MagtheridonLair Rulebook

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Overview ........................................................1 Whats in this Box? .........................................1 Object of the Game .........................................2 Setup .........................................................2 Gameplay .......................................................4 Overview .................................................4 Magtheridon Turn Sequence .....................5 Blood .......................................................6 Unleashed! ...............................................7 Manticron Cubes ..............................7 Magtheridons Lair Card.....................7

Deep within the connes of the Hellre Citadel lies a being seething with rage.


Betrayed by his followers and held in bondage as they siphon away his lifeblood, it is only a matter of time before the once-mighty overlord of Outland, the pit lord Magtheridon, breaks free and is returned to his former glory. His vengeance will be swift and his wrath merciless. In this game, one player pilots the denizens of Magtheridons lair while the other players form a raiding party. The Magtheridon player plays the Magtheridon Raid deck, and the raiding players play their own decks built from the World of Warcraft TCG card pool. The Magtheridons Lair Raid Deck is designed to be played against three to ve players. In general, the more raiding players in a game, the easier it is to defeat Magtheridon. For complete World of Warcraft TCG rules, please visit

Boss Immunity .........................................8

Customizing ...................................................9 The Treasure Pack .........................................9 Credits .........................................................12

65-card Magtheridon Raid deck (2 copies each of 31 different cards, and 3 copies of another card) 2 two-sided, oversize Magtheridon hero cards 29 Magtheridons Blood cards 5 Channeler cards 5 Abyssal ally tokens 5 Manticron Cube cards 1 two-sided Magtheridon's Lair card 10-card treasure pack

Whats in this Box?

Magtheridon Raid Card





Manticron Cube

For the Magtheridon player, the object of the game is simple: destroy all who dare

Object of the Game

to oppose you. A raiding player is destroyed if his or her hero takes fatal damage (damage greater than or equal to its health), or if that player has to draw a card from an empty deck. For the raiding players, the object of the game is to work together to defeat Magtheridon. A raid in Magtheridons Lair has two stages: During the first stage, the raiding players must defeat the five Channelers who are keeping Magtheridon at bay. If a Channeler would leave play for any reason, it is removed from the game. When the last Channeler leaves the Magtheridon players party or the Magtheridon player places his or her fifth resource, the second stage begins and Magtheridon himself is UNLEASHED! If Magtheridon is destroyed, its a victory for all raiding players, even those who fell before the pit lord was defeated.

The Magtheridon player sets aside the ve Abyssal ally tokens, the ve Manticron Cubes, and the Magtheridons Lair card. There are two Magtheridon hero cards in this game: one has Chained on its type line, and the other has Unleashed. Set aside the Unleashed Magtheridon card for later.



Each raiding player brings a standard


Next, the Magtheridon player shufes the Magtheridon Raid deck. He or she then puts the Magtheridons Blood cards in a pile. Theres no need to randomize the Blood cards because they are all identical. The Magtheridon player starts the game with Chained Magtheridon and the ve Channeler allies in play. Each player (including the Magtheridon player) draws a starting hand of seven cards. All players may choose to mulligan as normal. The Magtheridon players maximum hand size is ten cards. (Each other players maximum hand size is seven cards.) The player to the left of the Magtheridon player goes rst, and then play proceeds clockwise. Unlike in a traditional game, the rst player does not skip drawing a card.

60-card (minimum) deck and hero. The raiding players heroes must belong to the same faction, either Horde or Alliance. Players should also bring a six-sided die for cards that require die rolls.



While there are many similarities, there are several important differences between a traditional multiplayer game and a Magtheridons Lair raid scenario.

In many ways, the game plays like a traditional multiplayer game of the WoW TCG. A hero or ally with protector can protect any friendly character. A friendly character is controlled either by you or the players on your team. Example : Hukkath has protector. Magtheridon attacks Ozzati, a friendly hero in another players party. Hukkath can exhaust to protect Ozzati. If a raiding players hero is destroyed, all cards he or she owns are removed from the game, including abilities attached to other players cards. Each raiding players turn follows the phases and steps of a traditional game, as described by the diagram below:

Magtheridon Turn Sequence

The Magtheridon players turn sequence is shown below:

At the start of the Magtheridon players ready step, he or she readies all of his or her cards. At the same time, he or she also places a card from the Blood pile face down into his or her resource row. If Magtheridon is Unleashed, the Magtheridon player also puts a Blood card into play face up. None of these actions uses the chain. (See the Blood section for more information.) As the Magtheridon players draw step starts, he or she draws one card. If Magtheridon is Unleashed, he or she draws an additional card.
4 5

The Magtheridon players action phase is the same as a standard players, except that the Magtheridon player cant place a resource. During the Magtheridon players wrap-up step, he or she discards down to his or her maximum hand size (ten cards).


When Magtheridon is Unleashed, the Magtheridon player puts into play all five Manticron Cubes and the Magtheridons Lair card. MaNtIcrON CubeS The Cubes are a new card type. Raiding players cant interact with the Cubes except as follows: During each raiding players turn, that player may exhaust a hero or ally in his or her party to attach a Cube to that character. The same player can exhaust multiple characters this way, but no more than one Cube can be attached to the same character at the same time. A character can exhaust to attach a Cube even if that Cube is already attached to another character. If a character does this, that Cube detaches from the old character as it attaches to the new one. The old character stays exhausted.


Blood cards have two different functions in the game. 1) At the start of each of his or her turns, the Magtheridon player places a Blood card into his or her resource row face down. This happens at the same time as cards are readied, and doesnt use the chain. These cards behave like normal resources for the rest of the game; they are no longer considered Blood cards. 2) After Magtheridon is Unleashed, the Magtheridon player also gains a Blood at the start of each of his or her turns. To gain a Blood, take a card from the Blood pile and put it into play face up in a designated collection area. This collection area can be located anywhere that doesnt interfere with the rest of the game. Raiding players cant interact with these cards in any way. The number of Blood cards in play is a representation of Magtheridons growing power following his release. Some cards count the number of Blood cards that are currently in play. For example, Unleashed Magtheridon has an ATK bonus while attacking for each Blood in play. Other cards allow the Magtheridon player to destroy Blood cards in play to pay a cost. A Blood that has been destroyed doesnt enter a graveyard; its simply put back into the Blood pile.

If a character readies while it has a Cube attached, that Cube detaches. While a Cube is not attached to a character, it stays in the middle of the play area. The MagtherIDONS LaIr CarD The Magtheridons Lair card enters play with its Cooldown side face up, and remains in play for the rest of the game. Raiding players cant interact with it in any way. At the end of each of the Magtheridon players turns, the Magtheridons Lair card ips. While its Nova side is face up, at the start of the Magtheridon players turn, if any of the Cubes are unattached, Magtheridon deals 10 damage to each opposing hero and ally (including those with Cubes attached).

When it ips to its Cooldown side, 2 damage is put on each character with a Cube attached, and then all Cubes detach and go back to the middle of the play area.

The Magtheridon Raid deck can be played straight out of the box, or it can be


Boss Immunity
Turn Magtheridon over or remove his powers.

customized by combining cards from two Magtheridons Lair Raid Decks. A customized Magtheridon Raid deck must contain a minimum of 64 cards, and can contain no more than 4 of each card. Only ability and equipment cards with the Magtheridon Raid icon ( ) can go into the Magtheridon Raid deck. The other aspects of the Magtheridons Lair Raid Deck are not customizable.

Magtheridon can be destroyed only by fatal damage. Opposing modiers cant:

Destroy the Magtheridon players resources or otherwise remove them from his or her resource row. If the Magtheridon Raid deck runs out of cards, the Magtheridon player replenishes it by shufing the decks graveyard and turning it face down. If the Magtheridon player runs out of Blood cards, he or she can use another means, such as dice or counters, to represent the amount of Blood in play.

The treasure pack comes with ten randomized cards.

The Treasure Pack

Some of the treasure pack cards are especially good in raid scenarios. All of the treasure pack cards are playable in traditional games. You can save opening the treasure pack to reward raiding players who nally defeat Magtheridon, or you can open it right away. Its up to you.





Upper Deck Entertainment TCG Credits

Magtheridons Lair Design Lead: Michael Girard Magtheridons Lair Development Lead: Ken Ho Magtheridons Lair Design and Development Team: Ben Cichoski, Antonino De Rosa, Mike Hummel, Brian Kibler, Jeff Liu, Danny Mandel, Morgan Whitmont World of Warcraft TCG Engine Design: Mike Hummel, Brian Kibler, Danny Mandel Additional Engine Design: Eric Bess, Ben Brode, Shawn Carnes, Ben Cichoski, Jeff Donais, Dave Hewitt, Ken Ho, Cory Jones, Paul Ross, Kate Sullivan, Morgan Whitmont Brand Management: Dan Bojanowski (lead), Angel Sanchez, Casey Roberts Editing: Cate Gary (lead), Nicholas Rogone, Kate Sullivan, Rob Vaux Graphic Design: Brian Bateman (lead), David Lomeli, Michele Mejia, Scott Reyes Creative Content Manager: Stan! Flavor Text: Michael Girard, Jeff Grubb, Brian Kibler, Brandon Male Rulebook: Michael Girard, Nicholas Rogone, Paul Ross Rules Team: Paul Ross (lead), Edwin Teh Art Direction: Jeremy Cranford (lead), Ben Thompson Production: Louise Bateman, Rudy Diaz, Mike Eggleston, Kim Forral, Anita Spangler, Gordon Tucker, Wendy Wagner, Armando Villalobos, Rick Miller, Luis Sumano, Adam Kelzer Project Management: Sean Dillon Chairman and CEO, Upper Deck Company: Richard McWilliam Director, Game Development Group: Jeff Donais UDE Special Thanks: Milkduds, Sabron, Stabzz, The Brad, The Fifth Element, Gamers Edge, and Marnie Girard.

Blizzard Entertainment TCG Credits

Lead Developer: Shawn Carnes Art Director: Glenn Rane Producer: Ben Brode Associate Producer: Sean Wang Director, Global Business Development and Licensing: Cory Jones Licensing Managers: Brian Hsieh, Gina Williams Additional Flavor Text: Evelyn Fredericksen, Tim Daniels, Andrew Rowe, Brandan Vanderpool, Tony Hsu, Darian Vorlick, Arec Nevers Blizzard Special Thanks:Chris Metzen, Gloria Soto, Evelyn Fredericksen, Samwise Didier, J. Allen Brack, kogepan, Mark Gibbons, and all of the Blizzard employee TCG fanatics!


Ready Step

Ready Cards, Place a Resource If Magtheridon is Unleashed, Add a Blood

Draw Step

Combat Step(s)

Play Cards Use Powers Make Attacks

Wrap-Up Step

2007 UDC. 985 Trade Drive, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030. All rights reserved. Patent pending. 2007 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Magtheridons Lair is a trademark, and Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners. Product printed in the USA. Packaging elements made in China.



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