Here, There, and Everywhere!

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Here, There, and Everywhere!

A Match the places to the events.

a) Colombia b) China c) France d) the U.S.

Unit 5

Dragon Boat Festival


lm festival

book fair

Which events look fun to you? Why?

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Language use: listening to a news report

A Listen to the start of a news report. Circle the correct options.
1 Buol is near the city of ... a) Valencia. b) Murcia. 2 La Tomatina festival happens in ... a) September. b) August.

Listen to the rest of the report. Circle the correct options.

c) Germany. c) their houses c) eats tomatoes. c) two hours.

1 Mary speaks to a man from a) Spain. b) Britain. 2 All the people go to to have breakfast. a) the main square b) the park 3 At eleven oclock, everyone a) goes home. b) throws tomatoes. 4 The festival continues for a) two weeks. b) two days.

How to say it
It sounds interesting/fun. I love/hate festivals.

Give your opinion. What do you think about the Tomatina festival? Do you like festivals in general?

Grammar: there is/there are with some, any, several, a lot, many
A Language in context Read about the Caribana festival. Answer the questions.

Helen asks Are there any interesting festivals in Canada this year? Is there one in eastern Canada? I live in New York. Jan answers There is a cool festival in Toronto every year. Its called Caribana and its all about Caribbean culture. There are a lot of visitors to the city. They all come to dance, eat, and have fun! The carnival parade starts in the afternoon in the main square. Theres a big picnic in the park and there are several calypso music competitions. There are also some other competitions, including a food competition. There arent many tickets for the festival left. Its a good idea to buy them soon!

1 Where is the Caribana festival?

2 When does the parade start?

B Notice Read the examples from Exercise A in the table. Circle the correct options in the sentences on the next page.
There is a cool festival in Toronto every year.

Afrmative Negative Questions


There are several calypso music competitions. There are also some other competitions. There arent many tickets for the festival left. Are there any interesting festivals in Canada this year? Is there one in eastern Canada?

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1 2 3 4 5

We use there is / there are to talk about one thing. We use there is / there are to talk about more than one thing. We use some / any with Are there ? and There arent. We use some / any with There are. We use several and many to talk about one thing / more than one thing.

Watch out!
There are a lot of people. There is a lot of people.

C Practice Circle the correct options.

1 2 3 4 5 6 There isnt / arent any festivals in my country in November. Is / Are there any food festivals in your town? In Mazatlan, there is / are a carnival in February. There are several / any carnivals around the world every year. Are there any / a dance competitions during the festival? There is / are a lot of people in the parade.

Now you do it Work in pairs. Choose a festival in your city or country.

Describe it for your partner to guess. Then switch roles.
A: Its in August. There are musicians. Theres a parade. B: The music festival!

Vocabulary: places and attractions in a city

A Listen to this automated message about the Chinese New Year festival. Circle the places on the map that the speaker mentions.

Chinese New Year festival and parade

January 23 is the start of the Chinese New Year. Come and join the celebrations. The colorful dragon parade covers the following route this year:
main square


science museum

chocolate factory end point *


* start

central park movie theater art gallery

shopping mall

bus station

Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

A: Theres a zoo. B: Yes, and there are several

2 How many other places in your town can you name in English? A: There are a lot of banks. B: And theres a history museum.

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U ni t 5

1 How many places on the map are also in your town?

Pronunciation: compound nouns

A Listen and repeat. Notice that in compound nouns (noun + noun), the first word is stressed.
mallshopping mall factorychocolate factory theatermovie theater museumscience museum

Work in pairs. Make new compound nouns for places in your city. Then practice saying the words.
2 train station museum station 3 car factory factory

1 history museum

Reading: reading for the main idea

When you read a text, think about these questions. What is the general topic? What is the writer saying about the topic?

A Read these texts quickly. Circle the main topic.

a) neighborhoods b) festivals c) families I live in a quiet area in Paris. I like living there because its very friendly and there are several stores and cafs. The only problem is that its a little boring sometimes because there arent any clubs. Theres a good stadium, though. I often go to sports events.



I live in Singapore, in a very busy neighborhood. I dont like it because its noisy and theres lots of traffic. Theres a shopping mall near my house, and I go there a lot. There are also museums and a movie theater in the area, but I dont have time to go to them. Theres a good food festival in April, though.


I live in Oia on the island of Santorini. My neighborhood is pretty big. A lot of my neighbors are members of my family! There arent many stores, but theres a small art gallery, a movie theater, and a gym. Oh, and there are a lot of great restaurants. I think its a fantastic place to live.

B Read the texts in Exercise A again. Decide whether each person has a positive or negative opinion of where they live.
Emile: positive / negative

Melissa: positive / negative Kostas: positive / negative

Work in pairs. Talk about your neighborhood. Do you like it? Why or why not?
I like my neighborhood because its small and


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Grammar: should
A Language in use Read this text. Circle where it is probably from.

Windsor Castle
The home of the Royal Family, just 40 minutes from London. You shouldnt visit on the weekends, though. Its very crowded.

Harrods department store

You should definitely go to Harrods. Dont miss the food hall!

Wembley Stadium
You should visit this famous stadium. Go on the tour. Its great.

The text is probably from a) a newspaper. b) a guidebook.

c) a magazine.

B Notice Read the examples from the text in the table. Circle true (T) or false (F).
You should denitely go to Harrods. You should visit this famous stadium. You shouldnt visit on the weekends. What should you see in London? definitely = 100% really = 80% probably = 55% Adverbs of certainty (definitely, really, and probably) usually come after the modal verb should and before shouldnt in statements: e.g., You should probably visit the museum. You probably shouldnt go to the zoo. 1 We use do in questions and negatives with should. 2 The contraction of should not is shouldnt. T F T F

Afrmative Negative Questions

Janet: Max:

Practice Complete this conversation with should or shouldnt. Then listen and check.
Our trip to London is next week! Im so excited! What (1) Well, I have a good guidebook here. It says we (2) (3) Stadium. We (5) visit the castle on the weekend. We (4) probably go on the tour of the stadium. definitely go to Harrods, too, and we really we do there? see Windsor Castle, but we also visit Wembley


Good idea! We (6) (7)

Now you do it Student A, you are a visitor to Student Bs town or city. Ask Student B what
places or attractions you should or shouldnt see. Give reasons. Then switch roles.
A: What should I visit in your town? B: I think you should denitely visit the art gallery. Its really interesting. You shouldnt visit the museum. Its small and very crowded.

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U ni t 5

miss the food hall. I cant wait!

Vocabulary: locations and directions

A Read and match the sentences to the pictures.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Take the second street on the left. Make a U-turn. Its on Laurel Avenue. Its next to the museum. Follow the signs for the zoo. Its across from the movie theater. Turn left here.

8 9 10 11 12

Go over the bridge. Its between the bank and the school. Go straight ahead. Take the first right. Its on the corner of Mason Street and Laurel Avenue.

Look at this street map. Student A, you are at the main square. Student B, you are at the art gallery. Ask each other for directions to different places on the map.
A: How do I get to the zoo from here? B: Go right on Main Street. Take the rst street on the left. Thats River Street. Then

How to say it
Excuse me, where is the ? How do I get to ? Is there a near here? Turn left/right on ...

Cedar Street zoo art gallery Lincoln Avenue Park Avenue police station

Main Street

Nelson Street

River Street

central park Baker Street

main square




bus station

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Speaking: repeating directions to check understanding

When you ask for directions, listen carefully and repeat the essential information to check that you understand.

Listen to the conversations below. Underline the information that Speaker A repeats.
2 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Yes, theres one on Fort Street. Fort Street. OK. And how do I get there? You go straight ahead, and take the third left. Straight ahead, and take the second left. No, not the second left, the third left. Third left. OK, thanks.

1 A: Excuse me, how do I get to the main square? B: You take the first right, and go straight ahead. Then turn left on Post Street. A: OK. First right, then left on Post Street. B: Thats right. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome.

Work in pairs. Take turns asking for directions to places in your town.
A: Excuse me, how do I get from ... to ...? B: You take the Its on ...

Language use: writing an e-mail

A Read this e-mail from a friend. What does Avril need?

Hi! Thanks for inviting me to the exhibition. I dont know where the art gallery is, exactly. I need directions from the bus station to the gallery. How do I get there? Thanks a lot! Avril

B Look at the map in Section 7 again. Write an e-mail to Avril giving her directions in your notebook. How to say it
Hi, OK. Here are the directions to ... From Then Dont get lost! See you soon.

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U ni t 5

life Skills

Thinking and problem-solving: establishing priorities

Understand the criteria. List the options. Order the options according to the criteria.

A You see this comment about your city on a Web site. Read the comment and answer the questions.

Posted on: May 3 at 09:34 by Danny1992 Registered: 03/15/10 Posts: 5

Subject: Where to go? Help! Im in the city for one day next week and I dont know what to visit. I arrive at 7:00 in the morning and leave on the 8:00 p.m. bus. I dont have much moneyonly $40. Does anyone have any ideas?? Thanks! Replies: 0

1 How much time does Danny have in your city? 2 How much money does Danny have to spend?

Work in pairs. In your notebook, make a list of the main attractions in your city. Write down as many as you can. Then write the cost and the time you need to visit each one.

How to say it
I think you need hours. I agree. Theres also a How long do you need to visit ? How much does the cost? I think it costs $ I think its free.

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Think about organizing your options from Exercise B. Complete this Top 5 Things to Do! list for Danny with your partner. Decide why you think Danny should see or do these things. Remember that he only has $40 and 13 hours in your town/city.

Greggs chocolate factory tour Reason: Its cheap (only $12) and interesting

D Write a short response to Danny.

Re: Where to go? Help! Posted on: May 4 at 14:21 Registered: 07/23/09 Posts: 12 Hello, Danny1992! There are lots of great things to do in my city. You should definitely You should probably You should really Enjoy your stay!

Read your options to your classmates. Decide which ones make the best use of Dannys $40 budget and time.

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In what other situations do you need to establish priorities?

U ni t 5

Language Wrap-up
A Look at this map. Complete the place names with words from the box. (4 points)

3rd Street

mall theater


Park Street 2nd Street 1st Street


4th Street




science cafe museum



Main Street

bus station

main square


B Look at the map in Exercise A again and complete the sentences. (6 points)
1 You are at the bus station turn left. Go straight ahead and the 1st Street. Take the second right, go is in the park, the bridge, and the caf.

2 You are in the main square. Turn right and go straight ahead. Then take the third left. The is on the right the bank.

810 correct: I can talk about places and attractions in a city and ask for and give directions. 07 correct: Look again at Sections 3 and 7 on pages 49 and 52.



Read these contributions to a chat room. Circle the correct options. (10 points)
In Granada, there (1) is / are a fantastic Moorish monumentthe Alhambra Palace. You (2) should / shouldnt visit in April or May. Its nice, but not too hot. The food in Spain is excellent and there (3) is / are a lot of restaurants. But you (4) should / shouldnt eat in restaurants near the Alhambrathey are very expensive. Antigua is a beautiful city. There (5) is / are several pretty squares where you can have lunch or just drink coffee. If possible, you should (6) find / go a hotel in the main square. You (7) should / shouldnt travel in taxis in Antigua because its small, and its possible to walk everywhere. Ko Samui is a fantastic island. There (8) isnt / arent many cars and you can relax completely. The restaurants and cafs are very friendly and there (9) is / isnt a lot of good food. Sometimes there (10) is / are traditional dances. 810 correct: I can use there is, there are, and should to talk about places and to give advice. 07 correct: Look again at Sections 2 and 6 on pages 48 and 51.




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