G ) etc,with the external gaseous medium , characterized by thermal variations , aggression infectious factors is an extremely stressful newborn .Adapting to new conditions must be quick and without fluctuations. DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY The expulsion stage , the fetus may be subject to mechanical or hypoxic aggression , with adverse effects on neonatal adaptation and the emergence of vital complications . Knowing and anticipating these events of interest to practicing neonatologist reanimature , obstetrician , neuro- psychiatrist and , not least , for the family , given the severe complications that can occur immediately or late neonatal period . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Child postnatal Study the development of the concepts after birth and the interrelation between body and external factors human ecosystem . Child approaches the study of child health through the definition issued by WHO on overall health as : " Good physical condition , mental and social development of the individual." DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY From birth to adulthood , the human body is constantly changing. Child growth and development in the early years involves some particulars somatosensory mental , physiological and social. Depending rapid qualitative changes that occur over time , we can differenciate common steps related to metabolic needs , physical, or sensory motor performance , of each age .
DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Being alive occurs immediately after fertilization. Ontogenesis is individual development the body of the embryo stage until the end of his life. Ontogenesis includes two periods : ero
These periods are important in scientific analytical interpretation of biological phenomena and to formulate medical principles to optimize human development throughout its existence. DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Intrauterine period include:
Ectopic period begins after birth and they can delineate the three periods known as " childhood periods " , each with peculiarities of evolution characteristic somatic- psychic . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Early childhood It is the period between birth and age 2 - 3 years and includes the phenomena of the human body adapt to life outside the womb in which the influences of the external environment will generate particular reactions of the newborn . This period was subdivided into : DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Newborn period Begins with birth and ends around the age of one month (28 days) ; There is a sub-period - during the perinatal or neonatal early - which includes the first 7 days of life and differ from other periods by a particular vulnerability arising from adaptation effort being put newborn . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY
Infancy Starts at the age of 29 days and ends with the age of 1 year (12 months). During this period, the height and weight growth is accelerated , disappear and appear archaic reflexes and sensory motor reflexes mature CNS. Anti-infective defense mechanism is improving and there is an anatomical and functional development of the respiratory , cardiac , excretory , hematopoietic , endocrine , etc. . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Toddler period It is age ranging from 1 year to 3 years. During this period growth in length and weight is lower than that registered in infancy . Development of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system will allow the child to mobilize alone exploring the environment it appears initially as a challenge then becomes a necessity with definite purpose in view of exploring the environment. The child develops language and verbal or nonverbal with people becoming more nuanced . With time , you become able to imitate and reproduce gestures and words, thus overcoming primitive stage of existence . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY A second childhood Corresponds to the period between 3-6 (7) years; is known as pre-school period is characterized by the processes of growth and development recorded a slower pace than in infancy . Develop language and cognitive acquisitions , is between the big questions , the child showing interest in knowing the world around , forming and skills appear rational elements of personality , pride , desire and satisfaction. Initiation is the period of education and instruction . Now the foundations " of 7 years from home " that will reflect the child's social education . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY A third child It's " school time " and ends around age 18.
This period is divided into : Small school period between 6 (7) years and 11-12 years for girls and 6 (7) years and 12-13 years for boys . Pubertal period extends up to 12-14 years in girls and 13-16 years in boys . Adolescence ends before crossing the threshold of maturity , around the age of 18. DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Small school period is characterized by the beginning of instruction and living in the community , which binds friendships , collegial relationships ; School , under the supervision and guidance of adults (parents , teachers ) learn to be ordered to meet the requirements of the school, to be honest and disciplined. During puberty is achieved changes in the functions of various organs , increase in length is again accelerated , major hormonal changes occur physiologists described as a true " hormonal storm " that involves and engages the spectacular transformation with significant consequences , occurring secondary sexual characters . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY The period of adolescence is similar to that of adult and is characterized by various devices and systems improvement , but another approach to life through a new concept and realistic. Teen wants and requires under its own recognition of his personality , seeking to align social norms , moral society that takes their existence . The teenager refuses to be considered "child" and frequently triggers " conflict " of interest to the adult age . He sometimes maintain tension in relation to adults because they refuse to obey the laws imposed by them unconditionally . DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY Teen size is variable and closely related to the cultural pattern , social , religious society that takes their existence . School and family have special responsibilities in shaping adolescent personality and efforts in this process should be continuous and ongoing . Independence from family and initiating social responsibility seems possible only after completion of the study period and starting their professional activity.
This is the stage of completion of the period of adolescence and into maturity stage , the young man has a personality and identity of its own , becoming a volunteer and responsible for their own actions and the consequences of those actions. new born child baby school teenager And .... you