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ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available for downloading or ordering on the e-Publishing Web site at RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication. OPR: HQ AETC/A3/AADD Supersedes AFPAM36-2241, 1 October 2011 Certified by: HQ USAF/A1 (Darrell D. Jones, Lt Gen, USAF) Pages: 504

This pamphlet implements AFPD 36-22, Air Force Military Training, and AFI 36-2642, Professional Advancement and Continuous Education. Information in this guide is taken primarily from Air Force publications and based on knowledge requirements from the Military Knowledge and Testing System (MKTS) as determined by the MKTS Advisory Council of the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) and major command (MAJCOM) command chief master sergeants (CCM). Attachment 1 contains references and supporting information used in this publication. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Air Force. This guide is the sole source reference material for the Promotion Fitness Examination (PFE) and United States Air Force Supervisory Examination (USAFSE). Send recommendations for changes, additions, or deletions to this pamphlet to HQ AETC/A3 Airman Advancement Division (AAD), Professional Development Branch (AAD/AADD), 1550 5th Street East, Randolph AFB TX 78150-4449; DSN 487-4075; AAD/AADD Workflow email: [email protected]. Ensure that all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) located in the Air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS). SUMMARY OF CHANGES There are several minor updates within this edition of the Professional Development Guide (PDG) as the Air Force OPRs have ensured the information complies with publications dated before 1 June 2013. The first major change is the realignment of Chapter 2. Chapter 2 was divided into two chapters (Chapter 1, Enlisted History and Chapter 2, Airman Heritage). Chapter 9, institutional competencies was added within the Enlisted Force Development section. The Studying Effectively chapter was moved from Chapter 1 to 20 and remains nontestable. Situational leadership was removed and replaced with Full Range Leadership Development (FRLD). Text contained within the text boxes does not imply the material is any more important than other text. Finally, chapters 1 through 19 are applicable to Airmen testing for promotion to SSgt through CMSgt, except for Chapter 17 which is applicable only to personnel testing for promotion to SSgt and TSgt. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... Air Force Compromise Policy .......................................................................................................................... Chapter 1ENLISTED HISTORY 1.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1.2. Milestones of World War I (WWI) (1917-1918) ................................................................................ 1.3. Milestones of World War II (WWII) (1939-1945) ............................................................................. 1.4. The Cold War (1948-1991) ................................................................................................................. 1.5. The Berlin Airlift (1948-1949)............................................................................................................ 1.6. The Korean War (1950-1953) ............................................................................................................. 1.7. Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) ............................................................................................................... 1.8. The War in Southeast Asia (1950-1975) ............................................................................................. 1.9. The Air War Expands (1965-1968)..................................................................................................... 16 17 18 18 18 18 20 20 21 21 22 23

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1.10. Vietnamization and Withdrawal (1969-1973).................................................................................. 1.11. Humanitarian Airlift ......................................................................................................................... 1.12. Post-Vietnam Conflicts .................................................................................................................... 1.13. Gulf War I (1990) ............................................................................................................................ 1.14. Operations Provide Comfort and Northern Watch, Iraq (1991-2003).............................................. 1.15. Operation Southern Watch, Iraq (1992-2003).................................................................................. 1.16. Operations Provide Relief, impressive Lift, and Restore HopeSomalia (1992-1994) ................. 1.17. Operation Uphold Democracy, Haiti (1994) .................................................................................... 1.18. Operation Provide Promise, Sarajevo and Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-1996) ................................. 1.19. Operation Deny Flight, Bosnia (1993-1995).................................................................................... 1.20. Operation Allied Force, Kosovo (1999) ........................................................................................... 1.21. Operations Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom .............................................................................. 1.22. Operation Anaconda ........................................................................................................................ 1.23. Operation Iraqi Freedom .................................................................................................................. 1.24. Iraq and Afghanistan ........................................................................................................................ 1.25. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... Chapter 2AIRMAN HERITAGE 2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 2.2. Before the Airplane-Military Ballooning ........................................................................................... 2.3. Aeronautical Division, U.S. Army Signal Corps (1907-1914) .......................................................... 2.4. Aviation Section, U.S. Army Signal Corps (1914-1918) ................................................................... 2.5. World War I (1917-1918) .................................................................................................................. 2.6. Division of Military Aeronautics and the Air Service (1918-1926)................................................... 2.7. Army Air Corps (1926-1947) ............................................................................................................ 2.8. World War II (1939-1945) ................................................................................................................. 2.9. A Separate Service (1947) ................................................................................................................. 2.10. The War in Southeast Asia (1950-1973) .......................................................................................... 2.11. Post Vietnam to Present (1973-Present)........................................................................................... 2.12. Medal of Honor Recipients .............................................................................................................. 2.13. Air Force Cross Recipients .............................................................................................................. 2.14. Enlisted Pilot Program ..................................................................................................................... 2.15. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... Chapter 3ORGANIZATION Section 3AOverview 3.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ Section 3BCommand Authority 3.2. Commander in Chief .......................................................................................................................... Section 3CDepartment of Defense 3.3. Department of Defense ...................................................................................................................... 3.4. Secretary of Defense .......................................................................................................................... 3.5. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff .......................................................................................................... 3.6. Joint Chiefs of Staff ........................................................................................................................... 3.7. Joint Staff ........................................................................................................................................... 3.8. Unified Combatant Commands and Combined Commands .............................................................. 3.9. Military Departments ......................................................................................................................... Section 3DDepartment of the Air Force 3.10. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 3.11. Primary Functions of the Air Force ................................................................................................. 3.12. Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) ................................................................................................ 3.13. Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force .......................................................................................................... 3.14. Air National Guard (ANG) .............................................................................................................. 3.15. Air Staff ........................................................................................................................................... 3.16. Headquarters U.S. Air Force (HQ USAF) ....................................................................................... 3.17. Field Units........................................................................................................................................ 3.18. Lower Levels of Command .............................................................................................................. 3.19. Air Reserve Component (ARC) ....................................................................................................... 3.20. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................


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Chapter 4AIR FORCE DOCTRINE, AIR AND SPACE EXPEDITIONARY FORCE (AEF), AND JOINT FORCE Section 4AOverview 4.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ Section 4BAir Force Doctrine 4.2. Doctrine ............................................................................................................................................. 4.3. Levels of Air, Space, and Cyberspace Doctrine ................................................................................. 4.4. Key Doctrine Concepts ...................................................................................................................... Section 4CAir and Space Expeditionary Force 4.5. Air and Space Expeditionary Force ................................................................................................... 4.6. Air and Space Expeditionary Force Schedule and Posturing ............................................................. 4.7. Force Management ............................................................................................................................. Section 4DThe Joint Force 4.8. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 4.9. Foundations of Joint Doctrine ............................................................................................................ 4.10. Unified Action of Armed Forces...................................................................................................... 4.11. Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components .............................................. 4.12. Fundamental Principles for Joint Command and Control ................................................................ 4.13. Doctrine for Joint Commands .......................................................................................................... 4.14. Joint Operation Planning .................................................................................................................. 4.15. Guidance for Multinational Operations............................................................................................ 4.16. Interagency, IGO, and NGO Coordination ...................................................................................... Section 4EJoint and Coalition Capabilities 4.17. Joint and Coalition Capabilities ....................................................................................................... Section 4FJoint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) 4.18. Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) .............................................................. 4.19. Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES) .................................. 4.20. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... Chapter 5EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Section 5AOverview 5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ Section 5BEmergency Management Program Operation 5.2. Air Force Emergency Management (AFEM) ..................................................................................... Section 5CAir Force Incident Management System (AFIMS) 5.3. General Information ........................................................................................................................... 5.4. AFIMS Defined ................................................................................................................................. Section 5DIncident Management 5.5. Standard Phases of Incident Management ......................................................................................... Section 5EPeacetime Airbase Threats 5.6. Major Accidents ................................................................................................................................. 5.7. Natural Disasters ................................................................................................................................ 5.8. Alarm Signals..................................................................................................................................... 5.9. Response Procedures.......................................................................................................................... 5.10. Sheltering Personnel ........................................................................................................................ 5.11. Protective Measures ......................................................................................................................... Section 5FCBRNE Enemy Attack and Terrorist Use of CBRNE Material Threats 5.12. CBRNE Enemy Attack .................................................................................................................... 5.13. Passive Defense Attack Actions ....................................................................................................... 5.14. CBRNE Material .............................................................................................................................. 5.15. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... Chapter 6STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Section 6AOverview 6.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ Section 6BLaw of Armed Conflict 6.2. Law of Armed Conflict Defined ........................................................................................................ 6.3. Law of Armed Conflict Policy ........................................................................................................... 6.4. International Domestic Law ...............................................................................................................

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6.5. Principles ........................................................................................................................................... 6.6. The Geneva Conventions of 1949 ...................................................................................................... 6.7. Military Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 6.8. Aircraft and Combat........................................................................................................................... 6.9. Enforcing Law of Armed Conflict Rules ........................................................................................... 6.10. Reporting Violations ........................................................................................................................ 6.11. Rules of Engagement ....................................................................................................................... Section 6CCode of Conduct 6.12. Policy ............................................................................................................................................... 6.13. Training ............................................................................................................................................ 6.14. The Articles of the Code of Conduct ............................................................................................... 6.15. Detention of U.S. Military Personnel in Operations Other than War ............................................... Section 6DEveryday Conduct 6.16. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 6.17. Policy ............................................................................................................................................... 6.18. Ethical Values .................................................................................................................................. 6.19. Professional and Unprofessional Relationships ............................................................................... 6.20. General Guidelines on Avoiding Unprofessional Relationships Including Fraternization .............. 6.21. Consequences of Unprofessional Conduct ....................................................................................... 6.22. Responsibilities for Professional Relationships ............................................................................... 6.23. Actions in Response to Unprofessional Relationships ..................................................................... 6.24. Financial Responsibility ................................................................................................................... Section 6EEthics and Conflict of Interest Prohibitions 6.25. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 6.26. Bribery and Graft ............................................................................................................................. 6.27. Compensation from Other Sources .................................................................................................. 6.28. Additional Pay or Allowance ........................................................................................................... 6.29. Commercial Dealings Involving Department of Defense Personnel................................................ 6.30. Gifts from Foreign Governments ..................................................................................................... 6.31. Contributions or Presents to Superiors ............................................................................................. 6.32. Federal Government Resources ....................................................................................................... 6.33. Communication Systems .................................................................................................................. 6.34. Gambling, Betting, and Lotteries ..................................................................................................... Section 6FPolitical Activities 6.35. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 6.36. Rights ............................................................................................................................................... 6.37. Prohibitions ...................................................................................................................................... 6.38. Voting .............................................................................................................................................. 6.39. Dissident and Protest Activities ....................................................................................................... 6.40. Public Statements ............................................................................................................................. 6.41. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... Chapter 7ENFORCING STANDARDS AND LEGAL ISSUES Section 7AOverview 7.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... Section 7BThe Air Force Inspection System (AFIS) 7.2. Purpose............................................................................................................................................... 7.3. Philosophy ......................................................................................................................................... 7.4. Inspection Types ................................................................................................................................ 7.5. Inspection Elements ........................................................................................................................... 7.6. Gatekeepers ........................................................................................................................................ 7.7. TIG Brief............................................................................................................................................ Section 7CInspector General Complaints Program ..................................................................................... 7.8. Program Policy and Mission Focus .................................................................................................... 7.9. Installation Inspector General Program.............................................................................................. Section 7DIndividual Standards 7.10. Enforcing Individual Standards Administrative Actions .............................................................. 7.11. Unfavorable Information File (UIF) ................................................................................................ 7.12. Control Roster ..................................................................................................................................


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7.13. Administrative Counseling, Admonitions, and Reprimands ............................................................ 7.14. Administrative Demotion of Airmen ............................................................................................... 7.15. Administrative Separations .............................................................................................................. Section 7EPunitive Actions 7.16. Military Law, a Separate Judicial System ........................................................................................ 7.17. Military Jurisdiction in Action ......................................................................................................... 7.18. Nonjudicial Punishment Article 15 ............................................................................................... 7.19. Types of Courts-Martial ................................................................................................................... 7.20. Court-Martial Procedures ................................................................................................................. 7.21. Initial Review of Trial Records ........................................................................................................ 7.22. Appellate Review ............................................................................................................................. 7.23. NCO Military Justice Responsibilities ............................................................................................. Section 7FLegal Issues 7.24. Evolution of the Military Justice System ......................................................................................... 7.25. Constitutional Underpinnings .......................................................................................................... 7.26 Jurisdiction of Military Courts .......................................................................................................... 7.27. Commander Involvement ................................................................................................................. 7.28. Roles of the Parties in the Adversarial System ................................................................................ 7.29. Post-Trial Matters and Appellate Review ........................................................................................ 7.30. Punitive Articles ............................................................................................................................... 7.31. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... Chapter 8MILITARY CUSTOMS, COURTESIES, AND PROTOCOL FOR SPECIAL EVENTS Section 8AOverview 8.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ Section 8BSymbols 8.2. The United States Flag ....................................................................................................................... 8.3. Department of the Air Force Seal ...................................................................................................... 8.4. Official Air Force Symbol ................................................................................................................. Section 8CProfessional Behavior 8.5. Respect for the Flag ........................................................................................................................... 8.6. Saluting .............................................................................................................................................. 8.7. Military Etiquette ............................................................................................................................... 8.8. Courtesies to Other Services .............................................................................................................. 8.9. Respect and Recognition .................................................................................................................... Section 8DDrill and Ceremony 8.10. Flag Ceremonies .............................................................................................................................. 8.11. Air Force Ceremonies ...................................................................................................................... 8.12. Special Ceremonies and Events ....................................................................................................... 8.13. Drill .................................................................................................................................................. Section 8EHonor Guard 8.14. Base Honor Guard Program ............................................................................................................. Section 8FProtocol 8.15. Protocol Defined .............................................................................................................................. Section 8GDistinguished Visitors (DV) 8.16. Distinguished Visitors ...................................................................................................................... Section 8HMilitary Ceremonies 8.17. General Information ......................................................................................................................... 8.18. Order of the Sword ........................................................................................................................... 8.19. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... Chapter 9ENLISTED FORCE DEVELOPMENT Section 9AOverview 9.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ Section 9BThe Enlisted Force Structure 9.2. Philosophy ......................................................................................................................................... 9.3. Purpose of the Enlisted Force Structure ............................................................................................. 9.4. Three Enlisted Force Structure Tiers ................................................................................................. 9.5. Three Enlisted Leadership and Development Levels .........................................................................

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9.6. General Junior Enlisted Airman Responsibilities .............................................................................. 9.7. Specific Junior Enlisted Airman Responsibilities .............................................................................. 9.8. General NCO Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 9.9. Specific NCO Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 9.10. General SNCO Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 9.11. Specific SNCO Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 9.12. Enlisted Duty Titles ......................................................................................................................... 9.13. Special SNCO Positions................................................................................................................... 9.14. Airmanship Defined ......................................................................................................................... 9.15. We Are All Recruiters (WEAR) and Recruiters Assistance (RAP) Programs ................................. Section 9CEnlisted Professional Military Education (EPME) 9.16. U.S. Air Force Enlisted Professional Military Education ................................................................ 9.17. Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (SEJPME) ................................................... Section 9DMilitary Ethics 9.18. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 9EEnlisted Force Development 9.19. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 9.20. Enlisted Force Development Oversight ........................................................................................... 9.21. Enlisted Force Development Tools .................................................................................................. 9.22. Institutional Competencies ............................................................................................................... Section 9FThe Profession of Arms: An Airmans Perspective 9.23. Americas Guardians ....................................................................................................................... 9.24. Professionalism or Profession of Arms ............................................................................................ 9.25. The Airmans Perspective ................................................................................................................ 9.26. The Warrior Ethos ............................................................................................................................ 9.27. Valor ................................................................................................................................................ 9.28. Courage ............................................................................................................................................ 9.29. Sacrifice ........................................................................................................................................... 9.30. Profession of Arms Conclusion ....................................................................................................... Section 9GPersonal Professionalism 9.31. Readiness ......................................................................................................................................... 9.32. CSAF Professional Reading Program .............................................................................................. 9.33. Core Values ...................................................................................................................................... 9.34. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... Chapter 10LEADERSHIP Section 10AOverview 10.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... Section 10BLeadership 10.2. The Art of Leadership ...................................................................................................................... 10.3. Leadership Self-Evaluation .............................................................................................................. 10.4. Advice to Leaders ............................................................................................................................ 10.5. Air Force Standards ......................................................................................................................... 10.6. Leadership Versus Management ...................................................................................................... 10.7. Leadership Qualities ........................................................................................................................ 10.8. Vision ............................................................................................................................................... 10.9. Empowerment .................................................................................................................................. 10.10. Learning ......................................................................................................................................... 10.11. Dealing with Change ...................................................................................................................... 10.12. The Air Force Core Values ............................................................................................................ Section 10CFollowership 10.13. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 10.14. Importance of Followership ........................................................................................................... 10.15. Qualities of Followership ............................................................................................................... 10.16. Follower Needs .............................................................................................................................. 10.17. Ways to Promote Followership ...................................................................................................... Section 10DMentoring 10.18. Mentor Defined .............................................................................................................................. 10.19. Mentoring Scope ............................................................................................................................


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10.20. Assignment of Mentors .................................................................................................................. 10.21. Mentoring Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 10.22. Professional Military Education and Academic Education ............................................................ 10.23. Professional Associations .............................................................................................................. 10.24. Evaluation and Performance Feedback .......................................................................................... 10.25. Promotion Selection ....................................................................................................................... 10.26. The Military Assignment System ................................................................................................... 10.27. Recognition, Awards, and Decorations .......................................................................................... Section 10EDevelopmental Counseling 10.28. Airman Development ..................................................................................................................... 10.29. Purpose........................................................................................................................................... 10.30. Leader Responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 10.31. The Leader as a Counselor ............................................................................................................. 10.32. Leader Counseling Skills ............................................................................................................... 10.33. Types of Developmental Counseling ............................................................................................. 10.34. Approaches to Counseling ............................................................................................................. 10.35. The Counseling Process ................................................................................................................. 10.36. Leveraging Diversity...................................................................................................................... Section 10FFull Range Leadership Development (FRLD) 10.37. Full Range Leadership .................................................................................................................. Section 10GMentorship 10.38. MentorshipEssential Principles .................................................................................................. 10.39. The Mentoring Process .................................................................................................................. Section 10HConflict Management 10.40. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 10.41. Five Styles of Conflict Management .............................................................................................. 10.42. Applying Conflict Management Style............................................................................................ Section 10IUnit Morale 10.43. Contemporary Motivation .............................................................................................................. 10.44. Organizational Norms .................................................................................................................... 10.45. Norm Categories ............................................................................................................................ 10.46. Why We Measure Norms ............................................................................................................... Section 10JStrategic Leadership 10.47. Definition of Strategic Leadership ................................................................................................. 10.48. Components of Strategic Leadership ............................................................................................. 10.49. Strategic Leadership ...................................................................................................................... 10.50. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 11THE ENLISTED EVALUATION SYSTEM (EES) Section 11AOverview 11.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 11BIndividual Responsibilities 11.2. Ratee ................................................................................................................................................ 11.3. Rater ................................................................................................................................................. 11.4. Additional Rater ............................................................................................................................... 11.5. Reviewer/Senior Rater/Final Evaluator ........................................................................................... 11.6. Unit Commander .............................................................................................................................. 11.7. First Sergeants .................................................................................................................................. Section 11CPerformance Feedback 11.8. What Is Performance Feedback? ...................................................................................................... 11.9. Who Provides Feedback? ................................................................................................................. 11.10. When Is Feedback Given? ............................................................................................................. 11.11. Performance Feedback Worksheets (PFW) ................................................................................... 11.12. AF Form 931, Performance Feedback Worksheet (AB thru TSGT) ............................................... 11.13. AF Form 932, Performance Feedback Worksheet (MSGT thru CMSGT) ..................................... 11.14. Helpful Hints for Effective Feedback Sessions .............................................................................. 11.15. The Feedback Session .................................................................................................................... 11.16. Tips for Better Feedback ................................................................................................................ 11.17. Close the Feedback Session ...........................................................................................................

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Section 11DEnlisted Performance Reports 11.18. When To Submit an Enlisted Performance Report ........................................................................ 11.19. When Not To Submit an Enlisted Performance Report ................................................................. 11.20. Processing Enlisted Performance Reports ...................................................................................... 11.21. Who Submits Enlisted Performance Reports ................................................................................. 11.22. AF Form 910, Enlisted Performance Report (AB thru TSgt), and AF Form 911, Senior Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt thru CMSgt) ..................................... 11.23. Prohibited Evaluator Considerations and Comments ..................................................................... 11.24. Referral Reports ............................................................................................................................. 11.25. Letter of Evaluation (LOE) ............................................................................................................ 11.26. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 12TRAINING AND EDUCATION Section 12AOverview 12.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 12BTraining Management 12.2. Education and Training (E&T) Purpose........................................................................................... 12.3. Strategy ............................................................................................................................................ 12.4. Training and Mission Accomplishment ........................................................................................... 12.5. Training and Airman Career Program .............................................................................................. 12.6. Training Components ....................................................................................................................... 12.7. Upgrade Training (UGT) ................................................................................................................. 12.8. Retraining Program .......................................................................................................................... 12.9. Training Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 12.10. Training Forms and Documents ..................................................................................................... 12.11. Career Development Course Program Management ...................................................................... Section 12CCommunity College of the Air Force (CCAF) 12.12. Community College of the Air Force ............................................................................................. 12.13. Professional Credentials and Credentialing Programs ................................................................... 12.14. Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC)............................................................................... Section 12DAir University Associate-to-Baccalaureate Cooperative Program (AU-ABC) 12.15. Vision ............................................................................................................................................. 12.16. Program Plans ................................................................................................................................ Section 12EEducation 12.17. Educational Financial Assistance ................................................................................................... 12.18. College Credit by Examination ...................................................................................................... 12.19. Enlisted-to-Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Program .................................................... 12.20. Air Force Educational Leave of Absence (AFELA) Program ....................................................... 12.21. Commissioning Programs .............................................................................................................. 12.22. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 13RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Section 13AOverview 13.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 13BManaging Organizational Change 13.2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 13.3. Stage 1: Unfreezing .......................................................................................................................... 13.4. Stage 2: Changing ............................................................................................................................ 13.5. Stage 3: Refreezing .......................................................................................................................... Section 13CTraits of a Healthy Team 13.6. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 13.7. Trust ................................................................................................................................................. 13.8. Ethical Behavior ............................................................................................................................... 13.9. Sharing Information ......................................................................................................................... 13.10. Critical Judgment ........................................................................................................................... 13.11. Cooperation .................................................................................................................................... 13.12. Healthy Team Spirit Summary....................................................................................................... Section 13DProblem Solving 13.13. Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 13.14. Continuous Process Improvement is Structured Problem Solving.. ...........................................


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13.15. Eight-Step Problem-Solving Process ............................................................................................. Section 13EManaging Resources Other Than Personnel 13.16. Resource Management System (RMS) .......................................................................................... 13.17. Effective Use of Government Property .......................................................................................... 13.18. Financial Management ................................................................................................................... 13.19. Fraud, Waste, and Abuse ............................................................................................................... 13.20. Air Force Environmental Commitment.......................................................................................... Section 13FPlanning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) 13.21. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Philosophy ................................................... 13.22. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Process ......................................................... 13.23. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Summary ...................................................... Section 13GSNCO Day-to-Day Resource Management 13.24. Financial Management ................................................................................................................... 13.25. Resource Management Team ......................................................................................................... 13.26. Resource Management Team Composition ................................................................................... Section 13HGovernment Property and Equipment 13.27. General Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 13.28. Property Accounting ...................................................................................................................... 13.29. Report of Survey (ROS) ................................................................................................................. Section 13IFacility Management 13.30. Installation Commander Responsibilities ....................................................................................... 13.31. Responsibilities of the Using Organization .................................................................................... 13.32. Base Civil Engineer Squadron Responsibilities ............................................................................. 13.33. Planning and Programming Facility Projects ................................................................................. 13.34. Real Property Records ................................................................................................................... Section 13JEnergy Conservation Program 13.35. Air Force Need for Program .......................................................................................................... 13.36. Air Force Compliance with Policy ................................................................................................. 13.37. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 14COMMUNICATING IN TODAYS AIR FORCE Section 14AOverview 14.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 14BCommunication Basics 14.2. Principles of Effective Communication ........................................................................................... 14.3. Focused ............................................................................................................................................ 14.4. Organized ......................................................................................................................................... 14.5. Clear ................................................................................................................................................. 14.6. Understanding .................................................................................................................................. 14.7. Supported ......................................................................................................................................... Section 14CSeven Steps for Effective Communication 14.8. Overview. ......................................................................................................................................... 14.9. Step 1Analyze Purpose and Audience .......................................................................................... 14.10. Step 2Research Your Topic ........................................................................................................ 14.11. Step 3Support Your Ideas ........................................................................................................... 14.12. Step 4Organize and Outline ........................................................................................................ 14.13. Step 5Draft ................................................................................................................................. 14.14. Step 6Edit the Draft .................................................................................................................... 14.15. Step 7Fight for Feedback............................................................................................................ Section 14DWriting 14.16. Common Writing Formats ............................................................................................................. 14.17. Writing AccomplishmentImpact Bullet Statements ................................................................... Section 14EFace-to-Face: Speaking and Listening 14.18. Air Force Speaking ........................................................................................................................ 14.19. Effective Listening ......................................................................................................................... Section 14FElectronic Communications and the Internet 14.20. Email .............................................................................................................................................. 14.21. Identity Management ..................................................................................................................... 14.22. Defense Message System (DMS) ...................................................................................................


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14.23. Air Force Electronic Messaging Classes ........................................................................................ 14.24. Transmitting Official Taskings ...................................................................................................... 14.25. Individual Responsibilities ............................................................................................................. 14.26. Privacy Act Information ................................................................................................................. 14.27. Email Protocol ............................................................................................................................... 14.28. The Internet .................................................................................................................................... Section 14GConducting an Effective Interview 14.29. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 14.30. Post-Interview Actions ................................................................................................................... 14.31. Interview Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... Section 14HStaff-Level Communication 14.32. Spoken Communication Via the Meeting ...................................................................................... Section 14IInstruments of Written Communication 14.33. Bullet Background Paper ............................................................................................................... 14.34. AF IMT 1768, Staff Summary Sheet (SSS) ..................................................................................... 14.35. Electronic Staff Summary (ESSS) ................................................................................................. 14.36. Trip Report ..................................................................................................................................... 14.37. Staff Study Report .......................................................................................................................... 14.38. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 15PERSONNEL PROGRAMS Section 15AOverview 15.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 15BManpower Management 15.2. Manpower Resources ....................................................................................................................... 15.3. Chain of Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 15.4. Manpower Resource Levels ............................................................................................................. 15.5. Requirements Determination ........................................................................................................... 15.6. Unit Manpower Document (UMD) .................................................................................................. Section 15CEnlisted Assignments 15.7. General Information ......................................................................................................................... 15.8. Assignment Authority ...................................................................................................................... 15.9. Assignment Policy and Procedures .................................................................................................. Section 15DFamily Care 15.10. Policy ............................................................................................................................................. 15.11. Members Who Must Have a Family Care Plan .............................................................................. 15.12. Family Care Plans .......................................................................................................................... Section 15EReenlistment and Retraining Opportunities 15.13. Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP).......................................................................................... 15.14. Enlistment Extensions .................................................................................................................... 15.15. High Year Tenure (HYT) ............................................................................................................... 15.16. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) ............................................................................................. 15.17. Career Job Reservation (CJR) Program ......................................................................................... 15.18. Air Force Retraining Program ........................................................................................................ Section 15FBenefits and Services 15.19. Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits ..................................................................................................... 15.20. Retirement Benefits........................................................................................................................ 15.21. Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) .......................................................................................................... 15.22. Airman and Family Readiness Center (A&FRC) ........................................................................... 15.23. American Red Cross ...................................................................................................................... Section 15GPersonnel Records and Individual Rights 15.24. Personal Information File (PIF) ..................................................................................................... 15.25. The Privacy Act (PA) ..................................................................................................................... 15.26. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ............................................................................................. 15.27. Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR) ................................................. 15.28. Air Force Discharge Review Board (AFDRB) .............................................................................. 15.29. The Virtual Military Personnel Flight (vMPF) .............................................................................. Section 15HAwards and Decorations 15.30. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................


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15.31. Awards ........................................................................................................................................... 15.32. Decorations .................................................................................................................................... Section 15IAirman Promotion System 15.33. Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 15.34. Promotion Quotas .......................................................................................................................... 15.35. Promotion Cycles and General Eligibility Requirements .............................................................. 15.36. Promotion Ineligibility ................................................................................................................... 15.37. Promotion Sequence Numbers (PSN) ............................................................................................ 15.38. Accepting Promotion ..................................................................................................................... 15.39. Declining Promotion ...................................................................................................................... 15.40. Professional Military Education (PME) Completion ..................................................................... 15.41. Promotion by Grade ....................................................................................................................... 15.42. Weighted Airmen Promotion System (WAPS) Testing ................................................................. 15.43. Study Materials .............................................................................................................................. 15.44. Promotion Test Development ........................................................................................................ 15.45. Promotion Test Administration and Scoring .................................................................................. 15.46. Air Force Enlisted Promotion Test Compromise ........................................................................... 15.47. Supplemental Promotion Actions .................................................................................................. 15.48. Occupational Analysis (OA) Program ........................................................................................... Section 15JSNCO Promotion Program 15.49. Individual Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 15.50. Promotion Criteria.......................................................................................................................... 15.51. Evaluation Board ........................................................................................................................... 15.52. Evaluation Process ......................................................................................................................... 15.53. Supplemental Promotion Actions .................................................................................................. Section 15KManpower Management 15.54. Keeping Unit Manning Documents Current .................................................................................. 15.55. Funded and Unfunded Requirements and the Enlisted Grades Allocation Program ...................... 15.56. Initiating and Tracking Manpower Changes .................................................................................. 15.57. Manpower and Organization Section ............................................................................................. Section 15LCommercial Services Management (CSM) 15.58. Purpose........................................................................................................................................... 15.59. Competitive Sourcing Process ....................................................................................................... 15.60. Insourcing ...................................................................................................................................... 15.61. Business Process Reengineering .................................................................................................... 15.62. Post Competition Accountability ................................................................................................... 15.63. Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. Section 15MCivilian Personnel Management and Programs 15.64. Civilian Personnel Services ........................................................................................................... 15.65. Civilian Resource Management ..................................................................................................... 15.66. Job Descriptions ............................................................................................................................. 15.67. Filling Jobs ..................................................................................................................................... 15.68. Training and Development ............................................................................................................. 15.69. Performance, Conduct, and Discipline ........................................................................................... 15.70. Working Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 15.71. Unions in the Air Force .................................................................................................................. 15.72. Dispute Resolution ......................................................................................................................... 15.73. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 16WING SUPPORT Section 16AOverview 16.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 16BAir Force Portal 16.2. Air Force Portal Simplifies Access .................................................................................................. Section 16CMilitary Pay, Allowances, and Entitlements 16.3. Military Pay and Allowances ........................................................................................................... 16.4. Military Allowances and Entitlements ............................................................................................. 16.5. Special and Incentive Pay ................................................................................................................ 16.6. Deductions .......................................................................................................................................


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16.7. Military Pay Schedules .................................................................................................................... 16.8. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Allowances ............................................................................ 16.9. Temporary Duty (TDY) Entitlements .............................................................................................. 16.10. The Government Travel Card Program .......................................................................................... 16.11. The U.S. Air Force Uniformed Thrift Savings Plan ....................................................................... Section 16DLeave Management 16.12. Policy ............................................................................................................................................. 16.13. Accruing Leave .............................................................................................................................. 16.14. Special Leave Accrual (SLA) ........................................................................................................ 16.15. Beginning and Ending Leave ......................................................................................................... 16.16. Extension of Leave......................................................................................................................... 16.17. Recall from Leave .......................................................................................................................... 16.18. Types of Leave ............................................................................................................................... 16.19. Regular and Special Passes ............................................................................................................ 16.20. Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY) ............................................................................................ 16.21. Post-Deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence (PDMRA) ......................................................... 16.22. Program Administration ................................................................................................................. Section 16EEqual Opportunity (EO) 16.23. Equal Opportunity Policy............................................................................................................... 16.24. Equal Opportunity Program Objectives ......................................................................................... 16.25. Unlawful Discrimination ................................................................................................................ 16.26. Sexual Harassment ......................................................................................................................... 16.27. Military Equal Opportunity Complaint Process ............................................................................. 16.28. Civilian Complaint Process ............................................................................................................ 16.29. Equal Opportunity and Treatment Incident (EOTI) ....................................................................... Section 16FLegal Services 16.30. Legal Office ................................................................................................................................... 16.31. Personal Legal Readiness............................................................................................................... 16.32. Mission Legal Readiness ............................................................................................................... 16.33. Complains of Wrongs Under Article 138, Uniform Code of Military Justice ............................... Section 16GGround Safety 16.34. Mishap Prevention Program ........................................................................................................... 16.35. Human Factors ............................................................................................................................... 16.36. Accountability ................................................................................................................................ 16.37. Occupational Safety Program ........................................................................................................ 16.38. Hazard Reporting ........................................................................................................................... 16.39. Traffic Safety ................................................................................................................................. Section 16HRisk Management (RM) 16.40. Definition ....................................................................................................................................... Section 16ISexual Assault 16.41. Air Force Policies and Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual Assault ................. 16.42. Installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) .......................................................... 16.43. Victim Advocate (VA) ................................................................................................................... 16.44. Response to a Sexual Assault Incident ........................................................................................... 16.45. Confidentiality and Restricted Reporting ....................................................................................... 16.46. Making a Restricted Report ........................................................................................................... 16.47. Receiving a Restricted Report ........................................................................................................ 16.48. Notification to Command of a Restricted Report ........................................................................... 16.49. Unrestricted Report ........................................................................................................................ 16.50. Use of Information ......................................................................................................................... 16.51. Addressing Victim Collateral Misconduct in Sexual Assault Cases .............................................. 16.52. Prevention and Response for the Deployment Environment ......................................................... 16.53. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 17DRESS AND APPEARANCE Section 17AOverview 17.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 17BDress and Appearance 17.2. Individual Responsibilities ...............................................................................................................


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17.3. When to Wear the Uniform .............................................................................................................. 17.4. Uniform Wear Restrictions .............................................................................................................. 17.5. Personal Grooming Standards .......................................................................................................... 17.6. Tattoos and Brands .......................................................................................................................... 17.7. Body Piercing................................................................................................................................... 17.8. Uniform Standards ........................................................................................................................... 17.9. Service Dress Uniform ..................................................................................................................... 17.10. Service Uniform ............................................................................................................................. 17.11. Flight Cap ....................................................................................................................................... 17.12. Hose (Women) ............................................................................................................................... 17.13. Footwear ......................................................................................................................................... 17.14. ABUs .............................................................................................................................................. 17.15. Physical Fitness (PT) Uniform ....................................................................................................... 17.16. Accessory Standards ....................................................................................................................... 17.17. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... Chapter 18FIT FORCE Section 18AOverview 18.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 18BPhysical Fitness and Fitness Components 18.2. Physical Fitness, Optimal Performance and Mission Readiness ...................................................... 18.3. Physical Fitness ................................................................................................................................ 18.4. Aerobic Fitness ................................................................................................................................ 18.5. Muscular Strength and Endurance Training ..................................................................................... 18.6. Flexibility Training .......................................................................................................................... 18.7. Body Composition ........................................................................................................................... 18.8. Warmup and Cool Down ................................................................................................................. 18.9. Unit Physical Fitness Program ......................................................................................................... 18.10. Physical Fitness Standard............................................................................................................... 18.11. Physical Fitness Assessment (FA) ................................................................................................. 18.12. Assessment Procedures .................................................................................................................. 18.13. Ongoing Education and a Supportive Environment ....................................................................... 18.14. Unit Key Players ............................................................................................................................ Section 18CNutrition 18.15. Nutrition ......................................................................................................................................... Section 18DSubstance Abuse 18.16. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) and Demand Reduction (DR) Programs .............................................................................................. 18.17. Policy on Drug Abuse .................................................................................................................... 18.18. Policy on Alcohol Abuse ............................................................................................................... 18.19. Identification and Referral ............................................................................................................. 18.20. Leadership Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 18.21. Substance Abuse Assessment ........................................................................................................ 18.22. Substance Abuse Treatment ........................................................................................................... 18.23. Detoxification Prior to Treatment .................................................................................................. 18.24. Completing the Program ................................................................................................................ 18.25. Management of Substance Abusers ............................................................................................... 18.26. The Line of Duty (LOD) Determination ........................................................................................ Section 18ETobacco Use 18.27. Air Force Goal for Tobacco Use .................................................................................................... 18.28. Effects of Tobacco Use .................................................................................................................. 18.29. Cost of Tobacco Use to the Air Force ............................................................................................ 18.30. Air Force Standards ....................................................................................................................... Section 18FMedical Care 18.31. The Military Health System (MHS) ............................................................................................... 18.32. TRICARE ...................................................................................................................................... 18.33. Medical Readiness ......................................................................................................................... 18.34. TRICARE Regions ........................................................................................................................


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18.35. TRICARE Plans ............................................................................................................................. 18.36. TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) ................................................................................................. Section 18GSuicide Prevention 18.37. Suicide Defined .............................................................................................................................. 18.38. Suicide Demographics ................................................................................................................... 18.39. Effect on the Military ..................................................................................................................... 18.40. Dynamics of Suicide ...................................................................................................................... 18.41. Suicides Are Preventable ............................................................................................................... 18.42. Risk Factors and Stress Indicators of Suicide ................................................................................ 18.43. Mental Health Problems................................................................................................................. 18.44. Legal Problems .............................................................................................................................. 18.45. Financial Problems ......................................................................................................................... 18.46. Relationship and Work Problems ................................................................................................... 18.47. Signs of Distress ............................................................................................................................ 18.48. SuicideThe Event ....................................................................................................................... 18.49. The Final Stage .............................................................................................................................. 18.50. Why Suicide? ................................................................................................................................. 18.51. Military Leadership Role in Preventing Suicide ............................................................................ 18.52. Psychological Services ................................................................................................................... 18.53. Every Airmans Responsibilities.................................................................................................... 18.54. Air Force Suicide Prevention Program .......................................................................................... 18.55. Effective Suicide Prevention .......................................................................................................... Section 18HPosttraumatic Stress Disorder 18.56. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Components ................................................................................... 18.57. PTSD Prevalence ........................................................................................................................... 18.58. Prevention ...................................................................................................................................... 18.59. Treatment ....................................................................................................................................... Section 18IStress Management 18.60. Stress Defined. ............................................................................................................................... 18.61. Individual Stress Management Methods ........................................................................................ 18.62. Organizational Stress Management Methods ................................................................................. Section 18JRedeployment Support Process 18.63. Purpose........................................................................................................................................... 18.64. Recovery ........................................................................................................................................ 18.65. Reconstitution ................................................................................................................................ 18.66. Scope.............................................................................................................................................. 18.67. Redeployment Support Process Timeline ...................................................................................... 18.68. Home Station CAIB and IDS Agency Responsibilities ................................................................. 18.69. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 19SECURITY Section 19AOverview 19.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... Section 19BInformation Assurance (IA) 19.2. Information Assurance ..................................................................................................................... 19.3. Computer Security (COMPUSEC) .................................................................................................. 19.4. Communications Security (COMSEC) ............................................................................................ 19.5. Emissions Security (EMSEC) .......................................................................................................... Section 19CInstallation Security 19.6. Operations Security (OPSEC) .......................................................................................................... 19.7. Information Security (INFOSEC) .................................................................................................... 19.8. Personnel Security ........................................................................................................................... 19.9. Industrial Security ............................................................................................................................ 19.10. Integrated Defense (ID) Program ................................................................................................... 19.11. Integrated Defense Effects ............................................................................................................. 19.12. Integrated Defense Risk Management Process (IDRMP) .............................................................. 19.13. Security Protection Levels ............................................................................................................. Section 19DAntiterrorism (AT) Program 19.14. Air Force Antiterrorism Program Defined .....................................................................................


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19.15. Antiterrorism Training and Exercises ............................................................................................ 19.16. Threat Information Collection and Analysis .................................................................................. 19.17. Department of Defense Random Antiterrorism Measures (RAM) Program .................................. 19.18. General Antiterrorism Personal Protection .................................................................................... 19.19. Home and Family Security ............................................................................................................ 19.20. Telephone Security ........................................................................................................................ 19.21. Travel Overseas ............................................................................................................................. 19.22. Suspicious Packages or Mail .......................................................................................................... 19.23. Transportation Security .................................................................................................................. 19.24. Commercial Air Transportation Security Overseas ....................................................................... 19.25. Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI) ...................................................... 19.26. Protection of the President and Others ........................................................................................... 19.27. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... Chapter 20STUDYING EFFECTIVELY Section 20AOverview 20.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... Section 20BEffective Study Habits in Eight Easy Steps 20.2. General Information ........................................................................................................................ Section 20CStudy Strategies 20.3. General Information ........................................................................................................................ Section 20DMilitary Knowledge and Testing System (MKTS) 20.4. General Information ........................................................................................................................ Section 20EKnow Your Learning Style 20.5.Adult Learning Style Profile ........................................................................................................... 20.6. Auditory Learners ........................................................................................................................... 20.7. Visual Learners ............................................................................................................................... 20.8. Tactile Learners .............................................................................................................................. 20.9. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... Attachment 1GLOSSARY OF REFERENCES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION


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Many of you are unaware of the process used to select material for inclusion in AFPAM 36-2241, Professional Development Guide. Therefore, it is important we mention the role of the MKTS Advisory Council. The MKTS Advisory Council, chaired by the CMSAF, is comprised of CCMs from all MAJCOMs, selected field operating agencies (FOA), and direct reporting units (DRU). The council convenes every year to determine the applicability of the information contained in the current PDG and approves new subject matter for inclusion in the next revision. Members base their decisions on your feedback and the results of an MKTS field evaluation survey administered to a stratified random sample of approximately 10,000 NCOs throughout the Air Force. This survey lists, by chapter and section, the content of the PDG and asks that each chapter section be rated according to whether knowledge of, or skill in, that particular area is necessary to perform at the respondents present grade. If you have the opportunity to take the survey, please consider your responses carefully. It is your opportunity to let the CMSAF and other senior enlisted leadership to know what subjects you consider important. After all surveys are analyzed and the data is compiled, the council will have a clear picture of the subject areas enlisted Airmen want published in the PDG, and the extent of coverage. Go to to access the electronic version of the MKTS survey results. The changes incorporated are a result of feedback received from the field identifying new subject areas, as well as ways to improve the format, readability, and adequacy of the current subject matter. We seriously consider all suggestions. Our objective is to provide the enlisted force with a reference that is easy to understand and provides ample coverage of the subjects you consider appropriate. Many people ask why we do not do update the PDG as changes occur. The PDG is a snapshot in time. We do not issue interim changes because interim changes are only used for mission-essential changes. To update the e-publishing Web site with corrections would have conflicting guidance since the only official publication for the PDG is this publication dated 1 October 2013. We will maintain all corrections, changes, and updates for publication in the next guide, projected for 1 October 2015. You can review previously submitted questions, comments, and identified errors on our Web site listed in the previous paragraph, but do not use them to alter your guide as they have not yet been officially incorporated. For your convenience, this publication is available electronically at the Air Force e-Publishing Web site at




WARNING!!! Group study (two or more people) and training programs specifically designed to prepare for promotion tests are strictly prohibited by AFI 36-2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing System. This prohibition protects the integrity of the promotion-testing program by helping to ensure test scores are a reflection of each members individual effort. Remember, the PFE or USAFSE counts for up to 100 points of your total Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) or Senior NCO promotion score. Therefore, it is important for you to establish a self-study program that will help you score well. In addition to group study, you must avoid other specific compromising situations. They include, but are not limited to, discussing the contents of a PFE with anyone other than the test control officer or test examiner and sharing pretests or lists of test questions recalled from a current or previous PFE or USAFSE, personal study materials, or underlined or highlighted study reference material, or commercial study guides with other individuals. Air Force members who violate these prohibitions are subject to prosecution, under Article 92 (1) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), for violating a lawful general regulation. WAPS was developed as an objective method to promote the most deserving Airmen to the next higher grade. Any time a promotion examination is compromised, it is possible that one or more undeserving Airmen will be promoted at the expense of those who followed the rules. Do not place your career in jeopardy. Study, take your promotion examinations, and earn your next stripe on your own!

18 Chapter 1 ENLISTED HISTORY 1.1. Introduction.

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The history of the Air Force enlisted corps is long and varied. The United States Air Force traces its origins to the establishment of the Aeronautical Division, created on 1 August 1907. The Army, however, first used aerial devices for military purposes during the American Civil War, when President Lincoln created an unofficial balloon section. From Benjamin Franklin to the second Seminole War in 1840 to the war with Mexico in 1846, the Army has been interested in using balloons for military purposes but never did. Consequently, enlisted support for U.S. military aviation began with Civil War balloon operations. This chapter examines how enlisted participation in the many wars and conflicts throughout our history helped develop the U.S. Air Force into the greatest Air Force in the World. Enlisted Airmen historically comprised some 80 percent of Americas air forces. From humble beginnings to todays great U.S. Air Force, the enlisted corps deserves much of the credit for its development and great accomplishments. 1.2. Milestones of World War I (WWI) (1917-1918): 1.2.1. When the first shots of the Great War were fired in Europe in August 1914, the 1st Aero Squadron mustered a dozen officers, 54 enlisted men, and 6 aircraft. By the end of 1915, the squadron counted 44 officers, 224 enlisted men, and 23 airplanes. This constituted the entire air arm of the United States Armed Forces. 1.2.2. By 1916, a second aero squadron was added, assigned to duty in the Philippine Islands, and new training facilities were added. In October 1916, plans were laid for 24 squadrons: 7 to serve with the regular Army, 12 with the National Guard, and 5 for coastal defense, supplementing balloon units for the field and coast artillery. Each squadron was to muster a dozen aircraft. The regular Army squadrons were either organized or in the process of being organized by the end of 1916, and all 24 squadrons were formed by early 1917, but only the 1st Aero Squadron was fully equipped, manned, and organized when the United States declared war on Germany 6 April 1917. 1.2.3. By April 1917, the U.S. Army Aviation Section consisted of 131 officers (virtually all pilots or pilots-intraining), 1,087 enlisted men, and had fewer than 250 airplanes. Even as the war in Europe dragged on, the U.S. Congress refused to appropriate significant funds for Army aeronautics. The Armys poor state of preparedness cannot be laid entirely at Congress feet. The Army had no plan to enable them to build an air force and did not send trained observers to Europe. General staff officers were so out of touch with modern aerial warfare requirements that their chief complaint about air personnel was the disrespectful manner in which flying officers flouted regulations by refusing to wear their cavalry spurs while flying airplanes. 1.2.4. Tradition dictated that pilots be drawn from the ranks of commissioned officers, but the Aviation Section soon realized the pressing need for trained enlisted personnel to perform duties in supply and construction and to serve specialized functions in the emerging aviation-related fields of photo reconnaissance and radio. Most of all, the Aviation Section needed mechanics. The war demanded engine mechanics, armament specialists, welders, riggers, and sail makers. The Army first pressed factories into service as training sites, but by the end of 1917, the Aviation Section began training mechanics and others at a number of special schools and technical institutions. The two largest were in St Paul MN and at Kelly Field TX. Later, mechanics and other enlisted specialists were also trained at fields and factories in Great Britain and France. 1.2.5. In addition to the specialized roles directly associated with flying, Air Service enlisted personnel performed a wide variety of administration, mess, transport, and medical corps support functions. Construction personnel, who built the airfields, hangars, barracks, and other buildings, were often the first enlisted men stationed at various overseas locations. 1.3. Milestones of World War II (WWII) (1939-1945). Even before the outbreak of hostilities in Europe, the General Headquarters (GHQ) Air Force had begun a massive expansion program that would balloon during the following years into the largest air organization in the nations history. In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked for $300 million for military aviation. The Air Corps planned to have 24 operational combat-ready groups by 1941 which would require greatly enhanced manpower, training, and equipment. 1.3.1. The Air Corps Prepares for War: In 1938, when the United States first took seriously the signs of war in Europe, the Armys air arm was still split into two cumbersome command organizations: the Army Air Corps and GHQ Air Force. The total force included less than 20,000 enlisted members. In 1940, Congress passed the first peacetime conscription law in U.S. history. By March 1944 when Air Force manpower reached its high point, 2,104,405 enlisted men and


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women were serving in a virtually independent branch of the armed services. Moreover, they operated a sophisticated machine of air war that covered nearly the entire globe. From 1939 until 1941, the concept of training did not change drastically, but the scale did. Training centers expanded and multiplied. Ever larger numbers of new Airmen passed through advanced training as the overall goals for assembling combat-ready groups increased. The air corps simply could not build housing fast enough or find qualified instructors in sufficient numbers to keep up with the pace. Army officials turned to private schools to help meet the demand, and many mechanics, for example, received training in one of the 15 civilian schools. 1.3.2. WWII - The Great Central, Cataclysmic 20th Century Event: More than 2 million enlisted Airmen served in the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) during the largest war ever. Most of themaside from a small number of prewar soldierswere not professional warriors. Some carried out routine duties in safe if unfamiliar surroundings, while others endured extreme conditions in faraway places for years. Tens of thousands died in combat, and scarcely any remained unchanged by the war. Before the United States could engage the enemy, it needed more personnel, training, and equipment. Thus, 1942 was a year of buildup and training; processes that continued throughout the war. According to one former 8th Air Force gunner, It took an average of about 30 men to support a bomberIm talking about a four-engine bomber, whether it be a B-24 or a B-17, its about the same thingyet you had to have somebody riding a gasoline truck, oil trucks; you had to have a carburetor specialist and armaments and so forth, sheet metal work; if you got shot up, they had to patch the holes. These people were very important and they worked 18 to 20 hours a day when you came back. If anything, the gunner underestimated the number of guys on the ground required to keep planes in the air. No accurate figure exists across the board for WWII, but taking into account all the support personnel in the Army Air Corps, the ratio was probably closer to 70 men to 1 airplane. During the war, the great majority of the more than 2 million enlisted Airmen served in roles that never took them into the air, but without their efforts, even the most mundane or menial, no bombs would have dropped and no war would have been waged. Figure 1.1. Womens Army Auxiliary Corps. Women served with distinction in the USAAF, replacing men who could then be reassigned to combat and other vital duties. The Womens Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) was created in May 1942 (Figure 1.1). Top priority for assignment of WAACs was to serve at aircraft warning service stations. In the spring of 1943, the WAAC became the Womens Army Corps (WAC). Almost half of their peak strength served with the USAAF with many assigned to clerical and administrative duties, while others worked as topographers, medical specialists, chemists, and even aircraft mechanics. Some commanders were reluctant to accept women into their units, but by mid-1943, the demand for them far exceeded the numbers available. When the Air Force became a distinct service in 1947, segregation policies were transferred, but the new organization confronted special difficulties in maintaining the separation, especially in the case of enlisted Airmen. Official restrictions that forced black Airmen to serve either in all-black units or in segregated service squads robbed the Air Force of a major talent pool. On 11 May 1949, Air Force Letter 35.3 was published, mandating that black Airmen be screened for reassignment to formerly all-white units according to qualifications. Astoundingly, within a year, virtually the entire Air Force was integrated, with few incidents. In the spring of 1945, after 3 1/2 years of carnage, the end of the war seemed inevitable. The 1944 invasion of Europe and Allied ground forces grinding advance toward Berlin finally destroyed Germany. The Third Reich surrendered in May 1945. With Europe calmed, American forces turned their attention to Japan. The American high command expected the final struggle in the Pacific would require relentless attacks against a fanatical foe. Despite widespread destruction of Japanese cities by low-level B-29 fire bombings throughout the spring and summer of 1945, Japan continued to resist. U.S. commanders realized that only an American invasion of the Japanese islands and subjugation of the Japanese would force the empire to surrender unconditionally, as the Allies demanded.


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AFPAM36-2241 USAAF enlisted crews flew thousands of combat missions during WWII but two missions over Japan in August 1945 changed the world: the flight of the Enola Gay (Figure 1.2), 6 August 1945, to drop the worlds first nuclear bomb on Hiroshima; and the flight of Bocks Car (Figure 1.3), 3 days later to drop the second bomb on the city of Nagasaki. Figure 1.2. Enlisted Men of the Enola Gay Flight Crew. Figure 1.3. Aircrew of the Bocks Car Flight Crew.

1.4. The Cold War (1948-1991). Although the United States and its Western allies had counted on the Soviet Union as a heroic nation struggling with them against Hitler, it was apparent even before WWII ended that the alliance would not survive the ideological gulf that separated capitalist democracies from the Communist giant. In 1945, the Big Three British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Josef Stalin, and American President Franklin D. Rooseveltmet to discuss the postwar division of Europe. The meeting did not go well, but it did lay the foundation for what would become the United Nations (UN). In 1946, the fledgling UN took up the issue of controlling nuclear weapons. By June 1946, an UN-appointed commission completed a plan for the elimination of nuclear weaponry based on inspectors who would travel the globe to ensure no country was making atomic bombs, and to supervise the dismantling of existing weapons. Unfortunately, the plan was vetoed by the Soviet Union, resulting in almost five decades of cold war. 1.5. The Berlin Airlift (1948-1949): 1.5.1. In June 1948, the Soviet Union exploited the arrangements under which the United States, Great Britain, and France had occupied Germany by closing off all surface access to the city of Berlin. If left unchallenged, the provocative actions of the communists may not only have won them an important psychological victory, but may also have given them permanent control over all of Berlin. Worried that an attempt to force the blockade on the ground could precipitate World War III, the allies instead built a Luftbrckean air bridgeinto Berlin. 1.5.2. For their part, the Soviets did not believe resupply of the city by air was feasible, let alone practical. The Air Force turned to Major General William Tunner, who led the Hump airlift over the Himalayan mountains to supply China during WWII. As the nations leading military air cargo expert, he thoroughly analyzed U.S. airlift capabilities and requirements and set in motion an airlift operation that would save a city. 1.5.3. For 15 months, the 2.2 million inhabitants of the Western sectors of Berlin were sustained by airpower alone as the operation flew in 2.33 million tons of supplies on 277,569 flights (Figure 1.4). Although airlift came of age during WWII, it achieved its full potential during the Berlin airlift, which was arguably airpowers single -most decisive contribution to the Cold War, unquestionably achieving a profound strategic effect. 1.5.4. Enlisted personnel served as cargo managers and loaders (with a major assist from German civilians), air traffic controllers, communications specialists, and weather and navigation specialists. Of all the enlisted functions, perhaps the most critical to the success of the airlift was maintenance. The Soviets eventual capitulation an d dismantling of the surface blockade represented one of the great Western victories of the Cold War without dropping a bomband laid the foundation for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


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Figure 1.4. C-47s in Berlin.

1.6.1. The 25 June 1950 surprise invasion of South Korea by North Korean armed forces caught the U.S. Air Force illprepared to deal with a conventional war in a remote corner of the world. The resulting confusion and makeshift responses fell short of requirements during the active course of the war; conditions made even more difficult by the drastic swings of military fortune during 1950 and 1951 on the Korean peninsula. The conflict imposed acute difficulties on enlisted Airmen, and throughout the Korean War, Airmen were called on to serve under the most dangerous and frustrating conditions. 1.6.2. By 1950, most U.S. ground and air strength in the Pacific was in Japan. Although the Far East Air Forces (FEAF), led by General George Stratemeyer, claimed more than 400 aircraft in Japan, Guam, Korea, and the Philippines, the numbers were misleading. The force consisted largely of F80 jets, which did not have the range necessary to reach Korea from Japan. The first aerial combat between the United States and North Korea took place over Kimpo 27 June 1950. On 29 June, B-26 gunner Staff Sergeant Nyle S. Mickley shot down a North Korean YaK-3, the first such victory recorded during the war. Enlisted personnel served as gunners aboard the B-26 for the first several months of the conflict, and on B-29 aircraft throughout the war. 1.6.3. On 15 September 1950, U.S. forces spearheaded by the First Marine Division successfully landed at Inchon, near Seoul, South Korea, effectively cutting North Korean Army supply lines deep in the south, threatening its rear (Figure 1.5). The U.S. Eighth Army launched its own offensive from Pusan a day later, and what once was a stalled North Korean offensive became a disorganized retreat. So complete was the rout that less than a third of the 100,000strong North Korean Army escaped to the north. On 27 September 1950, President Truman authorized U.S. forces to pursue the beaten Army north of the 38th parallel. 1.6.4. Airpower played a significant role in the Allied offensive. Airlift actions ranged from the spectacular, to include the drop of the 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team to cut off retreating North Korean troops, to the more mundane but critical airlift of personnel and supplies. Foreshadowing the versatility that would be exhibited by the B-52 in later decades, FEAF B-29s performed a number of missions not even considered before the war, to include interdiction, battlefield support, and air superiority (counter airfield). On 9 November 1950, Corporal Harry LaVene of the 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, serving as gunner, scored the first B-29 victory over a jet by downing a MiG-15. LaVenes victory was the first of 27 MiGs shot down by B-29 gunners during the course of the war. Sergeant Billie Beach, a tail gunner on an Okinawa-based B-29, shot down two MiGs on 12 April 1951, a feat unmatched by any other gunner. His own plane was so shot up, however, that it and the crew barely survived an emergency landing with collapsed gear at an advanced fighter strip. 1.7. Cuban Missile Crisis (1962): 1.7.1. In 1959, Fidel Castro overthrew the dictator of Cuba, initially promising free elections but instead instituted a socialist dictatorship. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans fled their island, many coming to the United States. From his rhetoric and actions, Castro proved he was a Communist. In late 1960, President Eisenhower authorized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to plan an invasion of Cuba using Cuban exiles as troops. President Eisenhower hoped that, in conjunction with the invasion, the Cuban people would overthrow Castro and install a pro-U.S. government. The Figure 1.5. Combat Command Personnel and Supplies.


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Presidents second term ended before the plan could be implemented. President John F. Kennedy ordered the invasion to proceed. In mid-April 1961, the Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs and suffered a crushing defeat. Figure 1.6. U-2 Aircraft. 1.7.2. Following failure of the U.S.-supported Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles in April 1961, the Soviet Union increased economic and military aid to Cuba. In August 1962, the Soviets and Cubans started constructing intermediateand medium-range ballistic missile complexes on the island. Suspicious, the U.S. intelligence community called for photographic investigation and verification of the activity. In October, Strategic Air Command (SAC) U-2 aircraft (Figure 1.6) deployed to McCoy AFB FL and began flying highaltitude reconnaissance flights over Cuba. On 15 October, photographs obtained on flights the previous day confirmed the construction of launch pads that, when completed, could be used to employ nuclear-armed missiles with a range up to 5,000 miles. Eleven days later, RF-101s and RB-66s began conducting low-level reconnaissance flights, verifying data gathered by the U-2s and gathering prestrike intelligence.

1.7.3. In the event an invasion of Cuba became necessary, Tactical Air Command (TAC) deployed F-84, F-100, F-105, RB-66, and KB-50 aircraft to numerous bases in Florida. SAC prepared for general war by dispersing nuclear-capable B-47 aircraft to approximately 40 airfields in the United States and keeping numerous B-52 heavy bombers in the air ready to strike. 1.7.4. President Kennedy and his national security advisors debated the most effective course of action. Many on the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) favored invasion, but President Kennedy took the less drastic step of imposing a naval blockade of the island, to prevent any more materiel from reaching Cuba. Still technically an act of war, the blockade nevertheless had the advantage of not turning the Cold War into a hot one. 1.7.5. Confronted with the photographic evidence of missiles, the Soviet Union initially responded belligerently. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev accused the United States of degenerate imperialism and declared that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) would not observe the illegal blockade. In the ensuing days, Khrushchev softened, and then hardened, his position and demands. Tension increased 27 October when Cuban air defenses shot down a U-2 piloted by Major Rudolf Anderson. 1.7.6. The JCS recommended an immediate air strike against Cuba, but President Kennedy decided to wait. The military tempo continued to increase unabated. While military preparation continued, the United States agreed not to invade Cuba in exchange for removal of Soviet missiles from the island. Secretly, the United States also agreed to remove American missiles from Turkey. The Soviets turned their Cuba-bound ships around, packed up the missiles in Cuba, and dismantled the launch pads. As the work progressed, the Air Force deployed aircraft back to home bases and lowered the alert status. 1.7.7. The Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world dangerously close to nuclear war. The strategic and tactical power of the U.S. Air Force, coupled with the will and ability to use it, provided the synergy to deter nuclear war with the USSR and convince the Soviets to remove the nuclear weapons from Cuba. 1.8. The War in Southeast Asia (1950-1975). The Truman Administration did not pursue total victory in Korea in part to maintain U.S. defensive emphasis on Western Europe. The next major conflict for the U.S. Armed Forces, however, once again took place in Asia. 1.8.1. The Early Years (1950-1964): In the 1950s, the United States involvement in Vietnam began as a cold war operation. Vietnam was essentially a French battle. However, the post WWII policy of containment of communism prompted President Truman to intervene. He increased aid and ordered eight C-47 transports directly to Saigon, the first air force presence in Vietnam. On 3 August 1950, the first contingent of the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) arrived in Saigon.


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23 By 1952, the United States supplied one-third of the cost of the French military effort in Vietnam, yet it was becoming apparent that the French were losing heart. On 4 January 1953, the United States deployed the first sizable contingent of Air Force personnel (other than those attached to the MAAG). This group included a complement of enlisted technicians (Figure 1.7) to handle supply and aircraft maintenance. Figure 1.7. Enlisted Technicians. In April 1953, the Viet Minh (under Ho Chi Minhs direction) staged a major offensive, advancing into Laos and menacing Thailand. President Eisenhower authorized C-119 transports (aircraft only, not crews) to the area, and in 1954 loaned additional cargo planes to the French. Because French air units were seriously undermanned, U.S. officials made the fateful decision on 31 January 1954 to dispatch 300 Airmen to service aircraft at Tourane and Do Son Airfield near Haiphong. As Air Force presence increased in the early 1960s, so did the need for support personnel. Priorities included construction of airfields and barracks, and intelligencegathering. 1.9. The Air War Expands (1965-1968): 1.9.1. On 7 February 1965, the Viet Cong attacked Camp Holloway near Pleiku, killing eight Americans. The President responded with Operation Flaming Dart, a series of strikes against military barracks near Dong Hoi in North Vietnam, as well as other targets. Increased airstrikes against targets in the northern half of the country, code name Rolling Thunder, began less than a month later on 2 March. Rolling Thunder was the first sustained bombing campaign of the war against North Vietnam, lasting through 1968. 1.9.2. As offensive air operations increased, U.S. Air Force presence in Southeast Asia also increased. About 10,000 Air Force personnel served in Vietnam in May 1965, doubling by the end of the year. As 1968 drew to a close, 58,000 Airmen served in the country. Airmen performed various duties, including support, combat and rescue (Figure 1.8). Prime BEEF personnel, for example, built revetments, barracks, and other facilities. Rapid engineering and heavy operational repair squadron, engineering (REDHORSE) teams provided more long-range civil engineer services. In the realm of combat operations, Air Force gunners flew aboard gunships as well as B-57s and B-52s. In December 1972, B-52 tail gunner Staff Sergeant Samuel Turner shot down an enemy MiG, the first of only two confirmed shootdowns by enlisted Airmen during the war. Both victories were from gunners belonging to the 307th Strategic Wing at U-Tapao, Thailand. Credit for the fifth overall MiG-21 kill during Linebacker II also went to an enlisted member, Airman First Class Albert E. Moore. 1.9.3. Enlisted personnel also served on gunships during the war as both aerial gunners and as loadmasters. With the Gatling-style guns actually aimed by the pilot through speed, bank, and altitude, the responsibility of the aerial gunners was to keep the quick-firing guns reloaded. Crewmembers occupying this position were particularly vulnerable to ground fire. Meanwhile, loadmasters released flare canisters over target areas during night missions, another hazardous undertaking. 1.9.4. Air Force enlisted members faced combat on the ground as well. With the continuing threat of guerrilla attack, air base defense became a monumental undertaking performed almost exclusively by Air Force security police squadrons. Staff Sergeant William Piazza, 3d Security Police Squadron earned the Silver Star for helping defend Bien Hoa during the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive of 1968. Figure 1.8. Medical Evacuation System.

24 1.10. Vietnamization and Withdrawal (1969-1973):

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1.10.1. Since the Eisenhower years, American presidents wanted the Vietnam conflict to be fought and resolved by the Vietnamese. Through 1963 and much of 1964, American forces operated under restrictive rules of engagement in an effort to maintain the U.S. role as advisory only. On 22 November 1963, embroiled in a deteriorating situation in Vietnam, President Kennedy was assassinated and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson took office. After the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the Senate resolution of 1964, the advisory role rapidly evolved into one of combat operations. Yet the Air Force never stopped working with the Vietnamese Air Force to develop its ability to prosecute the war itself. In January 1969, shortly after taking office, President Nixon announced an end to U.S. combat in Southeast Asia as a primary goal of his administration. He charged the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) with making Vietnamization of the war a top priority. 1.10.2. Enlisted Airmen played key roles, especially in training Vietnamese operational and training crews. As the Vietnamese took over air operations, the nations air force grew to become the fourth largest in the world. In May 1969, the withdrawal of U.S. Army ground units from Vietnam began in earnest, while air support units lingered. In 1972, taking advantage of reduced American ground presence, Communist forces of the National Liberation Front crossed the demilitarized zone. President Nixon ordered harbors mined. Peace talks broke down completely. 1.10.3. President Nixon ordered 11 days of intensive bombing of Vietnamese cites, with B-52s from Andersen AFB Guam, carrying out the mission called Linebacker II. Linebacker II succeeded in breaking the deadlock, and the North Vietnamese resumed negotiations. A cease-fire agreement was hammered out by 28 January 1973. 1.10.4. While Linebacker II was a success, Vietnam was no ordinary war. The cease-fire did not bring an end to the fighting, and the punishment aircrews delivered did not bring victory. Nevertheless, the United States was committed to withdrawal. On 27 January 1973, the military draft ended; on 29 March, the last U.S. troop left the country; and even though another cease-fire agreement was drawn up to end previous cease-fire violations, fighting continued until April 22 when the president of South Vietnam resigned. North and South Vietnam were officially unified under a Communist regime on 2 July 1976. 1.11. Humanitarian Airlift: 1.11.1. The history of humanitarian airlift by U.S. Armed Forces is almost as old as the history of flight itself. Army aircraft flying out of Kelly Field TX, for example, dropped food to victims of a Rio Grande flood in 1919, one of the first known uses of an aircraft to render assistance. Many early domestic humanitarian flights were flown in response to winter emergencies. In March 1923, Aberdeen Proving Ground MD sent airplanes to bomb an ice jam on the Delaware River and an aircraft from Chanute Field IL dropped food to stranded people on South Fox Island in Lake Michigan. From blizzards and floods to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, Army Air Corps personnel and aircraft provided relief. 1.11.2. Army aircraft also flew humanitarian missions to foreign nations before the United States Air Force was established. In February 1939, the 2d Bombardment Wing delivered medical supplies to earthquake victims in Chile. Four years later, in the midst of WWII, a B-24 from a base in Guatemala dropped a life raft with the diphtheria vaccine to a destroyer escorting a British aircraft carrier. The destroyer delivered the vaccine to the carrier, preventing a shipboard epidemic. In September 1944, USAAF planes dropped food to starving French citizens; in May 1945, B-17s delivered food to hungry people in the Netherlands during Operation Chowhound. 1.11.3. Humanitarian efforts continued after the Air Force became a separate service and through the ensuing decades. During Operation Safe Haven I and II, in 1956 and 1957, the Military Air Transport Service (MATS) 1608th Air Transport Wing, Charleston AFB SC, and 1611th Air Transport Wing, McGuire AFB NJ, airlifted over 10,000 Hungarian refugees to the United States. President Eisenhower approved asylum for the refugees who fled Hungary after Soviet forces crushed an anticommunist uprising there. In May 1960, earthquakes followed by volcanic eruptions, avalanches, and tidal waves ripped through southern Chile, leaving nearly 10,000 people dead and a quarter of a million homeless. The U.S. Department of Defense and State Department agreed to provide assistance. During the month-long Amigos Airlift, the 63d Troop Carrier Wing from Donaldson AFB SC and the 1607th, 1608th, and 1611th Air Transport Wings airlifted over 1,000 tons of material to the stricken area. 1.11.4. Americas commitment to South Vietnam led to many relief flights to that country during the 1960s and 1970s. In November 1964, three typhoons dumped 40-plus inches of rain on the countrys central highlands, killing 7,000 people and destroying 50,000 homes. HH-43F helicopters from Detachment 5, Pacific Air Rescue Center, plucked 80 Vietnamese from rooftops and high ground in the immediate aftermath of the storms. Over the next 2 months, various Air Force units moved more than 2,000 tons of food, fuel, boats, and medicine to the ravaged area. Less than a year later, in August 1965, fighting in Da Nang displaced 400 orphaned children. To move them out of harms way, 315 th Air Division C-130s airlifted the orphans to Saigon. In 1975, following the fall of Cambodia and South Vietnam to


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Communist forces, transports from 11 Air Force wings and other units airlifted more than 50,000 refugees to the United States. This airlift, which included Operations Babylift, New Life, Frequent Wind, and New Arrivals, was the largest aerial evacuation in history. In addition to refugees, Air Force units also moved 5,000 relief workers and more than 8,500 tons of supplies. 1.11.5. Aside from the Vietnamese evacuation of the 1970s and the Berlin airlift in the late 1940s, the most significant humanitarian airlift operations took place in the 1990s. In 1991, following the Persian Gulf War, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein attacked the Kurdish population in northern Iraq. In response to the unfolding human tragedy, Air Force transports in support of Operation Provide Comfort provided more than 7,000 tons of blankets, tents, food, and more to the displaced Kurds, and airlifted thousands of refugees and medical personnel. Operation Sea Angel, in which the Air Force airlifted 3,000 tons of supplies to Bangladesh, followed a 1991 typhoon. Operation Provide Hope in 1992 and 1993 provided 6,000 tons of food, medicine, and other cargo to republics of the former Soviet Union. In 1994, the Air Force carried 3,600 tons of relief supplies to Rwandan refugees in war-torn central Africa. 1.12. Post-Vietnam Conflicts: 1.12.1. Operation Urgent Fury, Grenada (1983): In October 1983, a military coup on the tiny Caribbean island nation of Grenada aroused U.S. attention. Coup leaders arrested and then assassinated Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, imposed a 24-hour shoot-on-sight curfew, and closed the airport at Pearls on the east coast, about 12 miles from the capital of St. Georges, located on the opposite side of the island. President Ronald W. Rea gan, who did not want a repetition of the Iranian hostage crisis a few years earlier, considered military intervention to rescue hundreds of U.S. citizens attending medical school on the island. Twenty-six Air Force wings, groups, and squadrons supported the invasion by 1,900 U.S. Marines and Army Rangers. Airlift and special operations units from the Military Airlift Command (MAC) comprised the bulk of the Air Force fighting force. AC-130 gunships in particular proved their worth repeatedly, showing more versatility and accuracy than naval bombardment and land artillery. Several Air Force enlisted personnel were among 10 Air Force Grenada veterans cited for special achievement who received special praise for their efforts. Among them, Sergeant Charles Tisby, a loadmaster, saved the life of an unidentified paratrooper in his aircraft. When his C-130 banked sharply to avoid antiaircraft fire, one paratroopers static line fouled and left the trooper still attached to the aircraft. Tisby, with the help of paratroopers still on board, managed at significant personal riskto haul the man back in. 1.12.2. El Dorado Canyon, Libya (1986): In 1969, a group of junior military officers led by Muammar Qadhafi overthrew the pro-Western Libyan Arab monarchy. By the mid-1980s, Libya was one of the leading sponsors of worldwide terrorism. In addition to subversion or direct military intervention against other African nations and global assassinations of anti-Qadhafi Libyan exiles and other state enemies, Qadhafi sponsored terrorist training camps within Libya and supplied funds, weapons, logistical support, and safe havens for numerous terrorist groups. Between January 1981 and April 1986, terrorists worldwide killed over 300 Americans and injured hundreds more. With National Security Decision Directive 138 signed on 3 April 1984, President Reagan established in principle a U.S. policy of preemptive and retaliatory strikes against terrorists. On 27 December 1985, terrorists attacked passengers in the Rome and Vienna airports. Despite the strong evidence that connected Libya to the incident, the U.S. administration determined that it did not have sufficient proof to order retaliatory strikes against Libya. President Reagan imposed sanctions against Libya, publicly denounced Qadhafi for sponsoring the operation, and sent the 6th Fleet to exercise off the coast of Libya. In Berlin, 5 April 1986, a large bomb gutted a discotheque popular with U.S. service members. This time President Reagan had the evidence he sought. On 9 April, he authorized an air strike against Libya and attempted to obtain support from European allies. Great Britain gave permission for the United States Air Force to use British bases; however, the governments of France and Spain denied permission to fly over their countries, thereby increasing the Air Forces round trip to almost 6,000 miles. By 14 April 1986, all Air Force forces were gathered and ready. Politically, the raid against the terrorist state was extremely popular in the United States and almost universally condemned or regretted by the United States European allies who feared that the raid would spawn more violence. The operation spurred Western European governments to increase their defenses against terrorism and their intelligence agencies began to share information. The Air Force was saddened by the loss of an F-111F crew, but the loss of one out of over a 100 aircraft used in the raid statistically was not a high toll.


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Despite the high abort rate, collateral damage, and loss of innocent livesafter a flight of more than 6 hours and in the face of strong enemy oppositionthe Air Force successfully hit three targets previously seen only in photographs. 1.12.3. Operation Just Cause, Panama (1989): Since Panamas declaration of independence from Columbia in 1903, the United States has maintained a special interest in this small Central American country. The United States controlled and occupied the Panama Canal Zone, through which it built a 40-mile long canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. President Woodrow Wilson formally opened the canal on 12 July 1915. Political and domestic conditions in Panama remained stable until 1968, when a military ruler deposed the countrys president. A new treaty took effect 1 October 1979, granting Panama complete control of the canal and dictating withdrawal of U.S. military forces by 1 January 2000. A 1981 leadership struggle culminated in 1983; Manuel Noriega prevailed. Noriega maintained ties with the U.S. intelligence community, furnishing information on Latin American drug trafficking and money laundering, while at the same time engaging in such activities. By 1987, brutal repression of his people was enough for the U.S. Senate to issue a resolution calling for the Panamanians to oust him. Noriega in turn ordered an attack on the U.S. Embassy, causing an end to U.S. military and economic aid. In 1988, a Miami federal grand jury indicted Noriega on drug-trafficking and money-laundering charges. Noriega intensified his harassment against his own people and all Americans. By 1989, President George H. W. Bush decided to invade Panama. All four branches of the U.S. Armed Forces played a role in Operation Just Cause. Air Force participation included elements of 18 wings, 9 groups, and 17 types of aircraft. On the first night of the operation, 84 aircraft flying 500 feet above the ground dropped nearly 5,000 troops, the largest nighttime airborne operation since WWII. The airdrop also featured the first Air Force personnel use of night vision goggles during a contingency. Operation Just Cause was the largest and most complex air operation since Vietnam. It involved more than 250 aircraft. American forces eliminated organized resistance in just 6 days. Manuel Noriega surrendered 3 January 1990 and was flown to Miami FL to face trial. Less than a year later, many of the same Airmen that made Operation Just Cause a resounding success would build and travel another, larger air bridge during Operation Desert Shield. 1.13. Gulf War I (1990): 1.13.1. Persian Gulf War and Subsequent Operations: The Gulf War was no surprise to anyone except perhaps Saddam Hussein. After prevailing in an 8year war with Iran that was so costly it nearly led to a military coup, Saddam Hussein invaded and attempted to annex the small, oil-rich nation of Kuwait on 2 August 1990. During his occupation of the country, he plundered it and brutalized the population. The invasion put Iraq, with the fourth largest Army in the world and an extensive program to develop nuclear weapons, on the doorstep of Saudi Arabia with its vast petroleum reserves. If the Saudis also fell to Iraq, the dictator would control 50 percent of the worlds oil. The United States sought and received a UN sanction to act against Iraq and joined 27 other nations to launch Operation Desert Shield, a massive military buildup in Saudi Arabia near the border of Iraq, aimed first at deterring Saddam Hussein from aggression against the Saudis and then to prepare the way for a counterinvasion, if necessary. U.S. President George Bush demanded the immediate withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Saddam believed that, since Vietnam, the American public lacked the stomach for war. For more than 6 months he alternated between defiance and vague promises of compliance. 1.13.2. Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, Kuwait and Iraq (1990-1991): By the time President Bush launched Operation Desert Shield, the U.S. Air Force and its sister services had moved a considerable distance toward a unified conventional war-fighting capability. The defensive deployment in itself was an impressive accomplishment. On 8 August 1990, 24 F-15Cs landed in Saudi Arabia after taking off 15 hours earlier from Langley AFB VA, some 8,000 miles away. Within 5 days, C-5 and C-141 airlifters had escorted in 5 fighter squadrons, an airborne warning and control system (AWACS) contingent, and an airborne brigade: 301 planes altogether. On 21 August, SECDEF Richard Cheney announced that sufficient force was in place to defend Saudi Arabia. A month into the crisis, 1,220 Allied aircraft were in theater and combat ready. When Saddam Hussein missed the final deadline to withdraw his troops from Kuwait, Operation Desert Storm began 15 January 1991.


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27 Within the first 24 hours of Desert Storm, the air war was essentially won. The Iraqi air force hardly showed its face. Having established air dominance, coalition air forces turned their attention to entrenched ground forces, pounding them into a frightened mass ready to surrender to the first allied troops they saw. In the final stages of the air war, the Air Force began tank plinking, or destroying Iraqi tanks on the ground one at a time (Figure 1.9). Figure 1.9. Loading an A-10. Maintenance was a key to the air campaign success. Air Force historian Dr Richard Hallion said, From the suppliers to the line crews sweating under the desert sun, the coalitions maintainers worked miracles, enabling ever-higher sortie rates as the war progressedessentially, a constant surge. Not all enlisted Airmen worked on maintenance crews. In addition to traditional enlisted functions, there were new duties, some of which were quite high tech. Two less known jobs were electronic emissions collection and analysis, undertaken with electronic warfare officers (EWO) and airborne intelligence technicians. Electronic intelligence was characterized by long hours of work on station and meticulous, patient review of enemy transmissions, shot through with brief but urgently explosive moments when life or death information was quickly transmitted to the right people. On 28 February 1991, scarcely 48 hours after the air war ended and the land invasion took center stage, Iraq surrendered to the coalition. In the 43-day war, the Air Force was, for the first time in modern combat, the equal partner of land and sea power. The Air Force went into the Gulf talking in cold war terms about air superiority and sustainable casualties; it came out trumpeting air supremacy and minimum or no casualties. Within 6 months, 27 September 1991, strategic bomber crews were ordered to stand down from their decades-long round-the-clock readiness for nuclear war. The Cold War was officially over, a new world had arrived, and the role of enlisted Airmen changed. 1.14. Operations Provide Comfort and Northern Watch, Iraq (1991-2003): 1.14.1. When the American-led international coalition bombed Iraq and drove the forces of Iraq from Kuwait in 1991, it weakened Saddam Husseins power. Rebellious Kurds in northern Iraq, whom Hussein brutally suppressed with chemical weapons 3 years earlier, launched an uprising in early March 1991. When Iraqi government troops defeated the rebellion a month later, threatening to repeat the massacres of the past, more than a million Kurds fled to Iran and Turkey. Hundreds of thousands more gathered on cold mountain slopes on the Iraqi-Turkish border. Lacking food, clean water, clothing, blankets, medical supplies, and shelter, the refugees suffered enormous mortality rates. 1.14.2. On 3 April 1991, the UN Security Council authorized a humanitarian relief effort for the Iraqi Kurds. During the first week in April, the United States organized a combined task force for Operation Provide Comfort. About 600 pallets of relief supplies were delivered per day, but airdrops alone proved inadequate. Moreover, the operation failed to address the root of the problem. The refugees could not stay where they were, and Turkey, faced with a restless Kurdish population of its own, refused to admit them in large numbers. Operation Provide Comfort, therefore, evolved into a larger-phased operation for American ground troops. 1.14.3. After 1993, Saddam Hussein rarely challenged coalition aircraft patrolling the no-fly zones, but U.S. units remained wary. On 14 April 1994, two American F-15s patrolling the northern no-fly zone accidentally shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, killing 26 people, including 15 Americans. Misidentifying the helicopters as hostile, the F-15 pilots failed to receive contrary information from either the helicopters or an orbiting E-3 aircraft. The friendly fire incident aroused negative public opinion and a demand for changes to prevent such accidents in the future. 1.14.4. Phase II of Operation Provide Comfort ended in December 1996, thanks largely to infighting among Kurdish factions vying for power. When one Kurdish group accepted Iraqi backing to drive another from the northern Iraqi city of Irbil, U.S. transports participating in Operations Quick Transit I, II, and III airlifted many displaced Kurds to safe areas in Turkey. During Operation Pacific Haven, 7,000 refugees proceeded to Guam for settlement in the United States.


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1.14.5. Operation Northern Watch, which began 1 January 1997 with an initial mandate of 6 months, succeeded Operation Provide Comfort. Operation Northern Watch officially ended 17 March 2003, 2 days before Operation Iraqi Freedom began. 1.15. Operation Southern Watch, Iraq (1992-2003): 1.15.1. On 26 August 1992, to discourage renewed Iraqi military activity near Kuwait, President George H. W. Bush announced a no-fly zone in southern Iraq in support of United Nations Security Council Resolution 688, Operation Southern Watch. 1.15.2. The resolution protected Shiite Muslims under aerial attack from the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein in the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm and enforced other UN sanctions against Iraq. The Iraqi regime complied with the restrictions of the no-fly zone until 27 December 1992. F-16s shot down one Iraqi MiG-25 and chased a second aircraft back across the border. 1.15.3. Less than a month later, Air Force aircraft attacked surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites threatening coalition aircraft. In June, the United States launched cruise missile strikes against the Iraq Intelligence Service Headquarters in Baghdad as retaliation for the planned assassination of former U.S. President George Bush during an April 1993 visit to Kuwait. 1.15.4. In October 1994, Iraqi troops, including elite Republican Guard units, massed at the Kuwaiti border. The United States responded with Operation Vigilant Warrior, the introduction of thousands of additional U.S. Armed Forces personnel into the theater. Operation Southern Watch became the United States Air Force test for the Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) concept in October 1995, when a composite unit designed to replace temporarily a United States Navy carrier air wing leaving the gulf area arrived to support flying operations. The AEF arrived fully armed and began flying within 12 hours of landing. The AEF concept proved sound. Additional AEFs have since deployed to support Operation Southern Watch. 1.15.5. In 1997, in response to Iraqi aggression against Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq, President William Clinton expanded the Operation Southern Watch no-fly zone to the 33d parallel, just south of Baghdad. The expansion meant that most of Iraqi airspace fell into no-fly zones. 1.15.6. One of the most important improvements in both flying operations and the quality of life for members resulted directly from the 1996 bombing at Khobar Towers, Dhahran Air Base (AB). In the aftermath, the Air Force reviewed its entire security police, law enforcement, and force protection programs. In 1998, the Air Force reorganized existing security police units into new security forces groups and squadrons that trained and specialized in all aspects of force protection, including terrorist activity and deployed force security. Operation Southern Watch officially ended 26 August 2003. 1.16. Operations Provide Relief, Impressive Lift, and Restore HopeSomalia (1992-1994): 1.16.1. Civil unrest in the wake of a 2-year civil war contributed to a famine in Somalia that killed up to 350,000 people in 1992. As many as 800,000 refugees fled the stricken country. The UN-led relief effort began in July 1992. To relieve the suffering of refugees near the Kenya-Somalia border and then Somalia itself, the United States initiated Operation Provide Relief in August 1992. By December, the United States airlifted 38 million pounds of food into the region, sometimes under a hail of small arms fire. Continued civil war and clan fighting within Somalia, however, prevented much of the relief supplies from getting to those who most desperately needed them. 1.16.2. First the UN, then the United States, attempted to alleviate the problem. In September, the United States initiated Operation Impressive Lift to airlift hundreds of Pakistani soldiers under the UN banner to Somalia. Despite increased security from the UN forces, the problems continued. On 4 December, President George Bush authorized Operation Restore Hope to establish order in the country so that food could reach those in need. Marines landed and assumed control of the airport, allowing flights in and out of Mogadishu, Somalia, to resume. C-5 Galaxies, C-141 Starlifters, C-130 Hercules, and even KC-10 tankers rushed supplies into the country. Further, the Operation Restore Hope airlift brought 32,000 U.S. troops into Somalia. In March 1993, the UN once again assumed control of the mission, and Operation Restore Hope officially ended 4 May 1993. Fewer than 5,000 of the 25,000 U.S. troops originally deployed remained in Somalia. Unfortunately, factional fighting within the country caused the relief effort to unravel yet again. On 3 October 1993, U.S. special forces troops, in an effort to capture members of one clan, lost 18 personnel and suffered 84 wounded. 1.16.3. Losses sustained on 3 and 4 October prompted Operation Restore Hope II, the airlifting of 1,700 U.S. troops and 3,100 tons of cargo into Mogadishu between 5 and 13 October 1993. The troops and equipment were tasked with only stabilizing the situation. President Clinton refused to commit the United States to nation building and promised to remove U.S. forces by March 1994. Operation Restore Hope II officially ended 25 March 1994 when the last C-5


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carrying U.S. troops departed Mogadishu. While Operation Restore Hope II allowed U.S. forces to get out of the country without further casualties, anarchy ruled in Somalia and the threat of famine remained. 1.17. Operation Uphold Democracy, Haiti (1994): 1.17.1. The United States decided to intervene in Haiti on 8 September 1994. The U.S. Atlantic Command developed two different Operation Uphold Democracy plans: one for forcible entry and the other for passive entry. U.S. Air Force planners worked through evolving variations, not knowing which plan would be implemented. At nearly the last minute, a diplomatic proposal that former President James (Jimmy) E. Carter offered persuaded the military leader in Haiti to relinquish control. The unexpected decision caused a mission change from invasion to insertion of a multinational peacekeeping force. On 19 September 1994, the JCS directed execution of the passive-entry plan. For the Air Force, this meant activating an aerial force of more than 200 aircraft: transports, special operations, and surveillance planes. 1.17.2. U.S. Air Force participation effectively ended 12 October 1994 when resupply of U.S. forces became routinely scheduled airlift missions and deployed aircraft and crews returned home. On 15 October 1994, the Haitian president returned to his country, the beneficiary of a strong U.S. response to an oppressive dictator. As in Panama, the Air Force brought to bear an overwhelming force of fighters, command and control aircraft, gunships and other special operations aircraft, reconnaissance airplanes, aerial refueling tankers, and thousands of troops aboard the airlift fleet of strategic and tactical aircraft. The successful adaptation to the last-minute change in mission, from military invasion force to airlifting peacekeeping troops, was a major indicator of the flexibility airpower offers U.S. military and political leaders in fulfilling foreign policy objectives. 1.18. Operation Provide Promise, Sarajevo and Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-1996): 1.18.1. By 1991, the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, coupled with the disintegration of the Soviet Union itself, dissolved the political cement that bound ethnically diverse Yugoslavia into a single nation. Freed from the threat of external domination, Roman Catholic Slovenia and Croatia declared their independence from the Yugoslav federation dominated by Eastern Orthodox Serbia. In early 1992, predominantly Muslim BosniaHerzegovina (Bosnia) also severed its ties to the Federation. Fearing their minority status, armed Serbs within Bosnia began forming their ethnic state by seizing territory and, in the spring, besieging the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. 1.18.2. In April 1992, the United States recognized Bosnias independence and began airlifting relief supplies to Sarajevo. On 3 July 1992, the United States designated operations in support of the UN airlift Operation Provide Promise and United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) C-130s began delivering food and medical supplies. 1.18.3. Most United States Air Force missions flew out of Rhein-Main AB in Frankfurt, Germany. C-130s from the 435th and 317th Airlift Wings flew the initial Operation Provide Promise missions, but over the course of the operation, Air Force Reserve (AFR), Air National Guard (ANG), and active duty units rotated from the United States on 3-week deployments. Although the United States was only one of at least 15 countries airlifting relief supplies to Sarajevo, by the end of 1992, U.S. airplanes had delivered more than 5,400 tons of food and medical supplies. 1.18.4. Inaugurated during the Bush administration, Operation Provide Promise expanded significantly after President Clinton took office. He acted in response to continued attacks by Bosnian Serbs on Sarajevo and on the relief aircraft themselves. A secondary mission, Operation Provide Santa, took place in December 1993 when C-130s dropped 50 tons of toys and childrens clothes and shoes over Sarajevo. A month later, an Operation Provide Promise C-130 was the first U.S. Air Force aircraft to suffer damage from the operation when it was struck by an artillery shell at the Sarajevo airport. Despite the fact there were no injuries and the damage was minor, the UN suspended flights for a week. 1.18.5. On 14 December 1995, warring factions signed peace accords at Wright-Patterson AFB OH. The last humanitarian air-land delivery into Sarajevo took place on 4 January 1996. During the 3 1/2-year operation, aircraft supporting the UN-relief operation withstood 279 incidents of ground fire. 1.19. Operation Deny Flight, Bosnia (1993-1995): 1.19.1. NATO Operation Deny Flight was an effort to limit the war in Bosnia through imposition of a no-fly zone over the country. There was only one non-American in the NATO Operation Deny Flight command chain, although many other nations participated, including the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, and Turkey. 1.19.2. Over the first 18 months of Operation Deny Flight, the operations mission expanded and its aircraft engaged UN resolution violators. On 28 February 1994, NATO aircraft scored the first aerial combat victories in its 45-year history. Two U.S. Air Force F-16s from the 526th Fighter Squadron intercepted six Bosnian Serb jets and shot down four.


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1.19.3. Despite its actions, Operation Deny Flight did not stop the Bosnian Serb attacks or effectively limit the war. Bosnian Serbs often took members of lightly armed UN forces hostage to compel NATO to discontinue its airstrikes. In May 1995, Operation Deny Flight aircraft struck a munitions depot, after which Bosnian Serbs took 370 UN soldiers hostage. The UN vetoed further strikes. In June, Bosnian Serbs shot down a U.S. Air Force F-16 patrolling over Bosnia. 1.19.4. Operation Deliberate Force served notice to Bosnian Serb forces that they would be held accountable for their actions. Airstrikes came not only against targets around Sarajevo, but also against Bosnian Serb targets throughout the country. The results were dramatic. Operation Deliberate Force marked the first campaign in aerial warfare where precision munitions outweighed conventional bombs. The incessant air campaign, with only a few days respite in early September, as well as ground advances by Croatian and other forces against the Serbs, garnered the desired results. On 14 September, the Serbs agreed to NATO terms and the bombing stopped. 1.19.5. Operation Deliberate Force officially ended 21 September 1995 with the December signing in Paris of peace accords among the warring parties. Operation Joint Endeavor, whose mission was to implement the agreements, replaced it in 1996. 1.20. Operation Allied Force, Kosovo (1999): 1.20.1. The conclusion of Operations Deliberate Force and Deny Flight did not mean the end to strife in the region. After revoking the province of Kosovos autonomy in 1989, the Serbian government slowly began to oppress its ethnic Albanian population. That oppression eventually turned to violence and mass killings, and the international community began to negotiate with Serbian leaders in the spring of 1998 for a solution acceptable to all parties. The Serbs, led by President Slobodan Milosevic, considered the matter an internal one. A final effort to negotiate a settlement began in January 1999 at Rambouillet, France, but talks broke down following a large offensive against Albanian civilians in March. 1.20.2. To prevent a repeat of the ethnic cleansing that took place in Bosnia, on 24 March 1999 NATO forces began flying operations to force Serbia to accept NATO terms to end the conflict in Kosovo. Named Operation Allied Force, NATO leaders hoped a few days of airstrikes to demonstrate NATOs resolve would force Milosevic to capitulate. That was not the case. It took 78 days and more than 38,000 sorties for NATO to secure its objective. 1.20.3. The primary factor in the conclusion of Operation Allied Force was NATOs unity and resolve. NATO was tough and became progressively tougher throughout the campaign. This lesson was clear to Milosevic, who had hoped he could outwait NATO. In addition, the precision and the persistence of the air campaign were fundamental factors in convincing Milosevic that it was time to end the fight. The air campaign started slowly but gathered momentum as it went on. It became increasingly damaging to Milosevics entire military infrastructure, not just the forces in the field in Kosovo, but throughout the entire country. 1.21. Operations Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom: 1.21.1. Four unprecedented acts of violence in three locations spreading from New York City to western Pennsylvania to Washington DC on 11 September 2001 left thousands dead, thousands more grieving, and a nation wondering what would happen next. This fanatical hatred carried out by a hidden handful manifested and exploded, causing two of the worlds tallest buildings to crumble, scarring the nations military nerve center, and forcing the President of the United States aboard Air Force One to seek safe haven. Following the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Air Force community realized the depth and scope of the hatred. In the days that followed, stories circulated of service members and civilians pulling comrades from burning buildings, fighting fires, providing medical attention, and volunteering to do whatever they could. 1.21.2. The Air Force responded quickly to the attack. The day of the attack, American fighter aircraft began combat air patrols in the skies of America in support of Operation Noble Eagle. Six months later, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), with more than 100 ANG, AFR, and active duty fighters from 26 locations, continued to monitor American airspace. More than 80 percent of the pilots flying Operation Noble Eagle missions belonged to the ANG. Nearly as many AFR, ANG, and active duty members (more than 11,000) deployed to support Operation Noble Eagle (Figure 1.10) as for the other thrust of the U.S. response to the attack, Operation Enduring Freedom.


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31 1.21.3. Operation Enduring Freedom would take the fight to the Nations enemies overseas, most notably Afghanistan, an impoverished country where the U.S. focus was twofold: provide humanitarian airlift to the oppressed people of Afghanistan and conduct military action to root out terrorists and their supporters. When the Taliban, Afghanistans ruling government, refused President George W. Bushs demand that suspected terrorists be turned over and all terrorist training camps closed, the President ordered U.S. forces to the region. Approximately 350 U.S. aircraft, including B-1 and B-52 bombers, F-15 and F-16 fighters, special operations aircraft, RQ-1B and RQ-4A unmanned aerial vehicles, and Navy fighters, deployed to bases near Afghanistan, including some in the former Soviet Union. On 7 October 2001, following continued Taliban refusal to hand over suspected terrorists, U.S., British, and French aircraft began a sustained campaign against terrorist targets in Afghanistan.

Figure 1.10. C-17 in Afghanistan.

1.21.4. Working closely with U.S. special operations troops and Afghan opposition forces, airpower employed precision weapons to break the Talibans will and capacity to resist. Organized resistance began to collapse in mid November, and the Taliban abandoned the last major town under its control, Kandahar, in December 2001. In addition to strike operations, the Air Force flew humanitarian relief, dropping nearly 2.5 million humanitarian rations. 1.22. Operation Anaconda. The Pentagon called it Operation Anaconda, the press referred to it as the battle at Shah-I-Kot Mountain, but the men who fought there called it the Battle of Roberts Ridge. In the early morning hours of 4 March 2002, on a mountaintop called Takur Ghar in southeastern Afghanistan, al Qaeda soldiers fired on an MH-47E helicopter causing a Navy sea, air and land (SEAL) member to fall to the ground, and a chain of events ensued culminating in one of the most intense small-unit firefights of the war against terrorism, the death of all the al Qaeda terrorists defending the mountaintop, and the death of seven U.S. servicemen. Despite those losses, U.S. forces involved in this fight distinguished themselves by conspicuous bravery. Their countless acts of heroism demonstrated the best of Americas special operations forces as Air Force, Army, and Navy special operators fought side by side to save one of their own and each other, and in the process secured the mountaintop and inflicted serious losses on al Qaeda. 1.23. Operation Iraqi Freedom: 1.23.1. Much like the Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom did not surprise anyone except Saddam Hussein. On 17 March 2003, President George W. Bush (Figure 1.11) gave Saddam and his sons a 48-hour ultimatum to leave Iraq or face conflict. Saddam rejected President Bushs option to flee. On 20 March a salvo of missiles and laserguided bombs hit targets where coalition forces believed Saddam and his sons and other leaders gathered. The war began. 1.23.2. More than 300,000 troops deployed to the Gulf to form a coalition of multinational troops. Combat operations took longer than the 24-hour war of Operation Desert Storm. Operation Iraqi Freedom officially began 20 March 2003 and ended 1 May 2003. The Pentagon unleashed air strikes so devastating they would leave Saddams soldiers unable or unwilling to fight. The first day, coalition forces fired between 300 and 400 cruise missiles; more than the number launched during the entire first Gulf War. On the second day, the plan called for another 300 to 400 missiles. The battle plan was based on a concept developed at the National Defense University. Called Shock and Awe, it focused on the psychological destruction of the enemys will to fight rather than the physical destruction of the opposing military force. Figure 1.11. President George W. Bush Addressing the Airmen.


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1.23.3. Heavy sand storms slowed the coalition advance, but soldiers were within 50 miles of Baghdad by 24 March. Missile attacks hit military facilities in Baghdad on 30 March, and by 2 April, the Iraq Republican Guard Baghdad and Medina divisions were defeated. U.S. soldiers seized bridges over the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and then advanced within 25 miles of Baghdad. The next day, U.S. Army units along with Air Force special tactics combat controllers, pararescuemen, and combat weathermen attacked Saddam International Airport, 10 miles southwest of the capital. Two days later American-armored vehicles drove through Baghdad after smashing through Republican Guard units. On 7 April, U.S. tanks rumbled through downtown Baghdad and a B-1B bomber attack hit buildings thought to hold Saddam and other leaders. On 8 April 2003, Staff Sergeant Scott Sather, a combat controller, was the first Airman killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The 29-year-old Michigan native earned seven medals, including the bronze star, during his Air Force career. 1.23.4. Meanwhile, British forces took Basra, control of which was essential to delivering humanitarian aid. American commanders declared Saddams regime was no longer in control of Baghdad on 9 April. Before the city fell, jubilant crowds toppled a 40-foot statue of Saddam. Iraqs science advisor surrendered to U.S. forces, the first on the 55 most wanted leaders list issued by the coalition. 1.23.5. In a speech delivered on 2 May 2003 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, President Bush announced victory in Iraq. The Presidents announcement was based on an assessment given to him 3 days earlier by General Tommy Franks, the top U.S. military commander in the Gulf. Meanwhile, in a speech delivered by Secretary of the Air Force James G. Roche on 25 April 2003 to attendees of the Command Chief Master Sergeant Conference in Gunter Annex, Maxwell AFB AL, Secretary Roche assessed how U.S. combat air forces performed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Secretary Roche mentioned that in the past month in Iraq, coalition forces liberated an oppressed people and began the process of rebuilding a very different tribal and political climate. 1.24. Iraq and Afghanistan. 1.24.1. Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan began after the attacks of September 11, 2001. Small, highlymobile Army, Navy and US Air Force special operation forces were inserted deep into the hostile mountains of Afghanistan to find, capture, and destroy elusive Taliban and Al Qaeda forces. US Air Force enlisted personnel played key roles in the attempt to drive the Taliban out and they were quickly removed from power. But that wasnt the end of the conflict. Air Force Airmen continued searching for terrorists hiding in the mountains. 1.24.2. USAF Airmen remained an essential part of US military operations worldwide as Operation Enduring Freedom continued. They established forward assault landing strips, directed close air support strikes, and recovered downed and wounded personnel. In Iraq, USAF Airmen, in joint operations with other US unconventional forces, and conducted missions that paralyzed 11 Iraqi divisions making the land drive to Baghdad less difficult. Figure 1.12. TSgt Whalen on a Humvee in Afghanistan. 1.24.3. On July 19, 2003, TSgt Kevin Whalen, a Tactical Air Control Party Terminal Attack Controller (Figure 1.12), was supporting an Afghan Military Forces and US Special Forces combat patrol in the Gayan Valley, Afghanistan. The patrol was hit in a well-coordinated ambush by a numerically superior enemy force. Whalen returned effective fire with an automatic grenade launcher and remained exposed to enemy fire from three directions while the rest of the team took cover. The grenade launcher was hit six times, but Whalen remained at his post. While he was trying to fix the launcher, Whalen was hit three times: one bullet hit his body armor, another his Gerber tool and the third struck him in the left arm. Whalen dropped out of the turret and began first aid to stop the bleeding. At the same time, he recovered his radio and calmly called in close air support. When the engagement was over, Whalen insisted that all other wounded be evacuated first so he could keep control of the close air support. After two days in the hospital, he refused to stay and went back to the team to continue combat missions. For his actions, TSgt Whalen was awarded the Silver Star. 1.24.4. The bombing of the Khobar Towers on 25 June, 1996 drove major changes in how we conduct Basic Military Training. Since that time, the USAF has placed a strong emphasis on the preparation of our young airmen for combat. While the intense training has become longer it also has shifted to include a deployment phase. In 2005 this deployment phase, was called the BEAST. It places the trainees in an environment similar to those they may experience once they deploy. In addition to tackling the BEAST, and the massive obstacle courses, other training


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includes defending and protecting their base of operations, directing search and recovery, basic self aid and buddy care, they begin leadership training. As deployments continue our airmen are much more prepared in 2012 as a result of lessons learned at Khobar Towers. 1.24.5. SMSgt Ramon Colon-Lopez, a pararescueman deployed to Afghanistan on March 11, 2004 (Figure 1.13). He was part of an advanced force operations team and along with elements of the Afghan national strike unit to capture a high-value targeta drug king-pin who was funding terrorismand to prevent the proliferation of chemical weapons. Colon-Lopez was on an operation in Afghanistan Colon-Lopez was on the first of four helicopters, which took sustained small-arms fire and was seriously damaged as it landed. With rounds impacting all around him and unsure of the size of the enemy force, he pressed forward, overrunning enemy positions. His action suppressed enemy fire against the other three helicopters. Colon-Lopez and the team drove the enemy away. The raid resulted in two enemy kills, 10 enemy apprehensions and the destruction of rocket-propelled grenades and small caliber weapons. As a result of this action he became one of the first six recipients of the Combat Action medal. Additionally he received the Bronze Star with Valor for his actions during the engagement. Figure 1.13. SMSgt Colon-Lopez

1.24.6. Because of budget constraints the USAF reduced size of the activeduty force in 2007, to roughly 64% of that of the USAF at the end of the Gulf War in 1991. In 2008 the USAF went from 360,000 active duty personnel to 330,000 personnel. Consequently crews flying training hours were also reduced. Figure 1.14. SSgt Ryan Wallace 1.24.7. In late January 2007, Two US Army Special Forces teams that included USAF Combat Controllers TSgt Bryan Patton and SSgt David Orvosh responded to help Iraqi police in Najaf who tried to arrest what they thought were only 30 members of the fanatical Soldiers of Heaven sect. Instead they were ambushed by about 800 heavily-entrenched insurgents. A large battle ensued and Patton and Orvosh successfully brought in close air support that strafed and bombed the enemy. More help arrived and was quickly pinned down, which included Combat Controller SSgt Ryan Wallace (Figure 1.14). Thanks to Wallace and several others their actions would turn the tide of the battle. At a key time in the battle Wallace called in a 500-lb laser-guided bomb against the enemy position 100 meters away (danger close). It killed or stunned the 40 insurgents in the position. Then, at great risk to their lives Wallace and two others charged the position and killed the remaining enemy. About 370 insurgents were killed, mostly by air attack, and more than 400 were captured (including 14 high-value targets). The destruction of this strongpoint proved to be the turning point in the battle. The three Combat Controllers actions were essential to victory in this battle. 1.24.8. On 24 October 2008 the USAF established the nuclear-focused Air Force Global Strike Command. The USAF wanted to put more emphasis on nuclear assets. This was a result of two incidents involving mishandling of nuclear weapons. On 5 June 2008, both the Secretary of the Air Force, Michael Wynne, and the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, Gen. T. Michael Moseley resigned. This was driven by the two nuclear incidents and the declining Air Force nuclear mission focus and performance. 1.24.9. The withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq has been a contentious issue within the United States since the beginning of the Iraq War. As the war has progressed from its initial 2003 invasion phase to a multi-year occupation, U.S. public opinion has turned in favor of troop withdrawal. In late April 2007, the U.S. Congress passed a supplementary spending bill for Iraq that set a deadline for troop withdrawal, but President Bush vetoed this bill soon afterwards. All US Forces were mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement signed in 2008 by President Bush. The U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was completed on 18 December 2011 early Sunday morning. 1.24.10. The War in Afghanistan began on October 7, 2001, as the armed forces of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the Afghan United Front (Northern Alliance) launched Operation Enduring Freedom. The


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primary driver of the invasion was the September 11 attacks on the United States, with the stated goal of dismantling the al-Qaeda terrorist organization and ending its use of Afghanistan as a base. The United States also said that it would remove the Taliban regime from power and create a viable democratic state. More than a decade into the war, NATO forces continue to battle a widespread Taliban insurgency, and the war has expanded into the tribal area of neighboring Pakistan. The War in Afghanistan is also the United States' longest running war. 1.24.11. On May 21, 2012 the leaders of the NATO-member countries signed off on President Barack Obama's exit strategy from Afghanistan that calls for an end to combat operations next year and the withdrawal of the U.S.-led international military force by the end of 2014. 1.24.12. Since the beginning of wartime operations in Iraq Figure 1.15. Civil Engineering EOD Airmen and Afghanistan, 20 Civil Engineering Ordnance Explosive TSgt Walter Moss 30-Mar-06 Iraq (EOD) Airmen (Figure 1.15) have made the ultimate sacrifice by protecting US, coalition forces and civilians from the enemys MSgt Brad Clemmons 21-Aug-06 Iraq weapon of choice; the Improvised Explosive Device or IED. In addition to those killed in action, a total of 140 EOD Airmen were Capt Kermit Evans 3-Dec-06 Iraq seriously wounded during combat operations. Without hesitation, TSgt Timothy Weiner 7-Jan-07 Iraq many of these EOD Wounded Warriors requested to remain on Active Duty so they could continue to contribute to the Air Force SrA Elizabeth Loncki 7-Jan-07 Iraq mission. EOD Airmen from around the globe are challenged to SrA Daniel Miller 7-Jan-07 Iraq protect not only Air Force assets and installations inside the wire, but have taken the lead in confronting threats outside the SrA William Newman 7-Jun-07 Iraq wire in ground combat roles traditionally performed by US TSgt Anthony Capra 9-Apr-08 Iraq Army and Marine Corps forces. Many of the operations require them to dismount, leaving the relative safety of their armored TSgt Phillip Myers 4-Apr-09 Afghanistan vehicles, to maneuver in support of foot patrol units; sometimes SSgt Bryan Berky 12-Sep-09 Afghanistan for days or weeks. During these arduous and extremely dangerous dismounted operations, EOD Airmen are required to carry as TSgt Anthony Campbell 15-Dec-09 Afghanistan much as 150 pounds of specialized equipment, ammunition and TSgt Adam Ginett 19-Jan-10 Afghanistan supplies needed to conduct the mission and ultimately defeat the IED. SrA Michael Buras 21-Sep-10 Afghanistan As the IED threat began escalating in Iraq in 2004 the Joint Force Commander requested additional Counter IED enablers, such as EOD to help combat this emerging threat. From the time the first Airmen responded in Iraq in support of Brigade Combat Teams until today in Afghanistan EOD operators have responded to 42,500 missions with 15,000 of these being IED responses. At no other time in history have EOD Airmen been called on so much to support direct action units in defeating these types of deadly weapons. 1.25. Conclusion.
SrA TSgt SSgt TSgt TSgt SrA A1C Daniel Johnson Kristoffer Solesbee Joseph Hamski Daniel Douville Matthew Schwartz Bryan Bell Matthew Seidler 5-Oct-10 26-May-11 26-May-11 26-Jun-11 5-Jan-12 5-Jan-12 5-Jan-12 Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan

From the skies over the Rio Grande to those over Iraq and Afghanistan nearly 100 years later, air power has evolved from an ineffective oddity to the dominant form of military might in the world. Its applications and effectiveness have increased with each succeeding conflict; in WWI air power played a minor role, in Kosovo it played the only role. This chapter looked at the development of air power through the nations many conflicts and just a few of the many contributions of enlisted personnel.




2.1. Introduction. The Statue of Liberty stands atop Fort Wood on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. In June 1907, this piece of land was still called Bedloes Island, and Fort Wood was an active military installation. Corporal (Cpl) Edward Ward, a former railroad signal man assigned to the US Army Signal Corps post on the island, was told by his commanding officer that he and Private Joseph E. Barrett were going to learn how to repair and inflate balloons (Figure 2.1). Thus began the journey. From a fragile and uncertain curiosity a century ago, the airplane has evolved into the most devastating weapon system in the history of humankind. Figure 2.2 outlines the United States Air Force development from the Army Aeronautical Division to the U.S. Air Force. This chapter examines many of the enlisted pioneers, heroes, and just plain ordinary Airmen who helped form the long and varied heritage of the U.S. Air Force Enlisted Corps. Figure 2.1. Edward Ward and Joseph Barrett. Figure 2.2. The U.S. Air Army (1907-Present).
Aeronautical Division, U.S. Army Signal Corps (1 August 1907 18 July 1914) Aviation Section, U.S. Army Signal Corps (18 July 1914 20 May 1918) Division of Military Aeronautics, Secretary of War (20 May 1918 24 May 1918) Army Air Service: (24 May 1918 2 July 1926) *Army Air Corps: (2 July 1926 17 September 1947) - General HQ Air Force (1 March 1935 1 March 1939) *U.S. Army Air Forces (20 June 1941 17 September 1947) U.S. Air Force (18 September 1947 - Present) * The Army Air Corps became subordinate to the Army Air Forces 20 June 1941. Its establishment came via statute; therefore, its disestablishment also required an act of Congress, which did not take place until 1947. Therefore, personnel of the Army Air Forces were still technically assigned to the Army Air Corps.

2.2. Before the AirplaneMilitary Ballooning: 2.2.1. On 31 July 1861, John La Mountain rose to 1,400 feet and, commanding a view 30 miles in radius, informed Major General Benjamin Butler that Confederate strength around Hampton, Virginia, was weaker than originally thought. It was La Mountain, a freelance civilian, who recorded the first successful and useful balloon reconnaissance mission for the Army. While La Mountain was enjoying initial success, Thaddeus Lowe, an old rival, entered the balloon service. President Abraham Lincoln interviewed Lowe, and the War Department provided Lowe $250 for balloon demonstrations, including the transmission of a telegraph message from aloft. In August 1861, a Confederate battery fired upon Lowe and his craft. Lowe and the craft escaped unharmed and went on to demonstrate how a balloon could effectively direct artillery fire by telegraph. In 1896, William Ivy Baldwin and his wife built a 14,000 cubic foot silk balloon. Baldwin enlisted in 1897 and was tasked to ready the balloon for Signal Corps service. The balloon Santiago was used during the Spanish-American War at the battle of San Juan Hill. Some historians believe that the use of the balloon was a determining factor in the victory of this critical battle.


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2.2.2. To the extent that the U.S. military was interested in aviation, it was interested in balloons, and a balloon detachment of some kind was part of the U.S. Army since the Civil War (Figure 2.3). Public enthusiasm for all things aeronautical increased after the Wright brothers flew their heavier-thanair contraption at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in 1903. A few years later, the Army purchased new balloons after Lieutenant Frank P. Lahm and Major Henry P. Hersey competed in the first international balloon race from Paris, France, to Flying Dales, England, winning the 1906 Gordon Bennett trophy and sparking renewed national interest in aeronautics. Figure 2.3. Learning the Balloon Trade. With the army in possession of several balloons, it required trained enlisted men to conduct balloon inflations and effect necessary repairs. Effective 2 July 1907, Ward and Barrett left the island under orders from the War Department to report to the Leo Stevens balloon factory in New York City. They would become the first enlisted men assigned to the Signal Corps Small Aeronautical Division, which in time evolved into the United States Air Force. 2.3. Aeronautical Division, U.S. Army Signal Corps (1907-1914): 2.3.1. In August 1907, the newly created, three-person U.S. Army Signal Corps Aeronautical Division took charge of all matters pertaining to military ballooning, air machines, and all kindred subjects. Captain Charles Chandler headed the new division, assisted by Ward and Barrett. Ward and Barrett were initially trained in the fundamentals of balloon fabric, manufacture of buoyant gases, and inflation and control of balloons. The enlisted detachment grew to include eight others, including Private First Class Vernon Burge, who would, in 1912, become the Armys first enlisted pilot. 2.3.2. In August 1908, Ward, Burge, and the others were at Fort Myer when the Wright brothers arrived with the U.S. Armys first airplane. That the U.S. government managed to purchase an airplane seemed a minor miracle. For more than 4 years after the Wright brothers successful flight at Kitty Hawk, NC, the government refused to accept the fact that man had flown in a heavier-than-air machine. 2.3.3. The new airplanedesignated as Aeroplane No. 1 by the Armywas repaired and flown a number of times over the next few weeks. While the Wright brothers themselves, along with their own civilian mechanics, tinkered with the airplane during the trial and training period, Ward and his crew mostly worked on Dirigible No. 1 (the first Army dirigible). On 17 September 1908, Orville Wright and Lieutenant Thomas E. Selfridge crashed. Orville was badly hurt and Selfridge died. Flying was suspended until the plane could be repaired and Orville could recover. It was not until the summer of 1909 that aircraft testing resumed. The Signal Corps formally accepted Aeroplane No. 1 on 2 August 1909. 2.3.4. In the fall of 1909, Lieutenant Benjamin D. Foulois was in charge of the one airplane when part of the division was transferred to Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX. The United States air force that arrived at San Antonio in February 1910, according to Foulois, consisted of one beat-up and much-patched airplane; a partially trained pilot who had never taken off, landed, or soloed; a civilian aircraft mechanic; and 10 budding enlisted mechanics. Foulois taught himself to fly at Fort Sam Houston; the results of his rough landings and crashes often put the airplane in the shop for weeks at a time. Lack of adequate funding often compelled Foulois to spend his own salary to keep the Aeronautical Divisions lone plane aloft. A dedicated contingent of enlisted mechanics supported Foulois in his efforts. In one instance, Privates Glenn Madole and Vernon Burge, along with a civilian mechanic, built a wheeled landing system to ease takeoff and relieve the strain of landing on the fragile aircraft. 2.3.5. Increased appropriations allowed the Army to purchase more aircraft. By October 1912, the Aeronautical Division had 11 aircraft, 14 flying officers, and 39 enlisted mechanics. On 28 September 1912, one of these mechanics, Corporal Frank Scott, became the first enlisted person to die in an accident in a military aircraft. A crew


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chief, Scott was flying as a passenger when the aircrafts pilot lost control and crashed. Scott Field, now Scott Air Force Base (AFB) IL, was named in his honor. On 5 March 1913, the 1st Aero Squadron (Provisional) was activated. 2.4. Aviation Section, U.S. Army Signal Corps (1914-1918): 2.4.1. After years of testing, improvising, and operating on little more than dedication and a shoestring, Army aviation finally received official status with the 18 July 1914 passage of U.S. House Resolution 5304, which authorized the Signal Corps to establish an aviation section consisting of 60 officers and 260 enlisted men. The bill created the military rating of aviation mechanician, which called for a 50 percent pay increase for enlisted men instructed in the art of flying while they were on flying status. The number of such personnel was lim ited to 40, and the law specified that no more than a dozen enlisted men could be trained as aviators. 2.4.2. In March 1916, President Woodrow Wilson ordered the 1st Aero Squadron (the oldest Air Force squadron) to accompany a force he was organizing to protect the border and to apprehend Pancho Villa (Figure 2.4). Mustering 11 pilot officers, 82 enlisted men, and 1 civilian mechanic, the squadron departed from San Antonio with 8 Curtiss JN-3 Jennies, 10 trucks, and 6 motorcycles. On the train, Foulois pi cked up a pair of enlisted hospital corpsmen, and an engineering section officer and 14 enlisted men joined them. In spite of the 1st Aero Squadrons reconnaissance flights and several deliveries of mail and dispatches, it was readily apparent the squadrons JN-type aeroplane was not powerful enough to operate at the Casa Grande 5,000-foot elevation. By 19 April, only two of the planes were in working condition. The rest had fallen victim to accidents and forced landings, and all had suffered from the heat and sand. 2.4.3. After 11 months of fruitless campaigning, the so- Figure 2.4. Enlisted Fighting Off Pancho Villas Men. called Punitive Expedition was recalled in February 1917, and Villa continued to lead rebels in northern Mexico until 1920. Yet, poorly equipped as it was, the 1st Aero Squadron had acquitted itself admirably. Although the poor climbing characteristics of the aircraft did not permit the pilots to carry sufficient food or adequate clothing, on his final report of the mission, Major Foulois praised his pilots and commended them on their willingness to fly clearly dangerous aircraft. He did not neglect the enlisted personnel, praising praised them for dedication and willingness to work day and night to keep the aircraft flying. The results of this first demonstration of American airpower were deeply disappointing, but Foulois and the others learned valuable lessons about the realities of aviation under field conditions. Adequate maintenance was essential, as were plenty of backup aircraft, which could be rotated into service while other airplanes were removed from the line and repaired. Enlisted and civilian mechanics faced countless problems, such as when the laminated wood propellers pulled apart. In response, mechanics developed a humidor facility to maximize prop life. 2.5. World War I (WWI) (1917-1918): 2.5.1. As early as 1915, Americans flew in the European war with both the French and the British, though it was the American-manned Lafayette Escadrille of France that earned the greatest and most enduring fame. A littleacknowledged fact about the much-celebrated Lafayette Escadrille is that its roster of aviators included an enlisted man who was also an African-American; one of very few enlisted Americans to fly during the war and the only black man of any nationality to serve as a pilot. Corporal Eugene Bullard (Figure 2.5) was the son of a Georgia former slave. As a member of the French Foreign Legion, he earned the Croix de Guerre (one of 15 decorations from the French government) and was wounded 4 times before the legion gave him a disability discharge.

38 Figure 2.5. Eugene Bullard.

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During his convalescence in Paris, he bet an American $2,000 that he could learn to fly and become a combat aviator. Corporal Bullard won the bet by completing training and joining the Lafayette Escadrille. Styling himself the Black Swallow of Death, he claimed two victories. Despite his record of daring and dedication, he was grounded at the request of American officers attached to the escadrille. When the escadrille pilots were reorganized and incorporated into the American Expeditionary Force (AEF), Bullard was denied the commission accorded to other escadrille aviators and to most of the handful of white enlisted men who had earned their wings in regular U.S. Army outfits. 2.5.2. Enlisted personnel also served as observers for the aircraft and balloon corps. It was in this capacity that Sergeant Fred C. Graveline (Figure 2.6) of the 20th Aero Squadron received the Distinguished Service Cross. He was one of only four enlisted personnel so honored. Graveline was an observer and aerial gunner in the back seat of a DH-4 for 15 missions from 30 September to 5 November 1918. During one 35-minute battle, in which Graveline remarked he aged 10 years, he helped drive off nearly two dozen German planes, shooting down two. 2.6. Division of Military Aeronautics and the Air Service (19181926): 2.6.1. Despite air service successes, the Navy remained unconvinced that it was vulnerable from the air. Officials eventually turned over two WWI battleshipsthe USS New Jersey (BB-16) and the USS Virginiafor further testing. A young bombardier, Sergeant Ulysses Sam Nero (Figure 2.7), earned a slot among the 12 aircrews selected by General Mitchell to try to sink the battleships.

Figure 2.6. Fred C. Graveline.

Figure 2.7. Ulysses Nero.


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2.6.2. On 5 September 1923, 11 aircraft reached the targets just off the North Carolina coast (the 12th returned to base because of engine trouble). Ten of the aircraft dropped their ordnance far from the New Jersey. Nero, using different tactics than General Mitchell instructed, scored two hits. General Mitchell disqualified Nero and his pilot from further competition. But General Mitchell reconsidered when the remainder of the crews failed to hit the Virginia until they dropped down to 1,500 feet. 2.6.3. Nero and the Martin-Curtiss NBS-1 pilot approached the New Jersey at 85 miles per hour at an altitude of 6,900 feet, from about 15 degrees off the port beam. Using an open wire site, Nero dropped his first 600-pound bomb right down the ships smokestack. A delayed explosion lent suspense to the result, but a billowing black cloud signaled the New Jerseys demise, which went down in just over 3 minutes. Having one bomb left and no New Jersey to drop it on, Neros aircraft proceeded to the floundering Virginia, where Nero proceeded to administer the coup degrace on the stricken crafthis bomb landed directly on the Virginias deck. General Mitchell promoted Nero during the next cycle. 2.6.4. By the end of WWI, the Navy and the Army planned to experiment with bombing enemy ships from the air. General Mitchell contended his airplanes could take on the Navys battleships and challenged the Navy to a test. On 13 July 1921, Mitchell directed an attack on a former German destroyer. The air service sank the vessel after two direct hits. Five days later, the air service sank a German cruiser, and 21 July 1921, aircrews dropped 2,000-pound bombs, sinking the German battleship Ostfriesland. Figure 2.8. Crewmembers of the Around-the-World Flight. 2.6.5. Air activities through the mid-1920s were relatively limited and generally focused on establishing records, testing equipment, and garnering headlines. Master electrician Jack Harding and Sergeant First Class Jerry Dobias served aboard a Martin bomber that flew around the rim of the country, starting at Bolling Field 24 July 1919 (Figure 2.8). Totaling 100 flights and 9,823 miles, Dobias kept the effort from ending before it began. Almost immediately after taking off from Bolling, he crawled out on the aircrafts left wing without a parachute to repair a leaky engine. In 1920, the Air Corps flew a round-trip flight of four DH-4Bs from Mitchell Field on Long Island to Nome, Alaska. The flight took 3 months and covered 9,000 miles. Its safety record was largely attributable to Master Sergeant Albert Vierra. In 1924, Staff Sergeants Alva Harvey and Henry Ogden were mechanics on the air services around-the-world flight. Figure 2.9. Ralph W. Bottriell.

2.7. Army Air Corps (1926-1947). Enlisted men participated in a range of experimental work, including altitude flights, blind flying, aerial photography, cosmic ray research, and the development of the parachute. Whether they were selected or volunteered, enlisted men were the first to try out new parachute designs, and they eventually took over most of the testing and training. The most prominent enlisted parachutist was Sergeant Ralph Bottriell (Figure 2.9), who tested the first backpack-style, freefall parachute 19 May 1919. Bottriell eventually became chief parachute instructor at Kelly Field TX and earned the Distinguished Flying Cross in 1933 for service as an experimental parachute tester. 2.8. World War II (WWII) (1939-1945): 2.8.1. Not many fliers have had a popular song written about them, but an exception was a soft-spoken (USAAF) enlisted man, John D. Foley (Figure 2.10). Although he never received aerial gunnery training, he

40 Figure 2.10. John D. Foley.

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volunteered as a gunner and was assigned to a B-26 crew. On his first mission, Foley shot down at least one Japanese enemy aircraft. Other 19th Bomb Squadron members confirmed his victory and he was nicknamed Johnny Zero by a war correspondent. Corporal Foley became a hero and the subject of a popular song, Johnny Got a Zero. Commercial firms capitalized on his fame and produced such items as Johnny Zero watches and boots. During his 31 other Pacific combat missions, Foley shared in the destruction of at least 6 more enemy aircraft and survived 3 crashes. Malaria forced his return to the United States in 1943 where he toured factories promoting war production. He volunteered to fly again and completed 31 missions over Europe. He returned to the United States and was preparing for a third overseas tour when WWII ended. Before the war ended, Foley became an Army Air Force legend, decorated eight times for heroism, and personally recognized by Generals MacArthur, Eisenhower, and Doolittle. Figure 2.11. Paul Airey.

2.8.2. At the age of 20, on a mission to bomb the oil refineries outside Vienna, Technical Sergeant Paul Airey (Figure 2.11) and his fellow crewmen were shot down on their 28th mission. He was a prisoner of war (POW) for 10 months, surviving a 90-day march from the Baltic Sea to Berlin, before being liberated by the British Army in 1945. Promoted to Chief Master Sergeant in 1962, Airey became the first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force in 1967. In 1988, he received the first Air Force POW medal. 2.8.3. Before 1942, the Armys air wing had barred blacks from service and only began accepting black officers and enlisted men when forced by Congress and the wartime emergency. Blacks during WWII were admitted to the Army Air Forces on a strictly segregated basis. Training and service for black enlisted members and officers were mostly confined to a single, separate base at Tuskegee, Alabama. All-black combat fighter units formed the famous Tuskegee Airmen with enlisted black mechanics and support troops (Figure 2.12). Figure 2.12. Tuskegee Enlisted Airmen.


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41 2.8.4. Esther Blake was the first woman in the Air Force (Figure 2.13). She enlisted on the first minute of the first hour of the first day regular Air Force duty was authorized for women8 July 1948. Blakes active military career began in 1944 when she, a widow, joined her sons in the Army Air Forces. She closed her desk as a civilian employee at Miami Air Depot and joined the WAC when she was notified that her oldest son, a B-17 pilot, had been shot down over Belgium and was reported missing. Her younger son said that the reason she joined was the hope of helping free a soldier from clerical work to fight, thus speeding the end of the war. During the months and years that followed, Blake saw both of her sons return home from combat with only minor wounds and many decorations. She remained in the Air Force until 1954 when she separated due to disability. After separation, she worked as a civil service employee at the Veterans Regional Headquarters in Montgomery AL until her death in 1979.

Figure 2.13. Esther Blake.

2.8.5. The 25th Liaison Squadron was one of the more celebrated liaison units. One of its members, Staff Sergeant James Nichols, earned the Air Medal and Silver Star for separate exploits in early 1944. For the Air Medal, Nichols landed his L-5 on an empty beach where earlier in the day he had noticed the words U.S. Ranger scrawled in the sand. Twenty rangers, several of whom were seriously wounded, were trapped behind enemy lines for weeks and were running low on ammunition and supplies. Two at a time, Nichols and accompanying L-5s picked up the soldiers and whisked them to safety. Nichols earned the Silver Star for his role in the rescue of a P-40 pilot in New Guinea. Nichols landed his L-5 on a rough strip in an effort to pick up the pilot and two other former rescuers. One of the former rescuers crashed his L-5 a week before in an attempt to rescue the pilot. Unfortunately, Nichols aircraft was also damaged beyond repair and the only remaining option was to walk out. With only a 2-day supply of food, the group hiked for 17 days before an Australian patrol caught up with the men. Each person had lost 25 to 30 pounds and had contracted malaria, but all recovered. 2.8.6. Enlisted personnel served with honor throughout WWII. For example, a raid against the last operational Nazi oil refinery on 15 March 1945 was successful but cost the life of one of the enlisted f orces most decorated Airmen. Sergeant Sandy Sanchez flew 44 missions as a gunner with the 95th Bomb Group, 19 more than required to complete his tour. After returning home for a brief period, rather than accept an assignment as a gunnery instructor, he returned to Europe. Flying with the 353d Bombardment Squadron in Italy, Sanchezs aircraft was hit by ground fire. Nine crew members bailed out, but Sanchez never made it from the stricken aircraft. Sanchezs honors include the Silver Star, Soldiers Medal, and Distinguished Flying Cross. 2.9. A Separate Service (1947): 2.9.1. Initially, the rank system remained as it had been in the USAAF. Corporal was removed from noncommissioned officer (NCO) status in 1950. Then, in 1952, the Air Force officially changed the names of the lower four ranks from private to airman basic; private first class to airman third class; corporal to airman second class; and sergeant to airman first class. These changes were in response to a development that surfaced during WWII. The Air Force enlisted ranks were packed with highly skilled technicians who sought and received NCO ranks as a reflection of their training and value to the service. Eventually, an abundance of sergeants, many of whom did not play the traditional lower management role of sergeants, permeated the Air Force. The establishment of a separate Air Force and the multiplying sophistication of air force hardware put emphasis on specialists who were rated as staff sergeants or technical sergeants. 2.9.2. There was at first no change in appearance. The distinctive blue uniforms of the U.S. Air Force were introduced only after large stocks of Army clothing were used up. Familiar terms slowly gave way to new labels. By 1959, enlisted Airmen ate in dining halls rather than mess halls, were eyed warily by air police instead of military police, and bought necessities at the base exchange instead of the post exchange.

42 Figure 2.14. Electronic Warfare Officers.

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2.9.3. In 1956, SAC experienced a shortage of electronic warfare officers (EWO) for assignment to newly forming B-52 wings. To fill the slots, 75 enlisted radio and electronic countermeasures operators were selected to staff the 99th Bomb Wing at Westover, MA. These personnel served until commissioned replacements were available in late 1964. Some even trained, checked, and certified their own replacements. During the years between 1956 and 1964, several other requirements led to the certification of enlisted EWOs. In all, 132 enlisted personnel were qualified and assigned duties as B-52 EWOs (Figure 2.14).

2.10. The War in Southeast Asia (1950-1973): 2.10.1. During the Vietnam War in the realm of combat operations, Air Force gunners flew aboard gunships as well as B-57s and B-52s. In December 1972, B-52 tail gunner Staff Sergeant Samuel Turner shot down an enemy MiG, the first of only two confirmed shootdowns by enlisted Airmen during the war. Both victories were from gunners belonging to the 307th Strategic Wing at U-Tapao, Thailand. Credit for the fifth overall MiG-21 kill during Linebacker II also went to an enlisted member, Airman First Class Albert E. Moore (Figure 2.15).

Figure 2.15. Albert E. Moore.

Figure 2.16. Wayne Fisk. 2.10.2. Chief Master Sergeant Wayne Fisk (Figure 2.16) was directly involved in/the famed Son Tay POW camp raid and the rescue of the crew of the USS Mayaguez. When the USS Mayaguez was hijacked by Cambodian Communist forces in May 1975, Fisk was a member of the assault force that successfully recovered the ship, the crew, and the trapped United States Marines. For his actions, Fisk earned his second Silver Star. Concluding the Mayaguez mission, he was recognized as the last American serviceman to engage Communist forces in ground combat in Southeast Asia. In 1979, he was the first Air Force enlisted recipient of the U.S. Jaycees Ten Outstanding Young Men of America. In 1986, Fisk became the first director of the Air Force Enlisted Heritage Hall on Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL.


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2.10.3. Combat came not only in the air for Air Force enlisted members. With the continuing threat of guerilla attack throughout the country, air base defense became a monumental undertaking performed almost exclusively by Air Force security police squadrons. In one instance, Staff Sergeant William Piazza of the 3d Security Police Squadron earned the Silver Star (Figure 2.17) for helping defend Bien Hoa during the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive of 1968. 2.10.4. On 18 December 1966, a flare on board an AC-47 gunship exploded prematurely, deploying its parachute in the aircraft. With only seconds before the 4,000-degree Fahrenheit flare ignited, Staff Sergeant Parnell Fisher of the 4th Air Commando Squadron searched the darkened cabin and threw the flare out just as it ignited. The parachute, however, caught under the cargo door, and the flare burned next to the fuselage. Fisher cut the lines while leaning outside the aircraft, probably saving the crew and plane. These efforts earned him the Silver Star. Figure 2.17. Silver Star Citation for William Piazza.

2.11. Post Vietnam to Present (1973-Present). 2.11.1. On 8 April 2003, Staff Sergeant Scott Sather (Figure 2.18), a combat controller, was the first Airman killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The 29-year-old Michigan native earned seven medals, including the bronze star, during his Air Force career. 2.11.2. While providing convoy security support on Wednesday, 28 September 2005, in Safwan, Iraq, 21-year old Airman 1st Class Elizabeth Nicole Jacobson (Figure 2.19), of Riviera Beach, Florida, became the first Security Forces Airman (and the first female Airman killed in the line of duty) to die in Operation Iraqi Freedom. She died as a result of her vehicle making contact with an improvised explosive device (IED). Airman Jacobson had been in Iraq for just over 3 months.

44 Figure 2.18. Scott Sather.

1 OCTOBER 2013 Figure 2.19. Elizabeth Jacobson.


2.12. Medal of Honor Recipients. Four WWII enlisted aircrew members earned the United States highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor, between May 1943 and April 1945. Three enlisted Airmen received the United States highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor, during the Vietnam War. Figure 2.20 lists Medal of Honor recipients. Figure 2.20. WWII and Vietnam Medal of Honor Recipients. Maynard Snuffy Harrison Smith, 1943 Forrest Lee Vosler, 1943 Archibald Mathies, 1944 Henry Red Eugene Erwin, 1945 2.12.1. Sergeant Maynard H. Smith (Figure 2.21). B-17 tail gunner Smith, of Caro MI, earned the first Medal of Honor awarded to an enlisted man. Flying his first mission 1 May 1943, Smiths aircraft was one of several 306th Bomber Group planes assigned to attack the heavily defended submarine pens at St. Nazaire, France. Smiths aircraft bore the brunt of intense antiaircraft and enemy fighter attacks. Three crewmembers bailed out and two more were seriously wounded during the continuous attacks. While the stricken aircrafts oxygen supply system could not supply oxygen to the crew, it did feed the many fires raging on the plane. Smith grabbed fire extinguishers and water bottles to battle the flames. After exhausting these, he wrapped himself in extra layers of clothing to beat out the William H. Pitsenbarger, 1966 Richard L. Etchberger, 1968 John Levitow, 1969

Figure 2.21. Maynard H. Smith.


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fires so intense they melted radio equipment cameras and caused ammunition to explode. While fighting the fires, he also administered first aid to his wounded crewmates and manned guns to fight off enemy fighter attacks. Secretary of War Henry Stimson presented Smith the Medal of Honor in July 1943. 2.12.2. Technical Sergeant Forrest L. Vosler (Figure 2.22). On 20 December 1943, radio operator Vosler, of Lyndonville NY, became the second enlisted man to receive the Medal of Honor. During an attack against a submarine base at Bremen, Germany, by the 303d Bomber Group, the B-17 aircraft to which Vosler was assigned lost two engines to antiaircraft fire and fell out of formation, attracting swarms of enemy fighter aircraft. Early attacks wounded Vosler in the legs. When he worked his way to the rear of the aircraft to take over for the injured tail gunner, he sustained injuries to the chest and face, which impeded his vision. Vosler continued to fire at approaching enemy aircraft despite offers of first aid. Lapsing in and out of consciousness after the attacks ceased, he managed to repair the damaged radio by touch alone and send out a distress call. Virtually sightless by the time the crippled aircraft was forced to ditch in the North Sea, Vosler continued to aid the tail gunner until they could be rescued. President Roosevelt presented Vosler the Medal of Honor in a White House ceremony in September 1944. Figure 2.23. Archibald Mathies. Figure 2.22. Forrest L. Vosler.

Courtesy of the Air Force Enlisted Heritage Research Institute

2.12.3. Staff Sergeant Archibald Mathies (Figure 2.23). The final Medal of Honor earned by an enlisted man in the European Theater was awarded posthumously to Scotland native Mathies of the 351st Bomber Group. On 20 February 1944, serving as engineer and ball turret gunner, Mat hies aircraft was severely damaged in a frontal attack by enemy fighters over Leipzig, Germany. The attack killed the copilot and wounded the pilot, rendering him unconscious. Sergeant Carl Moore, the planes top turret gunner, managed to pull the aircraf t from its spin, and he and Mathies managed to fly the aircraft back to England. Surviving crewmembers were ordered to parachute to safety. All but Mathies and the navigator, Lieutenant Walter Truemper, complied; the pair refused to abandon the injured pilot. On his third attempt to land, Mathies crashed the aircraft, killing all aboard.

46 Figure 2.24. Henry E. Erwin.

1 OCTOBER 2013 Figure 2.25. John Levitow.


2.12.4. Staff Sergeant Henry E. Erwin (Figure 2.24). On 12 April 1945, Erwin of the 29th Bombardment Group earned the USAAF enlisted corps final Medal of Honor. The 23-year old Adamsville AL native served as a radio operator aboard a B-29 attacking a chemical plant at Koriyama, Japan. As the aircraft began its bomb run, the flare Erwin prepared to release ignited prematurely and began to burn through the floor of the aircraft. Already badly injured by the flare, he cradled the 1,300-degree Fahrenheit flare and hurled it through the copilots window. Badly bu rned and not expected to survive, Erwin received the Medal of Honor from General Curtis LeMay just over a week after the Koriyama mission. However, Erwin did survive the incident, as well as dozens of subsequent operations. He went on to serve more than 30 years in the Veterans Administration. 2.12.5. Airman First Class John Levitow (Figure 2.25). On 24 February 1969, an enemy shell exploded on the right wing of Spooky 71, an AC -47 on a night illumination mission near Long Binh, South Vietnam. The explosion injured all four enlisted personnel, including Airman First Class John Levitow. In addition, an armed Mark 24 flare rolled about the cabin floor. Suffering 40 shrapnel wounds, Levitow fell on the flare, dragged it to the cargo door, and heaved it outside. It ignited almost immediately. President Richard Nixon presented him with the Medal of Honor in a White House ceremony on 14 May 1970. 2.12.6. Airman First Class William H. Pitsenbarger (Figure 2.26). Figure 2.26. William H. Pitsenbarger.

The Air Force used helicopters for everything: personnel and supply transport; infiltration and exfiltration of special operations troops; and search and rescue. Pararescue personnel were among the most decorated individuals in the war. Some of the honors received included the Medal of Honor, Air Force Cross, and the Silver Star. While assigned as a pararescue crewmember to Detachment 6, 38th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Airman First Class William Pitsenbarger distinguished himself by extreme valor 11 April 1966 near Cam My, Republic of Vietnam. Pitsenbarger was aboard an HH-43 rescue helicopter responding to a call to evacuate casualties from an ongoing firefight between Company C, United States Army 1st Infantry Division, and a sizeable enemy force approximately 35 miles east of Saigon. With complete disregard for personal safety, Pitsenbarger volunteered to ride a hoist more than 100 feet through the jungle to the ground because Army personnel were having trouble loading casualties onto the Stokes litter. On the ground, he organized and coordinated rescue efforts, cared for the wounded, prepared casualties for evacuation, and ensured that the recovery operation continued in a smooth and orderly fashion. As each of the nine casualties evacuated that day


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was recovered, Pitsenbarger refused evacuation in order to get more wounded soldiers to safety. After several pickups, Pitsenbargers rescue helicopter was struck by heavy enemy ground fire and was forced to leave the scene for an emergency landing. Pitsenbarger waved off evacuation and voluntarily stayed behind on the ground to perform medical duties. Shortly thereafter, the area came under sniper and mortar fire. During the subsequent attempt to evacuate the site, American forces came under heavy assault by a large Viet Cong force. When the enemy launched an assault, the evacuation was called off, and Pitsenbarger took up arms with the besieged infantrymen. He courageously resisted the enemy, braving intense gunfire to gather and distribute vital ammunition to American defenders. As the battle raged on, he repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire to care for the wounded, pull them out of the line of fire, and return fire when he could. He was wounded three times, and in spite of his wounds, he valiantly fought on, simultaneously treating as many wounded as possible. In the vicious fighting that followed, the perimeter was breached and American forces suffered 80 percent casualties, including Pitsenbarger. His bravery and determination stand as a prime example of the highest professional standards and traditions of military service. His family was initially awarded his Air Force Cross in a Pentagon ceremony in 1966. Thirty-four years later, after survivors of the battle came forward with proof of Pitsenbargers valor, and with the signing of the 2001 National Defense Authorization Act, Pitsenbargers Air Force Cross was upgraded to the Medal of Honor making him the sixth enlisted member to be awarded the countrys highest award. 2.12.7. Chief Master Sergeant Richard L. Etchberger (Figure 2.27). Figure 2.27. Richard L. Etchberger.

On 21 September 2010, President Barack Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to the family of Chief Master Sergeant Richard L. Etchberger. On 11 March 1968, Etchberger was in Laos, assigned as the Ground Radar Superintendent, Detachment 1, 1043d Radar Evaluation Squadron. Etchberger and his team of technicians were manning a top-secret defensive position at Lima Site 85 when the base was overrun by enemy ground forces. Under sustained, withering heavy artillery attack, many of Etchbergers crew lay dead or severely wounded. With little combat training, he simultaneously held off the enemy using an M-16 while directing airstrikes into the area and calling for air rescue. Because of his fierce defense and heroic and selfless actions, he denied the enemy access to his position and saved the lives of his remaining crew. With the arrival of rescue aircraft, Etchberger, without hesitation, repeatedly and deliberately risked his own life, exposing himself to heavy enemy fire, to place three surviving wounded comrades into rescue slings hanging from the hovering helicopter waiting to airlift them to safety. With remaining crew safely aboard, Etchberger finally climbed into an evacuation sling himself, only to be fatally wounded by enemy ground fire as he was being raised into the aircraft. 2.13. Air Force Cross Recipients. To date, 26 enlisted members have been awarded the Air Force Cross (Figure 2.28). Of the 20 Air Force Cross recipients from the Vietnam conflict, 10 were pararescuemen. Of note, Sergeant Steve Northern (1968) earned two Silver Stars and a Purple Heart during his tours in Vietnam. Northern was credited with 51 combat rescues the most in Air Force history. Paragraph 2.13.1 through paragraph 2.13.5 highlight some of the Air Force Cross recipients. Figure 2.28. Enlisted Air Force Cross Recipients. Adams, Victor R., 1968 Black, Arthur N., 1965 Chapman, John A., 2002 Clay, Eugene L., 1967 Cunningham, Jason D., 2002 Etchberger, Richard L., 1968 (Note) Fish, Michael E., 1969 Gamlin, Theodore R., 1969 Gutierrez, Jr., Robert, 2009 Note: Upgraded to the Medal of Honor Hackney, Duane D., 1967, Harston, Jon D., 1975 Hunt, Russell M., 1967 Kent, Jr., Nacey, 1968 King, Charles D., 1968 Maysey, Larry W., 1967 McGrath, Charles D., 1972 Newman, Thomas A., 1968 Pitsenbarger, William H., 1966 (Note) Rhyner, Zachary J., 2008 Richardson, Dennis M., 1968 Robinson, William A., 1965 Shaub, Charles L., 1972 Smith, Donald G., 1969 Talley, Joel, 1968 Wilkinson, Timothy A., 1993 Wright, Leroy M., 1970

48 2.13.1. Technical Sergeant Timothy A. Wilkinson. In the late afternoon of 3 October 1993, Technical Sergeant Timothy A. Wilkinson (Figure 2.29), a pararescueman with the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, and his crew responded to a downed U.S. UH-60 helicopter in the streets of Mogadishu. Wilkinson repeatedly exposed himself to intense enemy small arms fire while extracting the wounded and dead crewmembers from the crashed helicopter. Despite his own wounds, he provided life-saving medical treatment to the wounded crewmembers. With the helicopter crew taken care of, he turned to aid the casualties of a Ranger security element engaged in an intense firefight across an open four-way intersection from his position, where he began immediate medical treatment. His decisive actions, personal courage, and bravery under heavy enemy fire were integral to the success of all casualty treatment and evacuation efforts conducted in the intense 18-hour combat engagement. Wilkinson was awarded the Air Force Cross for his actions. 2.13.2. Senior Airman Jason D. Cunningham.

1 OCTOBER 2013 Figure 2.29. Timothy A. Wilkinson.


Figure 2.30. Jason D. Cunningham.

Senior Airman Jason D. Cunningham (Figure 2. 30) was one of seven killed in a battle fought on a mountaintop called Takur Ghar in southeastern Afghanistan. Cunningham earned the Air Force Cross, presented posthumously, for giving his life heroically. Despite mortal wounds, he saved 10 people, and made it possible for 7 others who were killed to come home. The citation accompanying the Air Force Cross reads, Despite effective enemy fire, and at great risk to his own life, Cunningham remained in the burning fuselage of the aircraft in order to treat the wounds. As he moved his patients to a more secure location, mortar rounds began to impact within 50 feet of his position. Disregarding this extreme danger, he continued the movement and exposed himself to enemy fire on seven separate occasions. When the second casualty collection point was also compromised, in a display of uncommon valor and gallantry, Cunningham braved an intense small arms and rocket-propelled grenade attack while repositioning the critically wounded to a third collection point. Even after he was mortally wounded and quickly deteriorating, he continued to direct patient movement and transferred care to another medic. Cunningham was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery on 11 March 2002.


1 OCTOBER 2013 Figure 2.31. John A. Chapman.


2.13.3. Technical Sergeant John A. Chapman.

On 10 January 2003, the Secretary of the Air Force posthumously awarded the Air Force Cross to Technical Sergeant John A. Chapman (Figure 2.31). It was only the third time since the end of the Vietnam conflict that an enlisted Airman received the Air Force Cross, and the second Air Force Cross presented to one of the enlisted Airmen who died during the 17-hour ordeal atop Takur Ghar mountain, Afghanistan. Chapmans MH-47 helicopter came under enemy fire, causing a Navy SEAL to fall out during an insertion. The helicopter landed 4.5 miles away from where the SEAL was killed. Once on the ground, Chapman provided directions to another helicopter to pick them up. After being rescued, Chapman and the team volunteered to rescue their mission team member from the enemy stronghold. After landing, Chapman killed two enemy soldiers and, without regard for his own life, advanced toward a dug-in machinegun nest. The team came under fire from three directions. Chapman exchanged fire from minimum personal cover and succumbed to multiple wounds. His engagement and destruction of the first enemy position and advancement to the second enabled his team to move to cover and break enemy contact. He is credited with saving the lives of the entire rescue team. 2.13.4. Senior Airman Zachary J. Rhyner. Figure 2.32. Zachary J. Rhyner.

On 10 March, 2009 Senior Airman Zachary J. Rhyner (Figure 2.32) received the Air Force Cross from Secretary of the Air Force Michael B. Donely for extraordinary heroism in military operations on 6 April 2008 against an armed enemy of the United States in a valley in Nuristan Province, Afghanistan. On that date, while assigned as Special Tactics Combat Controller, Rhyner executed a day rotary-wing infiltration with his Special Forces team to capture high-value insurgents in a village on the surrounding mountains. The team was attacked in a wellcoordinated and deadly ambush while climbing near-vertical terrain to reach their objective. Devastating sniper, machine gun, and rocketpropelled grenade fire poured down on the team from elevated and protected positions on all sides, immediately pinning down the assault force. Without regard for his life, Rhyner placed himself between the most immediate threats and provided suppressive fire with his M-4 rifle to protect multiple wounded soldiers, while simultaneously directing close air support strikes. Rhyner bravely withstood the hail of enemy fire to control eight Air Force fighters and four Army attack helicopters. Despite being hit 3 times by enemy fire during the opening exchange, wounded once in the leg and twice in the chest, only to be protected by his equipment, he controlled more than 50 attack runs. Trapped on a 60-foot cliff under constant enemy fire, Rhyner repeatedly repelled the enemy with "danger close air strikes, several within 100 meters of his position, showering his team with dirt and debris. Twice, his actions prevented his element from being overrun during the harrowing six and a half hour battle.

50 2.13.5. Staff Sergeant Robert Gutierrez, Jr.

1 OCTOBER 2013 Figure 2.33. Robert Gutierrez, Jr.


Air Force Special Tactics Combat Controller Staff Sergeant Robert Gutierrez, Jr. (Figure 2.33), received the Air Force Cross for extraordinary heroism during a raging firefight in Afghanistans Herat province on 5 October 2009. On that date, Gutierrez and his team conducted a high-risk nighttime raid to capture the number two Taliban leader in the region. During the initial assault, the team was attacked with a barrage of rifle and heavy machine-gun fire from a numerically superior and determined enemy force. Gutierrez was shot in the chest, his team leader was shot in the leg, and the 10-man element was pinned down in a building with no escape route. In great pain and confronting the very real possibility that he would die, Gutierrez seized the initiative and refused to relinquish his duties as joint terminal attack controller. Under intense fire, he engaged Taliban fighters with his M-4 rifle and brought airpower to bear, controlling three danger close A-10 strafing runs with exceptional precision against enemy forces just 30 feet away. After the first A-10 attack, the team medic performed a needle decompression to reinflate Gutierrezs collapsed lung, allowing him to direct the next two strafe runs which decimated the enemy force and allowed the team to escape the kill zone without additional casualties. Throughout the four-hour battle, Gutierrezs valorous actions, at great risk to his own life, helped save the lives of his teammates and dealt a crushing blow to the regional Taliban network. 2.14. Enlisted Pilot Program: Figure 2.34. Vernon Burge. 2.14.1. In 1912, when the United States opened an aviation school at the newly established Fort William McKinley in the Philippines, only one officer volunteered for pilot training. A corporal (Vernon Burge [Figure 2.34]), recognizing his opportunity, stepped forward, becoming the first enlisted man in the history of United States aviation to train as a pilot. Over the next 30 years, 3,000 enlisted men would follow his lead. These menmess cooks, mechanics, and civilian pilots among themenabled the military to bring the number of pilots in its ranks up to combat strength. 2.14.2. Despite the National Defense Act of 1916 authorization to train enlisted aviators, institutional bias limited the number of enlisted pilots before the United States entered the war. Most of those were commissioned after the United States formally declared war on the Central Powers. 2.14.3. Vernon Burge and the handful of WWI enlisted aviators who immediately followed him were the first of some 3,000 enlisted personnel who would fly between the wars and into the early months of WWII. The military withheld official flying status from these men until Congress enacted Public Law 99 in 1941, which provided for training enlisted aviation students, who were awarded the rating of pilot and warranted as a staff sergeant.


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51 2.14.4. Sergeant William C. Ocker (Figure 2.35), an enlisted pilot inspired to fly by watching Vernon Burge, was commissioned in January 1917 and commanded a flight school in Pennsylvania. However, before that, his flying skills were invaluable to the Aviation Section. Known as the Father of Blind Flight, Ocker flight-tested modified aircraft, served as a flight instructor, and was handpicked by General Billy Mitchell to scout land parcels near the Potomac River to serve as future airfields. One of the tracts he selected became Bolling Field, Washington DC.

Figure 2.35. William C. Ocker.

2.14.5. Enlisted pilots were anomalies between the wars, as they tended to be during most of history. Most served as noncommissioned officers (NCO), but held commissions in the Reserves. Some could not qualify for regular Army commissions because they lacked the required education. Others took enlisted status simply because they were desperate to fly and there were few officer slots in the peacetime air service. In 1928, for example, all 42 enlisted pilots, ranging from corporal to master sergeant, held Reserve commissions. Legislation passed in 1926 specifically directed the corps to train enlisted pilots, and set a goal that 20 percent of all Air Corps pilots should be enlisted. From the viewpoint of air corps commanders, it was too expensive to train enlisted pilots because they could not be moved into officer administrative jobs after their active flying careers. The Great Depression complicated the situation. In 1933, blaming a shortage of funds, the Air Corps called a halt to enlisted pilot training. 2.14.6. The aerobatics team Three Men on a Flying Trapeze (Figure 2.36), which predated todays Air Force Thunderbirds, consisted of sergeant pilots William C. McDonald and John H. Williamson, as well as Lieutenant Haywood S. Hansell. The team was chosen by Captain Claire Chennault. During the decades following WWI, the Army Air Corps participated in a series of national races to arouse interest in aviation and to promote favorable public support for military aeronautics. These events often featured trios of Army, Navy, and Marine Corps pilots who competed against each other in exhibitions of aero acrobatics and precision flying. This competition essentially ended at the 1934 Cleveland National Air Races when a team of stunt fliers from Maxwell Field AL put on a dazzling display of acrobatic flying that stole the show. 2.14.7. As a second world war loomed, the nowestablished General Headquarters (GHQ) Air Force viewed enlisted pilots in a more positive light. The Army Air Forces decided to revitalize the tradition of the flying sergeant and launched a massive program of enlisted pilot training. The pressures of war broke down some of the prejudices and eroded even more rapidly the old standard of who qualified as a suitable flyer. 2.14.8. Throughout WWII, enlisted pilots flew fighters, transports, medium bombers, medical evacuation and photoreconnaissance aircraft. Figure 2.36. Three Men on a Flying Trapeze.

52 2.14.9. When WWII ended, two old-time sergeant pilots, George Holmes (Figure 2.37) and Tom Rafferty, then still serving as officers, opted for separation. Each immediately re-enlisted in his permanent grade as master sergeant and retained his aeronautical rating. In 1947, when the Air Force became a separate service, the two sergeants elected to suit up in the new Air Force blue uniform, thus becoming the first, last, and only sergeant pilots to serve in the U.S. Air Force. Sadly, late in 1949, Rafferty lost his life in the crash of a C-47 near Donner Pass on the California-Nevada border. This left George Holmes as the sole member of the breed. His retirement in 1957 ended the enlisted pilot era for the Air Force. 2.14.10. In November 1942, Public Law 99, the law that authorized the training of staff sergeant pilots, was replaced by Public Law 658, the Flight Officer Act of July 8, 1942. With rare exceptions, those sergeant pilots produced by the program were promoted to flight officers. The history of enlisted pilots, which began with Corporal Vernon Burge in 1912, came to an end. 2.14.11. Was the Staff Sergeant Pilot Program a good idea? Did it work? Records indicate sergeant pilots acquitted themselves very well. Seventeen became aces. At least 760 sergeant pilots retired as field grade officers (major through colonel), and 11 became general officers. 2.15. Conclusion.

1 OCTOBER 2013 Figure 2.37. George Holmes.


This chapter documents the lives and activities of enlisted men and women so you, the reader, will gain an understanding of what it means to be enlisted. From Fort Meyer, Virginia, to Afghanistan 105 years later, the United States Air Force has grown into the finest air force in the world. You can take pride in the efforts and accomplishments of enlisted pioneers of the United States Air Force and its predecessor organizations who, through their own sacrifices, made the Air Force enlisted corps what it is today. Without their many contributions, none of that would have been possible.




Section 3AOverview 3.1. Introduction. The Armed Forces of the United States are not separate and independent parts of the government; rather, they compose one of the instruments of national policy. Since the birth of the Nation, policies and directives have been made by civilians assigned to the military and to the executive and legislative branches of the government. Military leaders do not make national military policy decisions. Civilian leadership is a key concept in the military organization, beginning with the Presidents role as Commande r in Chief (CINC). This chapter begins with a discussion of the Presidents role. The chapter highlights the structure of the Department of Defense (DoD) and defines the roles of the military departments, Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), unified combatant commands, and combined commands. Finally, this chapter emphasizes the key elements of the Department of the Air Force, focuses on force structure and major commands (MAJCOM), and includes a discussion about the structure and functions of the various lower levels of command and air reserve components. Section 3BCommand Authority 3.2. Commander in Chief. The U.S. Constitution establishes the basic principle of civilian control of the Armed Forces. As CINC, the President has final command authority. However, as head of the executive branch, he is subject to the checks and balances system of the legislative and judicial branches. Section 3CDepartment of Defense 3.3. Department of Defense. Established by the National Security Act of 1947, the DoDs function is to maintain and employ Armed Forces. The DoD includes the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD); the JCS; the Joint Staff; and the Departments of the Army, Navy (including the U.S. Marine Corps), and Air Force. Furthermore, the DoD includes the unified combatant commands and forces dedicated to combined commands, defense agencies, and DoD field activities. As the civilian head of the DoD, the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) reports directly to the President. 3.4. Secretary of Defense. The President appoints the SECDEF with the advice and consent of the Senate. The SECDEF serves as principal defense policy advisor to the President and is responsible for the formulation of general defense policy and policy related to all matters of direct and primary concern to the DoD and for the execution of approved policy. The operational chain of command runs from the President to the SECDEF to the combatant commanders. SECDEF specific responsibilities include providing written policy guidance for DoD component chief use to prepare and review program recommendations and budget proposals. The Secretarys guidance includes national security objectives and policies, military mission priorities, and the resource levels projected for availability. The SECDEF also provides the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) with written policy guidance to prepare and review contingency plans. The Secretaries of the military departments and the commanders of the combatant commands are provided written guidelines to direct the effective detection and monitoring of all potential aerial and maritime threats to the national security of the United States. 3.4.1. The Armed Forces Policy Council. The Armed Forces Policy Council assists in matters requiring a long-range view and in formulating broad defense policy. The council advises the SECDEF on matters of broad policy and reports on other matters as requested. The council consists of the SECDEF (Chairman); the Deputy SECDEF; Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; the CJCS; Under Secretaries of Defense; the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition; and the four service chiefs. Sometimes other departments and agencies in the executive branch are invited to attend specific meetings. 3.4.2. Under Secretaries of Defense. There are five Under Secretaries of Defense (Policy; Comptroller; Personnel and Readiness; Acquisition, Technology and Logistics; and Intelligence) who assist the SECDEF. The SECDEF receives staff assistance through a number of special agencies, such as the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Security Service, and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), which provide special skills, expertise, and advice.

54 3.5. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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Appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) is selected from the officers of the regular components of the Armed Forces. The Chairman, while so serving, holds the grade of general or, in the case of the Navy, holds the grade of admiral, and outranks all other officers of the Armed Forces. However, the Chairman may not exercise military command over the JCS or any of the Armed Forces. The operational chain of command runs from the President to the SECDEF to the combatant commanders. However, a provision of the Goldwater-Nichols DoD Reorganization Act of 1986 permits the President to authorize communications through the CJCS. Consequently, DoDD 5100.01, Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components, places the CJCS in the communications chain of command. The CJCS is the principal military advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the SECDEF. Further, the SECDEF may assign responsibility for overseeing the activities of the combatant commands to the CJCS. 3.6. Joint Chiefs of Staff: 3.6.1. Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the President and the SECDEF, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) serve as advisors to the President, SECDEF, and the National Security Council. They provide the strategic direction of the Armed Forces. They review major materiel and personnel requirements of the Armed Forces according to strategic and logistic requirements and establish joint doctrine. Members of the JCS are also responsible for the assignment of logistic responsibilities to the military services, formulation of policies for joint training, and coordination of military education. 3.6.2. Members of the JCS consist of the CJCS; Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS); Chief of Staff (CS), U.S. Army (CSA); Chief of Naval Operations (CNO); Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force (CSAF); and Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC). The CJCS serves as a member of and presides over the JCS and furnishes the recommendations and views of the JCS to the President, National Security Council, or the SECDEF. Other members of the JCS may also provide advice to these bodies, when requested. If a member disagrees with an opinion of the CJCS, the CJCS must present this advice in addition to his or her own. For the service chiefs (CSA, CNO, CSAF, CMC), their JCS duties take precedence over all other duties. Consequently, as the military heads of their respective services, JCS members delegate many duties to their vice chiefs of staff while retaining overall responsibility. 3.7. Joint Staff. The Joint Staff assists members of the JCS in carrying out their assigned responsibilities of strategic direction, unified operation of combatant commands, and the integration of all land, naval, and air forces into an efficient force. By law, the direction of the Joint Staff rests exclusively with the CJCS. The staffs more than 1,500 military and civilian personnel are composed of approximately even numbers of officers from the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Marines make up about 20 percent of the number allocated to the Navy. 3.8. Unified Combatant Commands and Combined Commands: 3.8.1. Unified Combatant Commands. The President, assisted by the CJCS through the SECDEF, establishes unified combatant commands for the performance of military missions. The SECDEF assigns military missions. The combatant commander deploys, directs, controls, and coordinates the action of the commands forces; conducts joint training exercis es; and controls certain support functions. Combatant commanders are responsible to both the SECDEF and the President. The component commanders or the commanders of subordinate commands exercise operational control. A unified combatant command has a broad, continuing mission and is composed of forces from two or more military departments. The organization of Unified commands are on a geographical and functional basis and include the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM), U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM), U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM), U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), and U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM). Once assigned to a unified command, a force cannot be transferred except by authority of the SECDEF or under special procedures of the SECDEF office with the approval of the President. All units not assigned to a unified command remain with their respective services. 3.8.2. Combined Commands. Combined commands consist of forces from more than one allied nation. Since combined commands are binational or multinational, their missions and responsibilities (including command responsibilities) must establish, assign, and conform with binational and multinational agreements. Normally a combined command operates under the terms of a treaty, alliance, or bilateral agreement between or among the nations concerned.


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The North American Aerospace Defense Command, Combined Forces Command Korea, and Allied Command Operations are examples of multinational commands. 3.9. Military Departments. The military departments consist of the Army, Navy (including the Marine Corps and, in wartime, the Coast Guard), and the Air Force. The Service Secretaries are responsible for providing efficiently organized, trained, and equipped ready forces to the combatant commanders. Although operational command of the forces rests with the combatant commanders under the direction of the SECDEF, the Service Secretaries assist the SECDEF in managing the administrative, training, and logistic functions of the military departments. Except in operational matters, the SECDEF can issue orders to a Service through its Secretary. Each Service develops and trains its forces to perform functions that support the efforts of other Services to accomplish the overall military objectives. The military departments share general and specific functions as outlined below, and the Air Force has primary functions designed to support the general and specific functions of the military departments. 3.9.1. General Functions. The traditional roles and mission of each branch of Service are commonly referred to as functions. Besides specific combat roles, they furnish operational forces to unified commands. The SECDEF and the JCS established the functions of each branch of the Armed Forces in the Key West Agreement of 1948. The Key West Agreement was revised in 1953 and again in 1958. The general functions of the Armed Forces are to: Support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Ensure, by timely and effective military action, the security of the United States, its possessions, and areas vital to its interests. Uphold and advance the national policies and interests of the United States. 3.9.2. Specific Functions. Along with general functions, military departments also have some specific functions they share. These include, but are not limited to: Preparing forces and establishing reserves of personnel, equipment, and supplies for effective prosecution of war and military operations short of war, and planning for the expansion of peacetime components to meet the needs of war. Maintaining, in readiness, mobile reserve forces properly organized, trained, and equipped for deployment in an emergency. Preparing and submitting to the SECDEF budgets for their respective departments, and justifying (before Congress) budget requests as approved by the SECDEF. Administering the funds made available for maintaining, equipping, and training the forces of their respective departments, including those assigned to unified commands. Assisting each other in accomplishing their respective functions, including the provision of personnel, intelligence, training, facilities, equipment, supplies, and services. Section 3DDepartment of the Air Force 3.10. Overview. Headquarters Air Force and its field units comprise the Department of the Air Force. They are responsible for preparing the air and space forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war and military operations short of war for the expansion of the peacetime components of the Air Force to meet the needs of war. 3.11. Primary Functions of the Air Force. The primary functions of the Air Force include, but are not limited to the following: 3.11.1. Organize, train, equip, and provide forces for the conduct of prompt and sustained combat operations in the air and spacespecifically, forces to defend the United States against air and space attack, gain and maintain air and space supremacy, defeat enemy air and space forces, and conduct space operations. 3.11.2. Organize, train, equip, and provide forces for strategic air and missile warfare.


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3.11.3. Organize, equip, and provide forces for joint amphibious, space, and airborne operations, in coordination with the other military Services, and provide for their training according to joint doctrines. 3.11.4. Organize, train, equip, and provide forces for close air support and air logistic support to the Army and other forces, as directed, including airlift, air support, resupply of airborne operations, aerial photography, tactical air reconnaissance, and air interdiction of enemy land forces and communications. 3.11.5. Organize, train, equip, and provide forces, as directed, to operate air and space lines of communications. 3.11.6. Organize, train, equip, and provide forces for the support and conduct of psychological operations. 3.11.7. Provide equipment, forces, procedures, and doctrine necessary for effective electronic warfare operations. 3.12. Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF). The Secretary of the Air Force is a civilian appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The SECAF is the head of the Department of the Air Force and is subject to the authority, control, and direction of the SECDEF. The SECAF is responsible for recruiting, organizing, supplying, equipping (including research and development), training, servicing, mobilizing, demobilizing, and administering (including morale and welfare) personnel; maintaining, constructing, outfitting, and repairing military equipment; constructing, maintaining, and repairing buildings, structures, and utilities; and acquiring real property and interests in real property necessary to carry out the responsibilities specified in Title 10 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 8013. 3.13. Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force. The Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force (CSAF) is an Air Force general officer appointed for 4 years by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The CSAF is subject to the authority, direction, and control of the SECAF, and presides over the Air Staff; acts as an agent in carrying out Air Staff-approved recommendations or plans by the SECAF; exercises supervision consistent with the authority assigned to commanders of unified or specified combatant commands and organizations of the Air Force as the Secretary determines; is subject to the authority, direction, and control of the SECDEF; and, as a member of the JCS, informs the SECAF regarding military advice rendered by the JCS on matters affecting the Department of the Air Force. 3.14. Air National Guard (ANG). The Air National Guard is administered by the National Guard Bureau, a joint bureau of the departments of the Army and Air Force, located in the Pentagon, Washington DC. ANG is one of the seven Reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces that augment the active components in the performance of their missions. Note: The ANG is not a MAJCOM, but is a very important component of the Total Force in offensive, defensive, and relief operations. 3.14.1. Mission. The ANG has both a federal and state mission. The dual mission, a provision of the U.S. Constitution, results in each guardsman holding membership in the National Guard of his or her state and in the National Guard of the United States. 3.14.2. Federal Mission. The ANGs federal mission is to maintain well-trained, well-equipped units available for prompt mobilization during war and to provide assistance during national emergencies (such as natural disasters or civil disturbances). During peacetime, the combat-ready units and support units are assigned to most Air Force MAJCOMs to carry out missions compatible with training, mobilization readiness, humanitarian and contingency operations such as Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. ANG units may be activated in a number of ways as prescribed by public law. Most of the laws may be found in 10 U.S.C. 3.14.3. State Mission. When ANG units are not mobilized or under federal control, they report to the governor of their respective state, territory (Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands), or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard. Each of the 54 National Guard organizations is supervised by the adjutant general of the state or territory. Under state law, the ANG provides protection of life and property, and preserves peace, order, and public safety. These missions are accomplished through emergency relief support during natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and forest fires; search-and-rescue operations; support to civil defense authorities; and maintenance of vital public services, and counterdrug operations.


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3.14.4. Personnel. The ANG has more than 106,000 officers and enlisted personnel who serve in 88 flying units and 579 independent support units. The primary sources of full-time support for ANG units are the dual-status military technicians and guardsmen on active duty. These people perform day-to-day management, administration, and maintenance. By law, dual-status military technicians are civil service employees of the federal government who must be military members of the unit that employs them. Technicians train with the unit and are mobilized with it when its activated. Active duty members serve under the command authority of their respective state or territorial governors until mobilized for federal duty. 3.15. Air Staff. The function of the Air Staff is to assist the SECAF in carrying out his or her responsibilities. The Air Staff is composed of the following: (1) the Chief of Staff, (2) Vice Chief of Staff, (3) Deputy Chiefs of Staff, (4) Assistant Chiefs of Staff, (5) Surgeon General of the Air Force, (6) Judge Advocate General of the Air Force, (7) Chief of the Air Force Reserve, (8) other members of the Air Force assigned or detailed to the Air Staff, and (9) civilian employees in the Department of the Air Force assigned or detailed to the Air Staff. 3.16. Headquarters U.S. Air Force (HQ USAF). The headquarters of the Air Force consists of two major entities: the Secretariat (including the SECAF and the Secretarys principal staff) and the Air Staff headed by the Chief of Staff. 3.17. Field Units. The Department of the Air Force field units includes MAJCOMs, field operating agencies (FOA), and direct reporting units (DRU). 3.17.1. MAJCOMs. The Air Force is organized functionally in the United States and geographically overseas. A Major Command (MAJCOM) represents a major Air Force subdivision having a specific portion of the Air Force mission. Each MAJCOM is directly subordinate to HQ USAF. MAJCOMs are interrelated and complementary, providing offensive, defensive, and support elements. An operational command consists (in whole or in part) of strategic, tactical, space, or defense forces, or of flying forces that directly support such forces. A support command may provide supplies, weapon systems, support systems, operational support equipment, combat materiel, maintenance, surface transportation, education and training, or special services and other supported organizations. The MAJCOMs in the U.S. Air Force include: Air Combat Command (ACC). Air Combat Command, with headquarters at Langley AFB VA, was created 1 June 1992, which combined its predecessors, Strategic Air Command and Tactical Air Command. Mission. ACC prepares assigned forces for air combat in a theater of operations. ACC organizes, trains, and equips forces for joint or combined operations in the roles of aerospace control, force application, force enhancement, and force support. Responsibilities. ACC will organize, train, and equip combatready forces; provide air forces for USSTRATCOM; support the Drug Enforcement Agency and U.S. Customs Agency in monitoring and intercepting illegal drug traffic entering the United States; test and acquire new or improved combat systems and equipment, through United States Atlantic Command (USACOM), provide combat-ready forces, support, and equipment to unified commands when directed by JCS; provide air defense forces to United States Element North American Air Defense Command (USELNORAD); provide C-130s and air mobility mission support forces to United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM); serve as gaining MAJCOM for assigned Air Force Reserve (AFR) and Air National Guard (ANG) forces; and mobilize or recall these forces to active duty for follow-on assignment to combatant commands as authorized by Headquarters Air Force (HAF). Personnel and Resources. More than 67,000 active-duty members and 13,500 civilians make up ACC's work force. When mobilized, more than 50,000 members of the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve, along with about 675 aircraft, are assigned to ACC. In total, ACC and ACC-gained units fly more than 1,800 aircraft.


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AFPAM36-2241 Air Mobility Command (AMC). Air Mobility Command, with headquarters at Scott AFB IL, was created 1 June 1992. AMC provides America s Global Reach. This rapid, flexible, and responsive air mobility promotes stability in regions by keeping Americas capability and character highly visible. Mission: Airlift Wings. Transport and deliver forces and materiel through the air. Perform passenger and cargo movement; combat employment and resupply; aeromedical evacuation; and special operations support to achieve strategic-, operational-, and tactical-level objectives across the spectrum of conflict. Support validated customer requests for airlift from other Services, DoD agencies, the military forces of allied nations, and U.S. government as well as nongovernmental organizations in accordance with a JCS priority system. Support expeditionary units with deployed forces involved in operations or exercises. Air Refueling Wings. Refuel aircraft in flight, which extends presence, increases range, and allows air forces to bypass areas of potential problem. Perform OPLAN 8044 support; global attack support, air bridge support; deployment support; theater support to combat air forces; and special operations system to achieve strategic-, operational-, and tactical-level objectives across the spectrum of conflict. Augment core airlift assets and retain capability to perform an airlift role, under the dual-role concept of transporting a combination of passengers and cargo while performing air refueling. Support expeditionary units with deployed forces involved in operations or exercises. Air Mobility Wings. Perform a combination of missions from both airlift and air refueling wings. Responsibilities. Wing leadership will address all nonwar-fighting (such as policy, organizing, training, and equipping) and appropriate support issues directly with the AMC staff for resolution. Wing commanders and /or staff directors will keep the 18th Air Force leadership informed of those issues. Personnel and Resources. More than 134,000 active-duty, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve and DOD civilians make the command's rapid global mobility operations possible. Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). Air Force Space Command, created 1 September 1982, is headquartered at Peterson AFB CO. AFSPC provides military-focused space and cyberspace capabilities with a global perspective to the joint war-fighting team. Mission. Provides resilient and cost-effective Space and Cyberspace capabilities for the Joint Force and the Nation. Responsibilities. AFSPC will organize, train, and equip Air Force space forces; provide space forces for USSPACECOM to perform space control, force application, force enhancement, and space support; support acquisition, and perform operational test of new or improved weapon systems and equipment; manage the payloads of designated military satellites; communicate its mission and provide support to all military services and combatant commands; serve as gaining MAJCOM for assigned AFR and ANG forces, and assist with mobilizing or recalling these forces to active duty for assignment to duty as authorized by HAF. Personnel and Resources. Approximately 41,000 people, including active duty military and civilians, and contractor employees, assigned to 85 locations worldwide to perform AFSPC missions. AFSPC acquires, operates, and supports the Global Positioning System, Defense Satellite Communications Systems, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, Defense Support Program, Wideband Global Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Satellite systems, and the Space-Based Infrared System Program. AFSPC acquires, operates and supports the Global Positioning System, Defense Satellite Communications System, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, Defense Support Program, Wideband Global SATCOM, MILSTAR and Advanced EHF, Global Broadcast Service, the Space-Based Infrared System Program and the Space Based Space Surveillance satellite. AFSPC currently operates the Delta IV and Atlas V launch vehicles. The Atlas V and Delta IV launch vehicles comprise the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program, which is the future of assured access to space. AFSPC's launch operations include the Eastern and Western ranges and range support for all launches. The command maintains and operates a worldwide network of satellite tracking stations, called the Air Force Satellite Control Network, to provide communications links to satellites.


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Ground-based radars used primarily for ballistic missile warning include the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System, Upgraded Early Warning Radar System, PAVE Phased Array Warning System and Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System. The Maui Optical Tracking Identification Facility, Groundbased Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance System, Passive Space Surveillance System, phased-array and mechanical radars provide primary space surveillance coverage. The Rapid Attack Identification, Detection, and Reporting System provides Space Situational Awareness and threat assessment by detecting, characterizing, reporting, and geolocating electromagnetic interference on satellite communications. Pacific Air Forces (PACAF). Pacific Air Forces is headquartered at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI. When the North Koreans crossed the 38th parallel on 25 June 1950, Far East Air Forces consisted of 5th Air Force, 13th Air Force, 20th Air Force, and the Far East Materiel Command. Four years after the Korean War armistice, Far East Air Forces was redesignated as PACAF and its headquarters transferred to Hickam AFB HI. Mission. PACAF delivers rapid and precise air, space, and cyberspace capabilities to protect and defend the United States, its territories, interests, and allies; provides integrated air and missile warning and defense; promotes interoperability throughout the AOR; maintains strategic access and freedom of movement across all domains; and is postured to respond across the full spectrum of military contingencies in order to restore Asia-Pacific security. Responsibilities. PACAFs AOR covers more than 100 million square miles, which is home to nearly 50 percent of the worlds population in 36 nations. PAC AF will plan, coordinate, support, and conduct employment of air and space operations supporting United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) tasks and objectives; on order, provide assigned forces to other combatant commands; oversee training and readiness of PACAF-gained AFR and ANG forces; and will establish, sustain, improve, maintain, and operate PACAF bases and facilities throughout the USPACOM AOR. Personnel and Resources. The command has approximately 45,000 military and civilian personnel serving in nine strategic locations and numerous smaller facilities, primarily in Hawaii, Alaska, Japan, Guam and the Republic of Korea. Approximately 400 fighter, attack, and support aircraft are assigned to the command. PACAF is home to the only F-22 fighter squadrons and C-17 units based outside of the continental United States. U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USAFE). U.S. Air Forces in Europe is headquartered at Ramstein AB GE. USAFE originated as the 8th Air Force in 1942 and flew heavy bombardment missions over the European continent during World War II. In August 1945, the command was given its current name, U.S. Air Forces in Europe. Mission. USAFE organizes, trains, and equips its forces for independent, joint, or combined military operations. USAFE provides the combatant commander rapidly deployable, capabilities-focused expeditionary air and space forces to conduct the full spectrum of military operations. USAFE also enhances transatlantic security, promotes regional stability, and advances U.S. interests in Europe, the Mediterranean, the Russian Federation, the Caspian Sea, the Middle East, and assigned nations in Africa. This organization is a MAJCOM of the USAF and the Air Force component of USEUCOM. Responsibilities. USAFE will plan, coordinate, support, and conduct employment of air and space operations to achieve USEUCOM and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) objectives based on USEUCOM tasking; on order, provide assigned forces to other combatant commands; and establish, sustain, improve, maintain and operate USAFE bases and facilities throughout the USEUCOM AOR. Personnel and Resources. More than 39,000 active-duty, AFR, ANG, and civilian employees are assigned to USAFE. Equipment assets include about 225 fighter, attack, rotary wing, tanker, and transport aircraft, and a full complement of conventional weapons.


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AFPAM36-2241 Air Education and Training Command (AETC). Air Education and Training Command, with headquarters at Randolph AFB TX, was established 1 July 1993, with the realignment of Air Training Command and Air University. AETC s role makes it the first command to touch the life of almost every Air Force member. Mission. The mission of AETC is to recruit, train, and educate professional Airmen to sustain the combat capability of Americas Air Force. AETC recruits and prepares officers, airmen, and civilian employees for Air Force duties. AETC provides training and education as directed by the CSAF for all Air Force components to ensure Total Force personnel have the requisite skills, training, and education necessary to perform the Air Force mission. AETC also provides international and interservice training and education. Responsibilities. AETC will access and classify officer and enlisted personnel; provide initial military training to officer and enlisted personnel through Basic Military Training, Officer Training School, and/or Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC); develop, conduct, and evaluate initial skills, advanced technical training, and graduate academic education programs; develop and conduct undergraduate and graduate flying training as assigned by the Chief of Staff; conduct joint, medical service, and readiness training; conduct Air Force security assistance training; provide and administer professional military education programs for officers, enlisted, and civilian personnel; administer Air Force ROTC and Junior ROTC programs and the Community College of the Air Force; recall Individual Ready Reservists; provide mobility and contingency tasking support to combatant commanders; provide oversight, integration, and management for the AETC responsibilities concerning the Air Force Advanced Distributed Learning Program (AFADLP) and coordinate AFADLP functions and implementation actions for the Total Force; and provide management and oversight for the Air Forces auxiliary Civil Air Patrol. Personnel and Resources. More than 56,000 active duty members, 4,000 Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve personnel, and 14,000 civilian personnel make up AETC. The command also has more than 11,700 contractors assigned. AETC is responsible for approximately 1,500 aircraft. Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). Air Force Material Command, headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB OH, was created 1 July 1992. The command was formed through the reorganization of Air Force Logistics Command and Air Force Systems Command. Mission. AFMC manages the integrated research, development, test, acquisition, and sustainment of weapon systems and supports system acquisition activities. AFMC produces and acquires advanced systems and operates research laboratories, product centers, logistics centers, test centers, the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, and the USAF Test Pilot School. Responsibilities. AFMC will organize, train, and equip in place and deployable forces to support peacetime operations and worldwide contingencies; research, develop, test, evaluate, and acquire new technologies and systems to maintain the Air Forces technological advantage; provide centralized management for the development and deployment of Air Force systems using appropriated funds for capital investment expenditures; sustain systems and commodities to equip the Air Force; and provide centralized business and financial management of the Air Force depot maintenance, supply management, and information systems business areas of the defense business operations fund. Personnel and Resources. AFMC employs a highly professional and skilled command work force of about 80,000 military and civilian employees.


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61 Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). Air Force Special Operations Command, headquartered at Hurlburt Field FL, was established 22 May 1990. AFSOC is the Air Force component of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Mission. AFSOC prepares assigned or attached forces to apply specialized airpower under combatant commanders and prepares forces to conduct independent, joint, or combined operations in support of aviation foreign internal defense, force application, joint air/special operations force (SOF) battlefield interface, mobility of forces in denied territory, and psychological operations mission areas. AFSOC provides force application and force enhancement in conducting direct action, unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, counterproliferation, and counter-terrorism missions. AFSOCs mission training also prepares Air Force Special Operations Forces (AFSOF) for many collateral activities such as humanitarian assistance, counter-narcotics, and personnel recovery operations. Responsibilities. AFSOC will provide air component commanders and AFSOF in support of USSOCOM; ensure US AFR and ANG SOFs are interoperable and operationally ready; develop and test special operations concepts, doctrine, plans, and tactics; as directed, plan, conduct, control, and coordinate air operations for the Commander-in-Chief, Special Operations Command (CINCSOC); and standardize procedures, equipment, organization, and training for all Combat Control Forces, except those assigned in AETC, and ensure a combat-ready force to support worldwide joint operations and Air Force airlift. Personnel and Resources. AFSOC has approximately 18,000 active-duty, AFR, ANG, and civilian personnel. The commands active duty and reserve component flying units operate fixed - and rotary-wing aircraft, including the CV-22, AC-130, C-130, C-145A, C-146A, EC-130, MC-130, U-28A, and PC-12. Global Strike Command (AFGSC). Air Force Global Strike Command, activated 7 August 2009, is headquartered at Barksdale AFB LA. AFGSC is responsible for the Nations three ICBM wings, two B-52 wings, and the only B-2 wing. Mission. AFGSC develops and provides safe, secure, and effective combatready forces to conduct deterrence and global strike operations in support of the President of the United States and combatant commanders. AFGSC organizes, trains, and equips forces for joint or combined operations in the roles of force application, force enhancement, and force support operations. AFGSC is the Air Force component MAJCOM to USSTRATCOM. Responsibilities. AFGSC will organize, train, and equip combat-ready forces; provide forces for supported combatant commanders; ensure safe, secure, and effective nuclear and conventional forces; develop and support cooperative measures with other MAJCOMs and agencies to facilitate intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) direct support to USSTRATCOM; advocate for, perform, coordinate, sustain, and support acquisitions (as applicable) for operational tests of existing, new, or improved weapon systems and equipment; and serve as partner or lead MAJCOM for assigned AFR and ANG forces. AFGSC will assist with mobilization of these forces to active duty as ordered by the SECAF; be prepared to provide a response task force as directed to the responsible supported commander in the event of radiological incident or accident; serve as the managing MAJCOM for the Airborne Emergency Action Officer Program for U.S. Air Force members; serve as lead MAJCOM for B-2 and B-52 aircraft, air-launched cruise missiles, nuclear gravity munitions, UH-1N helicopters, Minuteman III ICBMs, and the Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications system; and collaborate with AFMC and Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center regarding ICBM and aircraft nuclear warhead matters. Personnel and Resources. Approximately 23,000 professionals are assigned to 6 wings, 2 geographically separated squadrons, and 1 detachment in the continental United States, and deployed locations around the globe. Major units and bases include 20th Air Force, F.E. Warren AFB WY, and its three ICBM wings (90th MW, F.E. Warren AFB WY; 341st MW, Malmstrom AFB MT; and 91st MW, Minot AFB ND); 8th Air Force at Barksdale AFB LA, and its three bomber wings (509th Bomb Wing, Whiteman AFB MO; 2d Bomb Wing, Barksdale AFB LA; and 5th Bomb Wing, Minot AFB ND). Two squadrons also fall under AFGSC (the 576th Flight Test Squadron, Vandenberg AFB CA, and the 625th Strategic Operations Squadron, Offutt AFB NE), with an air operations group at Otis ANGB MA and a detachment at Langley AFB VA.


1 OCTOBER 2013 Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC). Air Force Reserve Command, headquartered at Robins AFB GA, became an Air Force MAJCOM on 17 February 1997. Previously, the AFRC was a FOA. Mission. The mission of AFRC is to provide Citizen Airmen to defend the United States and to protect its interests through air and space power.

AFPAM36-2241 Responsibilities. AFRC will organize, train, and equip combat-ready forces; provide gaining major commands (GMAJCOM) with combat-ready forces that can operate as seamless members of the expeditionary air and space force; coordinate and maintain liaison with HQ USAF and GMAJCOMs to ensure reserve training standards and qualification levels meet mobilization requirements; and establish necessary priorities to ensure accelerated training programs and quotas for reserve individuals, especially in areas of skill shortages, in support of GMAJCOM requirements. Personnel and Resources. AFRC has over 74,000 officer and enlisted personnel assigned to accomplish their diverse mission. The command has 35 flying wings equipped with their own aircraft, and 9 associate units that share aircraft with active duty units. Four space operations squadrons share satellite control mission with the active force. More than 620 mission support units exist in the AFRC, equipped and trained to provide a wide range of services, including medical and aeromedical evacuation, aerial port, civil engineer, security force, intelligence, communications, mobility support, logistics and transportation operations, among others. 3.17.2. Field Operating Agencies (FOA). FOAs are subdivisions of the Air Force directly subordinate to a HAF functional manager. A FOA performs field activities beyond the scope of the MAJCOMs. The activities are specialized or associated with an Air Force-wide mission and do not include functions performed in management headquarters (such as AMC), unless specifically directed by a DoD authority. Two examples are the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) under the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services, and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) under The Inspector General. Similar organizations at MAJCOM level are called MAJCOM FOAs. 3.17.3. Direct Reporting Units (DRU). DRUs are Air Force subdivisions directly subordinate to the CSAF. A DRU performs a mission that does not fit into any of the MAJCOMs. A DRU has many of the same administrative and organizational responsibilities as a MAJCOM. Two examples are the Air Force District of Washington and the USAF Academy. 3.18. Lower Levels of Command. Below MAJCOM are several levels of command. The Air Force component commands and numbered Air Forces (NAF) administratively report directly to the MAJCOM. Wings, groups, squadrons, and flights report to either an Air Force component command or a NAF, whichever is appropriate. 3.18.1. Air Force Component Numbered Air Forces (CNAF). The Air Force has established 13 new Air Force Component Numbered Air Forces, dedicated to supporting the unified/sub-unified combatant command and joint task force commanders. These new CNAFs (nicknamed warfighting headquarters) are the primary operational-level war-fighting and Air Force component commands. The CNAF headquarters consists of an Air Force forces (AFFOR) staff and an assigned air and space operations center (AOC). They are dedicated to supporting the unified combatant commander and his/her subordinate joint force commanders across the full range of military operations. The CNAF commander will be prepared to assume responsibilities as the joint force air component commander (JFACC) for joint military operations in his or her respective area of operations (AO), and command a joint task force as required. 3.18.2. Numbered Air Force (NAF). The Numbered Air Force is an administrative level of command directly under a MAJCOM. NAFs provide intermediate level operational leadership and supervision. They do not have complete functional staffs. The number of personnel assigned varies but should not exceed 99 manpower authorizations without an approved waiver from HQ USAF/A1M. A NAF is assigned subordinate units, such as wings, groups, and squadrons.


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3.18.3. Wing. The wing is a level of command below the NAF and has a distinct mission with significant scope. A wing is responsible for maintaining the installation and may have several squadrons in more than one dependent group. The different types of wings are operational, air base, or specialized mission. Wings will have a minimum adjusted population of at least 1,000. This will include manpower authorizations, students, and a percentage of contractor workforces. See Figure 3.1 for a common wing structure. Operational Wing. An operational wing is one that has an operations group and related operational mission activity assigned. When an operational wing performs the primary mission of the base, it usually maintains and operates the base. In addition, an operational wing is capable of self-support in functional areas such as maintenance and munitions, as needed. When an operational wing is a tenant organization, the host command provides it with varying degrees of base and logistics support. Air Base Wing. An air base wing performs a support function rather than an operational mission. This type of wing maintains and operates a base. An air base wing often provides functional support to a MAJCOM headquarters. Specialized Mission Wing. A specialized mission wing performs a specialized mission and usually does not have aircraft or missiles assigned. Examples include intelligence wings, training wings, and so on. This wing is either a host or a tenant wing, depending on whether it maintains and operates the base. Figure 3.1. Wing Organization.

3.18.4. Group. A group is a level of command below the wing. Like the NAF, a group is a tactical echelon with minimal staff support. A group usually has two or more subordinate units. A dependent group is a mission, logistics, support, medical, or large functional unit, such as a civil engineer group. Such groups may possess small supporting staff elements that are organized as sections, such as standardization and evaluation or quality control. An independent group has the same functions and responsibilities as a like-type wing, but its scope and size do not warrant wing-level designation. Groups will have a minimum adjusted population of at least 400. This includes manpower authorizations, students, and a percentage of contractor workforces.

64 3.18.5. Squadron.

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The squadron is the basic unit in the Air Force. The different types of squadrons are either a mission unit, such as an operational flying squadron, or a functional unit, such as a civil engineer, security forces, or logistics readiness squadron. Squadrons vary in size according to responsibility. Squadrons will have a minimum adjusted population of at least 35. This includes manpower authorizations, students, and a percentage of contractor workforces. 3.18.6. Flight. If internal subdivision is required, a flight may consist of sections, then elements. The different types of flights are numbered/named, alpha, or functional. Numbered/Named Flight. This is the lowest level unit in the Air Force. A numbered or named flight primarily incorporates smaller elements into an organized unit. Its administrative characteristics, such as strength reporting, are like those of a squadron. Alpha Flight. Alpha flights are part of a squadron (usually a mission squadron) and composed of several elements that perform identical missions. Because an alpha flight is not a unit, this type of a flight is not subject to unit reporting. Functional Flight. Functional flights are usually part of a squadron and composed of elements that perform specific missions. Because a functional flight is not a unit, this type of a flight is not subject to unit reporting. 3.19. Air Reserve Component (ARC): 3.19.1. Components. The ANG and AFR form a significant part of our aerospace capability. Together they are called the Air Reserve Component (ARC). Forces are drawn from the ARC when circumstances require the active force to rapidly expand. AFPD 10-3, Air Reserve Component Forces, establishes policy to fully integrate the ANG, AFR, and active Air Force into a single Total Force. 3.19.2. Staffing and Equipping. ARC forces are staffed and trained to meet the same training standards and readiness levels as active component forces and are supplied with the same equipment on an equal priority. The active force can only withdraw, divert, or reassign equipment for other commitments with the SECDEFs written approval. To ensure responsiveness and combat readiness, ARC forces are continuously evaluated and modernized. 3.19.3. Use. AFPD 10-3 states, under the Total Force policy established by DoD in 1973, that both regular and reserve assets are considered parts of a single U.S. military resource. All aspects of regular and reserve forces are considered when determining an appropriate force mix. Significant factors include contribution of forces to national security; availability of forces in view of time, statutory or regulatory constraints; and the cost to equip and maintain forces. Considerations unique to ANG units include their dual state and federal missions. 3.19.4. Organization. ANG and AFR unit organization parallels similar active force units with one exception: ARC units are sometimes separated to take advantage of state or regional demographics and are not centralized at major, multisquadron bases, as is the case with active-duty resources. This exception is beneficial because it implements a strong relationship with the civilian community and builds public support for the Air Force as a whole. 3.19.5. Jurisdiction. Command jurisdiction for nonmobilized ANG units is vested in the governor of the state, commonwealth, or possession, or in the President, who in essence is the governor of the District of Columbia. The President delegates authority to the Secretary of the Army to carry out th e powers of the President as governor of the District of Columbia. Command of nonmobilized AFR units is exercised through the Commander, AFR, who, in turn, is responsible to the CSAF. Command of nonmobilized AFR individual mobilization augmentees is exercised through the unit of assignment. Whenever the President authorizes involuntary activation, the SECAF delegates authority to gaining MAJCOM commanders who order ANG and AFR forces to active duty. When activated, operational command of ARC forces transfers to the gaining MAJCOM commander who is also responsible for establishing training resources for all assigned ARC forces.

AFPAM36-2241 3.20. Conclusion.

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Organized with civilian leadership throughout, the Armed Forces of the United States are not separate and independent parts of the government but serve as instruments of national policy. This chapter began with a discussion of the Presidents role as CINC and continued with the DoD, JCS, unified combatant commands, and combined commands. In addition, this chapter contained information on the Department of the Air Force and focused on force structure and MAJCOMs. Finally, the chapter included a discussion of the structure and functions of the various lower levels of command and Air Reserve components.


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1 OCTOBER 2013 Chapter 4


AIR FORCE DOCTRINE, AIR AND SPACE EXPEDITIONARY FORCE (AEF), AND JOINT FORCE Section 4AOverview 4.1. Introduction: 4.1.1. Americas Air Force faces significant challenges. We have been engaged in combat for 24 years while transforming into a smaller, leaner, and more capable force. Fiscal constraints combined with operational challenges and a dynamic international security environment translate into risks we continue to manage and mitigate in order to provide capabilities America needs. The Air Force continues to fight the war on terrorism and prepares to face and overcome threats and conflicts of the future. In order to remain dominant, we must maintain our air, space, and cyberspace power advantages over potential adversaries. Modern warfare is changing. This is not new for Americas Airmen, whose heritage spans and embraces change and whose culture embodies courage and innovation. 4.1.2. Meeting the challenges in this rapidly changing world requires we understand and apply Air Force doctrine. Airmen in the past may have not understood or consistently applied doctrine. The complexity of integrating fighting elements and meshing joint and combined doctrine, and the uncertainty inherent in rapidly developing contingency operations demand that planning and employment be understood and repeatable. We must learn and practice our own doctrine. We know how to do it right; we have taken the time to argue it out, write it down, and publish it. We must understand what it means to be an Airman, and we must be able to articulate what air and space power can bring to the joint fight. AFDD 1, Air Force Basic Doctrine, Organization and Command, is the Air Forces premier statement of our beliefs, the cornerstone upon which our service identity is based, and the source from which our doctrine flows. 4.1.3. The AEF is the Air Force methodology for presenting forces to combatant commanders (CCDR). Three principles are the foundation upon which the AEF is structured and executed: transparency, predictability, and equitability. Transparency is the sense that there is no mystery to the process; when, why, and how should be visible and understandable by every Airman. Every Air Force member is responsible for knowing and understanding the AEF original structure, how we deploy todays AEF, and our goals for the future. Alignment of forces across AEF pairs/blocks allows our Air Force to determine who goes first, defines our battle rhythm, and provides a logically organized structure during surge periods to support combatant commanders. 4.1.4. Joint warfare is team warfare. Over time, the American experience in war increasingly demanded cooperation, coordination, and integration of all U.S. military Services. Today, joint operations are routine and, thus, routinely practiced. Effectively integrated joint forces are able to rapidly and efficiently identify and engage adversary weak points and vulnerabilities, without exposing their own weak points or seams, to ensure mission accomplishment. Whether there are years to prepare and plan (as in the World War II Normandy invasion), months (as in Operation Desert Storm), or only a few weeks (as in Operation Enduring Freedom), American armed forces must always be ready to operate in smoothly functioning, joint teams. Section 4BAir Force Doctrine 4.2. Doctrine: 4.2.1. Air Force doctrine is a statement of officially sanctioned beliefs, war-fighting principles, and terminology that describes and guides the proper use of air, space, and cyberspace power in military operations. It is what we have come to understand, based on our experiences to date. 4.2.2. The Air Force promulgates and teaches doctrine as a common frame of reference on the best way to prepare and employ Air Force forces. Subsequently, doctrine shapes the manner in which the Air Force organizes, trains, equips, and sustains its forces. Doctrine prepares us for future uncertainties and provides a common set of understandings on which Airmen base their decisions. Doctrine consists of the fundamental principles by which military forces guide their actions in support of national objectives; it is the linchpin of successful military operations. It also provides us with common terminology, conveying precision in expressing our ideas. 4.2.3. In application, doctrine should be used with judgment. It must never be dismissed out of hand or through ignorance of its principles, nor should it be employed blindly without due regard for the mission and situation at hand. On the other hand, following doctrine to the letter is not the fundamental intent. Rather, good doctrine is somewhat akin to a good commanders intent: it provides sufficient information on what to do, but does not specifically say how to do it. We must strive above all else to be doctrinally sound, not doctrinally bound. 4.2.4. In the current turbulent environment of expeditionary operations and the emerging arena of homeland security, doctrine provides an informed starting point for the many decisions Airmen must make in what seems to be a


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continuous series of deployments. We no longer face the challenge of starting with a blank sheet of paper; with doctrine, Airmen now have a good outline that lays out the basic issues: What is my mission? How should I approach it? What should my organization look like, and why? What are my lines of authority within my organization and within the joint force? What degrees of control do I have over my forces? How am I supported? Who do I call for more support? Note: From one operation to the next, many things are actually constant. Doctrine, properly applied, often can provide a 70-, 80-, or even 90-percent solution to most questions, allowing leaders to focus on the remainder, which usually involves tailoring for the specific operation. 4.2.5. Good doctrine informs, provides a sound departure point, and allows flexibility; bad doctrine overly binds and restricts creativity. If not properly developed, and especially if parochialism is allowed to creep in, doctrine will point to suboptimal solutions. Parochialism and other biases can come from within a Service as well as between Services. Professionals will still have honest differences of opinions, but when those opinions are not based on sound warfighting practices, inefficiency and ineffectiveness frequently result. Good doctrine can help, but it must be intelligently applied. 4.2.6. Doctrine is about warfighting, not physics. This principle specifically addresses the perceived differences between operations in air, space, and cyberspace. Air, space, and cyberspace are separate domains requiring exploitation of different sets of physical laws to operate in, but are linked by the effects they can produce together. To achieve a common purpose, air, space, and cyberspace need to be integrated. Therefore, Air Force doctrine focuses on the best means to obtain war-fighting effects regardless of the domain in which a platform operates. As an example, Airmen should be concerned with the best means of employing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities, not whether a particular ISR platform is airborne or in orbit, or manned or unmanned. This is requisite to achieving true integration across any given collection of forces. 4.2.7. Doctrine is about effects, not platforms. This focuses on the desired outcome of a particular action, not on the system or weapon itself that provides the effect. For example, doctrine states that Airmen should seek to achieve air superiority, but doctrine does not focus on which platforms should be used to achieve that effect. A parallel example is seen in the recognition that bombers are not strategic, nor are fighters tactical. It does not matter if an F -16 or a B52 accomplishes a given task, whether a particular platform is manned or unmanned, or whether a C-17 or a C-130 delivers a certain load, or if a particular ISR platform is airborne or in orbit; the outcome of the missionthe effect achievedis whats important. Thus, Air Force doctrine does not explicitly tie specific weapon systems to specific tasks or effects. 4.2.8. Doctrine is about using domains, not owning domains. This illustrates the importance of properly using a domain to obtain the best war-fighting effects, not of carving up the operational environment based on service or functional parochialism. Focusing on using a domain is a vital first step to integration of efforts. Ownership arguments eventually lead to suboptimal (and usually at best tactical) application of efforts at the expense of the larger, total effort. 4.2.9. Doctrine is about organization, not organizations. Modern warfare demands that disparate parts of different Services, different nations, and even differing functions within a single Service be brought together intelligently to achieve unity of effort and unity of command. However, merely placing different organizations together in an area of operations is insufficient to meet these demands. A single, cohesive organization is required with clearly defined lines of command and commanders with requisite authorities at appropriate levels. Doctrine explains why certain organizational structures are preferred over others and describes effective command relationships and command authorities; this facilitates the rapid standup of joint and service organizations during rapidly evolving situations. Ultimately, doctrine is not about whether one particular element is more decisive than another, nor about positing that element as the centerpiece of joint operations; its the total, tailored joint force thats decisive. Getting to that effecti ve joint force requires smart organization. 4.2.10. Doctrine is about synergy, not segregation. True integration of effort cannot be achieved by merely carving up the operational environment. While segregation may have some benefit and may appear the simplest way from a command and control viewpoint to manage elements of a diverse joint force, it may actually suboptimize the overall effort. It guarantees that the whole will never be greater than the sum of its parts. For example, Airmen should have


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access to the entire theater of operations to maximize their ability to achieve the joint force commanders (JFC) objectives; they should not be restricted from any area due to unnecessarily restrictive fire support coordination measures. Also, segregating the operational environment into smaller areas of operation may create competition for scarce, high-demand, low-density capabilities, and reduce combat effectiveness. 4.2.11. Doctrine is about integration, not just synchronization. According to JP 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, synchronization is the arrangement of military actions in time, space, and purpose to produce maximum relative combat power at a decisive place and time; integration, by comparison, is the arrangement of military forces and their actions to create a force that operates by engaging as a whole. Synchronization is, in essence, deconfliction in time and space between different units. It is a useful means to plan and execute operations and to prevent fratricide. Synchronization emphasizes timing, while integration considers priority and effect to be both efficient and effective with scarce resources. Synchronization is bottom up; integration, on the other hand, starts at the top with a single cohesive plan and works downward. Synchronization is an additive sum of the parts model, while integration may produce geometric results. This is not to say that synchronization is bad. For surface forces, it is very useful for managing their scheme of maneuver. However, from an Airmans perspective, synchronization is a tactical tool and doesnt necessarily scale up to the operational level. Thus, Airmen should seek to integrate, not merely synchronize, joint operational planning. 4.2.12. Doctrine is about whats important, not whos important. Good doctrine should point to the important things a commander should do and explain why they should be done. It should not be an advertisement for any particular element of the U.S. Air Force, nor assert the relative value of any one Service over another. Different parts of the U.S. Armed Forces do different things, and each has its own utility depending on the situation. Its all about the right capability to best accomplish the mission. 4.2.13. Doctrine is about the right force, not just equal shares of the force. This addresses the proper mix of Service components within a joint force. Some believe that a joint force requires equal parts of all the Services. This is incorrect. As one senior U.S. Air Force officer said, Joint warfighting is not like Little League baseball, where everybody gets a chance to play. Any given joint force should be tailored appropriately for the task at hand. Some operations will be land centric, others air centric, and others still maritime centric. The composition of the joint force and the tasks assigned to its various elements should reflect the needs of the situation. 4.3. Levels of Airpower Doctrine. The Air Force places airpower doctrine at different levels and depths of detail in the forms of basic, operational, and tactical doctrine. 4.3.1. Basic Doctrine. AFDD 1 is the Airmans basic doctrine. It states the most fundamental and enduring beliefs that describe and guide the proper use, presentation, and organization of Air Force capabilities in military action. It describes the elemental properties of airpower and provides the Airmans perspective. Because of its fundamental and enduring character, basic doctrine provides broad and continuing guidance on how U.S. Air Force forces are organized, equipped, sustained, and employed. Because it expresses broad, enduring fundamentals, basic doctrine changes relatively slowly compared to the other levels of doctrine. As the foundation of all Air Force doctrine, basic doctrine also sets the tone and vision for doctrine development for the future. 4.3.2. Operational Doctrine. Contained in AFDD X-0 series publications (AFDD 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 6-0), operational doctrine describes more detailed organization of forces and applies the principles of basic doctrine to military actions. Operational doctrine guides the proper organization and employment of forces in the context of distinct objectives, force capabilities, broad functional areas, and operational environments. Operational doctrine provides the focus for developing the missions and tasks that must be executed through tactical doctrine. 4.3.3. Tactical Doctrine. Tactical doctrine describes the proper employment of specific U.S. Air Force assets, individually or in concert with other assets, to accomplish detailed objectives. Tactical doctrine considers particular objectives and conditions and describes how Air Force assets are employed to accomplish the tactical objective. It is codified as tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) in Air Force TTP 3-series publications. Because tactical doctrine is closely associated with employment of technology and emerging tactics, change may occur more rapidly than to the other levels of doctrine.

70 4.4. Key Doctrine Concepts: 4.4.1. The Airmans Perspective.

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Because of the unique nature of Air Force forces, the perspective of Airmen is necessarily different; it reflects the range, speed, and capabilities of airpower, as well as threats and survival imperatives unique to Airmen. The study of airpower leads to a particular expertise and a d istinctive point of view that General Henry H. (Hap) Arnold termed airmindedness. Airmindedness is much harder to convey than the perspectives of soldiers, sailors, and marines for several reasons. Their viewpoint bounded by the apparent horizonis part of everyday life and instinctive understanding. Yet few have ever operated an aircraft or contemplated the problems of aerial warfare, and few popular sources of information realistically reflect an Airmans perspective. Control of the vertical dimension is generally a necessary precondition for control of the surface. The first mission of an air force is to defeat or neutralize enemy air forces so friendly operations on land, sea, in the air, and in space can proceed unhindered, and to protect o nes own military forces and critical vulnerabilities from air attack. Airpower is an inherently strategic force. War and peace are decided, organized, planned, supplied, and commanded at the strategic level of war. Airpower can hold an enemys ce nters of gravity and critical vulnerabilities directly at risk immediately and continuously. Airpower also has great strategic capability for nonlethal strategic influence, as in humanitarian relief and security cooperation activities. Airpower can exploit the principles of mass and maneuver simultaneously to a far greater extent than surface forces are able. There are no natural lateral boundaries in the vertical environment to prevent Airmen from concentrating air, space, and cyberspace power at any point, and from doing so very quickly, even when starting from widely dispersed locations. Airpower dominates the fourth dimension timeand compresses events to produce physical and psychological shock. Airpower can apply force against any facet of enemy power. Air Force-provided capabilities can be brought to bear on an enemys diplomatic, informational, military, economic, and social structures simultaneously or separately. They can be employed in support of national, combined/joint, or other component objectives. They can be integrated with surface power or employed independently. Air Force forces are less culturally intrusive in many scenarios. Surface forces are composed of many people and vehicles which, when arrayed for operations, cover a significant area. Thus, their presence may be very visible to local populations and may create resentment during certain types of stability operations. Airpower, operating from bases over the horizon or from just a few bases in country, has a smaller footprint for the effects it provides. Airpowers inherent speed, range, and flexibility combine to make it the most versatile component of military power. Its versatility allows it to be rapidly employed against strategic, operational, and tactical objectives simultaneously. The versatility of airpower derives not only from the inherent characteristics of air forces themselves, but also from the manner in which they are organized and controlled. Airpower results from the effective integration of capabilities, people, weapons, bases, logistics, and all supporting infrastructure. No one aspect of air, space, and cyberspace capabilities should be treated in isolation because each element is essential and interdependent. Ultimately, airpower depends on the performance of the people who operate, command, and sustain air, space, and cyberspace forces. The choice of weapons is a key aspect in the realization of airpower. Weapons should be selected based on their ability to influence an adversarys capability and will. Achieving the full potential of airpower requires timely, actionable intelligence and sufficient command and control capabilities to permit commanders to exploit speed, range, flexibility, and versatility. Support bases, with their people, systems, and facilities, are essential to launch, recover, and sustain airpower. One of the most important characteristics of airpower has proved to be its ability to move anywhere in the world quickly, and then rapidly begin operations. However, the need for mobility should be balanced against the need to operate at the deployment site. The availability and operability of suitable bases can be the dominant factor in employment planning and execution. Airpowers unique characteristics necessitate that it be centrally controlled by Airmen. Airpower can quickly intervene anywhere, whether for strategic or tactical purposes. Thus, Airmen must take a broader view of war, because the weapons they command have effects at broader levels of war.


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4.4.2. Principles of War. Throughout the history of conflict, military leaders have noted certain principles that tended to produce military victory. From ancient times to the present, certain truths of warfare have emerg ed. Known as the principles of war, they are those aspects of warfare that are universally true and relevant. As members of the joint team, Airmen should appreciate how these principles apply to all forces, but must fully understand them as they pertain to Air Force forces. Unity of command ensures concentration of effort for every objective under one responsible commander. Airpowers operational -level perspective calls for unity of command to gain the most effective and efficient application. Coordination may be achieved by cooperation; it is, however, best achieved by vesting a single commander with the authority to direct all force employment in pursuit of a common objective. The essence of successful operations is a coordinated and cooperative effort toward a commonly understood objective. In many operations, the wide-ranging interagency and nongovernmental organization (NGO) operations involved may dilute unity of command; nevertheless, a unity of effort must be preserved to ensure common focus and mutually supporting actions. Unity of command is vital in employing airpower. Airpower is the product of multiple capabilities, and centralized control is essential to effectively fuse these capabilities. Airmen best understand the entire range of airpower. The ability of airpower to range on a theater and global scale imposes theater and global responsibilities that can be discharged only through the integrating function of centralized control under an Airman. Objective is the principle concerned with directing military operations toward a defined and attainable objective that contributes to strategic, operational, and tactical aims. In application, this principle refers to unity of effort. Success in military operations demands that all efforts be directed toward the achievement of tactical, operational, and ultimately, strategic, aims. In a broad sense, this principle holds that political and military goals should be complementary and clearly articulated. A clear statement of national objectives provides focus for defining campaign or theater objectives. At the operational level, campaign or theater objectives determine military priorities. It is important to consider the impact time and persistence have on attaining the objective. Short-term solutions to long-term problems must be avoided when defining force objectives. The objective is important due to the versatility of airpower. From the outset, airpower can pursue tactical, operational, or strategic objectives, in any combination, or all three simultaneously. From an Airmans perspective, then, the principle of objective shapes priorities to allow airpower to concentrate on theater or campaign priorities and seeks to avoid the siphoning of force elements to fragmented objectives. Offensive action is to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. The offensive aim is to act rather than react, and dictates the time, place, purpose, scope, intensity, and pace of operations. The initiative must be seized as soon as possible. The principle of the offensive holds that offensive action, or initiative, provides the means for joint forces to dictate operations. Once seized, the initiative should be retained and fully exploited. This principle is particularly significant to airpower because it is best used as an offensive weapon. While defense may be dictated by the combat situation, success in war is generally attained only while on the offensive. Even such highly successful defensive air campaigns as the World War II Battle of Britain were based upon selective offensive engagements. Airpower is inherently offensive at the tactical level even when employed in operational or strategic defense. History has generally shown that a well-planned and -executed air attack is extremely difficult to stop. The speed and range of attacking airpower forces gives it a significant offensive advantage over surface forces and even defending air forces. In an air attack, the defender often requires more forces to defend a given geospatial area than the attacker requires to strike a set of specific targets. Although all military forces have offensive capabilities, airpowers ability to mass and maneuver and its ability to operate independently or simultaneously at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of warfare, provides JFCs a resource with global reach to directly and rapidly seize the initiative. Whether deploying forces and supplies into a region, conducting combat operations, or maintaining information assurance, airpower provides the JFC the means to take the offensive. From the beginning of an operation, airpower can seize the initiative by flying over enemy lines and around massed defenses to directly attack enemy capabilities. Through prompt and sustained offensive actions designed to attain operational and strategic objectives, airpower causes the enemy to react rather than act, deny them the offensive, and shapes the remainder of the conflict. Mass concentrates the effects of combat power at the most advantageous place and time to achieve decisive results. Concentration of military power is a fundamental consideration in all military operations. At the operational level, this principle suggests that superior, concentrated combat power is used to achieve decisive results. Airpower is singularly able to launch an attack from widely dispersed locations and mass combat power at the objective, whether that objective is a single physical location or a widely dispersed enemy system or systems. From an Airmans perspective, mass is not based solel y on the quantity of forces and


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materiel committed. Mass is an effect that airpower achieves through effectiveness of attack, not just overwhelming numbers. Contemporary airpower has altered the concept of massed forces. The speed, range, and flexibility of airpowercomplemented by the accuracy and lethality of precision weapons and advances in information technologiesallow it to achieve mass faster than surface forces. In the past, hundreds of airplanes attacked one or two major targets each day. Massed bomber raids revisited targets often, intending their attacks to gradually attain cumulative operational- or strategic-level effects over time. Today, a single precision weapon that is targeted, based upon superior battlespace awareness, can often cause the destructive effect that took hundreds of bombs in the past. In an inversion of previous platform-to-target ratios, modern precision munitions now permit a single aircraft to confidently strike several targets. Maneuver places the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power in a multidimensional combat space. Airpowers ability to conduct maneuver is not only a product of its speed and range, but also flows from its flexibility and versatility during the planning and execution of operations. Maneuver, like the principle of offensive, forces the enemy to react, allowing the exploitation of successful friendly operations and reducing friendly vulnerabilities. The ability to quickly integrate a force and to strike directly at an adversarys strategic or operational centers of gravity is a key theme of airpowers maneuver advantage. Airpower maneuver allows engagement anywhere, from any direction, at any time, forcing the adversary to be on guard everywhere. Additionally, the principle of maneuver is not limited to simple weapons delivery. Airpowers global awareness, reach, and presence were instrumental in the rapid buildup of U.S. forces into Kuwait in 1994 that deterred Iraqi aggression against Kuwait. Whether it involves airlift or attack aircraft, in small or large numbers, the versatility and responsiveness of airpower allow the simultaneous application of mass and maneuver. Consider airlift operations such as Operation Support Hope in Rwanda, Operation Provide Hope in the former U.S.S.R., or Operation Provide Promise in Bosnia, or combat operations such as Operation Allied Force in Serbia, Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, or Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq. Airpower has played a critical role in American diplomacy by providing unmatched maneuverability. Economy of force is the judicious employment and distribution of forces. Its purpose is to allocate minimum essential resources to secondary efforts. This principle calls for the rational use of force by selecting the best mix of airpower. To ensure overwhelming combat power is available, maximum effort should be devoted to primary objectives. At the operational level, commanders must ensure that any effort made toward secondary objectives does not degrade achievement of the larger operational or strategic objectives. This principle requires Airmen to maintain a broader operational view even as they seek to obtain clearly articulated objectives and priorities. Economy of force may require a commander to establish a balance in the application of airpower between attacking, defending, delaying, or conducting deception operations, depending on the importance of the area or the priority of the objective or objectives. Also, priorities may shift rapidly; friendly troops in contact might drive a change in priority from one type of mission (interdiction) to another (close air support). Although this principle suggests the use of overwhelming force in one sense, it also recommends guarding against the overkill inherent in the use of excessive force. This is particularly relevant when excessive force can prevent gaining or maintaining legitimacy and support for an operation. While this principle was well developed before the advent of airpower, it highlights precisely the greatest vulnerability of airpower employment. The misuse or misdirection of airpower can reduce its effectiveness even more than enemy action. Ill-defined objectives can result in the piecemeal application of air, space, and cyberspace forces with the resultant loss of decisive effects. Securitys purpose is never to permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage. Friendly forces and their operations should be protected from enemy action that could provide the enemy with unexpected advantage. The lethal consequences of enemy attack make the security of friendly forces a paramount concern. This principle also enhances our freedom of action by reducing the vulnerability of friendly forces. Gaining or maintaining the appropriate degree of control of the air, space, and cyberspace domains provides friendly forces a significant advantage. Airpower is most vulnerable on the ground. Thus, force protection is an integral part of airpower employment. Fixed bases are especially vulnerable as they not only must withstand aerial and ground attacks but also must sustain concentrated and prolonged air activities against the enemy. This should be a particular focus of operations during peace support or crisis situations, when forces may operate from austere and unimproved locations, in small units, or in crowded urban settings and face threats to security from individuals and groups as well as possible military or paramilitary units. Security also may be obtained by staying beyond the enemys reach. Airpower is uniquely suited to capitalize on this through its ability to operate over the horizon. Not only can airpower reach and strike at extended range, but it also can distribute data and analysis as well as command and control across a worldwide span. Security from enemy intrusion conceals our capabilities and intentions, while allowing friendly forces the freedom to gather information on the adversary


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the type of information that creates the opportunity to strike the enemy where they will least expect it. Critical to security is the understanding that security embraces physical security and security of the information environment. Information has always been part of air, land, and sea warfare; now, with the proliferation of advanced communications and computer technologies, it becomes even more central to the outcome of a conflict. Surprise leverages the security principle by attacking the enemy at a time, place, or in a manner for which they are not prepared. The speed and range of airpower, coupled with its flexibility and versatility, allow air forces to achieve surprise more readily than surface forces. The final choice of timing and tactics rests with the air component commander because terrain and distance are not inhibiting factors. Airpower can enhance and empower surface forces to achieve surprise. The rapid global reach of airpower also allows surface forces to reach foreign destinations quickly, thus seizing the initiative through surprise. Simplicity calls for avoiding unnecessary complexity in organizing, preparing, planning, and conducting military operations. This ensures that guidance, plans, and orders are as simple and direct as the objective will allow. Simple guidance allows subordinate commanders the freedom to operate creatively within their battlespace. Common equipment, a common understanding of service and joint doctrine, and familiarity with procedures through joint exercises and training, can help overcome complexity. Straightforward plans and unambiguous organizational and command relationships are central to reducing it. 4.4.3. Tenets of Airpower. The application of airpower is refined by several fundamental guiding truths known as tenets. They reflect not only the unique historical and doctrinal evolution of airpower, but also the specific current understanding of the nature of airpower. The tenets of airpower complement the principles of war. While the principles of war provide general guidance on the application of military forces, the tenets provide more specific considerations for the employment of air, space, and cyberspace capabilities. They reflect the specific lessons of airpower capabilities throughout history. The tenets of airpower employment are interconnected, overlapping, and often interlocking. The oldest tenet of airpowercentralized control and decentralized execution remains the keystone of success in modern warfare. As with the principles of war, these tenets require informed judgment in application. They require a skillful blending to tailor them to the ever-changing operational environment. The competing demands of the principles and tenets (for example, mass versus economy of force, concentration versus balance, and priority versus objective) require an Airmans expert understanding in order to strike the required balance. In the last analysis, commanders must accept the fact that war is incredibly complicated, and no two operations are identical. Commanders must apply their professional judgment and experience to the principles and tenets as they employ airpower in a given situation. Centralized Control and Decentralized Execution. Centralized control and decentralized execution of airpower are critical to effective employment. Indeed, they are the fundamental organizing principles for airpower, having been proven over decades of experience as the most effective and efficient means of employing it. Because of airpowers unique potential to directly affect the strategic and operational levels of war, it should be controlled by a single Airman who maintains the broad, strategic perspective necessary to balance and prioritize the use of a powerful, highly desired yet limited, force. Decentralized execution is the delegation of authority to designated lower-level commanders and other tactical-level decision makers to achieve effective span of control and to foster disciplined initiative, situational responsiveness, and tactical flexibility. It allows subordinates to exploit opportunities in rapidly changing, fluid situations. Centralized control and decentralized execution of airpower provide theater-wide or global focus while allowing operational flexibility to meet military objectives. They assure concentration of effort while maintaining economy of force. They exploit airpowers versatility and flexibility to ensure that airpower capabilities remain responsive, survivable, and sustainable. Execution should be decentralized within a command and control architecture that exploits the ability of front-line decision makers (such as strike package leaders, air battle managers, and forward air controllers) to make on-scene decisions during complex, rapidly unfolding operations. Modern communications technology enhances centralized knowledge and may lead to increasingly centralized execution of airpower. Although several recent operations have employed some degree of centralized execution, such command arrangements will not stand up in a fully stressed, dynamic combat environment, and should not become the norm for all air operations. Despite impressive gains in data exploitation and automated decision aids, one person cannot achieve and maintain detailed situational awareness when fighting a conflict involving many simultaneous engagements taking place throughout a large area. A high level of centralized execution results in a rigid campaign unresponsive to local conditions and lacking in tactical flexibility. In some situations there may be valid reasons for control of specific operations at higher levels, most notably when the JFC (or perhaps even higher authorities) may wish to control strategic effects even at the sacrifice of tactical efficiency.


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Such instances should be rare, as in short-notice prosecution of high-value, time-sensitive targets, when political sensitivities require tighter control over selected missions, when potential exists for collateral damage or mistargeting, or in the case of nuclear employment. In all cases, senior commanders balance overall campaign execution against the pressing need for tactical effectiveness. Subordinate decisions that support the superior commanders intent and meet campaign objectives should be allowed and executed. Flexibility and Versatility. Although often used interchangeably, flexibility and versatility are different. Flexibility allows airpower to exploit mass and maneuver simultaneously. Flexibility allows airpower operations to shift from one campaign objective to another, quickly and decisively; to go downtown on one sortie, then hit fielded enemy forces the next; to re-role assets quickly from a preplanned mission to support an unanticipated need for close air support of friendly troops in contact with enemy forces. Versatility is the ability to employ airpower effectively at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of warfare and provide a wide variety of tasks in concert with other joint force elements. Airpower, unlike other military forces, has the potential to achieve this unmatched synergy through asymmetric and parallel operations. Synergistic Effects. The proper application of a coordinated force can produce effects that exceed the contributions of forces employed individually. The destruction of a large number of targets through attrition warfare is rarely the key objective in modern war. Instead, the objective is the precise, coordinated application of the various elements of airpower and surface power to bring disproportionate pressure on enemy leaders to comply with our national will. Airpowers overwhelming ability to observe adversaries allows JFCs to counter enemy movements with unprecedented speed and agility. Airpower is unique in its ability to dictate the tempo and direction of an entire war-fighting effort regardless of the scale of the operation. Persistence. Air, space, and cyberspace operations may be conducted continuously against a broad spectrum of targets. Airpowers exceptional speed and range allow its forces to visit and revisit wide ranges of targets nearly at will. Airpower does not have to occupy terrain or remain constantly in proximity to areas of operation to bring force upon targets. Space forces in particular hold the ultimate high ground, and as space systems advance and proliferate, they offer the potential for persistent overhead access; unmanned aircraft systems are offering similar possibilities within the atmosphere. Examples of persistent operations might be maintaining a continuous flow of materiel to peacetime distressed areas; constantly monitoring adversaries to ensure they cannot conduct actions counter to those agreed upon; assuring that targets are kept continually out of commission; or ensuring that resources and facilities are denied an enemy or provided to an ally during a specified time. The end result would be to deny the opponent an opportunity to seize the initiative and to directly accomplish assigned tasks. Factors such as enemy resilience, effective defenses, or environmental concerns may prevent commanders from quickly attaining their objectives. However, for many situations, air, space, and cyberspace provide the most effective means to attain national objectives. Commanders should keep their eye on achieving strategic and operational objectives, and resist pressures to divert resources to other efforts unless such diversions are vital to attaining theater goals or to the survival of an element of the joint force. Given sufficient time, even the most devastating strategic effects can be circumvented by resourceful enemies; the goal is to keep pressure on and not allow the enemy that time. Concentration. One of the most constant and important trends throughout military history has been the effort to concentrate overwhelming power at the decisive time and place. The principles of mass and economy of force deal directly with concentrating overwhelming power at the right time and the right place (or places). The versatility of airpower makes it an attractive option for almost every combat task. With capabilities as flexible and versatile as air, space, and cyberspace forces, the demand for them will often exceed the available forces and may result in the fragmentation of the integrated airpower effort in attempts to fulfill the many demands of the operation. Depending on the operational situation, such a course of action may court the triple risk of failing to achieve operational-level objectives, delaying or diminishing the attainment of decisive effects, and increasing the attrition rate of air forcesconsequently risking defeat. Airmen must guard against the inadvertent dilution of airpower effects resulting from high demand. Priority. Commanders should establish clear priorities for the use of airpower. Due to its inherent flexibility, the demands for airpower may likely exceed available resources. If commanders fail to establish priorities, they can become overwhelmed. Only commanders of land and naval components can effectively prioritize their requirements for coordinated airpower effects to the JFC, and only then can effective priorities for the use of airpower flow from an informed dialogue between the JFC and the air component commander. The air component commander should assess the possible uses of his or her forces and their strengths and capabilities to support the overall joint campaign, air, space, and cyberspace operations, and the battle at hand. Limited resources require that airpower be applied where it can make the greatest contribution to the most critical current JFC requirements. The application of airpower should be balanced among its ability to conduct


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operations at all levels of war, often simultaneously. The principles of mass, offensive, and economy of force; the tenet of concentration; and the Airmans strategic perspective all apply to prioritizing airpower. Balance. Balance is an essential guideline for air component commanders. Much of the skill of an air component commander is reflected in the dynamic and correct balancing of the principles of war and the tenets of airpower to bring Air Force capabilities together to produce a synergistic effect. An air component commander should balance combat opportunity, necessity, effectiveness, efficiency, and the impact on accomplishing assigned objectives against the associated risk to friendly airpower forces. An Airman is uniquelyand bestsuited to determine the proper theater-wide balance between offensive and defensive operations, and among strategic, operational, and tactical applications. Commensurate with this capability is the air component commanders responsibility to communicate adequately the intended effects of airpower to the JFC and other component commanders, especially those schooled in surface operations. Technologically sophisticated air, space, and cyberspace assets will be available only in finite numbers; thus, balance is a crucial determinant for an air component commander. 4.4.4. Air Force Functions: In order to describe what airpower in general, and the Air Force in particular, bring to the Nation, Airmen should first understand the distinctions among roles, missions, and functions. Although these terms are frequently used interchangeably, each has a specific meaning. In brief, the primary function of the Services is to organize, train, equip and administer military Service forces to perform a roleto be provided to and employed by a CCDR in the accomplishment of a mission to achieve a specific effect. Based upon the effect desired and the mission assigned, Airmen accomplish a series of discrete tasks that cumulatively deliver the desired effects. Roles. Roles are the broad and enduring purposes for which the Services were established by law. The role of the Air Force is to organize, train, and equip aviation forces primarily for prompt and sustained offensive and defensive air operations (National Security Act, 1947). This basic charter has essentially remained unchanged to the present. Missions. Missions are the tasks assigned by the President or SECDEF to the CCDRs. CCDRs take these assigned tasks and develop mission statements, operational objectives, and concepts of operations; they then assign specific tasks to subordinate commanders. By tailoring these tasks to meet the commanders guidance and desired objectives, Air Force component commanders then develop component mission statements, objectives, and concepts of operations at their level. Functions. The functions of the Military Departments are those specific responsibilities that enable the Services to fulfill their legally established roles. The Air Force functions are based on the statutory responsibilities outlined in 10 U.S.C., which are known as organize, train, and equip activities. Specifically, these include recruiting; organizing; supplying; equipping; training; servicing; mobilizing; demobilizing; administering (including the morale and welfare of personnel); maintaining; the construction, outfitting, and repair of military equipment; and the construction, maintenance, and repair of buildings, structures, and utilities; the acquisition, management and disposal; and the management of real property or natural resources (DoDD 5100.01, Functions of the Department of Defense and its Major Components). Core Functions. Recently the Air Force refined its understanding of the core duties and responsibilities it performs as a Service, streamlining what previously were 6 distinctive capabilities and 17 operational functions into 12 core functions to be used across the doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities spectrum. These core functions express the ways in which the Air Force is particularly and appropriately suited to contribute to national security, but they do not necessarily express every aspect of what the Air Force contributes to the Nation. It should be emphasized that the core functions, by themselves, are not doctrinal constructs. Nuclear Deterrence Operations (NDO). The purpose of Nuclear Deterrence Operations is to operate, maintain, and secure nuclear forces to achieve an assured capability to deter an adversary from taking action against vital U.S. interests. In the event deterrence fails, the United States should be able to appropriately respond with nuclear options. The subelements of this function are: Assure/Dissuade/Deter. This is a mission set derived from the Air Forces readiness to carry out the nuclear strike operations mission as well as from specific actions taken to assure allies as a part of extended deterrence. Dissuading others from acquiring or proliferating weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and the means to deliver them, contributes to promoting security and is also an integral part of this mission. Moreover, different deterrence strategies are required to deter various adversaries, whether they are a nation state, or nonstate/transnational actor. The Air Force maintains and presents credible deterrent capabilities through


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successful visible demonstrations and exercises which assure allies, dissuade proliferation, deter potential adversaries from actions that threaten U.S. national security or the populations and deployed military forces of the United States, its allies, and friends. Nuclear Strike. Nuclear strike is the ability of nuclear forces to rapidly and accurately strike targets which the enemy holds dear in a devastating manner. If a crisis occurs, rapid generation and, if necessary, deployment of nuclear strike capabilities will demonstrate U.S. resolve and may prompt an adversary to alter the course of action deemed threatening to our national interest. Should deterrence fail, the President may authorize a precise, tailored response to terminate the conflict at the lowest possible level and lead to a rapid cessation of hostilities. Post-conflict, regeneration of a credible nuclear deterrent capability will deter further aggression. The Air Force may present a credible force posture in either the continental United States, within a theater of operations, or both to effectively deter the range of potential adversaries envisioned in the 21st Century. This requires the ability to engage targets globally using a variety of methods; therefore, the Air Force should possess the ability to induct, train, assign, educate and exercise individuals and units to rapidly and effectively execute missions that support U.S. NDO objectives. Finally, the Air Force regularly exercises and evaluates all aspects of nuclear operations to ensure high levels of performance. Nuclear Surety. Nuclear surety ensures the safety, security and effectiveness of nuclear operations. Because of their political and military importance, destructive power, and the potential consequences of an accident or unauthorized act, nuclear weapons and nuclear weapon systems require special consideration and protection against risks and threats inherent in their peacetime and wartime environments. The Air Force, in conjunction with other entities within the Departments of Defense or Energy, achieves a high standard of protection through a stringent nuclear surety program. This program applies to materiel, personnel, and procedures that contribute to the safety, security, and control of nuclear weapons, thus assuring no nuclear accidents, incidents, loss, or unauthorized or accidental use. The Air Force continues to pursue safe, secure, and effective nuclear weapons consistent with operational requirements. Adversaries, allies, and the American people must be highly confident of the Air Forces ability t o secure nuclear weapons from accidents, theft, loss, and accidental or unauthorized use. This day-to-day commitment to precise and reliable nuclear operations is the cornerstone of the credibility of the NDO mission. Positive nuclear command, control, communications; effective nuclear weapons security; and robust combat support are essential to the overall NDO function. Air Superiority. Air superiority is that degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another which permits the conduct of operations by the former and its related land, sea, air, and special operations forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force (JP 1-02). The subelements of this function are: Offensive Counterair (OCA). Offensive Counterair is defined as offensive operations to destroy, disrupt, or neutralize enemy aircraft, missiles, launch platforms, and their supporting structures and systems both before and after launch, but as close to their source as possible (JP 1-02). OCA is the preferred method of countering air and missile threats because it attempts to defeat the enemy closer to its source and typically enjoys the initiative. OCA comprises attack operations, sweep, escort, and suppression/destruction of enemy air defense. Defensive Counterair (DCA). Defensive Counterair is defined as all the defensive measures designed to detect, identify, intercept, and destroy or negate enemy forces attempting to penetrate or attack through friendly airspace (JP 1-02). A major goal of DCA operations, in concert with OCA operations, is to provide an area from which forces can operate, secure from air and missile threats. The DCA mission comprises both active and passive defense measures. Active defense is the employment of limited offensive action and counterattacks to deny a contested area or position to the enemy (JP 1-02). It includes both ballistic missile defense and air breathing threat defense, and encompasses point defense, area defense, and high value airborne asset defense. Passive defense is measures taken to reduce the probability of and to minimize the effects of damage caused by hostile action without the intention of taking the initiative (JP 1-02). It includes detection and warning; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense; camouflage, concealment, and deception; hardening; reconstitution; dispersion; redundancy; and mobility, countermeasures, and stealth. Airspace Control. Airspace control is a process used to increase operational effectiveness by promoting the safe, efficient, and flexible use of airspace (JP 1-02). It promotes the safe, efficient, and flexible use of airspace, mitigates the risk of fratricide, enhances both offensive and defensive operations, and permits greater agility of air operations as a whole. It both deconflicts and facilitates integration of joint air operations. Space Superiority. Space superiority is the degree of dominance in space of one force over another that permits the conduct of operations by the former and its related land, sea, air, space, and special operations


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forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force (JP 1-02). Space superiority may be localized in time and space, or it may be broad and enduring. Space superiority provides freedom of action in space for friendly forces and, when directed, denies the same freedom to the adversary. The subelements of this function are: Space Force Enhancement. Space force enhancement is defined as the combat support operations and force-multiplying capabilities delivered from space systems to improve the effectiveness of military forces as well as support other intelligence, civil, and commercial users. This mission area includes: intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; integrated tactical warning and attack assessment; command, control, and communications; positioning, navigation, and timing; and environmental monitoring (JP 1-02). Space Force Application. Space force application is defined as combat operations in, through, and from space to influence the course and outcome of conflict. This mission area includes ballistic missile defense and force projection (JP 1-02). Space Control. Space control is defined as operations to ensure freedom of action in space for the United States and its allies and, when directed, deny an adversary freedom of action in space. This mission area includes: operations conducted to protect friendly space capabilities from attack, interference, or unintentional hazards (defensive space control); operations to deny an adversarys use of space capabilities (offensive space control); and the requisite current and predictive knowledge of the space environment and the operational environment upon which space operations depend (space situational awareness) (JP 1-02). Cyberspace Superiority. Cyberspace superiority is the operational advantage in, through, and from cyberspace to conduct operations at a given time and in a given domain without prohibitive interference (AFDD 3-12, Cyberspace Operations). The subelements of this function are: Cyberspace Force Application. Cyberspace force application is combat operations in, through, and from cyberspace to achieve military objectives and influence the course and outcome of conflict by taking decisive actions against approved targets. It will incorporate computer network attack (CNA), computer network exploitation (CNE), and may involve aspects of influence operations. It is highly dependent on ISR, fused all-source intelligence, sophisticated attribution activities, situational awareness, and responsive command and control (C2). Cyberspace Defense. This is the passive, active, and dynamic employment of capabilities to respond to imminent or ongoing actions against Air Force or Air Force-protected networks, the Air Forces portion of the Global Information Grid, or expeditionary communications assigned to the Air Force. Cyberspace defense incorporates CNE, computer network defense (CND), and CNA techniques and may be a contributor to influence operations. It is highly dependent upon ISR, fused all-source intelligence, automated indications and warning, sophisticated attribution/characterization, situational awareness, assessment, and responsive C2. Cyberspace Support. Cyberspace support is foundational, continuous, or responsive operations ensuring information integrity and availability in, through, and from Air Force-controlled infrastructure and its interconnected analog and digital portion of the battle space. Inherent in this mission is the ability to establish, extend, secure, protect, and defend in order to sustain assigned networks and missions. This includes protection measures against supply chain components plus critical C2 networks/communications links and nuclear C2 networks. The cyberspace support mission incorporates CNE and CND techniques. It incorporates all elements of Air Force network operations, information transport, enterprise management, and information assurance, and is dependent on ISR and all-source intelligence. Command and Control (C2). Command and Control is the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. C2 functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission (JP 1-02). This core function includes all of the C2-related capabilities and activities associated with air, space, cyberspace, nuclear, and agile combat support operations to achieve strategic, operational, and tactical objectives. Strategic Level C2. At this level, the United States determines national or multinational security objectives and guidance, and develops and uses national resources to accomplish these objectives. These national objectives in turn provide the direction for developing overall military objectives, which are used to develop the objectives and strategy for each theater.


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AFPAM36-2241 Operational Level C2. At this level of war, campaigns and major operations are planned, conducted, sustained, and assessed to accomplish strategic goals within theaters or areas of operations. These activities imply a broader dimension of time or space than do tactics; they provide the means by which tactical successes are exploited to achieve strategic and operational objectives. Tactical Level C2. This is the level of war where individual battles and engagements are fought. The tactical level of war deals with how forces are employed, and the specifics of how engagements are conducted and targets attacked. The goal of tactical level C2 is to achieve a commanders intent and desired effects by gaining and keeping offensive initiative. Global Integrated ISR. Global integrated ISR is the synchronization and integration of the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and processing, exploitation, dissemination systems across the globe to conduct current and future operations. The subelements of this function are: Planning and Directing. This is the determination of intelligence requirements, development of appropriate intelligence architecture, preparation of a collection plan, and issuance of orders and requests to information collection agencies (JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations). These activities enable the synchronization and integration of collection, processing, exploitation, analysis, and dissemination activities/resources to meet information requirements of national and military decision makers. Collection. Collection is the acquisition of information and the provision of this information to processing elements (JP 2-01). It provides the ability to obtain required information to satisfy intelligence needs (via use of sources and methods in all domains). Collection activities span the Range Of Military Operations (ROMO). Processing and Exploitation. Processing and exploitation is the conversion of collected information into forms suitable to the production of intelligence (JP 2-01). It provides the ability, across the ROMO, to transform, extract, and make available collected information suitable for further analysis or action. Analysis and Production. Analysis and production is the conversion of processed information into intelligence through the integration, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of all source data and the preparation of intelligence products in support of known or anticipated user requirements (JP 2-01). It provides the ability to integrate, evaluate, and interpret information from available sources to create a finished intelligence product for presentation or dissemination to enable increased situational awareness. Dissemination and Integration. This is the delivery of intelligence to users in a suitable form and the application of the intelligence to appropriate missions, tasks, and functions (JP 2-01). It provides the ability to present information and intelligence products across the ROMO enabling understanding of the operational environment to military and national decision makers. Global Precision Attack. Global precision attack is the ability to hold at risk or strike rapidly and persistently, with a wide range of munitions, any target and to create swift, decisive, and precise effects across multiple domains. The subelements of this function are: Strategic Attack. Strategic attack is defined as offensive action specifically selected to achieve national strategic objectives. These attacks seek to weaken the adversarys ability or will to engage in conflict, and may achieve strategic objectives without necessarily having to achieve operational objectives as a precondition (AFDD 3-70, Strategic Attack). Air Interdiction. Air interdiction is defined as air operations conducted to divert, disrupt, delay, or destroy the enemy's military potential before it can be brought to bear effectively against friendly forces, or to otherwise achieve JFC objectives. Air lnterdiction is conducted at such distance from friendly forces that detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of friendly forces is not required (AFDD 303, Counterland Operations). Close Air Support. Close air support is defined as air action by fixed- and rotary-winged aircraft against hostile targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces and which require detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of those forces (JP 1-02). This can be as a pre-planned event or on demand from an alert posture (ground or airborne). It can be conducted across the ROMO. Special Operations. Special operations are operations conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve military, diplomatic, informational, and/or economic objectives employing military capabilities for which there is no broad conventional force requirement. These operations may require covert, clandestine, or low-visibility capabilities. Special operations are applicable across the ROMO. They can be conducted independently or in conjunction with operations of conventional forces or other government


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agencies and may include operations through, with, or by indigenous or surrogate forces. Special operations differ from conventional operations in degree of physical and political risk, operational techniques, mode of employment, independence from friendly support, and dependence on detailed operational intelligence and indigenous assets (JP 1-02). The subelements of this function are: Agile Combat Support. This is the capability to effectively create, prepare, deploy, employ, sustain, and protect Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) Airmen, assets, and capabilities throughout the ROMO at a chosen initiative, speed, and tempo. Aviation Foreign Internal Defense. These operations directly execute U.S. security and foreign policy as lead airpower elements that shape the battlefield and conduct stability operations to enable global reach and strike. This is accomplished by applying the mission set (assess, train, advise, and assist foreign aviation forces) across a continuum of operating venues described as indirect assistance, direct assistance (not including combat) and combat operations. Battlefield Air Operations. This is a unique set of combat proven capabilities (combat control, pararescue, combat weather, and tactical air control party) provided by regular and reserve component special operations forces (SOF) Battlefield Airmen who integrate, synchronize, and control manned and unmanned capabilities to achieve tactical, operational, and strategic objectives. Command and Control (C2). This is the exercise of the commanders authority and direction over assigned and attached forces by trained, organized, and equipped C2 elements. Operational C2 elements consist of personnel and equipment with specialized capability to plan, direct, coordinate, and control forces in the conduct of joint/combined special operations. Information Operations. This mission is the integrated employment of the capabilities of influence operations, electronic warfare operations, and network warfare operations, in concert with specified integrated control enablers, to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp adversarial human and automated decisionmaking while protecting ones own. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR). This is the synchronization and integration of platforms and sensors with the planning and direction, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis, and production and dissemination processes. These activities provide actionable intelligence, weather, environmental awareness, and prediction across all SOF command echelons. Military Information Support Operations. These are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of military information support operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originators objectives. Precision Strike. This mission provides combatant commanders with an integrated capability to find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess targets using a single weapons system or a combination of systems. This includes close air support, air interdiction, and armed reconnaissance missions. Specialized Air Mobility. This is the conduct of rapid, global infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply of personnel, equipment, and materiel using specialized systems and tactics. These missions may be clandestine, low visibility, or overt and through hostile, denied, or politically sensitive airspace. Specialized Refueling. This is the conduct of rapid, global refueling using specialized systems and tactics. This includes aerial refueling of vertical lift aircraft and ground refueling during forward arming and refueling point operations. These missions may be clandestine, low visibility, or overt and in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments. Rapid Global Mobility. Rapid global mobility is the timely deployment, employment, sustainment, augmentation, and redeployment of military forces and capabilities across the ROMO. It provides joint military forces the capability to move from place to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission. Rapid global mobility is essential to virtually every military operation, allowing forces to reach foreign or domestic destinations quickly, thus seizing the initiative through speed and surprise. The subelements of this function are: Airlift. Airlift is operations to transport and deliver forces and materiel through the air in support of strategic, operational, or tactical objectives (AFDD 3-17, Air Mobility Operations). The rapid and flexible options afforded by airlift allow military forces and national leaders the ability to respond and operate in a


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variety of situations and time frames. The global reach capability of airlift provides the ability to apply U.S. power worldwide by delivering forces to crisis locations. It serves as a U.S. presence that demonstrates resolve and compassion in humanitarian crisis. Air Refueling. Air refueling is the refueling of an aircraft in flight by another aircraft (JP 1-02). Air refueling extends presence, increases range, and serves as a force multiplier. It allows air assets to more rapidly reach any trouble spot around the world with less dependence on forward staging bases or overflight/landing clearances. Air refueling significantly expands the options available to a commander by increasing the range, payload, persistence, and flexibility of receiver aircraft. Aeromedical Evacuation. Aeromedical evacuation is the movement of patients under medical supervision to and between medical treatment facilities by air transportation (JP 1-02). JP 4-02, Health Service Support, further defines it as the fixed wing movement of regulated casualties to and between medical treatment facilities, using organic and/or contracted mobility airframes, with aircrew trained explicitly for this mission. Aeromedical evacuation forces can operate as far forward as fixed-wing aircraft are able to conduct airland operations. Personnel Recovery (PR). Personnel Recovery is the sum of military, diplomatic, and civil efforts to prepare for and execute the recovery and reintegration of isolated personnel (JP 1-02). It is the ability of the U.S. government and its international partners to affect the recovery of isolated personnel across the ROMO and return those personnel to duty. PR also enhances the development of an effective, global capacity to protect and recover isolated personnel wherever they are placed at risk; deny an adversarys ability to exploit a nation through propaganda; and develop joint, interagency, and international capabilities that contribute to crisis response and regional stability. The subelements of this function are: Combat Search and Rescue. This is the tactics, techniques, and procedures performed by forces to effect the recovery of isolated personnel during combat (JP 1-02). Combat search and rescue is the primary Air Force recovery method used to conduct PR taskings. Civil Search and Rescue. This is the use of aircraft, surface craft, submarines, and specialized rescue teams and equipment to search for and rescue distressed persons on land or at sea in a permissive environment (JP 1-02). Disaster Response. Disaster response is the capability to support and assist U.S. government agencies and embassies during national and international disasters with rapidly deployable and flexible air/ground rescue forces. Humanitarian Assistance Operations. These are programs conducted to relieve or reduce the results of natural or manmade disasters or other endemic conditions such as human pain, disease, hunger, or privation that might present a serious threat to life or that can result in great damage to or loss of property. Humanitarian assistance provided by U.S. forces is limited in scope and duration. The assistance provided is designed to supplement or complement the efforts of the host nation civil authorities or agencies that may have the primary responsibility for providing humanitarian assistance (JP 1-02). Medical Evacuation/Casualty Evacuation. Medical evacuation refers to dedicated medical evacuation platforms staffed and equipped to provide en route medical care using predesignated tactical and logistic aircraft, boats, ships, and other watercraft temporarily equipped and staffed with medical attendants for en route care. Casualty evacuation involves the unregulated movement of casualties aboard ships, land vehicles, or aircraft (JP 4-02). Agile Combat Support (ACS). Agile Combat Support is the ability to field, protect, and sustain Air Force forces across the ROMO to achieve joint effects. The subelements of this function are: Ready the Total Force. Mission elements include: organizing, training, and equipping forces; establishing quality of life and maintaining core security; and fielding and planning for the use of operational and support forces to meet global mission requirements. Prepare the Battlespace. Mission elements include: assessing, planning, and posturing for rapid employment; prepositioning resources and conditioning specific theaters and/or contingency locations in a manner to meet closure timing; and establishing sustainment levels for potential operations. Position the Total Force. Mission elements include: preparing to deploy, deploying, receiving, and bedding down tailored and prioritized forces; establishing initial operations and support cadres in a joint operations area; distributing prepositioned resources; establishing initial reachback connectivity; securing operating locations; and preparing for mission operations.


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81 Protect the Total Force. Protecting the Total Force key focus areas include personnel, critical assets, and information. These areas are the persistent detection and understanding of threats in the operational environment and the timely dissemination of accurate decisions, warnings, and taskings to protect against attacks and/or threats. Employ Combat Support Forces. Mission elements include: engaging support forces in support of mission operations; initializing, launching, recovering, and regenerating operational elements; executing support through supporting-supported relationships; and commencing reachback operations to strategic levels of support. Sustain the Total Force. Mission elements include: producing assured capacities and levels of support; and accomplishing the long-term mastery of an operational environment (peacetime and wartime) requiring persistent and effective materiel and personnel support through both local and reachback processes. Recover the Total Force. Mission elements include: preparing forces to remain in place, redeploy, relocate, and be reconstituted to prescribed levels of readiness; restoring operating locations and/or environments to planned conditions; protecting the dynamic levels of force structure; and ensuring Air Force mission elements can be effectively applied at the direction of national leadership. Building Partnerships. Building partnerships is described as Airmen interacting with international airmen and other relevant actors to develop, guide, and sustain relationships for mutual benefit and security. Building partnerships is about interacting with others; therefore, it is an inherently interpersonal and crosscultural undertaking. Through both words and deeds, the majority of interaction is devoted to building trustbased relationships for mutual benefit. It includes both foreign partners as well as domestic partners and emphasizes collaboration with foreign governments, militaries, and populations as well as U.S. government departments, agencies, industry, and NGOs. To better facilitate partnering efforts, Airmen should be competent in the relevant language, region, and culture. The subelements of this function are: Communicate. Communicate refers to developing and presenting information to domestic audiences to improve understanding. It is also the ability to develop and present information to foreign adversary audiences to affect their perceptions, will, behavior, and capabilities in order to further U.S. national security and/or shared global security interests. Shape. Shape refers to conducting activities to affect the perceptions, will, behavior, and capabilities of partners, military forces, and relevant populations to further U.S. national security or shared global security interests. Section 4CAir and Space Expeditionary Force 4.5. Air and Space Expeditionary Force: 4.5.1. AEF Doctrine. Doctrine is those beliefs, distilled through experience and passed on from one generation of airmen to the next, that guide what we do; it is our codified practices on how best to employ air and space power. The Air and Space Expeditionary Force is the mechanism for managing and scheduling forces for expeditionary use; AEF doctrine is not only vital to understand how to best employ air and space power, but it is also vital to understand the proper way to organize, present, and deploy air and space forces. It is critical to understand that we organize, deploy, and employ using organizational principles based on doctrine, not ad hoc command arrangements. 4.5.2. AEF Concept. The AEF concept is a means to provide forces and support on a rotational, and thus, a relatively more predictable basis. The AEF deployment construct establishes a predictable, standardized battle rhythm to ensure operational forces are organized, trained, equipped, and ready to respond to combatant commanders requests for forces. Using a rotational capacity construct, deployed units undergo a period of dwell before entering another deployment/mobilization vulnerability period. The AEF is designed to provide forces and support on a rotational and more predictable basis. 4.5.3. Expeditionary Capabilities. The AEF force generation construct is used to manage the battle rhythm of the force in order to meet CCDRs requirements while maintaining the highest possible level of overall readiness. There are four major elements of


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the AEF structure: readily available force, enabler force, in-place support, and institutional force. The first three elements are components that primarily constitute the Air Forces war -fighting capability and the fourth element provides the Air Forces sustainment capability to comply with federal law (10 U.S.C.). AEF Battle Rhythm. The Air Force relies on the AEF as a force management tool to establish a predictable, standardized battle rhythm ensuring rotational forces are properly organized, trained, equipped, and ready to sustain capabilities while rapidly responding to emerging crises. The Air Force supports global CCDR requirements through a combination of assigned, attached (rotational), and mobility forces that may be forward deployed, transient, or operating from home station. The AEF is the force generation construct used to manage the battle rhythm of these forces in order to meet global CCDR requirements while maintaining the highest possible level of overall readiness. The AEF operates on a 24-month life cycle. This cycle includes periods of normal training, preparation, and deployment vulnerability. However, each tempo band within the AEF construct operates under a different battle rhythm. AEF Operations. The baseline 6-month AEF vulnerability period facilitates readiness of the force to respond to rotational and operations plan (OPLAN) requirements. All AEF forces are vulnerable for OPLAN requirementsincluding immediately following redeploymentand are considered on call at any time during their postured vulnerability period. The necessary organizing, equipping, resourcing, and training processes are synchronized to generate ready forces. AEF Generation Construct. The CSAF determines the Air Forces operational policy for meeting and sustaining CCDR rotational requirements. The Air Forces established operational rotation policy requires Airmen to deploy for a baseline of 179 days. CCDR requirements may allow for shorter rotations; for example, to enable air reserve component (ARC) volunteerism. This rotation policy does not necessarily apply to the enabler forces; however the enabler lead agency must develop a plan to ensure the Air Force and SECDEF directed redlines are not violated. Deviations to the operational rotation policy require CSAF approval. Capabilities are postured in bands B through E at 1:4, 1:3, 1:2, and 1:1 deploy-to-dwell, respectively. Blocks are 6-month vulnerability periods within the tempo bands that possess the necessary capabilities to meet CCDR requirements. Tempo bands and enabler forces contain both active component and ARC forces. In addition to the standard AEF tempo bands, the Air Force identifies the enabler and institutional forces as key components of the readily available force when fulfilli ng the SECDEFs requirements. Enabler Force. The enabler force includes common user assets, such as global mobility forces, SOF, and personnel recovery forces, space forces, and other uniquely categorized forces that provide support to authorized organizations within and outside the DoD. Most high demand/low supply (HD/LS) assets, National Air Mobility System, and Theater Air Control System (TACS) elements are postured as enabler forces and will rotate as operational requirements dictate. Due to their unique nature, these forces cannot be easily aligned in one of the tempo bands; however, every effort must be made to develop a sustainable plan. Institutional Force. The institutional force consists of those forces assigned to organizations responsible to carry out the SECAF 10 U.S.C. functions at the Air Force level (such as organize, train, equip, recruit, supply, etc.). These organizations will not posture unit type codes (UTC) in the AEF capability library, unless a waiver is granted by HAF. Although these organizations as a whole do not represent a war-fighting capability, the individuals assigned to these organizations are inherently deployable. Global Force Management (GFM) and AEF Tempo Band Determination: Global Force Management is a process to align force apportionment, assignment, and allocation methodologies in support of the National Defense Strategy (NDS), joint force availability requirements, and joint force assessments. GFM provides comprehensive insight into the global availability of U.S. military forces and capabilities. GFM also provides senior decision makers a process to quickly and accurately assess the impact and risk of proposed changes in force assignment, apportionment, and allocation. Within GFM, the Services rotational forces are allocated to satisfy CCDR operational requirements for military capabilities to support the defense strategy and the Presidents national security strategy. The GFM allocation process has two specific supporting processes: rotational force allocation in support of CCDR annual force needs and emergent force allocation in support of CCDR emerging or crisis-based requests for capabilities and forces. The Air Force method to support GFM is the AEF construct. The tempo band construct synchronizes with two 12-month GFM cycles and manages forces through GFM assignment, allocation, and apportionment. Aligning a UTC capability into a tempo band is based on requirements relative to assigned rotational capability for each vulnerability period. A unit type code is a potential capability focused on accomplishing a specific mission that the Air Force or other military Service provides. HAF functional area managers (FAM) will provide validated tempo band placement to their applicable HAF, deputy chiefs of staff (DCS) and equivalents for approval.


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4.5.4. Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force (AETF) Presentation. The U.S. Air Force supports joint force commander requirements through a combination of assigned, attached (rotational), and mobility forces that may be forward-deployed, transient, or operating from home station. The U.S. Air Force presents required capabilities to the JFC as an Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force (AETF). Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force (AETF). The AETF is the organizational structure for Air Force forces in response to operational tasking. The AETF provides a task-organized, integrated package with the appropriate balance of force, sustainment, control, and force protection. The AETF is a scalable, tailorable organization with three components: a single, clearly designated commander; appropriate command and control mechanisms; and tailored and fully supported forces. A numbered expeditionary air force (NEAF) is the largest AETF and consists of multiple air expeditionary wings (AEW) with subordinate air expeditionary groups (AEG) and air expeditionary squadrons (AES). Air Expeditionary Wing (AEW). An AEW is structured according to the Air Force combat wing structure and is capable of establishing and operating an expeditionary airbase as well as exercising C2 of subordinate units at geographically separated locations. Normally, only one AEW will be at a single location. Subordinate units, regardless of size, will be organized as an AEG or AES. Air Expeditionary Group (AEG). When an AETF is comprised of AEGs at multiple operating locations, each AEG will normally be attached to the nearest AEW in the same AETF. An AEG does not normally possess the capability to establish and operate a base; therefore, AEGs are typically tenant units at a deployed location. The AEG is normally the smallest independently deployable AETF. If deployed as an independent group as part of a larger AETF with other AEGs and/or AEWs, the AEG commander normally reports to the Commander, Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR). Air Expeditionary Squadron (AES). The AES is the basic war-fighting organization of the Air Force and is the building block of the AETF. However, an individual squadron is not designed to conduct independent operations; it normally requires support from other units to obtain the synergy needed for sustainable, effective operations. A single squadron or squadron element may deploy without full support elements if it is planned to augment a deployed AEW or AEG, and would thus obtain necessary support from the larger units. 4.6. Air and Space Expeditionary Force Schedule and Posturing: 4.6.1. AEF Schedule. The AEF capability library is the basis for the AEF schedule. The AEF schedule operates on two 12-month life cycles that align with the GFM cycle and coincide with fiscal years. Prior to the beginning of every AEF cycle, functional areas will revalidate the tempo band alignment of their respective capability areas and realign forces if necessary. The Air Force goal is that functional areas align to the least strenuous band to minimize risk to the force. Every 12 months a new 24-month AEF schedule will be established. 4.6.2. Posturing. All Air Force personnel contribute to the AEF and are inherently deployable or employ in-place. Designated Air Force war-fighting capabilities are grouped into force packages identified by UTC. AEF UTCs will be postured in the or UTC Availability system (UTA). Posturing UTCs is based on funded military authorizations on an organizations unit manpower document (UMD). All authorizations in war-fighting organizations must be accounted for when posturing UTCs in UTA. UTA and the AEF capability library are synonymous. Force providers should package manpower authorizations into standard deployable UTCs to the maximum extent possible. With unit chain-of-command involvement and MAJCOM leadership and/or AEF cell oversight, MAJCOM FAMs posture UTCs based on the prioritization and sequencing guidance defined by each HAF FAM. AEF forces can be postured as forces ready to deploy to support CCDR worldwide requirements, home station requirements, or reachback support to CCDRs. This provides balanced war-fighting capabilities across the tempo bands to support CCDR requirements. UTCs in bands B through E and enablers have different battle rhythms that may fall outside the bases two AEF vulnerability periods. Personnel not assigned to war-fighting organizations will have an AEF association in the Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS) equivalent to the 6-month availability window. 4.6.3. AEF Vulnerability Period. At any given time, one AEF block from each tempo band is in the AEF vulnerability period. Available forces in their vulnerability period will be used to meet known rotational expeditionary requirements and emerging operational requirements.


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AFPAM36-2241 Forces aligned to the AEFs in the vulnerability period but not tasked to deploy will remain on call to reinforce forward-deployed forces or provide additional capability for the duration of the AEF vulnerability period. If tasked, their deployment commitments may extend outside their vulnerability period. In such cases, HQ AFPC/DPW will coordinate with supported component headquarters to synchronize deployments with AEF vulnerability periods. Regardless of AEF vulnerability period, all AEF forces are vulnerable for OPLAN tasking at all times, including the period immediately following redeployment, if the SECDEF determines the need to reach forward. All Airmen will be given an AEF indicator (AEFI) that corresponds to an AEF vulnerability period and is determined by the Airmans commander. Except in cases of reaching forward, individuals will deploy during their associated AEF vulnerability period. Changing an individuals AEFI will be done only under extenuating circumstances, along with permanent change of station (PCS) or permanent change of assignment (PCA). 4.6.4. AEF Forced-to Source Methodology: The AEF is capable of supporting requirements greater than a 1:4 deploy-to-dwell (tempo band B) rate as required for sustaining operations. If requirements exceed forces available during the AEF vulnerability period, the AEF is designed to surge to meet increased requirements. Surge methods include reaching forward, reaching deeper, rebanding capability, and mobilization of ARC forces. Once a functional area realigns in a higher tempo band and is continuously operating in that tempo band, that functionality is not considered in surge. Table 4.1 outlines the various trigger points and approval levels for surge mechanics. Surging, by definition, requires forces in their normal training/predeployment training periods to be deployed/employed for operational requirements. Table 4.1. Decision Matrix for Emerging Requirements. A B And the Decision is to: L I N E 1 2 3 4 5 C D E

The Capability Area is Operating in Tempo Band A B C D

Source Within Current Block HAF FAM HAF FAM HAF FAM DCS

Reach Forward (Notes 1, 2) Beyond Next Block Next Block DCS A3/5 DCS A3/5 A3/5 CSAF (Note 4) CSAF (Note 4) CSAF (Note 4)

Reach Deeper (Note 2) NA NA DCS DCS

Reband (Notes 2, 3) A3/5 A3/5 A3/5 CSAF

E DCS CSAF (Note 4) NA A3/5 NA Notes: 1. Reach forward should be used for initial increase in requirements. If the increase is enduring, the capability area should reband during the subsequent AEF schedule. 2. Reach forward, deeper, or reband requires HAF FAM coordination with applicable MAJCOMs. 3. Assumes moving to more stringent tempo band (for example, from band C to band D). 4. Consider mobilization/additional mobilization as a mitigation strategy. Through surge operations, the Air Force can make available all AEF blocks plus available enablers, but will require a sustained period after this level of effort to reconstitute the force, during which time Air Force capabilities will be severely curtailed. Surge operations will not be used to support exercises or rotational presence, unless specifically directed by HAF/A3/5. An active component employment ratio of one deployment period followed by a dwell period of twice the deployment period (1:2) for all postured capabilities is considered the maximum sustainable utilization rate while maintaining total Air Force unit readiness category levels 1 and 2. At category level 1, a unit possesses the required resources and is trained to undertake the full wartime missions for which it is organized or


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designed. At category level 2, a unit possesses the required resources and is trained to undertake most of the wartime missions for which it is organized or designed. Functional areas aligned in band D experiencing demand that exceed postured capabilities within the AEF vulnerability window should consider involuntary recall of ARC forces. 4.6.5. AEF Reconstitution. Functional areas that entered surge operations must be reconstituted. Reconstitution is the restoration of combat capability following operations. Reconstituting capability to meet future threats sets the force and presents a tremendous challenge; one that must be met within the constraints of budgetary realities with an eye toward our transformational force and the demands of ongoing deployed operations. The HAF FAM, MAJCOM, ARC, and AFPC/DPW will develop and execute a reconstitution plan. In cases where reconstitution is necessary for multiple functional areas or across the AEF construct, AF/A5XW will work with the AEFC to provide the Air Force Crisis Action Team (AFCAT) (or Air Force Operations Group [AFOG]) an overall assessment and course of action (COA) for CSAF approval. Response to crises and expeditious reconstitution (when necessary) to a rotational posture with the least possible impact on the AEF schedule remains critical to the AEF concept. 4.7. Force Management. The AEF provides Airmen a degree of predictability in each GFM cycle, but does not guarantee the Airmen the same predictability from one period to the next; for example, a capability may be postured at a 1:4 tempo for GFM 13 then shift to a 1:3 or 1:2 tempo for GFM 14 based on emerging requirements. 4.7.1. Deployable or On-Call Status. Airmen will be assigned to oneand only oneAEF vulnerability period in a tempo band. For individuals assigned to war-fighting organizations, the AEFI will correspond to the same AEF block as the units UTCs; for individuals assigned to the institutional force, the AEFI will correspond to an AEF vulnerability period determined by the Airmans commander, or equivalent. Commanders will assign individuals to positions with appropriate dwell between vulnerability periods. Inbound (permanent change of station or permanent change of assignment) Airmen will not be assigned to a position that would require them to deploy again with less than the dwell for their capability tempo band. If wing commanders or equivalents approve a second deployment with less than the dwell for their capability tempo band, they will inform their respective MAJCOM vice commander (CV) or, in the case of field operating agencies (FOA) or direct reporting units (DRU), first general officer or civilian equivalent in the organizations next chain of command level. 4.7.2. Voluntary Reassociation: Airmen who become temporarily disqualified during their AEF vulnerability period may be utilized upon return to deployable status to meet unit deployment requirements. Immediately upon return to deployable status, the disqualified Airman may be utilized to fill out-of-cycle requirements or short-notice individual augmentation requests. Unit commanders, with wing commander approval, may also realign the Airman with an upcoming vulnerability period. Wings will report these changes according to MAJCOM direction. In certain cases, unit commanders may seek Airmen to voluntarily deploy outside the AEF vulnerability period to fill the tasking of the individual who is temporarily nondeployable. In such instances, the wing commander may approve a swap of Airmens AEFIs. Additionally, two individuals from the same unit with the same qualifications may voluntarily request a swap of AEFIs as long as the needs of the unit are still met. This type of swap must be approved by the wing commander. (Note: Only one approved request per individual per AEF schedule should be allowed.) Wings will report these changes to the MAJCOM CV according to MAJCOM direction. 4.7.3. Assignment Process. The U.S. Air Force assignment process is managed to coincide with the AEF battle rhythm to the maximum extent possible. Commanders will make every effort to schedule voluntary PCS/PCA departure dates, terminal leave dates for retirement, and separation dates to occur during the 3-month period immediately following the Airmans deployment eligibility period or return from deploymen t. The assignment process will formally track AEF deployments on individual personnel records, and will provide visibility of individuals to all commanders. 4.7.4. Professional Military Education (PME) and Developmental Education (DE). When nominating Airmen for Professional Military Education and Developmental Education, commanders must make every reasonable effort to de-conflict both with AEF vulnerability periods. A scheduled AEF


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deployment is not justification for operational deferment from PME and DE. Airmen should not be relieved from deployed duty if alternate school start dates are available which would allow deployment. Section 4DThe Joint Force 4.8. Introduction: 4.8.1. This section assists Airmen to successfully operate as members of a joint team. Specifically, it discusses the foundations of joint doctrine, characterizes doctrine governing unified direction of armed forces, outlines the functions of the DoD and its major components, describes the fundamental principles for joint command and control, details doctrine for joint commands, describes joint planning, provides guidance for multinational operations, and addresses interagency, intergovernmental organization (IGO), and non-governmental operation (NGO) coordination. 4.8.2. The Armed Forces fulfill unique and crucial roles, defending the United States against all adversaries and serving as a bulwark and guarantors of U.S. security and independence. When called to action, the Armed Forces support and defend national interests worldwide. The Armed Forces embody the highest values and standards of American society and the profession of arms. The Armed Forces fulfill their roles, missions, and functions within the American system of civil-military relations. The Armed Forces also serve under the civilian control of the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief. 4.8.3. Global challenges demand that the Armed Forces operate as a fully integrated joint team across the range of military operations. These operations may take place in concert with the military forces of allies and coalition partners, U.S. and foreign government agencies, state and local government agencies, and IGOs and NGOs. The challenges are best met when the unified action of the Armed Forces elicits the maximum contribution from each Service and DoD agency and their unique, but complementary, capabilities. The resulting synergy from their synchronized and integrated action is a direct reflection of those capabilities. 4.8.4. Joint warfare is team warfare. Effective integration of joint forces protects weak points or seams from exposure to an adversary. Joint forces are able to rapidly and efficiently find and exploit the adversarys critical vulnerabilities and other weak points as they contribute to mission accomplishment. This does not mean that all forces will be equally represented in each operation. JFCs may choose the capabilities they need from the forces at their disposal. 4.9. Foundations of Joint Doctrine: 4.9.1. Joint doctrine promotes a common perspective from which to plan, train, and conduct military operations. It represents what is taught, believed, and advocated as what is right (that is, what works best). U.S. military service is based on values that U.S. military experience has proven to be vital for operational success. 4.9.2. These values adhere to the most idealistic societal norms, are common to all the Services, and represent the essence of military professionalism. Competent joint war-fighters must be skilled strategic thinkers with a joint perspective, able to optimize joint capabilities and apply strategic and operational warfare. Five values, while not specific to joint operations, have special impact on the conduct of joint operations: integrity, competency, physical courage, moral courage, and teamwork. 4.10. Unified Action of Armed Forces: 4.10.1. National strategic direction is governed by the Constitution, federal law, United States Government (USG) policy regarding internationally recognized law, and national interest. This direction leads to unified action. The result of effective unified action is unity of effort to achieve national goals. At the strategic level, unity of effort requires coordination among government departments and executive agencies, between the executive and legislative branches, with NGOs, IGOs, the private sector, and among nations in any alliance or coalition. 4.10.2. The term unified action broadly refers to the synchronization, coordination, and (or) integration of the activities of governmental and nongovernmental entities with military operations to achieve unity of effort. Within this general category of operations, subordinate commanders of assigned or attached forces conduct either single-service or joint operations to support the overall operation. Unified action synchronizes, coordinates, and/or integrates joint, single-service, and multinational operations with the operations of other USG agencies, NGOs, and IGOs. 4.10.3. The President and SECDEF exercise authority and control of the Armed Forces through two distinct branches of the chain of command (Figure 4.1). One branch runs from the President, through the SECDEF, to the CCDRs for missions and forces assigned to their commands. The other branch, used for purposes other than operational direction of forces assigned to the combatant commands, runs from the President through the SECDEF to the Secretaries of the military departments. Each military department, organized separately, operates under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of that military department. The Secretaries of the military departments, through their respective service chiefs, exercise authority over service forces not assigned to the CCDRs (for example, forces in the


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training pipeline). The service chiefs, except as otherwise prescribed by law, perform their duties under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretaries of the respective military departments to whom they are directly responsible. 4.10.4. The forces, units, and systems of all Services must operate together effectively. This effectiveness is achieved in part through interoperability. This includes the development and use of joint doctrine, joint OPLANs, and joint and/or interoperable communications and information systems. It also includes conducting joint training and exercises. Figure 4.1. Operational and Administrative Chain of Command.

4.11. Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components: 4.11.1. The Department of Defense (DOD) is composed of the Office of the SECDEF (OSD), the military departments, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), the Joint Staff, the combatant commands, the Inspector General of the DoD, the DoD agencies, DoD field activities, and such other offices, agencies, activities, and commands established or designated by law, the President, or the SECDEF. As prescribed by higher authority, the DoD will maintain and employ armed forces to fulfill the following aims: support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; ensure, by timely and effective military action, the security of the United States, its possessions, and areas vital to its interest; and uphold and advance the national policies and interests of the United States. 4.11.2. The JCS consists of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS); the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; the Chief of Naval Operations; the Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force; and the Commandant of the Marine Corps; supported by the Joint Staff. The JCS constitutes the immediate military staff of the SECDEF. The Commandant of the Coast Guard may be invited by the CJCS or the service chiefs to participate in meetings or to discuss matters of mutual interest to the Coast Guard and the other Services. 4.11.3. The commanders of the geographic commandsU.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM), U.S. European Command (USEUCOM), U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM), U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), and U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) are each assigned a geographic area of responsibility (AOR) within which they use assigned or attached forces to accomplish their missions. Forces under the direction of the President or the SECDEF may conduct operations from any geographic area as required to accomplish assigned tasks, if mutually agreed upon by the commanders concerned or specifically directed by the President or the SECDEF. Commanders of the four functional commands U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), and U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)support geographic combatant commanders (GCC), conduct operations in direct support of the President or the SECDEF, normally in coordination with the GCC in whose AOR the operation will be conducted. Functional command commanders may be designated by the SECDEF as the supported CCDR for an operation. 4.12. Fundamental Principles for Joint Command and Control: 4.12.1. Unity of command means all forces operate under a single commander with the requisite authority to direct all forces employed in pursuit of a common purpose. Unity of effort, however, requires coordination and cooperation


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among all forces toward a commonly recognized objective, although they are not necessarily part of the same command structure. 4.12.2. The chain of command from the President, through the SECDEF to the CCDRs, exercises the following types of command authorities: Combatant command (COCOM) authority is the authority of a CCDR to perform those functions of command over assigned forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations, joint training (or in the case of USSOCOM, training of assigned forces), and logistics necessary to accomplish the missions assigned to the command. It cannot be delegated or transferred. Operational control (OPCON) is the command authority that may be exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of combatant command and may be delegated within the command. OPCON is inherent in COCOM and is the authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission. OPCON includes authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations and joint training necessary to accomplish missions assigned to the command. Tactical control (TACON) is the command authority over assigned or attached forces or commands, or military capability or forces made available for tasking that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish assigned missions or tasks. TACON is inherent in OPCON and may be delegated to and exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of combatant command. A support relationship is established by a superior commander between subordinate commanders when one organization should aid, protect, complement, or sustain another force. Support may be exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the combatant command level. This includes the SECDEF designating a support relationship between CCDRs as well as within a combatant command. The designation of supporting relationships is important as it conveys priorities to commanders and staffs that are planning or executing joint operations. The support command relationship is, by design, a somewhat vague but very flexible arrangement. The establishing authority (the common superior commander) is responsible for ensuring that both the supported commander and supporting commanders understand the degree of authority that the supported commander is granted. 4.12.3. The chain of command, from the President through the SECDEF to the Secretaries of the military departments to the service chiefs, exercises administrative control (ADCON) authority. ADCON is direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other organizations in respect to administration and support, including organization of service forces, control of resources and equipment, personnel management, unit logistics, individual and unit training, readiness, mobilization, demobilization, discipline, and other matters not included in the operational missions of the subordinate or other organizations. ADCON is a service command authority, and flows through service, not joint, channels. This authority is not an operational command authority but provides the requisite authority for Services to execute their individual organize, train, and equip functions. 4.12.4. All National Guard and Reserve forces (except those specifically exempted) are assigned by the SECDEF to the combatant commands. However, those forces are available for operational missions only when mobilized for specific periods, by law, or when ordered to active duty after being validated for employment by their parent service. 4.13. Doctrine for Joint Commands: 4.13.1. Joint forces are established at three levels: unified commands, subordinate unified commands, and joint task forces (JTF), and can be established on either a geographic area or functional basis (Figure 4.2). These organizations are commanded by a Joint Force Commander (JFC). A JFC is a general term applied to a CCDR, subunified commander, or JTF commander authorized to exercise combatant command (command authority) or OPCON over a joint force. A unified command is a command with broad continuing missions under a single commander, composed of forces from two or more military departments, and established by the President, through the SECDEF, with the advice and assistance of the CJCS.


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89 A specified command is a command that has broad continuing missions and is established by the President, through the SECDEF, with the advice and assistance of the CJCS. Currently, there are no specified commands designated. Figure 4.2. Types of Joint Force Organizations. When authorized by the SECDEF through the CJCS, commanders of unified commands may establish subordinate unified commands (also called subunified commands) to conduct operations on a continuing basis using the criteria set forth for unified commands. A JTF is a joint force that is constituted and so designated by the SECDEF, a CCDR, a subordinate unified commander, or an existing JTF commander. A JTF may be established on a geographical area or functional basis when the mission has a specific limited objective and does not require overall centralized control of logistics. 4.13.2. A service component command, assigned to a CCDR, consists of the service component commander and the service forces (such as individuals, units, detachments, and organizations, including the support forces) that have been assigned to that CCDR (Figure 4.3). The commander of a U.S. Air Force service component at any joint level (unified combatant command, subunified combatant command, or JTF), is by joint and U.S. Air Force definition called a commander, Air Force forces (COMAFFOR). The COMAFFOR provides unity of command. To a JFC, a COMAFFOR provides a single face for all Air Force issues. The COMAFFOR is the single commander who conveys commanders intent and is responsible for operating and supporting all Air Force forces assigned or attached to that joint force. Thus, the COMAFFOR commands forces through two separate chains of responsibilityoperational and administrative. On the operational side, through the JFCs command authority, the JFC normally will conduct operations through the COMAFFOR by delegating OPCON of the Air Force component forces to the COMAFFOR. The administrative chain runs through service channels only, from the unit, up through the appropriate MAJCOM, to the CSAF and SECAF; this authority is expressed as ADCON. The COMAFFOR will have complete ADCON of all assigned Air Force component forces and specified ADCON of all attached Air Force component forces. The COMAFFOR also has some ADCON responsibilities for Air Force elements and personnel assigned to other joint force components (such as liaisons). Additionally, intertheater forces, such as intertheater airlift and forces transiting another COMAFFORs area of interest, will be subject to the ADCON authority of the respective COMAFFOR while transiting that COMAFFORs area for administrative reporting and for TACON for force protection requirements derived from the CCDR.

90 Figure 4.3. Joint Task Force Organization Along Purely Service Lines.

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AFPAM36-2241 The COMAFFOR commands an AETF. The AETF presents a JFC with a task-organized, integrated package with the appropriate balance of force, sustainment, control, and force protection. The AETF presents a scalable, tailorable organization with three elements: a single commander, embodied in the COMAFFOR; appropriate C2 mechanisms; and tailored and fully supported forces. The AETF will be tailored to the mission; this includes not only forces, but also the ability to command and control those forces for the missions assigned. The AETF should draw first from in-theater resources, if available. If augmentation is needed, or if in-theater forces are not available, the AETF will draw as needed from the AEF currently on rotation. These forces, whether in-theater or deployed from out of theater, should be fully supported with the requisite maintenance, logistical support, health services, and administrative elements. These forces will form up within the AETF as expeditionary wings, groups, squadrons, flights, detachments, or elements, as necessary to provide reasonable spans of control and command elements at appropriate levels and to provide unit identity. AETF C2 mechanisms are in place and are usually known as an Air and Space Air Operations Center (AOC). An AOC may be regional or functional, aligning with the purpose of the unified command they support. The COMAFFOR requires command activities as tools to assist in exercising OPCON, TACON, and ADCON. The COMAFFOR uses an AOC to exercise control of air and space operations, and a service component staff (commonly called the Air Force forces [AFFOR] staff) to exercise support operations and ADCON. The character of the operations center may vary, depending on the nature of the forces. For air mobility operations, the operations center may be the Tanker Airlift Control Center at Scott AFB, while space operations would leverage the Air Force Space AOC at Vandenberg AFB. An AETF also needs a command entity responsible for the deployment and sustainment of AFFOR. The AFFOR staff is the mechanism through which the COMAFFOR exercises service responsibilities. These sustainment activities are sometimes referred to as beds, beans, and bullets. The AFFOR staff is also responsible for the long-range planning and theater engagement operations that fall outside the AOC s current operational focus. The core capabilities of the AOC and AFFOR staff should be well-established, but tailored in size and function according to the theater and the operation. Not all operations require a full-up AOC with over


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1,000 people or a large AFFOR staff. Smaller operations, such as some humanitarian operations, can make do with a small control center that does little more than scheduling and reporting. Not all elements of the operations center or AFFOR staff need to be forward. Some may operate over the horizon, using reachback to reduce the forward footprint. The goal is to maximize reachback and minimize forward presence in harms way as much as possible. 4.13.3. CCDRs and commanders of subordinate unified commands and JFCs have the authority to establish functional component commands to control military operations (Figure 4.4). JFCs may decide to establish a functional component command to integrate planning; reduce their span of control; and/or significantly improve combat efficiency, information flow, unity of effort, weapon systems management, component interaction, and control over the scheme of maneuver. See notes on next page to identify OPCON and command relationships. Figure 4.4. Joint Task Force Organization with Functional and Service Component Commanders.




















(1) A joint force contains Services components (because of logistic and training responsibilities), even when operations are conducted through functional components.


(2) All Service and functional components are depicted; any mix of the above components can constitute a joint COMMAND RELATIONSHIP(S) DETERMINED BY JFC force. (3) There may also be a Coast Guard component in a joint force. If air and space assets from more than one service are present within a joint force, the JFC normally will designate a joint force air and space component commander (JFACC) to exploit the full capabilities of joint air and space operations. The JFACC should be the service component commander with the preponderance of air and space capabilities and the ability to plan, task, and control joint air and space operations. If working with allies in a coalition or alliance operation, the JFACC may be designated as the combined force air and space component commander (CFACC). Both joint and U.S. Air Force doctrine state that one individual will normally be dual-hatted as COMAFFOR and JFACC/CFACC. The U.S. Air Force prefersand in fact, plans and trainsto employ through a COMAFFOR who is then prepared to assume responsibilities as a JFACC if so designated. The JFACC recommends the proper employment of air and space forces from multiple components. The JFACC also plans, coordinates, allocates, tasks, executes, and assesses air and space operations to


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accomplish assigned operational missions. Because of the wide scope of air and space operations, the JFACC will typically maintain the same joint operating area/theater-wide perspective as the JFC. The JFACC, as with any component commander, should not also be dual-hatted as the JFC. Functional component commanders normally exercise TACON of forces made available to them by the JFC. Thus, a COMAFFOR exercises OPCON of Air Force forces and, acting as a JFACC, normally exercises TACON of any Navy, Army, Marine, and coalition air and space assets made available for tasking (i.e., those forces not retained for their own services organic operations). 4.14. Joint Operation Planning: 4.14.1. General. Joint operation planning is conducted within the chain of command that runs from the President through the SECDEF to the CCDRs and their subordinate JFCs. This process guides the CCDRs in developing plans for the possible employment of the military instrument of national power to meet contingencies and respond to unforeseen crises. A continuous process, using the full range of military operations, joint operation planning produces operation plans in the form of OPLANs (a complete and detailed joint plan), concept plans (joint operation plans in an abbreviated format), or less detailed operation plans in the form of a base plan or commanders estimate. Joint operation planning includes all activities that must be accomplished to plan for an anticipated operation. These planning activities are: Mobilization Planning. This is the process by which the Armed Forces, or part of them, are brought to a state of readiness for war or other national emergency. Mobilization may include activating all or part of the Reserve component. Mobilization is primarily the responsibility of the military departments and Services in close cooperation with the supported commanders and their service component commanders. Deployment Planning. This is planning that encompasses the movement of forces and their sustainment resources from their original locations to a specific destination to conduct joint operations. Deployment planning is the responsibility of the CCDRs in close coordination with USTRANSCOM. Employment Planning. Employment planning prescribes how to apply military force to attain specified military objectives within an operational area. It provides the foundation for, determines the scope of, and is limited by mobilization, deployment, and sustainment planning. Employment planning is primarily the responsibility of the supported CCDR and his or her subordinate and supporting commanders. Sustainment Planning. Sustainment planning is the provision of logistics and personnel services required to maintain and prolong operations until mission accomplishment. Sustainment is primarily the responsibility of the supported CCDR and his or her service component commanders in close cooperation with the Services, combat support agencies, and supporting commands. Redeployment Planning. This concerns the movement of units, individuals, or supplies deployed in one area to another area, or to another location within the area for the purpose of further employment. Redeployment also includes the return of forces and resources to their original location and status. Redeployment is primarily the responsibility of supported commanders and their service component commanders, in close cooperation with the supporting CCDRs and USTRANSCOM. Demobilization Planning. Demobilization planning includes the return of Reserve component units, individuals, and materiel stocks to their former status. Demobilization is primarily the responsibility of the military departments and Services, in close cooperation with the supported commanders and their service component commanders. 4.14.2. Planning Systems. Many joint and service planning systems prepare operation plans and associated planning documents. The following is a sample of the major systems: Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES). JOPES is a system of joint policies, procedures, and reporting structures supported by communications and computer systems. It is used by joint planners to monitor, plan, and execute planning activities during peace and crisis. JOPES is designed to facilitate rapid building and timely maintenance of plans and rapid development of effective options through adaptation of approved operation plans during crises. JOPES allows for the effective management of operations in execution across the spectrum of mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization. All joint, conventional time-phased force deployment databases are developed by and reside in JOPES.


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93 Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segment (DCAPES). DCAPES is the Air Forces war-planning system and provides an Air Force feed to JOPES. The objective of DCAPES is to enable Air Force-unique operation planning and execution processes which include associated joint policy and procedures. DCAPES provides standard data files, formats, application programs, and management procedures used primarily for force planning, sourcing equipment and personnel requirements, transportation feasibility estimation, civil engineering, and medical planning. 4.14.3. War and Mobilization Plan (WMP) System. The Air Force WMP system consists of five volumes and associated databases and is the Air Forces supporting document to several joint documents. It provides the Air Staff, Air Force planners, and Air Force commanders with current policies, apportioned forces, and planning factors for conducting and supporting operations. Reflecting and supporting joint guidance, the WMP includes a consolidated reference for general policies and guidance for Air Force planning; a list of apportioned combat and support forces; a set of planning factors (such as sortie rate) by aircraft type and theater serving as a basis for establishing worldwide support for programmed force levels; a list of all active plans with time-phased force deployment data; and, based on the planning factors, the expected aircraft activity at each base in the MAJCOMs AOR. 4.15. Guidance for Multinational Operations: 4.15.1. A critical element of unified action is effective integration of allied capabilities into a campaign plan. Shared principles, a common view of threats, and commitment to cooperation provide far greater security than the United States could achieve independently. These partnerships must be nurtured and developed to ensure their relevance as new challenges emerge. The ability of the United States and its allies to work together to influence the global environment is fundamental to defeating future threats. Wherever possible, the United States works with or through other nations, enabling allied and partner capabilities to build their capacity and develop mechanisms to share the risks and responsibility of todays complex challenges. 4.15.2. Multinational operations are usually undertaken within the structure of a coalition or alliance. Other possible arrangements include supervision by an IGO such as the United Nations (UN) or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Other commonly used terms for multinational operations include allied, bilateral, combined, coalition, or multilateral, as appropriate. An alliance is a relationship that results from a formal agreement (such as a treaty) between two or more nations for broad, long-term objectives that further the common interests of the members. Operations conducted with units from two or more allies are referred to as combined operations. A coalition is an ad hoc arrangement between two or more nations for common action. Coalitions are formed by different nations with specific objectives, usually for a single occasion or for longer cooperation in a narrow sector of common interest. Operations conducted with units from two or more coalition members are referred to as coalition operations. 4.15.3. Cultural, psychological, religious, economic, technological, informational, and political factors, as well as transnational dangers, all impact multinational operations. Many OPLANs to deter or counter threats are prepared within the context of a treaty or alliance framework. Sometimes they are developed in a less structured coalition framework based on temporary agreements or arrangements. Much of the information and guidance provided for unified action and joint operations are applicable to multinational operations. However, differences in laws, doctrine, organization, weapons, equipment, terminology, culture, politics, religion, and language within alliances and coalitions must be considered. Normally, each alliance or coalition develops its own OPLANs to guide multinational action. 4.15.4. Each coalition or alliance will create the structure that best meets the objectives, political realities, and constraints of the participating nations. Political considerations heavily influence the ultimate shape of the command structure. However, participating nations should strive to achieve unity of effort to the maximum extent possible, with missions, tasks, responsibilities, and authorities clearly defined and understood by all participants. While command relationships are well-defined in U.S. doctrine, they are not necessarily part of the doctrinal lexicon of nations with whom the United States may operate in an alliance or coalition. 4.15.5. Attaining unity of effort through unity of command for a multinational operation may not be politically feasible, but it should be a goal. There must be a common understanding among all national forces of the overall aim of the multinational force (MNF) and the plan for its attainment. A coordinated policy is essential for unity of effort, particularly on such matters as alliance or coalition commanders authority over national logisti cs (including infrastructure); rules of engagement; fratricide prevention; and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; etc. While the five tenets of multinational operations may not guarantee success, ignoring them may lead to mission failure. The tenets are respect, rapport, knowledge of partners, patience, and coordination. 4.15.6. The basic structures for multinational operations fall into one of three types: integrated, lead nation, or parallel command. Integrated commands have representative members from the member nations in the command headquarters.


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A lead nation structure exists when all member nations place their forces under the control of one nation. Under a parallel command structure, no single force commander is designated. 4.15.7. Regardless of how the MNF is organized operationally, each nation furnishing forces normally establishes a national component (often called a national command element) to ensure effective administration of its forces. The national component provides a means to administer and support the national forces, coordinate communication to the parent nation, tender national military views and recommendations directly to the multinational commander, facilitate the assignment and reassignment of national forces to subordinate operational multinational organizations, and maintain personnel accountability. 4.15.8. Although nations will often participate in multinational operations, they rarely, if ever, relinquish national command of their forces. Thus, forces participating in a multinational operation will always have at least two distinct chains of command: a national chain of command and a multinational chain of command. For the United States, under national command, the President retains and cannot relinquish national command authority over U.S. forces. National command includes the authority and responsibility for organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling, and planning employment, and protecting military forces. The President also has the authority to terminate U.S. participation in multinational operations at any time. During multinational command, MNF command authority is normally negotiated between the participating nations and can vary from nation to nation. Command authority will be specified in the implementing agreements and may include aspects of OPCON and/or TACON, as well as support relationships and coordinating authority. 4.16. Interagency, IGO, and NGO Coordination: 4.16.1. Along with the effective multinational integration, interagency, IGO, and NGO coordination is essential to proper unified action. Interagency coordination is the cooperation and communication that occurs between agencies of the USG, including the DoD, to accomplish an objective. Similarly, in the context of DoD involvement, IGO and NGO coordination refers to coordination between elements of the DoD and IGOs or NGOs to achieve an objective. CCDRs and other subordinate JFCs must consider the potential requirements for interagency, IGO, and NGO coordination as a part of their activities across the range of military operations within and outside of their operational areas. Military operations must be coordinated, integrated, and/or deconflicted with the activities of other agencies of the USG, IGOs, NGOs, regional organizations, the operations of foreign forces, and activities of various host nation agencies within and en route to and from the operational area. 4.16.2. The interagency process often is described as more art than science, while military operations tend to depend more on structure and doctrine. However, some of the techniques, procedures, and systems of military C2 can facilitate unity of effort if they are adjusted to the dynamic world of interagency coordination and different organizational cultures. Unity of effort can only be achieved through close, continuous interagency and interdepartmental coordination and cooperation, which are necessary to overcome discord, inadequate structure and procedures, incompatible communications, cultural differences, and bureaucratic and personnel limitations. 4.16.3. The National Security Council (NSC) advises and assists the President in integrating all aspects of national security policy, including domestic, foreign, military, intelligence, and economic (in conjunction with the National Economic Council). Along with its subordinate committees, the NSC is the principal means for coordinating, developing, and implementing national security policy. The statutory members of the NSC are the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and SECDEF. The CJCS is the councils statutory military advisor, and the Director of National Intelligence is the councils statutory intelligence advisor. Officials of the Of fice of the SECDEF represent the SECDEF in NSC interagency groups. Similarly, the CJCS, assisted by the Joint Staff, represents the CCDRs for interagency matters in the NSC system. Other senior officials are invited to attend NSC meetings, as appropriate. 4.16.4. While the NSC serves as the principal forum for considering national security policy issues requiring Presidential determination, the Homeland Security Council (HSC) provides a parallel forum for considering unique homeland security (HS) matters, especially those concerning terrorism within the United States. The HSC is responsible for advising and assisting the President with respect to all aspects of HS, and serves as the mechanism for ensuring coordination of executive departments and agencies homeland security-related activities and effective development and implementation of HS policies. 4.16.5. For domestic HS-related interagency coordination that may require military participation in countering domestic terrorism and other civil support tasks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has the lead. For homeland defense interagency coordination, DoD has the lead. The DHS is the primary forum for coordinating Executive Branch efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States.


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4.16.6. In domestic situations, the Constitution, law, and other governmental directives limit the scope and nature of military actions. The National Guard has unique roles in domestic operations. Under control of the respective states, National Guard units in 32 U.S.C. and state active duty status provide a wide variety of civil support. Per the Posse Comitatus Act and DoD policy, the United States refrains from employing 10 U.S.C. DoD forces to enforce the law except in cases of necessity. Unless under authorization by the President, Congress, or the Constitution, Posse Comitatus, together with related DoD regulations, prohibits the Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy from directly participating in civilian law enforcement activities within the United States. In its maritime law enforcement role under DHS, the U.S. Coast Guard as a service under DHS, has jurisdiction in both U.S. waters and on the high seas as prescribed in law. 4.16.7. When formed, a joint interagency coordination group (JIACG) can increase the CCDRs ability to collaborate with other USG civilian agencies and departments. The JIACG, an element of a GCCs staff, is an interagency staff group that establishes and enhances regular, timely, and collaborative working relationships between other governmental agencies representatives and military operational planners at the combatant commands. If augmented with other partners such as IGOs, NGOs, or multinational representatives, the JIACG enhances the ability to collaborate and coordinate with the private sector or regional organizations. JIACGs complement the interagency coordination that occurs at the national level through the DoD and the NSC and HSC systems. JIACG members participate in contingency, crisis action, and security cooperation planning. They provide a conduit back to their parent organizations to help synchronize joint operations with the efforts of other government agencies. Section 4E Joint and Coalition Capabilities . we will lead, and we will enable others to lead. Moreover, we will do this-always-by coordinating military power with the diplomacy and development efforts of our government and those of our allies and partners. Martin E. Dempsey General U.S. Army 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 4.17. Joint and Coalition Capabilities. 4.17.1. As our Nation and armed forces are confronted with a multitude of priorities, from a shrinking force and limited resources, to fiscal constraints, we must be mindful to advance only the necessary resources to ensure that the right capabilities are integrated and interoperable across all domains of air, space, and cyberspace. Competing priorities today must now be carefully measured against all military capabilities, ensuring that qualitynot necessarily quantitysmartly contributes to a faster, more flexible, agile and response force. That said, we must rely on the strengths of others, or be interdependent, and meanwhile ensure all capabilities can effectively intertwine, or be interoperable with each other to achieve an overarching objective. One of the founding initiatives, which addressed joint interdependence and joint interoperability, was the Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986. 4.17.2. The Goldwater-Nichols DoD Reorganization Act of 1986 made a tremendous impact on how the DoD conducts joint and coalition operations. This act, sponsored by Senator Barry Goldwater and Representative Bill Nichols, provided a statutory basis for change in our military command structure and consolidated operational authority through the CJCS instead of the Service chiefs for review of major personnel, material, and logistics requirements for the Armed Forces. Ultimately, it was passed with the intent to improve the ability of the U.S. Armed Forces to conduct joint and coalition operations, and also improve our DoD budget process. The Goldwater-Nichols Act had many purposes, but some of the primary purposes were to address weaknesses noted by interservice rivalries that emerged during the Vietnam War. At that time, peacetime activities, such as the procurement and creation of doctrine, were tailored for each Service in isolation. Just as seriously, wartime activities of each Service were planned, executed, and evaluated independently. These practices resulted in an inability to inhibit the development of modern warfare doctrine and redundancy of resources and functions, in some areas. With a desire to create a more appropriate balance between joint and service interests as a backdrop, Congress declared eight purposes for the act, the last having two parts: To reorganize the DoD and strengthen civilian authority. To improve the military advice provided to the President, NSC, SECDEF, and the commanders of the unified and specified combatant commands for the accomplishment of missions assigned to those commands.


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AFPAM36-2241 To ensure that the authority of commanders of unified and specified combatant commands is fully commensurate with the responsibility of those commanders for the accomplishment of missions assigned to those commands. To increase attention to strategy formulation and contingency planning. To provide for more efficient use of defense resources. To improve joint officer management policies. To enhance the effectiveness of military operations and improve DoD management and administration. 4.17.3. The results over time were irrefutable. Shortly after Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, an article in the Washington Monthly added, Goldwater-Nichols helped ensure that this war had less interservice infighting, less deadly bureaucracy, fewer needless casualties, and more military cohesion than any major operation in decades. The smart integration of joint and coalition coordination is our future and the key to our success. 4.17.4. One of the first successful operational actions of combining joint and coalition integration was experienced during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. These operations demonstrated an unmistakable fashion the value and effectiveness of joint and combined military operations. The unique capabilities of each of the U.S. military Services, and those of each of our allies, were exploited during various phases of both operations. The combined force provided a synergistic combat capability which brought the greatest possible military power of the coalition force to bear against the opponent. Likewise, our experience also reaffirmed the importance of joint and combined training, the value of forward presence and the validity of joint force sequencing for power-projection. A good example of this was through the use of the Air Forces domain of space. After the Gulf War there was a near unanimous agreement that space-based systems greatly increased the overall effectiveness of coalition forces. 4.17.5. Clearly, history proved that collectively, the strengths, resources, and training of one Service or nation in todays increasingly complex environment, increases and/or balances the successful outc ome of a military objective. This was seen in Iraq and Libya, and is seen today in Afghanistanthroughout all aspects of the Global War on Terrorism and through other worldwide security challenges. 4.17.6. The U.S. Air Forces unity of effort, through th e application of air, space, and cyberspace, provides unique capabilities that bridge a comprehensive joint and coalition approach. This unity of effort involves the coordination and cooperation toward common objectives, even if the participants are not necessarily part of the same command or organization, but the product of successful unified action (JP 1-02). 4.17.7. Our doctrine continues to evolve; we now rarely see any one Service or any one country unilaterally plan, organize, or execute an operation, but we see inclusiveness with joint, coalition, and sometimes interagency partners, whereby we depend on each other to succeed in todays complex environment. It is through this interdependence that we select the right resources and capabilities from each other. These capabilities simply do not get used when a contingency arises, but are synergized and tested through such venues as exercises and operations to ensure all joint, and when necessary, coalition partners can meet the desired objectives at the right time and right place. 4.17.8. In order to be successful, there must be a clear command relationship, specifically, a supported and supporting command relationship between joint and coalition force components. Supported Command. The command having primary responsibility for all aspects of a task and receives assistance from another command force or capabilities. Supporting Command. A command that provides augmentation forces or other support to a supported command or develops a supporting plan by aiding, protecting, complementing, or sustaining other forces, and is responsible for providing the assistance required by the supported command. 4.17.9. Each Service and coalition brings a unique balance to every operation and, depending upon the circumstances, the balance may shift from one Service or nation due to the different operating environments and applications necessary to support the best options. Our Air Force tenet of centralized control, decentralized execution is a great example of this. When employing strategic air attack as a line of operations, which defines the interior or exterior orientation of the force in relation to the enemy or that connects actions on nodes and/or decisive points related in time and space to an objective, we will require a high degree of centralization under an air commander, known as the JFACC. The JFACC must have authority over all forces, foreign or domestic, to direct operations, including attack sequencing and make adjustments as operations unfold. On the contrary, if tactical air operations are necessary to support ground troops using close air support, these air resources are best when decentralized to support ground


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commanders. The tenet of Airpower is never prosecuted alone, but space and cyberspace, which belongs to no one state, remains a vital imperative for joint force operations. 4.17.10. A good example of this was played out during Operation Odyssey Dawn over Libya in 2011. During this operation, the joint and combined operations provided one of the greatest uses of joint and coalition capabilities in our recent history. In an effort to support multi-national efforts necessary to protect civilians in Libya from attacks by the regime of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi, the United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM) task force was assigned to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. At the start of operations, USAFRICOM, commanded by General Carter Ham, exercised strategic command. Tactical command in the theater of operations was executed from USS Mount Whitney in the Mediterranean Sea under supported command of Admiral Sam Locklear, Commander, United States Naval Forces Africa. U.S. SECDEF Robert Gates indicated that control of the operation would be transferred to French and British authorities, or North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), within days. The JTF was called JTF ODYSSEY DAWN. 4.17.11. As a joint team, the supporting commands (commanders) were the Joint Force Maritime Component Commander Vice Admiral Harry B. Harris who controls maritime assets aboard the USS Mount Whitney, and Joint Force Air Component Commander Major General Margaret Woodward. 4.17.12. As the Libyans began joining other Arab populations across North Africa in conducting antigovernment protests and demonstrations, time passed and the Qadhafi regime increasingly began to use military force against its citizens in efforts to repress the uprising. The Arab League meeting in Cairo asked the U.N. Security Council to impose a no-fly zone (NFZ) over Libya to protect civilians from air attack and declaring that the Qadhafi government had lost its sovereignty. The U.N. Security Council passed Resolution 1973 authorizing all necessary measures to protect civilians in Libya. The resolution authorized the use of force and the enforcement of a NFZ over Libya. The U.S. SECDEF approved and ordered the use of U.S. military forces in strikes against the government of Libya. The International Coalition took measures to begin enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, to include the imposition of a NFZ, launched strikes against Libyan military sites and air defense systems. 4.17.13. To illustrate effective interdependence and interoperability, the following joint and coalition capabilities over Libya was a good example. The following representation was captured within the first few days of Operation Odyssey Dawn: As Maj Gen Woodward commanded the air campaign, French aircraft destroyed four Libyan tanks in air strikes to the southwest of the city of Benghazi. The French military claimed that its aircraft had also flown reconnaissance missions over all Libyan territory. On the same day, British Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed that Royal Air Force jets were also in action and reports suggested that the U.S. Navy had fired the first cruise missile. CBS News correspondent David Martin reported that three B-2 stealth bombers from Whiteman AFB MO flew nonstop from the United States to drop 40 bombs on a major Libyan airfield. Martin further reported that U.S. fighter jets were searching for Libyan ground forces to attack. The Pentagon and the British Ministry of Defense confirmed that, jointly, British ship HMS Triumph and U.S. Navy ships (including USS Barry) and submarines fired more than 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles, supported with air attacks on military installations, both inland and on the coast. Days later, several Storm Shadow missiles were launched by British jets. Nineteen U.S. planes conducted strike operations in Libya. The planes included Marine Corps AV8B Harriers, U.S. Navy EA-18G Growlers, which were diverted from operations over Iraq and jammed Libyan radar and communications, and Air Force F-15 and F-16 fighter jets. A military convoy was destroyed south of Benghazi by air strikes. Seventy military vehicles were destroyed and multiple loyalist ground troop casualties were also reported. Four Danish F-16 fighters left Italys Sigonella Air Base for a successful 5 -hour long highrisk mission, and four Italian Tornados ECR, accompanied by four Italian aircraft. Operations continued and on 31 March 2011 at 0600 Greenwich Mean Time, NATO took command of all operations in Libya with subsequent operations being conducted as part of NATO-driven Operation Unified Protector. Operation Odyssey Dawn was a complete success and supported the necessity of, not only joint and coalition capabilities, but how air, space, and cyberspace domains intertwined all facets of the operation to guarantee success. General Dempsey said it best when he stated [Joint and Coalition] means building and presenting forces that can be molded to contextnot just by adding and subtracting, but by leaders combining capabilities in innovative ways. It means interdependence services that rely on each other to achieve objectives and create capabilities that do not exist except when combined. It means a regionally postured, but globally networked and flexible force that can be scaled and scoped to demand.


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4.17.14. Today, not one military contingency or operation, whether in peacetime or wartime, can optimize its objective without space or cyberspace. Airpower offers speed, agility, flexibility, range, and responsiveness to virtually every need, and airpower has demonstrated its success to meet our homeland and international security challenges by leveraging our respective capabilities and maximizing resulting synergy. Cyber operations guarantee our capability to operate in any contested cyber domain to support vital land, sea, air, and space missions by developing capabilities to protect essential military cyber systems and to speed their recovery if an attack does occur. In these interdependent domains the Air Force possesses unique capabilities for ensuring global mobility, long-range strike, and ISR. The benefits of airpower extend beyond the air domain, and operations among the air, land, maritime, space, and cyber domains are increasingly interdependent upon each other for the success of any and all national military objectives. Together, the domains of air, space, and cyberspace, effectively combined with joint and coalition capabilities, has proven to be the most valuable means of supporting the National Security Strategy of the United States and our allies.


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Chapter 4 ends here for those testing to SSgt, TSgt, or MSgt. If testing to SMSgt or CMSgt, continue studying this chapter (Section 4F).

100 Section 4FJoint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) 4.18. Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES):

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4.18.1. JOPES is the DoD-directed, single, integrated, joint command and control system for conventional operation planning and execution (to include theater-level nuclear and chemical plans). It includes policies, procedures, reporting structures, and personnel, supported by the command, control, communications, computers and intelligence systems and is used by the joint community to conduct joint planning during peace and crisis. Joint operation planning is a process coordinated through all levels of the national structure for joint planning and execution. 4.18.2. The focus of the joint operation planning process is at the CCDRs, who use it to determine the best method of accomplishing assigned tasks and direct the actions necessary to accomplish the mission. JOPES is designed to facilitate rapid building and timely maintenance of plans and rapid development of effective options through adaptation of approved operation plans during crisis. JOPES allows for the effective management of operations in execution across the spectrum of mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment and demobilization. JOPES is supported by a networked suite of automated data processing (ADP) applications, tools, and databases, which reside on the Global Command and Control System. JOPES ADP systems include the mechanisms to create and maintain time-phased force deployment data (TPFDD) and to submit CCDR movement requirements to USTRANSCOM. JOPES ADP is commonly referred to as JOPES. All joint, conventional TPFDD are developed by and reside in JOPES ADP. 4.18.3. JOPES also assists in identifying shortfalls, which are converted to joint operation requirements to the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) system. JOPES ADP is detailed in AFI 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution. The directive phrase "the use of JOPES is directed" in JOPES orders directs all tasked organizations to use JOPES to develop plans and orders to accomplish the tasked missions. This means organizations must follow the guidance in JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, as well as all CJCS publications governing JOPES. Various CJCS manuals (CJCSM) govern JOPES: CJCSM 3122.01A, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Volume I (Planning Policies and Procedures). This publication sets forth planning policies, processes, and procedure to govern the joint operation planning and execution activities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States. CJCSM 3122.03C, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Volume II--Planning Formats. This publication prescribes standard formats and minimum content requirements for OPLANs and CONPLANs. CJCSM 3122.02D, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Volume III (TimePhased Force Deployment Data [TPFDD] Development and Deployment Execution). This publication establishes procedures for the development of TPFDDs and establishes policy, processes, and procedures to plan and execute joint deployment and redeployment operations. CJCSM 3150.16D, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Reporting Structure (JOPESREP), sets forth guidelines and standards to be used in the organization and development of information reporting to the JOPES database. This publication encompasses only JOPES-related joint planning and execution community data. Note: CJCSM 3122.01A and CJCSM 3122.02D are reviewed periodically by the Joint Staff and service headquarters. Recommended changes may be submitted at any time to the war and mobilization plans division (AF/A5XW). Air Force component headquarters are required to send an information copy of these recommendations to their parent unified command. 4.19. Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES). DCAPES is the Air Forces war planning system and provides an Air Force feed to JOPES ADP. The objective of DCAPES is to enable improved and streamlined operations planning and execution processes which include associated policy and procedures, along with organizational and technology improvements. DCAPES provides standard data files, formats, application programs, and management procedures that are Air Force unique, joint guidance compliant, and used primarily for force planning, sourcing equipment, personnel requirements, transportation feasibility estimation, civil engineering support, and medical planning. DCAPES is detailed in AFI 10-401. DCAPES supports all phases of operations planning and execution at the HAF, MAJCOM, component, and wing/squadron level. It provides data manipulation capability to Air Force planners to perform rapid OPLAN development, conduct feasibility capability analyses, support mobilization, deployment, sustainment, redeployment, demobilization, reconstitution, and personnel accounting of forces.

AFPAM36-2241 4.20. Conclusion.

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The nature of the challenges to the United States and its interests demand that the Armed Forces operate as a fully integrated joint team across the range of military operations. This chapter provided essential information that all members of the joint force should understand. It covered levels of air and space doctrine, key doctrine concepts, AEF concepts, AEF force management, and joint force components and planning operations. Finally, it provided the JOPES used within the joint community for interagency coordination and for U.S. military involvement in multiagency and multinational operations.


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Section 5AOverview 5.1. Introduction. The Air Force faces many challenges; members may be called upon to serve in a variety of ways. Members may be required to protect other Air Force members and resources during major accidents; natural disasters; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives (CBRNE) enemy attacks; or terrorist use of CBRNE material. Air Force members must understand how the Air Force Emergency Management (AFEM) Program prevents, prepares, responds, and recovers from such incidents. This chapter provides the framework to accomplish the AFEM Program mission. Section 5BEmergency Management Program Operation 5.2. AFEM Program. Protection of Air Force personnel and operational resources is essential to successful Air Force operations. The AFEM Program is integral to this success and describes the Air Forces approach to planning, organizing, training, and equipping personnel, and protecting mission critical infrastructures from possible major accidents, natural disasters, CBRNE enemy attacks, or terrorist use of CBRNE material. The AFEM Program provides guidance to aid commanders in developing an all-hazards approach to physical threats and captures the complete incident response cycle, from planning to response and recovery. This approach is known as the Air Force Incident Management System (AFIMS) which uses the installation disaster response force (DRF) as the structure for all responses. The DRF includes the crisis action team, command post (CP), emergency communications center (ECC), emergency operations center (EOC), incident commander (IC), first responders and emergency responders, unit control centers (UCC), and specialized teams. See AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management (EM) Program Planning and Operations, Attachment 1, for definitions of these terms. Section 5CAir Force Incident Management System (AFIMS) 5.3. General Information. AFIMS aligns EM planning and response with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5), Management of Domestic Incidents; the National Incident Management System (NIMS); and the national response framework (NRF). AFIMS provides scalable and flexible response options to organize field-level operations for a broad spectrum of emergencies. AFIMS addresses the impacts of major accidents, natural disasters, CBRNE enemy attacks, and terrorist attacks. Commanders can achieve unity of effort, use resources effectively, and identify shortfalls using the AFIMS planning process. 5.4. AFIMS Defined. AFIMS is a methodology designed to incorporate the requirements of national level and Office of the Secretary of Defense guidance while preserving the unique military requirements of the expeditionary Air Force. This incident management system is consistent with the single, comprehensive approach to domestic incident management. AFIMS includes a set of concepts and principles covering the Incident Command System, DRF, common terminology and technologies, training, and resources management. Section 5DIncident Management 5.5. Standard Phases of Incident Management. AFIMS includes phases of incident management as prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. These phases of incident management provide the framework with which the installation DRF responds to all EM incidents and events (Figure 5.1).

104 Figure 5.1. Standard Phases of Incident Management. 5.5.1. Prevention.

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For AFIMS, prevention includes broad categories of activities such as intelligence collection and analysis, active defense, proliferation prevention, fire prevention, disease prevention, and contamination prevention. Prevention also includes more specific tasks such as safety mishap investigations that contribute information to prevent future mishaps. 5.5.2. Preparedness. Preparedness includes planning, training, exercises, and evaluations, as well as specific tasks such as identifying augmentation manpower needs or reviewing expeditionary support plans. 5.5.3. Response. Response includes deploying the DRF, executing the Installation Emergency Management Plan (IEMP) 10-2, and activating the installation notification and warning system. Imminently serious conditions resulting from any disaster or attack may require immediate action to save lives, prevent human suffering, or mitigate great property damage. 5.5.4. Recovery. Recovery includes as a minimum, casualty treatment, unexploded ordnance (UXO) safing, personnel decontamination, airfield damage repair, and facility restoration. Recovery planning and actions begin as soon as possible to restore normal operations and ensure crucial mission sustainment. 5.5.5. Mitigation. Mitigation is an ongoing process and is considered, to some degree, part of every phase. In a global sense, mitigation includes all activities designed to reduce or eliminate risks to persons or property, or to lessen the actual or potential effects or consequences of an incident. Section 5EMajor Accident and Natural Disaster Threats 5.6. Major Accidents. Installations are threatened with the possibility of catastrophic major accidents that include hazardous material, aircraft, ammunition, explosives, transportation, facility emergencies, and industrial accidents. The installation must prepare for and quickly respond to major accidents to prevent the loss of life, preserve valuable resources, and protect the environment. 5.6.1. AFI 10-2501 defines a major accident as an accident involving DoD materiel or DoD activities that is serious enough to warrant response by the installation DRF. Major accidents may occur at home station, in transit, at deployment locations, or during any phase of training, civil support, humanitarian support, or wartime operations. 5.6.2. A major accident may involve one or more of the following: hazardous substances (such as radioactive materials, toxic industrial chemicals [TIC], toxic industrial materials [TIM], CBRNE weapons), explosives, Class A mishaps, extensive property damage, grave risk of injury or death to installation personnel or the public, and adverse public reaction. The DoD is responsible for responding to a major accident involving DoD resources or resulting from DoD activities. The military installation (regardless of size) nearest the scene of a major accident will respond to the accident unless otherwise directed by the major command (MAJCOM) or the Air Force Operations Center. This installation is known as the initial response base. Upon witnessing a major accident, personnel should alert others in the immediate area and report the accident to the security forces, fire department, or installation command and control (C2). After reporting the accident, personnel should: Stay uphill and upwind. Avoid inhaling fumes, smoke, or vapors. Attempt to rescue and care for casualties. Avoid handling any material or component involved in the accident. Evacuate the area if rescue or containment is impractical, or if directed to evacuate.


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5.7. Natural Disasters. The threat of natural disasters and severe weather varies widely by geographical area. The installation must be prepared to adequately warn and notify personnel and to implement protective measures and recovery operations. 5.7.1. Natural disasters and severe weather can create emergency conditions that vary widely in scope, urgency, and degree of damage and destruction. Specific actions taken in response, mitigation, and recovery will vary. A nationallevel response may be required to help an Air Force installation recover from large-area natural disasters. 5.7.2. Natural disasters include severe weather events such as tornados, cyclones, floods, thunderstorms, lightning, extreme cold and heat, winter storms, hurricanes, typhoons, and tropical storms; tsunamis; earthquakes; fires; volcanoes; and any other natural weather phenomena specific to the installation. In addition to the obvious array of natural disasters listed, naturally occurring outbreaks of disease must not be overlooked in planning. Installations must develop severe weather and epidemic plans for the hazards likely to affect the location. The installation commander will provide emergency response and recovery operations for the dispersal, protection, or sheltering of DoD personnel and resources during natural disasters. 5.8. Alarm Signals. When a natural disaster threatens or an incident affecting the base is imminent or in progress, personnel should listen for a 3- to 5-minute steady or wavering siren (Figure 5.2). Additionally, they should keep the radio or television on and listen for instructions from local authorities and weather updates, and use the phone for emergency calls only. Figure 5.2. Air Force Emergency Notification Signals. CONDITION IF YOU HEAR 3-5 minute steady tone on siren or similar warning device DISASTER WARNING1,3 THIS INDICATES A disaster/incident affecting the base is imminent or in progress Examples: Tornadoes, flash floods, hazardous material releases, wildfires or voice announcement 3-5 minute wavering tone on siren or similar warning device ATTACK WARNING1,2,3 or voice announcement An attack/hostile act is imminent or in progress Examples: Vehicle bomb, terrorist release of chemical, biological, radioactive material Be alert, ensure all personnel are warned Implement security measures, as appropriate Follow instructions to take cover, evacuate to a safe location, or shelter Conduct personnel accountability4 Remain alert for secondary hazards Account for all personnel Report fires, injuries, hazards, and damage INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS Be aware, ensure all personnel are warned Follow instructions to take cover, evacuate to a safe location, or shelter Conduct personnel accountability 4


Voice announcement

The immediate disaster threat has ended or the attack is over

NOTES: 1. See AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management (EM) Program Planning and Operations, and AFMAN 10-2504, Air Force Incident Management for Major Accidents and Natural Disasters, for further guidance on warning systems and protective actions. 2. During wartime or combat operations, AFVA 10-2511, USAF Standardized Attack Warning Signals for CBRNE Medium and High Threat Areas, will be used to initiate passive defense actions in accordance with AFMAN 10-2503, Operations in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Environment, as directed by the installation commander. 3. Monitor commanders channel or local media for information regarding specifications for base populace. 4. Senior ranking person accomplishes personnel accountability and reports as soon as possible using local procedures.

106 5.9. Response Procedures.

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Commanders must be able to maintain the primary base mission, save lives, mitigate damage, and restore missionessential resources following a natural disaster. Response levels will depend on the magnitude of the disaster and degree of damage. Each installation must develop natural and technological disaster response plans and policies. IEMP 10-2 is the vehicle for installation preparation and response. 5.10. Sheltering Personnel. All installations should address shelter planning in the event of a natural disaster. Shelter selection is based on structural and personnel housing capabilities in relation to the types of disasters likely to occur in the area. Personnel must know where their shelter is located and understand shelter-processing procedures. Shelterin-place procedures may be required to shelter personnel in the event of natural disaster or when the type or extent of the hazard is unknown and/or evacuation at the time would be dangerous. 5.11. Protective Measures. Natural disasters can be local or widespread, predictable or unpredictable. Regardless, there are ways to prepare for and cope with natural disasters. Take time to think; then act according to the situation. To reduce injury, loss of life, and property damage prepare early and develop emergency plans. For guidance on preparing, contact the installation readiness and emergency management flight, or visit the Air Force Be Ready Web site (, as well as the Air Force Portal. Section 5FCBRNE Enemy Attack and Terrorist Use of CBRNE Material Threats 5.12. CBRNE Enemy Attack. CBRN-capable nations, including developing nations, may use these weapons to achieve political or military objectives. Chemical attacks achieve surprise and can cause mass casualties that hinder operational momentum; disrupt command, control, and communications; and degrade war-fighting potential. Biological threats can cause lethal, disabling, contagious, or noncontagious casualties. Nuclear threats are present within a given theater of war and could exist without the exchange of strategic nuclear weapons. A growing concern is that widely available TIMs and TICs are potential tools for asymmetric attacks against air bases. Depending on the type and quantity of TIMs and TICs, a deliberate release could present short- or long-term hazards. 5.12.1. Enemy possession of CBRNE weapons, coupled with the means and will to deliver them, requires the Air Force to plan for, prepare, respond, and (when possible) reduce this threat. Conventional attack threats may be present in locations where threats of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) attack do not exist. 5.12.2. Rockets, mortars, missiles, and bombs are all conventional weapons. Survival during a conventional attack is generally determined in the first few minutes. A helmet and personal body armor are the most effective individual protective equipment (IPE) for a conventional attack. 5.13. Passive Defense Attack Actions. The Air Force has universal actions and considerations for effective attack preparation, response, and recovery. Inplace and deployed forces must be prepared to conduct combat operations as required by Air Force, MAJCOM, or theater directives. When a crisis or conflict arises, mobility operations and force deployment begin. The Air Force uses a standardized alarm system and mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) levels to communicate the appropriate defense posture for in-place forces to take to transition to wartime operations. Airbase attack preparation begins before a potential attack. Attack response actions focus primarily on individual and weapon systems survival, and recovery actions focus on saving lives, detecting and mitigating hazards, mission restoration, and sustainment. 5.13.1. Installation C2. Effective wartime operations require coordinated and integrated actions at all levels. Installation C2, in conjunction with the EOC and UCCs, implements operational plans and priorities, controls and monitors mission-generation capabilities, and ensures installation survivability. 5.13.2. Phases. Attack Preparation. Attack preparation is the period from the present until the beginning of hostilities. Actions begin upon receipt of the warning order or when the in-place forces are directed to transition to wartime operations. Installations will refer to their vulnerability assessment and implement actions according to MAJCOM and theater guidance.


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107 Commanders use a recall roster (a pyramid alerting system) to recall people to their duty locations. Commanders initiate this system by notifying key staff members, who contact their subordinates, who notify others in the chain of command, until everyone is notified. Installations employ rapid and redundant installation warning systems that provide effective coverage for all base areas. Personnel need to know the alarm color codes, audible signals, or supplemental information in order to respond to the base warning signals (Figure 5.3). Contamination avoidance measures, defined as actions to avoid or reduce the effects of a CBRN attack, will be used at all levels and during all attack conditions to protect critical resources. Commanders will implement MOPPs based on the threat and direct base personnel to take appropriate preplanned actions. Installations will establish a network of CBRN detection assets capable of rapid agent detection and identification, and strategically place a variety of detection equipment throughout the installation. Airbase sectors and zones will be determined for rapid reconnaissance, and displayed base grid maps will indicate detection device and data collection locations. Figure 5.3. United States Air Force Standardized Attack Warning Signals for CBRNE Medium and High Threat Areas. ALARM CONDITION GREEN IF YOU Hear: Alarm Green See: Green Flag/ Transition Sign Hear: Alarm Yellow See: Yellow Flag/ Transition Sign Hear: Alarm Red Siren: Wavering Tone See: Red Flag/ Transition Sign Hear: Ground Attack Bugle: Call-to-Arms See: Red Flag/ Transition Sign Hear: Alarm Black Siren: Steady Tone See: Black Flag/ Transition Sign THIS INDICATES GENERAL ACTIONS MOPP 0 or as directed1,3 Normal wartime condition Resume operations Continue recovery actions MOPP 2 or as directed1 Protect and cover assets Go to protective shelter or seek best protection with overhead cover2 Seek immediate protection with overhead cover2,3 MOPP 4 or as directed1 Report observed attacks Take immediate cover2,3 MOPP 4 or as directed1 Defend self and position Report activity MOPP 4 or as directed1,3 Perform self-aid/buddy care Remain under overhead cover or within shelter until directed otherwise4

Attack is not probable


Attack is probable in less than 30 minutes Attack by in-direct fire, air, or missile is imminent or in progress Attack by ground forces is imminent or in progress Attack is over and CBRN contamination and/or UXO hazards are suspected or present



Notes: 1. Wear field gear and personal body armor (if issued) when directed. 2. Commanders may direct mission-essential tasks or functions to continue at increased risk. 3. This alarm condition may be applied to an entire installation or assigned to one or more defense sectors or CBRN zones. 4. See AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management (EM) Program Planning and Operations, and AFMAN 10-2503, Operations in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Environment, for further guidance on warning systems and protective actions. Attack Response. Attack response is when attack is imminent or in progress. Actions occur immediately before and during an enemy attack. Attacks can come from missiles, artillery, unmanned aircraft system, aircraft, and terrorist or ground forces. Alarm Conditions and MOPP Levels. Commanders declare alarm conditions to initiate passive defense actions in wartime. Each primary threat, such as missile, ground, aircraft, and terrorist or special operations forces attack, has a different characteristic and requires separate alarm warnings and MOPP levels.


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MOPP levels are always used in conjunction with alarm conditions to quickly increase or decrease individual protection against CBRN threats. Alarm Conditions. Alarm conditions (Figure 5.3) initiate or limit individual and airbase-wide movement and action. MOPP Levels. MOPP levels (Figure 5.4) let individuals know what to wear for minimum protection. As MOPP levels increase, an individuals efficiency decreases. Work-rest cycles must be used as a tool to maintain consistent work levels and to prevent heat-related casualties. When CBRN threats are present, the commander further directs MOPP levels and variations to provide the minimum level of individual protection for the current mission and situation. Attack Recovery. Attack recovery begins after an attack when the installation assesses damage and repairs mission-critical facilities. It could be a period between attacks or after the final attack. A determining factor in quickly returning to mission-related duties is the units ability to recover after an attack. Before leaving cover to begin the recovery process, the environment must be determined as safe. Individuals will remain under cover until directed otherwise. Following any attack, every Airman must understand the importance of reporting contamination, UXOs, fires, casualties, and facility damage to proper authorities. Reconnaissance. In a CBRNE threat environment, rapid and accurate detection and reports of contaminated hazard areas, UXOs, and casualty and damage assessments are critical. Every aspect of CBRNE reconnaissance is virtually impossible for dedicated CBRNE specialists to accomplish alone. Active participation of the base populace is an absolute requirement for successful reconnaissance. Each installation must cultivate an every Airman is a detector philosophy. The EOC will disseminate the information to installation forces and report the status of resources to higher headquarters. Contamination Avoidance: Measures. After an attack in a CBRNE threat environment, the base populace must accomplish comprehensive contamination avoidance measures. These measures equate to personal safety. Exposure to chemical and biological warfare agents may occur during and after an attack; therefore, everyone must use extreme caution to limit the spread of contamination. When movement is required, use the appropriate contamination control procedures as directed by the EOC. Personnel should avoid kneeling, sitting, or walking in contaminated areas if possible. They should not touch anything unless absolutely necessary. When the mission permits, teams will be sent out to detect and mark contaminated areas. Protect Critical Resources. Critical resources such as aircraft, vehicles, and equipment must be protected from contamination. These resources need to be placed under cover in hangars, sheds, or other structures, or covered with plastic sheets or waterproof tarpaulins before a CBRN attack occurs. Windows, doors, canopies, etc., must be closed when notified of a pending attack and kept closed until notified that the hazards no longer exist. Decontamination. Units will assess and determine what methods of decontamination, if any, can be reasonably put into action. If a chemical agent gets on the skin or protective equipment, it must be removed immediately. The reactive skin decontamination lotion (RSDL) and M295 individual decontamination kits are the most effective methods of removing chemical agents. In the absence of an individual decontamination kit, a 5-percent chlorine bleach solution will remove the chemical agent from equipment and a 0.5 percent solution will remove agents from the skin. The eyes are very vulnerable when exposed to nerve and blister agents. If one of these agents gets in the eyes, the eyes should be irrigated with water. Recovery Operations. Successful base recovery efforts require a coordinated and integrated approach. The recovery concept involves a combined effort from personnel trained to operate as a team, using specialized equipment to spearhead recovery efforts. Immediate actions are necessary to treat casualties, assess damage, and control contamination.


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Figure 5.4. Mission-Oriented Protective Postures (MOPP).

MOPP LEVEL READY At the discretion of the installation commander Individual protective equipment (IPE)

MOPP LEVEL 0 Available for immediate donning Individual protective equipment (IPE) and personal body armor

MOPP LEVEL 1 Worn Overgarment, field gear, and personal body armor

MOPP LEVEL 2 Worn Overgarment, overboots, field gear, and personal body armor

MOPP LEVEL 3 Worn Overgarment, protective mask, overboots, field gear, and personal body armor Carried Gloves

MOPP LEVEL 4 Worn Overgarment, protective mask, gloves, overboots, field gear, and personal body armor Carried NA

Stored All IPE and field gear

Primary Use Attack preparation During periods of increased alert when the potential of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) capability exists but, there is no indication of CBRN use in the immediate future

Carried Protective mask with C2 canister or filter element and field gear worn as directed Primary Use Attack preparation During periods of increased alert when the enemy has a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) capability Use MOPP 0 as the normal wartime IPE level when the enemy has a CBRN capability

Carried Overboots, protective mask, and gloves

Carried Protective mask and gloves

Primary Use Attack preparation During periods of increased alert when a CBRN attack could occur with little or no warning When CBRN contamination is present or suspected and higher levels of protection are not required

Primary Use Attack preparation or attack recovery During periods of increased alert when a CBRN attack could occur with little or no warning and the commander determines a higher level of protection is needed due to attack notification timelines, ground contamination or additional protection is needed when personnel are crossing or operating in previously contaminated areas and respiratory protection is not required

Primary Use Attack preparation or attack recovery During periods of increased alert when a CBRN attack could occur with little or no warning and the commander determines a higher level of protection is needed due to attack notification timelines or when contamination is present and the hazard is a negligible contact or percutaneous vapor hazard

Primary Use Attack recovery When a CBRN attack is imminent or in progress When CBRN contamination is present or suspected or the highest level of protection is required Use MOPP 4 to provide the maximum individual protection to personnel

Additional Information: Individual protective equipment is defined in AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management (EM) Program Planning and Operations, for IPE components and basis of issue. Depending upon the threat and mission, MOPP levels may vary within different areas of the airbase or operating location. Refer to AFMAN 10-2503, Operations in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Environment, for options to the MOPP levels and standard operating procedures to optimize the use of MOPP levels and alarm conditions. Wear field gear and personal body armor when directed. Specialized clothing, such as wet and cold weather gear, is worn over the chemical protective overgarment. Refer to the appropriate technical orders/manuals to properly mark IPE and the CPO.

110 5.13.3. Protective Measures.

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To defend against CBRN attack and to survive and sustain operations in a CBRN environment requires knowledgeable, properly trained and equipped forces throughout the theater of operations. At the theater operational level, CBRN passive defense actions are used to protect U.S., allied, and coalition forces from the effects of attack and contamination. This includes passive defense measures to detect and identify CBRN agents, individual and collective protection equipment, medical response, vaccines for chemical and biological warfare defense, and CBRN decontamination capability. The major CBRN passive defense elements are contamination avoidance/control and protection. Contamination Avoidance. Actions to prevent contamination from getting on mission-essential resources and personnel, whether directly from agent deposition or by transfer from contaminated surfaces. Measures include actions such as covering and limiting entry to facilities, detecting, identifying, and predicting. Protection. When contamination cannot be avoided, protection provides forces with survival measures to enable them to operate in a CBRN environment. These measures include the physical measures taken to protect people and resources from the effects of CBRN weapons. Protection is provided through individual protection, collective protection, and hardening. Collective protection and hardening are threat specific. Other measures provide protection against multiple threats. Individual Protection: Individual protection is comprised of singular use or a combination of individual protective equipment, vaccinations and prophylaxis, protective shelters, evacuation, relocation, exposure control, contamination control, and warning and notification systems. Measures are taken in stages equal to the urgency and nature of the threat. Command and theater-specific instructions will direct the proper individual protective postures. Regardless of the type of agent, concentration, or method of attack, the best immediate protective equipment against chemical agents is the ground crew ensemble, a whole-body system which protects the wearer against chemical-biological warfare agents, toxins, and radiological particulates. It includes a protective mask with filters, overgarments, protective gloves, and footwear covers or overboots. It also includes M8 and M9 detector paper and RSDL and M295 decontamination kits. Nerve Agent Antidote. Medical representatives issue nerve agent antidotes and pretreatment during increased readiness. Additionally, medical representatives will issue pyridostigmine bromide tablets (P-tabs) if they anticipate use of a specific type of nerve agent. Members will take these tablets only if/when directed by the commander. The tablets, when combined with the antidote, will limit the effect of certain types of nerve agent poisoning. Sheltering Personnel. Shelters may have collective protection capabilities with an adjoining contamination control area. Collective protection provides personnel rest and relief (breaks and sleeping), work relief (C2, maintenance, supply, medical treatment), and protection of logistics storage areas (war and theater reserve materiel storage sites). Collective protection and conventional hardening measures further enhance survival, limit attack damage and contamination, and support mission sustainment. Buildings may be protected with revetments, earth berms, and permanent structural alterations. Sandbags, salvaged culverts, or steel drums filled with earth are examples of expedient methods to protect facilities. 5.13.4. Base Populace Response. All personnel must know the alarm conditions and MOPP levels and what to do in response to each condition or level (such as where and how to take cover), understand how to report enemy sightings, provide owner-user security, and wear IPE. Personnel who are not affected by an attack will continue mission operations, while remaining vigilant within their sector. 5.13.5. Reporting. Base personnel will use communication security to provide information to the UCC or the EOC. They will use the most expedient means possible and any means available (telephones, radios, or runners). Base personnel will use the S-A-L-U-T-E report as a quick and effective way to communicate enemy ground attack information up the chain of command (Table 5.1).


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Table 5.1. SALUTE Reporting. L I N E 1 2 3 4 5 6 A

Report Area

Report Area

(S)ize (A)ctivity (L)ocation (U)nit (T)ime (E)quipment

Information to Report The number of persons and vehicles seen or the size of an object Description of enemy activity (assaulting, fleeing, observing) Where the enemy was sighted (grid coordinate or reference point) Distinctive signs, symbols, or identification on people, vehicles, aircraft, or weapons (numbers, patches, or clothing type) Time activity is observed Equipment and vehicles associated with the activity

5.14. CBRNE Material. Air Force installations must prepare for the full range of terrorist threats, including use of CBRNE weapons. 5.14.1. Terrorist threat or use of CBRNE material is among the emerging transnational threats. The absence of other dominating global powers and the existence of overwhelming capability of the U.S. Armed Forces greatly limit terrorist options. Increasingly, nations and terrorist groups are compelled to make use of asymmetric measures to accomplish their goals. According to JP 1-02, terrorism is the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate (instill) fear, intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. 5.14.2. Traditionally, the perceived threat of terrorism was directed toward installations in foreign countries. Today, the terrorist use of CBRNE material is clearly an emerging worldwide threat. Air Force personnel, equipment, and facilities at home and abroad are highly visible targets for terrorist attacks. Therefore, CBRNE threat planning and response are high-priority. The installation commander is responsible for protecting installation personnel, facilities, and resources. 5.14.3. Protective measures include evacuation, relocation, exposure control, contamination control, warning and notification, and sheltering in place. Protective measures are taken in stages equal to the urgency and nature of the threat; a warning for an increased terrorist attack or threat forces will increase defense readiness, according to declared force protection conditions measures. Commanders at overseas locations will ensure units receive specific instruction and guidance on personnel and resource protection. Personnel deploying to overseas areas will ensure they are briefed, before and on arrival, on the enemy attack threat, protective actions, and use of protective equipment. 5.15. Conclusion. The U.S. Air Force is the most ready and capable air and space force in the world today. The Air Forces ability to achieve its mission hinges on readiness. Air Force people operate throughout the world, and Airmen must ensure they receive training in emergency management, AFIMS, incident management, major accident, natural disasters, CBRNE enemy attack and terrorist use of CBRNE material threats, wartime airbase threats and passive defense attack actions. Air Force members should use this information in concert with security and standards of conduct information to ensure readiness. Readiness is everyones responsibility.


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Section 6AOverview 6.1. Introduction. This chapter discusses the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), Code of Conduct, and general standards of conduct. Noncommissioned officers (NCO) must learn these standards well enough not only to be able to follow them, but be able to articulate them clearly to subordinates and enforce proper observation by other members. Used in concert with information presented in Chapter 5 and Chapter 19, this chapter covers issues vital to mission effectiveness, especially in light of the Air Force global mission. Section 6BLaw of Armed Conflict 6.2. Law of Armed Conflict Defined. The Law of Armed Conflict, as defined by the DoD, is that part of international law that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities. The Law of Armed Conflict arises from civilized nations humanitarian desire to lessen the effects of conflicts. LOAC protects combatants and noncombatants from unnecessary suffering, and safeguards the basic rights of all civilians, any prisoners of war (POW), the wounded, and the sick. The law also tries to keep conflicts from degenerating into savagery and brutality, thereby helping to restore peace. 6.3. Law of Armed Conflict Policy. DoDD 2311.01E, DoD Law of War Program, requires each military department to design a program that ensures LOAC observance, prevents violations, ensures prompt reporting of alleged violations, appropriately trains all forces, and completes a legal review of new weapons. Although other services often refer to LOAC as the law of war, within this chapter Law of Armed Conflict and law of war are the same. LOAC training is a treaty obligation of the United States under provisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions. AFI 51-401, Training and Reporting to Ensure Compliance with the Law of Armed Conflict, requires that all Air Force personnel receive instruction on the principles and rules of the LOAC commensurate with each members duties and responsibilities. The training is of a general nature; however, certain groups such as aircrews, medical personnel, and security forces receive additional, specialized training to address the unique situations they may encounter. 6.4. International and Domestic Law. The Law of Armed Conflict is embodied in both customary international law and treaties. Customary international law, reflected in practices nations have come to accept as legally binding, establishes many of the oldest rules that govern the conduct of military operations in armed conflict. Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states that treaty obligations of the United States are the supreme law of the land, and the U.S. Supreme Court has held that U.S. international legal obligations, to include custom, is part of U.S. law. This means that treaties and international agreements with the United States enjoy equal status to laws passed by Congress and signed by the President. Therefore, all persons subject to U.S. law must observe the United States LOAC obligations. Military personnel, civilians, and contractors authorized to accompany the armed forces in combat must consider the Law of Armed Conflict to plan and execute operations and must obey LOAC in combat. Those who commit violations are sometimes held criminally liable for war crimes and court-martialed under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). 6.5. Principles. Five important LOAC principles govern armed conflict: military necessity, distinction, proportionality, humanity, and chivalry. 6.5.1. Military Necessity: Military necessity permits the application of only that degree of regulated force, not otherwise prohibited by the laws of war, required for the partial or complete submission of the enemy with the least expenditure of life, time, and physical resources. Attacks are always limited to military objectives; for example, any objects that by their nature, location, purpose, or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture, or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offer a definite military advantage. Examples include enemy troops, bases, supplies, lines of communications, and headquarters.


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AFPAM36-2241 Military necessity does not authorize all military action and destruction. Under no circumstances may military necessity authorize actions specifically prohibited by the law of war, such as the murder of prisoners of war, ill treatment of prisoners of war or internees, the taking of hostages, or execution or reprisal against a person or object specifically protected from reprisal. 6.5.2. Distinction: This principle imposes a requirement to distinguish (also termed "discriminate") between military objectives and civilian objects. Civilian objects are protected from attack and include such objects as places of worship, schools, hospitals, and dwellings. Civilian objects can lose their protected status if they are used to make an effective contribution to military action. An attacker must not intentionally attack civilians or employ methods or means (weapons or tactics) that would cause excessive collateral civilian casualties. A defender has an obligation to separate civilians and civilian objects (either in the defenders co untry or in an occupied area) from military targets. Employment of voluntary or involuntary human shields to protect military objectives or individual military units or personnel is a fundamental violation of the law of war principle of distinction. 6.5.3. Proportionality: Those who plan military operations must take into consideration the extent of civilian destruction and probable casualties that will result and seek to avoid or minimize such casualties and destruction to the extent consistent with the necessities of the military situation. Ensure civilian losses are proportionate to the military advantages sought. The concept does not apply to military facilities and forces, which are legitimate targets anywhere and anytime. Ensure damages and casualties are consistent with mission accomplishment and allowable risk to the attacking force (for example, the attacker need not expose its forces to extraordinary risks simply to avoid or minimize civilian losses). 6.5.4. Humanity: Also referred to as the principle of unnecessary suffering, it prohibits the employment of any kind or degree of force not necessary for the purposes of war (such as for the partial or complete submission of the enemy with the least possible expenditure of life, time, and physical resources). For example, the 1907 Hague Convention prohibits the use of poison or poisoned weapons in combat. Expanding hollow-point bullets, generally known as "dum-dum" bullets, and indiscriminate chemical, biological, and bacterial weapons are banned by treaties because they cause unnecessary suffering. 6.5.5. Chivalry. Chivalry demands a certain amount of fairness in offense and defense and a certain mutual respect and trust between opposing forces. The common law of war forbids treacherous attempts to injure the enemy. An example of this form of chivalry is the use of a white flag (or flag of truce). Its display is predicated upon good faith. Its misuse is prohibited and constitutes a war crime. Another example of how chivalry applies is the law of war requirements for treatment of persons hors de combat (outside the fight), or military personnel no longer able to fight due to sickness, injury, or wounds, or because they are shipwrecked. The principle of chivalry (and other humanitarian considerations) requires that an individual who is hors de combat be treated and protected as one would wish to be treated and protected by the enemy were the roles reversed. 6.6. The Geneva Conventions of 1949. Some of the most important LOAC rules come from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. The Geneva Conventions consist of four separate international treaties that govern the treatment of wounded and sick forces, POWs, and


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civilians during war or armed conflict. These treaties aim to protect combatants and noncombatants from unnecessary suffering, including the wounded, sick, shipwrecked, and POWs during hostilities. They also seek to protect civilians and private property. 6.6.1. Categories of Personnel: Geneva Convention Distinctions. The Geneva Conventions distinguish between combatants, noncombatants, and civilians. Combatants. In general, any person who engages in violent acts on behalf of a state party to an armed conflict is a combatant. Assuming combatants act with the authority of a sovereign state, they are immune from prosecution for their belligerent acts as long as they have acted in accordance with the laws of war. A combatant is sometimes a member of a regular armed force or militia. In either case, the lawful combatant is commanded by a person responsible for subordinates; wears fixed distinctive emblems recognizable at a distance, such as uniforms; carries arms openly; and conducts his or her combat operations according to LOAC. Noncombatants. Noncombatants are protected persons and include certain military personnel who are members of the Armed Forces not authorized to engage in combatant activities, such as permanent medical personnel and chaplains. Noncombatants may not be made the object of attack. Civilians. Civilians are also protected persons and may not be made the object of direct attack. They may, however, suffer injury or death incident to a direct attack on a military objective without such an attack violating LOAC, if such attack is on a lawful target by lawful means. With limited exceptions, the Law of Armed Conflict does not authorize civilians to take an active or direct part in hostilities. Civilians who take a direct part in hostilities without authority to do so are unlawful combatants, also known as unprivileged combatants. Unlawful Combatants: A Distinction Not Made by the Geneva Conventions. The term unlawful combatant is not used in the Geneva Conventions. The term unlawful enemy combatant is defined in DoDD 2310.01E, The Department of Defense Detainee Program, as persons not entitled to combatant immunity, who engage in acts against the United States or its coalition partners in violation of the laws and customs of war during an armed conflict. An unlawful combatant is an individual who is not authorized by a state that is party to a conflict to take part in hostilities but does so anyway. For example, civilians who plant improvised explosive devices are unlawful combatants. Unlawful combatants become lawful targets and, if captured, may be tried as criminals for their unlawful actions. 6.6.2. Undetermined Status. Should doubt exist as to whether a captured individual is a lawful combatant, noncombatant, or an unlawful combatant, the individual will receive the protections of the Geneva Prisoner of War Convention until status is determined. 6.7. Military Objectives. The Law of Armed Conflict governs the conduct of aerial warfare. The principle of military necessity authorizes aerial attacks on combatants and other lawful military objectives. Military objectives are limited to those objects or installations that by their own nature, location, purpose, or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture, or neutralization in the circumstances existing at the time offer a definite military advantage. 6.7.1. Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects. LOAC protects civilian populations. Military attacks against cities, towns, or villages not justified by military necessity are forbidden. Attacking civilians for the sole purpose of terrorizing them is also prohibited. Although civilians may not be made the object of a direct attack, LOAC recognizes that a military objective need not be spared because its destruction may cause collateral damage that results in the unintended death or injury to civilians or damage to their property. Commanders and their planners must take into consideration the extent of damage to civilian objects and casualties anticipated as a result of an attack on a military objective and seek to avoid or minimize civilian casualties and destruction. Anticipated damage to civilian objects and civilian casualties must not be disproportionate to the military advantage sought. Judge advocate, intelligence, and operations personnel play a critical role in determining the propriety of a target and the choice of weapon to be used under the particular circumstances known to the commander when planning an attack.

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The Law of Armed Conflict provides specific protection to certain objects, including medical units or establishments; transports of wounded and sick personnel; military and civilian hospital ships; safety zones established under the Geneva Conventions; and religious, cultural, and charitable buildings, monuments, and POW camps. However, if these protected objects are used for military purposes, they lose their protected status. Protected objects near lawful military objectives that suffer collateral damage when the nearby military objectives are lawfully engaged does not violate LOAC. 6.8. Aircraft and Combat: 6.8.1. Enemy Military Aircraft and Aircrew. Enemy military aircraft may be attacked and destroyed wherever found, unless in neutral airspace or territory. Discontinue an attack on enemy military aircraft if the aircraft is clearly disabled and has lost its means of combat. Airmen who parachute from a disabled aircraft and offer no resistance may not be attacked. Airmen who resist in descent or are downed behind their own lines and who continue to fight may be subject to attack. The rules of engagement (ROE) for a particular operation often include additional guidance for attacking enemy aircraft consistent with LOAC obligations. 6.8.2. Enemy Civilian Aircraft. An enemys public and private nonmilitary aircraft are generally not subject to attack unless used for a military purpose. Since World War II (WWII), nations have increasingly recognized the necessity to avoid attacking civil aircraft. Under exceptional conditions, however, civil aircraft in flight may be lawfully attacked. If a civil aircraft initiates an attack, it may be considered an immediate military threat and may be lawfully attacked. An immediate military threat justifying an attack may also exist when reasonable suspicion exists of a hostile intent, such as when a civil aircraft approaches a military base at high speed, or enters enemy territory without permission and disregards signals or warnings to land or proceed to a designated place. 6.8.3. Military Medical Aircraft. Military medical aircraft are used exclusively for the removal of the wounded and sick and for the transport of medical personnel and equipment. Military medical aircraft are entitled to protection from attack by enemy combatants while flying at heights, times, and on routes specifically agreed upon between the parties to the conflict. Under LOAC, a military medical aircraft could be lawfully attacked and destroyed if it: Initiates an attack. Does not bear a clearly marked Red Cross, Red Crescent, or other recognized symbol and is not otherwise known to be engaged in medical operations at the time. Does not fly at heights, at times, and on routes specifically agreed to by the parties to the conflict and is not otherwise known to be engaged in medical operations at the time. Flies over enemy territory or enemy-occupied territory (unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties) and is not otherwise known to be engaged in medical operations at the time. Approaches its enemys territory or a combat zone and disregards a summons to land and is not otherwise known to be engaged in medical operations at the time. 6.9. Enforcing Law of Armed Conflict Rules: 6.9.1. Prosecution. Military members who violate LOAC are subject to criminal prosecution and punishment. Criminal prosecutions may take place in a national or international forum. U.S. Armed Forces could be prosecuted by courts-martial under the UCMJ or through an international military tribunal, such as those used in Nuremberg and Tokyo after WWII. I was only following orders, generally is not accepted by national or international tribunals as a war crime defense. Individual Airmen are responsible for their actions and must comply with LOAC. 6.9.2. Reprisal. Reprisals are the commission of otherwise illegal acts that, under the circumstances, may be justified as a last resort to put an end to illegal acts committed first by the adversary. For example, if any enemy employs illegal weapons against a state, the victim may resort to the use of weapons that would otherwise be unlawful in order to compel the enemy to cease its prior violation. Reprisals can be legally justified if they meet certain


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requirements. Authority to approve reprisals is held at the highest decision-making level. Only the President of the United States, as Commander in Chief, may authorize U.S. forces to take such an action. 6.10. Reporting Violations. AFI 51-401 includes guidance on handling a possible LOAC violation. An Air Force member who knows or receives a report of an apparent LOAC violation must inform his or her commander. This includes violations by the enemy, allies, U.S. Armed Forces, or others. If the allegation involves or may involve a U.S. commander, the report should be made to the next higher U.S. command authority. Particular circumstances may require that the report be made to the nearest judge advocate, a special agent in the Office of Special Investigations, a chaplain, or a security forces member. 6.11. Rules of Engagement. ROEs exist to ensure use of force in an operation occurs according to national policy goals, mission requirements, and the rule of law. In general, ROEs set parameters for when, where, how, why, and against whom commanders and their Airmen may use force. Mission-specific ROEs present a more detailed application of LOAC principles tailored to the political and military nature of a mission which are contained in execution orders, operations plans, and operations orders. All Airmen have a duty and a legal obligation to understand, remember, and apply mission ROEs. Failure to comply with ROEs may be punishable under the UCMJ. The U.S. standing rules of engagement (SROE), approved by the President and Secretary of Defense and issued by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, provide implementation guidance on the inherent right of self-defense and the application of force for mission accomplishment. Commanders at every echelon have an obligation to ensure that mission ROEs comply with the SROEs. The fundamental U.S. policy on self-defense is repeatedly stated throughout the SROEs: These rules do not limit a commanders inherent authority and obligation to use all necessary means available to take all appropriate actions in self-defense of the commanders unit and other U.S. forces in the vicinity. Self -defense methods include national, collective, unit, and individual. Several elements must be considered before undertaking the use of force in self-defense: 6.11.1. Necessity. Military necessity exists if a hostile act is committed or hostile intent is demonstrated against U.S. forces or other designated persons or property. 6.11.2. Proportionality. In self-defense, U.S. forces may only use the amount of force necessary to decisively counter a hostile act or a demonstration of hostile intent and ensure the continued safety of U.S. forces or other designated persons and property which are ordered to be protected. Force used must be reasonable in intensity, duration, and magnitude compared to the threat based on facts known at the time. 6.11.3. Hostile Act. A hostile act is defined as force used against the U.S., U.S. forces, designated persons and property, or intended to impede the mission of U.S. forces. 6.11.4. Hostile Intent. Hostile intent is the threat of imminent use of force against the U.S., U.S. forces, designated persons and property, or intended to impede the mission of U.S. forces. 6.11.5. Declared Hostile Force. A declared hostile force is any civilian, paramilitary, or military force or terrorist declared hostile by an appropriate U.S. authority. Section 6CCode of Conduct 6.12. Policy. The Code of Conduct outlines basic responsibilities and obligations of members of the U.S. Armed Forces. All members are expected to measure up to the standards described in the Code of Conduct. Although developed for POWs, the spirit and intent are applicable to service members subject to other hostile detention. Such service members should consistently conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to them and their country. The six articles of the Code of Conduct address situations and decision areas that any member could encounter to some degree. The Code of Conduct includes basic information useful to POWs to help them survive honorably while resisting captors efforts to exploit them. Such survival and resistance require knowledge and understanding of the articles.

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DoD personnel who plan, schedule, commit, or control members of the Armed Forces must fully understand the Code of Conduct and ensure personnel have the training and education necessary to abide by it. How much knowledge members need depends on how likely they are to be captured, their exposure to sensitive information, and how useful or valuable a captor considers them. Training is conducted at three levels: 6.13.1. Level AEntry Level Training. Level A represents the minimum level of understanding needed for all members of the Armed Forces. This level is imparted to all personnel during entry training. 6.13.2. Level BTraining After Assumption of Duty Eligibility . Level B is the minimum level of understanding needed for service members whose military jobs, specialties, or assignments entail moderate risk of capture, such as members of ground combat units. Training is conducted for such service members as soon as their assumption of duty makes them eligible. 6.13.3. Level CTraining Upon Assumption of Duties or Responsibilities. Level C is the minimum level of understanding needed for military service members whose military jobs, specialties, or assignments entail significant or high risk of capture and whose position, rank, or seniority makes them vulnerable to greater-than-average exploitation efforts by a captor. Examples include aircrews and special mission forces such as Air Force pararescue teams. Training for these members is conducted upon their assumption of the duties or responsibilities. 6.14. The Articles of the Code of Conduct. President Dwight D. Eisenhower first published the Code of Conduct for members of the Armed Forces of the United States on 17 August 1955. In March 1988, President Ronald W. Reagan amended the code with gender-neutral language. 6.14.1. ARTICLE I. I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. Explanation. Article I applies to all members at all times. A member of the Armed Forces has a duty to support U.S. interests and oppose U.S. enemies regardless of the circumstances, whether in active combat or captivity. Training. Familiarity with the wording and basic meaning is necessary to understand that: Past experience of captured Americans reveals that honorable survival in captivity requires a high degree of dedication and motivation. Maintaining these qualities requires knowledge of and a strong belief in the advantages of American democratic institutions and concepts. Maintaining these qualities also requires a love of and faith in the United States and a conviction that the United States cause is just. Honorable survival in captivity depends on faith in and loyalty to fellow POWs. Note: Possessing the dedication and motivation fostered by such beliefs and trust may help POWs survive long, stressful periods of captivity, and has helped many return to their country and families with their honor and self-esteem intact. 6.14.2. ARTICLE II. I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist. Explanation. Members of the Armed Forces may never surrender voluntarily. Even when isolated and no longer able to inflict casualties on the enemy or otherwise defend themselves, their duty is to evade capture and rejoin the nearest friendly force. Only when evasion is impossible and further fighting would lead to their death with no significant loss to the enemy may the means to resist or evade be considered exhausted. Training. Service members who are cut off, shot down, or otherwise isolated in enemy-controlled territory must make every effort to avoid capture. Actions available include concealment until recovered by


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friendly rescue forces, evasive travel to a friendly or neutral territory, and evasive travel to other prebriefed areas. Members must understand that capture is not dishonorable if all reasonable means of avoiding it have been exhausted, and the only alternative is death. Service members must understand and have confidence in search and recovery forces rescue procedures and techniques, and proper evasion destination procedures. 6.14.3. ARTICLE III. If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy. Explanation: An Armed Forces members duty to continue to resist enemy exploitation by all means available is not lessened by the misfortune of capture. Contrary to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, enemies U.S. forces have engaged since 1949 have treated the prisoner of war compound as an extension of the battlefield. The POW must be prepared for this. Enemies have used a variety of tactics to exploit POWs for propaganda purposes or to obtain military information, in spite of Geneva Conventions prohibition. Physical and mental harassment, general mistreatment, torture, medical neglect, and political indoctrination have all been used, and the enemy has tried to tempt POWs to accept special favors or privileges in return for statements or information, or for a pledge by the POW not to attempt escape. A prisoner of war must not seek special privileges or accept special favors at the expense of fellow POWs. Under the guidance and supervision of the senior military person, the prisoner of war must be prepared to take advantage of escape opportunities. In communal detention, the welfare of the POWs who remain behind must be considered. Additionally, POWs should not sign or enter into a parole agreement. Parole agreements are promises the POWs make to the captor to fulfill stated conditions, such as not to bear arms, in exchange for special privileges, such as release or lessened restraint. Training. Members should understand that captivity involves continuous control by a captor who may attempt to use the POW as a source of information for political purposes or as a potential subject for political indoctrination. Members must familiarize themselves with prisoner of war and captor rights and obligations under the Geneva Conventions, understanding that some captors have accused POWs of being war criminals simply because they waged war against them. Continued efforts to escape are critical because a successful escape causes the enemy to divert forces that may otherwise be fighting, provides the United States valuable information about the enemy and other POWs, and serves as a positive example to all members of the Armed Forces. 6.14.4. ARTICLE IV. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. Explanation. Officers and NCOs continue to carry out their responsibilities and exercise authority in captivity. Informing, or any other action detrimental to a fellow prisoner of war, is despicable and expressly forbidden. POWs must avoid helping the enemy identify fellow POWs who may have valuable knowledge to the enemy. Strong leadership is essential to discipline. Without discipline, camp organization, resistance, and even survival may be impossible. Personal hygiene, camp sanitation, and care of the sick and wounded are imperative. Wherever located, POWs must organize in a military manner under the senior military prisoner of war, regardless of military service. If the senior prisoner of war is incapacitated or otherwise unable to act, the next senior POW assumes command. Training. Members must be trained to understand and accept leadership from those in command and abide by the decisions of the senior prisoner of war, regardless of military service. Failing to do so may result in legal proceedings under the UCMJ. Additionally, a prisoner of war who voluntarily informs or collaborates with the captor is a traitor to the United States and fellow POWs and, after repatriation, is subject to punishment under the UCMJ. Service members must be familiar with the principles of hygiene, sanitation, health maintenance, first aid, physical conditioning, and food utilization.

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When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. Explanation: When questioned, a prisoner of war is required by the Geneva Conventions, and permitted by the UCMJ, to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. Under the Geneva Conventions, the enemy has no right to try to force a POW to provide any additional information. However, it is unrealistic to expect a POW to remain confined for years reciting only name, rank, service number, and date of birth. Many POW camp situations exist in which certain types of conversation with the enemy are permitted. For example, a POW is allowed, but not required by the Code of Conduct, the UCMJ, or the Geneva Conventions, to fill out a Geneva Conventions capture card, to write letters home, and to communicate with captors on matters of health and welfare. The senior POW is required to represent POWs in matters of camp administration, health, welfare, and grievances. A prisoner of war must resist, avoid, or evade, even when physically and mentally coerced, all enemy efforts to secure statements or actions that may further the enemys cause. Examples of statements or actions POWs should resist include giving oral or written confessions, answering questionnaires, providing personal history statements, and making propaganda recordings and broadcast appeals to other POWs to comply with improper captor demands. Additionally, POWs should resist appealing for U.S. surrender or parole, engaging in self-criticism, or providing oral or written statements or communication that are harmful to the United States, its allies, the Armed Forces, or other POWs. Experience has shown that, although enemy interrogation sessions may be harsh and cruel, a POW can usually resist if there is a will to resist. The best way for a POW to keep faith with the United States, fellow POWs, and him or herself is to provide the enemy with as little information as possible. Training. Service members familiarize themselves with the various aspects of interrogation, including phases, procedures, and methods and techniques, as well as the interrogators goals, strengths, and weakne sses. Members should avoid disclosing information by such techniques as claiming inability to furnish information because of previous orders, poor memory, ignorance, or lack of comprehension. They should understand that, short of death, it is unlikely that a POW may prevent a skilled enemy interrogator, using all available psychological and physical methods of coercion, from obtaining some degree of compliance by the POW. However, the prisoner of war must recover as quickly as possible and resist successive efforts to the utmost. 6.14.6. ARTICLE VI. I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America. Explanation. A member of the Armed Forces remains responsible for personal actions at all times. When repatriated, POWs can expect their actions to be subject to review, both circumstances of capture and conduct during detention. The purpose of such a review is to recognize meritorious performance and, if necessary, investigate any allegations of misconduct. Such reviews are conducted with due regard for the rights of the individual and consideration for the conditions of captivity. Training. Members must understand the relationship between the UCMJ and the Code of Conduct and realize that failure to follow the guidance may result in violations punishable under the UCMJ, and they may be held legally accountable for their actions. They should also understand that the U.S. Government will use every available means to establish contact with POWs, to support them, and to obtain their release. Furthermore, U.S. laws provide for the support and care of dependents of the Armed Forces, including POWs family members. Military members must ensure their personal affairs and family matters are up to date at all times. 6.15. Detention of U.S. Military Personnel in Operations Other than War: 6.15.1. Policy. U.S. military personnel isolated from U.S. control are still required to do everything in their power to follow DoD and Air Force policy and survive with honor. DoDI 1300.21, Code of Conduct (CoC) Training and Education, Enclosure 3, provides guidance to military members who find themselves isolated during operations other than war or in a situation not addressed specifically in the Code of Conduct. All military departments establish procedures to ensure U.S. military personnel are familiar with the guidance in this publication.


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6.15.2. Rationale. Because of their wide range of activities, U.S. military personnel are subject to detention by unfriendly governments or captivity by terrorist groups. When a hostile government or terrorist group detains or captures U.S. military personnel, the captor is often attempting to exploit both the individual and the U.S. Government for its own purposes. As history has shown, exploitation can take many forms, such as hostage confessions to crimes never committed, international news media exploitation, and substantial ransom demands, all of which can lead to increased credibility and support for the detainer. 6.15.3. Responsibility: U.S. military personnel detained by unfriendly governments or held hostage by a terrorist group must do everything in their power to survive with honor. Furthermore, whether U.S. military personnel are detained or held hostage, they can be sure the U.S. Government will make every effort to obtain their release. To best survive the situation, military personnel must maintain faith in their country, in fellow detainees or captives and, most importantly, in themselves. In any group captivity situation, military captives must organize, to the fullest extent possible, under the senior military member present. If civilians are part of the group, they should be encouraged to participate. U.S. military personnel must make every reasonable effort to prevent captors from exploiting them and the U.S. Government. If exploitation cannot be prevented, military members must attempt to limit it. If detainees convince their captors of their low propaganda value, the captors may seek a quick end to the situation. When a detention or hostage situation ends, military members who can honestly say they did their utmost to resist exploitation will have upheld DoD policy, the founding principles of the United States, and the highest traditions of military service. 6.15.4. Military Bearing and Courtesy. U.S. military members held captive should always display proper military bearing and courtesy. Remaining calm, courteous, and respectful has advantages and will serve the detainee or hostage better than discourteous, unprofessional behavior. Such behavior often results in punishment that serves no useful purpose. In some situations, such behavior may jeopardize survival and severely complicate efforts to gain release of the detainee or hostage. 6.15.5. Guidance for Detention by Governments: Detainees in the custody of a hostile government, regardless of the circumstances that resulted in the detention, are subject to the laws of that government. Detainees must maintain military bearing and avoid aggressive, combative, or illegal behavior that may complicate their situation, legal status, or efforts to negotiate a rapid release. As American citizens, detainees should ask immediately and continually to see U.S. embassy personnel or a representative of an allied or neutral government. U.S. military personnel who become lost or isolated in a hostile foreign country during operations other than war will not act as combatants during evasion attempts. During operations other than war, there is no protection afforded under the Geneva Convention. The civil laws of that country apply. A detainers goal may be maximum political exploitation. Therefore, detained U.S. military personnel must be cautious in all they say and do. In addition to asking for a U.S. representative, detainees should provide name, rank, service number, date of birth, and the innocent circumstances leading to their detention. They should limit further discussions to health and welfare matters, conditions of their fellow detainees, and going home. Detainees should avoid signing any document or making any statement, oral or otherwise. If forced, they must provide as little information as possible and then continue to resist. Detainees are not likely to earn their release by cooperation. Rather, release may be gained by resisting, thereby reducing the value of the detainee. U.S. military detainees should not refuse release, unless doing so requires them to compromise their honor or cause damage to the U.S. Government or its allies. Escape attempts must be made only after carefully considering the risk of violence, chance of success, and detrimental effects on detainees remaining behind. Jailbreak in most countries is a crime. Escape attempts can provide the detainer further justification to hold the individual. 6.15.6. Terrorist Hostage: Capture by terrorists is generally the least predictable and structured form of operations, other than war captivity. Capture can range from a spontaneous kidnapping to a carefully planned hijacking. In either


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situation, hostages play an important role in determining their own fate because terrorists rarely expect to receive rewards for providing good treatment or releasing victims unharmed. U.S. military members should assume their captors are genuine terrorists when unclear if they are surrogates of a government. A terrorist hostage situation is more volatile than a government detention, so members must take steps to lessen the chance of a terrorist indiscriminately killing hostages. In such a situation, DoD policy accepts and promotes efforts to establish rapport between U.S. hostages and the terrorists in order to establish themselves as people in the terrorists mind, rather than a stereotypical symbol of a country the terrorist may hate. DoD policy recommends U.S. personnel talk to terrorists about nonsubstantive subjects such as family, sports, and hobbies. They should stay away from topics that could inflame terrorist sensibilities, such as their cause, politics, or religion. Listening can be vitally important when survival is at stake. Members should take an active role in the conversation, but should not argue, patronize, or debate issues with the captors. They should try to reduce tension and make it as hard as possible for terrorists to identify U.S. personnel as troublemakers, which may mark them for murder. Section 6DEveryday Conduct 6.16. Overview. The importance of the Air Force mission and responsibility to the nation requires members adhere to higher standards than nonmilitary members. Every person is accountable for his or her own actions on duty and off. Supervisors must hold subordinates accountable and take corrective action if they do not fulfill their responsibilities. Members must remember and reflect the Air Force Core ValuesIntegrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do in everything they do. 6.17. Policy. DoDD 5500.07, Standards of Conduct, DoD 5500.07-R, The Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), and AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards provide guidance to Air Force personnel on standards of conduct. Military members who violate the punitive provisions may be prosecuted under the UCMJ. Civilian violations may result in disciplinary action without regard to the issue of criminal liability. Military members and civilian employees who violate these standards, even if such violations do not constitute criminal misconduct, are subject to administrative actions, such as reprimands. Contact the base legal office for assistance. 6.18. Ethical Values. Ethics are standards of conduct based on values. Values are core beliefs, such as duty, honor, and integrity, that motivate attitudes and actions. Not all values are ethical values (integrity is; happiness is not). Ethical values relate to what is right and wrong and thus take precedence over nonethical values when making ethical decisions. DoD employees who make decisions as part of their official duties should carefully consider ethical values. Primary ethical values include: 6.18.1. Honesty. Being truthful, straightforward, and candid are aspects of honesty. Truthfulness is required. Deceptions are usually easily uncovered. Lies erode credibility and undermine public confidence. Untruths told for seemingly altruistic reasons (to prevent hurt feelings, to promote good will, etc.) are nonetheless resented by the recipients. Straightforwardness adds frankness to truthfulness and is usually necessary to promote public confidence and to ensure effective, efficient conduct of operations. Truths presented in such a way as to lead recipients to confusion, misinterpretation, or inaccurate conclusions are not productive. Such indirect deceptions can promote ill will and erode openness, especially when there is an expectation of frankness. Candor is the forthright offering of unrequested information. This ethical value is necessary according to the gravity of the situation and the nature of the relationships. Candor is required when a reasonable person would feel betrayed if the information was withheld. In some circumstances, silence is dishonest; yet in other circumstances, disclosing information would be wrong and perhaps unlawful. 6.18.2. Integrity. Being faithful to ones convictions is part of integrity. Following principles , acting with honor, maintaining independent judgment, and performing duties with impartiality help to maintain integrity and avoid conflicts of interest and hypocrisy.


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6.18.3. Loyalty. Fidelity, faithfulness, allegiance, and devotion are all synonyms for loyalty. Loyalty is the bond that holds the Nation and the U.S. Government together and the balm against dissension and conflict. This ethical value is not blind obedience or unquestioning acceptance of the status quo. Loyalty requires careful balance among various interests, values, and institutions in the interest of harmony and cohesion. 6.18.4. Accountability. DoD employees are required to accept responsibility for their decisions and the resulting consequences. This includes avoiding even the appearance of impropriety. Accountability promotes careful, well-thought-out decisions, and limits thoughtless action. 6.18.5. Fairness. Openmindedness and impartiality are important aspects of fairness. DoD employees must be committed to justice in the performance of their official duties. Decisions must not be arbitrary, capricious, or biased. Individuals must be treated equally and with tolerance. 6.18.6. Caring. Compassion is an essential element of good government. Courtesy and kindness, both to those we serve and to those with whom we work, help to ensure individuals are not treated solely as a means to an end. Caring for others is the counterbalance against the temptation to pursue the mission at any cost. 6.18.7. Respect. To treat people with dignity, to honor privacy, and to allow self-determination are critical in a government of diverse people. Lack of respect leads to a breakdown of loyalty and honesty within a government and brings chaos to the international community. 6.18.8. Promise-Keeping. No government can function for long if its commitments are not kept. DoD employees are obligated to keep their promises in order to promote trust and cooperation. Because of the importance of promise-keeping, DoD employees must only make commitments within their authority. 6.18.9. Responsible Citizenship. Responsible citizenship is the duty of every citizen, especially DoD employees, to exercise discretion. Public servants are expected to engage (employ) personal judgment in the performance of official duties within the limits of their authority so that the will of the people is respected according to democratic principles. Justice must be pursued and injustice must be challenged through accepted means. 6.18.10. Pursuit of Excellence. In public service, competence is only the starting point. DoD employees are expected to set an example of superior diligence and commitment. They are expected to strive beyond mediocrity. 6.19. Professional and Unprofessional Relationships. Professional relationships are essential to the effective operation of all organizations, military and civilian, but the nature of the military mission requires absolute confidence in command and an unhesitating adherence to orders that may result in inconvenience, hardships, injury, or death. While personal relationships between Air Force members are normally matters of individual choice and judgment, they become matters of official concern when they adversely affect or might adversely affect the Air Force by eroding morale, good order, discipline, respect for authority, unit cohesion, or mission accomplishment. AFI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships, establishes responsibilities for maintaining professional relationships. 6.19.1. Professional Relationships. Professional relationships contribute to the effective operation of the Air Force. The Air Force encourages personnel to communicate freely with their superiors regarding their careers and performance, duties, and missions. This type of communication enhances morale and discipline and improves the operational environment while at the same time preserving proper respect for authority and focus on the mission. Participation by members of all grades in organizational activities, such as base intramural, interservice, and intraservice athletic competitions, unit-sponsored events, religious activities, community welfare projects, and youth programs, enhances morale and contributes to unit cohesion.

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On or off duty, unprofessional relationships may detract from the authority of superiors or result in, or reasonably create the appearance of, favoritism, misuse of office or position, or the abandonment of organizational goals for personal interests. Unprofessional relationships can exist between officers, between enlisted members, between officers and enlisted members, and between military personnel and civilian employees or contractor personnel. 6.19.3. Fraternization. As defined by the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), fraternization is a personal relationship between an officer and an enlisted member that violates the customary bounds of acceptable behavior in the Air Force and prejudices good order and discipline, discredits the Armed Services, or operates to the personal disgrace or dishonor of the officer involved. The custom recognizes that officers will not form personal relationships with enlisted members on terms of military equality, whether on or off duty. Although the custom originated in an all male military, fraternization is gender neutral. Fraternization can occur between males, between females, and between males and females. Because of the potential damage fraternization can do to morale, good order, discipline, and unit cohesion, fraternization is specifically prohibited in the MCM and punishable under Article 134 of the UCMJ. 6.20. General Guidelines on Avoiding Unprofessional Relationships Including Fraternization. Military experience has shown that certain kinds of personal relationships present a high risk for being (or developing into) unprofessional relationships. Unprofessional relationships negatively impact morale and discipline. While some personal relationships are not initially unprofessional, they may become unprofessional when circumstances change. For example, factors that can change an otherwise permissible relationship into an unprofessional relationship include the members relative positions in the organization and the members relative positions in the supervisory and command chains. Air Force members, both officer and enlisted, must be sensitive to forming these relationships and consider the probable impact of their actions on the Air Force in making their decisions. The rules regarding these relationships must be somewhat elastic to accommodate differing conditions. However, the underlying standard is that Air Force members are expected to avoid relationships that negatively affect morale and discipline. When economic constraints or operational requirements place officers and enlisted members of different grades in close proximity with one another (such as combined or joint clubs, joint recreational facilities, or mixed officer and enlisted housing areas), military members are expected to maintain professional relationships. Although maintaining professional relationships is more difficult under certain circumstances, it does not excuse a members responsibility to maintain standards. 6.20.1. Relationships Within an Organization. Unduly familiar relationships between members in which one member exercises supervisory or command authority over the other can easily be or become unprofessional. Similarly, as differences in grades increase, even in the absence of a command or supervisory relationship, there may be more risk that the relationship will become, or is perceived to be, unprofessional because senior members in military organizations normally exercise authority or have some direct or indirect organizational influence over more junior members. The danger for abuse of authority is always present. A senior members ability to directly or indirectly influence assignments, promotion recommendations, duties, awards, or other privileges and benefits places both the senior and junior members in a vulnerable position. Once established, such relationships do not go unnoticed by other members of the unit. Service members must also avoid unprofessional relationships (including fraternization) between members of different services, particularly in joint service operations, because such relationships may have the same impact on morale and discipline as they would for members assigned to the same service. 6.20.2. Relationships with Civilian Employees. Civilian employees and contractor personnel are an integral part of the Air Force. They contribute directly to readiness and mission accomplishment. Consequently, military members of all grades must maintain professional relationships with civilian employees, particularly those whom they supervise or direct. They must avoid relationships that adversely affect or reasonably might adversely affect morale, discipline, and respect for authority, or that violate law or regulation. 6.20.3. Dating and Close Friendships. Dating, intimate relationships, and close friendships between men and women are subject to the same policy considerations as are other relationships. Like any personal relationship, they become a matter of official concern when they adversely affect morale, discipline, unit cohesion, respect for authority, or mission


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accomplishment. Members must recognize that these relationships can adversely affect morale and discipline, even when the members are not in the same chain of command or unit. These relationships between superiors and subordinates within the same chain of command or supervision invariably cause the perception of favoritism or misuse of position, and negatively impact morale, discipline, and unit cohesion. 6.20.4. Shared Activities. Sharing living accommodations, vacations, transportation, and off-duty interests on a frequent or recurring basis can be perceived as unprofessional. These types of arrangements often lead to claims of abuse of position or favoritism. Often the frequency of these activities or the absence of an official purpose or organizational benefit is what causes them to become, or to be perceived as, unprofessional. While an occasional round of golf, game of racquetball, or similar activity between a supervisor and subordinate could remain professional, daily or weekly occurrences could result in at least the perception of an unprofessional relationship. Similarly, while it may be appropriate for a first sergeant to play golf with a different group of officers from his or her organization each weekend in order to get to know them better, playing with the same officers every weekend may be, or be perceived as, unprofessional. 6.20.5. Training, Schools, and Professional Military Education (PME). Personal relationships between students and instructors or staff in the training and school environment present particular risks and are especially likely to result in abuse of position, partiality, or favoritism by instructors or staff, or create the appearance of such. 6.20.6. Other Relationships. Other relationships not specifically addressed, depending on the circumstances, can lead to actual or perceived favoritism or preferential treatment, and must be avoided. Examples of activities that may adversely impact morale, discipline, and respect for authority include gambling, partying with subordinates, joint business ventures, or soliciting (or making solicited sales) to members junior in rank, grade, or position. 6.21. Consequences of Unprofessional Conduct. Military members are subject to lawful orders. When a military member has been lawfully ordered to cease an unprofessional relationship or refrain from certain conduct, the military member is subject to prosecution under the UCMJ for violating the order. Similarly, all military members are subject to prosecution for criminal offenses committed incidental to an unprofessional relationship (such as gambling, adultery, or assault). 6.22. Responsibilities for Professional Relationships: 6.22.1. Individuals. All members are responsible for respecting authority and maintaining professional relationships. However, the senior member (officer or enlisted) in a personal relationship bears primary responsibility for maintaining professional relationships. Leadership requires personnel to exercise maturity and judgment and avoid relationships that undermine respect for authority or have a negative impact on morale, discipline, or the mission. The senior member in a relationship is in the best position to appreciate the effect the relationship could have on an organization and is in the best position to terminate or limit the extent of the relationship. However, all members should expect to be, and must be, held accountable for how their conduct impacts the Air Force. 6.22.2. Commanders and Supervisors. Commanders and supervisors have the authority and responsibility to maintain good order, discipline, and morale within their units. They may be held accountable for failing to act in appropriate cases. 6.23. Actions in Response to Unprofessional Relationships. Actions are normally the least severe necessary to terminate the unprofessional aspects of a relationship, but a full spectrum of administrative actions is available and should be considered. Administrative actions include, but are not limited to, counseling; reprimand; creation of an unfavorable information file (UIF); removal from position; reassignment; demotion; delay of or removal from a promotion list; adverse or referral comments in performance reports; and administrative separation. One or more complementary actions can be taken. Experience has shown that counseling is often an effective first step in curtailing unprofessional relationships. More serious cases may warrant administrative action or nonjudicial punishment. Instances of actual favoritism, partiality, or misuse of grade or position may constitute independent violations of the UCMJ.

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AFI 36-2906, Personal Financial Responsibility, establishes administrative and management guidelines for alleged delinquent financial obligations and for processing financial claims against Air Force members. It also outlines basic rules for garnishment. 6.24.1. Responsibilities. Military members will: Pay their just financial obligations in a proper and timely manner. Provide adequate financial support of a spouse, child or any other relative for which the member receives additional support allowances. Members will also comply with the financial support provisions of a court order or written support agreement. Respond to applications for involuntary allotments of pay within the suspense dates established by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. Comply with rules concerning the government travel charge card program. 6.24.2. Handling Complaints. Complainants are often unfamiliar with Air Force organizational addresses or do not know the members actual unit of assignment, and so frequently address correspondence to the installation commander, staff judge advocate (SJA), or military personnel flight. The complaint is forwarded for action to the individuals commander, who attempts to respond within 15 days. If the member has had a permanent change of station, the complaint is forwarded to the new commander, and the complainant is notified of the referral. If the member has separated with no further military service or has retired, the complainant is notified and informed that the member is no longer under Air Force jurisdiction and the Air Force is unable to assist. (Exception: Retired members retirement pay can be garnished for child support or alimony obligations.) Commanders must actively monitor complaints until they are resolved. Failure to pay debts or support dependents can lead to administrative or disciplinary action. If the commander decides the complaint reflects adversely on the member, this action should be included in the UIF. 6.24.3. Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP). The Personal Financial Management Program is an Airman and Family Readiness Center program that offers information, education, and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families maintain financial stability and reach their financial goals. PFMP provides education to all personnel upon arrival at their first duty station. PFMP education includes, at minimum, facts about PFMP, checkbook maintenance, budgeting, credit buying, state or country liability laws, and local fraudulent business practices. The PFMP also provides refresher education for all senior airmen and below upon arrival at a new installation. PFMP services are free. Section 6EEthics and Conflict of Interest Prohibitions 6.25. Overview. DoD policy requires a single, uniform source of standards on ethical conduct and ethics guidance be maintained within DoD. Each DoD agency will implement and administer a comprehensive ethics program to ensure compliance. 6.26. Bribery and Graft. DoD employees and military members are directly or indirectly prohibited from giving, offering, promising, demanding, seeking, receiving, accepting, or agreeing to receive anything of value to influence any official act. They are prohibited from influencing the commission of fraud on the United States, inducing commitment or omission of any act in violation of a lawful duty, or from influencing testimony given. They are prohibited from accepting anything of value for, or because of, any official act performed or to be performed. These prohibitions do not apply to the payment of witness fees authorized by law or certain travel and subsistence expenses. 6.27. Compensation from Other Sources. DoD employees and military members are prohibited from receiving pay or allowance or supplements of pay or benefits from any source other than the United States for the performance of official service or duties unless specifically authorized by law. A task or job performed outside normal work hours does not necessarily allow employees to accept payment for performing it. If the undertaking is part of ones official duties, pay for its performance may not be accepted from any source other than the United States regardless of when it was performed.


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6.28. Additional Pay or Allowance. DoD employees and military members may not receive additional pay or allowance for disbursement of public money or for the performance of any other service or duty unless specifically authorized by law. Subject to certain limitations, civilian DoD employees may hold two distinctly different federal government positions and receive salaries for both if the duties of each are performed. Absent specific authority, however, military members may not do so because any arrangement by a military member for rendering services to the federal government in another position is incompatible with the military members actual or potential military duties. The fact that a military member may have leisure hours during which no official duty is performed does not alter the result. 6.29. Commercial Dealings Involving Department of Defense Personnel. On or off duty, a DoD employee or military member shall not knowingly solicit or make solicited sales to DoD personnel who are junior in rank, grade, or position, or to the family members of such personnel. In the absence of coercion or intimidation, this does not prohibit the sale or lease of a DoD employees or military members noncommercial personal or real property or commercial sales solicited and made in a retail establishment during offduty employment. This prohibition includes the solicited sale of insurance, stocks, mutual funds, real estate, cosmetics, household supplies, vitamins, and other goods or services. Solicited sales by the spouse or other household member of a senior-ranking person to a junior person are not specifically prohibited but may give the appearance that the DoD employee or military member is using public office for personal gain. If in doubt, consult an ethics counselor. Several related prohibitions in this area include: 6.29.1. Engaging in off-duty employment or outside activities that detract from readiness or pose a security risk, as determined by the employees or members commander or supervisor. 6.29.2. Engaging in outside employment or activities that conflict with official duties. 6.29.3. Receiving honoraria for performing official duties o r for speaking, teaching, or writing that relates to ones official duties. 6.29.4. Misusing an official position, such as improper endorsements or improper use of nonpublic information. 6.29.5. Certain post-government service employment. See DoD 5500.7-R, Chapter 9, for specific guidance. 6.30. Gifts from Foreign Governments. AFI 51-901, Gifts from Foreign Governments, requires all Air Force military and civilian personnel, and their dependents, to report gifts from foreign governments if the gift, or combination of gifts, at one presentation exceeds a U.S. retail value of $305. Gifts and gift reports are due to the Air Force Personnel Center s Promotions, Evaluations, and Recognition Division, Special Trophies and Awards Section, within 60 days of receiving the gift. This requirement includes gifts that recipients want to keep for official use or display. The United States Attorney General may bring a civil action in any court of the United States against any person who knowingly solicits or accepts a gift from a foreign government that is not approved by Congress, or who fails to deposit or report such a gift, as required by AFI 51-901. Failure to report gifts valued in excess of $305 could result in a penalty not to exceed the retail value of the gift plus $5,000. Note: The limit on gifts from foreign governments is set by Congress and changes annually. Be sure to confirm the most current limit with your ethics counselor when considering foreign gift issues. 6.31. Contributions or Presents to Superiors: 6.31.1. On an occasional basis, including any occasion when gifts are traditionally given or exchanged, the following may be given to an official supervisor by a subordinate or other employees receiving less pay: Items, other than cash, with an aggregate market value of $10 or less. Items such as food and refreshments to be shared in the office among several employees. Personal hospitality provided at a residence and items given in connection with personal hospitality, which is of a type and value customarily provided by the employee to personal friends. 6.31.2. A gift appropriate to the occasion may be given to recognize special, infrequent occasions of personal significance, such as marriage, illness, or the birth or adoption of a child. Contributions or presents are also permissible upon occasions that terminate a subordinate-official supervisor relationship, such as retirement, separation, or reassignment. Regardless of the number of employees contributing, the market value of the gift cannot exceed $300. Even though contributions are voluntary, the maximum contribution one DoD employee may solicit from another cannot exceed $10.

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Federal government resources, including personnel, equipment, and property, will be used by DoD employees and military members for official purposes only. Agencies may, however, permit employees or military members to make limited personal use of resources other than personnel, such as a computer, calculators, libraries, etc., if the use: 6.32.1. Does not adversely affect the performance of official duties by the employee, military member, or other DoD personnel. 6.32.2. Is of reasonable duration and frequency and is made during the employees or military members personal time, such as after duty hours or during lunch periods. 6.32.3. Serves a legitimate public interest, such as supporting local charities or volunteer services to the community. 6.32.4. Does not reflect adversely on the DoD. 6.32.5. Creates no significant additional cost to the DoD or government agency. 6.33. Communication Systems. Federal Government communication systems and equipment including telephones, fax machines, electronic mail, and Internet systems will be used for official use and authorized purposes only. Official use includes emergency communications and, when approved by commanders in the interest of morale and welfare, may include communications by DoD personnel deployed for extended periods on official DoD business. Authorized purposes include brief communication while traveling on government business to notify family members of official transportation or schedule changes. Also authorized are personal communications from the DoD employees or military members usual workplace that are most reasonably made while at the workplace, such as checking in with spouse or minor children; scheduling doctor, auto, or home repair appointments; brief Internet searches; and emailing directions to visiting relatives, when the agency designee permits. However, many restrictions do apply. Consult DoD 5500.7-R for additional guidance; then consult the organizational point of contact. 6.34. Gambling, Betting, and Lotteries. While on federally owned or leased property or while on duty, a DoD employee or military member will not participate in any gambling activity except: 6.34.1. Activities by organizations composed primarily of DoD personnel or their dependents for the benefit of welfare funds for their own members or for the benefit of other DoD personnel or their dependents, subject to local law and DoD 5500.7-R. 6.34.2. Private wagers among DoD personnel if based on a personal relationship and transacted entirely within assigned government living quarters and subject to local laws. 6.34.3. Lotteries authorized by any state from licensed vendors. Section 6FPolitical Activities 6.35. Overview. DoD policy encourages Armed Forces members to carry out the obligations of a citizen. While on active duty, however, members are prohibited from engaging in certain political activities as outlined in DoDD 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces, and AFI 51-902, Political Activities by Members of the U.S. Air Force. 6.36. Rights. In general, a member on active duty may register, vote, and express his or her personal opinion on political candidates and issues, but not as a representative of the Armed Forces. Members may make monetary contributions to a political organization, but cannot make campaign contributions to a partisan political candidate. They may attend partisan and nonpartisan political meetings or rallies as spectators when not in uniform. 6.37. Prohibitions. A member on active duty will not use his or her official authority or influence to interfere with an election, affect the course or outcome of an election, solicit votes for a particular candidate or issue, or require or solicit political contributions from others. A member cannot participate in partisan political management, campaigns, or conventions. A member may not be a candidate for, or hold, civil office except as outlined in paragraph 6.37.1. 6.37.1. Candidacy for Elected Office. A member may not campaign as a nominee or as a candidate for nomination. However, enlisted members may


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seek and hold nonpartisan civil office, such as a notary public or school board member, neighborhood planning commission, or similar local agency, as long as such office is held in a private capacity and does not interfere with the performance of military duties. There are also specific exceptions to the prohibition on holding elected office that permit reservists in certain elected or appointed civil offices in federal, state, and local government to remain in office when called to active duty for no more than 270 days. 6.37.2. Additional Specific Prohibitions. A member may not: Allow, or cause to be published, partisan political articles signed or authorized by the member for soliciting votes for or against a partisan political party or candidate. Serve in any official capacity or be listed as a sponsor of a partisan political club. Speak before a partisan political gathering of any kind for promoting a partisan political party or candidate. Conduct a political opinion survey under the auspices of a partisan political group or distribute partisan political literature. Perform clerical or other duties for a partisan political committee during a campaign or on election day. March or ride in a partisan political parade. Use contemptuous words against the officeholders described in 10 U.S.C., Section 888, Contempt Toward Officials (officers only). Display a large political sign, banner, or poster on the top or side of his or her private vehicle (as distinguished from a political sticker). 6.38. Voting. The DoD Federal Voting Assistance Program is responsible for administering the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Specifically, the DoD Federal Voting Assistance Program mission is to inform and educate U.S. citizens worldwide of their right to vote; foster voting participation; and protect the integrity of and enhance the electoral process at the Federal, state, and local levels. The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act requires that states and territories allow certain groups of citizens, including active duty military members and their families, to register and vote absentee in elections for federal offices. In many states, laws exist that allow military members and their families to vote absentee in state and local elections. The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act requires each federal department and agency with personnel covered by the act to have a voting assistance program. Critical to the success of this program are the voting assistance officers. These individuals, military and civilian, are responsible for providing accurate nonpartisan voting information and assistance to all of the citizens they are appointed to help. They aid in ensuring citizens understand their voting rights, to include providing procedures on how to vote absentee. 6.39. Dissident and Protest Activities. Air Force commanders have the inherent authority and responsibility to take action to ensure the mission is performed and to maintain good order and discipline. This authority and responsibility includes placing lawful restriction on dissident and protest activities. Air Force commanders must preserve the service members right of expression to the maximum extent possible, consistent with good order, discipline, and national security. To properly balance these interests, commanders must exercise calm and prudent judgment and should consult with the SJA. 6.39.1. Possessing or Distributing Printed Materials. Air Force members may not distribute or post any printed or written material other than publications of an official government agency or base-related activity within any Air Force installation without permission of the installation commander or that commanders designee. Members who violate this prohibition are subject to disciplinary action under Article 92 of the UCMJ. 6.39.2. Writing for Publications. Air Force members may not write for unofficial publications during duty hours. An unofficial publication, such as an underground newspaper, may not be produced using go vernment or nonappropriated fund property or


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supplies. Any publication that contains language, the utterance of which is punishable by the UCMJ or other federal laws, may subject a person involved in its printing, publishing, or distribution to prosecution or other disciplinary action. 6.39.3. Off-Limits Action. Action may be initiated under AFJI 31-213, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards and Off-Installation Liaison and Operations, to make certain establishments off limits. An establishment runs the risk of being off limits if its activities include counseling service members to refuse to perform their duties or to desert, or when involved in acts with a significant adverse effect on health, welfare, or morale of military members. 6.39.4. Prohibited Activities. Military personnel must reject participation in organizations that espouse supremacist causes; attempt to create illegal discrimination based on race, creed, color, sex, religion, or national origin; advocate the use of force or violence; or otherwise engage in the effort to deprive individuals of their civil rights. Active participation, such as publicly demonstrating or rallying, fundraising, recruiting and training members, organizing or leading such organizations, or otherwise engaging in activities the commander finds to be detrimental to good order, discipline, or mission accomplishment, is incompatible with military service and prohibited. Members who violate this prohibition are subject to disciplinary action under Article 92 of the UCMJ. 6.39.5. Demonstrations and Similar Activities. Demonstrations or other activities within an Air Force installation that could result in interfering with or preventing the orderly accomplishment of a mission of the installation or which present a clear danger to loyalty, discipline, or morale of members of the Armed Forces are prohibited and are punishable under Article 92 of the UCMJ. Air Force members are prohibited from participating in demonstrations when they are on duty, in a foreign country, in uniform, involved in activities that constitute a breach of law and order, or when violence is likely to result. 6.40. Public Statements. When making public statements, AFI 35-101, Public Affairs Responsibilities and Management, governs members. Each Air Force member has a personal responsibility for the success of the Air Force Public Affairs Program. As representatives of the service in both official and unofficial contact with the public, members have many opportunities to contribute to positive public opinions toward the Air Force. Therefore, each person must strive to make contacts show the highest standards of conduct and reflect the Air Force core values. 6.40.1. Do. Specifically, each Air Force member is responsible for obtaining the necessary review and clearance, starting with public affairs, before releasing any proposed statement, text, or imagery to the public. This includes digital products being loaded on an unrestricted Web site. Members must ensure the information revealed, whether official or unofficial, is appropriate for release according to classification requirements in DoDI 5200.01, DoD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive Compartmented Information , and AFPD 31-4, Information Security. 6.40.2. Dont. Air Force members must not use their Air Force association, official title, or position to promote, endorse, or benefit any profit-making agency. This does not prohibit members from assuming character or modeling roles in commercial advertisement during their nonduty hours; however, they cannot wear their uniform or allow their Air Force title or position to be affixed to the advertisement in any manner or imply Air Force endorsement of the product or service being promoted. Additionally, they must not make any commitment to provide official Air Force information to any non-DoD member or agency, including news media, before obtaining approval through command or public affairs channels. 6.41. Conclusion. This chapter explained Air Force standards of conduct. NCOs must learn these standards well enough to be able to clearly explain them to subordinates, observe these standards, and always enforce their observation by other members. Used in concert with information presented in Chapters 5 and 19, this information covered essential issues vital to good order and discipline and mission effectiveness.




Section 7AOverview 7.1. Introduction. Air Force commanders at all levels are required to continuously evaluate force readiness and organizational economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The inspection system provides the commander with a credible, independent assessment process to measure the capabilities of assigned forces. Supervisors at all levels play an integral part in this process through continual assessment of personnel, programs and the areas of responsibilities they supervise. Furthermore, when systematic, programmatic or procedural weaknesses are suspected, or to further ensure resources are used effectively and efficiently, Airmen at all levels may visit the Inspector General to report these areas as well as potential fraud, waste or abuse cases. This chapter provides information on the Air Force Inspection System, the Inspector General Complaints Program, and individual standards and punitive actions. All four areas are necessary to enable the Air Force to fulfill our national security obligations efficiently and effectively. Section 7BThe Air Force Inspection System (AFIS) 7.2. Purpose. The Inspector Generals (TIG) mission is defined in HAF MD 1 -20, The Inspector General, and AFPD 90-2, Inspector GeneralThe Inspection System. The overall purpose of the AFIS is to enable and strengthen commanders effectiveness and efficiency, motivate and promote military discipline, improve unit performance and management excellence up and down the chain of command, in units and staffs, as well as identify issues interfering with effectiveness, efficiency, compliance, discipline, readiness, performance, surety and management excellence. TIG reports on readiness, economy, efficiency, and state of discipline of Air Force organizations to the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF). 7.3. Philosophy. Inspection is an inherent function of command exercised at every level to evaluate readiness, economy, efficiency, and state of discipline. Inspection preparation, if not directly aligned with mission readiness, is inherently wasteful. Units will be inspection ready when commanders focus on mission readiness and on building a culture of disciplined compliance in which every Airman does his/her job right the first time when no one s looking. The intent of the Inspector General is to continuously improve the AFIS so there is an ever-shrinking differenceboth real and perceivedbetween mission readiness and inspection readiness. Each major command (MAJCOM) commander and Wing commander will appoint an inspector general (IG) who will establish an inspection program consistent with MAJCOM mission requirements to inspect unit effectiveness, surety and other inspection program elements. MAJCOM IGs develop applicable guidelines, procedures and criteria for conducting inspections. 7.4. Inspection Types: 7.4.1. Commanders Inspection Program. A validated and trusted commanders inspection program is the cornerstone of the AFIS. The Wing IG is responsible to validate and verify self-assessment programs and independently assess the performance of organizations below the Wing level. The commanders inspection program should give the Wing Commander, subordinate commanders and wing Airmen the right information at the right time to assess risk, identify areas of improvement, determine root cause and precisely focus limited resources; all aligned with the commanders priorities and on the commanders timeline. commanders inspection program also facilitates requests for targeted assistance from the MAJCOM/CC and staff when and where needed. The commanders inspection program produces two outputs: the Wing Commanders Inspection Report and Management Internal Control Toolset data. These outputs provide critical data to HAF and MAJCOM staffs about the adequacy of policy, training, manpower, funds, equipment and facilities. 7.4.2. Unit Effectiveness Inspection. The unit effectiveness inspection integrates elements of compliance and readiness with new inspection elements to create a new IG inspection of unit effectiveness. Conducted by MAJCOM IGs and the Air Force Inspection Agency on Wings and Wing-Equivalents, the unit effectiveness inspection is a continual evaluation of performance throughout the inspection period a photo album versus a snapshot. The unit effectiveness inspection inspects the following four Major Graded Areas: Managing Resources, Leading People, Improving the Unit and Executing the Mission. The unit effectiveness inspection validates and verifies a Wings commanders inspection program for accuracy and adequacy, and provides an independent assessment of the Wings resource management, leadership, process improvement efforts and ability to execute the mission. A unit


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effectiveness inspection is a years-long, continual inspection of the units effectiveness, and is intended to help the Wing Commander understand the areas of greatest risk from undetected non-compliance. The next inspection period begins immediately after the close-out of the previous unit effectiveness inspection report. (See Figure 7.1.) Figure 7.1. UEI Sequence of Events.

7.4.3. Nuclear Surety Inspection (NSI). MAJCOM IG teams evaluate a units management of nuclear resources against approved safety, security and reliability standards. Teams evaluate logistics airlift units with nuclear weapons transport missions by observing loading, transporting, unloading and custody transfer procedures of representative types of weapons. The unit s proficiency is determined by using war reserve (WR) weapons when possible. Training weapons or weapon system simulations are used when WR assets are not available. The final rating is based on the nature, severity and number of findings noted during the inspection. Assigned to units is a rating of Satisfactory, Satisfactory (Support Unsatisfactory) (for deficiencies outside the control of the commander), or Unsatisfactory. If a unit receives an overall Unsatisfactory, the unit will receive another inspection within 90 days. If the unit does not achieve a Satisfactory on the reinspection, the MAJCOM commander must approve the units continued nuclear weapons related mission. 7.5. Inspection Elements: 7.5.1. Self-Assessment Program. The self-assessment program reports compliance with requirements listed in self-assessment checklists to the chain of command and appropriate staffs. Higher headquarters functionals populate self-assessment checklists with compliance requirements from their publications and publish self-assessment checklists in the management internal control toolset. Then, as part of the Commanders Inspection Program, Airmen report compliance and non-compliance with self-assessment checklists through management internal control toolset. Commanders and functionals throughout the chain of command can monitor programs for real-time compliance and trends using management internal control toolset. Self-assessment checklists are created by functional experts to help Airmen understand whats most important, and to provide an efficient means of communicating complia nce or non-compliance up the chain of command and appropriate staffs. Compliance with the items in a selfassessment checklist does not relieve individual Airmen from knowing the requirements of their programs and complying with guidance in Air Force Instructions and other policy documents. 7.5.2. Management Inspection Control Toolset. Management internal control toolset is a web-based program used by Airmen to accomplish self-assessments of program management and compliance with higher headquarters directives. Management internal control toolset provides the supervisor and command chain, from Sq/CC to SECAF, tiered visibility into user-selected


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compliance reports and program status. Management internal control toolset also allows Functional Area Managers the ability to monitor unit performance, helping them improve policy and guidance. 7.5.3. Inspector Generals Evaluation Management System. Inspector generals evaluation management system is the IGs database for the Air Force Inspection System. MAJCOM/IGs will use inspector generals evaluation management system to record the units overall rating, identify deficiencies, track corrective action plans, and post the final inspection report. 7.5.4. Grading System. The AFIS uses the five-tier rating scale of Outstanding, Excellent, Satisfactory, Marginal, and Unsatisfactory. The IG Team Chief determines the rating based on a variety of inputs including: observations, interviews, audits, and task evaluations. 7.6. Gatekeepers. Gatekeepers at all levels must ensure the inspection system is able to independently and efficiently inspect units on behalf of the command chain. Gatekeepers ensure a commander s priorities take precedence over nonmission-essential activities of any unit/organization. Gatekeepers have the authority to approve or disapprove, schedule, deconflict and eliminate duplication between all inspection-type activities on behalf of their commander. Gatekeepers do not have authority to approve or disapprove The Judge Advocate General (TJAG) Article 6 inspections, The Adjutant General (TAG)-directed audits, TIG-directed AFIA/SAF/IG inspections, or inspection-type activity conducted by properly authorized DoD or other United States Government (USG) agencies (for example, Office of Inspector General (OIG), DoD; Government Accountability Office (GAO), Defense Information System Agency (DISA), and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). In these cases, gatekeepers should attempt to deconflict the inspections by offering optimum windows for the appropriate units. 7.7. TIG Brief. AFIA publishes TIG Brief (Air Force Recurring Publication [AFRP] 90-1) which is available electronically online and provides authoritative guidance and information to commanders, IGs, inspectors, and Air Force supervisors and leaders at all levels of command. Anyone may submit articles to AFIA/PI. Articles should relate to anticipated or actual problems, recommendations to improve management, safety, security, inspection or operational techniques, cross tell of lessons learned, best practices, or contemporary issues of interest to the Air Force. Section 7CInspector General Complaints Program 7.8. Program Policy and Mission Focus: The Air Force IG Complaints Program is a leadership tool that indicates where command involvement is needed to correct systematic, programmatic, or procedural weaknesses, and to ensure resources are used effectively and efficiently; resolves problems affecting the Air Force mission promptly and objectively; creates an atmosphere of trust in which issues can be objectively and fully resolved without retaliation or fear of reprisal; and assists commanders in instilling confidence in Air Force leadership. The primary charge of the IG is to sustain a credible Air Force IG system by ensuring the existence of responsive complaint investigations, and fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA) programs characterized by objectivity, integrity, and impartiality. Only the IG may investigate allegations of reprisal under the Military Whistleblowers Protection Act. The IG ensures the concerns of Air Force active duty, Reserve, and Guard members; civilian employees; family members; retirees; and the best interests of the Air Force are addressed through objective fact-finding. 7.9. Installation Inspector General Program. The concept of separate, full-time installation IGs was implemented to remove any perceived conflict of interest, lack of independence, or apprehension by Air Force personnel. This came as a result of the previous practice of assigning chain of command and IG roles to the same official. The installation IG is organized as a staff function reporting directly to the installation commander. 7.9.1. IG Role. IGs are the eyes and ears of the commander. They execute the commanders inspection program, validating and verifying unit self-assessments and providing the commander an independent assessment of unit effectiveness; they inform the commander of potential areas of concern as reflected by trends; they function as the fact finder and honest broker in the resolution of complaints; they educate and train commanders and members of the base population on their rights and responsibilities in regard to the Air Force IG system; and


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they help commanders prevent, detect, and correct FWA and mismanagement. Personal complaints and FWA disclosures help commanders discover and correct problems that affect the productivity and morale of assigned personnel. Resolving the underlying cause of a complaint may prevent more severe symptoms or costly consequences, such as reduced performance, accidents, poor quality work, poor morale, or loss of resources. Even though allegations may not be substantiated, the evidence or investigation findings may reveal systemic morale or other problems that impede efficiency and mission effectiveness. 7.9.2. Investigations Not Covered and Complaints Not Appropriate. The following are not covered under the IG complaint resolution program: Administrative inquiries or investigations governed by other policy directives and instructions. These inquiries and investigations include: Commander-directed inquiries and investigations. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) or security forces investigations. Investigations of civilian employees who have specific appeal rights under law or labor union agreements. Investigations under the authority of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), line of duty or report of survey investigations, quality assurance in the Air Force medical service boards, Air Force mishap or safety investigations, military equal opportunity (MEO) treatment or civilian equal employment opportunity (EEO) programs, and medical incident investigations. Matters normally addressed through other established grievance or appeal channels unless there is evidence these channels mishandled the matter or process. If a policy directive or instruction provides a specific means of redress or appeal to a grievance, complainants must exhaust these means before filing an IG complaint. Complainants must provide some relevant evidence that the process was mishandled or handled prejudicially before IG channels will process a complaint of mishandling. Dissatisfaction or disagreement with the outcome or findings of an alternative grievance or appeal process is not a sufficient basis to warrant IG investigation. Note: AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, Table 3.6, provides a list of matters not appropriate for the IG complaint resolution program. 7.9.3. Filing an IG Complaint. Air Force military members and civilian employees have a duty to promptly report FWA or gross mismanagement; a violation of law, policy, procedures, or regulations; an injustice; abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct, or misconduct; and a deficiency or like condition to an appropriate supervisor or commander, to an IG or other appropriate inspector, or through an established grievance channel. Complainants should attempt to resolve the issues at the lowest possible level using command channels before addressing them to a higher level or the IG. The immediate supervisory command chain can often resolve complaints more quickly and effectively than a higher level not familiar with the situation. Use the IG system when referral to the chain of command is futile, and there is fear of reprisal. 7.9.4. Procedures for Filing a Complaint. Table 7.1 outlines the procedures for filing an IG complaint. Complainants complete an AF IMT 102, Inspector General Personal and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Complaint Registration , briefly outlining the facts and relevant background information related to the issue or complaint. AFI 90-301 outlines the procedures. Complainants may also file anonymously through an Air Force FWA hotline, the Defense hotline, or directly with an IG. Table 7.1. How to File an IG Complaint. A Step 1 B Action If unable to resolve the complaint in supervisory channels, review AFI 90-301, Table 3.6, to determine if the complaint should be filed with the IG. Complainants should file a complaint if they reasonably believe inappropriate conduct has occurred or a violation of law, policy, procedure, or regulation has been committed. Complete the personal data information on AF IMT 102 (typed or printed legibly), the preferred format for submitting complaints, so it may easily be reproduced. Briefly outline the facts and relevant background information related to the issue or complaint on AF IMT 102 in chronological order.

2 3

AFPAM36-2241 A Step 4

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6 7

B Action List the allegations of wrongdoing briefly, in general terms, and provide supporting narrative detail including chronology and documents later when interviewed. Allegations should be written as bullets and should answer: 1. What violation was committed? 2. What law, regulation, procedure, or policy was violated? 3. When did the violation occur? 4. Who committed the violation? If more than 60 days have elapsed since the alleged conduct occurred, the complainant should also include: 1. The date the complainant first became aware of the conduct? 2. How did the complainant become aware of the conduct? 3. Why did the complainant delay filing the complaint? Submit the completed AF IMT 102 to any Air Force IG and set up a follow-on meeting to discuss the complaint. If the IG is named in the complaint, contact the next higher-level IG.

7.9.5. Complainants Rights. Complainants have the right to: File an IG complaint at any level without notifying or following the chain of command. File a complaint with an IG without fear of reprisal. Request withdrawal of their complaint in writing; however, IGs may still look into the allegations at their discretion. Request the next higher level IG review their case within 90 days of receiving a final IG response. Must give specific reasons as to why the complainant believes the original investigation was not valid or adequate; simply disagreeing with the findings is not sufficient for additional IG review. Submit complaints anonymously. Submit a complaint on behalf of another individual or even when not the wronged party. Request whistleblower protection after making or planning to make a protected communication. Reprisal occurs when a responsible management official takes (or threatens to take) an unfavorable personnel action; or withholds (or threatens to withhold) a favorable personnel action, to retaliate against a member of the armed forces who made, or prepared to make, a protected communication. Any lawful communication, regardless of the subject, to an IG or Congress, is considered protected. Additionally, it is a protected communication when a member who reasonably believes he/she has evidence of a violation of law or regulation (regardless of whether he/she is the victim), discloses this to an authorized recipient in the form of a lawful communication. 10 USC Section 1034, Protected Communications; Prohibition of Retaliatory Personnel Actions , also states that a military member may not be restricted or prohibited from making a lawful communication to the IG or a member of Congress (for example, making a protected communication). Restriction can result from either private or public statements that may reasonably discourage Air Force members from contacting the IG or a member of Congress. For example, a first sergeant who directs a member to stay within his chain of command because the member told his supervisor he was going to complain to his Congressman about an upcoming deployment has probably restricted. Improper mental health evaluation (MHE) referral cases typically involve improper procedures. AFI 44-109, Mental Health, Confidentiality, and Military Law, paragraph 4.1. states, Supervisory personnel, including commanders, may encourage Air Force members to voluntarily seek mental health caresupervisors and commanders may not, however, under any circumstances attempt to coerce members to voluntarily seek a mental health evaluation. An individuals indication on an MHE intake form that he or she was there voluntarily, while compelling, was (and still is) not necessarily outcome determinative. The DoD Inspector General provides a quarterly report to Congress detailing the Services IG allegations of improper MHEs, reprisal, and restricted (the latter two, if substantiated, amounts to a violation of Federal law). In the Air Force, most allegations in these three areas are against first sergeants and senior enlisted personnel.

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Complainants must file within 60 days of learning of the alleged wrong. IG complaints not reported within 60 days may seriously impede the gathering of evidence and testimony. The IG may dismiss a complaint if, given the nature of the alleged wrong and the passage of time, there is reasonable probability that insufficient information can be gathered to make a determination, or no special Air Force interests exist to justify investigating the matter. Complainants must cooperate with investigators by providing factual and relevant information regarding the issues. Complainants must understand that they are submitting official statements; therefore, they remain subject to punitive action for knowingly making false statements and submitting other unlawful communications. 7.9.7. Confidentiality Policy. The IG makes every effort to protect the identity of complainants from anyone outside IG channels. IGs may release the name of a complainant only on an official need-to-know basis. Investigating officers do not divulge a complainants name to a subject or witness or permit them to read the complaint without the IGs or appointing authoritys written permission. Section 7DIndividual Standards 7.10. Enforcing Individual StandardsAdministrative Actions. When leadership by example, one-on-one counseling, and performance feedback fail to convince an individual to conform to standards, it may be appropriate to take more severe actions. The next step in many cases is to take one of several administrative actions. The following paragraphs discuss actions a commander may take to correct an individuals behavior without resorting to punishment under the UCMJ. 7.11. Unfavorable Information File (UIF) . The UIF is an official record of unfavorable (derogatory) information about an individual and documents that are administrative, judicial, or nonjudicial censures concerning the members performance, responsibility, and behavior. 7.11.1. UIF Contents. The following documents must be filed in a UIF: Suspended or unsuspended Article 15 punishment of more than 1 month (31 days or more). Court-martial conviction. A civilian conviction where the penalty is confinement of 1 year or more. Placement on the control roster (see paragraph 7.12). Note: The commander may refer other documented unfavorable information for optional filing in the UIF. This includes documentation such as other Article 15 punishments not listed above; a record of failure to discharge financial obligations in a timely manner; a record of confirmed discrimination; or a written administrative reprimand, admonishment, or counseling. 7.11.2. Initiating and Controlling UIFs. Commanders at all levels; vice commanders, staff directors, and directors at MAJCOMs, field operating agencies (FOA), and direct reporting units (DRU); and the senior Air Force officer assigned to a joint command have the authority to establish, remove, or destroy UIFs. Commanders refer optional documents (letters of admonishment [LOA], letters of counseling [LOC], and letters of reprimand [LOR]) to the offending member along with an AF IMT 1058, Unfavorable Information File Action, before establishing a UIF. Note: Mandatory items, such as Articles 15 with punishment exceeding 1 month and court-martial or civilian court convictions, are not referred via AF IMT 1058. The individual has 3 duty days to acknowledge the intended actions and provide pertinent information before the commander makes the final decision on placing optional documents in the UIF. The commander advises the individual of his or her final decision; and, if the commander decides to file the information in a UIF, the individuals response is also filed. 7.11.3. Accessing UIFs. In the course of their Air Force duties, the following individuals are authorized access to a members UIF: the member, commander, first sergeant, enlisted performance report (EPR) reporting and rating officials, military personnel flight (MPF) personnel, IG, inspection team, judge advocate, paralegal, MEO personnel, Alcohol and


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Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program personnel, AFOSI, and security forces personnel. Commanders review unit UIFs within 90 days of assuming command. UIFs are also reviewed when individuals are considered for promotion, reenlistment, permanent change of station (PCS), permanent change of assignment (PCA), and voluntary or mandatory reclassification or retraining. 7.11.4. Removing UIFs or Documents Within UIFs. Commanders keep the UIF and its documents for the disposition period unless early removal is clearly warranted. AFI 36-2907, Unfavorable Information File (UIF) Program, contains additional guidance on disposition dates. Commanders initiate removal action via AF IMT 1058, and the individual acknowledges the action. 7.12. Control Roster. The control roster is a rehabilitative tool commanders may use to establish a 6-month observation period for individuals whose duty performance is substandard or who fail to meet or maintain Air Force standards of conduct, bearing, and integrity, on or off duty. A brief incident of substandard performance or an isolated breach of standards, not likely to be repeated, should not usually result in an individuals placement on the control roster. Commanders should consider prior incidents, acts, failures, counseling, and rehabilitative efforts. Commanders inform members listed on the control roster that their performance and behavior must improve or they will face more severe administrative action or punishment. 7.12.1. Use. A commander may direct an EPR before entering or removing an individual from the roster, or both. The commander cannot place an individual on the roster as a substitute for more appropriate administrative, judicial, or nonjudicial action. Being on the roster does not shield an individual from other actions. An individual cannot remain on the roster for more than 6 consecutive months. If a member is not rehabilitated in this time, the commander initiates more severe action. 7.12.2. Initiating and Maintaining the Control Roster. A commander initiates control roster action on AF IMT 1058. The commander requests that the individual acknowledge the action. The individual has 3 duty days to submit a statement on his or her behalf before the AF IMT 1058 is finalized. Placement on the control roster is a mandatory UIF entry. The 6-month time period begins the day the AF IMT 1058 is finalized and ends at 2400 hours 6 months later. For example, if placed on the roster 1 January, this action expires at 2400 on 30 June. An individuals time does not stop and start for periods of temporary duty, ordinary leave, or a change in immediate supervisor. The commander can remove an enlisted member early from the control roster using AF IMT 1058. 7.13. Administrative Counseling, Admonitions, and Reprimands. Commanders, supervisors, and other persons in authority can issue administrative counseling, admonitions, and reprimands. These actions are intended to improve, correct, and instruct subordinates who depart from standards of performance, conduct, bearing, and integrity, on or off duty, and whose actions degrade the individual and units mission. Written administrative counselings, admonitions, and reprimands are subject to the rules of access, protection, and disclosure outlined in the Privacy Act of 1974. The same rules apply to copies kept by supervisors and commanders and those filed in an individuals UIF or the units personnel information file. Raters must consider making comments on performance reports when the ratee receives any of these adverse actions. 7.13.1. Letter of Counseling (LOC) and Record of Individual Counseling (RIC). Counseling helps people develop good judgment, assume responsibility, and face and solve their problems. Counselors help subordinates develop skills, attitudes, and behaviors consistent with maintaining the Air Force readiness. First-line supervisors, first sergeants, and commanders routinely counsel individuals verbally or in writing, giving advice and reassuring subordinates about specific situations. The AF IMT 174, Record of Individual Counseling, is used to record the counseling session. AF IMT 174 provides a record of positive or negative counseling and is useful for performance evaluations. Counseling sessions may also be documented on bond paper or letterhead. The commander may file negative or unfavorable records of individual counseling in the UIF. 7.13.2. Letter of Admonishment (LOA). An admonishment is more severe than an LOC or RIC and is used to document an infraction serious enough to warrant the LOA. Do not use an LOA when an LOR is more appropriate.

138 7.13.3. Letter of Reprimand (LOR).

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A reprimand is more severe than an LOC or LOA and indicates a stronger degree of official censure. Commanders may elect to file an LOR in a UIF for enlisted personnel. 7.13.4. Administering LOCs, RICs, LOAs, or LORs. Counselings, admonitions, or reprimands are administered either verbally or in writing. If written, the letter states: What the member did or failed to do, citing specific incidents and their dates. What improvement is expected. That further deviation may result in more severe action. That the individual has 3 duty days to submit rebuttal documents for consideration by the initiator. That all supporting documents received from the individual will become part of the record. 7.14. Administrative Demotion of Airmen. The group or equivalent-level commander may demote master sergeants and below. MAJCOM, FOA, and DRU commanders may demote senior master sergeants and chief master sergeants. 7.14.1. Reasons for Demotion. Common reasons for the administrative demotion of Airmen include failure to: Complete officer transitional training for reasons of academic deficiency, self-elimination, or misconduct. Trainees will be demoted to the grade they formerly held. Maintain grade and skill relationship and skill level. Fulfill the responsibilities of a noncommissioned officer (NCO) as prescribed in AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure. Attain or maintain fitness program standards as prescribed in AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program. 7.14.2. Demotion Procedure. The commander must inform the Airman, in writing, of the intention to recommend demotion; cite the specific reason, demotion authority, and recommended grade for demotion; and provide a summary of the facts. The commander must advise the Airman that he or she may seek legal counsel and provide the name and number of the local area defense counsel (ADC) who can assist with written and oral statements. The commander must also inform the Airman of the right to apply for retirement (if eligible) in lieu of demotion and make sure the Airman endorses the demotion when he or she receives it. The Airman then has 3 duty days to agree or disagree with the action and to present written or oral statements. If, after reviewing the statements, the commander decides to continue the demotion process, he or she must notify the individual in writing. The commander then summarizes the Airmans statements and sends the entire case file to the servicing Military Personnel Element (MPE) for processing. 7.14.3. Appeal Policy. Airmen may appeal a demotion decision. The appellate authority for Airmen in the grades of Airman through MSgt is the next level commander above the group commander. The appellate authority for Airmen in the grades of SMSgt and CMSgt is the Air Force Vice Chief of Staff, unless the MAJCOM, FOA, or DRU commander delegated demotion authority to a subordinate level. If delegated, the MAJCOM, FOA, or DRU commander then becomes the appellate authority for demotion appeals of SMSgts and CMSgts. 7.15. Administrative Separations: 7.15.1. Military Service Obligation (MSO). Most first-term Airmen have an MSO requiring them to complete 8 years of military service. Airmen who have not met the MSO at the time of separation from active service could be released (not discharged) and transferred to the Air Force Reserve (AFR) to complete the balance of the MSO. 7.15.2. Service Characterization. Airmen who do not qualify for reenlistment receive a discharge without regard to their remaining MSO. The character of the members service is honorable. The service of members separating at their expiration of term of


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service (ETS), or voluntarily or involuntarily separating for the convenience of the Government, is characterized as honorable. The service of members administratively discharged under AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen, may be characterized as honorable, under honorable conditions (general), or under other than honorable conditions. The service characterization depends upon the reason for the discharge and the members military record in the current enlistment or period of service. 7.15.3. Reasons for Separation. Airmen are entitled to separate at ETS unless there is a specific authority for retention or they consent to retention. Nevertheless, a separation is not automatic; members remain in the service until separation action is initiated. Many different reasons for separation exist. The following discussion cannot cover all of them; its purpose is to briefly identify major reasons for separation and a concise discussion of each: Required Separation: Airmen who will continue to serve in another military status must separate; for example, an Airman may separate to serve with the AFR or Air National Guard. An Airman may also separate to accept an appointment as a commissioned officer of the Air Force or to accept an appointment as a warrant or commissioned officer of another branch of service. Airmen with insufficient retainability for PCS must separate. Voluntary Separation. Airmen may ask for early separation for the convenience of the Government if they meet the criteria. Entering an officer training program, pregnancy, conscientious objection, hardship, and early release to attend school are some of the reasons for which members may be allowed to separate. Involuntary Separation. Physical conditions that interfere with duty performance or assignment availability, inability to cope with parental responsibilities or military duty, or insufficient retainability for required retraining are reasons for involuntary discharge for the convenience of the Government. Defective enlistment (fraudulent or erroneous) is also a basis for discharge. Airmen are subject to discharge for cause based on such factors as unsatisfactory performance, substance abuse, misconduct, or in the interest of national security. Discharge Instead of Trial by Court-Martial. If charges have been preferred against an Airman and if the UCMJ authorizes punitive discharge as punishment for the offense, the Airman may request an administrative discharge instead of trial by court-martial. There is no guarantee, however, that the Airmans request will be granted. Section 7EPunitive Actions 7.16. Military Law, a Separate Judicial System. Effective leadership is the most desirable means of maintaining standards. Military law provides commanders the tools, including court-martial and nonjudicial punishment (NJP), to deal with criminal conduct. The purpose of military law is to promote justice, to assist in maintaining good order and discipline in the Armed Forces, to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the military establishment, and to thereby strengthen the national security of the United States. Figure 7.2. The Military Justice System Pillars. 7.16.1. The U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is the primary source of our military law. The framers of the U.S. Constitution gave Congress the authority to make rules for the military, and Congress and the President have used their combined authority to create the military justice system currently in place (Figure 7.2). The U.S. Constitution designates the President as Commander in Chief (CINC) of the Armed Forces and vests the power to carry out the responsibilities of this position. Congress has the power to raise an Army and Navy, control the military budget, and make rules for the government of the Army and Navy. This separation of power is an important element of our military justice system.

140 7.16.2. UCMJ and the MCM:

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AFPAM36-2241 UCMJ. In 1950, Congress enacted the UCMJ, and President Harry S. Truman signed it into law. The UCMJ became effective 31 May 1951. The MCM. In 1951, President Truman created the MCM by executive order. The MCM sets out rules for evidence, procedure, and maximum punishments. Furthermore, it also provides standardized forms. It is intended to provide military law guidance to commanders and judge advocates and is revised annually. The MCM contains a wide range of materials, including the U.S. Constitution, the UCMJ (including text and discussion of the punitive articles, as well as sample specifications), rules for courts-martial (RCM), and military rules of evidence (MRE). 7.16.3. Legal Rights. Members of the Armed Forces retain virtually all the legal rights they held as civilians before entering the military, including protection against involuntary self-incrimination and the right to counsel. Self-incrimination: Involuntary Self-incrimination. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states that no person shall be compelled to be a witness against him or herself. Article 31, UCMJ, and MRE 304 reflect this right and prohibit involuntary statements from being used against an accused. A statement is involuntary when obtained in violation of the Fifth Amendment, Article 31, or through the use of coercion, unlawful influence, or unlawful inducement. The UCMJ requires that prior to interrogation or any requests for a statement from a person suspected of an offense, the person must be first told of the nature of the accusation, advised that he or she does not have to make any statement regarding the offense, and that any statement he or she makes may be used as evidence against him or her in a trial by court-martial. Prior to interrogation, the suspect is entitled to consult with counsel and to have such counsel present at the interrogation. If counsel is requested, questioning must cease until counsel is present. Statements. Once properly advised of his or her rights, a person may waive these rights and choose to make a statement. Assuming this waiver is made freely, knowingly, and intelligently, any subsequent statement can be used as evidence in a court-martial or other judicial or administrative proceedings. Right to Counsel: The UCMJ provides an accused the right to be represented by a military attorney free of charge at general and special courts-martial regardless of the ability to pay. In the Air Force, an attorney is provided, free of charge, to represent all accused before summary, special, and general courts-martial; Article 32 investigations; and in the Article 15 process. Military members accused of a crime will normally receive assistance and representation from the ADC. The ADC does not report to anyone at base level, including the wing commander or the base staff judge advocate (SJA). The ADC works for a separate chain of command and is responsible only to senior defense attorneys. This ensures undivided loyalty to the client. A military member may retain civilian counsel at no expense to the Government. The military member may also request an individual military defense counsel for representation at an Article 32 hearing or court-martial but does not have an automatic right to such representation. The requested counsel will represent the member if he or she is reasonably available. 7.17. Military Jurisdiction in Action: 7.17.1. Apprehension and Pretrial Restraint: Apprehension. Apprehension is the act of taking a person into custody. It is the equivalent of a civilian arrest. All commissioned officers, warrant officers, petty officers, NCOs, military and security forces, and persons on guard or performing police duties have the authority to apprehend persons subject to trial by court-martial. Apprehension requires probable cause, which means there are reasonable grounds to believe that the individual committed or is committing an offense. An apprehension is made by clearly notifying the person orally or in writing that he or she is in custody. The simple statement, You are under apprehension, is usually sufficient to provide notice. During apprehension, such force and means as are reasonably necessary under the circumstances to effect the apprehension are authorized. NCOs not otherwise performing law enforcement duties may apprehend commissioned or warrant officers only on specific orders from a commissioned officer or when such apprehension prevents disgrace to


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the service or to prevent the commission of a serious offense or escape of someone who has committed a serious offense. The immediate commander of an apprehended person should be promptly notified. Pretrial Restraint. Pretrial restraint is moral or physical restraint on a persons liberty that is imposed before and during the disposition of offenses. Pretrial restraint may include conditions on liberty, restrictions, arrest, or confinement. Only an officers commander can order pretrial restraint of an officer; this authority cannot be delegated. Any commissioned officer may order pretrial restraint of any enlisted person. An enlisted persons commander may also delegate such restraint authority to an NCO. Conditions on Liberty. Conditions on liberty are imposed directing a person to do or refrain from doing specified acts; examples include orders to report periodically to a specified official, orders to stay away from a certain place (such as the scene of the alleged offense), and orders not to associate with specified persons (such as the alleged victim or potential witnesses). However, conditions on liberty must not hinder pretrial preparation. Restrictions in Lieu of Arrest. Restriction imposes restraint on a person to remain within specified limits, but is less severe than arrest. The geographic limits are usually broader (for example, restriction to the limits of the installation), and the offender will perform full military duties unless otherwise directed. Arrest. In the Armed Forces, the term arrest means the limiting of a persons liberty. Arrest is not imposed as punishment for an offense. The notification of arrest directs a person to remain within specified limits. Arrest is a moral restraint; no physical restraint is exercised to prevent a person from breaking arrest. A person in arrest is not expected to perform full military duties. Confinement. Confinement is physical restraint, such as imprisonment in a confinement facility. Individuals are put in pretrial confinement only when lesser forms of pretrial restraint are inadequate. When a person is ordered into confinement they have the right to retain civilian counsel (at their own expense) or to request military counsel be assigned (at no expense to the accused). They also have the right to a prompt review of their status. Use of Pretrial Restraint. Pretrial restraint may only be ordered if there is a reasonable belief that the person committed an offense triable by court-martial and the circumstances require restraint. Factors to consider in ordering pretrial restraint include whether one can foresee that the person will not appear at trial or will engage in serious criminal misconduct while awaiting court-martial. Pretrial restraint should not be more rigorous than the circumstances require. 7.17.2. Search and Seizure: The fourth amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. The authorization to search must be based on probable cause and particularly describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Probable cause to search exists when there is a reasonable belief that the person, property, or evidence sought is located in the place or on the person to be searched. Authorization to search is the military equivalent of a civilian search warrant. A search authorization is an express permission, written or oral, issued by a competent military authority to search a person or an area for specified property or evidence or to search for a specific person and to seize such property, evidence, or person. Commanders, as well as military judges, installation commanders, and magistrates, have the power to authorize a search and seizure over anyone subject to military law or at any place on the installation. 7.17.3. Inspections. Commanders may conduct inspections of their units. Inspections are not searches. An inspection is an examination of the whole or part of a unit, organization, installation, vessel, aircraft, or vehicle conducted to determine the security, military fitness, or good order and discipline. The distinction between a search and an inspection is that an inspection is not conducted for the primary purpose of obtaining evidence for use in a trial or other disciplinary proceedings and does not focus on a particular suspect or individual. Contraband seized during an inspection (for example, vehicle entry checks, and random drug testing) is admissible in court. 7.18. Nonjudicial PunishmentArticle 15. NJP is authorized under Article 15, UCMJ. Often referred to as an Article 15, NJP provides commanders with an essential and prompt means of maintaining good order and discipline without the stigma of a court-martial conviction.


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An Article 15 may be imposed for minor offenses. Any Air Force member can be punished by Article 15. Commanders are encouraged to take nonpunitive disciplinary actions, such as counseling and administrative reprimand, before resorting to Article 15. However, such measures are not required before an Article 15 can be offered. An Article 15 should not be offered unless the commander is prepared to proceed with court-martial charges because an Article 15 cannot be imposed upon a member who demands trial by court-martial. 7.18.1. Minor Offense. Whether an offense is minor depends on several factors and is a matter left to the imposing commanders discretion. Besides the nature of the offense, the commander should also consider the offenders age, grade, duty assignments, record, experience, and the maximum sentence imposable for the offense if tried by a general court-martial. Ordinarily, a minor offense is an offense in which the maximum sentence imposable would not include a dishonorable discharge or confinement for more than 1 year if tried by a general court-martial. 7.18.2. Punishments Under Article 15. The type and permissible extent of punishment are limited by both the imposing commanders grade and the offenders grade as reflected in Table 7.2. Punishments may include reduction in grade, forfeiture of pay, restrictions, extra duties, and/or correctional custody. 7.18.3. Procedures: Commanders initiate Article 15 action and impose punishment based on reliable information. The commander should consult the SJA to help determine whether NJP is appropriate. The SJA advises and helps the commander evaluate the facts and determine what offense was committed. However, the commander makes the decision to impose punishment and the degree of punishment imposed. After the commander determines that NJP is appropriate, the SJA prepares an AF Form 3070A, Record of Nonjudicial Punishment Proceedings (AB thru TSgt) ; AF Form 3070B, Record of Nonjudicial Punishment Proceedings (MSgt thru CMSgt); or AF Form 3070C, Record of Nonjudicial Punishment Proceedings (Officer). The commander notifies the member that he or she is considering punishment under Article 15 by signing the AF Form 3070A/B/C and providing it to the member. The AF Form 3070A/B/C includes a statement of the alleged offenses, the members rights, and the maximum punishment allowable. After receiving the AF Form 3070A/B/C, the member has a right to examine all statements and evidence available to the commander. In practice, the member or the ADC is provided copies of the evidence used to support the alleged offenses. Once offered NJP, a member must first decide whether to accept. The member has no less than 3 duty days (72 hours) to make the decision. Before making the decision, the member may consult with military defense counsel. A members decision to accept the Article 15 is not an admission of guilt but is a choice of forum. The member may present matters orally, in writing, or both and may present witnesses. The member is not required to present any matters or make any statement and has the right to remain silent under Article 31(b), UCMJ. After carefully considering all matters submitted by the member and consulting with the SJA, the commander will indicate one of the following decisions and annotate the AF Form 3070A/B/C accordingly: The member did not commit the offenses alleged, and the proceedings are terminated. In light of matters in extenuation and mitigation, NJP is not appropriate, and the proceedings are terminated. The member committed one or more of the offenses alleged. (The commander must line out and initial any offenses he or she determines were not committed.) The member committed one or more lesser-included offenses rather than the offenses listed. If the commander finds the member committed an offense, he or she will determine the appropriate punishment and serve it on the member, notifying the member of the right to appeal. Offenders have the right to appeal the decision to the next superior authority in the chain of command. The offender has 5 calendar days to submit a written appeal an oral statement is not acceptable. Generally, the punishment is not put on hold pending a decision on the appeal.


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Table 7.2. Permissible NJPs on Enlisted Members. (Notes 1, 2, 3, and 4) R U L E 1 A B Imposed by Lieutenant or Captain May not impose NJP on CMSgt or SMSgt Up to 7 days No No No No One grade One grade One grade One grade Yes 14 days 14 days C D

Punishment Additional restrictions

Imposed by Major May not impose NJP on CMSgt or SMSgt

Imposed by Lt Colonel or Above See note 2 for reduction of CMSgt or SMSgt

30 days 30 days 2 Correctional custody Reduction in CMSgt No Note 2 3 grade (note 2) SMSgt No Note 2 4 MSgt No One grade 5 TSgt One grade One grade 6 SSgt One grade One grade 7 SrA To AB To AB 8 A1C To AB To AB 9 Amn To AB To AB 10 Yes Yes 12 Reprimand 60 days 60 days 13 Restriction 45 days 45 days 14 Extra duties Notes: 1. See MCM, part V, paragraph 5d, for further limitations on combinations of punishments. 2. CMSgt or SMSgt may be reduced one grade only by MAJCOM commanders, commanders of unified or specified commands, or commanders to whom promotion authority to theses grades has been delegated. See AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion Program. 51-202, Nonjudicial Punishment, Table 3.1, note 2. 3. Bread and water and diminished rations punishments are not authorized. 4. Frocked commanders may exercise only that authority associated with their actual pay grade. No authority is conferred by the frocked grade. 7.18.4. Suspension, Remission, Mitigation, and Set-Aside Actions. A commander has the power to suspend, remit, or mitigate punishment of an Article 15. Suspension. To suspend punishment is to postpone application of all or part of it for a specific probationary period with the understanding that it will be automatically remitted (cancelled) at the end of this period if the offender does not engage in further misconduct. The probationary period may not exceed 6 months. Suspension may occur when the commander imposes the punishment or within 4 months of executing the punishment. The MCM and Air Force policy encourage the use of suspended sentences as a corrective tool for first-time offenders because it provides both an observation period and an incentive for good behavior. Remission. Remission is an action whereby any portion of the unexecuted punishment is cancelled, normally used as a reward for good behavior or when determined the punishment imposed was too severe for the particular offense. Mitigation. Mitigation is a reduction in either the quantity or quality of a punishment. Commanders may, at any time, mitigate any part or amount of the unexecuted portion of the punishment by changing it to a less severe form or reduce its quantity. For example, a reduction in grade can be mitigated to a forfeiture of pay. Set Aside. Setting aside is an action whereby the punishment, whether executed or unexecuted, is set aside and any property, privilege, or rights affected by the portion of the punishment set aside are restored. Commanders use this action only when they believe that under all the circumstances of the case the punishment has resulted in clear injustice. 7.19. Types of Courts-Martial: 7.19.1. Summary Court-Martial (SCM). A SCM tries minor offenses. Instead of a military judge, an active duty commissioned officer is appointed as the SCM officer. The accused may have assistance from the ADC. The SCM considers the evidence, including witness testimony, then makes a finding. If the finding is guilty, the SCM considers any additional evidence before deciding an appropriate sentence. Only enlisted service members may be tried by SCM and only if they consent to being tried in that forum. Sentences are limited as set out in Table 7.3, Line 1, Column F.

144 7.19.2. Special Court-Martial (SPCM).

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Any service member may be tried by an SPCM. An SPCM is the intermediate-level court in the military system. The SPCM usually consists of a military judge and a panel (similar to a civilian jury) of three or more members. Enlisted accused may request at least one-third of the panel consist of enlisted members. The accused may request trial by military judge alone. The proceedings include a trial counsel (prosecutor), defense counsel, the accused, and a court reporter to record the proceedings. A sentence in an SPCM may include any punishment authorized by the UCMJ except death, dishonorable discharge, dismissal (in the case of an officer), or confinement in excess of 1 year. 7.19.3. General Court-Martial (GCM). A GCM tries the most serious offenses. Cases cannot be referred for trial by GCM without a thorough and impartial investigation under Article 32, UCMJ. The GCM is composed of a military judge and at least a fivemember panel, and may include at least one-third enlisted members, if so requested by an enlisted accused. The accused may request trial by a military judge alone, except in a capital case (when a sentence to death may be adjudged). The maximum authorized punishment this court-martial may impose is the maximum allowable under the UCMJ for the offenses charged. For some offenses, the maximum allowable sentence may include death. 7.20. Court-Martial Procedures: 7.20.1. Trial. When a case is referred to trial, the convening authority, generally the wing or numbered Air Force (NAF) commander, selects the court-martial panel. Panel members must be senior in grade to the accused and be the best qualified. Throughout the court-martial process, commanders and convening authorities are expressly forbidden to exercise any improper influence on the action of the court. 7.20.2. Findings and Sentence. The verdict of a court-martial is called the findings. An accused cannot be found guilty unless guilt is proved beyond a reasonable doubt. A finding of guilty does not require a unanimous agreement, but requires at least two-thirds of the members to vote for a finding of guilty. Voting is by secret written ballot. In the event of a notguilty verdict (acquittal), the trial ends. If there is a finding of guilty, a pre-sentencing procedure follows immediately to help the court determine an appropriate sentence. A sentence of death requires a unanimous vote by a panel of twelve members, while a sentence of confinement in excess of 10 years requires the concurrence of three-fourths of panel members. Table 7.3. Composition, Appointment, and Jurisdiction of Courts-Martial. L I N E 1 A B C Convening Authority The officer exercising GCM or SPCM convening authority over the accused, or the commander of a detached squadron or other detachment (RCM 1302, Art. 24, UCMJ) D Persons Triable Enlisted members. If an accused objects to trial by SCM, the convening authority may order trial by SPCM or GCM (RCM 1301(c) and 1303, Art. 20, UCMJ) E Offenses Triable Any noncapital offense punishable under UCMJ. SCM normally used to try minor offenses for which the accused was first offered NJP (RCM 1301(c), Art. 20, UCMJ) F

Required Court Membership Summary One commissioned officer (RCM 1301(a), Art. 16, UCMJ)

Maximum Punishment 1 months confinement, hard labor without confinement for 45 days, restriction for 2 months, forfeiture of 2/3 of 1 months pay, reduction to AB, reprimand, and a fine (RCM 1301 (d)(1), Art. 20, UCMJ). If the accused is SSgt or above, an SCM may not impose a sentence of confinement, hard labor without confinement, or reduction except to the next pay grade (RCM 1301 (d)(2), UCMJ)

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1 OCTOBER 2013 B Required Membership Three or more members and a military judge or, if requested, a military judge only (RCM 501 (a)(2), Art. 16, UCMJ) C Convening Authority The officer exercising GCM convening authority over the accused; the commander of a base, wing, group, or separate squadron when expressly authorized by the MAJCOM commander or designated SECAF; or any commander designated by the SECAF (RCM 504 (b)(2), Art. 23a, UCMJ) The President, SECAF, the commander of an air command, an air force, an air division or a separate wing of the Air Force, or any commander when designated by the President or SECAF (RCM 504 (b)(1), Art. 22, UCMJ) D Persons Triable Any person subject to the UCMJ (RCM 201 (b)(4), Art. 19, UCMJ) E Offenses Triable Any noncapital offense punishable under the UCMJ (RCM 201(b)(5), Art. 19, UCMJ) F


Court Special

Maximum Punishment Upon enlisted members: Bad conduct discharge, confinement for 1 year, hard labor without confinement for 3 months, restriction for 2 months, forfeiture of 2/3 pay per month for 1 year, reduction to AB, reprimand, and a fine (RCM 201 (f)(2)(B)(i), Art. 19, UCMJ)


A military judge and at least five members, or a military judge only in noncapital cases (RCM 501(a)(1), Art. 16, UCMJ)

Any person subject to the UCMJ (RCM 201 (b)(4), Art. 18, UCMJ)

Any offense punishable under the UCMJ (RCM 201(b)(5), Art. 18, UCMJ)

The maximum punishment authorized by the UCMJ, which may include death, a punitive separation (dismissal, dishonorable discharge, or bad conduct discharge), confinement for life or a specified period, hard labor without confinement for 3 months (enlisted members only), restriction for 2 months, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, reduction to AB (enlisted members only), reprimand, and a fine (RCM 201 (f)(1)(A)(ii), Art. 18, UCMJ)

7.20.3. Post-Trial. When the court reporter completes the record of trial, the military judge ensures it accurately reflects the proceedings. Before the convening authority approves, disapproves, or reduces all or part of the findings and sentence, the complete record must be submitted to the SJA for review. 7.21. Initial Review of Trial Records. The convening authority must act on every case. The convening authority can approve or disapprove any portion of the findings or sentence; mitigate the sentence to another form of punishment, as long as the punishment is less severe; suspend the execution of any sentence that has been approved, except the death sentence; order a rehearing of the case; and defer (or postpone) forfeiture of pay and allowances, reduction in grade, or the service of a sentence to confinement. 7.22. Appellate Review: 7.22.1. The Judge Advocate General (TJAG). Following the court-martial, the record of the trial is reviewed for legal sufficiency. TJAG reviews any case not automatically reviewed by the U.S. Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals.

146 7.22.2. The U.S. Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals (AFCCA).

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The AFCCA is the first level of formal appellate review. The court may approve, disapprove, or modify the convening authoritys findings and sentence. The court reviews records of trial that include a death sentence; dismissal of a commissioned officer; a punitive discharge; or confinement of 1 year or more. 7.22.3. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (USCAAF). The USCAAF is composed of five civilian judges appointed by the President and is the highest appellate court in the military justice system. The court reviews all cases in which the death sentence was imposed and cases previously reviewed by the AFCCA forwarded on TJAGs order. The accuse d may also petition to have his or her case reviewed. 7.22.4. The U.S. Supreme Court. Decisions of the USCAAF may be reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court. 7.23. NCO Military Justice Responsibilities. The military justice system is one tool used to correct breaches of discipline. NCOs have a general responsibility to be familiar with the UCMJ and correct marginal or substandard behavior or duty performance of their subordinates. NCOs must: 7.23.1. Support their commander in the application of the military justice system for maintaining order and discipline. 7.23.2. Become involved when breaches of discipline occur in their presence and report all such violations to the proper authorities. 7.23.3. Be prepared to investigate incidents when ordered to do so. This means that NCOs should be familiar with both the right against self-incrimination and resources available to assist in conducting the investigation and should not hesitate to seek advice before acting. 7.23.4. Be familiar with the rules in the UCMJ for apprehending, arresting, and confining violators of the UCMJ. 7.23.5. Be prepared to generally counsel Airmen on their legal rights under the UCMJ and refer them to proper legal authorities for guidance. 7.23.6. Provide leadership and counseling to obtain the maximum positive behavior change in the member receiving Article 15 punishment.


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Chapter 7 ends here for those testing to SSgt, TSgt, or MSgt. If testing to SMSgt or CMSgt, continue studying this chapter (Section 7F).

148 Section 7FLegal Issues 7.24. Evolution of the Military Justice System:

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7.24.1. The strength of the military depends on disciplined service members ready to fight and win our Nations wars. Military justice strengthens national security by providing commanders with an efficient and effective means of maintaining good order and discipline. Furthermore, the military justice system is a separate criminal justice system that does not look to the civilian courts to dispose of disciplinary problems. As a separate system, it allows the military to handle unique military crimes that civilian courts would be unable to handle. 7.24.2. In addition, a separate system enables the military to address crimes committed by its members at worldwide locations in times of war or peace. The military needs a justice system that goes wherever the troops go to provide uniform treatment regardless of locale or circumstances. No other judicial system in the United States provides such expansive coverage. As our separate military justice system has evolved, it has balanced two basic interests: discipline (essential to war fighting capability) and justice (a fair and impartial system essential to the morale of those serving their country). 7.24.3. While military justice can be traced to the time of the Roman armies, the historical foundation for the U.S. military law and criminal justice system is the British Articles of War. In fact, the first codes predated the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. These codes were the Articles of War, applicable to the Army, and the Articles for the Government of the Navy. Through World War I, these codes went through some amendments and revisions but were substantially unchanged for more than 100 years. Throughout most of this time, the United States had a very small standing military. Those who entered the military understood they were going to fall under a different system of justice with unique procedures and punishments. While some people had bad experiences with the military justice system as it existed at this time, there was no overwhelming demand for change. 7.24.4. This changed with World War II (WWII) when the United States had over 16 million men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Incredibly, there were about 2 million courts-martial during hostilities. There were approximately 80,000 general courts-martial during WWII. An average of more than 60 general courts-martial convictions occurred per day for the duration of the war. 7.24.5. The soldiers and sailors of WWII were regular citizens who volunteered or were drafted. Many of these citizens had some very unpleasant experiences with the military justice system, which looked quite different than it does today. The military justice system did not offer members the protections afforded by the civilian court system, and many American citizens disapproved of the way criminal laws were being applied in the military. Following the war, many organizations studied and made proposals to improve the military criminal legal system, and Congress conducted hearings on the military justice system. 7.24.6. After unification of the Armed Services under the DoD in 1947, Secretary James V. Forrestal, the first Secretary of Defense, decided there should not be separate criminal law rules for the different branches of Service. He desired a uniform code that would apply to all services and address the abuses from WWII. His efforts set the stage for a new uniform system of discipline. In 1950, Congress enacted the UCMJ; this legislation is contained in 10 USC Sections 801 through 946. The UCMJ is the militarys criminal code applicable to all branches of service. 7.24.7. The UCMJ became effective in 1951 and provided substantial procedural guarantees of an open and fair process that continues today. The UCMJ required attorneys to represent the accused and the Government in all general courts-martial, prohibited improper command influence, and created the appellate court system. Furthermore, the UCMJ established Air Force, Army, Navy, and Coast Guard Boards of Review as the first level of appeal in the military justice system and the U.S. Court of Military Appeals as the second level of appeal. The Court of Military Appeals, composed of five civilian judges, was perhaps the most revolutionary change because it brought the checks and balances of civilian control of the U.S. Armed Forces into the military justice system. In October 1994, the Court of Military Appeals was renamed the USCAAF to bring the name more in line with its civilian counterparts. 7.24.8. In addition to changing courts-martial processes and procedures, the UCMJ provided a complete set of criminal laws. Moreover, it included many crimes punished under civilian law (for example, murder, rape, drug use, larceny, drunk driving, etc.), and it also punished other conduct that affects good order and discipline. These unique military crimes include such offenses as desertion, absence without leave, disrespect toward superiors, failure to obey orders, dereliction of duty, wrongful disposition of military property, drunk on duty, malingering, and conduct unbecoming an officer. The UCMJ also included provisions punishing misbehavior before the enemy, improper use of countersign, misbehavior of a sentinel, misconduct as a prisoner, aiding the enemy, spying, and espionage.


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7.24.9. The UCMJ has been amended on a number of occasions. For example, the Military Justice Act of 1968 created the position of military judge, authorized trial by military judge alone, required an attorney to act as defense counsel in all SPCMs when the authorized punishment included a bad conduct discharge, prohibited trial by SCM if the accused objected, and changed service boards of review to courts of review. 7.24.10. The next significant change was the Military Justice Act of 1983, which streamlined pretrial and post-trial procedures. The act also provided for direct appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court from the Court of Military Appeals in appropriate cases, without the need to first pursue an appeal through the civilian appellate courts. The act also established a separate punitive article (112a) for drug offenses. Todays UCMJ reflects centuries of experience in criminal law and military justice and guarantees service members rights and privileges similar to and, in many cases, greater than those enjoyed by civilians. 7.25. Constitutional Underpinnings: Two provisions in the U.S. Constitution grant powers to the legislative and executive branches providing the legal foundation for our military justice system. 7.25.1. Powers Granted to Congress. The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, provides that Congress is empowered to declare war; raise and support armies; provide and maintain a navy; make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces; provide for calling forth the militia; and organize, arm, and discipline the militias, and govern such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States. Congress is also responsible for all laws deemed necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers and all other powers vested by the U.S. Constitution in the US Government. Congress has exercised its responsibilities over military justice by enacting the UCMJ. 7.25.2. Authority Granted to the President. The U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, provides that the President serves as CINC of the U.S. Armed Forces and of the militia of the states (National Guard) when called to federal service. By virtue of authority as CINC, the President has the power to issue executive orders to govern the U.S. Armed Forces as long as these orders do not conflict with any basic constitutional or statutory provisions. Article 36, UCMJ, specifically authorizes the President to prescribe the procedures, including rules of evidence, to be followed in courtsmartial. In accordance with Article 36, UCMJ, President Harry S. Truman established the MCM in 1951 to implement the UCMJ. The MCM, like the UCMJ, has undergone a number of revisions. 7.26. Jurisdiction of Military Courts. Courts-martial jurisdiction is concerned with the question of personal jurisdiction (Is the accused a person subject to the UCMJ?) and subject-matter jurisdiction (Is the conduct prohibited by the UCMJ?). If the answer is yes in both instances, then (and only then) does a court-martial have jurisdiction to decide the case. 7.26.1. Personal Jurisdiction: Personal jurisdiction involves status, that is, the accused must possess the legal status of a service member or a person otherwise subject to the UCMJ before personal jurisdiction can attach. Article 2, UCMJ, includes the following as persons subject to court-martial jurisdiction: (1) members of a regular component of the Armed Forces, including those awaiting discharge after expiration of their terms of enlistment; (2) cadets, aviation cadets, and midshipmen; (3) members of a Reserve component while on inactive duty training (but, in the case of members of the Army National Guard and Air National Guard, only when in Federal service); (4) retired members of a Regular component of the Armed Forces who are entitled to pay; (5) persons in custody of the Armed Forces serving a sentence imposed by court-martial; (6) prisoners of war (POW) in custody of the Armed Forces; and (7) in time of declared war or a contingency operation, persons serving with or accompanying an armed force in the field. While the UCMJ previously provided for jurisdiction over civilians serving with or accompanying an armed force in the field in time of war, the USCAAF held that the phrase in time of war meant a war formally declared by Congress. The USCAAF decided this issue in reviewing a case ( US v. Averette, 1970) in which a civilian had been tried during the Vietnam Conflict for crimes committed within the combat zone. In the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, Congress amended Article 2(a)(10) to provide for UCMJ jurisdiction over civilians serving with or accompanying an armed force in the field in time of declared war or a contingency operation.

150 7.26.2. Subject-Matter Jurisdiction:

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AFPAM36-2241 Courts-martial have the power to try any offense under the code except when prohibited from doing so by the U.S. Constitution. Courts-martial have exclusive jurisdiction when a purely military offense such as desertion, failure to obey orders, or disrespect toward superiors is involved. However, if the offense violates both the UCMJ and a civilian code, concurrent jurisdiction may exist. For example, if an active duty military member is caught shoplifting at an off-base merchant, the member can be tried by court-martial for larceny in violation of Article 121, UCMJ, and tried by a civilian court for a larceny offense recognized in the local jurisdiction. The determination as to whether a military or a civilian authority will try the member is normally made through consultation or prior agreement between appropriate military authorities (ordinarily the SJA) and appropriate civilian authorities. While it is constitutionally permissible for a member to be tried by both a courtmartial and a state court for the same act, a member who has been tried by a state court normally will not be tried by court-martial for the same act. Only the SECAF may approve such prosecutions, and only in the most unusual cases, when the ends of justice and discipline can be met in no other way. 7.27. Commander Involvement: 7.27.1. Military commanders are responsible for maintaining law and order in the communities over which they have authority and for maintaining the discipline of the fighting force. Reports of crimes may come from law enforcement or criminal investigative agencies, as well as reports from supervisors or individual service members. One of the commanders greatest powers in the administration of military justice is the exercise of discretionto decide how misconduct committed by a member of his or her command will be resolved. Each commander in the chain of command has independent, yet overlapping, discretion to dispose of offenses within the limits of that officers authority. A commander may dispose of the case by taking no action, initiating administrative action against the member, offering the member NJP under Article 15, UCMJ, or preferring court-martial charges. Ordinarily, the immediate commander determines how to dispose of an offense; however, a superior commander may withhold that authority. The SJA is available to advise, but the commander ultimately decides how to dispose of alleged misconduct. 7.27.2. If a commander believes preferred charges should be disposed by court-martial, the charges are forwarded to the convening authority. Convening authorities are superior commanders or officials who possess the authority to convene specific levels of courts-martial (wing and NAF commanders in most cases). A convening authority convenes a court-martial by issuing an order that charges previously preferred against an accused will be tried by a specified court-martial. The convening authority must personally make the decision to refer a case to trial; delegation of this authority is not allowed. Charges may be referred to one of three types of court-martial: summary, special, or general. 7.28. Roles of the Parties in the Adversarial System: In courts-martial, both Government and the accused have legal counsel. In addition, detailed defense counsel must include judge advocates, graduates of an accredited law school, and members of the bar of a federal court or the highest court of a state. Moreover, counsel must have certification to perform duties by a services Judge Advocate General. The trial counsel prosecutes in the name of the United States and presents evidence against the accused. The defense counsel represents the accused and zealously seeks to protect the accuseds rights. 7.28.1. Trial Counsel: Trial counsel are similar to prosecutors in civilian criminal trials. They represent the Government, and their objective is justice, not merely securing a conviction. They zealously present evidence they believe is admissible and seek to persuade the court that the accused committed the alleged offenses. Trial counsel argues the inferences most strongly supporting the charges. Highly experienced trial advocates (senior trial counsel) are available to assist in the prosecution of particularly complex courts-martial. Trial counsel also presents evidence and arguments to address defenses raised on behalf of the accused. Trial counsel may not ethically permit the continuance of the cause of action against the accused knowing the charges are not supported by probable cause. Additionally, trial counsel have an affirmed duty to disclose to the defense any evidence that negates the accuseds guilt, mitigates the degree of guilt, or reasonably tends to reduce the punishment of the accused. No person who has acted as accuser (one who prefers charges), investigating officer, military judge, or court member in any case may act later as trial counsel or assistant trial counsel in the same case. No person who has acted for the prosecution may act later in the same case for the defense, nor may any person who has acted for the defense act later in the same case for the prosecution.


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7.28.2. Defense Counsel Representation: In a trial by court-martial, the accused is entitled to military counsel free of charge. The accused may also hire a civilian lawyer at his or her own expense. An accused may request representation by a particular military lawyer, and this officer will serve if he or she is reasonably available. Defense counsel will zealously, within the bounds of the law, guard the interests of the accused. The ADC program, established in 1974, made the Air Force the first service to create a totally independent defense function. ADCs are assigned to the Air Force Judiciary, which falls under the Air Force Legal Operations Agency in Joint Base Andrews Naval Facility Washington. Although located at most major bases, the ADC works for a separate chain of command and reports only to senior defense attorneys. The ADC does not report to anyone at base level, including the wing commander and the base SJA. This separate chain of command ensures undivided loyalty to the client. ADCs work to protect a clients individual interests and ensure the independent and zealous representation of a client facing military justice action or other adverse actions, thereby promoting discipline and strengthening confidence in justice. Most ADCs are selected from the local base legal office, but to ensure further independence, they are not rotated back to the base legal office when their ADC assignments are completed. Before selection as an ADC, a judge advocate will be carefully screened for the proper level of judgment, advocacy skills, and courtroom experience. Additionally, other experienced trial advocates (senior defense counsel) travel to assist in the defense of particularly complex courts-martial. ADCs are supported by defense paralegals, who are enlisted personnel. 7.28.3. Military Judge: A military trial judge presides over each open session of the court-martial. Military trial judges are selected from highly qualified, experienced judge advocates. Like defense counsel, military judges are assigned to the Air Force Legal Operations Agency and do not report to anyone at base level. No person is eligible to act as military judge in a case if he or she was the accuser, is a witness for the prosecution, or has acted as investigating officer or a counsel in the same case. The military judge of a court-martial may not consult with the members of the court except in the presence of the accused, trial counsel, and defense counsel, nor does he or she vote with the members of the court. In noncapital cases, an accused may elect to be tried by military judge alone. If such an election is made, the military judge will make a finding of guilty or not guilty and, if guilty, determine the sentence. 7.28.4. Court Members: Members detailed to a court-martial are those persons who, in the opinion of the convening authority, are best qualified for the duty by reason of their age, education, training, experience, length of service, and judicial temperament. Court panels are normally only composed of officers senior to the accused. If the accused is enlisted and makes a timely request that enlisted members be included on the court, the panel must consist of at least one-third enlisted personnel. Court members determine whether the accused has been proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and, if guilty, adjudge (decide) a proper sentence based on the evidence and according to the instructions of the military judge. No member may use grade or position to influence another member. Voting is done by secret, written ballot. 7.28.5. Ethical Standards: Both trial and defense counsels are bound by the ethical standards detailed in the Air Force Standards for Criminal Justice (available for review at the base legal office). These standards cover a variety of matters. For example, counsel may not: Present testimony known to be perjured or other evidence known to be false. Intentionally misrepresent any piece of evidence or matter of law. Unnecessarily delay or prolong the proceedings. Obstruct communications between prospective witnesses and counsel for the other side.


1 OCTOBER 2013 Use illegal means or condone the use of illegal means to obtain evidence. Inject his or her own personal opinions or beliefs into arguments to the court. Appeal to passion or prejudice.

AFPAM36-2241 Attempt to influence court members by currying favor or communicating privately with them. 7.29. Post-trial Matters and Appellate Review: 7.29.1. Post-trial Matters. The findings and sentence adjudged by a court-martial are not final until approved or disapproved by the convening authority. When taking action on a case, the convening authority must consider the results of trial, written recommendation of the SJA (required in all GCMs and all SPCMs that include a bad conduct discharge), and written matters submitted by the accused. Convening authorities may also consider the record of trial, personnel records of the accused, and other matters they deem appropriate. The convening authority may, but is not required to, act on the findings. If the convening authority acts on the findings, he or she has discretion to set aside any finding of guilty and either dismiss any or all charges and specifications against an accused or direct a rehearing on them. The convening authority may also reduce a finding of guilty to a charged offense to guilty of a lesser-included offense. As to the sentence, the convening authority may: (1) approve the sentence without change, (2) disapprove the sentence in whole or in part, (3) mitigate or suspend all or part of the sentence, or (4) change a punishment to one of a different nature as long as the severity of the punishment is not increased. The convening authority approves the sentence warranted by the circumstances of the offense and appropriate for the accused. 7.29.2. Appellate Review. Following the convening authoritys action is appellate review. The type of appellate review depends upon the adjudged and approved sentence. TJAG is the review authority in GCM cases where the sentence does not include death, dismissal, punitive discharge, or confinement for 1 year or more. TJAG may also elect to certify (refer) any case reviewed by TJAGs office to the AFCCA. The AFCCA is an independent appellate judicial body authorized by Congress and established by TJAG pursuant to direction of Title 10, USC, Section 866(a) (1994). The court hears and decides appeals of Air Force court-martial convictions and appeals during litigation. The AFCCA appellate judges are judge advocates appointed by TJAG. Unless appellate review is waived by an appellant, the AFCCA automatically reviews all cases involving a sentence that includes death, dismissal, a punitive discharge, or confinement of 1 year or more. However, appellate review cannot be waived in death penalty cases. In this forum, the appellant is provided a military counsel (free of charge) who is an experienced trial advocate and a full-time appellate counsel. Civilian appellate counsel may be retained at the appellants own expense. The Government is represented by appellate Government counsel. The AFCCA must consist of a panel of at least three military judges, reviews the case for legal error, and determines if the record of trial supports both the findings and sentence as approved by the convening authority. The AFCCA has the power to dismiss the case, change a finding of guilty to one of not guilty or guilty to a lesser-included offense, reduce the sentence, or order a rehearing. However, it may not change a finding of not guilty to one of guilty. The TJAG instructs convening authorities to take action according to the courts decisions. If the AFCCA rules against the appellant, he or she may request review by the USCAAF. The USCAAF must review all death penalty cases and any other case directed by the TJAG of each service. Review in other cases is discretionary upon petition of the appellant and upon good cause shown. Air Force appellate defense counsel are appointed to represent the appellant before the USCAAF. If an appellants case is reviewed and relief is not granted by the USCAAF, the appellant may petition the Supreme Court of the United States for further review. The SECAF automatically reviews cases involving dismissal of an Air Force officer or cadet. Dismissal is a punishment that punitively separates officers from the service. The dismissal cannot be executed until the Secretary, or appointed designee, approves the sentence.


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153 If the sentence extends to death, the individual cannot be put to death until the President approves this part of the sentence. The President has clemency powers over all courts-martial cases and may commute, remit, or suspend any portion of the sentence. However, the President may not suspend the part of the sentence that provides for death. 7.30. Punitive Articles. This paragraph focuses on unique military offenses that do not have a counterpart in civilian law. 7.30.1. Absence Offenses. For an armed force to be effective, it must have sufficient members present to carry out the mission. One way this can be accomplished is by deterring members from being absent without authority, whether the absences are permanent or temporary. The circumstances under which the absence occurs, as well as the intent of the accused, determines the severity of the offense. Absence offenses include desertion and being absent without official leave (AWOL). Desertion: Article 85, UCMJ, may occur under the following categories: (1) unauthorized absence with the intent to remain away permanently, (2) quitting the unit or place of duty to avoid hazardous duty or shirk important service, or (3) desertion by an officer before notice of acceptance of resignation. More severe punishment is authorized if the desertion is terminated by apprehension instead of a voluntary surrender or if the desertion occurs in wartime. Desertion may be charged as a capital offense (which authorizes the death penalty) during wartime. Absence with the specific intent to remain away permanently is the most commonly charged type of desertion. The unauthorized absence may be from the accuseds place of duty, unit, or organization. The specific intent to remain away permanently may exist at the beginning of the absence or may be formed at any time during the absence. Thus, when a member leaves without permission, intending to return after a period of time, but later decides never to return, the member has committed the offense of desertion. However, proving intent is often difficult and may be shown by a number of factors, including the length of the absence, use of an alias, disposal of military identification and clothing items, concealment of military status, distance from duty station, and the assumption of a permanent-type civilian status or employment. The accuseds voluntary return to military control is not a defense to desertion. The essential issue is whether the accused, at any time, formed the intent to remain away permanently. AWOL: Article 86, UCMJ, addresses other cases where the member is not at the place where he or she is required to be at a prescribed time. This includes failure to go to the appointed place of duty; going from the appointed place of duty; absence from unit, organization, or other place of duty; abandoning watch or guard; and absence with intent to avoid maneuvers or field exercises. Proving a failure to go to an appointed place of duty requires showing the accused actually knew he or she was required to be at the appointed place of duty at the prescribed time. The offense of going from the appointed place of duty requires proof the accused left his or her place of duty without proper authority, rather than failing to report in the first place. The accused must have reported for and begun the duty before leaving without proper authority. Absence from the unit, organization, or other place of duty is a common AWOL charge. The authorized maximum punishment for this offense varies with the duration of the absence. Inability to return from leave is a defense if the accused encountered unforeseeable circumstances beyond his or her control. For example, if TSgt Jane Does authorized 10-day period of leave expired on 1 December and she failed to report to her unit until 3 December, she would not be guilty of AWOL if she could establish she was at a distant city and had purchased an airline ticket on a flight that was cancelled due to a blizzard. Even though she has a defense, she is not excused from calling her unit and requesting an extension of leave. Inability would not be a defense where a military member took space-available transportation to Europe while on leave and then claimed he or she was unable to return on the date planned because he or she was unable to get space-available transportation back when he or she had hoped. Other absences include abandoning watch or guard and absence from the unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid maneuvers or field exercises. In addition, Article 87, UCMJ, provides that missing a movement is an offense that applies when the member, through neglect or design, misses the movement of a ship, aircraft, or unit.

154 7.30.2. False Official Statements.

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Article 107, UCMJ, covers both the making and signing of false official statements and official documents. An official statement or document is any statement or document made in the line of duty. In the line of duty pertains to a matter within the jurisdiction of any U.S. department or agency. Furthermore, it must be proven that the accused knew the statement or document was false and had a specific intent to deceive. Examples include falsely identifying oneself to a base gate guard or falsely listing a person as ones dependent to gain base privileges. However, material gain is not an element of the offense. 7.30.3. General Article. The General Article (Article 134) is designed to address unspecified offenses punishable because of their effect on the U.S. Armed Forces. Article 134 generally provides for those offenses not specifically mentioned elsewhere in the punitive articles of the UCMJ. A military member can be punished under Article 134 for any and all disorders and neglects that are prejudicial to good order and discipline in the Armed Forces, for conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the Armed Forces, and for crimes and offenses not capital. Disorders and Neglects Prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline. Article 134, UCMJ, seeks to protect the internal operation of the U.S. Armed Forces. The issue is the effect of the accuseds act on good order and discipline within the Armed Forces. The effect must be reasonably direct and tangible. Disorders and neglects prejudicial to good order and discipline include breach of custom of the service, fraternization, impersonating an officer, disorderly conduct, gambling with a subordinate, and incapacitating oneself for duty through prior indulgence in intoxicating liquors. Conduct of a Nature To Bring Discredit upon the Armed Forces. The concern here is the potential effect of the accuseds act on the reputation of the U.S. Armed Forces (how the military is perceived by t he civilian sector). The conduct must tend to bring the Service into disrepute or lower it in public esteem. Thus, violations of local civil law or foreign law may be punished if they bring discredit upon the Armed Forces, such as dishonorable failure to pay debts, indecent exposure, fleeing the scene of an accident, bigamy, adultery, or pandering. Crimes and Offenses Not Capital. Acts or omissions not chargeable under other articles of the UCMJ, but are crimes or offenses under federal statutes, are charged under Article 134; for example, counterfeiting. This crime is not specifically listed in the UCMJ but is still a violation of federal law. Also, if a military member commits an act in an area over which the military exercises exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction with the state and no UCMJ article or federal law prohibits the act only the law of the state prohibits the actthen the Federal Assimilative Crimes Act allows the member to be tried by a court-martial under Article 134. 7.30.4. Offenses Related to War. The UCMJ includes a number of offenses related to war. These offenses include misbehaving before the enemy, aiding the enemy, compelling surrender, improperly using countersigns, mishandling captured or abandoned property, committing misconduct as a POW, and making disloyal statements. Two especially egregious offenses related to war are misbehavior before the enemy and misconduct as a POW. Misbehavior Before the Enemy. Article 99, UCMJ, provides that running away before the enemy and cowardly conduct are capital offenses punishable by death. The term enemy (as used in running away before the enemy) includes both civilian and military organized forces of the enemy in time of war and any opposing hostile bodies including rebellious mobs or bands of renegades. The term is not restricted to the enemy Government or its Armed Forces. If the misbehavior were caused by fear, the offense is charged as cowardly conduct, rather than running away. Whether a person is before the enemy is not a question of definite distance, but one of tactical re lation. The critical element in the offense of cowardly conduct is fear that results in the abandonment or refusal to perform ones duty. Fear is a natural apprehension going into battle, and the mere display of apprehension does not constitute this offense. Cowardice is misbehavior motivated by fear. Genuine or extreme illness or other disability at the time of the alleged misbehavior may be a defense.


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155 Misconduct as a POW. Article 105, UCMJ, recognizes two types of offenses arising in POW situations. One offense involves unauthorized conduct by an accused who secures favorable treatment to the detriment of other prisoners. The other offense prohibits maltreatment of a POW by a person in a position of authority. The purpose of this article is to protect all persons held as prisoners, whether military or civilian and regardless of their nationality. 7.30.5. Insubordination: Insubordinate conduct may be expressed in many different ways and toward many different persons in the military community. Insubordination is judged both by the means used and the relative relationship in the military hierarchy of the parties involved. Article 89, UCMJ, prohibits disrespectful acts or language used toward a superior commissioned officer in his or her capacity as an officer or as a private individual. Therefore, the superior commissioned officer does not need to be in the execution of his or her office at the time of the disrespectful behavior. However, it must be established that the accused knew the person against whom the acts or words were directed was the accuseds superior commissioned officer. Disrespect may include neglecting the customary salute or showing a marked disdain, indifference, insolence, impertinence, undue familiarity, or other rudeness toward the superior officer. Truth is no defense. A superior commissioned officer is one who is superior in rank or command. Article 91, UCMJ, similarly prohibits insubordinate conduct toward a warrant officer, NCO, or petty officer. However, unlike Article 89 violations, the insubordinate conduct must occur while the individual being disrespected is in the execution of his or her duties. In addition, Article 91 does not require a superiorsubordinate relationship as an element of the prescribed offense and can only be committed by enlisted members. Another form of insubordination involves striking or assaulting a superior officer. Article 90(1), UCMJ, prohibits assaults and batteries against superior commissioned officers in the execution of their duties. Article 91 prohibits similar conduct toward warrant officers, NCOs, and petty officers. In the execution of his office includes any act or service the officer is required or authorized to do by statute, regul ation, orders, or customs. An essential element is the accuseds knowledge that the person is a superior officer or superior warrant officer, NCO, or petty officer. In time of war, striking a superior commissioned officer can be a capital offense. 7.30.6. Disobedience Offenses: Disobeying a Superior Officer. Article 90(2), UCMJ, prohibits the intentional or willful disobedience of the lawful orders of a superior officer. Failure to Obey Orders or Regulations. Article 92, UCMJ, provides that members are subject to court-martial if they (1) violate or fail to obey any lawful general order or regulation; (2) having knowledge of a lawful order issued by a member of the Armed Forces, which is their duty to obey, fail to obey the order; or (3) are derelict in the performance of their duties. Lawful General Order or Regulation. This term relates to general orders or regulations that are properly published by the President, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, an officer having GCM jurisdiction, a general officer in command, or a commander superior to one of the former. (A squadron commander does not have the authority to issue general orders.) Once issued, a general order or regulation remains in effect even if a subsequent commander assumes command. Knowledge of the order is not an element of the offense, and a lack of knowledge is not a defense. Only those general orders or regulations that are punitive are enforceable under Article 92(1). A punitive o rder or regulation specifically states a member may be punished under the UCMJ if violated. Regulations that only supply general guidelines or advice for conducting military functions are not punitive and cannot be enforced under Article 92(1). Other Lawful Orders or Regulations. This offense includes violations of written regulations that are not general regulations. The key requirements are that the accused had a duty to obey the order and had actual knowledge of the order. Such knowledge is usually proven through circumstantial evidence. The accused cannot be convicted of this offense merely because he or she should have known about the order. Failure to obey a wing-level directive that prohibits overnight guests in the dormitory is an example. Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty is comprised of three elements: (1) the accused had certain duties, (2) the accused knew or reasonably should have known of the duties, and (3) the accused was derelict in performing the duties, either by willfully failing to carry them out or by carrying them out in a negligent or


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culpably inefficient manner. Willfully means performing an act knowingly and purposely while specifically intending the natural and probable consequences of the act. Negligently means an act or omission of a person who is under a duty to use due care that exhibits a lack of this degree of care that a reasonably prudent person would have exercised under the same or similar circumstances. Culpable inefficiency means an inefficiency for which there is no reasonable or just excuse. Merely being inept in the performance of duty will not support a charge of dereliction of duty, that is, officers or enlisted members cannot be punished for inadequate performance if they make a good faith effort but fall short because of a lack of aptitude or ability. Such performance may be grounds for administrative demotion or administrative discharge, but is not a crime. 7.30.7. Lawfulness of Orders: A lawful order must be (1) reasonably in furtherance of or connected to military needs, (2) specific as to time and place and definite and certain in describing the thing or act to be done or omitted, and (3) not otherwise contrary to established law or regulation. An order is in furtherance of, or connected to, military needs when it involves activities reasonably necessary to accomplish a military mission or to safeguard or promote the morale, discipline, and usefulness of command. Such an order may interfere with private rights or personal affairs, provided a valid military purpose exists. Furthermore, the dictates of a persons conscience, religion, or personal philosophy cannot justify or excuse disobedience of an otherwise lawful order. An order requiring the performance of a military duty or act may be inferred to be lawful and is disobeyed at the peril of the subordinate. This inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime. An accused cannot be punished for disobeying or failing to obey an unlawful order. 7.31. Conclusion: 7.31.1. Air Force commanders must continuously evaluate force readiness and organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The inspection system provides the commander with a credible, independent assessment process to measure the capability of assigned forces. Inspectors benchmark best practices and exchange lessons learned and innovative methods. 7.31.2. Criminal activity and intelligence operations against the Air Force threaten national security. When Air Force personnel commit criminal offenses, illegal activity occurs on an Air Force installation, or Air Force security is breached or compromised, the Air Force must thoroughly investigate criminal allegations and intelligence threats and refer them to appropriate authorities for action. This part of the chapter provided information on the Air Force Inspection System, the Inspector General Complaints Program, individual standards, and punitive actions. All four areas are necessary to enable the Air Force to fulfill our national security obligations efficiently and effectively. 7.31.3. The mission of the United States Air Force is to defend the United States and protect its interests through air, space and cyberspace. Many aspects of carrying out this job involve legal issues. To prepare senior NCOs for greater responsibilities, this part of the chapter examined the evolution of our military justice system and its constitutional underpinnings, jurisdiction of military courts, commanders involvement in the process, roles of the parties in the adversarial system, post-trial matters and appellate review, and assorted punitive articles of the UCMJ.


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MILITARY CUSTOMS, COURTESIES, AND PROTOCOL FOR SPECIAL EVENTS Section 8AOverview 8.1. Introduction. Military customs and courtesies are proven traditions that explain what should and should not be done in many situations. They are acts of respect and courtesy when dealing with other people and have evolved as a result of the need for order, as well as the mutual respect and sense of fraternity that exists among military personnel. Military customs and courtesies go beyond basic politeness; they play an extremely important role in building morale, esprit de corps, discipline, and mission effectiveness. Customs and courtesies ensure proper respect for the military members and build the foundation for self-discipline. Customs and courtesies are outlined in four sections: Symbols, Professional Behavior, Drill and Ceremony, and Honor Guard. Not all-inclusive, this chapter highlights many of the customs and courtesies that make the Air Force and its people special. Section 8BSymbols 8.2. The United States Flag: The flag of the United States has not been created by rhetorical sentences in declarations of independence and in bills of rights. It has been created by the experience of a great people, and nothing is written upon it that has not been written by their life. It is the embodiment, not of a sentiment, but of a history. President Woodrow Wilson 8.2.1. Laws of the United States Flag. The laws relating to the flag of the United States of America are outlined in detail in the United States Code (USC). Title 4, USC, Flag and Seal, Seat of Government, and the States, Chapter 1, pertains to the U.S. flag; Chapter 2 pertains to the seal; Chapter 3 pertains to the seat of the Government; and Chapter 4 pertains to the States; and Title 36, USC, Patriotic and National Observances, Ceremonies, and Organizations, Chapter 1, pertains to patriotic customs and observances. Executive orders and Presidential proclamations supplement these laws. See AFI 34-1201, Protocol, and AFPAM 34-1202, Guide to Protocol, for Air Force-specific guidance on protocol, decorum, customs and courtesies for Air Force ceremonies, conferences, and social events. 8.2.2. Sizes, Types, and Occasions for Display. Sizes, types, and occasions for display of the flag of the United States are as follows: Installation Flag. This flag is lightweight nylon bunting material, 8 feet 11 3/8 inches by 17 feet and is only displayed in fair weather from an installation flagstaff. This is the typical flag used at Air Force installations. All-Purpose Flags. The following are types of authorized all-purpose flags: All-Weather (Storm) Flag. This flag is a lightweight nylon bunting material, 5 feet by 9 feet 6 inches. Use this size as an alternate for the installation flag in inclement weather. All-Purpose Flag. This flag is made of rayon bunting material, 3 feet by 4 feet. This size can be used for outdoor display with flags of friendly foreign nations, in arrival ceremonies for international dignitaries or to indicate joint occupancy of a building by two or more countries. It is also commonly used as the flag presented at retirements. Ceremonial Flag. This flag is rayon or synthetic substitute material, 4 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 6 inches, trimmed on three edges with yellow rayon fringe 2 inches wide. Organizational Flag. This flag is rayon or synthetic substitute material and is 3 feet by 4 feet. This flag is trimmed on three edges with rayon fringe 2 inches wide.


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AFPAM36-2241 Interment Flag. This flag is 5 feet by 9 feet 6 inches of any approved material. The interment flag is authorized for deceased military personnel and for deceased veterans. This is the size flag used to drape over a closed casket. To receive a flag, fill out VA Form 27-2008, Application for United States Flag for Burial Purposes (available at, and take it to any Veterans Administration regional office or US Post Office. Retirement Flag. This flag may be either 3 feet by 4 feet or 3 feet by 5 feet. Members retiring from the Air Force are entitled to presentation of a United States flag. Base organization and maintenance (O&M) funds are authorized for this purchase. For details, refer to AFI 65-601, Volume 1, Budget Guidance and Procedures. Automobile Flags. There are two sizes of this U.S. flag, each with specific uses. The 12- by 18-inch flag is trimmed on three sides with yellow fringe, 1 inch wide. This flag is displayed with the individual automobile flag of the President and Vice President of the United States. The 18- by 26-inch flag is trimmed on three sides with yellow fringe, 1 inch wide. This flag is displayed on government automobiles of individuals who are authorized positional colors. 8.2.3. Time and Occasions for Display. The universal custom is to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness. All flags should be illuminated when displayed with the flag of the United States. Air Force installations are authorized to fly one installation flag from reveille to retreat, normally on a flagstaff placed in front of the installation headquarters. Additional flagstaffs and flags are authorized adjacent to each dependent school on the installation. Written requests for exceptions to policy are sent to the appropriate major command (MAJCOM) vice commander for approval. The installation protocol office will maintain the approval memorandum. The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously. The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is used. The flag should be displayed on all days. The flag should be displayed during school days in or near every schoolhouse. 8.2.4. Position and Manner of Display. The following rules will be observed: When carried in a procession with another flag or flags, the flag of the United States should be either on the marching right; that is, to the flags own right (to the far right of all others) (Figure 8.1), or, if there is a line of other flags, in front of the center line. This also applies when flags are displayed in a stationary position. Flags carried by Airmen are never at halfstaff. The U.S. flag, when displayed with another flag against a wall from crossed staffs, should be on the right, the flags own right (observers left), and its staff should be in front of the staff of the other flag (Figure 8.2). When the U.S. flag is displayed from a flagstaff with other flags, the following applies: When a number of flags are grouped and displayed from staffs radiating from a central point, and no foreign flags are in the display, the U.S. flag will be in the center and at the highest point of the group as shown in Figure 8.3. When a number of flags are displayed from staffs set in a line, all staffs will be of the same height and same finial. The U.S. flag will be at the right, which is to the left of an observer facing the display (Figure 8.4). However, if no foreign national flags are involved in the display, the U.S. flag may be placed at the center of the line if it is displayed at a higher level than the other flags in the display (Figure 8.5).


1 OCTOBER 2013 Figure 8.2. United States Flag and Another Flag Displayed with Crossed Staffs.


Figure 8.1. United States Flag Carried in Procession with Another Flag.

Figure 8.3. United States Flag Displayed with Other Flags Radiating from a Central Point.

Figure 8.4. United States Flag Displayed in a Line with Other Flags at Equal Height.

160 When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of equal size. International usage prescribes the display of the flag of one nation equal to that of another nation in time of peace. The flags are displayed in a line, alphabetically, using the English alphabet, with the U.S. flag at its own right (the observers left). When in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries, NATO member country flags are displayed in French alphabetical order. When the U.S. flag is displayed from a staff projecting horizontally or at an angle from the windowsill, balcony, or front of a building, the union (or blue field) of the flag should be placed at the peak of the staff (Figure 8.6).

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Figure 8.5. United States Flag Displayed in a Line with Other Flags at Lower Level. When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flags own right; that is, to the observers left (Figure 8.7). When displayed in a window, the flag should be displayed in the same way, with the union to the left of observer in the street (Figure 8.8). Figure 8.6. United States Flag Projected From a Building. Figure 8.7. United States Flag Positioned Vertically on Wall or Window.


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161 When the flag is displayed over the middle of the street, it should be suspended vertically with the union to the north on an east and west street or to the east on a north and south street. When used on a speakers platform, the flag, if displayed flat, should be displayed above and behind the speaker (Figure 8.9). When displayed from a staff in a church or public auditorium, the U.S. flag should hold the position of superior prominence and in the position of honor at the clergymans or speakers right as he or she faces the audience. Any other flag so displayed should be placed on the left of the clergyman or speaker or to the right of the audience (Figure 8.10).

Figure 8.8. United States Flag Positioned Horizontally on Wall or Window.

Figure 8.9. United States Flag Displayed Flat at Speakers Platform.

Figure 8.10. United States Flag Displayed from a Staff on Stage with Speaker. When the flag is suspended across a corridor or lobby in a building with only one main entrance, it should be suspended vertically with the union of the flag to the observers left upon entering. If the building has more than one main entrance, the flag should be suspended vertically near the center of the corridor or lobby with the union to the north when entrances are to the east and west or to the east when entrances are to the north and south. This includes aircraft hangars. When three flag staffs are positioned outside a building, there may be two display options. If the flag staffs are in a straight line, then the flags should be of the same height with the U.S. flag to its own right. Use the building looking out to the flags as the point of reference for flag placement when flags are in line. If the flag is positioned on the center staff, then the center staff must be higher than the other two staffs. On a closed casket, place the flag lengthwise with the union at the head and over the left shoulder of the deceased (Figure 8.11). When a full-couch casket is opened, remove the flag, fold to the triangular shape of a cocked hat, and place in the lid at the head end of the casket and just above the decedents left shoulder. When a half-couch casket is opened, fold the flag on the lower half of the casket in the same relative position as when displayed full length on a closed casket. Do not lower the flag into the grave, and do not allow it to touch the ground. The interment flag may be given to the next of kin at the conclusion of the interment.

162 Drape the flag left to right when posted and also when used in official photographs. The blue field is on top with stripes running left to right. When painted or displayed on an aircraft or vehicle, the union is toward the front and the stripes trail. 8.2.5. Respect for the United States Flag.

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Figure 8.11. United States Flag Draped Over a Closed Casket.

No disrespect should be shown to the U.S. flag; the flag will not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, state flags, and organizational or institutional flags are always dipped as a mark of respect to the U.S. flag. However, the Air Force flag and organizational flags will be dipped as appropriate. Military members will render the military salute as appropriate. At no time will a foreign national flag be dipped. The flag should never be displayed with union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise. The flag should never be used as the covering for a statue or monument, although it could form a distinctive feature in a ceremony of the unveiling of a statue or monument. The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free. The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, up, or in folds, but always allowed to fall free (for example, the flag should not be used to cover a speakers podium, drape the front of a platform, or for other decoration. A p roper substitute is bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below). The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged. The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling. The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything. The flag should never be used for advertising purposes. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs. It should not be printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown. No part of the flag should be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. A lapel flag pin, being a replica of the flag, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart. Patches worn on uniforms depicting the U.S. flag should be worn on the left shoulder, with the union to the viewer s left. The flag should not be displayed on a float in a parade except from a staff. The flag should not be draped over the hood, top, sides, or back of a vehicle, railroad train, or boat. When the flag is displayed on an automobile, the staff should be fixed firmly to the chassis or clamped to the right fender. No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right (observers left) of the U.S. flag, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy.


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8.2.6. Display of the U.S. Flag at Halfstaff. The U.S. flag is flown at halfstaff throughout the United States and its territories and possessions on all DoD buildings, grounds, and naval vessels on several days throughout the year according to DoDI 1005.06, Display of the National Flag at Half-Staff (Figures 8.12 and 8.13). Figure 8.12. U.S. Flag at Full Staff. Figure 8.13. U.S. Flag at Halfstaff. The following days apply: On Memorial Day, fly the flag at halfstaff until noon, then raise to the top of the staff. On Peace Officers Memorial Day, 15 May, unless that day is also Armed Forces Day. On Patriot Day, 11 September. On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 7 December. Each year in honor of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service according to Public Law 107-51. This date is usually the first Sunday in October and is announced annually by Presidential Proclamation. On the death of individuals in accordance with AFI 34-1201. When so directed by the President of the United States or the Secretary of Defense. The responsible military commander ensures the procedures for flying the flag at halfstaff are executed as follows: The term halfstaff means the position of the flag when the flag is one -half the distance between the top and bottom of the staff. When flown at halfstaff, first hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower to the halfstaff position. Raise the flag again to the peak position before lowering it for the end of the day.


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AFPAM36-2241 The flag is flown at halfstaff outside the United States on DoD buildings, grounds, and naval vessels even if another nations flag is flown full staff next to the U.S. flag. All flags displayed with the U.S. flag are flown at halfstaff when the U.S. flag is flown at halfstaff, with the exception of foreign national flags. The Heads of DoD components may direct that the flag be flown at halfstaff on buildings, grounds, or naval vessels under their jurisdiction on occasions when they consider it proper and appropriate. Within the Air Force, this authority is delegated to the installation commander. Any time an installation commander decides to fly the flag at halfstaff based on this local authority for a local death, state the reason on the base marquees to avoid confusion. 8.2.7. Care and Disposition of United States Flags. Exercise extreme care to ensure proper handling and cleaning of soiled flags. Professionally mend a torn flag, but destroy a badly torn or tattered flag. Title 4, USC, Chapter 1, states: "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning." There may be instances when a flag is retired from service and preserved because of its historical significance. In this case, the unit must request disposition instructions from the proper authority, such as the installation honor guard or protocol office. 8.2.8. How to Obtain a Flag Flown Over the Capitol. Constituents may arrange to purchase flags flown over the Capitol by getting in touch with their Senator or Representative. A certificate signed by the Architect of the Capitol accompanies each flag. Ordering procedures are outlined at the following Web site: 8.3. Department of the Air Force Seal: 8.3.1. Description. The official Air Force colors of ultramarine blue and Air Force yellow are reflected in the Air Force Seal; the circular background is ultramarine blue, and the trim is Air Force yellow (Figure 8.14). The 13 white stars represent the original 13 colonies. The Air Force yellow numerals under the shield stand for 1947, the year the Department of the Air Force was established. The band encircling the whole design is white edged in Air Force yellow with black lettering reading Department of the Air Force on the top and United States of America on the bottom. Centered on the circular background is the Air Force Coat of Arms, consisting of the crest and shield. The crest consists of the eagle, wreath, and cloud form. The American bald eagle symbolizes the United States and its air power, and appears in its natural colors. The wreath under the eagle is made up of six alternate folds of metal (white, representing silver) and light blue. This repeats the metal and color used in the shield. The white clouds behind the eagle denote the start of a new sky. The shield, directly below the eagle and wreath, is divided horizontally into two parts by a nebular line representing clouds. The top part bears an Air Force yellow thunderbolt with flames in natural color that shows striking power through the use of aerospace. The thunderbolt consists of an Air Force yellow vertical twist with three natural color flames on each end crossing a pair of horizontal wings with eight lightning bolts. The background of the top part is light blue representing the sky. The lower part is white representing metal silver. Figure 8.14. The Air Force Seal.


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8.3.2. Authorized and Unauthorized Uses of the Seal and Coat of Arms. Title 18, USC, Section 506, Seals of Departments or Agencies, protects the Air Force seal from unauthorized use. Falsely making, forging, counterfeiting, mutilating, or altering the seal or knowingly using or possessing with fraudulent intent any such altered seal is punishable by law. AFMAN 33-326, Preparing Official Communications, describes the authorized uses of the seal or any part thereof. The Coat of Arms is authorized for commercial and unofficial use when approved by the Secretary of the Air Force, Public Affairs (SAF/PA). The Coat of Arms is a trademark and as such, must be protected against unauthorized use or alterations to approved versions. Approved versions of the Coat of Arms, guidelines for its use, and contact information to request its use are available online at 8.4. Official Air Force Symbol: 8.4.1. The Air Force Symbol (Figure 8.15) is the official symbol of the United States Air Force. It honors the heritage of our past and represents the promise of our future. Furthermore, it retains the core elements of our Air Corps heritagethe Arnold wings and star with circleand modernizes them to reflect our air and space force of today and tomorrow. 8.4.2. The symbol has two main parts. In the upper half, the stylized wings represent the stripes of our strengththe enlisted men and women of our force. They are drawn with great angularity to emphasize our swiftness and power and are divided into six sections which represent our distinctive capabilitiesair and space superiority, global attack, rapid global mobility, precision engagement, information superiority, and agile combat support. 8.4.3. In the lower half are a sphere, a star, and three diamonds. The sphere within the star represents the globe. Moreover, it reminds us of our obligation to secure our Nations freedom with global vigilance, reach, and power. The globe also reminds us of our challenge as an expeditionary force to respond rapidly to crises and to provide decisive air and space power worldwide. 8.4.4. The area surrounding the sphere takes the shape of a star. The star has many meanings. The five points represent the components of our one force and familyour active duty, civilians, Guard, Reserve, and retirees. The star symbolizes space as the high ground of our nations air and space force. The rallying symbol in all our wars, the star also represents our officer corps, central to our combat leadership. 8.4.5. The star is framed with three diamonds that represent our core values integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. The elements come together to form one symbol that presents two powerful images at once an eagle, the emblem of our Nation; and a medal, representing valor in service to our Nation. 8.4.6. The Air Force Symbol is a registered trademark and as such, must be protected against unauthorized use or alterations to approved versions. Approved versions of the official Air Force Symbol and guidelines for its use are available online at Online guidance includes information on federal and non-federal use, endorsements, definitions, components, calculating proportions, displaying, formats, specifications, file types, graphic types, colors logotype, and much more. While DoD employees and their immediate families have an implied license to use the Air Force Symbol on personal products such as printed materials, clothing, literature, briefings, coins, Web sites, and food, they should seek design approval in advance from the Air Force Trademark and Licensing Office. These personal items must be for internal use only and not for retail sales, advertising, or potential endorsements. Symbol usage must adhere to the posted guidelines. Anyone wishing to use the symbol for commercial purposes must first obtain a license agreement. Applications for agreements are available at Section 8CProfessional Behavior 8.5. Respect for the Flag. The procedures to use when showing respect to the flag and the national anthem include: Figure 8.15. Air Force Symbol.


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8.5.1. When outdoors, all personnel in uniform, except those in formation must face the flag and salute during the raising and lowering of the flag. Upon the first note of the national anthem or To the Colors, all personnel in uniform who are not in formation will stand at attention, face the flag (or the sound of the music, if the flag is not visible), and salute. Hold the salute until the last note of the national anthem or To the Colors is played. 8.5.2. All vehicles in motion will pull to the side of the road and stop. All occupants sit quietly until the last note of the national anthem or To the Colors has played. 8.5.3. When in civilian clothes, face the flag (or the sound of the music if the flag is not visible) and stand at attention with the right hand placed over the heart or render a salute. 8.5.4. If indoors during retreat or reveille, there is no need to stand or salute. However, everyone must stand during the playing of the national anthem before a showing of a movie while in the base theater. When listening to a radio or watching television, no specific action is necessary. Additionally, a folded flag is considered cased; therefore, a salute is not necessary. 8.6. Saluting. The salute is a courteous exchange of greetings, with the junior member always saluting the senior member first. A salute is also rendered to the flag as a sign of respect. Any Airman, noncommissioned officer (NCO), or officer recognizing a need to salute or a need to return a salute may do so anywhere at any time. When returning or rendering an individual salute, the head and eyes are turned toward the flag or person saluted. Guidance when exchanging salutes includes: 8.6.1. Outdoors. Salutes are exchanged upon recognition between officers or warrant officers and enlisted members of the Armed Forces when they are in uniform. Saluting outdoors means salutes are exchanged when the persons involved are outside of a building. For example, if a person is on a porch, a covered sidewalk, a bus stop, a covered or open entryway, or a reviewing stand, the salute will be exchanged with a person on the sidewalk outside of the structure or with a person approaching or in the same structure. This applies both on and off military installations. The junior member should initiate the salute in time to allow the senior officer to return it. To prescribe an exact distance for all circumstances is not practical; however, good judgment should dictate when salutes are exchanged. Superiors carrying articles in both hands need not return the salute, but should nod in return or verbally acknowledge the salute. If the junior member is carrying articles in both hands, verbal greetings should be exchanged. Also, use the same procedures when greeting an officer of a foreign nation. Use these procedures in: Formation. Members do not salute or return a salute unless given the command to do so. The person in charge salutes and acknowledges salutes for the whole formation. Groups, But Not in Formation. When a senior officer approaches, the first individual noticing the officer calls the group to attention. All members face the officer and salute. If the officer addresses an individual or the group, all remain at attention (unless otherwise ordered) until the end of the conversation, at which time they salute the officer. Public Gatherings. Salutes between individuals are not required in public gatherings, such as sporting events, meetings, or when a salute would be inappropriate or impractical. Moving Military Vehicles. Exchange of salutes between military pedestrians (including gate sentries) and officers in moving military vehicles is not mandatory. However, when officer passengers are readily identifiable (for example, officers in appropriately marked staff vehicles), the salute must be rendered. The Presence of Civilians. Persons in uniform may salute civilians. The President of the United States, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, is always accorded the honor of a salute. AFI 34-1201 provides additional guidance. In addition, if the exchange of salutes is otherwise appropriate, customs encourage military members in civilian clothes to exchange salutes upon recognition. A Work Detail. In a work detail, individual workers do not salute. The person in charge salutes for the entire detail. Military Funeral. When at a military funeral in uniform, salute the caisson or hearse as it passes and the casket as it is carried by your position. You also salute during the firing of volleys and the playing of Taps.


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8.6.2. Indoors. Except for formal reporting, salutes are not rendered. 8.7. Military Etiquette. Etiquette is defined as common, everyday courtesy. The military world, like the civilian world, functions more smoothly and pleasantly when members practice good manners. 8.7.1. Simple things like saying please and thank you help the organization run smoother because people respond more enthusiastically when asked in a courteous manner to do something. They also appreciate knowing their efforts are recognized when told thank you. 8.7.2. One of the most valuable habits anyone can develop is to be on time for appointments. Granted, sometimes a person cannot avoid being late. When this happens, the best course of action is to call ahead or to reschedule the appointment. Do not keep others waiting. 8.7.3. Address civil service employees properly. As a rule, address them appropriately as Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Ms. and their last name, unless requested to do otherwise. Always address a superior formally. This is especially important in most foreign countries where using first names on the job is much more limited than in the United States. 8.7.4. Dont gossip. A discussion of personal habits, problems, and activities (real or rumored) of others often results in quarrels and disputes among people who work together. The morale of any unit may suffer because of feuds that arise from gossip. The best policy is not to gossip and to discourage others from gossiping. 8.7.5. Use proper telephone etiquette. Always be polite and identify yourself and your organization. When an individual is not available to take a call, ask: May I take a message? or Is there something I may help you with? If taking a message to return a call, write down the individuals name, organization, telephone number, the message, and then pass this information along to the intended recipient. 8.7.6. Do not lean or sit on desk s. Also, do not lean back in a chair or put feet on desks. This type of conduct doesnt present a professional military image. 8.7.7. In general, use common sense, be considerate of other people, and insist your subordinates do the same. 8.8. Courtesies to Other Services: 8.8.1. The collective efforts of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard provide for the defense of the country against aggression. All Services are part of the military team; therefore, extend the same military courtesies to members of the other Services. While there is a friendly natural rivalry between the Services, military courtesies among Services remain the same. Thus, the members of the other Services are as much comrades-in-arms as are any Airmen. 8.8.2. This is equally true of the friendly armed forces of the United Nations. Salute all commissioned officers and pay the same respect to the national anthems and flags of other nations as rendered the United States national anthem and flag. While not necessary to learn the identifying insignia of the military grades of all nations, you should learn the insignia of the most frequently contacted nations, particularly during an overseas assignment or deployment. 8.9. Respect and Recognition: 8.9.1. Common Acts of Courtesy. Common acts of courtesy among all Air Force personnel aid in maintaining discipline and promoting the smooth conduct of affairs in the military establishment. When courtesy falters within a unit, discipline ceases to function, and accomplishing the mission is endangered. Many of the Air Force courtesies involve the salute. There are, however, many other courtesies commonly extended to superiors, subordinates, and working associates. Some acts of courtesies include: Giving the senior person, enlisted or commissioned, the position of honor when walking, riding, or sitting with him or her at all times. The junior person takes the position to the seniors left. When reporting to an officer indoors, knock once and enter when told to do so. Upon entering, march to approximately two paces from the officer or desk, halt, salute, and report in this manner: Sir (Maam), Airman Smith reports as ordered, or Sir (Maam), Airman Smith reports. When the conversation is completed, execute a sharp salute and hold it until the officer acknowledges it, then perform the appropriate facing movements and depart.


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AFPAM36-2241 Unless told otherwise, rise and stand at attention when a senior official enters or departs a room. If more than one person is present, the person who first sees the officer calls the group to attention. However, if an officer is already in the room who is equal to or has a higher rank than the officer entering the room, do not call the room to attention. Military personnel enter automobiles and small boats in reverse order of rank. Juniors will enter a vehicle first and take their appropriate seat on the seniors left. The senior officer will be the last to enter the vehicle and the first to leave it. 8.9.2. Terms of Address. For the proper terms of address, refer to Figure 8.16. Figure 8.16. Terms of Address. Grade Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant Master Sergeant Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant Senior Airman Airman First Class Airman Airman Basic Section 8DDrill and Ceremony 8.10. Flag Ceremonies: 8.10.1. Reveille. The signal for the start of the official duty day is the reveille. Because the time for the start of the duty day varies between bases, the commander designates the specified time for reveille. If the commander desires, a reveille ceremony may accompany the raising of the flag. This ceremony takes place after sunrise near the base flagstaff. In the unit area, reveille is normally held using the formation of squadron in line. This formation is used when a reveille ceremony is not held at the base flagstaff. Procedures for reveille include: Shortly before the specified time, Airmen march to a predesignated position near the base flagstaff, halt, face toward the flagstaff, and dress. The flag security detail arrives at the flagstaff at this time and remains at attention. The unit commander (or senior participant) commands Parade, REST. At the specified time for reveille, the unit commander commands SOUND REVEILLE. The flag detail assumes the position of attention, moves to the flagstaff, and attaches the flag to the halyards. After reveille is played, the unit commander commands Squadron, ATTENTION and Present, ARMS and then faces the flagstaff and executes present arms. On this signal, the national anthem or To the Colors is sounded. On the first note of the national anthem or To the Color s, the flag security detail begins to raise the flag briskly. The senior member of the detail holds the flag to keep it from touching the ground. The unit commander holds the salute until the last note of the national anthem or To the Color s is played. Then he or she executes order arms, faces about, and commands Order, ARMS. The Airmen then march back to the dismissal area. 8.10.2. Raising the Flag: When practical, a detail consisting of one NCO and two Airmen hoists the flag. This detail should carry sidearms if the special equipment of the guard includes sidearms. Abbreviations SNCO Tier CMSAF CMSgt SMSgt MSgt NCO Tier TSgt SSgt Airman Tier SrA A1C Amn AB Terms of Address Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force or Chief Chief Master Sergeant or Chief Senior Master Sergeant or Sergeant Master Sergeant or Sergeant Technical Sergeant or Sergeant Staff Sergeant or Sergeant Senior Airman or Airman Airman First Class or Airman Airman Airman Basic or Airman


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169 The detail forms in line with the NCO carrying the flag in the center. The detail then marches to the flagstaff and halts, and the flag is attached to the halyards. The flag is always raised and lowered from the leeward side of the flagstaff. The two Airmen attend the halyards, taking a position facing the staff to hoist the flag without entangling the halyards. The NCO continues to hold the flag until hoisted clear of his or her grasp, taking particular care that no portion of the flag touches the ground. When the flag is clear of the grasp, the NCO comes to attention and executes present arms. On the last note of the national anthem, To the Color s, or after the flag has been hoisted to the staff head, all members of the detail execute order arms on command of the senior member. The halyards are then secured to the cleat of the staff or, if appropriate, the flag is lowered to halfstaff and the halyards are secured. The detail is formed again and then marches to the dismissal area. 8.10.3. Retreat Ceremony: The retreat ceremony serves a twofold purpose: signals the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony for paying respect to the United States flag. Because the time for the end of the duty day varies, the commander designates the time for the retreat ceremony. The retreat ceremony may take place at the squadron area, on the base parade ground, or near the base flagstaff. If conducted within the squadron area, the ceremony usually does not involve a parade. If conducted at the base parade ground, retreat may be part of the parade ceremony. For retreat ceremonies conducted at the base flagstaff, the units participating may be formed in line or massed, depending on the size and number of units and the space available. Shortly before the specified time for retreat, the band and Airmen participating in the ceremony are positioned facing the flagstaff and dressed. If marching to and from the flagstaff, the band precedes the Airmen participating in the ceremony. If the band and Airmen march to the flagstaff, a flag security detail also marches to the flagstaff and halts, and the senior member gives the command Parade, REST to the security detail. As soon as the Airmen are dressed, the commander commands Parade, REST. The commander then faces the flagstaff, assumes the position of the Airmen, and waits for the specified time for retreat. At the specified time, the commander orders the bandleader to sound retreat by commanding SOUND RETREAT. The band plays retreat. If a band is not present, recorded music is played over the base public address system. During the playing of retreat, junior members of the flag security detail assume the position of attention and move to the flagstaff to arrange the halyards for proper lowering of the flag. Once the halyards are arranged, the junior members of the flag security detail execute parade rest in unison. Uniformed military members not assigned to a formation face the flag (if visible) or the music and assume the position of parade rest on the first note of retreat. Upon completion of retreat, they should assume the position of attention and salute on the first note of the national anthem or To the Color s. After the band plays retreat, the commander faces about and commands Squadron (Group, etc.), ATTENTION. The commander then commands Present, ARMS. As soon as the Airmen execute present arms, the commander faces to the front and also assumes present arms. The members of the flag security detail execute present arms on command of the commander. The band plays the national anthem, or the bugler plays To the Color s. The junior members of the flag security detail lower the flag slowly and with dignity. The commander executes order arms when the last note of the national anthem or To the Color s is played and the flag is securely grasped. The commander faces about, gives the Airmen Order, ARMS, and then faces to the front. The flag security detail folds the flag as illustrated in Figure 8.17. The senior member of the detail remains at attention while the flag is folded unless needed to control the flag. When the flag is folded, the flag security detail, with the senior member on the right and the flag bearer in the center, marches to a position three paces from the commander. ( Note: In an informal ceremony, the detail marches three paces from the officer of the day.) The senior member salutes and reports Sir


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(Maam), the flag is secured. The commander returns the salute, and the flag security detail marches away. The Airmen are then marched to their areas and dismissed. 8.10.4. Lowering the Flag: When practical, the persons lowering the flag should be one NCO and three Airmen for the all-purpose flag and one NCO and five Airmen for the installation flag. The detail is formed and marched to the flagstaff. The halyards are detached and attended from the leeward side. On the first note of the national anthem or To the Colors, the members of the detail not lowering the flag execute present arms. The lowering of the flag is coordinated with the playing of the music so the two are completed at the same time. The senior member commands the detail Order, ARMS when the flag is low enough to be received. If at halfstaff, briskly hoist the flag to the staff head while retreat is sounded and then lower on the first note of the national anthem or To the Colors. The flag is detached from the halyards and folded. The halyards are secured to the staff. 8.10.5. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. In military formations and ceremonies, the Pledge of Allegiance is not recited. At protocol functions and social and sporting events that include civilian participants, military personnel: When in uniform outdoors, stand at attention, remain silent, face the flag, and render the hand salute. When in uniform indoors, stand at attention, remain silent, and face the flag. Do not render the hand salute. If the participants are primarily civilians and military in civilian attire, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is optional for those in uniform. When in civilian attire, recite the Pledge of Allegiance standing at attention, facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men should remove head cover with the right hand and hold it over their left shoulder, hand over the heart. 8.10.6. Flag Folding Ceremony. Although several flag folding ceremony options are offered by various national interest groups, these are not official Air Force ceremonies. According to Title 4, USC, no specific meaning is assigned to the folds of the flag. The only authorized flag folding script is the script developed by the Air Force that provides an historical perspective on the flag of the United States. See Figure 8.17 for the proper method for folding the United States flag and Figure 8.18 for a copy of this script. 8.11. Air Force Ceremonies. The Air Force has many different types of ceremonies that are unique customs of our military profession. Some of these ceremonies are very formal and elaborate, while others are quite simple and personal. Award, decoration, promotion, reenlistment, and retirement ceremonies are a few of the most common within the Air Force. 8.11.1. Award Ceremony. An award ceremony affords an opportunity to recognize a members accomplishments. The commander or other official determines whether to present an award at a formal ceremony or to present it informally. Many units present awards during commanders call. Because there are no specific guidelines for an award presentation, commanders and supervisors must ensure the presentation method reflects the significance of the award. 8.11.2. Decoration Ceremony: Basic Guidelines. Decoration ceremonies formally recognize service members for meritorious service, outstanding achievement, or heroism. A formal and dignified ceremony is necessary to preserve the integrity and value of decorations. When possible, the commander should personally present the decoration. Regardless of where the presentation is conducted, the ceremony is conducted at the earliest possible date after approval of the decoration. All military participants and attendees should wear the uniform specified by the host. If in doubt, the Service Dress rather than the airman battle uniform (ABU) is recommended. At the commanders discretion, a photographer may take pictures during the ceremony.


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Figure 8.17. Folding the United States Flag. Procedures. Although decoration ceremonies may differ slightly from one unit to another, they normally begin by announcing ATTENTION TO ORDERS. All members in attendance stand at attention and face the commander and the recipient. The commanders assistant reads the citation while the commander and recipient stand at attention. After the citation is read, the commander and recipient face each other, and the commander affixes the medal on the individuals uniform. The commander next extends personal congratulations and a handshake while presenting the decoration certificate. The recipient salutes the commander, and the commander returns the salute to conclude the formal part of the ceremony. Attendees are then invited to personally congratulate the recipient and enjoy any refreshments provided.

172 Figure 8.18. Flag Folding Ceremony. Flag Folding Ceremony Air Force Script

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For more than 200 years, the American flag has been the symbol of our Nations unity, as well as a source of pride and inspir ation for millions of citizens. Born on June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress determined that the flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternating between 7 red and 6 white; and that the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field representing a new constellation. (1) Between 1777 and 1960, the shape and design of the flag evolved into the flag presented before you today. The 13 horizontal stripes represent the original 13 colonies, while the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well; red symbolizes hardiness and valor; white signifies purity and innocence; and blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice. (1) Traditionally, a symbol of liberty, the American flag has carried the message of freedom, and inspired Americans, both at home and abroad. In 1814, Francis Scott Key was so moved at seeing the Stars and Stripes waving after the British shelling of Baltimores Fort McHenry that he wrote the words to The Star Spangled Banner. (2) In 1892 the flag inspired Francis Bellamy to write the Pledge of Allegiance, our most famous flag salute and patriotic oath. (2) In July 1969 the American flag was flown in space when Neil Armstrong planted it on the surface of the moon. (2) Today, our flag flies on constellations of Air Force satellites that circle our globe, and on the fin flash of our aircraft in harms way in every corner of the world. Indeed, it flies in the heart of every Airman who serves our great Nation. The sun never sets on our United States Air Force, nor on the flag we so proudly cherish. (2) Since 1776, no generation of Americans has been spared the responsibility of defending freedom Todays Airmen remain committed to preserving the freedom that others won for us for generations to come. By displaying the flag and giving it a distinctive fold we show respect to the flag and express our gratitude to those individuals who fought, and continue to fight for freedom, at home and abroad. Since the dawn of the 20th century, Airmen have proudly flown the flag in every major conflict on lands and skies around the world. It is their responsibilityour responsibilityto continue to protect and preserve the rights, privileges, and freedoms that we, as Americans, enjoy today. The United States flag represents who we are. It stands for the freedom we all share and the pride and patriotism we feel for our country. We cherish its legacy as a beacon of hope to one and all. Long may it wave. Legend: (1) From a report Secretary of Congress Robert Thompson wrote to define the Seal of our Nation (1777). (2) Based upon historical facts.

8.11.3. Promotion Ceremony: Basic Guidelines. Promotions are significant events in the lives of military people. Commanders and supervisors are responsible for ensuring their personnel receive proper recognition. Many of the guidelines for promotion ceremonies are the same as for decoration ceremonies. Because most promotions are effective the first day of the month, the promotion ceremony is customarily conducted on the last duty day before the promotion. Some bases hold a base-wide promotion for all promotees; many organizations have operating instructions detailing how promotion ceremonies will be conducted. Procedures. The national anthem, reaffirmation of the Oath of Enlistment, and the Air Force Song are options that add decorum to the event. 8.11.4. Reenlistment Ceremony: Basic Guidelines. Unit commanders will honor all reenlistees through a dignified reenlistment ceremony without special gimmicks or publicity stunts. The Airman may request any commissioned officer to perform the ceremony and may invite guests. The members imm ediate family should be invited. This reinforces the fact that when a member makes a commitment to the Air Force, the family is also making a commitment. Any active duty, reserve, guard, or retired commissioned officer of the United States Armed Forces may perform the ceremony, which may be conducted in any place that lends dignity to the event. The United States flag must form a backdrop for the participants. Reenlistees and reenlisting officers must wear an authorized uniform for the ceremony. Exception: The uniform requirement is optional for retired officers.


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173 Procedures. The core of the ceremony is the Oath of Enlistment. The oath is recited by the officer and repeated by the reenlistee. The reenlistee and the officer administering the oath must be physically collocated during the ceremony. Once completed, the officer congratulates the reenlistee and invites the other attendees to do the same. Refreshments may be served. 8.11.5. Retirement Ceremony: Basic Guidelines. Recognition upon retirement is a longstanding tradition of military service. Each commander makes sure members leave with a tangible expression of appreciation for their contributions to the Air Force and its mission and with the assurance that they will continue to be a part of the Air Force family in retirement. Anyone involved in planning a retirement should consult AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, for complete details. The following paragraphs are extracts from AFI 36-3203: Commanders are responsible for ensuring members have a retirement ceremony to recognize their contributions. They must offer the retiring member the courtesy of a formal ceremony in keeping with the customs and traditions of the Service. If possible, a general officer conducts the ceremony. Ceremonies held as part of formal military formations, such as retreats and parades, are further encouraged if conditions permit. During the retirement ceremony, the member receives a certificate of retirement, the Air Force retired lapel button, and appropriate awards, decorations, honors, and letters of appreciation. If possible, avoid using dummy elements that the member cannot keep. Family members and friends should be invited and encouraged to attend the ceremony. Furthermore, the members spouse is customarily presented with a certificate of appreciation for the support and sacrifices made during the members career. Commanders follow formal ceremony procedures unless the member prefers otherwise. If the member doesnt want a formal ceremony or for any reason (leave or hospitalization) cant be present for duty on the retirement date, the commander personally presents all decorations and any awards or honors to the member at another time. The retirement certificate is not mailed to the members retirement address unless there is no other choice. Procedures. AFPAM 34-1202 outlines an approved sequence of events for indoor retirement ceremonies. Figure 8.19 provides a general guideline that may be used to assist in planning a retirement ceremony as well as many other ceremonies. 8.12. Special Ceremonies and Events. The Dining-In, Dining-Out, and Order of the Sword Induction ceremonies are social events that have become valued traditions in the military. 8.12.1. The Dining-In and Dining-Out: The only difference between a Dining-In and Dining-Out is that nonmilitary spouses, friends, and civilians may attend a Dining-Out. The Dining-In is a formal dinner for military members only. The present Dining-In format had its beginnings in the Air Corps when General Henry H. Hap Arnold held his famous wingdings. The association of Army Air Corps personnel with the British and their Dining-In during World War II (WWII) also encouraged their popularity in the Air Force. Members now recognize the Dining-In as an occasion where ceremony, tradition, and good fellowship serve an important purpose. Specifically, these ceremonies provide an occasion for Air Force members to meet socially at formal military functions. They also provide an excellent means of saying farewell to departing members and welcoming new ones, as well as providing the opportunity to recognize individual and unit achievements. These are effective in building and maintaining high morale and esprit de corps. Military members who attend these ceremonies must wear the mess dress or the semiformal uniform. Civilians wear the dress specified in the invitations. 8.12.2. The Order of the Sword Induction Ceremony. Induction into the Order of the Sword is an honor reserved for individuals who have provided outstanding leadership and support to enlisted members. The induction ceremony occurs at a formal evening banquet held to honor the inductee as a Leader among Leaders and an Airman among Airmen. The entire event is conducted with the dignity that reflects its significance as the highest recognition enlisted member can bestow on anyone. Each command has an Order of the Sword and develops its own selection and induction procedures.

174 Figure 8.19. General Guideline for Planning a Retirement Ceremony. Appoint someone to set up the ceremony.

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Notify the honoree to ensure the date and times are good. Select and reserve a location for the ceremony. Determine whom the honoree would like to assist with the ceremony honors and have the honoree extend the invitation. Mail personal invitations to guests (optional) or use AFITs E-Invitations free web application at: Ensure all award elements and certificates are ready. Select an emcee and individuals to act as escorts to any special guests as required. Request photographic support from the multimedia center. Ensure media equipment, if appropriate, is available. Recommend a walk through of the actual ceremony. Order refreshments. Print programs and make or obtain signs for seating and parking for special guests. Verify the guest list with the honoree and obtain special guest information (relationship, title, and correct spelling of name). Provide guest information, agenda, proposed remarks, applicable biographies or personnel records, and honorees personal data to the officiating officer and emcee. Perform a dry run of the ceremony with all key players. Set up the location at least 2 hours before the ceremony. Meet with the honoree to go over last-minute details. The honoree and special guests often meet with the officiating officer just before the ceremony. The ceremony begins with the emcee announcing their arrival at the ceremony location. The emcee welcomes everyone and introduces the special guests. The emcee or officiating officer provides career highlights of the honoree. The emcee reads the special order of the honoree and the officiating officer performs ceremony procedures. Photos are taken throughout the ceremony. The honoree provides remarks. The emcee thanks everyone for coming and invites participants to congratulate the honoree and enjoy the refreshments. 8.13. Drill: 8.13.1. Introduction to Drill. For the purpose of drill, Air Force organizations are divided into elements, flights, squadrons, groups, and wings. Drill consists of certain movements by which the flight or squadron is moved in an orderly manner from one formation to another or from one place to another. Standards such as the 24-inch step, cadence of 100 to 120 steps per minute, distance, and interval were established to ensure movements are executed with order and precision. The task of each person is to learn these movements and execute each part exactly as described. Individuals must also learn to adapt their own movements to those of the group. Everyone in the formation must move together on command. 8.13.2. Drill and Ceremony. While the term ceremony was defined earlier in this chapter, it should be noted that certain ceremonies use drill. In these events, ceremonies not only honor distinguished persons and recognize special events, but also demonstrate the proficiency and training state of the Airmen. Ceremonies are an extension of drill activities. The precision marching, promptness in responding to commands, and teamwork developed on the drill field determine the appearance and performance of the group in ceremonies. The following paragraphs cover only the basic aspects of drill. For more information, see AFMAN 36-2203, Drill and Ceremonies.


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8.13.3. Types of Commands: Drill Command. A drill command is an oral order that usually has two parts: the preparatory command and the command of execution. The preparatory command explains what the movement will be. When calling a unit to attention or halting a units march, the preparatory command includes the unit designation. In the command Flight, HALT, the word Flight is the preparatory command and, at the same time, designates the unit. The command of execution follows the preparatory command. The command of execution explains when the movement will be carried out. In Forward, MARCH, the command of execution is MARCH. Supplementary Command. A supplementary command is given when one unit of the element must execute a movement different from other units or the same movement at a different time. Examples include: CONTINUE THE MARCH and STAND FAST. Informational Command. An informational command has no preparatory command or command of execution and is not supplementary; this command is used to direct others to give commands. Examples are: PREPARE FOR INSPECTION and DISMISS THE SQUADRON. Mass Commands. The mass commands help develop confidence, self-reliance, assertiveness, and enthusiasm by making the individual recall, give, and execute proper commands. Mass commands are usually confined to simple movements, with short preparatory commands and commands of execution carried out simultaneously by all elements of a unit. Each person is required to give commands in unison with others as if this person alone were giving the commands to the entire element. The volume of the combined voices encourages every person to perform the movement with snap and precision. 8.13.4. General Rules for Giving Commands. When giving commands, the commander is at the position of attention. Good military bearing is necessary for good leadership. While marching, the commander must be in step with the formation at all times. The commander faces the Airmen when giving commands except when the element is part of a larger drill element or when the commander is relaying commands in a ceremony. 8.13.5. Drill Positions: Attention. To come to attention, bring the heels together smartly and on line. Place the heels as near each other as the conformation of the body permits and ensure the feet are turned out equally to form a 45degree angle. Keep the legs straight without stiffening or locking the knees. The body is erect with hips level, chest lifted, back arched, and shoulders square and even. Arms hang straight down alongside the body without stiffness and the wrists are straight with the forearms. Place thumbs, which are resting along the first joint of the forefinger, along the seams of the trousers or sides of the skirt. Hands are cupped (but not clenched as a fist) with palms facing the leg. The head is kept erect and held straight to the front, with the chin drawn slightly so the axis of the head and neck is vertical; eyes are to the front with the line of sight parallel to the ground. The weight of the body rests equally on the heels and balls of both feet. Silence and immobility are required. Rest Positions. There are four positions of rest: parade rest, at ease, rest, and fall out. The commander and members of the formation must be at the position of attention before going to any of the rest positions. To resume the position of attention from any of the rests (except fall out, for which the commander uses the command FALL IN), the command is Flight, ATTENTION. Parade Rest. (The command is Parade, REST.) On the command REST, members of the formation raise the left foot from the hip just enough to clear the ground and move it smartly to the left so the heels are 12 inches apart, as measured from the inside of the heels. Keep the legs straight but not stiff and the heels on line. As the left foot moves, bring the arms, fully extended, to the back of the body, uncupping the hands in the process; extend and join the fingers, pointing them toward the ground. Face the palms outwards. Place the right hand in the palm of the left, right thumb over the left to form an X. Keep the head and eyes straight ahead and remain silent and immobile. At Ease. On the command AT EASE, members of the formation may relax in a standing position, but they must keep the right foot in place. Their position in the formation will not change; silence is maintained. Rest. On the command REST, the same requirements for at ease apply, but modera te speech is permitted.


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AFPAM36-2241 Fall Out. On the command FALL OUT, individuals may relax in a standing position or break ranks. They must remain in the immediate area; no specific method of dispersal is required. Moderate speech is permitted. 8.13.6. The Flight as the Basic Drill Unit. The first phase of drill involves teaching basic movements, facings, and positions either as an individual or as a member of an element. The second phase of drill merges the individual with others to form a flight in which base formations and marching are learned. The flight is composed of at least two, but no more than four, elements. This formation is the most practical drill group. 8.13.7. Formation of the Flight: A flight forms in a line formation at the command of FALL IN (Figure 8.20). Note: Usually, the flight sergeant forms and dismisses the flight formation. Figure 8.20. Flight in Line Formation. On this command, each Airman will fall in and establish their dress, cover, interval, and distance. Once established, each Airman executes an automatic ready front on an individual basis and remains at the position of attention. Figure 8.21. Flight in Column Formation. The flight commander will then size the flight. Once all members are properly sized and in column formation (Figure 8.21), the flight commander brings the flight back to line formation. To align the flight in line formation, the commands are Dress Right, DRESS and Ready, FRONT. The flight commander verifies the alignment of each rank then marches to three paces beyond the front rank, faces toward the flight, and commands Ready, FRONT. With as few movements as possible, the flight commander then takes the normal position in front of the flight by the most direct route. 8.13.8. Open Ranks: The command Open Ranks, MARCH is only given to a formation when in line at normal interval. On the command MARCH, the fourth rank stands fast and automatically executes dress right dress. The third rank takes one pace, the second rank takes two, and the first rank takes three paces forward. The flight commander aligns the flight, then commands Ready, FRONT. The inspector and commander proceed to inspect the flight, if required.


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177 After inspecting the entire flight, the inspector marches off to the right flank (element leaders) of the flight. The flight commander calls the flight to attention. The flight commander then commands Close Ranks, MARCH. On the command MARCH, the first rank stands fast. The second rank takes one pace forward and halts at the position of attention. The third and fourth ranks take two and three paces forward, respectively, and halt at attention. Section 8EHonor Guard 8.14. Base Honor Guard Program: 8.14.1. The primary mission of the base honor guard program is to employ, equip, and train Air Force members to provide professional military funeral honors for active duty, retired members, and veterans of the United States Air Force. The Base Honor Guard Program is a mandatory Air Force program and is the responsibility of the installation commander. Members are usually volunteers from the installation host and tenant units, with selections generally coming from the installations airman basic to technical sergeant pool. The base honor guard emphasizes the importance of military customs and courtesies, dress and appearance, and drill and ceremonies. 8.14.2. The origins of the base honor guard can be traced to May 1948 when Headquarters Command, United States Air Force, directed the creation of an elite ceremonial unit comparable to those of the other Services. The first base honor guard was activated within the 1100th Air Police Squadron, Bolling Field, Washington DC, and was responsible for maintaining an Air Force ceremonial capability in the National Capitol Region. However, other Air Force installations worldwide approached ceremonial responsibilities and military funeral honors quite differently. 8.14.3. In January of 2000, public law was implemented, providing for all veterans to receive, at a minimum, a funeral ceremony that includes the folding of a United States flag, presentation of the flag to the veterans family, and the playing of Taps.


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Chapter 8 ends here for those testing to SSgt, TSgt, or MSgt. If testing to SMSgt or CMSgt, continue studying this chapter (Section 8F).


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Section 8FProtocol 8.15. Protocol Defined. Protocol is the set of rules prescribing good manners in official life and in ceremonies involving governments and nations and their representatives. Protocol is an internationally recognized system of courtesy and respect. Protocol for the military and government agencies is a code of traditional precedence, courtesy, and etiquette in matters of military, diplomatic, official, and celebratory ceremonies. Military protocol encompasses the knowledge, accumulation and application of established service customs. In modern practice, protocol combines the traditional codes of conduct with contemporary etiquette and courtesy. The goal is to avoid disputes, insults, embarrassment, and distractions by following a set of objective and generally accepted criteria. As times change, so do the manners of the people; protocol must keep pace with developing official life. Though only a guide, the following sections will help you avoid protocol pitfalls. Section 8GDistinguished Visitors (DV) 8.16. Distinguished Visitors: 8.16.1. A DV may be defined as any (1) general or flag officer, (2) government official with rank equivalent to a brigadier general or higher, (3) foreign military officer or civilian designated a DV by the Under Secretary of the Air Force for International Affairs (SAF/IA), and (4) visitor or group designated by the commander. Also, persons of lower rank, but in certain positions, may be given DV status. At base level, for example, colonels, civilian equivalents, and the command chief master sergeant (CCM) may be designated as DV by the commander. Many distinguished dignitaries, military and civilian, domestic and foreign, visit Air Force installations for festive occasions and official business. Reducing the frequency of ceremonial honors rendered official visitors at field installations is of high importance. In the interest of economy and efficiency, such ceremonies as parades, honor cordons, motorcades, and other ceremonies that involve large numbers of Airmen and equipment will be held to an absolute minimum when officials entitled to such honors visit military installations. In general, full honors are reserved for statutory appointees and general or flag officers of the military Services, foreign dignitaries, and occasions when ceremonies promote international good will. The installation commander determines which types of honors are rendered. Enlisted personnel are frequently appointed as project NCOs for ceremonies, officials at social events, or escorts for visiting DVs. 8.16.2. Project NCOs represent their organization or their base and are responsible for assisting DVs. A smooth visit requires planning before the visit. Review AFI 34-1201 and AFPAM 34-1202 for further guidance on responsibilities and proper procedures. Contact guests beforehand to find out if they desire special arrangements. The base protocol office may also need to know guests transportation needs. O ther duties may include preregistering guests, meeting them upon arrival, and escorting them to their next destination. 8.16.3. Place a tentative itinerary and welcome package in the guest quarters. Include such items as a recent base newspaper, unit or base history, telephone numbers of base facilities, maps of the base and local area, and most importantly, the visit point of contact (POC) information. Also appropriate are biographies on the installation or host commander and CCM, host Professional Military Education commandants and program managers, and CMSgts and first sergeants (in the case of a senior enlisted DV, such as the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force [CMSAF]). Include instructions on operating difficult-to-use appliances or machines, using the telephone system, and computer connection information in the guest quarters. 8.16.4. Give a thorough prebriefing to the guest speaker at a special function, such as a Dining-In. Guests may have several commitments other than the primary project. If so, make sure they have schedules that allow time for meetings, telephone calls, meals, changes of clothes, coffee breaks, occasional rest periods, and transportation. Common practice is to leave 2 hours between the end-of-the-day activities and the start of evening functions. 8.16.5. Determine transportation time by physically traveling from place to place before the schedule is set. Allow extra time for boarding vehicles and transferring baggage or luggage. For large official parties, be sure to brief all drivers on the schedule and give explicit directions so they can operate independently if they become separated. Ensure they dry run the routes to avoid delays due to roadwork, stoplight outages, or road closures. Arrange the lodging checkout time and bill payment method. Arrange flight meals if the guests are leaving by military aircraft and desire this service. Smooth visits can make a lasting positive impression. If you run into difficulty or have questions, do not hesitate to contact the base protocol office.


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8.16.6. A DVs visit is an important event in the day-to-day life of an organization. Everyone wants to make a good impression whether the visitor is a representative of Congress, foreign dignitary, or city mayor. Problems with these visits are avoided through strict attention to detail from the preplanning for arrival to luggage handling, dinner arrangements, and departure plans. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Section 8HMilitary Ceremonies 8.17. General Information. The enlisted corps has a variety of programs to recognize individuals for outstanding performance, achievements, contributions, and promotions to the senior noncommissioned officer (SNCO) grades. AFI 36-2805, Special Trophies and Awards, provides information on a variety of programs but is not all-inclusive. SNCOs should become familiar with the induction of newly promoted MSgts into the Top 3. They should also become familiar with the Order of the Sword Ceremony (reference AFI 36-2824, Order of the Sword Programs) and retirement ceremonies. 8.18. Order of the Sword: 8.18.1. Background: The Order of the Sword is patterned after an order of chivalry founded during the Middle Ages the Swedish Royal Order of the Sword. The rank of NCO was established in the early 12th century. In 1522, Swedish King Gustavus I enjoined the noblemen commissioned by him to appoint officers to serve him. Those appointed were accountants, builders, crafts people, teachers, scribes, and others conducting the daily kingdom affairs. The system worked so well it was incorporated into the Swedish Army as a way to establish and maintain a cohesive, disciplined, and well-trained force. This force ensured the protection of lives and property in the kingdom. Ancient NCOs would honor their leader and pledge their loyalty by ceremoniously presenting him with a sword. The sworda symbol of truth, justice, and power rightfully used served as a token for all to see and know that here was a leader among leaders. The ceremony b ecame known as The Royal Order of the Sword. The first recorded use of it in the United States was in the 1860s when General Robert E. Lee was presented a sword by his command. 8.18.2. The Current Ceremony. The Royal Order of the Sword ceremony was revised, updated, and adopted by Air Force NCOs in 1967. The Order of the Sword was established by the Air Force enlisted force to recognize and honor military senior officers, colonel or above, and civilian equivalents, for conspicuous and significant contributions to the welfare and prestige of the Air Force enlisted force mission effectiveness as well as the overall military establishment. The Order of the Sword is the highest honor and tribute NCOs can bestow upon an individual. 8.18.3. Approved Swords. The only approved swords are at the Air Force level (Air Force Sword) and MAJCOM level (MAJCOM Sword). The Air Force Sword is reserved for those deserving senior leaders who serve outside the MAJCOM structure. The CMSAF maintains the Air Force Sword. MAJCOM CCMs maintain the MAJCOM Swords and ensure they are reserved for those deserving senior leaders who serve or have served within the awarding MAJCOM. Each MAJCOM establishes additional guidelines not already covered in AFI 36-2824. An Order of the Sword committee serves as the executive agent and is responsible for developing guidelines, nomination procedures, approval or disapproval of any nominations submitted, and protocol of the induction ceremony. The committee must also approve the nomination. The CMSAF o r MAJCOMs CCM (depending on level of award), is known as the keeper of the sword, and usually chairs the committee. 8.18.4. Nomination and Selection. NCOs wishing to nominate a qualified officer or civilian for induction into the Order of the Sword should contact their CCM and refer to AFI 36-2824 for processing procedures. (Note: Do not inform the nominee of the possible induction.) The nomination folder should include a cover memorandum, biographical sketch, and brief justification. Ensure the nomination is thorough enough so the committee can carefully weigh the individuals merits. The CMSAF or MAJCOM CCM (depending on level of award) informs the nominating organization of the decision and provides appropriate guidance and procedures as necessary.


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8.18.5. Preparation for the Ceremony. Once the nomination is approved, a ceremony committee will form and begin planning the ceremony. Preparations required for the Order of the Sword ceremony are similar to those for the Dining-In discussed in this chapter. Host NCOs are responsible for planning, executing, and paying for the ceremony. This includes the dinner, awards and presentations to be made to the honoree, ceremonial equipment (such as individual swords), and printed proclamations. 8.18.6. Induction Ceremony. This evening affair usually consists of a social period, formal dinner, and induction ceremony. The required dress is the mess dress or semiformal uniform. The ceremony should be well rehearsed so it reflects formality, dignity, and prestige. Four key participants have speaking parts and other duties: the chief master sergeant of the mess, first sergeant, duty sergeant, and sergeant at arms. MAJCOM directives provide specific guidance for NCOs serving in these positions. 8.18.7. Permanent Recognition in the Order of the Sword. The CMSAF maintains the official list of Order of the Sword recipients. Each sponsoring command maintains a master sword designed for its ceremonies. This sword is on display at each commands headquarters. A nameplate commemorating the commands inductions is affixed to its command master sword. 8.19. Conclusion. Military customs and courtesies are proven traditions, acts of respect and courtesy, and signs of the mutual respect and fraternity that exist among military personnel. Military customs and courtesies play an extremely important role in building morale, esprit de corps, discipline, and mission effectiveness. This chapter outlines customs and courtesies, providing an extensive but not all-inclusive outline of what makes the Air Force and its people special. These ceremonies represent many customs and traditions of our Air Force heritage. They are very real aspects of life, and, in the aggregate, form the special culture and lifestyle uniquely characteristic of the military profession. This guidance is offered to empower you with the knowledge that can add comfort to your daily social interactions. Apply it using common sense. The guidelines in this chapter can help avoid protocol pitfalls.


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My advice to tomorrows senior NCOs is to listen, to learn, and then to serve with unequaled commitment. Their example will motivate and inspire, and when they, in turn, pass the baton, America will certainly be in good hands. Thomas N. Barnes (b. 1930d. 2003) Former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) #4 Section 9AOverview 9.1. Introduction. Noncommissioned officers (NCO) are the backbone of the Air Force. The organization s success or failure, strengths or weaknesses can be directly related to the effectiveness of its NCOs. Although most Airmen are aware of their responsibilities, an overview of both general and specific responsibilities may be necessary, especially as the Airmen progress in rank. This chapter begins by discussing the philosophy, purpose, and structure of the enlisted force, and examines the NCO in terms of rank and precedence, legal authority, and general and specific responsibilities. In addition, it briefly describes those special positions entrusted to senior noncommissioned officers (SNCO), such as Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM), first sergeant, command chief master sergeant (CCM), and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF). The chapter also discusses the military as a Profession of Arms. The essential purpose of an organized military force is to defend the interests of the state, by force of arms if necessary. This task is unique to the military profession. There are those who have tried to compare the responsibilities of military officers to business executives. Both occupations call for leadership abilities and involve the management of human and material resources. But, what business expects its executives to be available for work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ready to risk their lives on behalf of its stockholders? Most assuredly, executive job descriptions do not include the responsibility to lead others to their deaths. At its heart, the military profession is a calling that requires devotion to service and willingness to sacrifice far beyond that required in the marketplace. The military as a profession and its core values and supporting ideas are concepts that epitomize the NCO. Section 9BThe Enlisted Force Structure 9.2. Philosophy: 9.2.1. The enlisted force is a diverse corps of functionally and operationally specialized Airmen. Yet, despite the natural differences found across functional and operational lines, there is a compelling need for a common approach to career progression, professional development, and the assumption of increased supervisory and leadership responsibilities. To best leverage our resources we must have consistent, well-defined expectations, standards, and opportunities for growth for all Airmen, regardless of specialty or command. The enlisted force structure provides this consistency and common approach. It is the enlisted force structure that defines us as Airmen, rather than merely specialists. 9.2.2. All elements of the enlisted force structure reflect the Air Force core values (Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do), and are essential to the profession of arms. The core values are the basis for Air Force policies, guidance, and overall focus. 9.3. Purpose of the Enlisted Force Structure: 9.3.1. Provide an enlisted force structure that best meets mission requirements. 9.3.2. Provide a common, stable career structure for all enlisted personnel. 9.3.3. Provide all Airmen the opportunity for professional growth. 9.3.4. Define: The three tiers of the enlisted force structure. The three levels of enlisted leadership and development. The roles, responsibilities, expectations, and official terms of address for each enlisted rank. Special SNCO positions. The official duty titles for the enlisted force.

184 9.4. Three Enlisted Force Structure Tiers.

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The enlisted force is comprised of three distinct and separate tiers, each correlating to increased levels of training, education, technical competence, experience, leadership, and managerial responsibilities. These tiers are Junior Enlisted Airman, NCO, and SNCO. 9.4.1. The Junior Enlisted Airman Tier. This tier consists of airman basic (AB), airman (Amn), airman first class (A1C), and senior airman (SrA). These Airmen are initially focused on adapting to the requirements of the military profession, achieving technical proficiency, and learning to be highly productive members of the Air Force. Once promoted to SrA, they begin to exercise limited supervision and leadership as they prepare for increased responsibilities, while continuing to broaden their technical skills. 9.4.2. The NCO Tier. This tier consists of staff sergeant (SSgt) and technical sergeant (TSgt). NCOs continue their technical growth, become expert hands-on technicians, and serve as first-line supervisors. NCOs ensure their team members work together to accomplish the mission. NCOs are responsible for training and developing the Airmen they supervise to become future NCOs. They also continue to develop their own leadership skills in preparation for increased responsibilities. 9.4.3. The SNCO Tier. This tier consists of master sergeant (MSgt), senior master sergeant (SMSgt), and chief master sergeant (CMSgt). SNCOs are a critical component of the Air Force s ability to project air power. SNCOs have a great deal of experience and leadership ability, which they use to leverage resources and personnel against a variety of mission requirements. The SNCO s primary focus is on accomplishing the organizations mission through the skillful use of teams. They also concentrate on further developing their teams and people, both technically and professionally. They participate in the decisionmaking process, as appropriate, on a variety of technical, operational, and organizational issues. A few go on to serve at the highest levels in the Air Force as strategic leaders and managers. 9.5. Three Enlisted Leadership and Development Levels. The three leadership and development levels in the Air Force are tactical, operational, and strategic. These levels directly correlate to the scope of an enlisted persons duties and primary responsibilities, mission requirements, and the type of development needed to serve at each level. These levels apply across the spectrum of the enlisted force structure (Figure 9.1). 9.5.1. Tactical Level. This level of leadership normally applies to ABs through TSgts. At the tactical level, Airmen and NCOs perfect their primary skills. They are trained, attend professional military education (PME), and achieve their 5- and 7skill levels. They strive to become the best technicians and team members possible. As they increase in rank, they also begin to train others and serve as first-line supervisors and noncommissioned officers in charge [NCOIC] of sections. (Note: Only NCOs and SNCOs may serve as NCOICs.) The primary focus at the tactical level is accomplishing all assigned work as efficiently as possible using available personnel and resources. 9.5.2. Operational Level. This level normally applies to MSgts through CMSgts who typically work at the numbered Air Force (NAF) level and below. This is where SNCOs transition from being expert technicians and first-line supervisors to leaders with broader operational leadership, supervisory, and managerial responsibilities. They continue to develop their expertise, experience, and management and leadership skills to convert leadership direction into mission accomplishment. The majority of our enlisted force will spend their entire careers at the tactical and operational levels. This is where their natural strengths of competencies, experience, and day-to-day mission focus are most required. 9.5.3. Strategic Level. This level normally applies to CMSgts and a few other SNCOs assigned to higher headquarters. These leaders serve in key leadership positions at the Department of Defense, Headquarters Air Force, major commands (MAJCOM), direct reporting units (DRU), and select agencies and headquarters. They continue to develop their knowledge of Air Force institutional management processes, challenges, and vision to improve their ability to advise senior leaders, participate in top-level decisionmaking processes, draft policies, manage career fields, and lead far-reaching programs. The primary focus at this level is the strategic leadership and management of the force to best meet current and future requirements.


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Figure 9.1. Leadership Development.

9.6. General Junior Enlisted Airman Responsibilities. Junior enlisted Airmen must: 9.6.1. Accept and execute all duties, instructions, responsibilities, and lawful orders in a timely, efficient manner; complete assigned tasks and accomplish the mission by being an effective follower; place the requirements of their official duties and responsibilities ahead of their personal desires; and issue lawful orders if placed in charge of a work activity or in charge of other Airmen to ensure completion of assigned tasks. Failure to obey lawful orders violates Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) (duty status determines Air Reserve Component authority). 9.6.2. Strive for and maintain the highest level of personal readiness to meet air and space expeditionary force mission requirements. To do so, junior enlisted Airmen must: Be technically ready to accomplish the mission; attain and maintain a skill level commensurate with their rank; and maintain a high degree of proficiency in their awarded specialty as outlined in their career field education and training plan (CFETP) (AFPD 36-26, Total Force Development; AFI 36-2201, Air Force Training Program). Be physically ready to accomplish the mission. Keep themselves in good physical condition and meet Air Force fitness standards. Participate in the Air Force Fitness Program (AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program). Be mentally ready to accomplish the mission. Issues involving quality of life, financial problems, sexual harassment, discrimination, stress, marital problems, and substance abuse can affect and detract from mental readiness. These types of issues can prevent individuals from focusing on the mission, diminish motivation, erode a positive attitude, and reduce the quality of work. All of this negatively impacts mission accomplishment. As it relates to mental readiness, junior enlisted Airmen should:


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AFPAM36-2241 Seek assistance through their supervisory chain, first sergeant, commander, chaplain, or appropriate referral agencies when having difficulty dealing with the issues identified in paragraph Airmen are expected to take positive steps to resolve these issues in a responsible manner. Actively support the Air Force policy of zero tolerance for discrimination and sexual harassment. Airmen must help maintain an environment free from behavior that hinders other team members ability to achieve their full potential and maximize their contributions (AFI 36-2706, Equal Opportunity Program Military and Civilian). Be alert to detect people who may be exhibiting suicidal behavior and immediately report it to their supervisory chain, first sergeant, or commander. Fellow Airmen are very important to suicide prevention. Be spiritually ready to accomplish the mission. Spiritual readiness is the development of those personal qualities needed to help a person through times of stress, hardship, and tragedy (AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure). Spiritual readiness may or may not include religious activities. Meet all predeployment requirements if postured to deploy. 9.6.3. Exhibit professional behavior, military bearing, respect for authority, and high standards of dress and personal appearance on and off duty. Airmen should correct other Airmen who violate standards (AFPD 36-29, Military Standards; AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel ; and AFI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships). 9.7. Specific Junior Enlisted Airman Responsibilities: 9.7.1. AB. ABs are primarily in a learning capacity, adapting to the requirements of the military profession, acquiring knowledge of military customs, courtesies, and Air Force standards, as well as striving to attain technical proficiency. They can perform basic tasks under close supervision when at their first duty station. ABs operate at the tactical level. The official term of address is Airman Basic or Airman. 9.7.2. Amn. Amn, while still learning and adapting to the military profession, are expected to understand and conform to military standards, customs, and courtesies. Amn begin to show job proficiency at basic tasks and still require significant supervision and support. Amn operate at the tactical level. The official term of address is Airman. 9.7.3. A1C. A1Cs must fully comply with Air Force standards and are expected to devote their efforts to the mastery of skills required in their career fields and the military profession, while becoming effective team members. After a few months at their first duty station, they are usually skilled on numerous tasks. Continued supervision is essential to the A1Cs ongoing technical and professional growth. They typically earn their 5 -skill level at this grade. A1Cs operate at the tactical level. The official term of address is Airman First Class or Airman. 9.7.4. SrA. SrA commonly perform as skilled technicians and trainers. It is essential SrA begin developing supervisory and leadership skills through progressive responsibility on the job, PME, individual study, and supervisor mentoring. When utilized as supervisors, SrA strive to establish themselves as effective first-line supervisors through maximum use of guidance and assistance from the NCOs above them. SrA may serve as reporting officials upon completion of Airman Leadership School (ALS). SrA operate at the tactical level. The official term of address is Senior Airman or Airman. 9.8. General NCO Responsibilities. NCOs must: 9.8.1. Accept and execute all duties, instructions, responsibilities, and lawful orders in a timely, efficient manner; lead subordinates and exercise effective followership in mission accomplishment; and place the requirements of their official duties and responsibilities ahead of their personal desires. NCOs have the authority to issue lawful orders appropriate for the completion of their assigned tasks. Failure to obey lawful orders violates Article 92 of the UCMJ (duty status determines air reserve component authority).


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9.8.2. Maintain the highest level of readiness to meet air and space expeditionary force mission requirements. An NCOs primary purpose in the Air Force is to be a skilled technician in his or her assigned specialty and to build, prepare, and lead teams to accomplish the mission. NCOs must: Be technically ready to accomplish the mission. NCOs must also attain and maintain a skill level commensurate with their rank and maintain a high degree of proficiency in their duties as outlined in their CFETP. Additionally, they must train and develop their subordinates to ensure they are also technically ready to accomplish the mission. Be physically ready to accomplish the mission; attain and maintain good physical conditioning, meet Air Force fitness standards, and set a positive example for subordinates; lead the way by promoting, supporting, and participating in the Air Force Fitness Program and unit physical training programs; and incorporate physical training into team duty schedules (AFI 36-2905). Be mentally ready to accomplish the mission. Issues involving quality of life, financial problems, sexual harassment, discrimination, stress, marital problems, and substance abuse can affect and detract from mental readiness. These types of issues can prevent individuals from focusing on the mission, diminish motivation, erode a positive attitude, and reduce the quality of work. NCOs must also monitor and address issues negatively impacting subordinates mental readiness. NCOs must: Consult their supervisory chain, their first sergeant, commander, chaplain, or appropriate referral agencies if they experience problems dealing with the issues in paragraph and require assistance. NCOs must always take positive steps to resolve these types of issues in a responsible manner. Assist subordinates in resolving personal, financial, marital, alcohol, and stress-related problems. Supervisors are often in the best position to detect early indications of these problems and are key to identifying, addressing, and resolving them. Supervisors must stay involved and be supportive as their subordinates struggle to resolve their problems. Supervisors must also clarify Air Force standards, provide feedback on duty performance, and provide counseling on professional behavior, military bearing, and available referral agencies. If additional assistance is required, NCOs must consult their supervisory chain, their first sergeant, chaplain, or appropriate referral agency (AFPD 36-29; AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems; AFI 36-2909; AFI 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program ; AFI 44-120, Military Drug Demand Reduction Program). Actively support the Air Forces policy of zero tolerance for discrimination and sexual harassment. NCOs must maintain a professional environment that enables personnel to achieve their full potential and maximize their contributions (AFI 36-2706). Remain watchful for signs that subordinates, or any Air Force member, may be suicidal. Supervisors are often in the best position to detect early signs of suicidal behavior. If an NCO notices a person is exhibiting behavior indicating he or she may be suicidal, the NCO should ask the person directly if he or she is thinking of hurting him or herself. NCOs must then immediately seek assistance from the first sergeant, commander, security forces, chaplain, life skills support center, or medical personnel, and remain with the person until relieved by the proper authority. Frequently visit dining facilities, chapel centers, recreation facilities, dormitories, and enlisted clubs to familiarize themselves with their subordinates off-duty opportunities and living conditions. Hold subordinates accountable when they do not meet established standards. NCOs must also appropriately recognize and reward those individuals whose military conduct and duty performance clearly exceed established standards. Be spiritually ready to accomplish the mission. Spiritual readiness is the development of those personal qualities needed to help a person through times of stress, hardship, and tragedy. NCOs must also provide assistance to subordinates who may be struggling with their spiritual readiness through the chaplain, life skills support center, or other support agencies. Spiritual readiness may or may not include religious activities. Meet all predeployment requirements if postured to deploy. NCOs must also ensure they educate and assist subordinates with deployment preparation actions, and correct and counsel subordinates who do not meet deployment readiness standards. NCOs are responsible for their subordinates deployment readiness status. 9.8.3. Accept responsibility for and assume the role of leader, if senior in grade. Responsibility and accountability increase commensurate with grade. This policy stems from time-honored military customs and traditions. Within enlisted grades, NCOs take rank and precedence over all junior enlisted Airmen and other NCOs according to rank.


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Within the same grade, date of rank, total active federal military service date, pay date, and date of birth determine seniority. In some circumstances, commanders may place NCOs who are lower in rank in charge of other NCOs of the same grade (for example, a TSgt with a date of rank of 1 April 2008 is placed in charge of a fellow TSgt with a date of rank of 1 April 2007). When placed in charge by commanders, these NCOs have the authority to issue lawful orders appropriate for mission accomplishment. Failure to obey lawful orders violates Article 92 of the UCMJ (duty status determines air reserve component authority). Know and understand Air Force Core Values, the Airmans Creed, and the Air Force symbol. Be a knowledge-enabled NCO. Stay informed on issues affecting the Air Force without bringing discredit to the service or compromising operational security through the use of personal communications (such as social media sites and emails). Remain keenly aware of individual and group dynamics affecting readiness and safety. Identify Airmen exhibiting high-risk behavior and deter further unsafe practices. Actively support and enforce the Air Force policy of zero tolerance for discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. Understand the sexual assault response coordinators role and sexual a ssault reporting requirements. NCOs must maintain an environment free from behaviors that prevent others from achieving their full potential and maximizing their contributions (AFI 36-2706). 9.8.4. Support and explain leaders decisions. 9.8.5. Take an active leadership and supervisory role by daily involvement with personnel. NCOs must also channel experience and knowledge downward to their personnel. Mentor by providing guidance and instruction to help subordinates develop and grow so they are prepared for increased levels of authority and responsibility and to help them reach their full potential. 9.8.6. Exceed the standards and expectations levied upon their Airmen; epitomize excellence and serve as a role model for Airmen to emulate; lead by example by exhibiting professional behavior, military bearing, respect for authority, and the highest standards of dress and appearance; instill professional behaviors in their subordinates; clarify Air Force standards in such areas as duty performance, safety, on- and off-duty behavior, professional and unprofessional relationships, and personal appearance; and be alert to and immediately correct personnel who violate Air Force standards (AFPD 36-29; AFI 36-2406; AFI 36-2909; AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program). 9.8.7. Provide career counseling to subordinates on benefits, entitlements, and opportunities available during an Air Force career, and ensure subordinates understand how to be competitive for promotion and what types of career opportunities exist for them. At a minimum, counseling occurs in conjunction with performance feedback counseling or when an individual is subject to quality review under the selective reenlistment program. At the end of the counseling session, review the Air Force Benefits Fact Sheet with each individual and provide it to him or her. 9.8.8. Promote a culture of flexible Airmen who are capable of mastering multiple tasks to better support air and space expeditionary force mission requirements. Consider pursuing opportunities to retrain into Air Force shortage career fields, when appropriate, to balance the force and enable the Air Force to meet mission requirements, and encourage subordinates to do the same. Consider pursuing opportunities to serve in special duties, such as military training instructor, PME instructor, or recruiter, and encourage subordinates to do the same. 9.8.9. Secure and promote PME and professional enhancement, for themselves and subordinates, to develop and cultivate leadership skills and military professionalism. In addition, secure and promote voluntary off-duty education opportunities for themselves and subordinates to enhance professional growth (AFI 36-2301, Developmental Education). 9.8.10. Promote organizational esprit de corps and foster good community relations by supporting professional organizations as well as unit, base, and Air Force events, and encourage subordinates to do the same. 9.9. Specific NCO Responsibilities: 9.9.1. SSgt. SSgts are primarily highly skilled technicians with supervisory and training responsibilities. They must continuously strive to further their development as technicians. SSgts must also strive for greater supervisory competence and should be given opportunities to demonstrate leadership as they develop. They are responsible for their subordinates and the effective accomplishment of all assigned tasks. They ensure proper and effective


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use of all personnel and materiel under their control. SSgts operate at the tactical level. The official term of address is Staff Sergeant or Sergeant. 9.9.2. TSgt. In addition to providing sound supervision and training, TSgts are often technical experts within their specialty. They are responsible for the development of all assigned enlisted personnel. They must obtain maximum performance from each subordinate and ensure the mission is efficiently and effectively accomplished. TSgts must continuously strive to broaden and perfect their technical expertise and supervisory techniques. TSgts operate at the tactical level of leadership. The official term of address is Technical Sergeant or Sergeant. 9.10. General SNCO Responsibilities. In addition to meeting all NCO responsibilities, SNCOs must: 9.10.1. Provide highly effective leadership. A SNCOs primary purpose in the Air Force is leading and managing teams to accomplish the mission. 9.10.2. Translate leader direction into specific tasks and responsibilities their teams understand and can execute, and support and explain leader decisions. SNCOs should study the decisions to understand their rationale and goals so they can fully leverage their personal experience and knowledge to more effectively accomplish the mission. 9.10.3. Be active, visible leaders, and develop their NCOs into better leaders and supervisors, deliberately growing and preparing them to be effective future SNCOs. 9.10.4. Help leaders make informed decisions. SNCOs must draw upon their knowledge and experience to provide constructive input, when appropriate, to meet the challenges facing their organizations. 9.10.5. Support company grade officers continued leadership development by sharing knowledge and experience, when appropriate, to meet their organizations challenges. Build professional relationships with company grade officers and strive to create the most effective leadership teams to best accomplish the mission. 9.10.6. Exceed the standards and expectations levied upon their NCOs and Airmen. Epitomize excellence, professionalism, and competence, and serve as a role model for NCOs and Airmen to emulate. 9.10.7. Ensure efficient, effective use of money, facilities, and resources to support the best interests of the Air Force, and plan resource utilization, replenishment, and budget allocation to ensure personnel have the equipment and resources needed to effectively accomplish the mission. 9.10.8. Promote a culture of flexible Airmen capable of adapting to evolving Air Force requirements throughout a career. Consider, support, and encourage retraining as needed to balance the force and enable our Air Force to meet mission requirements. Consider, support, and encourage serving in special duties, such as first sergeant, military training instructor, recruiter, or PME instructor. 9.10.9. Continue professional developmental through a variety of means, such as professional reading, voluntary career development courses, lectures, off-duty education, leadership seminars, etc. Personal professional growth never ends. 9.10.10. Promote organizational esprit de corps and foster good community relations by supporting professional organizations as well as unit, base, and Air Force events, and encourage subordinates to do the same. 9.11. Specific SNCO Responsibilities: 9.11.1. MSgt. MSgts are transitioning from technical expert and first-line supervisor to operational leader able to merge personnel talents, skills, and resources with other teams functions to effectively accomplish the mission, while continuing to develop leadership and management skills. This rank carries significantly increased responsibilities and requires broad technical and managerial perspective. MSgt-selects should immediately enroll in and complete Course 12 or 14, SNCO PME Distance Learning Course, in preparation for their new role. MSgts normally operate at the operational level of leadership. The official term of address is Master Sergeant or Sergeant.

190 9.11.2. SMSgt.

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SMSgts are key, experienced, operational leaders, skilled at merging personnel talents, skills, and resources with other teams functions to effectively accomplish the mission. SMSgts continue to develop their leadership and management skills in preparation for expanded responsibilities and higher leadership positions. SMSgts normally operate at the operational level of leadership. The official term of address is Senior Master Sergeant or Sergeant. 9.11.3. CMSgt. The rank of CMSgt is the highest enlisted rank in the Air Force, with the exception of the CMSAF. Since its inception, the CMSgt has evolved to hold a very distinctive role in the force. Superiors and subordinates alike rightfully place very high expectations upon those serving in this grade. CMSgts serve in key leadership roles at all levels in the Air Force from flight level to the Air Staff. They serve as commandants, superintendents, program managers, CCMs, functional managers, and career field managers. The Air Force ensures only the very best NCOs are promoted to this top rank. CMSgts, as senior leaders, must at all times epitomize the finest qualities of a military leader. CMSgts bring substantial institutional, operational, and functional experience, as well as strong leadership skills, to their organizations and to all assigned tasks. CMSgts must continually strive to further develop their leadership and management skills to prepare for future roles. As key mentors, they must actively develop their Airmen, NCOs, and SNCOs into enlisted leaders. CMSgts are assigned chief enlisted manager codes upon selection to CMSgt, able to fill any leadership or management level position, and perform any duties not prohibited by law or directive. CMSgts serve at the operational and strategic levels, depending on assignment. The official term of address is Chief Master Sergeant or Chief. 9.12. Enlisted Duty Titles. When properly applied, duty titles facilitate quick understanding of a persons role and level of responsibility. Enlisted duty titles are assigned based upon the scope of responsibility and the duties being performed. A consistent, standard approach is important to ensure the terms are meaningful. The following duty titles are the official, authorized duty titles in the enlisted force. The only exceptions are the special SNCO duty positions listed in AFI 36-2618 and limited instances when position or duties dont meet the criteria listed below. Authorized enlisted duty titles include: 9.12.1. Supervisor. Used for Airmen and NCOs who are first-line supervisors (for example, Heavy Equipment Supervisor and Shift Supervisor). Airmen will not have the duty title "Supervisor" unless they are at least a SrA, an ALS graduate, and supervise others work. 9.12.2. Noncommissioned Officer in Charge. Used only for NCOs and SNCOs in charge of a workcenter or element. NCOICs typically have subordinate supervisors (for example, NCOIC, Installation Security; NCOIC, Outbound Assignments). NCOIC is also used for those whose primary duty is program or functional management (such as NCOIC, Unit Training Management; and NCOIC, Resource Management) even if they do not directly supervise personnel. 9.12.3. Section Chief. Used for NCOs and SNCOs in charge of a section with at least two subordinate workcenters or elements (for example, Section Chief, Network Control Center). Section chiefs are typically SNCOs; the rank will vary depending upon the size of the section (number of enlisted personnel, number of workcenters, and scope of responsibilities). 9.12.4. Flight Chief. Used for NCOs and SNCOs who are the enlisted leaders of a flight (for example, Flight Chief, Information Systems Flight; and Flight Chief, Operations Flight). Flight chiefs are typically SNCOs; the rank will vary depending upon the size of the flight (number of enlisted personnel, number of workcenters, and scope of responsibilities). 9.12.5. Squadron Superintendent. Used for a CMSgt, and occasionally a SMSgt or MSgt, who is the enlisted leader of a squadron (for example, Squadron Superintendent, 100th Mission Support Squadron; and Squadron Superintendent, 1st Operational Support Squadron). Only SNCOs will hold the duty title of Squadron Superintendent.


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9.12.6. Superintendent. Used for SNCOs in charge of group- or wing-level functions or in a squadron when having either oversight of functions within other squadrons or within the same squadron (for example, Aircraft Maintenance Unit Superintendent and Command Post Superintendent). Only SNCOs will hold the duty title of Superintendent. 9.12.7. Manager. In addition to the special SNCO positions of AFCFM and MAJCOM Functional Manager (MFM), used for NCOs and SNCOs who are program, project, and policy managers at NAF, MAJCOM, DRU, field operating agency, Joint Staff, or Air Staff levels. They may or may not have personnel working for them and may be the enlisted leader of the branch, division, or directorate (for example, Manager, Intelligence Systems Integration; and Manager, Joint Operations Analysis and Planning). 9.12.8. Chief. Used for CMSgts who are program, project, or policy managers at NAF, MAJCOM, DRU, field operating agency, Joint Staff, or Air Staff levels. They may or may not have personnel working for them and may be the enlisted leader of the branch, division, or directorate (for example, Chief, Air Force Enlisted Force Development; and Chief, Airman Assignments). 9.13. Special SNCO Positions: 9.13.1. First Sergeant: Duty. The first sergeant is an expeditionary leader serving in a special duty position, rich in custom and tradition. The first sergeant works directly for and derives authority from the commander at home station and deployed locations, and serves as the commanders critical link within the unit for all matters concerning enlisted members. As depicted in Figure 9.2, a distinguishing diamond device on the chevron identifies the first sergeant. In todays rapidly deployable Air Force, the first sergeant is critical to providing the commander a mission-ready force to execute the unit mission. As the vital link between the commander, unit personnel, and support agencies, the first sergeant must ensure the force understands the commanders policies, goals, and objectives, and that support agencies are responsive to the needs of unit personnel and their families. Additionally, the first sergeant must remain vigilant for and move to resolve issues that, left unchecked, would adversely impact Airmen readiness. Selection Process. Based on the cumulative and important responsibilities and the impact of this position, only the most dedicated professional SNCOs should be selected. Master sergeants approved to serve as first sergeants will serve a minimum of 3 years in this special duty with options to remain up to 3 more years. All MSgts who qualify for this demanding position will be considered by unit leadership and carefully screened by the chain of command. If approved and released by their career field, members may be assigned back to their previous duty station or receive an assignment to one of a variety of installations around the world depending on the needs of the Air Force. Figure 9.2. First Sergeant Chevrons. Return to Career Field. First sergeant duty is not considered retraining; it is intended for SNCOs to return to their previously held career field with the experience and knowledge they gained. Members will serve a finite amount of time in the first sergeant special duty and will normally return to their previous career field between the 3- and 6-year mark. Opportunities may occur later to allow a former first sergeant to return to the first sergeant special duty. 9.13.2. Group Superintendent. Group superintendents are CMSgts who are the enlisted leaders at the group level. They provide leadership and management in organizing, equipping, and training assigned personnel to most effectively accomplish the organization mission. They manage and direct resource activities as well as interpret and enforce policies and applicable directives. They also recommend or initiate actions to improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Additionally, they resolve issues between subordinate squadrons, other groups, wing staff, and outside agencies as well as perform other duties as directed by the group commander.

192 9.13.3. Enlisted Academy Commandants.

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Enlisted commandants are SNCOs who lead the enlisted schools and academies. There is a commandant at each Airman Leadership School (ALS), NCO Academy, the Air Force SNCO Academy (AFSNCOA), and the First Sergeants Academy. Enlisted commandants implement and enforce policies, procedures, and directives directly related to the accomplishment of the schools courses of instruction. They analyze data and provide direction and vision via curriculum evaluations, faculty assessment and development, student achievement criteria and feedback, and contact with senior leadership. Additionally, they coordinate frequent visits from high-ranking military and civilian leadership. The Vice Commandant, Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education (BCEE), provides leadership, guidance, and direction to PME faculty support staff as well as short- and longterm strategic planning and policy formulation and implementation for BCEE schools. 9.13.4. Enlisted MFM. Enlisted MFMs manage enlisted career fields for the MAJCOMs, and serve as MAJCOM liaisons for their respective AFCFMs. MFMs monitor career field health and manning within their command and elevate concerns to the AFCFMs. MFMs manage command training, coordinate associated issues with the MAJCOM staff and AFCFMs, and disseminate Air Force and career field policies and program requirements throughout the MAJCOM. They coordinate with the Air Force Personnel Center to distribute personnel throughout the MAJCOM to ensure proper command prioritization of allocated and assigned personnel resources, and they provide functional and subject-matter expertise to Air Education and Training Command (AETC) training managers who use the expertise to develop new or improve existing training programs. 9.13.5. AFCFM. Enlisted AFCFMs are typically CMSgts serving on the Air Staff who are responsible for organizing and managing one or more enlisted career fields. Their responsibilities include establishing career field entry requirements, managing trained personnel requirements and manning, and developing and managing careerlong training plan requirements and programs. They also construct viable career paths, evaluate training effectiveness, monitor health and manning of the career field, and provide input on personnel policies and programs. Additionally, they develop force management policies and programs, develop contingency planning policy, validate deployment requirements, and verify workforce availability. They are functional experts. They ensure their career fields are responsive to both current and future needs of the Air Force. They also communicate directly with other Air Staff offices on issues that affect their career fields, their respective MAJCOM enlisted career field representatives, and AETC training managers. 9.13.6. CCM. The CCM position exists at the MAJCOM, wing, and other authorized organizational levels. CCMs lead the enlisted force and advise commanders on matters that affect the enlisted force, such as proper utilization, quality of enlisted leadership, management and supervisor training, operations tempo, and quality of life. CCMs monitor compliance with Air Force standards, serve on advisory councils, and maintain a close relationship with the local community. They maintain a liaison between their commander, the enlisted force, and staff members, and they communicate with commanders on problems, concerns, morale, and attitudes of the enlisted force. They also ensure the enlisted force knows and understands commander policies. They serve as the functional manager for assigned first sergeants. CCMs wear the distinctive chevron shown in Figure 9.3. Figure 9.3. CCM Chevron.


1 OCTOBER 2013 9.13.7. CMSAF.


Figure 9.4. CMSAF Chevron.

The idea of creating a CMSAF position surfaced as early as 1964 when the Air Force Associations Airman Advisory Council presented the idea. At that time, Air Force leadership rejected the proposal, fearing that such a position would undermine the formal chain of command. Purposeful action did not come until 1966 when Congressman Mendel Rivers introduced a bill that would mandate each of the Services to appoint a SNCO. Congressman Rivers became convinced that the Air Force needed to follow the example of the Marine Corps (which had created the position of Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps in 1957) and the Army (which had created the position of Sergeant Major of the Army in 1965) and appoint a senior enlisted advisor (SEA) to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF). Although the Rivers bill never passed, the Air Force recognized the tremendous support behind the proposal. On 24 October 1966, CSAF General John P. McConnell announced the newly created position of CMSAF. In April 1967, Chief Paul W. Airey became the first to wear the unique insignia with the wreath around the star. Over the next decade, support for the office grew among senior leaders and within the enlisted force. Today, the CMSAF wears the chevron depicted in Figure 9.4. To date, 16 individuals have previously served in this office. The present CMSAF, James A. Cody, took office in January 2013. CMSAF Paul Wesley Airey: Paul Wesley Airey enlisted in the Army Air Forces as a radio operator on 16 November 1942. By the height of World War II (WWII), he was serving as an aerial gunner aboard B-24 bombers. While in Europe, Airey and his crew were shot down over Vienna, Austria, captured, and held prisoner by the Germans from July 1944 to May 1945. During the Korean conflict, he was awarded the Legion of Merit for creating a means of constructing equipment from salvaged parts, improving corrosion control of sensitive radio and radar components. Following the war, Airey took the job of first sergeant, a position he later said was one of the most important in the Air Force. He subsequently served as first sergeant for six squadrons at four bases over the next 12 years before being appointed to the highest NCO position. Upon assuming his new responsibilities, CMSAF Airey began CMSAF Paul W. Airey April 1967 July 1969 tackling the problem of personnel retention, an issue he identified as one of the Died: 11 March 2009 greatest challenges he faced. The first-term reenlistment rate was the lowest it had been in 12 years, but Airey did not attribute the great decline to the unpopularity of the war in Vietnam. He felt it was the consequence of poor pay, numerous remote assignments, good civilian employment opportunities, and an inequitable promotion system. He became an advisor to a committee to investigate and recommend a more equitable system. His efforts helped produce the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS). WAPS was adopted in 1970, eliminating local enlisted promotion boards and equalizing promotion opportunities across career fields. In retirement, Airey continued to be an enlisted advocate and spoke to Airmen around the force. CMSAF Airey died in 2009. CMSAF Donald L. Harlow: Born in Waterville, Maine, Donald L. Harlow was the youngest of nine children. At age 22, after working a variety of jobs to help support his mother and pay his tuition at a private preparatory school, he was drafted into the Army Air Corps. Serving as an armament and gunnery instructor, he taught cadets to fieldstrip and reassemble their weapons and to synchronize firing guns through aircraft propellers. He transferred to the personnel career field in 1945 and advanced to the grade of staff sergeant before his February 1946 discharge from active duty. During the Korean War, Harlow was recalled to active duty, holding various positions in the personnel career field. At 16 years of service, he was promoted to CMSgt and was the personnel sergeant major for Headquarters U.S. European Command and the sergeant major for the Executive Services Division, Office of the Vice Chief of Staff.
CMSAF Donald L. Harlow
August 1969 September 1971 Died: 18 June 1997 As the second to take the reins, CMSAF Harlow continued to cut a path through the misunderstanding, confusion, and mistrust that surrounded the CMSAF


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position. He derived great satisfaction in helping the position grow and garner prestige. Ever vigilant, he campaigned for and refined the newly established WAPS, garnered continued flight pay for NCOs attending inresidence PME and worked toward equal per diem for enlisted and officers. During Vietnam, he directed his attention to where he felt it was most needed: young Airmen and their issues, including racial tension, assignment concerns, and promotion problems. Known for his no-nonsense approach and keen ability to listen, Harlow advised the CSAF on matters of true concern to the enlisted force. While many of his recommendations did not result in policy changes during his tenure, he planted the seeds for future change. After retiring, Chief Harlow was a strong lobbyist for enlisted equality. CMSAF Harlow died in 1997. CMSAF Richard D. Kisling: Richard D. Kisling and his 10 siblings were raised on a farm in Iowa during the Great Depression and the dust bowl years. The patriotism he developed during his childhood was called on when he was drafted into the Armys combat infantry in 1945 during the effort to reconstitute the number of soldiers driving through France. After training and deployment times, Kisling arrived in France a month before the war in Europe ended. His unit assumed responsibility for negotiating the repatriation of displaced Soviets. From there, Kisling separated from the service for civilian life. After a few months spent missing the camaraderie, he reenlisted for a brief stint in the Army. In 1947, he joined the Army Air Forces, serving first as a clerk and later a personnel specialist. Upon his promotion to SMSgt in September 1958, he was among the first group of Air Force enlisted members to wear the super grades of SMSgt and CMSgt.

CMSAF Richard D. Kisling

October 1971 September 1973 Died: 3 November 1985 Once assigned to the Pentagon, CMSAF Kisling found the enlisted force struggling through the development of a new Air Force. After talking with several base officials, it was determined that the Air Force needed to develop their NCOs like they did their officers. So Kisling placed concerns for NCO professional development in the forefront of discussion at the Pentagon. His persistence paid off when the first SNCOA was approved by Congress in 1972. The Academy officially opened its doors in January 1973; however, before the Academy opened its doors, the original plan was to restrict its attendance to first sergeants. In the end, Kisling won the battle of making professional development available to all senior NCOs. His concern for such enlisted issues as housing, pay, promotions, education and training, and assignments earned him the respect of his peers and the nickname, the GIs man in Washington. CMSAF Kisling died in 1985. CMSAF Thomas N. Barnes: Thomas N. Barnes grew up in the war-related industries town of Chester, Pennsylvania. In 1949, he joined the newly created U.S. Air Force as an aircraft maintainer specializing in hydraulics. His first duty station found him at the leading edge of U.S. Air Force integration efforts, as one of the first African-Americans to join the unit. Barnes unit was flying Korean War support missions. Unbeknownst to others in his squadron, a crew pal taught him the art of flight engineering and let him fly resupply and medical evacuation missions. By his tours end, Barnes had gained flight engineer certification, accumulated 750 flight hours over enemy territory and earned the Air Medal. He was the first CMSAF with direct Vietnam experience and the first African-American to serve in the highest enlisted post of a military service. The CSAF consecutively extended him in 1975 and in 1976.

CMSAF Thomas N. Barnes

October 1973 July 1977 Died: 17 March 2003 CMSAF Barnes notable contribution came in the area that inspired his greatest passion and ranked among his largest challenges: working to ensure equality among the ranks and races. He took great pride in the part he played in bringing about the Air Force Social Actions Program in 1969. He labored to eliminate barriers for women and convince the Air Force to use them in nontraditional roles. He understood the value of continuing to educate Airmen and believed no one should advance in rank without PME, working to establish the services firm commitment to enlisted PME. Recognized throughout the force for his ability to communicate with anyone, Barnes made listening to Airmen a priority. At the beginning of his tenure, the question most asked of Barnes was, What programs will you implement for the blacks? The answer was None, Barnes recalls. I told them I work for all blue suiters. After his retirement, Barnes remained actively engaged in Air Force issues. CMSAF Barnes died in 2003.


1 OCTOBER 2013 CMSAF Robert D. Gaylor:


CMSAF Robert D. Gaylor

August 1977 July 1979 Growing up in Indiana, Robert D. Gaylor wanted to travel and learn a skill. He enlisted in the Air Force in 1948, a transition time for America and the military. As he arrived at basic training, President Truman issued Executive Order 9981, Establishing the Presidents Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity In the Armed Forces, calling for equality of opportunity in the United States military. Gaylor had had no experience with segregation or integration and he would witness the long journey to full integration. His first duty was as a military policeman and he excelled throughout his career, advancing to the rank of master sergeant with only 7 years and 7 months of service. Serving as an instructor at basic training and the NCO Academy convinced him that special duties help prepare NCOs for greater leadership roles. In 1976, as a member of the Air Force Manpower and Personnel Center, Gaylor traveled extensively, giving 275 leadership talks annually. CMSAF Gaylors goal as the senior enlisted man was to feel the pulse of the enlisted force and serve as a conduit of information. He addressed low morale and the weak military public image head on. He educated the force on the hazards of substance abuse and continued to raise confidence and shift attitudes within the force. He is credited with securing a policy that allowed SrA to transport their families at government expense during permanent change of station (PCS) moves, a solid step toward improving quality of life. He educated the force in order to eliminate the stereotypes and prejudices working against equal opportunities for minorities and women. Finally, Gaylor promoted leadership. He traveled extensively, talking to Airmen about taking pride in their military careers. He believes one of the most important roles a former CMSAF can play is that of a link between the U.S. Air Force of the past and todays service. Gaylor continues to meet and serve Airmen, conducting more than 40 Air Force base visits each year. CMSAF James M. McCoy: James M. McCoy was raised in the midwest, attending high school in Atchison, Kansas, and college at St. Benedicts College in Atchison and St. Ambrose College in Davenport, Iowa. He seriously considered a vocation in the priesthood, but in 1951, during the height of the Korean War, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force as a radar operator. When the war ended, the Air Force had too many operators and needed military training instructors (TI). McCoy volunteered and, with only 6 years of active duty experience, found himself in charge of five groups of TIs. He continued working within the PME system, serving as NCO preparatory school commandant and as an NCOA instructor before returning to the personnel training field in 1973. A year later he was selected as one of the U.S. Air CMSAF James M. McCoy August 1979 July 1981 Forces 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year. He then became Strategic Air Commands first SEA. While there, McCoy was a member of the Air Force Management Improvement Group, chaired by CMSAF Barnes, which formed to discuss management issues and propose solutions. As a result, enlisted PME expanded into five phases. With the public still questioning the military involvement in Vietnam, the Air Force was experiencing the lowest recruiting year ever; retention rates were also dropping when CMSAF McCoy took office. His first challenge was to improve those numbers. In late 1979, along with former CMSAF Kisling, he testified before Congress that people were not reenlisting in the Air Force because they could not make ends meet on enlisted pay. McCoy worked with recruiters to get the right people in the Air Force and sought to improve the PME system from basic training to the NCO and SNCO level. During his tour as CMSAF, the Stripes for Exceptional Performers Program (STEP) was instituted to provide incentive and an alternate promotion option for enlisted members. In addition to visiting Airmen, he placed great value on being involved with the Pentagon staff. He expanded the list of boards and conferences where he believed the CMSAF should have a role. In retirement, McCoy remains at the forefront of Air Force issues, having served in leadership positions with Air Force professional organizations and speaking to Airmen throughout the force.

196 CMSAF Arthur L. "Bud" Andrews:

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AFPAM36-2241 In January 1953, out of a sense of patriotism and a desire to grow and develop, Arthur "Bud" L. Andrews enlisted in the Air Force. During basic training, his TI asked for volunteers to serve as APs. Thinking AP meant air police, Andrews raised his hand. As it turned out, the TI wanted area policemen. He spent the next 3 months picking up cigarette butts outside the barracks. He eventually had an opportunity to enter the military police force, where he served most of the next 14 years. In 1959, while working as an investigator, Andrews was credited with solving a murder committed by an airman second class. By 1970, Andrews served tours in Morocco, Thailand, and Vietnam; became a first sergeant; and was promoted to the rank of SMSgt. During his career he spent a decade as a first sergeant.
CMSAF Arthur L. Andrews
August 1981 July 1983 Died: 26 October 1996 Upon assuming his new position, CMSAF Andrews top priority could be described as getting back to basics. He believed the most vexing problems (such as terms of pay, benefits, recruitment, and retention) had been addressed and were evolving to meet Airmens needs. While he continued to advise the CSAF on quality -of-life improvements, he began to focus on cultural change. He felt it was time for Airmen to think we instead of me, me, me. He wanted people to focus on how were supposed to dress, act, and react toward subordinates and superiors, and how were supposed to do our jobs. He challenged NCOs to take care of their people and to accomplish the mission. He further suggested that NCOs look at themselves i f they were dissatisfied with their jobs. He dispelled the days of leadership by stress and applauded PME for creating a smarter force. Andrews believed the CMSAF needed to know the issues firsthand, which kept him traveling extensively around the Air Force. CMSAF Andrews died in 1996. CMSAF Sam E. Parish: Sam E. Parish was raised and educated in north Florida. In 1955, at age 17, he joined the Air Force as a ground weather equipment operator. His first assignment at Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany, brought him into an experimental program to cross train as a weather observer. That experiment led to a career. In 1960, he became the youngest 7-skill level in his career field and continued to excel. While the chief observer for the 7th Weather Squadron in Heidelberg, Germany, he was quickly promoted to SMSgt, and at age 31, Parish made CMSgt. He was a member of the first SNCO Academy class, and was selected as the Air Weather Service SEA in 1973. He returned to Germany in 1976 as the Consolidated Base Personnel Office Personnel Sergeant Major, and in 1977 became the SEA for the U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), where he established the USAFE First Sergeant of the Year program. Parish later served as the 40th Air Division and Strategic Air Command SEA.

CMSAF Sam E. Parish

August 1983 June 1986 CMSAF Parish tackled a range of enlisted personnel issues during his tenure. One such issue was the fixed-phase point for promotion to senior airman, which would promote qualified Airmen to SrA at a set point in their initial enlistment, allowing them a chance to be selected for SSgt during their first enlistment. He also obtained CSAF approval to allow flight line personnel to wear a functional badge on their uniform, which led to U.S. Air Force members in all specialties being able to wear functional badges identifying their career fields. He also obtained CSAF approval to establish the John Levitow Award for each level of PME and to implement the First Sergeant of the Year Program Air Force-wide. He was known as a straight shooter who did not waste time trying to figure out what people wanted to hear. Instead, he told them what they needed to hear. To Parish, the CMSAF is the most important job in the Air Force from an enlisted program perspective. In retirement, he continues to support Airmen by attending service functions and visiting bases throughout the Air Force.


1 OCTOBER 2013 CMSAF James C. Binnicker:

197 James C. Binnicker, raised in Aiken, South Carolina, joined the Civil Air Patrol in high school with aspirations of becoming a pilot. Cadet of the Year honors earned him a scholarship to attend flight school and the right to represent his state as a foreign exchange cadet in Great Britain. But, in 1957, doctors detected a high frequency hearing loss, disqualifying him from the program. To stay close to his passion, he joined the Air Force in the personal equipment, later called life support, career field. By 1964, Binnicker cross trained into air operations, planning flights for missions to Vietnam. While serving in Vietnam from 1968 to 1969, he served as NCOIC of operations for the 22d Tactical Air Support Squadron, and later as a Vietnamese-speaking linguist at the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Language School in Saigon. While in Vietnam, he set his sights on becoming the CMSAF and, as such, being an advocate for enlisted CMSAF James C. Binnicker July 1986 July 1990 Airmen. He also served as a first sergeant and base sergeant major at Seymour Johnson AFB NC. In 1977, on the recommendation of CMSAF Thomas Barnes, he became the sole enlisted member of the newly established Presidents Commission on Military Compensation. In addition, he spent over 7 years as the SEA for the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing, 12th Air Force, Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), and Tactical Air Command. CMSAF Binnickers first order of business was tackling the airman performance report, a system of ratings from 1 to 9. In an effort to more accurately differentiate between Airmen, the enlisted performance report was created, along with a system to provide and document performance feedback. Next, Binnicker set his sights on admitting MSgts to the SNCOA. He believed giving Airmen all the responsibility they could handle would result in attracting and retaining higher quality people in the Air Force. He also worked to give minorities and women more responsibilities throughout the Air Force. The CSAF recognized Binnicker as a staunch advocate and spokesman for enlisted issues. His commitment has not changed, and although he retired in 1994, he stays abreast of issues affecting the enlisted force. In addition to visiting PME classes to talk with students worldwide, he is president and chief executive officer for the Air Force Enlisted Foundation, Incorporated, and attends many enlisted forums and conferences. CMSAF Gary R. Pfingston: Gary R. Pfingston played minor league baseball before enlisting in the Air Force as an aircraft mechanic. During his first assignment as a B-52 crew chief at Castle AFB, California, he went to work one day with a pack of cigarettes and $2, and did not return home for 30 days because the Cuban Missile Crisis sent the base into lockdown. Ten years later, Pfingston worked aircraft maintenance in Thailand, reconfiguring B-52s to carry conventional bombs in what became known as iron belly modifications. In 197 3, he returned to the states and spent the next 8 1/2 years as a military TI, and later, chief of the military training division. During an assignment to Andersen AFB, Guam, Pfingston broke his back, was hospitalized for 147 days, and returned to duty as the first sergeant. Future assignments had Pfingston taking part in the first ability to survive and operate exercise in a chemical environment and serving as a SEA.

CMSAF Gary R. Pfingston

August 1990 October 1994 Died: 23 June 2007 CMSAF Pfingstons focus during his tenure was the Air Force drawdown and budget. Holding the highest enlisted position during Desert Storm, he worked to restore basic allowance for subsistence to the troops living in field conditions and increasing the servicemembers Group Life Insurance, but the toughest challenge he faced was the Air Force downsizing. To avoid involuntary separations, Pfingston worked to implement the Voluntary Separation Incentive and Special Separation Bonus Programs. His idea to provide career paths and milestones in line with the officer career model, led to the CFETP, three-level and seven-level technical schools for all career fields, and mandatory in-residence PME schools. He also found himself involved with issues such as homosexuals serving in the military, Air Force specialty codes (AFSC) opening up to women, assignment policies including the Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing (EQUAL) and EQUAL-Plus, and even the introduction of the new senior NCO stripes. Pfingston remained active in what he called the communication chain of former CMSAFs advocating for the enlisted force after his retirement. CMSAF Pfingston died in 2007.

198 CMSAF David J. Campanale:

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AFPAM36-2241 Worcester, Massachusetts, native David J. Campanale said he had the world by the throat after high school. A promising athlete, when a baseball career fell through, his mother encouraged him to join the Air Force in 1970. Campanale completed aircraft maintenance technical school despite poor study habits and breaking his collarbone playing football. He credits his supervisors at his first base with turning his attitude around. Campanale sought challenges, volunteering for several tours to Andersen AFB, Guam, in support of B-52 Arc Light missions in Southeast Asia. He later volunteered to transfer to aerial repair. As he rose through the ranks, Campanale earned the distinguished graduate award at both the NCOA and SNCOA and was STEP-promoted to MSgt. He later served as a SEA, a role called richly rewarding.
CMSAF David J. Campanale
October 1994 November 1996 The year CMSAF Campanale began his tour, the military launched the new TRICARE health program. The change introduced many questions and a great deal of anxiety. He led the charge to alleviate those feelings through education. Also, when Congress threatened to change the retirement system to High One effectively reducing retirement pay, Campanale quickly responded. With senior leader support, Campanale stood before Congress in the successful fight against the proposed change. Another important recruitment and retention milestone was adoption of the one-plus-one dormitory standard, which gave each Airman his or her own room. Not a proponent of long speeches, while visiting bases he encouraged questions rather than delivering a speech, which created meaningful dialogue. He believes anyone can become CMSAF and offers those who want to follow in his footsteps this piece of advice: Be honest and keep your promise. Campanale continues to actively mentor Airmen serving today. CMSAF Eric W. Benken: Raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, after graduating high school Eric W. Benken moved to Houston, Texas, to join his parents. Struggling to find a good paying job out of the area, he joined the Air Force as an administrative specialist. Although first assigned to Ellington AFB TX (less than 25 miles from Houston), he would get his chance to travel 9 months later, on orders to Ching Chuan Kang AB, Taiwan. During his tour, he deployed to South Vietnam, where he spent his 20th birthday. As the USAFE SEA, he facilitated the highly successful beddown of forces during the Bosnia Operation Joint Endeavor. He led numerous quality-oflife initiatives, including eliminating/remodeling a third of the USAFE zero-privacy dormitories, making way for the newly developed one-plusone dormitories. During his assignment, Benken crafted the NCO Professional Development Seminar, an effort to fill the career education void between ALS and the NCOA.

CMSAF Eric W. Benken

November 1996 August1999 During his tenure as CMSAF, he focused heavily on fundamental discipline, getting back to basics, and changing the culture of the Air Force to meet new expeditionary requirements. He championed Warrior Week at basic training and ensured funding for a simulated deployed location at Lackland AFB TX. He instituted changes in the First Sergeant Academy curriculum, focusing on deployment responsibilities. He believed changing the title senior enlisted advisor to command chief master sergeant and adding the star to the chevron were critical to the success of these positions, in garrison and on the battlefield. CMSAF Benken engaged Congress and special interest groups on numerous fronts, ultimately defeating attempts to alter basic military training (BMT) gender-integrated training, and reversing the diminished retirement system of 1986. Other significant challenges included ensuring TRICARE met health care needs, and modernizing the force with a limited budget. He believed Air Force leaders should focus on the future and take steps to prepare the force for the next century. Benken served as the first co-chair of the Air Force Retiree Council, currently serves on the board of directors for the Airmen Memorial Foundation and the Mission Readiness Organization Executive Advisory Council, and continues to speak at a variety of Air Force functions.


1 OCTOBER 2013 CMSAF Jim Finch:


CMSAF Frederick J. Finch

August 1999 June 2002 Jim Finch entered the Air Force from East Hampton, New York, expecting to do only a 4-year hitch. He planned to learn a trade and see what the world had to offer and move on. Finch spent the early part of his career in the bomb dumps as a missile maintenance crew chief before becoming a PME instructor. After 4 years of teaching, Finch moved to the Leadership and Management Development Center at Maxwell AFB AL. While there, he helped develop a correspondence version of the NCO preparatory course, and taught new PME instructors. He was subsequently selected as the Air Force NCO PME functional manager at the Air Force Military Personnel Center. While there, he was involved in restructuring the PME program from four to three levels and implementing procedures to create ALS and allow MSgts to attend the SNCOA. Finch later served as an NCO Academy commandant, the 11th Air Force SEA, and Air Combat Command CCM. When CMSAF Finch took the reins, the Air Force was moving from a cold war to an expeditionary mindset. He implemented CMSAF Benkens basic training Warrior Week vision to help new recruits understand that the expeditionary air force was not a temporary concept. He credits the programs success to the men and women at Lackland AFB, Texas. Finch also streamlined the CCM selection process. The changes created a manageable pool of candidates and gave commanders more selection flexibility. Known as a man of vision, he spent 3 years focusing on enlisted members concerns, and implementing programs to improve future preparedness. Finch recognized that the armed forces had to change to meet changing threats to national security. He believed future-focused leaders were paramount to success and made significant contributions to ensure the force developed that kind of leader. Finch maintains his vision for Airmen by serving on boards of Air Force-associated organizations, visiting Air Force members worldwide, and supporting current CMSAF agendas. CMSAF Gerald R. Murray: Gerald R. Murray, a native of Boiling Springs, North Carolina, grew up on his grandfathers farm. Graduating high school in 1974, he briefly attended college, married his school sweetheart, and worked in textile mills and construction before entering the Air Force as an F-4 aircraft crew chief in 1977. Murrays performance and capabilities were q uickly recognized by his promotion to SrA below the zone, and selection as an F-16 aircraft maintenance instructor. He continued to excel as the senior F-16 crew chief on "Victor Alert" at Incirlik AB, Turkey, and later as an A-10 squadron production superintendent. Deployed in support of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, he played a key role as the combat turn director at the most CMSAF Gerald R. Murray forward operation location in theater, garnering the Bronze Star, and later the July 2002 June 2006 Air Force General Lew Allen Trophy. After standing up a new A-10 squadron at Moody AFB GA, Murrays performance and leadership were recognized again when he was pulled from the flight line to serve as the 347th Wing SEA and CCM. He later served as the CCM at 5th Air Force, U.S. Forces Japan, and PACAF. An evolving expeditionary air force and a changed world after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks were catalysts for change during Murrays tenure. Murray refocused BMT and PME toward expeditionary combat principles and took a leading role in developing a new physical fitness program to improve Air Force-wide capabilities and readiness. Additionally, Murray led efforts to balance the enlisted force structure by increasing high-year tenure for four enlisted grades, bringing back the career job reservation and NCO retraining programs, and redistributing senior NCO promotions in critical and unbalanced AFSCs. Understanding the need to maintain strong leadership, he initiated a deliberate approach to NCO professional development; led changes to the management of CMSgts, including alignment under the Air Force Senior Leaders Management Office, and added a CMSgts leadership course to the enlisted PME continuum. In retirement, Murray remains active in shaping Airmen development, serving with Air Force professional organizations and continuing to speak throughout the force.

200 CMSAF Rodney J. McKinley:

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AFPAM36-2241 Rodney J. McKinley grew up in Mt. Orab, Ohio, and originally entered the Air Force in 1974 as a medical technician. He separated from the Air Force in 1977 to pursue his education. He returned to active duty in 1982 as an aircraft maintenance specialist and served in various aircraft maintenance positions at Myrtle Beach AFB SC, and Clark AB, Philippines. In 1991, he became a first sergeant, a position he held for the next 10 years, with assignments at Myrtle Beach AFB SC; Ghedi AB, Italy; Tinker AFB OK; and Ramstein AB, Germany. Chief McKinley then served as a CCM at Ramstein AB, Germany; Langley AFB VA; and 11th Air Force at Elmendorf AFB AK. In February 2003, during the early days of Operation Iraqi Freedom, he deployed as CCM to the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing, Southwest Asia. Before being selected as the 15th CMSAF, he was the PACAF CCM at Hickam AFB HI.
CMSAF Rodney J. McKinley
June 2006 June 2009 During his tenure, CMSAF McKinley was an advocate for winning the Global War on Terrorism, developing and taking care of Airmen, and modernizing aging air, space, and cyberspace assets. CMSAF McKinley focused on properly organizing, training, and equipping Airmen during a time when many were being tasked outside their core competencies. His efforts to improve the enlisted evaluation system resulted in the first major changes to feedback and performance report forms since 1990. CMSAF McKinley also advocated for an educated enlisted corps and strongly encouraged Airmen to pursue their Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) degree earlier in their careers. A strong advocate for the American Airman spirit, he opened the door for creation of the Airmans Creed, which codified core Air Force beliefs and articulated the warrior ethos. His vision led as well to creation of the Enlisted Heroes Walk on the parade field at Lackland AFB TX, and the return of the enlisted collar brass and Good Conduct Medal. CMSAF McKinley also pursued improvements in Airman health and fitness, wounded warrior care, child care, spousal employment opportunities, and accompanied and unaccompanied housing. CMSAF James A. Roy: James A. Roy grew up in Monroe, Michigan, and originally entered the Air Force in 1982 as a heavy equipment operator. He served in various civil engineer positions at MacDill AFB FL; Osan AB, Republic of Korea; Kunsan AB, Korea; Andersen AFB, Guam; and Keesler AFB MS. He returned to the site of his original technical trainingFort Leonard Wood MOas an instructor and instructor supervisor. As a SMSgt, he transferred into personnel as the military personnel flight superintendent, Keesler AFB MS, in 1999. From there, Chief Roy served as a CCM at wing, NAF, and unified combatant command levels. These assignments included Columbus AFB MS; Charleston AFB SC; Langley AFB VA; and 5th Air Force and U.S. Forces Japan, at Yokota AB, Japan. In October 2004, he deployed as the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing, Southwest Asia CCM. He then served as the U.S. Pacific Command senior enlisted leader at Camp H.M. Smith HI.

CMSAF James A. Roy

June 2009 January 2013 Chief Roys key focus areas included ensuring Airmen were ready for joint and coalition operations; deliberately developing Airmen through education, training and experience; and building a culture of resiliency within Airmen and their families. He worked to expand and solidify training and engagement in joint and coalition environments, which helped enhance the employability of Airmen in the increasingly joint and coalition warfighting environment. He also stressed the importance of updating and expanding distance-learning opportunities, and developed and promoted the EPME-Next construct, designed to close the gap in PME following ALS.


1 OCTOBER 2013 CMSAF James A. Cody

201 James A. Cody is the 17th CMSAF. He grew up in Lakeville, Massachusetts, and entered the Air Force in 1984 as an air traffic controller. He served in various air traffic control positions at Ramstein AB, Germany; Pease AFB NH; Vandenburg AFB CA; Osan AB, Republic of Korea; Incirlik AB, Turkey; Langley AFB VA; and MacDill AFB FL. In April 2002, he deployed as the superintendent of the Joint Task ForceSouthwest Asia Combat Airspace Management Cell. Chief Cody then served as a CCM at a task force; wing; NAF; and major command level. These included assignments to Travis AFB, CA; MacDill AFB, FL; and 18th Air Force at Scott AFB, IL. Immediately before assuming his position as CMSAF, he was the command chief master sergeant for the Air Education and Training Command at Randolph AFB TX.
CMSAF James A. Cody
January 2013 Present

9.14. Airmanship Defined. 9.14.1. The Army has soldiers. The Navy has sailors. The Marine Corps has marines. The Air Force has Airmen. From the airman basic to the four-star general, we in the Air Force are all Airmen. As Airmen, we are part of a professional subculture and we demonstrate various disciplines in defense of our Nation through something we call airmanship. Airmanship is the mindset, evident in our behaviors, that causes us to proudly exhibit the highest levels of professional service to our country. 9.14.2. What exactly is this mindset? The dictionary defines mindset as a mental disposition or attitude that predetermines ones responses and interpretations of situations. In the case of airmanship, that mental disposition or attitude (mindset) is what we think and how we feel about membership in the profession of arms, and that mindset is reflected in our behavior. A genuine belief in and commitment to the oath of enlistment, an embracement of Air Force core values as your own, and a contagious willingness to fulfill all NCO responsibilities are the hallmarks of that mindset. Such a mindset produces pride, selfless service, and care for our country. It is this mindset that we aspire to create and sustain in order to perpetuate behaviors necessary for mission accomplishment. 9.14.3. Our behavior is a direct result of our mindset (belief, commitment, embracement, and willingness), and demonstrates our personal commitment to membership in the profession of arms. Adherence to and enforcement of standards, impeccable wear of the uniform, readiness to perform mission objectives, and perpetuation of the Air Force culture provide a clear picture of what we expect Airman behavior to look like. 9.14.4. Airmanship is the combination of symbols, values, and behavior patterns that make up our unique culture. Reflect on the definition of airmanship and evaluate your mindset behaviors to determine if you proudly exhibit the highest levels of professionalism in service to our country (Table 9.1). Table 9.1. Airmanship Behaviors. I T E M 1 2 3 A B

Airmanship Keeping promises Believing and embracing Air Force core values Willingness to fulfill all mandated responsibilities

Mindset Behaviors Carrying out the oath of enlistment or commissioning oath Living Air Force core values; using them to guide decisionmaking and behavior Fulfilling all mandated responsibilities

9.15. We Are All Recruiters (WEAR) and Recruiters Assistance Programs (RAP): 9.15.1. The We Are All Recruiters (WEAR) Program grants individuals permissive temporary duty (TDY) status if they are participating in an event that will directly help Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) efforts. Whether visiting schools, volunteering to help an actual recruiter, or talking to various people about the Air Force, all service members can contribute to the recruiting mission. WEAR was created to augment limited recruiting resources and stretch limited advertising dollars. A WEAR event is an event where the interaction of Air Force personnel educates and increases public awareness of the Air Force and could potentially provide numerous leads for recruiters. A request to


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participate in the WEAR Program must be approved by the individuals commander according to AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program. Requests are then routed through AFRS Public Affairs to the AFRS commander. Members may be granted up to 12 days permissive TDY to attend approved WEAR events. For more information, see AFI 363003. 9.15.2. The Recruiter Assistance Program (RAP) is an active-duty leave program run by AFRS. The Air Force grants up to 12 days of nonchargeable leave, including one weekend, in accordance with AFI 36-3003. RAP is open to Airmen of all ranks interested in participating and having a positive impact on recruiting. RAP is beneficial to the Air Force and to participants because Airmen can be a major influence in bringing the Air Force story to their hometown or place of previous residence by helping recruiters make contacts and develop leads. RAP duties may include participation in question-and-answer sessions, making presentations, or providing testimonials of their Air Force experiences to high school and college students. For more information about RAP, see AFI 36-3003. Section 9CEnlisted Professional Military Education (EPME) 9.16. U.S. Air Force Enlisted Professional Military Education (EPME). Air Force EPME complements training, experience, and other educational programs to provide enlisted leaders a continuum of learning via progressive courses concentrated on developing airmanship and war-fighting skills. EPME courses provide professional education to enlisted Airmen at specific and critical career points, and thus play a vital role in preparing them for increased supervision, leadership, and management challenges. More specifically, enlisted PME develops Air Force institutional competencies and subcompetencies vital to the knowledge and skills required for sound decisionmaking and ultimately strategic thinking to provide the Air Force with agile combat support. The three levels of Air Force EPME are ALS, NCOA, and the AFSNCOA. All three levels of EPME are delivered at resident schools and are also available via distance learning (DL) courses. EPME provides career-long learning opportunities to prepare enlisted members for positions of greater responsibility and to increase their commitment to the military profession. More than 40,000 enlisted Airmen complete EPME courses each year. For more information about Air Force EPME programs and policies, see AFI 36-2301. 9.16.1. Thomas N. Barnes Center, EPME Academic Affairs (AA). The Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education (BCEE), EPME AA is located at Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex AL. AA provides EPME program development, faculty development, and operational program management for three resident and three DL courses. AA also conducts studies and advises Air Force and other key leaders on numerous issues and policies pertaining to Air Force and joint EPME matters. They can be reached via the BCEE home page at Mission, Vision, and Goal. The AA mission is to provide the continuum of EPME necessary to inspire and develop enlisted leaders with the moral framework of integrity, service, and excellence. The AA vision is to instill Airmen with a warrior ethos, an expeditionary mindset, and a passion for leading in the cause of freedom. Finally, the goal of AA is to expand the leadership ability of enlisted leaders and strengthen their commitment to the profession of arms by integrating sound leadership, communication skills, and military studies, principles, and concepts through the EPME curricula. Curriculum. EPME AA provides comprehensive programs (curricula, evaluation, analysis, instructor development) for each level of EPME. These programs consist of thorough and rigorous academic courses that use performance evaluations and objective examinations to determine how well students achieve instructional objectives. EPME courses are based on three broad areas of learning/graduate attributes: military professional, expeditionary leadership, and leadership communication. The principle methods of instruction are guided discussion, case study analysis, and experiential learning. Academic Credit. Airmen receive academic credit for completing EPME courses through the CCAF, accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. EPME schools provide the CCAF with class graduate data, and the CCAF automatically updates individual records and transcripts. 9.16.2. EPME Resident Courses: ALS. The ALS is the first level of EPME that enlisted Airmen complete as they progress through their Air Force careers. On 1 October 1991, Air University established a standardized ALS program that replaced the NCO Preparatory Course and the NCO Leadership School. ALSs operate at almost every installation across the Air Force. Mission and Goals. The ALS mission is to prepare senior airmen (SrA) to be professional, warfighting Airmen able to supervise and lead Air Force teams to support the employment of air, space, and


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cyberspace power. The goal is for SrA to understand expectations inherent in their position and the need for professional development in order to become effective NCOs. Completion of ALS in residence is required to perform duties as a reporting official and to be eligible for promotion to SSgt. Curriculum. ALS is a 5-week course with a curriculum designed to develop a mindset and associated skills to meet four core graduate attributes: (1) expeditionary Airman, (2) supervisor of Airmen, (3) military professional, and (4) supervisory communicator. ALS graduates earn 10 semester hours of college credit with CCAF. NCOA. In November 1993, operational control of stateside NCOAs transferred from the various MAJCOMs to AETC. AETC assigned all stateside NCOAs to the College for EPME (now the BCEE). In addition to the five Barnes Center-operated academies, the Air National Guard operates one NCOA, PACAF operates three, and United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) operates one. Mission and Goals. The NCOA mission is to prepare TSgts to be professional, war-fighting Airmen who can lead and manage Air Force units in the employment of air, space, and cyberspace power. The goal is for TSgts to understand their position in the military structure and develop the skills necessary to be effective supervisors and leaders. Resident NCOA completion is required within 2 years of sewing on TSgt and to be eligible for promotion to MSgt. Curriculum. NCOA is a 6-week course with a curriculum designed to develop a mindset and associated skills to meet four core professional NCO attributes: (1) military professional, (2) operational Airman, (3) unit manager, and (4) managerial communicator. NCOA graduates earn 11 semester hours of college credit with CCAF. AFSNCOA. The Air Force established the AFSNCOA in 1972 to enhance development of SNCOs through PME. In January 1973, the AFSNCOA conducted its first class of 120 SNCOs at Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex AL. Presently, the AFSNCOA trains up to 2,250 Air Force SNCOs, (SMSgts, SMSgt selects, and selected MSgts), Navy and Coast Guard chief petty officers, Army and Marine sergeants major, and international SNCOs annually. Mission and Goals. The AFSNCOA mission is to prepare senior NCOs to lead the enlisted force in the employment of air, space, and cyberspace power in support of national security objectives. The AFSNCOA vision is to equip todays senor enlisted leaders to be tomorrows expeditionary warriors. AFSNCOA in residence is required for promotion to SMSgt. Curriculum. The AFSNCOA is a 7-week course that focuses on four key attributes: (1) military professional, (2) operational manager, (3) joint warfighter, and (4) senior communicator. For 3 days, the AFSNCOA students team up with Squadron Officer School students to improve officer and enlisted interaction within the PME environment and increase understanding and appreciation of the talents that each brings to the projection of airpower. AFSNCOA graduates earn 13 semester hours of college credit with CCAF. 9.16.3. EPME DL Courses. Students completing EPME DL courses gain additional knowledge about their increasing responsibilities as leaders and managers described in AFI 36-2618. EPME DL course policies are available on the education and logistics communications, A4/6 (formerly Air Force Institute of Advanced Distributed Learning) Web page at ALS (Course 1). ALS (Course 1) is a paper-based course available to Reserve and Guard personnel only. Course 1 consists of five volumes: (1) Successful learning, (2) expeditionary Airman, (3) supervisor of Airmen, (4) military professional, and (5) supervisory communicator. There is one end-of-course test. Course 1 graduates earn 8 CCAF semester hours of college credit. NCOA (Course 9). NCOA (Course 9) is a paper-based course available to Reserve and Guard personnel only. Course 9 consists of five volumes: (1) Successful learning, (2) military professional, (3) operational Airman, (4) unit manager, and (5) managerial communicator. There is one end-of-course test. Course 9 graduates earn 8 CCAF semester hours of college credit. SNCO (Course 14). SNCO (Course 14) is a Web-based multimedia course that requires internet access. It is available to U.S. Air Force active duty, Reserve, and Guard personnel. Course 14 covers five areas of curriculum: (1) profession of arms, (2) communication skills, (3) behavior analysis, (4) human resource development, and (5) organizational management. The course has five objectively evaluated subcourses via multiple-choice tests. Although the course is voluntary, completion is highly encouraged for Air Force active


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duty personnel and required for a senior rater endorsement on SNCO enlisted performance reports. Course 14 graduates earn 4 CCAF semester hours of college credit. 9.17. Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (SEJPME). Operating in joint, interagency, multinational, and coalition war-fighting organizations requires all enlisted personnel to learn joint concepts. Enlisted personnel learn joint concepts at each EPME level to improve their ability to operate effectively as part of the joint force and to meet joint force needs. The SEJPME course provides SNCOs a more comprehensive joint education to prepare them for assignments to joint billets at the senior enlisted leader or command senior enlisted leader level. 9.17.1. Mission and Goals. The SEJPME course is a Web-based course that educates senior enlisted leaders assigned to or slated to serve in joint organizations. The course is designed to expose enlisted personnel to joint education, prepare them to succeed by improving their ability to operate effectively as part of a future joint force, and prepare them to supervise multiple Service members. The SEJME course is open to active duty, Reserve, and Guard personnel in grades E-6 through E-9. The SEJPME course is offered entirely on line and is accessible from anywhere at any time via the internet. Note: Students should complete rank-required service EPME before enrolling in this course. 9.17.2. Curriculum. The SEJPME course consists of a pretest, five learning modules of various lengths totaling 40 hours, section quizzes, and a final exam. Because the course is self-paced, how long a student takes to complete it depends on a students schedule and personal commitment. For more information or to enroll, go to Section 9DMilitary Ethics 9.18. Introduction. Military ethics is about what is good and true, and having the courage to do and be what and who we ought to be. Military ethics is not about personal successes or failures, or virtues or vices. Military ethics is about our heritage and history, and our responsibility to be men and women of character. 9.18.1. According to Dr. James H. Toner, former Professor of International Relations and Military Ethics, Air War College, military ethics is rooted in the three Os: owing, ordering, and oughting. 9.18.2. Military ethics cannot properly exist without the concept of owing. If we, as Airmen, know why we owe, we are able to recognize the obligation, responsibility, and duty which give rise to moral thinking and ethical reasoning. Airmen must understand that they owe a debt of gratitude to country, family, service, chain of command, and comrades. That is what the core value service before self means, and is reflected in this line from the Airmans Creed: I am faithful to a proud heritage, a tradition of honor, and a legacy of valor. 9.18.3. The second O is for ordering, or what Toner calls moral structuring and ethical priorities. In other words, are you putting your priorities in the right order? Many illegal activities or stupid mistakes are the result of a leaders failure to order wisely and well. As enlisted personnel, we take an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States, and to obey the President and the officers appointed over us, in that order. As Airmen, our highest priority is to serve our country. We can never sacrifice the good of our Nation for the good of our Service, our superiors, or ourselves. According to Toner, the proper ordering of our priorities should be country, Air Force, unit. Toner points out that all we need to do to understand this concept is to look at the Service tapes on our uniforms and notice that U.S. always comes before Air Force. 9.18.4. The final O, oughting, is the understanding of what Airmen ought to do every day. What Airmen do may not be what they ought to do. It may sound simple, but military hierarchies insist upon obedience to orders and total discipline. Ethics, however, demurs, insisting upon conditional and contextual obedience to orders, which ought to be obeyed, if lawful. Integrity is always a good guide to help us determine what we ought to do when faced with ethical dilemmas. 9.18.5. As Airmen, we owe those who wore the uniform before us. We are free today because others sacrificed their time, effort, and lives to make our country what it is, and we must continue the fight to ensure our country stays strong and secure. We must also order our priorities so we are able to overcome any temptation to stray from our military norms and values. Finally, we should always do what we ought to do.


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9.18.6. Military ethics is not about others. It is about you knowing what is true and doing what is right; about being the man or woman who leads the kind of life you can be proud of. Section 9EEnlisted Force Development 9.19. Introduction. Enlisted Force Development (EFD) is a life-cycle approach to developing innovative Airmen prepared to accomplish the Air Force mission and lead in a rapidly evolving global environment while attempting to meet both personal and professional needs. Deliberate development is essential thr oughout an Airmans career and is satisfied through education on institutional competencies, training on functional competencies, a varied array of experiences, and developmental tools. The most important issue when it comes to developing Airmen is to ensure they are taking full advantage of the abundant opportunities that exist both functionally and institutionally. From an enterprise perspective, it is imperative to look at how an Airmen progresses through their career field and then into operational and strategic leadership positions. 9.19.1. Functionally, the Air Force develops technical experts through career field progression planning. From the earliest stages of their careers, Airmen and their supervisors must comprehend the progression path for technical and tactical development. In the majority of career fields, the progression roadmap and pyramid provide sufficient direction to produce Airmen qualified for their current duties and for future responsibilities. It is incumbent upon career field managers to routinely review their progression strategy to ensure the career fields technical requirements are being satisfied. 9.19.2. Institutionally, we develop experienced leaders. As Airmen demonstrate expertise and potential, they should be encouraged to take on more responsibility and increased leadership roles. Experience opportunities such as deployments, joint assignments and headquarters staff assignments offer a unique perspective on how the Air Force functions. Furthermore, special duty assignments provide skills and insight beneficial to an Airmans future capabilities. 9.19.3. Additionally, educational opportunities exist throughout an Airmans career which contributes to individual overall development. Enlisted Professional Military Education, developmental education, civilian education and other self improvement programs (such as the CSAF Professional Reading Program) enhance the knowledge and capabilities of Airmen. 9.19.4. Effective career progression and Airman development is dependent on continuous conversations between supervisors and subordinates regarding career field and institutional requirements; personal qualifications and goals; and available developmental opportunities. Routine counseling and performance feedback sessions should include these discussions. 9.20. Enlisted Force Development Oversight: 9.20.1. The Enlisted Force Development Panel (EFDP). The EFDP is responsible for guiding enlisted force development efforts. The EFDP is charged to review, evaluate, and make recommendations to senior Air Force leaders regarding concerns, programs and initiatives relating to the education, training and experiences impacting enlisted Airman development. The EFDP is cochaired by the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force and the Director, Force Development (AF/A1D). Panel members include Command Chief Master Sergeants from the Combatant Command and Major Command level as well as Chief Master Sergeants from the Air Force Reserve Command and the Air National Guard. Additionally, there are Career Field Managers and representatives from Air Education Training Command, Air University, Second Air Force, Basic Military Training and Headquarters Air Force. A former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force attends as a strategic advisor. 9.21. Enlisted Force Development Tools: 9.21.1. Enlisted Development Teams (EDTs). The EFDP recommended initiating EDTs in 2010. In 2011, pilot EDTs were conducted in eight career field specialties. In August 2012, AF/A1 and the Vice Chief of Staff approved EDTs for all AFSCs. EDTs ensure senior leadership becomes familiar with the people assigned to their functional area, making assessments of their qualifications for future opportunities. EDTs are used by career fields to perform succession planning in order to identify personnel eligible for critical leadership and developmental positions based on defined education, training, experience and performance requirements.

206 9.21.2. My Enlisted Development Plan (MyEDP).

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MyEDP is a Web-based resource which provides a streamlined, self-service approach to enable enlisted Airmen to manage their professional development. MyEDP allows Airmen to view information and data related to their specific career field, as well as track and plan their individual career paths, stay informed, collaborate with peers, and track their professional progression. Through My EDP, Airmen can access information through a common interface that was once available only by accessing many separate systems. Additionally, special features include mentoring capabilities, discussion forums, and tools for Airmen to track their personal and professional accomplishments. 9.21.3. Strategic Visual Mapping Tool. The Enlisted Force Development Strategic Visual Mapping Tool is an interactive tool designed to help senior Air Force leaders gain insight and understanding of the Enlisted Force Development enterprise and specific aspects of training, education, and experience. The combination of graphical representations and program data will facilitate senior leader communication and transparency. Various stakeholders will be able to use this tool to make informed decisions impacting the future of the enlisted force. In addition, the tool contains a worldview map (Figure 9.5.) of enlisted force development which includes rank tiers, leadership levels, strategic guidance, force development goals and other pertinent force development information. Figure 9.5. Enlisted Force Development Worldview

9.21.4. Enlisted Career Path Pyramid. The Enlisted Career Pyramid (Figure 9.6) is a display of training education, and experience which enlisted Airmen will encounter throughout their career. It provides Airmen with an understanding of current and future opportunities for continuing development.


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Figure 9.6. Enlisted Career Path Pyramid.

9.22. Institutional Competencies. Prepare Airmen to operate successfully across the widest array of Air Force tasks and requirements. These competencies provide a common language and a set of priorities for consistency across the Air Force. The Air Forces institutional competencies are key to ensuring the ability of Airmen to operate successfully in a constantly changing operational environment. They are broadly applicable and span all occupations, functions, and organizational levels. These competencies place the institutional responsibilities into a context of how the individual should be developed and form the framework for force development in the Air Force. The institutional competency list consists of 8 competencies and 24 sub-competencies. They are grouped into three categories: personal, people/team, and organizational. 9.22.1. Personal Competencies. Personal competencies (Figure 9.7) are those institutional competencies leaders need in face-to-face and interpersonal relationships that directly influence human behavior and values. These are foundational institutional competencies learned at the tactical level that will continue to play a critical role as leaders move to the operational competence 54 and strategic vision levels. Personal competencies are essential for individual contribution, for building cohesive units and for empowering immediate subordinates. Each competency below is followed by the relevant subcompetencies that define it.

208 Figure 9.7. Institutional Competencies Personal

Competency Subcompetency Ethical Leadership

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Followership Embodies Airman Culture

Warrior Ethos

Develops Self

Speaking and Writing Communicating

Active listening

Definition Promotes Air Force core values (integrity first, service before self, excellence in all we do) through goals, actions, and referent behaviors Develops trust and commitment through words and actions Accountable for areas of responsibility, operations of unit, and personal actions Maintains checks and balances on self and others Comprehends and values the essential role of followership in mission accomplishment Seeks command, guidance and/or leadership while providing unbiased advice Aligns priorities and actions toward chain of command guidance for mission accomplishment Exercises flexibility and adapts quickly to alternating role as leader/follower: follower first, leader at times Exhibits a hardiness of spirit despite physical and mental hardshipsmoral and physical courage Continuously hones their skills to support the employment of military capabilities Displays military/executive bearing, self-discipline, and self control Assesses self to identify strengths and developmental needs Seeks and incorporates feedback on own performance; aware of personal impact on others Continually increases breadth and depth of knowledge and skills; develops lifelong learning habits Articulates ideas and intent in a clear, concise, and convincing manner through both verbal and written communication Adjusts communication approach to unique operational environment and audience needs Effectively creates communication bridges between units, organizations, and institutions Fosters the free exchange of ideas in an atmosphere of open exchange Actively attempts to understand others' points of view and clarifies information as needed Solicits feedback to ensure that others understand messages as they were intended

9.22.2. People/Team Competencies. This group of competencies (Figure 9.8) involves more interpersonal and team relationships. They represent competencies that, when combined with the personal competencies, are essential as leaders move on to lead larger groups or organizations. People/team leadership competencies are usually exercised more indirectly than personal leadership competencies. Leaders use these competencies to set the organizational climate. Each competency below is followed by the relevant subcompetencies that define it. 9.22.3. Organizational Competencies. These competencies (Figure 9.9) represent those applicable at all levels of the Air Force but are most in demand at the strategic level. Strategic leaders apply organizational competencies to establish structure and articulate strategic vision. Effective organizational competency skills include technical competence on force structure and integration; on unified, joint, multinational, and interagency operations; on resource allocation; and on management of complex systems. In addition, they apply to conceptual competence in creating policy and vision and interpersonal skills emphasizing consensus building and influencing peers and other policy makers, both internal and external to the organization. This level is the nexus of warfighting leadership skills for the Air Force. It is achieved through having learned the lessons from the other types of institutional competencies (i.e., personal and people/team). Each competency below is followed by the relevant subcompetencies that define it.


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Figure 9.8. Institutional Competencies People/Team

Competency Subcompetency Definition Helps and motivates others to improve their skills and enhance their performance through feedback, coaching, mentoring, and delegating Empowers others and guides them in the direction of their goals and mission accomplishment Inspires others to transcend their own self-interests and embrace personal sacrifice and risk for the good of the organization and mission People first--attends to the physical, mental, ethical, and spiritual well-being of fellow airmen and their families Creates an environment where airmen take care of airmen 24/7, 365 days a year, including leaders, peers, and subordinates; integrates wellness into mission accomplishment Establishes work-life balance through time management and setting clear expectations and priorities Leverages differences in individual characteristics, experiences, and abilities Leverages diversity for mission accomplishment and fosters an inclusive environment Shows respect for others regardless of the situation; treats people in an equitable manner Builds effective teams for goal and mission accomplishment and improves team performance Contributes to group identity while fostering cohesiveness, confidence, and cooperation Sees and attends to the interests, goals, and values of other individuals and institutions Develops networks and alliances that span organizational, Service, department, agency, and national boundaries Understands the underlying principles and concepts applied before, during, and after a negotiation Attains desired mission outcomes while maintaining positive, long-term relationships with key individuals and groups Uses appropriate interpersonal styles and methods to reduce tension or conflict between two or more people, anticipates and addresses conflict constructively, and anticipates and prevents counter-productive confrontations Persuades and influences others; builds consensus; gains cooperation; effectively collaborates

Develops and Inspires Others

Leading People

Takes Care of People


Builds Teams and Coalitions

Fostering Collaborative Relationships


210 Figure 9.9. Institutional Competencies Organizational

Competency Subcompetency Operational and Strategic Art Unit, Air Force, Joint, and Coalition Capabilities Non-adversarial Crisis Response

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Understands and applies operational and strategic art in conventional and irregular warfare, peacekeeping, and homeland operations Demonstrates expertise in integrating and leveraging doctrine, concepts, and capabilities within an effects-based approach to operations Utilizes innovation and technology in the employment of lethal and nonlethal force Considers and applies capabilities of the Air Force across air, space, and cyberspace Understands how Air Force capabilities relate and complement other Service capabilities Understands interdependencies and interoperability across Services, agencies, departments, and coalition partners Recognizes the national security implications of peacekeeping operations, humanitarian relief operations, and support to civil authorities, both foreign and domestic Understands the need for engagement before and after warfighting or crisis response, the need for integrated involvement with interagency and multinational partners, and the need for multipurpose capabilities that can be applied across the range of military operations Understands the organizational structure and relationships between the Air Force, the Department of Defense (DOD), joint staff, the combatant commands, the defense agencies, and other elements of the defense structure Understands how ones function or unit fits into its parent organizations Understands how ones parent organization relates to its external environmentsupporting and supported organizations, the public, Congress, etc. Understands essential operating features and functions of the Air Force, DOD, the national security structure, other related executive branch functions, and Congress, to include leadership and organization; roles of members, committees, and staffs; authorization, appropriation, and budget processes; acquisition policy and procedures; and interdependencies and relationships Conscious of regional and other factors influencing defense, domestic, and foreign policy Seeks to understand foreign cultural, religious, political, organizational, and societal norms and customs Develops linguistic skills Informs and appropriately influences key audiences by synchronizing and integrating communication efforts to deliver truthful, timely, accurate, and credible information, analysis, and opinion Formulates the institutional message, telling the Air Force story Identifies, acquires, administers, and conserves financial, informational, technological, material, warfare, and human resources needed to accomplish the mission Implements best practice management techniques throughout the organization Embraces, supports, and leads change Understands the change management process, critical success factors, and common problems and costs Perceives opportunities and risks before or as they emerge Originates action to improve existing conditions and processes, using appropriate methods to identify opportunities, implement solutions, and measure impact Supports ongoing commitment to improve processes, products, services, and people Anticipates and meets the needs of both internal and external stakeholders Takes a long-term view and builds a shared vision that clearly defines and expresses a future state Provides innovative and creative insights and solutions for guiding and directing organizations to meet institutional needs Formulates effective plans and strategies for consistently achieving goals and maximizing mission accomplishment Anticipates potential threats, barriers, and opportunities; encourages risk-taking Identifies, evaluates, and assimilates data and information from multiple streams and differentiates information according to its utility; uses information to influence actions and decisions Uses analytic methods in solving problems and developing alternatives Makes sound, well-informed, and timely decisions despite conditions of ambiguity, risk and uncertainty Analyzes situations critically to anticipate second and third order effects of proposed policies / actions Establishes metrics to evaluate results and adapts and implements feedback Maintains effectiveness when experiencing major changes in work tasks or environment Adjusts to change within new work structures, processes, requirements, and cultures Responds quickly and proactively to ambiguous and emerging conditions, opportunities, and risks

Employing Military Capabilities

Enterprise Structure and Relationships

Enterprise Perspective

Government Organization and Processes Global, Regional, and Cultural Awareness Strategic Communication Resource Stewardship

Managing Organizations and Resources

Change Management

Continuous Improvement


Strategic Thinking Decision-making



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Chapter 9 ends here for those testing to SSgt, TSgt, or MSgt. If testing to SMSgt or CMSgt, continue studying this chapter (Section 9F).

212 Section 9FThe Profession of Arms: An Airmans Perspective 9.23. Americas Guardians:

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9.23.1. Since the Nations birth, it has been the constitutional duty of our military to ensure national survival, defend lives and property, and promote vital interest at home and abroad. To provide for the common defense, all of Americas military services strive for excellence in how they organize, train, and equip their forces to fight and win the Nations wars. All are vital, interdependent components of a mighty joint team, united by a tradition of honor, valor, and devotion. 9.23.2. The Air Force exists to fly, fight, and win to achieve strategic, operational, and tactical objectives unhindered by time, distance, or geography. The Air Forces mission is to deliver sovereign options for the defense of the United States of America and its global intereststo fly and fight in Air, Space, and Cyberspace. Thereby, jointly with our brothers and sisters in armssoldiers, sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmenwe underwrite the strategy of defending the homeland and assuring allies, while dissuading, deterring, and defeating enemies. 9.24. Professionalism or Profession of Arms. No profession asks more of its members than the Profession of Arms. We are warriors, we have answered our Nations call; no one puts more on the line to defend freedom than the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. As members of the joint team, we Airmen are part of a unique profession that is founded on the premise of service before self. We are not engaged in just another job; we are practitioners of the profession of arms. We are entrusted with the security of our Nation, the protection of our citizens, and the preservation of its way of life. In this capacity, we serve as guardians of Americas future. By its very nature, this responsibility requires us to place the needs of our service and our country before personal concerns. Our military profession is sharply distinguished from others by what General Sir John Hackett has termed the unlimited liability clause. Upon entering the Air Force, we accept a sacred trust from the American people. We swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We take this obligation freely without any reservations. We thereby commit our lives in defense of America and her citizens should that become necessary. No other profession readily expects its members to lay down their lives for their friends, families, or freedoms. But our profession readily expects its members to willingly risk their lives in performing their professional duties. By voluntarily serving in the military profession, we accept unique responsibilities. Inherent in all this is the individuals willingness to subordinate personal interests for the good of ones unit, ones Service, and ones Nation. We can ill afford individuals who become sunshine soldiers or get focused on careerism. Instead, we need professionals who strive to be the best at their current job and who realize they attain individual advancement through the success of their unit or workcenter. General Ronald R. Fogleman Former Air Force Chief of Staff 9.25. The Airmans Perspective: 9.25.1. Throughout our history, the Air Force has always had a perspective or mindset different than the surface components of national military power. It is based on a long history of lessons learned in peace and war. Specifically, airpower in application is fundamentally different from other forms of military power. Second, its inherent flexibility allows its force to be applied independently or in concert with other forms of military power. And third, it can be most effective if applied for the right reasons and in the right concentrations at the right time and place to achieve effects on the battlefield. Therefore, since Air Force forces are employed differently, in different mediums, at different speeds and closure rates and over greater distances, it must be applied by those who truly appreciate the breadth and scope in the application of that power. It is knowledge of these aspects of Air Force capabilities in which an Airman should be fluent.


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9.25.2. Given that Airmen are essential to the Air Force institution and to the successful execution of its mission, it is important to understand and actively advocate the Airmans perspective on the use of air power to achieve objectives as directed by proper authority. All Airmen share the same goalto accomplish their organizations mission. In order to defend the United States and its global interests, Airmen should be prepared to fly and fight in air, space, and cyberspace. Using the Airmans perspective gives Airmen a distinctive advantage when performing this mission of the Air Force. Airmen bring not only knowledge, skills, and abilities that allow them to accomplish this mission, but a manner of approaching mission accomplishment unique to those educated, trained, and experienced in bringing airmindedness to all actions they perform. An Airman brings a perspective to performing the Services mission that compounds his or her effectiveness in a manner best suited to support a commander. 9.25.3. Upon entering the Air Force, members take an oath signifying their personal commitment to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and a commitment and willingness to serve their country for the duration of their Air Force career. The oath is a solemn promise to do ones duty and meet ones responsibilities. The oath espouses the responsibility to lead others in the exercise of one s duty. 9.25.4. Building warrior leaders who have the competencies and skills to understand the complexity of expeditionary operations and the successful execution of airpower capabilities in unilateral, joint, or coalition operations is a responsibility shared by the Air Force and individual Airmen. These Airmen must also be able to use scarce resources effectively to deliver required air, space, and cyberspace effects. The development of this warrior ethos is an individual and organizational responsibility. 9.25.5. When Air Force forces are employed in various operational environments, they offer basic characteristics that, when exploited, are fundamental to the successful conduct of war and peace. These characteristics, when molded into viable force capabilities and executed by knowledge-enabled Airmen, enhance the overall ability of the joint team to achieve success when called upon. Therefore, each Airman should understand and be able to articulate the full potential and application of Air Force capabilities required to support the Air Force mission and meet U.S. national security objectives. 9.26. The Warrior Ethos: 9.26.1. The central focus of the profession of arms is warfighting. As Airmen, we have a special responsibility to ensure the most lethal Air Force the world has ever seen flies and fights the right way. Airmen have inherited an Air Force forged through the ingenuity, courage, and strength of Airmen who preceded them. An Airmans duty is to continue to provide the Nation and the next generation of Airmen an equally dominant Air Force. Doing so requires Airmen to fully understand the profession of arms they have chosen, the commitment they made by taking an oath of office, and the acceptance to live according to the Air Forces core values. This is the warrior ethos. It is a mindset designed to build the confidence and commitment necessary to shape professional Airmen able to work as a team to accomplish the mission. This mindset is shaped by an expeditionary service during combat, humanitarian response, disaster relief operations, and by the lessons learned from those operations. It is also developed and sustained over the course of a career through a continuum of learning and associated development experiences, including a wide variety of assignments, focused training and education, exhibiting pride in the Air Force uniform, physical conditioning, and understanding Air Force symbols, history, and culture. 9.26.2. Airmen share a history of service, honor, and sacrifice. From the earliest days of airpower to the heights of space, Airmen have built an extraordinary heritage that forms the foundation for the Services boundless horizon. Even though we are technology focused, we value quality over quantity. We embrace change and through transformation and innovation ensure a viable Air Force for the future. Airmen firmly grounded in the core values and ingrained with the warrior ethos react to combat stresses, operational deployment pressures, and daily home station demands with valor, courage, and sacrifice. We all have these characteristics, which surface often during times of great difficulty or unforeseen circumstances. While many acts of valor, courage or sacrifice go unseen, others helped shape the finest traditions of the Air Force. They should be recognized not only as part of U.S. Air Force history, but also to illustrate that any Airman may be called upon to perform above and beyond in the profession of arms. 9.27. Valor. Valor is the ability to face danger or hardship in a determined and resolute manner. It is commonly known as bravery, fearlessness, fortitude, gallantry, heart, nerve, and many other terms. Valor is the willingness to step outside of ones comfort zone to deal with an unexpected situation. Such situations can happen almost anywhere. Valor exists in places other than on the battlefield; an Airman can exhibit valor when presented with unusual circumstances in the daily routine of life. When acting with valor, one expresses the qualities of a hero or heroine.


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In the summer of 2005, SrA Shea Dodson wanted to do more than his assigned administrative duties inside of Baghdads Green Zone. The call was out for volunteers to provide security for ongoing convoys, so Airman Dodson raised his hand. After some intense just-in-time training, he was performing security detail for his first convoy. On this mission, Airman Dodson put that training to good use. When a suspected vehicle-borne suicide bomber raced toward the convoy, he fired .50 caliber rounds into the engine block no fewer than four times, disabling the vehicle. During the same mission, his unit became mired in traffic near a high-rise development. He noticed movement above and saw an Iraqi armed with an AK-47 creeping toward the edge of a balcony overlooking the convoy. Airman Dodson immediately engaged with indirect warning fire from his M-16, hitting the wall next to the suspected insurgents head. The armed Iraqi dove for cover and never returned. When the convoy arrived at its final destination, a childrens school, he continued with a complete security sweep of the perimeter houses to ensure it was clear. Airman Dodson remained on armed watch as his team handed out school supplies to the kids in the open courtyard. By 2 PM that same day, Airman Dodson was back at his desk, keeping track of critical data for the commanding general of the Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq. It was all in a days work for this dedicated Airman. Quotations from the Air Force Memorial in Washington, DC Saving the lives of your fellow Airman is the most extraordinary kind of heroism that I know. General Curtis E. LeMay (b. 1906 d. 1990) Former Air Force Chief of Staff When I think of the enlisted force, I see dedication, determination, loyalty, and valor. Paul W. Airey (b. 1923 d. 2009) First Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force As I prepare for thismission, I am a bit homesick Mother and Dad, you are very close to me, and I long so to talk to you. America has asked much of our generation, but Im glad to give her all I have because she has given me so much. Sergeant Arnold Rahe, U.S. Army Air Forces, WWII Killed in France; from a letter to his parents 9.28. Courage. Courage is about the ability to face fear, danger, or adversity. Three types of courage are critical in the profession of arms: personal, physical, and moral. Personal courage is about doing whats right even at risk to ones career. Physical courage is the ability to overcome fears of bodily harm to get the job done, or willingness to risk yourself for someone elses sake in battle or the course of everyday life. Finally, moral courage is the ability to stand by the core values when it may not be the popular thing to do. Integrity breeds courage when and where the behavior is most needed. More often than not, courage is manifested as an act of bravery on the battlefield as Airmen face the challenges present in combat. While on a special mission in Southwest Asia in 2005, TSgt Corey Clewley was loading cargo on his aircraft when he saw a Romanian C-130 experience a hard landing. Unbeknownst to the Romanian crew, the aircraft brakes caused a fire, causing Sergeant Clewley to spring into action. He instructed a fellow loadmaster to inform his aircraft commander of the situation and to ensure that someone contacted the control tower of the fire while he and a crew chief grabbed fire extinguishers and ran toward the burning aircraft. The Romanian C-130 fire intensified as it spread to the aircrafts fuselage and ruptured the hydraulic brake line. Despite the danger to himself, Sergeant Clewley got within a few feet of the flames and attempted to suppress the fire. His sense of urgency tripled when he realized the C-130 crew was still inside the aircraft and was unable to get out of the burning aircraft. He saw a member of the crew mouthing please, please and pointing to the troop exit door. Sergeant Clewley refocused his attention to that area and began suppressing the fire, enabling the crew to safely exit the aircraft. He continued to keep the fire under control until the fire department arrived. Sergeant Clewley credits the team effort that kept the incident from becoming a deadly event and never considered the risk to his own life as he worked to save a crew and aircraft that was not part of his responsibility, his service, or even his Nation. He noted that saving the lives of the people on board was more important than who owned the aircraft. Quotations from the Air Force Memorial in Washington, DC

AFPAM36-2241 9.29. Sacrifice:

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9.29.1. Sacrifice involves a willingness to give your life, time, or comfort to meet others' needs. Personal sacrifice occurs on many levels, but is commonly evident in the heroic actions of Airmen in combat. Day-to-day deployed garrison activities also present opportunities to put others' needs before individual wants. Everyday people can confront their fears, pains and uncertainties with courage or cower to the daily decisions facing them. Just being here (at Manas AB), you have overcome many challenges with your courage that helped prepare you to contribute to your Nation in tangible ways. You faced basic training, skills training, and deployment to a location worlds away from your normal life. All have taken courage and prepared you for the impact you are makingyour decisions, your actions, your sacrifices of the luxuries of home, friends, and family do make a difference. Every day, the Airmen of Manas, from Airman Basic to Colonel, make decisions that have an impact on the Global War on Terrorism! Without the contributions of the individual soldier who pays the price to secure freedom for the many, the mission does not get done. Simply putbecause Airmen have couragebecause Airmen make sacrificesbecause Airmen are not intimidated by challengesbecause YOU have the courage to live a life of sacrifice for the ideals of a nation, the mission is accomplished day in and day out. Major James Hall, Commander, Detachment 1, 317th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron Manas AB, Kyrgyzstan They knew not the day or hour nor the manner of their passing when far from home they were called to join that great band of heroic Airmen that went before. Quotations from the Air Force Memorial in Washington, DC Am going on a raid this afternoonthere is a possibility I wont returndo not worry about me as everyone has to leave this earth one way or another, and this is the way I have selected. If after this terrible war is over, the world emerges a saner placepogroms and persecutions halted, then Im glad I gave my efforts with thousands of others for such a cause. Inscription from the American Cemetery and Memorial, Cambridge, England Sergeant Carl Goldman, U.S Army Air Forces, WWII, B-17 Gunner, Killed in Western Europe; from a letter to his parents Our military families serve right alongside those of us in uniform. A special thank you to all the spouses and children and moms and dads out there pra ying for your loved ones in harms way we add our prayers, too, for their safe return. General Richard B. Myers Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 9.29.2. Exemplifying the Air Force core values, Senior Airman Jason Cunningham performed actions during Operation Enduring Freedom that earned him the thanks of a grateful Nation, but at the cost of his life:




The President of the United States of America, authorized by Title 10, Section 8742, U.S.C., awards the Air Force Cross to Senior Airman Jason D. Cunningham for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an opposing armed force while serving as a pararescueman near the village of Marzak in the Paktia Province of Afghanistan on 4 March 2002. On that proud day, Airman Cunningham was the primary Air Force Combat Search and Rescue medic assigned to a Quick Reaction Force tasked to recover two American servicemen evading capture in austere terrain occupied by massed Al Qaida and Taliban forces. Shortly before landing, his MH-47E helicopter received accurate rocket-propelled grenade and small arms fire, severely disabling the aircraft and causing it to crash land. The assault force formed a hasty defense and immediately suffered three fatalities and five critical casualties. Despite effective enemy fire, and at great risk to his own life, Airman Cunningham remained in the burning fuselage of the aircraft in order to treat the wounded. As he moved his patients to a more secure location, mortar rounds began to impact within fifty feet of his position. Disregarding this extreme danger, he continued the movement and exposed himself to enemy fire on seven separate occasions. When the second casualty collection point was also compromised, in a display of uncommon valor and gallantry, Airman Cunningham braved an intense small arms and rocket-propelled grenade attack while repositioning the critically wounded to a third collection point. Even after he was mortally wounded and quickly deteriorating, he continued to direct patient movement and transferred care to another medic. In the end, his distinct efforts led to the successful delivery of ten gravely wounded Americans to life-saving medical treatment. Through his extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, aggressiveness in the face of the enemy, and in the dedication of his service to his country, Senior Airman Cunningham reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. 9.30. Profession of Arms Conclusion: 9.30.1. We must remember that above all else, we are Airmen first. We, more than anyone else, understand the price that is paid for freedom. We, more than anyone else, understand the sacrifices that come from willingly serving our country. We, more than anyone else, understand what it means to belong to the Profession of Arms. 9.30.2. We must learn from history. Our shared touchstone of warrior virtues and single, unifying purpose remain unchanged: fly, fight, and win. We must remain true to the legacy of valor and devotion, so boldly written with contrails and smoke across the skies from Ploesti and Schweinfurt, through MiG Alley and downtown Hanoi, to Kandahar and Baghdad. This legacy defines our role in the American way of war to risk the lives of Airmen to kick down the opponents door so thousands need not die. Section 9GPersonal Professionalism The ultimate source of air and space combat capability resides in the men and women of the U.S. Air Force. We owe it to ourselves to continue our professional development to continue to hone our quality edge. General John Jumper Former Air Force Chief of Staff 9.31. Readiness: 9.31.1. One of the telltale signs of a military professional is preparation. When the time comes to use their skills, military professionals are ready because they took advantage of opportunities to gain experience. Every military member will have opportunities to serve. Those may be mundane, exciting, or inconvenient, but each will be an opportunity to gain experience and to improve readiness levels. 9.31.2. Often, opportunities to serve do not look particularly exciting or rewarding, but they hold the seeds of greatness. Doing such tasks builds the experience level needed to sharpen judgment and discernment. Military members should be open to a variety of experiences in order to grow in all areas of life (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual). Military professionals cannot be disconnected from the world and must remember that the cost of choosing one path may be the opportunity to take another. 9.31.3. The military professional who stands ready to make critical decisions and is able to perform under pressure is usually the one who took advantage of unique opportunities that arose. From past experiences, professionals build the


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confidence, judgment, courage, and integrity they need to act professionally. Will they always feel ready? Probably not, but most will likely say they wish they had more experience upon which to base their decisions or improve their performance. Most experience is gained by accepting opportunities as they come, even when conditions are not perfect. 9.31.4. Certainly, no one can do everything. Members must select wisely to prevent overloading and burnout. They can round out their perspective vicariously by sharing others experiences through reading. Charles, Archduke of Austria, pointed to this thought when he said, A great captain can be formed only by long experience and intense study; neither is his own experience enoughfor whose life issufficiently fruitful of events to render his knowledge universal? 9.32. CSAF Professional Reading Program: 9.32.1. In 1996, General Fogleman created the CSAF Professional Reading Program to develop a common frame of reference among Air Force membersofficers, enlisted, and civiliansto help each become better, more effective advocates of air and space power. Each CSAF since then has enhanced and continued the CSAFs Professional Reading Program. In 2012, General Norton A. Schwartz revised the list by adding books; films; technology, entertainment, design (TED) briefings; and online resources. 9.32.2. This program can help launch a career-long reading habit or be used to supplement previous readings. Listed materials cover various topics, although the majority detail air and space power from its genesis to recent times. These sources provide great examples of leadership to illustrate qualities Airmen should emulate. The list includes insight into Air Force history, analyze ongoing conflicts and their relevancy to the future, furnish organizational and leadership success stories, and provide lessons learned from recent conflicts. The more you study, the better you will understand the background behind the Air Forces core competencies and the better equipped you will be to form and express your own opinions. 9.32.3. The Air Force Historian (HQ USAF/HO) is responsible for day-to-day management of the reading list. The reading list is particularly relevant as civilian men and women take on more responsibility in these times of global terrorism and international conflict. Most of the books were chosen because of their readability. Their selection does not reflect CSAF or U.S. Air Force endorsement of the authors views or interpretations. Access the updated reading list and a brief summary of new selections at Air University will supply each Air Force library with multiple copies of each new book on the list. 9.33. Core Values: 9.33.1. Core values are at the heart and soul of the military profession: integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. Such values are closely intertwined since integrity provides the bedrock for our military endeavors and is fortified by service to country. This in turn fuels the drive for excellence. In light of the demands placed upon our people to support U.S. security interests around the globe, the concept of service before self needs further discussion. As members of the joint team, Airmen are part of a unique profession founded on the premise of service before self. Airmen are not engaged in just another job: they are practitioners of the profession of arms. They are entrusted with the security of the Nation, the protection of its citizens, and the preservation of its way of life. In this capacity, they serve as guardians of Americas future. By its very nature, this responsibility requires Airmen to place the needs of service and country before personal concerns. 9.33.2. The military profession is sharply distinguished from others by what General Sir John Hackett has termed the unlimited liability clause. Upon entering the Air Force, Airmen accept a sacred trust from the American people. They swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They take this obligation freely without any reservations and thereby commit their lives in defense of America and its citizens. 9.33.3. No other profession expects its members to lay down their lives for their friends, families, or freedoms. By voluntarily serving in the military profession, Airmen accept unique responsibilities. In todays world, service to country requires not only a high degree of skill, but also a willingness to make personal sacrifices. Airmen work long hours to provide the most combat capability possible for the taxpayer dollar. Military professionals go TDY or PCS to harsh locations to meet national security needs; are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and when called, deploy to the far corners of the globe without complaint. 9.33.4. Inherent in all of this is individual willingness to subordinate personal interests for the good of the unit, Service, and Nation. Airmen can ill afford sunshine soldiers, or those who focus on careerism. Instead, the military needs professionals who strive to be the best at their current job, and who realize they attain individual advancement through the success of their unit or work center. Careerism can be most damaging in the case of leaders. If


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subordinates perceive leaders are consumed with career concerns, they will be unwilling to forgo personal goals for the good of the unit and the Air Force. This situation is only aggravated by attempts to serve through a position or to do a quick touch and go in a key job simply to fill out a resume. Ultimately, the mission will suffer with potentially devastating consequences. 9.33.5. So, what is the payoff for placing service before self? It isn t solely the paycheck or the benefits that keep professionals going. Professionals remain with the Air Force because of the intangibles: the satisfaction gained from doing something significant with their lives, the pride in being part of a unique organization that lives by high standards, and the sense of accomplishment gained from defending the Nation and its democratic way of life. 9.34. Conclusion: 9.34.1. This chapter discusses the philosophy, purpose, and structure of the enlisted force and examines the NCO in terms of rank and precedence, legal authority, and general and specific responsibilities. It also briefly describes the special positions of trust SNCOs may hold, such as AFCFM, first sergeant, CCM, and CMSAF, and concludes with a discussion of the profession of arms. 9.34.2. The word professional should inspire all enlisted members to aspire to the ideal of service and expertise. Professional status comes to people at different times in their lives and careers. Furthermore, it is achieved through continuous study, practice, and experience. Overall, the military seems to fit strongly into the professional category, but at what point can an individual claim professional military status? Professional status is expressed by attitudes and commitments, and by internalizing military values. Studying and understanding these factors are vital to the SNCO and the future of the United States Air Force. Every SNCO has an obligation to the United States, to the Air Force, and to his or her supervisor and subordinates to be the very best professional possible. 9.34.3. Future military members must educate themselves through study, experience, and by observing others. They must learn to accept responsibility for their actions and those of their subordinates, and to take appropriate action, never hiding behind excuses. Their focus must be on devoted service to the Nation, not on pay, working conditions, or their next assignment. Only then will they move toward achieving the ideal of professionalism.


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Section 10AOverview 10.1. Introduction. Webster defines the word lead as to act as a guide or to guide, and leader as a person who leads, directs, commands, or guides a group or activity. Both definitions are stated simply, but the underlying implications of leadership are many and deep. There is a significant difference between commanding and leading. Given the authority, anyone can command. Leading, on the other hand, is a delicate art calling for people-oriented attributes many find elusive or difficult to develop. However, with determination and practical experience, people can develop leadership attributes. Commanders depend upon noncommissioned officers (NCO) to lead Airmen to accomplish the mission. This chapter discusses the art of leadership and provides information to help members evaluate their own leadership abilities. Furthermore, it provides tips on how to become an effective leader using Air Force standards as a starting point, discusses the interrelationship of leadership and management, and lists beneficial leadership qualities. In addition, it covers the concept of vision and provides an overview on empowerment and learning. Finally, this chapter provides information on leadership flexibility and followership, dealing effectively with change, the critical relationship between leadership and core values, mentoring, and counseling. Section 10BLeadership 10.2. The Art of Leadership. Leadership is the art and science of motivating, influencing, and directing Airmen to accomplish the Air Force mission in joint warfare. This highlights two fundamental elements of leadership: (1) the mission, objective, or task to be accomplished, and (2) the Airmen who accomplish it. All facet of Air Force leadership should support these two fundamental elements. Accomplishing the mission is the primary task of every military organization; everything else must be subordinate. However, a successful leader recognizes that people perform the mission and without their support, the unit will fail. The Air Force expects its members to develop leadership skills. The nature and extent of that development depends on the members status: officer, enlisted, or civilian. Air Force enlisted members will operate chiefly at the level of tactical expertise, where their technical skills are combined with their direct influence on subordinate members. Good leaders are people who have a passion to succeed.To become successful leaders, we must first learn that no matter how good the technology or how shiny the equipment, people-to-people relations get things done in our organizations. People are the assets that determine our success or failure. If you are to be a good leader, you have to cultivate your skills in the arena of personal relations. General Ronald R. Fogleman Former Air Force Chief of Staff 10.2.1. Involvement. Good leaders get involved in their Airmens careers. While people may obey arbitrary commands and orders, they respond quickly and usually give extra effort for leaders who genuinely care about them. An often neglected leadership principle in todays environment of technology and specialization is knowing the workers and showing sincere interest in their problems, career development, and welfare. Leadership is reflected in the degree of efficiency, productivity, morale, and motivation demonstrated by Airmen. Leadership involvement is the key ingredient to maximizing worker performance and hence the mission. Give people opportunities to take pride in their work and personal growth. People want to do well at their job; you have to help them do that. Robert D. Gaylor Former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force #5

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Leaders must be ready to hold themselves and their people accountable for their actions. They must be prepared to face difficult problems head-on and understand the mission, the people, and the standards. Leaders lead by example and set the tone. Above all, they do not countenance selective enforcement of standards. I know of no more ruinous paththan selective enforcement of rules and standards. Excellent leaders have very high standards and they enforce them with out fear or favors. General W. L. Creech (b. 1927-d. 2003) Former Commander, Tactical Air Command 10.2.3. Setting the Example. Setting the example can sometimes be the toughest part of being a leader. However, to be successful, leaders must evaluate themselves and work on their shortcomings. Effective leaders lead rather than drive people. They make fair and firm decisions that are in the best interest of good order, discipline, and successful accomplishment of the mission. A leaders responsibilities go further than just being responsible for accomplishing the mission. Effective leaders are not only expected to accomplish the mission, but to do so with the minimum cost in people, materiel, and money. While no one expects the leader to be perfect, a leader cannot demand the best from others if he or she cannot perform as expected. 10.3. Leadership Self-Evaluation. A leader must understand the scope of his or her responsibilities. The following questions give insight into what is expected of a leader and can help anyone aspiring to develop the necessary leadership skills. If you are truly honest with yourself, you will probably not answer yes to all of these questions. Your negative responses will provide you a direction upon which to focus your leadership improvement efforts. 10.3.1. Do I have the courage to make tough decisions and stand by them? 10.3.2. Am I flexible when dealing with changing situations? 10.3.3. Can I remain enthusiastic and cheerful when I am confronted with seemingly impossible tasks? 10.3.4. Am I willing to do my best with what seems to be inadequate means? 10.3.5. Can I inspire people to achieve outstanding results? 10.3.6. Am I willing to take reasonable risks to allow my Airmen to grow and become more productive? 10.3.7. Am I willing to let my Airmen be creative? 10.3.8. Does my manner invite communication? 10.3.9. Do I really listen? Can I withhold judgment until I have all the facts? 10.3.10. Am I willing to accept my Airmens failures as my own, yet immediately recognize their successes as theirs? 10.3.11. Am I able to do many things at one time? Can I manage a complex job? 10.3.12. Can I carry out orders as well as give them? 10.4. Advice to Leaders. There are no magic formulas when it comes to being a successful leaderleadership is an individual and personal thing. Every leader develops a unique style. The best advice may be to be yourself. However, aspiring leaders can still benefit from the recorded experiences of others. In 1976, while he was Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Forces, General Louis L. Wilson, Jr., wrote the following timeless advice: 10.4.1. Be Tough. Set your standards high and insist that your people measure up. Have the courage to correct those who fail to do so. In the long run, your people will be happier. Almost certainly morale will be higher, your outfit better, and your people prouder. 10.4.2. Get Out from Behind Your Desk. See for yourself what is going on in your work center. Your Airmen will see that youre interested in their problems, work conditions, and welfare. Many of your people problems will go away if you practice this point.


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10.4.3. Search Out the Problems. If you think there are no problems in your organization, you may be ignorant to problems that are not obvious. The trick is to find them. Foster an environment that encourages people to bring problems to you. 10.4.4. Find the Critical Path to Success. Get personally involved in issues on a priority basis. Let your influence be felt on make-or-break issues in your organization. Avoid the activity trapdont spend your valuable time on inconsequential or trivial matters. Weigh in where it counts. 10.4.5. Be Sensitive. Listen to your people. Communicate with them and be perceptive to their needs. Learn to recognize problems and seek out ideas. Be innovative. Recognize that effective communication involves shared perceptions. Dont be afraid to empathize when necessary. Listen, listen, and listen! 10.4.6. Do Not Take Things for Granted. Do not assume things have been fixedlook for yourself. Furthermore, dont assume problems will stay fixed. The probability is high that fixed problems will recur, so regularly monitor your processes. 10.4.7. Do Not Alibi. Remember, you and your people will never be perfect. People will make mistakes, so do not be defensive about things that are wrong. Nothing is more disgusting than the individual who can do no wrong and has an alibi for anything and everything that goes awry. 10.4.8. Do Not Procrastinate. Do not put off those hard decisions because you are not willing to make them today; it wont be any easier tomorrow. This does not mean you should make precipitous or unreasonable decisions just to be prompt. However, once you have arrived at what you believe is correct, get on with it. Do not block progress. 10.4.9. Do Not Tolerate Incompetence. Once people demonstrate laziness, disinterest, or an inability to get the job done, you must have the courage to terminate their assignments. You cannot afford to do less. On the other hand, when your people are doing good work, recognize it and encourage them. Certainly they will do even better. 10.4.10. Be Honest. Tell it like it is and insist that your people do likewise. They set their behavior patterns based upon your example. Nothing is more disastrous than garbled information, half-truths, and falsifications. Make sure your people know where you stand on this matter. Encourage them to come to you if they have questions about what is going on in the unit. You must create an atmosphere of trust and confidence. Finally, be honest with yourselfdont gimmick reports and figures to make things look good on paper. Advice from a successful leader can be a beneficial tool to the aspiring leader, but where the aspiring leader applies this tool will determine his or her success. The perfect place to start is Air Force standards. 10.5. Air Force Standards. Air Force standards of conduct, discipline, and customs and courtesies reflect the Air Forces broad heritage and traditions. Air Force leaders must not only know these standards, they must also enforce them. While current Department of Defense and Air Force policies provide specific guidance on standards, leaders need to be familiar with the following areas: 10.5.1. Mission. The Air Force exists to fly, fight, and winto achieve strategic, operational, and tactical objectives unhindered by time, distance, and geography. The Air Forces mission is to deliver sovereign options for the defense of the United States of America and its global intereststo fly and fight in air, space, and cyberspace. 10.5.2. Oath. Upon entering the Air Force, each member voluntarily takes an oath. With continued service or reenlistment, enlisted members reaffirm their belief and commitment to the following oath:


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I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. 10.5.3. Way of Life. Air Force members are subject to duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If so directed by a competent authority, they must report for duty at any hour, at any location, and must remain there as long as necessary to get the job done. The Air Force mission necessitates more restrictive rules and standards than are normally found in civilian life. Individuals unable to maintain these higher standards will not be retained in the Air Force. 10.5.4. Chain of Command. The chain of command provides the control and communications necessary to accomplish the mission. Each level is responsible for a lower level and accountable to all higher levels. The chain cannot work without loyalty at every level. The key principle is to resolve problems and seek answers at the lowest possible level. With loyalty up and down the chain, a highly efficient and effective system is in place for getting things done. 10.5.5. Conduct. The Air Force has a critical mission. Each member has specific responsibilities for accomplishing the mission. Each member must carry out orders, perform specific duty-related tasks, and live up to Air Force standards. Supervisors must make sure their Airmen meet these standards at all times. Standards of conduct apply both on and off duty, in personal behavior, and in the treatment of others in both military and civilian environments. 10.5.6. Professional Relationships. To have an effective operation, the Air Force must have professional relationships among its members. In all supervisory situations, professional relationships must support the mission and operational effectiveness of the Air Force. Officers and NCOs must make sure their personal relationships with coworkers and Airmen do not give the appearance of favoritism or impropriety. Excessive socialization and undue familiarity, real or perceived, degrade leadership. 10.6. Leadership Versus Management. "Leaders are people who do the right thing. Managers are people who do things right." Warren G. Bennis, Ph.D. Founding Chair, The Leadership Institute, University of Southern California 10.6.1. Which Is More Important? Any discussion of leadership in todays Air Force must include the controversial issue of leadership versus management. Some believe military success depends on effective management; others that charismatic leadership is the key to success. In reality, a combination of both is essential. 10.6.2. Roles of Leadership and Management. To better understand the roles of leadership and management, examine them in terms of three elements: behavior, personal characteristics, and organizational situation. Behavior: Managerial behavior is based on building organizational relations that mesh together like the parts of a timepiece. On the other hand, leadership behavior concentrates on making the hands of the timepiece move so as to display the time of day. The behavioral focus of each is clearly important; but, while the manager may be preoccupied with the precision of the process, the leader concentrates on the inertial forces that affect the process. "Management is getting people to do what needs to be done. Leadership is getting people to want to do what needs to be done. Warren G. Bennis, Ph.D. Founding Chair, The Leadership Institute, University of Southern California


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The words of Field Marshal Sir William Slim, who led the British Fourteenth Army in the conquest of Burma in World War II, are worthy of note: Leadership is of the spirit, compounded of personality and vision. Management is of the mind, more a matter of accurate calculation, statistics, methods, timetables, and routines." Field Marshal Sir William Slim British Fourteenth Army Burma, World War II Managers use the management process to control people by pushing them in the right direction. Leaders motivate and inspire people to keep moving in the right direction by satisfying human needs. In order to achieve a vision, leaders tailor their behavior toward their followers needs for achievement, sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, and control over their lives. Bennis offers an appropriate summary of this behavioral characteristics comparison in Figure 10.1. Figure 10.1. Managers and Leaders: A Comparison. BENNISS BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS COMPARISON Leaders Motivate Develop Inspire

Managers Administer Maintain Control

WHITES PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS COMPARISON Managers Leaders Problem solvers Analyze purposes and causes Statistics driven Values driven Seek conflict avoidance Accept and invite conflict Thrive on predictability Ambiguous Ensure organizational objectives are achieved (even Ensure their objectives and those of the organization if they disagree with them) become one and the same Personal Characteristics. Figure 10.1 also illustrates a comparison of successful leaders and managers, as researched by Professor Robert White, Indiana University. Neither type of behavior is exclusively positive or negative. Figure 10.1 suggests that leaders must have a grasp of management and leadership skills to be successful. Moreover, the two cannot and should not be separated. In other words, leadership is an art that includes management. The best managers tend to become good leaders because they develop leadership abilities and skills through practicing good management techniques. Similarly, seldom is there an effective leader who is not also a good manager. Successful leaders humanize their management skills with inspiration, empowerment, and vision through charisma. Organizational Situation: What are the organizational implications of management and leadership? Leaders launch and steer the organization toward the pursuit of goals and strategies, while managers ensure the resources needed to get there are available and used efficiently along the way. To achieve a plan, managers organize and staff jobs with qualified individuals, communicate the plan, delegate the responsibility for carrying out the plan, and devise systems to monitor implementation. Leaders, however, do not simply organize peoplethey align them. They understand the vision and are committed to it. (Note: The concept of vision is discussed in paragraph 10.8.) Additionally, they communicate the new direction to those who can create coalitions within and outside the organization. To be successful, an organization needs both leadership and management. For an organization, strong leadership with weak management is no better, and sometimes worse, than the opposite. The challenge is to achieve a balance of strong leadership and strong management. While not the most effective approach, a peacetime military can survive with good administration and management up and down the hierarchy, coupled


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with good leadership concentrated at the top. On the other hand, a wartime force must have competent leadership at all levels. Good management brings a degree of order and consistency to key issues like readiness, availability, and sustainment. However, no one has yet figured out how to manage people into battle. They must be led. 10.7. Leadership Qualities: 10.7.1. Positive Attitude. Leaders wear their attitude on their sleeve, and by doing so, this same attitude is reflected in their Airmen. Enthusiasm is contagious and can deliver energy to all aspects of organizational operations. Although encouragement is normally considered an action, encouragement is actually attitude related. The inclination to encourage Airmen, as well as oneself, is a powerful motivator and satisfies human needs. Effective leaders constantly embrace positive goals and display a positive attitude. 10.7.2. Values. The degree to which trust, loyalty, and integrity are present in the leadership of an organization directly relates to the organizations effectiveness. Leadership is the capacity to generate and sustain trust; trust is dependent upon reliability. Indicators of reliability such as punctual attendance at all meetings, prompt attention to correspondence, and meeting task deadlines translate into the level of trust people have in one another. Trust must also be balanced with a willingness to remove people who cannot be trusted and to make tough decisions when necessary. While the right decision is not always the easiest decision, your Airmen will respect you for doing the right thing in the long run. They will reward trust in leadership with their own trustworthiness and loyalty. Like trust, loyalty is a two-way street. Leaders cannot demand unwavering loyalty of their followers without being willing to return it. Integrity is a consistent and honest demonstration of personal commitment to the organization and its vision. Therefore, leaders should be ever mindful of the ramifications of their behavior and strive to epitomize the Air Force core value of integrity first. 10.7.3. Character. The character traits of effective leaders include charisma, compassion, and courage. Effective leadership is a combination of competence and character. Lack of character, however, will most often prevent individuals from becoming great leaders. "But what if the leader, government-appointed or self-appointed, shouts, Follow me! and no one does? When do men sometimes follow him, and shout enthusiastically too? Something called character must be apparent in the leader. The followers must like him and want to be like him, or want him to like them. When its over, they want himprivate, sergeant, lieutenant, or even General Eisenhowerto clap them on the shoulder and say hes proud of them." Paul Fussell, Ph.D., The Great War and Modern Memory Charisma. According to Webster, charisma is a special characteristic of leadership that inspires allegiance and devotion. Charisma can be effective, but is not a cure-all for leadership needs. German sociologist Max Webers research noted that charisma is often contrary to authority; superiors consequently frown on it. Additionally, once it becomes old hat to Airmen, charismas attraction and powers wane. Further, Airmen can easily spot disingenuous charisma, a characteristic that eventually erodes mission effectiveness. Compassion. Coupled with understanding, compassion is an important leadership trait. Because the human psyche bruises easily, most Airmen withhold their true feelings, often to the point of distress. Additionally, if Airmen do not share their feelings, NCOs will struggle to help Airmen improve their performance. Compassion provides the stimulus to open up and discuss ones inner feelings. Courage. Courage can take many forms. Leaders must demonstrate courage not only in combat and high-risk situations, but they must also demonstrate moral courage to be sincere and honest in their day-to-day taskings. They need courage to tell the truth about their units performance level, to welcome new ideas, and to act and do the right thing. Their courage gives courage to their followers, helping them to maintain composure in stressful situations. Finally, it provides Airmen the motivation to endure hardships. 10.7.4. Credibility. To be credible, leaders must have humility, commitment, and the ability to enhance the organization by drawing out the unique strengths of each member. They must get their hands dirty from time to time. Credibility is very


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fragile and takes years to earn through persistent, consistent, and patient leadership; yet credibility can be lost with one thoughtless remark, act, or broken agreement. In the present era, leaders are challenged to demonstrate their credibility even more. Successful leaders earn credibility through leading by example and taking responsibility. Leading by Example. Leaders lead by example. Leaders are positive role models when they lead by example and pay attention to what they believe is important. Through positive behavior, leaders show others that they live by their values. They reinforce their credibility when they do not dwell on the effort they have put forth. Plus, Airmen are impressed when leaders dont exhibit undue strain in difficult circumstances. Taking Responsibility. A crucial element of a leaders credibility is taking responsibility not only for his or her individual actions, but also for those of the Airmen. "All this has been my fault. It is I who have lost this fight, and you must help me out of it the best way you can." Attributed to General Robert E. Lee, Kent Masterson Browns Retreat from Gettysburg 10.8. Vision. Air Force leaders must have a collective visionvision that empowers, inspires, challenges, and motivates followers to the highest levels of commitment and a continuous process improvement environment. Therefore, we must embrace and communicate the Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century vision. The vision for Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century is to establish a continuous process improvement environment in which all Airmen are actively eliminating waste and continuously improving processes. These improvements must be centered around the core missions Airmen are responsible for conducting; specifically to maintain the asymmetric advantages and capabilities the Air Force delivers in air, space, and cyberspace. We need to ensure we are also driving efficiencies and improvements across the board. Therefore, we must use the right tools and techniques to see and attack problems and leverage opportunities for improvement and employ our greatest resource: innovative, dedicated Airmen. 10.8.1. What Is Vision? Vision is helping people believe they can accomplish their goals and move toward a better future as a result of their own efforts. Inspiration is one way to convey vision. To better understand this concept, consider the following examples: President Franklin D. Roosevelts announcement in May 1940 that the United States would produce 50,000 planes a year, and President John F. Kennedys 1961 announcement of the United States intention to put a man on the moon within the decade. Both goals were breathtaking, perhaps impossible by most standards, and yet both were achieved. In each case, the dramatic announcement and the infectious inspiration it bred helped achieve the goal. A unique feature of the human brain is its ability to form mental images of the future and to translate these images into reality through leadership and action. A leader should constantly anticipate the influences, trends, and demands that will affect the vision next month, next year, and over the next decade. Unfortunately, a common leadership error is to become preoccupied with the present at the expense of the future. To be of realistic value, the vision must be logical, deductive, and plausible. Vision must be specific enough to provide real guidance to people, but unbounded enough to encourage initiative and demonstrate relevancy to a variety of conditions. Leaders without vision are doomed to perpetuate complacency. They fail to prosper because they continue doing things as they have always been done. 10.8.2. Implementing the Vision. While senior leadership has the authority and responsibility to change the system as a whole, leaders at lower levels direct supervisors and subordinates to tasks more appropriate to the challenges of the new age. To do this, the leaders must communicate the vision to the unit, shop, or work center. Leaders are responsible for bolstering their Airmens courage and understanding. However, launching a vision cannot be a solo effort. Those who work for and with the leader are excellent sources of ideas. Leaders can prepare the organization for potential changes to come and disarm resistance to change by soliciting suggestions and promoting wide participation. "A great leaders courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position." John C. Maxwell The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

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Even a clearly articulated and achievable vision may flounder if appropriate resource management and leadership practices do not accompany it. Sometimes the vision becomes an obsession and, as a result, adversely affects leader and follower judgment. What is crucial about the vision is not its originality but how well it serves the mission requirements, strategic goals of the unit, and the Air Force as a whole. 10.8.4. Maintaining the Vision. Every leader needs to establish an enduring vision. A vision that meets the organizations needs at the time of implementation, over time, is unlikely to be applicable without changes. There is no regular schedule for vision revision. However, a wise leader does not wait for the alarm to sound before considering alternatives. Rather, the vision-forming process should be continual. Leaders should encourage personnel of all ranks, levels, and occupations to help articulate the vision. The experience will prove invaluable as unit members are promoted into more responsible, higher-level positions and continue to build an effective path to the future. On the other hand, the vision should not be arbitrarily modified. If the vision works and is consistent with environmental and technological developments, it should be affirmed and supported. As technology and our environment continue to evolve, our vision and leadership style must keep pace. 10.9. Empowerment: 10.9.1. Empowerment Defined. Empowerment is a force that energizes people and provides responsibility, ownership, and control over the work they perform. Some individuals interpret empowerment as merely the delegation of authority. Delegation is not empowerment; however, effective empowerment does require good delegation. Assigning people tasks, along with the freedom and authority needed to creatively accomplish the tasks, is the essence of empowerment. Consequently, empowerment is often confused with participative leadershipemphasizing sensitivity to needs, involving people, and asking people for help. While empowerment includes these concepts, it goes much further. Empowerment allows workers to become stakeholders in the organizations vision. Once they are committed to this vision, organization members begin to participate in shaping and fashioning it into a shared vision. This synergistically developed vision motivates people to focus on the future and what it holds, not simply because they must, but because they want to. For this approach to be successful, leaders must always be open and receptive to ideas and suggestions that could improve or refine the organizations vision. 10.9.2. Essence of Empowerment: The essence of empowerment requires both leaders and followers to identify with their respective share of the organizations goals. The military is traditionally an authoritarian organization. The need for rapid decisionmaking and crisis response normally necessitates a traditional hierarchical framework. However, complex hierarchical frameworks do not always result in rapid decisions. Furthermore, the continual transformation of leader-follower roles is heralding an environment that allows both leaders and followers to more effectively realize organizational goals and objectives. Effective empowerment is not new. Truly great leaders of the past never directly told their people how to do their jobs. Rather, they explained what needed to be done and established a playing field that allowed their people to achieve success on their own. Consequently, the followers success became a success for the leader and the organization as well. While the responsibility for task completion may be on the leaders shoulders, the burden of getting the job done is shared by all. Therefore, the adage, Its lonely at the top, is applicable to a leader who does not recognize the strengths of his or her people. Airmen can supply the details and express concerns that help overcome barriers to achieving visionary goals and mission accomplishment. When leaders solicit input, they discover the knowledge, interest, and parameters of support. 10.9.3. Guidelines to Empowerment. Empowerment enhances organizational performance by promoting contributions from every member of the organization. Trust is the cornerstone of the mutually dependent relationship shared by leaders and followers. Therefore, the leader must be flexible and patient in introducing empowerment. By delegating decisions to those closest to the issues and by allowing Airmen flexibility in how they implement the vision, the leader successfully allows others to take ownership of the vision and experience pride in achieving it. Thus, the leader must maintain a firm grip on operational requirements and strategic planning. The leader must also realize that not everyone is willing or ready to accept the reins of empowerment. To realize their potential in fulfilling the vision, empowered followers need sufficient training on the task at hand. Otherwise, they are doomed to fail. On the other hand, Airmen who have expert knowledge in a particular field should be encouraged to use this


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knowledge and improve the vision where and when possible. Recognition is a key factor in perpetuating improvements. Hence, an important facet of empowerment is the appropriate recognition of contributions Airmen make to maximize mission success. 10.9.4. Potential Pitfalls. Empowerment is frequently misunderstood and applied inappropriately. Empowerment is often associated with a laissez-faire style of leadership (abdicating responsibility for tasks to Airmen who are left to their own devices). This fire-and-forget approach to empowerment demonstrates a total absence of leadership. Conversely, empowerment is a leader-subordinate relationship that requires even more refined supervisory skills than traditional autocracy. People continually need direction, knowledge, resources, and support. Furthermore, empowerment and vision cannot be imposed. To do so would breed compliance rather than commitment. From an application standpoint, many leaders seek consensus as a means to empower their people. However, while consensus is assumed to be good because it represents what the group as a whole wants, consensus is usually safe and free from innovative ideas. Additionally, consensus can divert an organization from its true goal or vision. The adage that a camel is a horse built by consensus is not so farfetched. Leaders do not seek consensusthey build it. 10.10. Learning: 10.10.1. The Leaders Responsibilities. Life in the military incorporates a perpetual requirement for continued training and education. Effective leaders must accept the responsibility of being both a master student and master teacher and should influence others by example. Training is used to communicate and implement the organizations vi sion and values at the supervisory and subordinate levels. Training is not only fundamental in focusing the organizations strategic vision, but also helps develop the capabilities of the Airmen who make the vision a reality. Both formal and informal training do more than augment a units level of technical expertise. By providing the skills Airmen need to be successful, organizations realize increased energy and motivation. 10.10.2. Fostering Growth: Leaders foster professional growth by insisting their Airmen focus attention on the aspects of a situation, mission, or project they control. This is not to say tasks should be limited in scope or challenge. On the contrary, some adventure should be an integral part of every job. In order to motivate Airmen to learn and excel, leaders should provide challenging and enlightening experiences. Consequently, some supervisors want to tell an Airman what to do to improve. While this may impress the follower with the leaders knowledge, it creates an unnecessary dependence on the leader and critically limits the followers value of the experience. The role of the leader in fostering growth is to identify and analyze knowledge and improvement opportunities. This will ensure advancements are permanent and pervasive, not temporary and specific. Leaders encourage the learning process by formally recognizing individual and unit successes, no matter how large or small. A more formal and direct way for the leader to encourage the subordinate to learn is by setting standards. Standards have the multiple effects of providing feedback to the leader on performance, ensuring quality control of unit output, and giving Airmen a goal and inspiration for developing and performing to do their best. People want to know what is expected of them. No one goes to work and says, I am going to do a lousy job today. People work to succeed, and they need to know how you measure that success. Allow for a few mistakes because people must be given the latitude to learn. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr., Retired Former Commander, U.S. Central Command 10.10.3. Developing Airmen: To develop Airmen, a leader must: Train replacements (the next generation). Develop an understanding of roles and responsibilities. Be an advisor and mentor. Provide an opportunity for growth and promotion. Clarify expectations.

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AFPAM36-2241 Allow Airmen to make decisions and experience leadership. Encourage and facilitate formal education. An important milestone in any Airmans development process is to experience a significant challenge early in his or her career. Developing Airmen for leadership positions requires much work over long periods of time. Identifying people with leadership potential early in their careers and then determining the appropriate developmental challenges for them is the first step. Leaders must recognize and diagnose the capabilities of each Airman in their unit or organization. Those capabilities may include any skills, talents, experiences, personality temperaments, etc., the Airman may have that can contribute to current and future mission accomplishment. Leaders must also diagnose the developmental needs of Airmen and then assist them with personal and professional developmental needs that fulfill current or future job/role and responsibilities. Professional development needs may include off-duty education, Professional Military Education (PME), specific skill training, additional training, professional development seminars/courses, and communication skills, etc. Personal developmental needs may include relationships, interpersonal skills, communication skills, supervisory skills, off-duty education, etc. Todays effective leaders had opportunities early in their careers that required them to lead, take risks, and learn from their triumphs and failures. In business, successful corporations do not wait for leaders to come along. Rather, they actively seek out people with leadership potential and expose them to career experiences designed to develop their skills. However, leaders must caution themselves against becoming preoccupied with finding and developing young leadership potential. Leaders must guard against overlooking the late bloomer whose leadership potential was not evident early on. A late bloomers combination of maturity, experience, and untapped potential is a valuable asset to any organization. 10.10.4. Dealing with Setbacks: To learn and improve, people need to be encouraged to try new things; sometimes their efforts will fail. A fundamental aspect of empowerment is acknowledging the right to fail. Obviously, some common sense is required. There can be no tolerance for violating regulations, jeopardizing safety, or failing due to a lack of effort. However, if the setback is the result of a failed attempt, applaud the initiative and dissect it so the Airman can learn from what went wrong. Unfortunately, the fear of failure prevents many otherwise capable individuals from pursuing their creativity and innovation. An Airmans dedication to improving his or her abilities is quite a valuable asset to an organization. Followers must remain optimistic, even in times of adversity. Some people believe the key to success is to avoid failure. Consequently, they stay with the things they know and do well rather than risk failure by trying something new. The surest way to stifle creativity and innovation is to allow fear to perpetuate complacency. Airmen count on the experience and understanding of strong leaders in dealing with setbacks. There is no substitute for being able to say to an Airman, I know what youre feeling, Ive experienced similar setbacks. Here is how I chose to deal with the situation, and these are what the consequences of my actions were. Reflecting back on the situation, here is what I would do now if I had the chance to do things over. 10.11. Dealing with Change: 10.11.1. Because leadership is charged with introducing new ideas, methods, or solutions, innovation is inextricably connected with the process of being an effective leader. Innovation means change, and change requires leadership. Leaders must be the chief transformation officers in their organizations and learn everything there is to know about the change before it even takes place. Furthermore, they must learn how to deal with the emotions that result from the chaos and fear associated with change. Putting new processes in place is not enough. The people supporting these processes must be motivated to meet the challenge and support the change. To achieve that, leaders must maintain a clear understanding of the present and a clear focus on the future. 10.11.2. The leader must create an organizational climate conducive to change by explaining the limitations and shortfalls of the present process and the possibilities and benefits of the proposed change. Next, the leader must facilitate the change itself: walk Airmen through the change, explain the details, and answer questions. Finally, the leader should reward those who comply with the change and refocus those who do not. Tough-minded optimism is the best quality a leader can demonstrate when coping with change. Leaders coping with change should: Involve people in the change process. Fully explain the reason for change. View change positively.


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229 Create enthusiasm for the change. Facilitate change (avoid forcing it). Be openminded and experiment with alternatives. Seek out and accept criticism. Never get complacent. 10.12. The Air Force Core Values. The Air Force core values are the bedrock of leadership in the Air Force. The core values are a statement of those institutional values and principles of conduct that provide the moral framework within which military activities take place. The professional Air Force ethic consists of three fundamental and enduring values of integrity, service, and excellence. This ethic is the set of values that guides the way Air Force members live and perform. Success hinges on the incorporation of these values into the character of every Airman. In todays timecompressed, dynamic, and dangerous operational environmentan Airman does not have the luxury of examining each issue at leisure. He or she must fully internalize these values to be able to automatically act in all situations to maintain integrity, to serve others before self, and to perform with excellence and encourage others to do the same. The Air Force core values Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do represent the commitment each Airman makes when joining the Air Force. These values provide a foundation for leadership, decisionmaking, and success, whatever the level of assignment, difficulty, or dangers presented by the mission. All Airmen are men and women of character. Our enduring Air Force Core Values provide a touchstone as we rise to meet current and future challenges, threats, and opportunities. As Americas Airmen, it is imperative that we maintain the moral high ground our Nation depends on it. Michael W. Wynne Former Secretary of the Air Force Core Values help those who join us to understand right from the outset whats expected of them. Equally important, they provide all of us, from airman to four-star general, with a touchstonea guide in our own conscienceto remind us of what we expect from ourselves. We have wonderful people in the Air Force. But we arent perfect. Frequent reflection on the core values helps each of us refocus on the person we want to be and the example we want to set. General Michael E. Ryan, Retired Former Air Force Chief of Staff 10.12.1. Integrity First. Integrity is the willingness to do what is right even when no one is looking. Integrity is the "moral compass," the inner voice, the voice of self-control, and the basis for the trust imperative in todays Air Force. Integrity is the single most important part of character. Integrity makes Airmen who they are and what they stand for, and is as much a part of their professional reputation as their ability to fly or fix jets, operate the computer network, repair the runway, or defend the airbase. Airmen must be professional, in and out of uniform. Integrity is not a suit that can be taken off at night or on the weekend or worn only when important to look good. Instead, it is when we least expect to be tested that integrity is critical. People are watching us, not to see us fail but to see us live up to their expectations; anything less risks putting the heritage and reputation of the Air Force in peril. Integrity is the ability to hold together and properly regulate all the elements of ones personality. A person of integrity acts on conviction, demonstrating impeccable self-control without acting rashly. Integrity encompasses many characteristics indispensable to Airmen. Integrity is the fundamental premise of service in a free society. Without integrity, the moral pillars of our military strengthpublic trust and self-respectare lost. General Charles Gabriel, 11th CSAF 10.12.2. Service Before Self. As an Air Force core value, service before self represents an abiding dedication to the age-old military virtue of selfless dedication to duty, including putting ones life at risk if called to do so. The servicebefore-self value deals with accepting expeditionary deployments and assignments. Service before self does not mean service before family. Airmen have a duty to their families just as strong as that to the service. The


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difference is there are times the service and Nation will require them to be away from home. Their responsibilities to their families include ensuring they are cared for when deployed or when duty away requires it. This value also demands that each Airman keep faith in the system. This doesnt imply that we follow our leaders blindly and not sometimes question what we are doing. Airmen must always place trust in the processes, procedures, and other Airmen to get the job done in the right way. Airmen must understand that an organization can only achieve excellence in an atmosphere free from fear, unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, intimidation, hazing, or unfair treatment. Airmen must show loyalty to their leadership, fellow Airmen, and the Air Force as a whole, including showing commitment to the Constitution, military chain of command, and to both the President and Secretary of Defense. I have been recognized as a hero for my ten minutes of action over Vietnam, but I am no more a hero than anyone else who has served this country. A1C John L. Levitow, lowest ranking Air Force Medal of Honor Recipient 10.12.3. Excellence In All We Do. This core value demands Airmen constantly strive to perform at their best. They should always strive to exceed standards objectively based on mission needs. This demands a continuous search for new and innovative ways to accomplish the mission without jeopardizing morale and loyalty. Personally, Airmen seek out and complete developmental education. They constantly work hard to stay in their best physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and moral shape. Airmen continue to enhance their professional competencies and are diligent to maintain their job skills, knowledge, and personal readiness at the highest possible levels. They understand that when members of an organization work together to successfully reach a common goal, excellence is achieved and no Airman wins the fight alone. Each organization must foster a culture that emphasizes a team mentality while simultaneously maintaining standards and accomplishing the mission. Realizing that people are our most precious resource, Airmen are responsible for ensuring they are trained, fit, focused, and ready to accomplish the mission safely and effectively. The power of excellence is overwhelming. It is always in demand and nobody cares about its color. General Daniel Chappie James, First AfricanAmerican United States Air Force Four-Star General 10.12.4. Air Force Viewpoint. The Air Force recognizes these core values as universal and unchanging in the profession of arms. They provide the standards used to evaluate the ethical climate of all Air Force organizations. Finally, when needed in the cauldron of war, they are the beacons that light the path of professional conduct and the highest ideals of integrity, service, and excellence. Section 10CFollowership 10.13. Introduction. Preoccupation with leadership often prevents us from considering the nature and importance of followership. At some point, everyone is a follower. Few leaders became successful without first having learned followership skills. Therefore, leaders must recognize the importance and qualities of followership, the needs of followers, and ways to promote followership. 10.14. Importance of Followership. Todays leader has the almost impossible task of keeping up with ever-changing technology while coping with leadership demands. In many cases, the leader is not the most technically skilled person in the unit. He or she likely has personnel with advanced technological skills and capabilities. People are our most valuable resource. Todays junior members have knowledge, skills, and abilities that open unlimited opportunities to maximize work center effectiveness. Therefore, leaders must tap into this resource by nurturing and developing their Airmens capabilities and fostering their willingness to improve organizational effectiveness.


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10.15. Qualities of Followership. The following 10 qualities are essential for good followership. However, this list is neither inflexible nor exhaustive: 10.15.1. Organizational Understanding. Effective followers must be able to see how their work contributes to the organizations big picture. 10.15.2. Decisionmaking. Followers must be able to make sound decisions using a team approach. 10.15.3. Communication Skills. Followers must have effective communication skills. These skills are crucial when working in a team environment, especially when providing feedback to team members. 10.15.4. Commitment. Being able to successfully contribute to the organization, while striving to achieve personal goals, requires a strong level of follower commitment. 10.15.5. Problem Solving. A broader scope of responsibility to help identify and resolve work center problems requires followers to share their knowledge, skills, and experience. 10.15.6. Integrity. Followers must demonstrate loyalty and a willingness to act according to accepted beliefs. Integrity requires one to identify and be true to values. 10.15.7. Adaptability. Ever-changing roles, missions, and systems require followers to be adaptable to change without being paralyzed by the stress of not knowing all the answers. 10.15.8. Self-Employment. Followers must take responsibility for their own careers, actions, and development. 10.15.9. Courage. Followers must have the confidence and guts to do and say the right things at the right times. 10.15.10. Credibility. By demonstrating competency in their words and deeds, followers earn trust and an honorable reputation. 10.16. Follower Needs. Successful leaders must devote attention to what their Airmen want and expect. Otherwise, leaders may lose the opportunity to capitalize on their talents or lose their Airmens respect. Followers need to know they can count on their leaders when the going gets tough. Furthermore, respect is a two-way street; followers also want to be respected. Followers treated as if they are not important, or who perceive that they are not important, lose their willingness and desire to perform. Leaders demonstrate belief in their Airmen by (1) maintaining or enhancing their Airmens selfesteem, (2) listening carefully to their Airmen and responding with empathy, and (3) asking for their Airmens help and encouraging their involvement. A few moments of sincerity and thoughtfulness go a long way toward satisfying Airmens basic needs. Followers perform best when they want to be in a unit, not when they are trapped in it. 10.17. Ways to Promote Followership. Empowered followership, like motivation, requires a joint effort between leaders and the individuals they lead. This effort must be continuously promoted. Leaders must listen and respond to the ideas and needs of their followers, and followers are similarly required to listen and respond to the ideas and needs of their leaders. Mutual trust is the axis around which this synergistic relationship revolves; the benefits reaped are plentiful. Team requirements are best served when the leader helps followers develop their own initiatives, encourages them to use their own judgment, and allows them to grow and become more effective communicators. As a result of promoting empowered followership, follower skills such as troubleshooting, problem solving, information gathering, conflict resolution, and change management will improve dramatically. Another way to promote empowered followership is by getting out among the


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Airmen and sharing their interests. Airmen respond to leaders who show sincere interest in them. The success of great leaders depends on their ability to establish a base of loyal, capable, and knowledgeable followers. Section 10DMentoring 10.18. Mentor Defined. A mentor is a trusted counselor or guide. Mentoring, therefore, is a relationship in which a person with greater experience and wisdom guides another person to develop both personally and professionally. The long-term health of the Air Force depends upon the experienced member developing the next in line. 10.19. Mentoring Scope: 10.19.1. Mentoring helps prepare people for the increased responsibilities they will assume as they progress in their careers. Mentoring is not a promotion enhancement program; mentoring is an ongoing process and not confined to the formal feedback required by AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems, and AFI 36-1001, Managing the Civilian Performance Program. Moreover, mentoring is a professional development program designed to help each individual reach his or her maximum potential. Professional development is not a new concept and occurs at every echelon and activity. AFI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships, and AFI 36-703, Civilian Conduct and Responsibility, explains the standards regarding professional relationships. In particular, mentoring is part of a professional relationship because it fosters communication between subordinates and supervisors concerning careers, performance, duties, and missions. Finally, it enhances morale and discipline and improves the operational environment while maintaining respect for authority. 10.19.2. Air Force mentoring covers a wide range of areas, such as career guidance, technical and professional development, leadership, Air Force history and heritage, air and space power doctrine, strategic vision, and contributions to joint warfighting. Therefore, it includes knowledge of the military ethics and an understanding of the Air Forces core values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do. 10.19.3. Commanders and supervisors must encourage Airmen to read and comprehend air and space power literature, such as Air Force doctrine and operational war-fighting publications and the books in the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) Professional Reading Program. 10.20. Assignment of Mentors: 10.20.1. The immediate supervisor or rater is the primary mentor (coach, counselor, guide, role model) for each of his or her Airmen. This designation in no way restricts the subordinates desire to seek additional counseling and professional development advice from other sources or mentors. Supervisors and commanders must make themselves available to Airmen who seek career guidance and counsel. 10.20.2. Key to the mentoring process is direct involvement by the commander and supervisor. Commanders and supervisors must continually challenge their Airmen to improve. They must provide clear performance feedback and guidance in setting realistic near-, mid-, and long-term professional and personal development goals. 10.20.3. Several programs exist to help the commander and supervisor focus attention on an Airmans professional development. Among these are performance feedback, PME, academic education opportunities, assignment policies, recognition programs, and the individuals own personal development actions. Additionally, many organizations, programs, and associations are dedicated to the advancement and education of military professionals. The first sergeant, base education center, and Airman and Family Readiness Center can provide lists and contact information for organizations that support military development. Leaders should also ensure that Airmen are aware of specific tools available to them such as the Enlisted Development Plan available via MyEDP . 10.21. Mentoring Responsibilities. Air Force leaders have an inherent responsibility to mentor future leaders. Supervisors must take an active role in their Airmens professional development. They must assist their people by providing realistic evaluations of both performance and potential. Supervisors must also be positive role models. At minimum, mentoring consists of a discussion of performance, potential, and professional development plans during the performance feedback session. The feedback should include promotion, PME, advanced degree work, physical fitness, personal goals and expectations, professional qualities, next assignment, and long-range plans, at minimum. Mentors must distinguish between individual goals, career aspirations, and realistic expectations. Each individual defines a successful career differently. There are numerous paths to meet individual career and success goals. Foremost, however, individuals must focus on Air Force institutional needs. The Air Force must develop people skilled in the employment and support of air and space power and how it meets national security needs. While there is nothing wrong with lofty goals, mentors must ensure personnel realize what high but achievable goals are.


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10.22. Professional Military Education and Academic Education. PME and academic education enhance performance in each phase of professional development and build on the foundation of leadership abilities shown during the earlier stages of an individuals career. The role of PME in professional development is to prepare individuals to take on increased responsibilities appropriate to their grade and to enhance their contribution to the Air Force. Members should focus on enhancing professional competence and becoming superior leaders, while expanding their operational employment of air, space, and cyberspace power knowledge. Post-secondary degrees (associate, bachelors, masters, or other advanced academic degrees) are important to professional development to the extent that they enhance the degree holders job and professional qualifications. A degree directly related to an individuals primary specialty area or occupationa l series is the most appropriate because it adds to his or her depth of knowledge. This is why senior noncommissioned officers are required to complete the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy by correspondence or in residence and obtain a Community College of the Air Force degree (any specialty) to receive a senior rater endorsement on their performance reports. (Note: This requirement is the minimum criteria for endorsement consideration and does not guarantee automatic endorsement.) A masters or doctorate degree in management or more general studies enhances job performance for personnel reaching the highest grade levels, where duties may require broader managerial skills. In some career fields, advanced formal education is a prerequisite for certain jobs. 10.23. Professional Associations. Many private organizations develop professional skills and associations for individuals in many career fields and technical specialties. Membership in such associations may provide additional opportunities for mentoring as well as broaden technical expertise. Most Air Force bases have private organizations for each rank tier (for example, Top III (MSgt-Chief)). 10.24. Evaluation and Performance Feedback. Air Force evaluation systems are designed to accurately appraise performance. Substantive, formal feedback essential to the effectiveness of the evaluation systems. Performance evaluation systems are an integral part mentoring and professional development. Performance feedback is designed to provide a realistic assessment performance, career standing, future potential, and actions required to help the ratee reach the next level professional development. 10.25. Promotion Selection. The Weighted Airman Promotion System outlines the requirements for promotion selection (SSgt through MSgt) and provides feedback score sheets to enlisted members considered for promotion. These score sheets help the individual to determine professional development needs. Selection for promotion to Senior Master Sergeant and Chief Master Sergeant is accomplished using an integrated weighted and central selection board system. In addition to the weighted score, the central selection board evaluates each individual using the whole person concept. Board scores are determined by considering performance, leadership, breadth of experience, job responsibility, professional competence, specific achievements, and education. The board score is added to the weighted score to determine order of merit for promotion. 10.26. The Military Assignment System. The mentor and the individual should both focus on obtaining an assignment that enhances professional development and meets Air Force needs without necessarily keying on a specific position or location. The individual is expected to do well in his or her current assignment. When an individual becomes eligible for reassignment, he or she should address assignment preferences with the supervisor. Assignments should complement the individuals professional development needs and be second only to mission requirements. Supervisors can use the career field education and training plan to help develop career path guidance. 10.27. Recognition, Awards, and Decorations. Military members are eligible for consideration for various decorations throughout their careers. However, supervisors should not submit recommendations just to do something for their people. Supervisors should restrict recommendations to recognitions of meritorious service, outstanding achievement, etc., that clearly place the individual above his or her peers. is of of of

234 Section 10EDevelopmental Counseling 10.28. Airman Development.

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Airman leadership development is one of the most important responsibilities of every Air Force leader. Developing future leaders should be one of the highest priorities of a leader. The future of the Air Force rests on the shoulders of those prepared for greater responsibility. 10.29. Purpose. Developmental counseling is a shared effort. Leaders assist Airmen in identifying strengths and weaknesses and creating plans of action. Leaders then support them throughout the plan implementation and assessment. However, to achieve success, Airmen must be forthright in their commitment to improve and candid in their own assessment and goal setting. 10.30. Leader Responsibilities. Leaders coach Airmen the same way athletic coaches improve their teams: by identifying weaknesses, setting goals, developing and implementing plans of action, and providing oversight and motivation throughout the process. Effective coaches or leaders must thoroughly understand the strengths, weaknesses, and professional goals of their Airmen. Air Force leaders conduct counseling to help Airmen become better members of the team, maintain or improve performance, and prepare for the future. To conduct effective counseling, leaders should develop a counseling style using the characteristics listed in Figure 10.2. Figure 10.2. Characteristics of Effective Counseling. Purpose: Flexibility: Respect: Communication: Support: Clearly define the purpose of the counseling. Fit the counseling style to the character of each subordinate and to the relationship desired. View Airmen as unique, complex individuals, each with a distinct set of values, beliefs, and attitudes. Establish open, two-way communication with Airmen using spoken language, nonverbal actions, gestures, and body language. Effective counselors listen more than they speak. Encourage Airmen through actions while guiding them through their problems.

10.31. The Leader as a Counselor. Air Force leaders must demonstrate certain qualities to be effective counselors. These qualities include respect for Airmen, self-awareness, cultural awareness, empathy, and credibility. 10.31.1. Respect for Airmen. Allowing Airmen to take responsibility for their own ideas and actions is a show or respect and helps create mutual respect in the leader-subordinate relationship. Mutual respect improves the chances of changing or maintaining behavior and achieving goals. 10.31.2. Self-Awareness. Leaders must be fully aware of their own values, needs, and biases before counseling Airmen. Self-aware leaders are less likely to project their biases onto Airmen. Also, aware leaders are more likely to act consistently with their own values and actions. 10.31.3. Cultural Awareness. Leaders need to be aware of the similarities and differences between individuals of different cultural backgrounds and how these factors may influence values, perspectives, and actions. Unfamiliarity with cultural backgrounds may hinder leaders in addressing cultural issues, especially if they generate concerns within the organization or hinder team-building. Cultural awareness enhances a leaders ability to display empathy. 10.31.4. Empathy. Empathy is to be understanding of and sensitive to another persons feelings, thoughts, and experiences to the point that you can almost feel or experience them yourself. Leaders with empathy can put themselves in their Airmans shoes and see a situation from the other persons perspective. Understanding the Airmans position can help the Airman develop a plan of action that fits his or her personality and needsone that works for the Airman. Not fully comprehending a situation from the Airmans point of view gives a leader less credibility and influence. As a result, the Airman is less likely to commit to the agreed-upon plan of action.


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10.31.5. Credibility. Leaders achieve credibility by being honest and consistent in their statements and actions. Using a straightforward style and behaving in a manner that Airmen respect and trust makes a leader credible. Leaders can earn credibility by repeatedly demonstrating a willingness to assist and being consistent in what they say and do. It is difficult to influence Airmen without credibility. 10.32. Leader Counseling Skills. Leaders should seek to develop and improve their own counseling abilities. The techniques needed to provide effective counseling vary from person to person and session to session. However, general skills needed in almost every situation include active listening, responding, and questioning. 10.32.1. Active Listening. During counseling, leaders must actively listen. By actively listening, leaders communicate verbally and nonverbally that they have received the message. To learn more about active listening, refer to Chapter 14, Communicating in Todays Air Force. 10.32.2. Responding. A leader responds both verbally and nonverbally to communicate understanding and to clarify and confirm what has been said. Verbal responses consist of summarizing, interpreting, and clarifying the message. Nonverbal responses include eye contact and occasional gestures such as a head nod. 10.32.3. Questioning. Although questioning is a necessary skill, use it with caution. Too many questions can aggravate the power differential between a leader and an Airman and place the Airman in a passive mode. The Airman may also react to excessive questioning as an intrusion of privacy and become defensive. During a leadership development review, ask questions to obtain information or to get the Airman to think about a particular situation. Generally, questions should be open-ended to evoke more than a yes or no answer. Well-posed questions may help to verify understanding, encourage further explanation, or help the Airman move through the stages of the counseling session. 10.33. Types of Developmental Counseling. Developmental counseling can be categorized based on the topic of the session. Event-oriented counseling and performance and professional growth counseling are the two major categories of counseling. 10.33.1. Event-Oriented Counseling. Event-oriented counseling involves a specific event or situation and may precede events such as applying for a special duty assignment or attending a school. It may follow events such as a noteworthy duty performance, a problem with performance or mission accomplishment, or a personal problem. Event-oriented counseling includes, but is not limited to: Counseling for Specific Instances. Sometimes counseling is tied to specific instances of superior or substandard duty performance. Leaders must tell Airmen whether or not their performance met the standard and what they did right or wrong. The key to successful counseling for specific performance is to conduct the counseling as close to the event as possible. Leaders should counsel Airmen for specific examples of superior as well as substandard duty performance. Crisis Counseling. Leaders may conduct crisis counseling to get an Airman through the initial shock after receiving negative news, such as notification of the death of a loved one. Listening and, as appropriate, providing assistance may greatly assist the Airman dealing with a crisis. Referral Counseling. Referral counseling helps Airmen work through a personal situation and may or may not follow crisis counseling. Referral counseling may also act as preventive counseling before the situation becomes a problem. Usually, the leader assists the Airman in identifying the problem and refers the subordinate to the appropriate resource, such as legal services, a chaplain, or an alcohol and drug counselor. 10.33.2. Performance and Professional Growth Counseling. During performance and professional growth counseling, conduct a review of an Airmans duty performance during a certain period and set standards for the next period. Rather than dwelling on the past, focus the session on the Airmans strengths, areas needing improvement, and potential.

236 10.34. Approaches to Counseling.

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An effective leader approaches each Airman as an individual. Different people and different situations require different counseling approaches. Three approaches to counseling include nondirective, directive, and combined. These approaches differ in the techniques used, but they all fit the definition of counseling and contribute to its overall purpose. The major difference between the approaches is the degree to which the Airman participates and interacts during a counseling session. Figure 10.3 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. 10.34.1. Nondirective. The nondirective approach is preferred for most counseling sessions. During the counseling session, listen rather than make decisions or give advice. Clarify what is said. Cause the Airman to bring out important points to better understand the situation. When appropriate, summarize the discussion. Avoid providing solutions or rendering opinions; instead, maintain a focus on individual and organizational goals and objectives. Ensure the Airmans plan of action supports those goals and objectives. 10.34.2. Directive. The directive approach works best to correct simple problems, make on-the-spot corrections, and correct aspects of duty performance. The leader using the directive style does most of the talking and tells the Airman what to do and when to do it. In contrast to the nondirective approach, the leader directs a course of action for the Airman. Choose this approach when time is short, when you alone know what to do, or if an Airman has limited problem-solving skills. Finally, directive is appropriate when an Airman is immature, insecure, or needs guidance. 10.34.3. Combined. In the combined approach, the leader uses techniques from both the directive and nondirective approaches, adjusting them to articulate what is best for the Airman. The combined approach emphasizes the Airmans planning and decisionmaking responsibilities. With your assistance, the Airman develops a plan of action. Listen, suggest possible courses, and help analyze each possible solution to determine its good and bad points. Then help the Airman fully understand all aspects of the situation and encourage the Airman to decide which solution is best. Figure 10.3. Counseling Approach Summary Chart. Approach Nondirective Advantages Encourages maturity Encourages open communication Develops personal responsibility Is the quickest method Is good for people who need clear, concise direction Allows counselors to actively use their experience Disadvantages Is more time consuming Requires greatest counselor skills Doesnt encourage Airmen to be part of the solution May treat symptoms, not problems May discourage Airmen from talking freely The counselor provides the solution, not the Airman May take too much time for some situations



Is moderately quick Encourages maturity Encourages open communication Allows counselors to actively use their experience

10.35. The Counseling Process. The four stages of the counseling process are: identify the need for counseling, prepare for counseling, conduct the counseling session, and followup. 10.35.1. Identify the Need for Counseling. Conduct developmental counseling whenever the need arises for focused, two-way communication aimed at Airman development. Developing Airmen consists of observing their performance, comparing it to the standard, and then providing them feedback in the form of counseling. 10.35.2. Prepare for Counseling. Successful counseling requires preparation. To prepare for counseling:


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237 Select a Suitable Place. When scheduling counseling, consider an environment with minimal interruptions and free from distractions. Schedule the Time. When possible, counsel an Airman during the duty day. Counseling after duty hours may be rushed or perceived as unfavorable. The length of time required for counseling depends on the complexity of the issue. Generally, a counseling session should last less than 1 hour. If you need more time, schedule a second session. Notify the Airman Well in Advance. The Airman should know why, where, and when the counseling session will take place. Counseling following a specific event should happen as close to the event as possible. Organize the Pertinent Information. Solid preparation is essential to effective counseling. Review all pertinent information including the purpose of the counseling, facts and observations about the Airman, identification of possible problems, main points of discussion, and the development of a plan of action. Focus on specific and objective behaviors the Airman must maintain or improve upon as well as a plan of action with clear, obtainable goals. Plan the Counseling Approach. There are as many approaches to counseling as there are leaders. The directive, nondirective, and combined approaches to counseling were addressed earlier. Use a strategy that suits the Airman and the situation. Establish the Right Atmosphere. The right atmosphere promotes two-way communication between a leader and Airman. To establish a relaxed atmosphere, offer the Airman a seat or something to drink. Sit in a chair facing the Airman rather than behind a desk because a desk can be perceived as a barrier. Some situations, however, make an informal atmosphere inappropriate. For example, a more formal atmosphere is normally used to give specific guidance and reinforces the leaders rank, position, and authority. 10.35.3. Conduct the Counseling Session. Be flexible when conducting a counseling session. Often, counseling for a specific incident occurs spontaneously as leaders encounter Airmen in their daily activities. Good leaders take advantage of naturally occurring events to provide Airmen with feedback. Even when you have not prepared for formal counseling, you should follow the four basic components of a counseling session: Open the Counseling Session. The best way to open a counseling session is to clearly state its purpose. Establish the preferred setting early in the session by inviting the Airman to speak. Discuss the Issues. Attempt to develop a mutual understanding of the issues with the Airman. This is best developed by letting the Airman do most of the talking. Use active listening; respond and question without dominating the conversation. Aim to help the Airman better understand the subject of the counseling, such as duty performance, a problem situation and its impact, or potential areas for growth. Both you and the Airman should provide examples or cite specific observations to reduce the perception that is unnecessarily biased or judgmental. However, when the issue is substandard performance, make it clear how the performance did not meet the standard and then develop a plan of action. Develop a Plan of Action. A plan of action identifies a method for achieving a desired result and specifies what the Airman must do to reach the goals set during the counseling session. The plan of action must be specific. It should show the Airman how to modify or maintain his or her behavior. Record and Close the Session. Documentation serves as a reference to the agreed-upon plan of action and the Airmans accomplishments, improvements, personal preferences, or problems. To close the session, summarize key points and ask if the Airman understands the plan of action. Invite the Airman to review the plan of action and what you, as the leader, expect from him or her. With the Airman, establish any followup measures necessary to support the successful implementation of the plan of action. These may include providing the Airman with resources and time, periodically assessing the plan, and following through on referrals. Schedule any future meetings, at least tentatively, before dismissing the Airman. 10.35.4. Followup. The counseling process does not end with the counseling session. Followup continues through implementation of the plan of action and evaluation of results. After counseling, support the Airman as he or she implements the plan of action. Support may include teaching, coaching, or providing time and resources. Observe and assess this process and possibly modify the plan to meet its goals. Appropriate measures after counseling include followup counseling, making referrals, informing the chain of command, and taking corrective measures.

238 10.36. Leveraging Diversity.

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Our work environment today is more diverse than ever. The Air Force team is comprised of military, civilians, and contractors. Leaders can find themselves dealing with a workforce ranging from 18-year-olds to those with 18 or more years of experience. The challenge is to incorporate everyones specific talents into a cohesive and optimal workforce. We must recognize that people are vital to an organizations success. Consequently, we need to understand the motivations and interests of this diverse workforce. 10.36.1. People are motivated for their reasons, not yours. What sparks interest and passion in one person doesnt necessarily ignite the next person. Smart leaders take time to recognize what excites others and how to leverage that talent to the organization. Leaders need to create a work culture that recognizes and appreciates differing perspectives and approaches to solving problems. Consider this: The Air Force attracts people from every aspect of society, culture, and social status. When, where, and how someone was raised impacts their value system. None of these variables are under a supervisors direct control. A supervisor cannot change someones inherent characteristics, but can change how to lead the people on a team. Foremost, leaders must create a hospitable climate that promotes respect and inclusion. This will reduce dysfunctional tension and increase team productivity. Specifically, how can this be achieved? 10.36.2. The first step in leading a diverse organization is to form common ground or a shared set of assumptions, which will form the framework within which we communicate. The common ground is the organization itself, the vision, goals, rules, regulations, processes, and procedures that govern what the unit does to achieve mission requirements. Clear guidelines improve communication, reduce confusion, provide purpose, and define end points. A team must have a clear sense of direction. The alternative is mass confusion with everyone going in different directions. 10.36.3. Having established common ground, we must increase awareness and expel stereotypes. (Examples: Younger employees are wet behind the ears, know nothing, have no respect or loyalty, lack experience, have no credibility, and cant be trusted with much responsibility. Older employees are less motivated to work hard, are nothing but deadwood, resistant to change, cant learn new methods/technology, plateau at 40, should be fired after 50, and are fire proof.) Stereotypes ignore differences among the individuals in a group. The workplace has no room for stereotypes. Instead, leaders must acknowledge the richness in diversity. 10.36.4. People are different. There is no way to make them fit into a single mold, nor is there any reason to. We dont live in a world of carbon-copy people. To effectively manage a diverse workforce, we must acknowledge differences. We should, however, focus more on the things we have in common. 10.36.5. Use everyones experiences and background as a resource. Diversity of experience and background ensures diverse ways of looking at problems. Managing our workforce diversity can result in higher productivity, improved performance, more creativity, more innovations, and reduced stress. Giving emphasis to diversity without threatening our unity is the proper way to strengthen the ties that bind the team together. Sensitivity, mutual respect, and common trust coupled with communication are the prime ingredients to integrating our Airmen. 10.36.6. Former CSAF, General John P. Jumper stated, Air Force diversity is a critical warfighting and readiness issue. Maximizing the benefits of diversity is a mission imperative. We expect Air Force leaders to challenge any policy, practice, or process that limits the growth and development of potential leaders from all groups. Industry studies have consistently revealed that heterogeneous or diverse groups are more innovative than homogeneous groups because they view improvement opportunities from multiple perspectives. Managing diversity is determining which differences matter in enriching a product or service. Productivity is an outcome of respect and inclusion. Former CSAF, General Ronald Fogelman said, People are the assets that determine our success or failure. If you are to be a good leader, you have to cultivate your skills in the arena of personal relations. The skilled leader deals effectively with all races, nationalities, cultures, disabilities, ages, and gender. Section 10FFull Range Leadership Development (FRLD) 10.37. Full Range Leadership. A full range of leadership behaviors is essential in todays complex world. Therefore, developing full range leadership potential throughout the workforce has become a principal initiative in several of todays most successful organizations, to include the United States Air Force. Though the leadership theories of the past were very successful, todays Air Force depends on highly effective Airmen with the flexibility and capability to operate throughout a spectrum of leadership styles. FRLD was adopted because it combined the best parts of past leadership theories. 10.37.1. FRLD is unique. It requires us to view leadership as a system made up of three core elements: the leader, the follower, and the situation. The components of the FRLD system are interdependent of one another. Its success relies


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not only on the leaders actions, but also the follower and the situation. FRLD requires todays leaders to consider the follower and each situation and be willing to: Develop relationships with leadership, peers, and subordinates. Take advantage of opportunities as they come available. Efficiently use available resources. Properly evaluate situations and the performance of followers. Reward appropriately (and discipline accordingly). Identify improvement areas in ones self, their followers, and the work place. 10.37.2. The FRLD model (Figure 10.4) includes five leadership behaviors ranging from the passive, less effective Laissez-Faire behavior to the more active and effective transformational leadership behavior. Figure 10.4. Full Range Leadership Model. Effective
Transformational Leadership Contingent Rewards Management by Exception (Active) Management by Exception (Passive)

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Ineffective Laissez-Faire. Laissez-faire leaders view the development and needs of their subordinates as someone elses concern. They tend to pass on and abandon their responsibilities and remain indifferent toward important issues. They are hesitant to make decisions and are usually absent from their place of work, which negatively affects relationships with peers and subordinates. Management by Exception-Passive. This leadership behavior is the if it aint broke, dont fix it leadership style. Here, leaders elect to sit back, observe, and wait for things to go wrong before taking action. They intervene only when policies or rules are broken. Management by Exception-Passive is a little more effective than Laissez-Faire because subordinates know that leadership will hold them accountable if they fail to meet standards of performance or comply with policies and procedures. Management by Exception-Active. This leadership behavior ensures leaders keep personnel and processes in control. They monitor and govern subordinates through forced compliance with rules, regulations, and expectations for meeting performance standards. Management by Exception-Active exists in a structured system with detailed instructions, careful observation, and very active supervision. Furthermore, it reduces organizational uncertainties, avoids unnecessary risks, and ensures important goals are being achieved. It also reduces the temptation for employees to avoid their duties or act unethically and aids members in meeting defined performance objectives.


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AFPAM36-2241 Transactional Leadership and Contingent Rewards. Transactional leadership and contingent rewards involve the constructive transaction between a leader and his or her followers. These transactions are contracts where the leader sets goals, identifies ways for the subordinate to reach these goals, and supports the follower along the way. The follower is then required to perform their assigned tasks to a specified performance level and, when they achieve their leaders expectations, the leader reinforces the positive behavior by providing a reward. In other words, the reward is contingent upon the follower performing assigned tasks to expectations. Transformational Leadership. The transformational leader offers followers a vision and inspires their mission. This type of leadership inspires followers to exceed their goals and promotes positive, meaningful changes. There are four components of transformational leadership, called the 4 Is: Individualized Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation, Idealized Influence, and Inspirational Motivation. Individualized Consideration (Nurturing). Individualized consideration is where leaders treat their followers as individuals with different needs, abilities, and aspirations and not just as a part of a group of subordinates. They empathize with and support each follower while maintaining healthy communication. Using Individualized Consideration, leaders nurture followers by a cting as mentor or coaches. Intellectual Stimulation (Thinking). Intellectual Stimulation is the degree to which a leader values their subordinates rationality and intellect, seeking different perspectives and considering opposing points of view. Using Intellectual Stimulation, leaders stimulate and encourage creativity in their followers, encourage followers to be independent thinkers, and are not afraid to take risks and solicit ideas from their followers. Inspirational Motivation (Charming). This leader behavior involves developing and articulating visions that paint an optimistic and enthusiastic picture of the future that is appealing and inspiring to followers. These visions elevate performance expectations and inspire followers to put forth extra effort to achieve the leaders vision. Idealized Influence (Influencing). Transformational leaders are charismatic and act as positive role models that walk the walk. T hey exhibit high levels of moral behavior, virtues, and character strengths, as well as a strong work ethic. They represent the organizations values, beliefs, and purpose in both words and actions. They set aside personal interests for the sake of the group. 10.37.3. Developing these five leadership behaviors begins by understanding each of them and knowing when, or when not, to apply them. In addition, possessing the flexibility and capability to implement each style is critical to successfully leading others, depending on the follower and the situation. Though a more passive approach may be appropriate at times, transformational leaders actively and effectively develop the followers today to become the leaders of tomorrow.


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Chapter 10 ends here for those testing to SSgt, TSgt, or MSgt. If testing to SMSgt or CMSgt, continue studying this chapter (Section 10G).

242 Section 10GMentorship 10.38. Essential Principles:

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10.38.1. Mentoring is a leadership obligation and responsibility. Through mentoring, senior leaders pass on their experience and wisdom to junior members as well as philosophy, traditions, shared values, quality, and lessons learned. Mentoring provides the framework for the professional development of competent, future Air Force leaders. Mentoring is an ongoing process and perhaps the most powerful method leadership can use to shape the future. A mentor is a trusted advisor, teacher, counselor, friend, parent, and/or the more senior person in the relationship. In organizations, mentorship can apply to all leaders and supervisors who are responsible for getting their work done through other people. The assisted individual is usually referred to as the protg: a student or pupil who learns from the mentor. Understanding mentoring principles is essential to practical implementation. 10.39. The Mentoring Process. Figure 10.5. Mentoring Model. Model Empathize Nurture Teach Organize Respond Inspire Network Goal-set

The mnemonic at Figure 10.5 demonstrates the concepts of effective

mentoring. (Mnemonics are memory aids that help us remember the various aspects of a concept. The elements of effective mentoring, expressed as verbs, correspond to the letters in the word itself.) The following paragraphs describe each element and clarify what it means to be a mentor. 10.39.1. Model.

An effective mentor must first lead by example. When serving as a role model, make no mistake that actions speak much louder than words. Mentoring requires the mentor and protg to spend a significant amount of time together. Here, the protg is constantly observing and learning from the mentors words and actions. The opportunity to see how the mentor deals with a variety of situations is an important part of the process. Therefore, the mentor must show the protg how a mature professional handles various challenges and opportunities. In turn, protgs must be willing to learn, seek assistance, and apply what they have learned. 10.39.2. Empathize. Mentoring involves much more than merely teaching. Mentors must empathize, showing genuine compassion for their protgs. Mentors who remember what it was like when they were new and inexperienced are more effective in assisting others in their professional development. Empathy cultivates strong bonds between mentors and protgs and fosters the mutual commitment that exemplifies mentoring at its best. 10.39.3. Nurture. Nurturing also emphasizes a caring attitude. Like a farmer and his or her crops, the mentor nurtures the protg. One cannot expect to sow a rich crop without investing ample time, patience, and labor. Certainly these points seem rather obvious, but are often the most neglected elements. Some mentors often find themselves too busy to provide the time and effort it takes to effectively mentor their protgs. Therefore, we must not expect an expert-level performance from someone who has not received appropriate amounts of attention, training, and time from a mentor. Remember, it takes time for people to apply, internalize, and value what they have learned. 10.39.4. Teach. Many people, regardless of their knowledge and experience level, find teaching uncomfortable and extremely stressful. Thankfully, some time-tested methods provide a solid benchmark for instruction. Consider these five simple steps when teaching and training protgs: (1) organize the material into logical, systematic, units of manageable size; (2) correct errors immediately; (3) frequently review previously covered material and relate it to the current lesson; (4) include practical exercises to help the protg exercise the newfound knowledge; and (5) evaluate the protgs comprehension often, formally and informally, and provide detailed feedback on their progress. 10.39.5. Organize. Mentors must first be organized before helping others become organized. Hence, a systematic, methodical approach is essential. An organized mentor knows from the very beginning what he or she wants to achieve, focusing every aspect of the process on this goal. The time and effort spent organizing thoughts and materials into a logical, building-block sequential plan of lessons aimed at a precisely defined target pays big dividends in the form of improved learning and developmental experiences for the protg.


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10.39.6. Respond. Mentoring is a two-way communication process that requires mentors to actively listen to the protgs questions and provide useful and timely responses. There may be times when the protg is reluctant to ask a particular question. Therefore, effective mentors must remain alert to recognize nonverbal behaviors and subtle communication cues. Rather than sitting back and waiting for the protg to ask questions, be proactive. Anticipate the needs, problems, and concerns of protgs and take care of them immediately. 10.39.7. Inspire. A mentor should be more than just a good role model, teacher, or helpful acquaintance. Genuine mentoring encompasses an element of inspiration. Inspirational mentors have a profound impact on their protgs that encourages them to transform into a more improved being. Inspiration is one of the characteristics that distinguishes leaders from managers. The best mentors most likely become the best leaders because they are able to inspire others. 10.39.8. Network. A good mentor introduces and connects a protg to other people who can also provide guidance, support, resources, and opportunities. Networking is a vital function that provides protgs a head start on establishing themselves in their professional community. Building a solid network of friends, acquaintances, and associates takes time; the earlier a protg can cultivate this, the better. 10.39.9. Goal-Set. Many young, inexperienced people do not understand the importance of setting goals. Oftentimes, they lack the expertise to establish specific, achievable, and realistic goals. Therefore, mentors must help their protgs understand why goals are important; establish short- and long-term goals that are specific, achievable, and realistic; and be available to assist them in achieving their goals. Section 10HConflict Management 10.40. Introduction. Conflict is inevitable in every organization, and is oftentimes necessary to reach high levels of performance. Dr. Kenneth Thomas, author of Conflict and Conflict Management, the Handbook of Industrial and Organization Psychology (1976), defines conflict as the process that results when one person (or a group) perceives that another person or group is frustrating, or about to frustrate, an important concern. Conflict involves incompatible differences between parties that result in interference or opposition. Such differences can motivate for positive change or decrease productivity. 10.40.1. Destructive Versus Constructive Conflict. Conflict can be constructive or destructive. It becomes destructive when it results in barriers to cooperation and communication. This destroys morale and diverts energy away from important tasks and initiatives. On the other hand, conflict can be constructive when managed effectively. Positive conflict results in problem solutions, greater understanding, and enhanced communication between individuals or groups. In the past, managers were trained to avoid conflict because of its negative repercussions. This continues to challenge managers today as they work feverishly to avoid it altogether. However, managing conflict effectively offers benefits to the organization like reducing organizational chaos and stimulating work activity and productivity. Therefore, to manage conflict successfully, we must first understand some of the sources of conflict. 10.40.2. Sources of Conflict. Many factors may result in or increase the probability of conflict within an organization. These factors manifest themselves in combination with other factors, making it potentially difficult to identify the specific source of the conflict. Many researchers, however, agree that conflict originates with one or more of the following stimulants: Communication Factors. We often hear that many problems occur due to a failure in, or a lack of, communication. However, on closer examination, this usually accounts for a very small portion of the conflicts reported. The real crux of the problem is miscommunication; for example, when communication is misinterpreted, inaccurate, or incomplete. For personnel to perform at their very best, they need constructive, comprehensible, and accurate information; anything less results in frustration, stress, and failure. Remember, conflict is defined as frustration of an important concern, whether real or perceived. Consider your organization


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and the conflicts that erupted because of poor communication. Now consider what happens when the communication process fails altogether. Did the outcomes result in conflict? Structural Factors: Size. Research shows that organizational size affects the people who work there. Like an elevator that reaches its maximum capacity, the larger the organization, the more people there is to cause and participate in conflict. With more personnel comes more opinions, perspectives, perceptions, etc. As a result, larger organizations may have unclear goals, more rigid structures, increased specialization, more levels of supervision, and increased opportunities for information to become distorted as it passes through each organizational echelon. Participation: The more people interact and participate, the more noticeable their differences become. This can also lead to disputes and conflict, partly because although people may attempt to participate does not necessarily mean their ideas are heard or accepted. This rejection can spark frustration and conflict among members. However, this situation also has the potential to increase productivity if workers become more creative or competitive and search for better ways to enhance overall unit performance. This is productive conflict versus destructive conflict. We want people to challenge the status quo, to seek better ways to do business, and to continually improve processes. This supports our core value, excellence in all we do. Such efforts also support our service before self core value in that we must be willing to set aside old ways and personal differences in order to listen to the ideas of others, to include our newest Airman. We must be willing to change, put self-interests aside, and do what is right for the Air Force. Line-Staff Distinctions. Diverse background and roles can create conflict. According to Dr. Thomas, this is very noticeable in the line and staff functions because the roles are so different. Overall, line personnel are concerned with production and are usually more loyal to the company. Staff functions usually involve creativity; therefore, staff personnel are usually more critical of the organization. Moreover, since there are usually different requirements for staff and line functions, there are different types of backgrounds for each. These differences in values, training, background, etc., can lead to conflict. Consider how line and staff personnel view organizational goals. Line personnel normally are more concerned with the immediate or shortrange goals, whereas staff personnel are more concerned with long-range or strategic goals. These differences in background and viewpoints can trigger conflict. Rewards. Earning rewards involves a level of competition, which can lead to conflict. Healthy competition is not the problem. However, the individuals and groups who perceive that the rewards were given unfairly or in favor of someone else can often lead to conflict. For example, one person or department receives recognition that others feel they deserved but did not receive. Resource Interdependence. Most likely, we have all had to compete for resources at one time or another. When people compete for scarce resources and each party feels they have a greater need, conflict may arise. Oftentimes, negotiations fail as each party assumes a directive, or authoritarian position as they compete for the resource. 10.40.3. Personal Behavior Factors. Conflict can arise because of individual differences, such as goals and objectives, perceptions, values, and personalities. Three such differences in particular may facilitate behaviors that cause conflict: values, perception, and personality. Values. Values are very important to people and will determine their behavior. When peoples values are questioned, criticized, or opposed, conflict can result. Some values, such as religion and politics, seem to incite the biggest arguments and can lead to fights, but even less emotion-based values can cause conflict. For example, a worker who values high quality work may see him or herself due a reward for the quality of the work. Conflict may occur if the unit emphasizes quantity over quality and rewards someone else instead. Perception. Values also affect how people perceive situations and other people. If a person perceives others as lazy and incompetent, how he or she responds to that perception may cause problems. A persons perception of what constitutes fairness, quality of work, or constructive techniques can lead to conflict if these perceptions differ significantly from others or what the organization has defined for those factors.


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245 Personality. We have all heard about people who couldnt get along because of a personality conflict. It isnt uncommon. Put certain personalities together and you are asking for conflict. Two personality types especially conflict-prone are the highly authoritarian individual and the low self-esteem individual. The highly authoritarian personality may antagonize coworkers by escalating otherwise trivial differences. The low self-esteem personality may feel threatened by others and therefore overreact. Either type of behavior can create interpersonal conflict in an organization. 10.41. Five Styles of Conflict Management: 10.41.1. Now that we have an idea of what conflict is and what causes it, we can examine some ways to manage it. In the book, Conflict and Negotiation Processes in Organizations, Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1992), Dr. Thomas suggests five major conflict management styles: competing (or forcing), collaborating, accommodating, avoiding, and compromising. Dr. Thomas uses a two-dimensional framework to compare these styles. The first dimension refers to the degree of cooperation a manager exhibits, measuring from uncooperative to cooperative. The second dimension measures assertiveness on a scale from nonassertive (passive) to assertive (active). Being cooperative refers to how willing a person or group is to satisfy the other s needs. For example, if Person A gives in the needs of Person B, Person A is considered cooperative. If Person A assumes a my way or the highway approach, he or she is considered uncooperative. 10.41.2. From these two dimensions, we can devise a way to manage conflict based on the situation. Just as situational leadership is based on task and relationship behavior, conflict management is situational and is based on assertive and cooperative behavior. With this in mind, lets look at the five styles used to manage conflict. Competing (or Forcing). This style attempts to overwhelm an opponent with formal authority, threats, or the use of power. Its underlying features are being highly assertive and uncooperative. Collaborating. The collaborating style involves an attempt to satisfy the concerns of both sides through honest discussion. Creative approaches to conflict reduction, such as sharing resources, may actually lead to both parties being materially better off. For this style to be successful, trust and openness are required of all participants. This style is high in assertive behavior and high in cooperation. It seeks a win position for both groups. Accommodating. The accommodating style combines low assertiveness and high cooperation. At its simplest level, this style may merely involve giving in to another persons wishes. Avoiding: The combination of low assertiveness and low cooperation leads to an avoiding style. The person implies that he or she will appear to be neutral. It may not always be possible to adopt a truly neutral position, but a manager may nonetheless prefer to avoid the situation. Although a manager who avoids difficult issues is likely to be resented by his or her Airmen, this strategy may be effective under certain circumstances. For example, a manager may initially stay out of a disagreement to avoid escalating the conflict during a particular phase of its development. Later, when he or she judges the time to be right, the manager may take a more active role in finding a productive solution. Experienced managers recognize that action is not always necessary because some problems dissipate over time or are resolved by other organizational processes. For example, an intense conflict between two Airmen may seem to require intervention by their manager. If the manager knows that one of the individuals will soon be transferred to another department or promoted to another position, ignoring the situation and letting the impending changes resolve the difficulty may be the best solution. Compromising. This style involves intermediate degrees of assertiveness and cooperation to partially satisfy both parties desires and achieve a middle ground. To successfully compromise, both parties must be willing to give up something. Compromising is common during labor and management disputes. 10.42. Applying Conflict Management Style: 10.42.1. When deciding which style of conflict management to use, consider a few additional factors. First, consider who you are dealing with. If it is a supervisor or a peer, the competing style of conflict management may not be applicable. It is doubtful any of us could force our commander in a conflict situation. On the other hand, competing may work for a subordinate. You have the legitimate power to enforce a policy. So the who is important in deciding which style you can use. 10.42.2. Another factor is determining how critical the issue is, also known as the stakes. If the issue is critical, you may wish to use the avoiding style at first to carefully consider the options or gather more data. However, because the


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issue is critical, you cannot avoid it for long. Sooner or later, you will have to confront the issue. Also, if it is a critical situation and you know you are right, you may need to use the competing style to force your position. Conversely, if the issue is trivial, you could avoid it or even accommodate the other party. Remember, always consider the stakes in the issue. 10.42.3. The final factor is the situation itself. In an emergency, the competing style might be necessary because there simply is not enough time to collaborate or compromise. You also cannot avoid an emergency. However, if time is not an issue and the parties are willing to discuss the matter, collaboration may be the best way to deal with the conflict situation because it works best for everyone. 10.42.4. Although people may consider some styles of conflict management more effective (for example, collaborating versus avoiding), all of the conflict management styles are useful, depending on the who, the stakes, and the situation. Using these five styles allows us to successfully manage conflict, reduce disorder and chaos, and facilitate creativity and innovative problem solving. Being a conflict management specialist is just another one of the many responsibilities of managers! Section 10IUnit Morale 10.43. Contemporary Motivation: 10.43.1. Contemporary motivation is a simple, three-phased approach to motivation. This approach states that people can be in one of three levels of commitment to the organizationthe membership level (at the lowest end), the performance level, and the involvement level (highest level). A persons level of commitment determines how motivated he or she is to accomplish the mission. The more committed a person is to the organization, the more involved he or she is in the organization. Supervisors can help to ensure the proper rewards are provided so individuals can move to, or remain in, a higher commitment level. 10.43.2. Are methods available to measure unit morale or motivation levels? Yes. For instance, the Inspector General uses a climate assessment instrument to assess a units morale. Mark Alexander, author of the article, Organizational Norms, The 1977 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators (1977), defines a set of organizational norms and maintains that identifying and evaluating organizational norms will result in a morale score. He identified 10 norms, but we will only examine 7. Paragraph 10.44 is an excerpt from the article and norms survey. 10.44. Organizational Norms. Within any organizational situation, behavioral forces influence individual effectiveness and job satisfaction. To a certain extent, these forces are a result of organization requirements that people behave and act in certain ways, that they hold certain values and sentiments, and that they interact with others in a particular manner. 10.44.1. Required and Emergent Behavior. An organizations required behavior, sentiments, and interactions are not necessarily in effect. Existent or emergent behaviors, sentiments, and interactions, in many cases, have a much greater influence on organization life than required behavior. Emergent behavior correspondingly affects productivity, individual satisfaction, and personal development. Behavioral scientists generally recognize that emergent organizational behavior is determined largely by formation of working group behavioral norms. Norms are desirable behaviors. They are considered acceptable behavior as prescribed by work groups and, in the larger context, by society and its institutions. There are numerous examples throughout work and everyday life of emergent behavior and the underlying norms that cause this behavior. In the work environment, a tendency to establish start and quit times that vary from company policy, or a work groups inclination to establish a quicker or slower pace than required are two often -cited examples. Outside the work situation, normative (or emergent) behavior also occurs, and can be observed in schools, institutions, or anywhere that people come together and interact for a period of time. 10.44.2. Positive or Negative Norms. From the organizations view, norms can be positive or negative. Recent studies on organizational norms indicate that they can be broken into categories and that certain types or clusters of positive or negative norms can exist in a given work situation. Positive norms are those that support the organizations goals and objectives and foster behavior directed toward achieving those goals. Norms that support hard work, loyalty, quality, and concern for customer satisfaction are examples of positive norms.


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247 Negative norms have just the opposite effect. They promote behavior that works to prevent the organization from achieving its objectives. Negative norms are those that sanction criticism of the company, theft, absenteeism, and low levels of productivity. 10.45. Norm Categories: 10.45.1. Organizational and Personal Pride. Norms in this category are associated with an individuals feelings of identification and sense of pride regarding the organization. Positive norms lead the person to see the organization as his or hers. Negative norms are reflected in a we and they attitude toward the organization and its goals. Examples of positive and negative organizational and personal pride norms are evident in the competition between military organizations. If competition helps the units become better at their missions and exhibit greater morale and motivation, it is positive. On the other hand, if it hampers the mission and leads to reduced morale and motivation, its negative. 10.45.2. Teamwork and Communication. These norms are reflected in the visible behaviors where individuals work together (cooperate). Negative norms foster individuality, secrecy, and the belief that success is achieved by an attitude of every man for himself. Positive norms promote sharing of information and working together to achieve common goals. Thomas Jefferson noted that a candle loses nothing when it lights another candle; that is the real nature of partnership and teamwork: give freely of yourself and you will be rewarded with abundance. Promoting a positive norm is even more critical as all military branches and government agencies work together to counter global threats and combat terrorism at home and abroad. 10.45.3. Leadership and Supervision. Leadership norms can enhance or hinder effective supervision. Negative norms cause supervisors to assume more active roles, like constantly policing and monitoring Airmen. Positive norms result in supervisors assuming the role of subordinate helpers, trainers, and developers. 10.45.4. Profitability and Cost Effectiveness. This group of norms determines peoples behavior with respec t to profit and cost consciousness. Positive norms encourage people to save money and reduce costs; negative norms foster a lack of concern for bottom line performance. You may have heard someone say its good enough for government work. That is a negative norm that has been perpetuated over the years, but it is one our Air Force cannot afford if we are to effectively accomplish our mission of defending the United States and protecting its interests through superior air and space power. 10.45.5. Customer Relations. Norms in this group result in individual behavior that affects the manner in which a customer is served. Positive norms are directed toward maximizing customer satisfaction. Negative norms lead to viewing the customer as an obstacle to be avoided. Air Force basic doctrine tells us the Air Forces air and space core competencies are recognized by our joint customers. In other words, the total force, joint force, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and others rely on us to do our job to the best of our ability. If we do not, we cannot fight and win our Nations wars as we are expected to. Therefore, each organization must cultivate a culture that helps our Airmen, soldiers, marines, and sailors develop a positive customer relations norm to ensure our Nation can meet any challenge in the most effective manner. 10.45.6. Innovativeness and Creativity. This group of norms determines, to a large degree, whether original and creative behaviors are supported and encouraged. Positive norms lead to the stimulation of new ideas and to positive change. Negative norms support the status quo and discourage experimentation. In todays total and joint forces environment, we must encourage everyone to bring innovativeness and creativity to the table in order to meet the dynamic threats that terrorism has brought to our shores. 10.45.7. Training and Development. Positive norms in this group encourage training and view development as essential to the ongoing operation. Negative norms treat development as a nonessential, nice-to-do, but not critical aspect of the operation. We saw firsthand during Hurricane Katrina that training is vitally important to the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other natural disaster


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responders. In addition, Airmen are constantly training with soldiers and marines to ensure each branch is better equipped and prepared to fight the global war on terrorism. 10.46. Why We Measure Norms: 10.46.1. Understanding that norms exist, that they can be either positive (supportive of organizational goals) or negative (incongruent with organizational goals), and that they can be categorized drives the need to measure those norms and develop a normative profile. 10.46.2. In effect, a normative profile is a statement of organizational strengths and weaknesses on a behavioral level. Understanding their impact on an organizations ability to achieve its goals, you should direct improvement programs toward changing work group norms rather than individual behavior (as is so often the case with organizations development programs). Once norms change, behavioral change should follow. If a military members behavior does not support positive organizational norms, the supervisor needs to determine the underlying reasons. The individuals behavior could be a result of unmet needs, a result of discipline problems, or both. In order to be effective operational managers and expeditionary leaders, supervisors must learn to instill positive norms to properly motivate and discipline Airmen. Section 10JStrategic Leadership 10.47. Definition of Strategic Leadership. Strategic leadership plays a critical role in propelling todays Air Force through and beyond the 21 st century. We may not be able to define specifically what strategic leadership is because it is such a broad concept, but we can certainly recognize it in action. Noel Tichy, Director of the Global Leadership Program at the Ross School of Business, offers a comprehensible depiction as to what a strategic leader is: Strategic leaders guide the achievement of their organizational vision within a larger enterprise by directing policy and strategy, building consensus, acquiring and allocating resources, influencing organizational culture, and shaping complex and ambiguous external environments. They lead by example to build effective organizations, grow the next generation of leaders, energize subordinates, seek opportunities to advance organizational goals, and balance personal and professional demands. 10.48. Components of Strategic Leadership: 10.48.1. Enlisted leaders apply the strategic leadership components of core values, competencies, and actions at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels every day. Leadership at the tactical level is predominantly direct and face-toface. As leaders ascend the organizational ladder to the operational level, leadership responsibilities become more complex and sophisticated. Strategic leaders have a responsibility to large organizations and systems and are expected to conceptualize and integrate a variety of issues to accomplish the mission. 10.48.2. Core values form the foundation of leadership (paragraph 10.12), coupled with competencies (personal, people/team, and institutional leadership) and actions. Personal leadership focuses on interpersonal relations that directly influence human behavior and values. People/team leadership involves more interpersonal relations and team relationships. Leaders using this competency tailor resources to organizations and programs. Institutional leadership is about establishing structure, allocating resources appropriately, and articulating the organizational vision. 10.48.3. Actions include training and educational activities designed to develop strategic leadership abilities. Early career development focuses on personal competencies at the tactical level. At the operational stage, personal leadership continues, but the Air Force begins to emphasize people/team leadership development and introduces institutional leadership competencies. At the strategic level, the greatest emphasis is on developing institutional leadership competencies, primarily through education designed to help leaders form accurate frames of reference, make sound decisions, uncover underlying connections between general issues, and think creatively, innovatively, and critically about new solutions and options. 10.49. Strategic Leadership: 10.49.1. At the strategic level, Airmen must combine highly developed occupational capabilities with competencies gained earlier in their careers to lead and direct exceptionally complex and multi-tiered organizations. Strategic leaders must understand Air Force missions and how operational capabilities and Airmen are integrated to achieve synergistic results and desired effects. Strategic leaders are also expected to demonstrate a highly developed and insightful understanding of personal and team leadership.


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10.49.2. The successful strategic leader is the quintessential communicator, using all means of communication. Whereas leaders at lower levels of the organization remain focused on the short term, strategic leaders must have a future focus, spending much of their time looking forward, positioning the organization for long-term success. 10.49.3. Strategic leaders seek education and other opportunities to enhance their understanding and appreciation of strategic leadership, its responsibilities, functions, and impact on the organization. They fully understand their role in shaping climate and culture through vision, policy, communication, education, coaching, mentoring, and personal example. 10.50. Conclusion. To lead means to act as a guide or to guide; a leader is defined as a person who leads, directs, commands, or guides a group or activity. These are simple definitions, but the implications of poor or ineffective leadership are devastating to mission success. Given the authority, anyone can command. Leading, however, is a delicate art calling for peopleoriented attributes that many find difficult to develop and impossible to acquire. With determination and practical experience, you can develop your leadership skill sets. Commanders depend on noncommissioned officers to lead Airmen and accomplish the mission. This chapter discussed the art of leadership, effective leadership, interrelationship of leadership and management, leadership qualities, and the concept of vision, and provided an overview on empowerment and learning. It also provided information on leadership flexibility and followership, dealing effectively with change, the critical relationship between leadership and core values, mentoring, and counseling. These concepts are fundamental to the mission of the Air Force, as well as the careers and futures of the enlisted force.


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Organization doesnt really accomplish anything. Plans dont accomplish anything, either. Theories of management dont much matter. Endeavors succeed or fail because of the people involved. Only by attracting the best people will you accomplish great deeds. General Colin Powell Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Section 11AOverview 11.1. Introduction: 11.1.1. The EES deals directly with the Air Forces most precious resourcepeople. Supervisors must help their subordinates understand their strengths and weaknesses and how their efforts contribute to the mission. Supervisors employ the EES in everyday situations to help develop their subordinates. This chapter addresses the importance of correctly using the EES, identifies responsibilities, discusses the performance feedback process, and provides information on the enlisted performance report (EPR). 11.1.2. The EES provides: Meaningful feedback to individuals pertaining to what is expected of them, advice on how well they are meeting expectations, and advice on how to better meet these expectations. A reliable, long-term, cumulative record of performance and potential based on performance. Sound information pertaining to senior noncommissioned officer (SNCO) evaluation boards, the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS), and other personnel managers to assist in identifying the best qualified enlisted personnel for advancement and increased responsibility. Section 11BIndividual Responsibilities 11.2. Ratee. The ratee must know their rating chain and when feedback sessions are due; request a feedback session, if needed; and notify the rater and other evaluators in the chain, if necessary, when a required or requested feedback session does not take place. 11.2.1. Self-reporting. All Airmen above the pay grade of E-6 are required to report information about civilian offenses to their supervisors (Reference: National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2006, Public Law 109163, 554, 119 Statue 3136, 3264-65). For purposes of this policy this includes a plea or finding of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere (no contest), and all other actions tantamount to finding of guilty, including adjudication withheld, deferred prosecution, entry into adult or juvenile pretrial intervention programs, and any similar disposition of charges. In addition, this includes any military or Federal criminal law; any State, district, commonwealth, or territorial or equivalent criminal law or ordinance; and any criminal law or ordinance of any county, parish, municipality, or local subdivision of any such authority, other than motor vehicle violations that do not involve a court appearance. Active duty members shall submit reports within 15 days of the date the conviction is announced, even if sentence has not been imposed or the member intends to appeal the conviction. 11.3. Rater. The rater has responsibilities both during the performance feedback process and during the performance reporting, as follows: 11.3.1. Performance Feedback Process. Performance feedback is a private formal communication a rater uses to tell a ratee what is expected regarding duty performance and how well the ratee is meeting those expectations. The rater must prepare for, schedule, and conduct feedback sessions and provide realistic feedback to help the ratee improve performance. Realistic feedback includes discussing performance with the ratee and writing comments on AF Form 931, Performance Feedback Worksheet (AB thru TSgt), or AF Form 932, Performance Feedback Worksheet (MSgt thru CMSgt).

252 11.3.2. Performance Reporting:

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AFPAM36-2241 Use AF Form 910, Enlisted Performance Report (AB thru TSgt), and AF Form 911, Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt thru CMSgt), to document performance. The rater ensures the ratee is aware of who is in his or her rating chain. (Note: A good time to do this is during the feedback session.) The rater must review any adverse information in the ratees personnel information file (PIF), if applicable and any unfavorable information file (UIF) before preparing the EPR. The rater must assess and document the ratees performance, how well he or she performed it, and the potential based on this performance. The rater must obtain meaningful information from the ratee and as many sources as possible, especially when he or she cannot observe the ratee personally. The ratee should not write or draft any portion of his or her own EPR; however, the ratee is encouraged to provide the rater input on specific accomplishments. The rater must consider the significance and frequency of incidents (including isolated instances of poor or outstanding performance) when assessing the total performance. The rater must record the ratees performance, ensuring all data on the EPR matches the data on the EPR notice, and make a valid and realistic recommendation for promotion, if appropriate. Finally, the rater must differentiate between ratees with similar performance records, especially when making promotion recommendations. 11.4. Additional Rater. The additional rater reviews the PIF and UIF if applicable, and returns EPRs to the rater for reconsideration, if necessary, to ensure accurate, unbiased, and uninflated reports. The additional rater completes Section VI of the EPR by concurring or nonconcurring with the rater and making comments. The additional rater must be the raters rater unless deviation from the normal rating chain is required to meet grade requirements or to accommodate unique organizational structures. 11.5. Reviewer/Senior Rater/Final Evaluator. This individual reviews the PIF and UIF if applicable, and returns EPRs to previous evaluators for reconsideration, if necessary, and obtains additional information from competent sources, if necessary. When appropriate, this individual concurs or nonconcurs with previous evaluators and makes comments. The senior rater may complete Section VII of EPRs for SNCOs to differentiate between individuals with similar performance records, to meet minimum grade requirements, when the ratee is a chief master sergeant (CMSgt) or CMSgt-selectee, or when the ratee is time in grade (TIG) eligible. Refer to AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems, for exceptions. 11.6. Unit Commander. The unit commander manages the EPR program for the organization. He or she ensures EPRs accurately describe performance and make realistic recommendations for advancement. The commander determines the rating chain for assigned personnel based on Air Force and management-level policy, and ensures first-time supervisors receive specific, mandatory training. He or she ensures supervisors conduct performance feedback sessions as required, ensures the first sergeant conducts a quality force review on all EPRs, and conducts the commanders review. The commander or squadron section commander may perform many or all of these activities. 11.7. First Sergeants. First sergeants review all EPRs before the commander and advise him or her of quality force indicators. Section 11CPerformance Feedback 11.8. What Is Performance Feedback? Performance feedback is a private, formal communication tool a rater uses to tell a ratee what is expected regarding duty performance and how well the ratee is meeting expectations. Feedback should explain to ratees their duty performance requirements and responsibilities and if they are performing as expected. As with all other types of communication, to be effective, duty performance feedback must be clearly stated and received. Providing feedback helps an individual contribute to positive communication, improve performance, and grow professionally. 11.9. Who Provides Feedback? The rater provides performance feedback. In most cases, the rater (usually the ratees immediate supervisor) is responsible for the total job effort and is in the best position to observe daily duty performance. Also, the rater normally has the knowledge and experience necessary to discuss the Air Forces expectations regarding general military characteristics and opportunities available within the Air Force specialty (AFS). A rater may be an officer or noncommissioned officer (NCO) of a U.S. or foreign military service in a grade equal to or higher than the ratee, or a civilian (GS-5 or a comparable grade or higher) in a supervisory position higher than the ratee in the ratees rating


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chain. Active duty members in the grade of senior airman (SrA) may serve as raters if they have completed Airman Leadership School. Performance feedback sessions are mandatory for all enlisted personnel. 11.10. When Is Feedback Given? Initial feedback sessions are held within 60 days of when a rater initially begins supervision. This is the ratees only initial feedback session until there is a change of reporting official (CRO). During the feedback session, the rater clearly defines the expectations for the upcoming rating period. The following paragraphs explain timing on performance feedback for circumstances that occur most often. This list is not all inclusive and there are exceptions for special circumstances. For additional information, refer to AFI 36-2406 or contact the local military personnel section (MPS). 11.10.1. For airmen basic (AB) through senior master sergeants (SMSgt) who receive EPRs, a midterm feedback session is held midway between the date supervision began and the projected EPR closeout date to focus on how well the ratee meets expectations. A midterm feedback is not required for CMSgts. 11.10.2. For Airmen who do not receive EPRs, a midterm session is due approximately 180 days after the initial session. This cycle should continue until there is a CRO or the Airman begins to receive EPRs. 11.10.3. Raters conduct a feedback session for AB through technical sergeant (TSgt) when an evaluation report is written without a subsequent change of rater. The rater conducts the session within 60 days of the closeout of an EPR and uses the session to discuss performance recorded on the EPR and to provide direction and expectations for the new rating period. 11.10.4. Sessions are also held if the rater determines there is a need for one, or within 30 days of a request from a ratee, provided that at least 60 days have passed since the last feedback session. If a CRO is expected or the projected EPR closeout date limits the period of supervision to less than 150 days, a feedback session should take place approximately 60 days before the EPR closeout. 11.11. Performance Feedback Worksheets (PFW). Raters document the PFW and use the PFW format as a guide for conducting feedback sessions where they discuss objectives, standards, behavior, and performance with the ratee. Comments are typed or handwritten. AF Form 931 and AF Form 932 are designed to ensure that private face-to-face feedback sessions are of benefit to all enlisted personnel. Generally, Airmen and NCOs perform better when raters explain requirements, point out areas that need improvement, and keep them updated on their progress. The rater gives the completed PFW to the ratee at the conclusion of the feedback session and keeps a copy for personal reference. The PFW cannot be used in any personnel action unless the ratee first introduces it. The raters rater is authorized access to the completed PFW for AB through TSgt; the commander is authorized access for all grades. 11.12. AF Form 931, Performance Feedback Worksheet (AB thru TSGT). See Figure 11.1 for a sample of this form. The form itself is just a guide. The raters main goal should not be just to accomplish the form but to develop the ratee. Paragraph 11.12.1 through paragraph 11.12.5 provide noninclusive guidance for completing AF Form 931. 11.12.1. Section I, Personal Information. Enter the ratees name, grade, and unit assigned. 11.12.2. Section II, Types of Feedback. Place an X in the appropriate block to indicate the type of feedback being conducted (that is, initial, midterm, ratee requested, or rater directed). 11.12.3. Section III, Primary Duties. List the major job-specific duties for which the ratee is responsible. The space provided is adequate in most instances. If additional space is needed, continue in Section V, Strengths, Suggested Goals, and Additional Comments. 11.12.4. Section IV, Performance Feedback. Section IV incorporates both primary duty factors and general military factors into one major category. Primary duty factors relate to AFS. The raters feedback is generally based on what occurs in the work environment. General military factors focus on characteristics considered essential to military order, image, and tradition. Performance feedback encompasses both of these factors to emphasize how ratees perform their particular jobs


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and how they uphold and support the long-established military traditions, customs, standards, and institutional values. Primary duty and general military factors are essential considerations in determining overall duty performance. Also, the rater has space to add additional factors. Usually, these factors are unique to special duties and locations or may not be adequately covered in the primary duty or general military factors. Each subheading lists some behaviors that must be evaluated and scored by placing an X in the block that most accurately identifies the ratees performance. The areas marked Does Not Meet or Meets indicate the ratee needs to work extra hard. The areas marked Above Average or Clearly Exceeds indicate the member is performing quite well and needs to either maintain or slightly improve. Any area marked requires discussion to explain its exact meaning to the ratee. When the behavior listed does not apply, the rater will mark N/A (denotes not applicable). N/A may also be used during an initial feedback session. Remember, AF Form 931 or 932 is a tool to help guide the session between the rater and the ratee. The most important objective is for the ratee to clearly understand the raters position regarding performance and directions to take. Space is also provided to explain ideas and to give examples of behaviors noted. Provided in paragraphs 11.12.4 through 11.12.5 are examples of the areas the rater should consider when providing feedback to the ratee. Primary/Additional Duties. This item focuses on the ratees AFS. Quality of Work. Quality of work is the degree of job excellence. Each job normally has minimum quality standards established. The rater must measure the ratees typical performance results against these standards. Jobs have different degrees of quality standards and raters have different quality thresholds. Nonetheless, quality of work is very important. Everyone is encouraged to strive for excellence regardless of the job to which they are assigned. Timeliness of Work. Timeliness of work is the final aspect of productivity. The ratees awareness of and responses to the time constraints associated with the job are the focus of this factor. Each job has its own demand on time. Some jobs are planned far in advance, while others require immediate attention. Quality and quantity may be acceptable, but, if the job is not completed on time, the mission could suffer. Communication Skills. Good communication skills enable an Airman to listen, organize, and express ideas verbally and in writing. Supervision/Leadership. Supervision and leadership go hand-in-hand in the process of managing people and resources. Supervisors are responsible for their subordinates actions and must evaluate them accordingly. Leaders demonstrate leadership by example to include the display of integrity, honesty, fairness, and concern for the health and welfare of subordinates. Technical Ability. Technical ability is the specialized knowledge and skills obtained through experience and training. Standards, Conduct, Character, and Military Bearing: Dress and Appearance. Dress and appearance is a distinction of military service. Airmen must reflect pride in self, unit, and the Air Force by abiding with and, hopefully, exceeding these requirements. Personal/Professional Conduct On/Off Duty. Air Force members should behave in a manner that supports good order and discipline. This is not a substitute for official counseling related to significant misconduct but a good opportunity to share general impressions and reinforce expectations. Because military members are on duty 24 hours a day every day, off-duty behavior simply refers to behavior that occurs away from the normal workplace. An Air Force members conduct should be displayed in a way that reflects a professional image. Again, this area affords a pleasant opportunity to reinforce expectations and allows for comments on areas not specifically covered in other parts of the form. Enforcement of Standards. Problems occur every day in every unit. The manner and speed in which a supervisor solves problems become a measure of unit effectiveness. Being able to logically evaluate the pros and cons of each situation contributes to good problem solving. Specific examples, whether positive or negative, are valuable when explaining expectations versus actual performance. Customs and Courtesies. This area involves the ability to create esprit de corps, morale, discipline, and an atmosphere where respectful behaviors signal readiness and willingness to serve. The rater should discuss trends and standards. Fitness. Maintains Air Force Physical Fitness Standards. Being physically fit ensures mission readiness and an improved quality of life. It allows each Air Force member to present a proper military image. Additionally, being fit helps to increase mental alertness and reduce anxiety or tension.


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255 Training Requirements: Upgrade, Ancillary, On-the-Job Training (OJT), and Readiness. Proper training takes a lot of time and effort and directly determines whether an individual is successful. Raters should provide the best training available. An individuals training is rated in four categories: (1) upgrade training, (2) professional military education (PME), (3) proficiency and qualification training, and (4) contingency, mobility, and other training. Upgrade training has two components: OJT and career development courses (CDC). CDCs are correspondence courses written to provide information about a particular AFS. OJT is hands-on application of the knowledge gained through the CDCs and special instructions by the trainer. If the Airman is in upgrade training, feedback should focus on the Airmans efforts to c omplete the CDCs and master the hands-on application. Normally, training under these categories is not related to primary duties. Usually, this type of training is identified as training away from the job. However, raters must still present these requirements to the ratee with the same enthusiasm demonstrated for daily duties. Raters must also know how their people are doing, even when they are working under the direction of someone else. Professional Military Education. Raters must know the various PME courses available. This responsibility includes ensuring ratees enroll in and successfully complete any and all PME courses necessary for overall improvement. Teamwork/Followership: Teamwork and followership is the ability to create a working environment that ensures trust and pride in accomplishing the mission. Stimulating subordinates to willingly share their expertise with each other to become a cohesive team in achieving goals and expectations will have a positive impact on mission effectiveness. One way an organization can build a close-knit, cohesive unit is by having its members participate in a variety of activities both inside and outside the unit. The tone of this area is intended to be motivational. 11.12.5. Section V, Strengths, Suggested Goals, and Additional Comments. The comments in this section should help explain the raters thoughts. (Note: The performance assessment blocks in Section IV should serve as a vehicle for the ratee s use in remembering those areas of strength and those needing improvement.) Use this section to continue comments on performance factors, discuss other areas of interest, pinpoint strong characteristics, or outline the goals to work on until the next feedback session.

256 Figure 11.1. AF Form 931, Performance Feedback Worksheet (AB thru TSgt).

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258 11.13. AF Form 932, Performance Feedback Worksheet (MSGT thru CMSGT).

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The purpose of AF Form 932 is to encourage the rater to provide candid comments about the SNCO s duty performance and an uninflated assessment of applicable performance factors. Several factors are common to both AF Forms 931 and 932. Explanations similar to those provided for the AF Form 931 are included in this paragraph for those who provide feedback to SNCOs only. See Figure 11.2 for an example of AF Form 932. Paragraphs 11.13.1 through provide noninclusive guidance for completing AF Form 932. 11.13.1. Section I, Personal Information; Section II, Types of Feedback; Section III, Primary Duties; and Section V, Strengths, Suggested Goals, and Additional Comments. These sections have similar requirements to AF Form 931. (Refer to paragraphs 11.12 through 11.12.5 for additional information.) The difference between the two forms is located within Section IV. 11.13.2. Section IV, Performance Feedback. The requirements for this section resemble those in Section IV of AF Form 931. Differences include the subheadings, which identify requirements for SNCO performance. Primary Duties. This item focuses on the ratees AFS. Raters will place an X in the block that most accurately identifies the ratees performance. The areas marked Does Not Meet or Meets indicate the ratee needs to work extra hard. The areas marked Above Average or Clearly Exceeds indicate the member is performing quite well and needs to either maintain or slightly improve. Any area marked requires discussion to explain its exact meaning to the ratee. N/A (not applicable) is used during an initial feedback session. In many cases, raters are required to establish work standards (expectations) for the unit. Usually, these standards are based on what needs to be accomplished, how it needs to be done, and when it needs to be completed. To accomplish the objectives of the unit, SNCOs are assigned specific duties. How the SNCOs accomplish these tasks should form the basis of the raters evaluations. These factors are interrelate d and sometimes difficult to separate. However, SNCOs must understand what it takes to achieve total job effectiveness how they actually perform and meet expectations. The raters thoughts on these matters form the basis of the feedback sessions. Quality of Work. The degree or grade of job excellence determines the quality of work. Normally, each job has minimum quality standards established. Raters should measure the SNCO s typical performance results against this standard. Obviously, some jobs have more stringent quality standards than others, and raters have varying tolerance in what they can accept. Quality of work is very important. The Air Force encourages everyone to strive for excellence regardless of the job to which they are assigned. Quantity of Work. The amount of work done is another aspect of productivity. Timeliness of Work. The final aspect of productivity is timeliness. The SNCOs awareness of and response to the time constraints associated with the job are the focus of this factor. Each job has its own demand on time. Some jobs are planned far in advance while others require immediate attention. While quality and quantity may be acceptable, the mission could suffer if the job is not completed on time. Technical Knowledge. The specialized knowledge and skills obtained through experience and training are called technical knowledge. Leadership. Leadership is the art of influencing and directing people to accomplish the mission. It involves displaying a strong desire to achieve, persistence, task competence, good interpersonal skills, selfconfidence, decisiveness, a tolerance for stress, and a high degree of flexibility. Standards: Enforcement and Personal Adherence, Conduct, Military Bearing, Customs and Courtesies: Dress and Appearance. Dress and appearance is a distinction of military service. Everyones duty is to ensure Airmen reflect pride in self, unit, and the Air Force by abiding with and, hopefully, exceeding these requirements. Personal/Professional Conduct On/Off Duty. Air Force members should behave in a manner that supports good order and discipline. This is not a substitute for official counseling related to significant misconduct, but a good opportunity to share general impressions and reinforce expectations. Because military members are on duty 24 hours a day every day, off-duty behavior simply refers to behavior that occurs away from the normal workplace. An Air Force members conduct should be displayed in a way that reflects a professional image. Again, this area affords a pleasant opportunity to reinforce expectations and allows for comments on areas not specifically covered in other parts of the form.


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259 Fitness. Maintains Air Force Physical Fitness Standards. Being physically fit ensures mission readiness and an improved quality of life. It allows Air Force members to present a proper military image. Additionally, being fit helps to increase mental alertness and reduce anxiety or tension. Resource Management and Decisionmaking: Resources. The most common resources an SNCO will be involved with are people, equipment, and money. To effectively manage these resources is critical to the success of any mission. Planning timelines, programming, and projecting these resources must be done as accurately as possible. Judgment. SNCOs must be able to resolve problems in a professional manner while considering all factors. Training, Education, Off-Duty Education, PME, Professional Enhancement and Communication. SNCOs must know the various PME courses available. This responsibility includes ensuring enrollment and successful completion of any and all PME courses necessary for overall improvement. SNCOs must exhibit high-quality communication skills in order to perform effectively. These skills include the ability to listen, write, and speak well. Leadership/Team Building/Followership. The ability to create a working environment that ensures trust, teamwork, and pride in accomplishing the mission is an important part of an SNCOs performance . The art of stimulating the willingness of subordinates to share their expertise with each other to become a cohesive team in achieving goals and expectations will have a positive impact on mission effectiveness. One of the many ways a military organization can build a close-knit, cohesive unit is by its members participating in a variety of activities both inside and outside the unit. The tone of this area is intended to be motivational. Other Comments. Future duty assignments and promotion advancement can be discussed in this area. This section may also be used to spell out uncommon acronyms.


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Figure 11.2. AF Form 932, Performance Feedback Worksheet (MSgt thru CMSgt).


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262 11.14. Helpful Hints for Effective Feedback Sessions.

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The primary purpose of feedback is to improve performance and professionally develop personnel to their highest potential. To enhance the effectiveness of feedback sessions: 11.14.1. Observe Performance and Keep Notes. The most important aspect to consider when preparing for a feedback session is to routinely observe the ratees performance. No one can expect to comment on strong and weak areas, trends, and any degree of improvement without routinely observing performance. A rater must be actively involved in the process to make feedback work. There is no need to follow an official plan or create a fancy note-taking device. However, the rater must routinely make notes about behavior and the impact of this behavior, collect examples of work or letters of appreciation, talk to others who are knowledgeable about duty performance, and actively interact with ratees. This information is collected over time and in a variety of circumstances to foster a solid evaluation. Whether the rater chooses to use a notebook or a daily calendar, reviewing performance without bias and keeping good notes allow for meaningful insight and help in preparing for the feedback session. 11.14.2. Schedule the Time and Place. Schedule the feedback session far enough in advance so the rater and the ratee have sufficient time to prepare. Set aside time for the session to cover everything on the agenda without the appearance of being rushed. For both parties to relax and talk comfortably, select a room that allows for privacy and face-to-face discussions, has proper lighting and ventilation, and prevents any outside distractions or interruptions. 11.14.3. Set the Agenda. The agenda should consist of a basic outline of topics and the sequence for discussion. Include the ratees duty description and responsibilities, expectations, and target areas to meet expectations, a brief synopsis of the mission, and status of the unit. These essential items lay the groundwork for an effective, productive working relationship by motivating the ratee to achieve the highest possible level of (future) performance. Another important step in establishing an agenda for followup sessions is to review all notes of observed actions and results, the file of work samples, etc. Four basic questions to ask during a feedback session are: What has happened in response to the discussion from the last feedback session? What has been done well? What could be done better? What new areas are there to discuss? 11.14.4. Choose the Best Approach. The rater can use numerous approaches to give feedback. However, regardless of the approach chosen, it must not be an artificial technique applied mechanically. Any one of the following approaches works well depending on the situation and the raters judgment, but remember, one of the fundamental rules of feedback calls for the rater to be him or herself: Directive. With the directive approach, analyze the situation, develop a solution or a plan for improvement, and tell the Airman or NCO what to do. Several common methods of this approach include giving advice, explaining, and reassuring. Nondirective. In a nondirective approach, the rater can encourage the ratee to talk about trends by asking questions and drawing the Airman or NCO into the process of developing a solution. This approach is extremely useful with individuals who usually have a positive attitude. However, nondirective requires the rater to have excellent listening and questioning skills. Combined. This approach draws on both directive and nondirective techniques. The combined approach relies on both the rater and ratee to develop solutions and offers the greatest flexibility. 11.14.5. Avoid Pitfalls: Problems that can arise in the course of the feedback process are as varied as the people involved in the process. Problems vary in degree but can happen at any time. Pitfalls include personal bias, stereotyping, loss of emotional control, inflexible methods, reluctance to provide feedback, and inadequate planning. Another example is focusing on the person instead of the behavior; for example, drawing or jumping to conclusions based on limited observations or poor recall, rating performance as outstanding when it is not, telling the individual he or she is the best when the individual is not, and giving favorable ratings to an individual who is


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well liked or unfavorable ratings to an individual who is not. Pitfalls always lead to a discussion of general impressions versus specific aspects of performance. Avoiding pitfalls is not easy, but two general guidelines may help. First, the rater should exhibit the proper attitude. The raters role during feedback is not as a critic or a superior with no faults but more of a coach or helper. The feedback process should be positive. The rater can avoid potential pitfalls by approaching the feedback session with a positive attitude. Second, raters can avoid many other pitfalls by practicing good observation skills that: Gather supporting notes over a period of time. Discriminate between relevant and irrelevant information. Focus on specific behaviors and outcomes. Decide what aspects of the job are really measurable and important. Sample selectively when direct observation is infrequent. Communicate regularly with ratees. 11.15. The Feedback Session: 11.15.1. Open the Feedback Session. Creating a relaxed atmosphere is conducive to having an open discussion. It is extremely important to place the ratee at ease. Seating arrangements should foster communication (across the corner of a desk or table or a chairfacing-chair arrangement works well). During this stage, focus on a neutral topic or event, recap the last feedback session, or thank the person for his or her efforts during the observation period. Any opening conversation should be brief. Being friendly and sincere is essential. 11.15.2. Identify the Purpose and Discuss Topics: The rater must take time to fully explain the purpose of the feedback session. The rater should seek input from the individual at this initial stage. The ratees ideas or opinions of what has been done so far and what can be done better are important aspects of developing goals and objectives for improvement. The rater should focus on the ratees strengths and accomplishments as well as the recommended improvement areas. The rater should be specific about the actual behavior that caused the accomplishment or deficiencies and describe the effects of this behavior on others. Raters must give the feedback session their full attention, both mentally and physically. They must be sincerely interested in their personnel; otherwise, the Airmen or NCOs will recognize the insincerity and not share the personal information needed in order to help. An important aspect of giving an individual full attention is listening to what is being communicatednot just the words and symbols used. For example, eye contact, posture, head nods, facial expressions, and verbal behavior are important indications of the ratees inner emotions and attitudes. At the same time raters are concerned about their own behavior; they must also be sensitive to the same cues from the ratees and adjust accordingly. 11.15.3. Develop and Implement a Course of Action. Using one of the feedback approaches, the rater and ratee should develop a plan to achieve success. This plan should include objectives and priorities that specify the quantity, quality, timeliness, and manner of actions desired. To use the plan to its fullest extent, ensure all key points are written on the PFW and given to the ratee. This acts not only as a summary for the ratee but also as a memory jogger of the discussion for later use. 11.16. Tips for Better Feedback: 11.16.1. Ratees must first accept the rater before they can willingly accept feedback. The successful rater does not rely on grade or position. To be successful, raters must develop ratee confidence in their competence, sincerity, and fairness before the feedback session. 11.16.2. Perceptions and opinions should be presented as such and not as facts. 11.16.3. Feedback should be in terms of specific relevant behavior and not on generalities, the raters attitude, or personal feelings toward the individual. 11.16.4. Feedback should be centered around those areas over which a ratee can exercise some control.


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11.16.5. When feedback is mainly evaluative versus purely descriptive, it should be in terms of established criteria, probable outcomes, and means of improvement. While feedback is intended to disclose expectations, it should be based on accepted standards and needs of the Air Force versus personal opinions, likes, dislikes, and biases. 11.16.6. Feedback is pointless unless a ratee benefits from it. Praise for the sake of praise has no value. Feedback should motivate, build self-confidence, or reinforce top performance. Negative feedback that does not aid in improved performance or a higher level of performance should not be given. 11.16.7. Listen carefully. Paraphrase what is heard to check perceptions. Ask questions for clarification. 11.16.8. Give positive feedback in a manner that communicates acceptance of the ratee as a worthwhile person. 11.16.9. Feedback should avoid loaded terms that produce emotional reactions and heightened defenses. 11.16.10. Remember that feedback stops when communication stops. 11.17. Close the Feedback Session: 11.17.1. Summarize. Before the session ends, the rater should take a few minutes to review and summarize the key items discussed and reinforce the goals for the next observation period. A good method of summarizing the session is to ask the ratee for comments to make sure he or she understands the results of the session. Most importantly, end the session on a positive, encouraging, and forward-looking note. 11.17.2. Follow Up and Monitor the Subordinates Performance. The rater should plan for the next observation period as soon as the session is completed. The existing notes help the rater to monitor the individuals performance progress and provide a starting point for the next feedback session. Again, formal sessions are not the only times to provide feedbacka rater should never wait to give feedback. Informal feedback on a regular basis helps keep the ratee on the road to improvement, increase motivation, and prevent new problems from developing. The goal of the feedback process is to improve individual duty performance. Through the raters efforts, the individual benefits professionally; the rater benefits from a more productive worker; and the Air Force benefits from increased mission accomplishment. Section 11DEnlisted Performance Reports 11.18. When To Submit an Enlisted Performance Report. A listing of situations in which EPRs may be required is provided in paragraphs 11.18.1 through 11.18.4. The list is not all-inclusive; many exceptions and special rules are involved in EPR submission requirements. If in doubt, refer to AFI 36-2406 or contact the MPS for assistance. Raters submit an EPR: 11.18.1. When the ratee is an A1C or below, has 20 months or more of total active federal military service (TAFMS), has not yet had a report, and 120 calendar days of supervision have elapsed. The reason for the report is Initial. 11.18.2. When the ratee is a SrA or above, has not had a report for at least a year, and 120 calendar days of supervision have elapsed. The reason for the report is Annual. 11.18.3. When a member is placed on or removed from the control roster according to AFI 36-2907, Unfavorable Information File (UIF) Program, and 60 calendar days of supervision have elapsed. The reason for the report is Directed by Commander. 11.18.4. To document unsatisfactory or marginal performance, or a significant improvement in duty performance, and 120 calendar days of supervision have elapsed. The reason for the report is Directed by Commander. 11.19. When Not To Submit an Enlisted Performance Report. Just as there are times when the rater must submit an EPR, there are times when EPRs are not required. A basic listing of situations in which EPRs may not be required is included in paragraphs 11.19.1 through 11.19.5. The list is not allinclusive and does not contain all the criteria pertinent to each rule. Refer to AFI 36-2406 for more information. Raters do not submit EPRs in the following situations: 11.19.1. When an A1C or below has less than 20 months of TAFMS. 11.19.2. When individuals are in prisoner status, on appellate leave, or absent without official leave (AWOL).


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11.19.3. If the individual died on active duty. However, if a report was already being processed at the time death occurred, it becomes optional. 11.19.4. When personnel with an approved retirement date meet all the following criteria: (Note: The rater may decide to write the report even though the criteria are met.) The retirement date is within 1 year of the projected annual closeout date of the report and the retirement application was approved before the projected annual closeout date. The enlisted member will not be considered for promotion before the retirement date. Retirement is not withdrawn. (Note: A report is due if the members retirement is withdrawn.) 11.19.5. If personnel have an approved separation date, provided the date of separation is within 1 year of the projected annual closeout date, and the separation was approved before the projected annual closeout date. (Note: The rater may decide to write the report even though the criteria are met.) 11.20. Processing Enlisted Performance Reports: 11.20.1. The rater receives an EPR notice and any supporting material. The rater reviews the EPR notice and contacts the MPS if he or she has questions. The rater may provide one copy of the EPR notice to the ratee for review. If the EPR notice indicates that the ratee has a UIF, the rater must review the contents of this file before preparing the EPR. 11.20.2. The rater and ratee review the information on the EPR notice, such as social security number, name, grade, and duty title, and contact the MPS to resolve any errors. In addition to reviewing the EPR notice, the rater must review the ratees PIF. The completed EPR is due to the MPS no later than 30 days after closeout. 11.20.3. The rating chain completes the EPR and forwards it to the MPS. 11.20.4. After the rating chain completes the EPR, the rater and ratee conduct feedback and finalize the EPR. 11.20.5. Personnel in the MPS update the EPR rating into the Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS) and upload the digitally signed form into the Case Management System (CMS). CMS transfers the evaluation to the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) for inclusion into the ratees Automated Records Management System (ARMS) record. Exception: If the EPR contains handwritten signatures, the original is mailed to AFPC for inclusion in ARMS and promotion records. 11.21. Who Submits Enlisted Performance Reports. The rater (normally the immediate supervisor) prepares the report unless the rater dies, is missing in action, is captured or interned, becomes incapacitated, or is relieved of evaluator responsibility during the period of the report. If any of these conditions exist, the raters rater assumes the rating duties. The new rater must have sufficient knowledge of the ratees duty performance and the required number of days of supervision. (For additional information, see AFI 362406.) If the raters rater has insufficient knowledge to prepare the report for the required period of supervision, he or she must gather knowledge of the ratees duty performance from all available sources (first sergeant, former supervisors, etc.). If unusual circumstances dictate sufficient knowledge cannot be obtained, AFPC authorizes filing an AF Form 77, Letter of Evaluation, in the ratees record stating why a report could not be prepared for the period. 11.22. AF Form 910, Enlisted Performance Report (AB thru TSgt), and AF Form 911, Senior Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt thru CMSgt). Paragraph 11.22.1 through paragraph 11.22.14 and Figures 11.3 and 11.4 provide noninclusive guidance for completing AF Forms 910 and 911. This guidance is not meant to provide detailed information on completing the forms, but rather to provide relevant information in certain areas of particular interest. 11.22.1. Section I, Ratee Identification Data. See the EPR notice for this data. If any data is incorrect, notify the MPS for correction. Note: Abbreviations in block 5 may be expanded for clarity. Name. Enter last name, first name, middle initial, and Jr., Sr., etc. If there is no middle initial, the use of NMI is optional. Social Security Number (SSN). Enter the SSN. Grade. Enter the appropriate grade held on the closeout date of the EPR.


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AFPAM36-2241 Duty Air Force Specialty Code (DAFSC). Enter the DAFSC held as of the closeout date of the EPR, to include prefix and suffix (if applicable). Organization, Command, Location, and Component. Enter information as of the closeout date of the EPR. Nomenclature does not necessarily duplicate what is on the EPR notice. The goal is to provide an accurate description of where and to whom a member belongs on the EPR closeout date. Personnel Accounting Symbol (PAS) Code and Senior Rater Identification (SRID). Enter the PAS code and SRID for the ratees unit of assignment as of the closeout date. Period of Report. Enter the day following the ratees last EPR closeout date for the From date. For the Thru date, enter the date on the EPR notice or see AFI 36 -2406 to determine this date. Number of Days Supervision. Enter the number of days the rater supervised the ratee for the reporting period. Reason for Report. Enter the reason for the report from the EPR notice (for example, annual, CRO, etc.). 11.22.2. Section II, Job Description. Section II provides information regarding the position the ratee holds in the unit and the nature or level of job responsibilities. The rater prepares the information for this section. Duty Title. Enter the approved duty title as of the closeout date. If the duty title on the EPR notice is abbreviated and entries are not clear, spell it out. If wrong, enter the correct duty title and take appropriate action to change MilPDS. (Note: This action is initiated upon receipt of the EPR notice as stated in paragraph 11.20.1.) Ensure the duty title is commensurate with the ratees grade, Air Force specialty code (AFSC), and level of responsibility. Significant Additional Duty(s). Enter any significant additional duties the ratee holds. Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities. Enter a clear description of the ratees duties. Avoid jargon and acronyms. Describe tasks performed, how selective the ratees assignment is, and the scope or level of responsibility. Include the dollar value of projects managed and the number of people supervised. Earlier duties or additional duties held during the reporting period may be included if they influence ratings and comments. 11.22.3. Section III, Performance Assessment. For each item in Section III, the rater places an X in the block that accurately describes the ratees performance. Additional evaluators review reports to ensure the ratings accurately describe the ratees performance and comments are compatible with or support the ratings. Evaluators must return reports with unsupported statements for additional information or reconsideration of ratings. Additional evaluators can disagree with the rating by marking non-concur and making specific comments regarding the exact standard and or comment with which he or she disagrees in Section VI of the form. 11.22.4. Section IV, Rater Information. Enter rater identification as of the closeout date. The forms have digital signature and auto date capability. If digital signatures cannot be used, sign in reproducible black or blue ink. Do not sign before the closeout date (only on or after). Rater assessment and feedback block will be locked and additional rater signature capability will be unlocked with raters digital signature. 11.22.5. Section V, Overall Performance Assessment. Consider the ratees readiness for increased rank and responsibility and how he or she compares to others in the same grade and AFSC. The rater places an X in the block that best describes the ratees promotion potential. Note: Raters must not rate people with strong performance records and potential the same as average or weak performers. 11.22.6. Feedback Certification. Raters certify performance feedback in this area by entering the date when the last feedback was performed. Enter date as DD MMM YYYY. If feedback was not accomplished, state the reason why. If feedback was not required, enter N/A. Complete this portion of the form before digitally signing the form. Do not use the date feedback was provided in conjunction with completion of the evaluation.


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11.22.7. Section VI, Additional Raters Comments. This section is used to support the rating decision and to allow evaluators to comment on the ratees overall performance and performance-based potential as compared to others in the same grade known by the evaluators. When agreeing with the report, mark the concur block. Use bullet format to provide comments that add meaning and are compatible with the rating in Section VI. Do not repeat comments provided in the previous section. The additional rater must be the raters rater unless the additional rater does not meet grade requirements. The rater and additional rater should discuss disagreements, if any, when preparing reports. Prior evaluators are first given an opportunity to change the evaluation; however, they will not change their evaluation just to satisfy the evaluator who disagrees. If, after discussion, the disagreement remains, the disagreeing evaluator marks the non-concur block and comments on each item in disagreement. 11.22.8. Additional Rater Identification. Additional raters may be assigned after the closeout date. For evaluators assigned on or before the closeout date, enter identification data as of the closeout; for evaluators subsequently assigned, enter identification data as of the signature date. The forms have digital signature and auto date capability. If digital signatures cannot be used, sign in reproducible black or blue ink. Do not sign before the closeout date (only on or after). Once digitally signed, the block cannot be altered. On the AF Form 911, once the additional rater signs, the reviewers signature block will be enabled for digital signature. 11.22.9. AF Form 910, Section VII, and AF Form 911, Section X, Functional Examiner/Air Force Advisor. When the final evaluator on an EPR is not an Air Force officer or Department of the Air Force official, an Air Force advisor is designated to advise raters on matters pertaining to Air Force performance reports. For EPRs on TSgt and below, the Air Force advisor serves in the grade of MSgt or above. For EPRs on MSgt thru CMSgt, the Air Force advisor serves in the grade of Major or above. The Air Force advisor does not change any statement or rating on the performance report. The advisor may provide clarification regarding the ratees duty performance on AF Form 77 according to AFI 36-2406 and attach it to the EPR. An Air Force advisor will have, or be able to obtain, knowledge of the ratee, and when feasible, be equal to or higher in grade than the final evaluator. 11.22.10. AF Form 911, Section VII, Reviewers Comments. Do not use Section VII if Section VI is not completed. If the additional rater is the final evaluator, enter This section not used. If used, this section must contain comments in bullet format. The reviewer will mark the concur or non-concur block, and make appropriate comments (if applicable). Reviewers (senior raters) may endorse EPRs: To differentiate between individuals with similar performance records as both ratings and endorsement levels influence those using the AF Form 911 to make personnel decisions. To meet the minimum grade requirement to close out the report. When the ratee meets the TIG requirements for promotion. When the ratee is a CMSgt or a CMSgt-selectee.

268 Figure 11.3. Sample AF Form 910, Enlisted Performance Report (AB thru TSgt).

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Figure 11.4. Sample AF Form 911, Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt thru CMSgt).


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11.22.11. AF Form 910, Section VIII, and AF Form 911, Section XI, Unit Commander/Civilian Director/Other Authorized Reviewer. In this section (Section VIII, AF Form 910, and Section XI, AF Form 911), the unit or squadron section commander influences report quality, removes exaggerations, identifies inflated ratings, and provides information to evaluators for finalizing reports. If the commander agrees with the report, he or she marks the concur block and digitally signs in the space provided. If the commander disagrees with the report, he or she provides reasons for disagreement on AF Form 77. Commanders who are part of the rating chain will complete and sign both this section and the appropriate evaluators section. In this instance, the commander will sign the report twice. The two signatures serve separate purposes, one as an evaluator regarding duty performance, and one as a commander regarding quality review. Enlisted personnel authorized to perform the commanders review must include the words Commander, Commandant, or Detachment/Flight Chief in the signature block. 11.22.12. AF Form 911, Section VIII, Final Evaluators Position. The final evaluator completes Section VIII by placing an X in the appropriate block for the level of endorsement. 11.22.13. AF Form 911, Section IX, Time-in-Grade (TIG) Eligible. Section IX pertains to TIG eligibility for senior rater endorsementnot the ratees actual promotion eligibility as of the closeout date. Using information extracted from the EPR notice, the rater completes Section IX before forwarding the EPR for additional endorsement. TIG does not apply to CMSgts, CMSgt-selectees, or reservists. SMSgt-selectees are not eligible for senior rater endorsement because they are not TIG eligible for the next promotion cycle. See AFI 36-2406 for additional information on TIG eligibility. 11.22.14. AF Form 910, Section IX, and AF Form 911, Section XII, Ratees Acknowledgement. The rater conducts face-to-face feedback in conjunction with issuing the evaluation and obtains the ratees signature in this section. The EPR serves as the feedback form. Do not use a PFW. 11.23. Prohibited Evaluator Considerations and Comments. Certain items are prohibited for consideration in the performance evaluation process and may not be commented upon on any EES document. These include: 11.23.1. Duty history or performance outside the current reporting period. 11.23.2. Previous reports or ratings, except in conjunction with performance feedback sessions. 11.23.3. Performance feedback. Evaluators do not refer to performance feedback sessions in any area of the EPR except in the performance feedback certification block (Section V). 11.23.4. Events that occur after the closeout date. If an incident or event occurs between the time an annual report closes and the time it becomes a matter of record that is of such serious significance that inclusion in this report is warranted, the rater must request an extension of the closeout date. This includes completion of an investigation that began before the closeout date or confirmation of behavior that was only alleged as of the closeout date. The authority to extend a closeout date is retained by AFPC. AFPC grants extensions to cover only the time necessary to complete actions, not to exceed 59 days; a commander-directed report may be prepared with 60 days of supervision. Requests for extension are sent through the servicing MPS to AFPC for approval. Include the members information, reason for the report, original closeout date, requested closeout date, specific justification for the request, and all pertinent information such as dates of investigations, etc. 11.23.5. Prior events. Do not include comments regarding events that occurred in a previous reporting period unless the events add significantly to the performance report, were not known to other evaluators, and (or) were not previously included in a performance report. For example, an event, positive or negative, that came to light after a report became a matter of record but occurred during the period of that report could be mentioned in the ratees next report because the incident was not previously reported. In rare cases, serious offenses such as those punishable by court-martial, may not come to light or be substantiated for several years. In these cases, including this information may be appropriate even though the incident or behavior occurred before the last reporting period. Additionally, negative incidents from previous reporting periods involving the character, conduct, or integrity of the ratee that continue to influence the performance or utilization of the ratee may be commented upon in this context only. Commanders and senior raters make the determination of what constitutes a significant addition.


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11.23.6. Conduct based on unreliable information. Raters must ensure information relied upon to document performance, especially derogatory information relating to unsatisfactory behavior or misconduct, is reliable and supported by substantial evidence. The rater should consult with the servicing staff judge advocate (SJA) if there is a question of whether the standard has been met. Be particularly cautious about referring to charges preferred; investigations; boards of inquiry, such as accident investigation boards; using information obtained from these sources; or any similar actions related to a member that are not complete as of the closeout date of the report. When it is determined that such conduct is appropriate for comment, make reference to the underlying performance, behavior, or misconduct itselfnot merely to the fact that the conduct may have resulted in a punitive or administrative action taken against the member, such as a letter of reprimand, Article 15, court-martial conviction, etc. Refer to AFI 362406 if an extension of the closeout date is warranted to determine if reliable information of unsatisfactory performance or misconduct has been established. 11.23.7. Any action against an individual that resulted in acquittal or failure to successfully implement an intended personnel action. For example, do not say SSgt Johnson was acquitted of assault charges or that involuntary separation action was unsuccessful. This does not mean, however, that the underlying conduct that formed the basis for the action cannot be mentioned. A determination as to the appropriateness of doing so should be made only after consulting with the servicing SJA. The decision to include such information should be made only when evaluators can establish that the information is reliable and supported by substantial evidence. 11.23.8. Confidential statements, testimony, or data obtained by or presented to boards under AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports. 11.23.9. Actions taken by an individual outside the normal chain of command that represent guaranteed rights of appeal; for example, Inspector General, Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records, equal opportunity and treatment complaints, and congressional inquiry. 11.23.10. A recommendation for decoration. The rater may only include those decorations actually approved or presented during the reporting period. The term decorations, as used here, applies to thos e for which a medal is awarded and worn on the Air Force uniform, such as an Air Force achievement medal. The rater may mention other awards or nominations for honors and awards, such as outstanding maintainer or 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year. 11.23.11. Race, ethnic origin, gender, age, or religion of the ratee. Do not refer to these items in such a way that others could interpret the comments as reflecting favorably or unfavorably on the person. This is not meant to prohibit evaluators from commenting on involvement in cultural or church activities but to caution against the use of specific religious denominations, etc. For example, TSgt Jones is the first female ever selected for training.... is an inappropriate reference to gender. The rater may, however, use pronouns to reflect gender (such as he, she, him, her). 11.23.12. Disqualification under DoD 5210.42-R/AFMAN 10-3902, Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP). However, the behavior of the ratee that resulted in the action may be referenced. 11.23.13. Drug or alcohol abuse rehabilitation programs. Focus on the behavior, conduct, or performance resulting from alcohol or drug use versus the actual consumption of alcohol or drugs or participation in a rehabilitation program. Only competent medical authorities may diagnose alcoholism or drug addiction. 11.23.14. Score data on the WAPS score notice or SNCO promotion score notice, board scores, test scores, etc. 11.23.15. Family activities or marital status. Do not consider or include information (either positive or negative) regarding the members marital status or the employment, education, or volunteer service activities (on or off the military installation) of the members family. 11.23.16. Broad statements outside the scope of the evaluators responsibility or knowledge. A broad statement is one that implies knowledge of Air Force members not assigned within the evaluators realm of knowledge. For example, a group commander may not state the ratee is the best civil engineer in the business because he or she does not have knowledge of all civil engineers. Similarly, phrases such as top 5 percent Airman or clearly a top 1 percent SNCO are inappropriate because the evaluator does not have firsthand knowledge of all Air Force Airmen or SNCOs. Broad statements such as these lack credibility. 11.23.17. Physical fitness and (or) body composition scores. If the ratee does not meet Air Force fitness standards, then the wording should not focus on the overall numerical fitness scores but rather the reasons and (or) behavior that resulted in the poor physical assessment.

274 11.24. Referral Reports:

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11.24.1. A referral report is an EPR that contains a Does Not Meet Standards in any block in Section III or if the ratee receives a Poor (overall rating 1) or Needs Improvement (overall rating 2) in Section V, the report is a referral EPR and must be referred. Also, an EPR that contains derogatory comments or imply or refer to behavior not meeting minimum acceptable standards of personal conduct, character, or integrity must be referred. The rater should ensure consistency among performance factors, ratings, and comments. Note: A referral EPR may not have an overall assessment of 5. 11.24.2. An evaluator whose ratings or comments cause a report to become a referral report must give the ratee a chance to comment on the report. Although a report may be referred several times during processing; normally, an evaluator will not refer the report more than once. This, however, does not include reports referred again to allow the ratee the opportunity to rebut a report that, after initial referral, was corrected or changed before becoming a matter of record. Additionally, a report will be referred more than once when a subsequent evaluator gives additional referral ratings or comments. Referral procedures are established to allow the ratee to respond to items that make a report referral before it becomes a matter of record. 11.24.3. The ratee has 3 duty days to submit comments and the rebuttal. 11.25. Letter of Evaluation (LOE). LOEs cover periods of ratee performance too short to require a performance report, or periods of time when the ratee is under someone other than the designated rater. The evaluator uses LOEs to prepare the ratees next performance report but does not attach the LOEs to the report. Evaluators may paraphrase or quote information provided in LOEs (except for stratifications). Additionally, LOEs are optional, except for active duty A1Cs and below (with less than 20 months of TAFMS) when the reporting official changes due to the permanent change of station or permanent change of assignment of the ratee or rater. In this case, the rater must have at least 60 days of supervision. 11.26. Conclusion. This chapter covers the EES, identifies responsibilities, and discusses the performance feedback process and EPRs. Anytime questions arise on the process of the EES, members should refer to AFI 36-2406 or contact the MPS for specific guidance on Air Force procedures and local requirements. The EES deals directly with the Air Forces most precious resourcepeople. Only by working with and assisting subordinates can supervisors understand their strengths, weaknesses, and contributions and accomplish the mission.




Section 12AOverview 12.1. Introduction. On-the-job training (OJT) has been around since the beginning of history and has been used in the United States by both public and private industries for many years. Today, most successful companies have effective OJT programs because OJT works. Well-trained workers mean higher production, positive morale, greater profits, and higher wages. Air Force training costs millions of dollars annually, and for good reason. To accomplish the mission, whether that means satellites into orbit, planes in the air, reports to higher headquarters, or vehicles on the road, training is a must. In addition to OJT, training management covers upgrade training, skill levels, retraining, and training responsibilities, forms, and documentation. Finally, each base education office provides Service members with educational opportunities in which they may voluntarily participate during off-duty time or other times, as authorized by military policies. The base education office also provides information on financial assistance and commissioning programs. Section 12BTraining Management 12.2. Education and Training (E&T) Purpose. Skilled and trained personnel are critical to the Air Force in providing a strong national defense capability. The Air Force OJT program provides training for personnel to attain knowledge and skill qualifications required to perform duties in their specialty. 12.3. Strategy. Develop, manage, and execute realistic and flexible training programs to produce a highly skilled, motivated force capable of carrying out all tasks and functions in support of the Air Force mission. These programs should provide the foundation for Air Force readiness. 12.4. Training and Mission Accomplishment. Training is an integral part of the units mission. An effective training program requires commander and supervisory involvement at all levels. 12.5. Training and Airman Career Program. Supervisors must take an active role in the trainees career progression and explain the relationship between training and career progression. While the supervisors primary responsibility is to plan a program that outlines specific short term, mission-related goals for the trainee, overall succes s depends on the supervisors ability to advise and assist Airmen in reaching their long-range career objectives. 12.6. Training Components. The Air Force OJT program consists of three components: 12.6.1. Job Knowledgesatisfied through career development courses (CDC) designed to provide career knowledge, general task, and deployment/unit type code (UTC) task knowledge applicable to the Air Force specialty code (AFSC) that is gained through a planned program of study involving CDCs or technical references listed in the applicable career field education and training plan (CFETP) across a wide spectrum of subjects pertaining to a career field. When CDCs are not available, trainees study the applicable technical references identified by the supervisor and/or CFETP. 12.6.2. Job Proficiencyhands-on training provided on the job, allowing the trainee to gain proficiency in tasks performed in the work center. 12.6.3. Job Experiencegained during and after upgrade training to build confidence and competence. 12.7. Upgrade Training (UGT). UGT is the key to the total training program. It leads to award of the higher skill level and is designed to increase skills and abilities. Air Force specialty code UGT requirements for award of 3-, 5-, 7-, and 9-skill levels are outlined in Chapter 4 of AFI 36-2201, Air Force Training Program, AFI 36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel (Officer and Enlisted), and the applicable CFETP.

276 12.7.1. Apprentice.

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Airmen must complete an initial skills course for award of the 3-skill level. Retraining into an AFSC may be accomplished via OJT alone only when specified in the retraining instructions and as approved by the Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM) or the Air Reserve Component (ARC) career field functional manager. Personnel retraining via OJT may be awarded a 3-skill level when they complete knowledge training on all tasks taught in the initial skills course and other tasks and mandatory requirements identified by the AFCFM. 12.7.2. Journeyman. Airmen must complete mandatory CDCs if available and applicable mandatory core tasks identified in the CFETP. Award of the 5-skill level also requires completion of a minimum of 12 months in UGT and mandatory requirements listed in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD). Additionally, the member must be recommended by the supervisor and approved by the commander. Individuals in retraining status, training status code (TSC) F, are subject to the same training requirements. Exception: The member must complete a minimum of 9 months in UGT. 12.7.3. Craftsman. To be a craftsman, the member must be at least a staff sergeant; complete mandatory CDCs, if available; and complete applicable mandatory core tasks identified in the CFETP. Award of the 7-skill level also requires completion of: a 7-skill level craftsman course (if AFSC requires it); mandatory requirements listed in the AFECD; and a minimum of 12 months in training. Additionally, the member must be recommended by the supervisor and approved by the commander. Individuals in retraining status (TSC G) are subject to the same training requirements. Exception: The member must complete a minimum of 6 months in UGT. 12.7.4. Superintendent. For award of the 9-skill level, the member must be at least a senior master sergeant and meet mandatory requirements listed in the AFECD, be recommended by the supervisor, and be approved by the commander. 12.8. Retraining Program. The retraining program is designed to balance the number of personnel in specific grades and year groups of the Air Force specialty (AFS). Once retraining is approved and the Airman has been assigned duty in the new specialty, UGT begins. With minor exceptions, training requirements are identical for retrainees and standard upgrade trainees. 12.9. Training Responsibilities: 12.9.1. Unit Training Manager (UTM). The UTM is the commanders key staff member responsible for overall management of the training program. UTMs serve as training consultants to all unit members and determine if quality training programs are in effect within all sections. UTMs: Develop, manage, and conduct training in support of in-garrison and expeditionary mission requirements; advise and assist commanders and unit personnel in executing their training responsibilities; and conduct a staff assistance visit (SAV) of the unit s training program every 24 months. Interview newly assigned personnel within 30 days (60 days for ARC) to determine training status and CDC enrollment/progression requirements. Initiate AF Form 623, Individual Training Record, six-part folders (when required by the AFCFM), or approved electronic equivalent, for all trainees entering UGT for the first time and provide to the supervisor. Conduct a comprehensive trainee orientation according to AFI 36-2201 for trainees initially entering UGT within 60 days of assignment (90 days for ARC). UTMs must also manage the unit CDC program and conduct a training progress review with the supervisor and trainee at the 24th month of UGT to evaluate status. Ensure all work centers have a master training plan (MTP). Assist work centers in developing a MTP to plan, manage, and execute training activities. 12.9.2. Supervisor. Supervisors have the single greatest impact on mission accomplishment. They must share their experiences and expertise to meet mission requirements and provide a quality training program to the trainee. Supervisors must plan, conduct, and evaluate training. Supervisors will: Use CFETPs (or approved electronic equivalent) to manage work center and individual training and develop MTPs to ensure completion of all work center duty position requirements (for example, 100 percent


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task coverage). The supervisor must also integrate training with day-to-day work center operations and consider trainer and equipment availability, training opportunities, and schedules. Conduct and document work center training orientation within 60 days of new assignment (120 days for ARC). Also, conduct and document an initial evaluation of newly assigned personnel s trainee qualifications within 60 days of initial permanent change of station (PCS) or permanent change of assignment (PCA) (120 days for ARC). Select trainers (and certifiers as required by the AFCFM) based on skill qualifications with the assistance of the UTM. Administer the CDC program for assigned trainees. Maintain AF Form 623, six-part folder, or other approved training record for Airmen in the grades of airman basic through technical sergeant (or personnel in combat ready duty positions, if required by the AFCFM) and senior noncommissioned officers in retraining status, or as directed by the AFCFM. Before submitting members for upgrade, ensure the trainee, as a minimum, meets all mandatory requirements as defined in the AFECD, CFETP, and the Air Force job qualification standard (AFJQS). 12.9.3. Trainer. The trainer and supervisor may be the same individual. If necessary, the supervisor may assign someone else to provide the training. Trainers are selected based on their experience and ability to provide instruction to the trainees. Additionally, they must maintain task qualification and complete the Air Force Training Course. Trainer responsibilities include planning, conducting, and documenting training; preparing and using teaching outlines or task breakdowns, as necessary; developing evaluation tools; and briefing the trainee and supervisor on the training evaluation results. 12.9.4. Task Certifier. Task certifiers provide third-party certification and evaluation on tasks identified by the AFCFM, if applicable. The certifier must conduct additional evaluations and certify qualification on those designated tasks. Certifiers must be at least a staff sergeant with a 5-skill level or civilian equivalent, attend the Air Force Training Course, and be capable of evaluating the task being certified. Certifiers will develop evaluation tools or use established training evaluation tools and methods to determine the trainee s ability and training program effectiveness and will brief the trainee, supervisor, and trainer on the training evaluation results. 12.9.5. Trainee. The trainee is the focal point of the Air Force training program. Trainees must make every effort to become qualified to perform in their AFS. The success and quality of trainee training greatly depends on the relationship between the supervisor, trainer, and trainee. Trainees must: Actively participate in all opportunities for upgrade and qualification training. Comprehend the applicable CFETP requirements and career path. Obtain and maintain knowledge, qualifications, and appropriate skill level within the assigned specialty. Budget on- and off-duty time to complete assigned training tasks, particularly CDC and self-study training requirements, within established time limits. Request assistance from the supervisor, trainer, and UTM when having difficulty with any part of training. Acknowledge and document task qualification upon completion of training. 12.10. Training Forms and Documents. Training documentation is important to personnel at all levels because it validates the status of training and task qualification. Documentation also helps management assess mission capability and readiness, and it defines requirements for individual career progression.

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The AF Form 623 (or electronic equivalent) is the standard folder used as a training record. The form reflects past and current qualifications and is used to determine training requirements. Supervisors maintain the AF Form 623 for all assigned personnel according to AFI 36-2201. The form is available to all personnel in the chain of command, including the UTM, upon request. Return the form to the member upon separation, retirement, commissioning, or promotion to master sergeant, unless otherwise directed by the AFCFM. Exception: Do not give AF Forms 623 containing classified information to the individual. 12.10.2. Career Field Education and Training Program (CFETP). The CFETP is a comprehensive core document identifying life-cycle education and training (E&T) requirements, training support resources, core and home station training (HST), and deployment/UTC task requirements for a specialty. Supervisors use the CFETP to plan, prioritize, manage, and execute training within the career field. CFETPs are used to identify and certify all past and current qualifications. Keep at least one copy of the entire CFETP (Part I and II), in the work center for general access and MTP development. Unless otherwise directed by the AFCFM, work center supervisors may file only Part II of the CFETP, with cover page and identification (ID) page, in the AF Form 623, or equivalent form. If the CFETP is divided into distinct sections (by aircraft, duty position, or mission, etc.) then file only the sections applicable to the individual, such as current/past qualifications, and current upgrade/duty position training requirements. Part I. Provides information necessary for overall management of the specialty and is maintained as part of the work center MTP. Part II. Contains the specialty training standard identifying the duties, tasks, and technical references to support training, AETC-conducted training, core and HST tasks, deployment/UTC tasks, and correspondence course requirements. 12.10.3. Air Force Job Qualification Standard (AFJQS). The AFJQS is a training document approved by the AFCFM for a particular job type or duty position within an Air Force specialty. 12.10.4. AF IMT 623A, On-the-Job Training Record Continuation Sheet. Use AF IMT 623A, or automated version, to document an individuals training progress. The form reflects status, counseling, and breaks in training. The supervisor and/or trainer and the trainee must sign and date all entries. 12.10.5. AF IMT 797, Job Qualification Standard Continuation/Command JQS. AF IMT 797 is a continuation of the CFETP, Part II, or AFJQS. This form defines locally assigned duty position, home station training, and deployment/UTC requirements not included in the CFETP, Part II. 12.10.6. AF IMT 803, Report of Task Evaluations. Evaluators use AF IMT 803 to conduct and document completion of task evaluations during training SAVs, when directed by the commander, or when task certification requires validation. File completed evaluations conducted on a single trainee by the supervisor/trainer or task certifier in AF Form 623 until upgraded or no longer applicable to the current duty position. 12.10.7. AF IMT 1098, Special Task Certification and Recurring Training. Supervisors use AF IMT 1098 to document selected tasks requiring recurring training or evaluation. Air Force and major command directives may identify tasks contained in the CFETP that require special certification, recurring training, or evaluation. 12.10.8. Master Training Plan (MTP). The MTP employs a strategy for ensuring all work center job requirements are completed by using a master task listing. It provides milestones for tasks and CDC completion, and prioritizes deployment/UTC, home station training, upgrade, and qualification tasks.


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12.11. Career Development Course Program Management: 12.11.1. Purpose and Scope: CDCs are published to provide the information necessary to satisfy the career knowledge component of OJT. These courses are developed from references identified in the CFETP that correlate with mandatory knowledge items listed in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory. CDCs must contain information on basic principles, techniques, and procedures common to an AFSC. They do not contain information on specific equipment or tasks unless the specific equipment or task best illustrates a procedure or technique having utility to the entire AFSC. HQ AU/A4L electronically publishes an AFSC listing of CDC requirements, identifying all mandatory CDCs for skill-level upgrade. The list is available on the HQ AU/A4L website at under the Course and Admin Information tab. 12.11.2. CDC Administration: If available, supervisors will use CDCs to satisfy career knowledge requirements for upgrade training. If a CDC becomes available after entering upgrade training, the individual does not have to take the CDC, unless specified by the AFCFM. The UTM will ensure trainees are enrolled in required CDC material within 45 days of inprocessing (within 60 days for overseas units). Within 10 duty days of receipt, the UTM issues CDC material to the supervisor and trainee and briefs them on proper use of the CDC and documents the trainees AF IMT 623A or equivalent automated training record. The supervisor determines volume sequence of study, sets the overall course completion schedule, and develops a tracking system to monitor progress. Each volume must be completed within 30 days. (Exception: The UTM may grant an extension due to mission requirements. ARC and individual mobilization augmentees (IMA) have 60 days.) If necessary, the supervisor determines the reason for slow progress, counsels the trainee, documents the counseling on AF IMT 623A or automated version, and places the trainee in supervised study. The trainee answers the unit review exercise (URE) questions . The URE is an open book teaching device. The trainee transfers answers to the field scoring sheet. The supervisor scores the URE, conducts review training on the areas missed, fills in the bottom of the scoring sheet, places the field scoring sheet in the AF Form 623 or automated training records, counsels the trainee, and documents AF IMT 623A or automated version. The supervisor will conduct a comprehensive review of the entire CDC with the trainee in preparation for the course examination and documents the review on the AF IMT 623A or automated version. The supervisor will notify the UTM to schedule and order the course examination. If the trainee receives a satisfactory result, the supervisor conducts and documents review training, then signs and places the course examination scorecard in the AF Form 623 or automated training records until the trainee completes UGT or qualification training. If the trainee receives an unsatisfactory result, the unit commander, with help from the UTM or base training manager, interviews the supervisor and trainee to determine reason for failure and corrective action required within 30 days from initial notification (90 days for ARC and IMAs). The supervisor documents the counseling on AF IMT 623A or automated version, places the trainee in supervised review training, and forwards a copy of the evaluation to the base training office. If the trainee receives a second unsatisfactory course examination result, the unit commander, with assistance from the UTM or base training manager, interviews the supervisor and trainee to determine reason for failure within 30 days from initial notification (90 days for ARC and IMAs). After reviewing the facts, the unit commander decides on one of the following options: (1) Evaluate for possible CDC waiver (do not place trainee into TSC T); (2) Withdraw the Airman for failing to progress, place into TSC T, and pursue separation; (3) Withdraw the Airman for failing to progress, place into TSC T, request AFSC withdrawal, and recommend retraining or return to a previously awarded AFSC; or (4) Withdraw Airman for failing to progress, place into TSC T, reevaluate at 90 days, and pursue either option 1, 2, or 3 as appropriate.

280 Section 12CCommunity College of the Air Force (CCAF) 12.12. Community College of the Air Force:

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12.12.1. The CCAF was activated in 1972 to gain academic recognition for technical training conducted by Air Force schools. CCAF awards the associate in applied science (AAS) degree to enlisted members of the active duty Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve Command. Degree programs are designed to help students meet future technological and leadership challenges of the Air Force by combining Air Force technical training with general education course work from accredited civilian schools. Since military personnel are constantly relocating in performance of their duties, CCAF provides a means for them to complete degree requirements regardless of where they are assigned. 12.12.2. CCAF is the largest community college in the world and is the only community college in the DoD exclusively for enlisted personnel. The administrative center is located at Maxwell-Gunter AFB AL. More than 5,700 instructors in more than 100 affiliated schools teach degree-applicable courses. Each year more than 1.6 million semester hours are earned in CCAF classrooms. To date, the college has awarded more than 392,000 AAS degrees . 12.12.3. CCAF offers 68 degree programs in five general areas: (1) logistics and resources, (2) public and support services, (3) allied health, (4) electronics and telecommunications, and (5) aircraft and missile maintenance. Individuals may only participate in degree programs designed for their Air Force occupation. CCAF also develops programs and other academic credentials that offer professional certification and recognition opportunities. 12.12.4. Enlisted personnel are automatically registered in a degree program designed for their AFSC during basic military training. Each degree program consists of 64 semester hours and combines Air Force E&T with a core of general education requirements obtained from civilian colleges and universities or through nationally recognized examination programs. Along with the 64 semester hours, students must hold a journeyman (5-skill) level at the time of program completion and have a minimum of 16 semester hours of CCAF residency applied to their degree program. Residency is defined as credit earned in a CCAF-affiliated school. Table 12.1 identifies the requirements for the typical CCAF degree, the number of semester hours required in each area, and general information on the courses that fulfill those requirements. Table 12.1. CCAF Degree Program Structure. I T E M 1 2 3 4 A B Semester Hours Needed 4 24 6 15 General Education Requirements 5 6 7 8 9 Oral communication Written communication Math Social science Humanities Total: 3 3 3 3 3 64

Degree Requirements Physical education Technical education Leadership, management, and military studies (LMMS) Program electives


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12.13. Professional Credentials and Credentialing Programs: 12.13.1. Professional Development. Credentialing is a critical element of enlisted professional development. During the certification process, enlisted personnel gain advanced levels of knowledge and skills beyond their job qualification training. Blending Air Force technical training and education with industry-based skill sets and professional certification processes benefits the Air Force by molding a more diverse and qualified workforce to maintain critical and valuable national defense assets. The individual benefits by being provided the education and credential needed by highly technical Air Force career fields. The individual will also possess highly valued skills needed by industry when he or she transitions out of the Air Force. End result: industry benefits immensely by receiving a highly trained, qualified, experienced, and disciplined employee, a valuable payback of investments. To support documentary evidence of training, skills, and practical experience, Airmen are highly encouraged to maintain records of all previous and current education, training, and qualifications. 12.13.2. Collegiate Credit. CCAF researches and awards technical credit for degree-relevant governmental and (or) professional certifications, licensures, and registries. Students may earn CCAF collegiate credit for certain national professional credentials that are approved by CCAF to satisfy applicable technical education and program elective requirements. To determine the professional credentials that can be used in a degree program, refer to the CCAF catalog at 12.13.3. Credentialing Programs. CCAF offers nationally recognized credentialing programs that assist enlisted personnel in broadening their professional development. These programs directly support the mission of CCAF in that credentialing of Air Force enlisted personnel enhances combat readiness, contributes to recruiting and retention, and supports career transitions. Additional credentialing information is available on CCAF s website at Air Force Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) Certification Program. CCAF offers the Air Force A&P Certification Program to aircraft maintenance technicians in specific occupational specialties. The program is designed to bridge gaps between Air Force education, training, and experience, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) eligibility requirements per Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 65, Certification: Airmen Other Than Flight Crewmembers; Section 65.77, Experience Requirements. The program benefits the Air Force by broadening the skill sets and professional development of Air Force technicians, producing a more rounded and diverse aircraft maintenance professional. Furthermore, the FAA and Joint Service Aviation Maintenance Technician Certification Council (JSAMTCC) entered an agreement approving military appointees to administer all FAA certification knowledge tests to eligible military personnel. Through the agreement, all FAA certification knowledge tests are administered free of charge to active duty, guard, and reserve component personnel of the U.S. Armed Services; U.S. military retirees; U.S. military dependents; DoD civilians; and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) civilians. CCAF Instructional Systems Development (ISD) Certification Program. CCAF offers the ISD Certification Program for curriculum developers, writers, and managers formally assigned to CCAF affiliated schools to develop and manage CCAF collegiate-level credit-awarding courses. This certification is a professional credential that validates the E&T required to develop and manage CCAF collegiate courses and the practical experience gained in planning, developing, implementing, and managing instructional systems. CCAF Instructor Certification (CIC) Program. CCAF offers CIC for qualified instructors who teach CCAF collegiate-level credit-awarding courses at a CCAF affiliated school. The CIC is a professional credential that validates the instructors extensive faculty development training, education, qualification, and practical teaching experience required to teach a CCAF course. The CIC Program consists of three specific levels of achievement. Qualified officer, enlisted, civilian, and other Service instructors are eligible for the CIC. Professional Manager Certification (PMC) Program. CCAF offers the PMC Program to qualified NCOs. The PMC is a professional credential that validates a noncommissioned officers (NCO) advanced level of education and experience in leadership and management, as well as professional accomplishments, required to effectively manage Air Force personnel and critical national defense assets. The program provides a structured professional development track that supplements enlisted professional military education (EPME) and the CFETP.

282 12.13.4. CCAF Credentialing and Education Research Tool (CERT).

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CERT is a research tool designed to increase an Airman s awareness of national professional credentialing and CCAF education opportunities available for all Air Force occupational specialties. CERT provides information on specific occupational specialties, civilian occupational equivalencies, CCAF degree programs, AFSC-related national professional credentials, credentialing agencies, and professional organizations. 12.13.5. Joint Service Aviation Maintenance Technician Certification Council (JSAMTCC): CCAF is a charter member of the JSAMTCC and serves as the co-chair to the council. The Aircraft Maintenance Air Force Career Field Manager (AF/A4LF) also serves as co-chair. The DoD and U.S. Coast Guard chartered the JSAMTCC to standardize the FAA A&P certification authorization process for military personnel and provide direction and resources necessary to ensure military personnel meet FAA A&P certification eligibility requirements. The JSAMTCC serves as a functional advisory body to each respective U.S. military Services aviation maintenance division and HQ FAA. It represents military interests in future FAA decisions or policy changes affecting the A&P certification process. It also promotes certification opportunities offered by other nationally recognized credentialing agencies related to military aviation maintenance occupational specialties. Responsibilities of the JSAMTCC are to: Ensure FAAs continued recognition of formal military aviation maintenance technical training and practical experience. Review aircraft maintenance technicians training and experience from an FAA certification perspective and ensure their continued recognition of formal military aviation maintenance technical training and practical experience. Serve as the focal point for FAA A&P certificate authorization for military members. Maintain DoD and U.S. Coast Guard continuity and relationship with HQ FAA in matters related to 14 CFR Part 65. Provide direction and resources necessary to ensure technicians meet FAA eligibility requirements. Develop, maintain and publish a policies and procedures manual to ensure continuity is maintained throughout the life of the program. Promote and, if appropriate, develop and administer other certification programs deemed of value to military aviation maintenance occupational specialties. 12.14. Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC). The AFVEC is the Air Forces premier website for providing information about education benefits. It provides students one-stop shopping for all higher education needs. Students may log on to the AFVEC to create their own account and gain access to online customer service tools. These services include the CCAF transcript request, CCAF degree progress report, and access to the civilian course conversion table. Students can also log on and view their personal education records, which include courses taken, tuition caps, and degree plans. This is the site for Airmen to apply on line for military tuition assistance for college courses. AFVEC is accessible through the Air Force Portal at Section 12DAir University Associate-to-Baccalaureate Cooperative Program (AU-ABC) 12.15. Vision. The vision of Air Force leaders is to provide distance learning and bachelors degree opportunities for Airmen. The AU-ABC aligns with this Air Force vision and meets the AU near-term goal of providing enhanced educational opportunities for our enlisted force. The AU-ABC initiative establishes partnerships between the Air Force and accredited civilian higher education institutions to offer baccalaureate degree opportunities via distance learning. AUABC links Airmen who have completed associate degrees to military supportive baccalaureate programs. AU-ABC applies CCAF associate degree credit toward baccalaureate degrees and requires participants to complete no more than 60 semester hours after having earned an AAS degree. AU-ABC degree programs are linked to one or more Air Forcerelevant degree programs currently offered by CCAF. To participate, registrants must be serving in the active duty Air Force, Air Force Reserves, or Air National Guard. Baccalaureate degree requirements may be completed after a student retires or separates from the Air Force.


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12.16. Program Plans. AU-ABC programs are classified in the three following categories: 12.16.1. Category I. The program is designed for Airmen who have completed an AAS degree with the CCAF. These students are unconditionally guaranteed that no more than 60 semester hours of credit will be required to complete a baccalaureate degree. 12.16.2. Category II. This option is designed primarily for Airmen who are currently enrolled in and pursuing a CCAF AAS degree. Students should complete the CCAF requirements in general education and program elective areas with specifically identified prerequisite course work listed in the partnering institutions baccalaureate degree plan. Upon completion of their CCAF degree, students are guaranteed that no more than 60 semester hours of credit will be required to complete a baccalaureate degree if they follow the posted AU-ABC degree plan. 12.16.3. Category III. This option includes baccalaureate degree programs that require CCAF AAS graduates who have met all other AU-ABC specifications to complete more than 60 semester hours of credit beyond the AAS. Note: The degrees in this category must still link to one or more CCAF AAS programs. Go to for more information on AU-ABC. Section 12EEducation 12.17. Educational Financial Assistance. The Voluntary Education Program supports long-range Air Force goals for maintaining a high-quality force and enhancing professional and personal development, recruitment, retention, and readiness. The Air Force offers three programs for enlisted personnel to help defray the cost of obtaining off-duty education: 12.17.1. Military Tuition Assistance (TA). To assist individuals in furthering their education, the Air Force provides a TA program (with some restrictions) to all eligible Air Force members. As of 1 October 2002, the Air Force pays the cost of tuition and instructional fees at accredited institutions not to exceed the hourly and annual caps established by DoDI 1322.25, Voluntary Education Programs, and AFI 36-2306, Voluntary Education Program. These funds are not taxed thus lowering the tax deduction in an Airmans paycheck. Air Force members cannot use TA to purchase textbooks. Students using military TA whose tuition exceeds the semester hour cap may use the top-up benefit in their Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) or Post 9/11 GI Bill to cover the remaining portion. 12.17.2. Montgomery GI Bill. Eligible individuals who entered the service for the first time on or after 1 July 1985 are enrolled in the MGIB. Members who participate have their pay reduced by $100 a month for the first 12 months. What looks like a contribution of $1,200 is actually a little more than $900 because no taxes are paid on the $1,200. Participants may also elect to contribute an additional $600, which adds a maximum of $5,400 to the total benefit package. In-service use of the MGIB is permitted after 2 years of continuous active duty. Benefits expire 10 years after separation or retirement. Note: The amount of the total benefit is adjusted each year in relation to the cost of living index. 12.17.3. Post-9-11 GI Bill. Eligible individuals who were on active duty on or after 11 September 2001 may choose to enroll in this new GI Bill. This program allows some Airmen to transfer GI Bill benefits to dependents if they have sufficient retainability. The details and benefits of this GI Bill are not the same as the MGIB. The decision to move to this program is irrevocable, so Airmen are requested to get full details from the Veterans Administration at 12.18. College Credit by Examination. Military members may earn college credits through examination. Individuals may earn up to as much as 60 semester hours of college credit at no financial cost by doing well on the examinations. However, the amount of semester hours accepted by an academic institution is dependent on the policies of the accepting institution. The two major types of examinations available to military personnel are as follows:


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The DANTES subject standardized tests (DSST) are a series of tests for obtaining academic credit for collegelevel knowledge. The DSSTs are essentially course achievement tests. Each DSST is based on several textbooks commonly used for a course of the same or similar title. Some of the DSSTs include law enforcement, business, natural science, social science and history, and mathematics. 12.18.2. The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). The CLEP measures college-level competency. The general CLEP tests measure college-level achievement in the five basic areas required for college freshmen and sophomores: English composition, humanities, mathematics, natural science, and social science and history. Additional tests are available in subject areas that include business, English literature, information systems, sociology, psychology, history, management, and foreign language. 12.19. Enlisted-to-Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Program: 12.19.1. The Enlisted-to-AFIT Program is a unique element of enlisted force development that enhances the future total force. In conjunction with other professional E&T programs, AFIT science, engineering, and management graduate degrees further develop an NCOs technical and managerial skills. The programs purpose is to enhance combat capability through career field core competency augmentation to provide the Air Force with highly proficient NCOs technically experienced in their career field and highly educated through AFIT graduate degree programs. Enlisted-to-AFIT Program degrees range from 18 to 24 months depending upon a students undergraduate degree and prerequisite course work and are limited to masters degree programs offered at the resident campus, Wright -Patterson AFB OH. 12.19.2. To be nominated for this program, the member must be an active duty TSgt (or select) or above with a minimum of 8 years of total active federal service. The nominee must have completed a 7- skill level upgrade, a CCAF degree, and a bachelors degree from a regionally accr edited institution. Additionally, he or she must have no adverse quality force actions within the previous 36 months, have a minimum of 24 months time on station, and must be able to obtain 3 years of retainability from the projected AFIT graduation date. For more information on the program, eligibility criteria, and nomination procedures, go to 12.20. Air Force Educational Leave of Absence (AFELA) Program. The AFELA Program is authorized by 10 U.S.C., Armed Forces, Section 708, for career Air Force military personnel only. This program is only used when an individual has completed as much as possible of a program through the offduty education program and cannot complete the program during the current assignment or with an education deferment, or to accelerate academic requirements so an individual can apply for an AFIT degree or Air Force commissioning program. Members cannot use Air Force appropriated funds to pay for tuition, fees, books, or other supplies in connection with AFELA. In some cases, therefore, the use of leave is more advantageous for the individual than AFELA wherein TA could be made available. However, to defray tuition costs, members may use the in-service GI Bill education benefits. AFELA participants have 2 months of additional obligated service for each month of the leave of absence. Under AFELA, the new commitment is in addition to any other period of obligated service or active duty commitment to which the member is already committed. While participating in AFELA, an Air Force member is in educational leave status and entitled to basic pay only and is not paid a basic allowance for housing or a basic allowance for subsistence. 12.21. Commissioning Programs. Enlisted members can obtain a commission while on active duty through one of the various commissioning programs. A few of the most common programs include: 12.21.1. Airman Education and Commissioning Program (AECP). The AECP allows active duty Airmen to earn a bachelor s degree to meet Air Force needs. Airmen selected for the AECP attend a civilian educational institution full time and remain on active duty. Depending upon the academic discipline, the Air Force allows up to 36 months to complete the work in a full-time course of study at a civilian educational institution. Upon graduation, members attend Officer Training School (OTS) for commissioning.


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12.21.2. Officer Training School (OTS). Eligibility for a commission through OTS requires military members to possess a baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited college or university. AFI 36-2013, Officer Training School (OTS) and Enlisted Commissioning Programs (ECPS), contains specific guidance. Additionally, the base education services office has information and can provide assistance. 12.21.3. United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). The USAFA offers a world-class education and a guaranteed career right out of college with no financial cost. However, upon graduation, individuals will incur an active duty service commitment. To be eligible, an individual must be a citizen of the United States, unmarried with no dependents, of good moral character, and at least 17, but less than 22 years of age, by July 1 of the year he or she would enter. Applicants who are not accepted to USAFA may receive an appointment to the preparatory school where skills in mathematics, English, and general sciences are emphasized. Successful completion of the preparatory school improves chances for appointments as a USAFA cadet but does not guarantee it. 12.21.4. Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen to ROTC (SOAR) Program. SOAR offers active duty enlisted personnel the opportunity to earn a commission while completing their bachelors degree as an Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) cadet. Those selected separate from the active duty Air Force join an AFROTC detachment and become full-time college students. The Air Force provides them with a tuition and fees scholarship of up to $15,000 per year, an annual textbook allowance, and a monthly nontaxable stipend. Award of this scholarship is for 2 to 4 years, depending on how many years remain in the students bachelors degree program. Airmen with some or no college credit may apply for the program. A limited number of SOAR selects are offered a scholarship with no tuition cap. This program is open to students in any major. Upon graduation and completion of the program, students are commissioned as second lieutenant and returned to active duty (typically within 60 days of commissioning) for at least 4 years. 12.21.5. AFROTC Airman Scholarship and Commissioning Program (ASCP). This program allows military members to receive an AFROTC scholarship to attend a college or university of their choice, provided the college or university offers an AFROTC program. If selected for this program, the member is discharged from active duty and enlisted into the Air Force Inactive Obligated Reserve. Upon completion of the degree and the AFROTC requirements, the member receives an Air Force commission. 12.22. Conclusion. Supervisors at every level must ensure Airmen successfully accomplish their training requirements within established timelines. This chapter focuses on that responsibility, highlighting key training responsibilities, forms, and documentation. Supervisors must ensure their Airmen understand their educational benefits and options, including programs identified in this chapter: CCAF, AFVEC, financial assistance, college credit by examination, AFELA, and various commissioning programs.


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Section 13AOverview 13.1. Introduction. One of the primary roles of the noncommissioned officer (NCO) is that of a manager. With the constant focus on efficiency, the Air Force must get the greatest return from every investment. People are one of the most important resources NCOs manage. This chapter provides valuable information to consider when managing personnel. Also, everyone must safeguard Air Force property and protect it from fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA), and resource management requires all members be sensitive to environmental issues. This chapter provides an overview of resource management and identifies many of the Air Force environmental programs. Section 13BManaging Organizational Change 13.2. Introduction. The British created a civil service job in 1803 requiring a man stand on the cliffs of Dover with a spyglass. He was supposed to ring a bell if he saw Napoleon coming. Despite Napoleons defeat in 1813, the job existed until 1945. 13.2.1. Whats wrong with this picture? The scenario illustrates an improvement, not to mention a significant cost saving opportunity that was ignored for over 130 years! We know change is inevitable. We know changes are taking place every day, all around us. We know change is easy, right? Wrong! As the scenario above shows, change is not automatic. It doesnt just happen. 13.2.2. Change can be a complicated, often painful process. Senior enlisted leaders are in key positions to manage change. They have the authority and responsibility to lead and manage organizations, possess many years of experience, and have developed technical proficiency. However, as leaders they must also become proficient organizational change managers. 13.2.3. This section explores the change process using the model proposed by renowned social psychologist Kurt Lewin, who recommended leaders view change as a three-stage process: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. 13.3. Stage 1: Unfreezing. Leaders begin organizational change by unfreezing, which means going where the hurt iswhere people feel the pain of poor policies or systems. Organizational change is defined as the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization; establishing new norms. These norms can be grouped in various categories, including technology, tasks, structure, and people norms: (1) technology: computers, test equipment, weapons systems, etc.; (2) tasks: general procedures, job steps, checklists, etc.; (3) structure: administrative procedures, evaluation systems, etc.; and (4) people: technical or leadership training, new jobs, etc. 13.3.1. Regardless of what specifically needs to change, the first step is to recognize the need for change, a step that is far from easy. Change is appropriate when there is a perceived gap between what the norms are and what they should be. This perception starts the momentum to begin unfreezing. 13.3.2. Unfreezing is a deliberate management activity to prepare people for change. Leaders create an environment where people feel the need for change. This is often the most neglected, yet essential part of unfreezing. A key factor in unfreezing involves making people knowledgeable about the importance of a change and how it will affect their jobs. Leaders must first generate a need in the people who will feel the greatest effect of the change. They do this by pointing out the problems or challenges with current operations. In many cases, people will want to stick to the old norms. 13.3.3. The first reaction to change is usually resistance. Just as change is inevitable, so too is resistance to change. An essential element for successful change is having a good plan. Planning enables the change agent to anticipate problems, develop courses of action, and deal with resistance. Resistance can take many forms. Four of the most common are: Uncertainty. When faced with impending change, people often experience fear of the unknown, or see the change as a threat to their security: Can I do the new job? Can I operate the new equipment? Will I still have a job?


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AFPAM36-2241 Self-interest. People often consider the power they currently have or their role in the existing environment and question the possible loss of power after the change is implemented. Different Perception/No Felt Need to Change. Even if you think people recognize the need for change, they may see the situation differently. Outwardly, they may support the change, but inwardly, they resist it. Over-Determination. Ironically, organization structure may be a barrier to change. For example, a mechanistic structure that relies on strict procedure and lines of authority may be so rigid that it inhibits change. 13.3.4. When making change, success depends on managing and reducing resistance, and a change agentyou becomes vitally important. Leaders must accept the role of change agent in order to manage change. Senior enlisted leaders have vast influence on their subordinates, peers, and superiors. Commanders and directors often call upon senior noncommissioned officers to change an organization, to make it happen. Here are five proven methods leaders employ to reduce and manage resistance to change: Education and Communication. Educating people about the need for, and expected results of, a change should reduce their resistance. Open communication is necessary throughout the change process and helps reduce uncertainty. Participation and Involvement. Leaders reduce resistance by actively involving those affected in designing and implementing change. Involving people in the process may be time-consuming, but should help commit them to the new program. Facilitation and Support. Introduce the change gradually if possible. Provide additional training if needed. Reinforce and encourage people as much as possible. Remember the power of high expectations. Negotiation and Agreement. Offer incentives to those who continue to resist the change. Negotiated agreements can help remind everyone of the changes they agreed upon should resistance return. Coercion. This technique involves using force to get people to accept change. This is a last resort because compulsion negatively affects attitudes, and has long-term negative consequences. Coerced compliance requires constant leadership oversight to ensure the change remains in effect. 13.3.5. There are usually many factors to consider, whether maintaining current norms (the status quo) or changing current norms. The change agent must analyze restraining (opposing) forces and devise ways to reduce them to overcome resistance (paragraph 13.3.4). At the same time, leaders must recognize and strengthen driving (supporting) forcesthose forces pushing toward change. After analyzing the forces for and against change and developing a strategy to deal with them, leaders can attend to the change itself. Leaders improve the chance of success when they break the change into sequential steps. This approach provides visible success early, which may encourage people to support the rest of the change program. 13.3.6. The unfreezing stage should be addressed whenever change is imminent. Careful planning is an essential element of unfreezing, improving chances of success and decreasing the likelihood of having to repeat the unfreezing stage. Your plan should include a set of evaluation standards to measure the degree of success or failure of the change. An evaluation with clear goals and objectives can help assess the success of change and help determine appropriate rewards when the change has been completed. 13.4. Stage 2: Changing. This stage involves modifying technology, tasks, structure, or distribution of people. This is the movement from the old state, or the previous norms, to the new state. During the changing stage, the organization installs new equipment, restructures work centers, or implements a new performance appraisal system. In short, changing is anything that alters the status quo. 13.4.1. Your role as change agent in this stage is to monitor the change as it occurs and pay close attention to the people most affected by it. If youve implemented the change too early, youll know it by watching the peoples reactions. If some link in the system isnt ready to handle the change, production may bog down. A few irate callers from other branches or units will let you know in a hurry! 13.4.2. In this stage, ensure the plan unfolds as intended. Even the best plans go awry for one reason or another. Its important for you to be involved as the change is implemented and be ready to deal with problems that may arise. 13.4.3. Provide support at this stage. Some people may be traumatized by the actual implementation, so you should provide encouragement and advice as needed. The same techniques used to overcome resistance to change (paragraph 13.3.4) apply here, too.


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13.4.4. Go back to the unfreezing stage if the change isnt going well. Its better to back up and regroup than to press on with a change that causes more problems than it fixes. The change agent must decide whether (and when) to move forward. You must keep tabs on things or you wont be in a position to make this decision. Dont just plan to change, flip the switch, and let the chips fall where they may. 13.5. Stage 3: Refreezing. The final stage in the change process is refreezing. Just because you implemented a change and it appears to be going smoothly doesnt mean the job is done. You must lock in (or refreeze) the desired outcomes and the new norms so they become permanent. 13.5.1. Without refreezing, people often return to the old ways. Consider an Airman who completes 7-skill level upgrade training and learns the proper way to perform key tasks in his or her work center. The proper way may differ from the way the work center completes the tasks. The Airman may be inclined to conform to the old way rather than make waves: old behaviors take over and nothing changes. Actively encouraging the use of new techniques and reinforcing them encourages others to use them, essentially freezing the new behavior. A critical step in refreezing is evaluating results. Did the change have the desired effect? If so, press on. If not, the new process may need more support, instruction, training, time, etc. 13.5.2. Having developed strategies to evaluate results in Stage 1 of the change process, it s time to implement them. Positively reinforcing desired outcomes is crucial. Reward people when they do something right, this strengthens the correct behaviors and helps freeze them into place. In many cases, the change agent can call attention to the success of the change and show where it works. Highlighting successful change helps remove lingering resistance and prevents people from returning to the old way of doing things. 13.5.3. In some cases, even what appears to be successful change management fails in the end. Years ago, a company bought new computer equipment for the typing pool, replacing the old electric typewriters with word processing stations. The new technology included color monitors, advanced software, and high-speed printers. Everyone was carefully trained. The new equipment was installed for half the typists at first, then the other half got their new equipment, and the supervisors (change agents) provided support and encouragement all the way. Soon the section was turning out professional correspondence in half the time it previously took. Successful change, you say. Unfortunately, it wasnt. To cut down on the noise from the printers, portable dividers were installed between workstations. This isolated the typists from coworkers, who used to be able to converse back and forth unimpeded. As a result, the previous social system, which was one of harmony, turned into one of unhappy isolation. Both the people and the work suffered, and the change plan had to be modified. 13.5.4. Do you think the change agents anticipated this outcome and planned for it? Probably not, but they really werent at fault. After all, no one can anticipate everything. The example serves to remind us of the importance of refreezing. The change agent must evaluate results, reinforce the desired outcomes, and make constructive modifications as needed. 13.5.5. A change agent has a tough job. Carefully planning change, however, can make it as painless as possible. Managing change is one of the most important responsibilities you have. Using this three-stage process can help you manage the inevitable changes, rather than letting the changes manage you. Section 13CTraits of a Healthy Team 13.6. Introduction. As leaders, we must develop effective teams to accomplish the mission. While building effective teams, we must cultivate a healthy team spirit. The spirit in which a team operates influences every stage of team development and can ultimately determine whether mission goals are met. A healthy team spirit is the engine that runs high performance teams. Five critical attributes are present in all healthy teams: trust, ethical behavior, critical judgment, sharing, and cooperation. While each is essential in building a healthy team spirit, trust is the core of all healthy team interaction. 13.7. Trust: 13.7.1. Trust is essential in forming any good relationship; teamwork requires good relationships with a high degree of trust. Team members must share mutual confidence in the integrity and ability of teammates. They also need to feel comfortable enough to take risks, think outside the box, and share their thoughts and ideas without fear of being shut down or discounted. Freedom to communicate openly, honestly, and directly within the group is the hallmark of a


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trust-based team. In her book "Teams at Work," author, organizational consultant, and Institute for Planning and Development founder Dr. Suzanne Zoglio wrote Nothing reduces trust in a group faster than members saying one thing within the group and something else outside the group. When members are assertive enough to say what they need to say directly to the appropriate people and to refrain from talking behind each other s backs, trust is enhanced. 13.7.2. Team members may respond to other team members they do not trust by alienating them, ignoring their inputs, and withholding vital information. Trust is important in creating a healthy team because information needs to be shared and accepted in good faith. Feedback must also be exchanged between members in an open and sincere manner without fear of harsh criticism. Without trust, a teams efforts can be sabotaged and progress brought to a grinding halt. Leaders can promote a trusting atmosphere by being trustworthy and by trusting their workers. Additionally, by valuing individual differences and encouraging open and honest communication, leaders empower their teams to solve problems innovatively. Remember, trust is earned and can be lost. 13.8. Ethical Behavior. We lose trust in people because of behaviors that reduce our respect for them. Such behaviors are usually unethical and kill the spirit of the team. Ethical behaviors, on the other hand, conform to accepted principles of right and wrong that govern our profession. Team members who exhibit honesty, integrity, and concern for doing what is right behave ethically. In his book "Essentials of Management," author and Professor of Management, College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology, Andrew J. DuBrin said To a strong team player, getting the group task accomplished is more important than receiving individual recognition. 13.9. Sharing Information: 13.9.1. If teams are to succeed, they must openly share information inside and outside the group. This sharing of information involves both active listening and talking. According to Professor DuBrin, Information sharing helps other team members do their job well and also communicates concern for their welfare. Leaders best demonstrate concern for the welfare of other team members when they actively listen. The active listener strives to grasp both the facts and feelings behind what is being said, Professor DuBrin added. Active listening and information sharing encourage positive, open, and sincere communication among team members. 13.9.2. Teams must communicate. Team members need to safely assert themselves and share their ideas. Teams that dont allow honest, open sharing quickly lose their effectiveness. As a result, some team members may purposely withhold vital information or disengage from the team. This may cause confusion, frustration, and the inability to complete taskings within teams. While sharing information between team members is essential in producing effective, well-thought-out plans, it is also essential for the leader to share information with team members. When leaders hold on to information, they can create an inaccurate, incomplete, or totally wrong picture of the expected outcome to team members. Information sharing yields better results. Leaders can increase team success by giving members complete access to all necessary data, discouraging the discounting of ideas and feelings, and encouraging the practice of active listening and valuing individual differences. 13.10. Critical Judgment. When we share information, someone is bound to criticize our ideas. For a team to be effective, constructive criticism should be accepted and encouraged. Professor DuBrin said, A high performance team demands sincere and tactful criticism among members. The willingness to accept constructive criticism increases self-awareness and improves team effectiveness. Critical judgment enables teams to accept intra-group feedback (criticism) and outside evaluations, necessary to examine processes and practices. By using critical feedback, teams can redirect their focus and energy, and correct problems quickly rather than letting them intensify. Critical judgment is essential to ensure teams consistently focus in the right direction. 13.11. Cooperation: 13.11.1. Cooperation is critical if teams are to combine diverse backgrounds, skills, and approaches to meet the challenges, customer requirements, and mission changes. Cooperation yields synergistic results and reduces the time it takes to reach a desired outcome. Dr. Zoglio said, At work there are so few solo opportunities; most challenges require the cooperation of many people. Team members must rely on each other to follow through on assignments, produce quality results, share creative ideas, and contribute to a pleasant work environment. Leaders who encourage cooperation show team members that others have very important contributions to the goals of the unit. Team members may also come to understand how dependent they are on one another in reaching mission objectives.


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13.11.2. Dr. Zoglio further states that successful teams manage differences through win/win negotiating and reach decisions by consensus, rather than voting. Successful teams have few turf wars, little competitiveness, and an ability to forgive and forget. Cooperation breeds shared ownership for performance results, and achieving objectives increases team pride and a healthy team spirit. Conversely, competition hinders the cooperative process, as some team members attempt to outshine others to gain extra attention. Such all-starring leads to in fighting, making the team less productive. All-starring may also be evidence of a power struggle. To reduce power-play behavior, leaders should reemphasize each team members specific roles and responsibilities, which eliminates potential barriers to cooperation. 13.12. Healthy Team Spirit Summary. Cultivating a healthy team spirit requires trust, ethical behavior, critical judgment, sharing, and cooperation. Trust is at the heart of any healthy team interaction. Team members must feel comfortable with, and confident in, one another to be able to fully participate and share their ideas and feelings. Positive group member behaviors establish the climate of trust needed to develop a healthy team spirit. Ethical behavior requires members do what is legally, morally, and professionally right for one another and the organization. Such behavior is essential to the communication a team needs to accomplish its goals. Leaders must establish a healthy team spirit to drive performance and develop effective teams to accomplish the mission. Section 13DProblem Solving 13.13. Overview. Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21) is a Service-wide initiative to shape the mindset and behaviors of all Airmen to one of continuous process improvement to achieve individual, unit, and institutional excellence and effectiveness. It is a transformational initiative that empowers Airmen to eliminate waste from every end-to-end process. AFSO21 encapsulates our intent to develop and institutionalize a comprehensive, strategic-level continuous process improvement (CPI) approach. CPI is a comprehensive philosophy of operations built around the concept that there are always ways a process can be improved to better meet the needs of the customer and organizations should constantly strive to make those improvements. 13.14. Continuous Process Improvement is Structured Problem Solving. At the core of the Air Forces process improvement effort is the eight-step problem-solving model. Rigorously applying the eight-step problem-solving model will help root out the waste in the day-to-day work of our Airmen and close the performance gaps in our processes. Waste and inefficiencies come in many forms and a significant amount of waste is a product of the processes and methods used. Many of these methods were never engineered in the first place. Instead, they have evolved over time around organizational boundaries and business rules. We can only fail in our improvement efforts if we hide problems instead of acknowledging them and tackling them head on. We must insist on taking a nonblaming approach in identifying and resolving problems. People are not the blame for inefficiencies in our processes; they are, however, in the best position to help identify barriers and inefficiencies in their day-to-day jobs. 13.15. Eight-Step Problem-Solving Process. The Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (OODA) loop is an objective description of the decisionmaking process. AFSO21 takes the four steps of the OODA loop and further breaks it down into an eight-step problem-solving road map flexible enough to be effective at any levelAir Force, major command (MAJCOM), wing, and individual Airmen levels. 13.15.1. Decisionmaking Phases. Table 13.1 illustrates four decisionmaking phases mapped to the AFSO21 eightstep problem-solving process. 13.15.2. Identifying Improvement Opportunities. The success of any organization relies on its ability to identify internal opportunities for process improvements and a methodical approach to problem root cause analysis. Todays high demand of mission requirements with the continuing reality of shrinking resources make it imperative for a dynamic organization like the Air Force to not only identify a problem, but to understand why there is a problem. Consistently applying the eight-step problem-solving process will provide a concise and common format for presenting data, problem-solving facts, and information. This eases benchmarking and sharing of best practices when similar problems arise in other areas. The common structure provides a common language that more easily translates into a common understanding.


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Table 13.1. Decisionmaking Phases to AFSO21 Eight-Step Problem-Solving Process. I T E M 1 A Decisionmaking Phase Observe B C

Step 1 2

Description Clarify and validate the problem Break down the problem and identify performance gaps Set improvement targets Determine root causes Develop countermeasures See countermeasures through Confirm results and process Standardize successful processes


3 4

3 4

Decide Act

5 6 7 8

13.15.3. Step 1: Clarify the ProblemObserve: To understand the simplicity of how lean tools are used with the eight-step problem-solving process, lets apply AFSO21 methodology to a generic but common problem in many organizations. For this example we will use the squadron inprocessing process. This process is different at every squadron in the Air Force. In one squadron, the process may appear very adequate; however, the customer view can be very different. The critical first step to effective problem solving is to clearly understand the problem. Any problemsolving effort that begins with: We all know what the problem is, so what are we going to do about it? is doomed for failure before it begins. Identifying and clearly defining a problem is not defeatist or whining, it is taking the time to know the enemy. Only after a problem is completely understood is the team in the best position to solve that problem. The first step to an effective solution is to establish a good problem statement. For this example, the problem statement is Current inprocessing time is excessive due to waste of redundant and obsolete process steps. The tool used in the example is the suppliers, input, process, output, and customers (SIPOC) analysis. To combat waste, you must know who the true customer is. Waste will be defined from the eyes of the customer. The SIPOC diagram tool quickly and easily captures the current high-level view or as is state of the process being questioned. The bottom-line expectation for this step is to answer the questions of what is currently happening, where is it happening, when is it happ ening, and who or what is being impacted, and to exclude all opinions, solutions, or root causes. The following lean tools can assist the Air Force leader in deciding which problems should be tackled: Strategic Alignment and Deployment (SA&D). Provides a framework for ensuring resources and activities are linked to the key strategies, directives, and goals of the enterprise. Any individual problem-solving effort can have greater impact if it is coordinated with the rest of the organization. Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers (SIPOC) Analysis. Provides a visual representation of a high-level process map. This analysis tool brings Airmen involved in a process together in a nonthreatening way that builds teamwork. The SIPOC analysis enables the team to see the start and end point of their process and helps them develop the scope of the process. Voice of the Customer. Only one entity can define valuethe customer. Understanding who the customer is and what his or her needs are is a prerequisite to understanding whether or not those needs are being met. Value Stream Mapping. Overview of the process at any level to determine areas of needed focus. Go and See. Actually walking through the process or problem area provides firsthand data rather than secondhand opinions.


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13.15.4. Step 2: Break Down Problem and Identify Performance GapsObserve: Once the problem is identified and clearly defined, data should be gathered. Often, the more thorough the problem evaluation in this second step, the better a leader can judge the impacts of potential solutions offered later and evaluate solutions during implementation. For this example, the performance gap will be The checklist is not customer focused. The tool used in this example is the performance gap analysis. The bottomline expectation for this step is to provide data of a performance gap that makes visible the difference between current performance and customer expectations. The first step in assessing a problem area is gathering and reviewing the data on the process. Understanding what objective data is needed and what the data means is critical to root cause problem solving and process improvement. Two lean tools that can assist the Airman in understanding what data is needed and the story it is trying to tell are: Performance Gap Analysis. This tool helps determine what the difference is between the level of performance seen today and the level of performance identified as needed tomorrow. Bottleneck Analysis (or Constraint Analysis). This tool helps determine which steps in the process are inhibiting the flow of the entire process. Sometimes referred to as the weakest link, or the slowest step. 13.15.5. Step 3: Set Improvement TargetsOrient: Description. In the third step, process owners and/or project sponsors set improvement targets. For this example the improvement targets will be: (1) Single checklist with steps in logic and geographical order; and (2) Decrease wasted time by 25 percent and travel by 50 percent. The tool used in this step is the future state mapping and specific, measurable, attainable, results focused, and time bound (SMART) targets. Improvement Targets. Air Force leaders must create a vision of what an organization will strive to become. Targets define the performance levels required to make the vision a reality. Targets should be challenging but achievable and have balanced, specific, measurable, attainable, results focused, and time bound (SMART) characteristics. The bottom-line expectation for this step is to develop a SMART target. SMART Targets: Specific. Have desirable outputs based on subject matter expert knowledge and experience that are applicable to the process improvement activity. Measurable. Includes time frames and data obtainable from specific sources. Attainable. Resources are available; may have some risk, but success is possible. Results Focused. Linked to the mission, vision, and goals and are meaningful to the user. Time Bound. Provide step-by-step views versus giant leaps that are measurable at interim milestones. 13.15.6. Step 4: Determine Root CausesOrient: Air Force leaders often find themselves addressing problems that have been solved many times before. This happens because problem-solving efforts were directed at the symptoms a problem presents rather than at the root cause of the problem. If an aircraft is constantly breaking down and cannot perform its mission, should the goal be to: reduce aircraft usage, improve repair cycle time, improve the quality of replacement parts, improve the aircraft design or improve the aircraft design process? Each step becomes increasingly difficult to evaluate, but each step also has a greater impact in preventing the recurrence of the problem. Root cause analysis is a tradeoff between digging as deeply as possible and finding the deepest point that is still within the teams sphere of influence. For this example, the root cause is Multiple checklists contained outdated and obsolete information. The tool used in the example is the 5 Whys. The bottom-line expectation for this step is to use one of the six root cause analysis tools to enable a credible cause-and-effect relationship to the problem. Six tools can assist Airmen in determining the true root cause to a problem: 5 Whys. When you think you understand the cause of the problem, ask what caused the problem; that is, ask why five times.


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AFPAM36-2241 Brainstorming. A cross-functional team that works in a problem area usually knows the root cause of the problem, although they do not realize it at the time. An open environment to throw out as many ideas as possible can be a useful way of pulling out information from the team members that they may not have realized was important. Pareto Analysis. A good rule of thumb is 80 percent of the problem will be caused by 20 percent of the inputs. Usually, the only inputs anyone can remember are the ones someone else is responsible for. Objectively graphing the data can point to the critical 20 percent. Affinity Diagrams. With thousands of inputs, outputs, and measures, finding a way to group like items can simplify a problem enough so it can be easily understood. Cause-and-Effect Diagrams. A quick and simple way to visually depict the relationship between specific categories of process inputs and undesirable outputs, the cause-and-effect diagram can help uncover the root cause to a problem. Control Charts. These charts objectively graph the output of a process over time. They usually include predefined upper and lower performance-level limits. 13.15.7. Step 5: Develop CountermeasuresDecide: If the first four steps have been done correctly, this step should be the easiest of all. Even so, Air Force leaders should follow some very important guidelines to ensure the greatest possible likelihood of success. For this example, the countermeasures will be listed by priority in an implementation plan. The key principal to remember is that the impact of a solution is a combination of the quality of the solution and the acceptance of the solution by the people who must implement it. The relationship is similar to the following formula: (Quality of the solution) + (Acceptance) = Impact. An excellent solution that receives no support has zero impact. On the other hand, an average solution that receives some support will have some impact. With the entire first half of the eight-step problemsolving process focused on the left half of the equation, the Air Force leader must now present the solution in such a way as to gain its acceptance by those who must implement it. Leaders must select the most practical and effective countermeasures using the keep it simple principle. Most importantly, build consensus with others by involving all stakeholders appropriately. By judiciously involving stakeholders in the solution creation step, the stakeholders develop a sense of ownership in the solution and, therefore, in the solutions success. This also prevents the complaint that the stakeholders are victims of the solution process. The bottom-line expectation for this step is to ensure the desired countermeasures address the root causes in step 4 while ensuring that the countermeasures are prioritized to enable implementation. 13.15.8. Step 6: See Countermeasures ThroughAct: Action. Action comes at the end of the OODA loop for a reason. The reactive leadership behavior, or knee-jerk reaction, is part of an archaic problem-solving culture. Air Force leaders acting before they are ready for this step are likely to be as successful as the marksman with the motto, ready, fire, aim. An action plan without action is a waste of resources and time. For an example of this step, we will address the specific action items listed by priority in an implementation plan. Key Questions. Air Force leaders must answer three key questions before taking action: Which CPI method best fits my situation? What is the best setting for implementing my solution? What CPI tools are most appropriate? CPI Method. AFSO21 incorporates aspects of four major CPI methods. Solutions may simultaneously draw from more than one of the CPI methods defined earlier. Setting. The largest factor in determining the most appropriate setting is the scope of effort required. Just Do It. Also called point improvement, this involves one person (or a small team) and can be accomplished in less than a day. Examples: Use torque wrenches instead of adjustable wrenches; route paperwork via email instead of through U.S. Postal Service or U.S. Air Force distribution channels. Rapid Improvement Event (RIE). An RIE consists of a small team of individuals, usually subject matter experts, and can be accomplished in less than 1 week. Examples: Improve aircraft servicing cycle time;


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improve first pass yield of brake shoe repairs. RIEs bring together cross-functional teams who actually do the work to improve a specific aspect. Improvement Project. This setting requires a large team and will be conducted over a long period of time. Examples: Shorten aircraft annual overhaul cycle time; write software to track annual overhauls. Tools. Dozens of lean process improvement tools from which an experienced practitioner can choose are available. Here are five of the most applicable tools. Tools should be selected based on how well they address the root causes identified in step 4. 6-S and Visual Management. This tool establishes a place for everything and makes it obvious when everything is not in its place. Standard Work. The bedrock foundation of CPI is standard work. Without standard work it is impossible to tell if improvements happen by chance or by our efforts. Cell Design. This tool designs how workers are arranged relative to the work and to each other. Error Proofing. Doing something right the first time is good. Making it impossible to do something wrong is better. Training. In addition to the method, setting, and tools in this step, there is almost always some form of training required to make the solution work. The training can be linked to the implementation plan developed in step 5 (paragraph 13.15.7). The training is usually needed at several levels simultaneously. Implementers and front line supervisors need the most intensive training with less detailed, but no less important training at echelons above. Customers and suppliers of the targeted process may also need training. The bottom-line expectation for this step is to develop a detailed implementation plan for each countermeasure that includes a point of contact (POC), status, and expected completion date. 13.15.9. Step 7: Confirm Results and ProcessAct: Step 7 compares the results of countermeasures with performance gaps and improvement targets. Also, it is important to confirm the improved process is sustainable and repeatable. Success is measured not only by the data, but by an excellent process capable of meeting the mission. Projects should be monitored for: Performance relative to the baseline developed in steps 1 and 2. Performance relative to SMART targets established in step 3. Performance relative to where you expected to be at this stage of the solution implementation. If you are not meeting targets by deadlines, you may need to return to step 4. Incorrect root cause determination is the most common mistake made by CPI efforts. The bottom-line expectation for this step is to answer three basic questions: (1) Was the target in step 3 achieved? (2) Was the performance gap in step 2 closed? and (3) Was the problem in step 1 addressed? 13.15.10. Step 8: Standardize Successful ProcessesAct: Step 8 is the most commonly skipped and undercompleted of the entire problem-solving process. It is very tempting to take newfound knowledge and skills and immediately move on to the next improvement initiative, skipping the effort of ensuring the results stick. For the inprocessing example, the step is completed by placing the new inprocessing checklist on the squadron shared drive, removing all old versions, and sharing the success with other squadrons within the group to standardize the improvements. This step can be defined by answers to three questions: What is needed to standardize the improvements? Answer: Changes to technical orders, Air Force instructions, official instructions, equipment materiel, or using a different vendor or supplier. How should improvements and lessons learned be communicated? Answer: CPI management tool, key meetings, Air Force publications, message traffic, chain of command or communities of practice. Were other opportunities or problems identified by the problem-solving process? Answer: Restart the OODA loop. This should be the Air Force leaders first instinct as the OODA loop is infinite.


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AFPAM36-2241 The never-ending cycle of the OODA loop and the CPI closely parallel one another. Effective problem solving must follow the OODA process. Attempting to skip, reorder, or shortcut steps invariably leads to suboptimal solutions at best and outright failure at worst. Following the eight-step problem-solving process will ensure actions lead to the desired results with an absolute minimum of wasted effort. It will also ensure the results are aligned with the needs of the organization. All of this leads to a virtuous nesting of organizational purpose and activities and increased Air Force combat effectiveness. The bottom-line expectation for this step is that standard work is implemented, policy or instruction codifies the improvement, actions are taken to share the improvement with other organizations, and a recurring and reportable performance measure is left in place. 13.15.11. Summary. The OODA loop and AFSO21 along with the Air Force eight-step problem-solving process model is a simple, yet thorough, method of continuous process improvement. The method is flexible enough to be effective at any level from Headquarters Air Force, to the individual Airmen. Section 13EManaging Resources Other Than Personnel 13.16. Resource Management System (RMS): 13.16.1. RMS Defined. RMS does not refer to a single system. Instead, the Air Force RMS involves various systems focusing on outputs and resources used, managers effectively using resources, measuring actual performance compared to planned performance, and using financial plans and accounting to enhance management controls at each organizational level. The RMS provides a way to establish priorities, choose policies, and act to get the desired results and required resources at an acceptable cost. RMS elements include the execution plan, management and accounting systems, participatory and committee management, resource management teams, and resource management training. 13.16.2. RMS Duties. Air Force managers oversee activities that cost money. However, in terms of resources, RMS duties refer to the stewardship of money, manpower, and equipment. Being an effective steward involves more than legal accountability. Headquarters U.S. Air Force and MAJCOMs make decisions about using resources. Although base-level resource managers do not control initial allocation of all their resources, they must effectively manage these resources. Commanders. Financial management is inherent to command. Commanders review, validate, and balance the execution plan to ensure successful financial management. They must actively review financial programs for each work center (responsibility center) that reports to them and improve resource management by inquiring about program conditions, reviewing causes, weighing alternatives, and directing action. They must also ensure RMS success by allocating sufficient resources to RMS training and resource management team efforts. Comptrollers. Comptrollers support the organizations mission and the Air Force by providing sound financial management and advice to the commander and staff. They promote responsible and proper financial management to ensure economical and efficient use of resources consistent with statutory and regulatory requirements. They apply policies and procedures that enable the organization to carry out accounting, budget, and cost functions. Responsibility Center Managers. Responsibility center managers plan, direct, and coordinate subordinate organizations activities. They analyze subordinate organizational plans, identify imbalances in resource distribution, analyze alternative actions, and balance programs. Cost Center Managers. The cost center is the basic production flight or work center. The cost center manager regulates the consumption of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services to do the tasks within their cost center. Cost center managers shift resources to or from various production tasks within the cost center to ensure the proper mix or to provide the emphasis required. Resource Advisors (RA). RAs monitor and help prepare resource estimates. They help develop obligations and expense fund targets, monitor the use of resources in daily operations compared to projected consumption levels, and serve as the primary POCs on resource management matters pertaining to their responsibility center. RAs are appointed in writing by the responsibility center manager.


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13.16.3. The Financial Management Board. Established by the senior or host commander at each base, the financial management board determines program priorities and ensures effective allocation of resources. The financial management board reviews and approves or disapproves recommendations made by the financial working group to ensure balanced, valid financial programs and to consider all known or anticipated requirements. 13.16.4. The Financial Working Group. Composed of both line and staff RAs and responsibility center managers, the financial working group manages commodities and resources integral to the operating activities of the base or unit. The financial working group develops requirements and revisions for the base or unit execution plan, reviews all appropriated fund execution plans, and makes recommendations to the financial management board for final approval. Additionally, the financial working group presents recommendations to the financial management board for unfunded requirement prioritization and fund target adjustments between responsibility centers, and base-level budgetary guidance. The financial working group provides technical guidance to base activities on using their primary responsibility resources. 13.17. Effective Use of Government Property: 13.17.1. Supply Discipline. Air Force members must have a supply discipline to conserve, protect, and maintain available Government supplies, equipment, and real property for operational requirements. The Air Force s mission makes it imperative that all military and civilian personnel operate and maintain Government systems, equipment, supplies, and real property in the best possible condition, in constant readiness, and in the absolute minimum quantity necessary to accomplish assigned tasks. Commanders and supervisors at all levels are responsible for prudent management, control, storage, and cost-effective use of Government property under their control. 13.17.2. Roles. Commanders, subordinates, supervisors, and individuals must: Accurately maintain property records to reflect a current inventory and condition of property. Ensure personnel carefully and economically use and safeguard property. Provide adequate security, protection, and storage for property. Make recommendations for preventing fraud, waste, and abuse. 13.17.3. Custodial Management of Public Property. A property custodian is any person designated by the organization commander or chief of staff agency responsible for Government property in his or her possession. A custodian must plan and forecast requirements to meet mission goals, prepare and forward materiel requests to the proper agency, sign custody receipts or listings for property charged to his or her organization, report losses or irregularities relating to property to his or her immediate commanders or accountable officers, and take action to reconcile and correct property records. A custodian may be held liable for the loss, destruction, or damage of any property or resources under his or her control. 13.18. Financial Management: 13.18.1. Use of Resources. Air Force commanders and supervisors are responsible for the efficient and economical use of all resources in their organizations. Commanders and supervisors directly influence the budgeting, allocation, composition, and distribution of these resources. It should be noted that every Air Force member is directly involved in and responsible for managing resources. 13.18.2. Cost-free Resources. In the following types of instances, everyone has a principal responsibility to ensure resources are used in the most cost-effective manner. Keep in mind, all Air Force resources, at one time or another, had some kind of cost charged to get into the DoD inventory. Some resources may appear to be cost-free assets because Airmen: Did not have to pay out funds to obtain the resources.


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AFPAM36-2241 Neither had the authority to control allocation (real property, weapons systems, and manpower) nor change the composition of total resources allocated. 13.18.3. The Operating Budget. The operating budget covers costs associated with the operation of all Air Force organizations. The approval by higher headquarters gives obligation authority to accomplish the mission. The budget program operates on a fiscal year (FY) basis. (FY represents the period beginning the first day of October and ending the last day of the following September [1 October through 30 September].) 13.19. Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA): 13.19.1. FWA Defined. The Air Force loses millions of dollars in money and resources every year due to individuals abusing the system, wasting precious resources, and committing acts of fraud. FWA is: Fraud. Any intentional deception designed to unlawfully deprive the Air Force of something of value or to secure from the Air Force for an individual a benefit, privilege, allowance, or consideration to which he or she is not entitled. Such practices include, but are not limited to: Offering, paying, accepting bribes or gratuities, or evading or corrupting inspectors or other officials. Making false statements, submitting false claims, or using false weights or measures. Using deceit, either by suppressing the truth or misrepresenting material facts, or deprive the Air Force of something of value. Adulterating or substituting materials and falsifying records and books of accounts. Conspiring to carry out any of the actions in paragraphs through Engaging in conflict of interest cases, criminal irregularities, and the unauthorized disclosure of official information relating to procurement and disposal matters. Note: For purposes of this pamphlet, the definition can include any theft or diversion of resources for personal or commercial gain. Waste. The extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of Air Force funds or the consumption of Air Force property that results from deficient practices, systems controls, or decisions is waste. Waste also includes improper practices not involving prosecutable fraud. Note: Consider wartime and emergency operations when explaining possible waste. For example, legitimate stockpiles and reserves for wartime needs, which may appear redundant and costly, are not considered waste. Abuse. The intentionally wrongful or improper use of Air Force resources is abuse. Examples include misuse of rank, position, or authority that causes the loss or misuse of resources such as tools, vehicles, computers, or copy machines. 13.19.2. Preventing Fraud, Waste, and Abuse. Preventing FWA is of primary concern. Detection and prosecution serve to deter fraudulent, wasteful, or abusive practices; however, the key element of the program is to prevent the loss of resources. The Secretary of the Air Force, Inspector General (SAF/IG), provides policy guidance, develops procedures, and establishes and evaluates the Air Force Complaints and FWA programs. In turn, inspectors general (IG) at every level are responsible for establishing and directing the Air Force Complaints and FWA programs. Air Force personnel have a duty to promptly report FWA to an appropriate supervisor or commander, to an IG or other appropriate inspector, or through an established grievance channel. FWA complaints may be reported to the Air Force Audit Agency, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), security forces, or other proper authorities. Further, all military and civilian members must promptly advise the AFOSI of suspected criminal misconduct or fraud. The AFOSI investigates criminal allegations. 13.19.3. Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Complaints: Resolution. As with personal complaints, Air Force members should try resolving FWA issues at the lowest possible level using command channels before addressing them to a higher level or the IG. Individuals may submit: FWA disclosures by memorandum, in person, or by FWA hotlines. Complaints anonymously.


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Note: Making a disclosure or complaint requires factual, unbiased, and specific information. Individuals must understand they are submitting official statements within Air Force channels. Therefore, they remain subject to punitive action (or adverse administrative action) for knowingly making false statements and for submitting other unlawful communications. Information in a disclosure or complaint to an IG is protected. Complainant Privacy. The complainants privacy is safeguarded to the maximum extent practicable to encourage voluntary cooperation and promote a climate of openness in identifying issues requiring leadership intervention. The IG has the responsibility to safeguard the personal identity and complaints of individuals seeking assistance or participating in an IG process such as an investigation. While this does not mean the communications made to an IG are privileged or confidential, it does mean that disclosure of those communications (and the identity of the communicant) is strictly limited to an official need-to-know basis. Disclosure. This information is not disclosed unless required by law or regulation, when necessary to take adverse action against a subject, with the approval of the SAF/IG. Summary of the Results. Individuals making a complaint may request a summary of the results from the office to which the complaint was made. However, witnesses (including complainants and subjects) do not have unrestricted access to reports, complainants, and subjects, or any other case file information by virtue of their status as a witness. They have access to IG records as provided for by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA). Whistleblower Rights. Whistleblower witnesses have additional rights. The nature of the allegation and findings will determine what information is releasable. All information released is according to FOIA and PA. Third-party complainants are not entitled to a response regarding alleged wrongs not directly affecting them unless authorized to receive via a FOIA or a PA release. IG Channels. Any complaint or disclosure received by an IG that is more appropriate in another channel may be referred to that channel by the receiving IG. When IGs refer complaints to command or other more appropriate resolution channels, IGs notify complainants, except anonymous complainants, of the referral. 13.20. Air Force Environmental Commitment: Leadership at all levels and across all mission operations and support organizations must use the Air Force Environmental Management Systems (EMS) approach to comply with environmental laws, regulations and policy, reduce risks to the mission, and continuously improve environmental management performance. Operationalizing environmental management means ensuring that environmental quality is a consideration by Airmen in all activities the Air Force undertakes. General Carrol H. Chandler Vice Chief of Staff 13.20.1. Air Force Policy. The U.S. Air Force is a leader and devoted guardian of the environment. As trustee to over 8 million acres of natural habitat, the Air Force takes considerable measures to defend and enhance America s rich natural resources and cultural heritage. Over the last 20 years, the Air Force has followed a compliance-based approach to environmental management resulting in an unparalleled record of responsiveness to regulation, community interests, and ecological needs. Yet, to meet current and future mission requirements, the Air Force Environmental Program must ensure environmental resources, such as air, land, and water, are available to meet operational needs. This approach allows the Air Force to sustain, restore, and modernize its environmental resources, or "natural infrastructure," in full compliance and support of military readiness challenges. 13.20.2. DoD and Air Force Programs. Per Executive Order (EO) 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, the DoD and Air Force established and maintained an EMS. See Figure 13.1 for the EMS vision, programs, and guidance. The EMS sustains and enhances mission capability by: Maintaining compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and policy requirements. Reducing compliance burden by implementing pollution prevention (P2) solutions that reduce the quantity and impact of pollutants. Sustaining natural, cultural, built, and human resources. Terry A. Yonkers Assistant Secretary, Installations, Environment and Logistics


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AFPAM36-2241 Incorporating EMS and environmental, safety, and occupational health (ESOH) considerations into installation AFSO21 lean events to improve mission capacity and prevent waste. Providing community outreach to increase awareness of environmental issues. Incorporating EMS elements into specific operations of appropriate organizational levels and installations. Meeting or exceeding current Office of Management and Budget, DoD, and Air Force performance measures. Figure 13.1. EMS Vision, Programs, and Guidance.


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Chapter 13 ends here for those testing to SSgt, TSgt, or MSgt. If testing to SMSgt or CMSgt, continue studying this chapter (Section 13F).

302 Section 13FPlanning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) 13.21. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Philosophy.

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The ultimate objective of the PPBE process is to provide the best mix of forces, equipment, and support attainable within fiscal constraints according to DoD Directive 7045.14, The Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS). The goal of the PPBE process is to achieve the defense objectives established by the President and the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) in the strategic planning and joint planning guidance. The Air Force uses a unique process for implementing the PPBEthe Air Force corporate structure. This structure increases management effectiveness by applying judgment and experience to programs, resource limitations, and other program adjustments. This enables senior leadership to assess alternative ways to achieve the PPBE objective. The Air Force develops its program to achieve defense objectives established by the President and the SECDEF as well as internal Air Force strategic planning objectives. The formulation of the Air Force budget is a complicated and time-consuming endeavor. PPBE is a shared process within the Air Force with significant responsibility delegated to the Director of Programs, Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs (AF/A8P), and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller (SAF/FMB). 13.22. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Process. The PPBE process is the DoDs resource allocation system. This process has a framework that decides on future capabilities and provides an opportunity to reexamine prior decisions in light of evolving threats, economic conditions, and security concerns. Finally, PPBE is an iterative process consisting of four interrelated and overlapping phases: planning, programming, budgeting, and execution. 13.22.1. Planning. The Air Force translates top-down guidance into meaningful plans and requirements for which a program for the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) can be developed. Planning defines and examines alternative strategies and analyzes external conditions and trends. Planning provides the means to anticipate changes and understand the long-term implications of near-term choices and decisions. Streamlined planning and assessment documents help prioritize objectives, assess strategies, and provide the link between planning and programming. Within the concept of PPBE, planning also provides a program objective against which the Air Force can measure program execution success. 13.22.2. Programming. Through the programming processes, the Air Force and other military departments link planned requirements with the resources needed to provide them. Inevitably, this will involve tradeoffs beyond those agreed to in the planning process. By programming, the Air Force matches available resources (fiscal, manpower, and materiel) against validated requirements to achieve the strategic plan and submit program proposals. Planning policies and guidance are addressed and initial program costs are established. The key objective of programming is to develop a balanced, capabilities-based Air Force program in the form of the Air Force program objective memorandum (POM). In addition, through the programming processes, the Air Force defends its POM during program review and budget review and adjusts the program as a result of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) reviews and changing national and international situations. 13.22.3. Budgeting. The budgeting phase of PPBE occurs concurrently with the programming phase. Each DoD component submits its proposed budget estimate simultaneously with its POM. The budgeting phase (formulation and justification) provides a platform for a detailed review of a programs pricing, phasing, and overall capability to be executed on time and within budget. The budgeting process principally addresses the years to be justified in the Presidents budget. Three things happen in the preparation of the budget estimate submission (BES). First, Air Force budget analysts identify situations where the program has put Air Force resources at risk of OSD or Congressional reduction. Second, the comptroller applies the latest inflation figures, flying hour and manpower rates, etc. Third, the program is put into the OSD budget format and budget justification documentation is prepared. Once these steps are complete, the final position is called the POM/BES or Program Budget Review. The budgeting phase continues with the Program Budget Review submission and fact-of-life changes via notification document in the off-year. SAF/FMB is the Air Force lead for budget and budget execution.


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13.22.4. Budget Execution. Budget execution focuses on running the Air Force day to day. Execution is carried out at the Headquarters Air Force (HAF), field operating agency (FOA), MAJCOM, wing, and unit level. The Air Force MAJCOMs (including the HAF) are allocated their share of obligation authority to execute their missions. Because the budget being executed in any given year was actually compiled over a year earlier, it is logical to assume that some assumptions on which the budget was based will have changed. Because change is anticipated, Congress allows some flexibility within the operating budgets to move resources without requiring their permission. One key part of budget executio n is the MAJCOMs Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Operation Plan. Air Force program execution is reviewed during MAJCOM budget execution reviews in February, April (concurrent with the internal Air Force midyear review), and July. 13.23. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Summary. Every SNCO contributes to the PPBE process. Within this system, SNCOs help establish and forecast a budget to ensure sufficient funds are available to accomplish the mission. Thoughtful and accurate estimates on the local level are extremely important in reflecting the overall Air Force needs. Wise day-to-day resource management is essential to having an effective PPBE process. Section 13GSNCO Day-to-Day Resource Management 13.24. Financial Management. To many, some resources may appear to be cost-free assets because they may not either control the determination or allocation of these resources (real property, weapon systems, and manpower) or may not have the authority to change the mix of the total resources allocated. In these instances, the SNCOs principal responsibility is to ensure these resources are used in the most cost-effective manner. 13.25. Resource Management Team. The resource management team is a problem-solving team designed to improve base-level resource management by providing training and specific assistance. The aim is to train and motivate personnel by observing and crossfeeding innovative resource management methods and ideas. Crossfeeding information is very important. Identifying various resource management practices and techniques observed throughout the base, recommending improvements, and making this information available upgrades financial awareness and skills. The key to a successful resource management team is open information exchange and the bases application of its own expertise in identifying and resolving resource management problems. 13.26. Resource Management Team Composition. The base comptroller decides the membership and selects team members for each responsibility center visit. Resource management teams only include members who have a direct functional interest in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the visited responsibility center. Normally, the visited responsibility center would be given the chance to decide the resource management team makeup for their assistance visit. The team usually consists of consultants from the financial analysis, financial service office, supply, transportation, base civil engineer, contracting, logistics, communications, management engineering, and personnel offices. Section 13HGovernment Property and Equipment 13.27. General Responsibilities: 13.27.1. The Air Force mission requires that all military and civilian personnel operate and maintain Government systems, equipment, supplies, and real property in the best possible condition, in constant readiness, and in the absolute minimum quantity necessary to accomplish assigned tasks. 13.27.2. Commanders must manage public property under their control, including proper care and use, provide instructions to subordinates on their specific responsibilities, and maintain records that may be audited. Commanders and supervisors establish controls to eliminate uneconomical equipment management, ensure all personnel are taught proper care and safeguard principles, and enforce these principles. Logistics readiness squadrons (LRS) offer training on a variety of topics for different management levels. Commanders appoint representatives and ensure the representatives attend the proper training. For example, primary and alternate equipment custodians attend mandatory Block III computer-based training (CBT) accompanied by a supplemental Block III training provided by the LRS equipment accountability element.


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13.27.3. The Air Force Equipment Management System (AFEMS) provides a standard equipment management system applicable to all Air Force activities. This system is Web-enabled and requires a password for access. AFEMS provides worldwide visibility of all in-use and warehoused equipment assets and is used to report capitalized asset depreciation, determine equipment requirements based on Air Force allowance standards, support the budget and buy program, and report equipment types and quantities required to accomplish the mission. The allowance standards are provided both on line in the AFEMS and off line via compact disk. The allowance standards include specific items and authorized quantities required for the wartime and peacetime needs of each unit. 13.28. Property Accounting. The organization commander or equivalent designates a property custodian for Government property used by the unit and listed on allowance standard documents. Upon assuming responsibility and at least annually, the designated property custodian must perform an inventory of all assets. The custodian signs the custodian authorization/custody receipt listing (CA/CRL) acknowledging completion of the inventory and signifying all items listed are being used properly and maintained in serviceable condition. After the inventory is completed, the custodian signs the acknowledgement of responsibility block which allows the custodian to become accountable for the property physically in possession, then obtains the commanders signature as validation that the inventory took place and actions are underway to resolve discrepancies. The property custodian is relieved of responsibility only when the account is transferred to another custodian, issues or turns in items and obtains a signed receipt, or provides authorized adjustment documents (turn-in receipts, transfer documents, etc.). 13.29. Report of Survey (ROS). A report of survey is used to research and investigate the cause of loss, damage, destruction, or theft of Government property and to determine if it was attributable to an individual s negligence or abuse. The final report is used to assess financial liability against the persons responsible or to relieve them from liability if there is no evidence of negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate unauthorized use of the property. The ROS also serves as a source document to adjust accountable records and provides a tool for commanders to identify deficiencies that require corrective action to prevent recurring incidents. AFMAN 23-220, Reports of Survey for Air Force Property, identifies procedures for processing a ROS and implementing the ROS program. 13.29.1. When to Complete a Report of Survey: With some exceptions, a ROS must be completed for all Government property lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen. The property can be real or personal. Air Force real property includes buildings and items attached to them, such as air-conditioners and compressors. Personal property is anything that is not real property, such as parkas, tools, desks, equipment, and vehicles. A report of survey is not necessary when: The individual responsible for the loss or damage makes voluntary payment, and loss, damage, destruction, or theft of property is $500 or less. This policy does not prevent the initiation of an ROS if the loss is less than $500, if there is evidence of negligence, or if it is a systematic loss of property by the same individual over a period of time. Investigation of the loss, damage, or destruction of a vehicle indicates no evidence of gross negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate unauthorized use. The commander may still take action against individuals in these cases using punitive or administrative options. Assessment of financial liability will not be used instead of or as a form of disciplinary action. 13.29.2. Initiating a Report of Survey: Generally, the organization possessing the lost or damaged property is responsible for initiating a ROS even if the property is deployed or issued on a hand-receipt outside the organization. Depending on the organizational structure, the commander normally initiates the proceedings by appointing an investigating official. The investigating official will be an officer, SNCO, or civilian employee (GS-7, WG-9, WL-5, or WS-1 or above). The investigator must be a disinterested, impartial individual who has no interest or involvement in the custodianship, care, accountability, or safekeeping of the property in question.


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13.29.3. Report of Survey Investigation. At a minimum, the investigating official will perform the following steps during an investigation: Develop the facts in the case which will lead to the findings and recommendations. The investigator must interview any persons with knowledge of the case if they are in the immediate area. This includes the person who may have lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen the property. Obtain written statements from persons interviewed. These statements will be sworn to in accordance with the Manual for Courts-Martial, Appendix 2, Section 936. This section authorizes the investigator to swear witnesses. Ensure the findings and the recommendations are supported by the testimony of persons involved and that the testimony leads logically to the findings and recommendations. Determine if financial liability should be assessed based strictly on the facts and circumstances of the case. If financial liability is recommended, it will be based on the value of the property involved. It will not be tempered by the fact that financial liability generally is limited not to exceed 1 month s pay or by statements made to the investigating officer by the person involved that the assessment of financial liability will cause personal hardship. Note: Reducing the recommended assessment of financial liability is a command prerogative and not within the purview of the investigating officer. 13.29.4. Liability: All Air Force members and employees can be held liable for the loss, damage, or destruction of Government property proximately caused by their negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate unauthorized use. Persons who have lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen Government property valued at $500 or less may voluntarily pay for the property. 13.29.5. Processing the Report of Survey: After the investigation is complete, the investigating official allows the persons involved to review the case and provide verbal or written information to refute the findings and recommendations. In the process of refuting the findings of a ROS, an Airman may seek advice from the local area defense counsel. The ROS is then processed to the appointing authority to assign financial responsibility against the individual charged or relieve him or her from responsibility. If financial responsibility is to be assessed, refer the ROS to the legal office for review. At the time the ROS is submitted for acknowledgment by the individual charged, he or she is advised that the ROS action may be appealed to the next level in the chain of command above the person who assigned the financial liability assessment. Section 13IFacility Management 13.30. Installation Commander Responsibilities. The installation commander has overall responsibility and accountability for the operation of an Air Force installation. Per AFPD 32-10, Installations and Facilities, the MAJCOM and installation commander, assisted by the base civil engineer: 13.30.1. Ensure the effective and efficient use of Air Force real property. 13.30.2. Plan and program all O&M-funded unspecified minor military construction and maintenance and repair for real property requirements necessary to properly support assigned missions and people (including tenants) and to care for and preserve Air Force real property. 13.31. Responsibilities of the Using Organization: 13.31.1. Facility management begins with the using organization. The using organization unit commander will ensure alterations, additions, or new construction is approved by the base civil engineer or wing commander when required.


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13.31.2. The unit commander designates in writing an officer, E-4 and above, or civilian equivalent, as primary and alternate facility managers for each facility assigned to the organization. In multipurpose facilities, the major user should be assigned as the primary facility managers. Any other organization using a portion of a multipurpose facility is allowed to appoint an alternate facility manager for its area. Facility managers submit work requirements either verbally or in writing to the base civil engineer customer service unit. 13.31.3. All facility modification and repair work requires facility managers to submit an AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request. AF Form 332 helps prevent conflict with other work planned for a facility and ensures the work meets fire, safety, health, and environmental standards. 13.32. Base Civil Engineer Squadron Responsibilities: 13.32.1. The base civil engineer operations flight serves as the single point of contact for all maintenance, repair, alterations, and new construction. The facility managers may call in a work request directly to the operations flight job control controller, element, function, or identify needed work to the civil engineer facility maintenance manager during a periodic facility inspection. Operations flight job controllers and supervisors will screen work requirements to decide if the work will be direct scheduled or planned work. 13.32.2. Direct scheduled work, like fixing a leaky faucet, requires little detailed planning and normally requires less than 50 hours to complete. Planned work, like moving a doorway from one wall to another, requires detailed planning and may take several weeks or more to schedule craft workers and acquire materials. 13.32.3. When work exceeds the scope or capability of the operations flight, the operations flight chief passes the request to the engineer flight for planning and programming and incorporating into the base civil engineers facility project proposal list. 13.33. Planning and Programming Facility Projects: 13.33.1. Planning refers to the identification of facility work to satisfy current and future mission requirements. The base civil engineer uses several methods to identify facility requirements including annual space utilization surveys, biennial commanders facility assessments, environmental compliance status assessments, asset management plans, and user- or occupant-identified requirements. 13.33.2. During programming, the authority and resources necessary to accomplish the planned work are acquired. After the requirements are identified, the base civil engineer develops facility project proposals and presents them to the installation commander for validation, prioritization, and approval by the proper authority. A key element of programming facility requirements is proper work classification. Work authorization, approval levels, and fund sources vary with work classification. Real property maintenance work is classified as maintenance, repair, or construction. O&M appropriation-funded unspecified minor military construction projects may not exceed $750,000 except for active component projects intended solely to correct a deficiency that is life, health, or safety threatening, in which case the cost may not exceed $1,500,000. Projects that are solely to correct a life-, health-, or safety-threatening deficiency that cost more than $750,000 must first be approved by the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Installations (SAF/IEI); they also require congressional notification. 13.34. Real Property Records: 13.34.1. The base civil engineer will review and update real property records to ensure each facility or project is properly categorized. This includes updating real property records to reflect the proper category codes, user codes, and functional space allocation. 13.34.2. Real property records form an audit trail that includes when a facility was built and the cost of any alterations and improvements accomplished by minor construction, to include self-help or government purchase card work. 13.34.3. Facility managers must notify the base civil engineer, through the capital asset management section, of any changes to their facilities. Base leadership, MAJCOMs, Air Staff, DoD, and Congress use data from these records to make critical planning, programming, and budgeting decisions. Section 13JEnergy Conservation Program 13.35. Air Force Need for Program. The Federal government, as the Nations largest energy consumer, must significantly improve its energy management in order to save taxpayer dollars and reduce emissions that contribute to air pollution and global climate change. In encouraging effective energy management in the Federal government, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, EO 13423, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, strive to achieve the following goals:


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13.35.1. Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gases Reduction Goal. Improve energy efficiency through reduction of facility energy intensity (British thermal units [BTU] per year per square foot) by 3 percent annually through the end of FY15, or a total of 30 percent by the end of FY15, relative to Air Force energy use in FY03. Continue to reduce facility energy intensity by 1.5 percent annually from FY15 to FY20, or a total of 37.5 percent relative to Air Force energy use in FY03. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms by FY20, relative to a 2008 baseline. 13.35.2. Sustainable Design and Development. All new construction and major renovation of facilities must comply with Air Force sustainable design and development policy, 2 June 2011, and incorporate sustainable practices. These facilities must become net-zero energy facilities (renewable generation offsets all fossil fuel) by 2030. Fifteen percent of existing facility inventory must incorporate sustainable practices by the end of FY15. Agency acquisition of goods and services must incorporate the use of sustainable environmental practices, including acquisition of biobased, environmentally preferable, energy efficient, water efficient, and recycled content products. This includes the use of paper with at least 30 percent recycled content. 13.35.3. Vehicles. Petroleum consumption is to be reduced by 2 percent annually through the end of FY20 as compared to FY05. Alternative (nonpetroleum-based) fuel use is to be increased by 10 percent annually. 13.35.4. Renewable Energy. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 established that in FY07 through FY09, 3 percent of electrical consumption be generated by renewable sources; in FY10 through FY12, 5 percent and 7.5 percent thereafter. EO 13423 promotes, to the extent possible, renewable energy generation projects be on agency property for agency use. Title 10, USC, Section 2911, Energy Performance Goals and Master Plan for the Department of Defense, sets a goal of 25 percent of electrical energy consumption generated by renewable sources by FY25. 13.35.5. Petroleum. Through life-cycle cost-effective measures, each agency shall reduce the use of petroleum within its facilities. Agencies may accomplish this reduction by switching to a less greenhouse gas-intensive, nonpetroleum energy source, such as synthetic or renewable energy sources. 13.35.6. Electronic Products. Electronic products procured must be at least 95 percent compliant with electronic product environmental assessment tool standards. Energy Star features of computers must be enabled. Use environmentally sound practices when disposing of electronic equipment. 13.35.7. Source Energy. The Federal government shall strive to reduce total energy use and associated greenhouse gas and other air emissions, as measured at the source. 13.35.8. Water Conservation. Beginning in FY08, reduce potable water consumption intensity (gallons per square foot) relative to FY07, through life-cycle cost-effective measures by 2 percent annually through the end of FY20, or 26 percent by the end of 2020. Reduce industrial, landscaping, and agricultural water consumption by 2 percent annually or 20 percent by the end of FY20 relative to a baseline of consumption in FY10. 13.36. Air Force Compliance with Policy. Compliance with energy management policy is assessed by taking measurements in two areas: mobility energy and facility (utility) energy. (Note: Water usage is included in the definition of energy management.) 13.36.1. Mobility Energy. The policy to reduce mobility energy will be assessed by measuring actual petroleum consumption. Consumption will be measured in barrels and include aircraft and vehicle operations.

308 13.36.2. Facility Energy.

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The policy to reduce facility energy will be assessed by measuring utility consumption to include electricity, coal, natural gas, petroleum, water, etc. Consumption will be measured in million BTUs per square foot (or gallons per square foot) and will include all installation facilities except privatized housing and facilities meeting Department of Energy exclusion requirements. 13.37. Conclusion: 13.37.1. One of the primary roles of the NCO is that of manager. With the constant emphasis on efficiency, the Air Force must get the greatest return from every investment. The Air Force invests in people and other resources, all of which must be managed wisely. This chapter provided an overview of NCO responsibilities and outlined a few of the many Air Force management objectives. 13.37.2. All supervisors, managers, and commanders are responsible for safeguarding Air Force resources and exercising sound resource management practices. Remember, the amount of money spent and the other resources used (manpower, facilities) affect the entire mission. SNCOs have a daily role to play in the overall system. They must plan for future requirements and ensure allocated resources are used properly. If correctly accomplished, the result will be a stronger and more efficient Air Force.




Section 14AOverview 14.1. Introduction: 14.1.1. Communication is the process of sharing ideas, information, and messages with others; in the Air Force, most communication involves speaking and writing. Any communication can be broken into three parts: the sender, the message, and the audience. For communication to be successful, the audience must not only get the message, but the audience must interpret the message in the way the sender intended. 14.1.2. This chapter begins by examining the fundamentals of better communication, both written and spoken. It then focuses on written communications in general terms and outlines certain methods that can be used to improve writing style. Finally, it provides an overview and samples of the types of correspondence the noncommissioned officer (NCO) is likely to deal with in daily activities. Section 14BCommunication Basics 14.2. Principles of Effective Communication. Everyone must understand what makes communication succeed and what makes it fail. Most mistakes are caused by forgetting one of the five principles of good communication. This section addresses the five core principles, which have been organized to create the acronym FOCUS which stands for focused, organized, clear, understanding, and supported (Figure 14.1). 14.3. Focused. The first hallmark of good communication is that the communication is focusedthe sender has a clear idea of the purpose and objective, locks on target, and stays on track. 14.4. Organized. Good organization means your material is presented in a logical, systematic manner. When writing or speaking is not well organized, audiences become easily confused or impatient and may stop reading or listening. Even if you are providing useful, relevant information, your audience may underestimate its value and your own credibility. 14.5. Clear. This principle covers two interrelated ideas. First, to communicate clearly, we need to understand the rules of language how to spell and pronounce words, and how to assemble and punctuate sentences. Second, we should get to the point, not hide our ideas in a maze of words. 14.6. Understanding. Figure 14.1. FOCUS Principles. Strong Writing and Speaking: Focused Address the issue, the whole issue, and nothing but the issue. Organized Systematically present your information and ideas. Clear Communicate with clarity and make each word count. Understanding Understand your audience and its expectations. Supported Use logic and support to make your point.

When sharing ideas with others, it helps to understand their current knowledge, views, and level of interest in the topic. If you have been asked to write a report, it helps to understand the expected format and length of the response, the due date, the level of formality, and any staffing requirements. 14.7. Supported. Use logic and support to make your point. Support and logic are the tools used to build credibility and trust with your audience. Nothing cripples a clearly written, properly punctuated paper quicker than a fractured fact or a distorted argument.

310 Section 14CSeven Steps for Effective Communication 14.8. Overview. Like many things, good communication requires preparation. There are seven steps that will help every NCO become a better communicator, both in written correspondence and in speaking abilities (Figure 14.2). The first four steps lay the groundwork for the drafting process. 14.9. Step 1Analyze Purpose and Audience.

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Figure 14.2. Seven Steps for Effective Communication. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Analyze Purpose and Audience Research Your Topic Support Your Ideas Organize and Outline Draft Edit Fight for Feedback

Once the need for communication is determined, step 1 requires you to get clear on your purpose and audience. Those who have mastered the art of communication stay focused on their objective and approach audience analysis seriously. 14.9.1. Choose the Purpose. Most Air Force writing or speaking is either to direct, inform, persuade, or inspire. Your task is to think about the message you want to send (the what) and make some sort of determination what your purpose is (the why). Once you decide the purpose, you will know where to place the emphasis and what the tone of your communication should be (Figure 14.3). Figure 14.3. Determining Purpose. To DirectUse the direct approach when you need to pass on information describing actions you expect to be carried out by your audience. The emphasis in directive communication is clear, concise directions and expectations of your audience. To InformUse this approach when you need to pass on information to the audience. The emphasis in informative communication is clear, direct communication with accurate and adequate information tailored to the education and skill levels of the audience. Audience feedback and interaction may be appropriate in some situations to make sure they got the message. To PersuadeThis approach is used when you are trying to sell your audience on a new idea, new policy, new product, or a change in current operations. To InspireOne final purpose for writing or speaking that doesnt get much attention but is frequently used in the military is to inspire. The emphasis in inspirational communication is delivery, a thorough knowledge of your topic and likewise your audience. 14.9.2. Draft the Purpose Statement. One way to make sure you are clear on your objective is to write a purpose statement. This statement is one sentence that captures the essence of what you are trying to do your bottom line. Developing a clear purpose statement will: Help you FOCUS as you develop your communication. Help your audience FOCUS when you deliver your message. 14.9.3. Know Yourself. Realizing your own strengths and weaknesses will help you meet your communication goals. 14.9.4. Know Your Organization. In the military, we rarely act or speak in a vacuum. Often we represent our organization, unit, or functional area and must understand them and accommodate their views, capabilities, or concerns in our communications. 14.9.5. Know Your Audience. The receiving audience falls into one of four subcategories. Depending on the type of communication and coordination necessary, you may or may not deal with each one of these: Primary receiverthe person you directly communicate with, either verbally or in writing.


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311 Secondary receiverpeople you indirectly communicate with through the primary receivers. Key decisionmakersthe most powerful members of the audience; the ones that really make the decisions. Knowing who they are will help focus your attention and potentially your delivery in larger briefings and certain written communication. Gatekeeperspeople in the chain who typically review the communication before it reaches the intended audience. Knowing who they are and what their expectations are can save you embarrassment and help ensure your success in the long run. 14.9.6. Succeed With Your Audience. Some tips are: Rank. Differences in military rank can be a real barrier to communication in the Air Force. Many of us become tongue-tied when communicating with those senior in rank, and cursory or impatient with those who are junior in rank. We must constantly remind ourselves we are all communicative equals and should strive to be candid, direct, and respectful with everyone. Jargon. Tailor to your audience. Do not overestimate the knowledge and expertise of your readers, but do not talk down to them either. Be careful with excessive use of career-field specific jargon and acronyms. Be Inclusive. Remember our diverse force. Sometimes we inadvertently exclude members of our audience by falling into communication traps involving references to race, religion, ethnicity, or sex. Remember this concept when designing your visual support. Knowing your audience and adhering to good taste and sensitivity will keep you in check. Tone. This is not just what you say; it is how you say it. Closely tied to the purpose of your communication is the tone you take with your audience. Speakers have gestures, voice, and movements to help them communicate. Writers only have words on paper. How many times have you seen colleagues get bent out of shape over a misunderstood e-mail? Why? Because the nonverbal signals available during face-to-face communication are absent. Recognize this disadvantage in written communication and pay close attention to it. Courtesy. Be polite, please! The first rule of writing is to be polite. Forego anger, criticism, and sarcasmstrive to be reasonable and persuasive. Try not to deliberately embarrass someone if it can be avoided with a more tactful choice of words. Make it Personal. Remember, though, that it is not all about you! When appropriate, use pronouns to create instant rapport, show concern, and keep your reader involved. Using pronouns also keeps your writing from being monotonous, dry, and abstract. The pronouns you will probably use the most are you, yours, we, us, and our. Use I, me, and my sparingly. One rule of business writing is to put your audience first; so, when possible, avoid using I as the first word of an opening sentence and avoid starting two sentences in a row with we or I unless you are trying to hammer home a point. Be Positive. To cultivate a positive tone, give praise where praise is due; acknowledge acceptance before focusing on additional improvements; and express criticism in the form of helpful questions, suggestions, requests, recommendations, or clear directives rather than accusations. Your audience always appreciates sincerity and honesty. 14.10. Step 2Research Your Topic. Whether your goal is to persuade or inform, you will need more than fancy words to win the day you will need substance as well as style. Once you are clear on your purpose and audience (Step 1), you will need to research your topic to uncover information that will support your communication goals. Before you begin the research, refer to Figure 14.4 for the best approaches to researching.

312 Figure 14.4. Approaches to Researching. Approach 1

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Review purpose and scope of the overall project. Sometimes your purpose and scope will evolve as you learn more about the topic, and you may need to do some preliminary research just to get smart enough to scope out the effort. Approach 2 Assign a deadline. It is easy to get lost in the research process. Dont do an outstanding job of data retrieval, then a marginal job on the presentation because you ran out of time. Approach 3 Ask the boss. Even if you can eventually find the answer on your own, save some time by asking your supervisor for suggestions on where to start. Approach 4 Determine what is known. Before you look for answers outside yourself, look in the mirror first. You may have valuable knowledge about an assigned research project, but you need to acknowledge and guard against your own biases in working a research problem. Approach 5 Determine where to look for information. Coworkers and base personnel are easy because you can meet with them face-to-face. Office files and references in paper form and on your computer network may be valuable sources of information. Finally, the Internet and library offer an unlimited supply of information.

14.11. Step 3Support Your Ideas. Once you have researched your topic and collected information, you will need to figure out how to use what you have found to meet your communication goals. As you see, individual pieces of evidence are used to build your argument. When identifying some common types of evidence, include: 14.11.1. Definition. A definition is a precise meaning or significance of a word or phrase. 14.11.2. Testimony. A testimony uses the comments of recognized authorities to support your claim. These comments are sometimes direct quotations or paraphrases. 14.11.3. Statistics. The use of statistics provides a summary of data that allows your audience to better interpret quantitative information. Statistics are usually very persuasive and provide excellent support if handled competently. Keep them simple and easy to read and understand. Also, remember to round off your statistics whenever possible and document the exact source of your statistics. 14.11.4. Fact. A fact is the noncontroversial piece of data that is objectively verified. Be careful to distinguish facts from inferences, and handle inferences you would like to use in your research as testimony, not fact. 14.11.5. Explanation: Analysis. The analysis is the separation of a whole into smaller pieces for further studies; clarifying a complex issue by examining one piece at a time. Comparison and Contrast. Use comparison to dramatize similarities between two objects or situations, and contrast to emphasize differences. Description. A description is to tell about something in detail, to paint a picture with words, typically more personal and subjective than a definition.


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14.12. Step 4Organize and Outline. Select a pattern that enables you and your readers to move systematically and logically through your ideas from beginning to conclusion. Some of the most common organizational patterns are listed below. Your purpose, the needs of your audience, and the nature of your material will influence your choice of pattern. 14.12.1. Topical. Use the topical format to present groups of ideas, objects, or events by categories. 14.12.2. Compare or Contrast. Use the compare and contrast style when you need to discuss similarities and differences between topics, concepts, or ideas. 14.12.3. Chronological. When using the chronological pattern, you discuss events, problems, or processes in the sequence of time in which occurrences take place or should take place (past to present or present to future). 14.12.4. Sequential. A step-by-step approach, sequential is similar to the chronological pattern. Use this approach to describe a sequence of steps necessary to complete a technical procedure or process. 14.12.5. Spatial or Geographical. When using spatial or geographical pattern, you will start at some point in space and proceed in sequence to other points. This pattern is based on a directional strategynorth to south, east to west, clockwise or counterclockwise, bottom to top, above and below. 14.12.6. Problem and Solution. Use the problem and solution pattern to identify and describe a problem and one or more possible solutions, or an issue and possible techniques for resolving the issue. Discuss all facets of the problem, such as origin, characteristics, and impact. 14.12.7. Reasoning and Logic. State an opinion and then make your case by providing support for your position. Use the reasoning and logic pattern when your mission is to present research that will lead your audience down the path to your point of view. 14.12.8. Cause and Effect. Use the cause and effect pattern to show how one or more ideas, actions, or conditions lead to other ideas, actions, or conditions. 14.13. Step 5Draft. A draft is not the finished product, and each sentence does not have to be polished and perfect. The focus is to get your ideas down on paper. Do not obsess about grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word choice this all comes later. You do not have to fix every mistake you see. On the other hand, it can be helpful to keep an eye on your outline and periodically check the outline to keep from losing focus and writing paragraphs that do not support your purpose. Break up your draft into a three-part structureintroduction, body, and conclusionand dont forget to write effectively. 14.13.1. Introduction. The introduction captures your audiences attention, establishes rapport, and announces your purpose. Therefore, it sets the stage and tone for your message and the direction you plan to take the audience. A typical introduction has three components: stage-setting remarks, a purpose statement, and an overview. Stage-setting remarks set the tone, capture the audiences attentions, and encourage the audience to read further. Stage-setting remarks are also optional and can be omitted in very short messages. The purpose statement is the one sentence you would keep if you had only one. Moreover, the purpose statement specifically states your purpose, thesis, or main point.


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AFPAM36-2241 The overview clearly presents your main points, previews your paragraph sequence, and ties your main points to your purpose. 14.13.2. Body. This is the heart of your message and includes the main ideas about your subject and supporting details under each main idea. The body will typically consist of several paragraphs, depending on the purpose and subject and, as a general rule, a separate paragraph for each main idea. 14.13.3. Conclusion. The conclusion is the last and often neglected part of a well-arranged communication. An effective conclusion often summarizes the main points discussed in the body, and leaves the reader with a sense of closure. Conclude your communication with positive statements based on your preceding discussion and avoid bringing up new information. The introduction and conclusion should balance each other without being identical. 14.13.4. Effective Paragraphs. Paragraphs are the primary vehicles for developing ideas. They serve to group related ideas into single units of thought, separate one unit of thought from another, and alert readers the writer is shifting to another phase of the subject. Each paragraph contains a topic sentence, preferably at the beginning, that prepares the reader for the rest of the paragraph and provides a point of focus for support details, facts, figures, and examples. Use supporting ideas to prove, clarify, illustrate, and develop your main point. The objective is to help the readers see the paragraphs as integrated units rather than a mere collection of sentences. 14.13.5. Plain Language. Prepare all Air Force correspondence using plain language. Plain language means using logical organization; common, everyday words (except for necessary technical terms); you and other pronouns; the active voice; and short sentences. 14.13.6. Transitions. One way to make sure your paragraphs flow together, both internally and externally, is by using transitions in the form of words, phrases, or sentences. Internal transitions are used within a sentence to improve the flow, while external transitions are used to link separate paragraphs together within the body of the communication. 14.13.7. Effective Sentences. To draft clear and concise sentences, choose clear and concise words and phrases to make up your sentences. There are three considerations to make when drafting sentences: active voice, smothered verbs, and parallelism. Write Actively. The active voice reaches out to the reader and gets to the point quickly with fewer words, whereas the passive voice shows the subject as receiver of the action. EXAMPLES: Instead of: Your support is appreciated The IG team will be appointed It is requested that you submit I appreciate your support Colonel Jones will appoint the IG team Please submit



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315 Smothered Verbs. Make your verbs do the work for you. Weak writing relies on general verbs that take extra words to complete their meaning. Keep verbs active, lively, specific, concise, and out in front, not hidden. EXAMPLES: Instead of: The IG team held a meeting to give consideration to the printing issue. Use that format for the preparation of your command history. The settlement of travel claims involves the examination of orders. The IG team met to consider the printing issue. Use that format to prepare your command history. Settling travel claims involves examining orders.

Use: Parallel Construction. Use a consistent pattern when making a list. If your sentence contains a series of items separated by commas, keep the grammatical construction similar. Violations occur when writers mix things and actions, statements and questions, and active and passive instructions. The key is to be consistent. EXAMPLES: Needs Work: Acceptable: Needs Work: Acceptable: 14.13.8. Writers Block. If you occasionally suffer from writers block, you are not alonemany experienced writers have a hard time getting started. The five fears that lead to writers block are fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of success, fear of offending, and fear of running out of ideas. Figure 14.5 identifies some ways to overcome wri ters block. Figure 14.5. Ways to Overcome Writers Block. Brainstorm or free write to get your creative ideas flowing. Write just the topic sentences for each paragraph. Avoid procrastination. Dont worry about page length, word count, or some ot her constraint on the first draft. Bounce ideas off a friend or coworker. Use visuals, like pictures or diagrams, to show meaning. Develop rituals or routines to get in the mood for writing. The functions of a military staff are to advise the commander, transmit instructions, and implementation of decisions. The functions of a military staff are to advise the commander, transmit instructions, and implement decisions. The security force member told us to observe the speed limit and we should dim our lights. The security force member told us to observe the speed limit and to dim our lights.

14.14. Step 6Edit the Draft. One way to make sure you edit efficiently is to read your document at least three times to allow yourself to really look hard at the problem areas that could mess up your product. In the first pass, look at the big picture; in the second pass, look at paragraph construction; and in the third pass, look at sentences, phrases, and words.

316 14.14.1. First Pass: The Big Picture.

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Pay attention to the arrangement and flow of ideas. Here are some ideas to think about: Ensure the purpose statement answers the original tasker. Review the introduction to ensure it contains the purpose statement. Compare the introduction and conclusion to make sure they go together without sounding identical. The introduction should declare the purpose, and the conclusion should show the readers the purpose was accomplished. When checking for relevance and completeness, ensure the paragraphs clearly relate to the purpose statement, are relevant, contain all main points, and are arranged in a consistent order. 14.14.2. Second Pass: Paragraph, Structure, and Clarity. In the second pass, check whether the main points and supporting ideas are appropriately organized in paragraphs. For each paragraph, focus on the following areas: Unity of Focus. Ensure there is only one main point of the paragraph and all the information in the paragraph relates enough to be in the same paragraph. Topic Sentence. Ensure the paragraph has one sentence that captures the central idea of the paragraph. Supporting Ideas. Ensure sentences expand, clarify, illustrate, and explain points mentioned or suggested in each main idea. The paragraph should have enough details to support the central idea without any extra sentences that are irrelevant to the main point. Also, ensure all transitional words, phrases, and clauses improve the flow and show proper relationships. Finally, the paragraph should contain three to seven sentences. 14.14.3. Third Pass: Sentences, Phrases, and Words. Look at the details and concentrate on the small stuff that can sabotage your communication. These details include the passive voice, unclear language, excessive wordiness, grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes. Read the paper out loud. This increases the chance of catching errors because it requires the communicator to slow down and use two sensesseeing and hearing. What one sense misses, the other will pick up. 14.15. Step 7Fight for Feedback. Fighting for feedback and getting approval are both activities that are part of life in the Air Force. Feedback and coordination are closely linked. If the communicator does a good job at fighting for feedback, the coordination process becomes much smoother. The biggest benefit to fighting for feedback is getting a second pair of eyes to review the communication. Even the best writers and speakers can become so close to the communication, they cannot see where it can be made stronger. Coworkers are usually a good choice because of their familiarity with the issue and jargon. Also, asking a trusted agent or someone you consider an expert in a specific area of the communication, such as grammar, is another choice to obtain feedback. 14.15.1. Feedback. To give effective feedback, refer to the following: First, effective feedback is consistent, objective, and sensitive to the stated purpose. If asked to review a package, make sure you understand what the person wants from your review and stick to it. Second, distinguish between necessary, desirable, and unnecessary changes. A page full of red marks is hard to interpret. Instead, give the author a sense of what really needs to be changed. Third, avoid using general statements. Instead, pinpoint specific problems such as awkward sentences, grammar, etc. Fourth, concentrate on improving the messages content, not the style or personal preferences of the author (unless the author has asked you specifically to comment on writing style). Before providing feedback, refer to the feedback philosophies in Figure 14.6.


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Figure 14.6. Feedback Philosophies. Feedback: Should describe rather than judge. Is both positive and negative. A balanced description of other peoples work considers both strong and weak points. Strive for being specific rather than general. Highlight or underline specific items you want to bring to the authors attention. Direct at behavior the author can control. A suggestion to improve the briefing rooms temperature, for example, is probably beyond the authors control.

14.15.2. Supervisor-Subordinate Feedback. Responsibility as a supervisor requires the need to be tactful and patient, especially when approving and disapproving subordinates communications. A supervisor is obligated to help subordinates improve their work. This obligation may mean helping them to revise or rewrite their communication, especially if they are inexperienced. Section 14DWriting 14.16. Common Writing Formats. The principles of effective communication apply equally well to written and spoken communications. This section will not repeat these principles but will provide the basic formats of written Air Force communication. These formats are the most common and familiar ways of preparing all official and personal correspondence and memorandums. 14.16.1. Official Memorandum. Official memorandums are used to communicate with all DoD agencies. In addition, use official memorandums to conduct official business outside the government with vendors or contractors when the personal letter is inappropriate (Figure 14.7). Use printed letterhead, computer-generated letterhead, or plain bond paper. Only type or print on one side of the paper using black or blue-black ink, and use 10- to 12-point fonts for text. Neatly and legibly correct minor typographical errors in ink on all correspondence do not redo correspondence to correct a typographical error that does not change intent. Redo correspondence to correct a minor error only if the correction is sufficiently important to justify the time, purpose, and expense. 14.16.2. Personal Letter. Use the personal letter when the communication needs a personal touch or when warmth or sincerity is essential. Furthermore, use this letter to write an individual on a private matter for praise, condolence, sponsorship, etc. Keep it brief, preferably no longer than one page. The personal letter should include a salutation element (Dear XXXX), and a complimentary close element (usually Sincerely). 14.16.3. Memorandum for Record (MR). The MR is an informal document with a set format. Use the MR to record information that refers to a certain piece of correspondence or to note certain actions. The separate-page MR and the explanatory MR are two methods used most often. Separate-Page MR. The separate-page MR is an in-house document to record information that would otherwise not be recorded in writing (for example, a telephone call, results of a meeting, or information passed to other staff members on an informal basis). People who work together every day generally pass most information to their coworkers verbally, but there are times when information should be recorded and kept on file. An MR is the right tool for this purpose. A MEMO FOR or a TO: line can be added to specifically target the addressee. Figure 14.8 illustrates the format for the separate-page MR.

318 Figure 14.7. The Official Memorandum.

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1 July 2013 MEMORANDUM FOR SAF/IGI FROM: AFOMS/PD 550 D Street East, Suite 2 Randolph AFB TX 78150-4427 SUBJECT: Sample Memorandum Format 1. Type or stamp the date on the right side of the memorandum 10 lines from the top of the page about 1 inch from the right margin. 2. Type the MEMORANDUM FOR caption in all caps four lines below the date or 14 lines from the top of the page. If you do not use the DoD Seal on your computer-generated letterhead or you are using plain bond paper, begin the caption approximately 11 line spaces from the top of the page. 3. Type the FROM caption in all caps two line spaces below the last line of the MEMORANDUM FOR caption. The FROM caption should contain the full mailing address of the function originating the correspondence. 4. Type the SUBJECT caption in all caps, two line spaces below the last line of the FROM caption. 5. Begin typing the text flush with the left margin two line spaces below the SUBJECT caption. Number and letter each paragraph. 6. Type the signature element at least three spaces to the right of page center, five lines below the last line of text. Type the name in UPPERCASE and include grade and service on the first line, the duty title on the second line, and the name of the office or organization level on a third line (if not announced in the heading). 7. Type Attachments: flush with the left margin, 10 lines below the last line of text or three lines below the signature element. Do not number when there is only one attachment; when there are two or more attachments, list each one by number in the order referred to in the memorandum. Describe each attachment briefly. Cite the office of origin, type of communication, date, and number of copies (in parentheses) if more than one.

Loretta W. Gess LORETTA W. GESS, GS-11, DAF Human Resources Manager 2 Attachments: 1. HQ USAF/DP Memo, 1 Jul 13 (2) 2. AFOMS/CC Msg, 122300Z Mar 13


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Figure 14.8. Separate-Page MR.

MEMO FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Preparing a Separate-Page MR

1 July 2013

1. Use a separate-page MR to fulfill the functions discussed on the preceding page. 2. Type or write the MR on a sheet of paper in this format. Use 1-inch margins all around and number the paragraphs if there is more than one. A full signature block is not necessary, but the MR should be signed.

CAROLYN R. BROWN ASCS/DE Explanatory MR. The explanatory MR is usually on the file copy of most correspondence (Figures 14.9 and 14.10). This MR gives the reader a quick synopsis of the purpose of the correspondence, tells who got involved, and provides additional information not included in the basic correspondence. By reading both the basic correspondence and the MR, readers should understand enough about the subject to coordinate on or sign the correspondence without having to call or ask for more information. If the basic correspondence really does say it all, an explanatory MR may not be required. However, some organizations require you to acknowledge that you have not merely forgotten the MR by including MR: Self-explanatory on the file copy. Figure 14.9. Explanatory MR (Ample Spacing).


12 Mar 13

Omit the subject when typing the explanatory MR on the record copy. If space permits, type the MR and date two lines below the signature block. When there is not enough space, type MR ATTACHED or MR ON REVERSE and put the MR on a separate sheet or on the back of the record copy if it can be read clearly. Number the paragraphs when there are more than one. The signature block is not required; merely sign your last name after the last word of the MR.

320 Figure 14.10. Explanatory MR (Minimum Spacing).

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MR: When you have a very brief MR and not enough space on the bottom of your correspondence, use this tighter format. Sign your last name followed by the date.

14.17. Writing AccomplishmentImpact Bullet Statements. At some point in your career, you may be required to write bullet statements for an enlisted performance report (EPR); AF IMT 1206, Nomination for Award; bullet background paper (BBP); or other Air Force communication. The key to writing an effective bullet statement consists of three phases: 14.17.1. Phase 1: Extract the Facts. Getting started can be the hardest part of bullet statement writing. The key is to collect all of the information you can find relevant to the actual accomplishment. First, gather as much information as you can, then sort through the information collected. When sorting the information: Isolate one specific action the person performed, but do not generalize. Try to select the proper power verb that best describes the action (for example, repaired, installed, designed, etc.). Look for as much numerical information as possible related to the action (for example, number of items fixed, dollars generated, man-hours saved, people served, etc.). Track down information to explain how the accomplishment impacted the bigger picture (for example, How did it help the work center? How did it support the units mission? How did it benefit the entire Air Force?). Once captured, review each item and test to see if the item is truly associated with the single accomplishment identified earlier. 14.17.2. Phase 2: Build the Structure. Building the structure involves taking information from phase 1 and organizing the information into the proper structure of an accomplishment-impact bullet. There are two components: the accomplishment element and the impact element. Accomplishment Element. The accomplishment element should always begin with an action and only focus on one single accomplishment. Most of the time this action takes the form of a strong action verb such as conducted, established, or led. If you need to give action verbs an added boost, you can use an adverb such as actively, energetically, or swiftly to modify the verb. For a more complete list of verbs and adverbs, refer to AFH 33-337, The Tongue and Quill. Impact Element. The impact element part of the bullet statement explains how the persons actions have had a resultant effect on the organization. The impact element can show varying levels of influence, such as the persons actions connected to significant improvements to a work centers mission, a units mission, or as broad as the entire Air Force. 14.17.3. Phase 3: Streamline the Final Product. Streamlining the final product is refining the bullet statement to make it accurate, brief, and specific. Accuracy. For anything to be accurate, it must be correct. Avoid exaggerating the facts. Brevity. When editing for brevity, use the shortest, clearest, yet most descriptive words to the reader and reduce unnecessary words.


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321 Specificity. Convey the facts in detail; resist the urge to estimate or generalize. Instead, use exact numbers or dollar amounts. Section 14EFace-to-Face: Speaking and Listening 14.18. Air Force Speaking. This section focuses on spoken communicationboth speaking and listening. 14.18.1. Verbal Communication. An effective voice drives home ideas or information. The speaker has control over such things as rate, volume, pitch, and pause. The techniques used to create interest and help increase communication include: Rate. There is no correct rate of speed for every speech; however, consider this: people can listen four to five times faster than the normal spoken rate of 120 words a minute. Speak too slowly, and the audience will lose interest; on the other hand, speak too fast and the speech will become unintelligible. The key is to vary the rate of speech to hold the audiences attention and to add emphasis. Volume. Another verbal technique that can give emphasis to a speech is volume. If possible, check out the room to know how loudly you must talk, remembering you will need to talk louder with a crowd since the sound is absorbed. Remember your voice will carry further when the room is empty versus full. If the audience must strain to hear you, they will eventually tune you out from utter exhaustion. Speak louder or softer to emphasize a pointa softer level or lower volume is often the more effective way to achieve emphasis. Pitch. The use of notes, higher or lower, in the voice is called pitch. Speakers use pitch changes in vowels, words, or entire sentences. Use a downward (high to low) inflection in a sentence for an air of certainty, and an upward (low to high) inflection for an air of uncertainty. Variety in speech pitch helps to avoid monotone and to capture the listeners attention. Pause. The pause technique gives the speaker time to catch his or her breath and the audience time to collect the speakers ideas. The pause technique serves the same function as punctuation in writing. Short pauses usually divide points within a sentence and longer pauses note the ends of sentences. The speaker can also use longer pauses for breaks from one main point to another, from the body to the conclusion of the speech, or to set off an important point worthy of short reflection. Articulation and Pronunciation. Articulation is the art of expressing Pronunciation is the ability to say words correctly. People can articulate their thoughts and words while doing so. Unfortunately (and unfairly), many people consider word mispronunciation a direct reflection on the speakers intelligence. If you ar e not sure of consult a current dictionary. words distinctly. still mispronounce pronunciation or the pronunciation, Length. The length of a presentation is crucial. A key rule in verbal communication is to keep it short and sweet. Be prepared, know what you want to say, and then say it with your purpose and audience in mind. 14.18.2. Nonverbal Communication. For many people, the hardest part of a talk is actually presenting it. How can body movement, voice, and sincerity enhance a presentation? Communications experts tell us that over half of our meaning may be communicated nonverbally. Although nonverbal meaning is communicated through vocal cues, much meaning is carried by the physical behaviors of eye contact, bodily movement, and gestures. Eye Contact. This is one of the most important factors in nonverbal communication. Nothing will enhance the delivery more than effective eye contact with the audience. Eye contact is important for three reasons. First, it lets the listeners know the speaker is interested in them. Second, effective eye contact allows you to receive nonverbal feedback from the audience. Third, effective eye contact enhances the credibility of the speaker. Body Movement. Good body movement is important because it catches the eye of the listener. Effective body movement can be described as free and purposeful. While not essential, the speaker should feel free to move around in front of the audience. When looking at note cards, speakers should drop their eyes, not their head.


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AFPAM36-2241 Gestures. Gestures are the purposeful use of the hands, arms, shoulders, and head to reinforce what is being said. Effective gestures are both natural and purposeful. Fidgeting with a paperclip, rearranging or shuffling papers, and constantly clicking a pen are distracting to the audience. 14.18.3. Delivery Formats. Your approach to delivery of the spoken message is usually affected by several factors, including the time you have to prepare and the nature of the message. Three common delivery formats are: Impromptu. A delivery format where people respond during a meeting or take the floor at a conference is impromptu speaking. Speakers may do this when they have to speak publicly without warning or with only a few moments notice. To do it well requires a great amount of self-confidence, mastery of the subject, and the ability to think on your feet. A superb impromptu speaker has achieved the highest level in verbal communications. Prepared (Formally Extemporaneous). Prepared speaking or briefing refers to those times when people have ample opportunity to prepare. This does not mean the person writes a script and memorizes it, but prepared delivery does require a thorough outline with careful planning and practicing. The specific words and phrases used at the time of delivery, however, are spontaneous and sound very natural. Manuscript. A manuscript briefing is the delivery format that requires every word spoken to be absolutely perfect. The disadvantage of a manuscript briefing is that people demonstrate a tendency to lack spontaneity, lack eye contact, and they stand behind the lectern with their script. 14.18.4. Types of Speaking. Types of speaking used in the Air Force include briefing, teaching lecture, and formal speech. Briefing. The best military briefings are concise and factual. Their major purpose is to inform listeners about a mission, operation, or concept. Some briefings direct or enable listeners to perform a procedure or carry out instructions. Other briefings advocate, persuade, or support a certain solution and lead the audience to accept it. Every good briefing has the qualities of accuracy, brevity, and clarity. Accuracy and clarity characterize all good speaking, but brevity distinguishes the briefing from other types of speaking. A briefer must be brief and to the point and, at the same time, should anticipate some of the questions that may arise. If a briefer cannot answer a question, he or she should not attempt an off-the-top-of-the-head answer. Instead, he or she should admit to not knowing the answer and offer to provide it later. Teaching Lecture. The teaching lecture is the method of instruction most often used in the Air Force. As the name implies, the primary purpose of a teaching lecture is to teach students about a given subject. Teaching lectures are either formal or informal. Formal lectures are generally one-way with no verbal participation by the students. Informal lectures are usually presented to smaller audiences and allow for verbal interaction between the instructor and students. Formal Speech. A formal speech generally has one of three basic purposes: to inform, persuade, or entertain. The informative speech is a narration concerning a specific topic but does not involve a sustained effort to teach. Orientation talks and presentations at commanders call are examples of informative speeches. The persuasive speech is designed to move an audience to believe in or take action on the topic presented. Recruiting speeches to high school graduating classes and court-martial summations are speeches primarily developed to persuade. The entertaining speech gives enjoyment to the audience. The speaker often relies on humor and vivid language to entertain listeners. A speech to entertain is appropriate at a Dining-Out. 14.19. Effective Listening: 14.19.1. Understanding the Listening Process. To better understand the listening process, let us begin by distinguishing between hearing and listening. Hearing occurs when your ears pick up sound waves being transmitted by a speaker or some other source. Hearing requires a source of sound and an ear capable of perceiving sound. Hearing does not require the conscious decoding of information. 14.19.2. Listening To Make Sense. Listening, on the other hand, involves making sense out of what is being transmitted. Listening involves not only hearing, it involves attending to and considering what is heard. Effective listening is an active process, and active listening involves exerting energy and responding appropriately in order to hear, comprehend, evaluate, and remember the message.


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14.19.3. The Importance of Listening. Listening is especially important in the Air Force, and actually in any military unit. Success is literally a matter of life and death, and we routinely maintain and operate equipment worth millions of dollars. Receiving, comprehending, and remembering spoken information is critical, and any miscommunication is potentially catastrophic. Effective listening helps to build the trust and mutual respect needed to do our jobs. Military personnel must understand their team members and the situation. Leaders with good listening skills often make better decisions and have a stronger bond with their Airmen. 14.19.4. Pick the Right Tool for the Job: Informative, Critical, or Empathic Listening. There are different situations where listening is important and different reasons to listen. Everyone must understand the importance for acknowledging and identifying these differences because appropriate listening behaviors in one situation are sometimes inappropriate in another situation. Informative Listening. In informative listening, the listeners primary concern is to understand information exactly as transmitted. A successful listening outcome occurs when the listener understands the message exactly as the sender intended. Suggestions for improving informative listening are to: Keep an Open Mind. If the primary goal is to understand the message, set aside your preconceptions about the topic and just listen. Listen as if You Had to Teach It. Typically, we expend more effort to understand a subject when we know that we have to teach it to someone else. By taking this approach, we have the mental fortitude to focus longer, ask questions when we do not understand, and think more deeply on a topic. Take Notes. Focus on main points, and do not attempt to capture everything. Respond and Ask Appropriate Questions. Good informative listening questions help you clarify and confirm your understanding of the message. Exploit the Time Gap Between Thinking and Speaking Speeds. The average speaking rate is 180 words per minute; the average processing rate is 500 words per minute. Use this extra time to mentally repeat, forecast, summarize, and paraphrase the speakers remarks. Critical Listening. Critical listening is usually thought of as the sum of informative listening and critical thinking. The listener is actively analyzing and evaluating the message the speaker is sending. Critical listening is appropriate when seeking input to a decision, evaluating the quality of staff work or a subordinates capabilities, or conducting research. Suggestions for improving critical listening are to: Take Notes. As with informative listening, focus on main points, and do not attempt to capture everything. Listen as if You Had to Grade It. One of the few things more difficult than teaching is grading anothers work. By taking this approach, we have the mental fortitude to focus longer, ask questions when we do not understand, and think more deeply on a topic. Exploit the Time Gap Between Thinking and Speaking Speeds. Critical listening is different from informational listening in that you need to try to understand first and evaluate second. Even when you are listening critically, do not mentally argue with the speaker until the message is complete. Ask Appropriate Questions. Good critical listening questions will probe in nature to thoroughly evaluate the intellectual content of the speakers message. Empathic Listening. Empathic listening is often useful when communication is emotional or when the relationship between speaker and listener is just as important as the message. Use this type of listening as a first step in the listening process, a prerequisite to informational or critical listening. Empathic listening is often appropriate during mentoring and nonpunitive counseling sessions and is very helpful when communicating with family members. Section 14FElectronic Communications and the Internet 14.20. E-mail. E-mail is defined as the electronic transmission of information over computer-based messaging systems. Recent technological advancements have increased opportunities for more timely, efficient, and effective text-based


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communications. These advancements facilitated the explosive growth of e-mail use throughout the Air Force at all levels. To uphold a commitment to secure messaging, the Air Force has established guidelines to ensure standardized and responsible use by all Air Force members. 14.21. Identity Management. A vital element for messaging security is the implementation of public key infrastructure (PKI) and common access cards (CAC) for identity management. PKI allows for the authentication of the sender identity using a digital signature and the encryption and decryption of the message. Users of DoD electronic messaging are directed to follow current Air Force guidance for the use of PKI to sign and encrypt e-mail. 14.22. Defense Message System (DMS). The DMS is the core messaging system of record for the DoD and the Air Force. DMS is a flexible, commercial-offthe-shelf based application that provides messaging services to all DoD users (including deployed tactical users) and interfaces to other U.S. government agencies, allied forces, and defense contractors. 14.23. Air Force Electronic Messaging Classes. Air Force messaging is divided into two classes: organizational DMS high grade service (HGS) and simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) electronic mail (E-mail). 14.23.1. Organizational E-mail. This class includes organizational messages that require a message release authority, are directive in nature, commit resources (that is, forces to military action), make formal requests, or provide a command position. 14.23.2. SMTP E-mail. This class includes messages by an individual or organizational group/role that do not promise or direct an organization. Official SMTP messages will be digitally signed and encrypted. Unofficial SMTP messages require no digital signature or encryption. 14.24. Transmitting Official Taskings. Official taskings are sent to organizational addresses using HGS. Do not send official taskings to individual addresses. The sender must ensure the intended receiver receives the tasking. The receiver must ensure the tasking is accurate. 14.25. Individual Responsibilities. All government communications systems are subject to monitoring. Members of the Air Force or civilian employees may use a government-provided messaging system for official or authorized use only. Any other use is prohibited. Individuals must: 14.25.1. Comply with the Air Force and major command e-mail policies. 14.25.2. Maintain responsibility for the content of their e-mail messages and ensure that messages they send meet Air Force directives regarding acceptable use of e-mail. 14.25.3. Maintain sent and received information according to Air Force records management directives. 14.25.4. Include any special message handling instructions in the message body after the classification (first line) and before the actual text. Handling instructions for HGS are within the handling instructions field in the automatic digital network (AUTODIN) tab of the HGS message. 14.25.5. Obtain written approval from the commander before subscribing to, or participating in, electronic message newsgroups except official Air Force internal information products. 14.25.6. Report any suspected violations of electronic messaging policy to their supervisor or the information protection office. 14.25.7. Take appropriate action on nondelivery notices or message rejects to ensure messages reach the intended recipient. 14.25.8. Protect sensitive and classified Air Force information. 14.25.9. Not auto-forward e-mail from the .mil domain to a local internet service provider. 14.25.10. Not add slogans, quotes, special backgrounds, special stationeries, digital images, unusual fonts, etc., routinely to their official or individual electronic messaging. They will not send harassing, intimidating, abusive, or


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offensive material to, or about, others. Individuals must consider the professional image and conservation of Air Force network resources (bandwidth). 14.25.11. Follow the chain of command when e-mailing superiors. Do not send an e-mail directly to the Top just because access to e-mail addresses is available. When sending e-mails through the chain of command, courtesy copy the individuals previously contacted. 14.26. Privacy Act Information. The Privacy Act of 1974 requires agencies to provide safeguards to ensure the security and confidentiality of records and to protect individuals against an invasion of personal privacy. Exercise caution before transmitting personal information over e-mail to ensure the message is adequately safeguarded. When information is so sensitive and personal, e-mail is not the proper way to transmit it. When sending personal information over e-mail within DoD, ensure: 14.26.1. There is an official need. 14.26.2. All addressees (including cc addressees) are authorized to receive it under the Privacy Act. 14.26.3. For Official Use Only (FOUO) is added to the beginning of the subject line, followed by the subject, and apply the following statement at the beginning of the e-mail: This e-mail contains For Official Use Only (FOUO) information which must be protected under The Privacy Act and AFI 33-332. Do not indiscriminately apply this statement to e-mails. Use it only in situations when you are actually transmitting personal information. 14.27. E-mail Protocol. E-mail protocol or netiquette provides guidelines for proper behavior whil e on-line. There are many ways to make social blunders and offend people when you are posting. Respect the social culture, and remember that the net is multicultural. Nuances get lost in transmission. 14.27.1. Rule 1Be Clear and Concise: Make sure the subject line communicates your purpose. Be specific and avoid ambiguous titles. Lead with the most important information. If the goal is to answer a question, then paste the question at the top of the page for clearer understanding. Use topic sentences if the e-mail has multiple paragraphs. Be brief and stick to the point. Address the issue, the whole issue, and nothing but the issue. Use bold, italic, or color to emphasize key points. Choose readable fonts. Use 12 point or larger when possible. 14.27.2. Rule 2Watch Your Tone: Be polite. Treat others as you want to be treated. Think of the message as a personal conversation. Be careful with humor, irony, and sarcasm. Electronic postings are perceived much more harshly than they are intended, mainly because the receiver cannot see the senders body language or hear the tone of voice, or any other nonverbals that make up 90 percent of interpersonal communications. DONT SHOUT. Do not write using all CAPITAL LETTERSthis is the e-mail equivalent of shouting and is considered rude. Keep it clean and professional. E-mail is easily forwarded. Harassing, intimidating, abusive, or offensive material is unacceptable. 14.27.3. Rule 3Be Selective About What Message You Send. Do not: Discuss controversial, sensitive, FOUO, classified, personal, Privacy Act, or unclassified information requiring special handling of documents. Forget operations security (OPSEC). Remember OPSEC, even unclassified information, when brought together with other information, can create problems in the wrong hands. Create junk mail, forward it, or put it on a bulletin board.


1 OCTOBER 2013 Create or send chain letters. They waste time and tie up the system. Use e-mail for personal ads. 14.27.4. Rule 4Be Selective About Who Gets Your Message: Reply to specific addressees to give those not interested a break. Use reply all sparingly. Get permission before using large mail groups.

AFPAM36-2241 Double-check the address before mailing, especially when selecting from a global list where many people have similar last names. 14.27.5. Rule 5Check Your Attachments and Support Material: Ensure all information is provided the first time to keep from repeating e-mail just to add another fact. Before sending ensure that you have attached the attachments; this is the most common mistake. Cite all quotes, references, and sources. Respect copyright and license agreements. 14.27.6. Rule 6Keep Your E-mail Under Control: Sign off the computer when you leave your workstation. Create mailing lists to save time. Read and delete files daily. Create an organized directory on your hard drive to keep mailbox files at a minimum. Ensure record copies are properly identified and stored in an approved filing system. Acknowledge important or sensitive messages with a reply to sender; for example, Thanks, done, I will start working it immediately, etc. When away from your e-mail for an extended period, consider setting up an Auto Reply message to let people know how long you will be unavailable via e-mail, as well as providing alternate points of contact for questions that require immediate answers or response. 14.28. The Internet. Use of the Web or Web technologies continues to increase as a technique for obtaining and disseminating information worldwide. The Web or Internet provides the capability to quickly and efficiently disseminate information to and access information from a variety of governmental and nongovernmental sources. The Air Force maintains and supports two types of Web pages or sites. The first is Air Force public Web pages or sites that are intended for viewing by the general public via the Internet; the information on these pages must be of interest to the general public. The second is Air Force private Web pages or sites intended for a limited audience, specifically .mil and .gov users. Users must consider the access and security controls required for information on private Web pages or sites. 14.28.1. Use of Internet Resources by Government Employees. The Internet provides an indispensable source for information from a variety of governmental and nongovernmental sources. The Air Force goal, within acceptable risk levels, is to provide maximum accessibility to Internet resources for personnel requiring access for official business. 14.28.2. Appropriate Use. Government-provided hardware and software are for official use and authorized purposes only. Appropriate officials may authorize personal uses; however, such policies should be explicit, as unofficial uses that exceed the authorized purposes may result in adverse administrative or disciplinary action. 14.28.3. Inappropriate Use. Using the Internet for other than official or authorized purposes may result in adverse administrative or disciplinary action. The following are strictly prohibited: Using Federal government communications systems for unauthorized personal use. Sending chain letters and unofficial soliciting or selling that would adversely reflect on the DoD or the Air Force. Exception: Using authorized bulletin boards established for such use is allowed.


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327 Unauthorized storing, processing, displaying, sending, or otherwise transmitting offensive or obscene language or material. Offensive material includes, but is not limited to, hate literature, such as racist literature, materials, or symbols; sexually harassing materials, pornography, and other sexually explicit materials. Storing or processing classified information on any system not approved for classified processing. Using copyrighted material in violation of the rights of the owner of the copyrights. Consult with the servicing staff judge advocate for fair use advice. Using the account or identity of another person or organization. Viewing, changing, damaging, deleting, or blocking access to another users files or communications without appropriate authorization or permission. Attempting to circumvent or defeat security or auditing systems without prior authorization or permission (such as for legitimate system testing or security research). Obtaining, installing, copying, storing, or using software in violation of the appropriate vendors license agreement. Permitting any unauthorized individual access to a government-owned or government-operated system. Modifying or altering the network operating system or system configuration without first obtaining written permission from the system administrator of that system. Copying and posting official FOUO, controlled unclassified information, critical information, and/or personally identifiable information on DoD-owned, -operated, or controlled accessible sites or on commercial Internet-based capabilities. Downloading and installing freeware and shareware or any other software product without designated approval authority approval. 14.28.4. Downloading Files from the Internet. To protect against computer viruses, all Air Force members must virus-check all downloaded files. This applies to sound and video files, as well as files attached to e-mail messages. If possible, download files to a CD/DVD and virus-check them before placing them on the computers hard drive. If files are compressed, perform a second check of the decompressed files. To prevent the possibility of rapidly spreading a virus, do not download files to a network or shared drive. The Air Force allows the use of public domain or shareware software only after it is certified by a software testing facility. 14.28.5. OPSEC and the Internet. The Internet access available to personnel at home and at work is an additional security factor. OPSEC training and education applies to computer use just as it does in conversations between personnel, transmitting correspondence, and telephone conversations. Policies restricting communication with unauthorized personnel also apply to Internet communications. Facebook and Twitter, as well as blogs and on-line discussion forums give personnel the opportunity to converse electronically to a worldwide audience. Military members and government employees will not discuss work-related issues in such open forums. Such discussions could result in unauthorized disclosure of military information to foreign individuals, governments, or intelligence agencies, or the disclosure of potential acquisition-sensitive information. For example, news media monitoring the Internet may construe an individuals chat as an official statement or news release. Section 14GConducting an Effective Interview 14.29. Introduction. Many Air Force positions for senior noncommissioned officers (SNCO) require a job interview. Knowing how to prepare for and conduct yourself during this process can go a long way toward helping you get that special duty or some other much-coveted job in the Air Force. This section is designed to help you prepare for and succeed in conducting an effective Air Force interview: 14.29.1. Purpose of Interviews. So, youve found a new job in the Air Forceone that requires special talents and experience; one that requires you to gather letters of recommendation, submit a resume, and provide copies of your last five enlisted


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performance reports (EPR); and one that requires you to sit through a job interview. If youve ever completed a special duty assignment or worked at certain headquarters assignments, chances are youve already sat through a job interview. However, for many SNCOs out there, the Air Force job interview is a new experience one requiring preparation, practice, and perseverance. Before you set off for that interview, there are a few things you will need to understand about the interview process. First, you need to understand the purpose of the job interview. All job interviews are designed with one goal in mind: to find the right person for a particular job. As SNCOs, many of you will sit through job interviews to get that special job or position youve been looking for. Understanding that employers may have to interview several SNCOs should give you some respect for the process and help you understand that your goal in an interview is to convince the interviewer that you are the right SNCO for the job. The second thing you should know about interviews is that they are a two-way process. You are not only interviewing for a job; you are interviewing the prospective employer to see if you actually want the job. Are you willing to spend the next 2-3 years of your career in this organization? Are you willing to work under the conditions laid out in the job description? Are you willing to make a permanent change of station (PCS) for the position? There are a host of other concerns you should have in mind when preparing for the interview, many of which should center on your desire for the job and working in the new organization. Third, you need to understand that interviews are information-sharing events between you and the interviewer. Your job is to convince the interviewer that your unique knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) are a perfect match for the position youre seeking. Conversely, the interviewers job is to sift through reams of information gathered from numerous interviews and eventually match the right SNCO to the position. The interviewer is basically asking each interviewee the same question: Why should I hire you? while all interviewees are also highlighting their particular skills for the job. 14.29.2. Types of Interviews. As youve just read, the purpose of the interview is to find the best SNCO for the job. However, interviews can be conducted in several different ways. Appearance Interviews: Appearance interviews usually take place in one of two formats: the individual interview or the panel interview. The individual interview may be the person who will supervise you or someone higher in the chain of command. Hiring decisions are often made based on this type of interview. Count on discussing your skills, experience, and training, and how they all relate to the job. A selection panel interview or board is frequently used when organizations are filling a managerial position. Usually, three or more people sit on the board, and all candidates are asked the same questions. A selection board interview usually involves more structured questions than an individual interview. The purpose of this interview can be stressful because you have to answer questions from several people. Be sure to make eye contact with everyone on the panel. When answering a question, it is especially important to make eye contact with the person asking the question. Phone Interviews: The phone interview is another strategy organizations use to select highly qualified SNCOs. In this situation, the hiring organization interviews applicants over the phone. These interviews are sometimes used to make first-round cuts to the applicant pool. If you apply for a special assignment, chances are it is to a location away from your current assignment. In this case, the hiring organization usually conducts the entire interview over the phone. In these situations, there is no second chance to make a good impression, and decisions are based strictly on the phone interview. 14.29.3. Interviewing: A 3-Step Process: Pre-interview Preparations: One of the first things you need to do to prepare for any Air Force job interview is to carefully study the job advertisement or position description. This provides you with information on the particular KSAs for which the hiring organization is looking. What experience or skills are required for the job? Do you have the required experience or skills? Note the key responsibilities of the job and try to match your KSAs to those requirements. It is crucial you make the connections now because you will be asked to do the very same thing


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during the interview. This first step helps you understand how your talents measure up to the requirements for the position youre seeking. The next step is to gather all required information and documentation for the application process. In many cases, you will need to submit past EPRs, a personnel report on individual personnel (RIP), a resume, letters of recommendation, and a cover letter. A targeted resume and letters of recommendation should highlight your particular KSAs and relate them to the position for which youre applying. A cover letter should target one or two strengths not mentioned in your EPRs, resume, or letters of recommendation. It is important to conduct research on the mission and history of the hiring organization before the interview. Who are the commander and senior enlisted members of the organization? How large is the organization? What are the mission and vision statements? If you know someone who works in the organization, it is wise to call him or her and ask some particular questions about the organization. Are there any mission changes in the foreseeable future? How many enlisted personnel are assigned there? Has the organization done anything noteworthy in the past 2 or 3 years? The more you know about the organization, the better job you will do of convincing potential employers that you care about the organization, as well as the job youre seeking. When preparing for any interview, think about and write down your strengths and weaknesses. Identify two or three strengths that target the KSAs in the job advertisement. Next, identify one or two weaknesses that can be turned into strengths (for example, Im detail oriented but not a micromanager). Putting your strengths and weakness on paper allows you to study and become intimately familiar with them. It will also build your confidence as you prepare for the interview. As you write down your strengths and weaknesses, develop specific examples that highlight your skills. You will be asked to provide examples of your experience during the interview. Developing examples before the interview can only help make it flow more smoothly. Use job descriptions and bullets from past EPRs to develop possible questions employers might ask during the interview. Remember, employers know exactly what they are looking for, and they are using the interview process to find the right SNCO to fill the position. Put yourself in the interviewers shoes and develop a set of questions you would ask if you were them. Then, develop answers to the questions you just came up with. If your EPRs were sent as part of the application package, you can bet some of the questions will be targeted toward specific achievements highlighted. Include specific, concrete examples that not only highlight your skills but also tie directly to the specific requirements of the job. Some examples of areas to concentrate on are: (1) problem-solving skills; (2) thoughts on Air Force transformation; (3) team-building skills; (4) how you support the Chief of Staff of the Air Force priorities; (5) leadership philosophy; (6) ability to adapt and work in fast-paced environments; (7) handling criticism; and (8) decisionmaking ability. Also, be able to answer the following questions: Why should I hire you? How soon can you report? If applicable, how does your family feel about the move? Where do you see yourself in 2 to 3 years? Are there any personal issues that may prevent you from accepting or performing in this position? Develop a list of questions to ask potential employers. Interviewers expect candidates to ask intelligent, thoughtful questions concerning the organization and the nature of the work. The nature and quality of your questions reveals your interest in the organization and the position youre seeking. Ensure your questions are employer-centered; avoid self-centered questions that might indicate you are primarily interested in knowing about the benefits of the position. Potential questions should center on (1) duties and responsibilities of the job; (2) possible mission changes in the organization; (3) chain of command or lines of responsibility; (4) unique requirements of the organization; and (5) a typical day in the organization. Finally, you need to practice, practice, practice. Practice how you will get out of your car. Practice how you will walk into the room. Practice how you will answer questions. Practice how you will ask questions. Practice your nonverbals. Practice anything you think you will do before, during, or after the interview. This will make you more comfortable and confident and will help you perform better during the interview. If possible, have friends and family conduct mock interviews. Practice in front of a mirror if mock interviews are impossible or impractical. The bottom line here is to practice, practice, practice! Listening Skills. Listening during the interview is as essential to your success as talking openly and honestly about KSAs. Concentrate on what is being said and how it is said, rather than how you are doing. By listening to the interviewers statements, comments, and questions, you gain a better understanding of the organization and what it would be like to work there. If you pay close attention, you can probably hear the questions behind the questions your interviewer asks. In other words, pay close attention and read between the lines for what is not being said in the interview, and you can probably pick up useful nuggets of information


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that can benefit you during the interview. For instance, if the interviewer continually asks about your ability to develop and motivate teams or seems to refer to getting teams to work better, you may pick up a possible teamdevelopment issue within the organization. With this information, you can sell your ability to lead and motivate teams and possibly land yourself the job. 14.29.4. The Actual Interview. As mentioned earlier, most SNCOs will be interviewed in one of two ways: by phone or in person. If conducted by phone, the interview begins the moment you pick up the phone and ends once you hang up. On the other hand, personal interviews begin the moment you get out of your car and end when you drive out of the parking lot. Either way, the interview is the one best chance you have of selling yourself to any potential employer. Whether you interview by phone or in person, there are certain rules you should keep in mind: (1) keep your answers concise, limited to about 2-3 minutes; (2) provide specific examples of your skills and achievements; (3) tie your strengths to the requirements of the job; (4) ask questions; (5) maintain a conversational tone throughout the interview; and (6) keep important documents nearby (such as EPRs, resumes, letters of reference, etc.). The Phone Interview. To some SNCOs, the phone interview may seem less important than a personal interview because the interview is conducted from different locations and removed from direct observation of the interviewer. However, in many aspects, the phone interview is more difficult than a personal interview. For instance, in a personal interview you can usually gauge how the interview is going by paying attention to the interviewers nonverbals. On the other hand, with a phone interview there are no visual cues to tell you how you are doing. Therefore, there are some areas you will have to pay close attention to if you want to successfully navigate through a phone interview. Here are a few tips to help you succeed: Smile during the interview, just as you would in a personal interview. While hiding behind a phone allows you to disguise your body language, there is no way you can disguise your vocal nonverbals. Smiling during a phone interview keeps you energetic and helps project enthusiasm. Keep a mirror in front of you during the interview. This allows you to see your own expressions and will help to ensure you are smiling. It also helps you pay attention to your body language. Just because the interviewer cant see you doesnt mean he or she is not listening for details of your nonverbal responses during the interview. A mirror also ensures you conduct yourself in much the same way you would in a personal interview. You would not put your feet on a desk during a personal interview, would you? Of course not! So keep your feet off your desk during a phone interview. Believe it or not, your body posture naturally reflects in your voice. If your posture is slacking while you are on the phone, you can bet your vocal tone will convey that. Keeping a mirror in front of you will help you focus on your body language and nonverbal responses. Know when to speak, and then when to stop. In a personal interview, you can usually tell from the interviewers nonverbals when you need to wrap up an answer or move on. Phone interviews are often filled with long, silent pauses. Do not feel that you need to fill that dead space with conversation. Pay close attention to the tone of the interviewers voice and know when to shut up and move on. Develop notes for telephone interviews. These notes should include a list of your strengths and weaknesses and how your skills match organizational needs. Develop a list of potential questions employers might ask, along with possible responses. Practice delivering responses so that you will be ready to give polished answers in a clear confident tone. Do not memorize canned answers since they are likely to sound canned over the phone. Instead, use the script to trigger appropriate responses that sound both spontaneous and energetic. Do not forget to ask questions. Questions for potential employers should be part of your script and should be kept readily available during the interview. Keep in mind, the real key to success in any interview is practice. The Personal Interview: In many cases, personal interviews begin the moment you get out of your car and do not end until you drive away. Many prospective employers will observe you as you walk from your car to the front door of the building or office. Others will purposely let you sit in a waiting area for 10 to 20 minutes. All of this is designed to create tension and provide the employer an opportunity to observe your bearing before the actual interview begins. It cannot be overstated that you are on the interviewing clock even though you are not sitting in an interviewing room. In job interviews, potential employers judge you on how you look and act, not just on what you say. Your actions, mannerisms, and appearance are reflected in your body language. They give nonverbal information about your work-related skills, attitudes, and values. Research shows that 65 percent of meaning in


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any interaction is conveyed nonverbally. In many interviews, nonverbal cues are just as important as verbal information in determining who is hired. After all, each SNCO the organization interviews is probably qualified for the job. Therefore, you want to appear more qualified than anyone elsedo not let your nonverbals cost you a job. The first thing required for the interview is to ensure you are wearing the proper uniform. You should get this information before the interview, but check before the interview to make sure. Your dress and appearance is the first nonverbal message you send to any employer, so ensure you are squared away and nothing is out of place. Offer a firm (but not too firm), warm, whole-hand handshake. Shake hands with both men and women the same way. You would not give men and women different salutes, so do not offer them different handshakes. Practice your handshake before the interview. Make eye contact with the interviewers. Your eyes are your most powerful communication tools, and many interviewers use eye contact to determine enthusiasm, sincerity, and possible inconsistencies in your responses. If you use natural eye contact, the interview will become more like a conversation between acquaintances and you will get over some of your nervousness. Sit up straight, but not stiff, and lean slightly forward toward the interviewer. As the interview progresses, you may want to mirror the body language of the interviewer. If the interviewer takes a more relaxed posture, then you should relax toobut not too much. If the interviewer is more formal, then you need to mirror that formal behavior. Use natural gestures. If you normally use your hands to gesture as you talk, do so during the interview. Gestures help you relax, convey enthusiasm, and release nervous energy. Be careful, though, to avoid nervous gestures such as drumming your fingers, playing with a pencil, jingling the change in your pocket, tapping your feet, etc. Speak clearly and evenlynot too fast, but not too slow. Expression is a powerful way to show enthusiasm. Do not speak in a monotone voice. Allow your volume to rise and fall, and pronounce words clearly. Use good grammar and diction, and always think before you speak. The interviewer will assess your communication skills based on how clearly you express yourself. Notice the nonverbal cues of the interviewer. His or her facial expressions will let you know how well he or she is listening and may give you clues as to how you are doing. For instance, if the interviewer seems distracted or inattentive, you will need to shorten your answers, use examples, or ask questions. As the interview ends, take 2 to 3 minutes to summarize. This gives you a chance to end the interview on a positive note, convey your interest in the position, and sell yourself one more time. During the summary, recap one or two of the key points of the interview and restate how your experience and skills match those required for the position. 14.30. Post-interview Actions: 14.30.1. Once the interview is complete, two things will increase your chances of success and help you learn from your experience. First, send a short (two or three paragraphs) thank-you note to the organization with which you interviewed. The letter should be typed or handwritten and should express your gratitude for the interview opportunity. Restate your interest in the position and highlight any particularly noteworthy points made in your conversation or anything you wish to further clarify. This is also an opportunity to add anything you forgot or wish you had said in the interview. Close the letter by mentioning that you will call in a few days to inq uire about the employers decision. Always mail the letter within a day or two of the interview. 14.30.2. The second thing is to make a few notes about the interview. Record some of the questions asked and how you answered them. Write down your strong and weak points from the interview. Make a list of what made the interview successful, what you would change, and what you need to improve. These notes can be invaluable information for you to review and work on for future interviews. 14.31. Interview Conclusion. The job interview is the most important step in any job-search process. Many SNCOs will undergo the rigors of an interview for special positions during the course of their careers. Understanding the purpose of the job interview and your role in successfully planning for and conducting a proper interview can greatly increase your chances of landing a coveted job in the Air Force.


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Chapter 14 ends here for those testing to SSgt, TSgt, or MSgt. If testing to SMSgt or CMSgt, continue studying this chapter (Section 14H).


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Section 14HStaff-Level Communication 14.32. Spoken Communication Via the Meeting. Meetings are used to share information, solve problems, plan, brainstorm, or motivate. Whatever their purpose, it is good to know some basics about conducting an effective meeting. 14.32.1. Planning the Meeting. Success or failure in a meeting can usually be traced to the planning phase. The key issues associated with planning a meeting are listed below. As you step through these items, remember to check on what are standard operating procedures in your organization. Meetings come in all flavors from totally spontaneous to highly structured and ceremonial. Most are in the middle. If a group has been meeting regularly for a while, try to find out how they have done business in the past. Decide if the Meeting is Appropriate. If you can achieve the goal by speaking face-to-face with one or two people, scheduling a formal meeting might not be necessary. If the goal is to just pass on information, consider if sending an e-mail is a viable and appropriate substitute for the meeting. Define the Purpose. Every meeting should have a purpose. If it does not, you should not meet. When thinking about the purpose, define it in terms of the product wanted at the end of the meeting and what it will be used for. Decide Who Should Be Invited. Invite only those directly involved in the issues being discussed. If you are trying to solve a problem or make a decision on a controversial issue, make sure you have adequate representation from all groups who have a voice in the decision. If you only invite people with one point of view, your meeting will run smoothly, but your decision may not stand up later. Decide Where and When the Meeting Should Occur. Ensure the time is convenient for the people who are required to be there, keep it under an hour, or plan for breaks; finally, reserve the room. Plan for Capturing Meeting Information. If this is not a routine meeting with an appointed recorder, take a moment to think about how you will capture the meeting information, both in the meeting itself and afterwards. Capturing Information During the Meeting. Can this be done using standard note-taking procedures? (If so, make sure your conference room has a dry erase board, butcher paper, or other note-taking capabilities.) Capturing Information After the Meeting. Meeting minutes capture the process and outcome of the meeting. Minutes close the loop on the meeting and let the attendees know what was decided. Send Out an Agenda. Create an agenda and send it to attendees no later than 1 or 2 days before the meeting. The agenda should include the date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting. This advance notice gives everyone an opportunity to prepare their thoughts and know where the meeting is going before they get there. 14.32.2. Running the Meeting. Avoid dragging out a meeting unnecessarily. Start on Time. Meetings should start on time with an upbeat note, so do not wait for tardy attendees. State your desired outcome. Follow the Agenda. People hate nothing worse than a meeting that deviates from the agenda. Review the agenda in the opening minutes of the meeting to remind everyone of the goals and plan for the meeting. Understand Group Dynamics. If you are in charge of a group that will meet over a period of time, it pays to learn the basics about group dynamics. In all meetings, teams or groups move through predictable stages. To avoid frustration, becoming familiar with these stages is important. Forming Stage. When a team is forming, members cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable group behavior. The forming stage is a stage of transition from individual to member status, and of testing the leaders guidance, both formally and informally. Because so much is going on to distract the members attention in the beginning, the team accomplishes little, if anything, that concerns its project goals. Do not be overly concerned; this is perfectly normal!


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AFPAM36-2241 Storming Stage. Probably the most difficult stage for the team is the storming stage. The team members begin to realize the task is different and more difficult than imagined and they become testy, accusatory, or overzealous. Impatient about the lack of progress, but still too inexperienced to know much about decisionmaking or the scientific approach, members argue about what actions the team should take. They try to rely solely on their personal and professional experience, resisting any need for collaborating with other team members. Their behavior means team members have little energy to spend on progres sing toward the teams goal, but they are beginning to understand one another. Norming Stage. During the norming stage, members reconcile competing loyalties and responsibilities. They accept the team, team ground rules (or norms), their rol es in the team, and the individuality of fellow members. Emotional conflict is reduced as previously competitive relationships become more cooperative. As team members begin to work out their differences, they now have more time and energy to spend on the project. Thus, they are able to at last start making significant strides. Performing Stage. By the time of the performing stage, the team has settled its relationships and expectations. At last, team members have discovered and accepted each o thers strengths and weaknesses and learned what their roles are. The team is now an effective, cohesive unit. They can begin performing diagnosing and solving problems, and choosing and implementing changes. You can tell when your team has reached the performing stage because you start getting a lot of work done finally! 14.32.3. Followup: Preparing Meeting Minutes. Followup involves sending out meeting minutes and starting the whole cycle over again. Prepare meeting minutes in the official memorandum format. Minutes are a clear summary of the participants comments; they document planned or completed actions. Date the minutes the day they are distributed. The names of members present may be listed in two columns to save space. Place information regarding a future meeting in the last paragraph. When a person signs a paper as a member of a board or committee, the signature element indicates that persons status on that board or committee, not any other position the person may hold. To approve the minutes, type Approved as written two lines below the recorders signature block, followed by the approving authoritys signature block. Minutes are typed either single- or double-spaced, with additional space between items of business and paragraphs. The format should be neat and orderly, paying particular attention to uniformity of margins and text. Spell names correctly, use acceptable grammar, and construct and punctuate sentences well. All verbs should be in past tense. The order of the minutes usually coincides with the order of the agenda and generally includes items such as: Kind of meeting (regular, special, etc.). Day, date, time, and place of meeting. The word Minutes in the heading. Name of the meeting body. Opening paragraph; that is, The Executive Committee met for_____ meeting on day, date, and time. Members present and absent. Action taken on last meetings minutes. Reports. Current business, with complete discussions and conclusions. Old business, with discussions, and follow up, as recommended. New business, with discussions and recommendations. Adjournment.


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Section 14IInstruments of Written Communication 14.33. Bullet Background Paper (BBP). The BBP is an excellent tool designed to present concisely written statements centered on a single idea or to present a collection of accomplishments with their respective impacts. Refer to Figure 14.11 for additional information on the BBP. Figure 14.11. Instructions for Preparing a Bullet Background Paper. BULLET BACKGROUND PAPER ON THE BULLET BACKGROUND PAPER An increasingly popular version of the background paper is the bullet background paper. The bullet format provides a concise, chronological evolution of a problem, a complete summary of an attached staff package, or main thrust of a paper. Main ideas follow the introductory paragraph and may be as long as several sentences or as short as one word (such as Advantages). Secondary items follow with a single dash and tertiary items follow with multiple indented dashes. Secondary and tertiary items can be as short as a word or as long as several sentences. Format varies. -Center title (all capital letters); use 1-inch margins all around; single-space the text; doublespace between itemsexcept double-space title and triple-space to text; and use appropriate punctuation in paragraphs and complete thoughts. Headings such as SUBJECT, PROBLEM, BACKGROUND, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, or RECOMMENDATION are optional.


Keys to developing a good background: Write the paper according to the knowledge level of the user; that is, a person who is very knowledgeable on the subject wont require as much detail as one who knows very little. Emphasize main points. Attach additional support data; refer to it in the background. Require minimum length to achieve brevity with short transitions. End with concluding remarks or recommendations.

Include an identification line (authors grade and name, organization, office symbol, telephone number, typists initials, and date) on the first page 1 inch from the bottom of the page or at least 2 lines below the last line of text. SMSgt Roberts/AFOMS/PD/123-9876/tmr/1 Dec 13

336 14.34. AF IMT 1768, Staff Summary Sheet (SSS).

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Use the SSS to summarize staff work, request action, or forward information. SSSs often contain several handwritten notes before reaching the approval authority; therefore, they do not require the same level of perfection (error-free typing, etc.) as the correspondence they may cover. Refer to AFH 33-337 for information on filling out the SSS. 14.35. Electronic Staff Summary (ESS). ESSs requiring your group or wing commanders signature should be sent through your internal channels via e -mail. The office of primary responsibility (OPR) transmits the package via e-mail to the first reviewer to coordinate and comment. The first reviewer should forward (never reply) the package with comments (if any) to the next reviewer. This procedure is repeated until the last reviewer has coordinated on the package. The last reviewer forwards the entire package back to the OPR. 14.36. Trip Report. A trip report describes a temporary duty trip to another location and includes the purpose, travelers, itinerary, discussions, and conclusions or recommendations. Note: Most organizations have a standard trip report template. 14.37. Staff Study Report. Use the staff study report to analyze a clearly defined problem, identify conclusions, and make recommendations. Not all organizations routinely use a staff study report, but it is an accepted format for a problem-solution report in both Air Force and Joint Staffs. The staff study report should represent completed staff work. This means the staff member has solved a problem and presented a complete solution to the boss. The solution should be complete enough that the decisionmaker has only to approve or disapprove. 14.38. Conclusion. Clear, concise, well-thought-out, and well-composed communication is essential for meeting the needs of todays Air Force. We are all involved in speaking and writing to some extent. Therefore, we must become proficient at the methods we use. The meeting is an important forum for providing information, solving problems, and answering questions. Written communication is also another area crucial to meeting the Air Force mission. Fortunately, we have several instruments at our disposal to help us with the process. The SSS, BBP, trip report, and staff study report all serve a useful purpose and are tools that help facilitate staff-level communication.




Section 15AOverview 15.1. Introduction. The Air Force mission requires military members to be prepared for service at all times. Mission support organizations ensure Airmen's families are cared for; pay and entitlements are properly addressed; and individual rights are secured. This chapter includes information on manpower management, enlisted assignments, family care, reenlistment and retraining opportunities, benefits and services, personnel records, individual rights, the awards and decorations program, and the enlisted promotion system. Section 15BManpower Management 15.2. Manpower Resources. All budgeted and programmed manpower resources for the total Air Force (Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve [AFR], and Air National Guard [ANG]) derive from two sources: the Department of Defense (DoD) Future Years Defense Program and the Air Forces Force and Financial Plan. DoD uses elements of the future years defense program to budget for and control its resources. The Air Force uses the force and financial plan to budget for and control its portion of the DoD overall resources. 15.3. Chain of Responsibilities. From the future years defense program and force and financial plan, the Headquarters United States Air Force Directorate of Manpower and Organization (HQ USAF/A1M) allocates programmed manpower resources to the major commands (MAJCOM) directing implementation of approved programs. MAJCOMs translate manpower resources into manpower authorizations by updating the Manpower Programming Execution System by organization, Air Force specialty code (AFSC), grade, etc. The installation Manpower and Organization Section is the manpower and organization issue liaison between installation agencies and the MAJCOM A1M staff. 15.4. Manpower Resource Levels: 15.4.1. Changing Manpower Allocations. Command-specific military and civilian manpower requirements must be certified by the MAJCOM A1M and approved by HQ USAF/A1M before they can be used in the programming and resourcing process. Before manpower allocations can be changed, the requesting organization must give reasons for the requested change. The MAJCOM must propose specific tradeoffs if the initiative requires an increase in military or civilian manpower. 15.4.2. Accommodating Temporary Manpower Requirements. Air Force manpower is not changed to accommodate cyclical or temporary requirements. Instead, the Air Force authorizes civilian overtime, temporary full- and part-time civilian positions, temporary duty (TDY) of military or civilian personnel, and the use of contract services to perform this workload. 15.4.3. Determining Manpower Requirements. The Air Force manpower requirements determination process systematically identifies minimum-essential manpower required for the most effective and economical accomplishment of approved missions and functions within organizational and resource constraints. To accomplish this, HQ USAF functional managers work with HQ USAF/A1M to determine the appropriate manpower management tool consistent with resources needed to develop the manpower standard; the required mix of military, civilian, or contract services; and the required military category (officer or enlisted) and grade. The servicing civilian personnel flight works with the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC), Directorate of Civilian Personnel Operations (HQ AFPC/DPC), to determine civilian grades based on job content in position descriptions. 15.5. Requirements Determination: 15.5.1. General Concept. Manpower and organization section personnel assist Air Force commanders and functional managers at all levels in mission accomplishment by objectively quantifying manpower requirements for the distribution of Air Force manpower resources. Key services of this competency include peacetime manpower standards development, wartime manpower requirements, and commercial services management actions (for example,


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public-private competition, in-sourcing, and business process reengineering). Integral in any manpower requirements, determination effort is a review of a functions processes with the goal of making process improvements. 15.5.2. Most Efficient Organization. Manpower standards are established to ensure work center operations are efficient and standardized; i.e., to create the most efficient organization. The ultimate goal of organizational performance is mission accomplishment. Resource requirements reflected in a manpower standard should be based on an organization and process design, which most effectively and efficiently accomplishes the mission. Improving mission effectiveness while maintaining or improving efficiency should be the goal of any modification to a functions current organizational or process design. Efficiency does not necessarily mean decreasing resources but rather improving the return on the resources used. A most efficient organization is also a term used to describe the work center developed by functional experts as part of a public-private competition under Office of Management and Budgets Circular (OMBC) A76, Performance of Commercial Activities. The process emphasizes innovation in meeting the requirements laid out in the solicitation for the work being competed. The most efficient organization is allowed latitude in its organization and processes outside of the standard Air Force structure to enable greater efficiency and effectiveness. The most efficient organization is submitted as part of the agency tender, which is the governments proposal for how it will perform the work. Ultimately this organization competes with the private sector bid in a cost comparison under A-76 rules. 15.5.3. Performance Improvement. Improving performance requires both planning and execution. For organizational change efforts to be effective, they generally must include some redesign and/or coordination on five fronts. These fronts are related organizational areas that should be considered. A change on one front may require actions or changes on another. For example, changing a process may also require some training or retraining (people front); the process improvement may affect how technology is used (technology front); or the process design may require updates to regulations (policy, legislation, regulation front). The five fronts are: Organization and People. Human resources are the key to future viability and organizational growth in a continuously learning environment. Although processes and other front factors may change, focus should remain on providing workers with appropriate knowledge, skills, experiences, and tools. This will empower them to learn and act, which will tie their rewards to the organizations values and measures. Technology. Technology is a crucial enabling factor that allows compression of cycles, lead time, distance, and broader access to information and knowledge assets. Technology also eliminates barriers between customers and suppliers. Policies, Legislation, and Regulations. Changing existing policies, regulations, and legislation may be required for new processes. Physical Infrastructure. The physical facilities, equipment, and tools should be designed to support and maximize changes in workflow, information technology, and human resources. Process. The flow of work and information into, through, and out of the organization must be redesigned, overcoming the constraints of traditional functions or boundaries. 15.6. Unit Manpower Document (UMD). The UMD, used to help manage manpower resources, is a computer product that lists unit funded and unfunded manpower requirements. It contains many data elements that identify the unique position attributes. These attributes include position number, AFSC, functional account code, work center, grade, number of authorizations, personnel accounting symbol data, and reason code to reflect the workforce mix decision for an activity. The UMD is the primary document that reflects the manpower required to accomplish the unit mission. The installation manpower and organization office will periodically, or upon request, supply a unit with an updated UMD. Supervisors should routinely check the UMD for accuracy and use it to track their authorized manpower strength. AF/A1M and the Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) often produce reports based on UMD data; continuous review of coding is critical for proper position management.


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Section 15CEnlisted Assignments 15.7. General Information. Qualified Airmen must be in the right jobs at the right time to accomplish the Air Force mission. At the same time, the Air Force must remain attuned to the demands placed on Airmen resulting from personnel tempo (PERSTEMPO). PERSTEMPO is a quality-of-life measurement that measures how much time during a 12-month period an Airman spends away from his or her home station for operational and training purposes. Consequently, the Air Force classifies and assigns Airmen worldwide as equitably as possible to ensure a high state of readiness. The Air Force also recognizes a need for special assignment considerations to take care of Air Force Airmen with exceptional needs. The Air Force uses a coherent and logical classification system to identify valid manpower requirements, to identify and describe each Air Force occupational specialty, to ensure minimum prerequisite standards are set for each specialty, and to ensure qualified Airmen are placed into each specialty. While the primary consideration in selecting Airmen for reassignment is the Airmens qualifications to accomplish the mission, the Air Force also considers additional factors: 15.7.1. To the maximum extent possible, the Air Force assigns Airmen on a voluntary basis and in the most equitable manner feasible. 15.7.2. The Air Force equitably distributes involuntary assignments among similarly qualified Airmen to minimize family separation and to avoid creating a severe personal hardship on Airmen. 15.7.3. Limitations may be established on involuntary selection for permanent changes of station (PCS) following some TDYs to allow Airmen to attend essential military and personal pre-PCS requirements, as well as to reduce Airmen and family turbulence. 15.8. Assignment Authority. The DoD allocates funds, delegates authority, and directs policies for the PCS assignment of Airmen to satisfy national security requirements. PCS assignments may also be directed to ensure equitable treatment of Airmen, such as PCS from overseas (OS) to the continental United States (CONUS) upon completion of the prescribed OS tour. Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2110, Assignments, is the governing instruction for operational (including rotational) training (including formal education and professional military education [PME]) and force structure assignments. 15.8.1. Assignment Requests. The director of assignments (or equivalent) in coordination with MAJCOMs, field operating agencies (FOA), and direct reporting units (DRU) is authorized to initiate assignments for Airmen currently assigned to MAJCOM, FOA, or DRU to fill valid vacant manpower authorizations. AFPC is the final approval authority for Airman assignments. The Airman Assignment Division (AFPC/DPAA) is the final approval authority for Airman assignments in the grades of senior master sergeant (SMSgt) and below. The Chiefs Group (AF/DPE) is the final approval authority for chief master sergeant (CMSgt) and CMSgt-select assignments. 15.8.2. Distribution of Personnel. Airmen are distributed to meet the overall needs of the Air Force according to law and DoD and Air Force directives and instructions; as equitably as possible between MAJCOMs, within a specialty and grade; according to guidance from the Air Staff functional area office of primary responsibility (OPR); and as directed by the designated assignment authority outlined in AFI 36-2110. 15.9. Assignment Policy and Procedures: 15.9.1. Equal Opportunity. The Air Force assigns Airmen without regard to color, race, religious preference (except chaplains), national origin, ethnic background, age, marital status (except military couples), spouses employment, education or volunteer service activities of spouse, or gender (except as provided for by statute or other policies). This applies to both PCS and TDY assignments. The primary factor in selecting Airmen for PCS is the Airmens qualifications to fill a valid manpower requirement and perform productively in the position for which being considered. When Airmen with the required qualifications are identified, then PCS eligibility criteria and other factors are considered. 15.9.2. Special Experience Identifier (SEI). The SEI system complements the assignment process and is used in conjunction with grade, AFSC, AFSC prefixes and suffixes, etc., to match uniquely qualified Airmen to jobs with special requirements. SEIs may be used when specific experience or training is critical to the job, and no other means is appropriate or available.


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The SEI system is also used to rapidly identify Airmen to meet unique circumstances, contingency requirements, or other critical needs. Manpower positions are coded with an SEI to identify positions that require or provide unique experiences or qualifications. The personnel records for the Airmen who earn an SEI are similarly coded. 15.9.3. Security Access Requirement. Manpower positions often require Airmen assigned to have access to a specified level of classified information. However, sometimes the urgency to fill a position does not allow selection of Airmen using PCS eligibility criteria and subsequent processing (and/or investigation) for access at the specified level. Under these circumstances, selection may be necessary from among Airmen who currently have access or can be granted access immediately. 15.9.4. Grade, AFSC, and Skill-Level Relationship for Assignment. CMSgts and CMSgt-selects may be assigned in any AFSC or chief enlisted manager (CEM) code they possess or are qualified to be awarded. Normally, Airmen in the grade of SMSgt and below are selected for assignment in their control Air Force specialty code (CAFSC). Airmen with an incompatible grade and CAFSC skill level because of retraining or reclassification are selected for assignment and allocated against requirements commensurate with their grade, regardless of their CAFSC skill level. Normally, Airmen are selected based on their grade and skill level. CMSgts fill CEM code positions; SMSgts fill 9-skill level positions; master sergeants (MSgt) and technical sergeants (TSgt) fill 7-skill level positions; staff sergeants (SSgt) and Senior Airmen (SrA) fill 5-skill level positions; and Airmen first class (A1C), Airmen (Amn), and Airmen basic (AB) fill 3skill level positions. 15.9.5. Volunteer Status and PCS Eligibility. Within a group of qualified Airmen who meet the minimum eligibility criteria for PCS selection, volunteers are selected ahead of nonvolunteers. Furthermore, nonvolunteers qualified to fill a requirement who meet the minimum PCS eligibility criteria are selected ahead of qualified volunteers who do not meet PCS eligibility criteria. For example, time on station (TOS) is a PCS eligibility requirement. A qualified volunteer who meets the minimum TOS requirement is considered first in order of longest on station. Next, the qualified nonvolunteer who meets the TOS requirement in the order of longest on station, and finally the qualified volunteer who does not meet the TOS requirement may be considered; however, it will require a TOS waiver. 15.9.6. CMSgt Development. AF/DPE uses the CMSgt assignment policies to support the continued development of CMSgts. Because CMSgts are Air Force senior leaders, these policies are comparable with other senior leader assignment and development methods. Policies include: Three-year Limits for Headquarters Staff and Special Duty Tours. CMSgts serving in MAJCOM, HQ Air Force, and Joint staff positions, as well as special duty positions will be limited to serving 3-year tours. This increases the opportunities for CMSgts to serve in these positions, enhancing their development. Additionally, this improves the flow of field experience into headquarters staff positions and staff experience into base-level units. Date Eligible for Return from Overseas (DEROS) Management. DEROS adjustment requests, like DEROS extensions, indefinite DEROSs, and in-place consecutive OS tours, are closely scrutinized for CMSgts and only considered if in the best interest of the Air Force and supportive of CMSgt development. Subsequently, DEROS adjustments are not routinely approved for CMSgts. Home-Basing Requests. In addition to closely scrutinizing DEROS adjustment requests, the Chiefs Group also uses the same criteria to review home-basing requests, which are also not routinely approved. The same rationale used in paragraph applies. Nominative Selection for Strategic-Level Assignments. Specific strategic-level assignments such as Air Force career field managers (AFCFM) and Command Chief Master Sergeants (CCM) are filled using a nominative selection process. The hiring authority for these positions requests nominations from appropriate organizations, frequently each MAJCOM. Each organization then identifies their most qualified CMSgts for the advertised position and nominates them to the hiring authority. The hiring authority then selects the best Airman for the job. This highly competitive process ensures a significant level of visibility and senior leader involvement in selecting CMSgts to serve in these top positions.


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341 CCM Assignments. CCM assignments are 2-year minimum/3-year maximum tours. This ensures an appropriate balance between fresh enlisted leadership and leadership stability within organizations. 15.9.7. First-Term Airmen (FTA). FTA serving an initial enlistment of 4 or more years may not be given more than two assignments in different locations following initial basic and skill training during their first 4 years of service, regardless of tour length. FTA who make two PCS moves are permitted an additional PCS in conjunction with an approved humanitarian reassignment or a join-spouse assignment, as a volunteer, or when the PCS is a mandatory move. Low-cost moves are excluded from the two-move count. 15.9.8. Availability and Deferment. Airmen are considered available for reassignment on the first day of the availability month. Deferments may be authorized, when possible in most grades and AFSCs, to maintain an equitable assignment system and also support the need for stability in certain organizations or functions. The reasons for deferments vary. Deferments are normally approved to preclude an Airmans PCS while suitability to remain on active duty is evaluated or during a period of observation or rehabilitation. Deferments also exist for such things as completion of an educational program or degree, witness for a court-martial, accused in a court-martial, control roster, Article 15 punishment, base of preference (BOP) program, retraining, humanitarian reasons, etc. AFI 36-2110 contains a complete list of deferments. Humanitarian and Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Reassignment or Deferment. Policies and procedures concerning humanitarian and EFMP reassignment or deferment are outlined in AFI 362110. These policies and procedures include but are not limited to: The humanitarian policy provides reassignment or deferment for Airmen to help them resolve severe short-term problems involving a family member. The problem must be resolvable within a reasonable period of time (normally 12 months); the Airmans presence must be considered absolutely essential to resolve the problem; and the Airman must be effectively utilized in his or her CAFSC at the new assignment. Family members under the humanitarian program are limited to spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law, and those people who have served in loco parentis. A person in loco parentis refers to one who has exercised parental rights and responsibilities in place of a natural parent for at least 5 years before the Airmans or spouses 21st birthday, or before the Airmans entry to the Regular Air Force, whichever is earlier. While brothers and sisters are not included in the definition of family member for humanitarian consideration, a request involving a brothers or sisters terminal illness will be considered as an exception to policy. The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a separate and distinct program from humanitarian policy. The EFMP is based on an Airmans need for special medical or educational care for a spouse or child that is required long term, possibly permanently. Therefore, this program is not a base-of-choice program as assignment decisions are based on manning needs of the Air Force at locations where the special medical or educational needs for a spouse or child can be met. The Air Forces commitment and responsibilities under the EFMP require mandatory enrollment and identification of exceptional family members. Under the EFMP, an Airman may receive a reassignment if a need arises for specialized care that cannot be met where currently assigned. A deferment from an assignment may be provided for a newly identified condition if the Airmans presence is considered essential. The purpose of such a deferment is to allow the Airman time to establish a special medical treatment program or educational program for the exceptional family member. When granted, the initial period of deferment is usually 12 months, after which an Airman may be reconsidered for PCS if otherwise eligible. BOP (Enlisted Only). The FTA BOP program is a reenlistment incentive; the career Airman BOP program is an incentive for other Airmen to continue an Air Force career. FTA in conjunction with reenlistment or retraining may request a PCS from CONUS-to-CONUS or PCS from OS-to-CONUS. FTA in the CONUS (only) may request a BOP to remain in place. A PCS BOP is not authorized from CONUS-to-OS or OS-to-OS. An in-place BOP is not authorized for Airmen assigned OS. Career Airmen may request a BOP to remain in place at a CONUS location or a PCS BOP for CONUS-to-CONUS assignment. Assignment of Military Couples (Join Spouse). Each Airman of a military couple serves in his or her own right. This means military couples must fulfill the obligations inherent to all Airmen. They are considered for assignments to fill valid manning requirements and must perform duties that require the skills in which they are trained. Provided these criteria are met, military couples may be considered for assignments where they can maintain a joint residence. Military couples share the responsibility for reducing family


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separation. They should not make decisions on future service, career development, or family planning based on the assumption they will always be assigned to the same location or that join-spouse assignment is guaranteed. Voluntary Stabilized Base Assignment Program (Enlisted Only). The Voluntary Stabilized Base Assignment Program provides Airmen a stabilized tour in exchange for volunteering for an assignment to a historically hard-to-fill location. Application procedures are listed in AFI 36-2110. Extended Long OS Tour Length. The extended long OS tour volunteer program applies to Airmen who volunteer for PCS OS to a long-tour location (one where the accompanied tour length is 24 months or more, and the unaccompanied tour length is more than 15 months). Airmen who volunteer for an extended long OS tour agree to serve the standard tour length plus an additional 12 months. Tour lengths for various OS locations are listed in the Joint Federal Travel Regulation, Volume 1, Appendix Q. Extended long OS tour volunteers are considered ahead of standard OS tour volunteers according to the priorities shown in AFI 362110. The 12-month extended tour period is in addition to the normal (accompanied or unaccompanied) long tour length the Airman must serve. A change in status affects the service retainability that must be obtained and the tour length the Airman will be required to serve. The requirement for additional service retainability may require an Airman to extend or reenlist and could affect selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) calculation. Educational Deferment. Airmen who have not yet been selected for a PCS may request deferment from assignment selection when they have nearly completed a vocational program or college degree requirements. High School Senior Assignment Deferment Program. The High School Senior Assignment Deferment Program allows SMSgts and below and officers through Lt Col to apply for a 1-year assignment deferment. Back-to-back deferments may be possible and military-married-to-military spouses may also apply. As in all situations, however, the needs of the Air Force will come first and will be the determining factor in granting deferments. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and deferments will be approved where possible. TDY. AFI 36-2110 provides instructions regarding TDY procedures. The maximum TDY period at any one location in a 12-month period is 180 days unless the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) grants a waiver. To the degree possible, Airmen are not selected for involuntary OS PCS while performing certain kinds of TDY. Additionally, if selected for involuntary PCS after one of these TDYs, the report not later than date (RNLTD) will not be within 120 days of the TDY completion date. Dependent Care and Adoption. All Airmen ensure dependent care arrangements are made when they are separated because of TDY or PCS. Military couples with dependents and single Airmen sponsors are expected to fulfill their military obligations on the same basis as other Airmen. They are eligible for worldwide duty and all assignments for which they qualify. To ensure all Airmen remain available for worldwide duty, they must have workable plans to provide parent-like care for their dependents as outlined in AFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans. Airmen who cannot or will not meet military commitments due to family needs will be considered for discharge. Airmen adopting children are given a limited time to complete the official adoption process and facilitate bonding. Airmen may be authorized deferment during the 6-month period following the date a child is officially placed in the Airmens home. Airmen may also be authorized up to 21 days of permissive TDY that can be used in conjunction with ordinary leave. 15.9.9. Time on Station (TOS) and Service Retainability. Minimum TOS requirements exist to provide continuity to an Airmans members unit and, to the degree possible, reasonable periods of stable family life for Airmen. Further, upon selection for PCS, an Airman must have or be able to obtain certain minimum periods of obligated service depending on the type of PCS move. This committed service retainability ensures an Airman has a period of active duty remaining long enough to offset the costs associated with a PCS. Minimum TOS provides continuity to the gaining unit and stability to Airmen and their families following PCS. Some types of PCSs require TOS periods or obligated service periods more or less than the normal limits. Refer to AFI 36-2110 for the TOS and retainability requirements for specific types of PCS. CONUS-to-CONUS PCS. For most PCS moves within the CONUS, FTA and career Airmen must have at least 48 months of TOS, with the exception of FTA applying eligible for the FTA BOP Program. Special circumstances, such as completion of a training course in PCS status, have different TOS minimums. The service retainability requirement for a CONUS-to-CONUS PCS is 24 months regardless of career status. CONUS-to-OS PCS. FTA must have at least 12 months of TOS to go from CONUS to OS. Career Airmen require 24 months of TOS before an OS PCS. When notified of PCS selection, Airmen must have or be


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eligible to obtain sufficient service retainability to complete the full prescribed OS tour length elected. Airmen who do not have retainability may decline to obtain it or, if eligible, may retire instead of accepting a PCS. Declining to obtain retainability for PCS will affect a career Airman by making him or her ineligible for promotion and reenlistment. FTA become ineligible for most voluntary assignments. Airmen who are eligible and desire that their dependents accompany them at government expense during their OS tours must serve the accompanied by dependents OS tour length. This tour is no rmally longer than the unaccompanied tour. Electing to serve the longer accompanied tour requires the Airman to obtain the obligated service retainability for the longer tour. Airmen who are either ineligible or decline to obtain the service retainability for the accompanied tour length will not receive approval for dependent travel at the governments expense or command sponsorship. OS-to-OS PCS. If an Airman is serving OS and is a volunteer for a PCS consecutive OS tour or inplace consecutive OS tour, the Airman must complete the full-prescribed tour at the current location and the full-prescribed OS tour at the new location or another full tour in place. OS-to-CONUS Reassignment. Reassignment from OS to CONUS requires the Airman, in most cases, to have or obtain at least 12 months of obligated service retainability. The exceptions are those Airmen serving at a dependent restricted short tour location of 12 months. Airmen who do not have retainability will be retained in the OS area involuntarily until their date of separation (DOS). 15.9.10. Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing (EQUAL) and EQUAL-Plus. EQUAL provides Airmen a listing of the assignment requirements available for upcoming assignment cycles and allows them the opportunity to align personal preferences to actual Air Force needs. The listing identifies what assignments, by AFSC and grade, are available at particular locations. The EQUAL-Plus supplements the EQUAL and is used to advertise requirements for special duty assignments, joint and departmental assignments, short-notice OS assignments, and all CMSgt assignments. EQUAL-Plus shows upcoming requirements, any special qualifications an Airman needs to be eligible for selection, the available locations, reporting instructions, and points of contact for additional information. Both lists can be viewed on the Air Force Personnel Services Web page at 15.9.11. Assignment Preferences (Enlisted Only). CMSgts and CMSgt-selects volunteer for assignments on EQUAL-Plus by notifying their assignment noncommissioned officer (NCO) at Headquarters Air Force Senior Leadership Management Office (AFSLMO). Notification can be made via telephone, e-mail, datafax, or electronic message. SMSgts and below will use the view/change assignment preference update feature in the virtual military personnel flight (vMPF) to record CONUS or OS assignment preferences. To enhance the chance for selection to a desired location, Airmen should consult the EQUAL and EQUAL-Plus listings. Upon completion of the update, a notice is produced and available for print. (Note: Each Airman is individually responsible for the currency and accuracy of assignment preferences.) When a change in status occurs such as marriage, the Airman should update preferences accordingly. Outdated preferences or no preferences on file will not be the basis for release of an Airman from an assignment for which selected. Home-Basing and Follow-On Assignment Programs. The purpose of these programs is to reduce PCS costs, reduce PCS turbulence, and increase stability for Airmen and their families by providing advance assignment consideration. The servicing military personnel section (MPS) must brief all eligible Airmen selected for or electing to serve an unaccompanied OS tour of 15 months or less on these programs. Airmen must either apply or decline to apply for these programs in writing. AFI 36-2110, Attachment 5, contains more information on these programs. Assignment of Family Members. Assignment of family members to the same duty location or unit is not prohibited, however, family members will not be assigned where one family member will or may hold a command or supervisory position over another family member. Such assignments result in, or may create a perception of, preferential treatment or loss of impartiality, thereby compromising the integrity of command and supervisory functions. 15.9.12. PCS Cancellation by the Air Force: Once an Airman is selected for PCS and orders are published, cancellation of the assignment could impose a hardship on the Airman. Normally, a PCS is not cancelled within 60 days of the projected departure date unless the Airman cannot be effectively used at the projected location. The assignment OPR may authorize the cancellation.


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AFPAM36-2241 If the Airman indicates a hardship will exist as a result of the cancellation, then the MPS will direct the Airman to prepare a written statement containing the details of the hardship. The statement should be coordinated through the unit commander to the MPS. Upon receipt, the MPS advises the assignment OPR, who considers reinstatement of the original assignment, to provide an alternate assignment or confirms cancellation and provides the reasons why the Airman is required to remain at the present base. AFI 36-2110 contains additional information and also contains guidance in the case where an Airman has departed from his or her previous duty station and is en route to the new location. Section 15DFamily Care 15.10. Policy. DoD policy is that the member is responsible for the care of family members during deployments and TDY, as at all other times. Failure to produce a family care plan within 60 days of the discussion with the commander, supervisor, or commanders designated representative may result in disciplinary action and/or administrative separation. In addition to a required family care plan, military members are strongly encouraged to have a will. 15.11. Members Who Must Have a Family Care Plan. Single-member parents with custody of children and military couples with dependents must have a family care plan. Members who are solely responsible for the care of a spouse, elderly family member, or adult family member with disabilities who is dependent on the member for financial, medical, or logistical support (housing, food, clothing, transportation, etc.) must also have a family care plan. This includes family members who have limited command of the English language, are unable to drive, or gain access to basic life-sustaining facilities. Members whose family circumstances or personal status change must notify their commander as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after any change in circumstance or personal status requires them to establish a family care plan. 15.12. Family Care Plans. These plans must include provisions for short-term absences (such as TDY for schooling or training) and long-term absences (such as operational deployments) and designate a caregiver for the affected family members. Financial arrangements may include powers of attorney, allotments, and other documents necessary for logistical movement of the family or caregiver should it become necessary. A statement signed by the caretaker and the member indicating that the caretaker has been thoroughly briefed on financial arrangements, logistical arrangements, military facilities, services, and benefits and entitlements of the family members must also be included. Additional items may be required to fit individual situations. 15.12.1. Required Counseling: New Duty Station. Commanders or first sergeants counsel all Airmen with family members on AFI 36-2908 during inprocessing. During this counseling, commanders and first sergeants must stress the importance of, and confirm the need for, family care certification by completing AF IMT 357, Family Care Certification. Commanders or first sergeants may not delegate counseling requirements. Note: For members who are geographically separated from the commanders location, commanders may delegate, in writing, the authority to counsel members and certify the AF IMT 357 to detachment or operating location chiefs. Annual Briefing. The commander or first sergeant is required to annually brief, individually, all military members who require an AF IMT 357 about their family care responsibilities. During this briefing, the commander or first sergeant signs the AF IMT 357 each time the plan is reviewed and certified, determining the actual workability of the family care plan. The member signs and dates the AF IMT 357 to document the briefing was completed. 15.12.2. Remedial Action. Members who fail to make adequate and acceptable family care arrangements will have disciplinary or other actions taken against them. Section 15EReenlistment and Retraining Opportunities 15.13. Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP). The SRP applies to all enlisted personnel. Its objective is to ensure the Air Force retains only Airmen who consistently demonstrate the capability and willingness to maintain high professional standards.


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15.13.1. Selective Reenlistment by Category. In the Air Force, reenlistment is a privilege, not a right. The SRP provides a process by which commanders and supervisors evaluate all first term, second term, and career Airmen. FTA receive SRP consideration when they are within 15 months of their expiration of term of service (ETS). Second term and career Airmen with less than 19 years of total active federal military service (TAFMS) are considered within 13 months of the original ETS. Career Airmen also receive SRP consideration when within 13 months of completing 20 years of TAFMS. Once career Airmen have served beyond 20 years of TAFMS, they receive SRP consideration each time they are within 13 months of their original ETS. 15.13.2. Responsibilities: Unit Commander. The unit commander has total SRP selection and nonselection authority for all Airmen. Reenlistment intent or retirement eligibility has no bearing on the SRP consideration process. Unit commanders approve or deny reenlistment and ensure selection or nonselection decisions are consistent with other qualitative decisions (such as promotion) and are based on substantial evidence. Commanders consider enlisted performance report (EPR) ratings, unfavorable information from any substantiated source, the Airmans willingness to comply with Air Force standards, and the Airmans ability (or lack thereof) to meet required training and duty performance levels when determining if a member may reenlist. Commanders may reverse their decisions at any time. Commanders do not use the SRP when involuntary separation is more appropriate. Immediate Supervisor. Supervisors provide unit commanders with recommendations concerning the Airmans career potential. Endorsing officials may perform the duties required by the immediate supervisor if the immediate supervisor is on leave or TDY. To ensure Airmen meet quality standards, immediate supervisors review the report on individual personnel (RIP) and the AF Form 1137, Unfavorable Information File Summary (if applicable). They then evaluate duty performance and leadership abilities. 15.13.3. Procedures: Selection. The MPS sends each unit an SRP consideration roster that identifies assigned Airmen who require SRP consideration. The MPS also sends a RIP for each Airman being considered. The unit forwards the RIP to supervisors so that each supervisors reenlistment recommend ation can be documented. The supervisor should carefully evaluate the Airmans duty performance and review the Airmans personnel records before making a recommendation to the commander. A supervisor who decides to recommend the Airman for reenlistment places an X in the appropriate block, signs the RIP, and returns it to the unit commander. The commander reviews the recommendation and evaluates the Airmans duty performance, future potential, and other pertinent information. The commander selects the Airman for reenlistment by annotating and signing the SRP roster. The commanders signature on the roster constitutes formal selection. The commander sends the SRP roster to the MPS for processing. Nonselection. If the supervisor decides not to recommend an Airman for reenlistment, he or she initiates an AF Form 418, Selective Reenlistment Program Consideration for Airmen in the Regular Air Force/Air Force Reserve, and completes Section I and Section II and forwards to the commander. The commander reviews the recommendation and other pertinent data and decides whether to select the Airman. If the commander does not select the Airman for reenlistment, the commander completes AF Form 418 and informs the Airman of the decision. During the interview, the commander must make sure the Airman understands the right to appeal the decision. The Airman must make known his or her intention within three workdays of the date the Airman acknowledges the nonselection decision. The Airman must submit the appeal to the MPS within 10 calendar days of the date he or she renders the appeal intent on the AF Form 418, Section V. The commander sends the AF Form 418 to the MPS after the Airman signs and initials the appropriate blocks. 15.13.4. Appeals. Airmen have the right to appeal SRP nonselection decisions. The specific appeal authority is based on an Airmans TAFMS. FTA and career Airmen who will complete at least 20 years of TAFMS on their current ETS appeal SRP nonselection to their respective gro up commanders. The Airmans respective wing commander is the SRP appeal authority for second term and career Airmen who will complete fewer than 16 years of TAFMS on their current ETS. The SECAF is the SRP appeal authority for second term and career Airmen who will complete at least 16 years of TAFMS but fewer than 20 years of TAFMS on their current ETS. The decision of the appeal authority is final. The appeal authoritys decision is documented on the AF Form 418, and the Airman is advised of the outcome.

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Any Airman serving on a Regular Air Force enlistment may request an extension if he or she has a service-directed change reason and if it is in the best interest of the Air Force. Extensions are granted in whole-month increments. For example, if the individual needs 15 1/2 months of retainability for an assignment, the individual must request a 16month extension. Voluntary extensions for all Airmen are limited to a maximum of 48 months per enlistment. In the event AFSCs are constrained, Air Staff may limit FTA extensions to a specified period. Certain situations (such as citizenship pending) may warrant exceptions to policy. Once approved, an extension has the legal effect of changing the enlistment agreement by extending the period of obligated service. Extensions can only be canceled if the reason for the extension no longer exists. For example, if a member was approved for an extension due to an assignment and that assignment was cancelled, the member could then cancel the extension. 15.15. High Year of Tenure (HYT). HYT provides the Air Force with another method of stabilizing the career structure of the enlisted force. HYT essentially represents the maximum number of years Airmen may serve in the grades of SrA through CMSgt. AFI 363208, Administrative Separation of Airmen, contains waiver provisions for Airmen who believe they have sufficient justification to warrant retention beyond their HYT, but the majority of Airmen are not permitted to reenlist or extend their enlistments if their new DOS exceeds their HYT. Airmen may be eligible to request an extension of enlistment to establish a DOS at HYT to separate or retire. Normally, Airmen must be within 2 years of their HYT before they can extend. 15.16. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB). The SRB is a monetary incentive paid to enlisted members to attract reenlistments in, and retraining into, critical military skills with insufficient reenlistments to sustain the career force in those skills. HQ USAF adds and deletes skills from the SRB list as requirements change. The MPS is the best source of information on SRB skills. 15.16.1. Zones. The SRB is paid in four zones: Zone A applies to Airmen reenlisting between 21 months and 6 years of TAFMS. Zone B applies to Airmen reenlisting between 6 and 10 years of TAFMS. Zone C applies to Airmen reenlisting between 10 and 14 years of TAFMS. Zone E applies to Airmen reenlisting between 18 and 20 years of TAFMS. 15.16.2. Computing SRB Awards. The Air Force calculates the SRB on the basis of monthly base pay (the rate in effect on the date of discharge [day before reenlistment date] or the day before an extension begins) multiplied by the number of years and fractions of a year (months) of obligated service incurred on reenlistment, multiplied by the SRB multiple for the skill. The SRB is only payable for obligated service not exceeding 24 years of active service. The maximum SRB payable to eligible Airmen is $90,000 per zone. Eligible Airmen may receive an SRB in each zone but only one SRB per zone (for example, they can receive the last zone A payment and the first zone B payment during the same year). After taxes, the Air Force pays 50 percent of the bonus amount (less tax) at the time of reenlistment and the remaining 50 percent in equal installments on the anniversary of the reenlistment date. 15.17. Career Job Reservation (CJR) Program. Because of various career force size and composition restrictions, there is a limit to the number of FTA who can reenlist. The CJR Program exists to manage all FTA reenlistments by skill in order to prevent surpluses and shortages. 15.17.1. When to Apply for a CJR. HQ USAF meets management requirements by establishing and maintaining a career job requirements file for each AFSC. An AFSCs career job requirements are distributed over a 12 -month period. All eligible FTA must have an approved CJR in order to reenlist. Airmen are automatically placed on the CJR waiting list on the 1st duty day of the month during which they complete 35 months on their current enlistment (59 months for 6-year enlistees), but no later than the last duty day of the month during which they complete 43 months on their current enlistment (67 months for 6-year enlistees or 38 months for national call to service enlistees). To keep their approved CJR, Airmen must reenlist on or before the CJR expiration date.


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15.17.2. CJR Waiting List. When the number of CJR applicants exceeds the number of available quotas, AFPC must use a rank-order process to determine which Airmen will receive an approved CJR. Applicants are ranked using the following factors: unfavorable information file (UIF) (automatic disqualifier), top three EPRs, current grade, projected grade, date of rank (DOR), TAFMS date (TAFMSD). Applicants are placed on the Air Force-wide career job applicant waiting list when there are no CJRs available. An Airmans position on the waiting list is subje ct to change as his or her rank order information changes or as new Airmen apply. Airmen may remain on the CJR waiting list until within 5 months of their DOS. Supervisors should encourage Airmen to pursue retraining into a shortage skill if a CJR is not immediately available. 15.17.3. CJR in an Additionally Awarded AFSC. When Airmen are placed on the CJR waiting list in their AFSC, they may request a CJR in an additionally awarded AFSC if quotas are readily available, the AFSC is different from their CAFSC, and they possess at least a 3-skill level in the AFSC. Note: Receipt of an approved CJR in an additionally awarded AFSC does not in itself mean the Airmen will perform duty in the AFSC when they reenlist. 15.18. Air Force Retraining Program. The primary purpose of the Air Force Retraining Program is to give Airmen a choice and voice in their career path and maintain balance in the career force to meet mission requirements. Airmen in surplus career fields must be encouraged to retrain into shortage AFSCs. The Air Force Retraining Program provides guidance for two broad categories of Airmen: FTA retraining, and second term and career Airmen retraining. 15.18.1. Career Airman Reenlistment Reservation System (CAREERS) Retraining. With few exceptions, the Air Force does not permit FTA to retrain until they complete a minimum of 35 months of their enlistment (4-year enlistees), or 59 months of their enlistment (6-year enlistees). Airmen must request consideration for retraining into a specialty that has retraining in requirements according to the Online Retraining Advisory. Each month, AFPC conducts the Quality Retraining Program board to place in rank-order all CAREERS retraining applications. Applicants are ranked for each retraining AFSC choice using these factors: most recent EPR, current grade, projected grade, next three EPRs, date of rank, TAFMSD, and the Airmans qualification examination score in the applicable area. If not approved after 3 consecutive months of consideration, the entire retraining application is disapproved. 15.18.2. NCO Retraining Program. The purpose of the annual NCO Retraining Program is to move NCOs from AFSCs with significant overages into AFSCs with NCO shortages. This program consists of two phases: voluntary and involuntary. Air Staff determines retraining objectives. 15.18.3. Online Retraining Advisory. AFPC maintains the Online Retraining Advisory, an up-to-date list of all AFSCs showing retraining requirements. The advisory is readily available and a key tool to advise members of retraining opportunities. AFI 36-2626, Airman Retraining Program, establishes retraining eligibility and application procedures. Section 15FBenefits and Services 15.19. Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits. The VA offers a wide range of benefits to the Nations veterans, service members, and their families. VA benefits and services fall into these major categories: disability benefits, education benefits, vocational rehabilitation and employment, home loans, burial benefits, dependents and survivors benefits, life insurance, and health care. Airmen requiring specific information on their VA benefits can retrieve information at Contact the closest VA department for eligibility requirements. 15.19.1. Disability Benefits. Retirees with a compensable service-connected disability may, on application, be paid by the VA for that disability. Disability compensation varies with the degree of disability and the number of a veterans dependents, and is paid monthly. The benefits are not subject to federal or state income tax. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)-Cleveland Center and VA pay experts should explain this complex subject with varying standards on an individual basis.

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Department of Defense directive 1322.08E, Voluntary Education Programs for Military Personnel, states these programs shall be established and maintained within the DoD that provide service members with educational opportunities in which they may participate voluntarily during their off-duty time or at such other times as authorized by Military Services policies. Additionally, voluntary education programs shall provide educational opportunities comparable to those available to citizens outside the military; be available to all Regular Air Force personnel regardless of their duty location; and include courses and services provided by accredited postsecondary vocational and technical schools, colleges, and universities. 15.19.3. Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment. The VA helps veterans with service-connected disabilities prepare for, find, and keep suitable employment. For veterans with serious service-connected disabilities, VA also offers services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible. 15.19.4. Home Loans. The main purpose of the VA home loan program is to help veterans finance the purchase of homes with favorable loan terms at a rate of interest competitive with the rate charged on other types of mortgage loans. For VA housing loan purposes, the term veteran includes certain members of the Selected Reserve, Regular Air Force personnel, and certain categories of spouses. 15.19.5. Burial Benefits. Service members and veterans (who were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable) who die may be eligible for VA burial benefits including burial in a VA national cemetery, government-furnished headstone or marker, presidential memorial certificate, burial flag, and, in some cases, reimbursement of burial expenses. 15.19.6. Dependents and Survivors Benefits. Dependency and indemnity compensation is a benefits program that pays a monthly payment to a surviving spouse, child, or parent of a veteran because of a service-connected death of the veteran. Military services provide payment, called a death gratuity, in the amount of $100,000 to the next of kin of service members who die while on active duty (including those who die within 120 days of separation) as a result of service-connected injury or illness. 15.19.7. Life Insurance. VA insurance programs were developed to provide insurance benefits for veterans and service members who may not be able to get insurance from private companies because of the extra risks involved in military service or a service-connected disability. At the time of separation from service, Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) can be converted to either Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI) or a commercial plan through participating companies. SGLI coverage continues for 120 days after separation at no charge. Coverage of $10,000 is also automatically provided for dependent children of members insured under SGLI with no premium required. 15.19.8. Health Care. In October 1996, Congress passed Public Law 104-262, Veterans Health Care Eligibility Reform Act of 1996. This legislation paved the way for creation of a standardized, enhanced health benefits plan available to all enrolled veterans. The law also simplified the process for veterans to receive services. Like other standard health care plans, the medical benefits package emphasizes preventive and primary care, offering a full range of outpatient and inpatient services, including preventive services (including immunizations, screening tests, and health education and training classes); primary health care; diagnosis and treatment; surgery (including outpatient surgery; mental health and substance abuse treatment; home health care; respite (inpatient), hospice, and palliative care; urgent and limited emergency care; and drugs and pharmaceuticals. 15.20. Retirement Benefits. Enlisted members are eligible to retire if they have 20 years of TAFMS and there are no restrictions per AFI 36-3203. Enlisted members must apply for retirement. Otherwise, they will separate on their DOS or ETS. Officers must have 20 years of TAFMS and 10 years of total active federal commissioned service to be eligible to retire. A retirement application may be submitted through vMPF up to 12 months, but no less than 120 days, before the minimum required service. Every individual who hopes to retire one day should be familiar with this information. It is not all-inclusive,


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and there are exceptions. Every military member should seek personal counseling from the Total Force Contact Center before making firm plans. AFPC/DPSOR provides periodic webinars to explain the retirement process. 15.20.1. Place of Retirement. In general, a member may retire in the CONUS. Members assigned to a duty station in the CONUS retire at the duty station. If the member is OS, the member and family can proceed to the final CONUS home of selection. If the member elects to retire OS and live permanently in that country, he or she must comply with command and host government residency rules before the date of retirement. 15.20.2. Retired Pay. The date initially entered military service (DIEMS) normally determines which of the three existing retirement pay plans applies to a member. DIEMS is the date an individual was initially enlisted, inducted, or appointed in a regular or reserve component of a uniformed service as a commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member. The DIEMS is a fixed date that is not subject to adjustment because of a break in service. Current active military personnel will fall under one of the three retirement plans described in Table 15.1. Table 15.1. Retirement Pay Plans. L I N E 1 A B Eligibility (as determined by DIEMS) Entered service before 8 September 1980 C D Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) (note 1) Full inflation protection; COLA based on consumer price index (CPI)

Plan Final Basic Pay

High-3 (note 2)

Entered service on or after 8 September 1980 and before 1 August 1986

High-3 with Redux/Career Status Bonus (CSB) option*

Entered service on or after 1 August 1986

Retired Pay Formula 2.5 percent multiplied by the years of service plus 1/12 x 2.5 percent for each additional full month, multiplied by final basic pay of the retired grade (10 U.S.C. Section 1406) 2.5 percent multiplied by the years of service plus 1/12 x 2.5 percent for each additional full month, multiplied by the average of the highest 36 months of basic pay (note 3) (10 U.S.C. Section 1407) High-3: 2.5 percent multiplied by the years of service plus 1/12 x 2.5 percent for each additional full month, multiplied by the average of the highest 36 months of basic pay

High-3: Full inflation protection; COLA based on CPI

OR *Redux/CSB option: partial inflation protection; COLA based on CPI minus 1 percent. At age 62, retired pay is adjusted to reflect full COLA since retirement. Partial COLA then resumes after age 62.

*Instead of retiring under High-3, these members may choose to receive the CSB at 15 years of service in exchange for agreeing to serve to at least 20 years of service and then retiring under the less generous Redux plan. The member may elect a lump sum of $30K, two payments of $15K, three payments of $10K, four payments of $7.5K, or five payments of $6K Notes continued on next page

*Redux/CSB option: 2.5 percent multiplied by the years of service plus 1/12 x 2.5 percent for each additional full month, minus one percentage point from the product for each year less than 30 years, multiplied by the average of the highest 36 months of basic pay. At age 62, retired pay is recalculated without deducting the one percentage point for each year less than 30, which allows it to catch up to what it would have been without the Redux penalty.


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Notes: 1. COLA is applied annually to retired pay. 2. High-3 is a reference to the average of the high 3 years or, more specifically, the high 36 months of basic pay as used in the formula. 3. If a member is demoted or an officer is retired in a lower grade as a result of an Officer Grade Determination, the retired pay plan is Final Basic Pay of the lower, retired grade (10 United States Code, Section 1407(f)).

15.21. Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP): 15.21.1. Military pay stops when a member dies. The SBP was established by Congress, effective 21 September 1972, to provide a monthly income to survivors of retired military personnel upon the members death when retired pay stops. The SBP is a government program for retiring members to ensure after their death that their eligible survivors receive a portion of their military retired pay in the form of a monthly annuity. The plan was structured so a surviving spouse cannot outlive the annuity, and it has cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) incorporated so the annuity increases with inflation. Regular Air Force members with a spouse or dependent children are automatically covered by the SBP at no cost while they remain on active duty. The members death must be classified in line of duty in order for an annuity to be payable if the member is not yet retirement eligible (has not accrued 20 years of active duty) on the date of death. The annuity payable is 55 percent of the retired pay the member would have been entitled to receive if retired with a total disability rating on the date of death. An annuity may also be payable if the members death is classified not in line of duty, as long as the member was retirement eligible on the date of death. In this case, annuity payable is 55 percent of the retired pay the member would have been entitled to receive if retired for years of service on the date of death. The surviving spouse of a member who dies in the line of duty while on active duty may request the SBP be paid only to the members children, avoiding the reduction caused by a spouses receipt of dependency and indemnity compensation, the survivor benefits paid by the Department of Veteran Affairs when a members death is determined to have resulted from a service-connected cause. 15.21.2. Prior to retiring, each member must decide whether to continue SBP coverage into retirement. The retired pay of those members who elect to participate is reduced by monthly premiums. The SBP is a unique plan: governmentsubsidized premiums are deducted from a participating members retired pay before taxes. SBP is the only program that enables a portion of military retired pay to be paid to a members survivors. 15.21.3. SBP premiums and the annuity payments to the beneficiary depend on what is called the base amount that is elected as the basis of coverage. A service members base amount can be the full monthly retired pay or just a portion, down to as little as $300. Full coverage means full-retired pay is elected as the base amount. The base amount is tied to a members retired pay. When retired pay gets a COLA, so does the base amount, and as a result, so do premiums and the annuity payments. 15.21.4. Generally SBP is an irrevocable decision. However, under limited circumstances, you may withdraw from SBP (Figure 15.1) or change your coverage. As an SBP participant, you have a 1-year window to terminate SBP coverage between the second and third anniversary following the date you begin to receive retired pay. None of the premiums you paid will be refunded, and no annuity will be payable upon your death. Your covered spouse or former spouse must consent to the withdrawal. Termination is permanent, and participation may not be resumed under any circumstance barring future enrollment. The SBP also has a paid-up feature that permits members who have attained age 70 and who have paid SBP premiums for 360 months to stop paying premiums but remain active participants in the plan. Additional information can be attained through the local military personnel section office or the airman and family readiness centers. Figure 15.1. Stop Coverage. Premiums stop when there is no longer an eligible beneficiary in a premium category, such as: - Children are all too old for benefits and have no incapacity, or - A spouse is lost through death or divorce, or - An insurable interest person dies, or coverage is terminated. 15.22. Airman and Family Readiness Center (A&FRC): 15.22.1. A&FRC Services. A&FRC services are designed to assist commanders in assessing and supporting the welfare of the military community and building a strong sense of community and support within the Air Force. The A&FRC supports mission readiness


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by helping Airmen and their families adapt to the emerging changes and demands of a mobile military lifestyle. Core support is based around a community readiness consultant model that provides leadership consultation at the unit level to help define the needs of their people and design programs and services that target those needs. A&FRC offers core services that include the following: Members are required to attend mandatory predeployment briefings that educate Airmen and families on (1) preparing for the deployment; (2) sustainment support for family members, including extended family and nearest and dearest; and (3) mandatory reintegration briefings that help Airmen prepare for reuniting with their families and friends, and for handling combat stressors that they may encounter. Discovery resource centers provide access to computers to gain information, referral, and follow-up assistance. Staff members are available to assist with clarifying needs, conducting research, and locating resources. Employment Assistance supports Airman and their families in achieving short and long-term employment, education/training, and career goals. A&FRCs provide: employment skills counseling to prepare customers for local and long-distance job searches; resources for self-employment, small business and entrepreneurial efforts. A&FRCs offer information, education, and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families with budgeting, consumer issues, debt management, savings, home-buying and foreclosure avoidance, and financial crisis. A&FRC school liaison officers advocate for the educational needs of military children and assist Airmen and families with information and referrals regarding local school districts and other educational options including home schooling, private schools, charter schools, and cyber schools. Personal and work life skills education includes prevention and enrichment services/classes/ information. Relocation information, education, and assistance on how to access web tools to help Airmen and their families plan their next move. A&FRCs work with the base agencies and unit monitors to coordinate sponsor training. The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) provides support and education for career planning and information on veterans benefits to Airmen and their families transitioning out of the military. The A&FRC assists the installation commander and collaborates with other base volunteer agencies to recruit, train, place, and recognize volunteer service. The Air Force Volunteer Excellence Award is a commanders program to recognize volunteer contributions across the installation. Crisis assistance that provides immediate, short-term assistance to individuals and families with challenging life situations. Military family life consultants deliver short-term, solution-focused, nonmedical counseling and support services such as seminars, classes, etc. Any issues requiring intervention and/or treatment must be referred to the appropriate helping agency. In addition, out of scope work defined by DoD (such as long -term mental health issues, PTSD or other severe trauma disorders, personality disorders, repeated use of dysfunctional coping mechanisms, treatment for mental health or substance abuse, etc.) will be referred to appropriate providers at mental health or TRICARE. Loans and grants from the Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) are administered by the A&FRC staff. Note: AFAS also provides numerous community enhancement programs that support deployment resources, child care needs, spouse education, and more. Casualty assistance representatives and survivor benefit plan counselors administer casualty reporting, notification and assistance programs and provide counseling on benefits offered by a wide variety of programs including Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration. Military OneSource, a virtual service that supports the needs of Airmen and their family members in any life situations, accessible at 1-800-342-9647, or A&FRC staff works with the Air Force Wounded Warrior Program (AFW2) program to ensure that members who are injured and ill due to combat are provided one-on-one assistance.


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AFPAM36-2241 The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a partnership between the medical, assignments, and A&FRC communities to support families with special needs by identifying medical issues, ensuring families are assigned to the appropriate location for support/service and providing information and referrals to assist the family. 15.22.2. Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC). At the direction of the installation commander, the A&FRC stands up an EFAC to provide disaster response in the event of a natural, mass casualty, or manmade disaster. Via the EFAC, individuals affected by the disaster can receive support and leadership information in a one-stop environment. 15.23. American Red Cross. American Red Cross services to the Armed Forces program provide support to service members and their families in times of crisis. While serving 1.4 million active duty personnel and their immediate family members, the American Red Cross also reaches out to the 1.2 million members of the National Guard and Reserves and their immediate family members who reside in nearly every community in the United States and its territories. The core service is emergency communication messages. All American Red Cross services to military members and their families are provided free of charge 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. The American Red Cross assists active duty personnel, National Guard members, Reservists, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Public Health Service, and veterans. See Figure 15.2 for services available to inactive and active service members. 15.23.1. Use the following guidance to contact the American Red Cross for assistance. Regular Air Force members stationed in the United States and family members residing with them call 877-272-7337 (toll free). Family members who do not reside in the service members household, members of the National Guard and Reserves, retirees and civilians call their local American Red Cross chapter, which is listed in local telephone books and online at Regular Air Force members and DoD civilians stationed OS and family members residing with them call base or installation operators or the American Red Cross office at the OS location. The caseworker will need the following information concerning the service member: Full name. Rank/rating. Branch of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard). Social security number or date of birth. Military address. Information about the deployed unit and home base unit (for deployed service members only). Figure 15.2. Red Cross Services. Emergency Communication Services When a military family experiences a crisis, the American Red Cross is there to assist by providing emergency communications twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. The American Red Cross relays urgent messages containing accurate, factual, complete and verified descriptions of the emergency to service members stationed anywhere in the world, including ships at sea, embassies and remote locations. American Red Cross emergency communications services keep military personnel in touch with their families following the death or serious illness of an immediate family member, the birth of a service member s child or grandchild or when a family experiences other emergencies. No matter where a military member and their family are stationed, they can rest assured the American Red Cross will deliver their notifications in times of crisis. Even if the service member receives notification of an emergency through an e-mail or a phone call, American Red Cross-verified information assists commanding officers in making a decision regarding emergency leave. Without this verification, the service member may not be able to come home during a family emergency.


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Financial Assistance The American Red Cross works under partnership agreements with the Air Force Aid Society, Army Emergency Relief, Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, and Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society to provide quality, reliable financial assistance to eligible applicants 24/7/365. Types of assistance include financial assistance for emergency travel, burial of a loved one, assistance to avoid privation, etc. Casualty Travel Assistance Program The Casualty Travel Assistance Program provides travel assistance for two immediate family members to attend a memorial or funeral service for a service member killed on active duty in the combat zone and to travel to the bedside of a service member wounded in the combat zone. The assistance includes funding for roundtrip airfare, lodging costs, food, and incidentals. Coping with Deployments Psychological First Aid for Military Families was developed out of the American Red Crosss continuing commitment to serve military families. This course was designed specifically for the spouses, parents, siblings, and significant others of service members. It provides useful information on how to strengthen your ability to successfully respond to the challenges that military family members may encounter throughout the deployment cycle. It also explains how to provide psychological first aid to others experiencing stressful feelings or events. Veterans Affairs Volunteer Services Volunteers from American Red Cross chapters and offices on military installations serve in 153 VA hospitals around the Nation. It is their way of saying thank you to that special group of men and women who answered their countrys call and who are now cared for each day in VA medical centers. The opportunities for volunteers to meet the great needs in these centers include: transporting patients to and from treatment sessions; working in libraries; bringing magazines, books, and comfort items to patients; providing companionship and personal services to patients; and working in hospital offices, laboratories, and at information desks. Veterans Claims for Benefits The American Red Cross provides assistance and information in preparing, developing, and obtaining sufficient evidence to support applicants claims for veterans benefits and also assists claimants who seek to appeal to the Board of Veterans Appeals. Information and Referral Services The American Red Cross offers confidential services to all military personnel- active duty, National Guard and Reserves-and their families. Counseling, guidance, information, referrals and other social services are available through our worldwide network of chapters and offices on military installations. American Red Cross chapters are listed in local telephone books and at your local American Red Cross. As more and more National Guard and Reserve units are called to full-time duty status, counseling has become increasingly important to prepare the civilian-based military members and their families for the period of activation. Because members of the National Guard and Reserve typically live in civilian neighborhoods, they and their families frequently have difficulty accessing much-needed, military-related social services. Volunteer Opportunities The American Red Cross depends on volunteers which constitute about 95 percent of the American Red Cross workforce. Volunteers make it possible to provide services, such as responding to nearly 70,000 disasters every year; teaching millions of people first aid; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); swimming and other lifesaving skills; helping the American Red Cross collect approximately 6.3 million units of blood from roughly 3.7 million volunteer donors; and, as part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Network, reconnecting hundreds of families separated by war and disaster around the world.

Section 15GPersonnel Records and Individual Rights 15.24. Personal Information File (PIF): 15.24.1. Commanders and supervisors perform many personnel management functions requiring them to keep files on assigned personnel. AFI 36-2608, Military Personnel Records System, authorizes the use and maintenance of the commanders or supervisors PIFs. Unit commanders or equivalents maintain discretion to create PIFs on all assigned


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personnel, but PIFs are mandatory for officer personnel who receive a letter of admonishment or a letter of counseling. If a PIF is established, use of AF Form 10A, Personnel Information File, Record of Performance, Officer Command Selection Record Group, is required. Contents are governed by AFI 36-2608. Custodians must keep the PIFs current and secured in a locked area or container to protect against misuse or unauthorized access. 15.24.2. According to the Privacy Act of 1974, a person who is the subject of the record may request access to this record at any time. Individuals have the right to review their PIF at any time and challenge or question the need for documents in the file. The contents are available to commanders, raters, first sergeants, senior raters, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), and staff judge advocate personnel as warranted. The release and review of the PIF contents in these instances are for official business or routine use according to AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Program. 15.24.3. Guidance provided according to the Air Force Records Disposition ( for retaining and disposing of the PIF. 15.25. The Privacy Act (PA): 15.25.1. The Privacy Act of 1974 as amended ( establishes a code of fair information practices that govern the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information (PII) about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies. Privacy Act System of Records is defined in the Act as a group of any records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual (PII, most often the social security number). Individual is defined in the Act as a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence. Privacy Act rights are personal to the individual who is the subject of the record and cannot be asserted derivatively by others. Note, however, that the parent of any minor, or the legal guardian of an incompetent, may act on behalf of that individual. The Privacy Act prohibits the disclosure of information from a system of records absent the written consent of the subject individual, unless the disclosure is pursuant to 1 of 12 statutory exceptions. 15.25.2. The Privacy Act limits the collection of PII to what the law or Executive Orders authorize. System of Records Notices (SORN) must be published in the Federal Register allowing the public a 30-day comment period. Such collection must not conflict with the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A Privacy Act statement must be given when individuals are asked to provide PII about themselves for collection in a system of records. If a social security number is being requested, the individual must be told the law or authority for requesting it, how it will be used, and whether providing it is voluntary or mandatory. 15.25.3. In addition to specifying disclosure procedures, the Privacy Act governs the maintenance of systems of records. The Act provides individuals with a means by which to seek access to and amend their records and sets forth agency record-keeping requirements. Individuals have the right to request access or amendment to their records in a system; however, the SECAF can exempt certain systems of records from this provision of the law. PII in a system of records must be safeguarded to ensure need to know access of the records and to avoid actions that could result in harm, embarrassment, or unfairness to the individual. The law limits the uses of records to the purposes that are stated in the SORN, as published in the Federal Register. SORNs for Air Force records systems can be found at DoD personnel may disclose records to other offices in the DoD when there is an official need to know and to other federal government agencies or individuals when it is a routine use published in the SORN or as authorized by a Privacy Act exception. In addition, i nformation may be released for a disclosed specified purpose with the subjects consent. Records managers should keep an accounting of all releases unless they are for DoD official business or the information is required to be released pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. 15.25.4. For further information, definitions, exemptions, exceptions, or responsibilities and procedures for safeguarding and reporting of PII breaches, consult AFI 33-332. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defines a PII breach as, A loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition, unauthorized access, or any similar term referring to situations where persons other than authorized users and for an other than authorized purpose have access or potential access to personally identifiable information, whether physical or electronic. 15.26. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The FOIA provides access to federal agency records (or parts of these records) except those protected from release by nine specific exemptions. FOIA requests are written requests that cite or imply the FOIA. The law establishes rigid time limits for replying to requesters and permits assessing fees in certain instances. The FOIA imposes mandatory time limits of 20 workdays to either deny the request or release the requested records. The law permits an additional Schedule


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10-workday extension in unusual circumstances specifically outlined in the FOIA. ( Note: Denials require notification of appeal rights. Requester can file an appeal or litigate.) Refer to DoD 5400.7-R Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-302, Freedom of Information Act Program, for specific policy and procedures on the FOIA and for guidance on disclosing records to the public. 15.27. Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR): 15.27.1. The AFBCMR is the highest level of administrative review. It is a powerful, yet simple system for correcting military records. Unless procured by fraud, its decision is final and binding on all Air Force officials and government agencies. The AFBCMRs authority, jurisdiction, and policy are explained in AFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records. AFPAM 36-2607, Applicants Guide to the Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records, contains additional information. 15.27.2. With few exceptions, most records generated by the Air Force may be corrected by the AFBCMR. For instance, EPRs may be voided, upgraded, or rewritten; discharges and reenlistment eligibility codes may be upgraded; survivor benefit elections may be changed; leave may be credited; Article 15 actions may be voided; reinstatement into the Air Force may be achieved, etc. Records may be changed, voided, or created as necessary to correct an error or to remove an injustice, and applicable monetary benefits are recomputed based on the records changed. The AFBCMR cannot, however, change the verdict of a courts-martial imposed after 5 May 1950 but may, on the basis of clemency, change the punishment imposed by the final reviewing authority. 15.27.3. Other administrative remedies must be exhausted before applying to the AFBCMR. Applications (DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Record Under the Provisions of Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 1552 ) will be returned if applicants have not sought relief through the appropriate administrative process. For example, EPR appeals must first be submitted through Evaluation Reports Appeal Board (ERAB), under the provisions of AFI 36-2401, Correcting Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Reports. 15.27.4. Application to the AFBCMR is a simple process. However, favorable consideration of the application by the AFBCMR depends on all the facts and circumstances of the case and how well the request is supported by documentary evidence. The AFBCMR is not an investigative body and except in those rare cases where a personal appearance is granted and testimony is taken, the AFBCMR bases its decision on the evidence contained in the case file. This normally consists of the military record, an advisory opinion from the Air Force office of primary responsibility, statements, arguments, and records the applicant provides. Sufficient evidence must be provided to support a contention that the applicant suffered an error or injustice. The type and extent of evidence necessary to support the case depends on the nature of the request. 15.27.5. Cases are reviewed in executive session by a panel of three members, randomly selected from the AFBCMR membership. These members, GS-15s and above, are appointed from the executive part of the department and serve at the discretion of the Secretary. However, service on the board is a collateral volunteer duty. Applicants may request a personal appearance before the AFBCMR; however, a personal appearance is not a statutory right and is granted solely at the discretion of the board. Few personal appearances are granted. Board members decide whether an error or injustice exists in each case, and they vote to grant, partially grant, or deny on this basis. If the board recommends favorable relief, the case is forwarded to the SECAFs designee for final decision. Requests for reconsiderati on of a decision apply only if the applicant can provide newly discovered relevant evidence that was not reasonably available when the original application was submitted. The AFBCMR decides whether a case will be reconsidered. 15.27.6. Applications involving an administrative correction without a referral to the AFBCMR could be resolved within 90 days. Applications formally considered by the AFBCMR are processed within 10 to 18 months. 10 U.S. Code, Section 1557, Timeliness Standards for Disposition of Applications Before Corrections Boards, provides oversight and clearance deadlines for the correction of military records review and decision. After fiscal year 2010, 90 percent of the cases must be completed within 10 months. 15.28. Air Force Discharge Review Board (AFDRB): 15.28.1. The AFDRB affords former Air Force members the opportunity to request review of their discharge (except for a discharge or dismissal by general court-martial). The objective of a discharge review is to examine an applicants administrative discharge and to change the characterization of service, the reason for discharge, or both, based on standards of propriety or equity. Bad conduct discharges, given as a result of a special court-martial, may be upgraded on clemency factors. 15.28.2. Before November 1975, the AFDRB conducted reviews only in Washington DC. Since then, a traveling board concept was added to conduct regional hearings throughout the United States for applicants who wish to personally present their cases to the AFDRB (approximately a third of the total cases). In contrast with the AFBCMR,


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a personal appearance before the board is a statutory right. The applicant or the applicants counsel may appear before the board in Washington DC (Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland) or at a regional location. The application can also be considered on a record review basis. The board reviews the case based on documentation in the military record and any additional evidence provided by the applicant. The AFDRB procedures allow the applicant latitude in presenting evidence, witnesses, and testimony in support of his or her case. 15.28.3. Airmen separated under circumstances (except retirement) that make them ineligible for reenlistment and officers discharged under adverse conditions are briefed by the MPS at the time of their discharge about the AFDRB process. They are provided with a discharge review fact sheet and an application (DD Form 293, Application for the Review of Discharge from the Armed Forces of the United States) to apply through the SECAF, Review Boards Office, to the AFDRB. 15.28.4. No minimum waiting period is required to submit an application, but the AFDRB may not review requests submitted beyond 15 years of the DOS. In spite of the briefings and information contained in the fact sheet, some common misperceptions and myths remain. The facts are: No provisions exist to automatically upgrade a discharge. The military will not pay travel expenses to AFDRB hearing sites. The military will not bear the cost of private counsel. Members may engage counsel at their own expense; however, a number of organizations provide counsel at no cost or a representative to assist applicants. These include national service organizations such as the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, and Veterans of Foreign Wars. 15.29. The Virtual Military Personnel Flight (vMPF). The vMPF is a suite of applications that provides the ability to conduct some of the Airmens personnel business on line. Examples of applications available now include application for humanitarian reassignment, duty history inquiry, OS returnee counseling, and reenlistment eligibility inquiry. Section 15HAwards and Decorations 15.30. Introduction. Air Force personnel make many personal and professional sacrifices to ensure the Air Force accomplishes its mission and is a respected part of society. Acts of valor, heroism, exceptional service, and outstanding achievement deserve special recognition. The Air Force Awards and Decorations Program establishes guidance for recognizing individuals and groups. This program is designed to foster morale, incentive, and esprit de corps. People or units who receive awards and decorations must clearly demonstrate sustained and superior performance. Questions about the Air Force Awards and Decorations Program may be directed to the local force support squadron (FSS). 15.31. Awards: 15.31.1. Service and Campaign Awards. These awards recognize members for honorable active military service during periods of war or national emergency. They also recognize individuals who participate in specific or significant military operations and who participate in specific types of service while serving on active duty or as a member of the Reserve forces. Individuals should keep copies of their TDY and PCS orders and travel vouchers to help prove entitlement to service and campaign awards. Additional service and campaign awards can be found in AFI 36-2803, The Air Force Awards and Decorations Program. Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (GWOTEM) and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (GWOTSM). Two of the most common service awards worn by Air Force members today are the GWOTEM and the GWOTSM. They were established in March 2003. The GWOTEM is awarded to members who deployed on or after 11 September 2001 for service in Operations Enduring Freedom or Iraqi Freedom. The GWOTSM is awarded to members who participated in or served in support of the global war on terror-specified operations on or after 11 September 2001 and a date to be determined. Afghanistan Campaign Medal (ACM) and the Iraq Campaign Medal (ICM). Two other service medals being issued are the ACM and ICM. The ACM and ICM were established on 29 November 2004 and recognize service members who serve or have served in the respective countries in support of Operations Enduring Freedom or Iraqi Freedom. Effective 1 May 2005, members deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq receive


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the respective campaign medal in lieu of the GWOTEM. Campaign stars are worn on the ribbons to designate official campaign periods as established by the DoD. Korea Defense Service Medal (KDSM). In February 2004, DoD approved the Korea Defense Service Medal for Regular Air Force, AFR, and ANG personnel as recognition for military service in the Republic of Korea and the surrounding waters after 28 July 1954 and a future date to be determined. Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM). The Humanitarian Service Medal is awarded to members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their Reserve components who, after 1 April 1975, distinguished themselves as individuals or members of U.S. military units or ships by meritorious direct participation in a significant military act or operation of humanitarian nature. Direct participation is any member assigned directly to the humanitarian operation providing hands-on participation. A bronze service star denotes subsequent awards. A listing of approved operations for the HSM are identified in DoDM 1348.33, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards. 15.31.2. Unit Awards. These awards are presented to U.S. military units that distinguish themselves during peacetime or in action against hostile forces or an armed enemy of the United States. To maintain the integrity of unit awards, the acts or services must be clearly and distinctly above that of similar units. Only grant one award for the same act, achievement, or service. Only 10 percent of similar units assigned to a command are recommended annually. The units entire service must have been honorable during the distinguished act. An organization may display the award elements of a unit award. Designated subordinate units of the organization may also share in the award; however, higher organizations may not. All assigned or attached people who served with a unit during a period for which a unit award was awarded are authorized the appropriate ribbon if they directly contributed to the mission and accomplishments of the unit. Questions concerning eligibility to wear a specific unit award may be directed to the local FSS. The five most common unit awards worn by Air Force members today are Gallant Unit Citation (GUC), the Meritorious Unit Award (MUA), the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award (AFOUA), the Air Force Organizational Excellence Award (AFOEA), and the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA). Gallant Unit Citation (GUC). The GUC was approved by the SECAF in March 2004 and is awarded to Air Force units for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy of the United States while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force on or after 11 September 2001. The unit must have performed with marked distinction under difficult and hazardous conditions in accomplishing its mission so as to set it apart from and above other units participating in the same conflict. The GUC will normally be earned by units that have participated in single or successive actions covering relatively brief time spans. Meritorious Unit Award (MUA). The MUA was also approved by the SECAF in March 2004 and is awarded to Air Force units for exceptionally meritorious conduct in performance of outstanding achievement or service in direct support of combat operations for at least 90 continuous days during the period of military operations against an armed enemy of the United States on or after 11 September 2001. Superior performance of normal mission alone will not justify award of the MUA. Service in a combat zone is not required, but service must be directly related to the combat effort. The MUA is not awarded to any unit or unit component previously awarded the AFOUA, AFOEA, or unit awards from other Service components for the same act, achievement, or service. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award (AFOUA). The AFOUA is awarded only to numbered units or numbered Air Forces, air divisions, wings, groups, and squadrons. To be awarded the AFOUA, an organization must have performed meritorious service or outstanding achievements that clearly set the unit above and apart from similar units. Commanders must annually review the accomplishments of their eligible subordinate units and recommend only those units that are truly exceptional. Commanders send AFOUA recommendations to their MAJCOMs for consideration. Certain recommendations for the AFOUA are exempt from annual submission. These are recommendations for specific achievements, combat operations, or conflict with hostile forces. Air Force Organizational Excellence Award (AFOEA). The AFOEA has the same guidelines and approval authority as the AFOUA. It is awarded, however, to unnumbered organizations such as a MAJCOM headquarters, an FOA, a DRU, the Office of the Chief of Staff, and other Air Staff and deputy assistant chief of staff agencies.


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AFPAM36-2241 Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA). The JMUA is awarded in the name of the Secretary of Defense to recognize joint units and activities such as a joint task force for meritorious achievement or service superior to that normally expected. Air Force members assigned or attached to the joint unit or joint task force awarded a JMUA may be eligible to wear the JMUA ribbon. 15.31.3. Achievement Awards. These awards recognize specific types of achievements or milestones while serving in the Regular Air Force or as members of the Air Reserve Forces. Air Force members must meet specific eligibility requirements and criteria. The career enhancement element determines and verifies eligibility for the various types of achievement awards and makes the appropriate entry into personnel records. The career enhancement element also procures and provides the initial issue of all achievement medals and ribbons. Additional achievement awards can be found in AFI 36-2803. Air Force Longevity Service Award (AFLSA). The Air Force presents the AFLSA every 4 years to members who complete honorable active Federal military service. Air Force Overseas Ribbon. The Air Force awards these ribbons to individuals who have completed an OS (long or short) tour. Air Force Training Ribbon. The Air Force awards this ribbon to members who have completed an Air Force accession training program (since 14 August 1974), such as basic military training (BMT), officer training school, ROTC, U.S. Air Force Academy, or medical service. 15.31.4. Special Trophies and Awards. The Air Force also sponsors various special trophies and awards programs. Special trophies and awards are unique in that the commanders of MAJCOMs, FOAs, and DRUs must nominate individuals to compete for these awards. In most cases, commanders submit nominations annually. The competition among the nominees is keen. The commanders nomination alone serves as a meaningful recognition because it places the individual in competition with the best in the Air Force or the Nation. Some examples of special trophies and awards are the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year Award and the Lance P. Sijan Award. AFI 36-2805, Special Trophies and Awards, lists various special trophies and awards programs. 15.31.5. Foreign Decorations. The policy of the DoD is that awards from foreign governments may be accepted only in recognition of active combat service or for outstanding or unusually meritorious performance only upon receiving the approval of Department of the Air Force. 15.32. Decorations: 15.32.1. What Is a Decoration? Formal recognition for personal excellence that requires individual nomination and Air Force or DoD approval. Decorations are awarded in recognition of acts of exceptional bravery, outstanding achievement, or meritorious service. The act or service must place an individuals performance high above that of his or her peers and be of such importance that the person cannot receive proper recognition in any other way. When an individual is being considered for a decoration, the determining factors are duty performance, level of responsibility and authority, and the impact of the accomplishment. Each decoration has its own performance requirements for award, and an individual may receive only one decoration for any act, achievement, or period of service. Specific criteria for each decoration are in AFI 36-2803. 15.32.2. Recommending an Individual for a Decoration. Any person, other than the individual being recommended, having firsthand knowledge of the act, achievement, or service may recommend an individual for a decoration. However, this obligation primarily falls on the immediate supervisor. The three most common decorations are the Air Force Achievement Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Meritorious Service Medal. Every unit, wing, and MAJCOM has specific submission criteria and procedures for these three decorations. For specific guidance, contact your commander support staff or the force management section at the local FSS or military personnel element.


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Section 15IAirman Promotion System 15.33. Objective. The enlisted promotion system supports Department of Defense directive 1304.20, Enlisted Personnel Management System (EPMS), by helping to provide a visible, relatively stable career progression opportunity over the long term; attracting, retaining, and motivating to career service, the kinds and numbers of people the military services need; and ensuring a reasonably uniform application of the principle of equal pay for equal work among the military services. This section addresses the program elements of the Regular Air Force Airman. 15.34. Promotion Quotas. Promotion quotas for the top five grades (SSgt through CMSgt) are tied to fiscal-end strength and are affected by funding limits, regulatory limits, and the number of projected vacancies in specific grades. The DoD limits the number of Airmen the Air Force may have in the top five grades. Public law limits the number of Airmen who may serve in the Regular Air Force in the grades of SMSgt and CMSgt to 3.5 percent of the enlisted force. 15.35. Promotion Cycles and General Eligibility Requirements. The Air Force establishes promotion cycles to ensure timely periodic promotions and to permit more accurate forecasting of vacancies. Promotion cycles also balance the promotion administrative workload and provide cutoff dates for eligibility. The basis for promotion eligibility is proper skill level, sufficient time in grade (TIG), sufficient time in service (TIS), and a recommendation by the immediate commander. Table 15.2 lists TIG, TIS, and significant dates of promotion. Table 15.3 lists minimum eligibility requirements for each grade. 15.36. Promotion Ineligibility. There are many reasons why an Airman may be considered ineligible for promotion, such as approved retirement, declination for extension or reenlistment, court-martial conviction, control roster action, not recommended by the commander, failure to appear for scheduled testing without a valid reason, absent without leave, etc. When individuals are ineligible for promotion, they cannot test; cannot be considered if already tested; and the projected promotion, if already selected, will be cancelled. Table 15.2. TIS and TIG Requirements, Promotion Eligibility Cutoff Dates (PECD), and Test Cycles for Promotion to Airman (Amn) through CMSgt. R U L E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E

For Promotion To Amn A1C SrA SSgt TSgt MSgt SMSgt CMSgt

TIS ----36 months 3 years 5 years 8 years 11 years 14 years

TIG 6 months 10 months 20 months or 28 months 6 months 23 months 24 months 20 months 21 months

PECD NA NA NA 31 March 31 December 31 December 30 September 31 July

Test Cycle NA NA NA May - June February - March February - March December September

15.37. Promotion Sequence Numbers (PSN). AFPC assigns PSNs to Airmen selected for promotion to SSgt through CMSgt based on DOR, TAFMSD, and date of birth. Supplemental selectees are assigned PSNs of .9 (increment previously announced) or .5 (unannounced future increment). 15.38. Accepting Promotion. Airmen who accept a promotion are eligible for reassignment and selective retraining in the projected grade. Selectees to the grade of MSgt and SMSgt with more than 18 years of TAFMS sign an active duty service commitment (ADSC) or statement of understanding within 10 workdays after selections are confirmed acknowledging they must obtain 2 years of service retainability from the effective date of promotion and incur a 2-year ADSC from the effective date of promotion to qualify for nondisability retirement. Selectees to the grade of CMSgt with more than 18 years of TAFMS also sign a ADSC or statement of understanding within 10 workdays after selections are confirmed acknowledging


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they must obtain 3 years of service retainability from the effective date of promotion to qualify for nondisability retirement. 15.39. Declining Promotion. Airmen may decline a promotion in writing any time prior to the effective date. The declination letter must include name, social security number, promotion cycle, PSN (if already selected), and a statement of understanding that reinstatement will not be authorized. 15.40. Professional Military Education (PME) Completion. Airmen selected for promotion to SSgt, MSgt, or SMSgt must complete in-resident PME before assuming these grades unless the member is granted an enlisted PME waiver. The Personnel Data System (PDS) automatically withholds promotion for those who do not complete appropriate PME prior to the promotion effective date. 15.41. Promotion by Grade: 15.41.1. Amn and A1C. The Air Force normally promotes eligible Airmen recommended by their commander on a noncompetitive basis. An AB must have 6 months of TIG to be eligible for promotion to Amn. The TIG requirement for an Amn to be eligible for promotion to A1C is 10 months. There are different phase points for individuals graduating from BMT as Amn or A1C that correspond with their earlier promotions. Individuals initially enlisting for a period of 6 years are promoted from AB or Amn to A1C upon completion of either technical training, or 20 weeks of technical training (start date of the 20-week period is the date of BMT completion), whichever occurs first. 15.41.2. SrA. The Air Force promotes A1Cs to SrA with either 36 months of TIS and 20 months of TIG or 28 months of TIG, whichever occurs first. They must possess a 3-skill level and be recommended by their unit commander. A1Cs may compete for early advancement to SrA if they meet the minimum eligibility criteria in Table 15.3. If promoted to SrA below the zone (BTZ), their promotion effective date would be 6 months before their fully qualified date. Individuals are considered in the month (December, March, June, or September) before the quarter (January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December) they are eligible for BTZ promotion. Table 15.3. Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Promotion. (Note 1) A R U L If promotion is E to (note 2) 1 SrA 2 3 SSgt TSgt B C and TIG the first day of the month before the month promotions are normally made is Not applicable 6 months 23 months D and TAFMS the first day of the last month of the cycle is (note 3) 1 year 3 years 5 years E F

and PAFSC as of PECD is 3 level (note 4) 5 level (note 4) 7 level (note 4) 7 level 7 level (note 4)

and the member has

4 5

MSgt SMSgt

24 months 20 months

8 years 11 years

8 years of cumulative enlisted service Total Enlisted Military Service Date (TEMSD) creditable for basic pay (note 5)

then the Airman is eligible for promotion if recommended in writing by the promotion authority. He/she must be Regular Air Force in enlisted status as of the PECD, serve continuously until the effective date of promotion, and not be in a condition listed in AFI 362502, Table 1.1, on or after the PECD; must be in

AFPAM36-2241 A

1 OCTOBER 2013 B C and TIG the first day of the month before the month promotions are normally made is 21 months D and TAFMS the first day of the last month of the cycle is (note 3) 14 years E F


R U L If promotion is E to (note 2) 6 CMSgt

and PAFSC as of PECD is 9 level (note 4)

and the member has 10 years cumulative enlisted service Total Enlisted Military Service Date (TEMSD) creditable for basic pay (note 5)

then promotion eligibility status code X on effective date of promotion. (note 6)

Notes: 1. Use this table to determine standard minimum eligibility requirements for promotion consideration. HQ USAF may announce additional eligibility requirements. The individual must serve in the Regular Air Force and have continuous active duty as of PECD. 2. The HYT policy applicable as of PECD may affect promotion eligibility in grades SrA and above. 3. Use years of satisfactory service for retirement in place of the TAFMSD to determine promotion eligibility for ANG and AFR Airmen ordered to Regular Air Force. ( Exception: Active Guard Reserve (AGR) or statutory tours.) AFR or ANG Airmen are eligible for promotion if extended active duty is on or after PECD. 4. Airmen First Class must meet skill-level requirements by the effective date of promotion for SrA and by the PECD for SSgt. SSgts test and compete for promotion to TSgt if they have a 5-skill level as of PECD; however, they must have a 7skill level before promotion. MSgts and SMSgts must meet minimum skill-level requirements listed above. In some cases, commanders may waive this to allow them to compete for promotion. Airmen demoted to SrA and who are past their HYT for that grade will have their HYT adjusted based on TIG requirements only. The HYT is adjusted regardless of whether or not they are eligible to compete for promotion. The HYT date will be the fourth month after selections are made for the first SSgt promotion cycle the Airman is TIG eligible. It is not mandatory that an Airman be considered for promotion if ineligible according to AFI 36-2502, Table 1.1. 5. Service in a commissioned, warrant, or flight officer status is creditable for pay. Such service does not count for this requirement (38 Comptroller General 598). You may consider a promotion for Airmen who meet this requirement on the first day of the last month promotions are normally made in the cycle. Actual promotion does not occur earlier than the first day of the month following the month the Airman completes the required enlisted service. This applies if the selectee had a sequence number in an earlier promotion increment; however, if the Airman meets the required enlisted service on the first day of the month, the DOR and effective date is that date. 6. If a TDY student meets the requirements of this table but does not maintain satisfactory proficiency, the MPS that services the Airmans TDY unit notifies the MPS servicing the Airmans unit of assignment. 15.41.3. SSgt, TSgt, and MSgt. Promotion to the grades of SSgt through MSgt occurs under one of two programs: the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) or Stripes for Exceptional Performers (STEP). WAPS. Airmen compete and test under WAPS in their CAFSC held on the PECD. WAPS consists of up to six weighted factors: specialty knowledge test (SKT), promotion fitness examination (PFE), TIS, TIG, decorations, and EPRs. Each of these factors is weighted or assigned points based on its impor tance relative to promotion. The total number of points possible under WAPS is 460. The PFE and SKT account for 200 points. The PFE contains a wide range of Air Force knowledge, while the SKT covers AFSC broad technical knowledge. Table 15.4 shows how to calculate points. The Air Force makes promotions under WAPS within each AFSC, not across them. This means those eligible compete for promotion only with those individuals currently working in their AFSC. Selectees are individuals with the highest scores in each AFSC, within the quota limitations. If more than one individual has the same total score at the cutoff point, the Air Force promotes everyone with that score.


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AFPAM36-2241 STEP Program. The STEP Program, established in 1980, is designed to meet those unique circumstances that, in the commanders judgment, clearly warrant promotion. Under STEP, commanders of MAJCOMs and FOAs and senior officers in organizations with large enlisted populations may promote a limited number of Airmen with exceptional potential to the grades of SSgt through MSgt (each MAJCOM determines its own procedures and STEP selection levels). The commander must ensure personnel who are promoted meet eligibility requirements including completion of the appropriate PME. An individual may not receive more than one promotion under any combination of promotion programs within a 12-month period. (Exception: A SrA must serve 6 months of TIG before being promoted to SSgt.) Isolated acts or specific achievements should not be the sole basis for promotion under this program. Commanders should guard against using STEP as an enlisted BTZ promotion program. Commanders should give WAPS the opportunity to promote top performers and incline toward promoting deserving hard-chargers who are behind their peers when comparing years of service to the number of stripes they wear. DOR and effective date is the date the selection authority announces the promotion. Table 15.4. Calculating Points and Factors for Promotion to SSgt through MSgt. R U L E 1 2 3 A B

If the factor is SKT PFE TIS



then the maximum score is 100 points. Base individual score on percentage correct (two decimal places). (note 1) 100 points. Base individual score on percentage correct (two decimal places). (note 1) 40 points. Award 2 points for each year of TAFMS up to 20 years, as of the last day of the last month of the promotion cycle. Credit 1/6 point for each month of TAFMS (15 days or more = 1/6 point; drop periods less than 15 days). Example: The last day of the last month of the cycle (31 Jul 03 minus TAFMS date (18 Jul 96) equals 7 years 14 days (inclusive dates considered equals 7 x 2 = 14 points). (note 1) 60 points. Award 1/2 point for each month in grade up to 10 years, as of the first day of the last month of the promotion cycle (count 15 days or more as 1/2 point; drop periods less than 15 days). Example: The first day of the last month of the promotion cycle (1 Jul 03) minus current DOR (1 Jan 00) equals 3 years 6 months 1 day (inclusive dates considered) equals 42 x .5 = 21 points. (note 1) 25 points. Assign each decoration a point value based on its order of precedence. (note 2) Medal of Honor: 15 Air Force, Navy, or Distinguished Service Cross: 11 Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star: 9 Legion of Merit, Defense Superior Service Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross: 7 Airman, Soldier, Navy-Marine Corps, Coast Guard Bronze Star, Defense/Meritorious Service Medals, Purple Heart: 5 Air, Aerial Achievement, Air Force Commendation, Army Commendation, Navy-Marine Corps Commendation, Joint Services, or Coast Guard Commendation Medal: 3 Navy -Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force, Army, or Joint Service Achievement Medal: 1

135 points. Multiply each EPR rating that closed out within 5 years immediately preceding the PECD, not to exceed 10 reports, by the time-weighted factor for that specific report. The timeweighted factor begins with 50 for the most recent report and decreases in increments of five (5045-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5) for each report on file. Multiply that product by the EPR conversion factor of 27. Repeat this step for each report. After calculating each report, add the total value of each report for a sum. Divide that sum by the sum of the time-weighted factors added together for the promotion performance factor (126.60). (notes 1 and 3) Example: EPR string (most recent to oldest): 5B-4B-5B-5B-5B-4B 5 x 50 = 250 x 27 = 6,750 4 x 45 = 180 x 27 = 4,860 5 x 40 = 200 x 27 = 5,400 28,485 225 = 126.60 5 x 35 = 175 x 27 = 4,725 5 x 30 = 150 x 27 = 4,050 4 x 25 = 100 x 27 = 2,700 ____ ______ 225 28,485 Notes continued on next page 6



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R A B U L E If the factor is then the maximum score is Notes: 1. Cutoff scores after the second decimal place. Do not use the third decimal place to round up or down. 2. The decoration closeout date must be on or before the PECD. The prepared date of the DECOR 6 recommendation for decoration printout must be before the date HQ AFPC made the selections for promotion. Fully document resubmitted decorations (downgraded, lost, etc.) and verify they were placed into official channels before the selection date. 3. Do not count nonevaluated periods of performance, such as break in service, report removed through appeal process, etc., in the computation. For example, compute an EPR string of 4B, XB, 5B, 4B the same as 4B, 5B, 4B EPR string. 15.41.4. SMSgt and CMSgt. Consideration for promotion to the grades of SMSgt and CMSgt is a two-phase process. Airmen compete and are selected for promotion in the superintendent level (for SMSgt) or the CEM code (for CMSgt) of the CAFSC they held as of the PECD. Individuals with a reporting identifier or special duty identifier, designated as their CAFSC on the PECD, will compete within that reporting identifier or special duty identifier. Phase I is similar to the WAPS evaluation, although some promotion factors differ. Phase II consists of a central evaluation board at AFPC using the whole-person concept. These two phases are worth up to 795 points. The Air Force selects senior noncommissioned officers (SNCO) with the highest scores in each AFSC for promotion, within the quota limitations. If more than one SNCO has the same total score at the cutoff point, the Air Force promotes everyone with that score. 15.42. Weighted Airmen Promotion System (WAPS) Testing: 15.42.1. General Responsibilities and Score Notices. Preparing for promotion testing is solely an individual responsibility. WAPS score notices are a means to give Airmen a report of their relative standing in the promotion consideration process and should never be provided to or used by anyone other than the individual and his or her commander. An Airmans scores cannot be disclosed without the Airmans written consent. Commanders support staff, first sergeants, supervisors, etc., are not authorized access to an Airmans WAPS scores. The commander has the sp ecific duty to notify Airmen of promotion selection or nonselection results and may need to review their score notices to determine status. Commanders must restrict their use of the scores to notification and advisory counseling on behalf of the Airman and must not allow further dissemination of scores. Individuals may retrieve a copy of their score notice on the vMPF after the initial promotion selection for the current cycle. 15.42.2. Individual Responsibilities. Personal involvement is critical. As a minimum, all Airmen testing must: Know their promotion eligibility status. Maintain their specialty and military qualifications to retain their eligibility. Use a self-initiated program of individual study and effort to advance their career under WAPS. Obtain all current study references for a particular promotion cycle. Review the annual Enlisted Promotions References and Requirements Catalog (available at to check availability and receipt of correct study references. Be prepared to test the first day of the testing window and throughout the testing cycle. Members who will be unavailable during the entire testing cycle due to a scheduled TDY must be prepared to test prior to TDY departure even if the TDY departure is before the first day of the testing cycle. Airman may opt to test early provided the correct test booklets are available. Ensure they receive at least 60 days of access to study materials prior to testing. (For SMSgt and CMSgt eligibles) Ensure their selection folder at AFPC is accurate and complete.

364 15.42.3. Data Verification Record (DVR).

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The MPS will instruct eligible Airmen to obtain and review his or her DVR on vMPF to verify the data used in the promotion selection process. Each eligible Airman must review the DVR and the master personnel records in the Automated Records Management System (ARMS)/Personnel Records Display Application (PRDA) and report any errors to the MPS. If an error is noted, the Airman must immediately contact his or her MPS for assistance. The MPS will update Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS) with the correct data. Except for updating EPR data, each change will produce an updated promotion brief at AFPC and update the DVR on vMPF. The Airmans receipt of the updated DVR ensures changes were made. Airmen should verify the updated information. Supplemental promotion consideration may not be granted if an error or omission appeared on the DVR and the individual took no corrective or followup action before the promotion selection date for SSgt through MSgt, and before the original evaluation board for SMSgt and CMSgt. Individuals may retrieve a copy of their DVR on vMPF before the initial promotion selection for the current cycle. 15.43. Study Materials: 15.43.1. Enlisted Promotions References and Requirements Catalog (EPRRC). Published in August of each year, the EPRRC lists all enlisted promotion tests authorized for administration and the study references associated with these tests. There are three types of tests discussed in the catalog; promotion fitness examinations (PFE), United States Air Force supervisory examinations (USAFSE), and SKTs. The study reference for the PFEs and USAFSEs is AFPAM 36-2241, Professional Development Guide (PDG), and the study references for SKTs are career development courses (CDC) and/or technical references. For CDCs, the catalog identifies the volume number and publication date only for volumes used to develop the SKT. CDCs used as study references may be different from those issued for upgrade training so it is especially important to check the EPRRC. For technical references, the catalog primarily lists the short title. The EPRRC also contains administrative and special instructions for test control officers. The test cycle number in the subject block on the WAPS test notification is the same cycle number that appears in the SKT Study References section. The EPRRC is available at 15.43.2. Distribution of WAPS CDCs and Non-CDC Study References. The Air Force Career Development Academy (AFCDA) provides each member eligible for promotion a personal set of WAPS CDCs. CDCs are automatically processed through the PDS in July and August each year. A WAPS CDC order notification printout is sent to each individual when CDCs are processed. Eligible members receive an initial set of CDCs during their first year of eligibility and only new or updated material each year thereafter. They must promptly contact their unit WAPS monitor if the WAPS CDCs have been made available within the time indicated on the WAPS CDC order notification. Electronic copies of CDCs for promotion testing purposes are available at Non-CDC study reference materials, such as Air Force instructions or technical orders, should be available on line at Commercial publications, such as medical references, should be available at unit or base level at a ratio of one publication for every five eligibles. Individuals may ask the unit WAPS monitor to order any study reference listed in the catalog that is not available locally. According to AFI 36-2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing System, members are granted 60 days access to all reference material or they may request a delay in testing. 15.44. Promotion Test Development: 15.44.1. Test Writers. The Airman Advancement Division (AAD), Randolph AFB TX, produces all Air Force promotion tests, which are literally written by Airmen for Airmen. Although the tests are developed at AAD, SNCOs from field units go TDY to Randolph AFB to write the test questions. These SNCO subject-matter experts are selected based on their extensive knowledge of, and experience in, their career fields. They provide the technical expertise to write their career fields SKT, while resident psychologists provide the psychometric expertise required to ensure the tests are not only valid, but also as fair as possible to all examinees. All tests are revised annually. 15.44.2. Test-writing Process. AAD personnel work closely with Air Force career field managers to stay abreast of changes affecting career fields which may impact test development. At the beginning of a test development project, the tests under revision are administered to the subject-matter experts. This gives test writers the point of view of the test takers and helps them focus on evaluating how well the test content relates to performance in their specialties. They carefully check the references of each question. Only after this is accomplished do they begin writing new test


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questions. Every question on a test comes from one of the publications appearing on the study reference list published in the EPRRC. The answer to every single question on a particular PFE, USAFSE, or SKT can be found in one of the publications on the study reference list for that test. If a document does not appear on the study reference list, it is not used as a test reference. 15.44.3. SKTs. SKTs measure knowledge important to job performance of SSgts, TSgts, and MSgts in a particular specialty. SNCOs from each career field write tests for their AFS using the specific career field education and training plan, occupational analysis data, and their experiences to tie test content to important tasks performed in the specialty. 15.44.4. PFE and USAFSE. The PFE measures the military and supervisory knowledge required of SSgts, TSgts, and MSgts. The USAFSE evaluates practical military, supervisory, and managerial knowledge required in the top two NCO grades. CMSgts from across the Air Force write these tests using their experience and MKTS survey data to develop relevant tests. 15.45. Promotion Test Administration and Scoring. Promotion tests are administered to all Airmen competing for promotion to the grades of SSgt through CMSgt. To the greatest extent possible, test administration procedures are standardized to ensure fairness for all members competing for promotion. Strict procedures are used for handling, storing, and transmitting test booklets and answer sheets to preclude the possibility of loss or compromise. All promotion tests are electronically scored at AFPC following thorough quality control steps to ensure accurate test results for each member. The test scanning and scoring process contains many safeguards to verify accuracy, including hand-scoring a percentage of answer sheets (pulled randomly), and physically reviewing answer sheets. Because of the difficulty of the tests, some individuals may receive scores they believe do not reflect their study efforts. Likewise, some members may receive the same score as the previous year. Information concerning verification of test scores is contained in AFI 36-2605. 15.46. Air Force Enlisted Promotion Test Compromise. Group study (two or more people) is strictly prohibited. This prohibition protects the integrity of the promotion testing program by ensuring promotion test scores are a reflection of each members individual knowledge. Enlisted personnel who violate these prohibitions are subject to prosecution under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for violating a lawful general regulation. Conviction can result in a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for up to 2 years. Information concerning enlisted promotion test compromise is contained in AFI 36-2605. In addition to group study, specific test compromise situations include, but are not limited to: 15.46.1. Discussing the contents of an SKT, PFE, or USAFSE with anyone other than the test control officer or test examiner. Written inquiries or complaints about a test are processed through the test control officer. 15.46.2. Sharing pretests or lists of test questions recalled from a current or previous SKT, PFE, or USAFSE; personal study materials; underlined or highlighted study reference material; and commercial study guides with other individuals. 15.46.3. Although the Air Force does not recommend or support commercial study guides, they may be used to prepare for promotion testing. Placing commercial study guide software on government computers is prohibited because doing so implies Air Force sanctioning of the guides. Additionally, there are prohibitions against developing commercial study guides. However, Airmen are encouraged to use the Air Force sanctioned exercises available at to complement their self-study for promotion testing. 15.46.4. Creating, storing, or transferring personal study notes on government computers. Government computers may be used to view electronic versions of official study references such as this pamphlet, Air Force instructions, Air Force policy directives, technical orders, etc. Note: Training designed to improve general military knowledge, such as NCO of the quarter or SrA BTZ boards, does not constitute group study as long as the intent of the training is not to study for promotion tests. Likewise, training to improve general study habits or test-taking skills is permissible if the training does not focus on preparing for promotion tests. However, individuals may not collaborate in any way or at any time to prepare for promotion testing.

366 15.47. Supplemental Promotion Actions.

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AFPC conducts in-system promotion consideration as needed after the initial promotion selection and announces supplemental selection board dates for eligible Airmen. Remember, supplemental promotion consideration may not be granted if the error or omission appeared on the DVR, in ARMS/PRDA, or in the senior NCO selection record and the individual did not take the necessary steps to correct it prior to promotion selection or prior to the evaluation board. Fully documented supplemental consideration requests are submitted to the MPS in writing with the recommendation of the individuals unit commander. The MPS forwards the request to AFPC for final approval. 15.48. Occupational Analysis (OA) Program. 15.48.1. According to AFI 36-2623, Occupational Analysis, the AETC/A2/3/10 Occupational Analysis Division surveys incumbents of military and civilian occupational specialties to provide personnel and training decisionmakers with factual and objective job information which enables them to justify and/or change personnel policies and programs, refine and maintain occupational structures, and establish, validate, and adjust testing and training programs. The Occupational analysis process identifies the work performed in the field by surveying 100 percent of eligible career field members. Most enlisted specialties have an occupational analysis conducted on them every 2 to 3 years. 15.48.2. Occupational analysis results directly impact your career because of their use in developing the questions in SKTs and in determining what goes into CFETPs. 15.48.3. When you receive a tasking from the Occupational analysis Division to complete a Web-based survey on the tasks you perform in your job, realize that your dutiful and timely input to the survey is critical to ensuring promotion test content and technical training are directly linked to the duties and tasks your career field performs. Your investment of 1 to 2 hours in the completion of these occupational surveys can reap huge benefits to ensuring the accuracy and timely development of the enlisted workforce. 15.48.4. You can actually view the tasks that your career field is performing. Simply go to, select Enlisted Products, and find your specialtys occupational analysis report to gain valuable insights into the duties and responsibilities of your career field.


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Chapter 15 ends here for those testing to SSgt, TSgt, or MSgt. If testing to SMSgt or CMSgt, continue studying this chapter (Section 15J).

368 Section 15JSNCO Promotion Program 15.49. Individual Responsibility:

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15.49.1. The importance of individual responsibility cannot be overemphasized. Each individual is responsible for ensuring he or she is properly identified as eligible for promotion consideration. (See AFI 36-2502, Table 2.1, for minimum eligibility requirements for promotion.) Those eligible should have the current study reference materials, know when the testing cycle starts, ensure the information in their selection folder at AFPC is accurate and complete, study as needed, and test when scheduled. 15.49.2. Those eligible for promotion to SMSgt and CMSgt should obtain their DVR (Figure 15.3) through vMPF. The DVR displays current career information as of the PECD, some of which is included in the Senior NCO Evaluation Brief (Figure 15.4) reviewed by the evaluation board. 15.49.3. Along with reviewing the DVR, eligibles should review their documents filed in ARMS and PRDA and the SNCO selection folder to ensure data is accurate and appropriate documents are filed. Eligibles should notify their MPS of any errors. A copy of the SNCO selection folder may be obtained from AFPC by email request. 15.50. Promotion Criteria: 15.50.1. Table 15.5 shows how to calculate weighted factors for SMSgt and CMSgt promotions. Table 15.3 shows the minimum eligibility requirements for promotion to SMSgt and CMSgt. 15.50.2. SMSgts being considered for promotion to CMSgt will compete for promotion in the CEM code of the CAFSC they held as of the PECD. MSgts being considered for promotion to SMSgt will compete for promotion in the superintendent level of the CAFSC they held as of the PECD. 15.50.3. The board considers academic education completed on or before the PECD. Up to three academic education levels can be reflected on the SNCO evaluation brief. When the academic education level is updated in the PDS, the promotion file is updated and a new DVR and evaluation brief is produced to reflect the change. If the Community College of the Air Force or any other accredited college requirements were completed before the PECD but the evaluation brief was completed within 10 days of the board convening date, the education services office will update the PDS and notify AFPC by message with an information copy to the individuals MPS. This information is then used to post the senior NCO evaluation brief filed in the SNCO selection folder. Eligible Airmen are responsible for ensuring this data is posted on their DVR and evaluation brief. 15.50.4. The PECD is used to determine content of the selection folder and information on promotion evaluation briefs. The number of EPRs included is limited to those reports closed out 10 years before the PECD (maximum of 15 EPRs). However, only the last 5 years (maximum of 10 EPRs) are used to compute the EPR weighted factor score. Approved decorations, resubmissions, or decorations being upgraded must be submitted and placed into official channels before the selection date. The data shown on the senior NCO evaluation brief includes the members name, social security number, grade, DOR, Air Force specialty information, service dates (to include projected retirement date), academic education level, decorations, duty information, duty history, and PME/CCAF completion. 15.51. Evaluation Board. The evaluation board is very important because it accounts for over half the total score. Understanding how board members are selected, the evaluation board process, and those areas considered by board members can provide valuable insight into what it takes to get promoted. 15.51.1. Selection of Board Members. The number of eligible personnel identified by MAJCOM and AFSCs determines the number and career field backgrounds of the board members. Board members are divided into panels, each consisting of one colonel and two CMSgts. The board president is always a general officer. Before evaluating records, board members are briefed on the task objective, eligible population profile, and selection folder content. Board members are then sworn to complete the boards task without prejudice or partiality. They also participate in an extensive trial -run process to ensure scoring consistency before evaluating any live records. 15.51.2. Areas the Board Considers. The board looks at performance, education, breadth of experience, job responsibility, professional competence, specific achievements, and leadership. In each area, the individual has control over the information the board reviews. Individuals thereforenot board membersare responsible for their own promotions by ensuring the board receives the most current updates.


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Figure 15.3. Sample Senior NCO Promotion DVR.

Enlisted Data Verification Record (DVR) The following data is reflected in your Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) Record. The data reflected is as of the Promotion Eligibility Cutoff Date (PECD) and may not be the same as what is in the Military Personnel Data System (MILPDS). The information reflected on this DVR will be used in the promotion process for the cycle indicated. Review this data in detail, especially your CAFSC, decorations, PME and education data and retain for your personal records. Information reflected is as of Promotion Eligibility Cutoff Date (PECD), except a projected retirement date will continue to be updated until the actual promotion brief is produced (about 30-45 days prior to the board). For the weighted portion of your score, only performance reports for 5 years (max of 10) that closeout on or before the PECD are used. The evaluation board reviews all reports closing out up to 10 years prior to PECD. Any additional reports are listed for your information only. If you have recently retrained or entered a Special Duty Identifier, your CAFSC effective date is the date you departed for training. If you detect any errors or have any questions, contact your customer service center or personnel representative immediately. Your personal involvement is a must its your promotion This is considered an official document and it is your responsibility to verify your promotion information. GENERAL INFORMATION NAME: SMITH, JOHN A. UNIT: DET DPSO AF PERSONNEL CTR FO, RANDOLPH AFB, TX 78150-0000 AS OF: 03 AUG 2013 RANK: SMSG DATE OF RANK: 01 NOV 2011 SSAN: XXX-XX-4321 PROMOTION CYCLE: 13E9






370 Figure 15.4. Senior NCO Evaluation Brief.

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NBR 1 3 4 1





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371 Performance. The evaluation board reviews all EPRs for the 10 years preceding the PECD. The board members consider all aspects of the EPRjob description (key duties, tasks, and responsibilities), individual rating factors, periods of supervision, overall evaluations, levels of endorsements, and each narrative word picture. If the person is a strong performer, the EPRs should convey to the board that he or she has demonstrated the highest qualities required of a leader and manager. Education. Although the Air Force does not require enlisted members to have any education beyond high school, many enlisted members are pursuing postsecondary education. When considering educational opportunities, enlisted members should focus on a degree program that complements their career field and enhances their ability to do their job. When the board evaluates academic education as part of the whole-person assessment, the most important consideration should be the degree to which the education enhances the NCOs potential to serve in the next higher grade. Breadth of Experience. This factor refers to the individuals overall professional background, experience, and knowledge gained during his or her career to the present. Board members consider knowledge and practical experience in areas other than the current AFSC. If the eligible individual remained in one career field, board members consider whether he or she had wide exposure across the career field. Board members also consider potential to fill other types of jobs, as well as supervisory and managerial experience. Job Responsibility. This factor does not refer entirely to the career fields command -level positions, although experience at this level is a consideration. Many base-level jobs demand just as much of an individual as jobs at higher command levels. Consideration is primarily given to what was asked of the individual and how well the individual accomplished the task. Did the job require significant decisions, or was it a job in which the individual routinely carried out the decisions of others? Is the individual a proven, effective manager, responsible for directing the work of others, or is the person responsible only for his or her own performance? Professional Competence. What do rating and endorsing officials say about the individuals expertise? Is it truly outstanding? How much does the individual know about the job, and how well does he or she accomplish it? The Air Force Chief of Staff has emphasized the need for careful selection of individuals for promotion to the top two NCO grades. Therefore, those selected must be the best qualified. They must have sufficient leadership and managerial experience to prepare them for the challenges they, and the Air Force, face. Specific Achievements. These are often recognized in the form of awards and decorations. However, many other significant accomplishments are often addressed in the EPRs narrative comments. Such recognition, either in the form of decorations or narrative comments, can help board members identify the truly outstanding performer. Leadership. Board members use their judgment, expertise, and maturity when reviewing records to assess a SNCOs potential to serve in a higher grade. In particular, board members evaluate leadership potential. How well does he or she manage, lead, and interact with peers and subordinates? What have rating officials said about the persons leadership qualities and potential? What havent they said? 15.52. Evaluation Process: 15.52.1. Trial Run. As previously mentioned, board members are given two selected sets of records to score as a practice exercise before the actual scoring process. Using the whole-person concept, they score the records using secret ballots. This process helps establish a scoring standard they can apply consistently throughout the board process. 15.52.2. Scoring: After the trial run is completed and discussed, panels begin the actual scoring of live records. The same panel evaluates all eligibles competing in a CEM code or AFSC. Each panel member scores each record, using a 6- to 10-point scale and half-point increments. An individuals record may receive a panel composite score (3 members) from a minimum of 18 (6-6-6) to a maximum of 30 (10-10-10) points. The composite score (18 to 30 points) is later multiplied by a factor of 15, resulting in a total board score (270 to 450). Using a secret ballot, panel members score the record individually with no discussion. Records are given to each panel member, and after they are scored, the ballots are given directly to a recorder. This ensures each panel member has scored each record independently. A record scored with a difference of more than 1 point between any of the panel members (for example, 8.5, 8.0, and 7.0) is termed a split vote and is returned to the panel for resolution. At this point, all panel members may discuss the record openly among themselves. This allows them to state why they scored the


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record as they did. Only those panel members directly involved in the split may change their scores. If panel members cannot come to an agreement on the split vote, they give the record to the board president for resolution. This ensures consistency of scoring and eliminates the possibility that one panel member will have a major impact (positive or negative) on an individuals board score. Actual scores will vary between panels; the specific reason why certain panels scored the way they did cannot be determined because this is a subjective decision. However, because a single panel reviews each CEM code or AFSC, all records within a CEM code or AFSC are evaluated under the same standard. Some panels may award high scores, while others may award low ones. Therefore, whether a panel scores easy or hard is not significant. The important part of the final board score is how one eligible compares to his or her peers in the final order of merit. This allows each eligible to see how competitive he or she was. Because each board is completely independent, board members do not know how an individual scored or ranked during the previous cycle. Each board arrives at its own scoring standard. However, as long as everyone competing in a CEM code or AFSC is looked at under the same standard, fair and equitable consideration is ensured. A number of factors affect board scores from year to year new panel members with different thought processes, previous eligible with changed or improved records, and a large pool of new eligibles. As a result, board scores do vary (often significantly) from one board to the next. Board members do not have access to the weighted scores of individuals competing for promotion. Their primary concern is to align all eligible in a relative order of merit, based on their panel score, within their CEM code or AFSC. When board members leave, they do not know who was selected. They only know they have reviewed and scored each record within the standard that evolved from the trial run. 15.52.3. Not Fully Qualified (NFQ) Process: A process associated with enlisted promotion boards often misunderstood is the NFQ process. As previously stated, SNCO Evaluation Board members use the whole-person concept to align eligible SNCOs in a relative order of merit within their CEM code or AFSC based on the quality of each e ligibles SNCO evaluation record. Also, board members are formally charged to ensure individuals are not only best qualified, but also fully qualified to assume the responsibility of the next higher grade. If the board determines an individual is NFQ based on an evaluation of the record, the individual is rendered NFQ for promotion. In this case, AFPC removes the individual from promotion consideration and deactivates his or her promotion record, rendering the individual ineligible for promotion. The parent MAJCOM and MPS are then notified of the boards decision in writing. The parent MAJCOM must immediately notify the individual through the unit commander. The board is not allowed to disclose the exact rationale for its findings. However, factors contributing to the decision can be as general as an overall noncompetitive record when compared to peers or as specific as a demonstrated substandard performance and disciplinary problems. Additionally, the CEM may have a very small number of eligibles and the board has exercised the authority to prevent promotion by default. In any event, the member is ineligible for that cycle. 15.52.4. Post-Board Processing. After the board is finished, the weighted factor scores are combined with the board scores. This completely electronic operation builds an order of merit listing by total score within each CEM code or AFSC, and the overall promotion quota is then applied to each list. After the selection results are approved, the data is transmitted to the MPS. Questions regarding the SMSgt and CMSgt promotion selection process should be directed to the MPS career development element. 15.52.5. Score Notice. All eligible personnel receive a score notice that reports how they compare to their peers in their CEM code or AFSC in the specific promotion cycle. To determine weak areas, individuals can also compare their scores with the promotion statistics available in the MPS and/or posted on the Internet via the vMPF. Personnel can access the vMPF through the AFPC Web site at


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Table 15.5. Calculating Points and Factors for SMSgt and CMSgt Promotions. R U L E 1 2 3 4 A If the factor is USAFSE TIS TIG Decorations/ Awards then the maximum score is 100 points. Base individual score on percentage correct (note 1). 25 points. Credit one-twelfth point for each month of TAFMS, up to 25 years, computed as of the last day of the cycle (note 1). 60 points. Credit one-half point for each month in current grade based on DOR up to 10 years, computed as of the first day of the last month of the cycle (note 1). 25 points. Assign each decoration a point value based on its order of precedence as follows (note 2): Medal of Honor: 15 Air Force, Navy, or Distinguished Service Cross: 11 Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star: 9 Legion of Merit, Defense Superior Service Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross: 7 Airman, Soldier, Navy-Marine Corps, or Coast Guard Bronze Star, Defense/Meritorious Service Medals, Purple Heart: 5 Air, Aerial Achievement, Air Force Commendation, Army Commendation, Navy -Marine Corps Commendation, Joint Services Commendation, or Coast Guard Commendation Medal: 3 Navy - Marine Corps Achievement, Coast Guard Achievement, Air Force Achievement, Army Achievement, or Joint Service Achievement Medal: 1 135 points. Multiply each EPR rating that closed out within 5 years immediately preceding the PECD (not to exceed 10 reports) by the time-weighted factor for that specific report. The time- weighted factor begins with 50 for the most recent report and decreases in increments of 5 (50-45-40-35-30-2520-15-10-5) for each report on file. Multiply that product by the EPR conversion factor of 27. Repeat this step for each report. After calculating each report, add the total value of each report for a sum. Divide that sum by the sum of the time-weighted factors added together for the promotion performance factor; for example, 126.60 (notes 1 and 3). Example: EPR string (most recent to oldest): 5B-4B-5B-5B-5B-4B 5 x 50 = 250 x 27 = 6,750 4 x 45 = 180 x 27 = 4,860 5 x 40 = 200 x 27 = 5,400 28,485 225 = 126.60 5 x 35 = 175 x 27 = 4,725 5 x 30 = 150 x 27 = 4,050 4 x 25 = 100 x 27 = 2,700 ____________________ 225 28,485 Notes: 1. Cut off scores after the second decimal place. Do not use the third decimal place to round up or down. 2. The decoration closeout date must be on or before the PECD. The prepared date of the DECOR 6, Recommendation for Decoration Printout, must be before the date AFPC made the selections for promotion. Fully document resubmitted decorations (downgraded, lost, etc.) and verify they were placed into official channels before the selection date. 3. Do not count nonevaluated periods of performance (break in service, report removed through appeal process, etc.) in the computation. For example, compute an EPR string of 4B, XB, 5B, 4B the same as an EPR string of 4B, 5B, 4B. B


374 15.53. Supplemental Promotion Actions:

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15.53.1. Reviewing the DVR and SNCO selection folder and taking prompt action to correct any errors provides the evaluation board the most accurate career assessment. However, if data errors or omissions occur, supplemental promotion consideration may be granted. Supplemental consideration is not granted if the error or omission appeared on the DVR or in the ARMS/PRDA and appropriate corrective and follow-up action was not taken before the board met. 15.53.2. Table 15.6 provides specific information concerning supplemental consideration. Requests for supplemental consideration are submitted in writing containing the unit commanders recommendation and processed through the MPS. In addition, the MPS can answer questions about the DVR, which may eliminate the need for supplemental consideration. Table 15.6. Reasons for Supplemental Consideration by the SNCO Promotion Evaluation Board. (Note 1) A R U L E 1 2 3 4 5 6 B C then consideration by the supplemental evaluation board is authorized.

If the item is PME (note 2) EPR Academic education


Projected retirement data (individuals who were eligible and considered by original board)

and correction is to add the SNCO or NCO Academy course add, remove, or make a significant change show increased academic level (note 3) correct academic specialty (note 3) change year of completion add a decoration citation (This is not authorized if the citation or order was filed or if the decoration was listed on the brief used by the board.) (note 3) delete a projected retirement that is not valid at the time the board met delete a projected retirement that was valid when the board convened, but was later withdrawn change the projected retirement date render an Airman eligible (as of the PECD) who was erroneously ineligible when the board convened show approved extension of HYT date (and reason is best interest of the Air Force)

not authorized. authorized.

not authorized.

9 10

Any eligibility factor



Projected HYT date (for individuals who were ineligible because of an HYT date and not considered by the original board)

Notes: 1. Do not allow supplemental consideration for Airmen needing more than the maximum board score (450 points) for selection. 2. Give credit if the Airman takes the end-of-course (EOC) examination on or before the PECD and successfully completes the course, even if this EOC examination is not scored until after the PECD. The MilPDS will not change; only the individuals promotion record. Note: Effective cycles 95E9 to 98E9/97E8 to 98E8, PME was masked on the Senior NCO Evaluation Brief and WAPS points were not awarded. 3. Prior to rescoring the record, panel members consider the type of error, degree of impact on the promotion score, and the points needed for selection. Records the panel considers, but chooses not to rescore, are nonselectees.


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Section 15KManpower Management 15.54. Keeping Unit Manpower Documents Current. Work center supervisors should periodically review their Unit Manpower Document (UMD) to ensure it accurately reflects unit requirements. The UMD displays current and projected requirements and can be configured to display desired fields in various formats. Unit commanders and supervisors may request a UMD from the installation manpower and organization section on an as-needed basis. Typically, the unit manpower point of contact serves as the liaison between the unit and manpower and organization section; thus, work center supervisors should coordinate any UMD changes, etc., with their unit manpower POC. 15.55. Funded and Unfunded Requirements and the Enlisted Grades Allocation Program: 15.55.1. The terms manpower requirement and manpower authorization are often misunderstood. A manpower requirement is a statement of manpower needed to accomplish a job, workload, mission, or program. The two types of manpower requirements are: funded and unfunded. Funded manpower requirements are those that have been validated and allocated. Funded manpower requirements are also known as authorizations. Unfunded requirements are validated manpower needs that are deferred because of budgetary constraints. 15.55.2. Some actions not only affect authorization levels but can also impact funded grades. The Enlisted Grades Allocation Program is designed to ensure enlisted grades are equitably allocated to HQ USAF, MAJCOMs, FOAs, and DRUs, and at the same time to ensure constraints are met. A grade imbalance between what is required and what is funded (authorized) can occur as a result of legislative and budgetary constraints on the allocated grades. For example, CMSgts are congressionally constrained to 1 percent of the total enlisted force. 15.55.3. HQ USAF implements congressional and DoD grade constraints by creating grade factors. Two types of factors created and distributed are: (1) overall command grade factors for each enlisted grade, and (2) career progression group factors for each AFSC to the first three digits. Command grade factors ensure authorized grades do not exceed command-ceiling constraints. The career progression group factors ensure equitable allocation of the grades within each AFSC in each command. Both types of factors are applied to the budgeted end-strength. Air Force career field managers can recommend adjustments to AF/A1M. When making adjustments, they must maintain a zero balance of total grades allocated for each command. 15.56. Initiating and Tracking Manpower Changes: 15.56.1. Periodically, a unit may need to change an existing requirement on the UMD. An authorization change request (ACR) is used to request this change. The unit point of contact identifies the requested change and provides detailed justification to the servicing manpower and organization section. The manpower and organization section evaluates the request, enters it into the MPES, and makes a recommendation for approval or disapproval to the MAJCOM. 15.56.2. Many actions necessitate an ACR. Some of the most frequent are AFSC changes, position realignments, redistribution of funding from a funded requirement to an unfunded requirement, and grade conversions. Many factors must be considered when a unit proposes a change. Common considerations include: (1) determining how the change affects the organizational structure, (2) ensuring the manpower realignment does not exceed the requirements allowed by Air Force manpower standards, (3) ensuring the requested change does not cross program elements, and (4) ensuring the requested change does not adversely impact the units ability to deploy or perform its wartime mission. 15.56.3. Changes to the UMD must be processed within resource constraints minus no net increase in resources, grades, etc. For example, if a unit wants to fund a position that is currently unfunded, a funded position must be identified for conversion to unfunded and detailed rationale for the change provided. The servicing Manpower and Organization Section will work closely with the unit POC when developing an ACR. Unit commander approval of ACR actions is required prior to submission of the ACR to the MAJCOM POCs with the exception of actions resulting from a public-private competition or in-sourcing initiative. 15.56.4. Approved changes to the UMD are reflected by an authorization change notice (ACN) generated by the MPES. The ACN provides details of the approved change and the rationale for the change. The manpower and organization section will, in turn, provide a copy of the ACN to the affected unit s point of contact. If the request is disapproved, the MAJCOM provides rationale to the submitting unit through the servicing manpower and organization section.

376 15.57. Manpower and Organization Section.

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The installation manpower and organization section performs a variety of functions to help effectively manage manpower resources. The core competencies of the manpower and organization section encompass organization structure, requirement determination, program allocation and control, and performance management. Personnel within the manpower and organization section provide day-to-day manpower resource management services to include UMD management, assisting with ACRs, ACNs, and organizational structure changes. Manpower and organization section personnel also provide other management services, such as performance management, commercial activity services, Performance Enhancement Capital Investment Program services, Innovative Development through Employee Awareness (IDEA) Program management, and consulting services. Section 15LCommercial Services Management (CSM) 15.58. Purpose. CSM is a program designed to improve functions using a variety of management tools including competitive sourcing (CS), in-sourcing (IS), business process reengineering (BPR), and post-competition accountability. The three principal goals of CSM are to sustain readiness, improve performance and quality by doing business more efficiently and cost effectively, and focus available personnel and resources on core Air Force missions. CSM will not affect militaryessential skills or those functions that are inherently governmental. 15.58.1. Military Essential Skills. Military Essential skills are defined as skills that: Directly contribute to the prosecution of war (combat or direct combat support). Exercise UCMJ authority. By law must be filled with military personnel. Are military by custom or tradition (for example, bands and honor guards). Are needed to support overseas rotations and to sustain certain career fields. Are not available in the private sector. 15.58.2. Inherently Governmental Function. The Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998 defines an inherently governmental function as one that is so intimately related to the public interest as to require performance by federal government employees. Functions may include the determination of budget policy, guidance, and strategy; the determination of the content and application of policies and regulations; the selection of individuals for federal government employment; and obligating money on behalf of the government. For example, warranted contracting officers are inherently governmental because they are responsible for making decisions on behalf of the government. They are the signature authority for committing government funds. The entire contracting staff, however, does not necessarily satisfy the same criteria. Contracting personnel who research and provide information, advice, etc., to the warranted contracting officers do not necessarily have to be government personnel. 15.59. Competitive Sourcing Process. The Office of Management and Budgets Circular (OMBC) A -76, Performance of Commercial Activities, and AFI 38203, Commercial Activities Program, define a structured process for determining whether to perform work in-house or through contract. 15.59.1. Competitive Sourcing Study: A competitive sourcing study is a public-private competition that compares the total cost of the inhouse government operation of an activity to the total cost of a private sector to perform the same activity. The study results determine whether a commercial activity can be done more economically and efficiently by contract or by an in-house workforce. During the competitive sourcing study, the in-house government operation is reengineered into a most efficient organization and submitted in the competition as t he agencys tender which is the governments proposal for how it will perform the work. The process of developing a most efficient organization emphasizes innovation in meeting the requirements laid out in the solicitation for the work being completed. The most efficient organization is allowed latitude in its organization and processes outside of the standard Air Force structure to enable greater efficiency and effectiveness.


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15.59.2. Competitive Sourcing Impact: Air Force policy is to minimize both the adverse effects on personnel and the disruption to the affected organizations. Adversely affected personnel are provided the right of first refusal for contractor jobs, for which they are qualified, in the event the government is unable to place them in other federal positions. Competitive sourcing generates savings by finding more efficient ways to accomplish a particular function. A competitive sourcing study also frees up military personnel to perform other core military essential activities. In a competitive sourcing study, the mission remains essentially unchanged; it is the composition of the workforce that changes. Where blue suiters were initially performing the mission, the resulting service provider will be made up of either civil servants or private sector contract employees. 15.60. In-sourcing: 15.60.1. Origin and Authorization. In-sourcing is the conversion of a contracted function to DoD civilian or military performance, or any combination thereof. Although OMBC A-76 provides a structured process for converting contracts to in-house performance through public-private competition, 10 U.S.C. Section 2463, Guidelines and Procedures for Use of Civilian Employees to Perform Department of Defense Functions, permits DoD components to convert contracts without applying the Circulars requirements. 10 U.S.C. Section 2463 provides for special consideration to using DoD civilian employees to perform any function that is currently performed by a contractor and meets any of the following criteria: Has been performed by Department of Defense civilian employees at any time during the previous 10 years. Is closely associated with the performance of an inherently governmental function. Has been performed pursuant to a contract awarded on a noncompetitive basis. Has been determined by a contracting officer to have been performed poorly during the 5 years preceding the date of such determination, because of excessive costs or inferior quality. Furthermore, in accordance with the Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum, In-sourcing Contracted Services-Implementation Guidance, contracted functions found to be inherently governmental, exempt from contract performance, unauthorized personal services, or experiencing problems associated with contract administration shall be in-sourced regardless of cost. 15.60.2. IS Business Case Analysis (BCA). An IS BCA compares the cost of a contracted function to the cost of DoD civilian employees to perform the same activity. The BCA justifies the decision to in-source when based on cost. Included in the BCA are certifications validating contract cost, in-house manning and grades, and available labor pool. Installations and MAJCOMs develop BCAs, and AFMA validates BCAs as part of the AF IS approval process. Cost models are built using DTM-COMPARE, an AFMA-provided tool that incorporates guidance and factors described under the current National Defense Authorization Act and OSDs directive-type memorandum (DTM) 09-007, Estimating and Comparing the Full Costs of Civilian and Military Manpower and Contract Support. If new or expanded requirements or functions performed under contract are determined to be inherently governmental or exempt from private sector performance for reasons stated in DoDI 1100.22, Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix, the functions shall be converted to government performance without an economic analysis. In all other cases a cost comparison is required and serves as the key component of the BCA. 15.61. Business Process Reengineering (BPR): 15.61.1. BPR Blended Approach. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) applies a blended approach of management engineering methods and Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21) process improvement techniques to work centers to determine the most efficient allocation of resources to satisfy the workload requirement. BPR affects organizations at all levels from the unit commander to the Air Force functional manager. More broadly, the Air Force as a whole benefits from freeing resources from inefficient or unnecessary processes. Such resources can be reallocated to address under-sourced critical missions.

378 15.61.2. BPR Rapid Improvement Event (RIE).

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The RIE is a short-term, high intensity effort to address a specific work center problem. The duration is typically a week though the preparation normally begins several weeks beforehand with follow-up continuing thereafter. An RIE is also called by other names, including rapid improvement workshop, Kaizen event, Kaizen blitz, and accelerated improvement workshop. Some tools facilitators use during an RIE include root cause analysis, flowcharts, affinity diagrams, brainstorming, nominal group technique, and Gantt charts. The RIE is one of many management engineering methods and AFSO21 process improvement techniques used to support BPR. BPRs are effective in improving operations for functions that are not candidates for competitive sourcing studies. 15.62. Post Competition Accountability. Post competition accountability uses a three-piece blended approach to ensure government organizations provide proper oversight and management of in-house most efficient organizations: onsite management controls through a quality assurance surveillance program; tracking execution of public-private competitions and high performing organizations through the DoD Commercial Activities Management Information System (DCAMIS), which monitors cost and performance of resulting service provider through final performance period; and through higher headquarters staff assistance visits. 15.63. Responsibilities. AF/A1M is responsible for implementing the Air Force CSM program. Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) develops and maintains tools, templates, and guidebooks to enable the field to execute the program, administers the inherently governmental/commercial activities inventory, monitors post competition accountability, and provides field support on CSM initiatives. MAJCOM A1M is the manpower function responsible for providing CSM oversight at command levels and providing guidance to manpower and organization sections for implementation of the CSM program at the respective wings. Section 15MCivilian Personnel Management and Programs 15.64. Civilian Personnel Services. The Air Force provides most civilian personnel services from two sources: installation civilian personnel sections (CPS), usually located in the FSS, and AFPC. Interim civilian personnel centers in Air Force Materiel Command, U.S. Air Forces in Europe, and the 11th Wing will transition to the CPS-AFPC model in the next few years. 15.65. Civilian Resource Management: 15.65.1. While military pay is centrally managed by HQ USAF, civilian pay is a budget line item at MAJCOM, FOA, and installation level, as well as at HQ USAF. The availability of performance payout and numbers of authorized civilian positions comprise the base line for civilian employment levels. Funds are also needed for civilian overtime; performance awards; retention, recruitment, and relocation bonuses; seasonal and longer-term overhires; and voluntary separation incentive payments to minimize involuntary reduction-in-force (RIF) separations. 15.65.2. Civilian resource management is a team effort. Commanders and senior leaders depend on human resource officers, financial managers, and manpower officers to recommend effective use of employees, funds, and manpower authorizations to meet mission requirements. AFPC has a subsystem on its Web site called Personnel Management Information Support System (PERMISS), designed specifically for supervisors. MAJCOMs and installations use a board structure, meeting at least quarterly, to manage annual appropriations, revolving funds, or reimbursements used for civilian employment costs. 15.65.3. When funds are available, civilian overhire positions can be established to handle peak workloads, military manning shortfalls, and contractor defaults or other short-notice requirements that cannot be met through normal manpower requirements or personnel assignment processes. Most overhire positions are filled using temporary appointments (not to exceed 1 year). If the workload continues beyond a year, term appointments of up to 6 years may be used. Permanent appointments to overhire positions are unusual, although a permanent employee may be placed in an overhire position in a RIF. 15.66. Job Descriptions: 15.66.1. Civilian employees, except those above grade General Schedule (GS)-15 do not have a rank. Instead, they take the grade of the position they occupy. Since the position is graded, not the employee, detailed written job descriptions are the basis for determining pay, qualification requirements, performance expectations, and appraisal ratings.


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15.66.2. Position descriptions historically have covered duties, responsibilities, and supervisory controls. The Air Force has expanded the scope of core personnel documents (CPD) to include performance standards, qualifications required for recruitment, and training requirements for a new employee in the position. 15.66.3. Supervisors are responsible for CPD accuracy, and for implementing standard core personnel documents (SCPD) from a growing library of these documents. AFPC/DPIC (formally AFMA/MAH) coordinates SCPD content with appropriate HQ USAF functional representatives before issuing new SCPDs. Supervisors who select SCPDs save the time required to write a new document and the time a position classification specialist would need to determine the correct pay plan or schedule, occupation series or code, and grade. SCPDs can also be used as templates for a unique CPD that requires a new classification analysis. 15.66.4. Air Force CPSs with relatively large numbers of serviced civilian personnel retain position classification authority and responsibilities until they transition to AFPC/DPIC. AFPC/DPCI performs classification support for installations with smaller civilian employee populations. From either source, supervisors can seek assistance in developing CPDs or selecting or modifying SCPDs. 15.67. Filling Jobs: 15.67.1. Vacant civilian positions are filled using a variety of recruitment sources consistent with the priorities established and subject to the requirements of other pertinent Office of Personnel Management (OPM), DoD, and Air Force procedures. Employees with mandatory selection or priority referral rights normally include those adversely affected by RIF through downgrade or separation. These priorities may also include transfer of function declinations, overseas returnees, RIF reclassification, civilian spouses, or spouses of Regular Air Force military following a change in duty location. As a result, supervisors are not always able to select from a list of applicants. Supervisors may consult with a staffing specialist in the CPS or AFPC to determine appropriate recruitment sources. A vacancy for competitive fill actions is announced, candidates are screened by AFPC, and one or more lists of candidates are referred to the supervisor. 15.67.2. Civilians with qualifying experience and/or education can enter civil service at different pay grade levels. The competitive staffing process used by the Air Force and other Federal agencies attempts to determine the relative qualifications of the candidates and refers only the best qualified for selection. Directly related experience and college education are the primary indicators of qualifications in most GS or equivalent pay schedules (white collar) occupations. Technical schools and craft certifications add to work experience for ranking the quality of employees or applicants in Federal Wage System (FWS) crafts and trades. 15.67.3. Competitive placements require collaboration between supervisors and staffing specialists at the CPS or AFPC. Staffing specialists advise supervisors regarding recruitment sources. Supervisors have the option of choosing internal, external, or both recruitment sources. Internal recruitment includes current permanent DoD employees. External recruitment may include such options as all U.S. citizens, transfers from other non-DOD agencies, reinstatement of former career and/or career-conditional employees, and various veterans preference applicants. 15.67.4. Once established priority requirements are cleared, the vacancy is announced for competitive actions. The supervisor is issued a candidate referral list of qualified candidate names. Once the supervisor receives the candidate referral list, he or she may confer with the CPS for interview procedures. If an interview is used as part of the selection process, the supervisor arranges the interview. Should the selecting official choose to interview, questions must be approved by the CPS prior to use. All candidates should be asked the same questions, and the interview periods should be of relatively equal length. Some interview requirements may be defined by a locally negotiated agreement with the representative union. 15.67.5. Centrally managed career programs cover most vacancies in grades GS-12 through GS-15. Senior functional managers set career development and placement policies for employees in career program covered positions. These positions are subject to the same recruitment processes as noncentrally managed positions. 15.68. Training and Development. Air Force policy provides for necessary training to improve skills needed in employee performance. Supervisors are responsible for determining training requirements and working with the CPS or education and training function to identify appropriate training sources. Organizational funds must often be used to support training needs; however, civilian training funds are often also available.

380 15.68.1. Identifying Training Requirements:

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AFPAM36-2241 A training-needs survey is conducted annually and provides an opportunity for the supervisor to project training requirements for the upcoming fiscal year. Due to unforecasted mission requirements, however, supervisors may request an out-of-cycle training need at any time during the year. Although first-line supervisors are the key individuals in determining development needs, they may need additional guidance from higher-level management, other supervisors, or the employees themselves. The servicing employee development specialist is available to assist in training needs analysis and identification of methods and training sources. Not all training and developmental needs can or should be met through Air Force sponsorship. Employees are responsible for independently pursuing training and education that will prepare them for promotion or develop them for career transitions. Such self-development activity is employee initiated and accomplished during off-duty hours. Supervisors should encourage civilian employees to participate in selfdevelopment activities, when appropriate. Civilian tuition assistance is available in some MAJCOMs and FOAs. 15.68.2. Training Sources: Primary Training Sources. Once training needs are identified, the next step is to determine training sources. The three primary sources of training are agency (Air Force), interagency, and nongovernment. Training away from the work site is requested, approved, and documented using SF 182, Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training. Agency Training. Agency training is conducted by the employer (Air Force) and may include onthe-job training (OJT), in-house training, and Air Force formal schools. OJT and in-house training are often the most effective because the supervisor tailors the training to meet the specific job requirements. OJT usually is as casual as giving a few pointers to a new worker or as formal as a fully structured training program with timetables and specified subjects. Therefore, OJT can include directing employees to appropriate publications for self-study. Some functional activities also use in-house training. This type of training is very effective when a large number of employees need instruction on common aspects of occupational skill requirements. Air Force Formal Schools. More formalized agency classroom training is available through Air Force formal schools listed in the Web-based Education and Training Course Announcements (ETCA) located at Career field management programs plan for and sponsor developmental assignments, tuition assistance, formal training, and education to develop current and future managers. Leadership and management developmental opportunities, including intermediate service school and senior service school, are available to eligible high-potential civilian employees. Information is available at Interagency Training. This training may be needed if agency sources are not adequate to meet identified training needs. Interagency training includes all training sponsored by other U.S. government agencies. OPM, the U.S. Departments of Army and Navy, and the U.S. Departments of Labor and Agriculture are just a few sources from which to obtain training. Nongovernmental Training. Federal regulations require agencies to consider and select government training sources before turning to nongovernment alternatives. However, nongovernment sources may be considered when agency or interagency courses cannot satisfy the training need or when nongovernment training is more advantageous. Nongovernment sources incorporate a wide range of seminars, conferences, courses, and workshops, as well as curricula offered by private educational institutions. 15.69. Performance, Conduct, and Discipline: 15.69.1. Performance Planning, Appraisals, and Awards for Employees. The employee is advised of the duties and responsibilities of the job a nd the supervisors performance expectations in their CPD. Employees receive annual appraisals on how well they perform their duties. Supervisors may reward employees for performing their duties well. A performance award is a management option to recognize high performance. Supervisors set the performance elements (duties and tasks) for the civilian employees they supervise. In developing an employees performance elements, supervisors determine the major and important requirements of the employees job based on the employees direct contribution to organization or work unit objectives.


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381 Performance standards prescribe how a particular element or duty must be accomplished. Set by supervisors, the standards must reflect levels necessary for acceptable performance. When possible, supervisors should identify observable behaviors that lead to success on the job. Note: Elements and standards are documented in writing on AF Form 860, Civilian Performance Plan, if a CPD is not used. The performance appraisal is the basis for personnel actions to identify and correct work performance problems, recognize and reward quality performance, improve productivity, and grant periodic pay increases. Supervisors review the employees perfor mance of each element and rate the performance against each elements standards and then render an overall summary rating. AFI 36 -1001, Managing the Civilian Performance Program, provides guidance for evaluating civilian employee performance for GS and FWS employees. Performance awards (performance cash award, time-off award, and quality step increase) can be used as tools to motivate GS and FWS employees to perform above an acceptable level as well as compensate them for performing beyond expectations. Effective management of the performance awards program can help improve productivity and morale in the organization. Employees cannot grieve management decisions regarding performance awards. Poor performance must be corrected. Employees who fail one or more performance elements are administered an unacceptable appraisal and will have an opportunity to improve. Causes for poor performance are identified (medical conditions, training deficiencies, etc.). However, if performance does not improve to a satisfactory level, the employee may be removed from the position. Placement in another position at the same or lower grade is possible. Separation from civilian employment is also possible. 15.69.2. Personal Conduct: Standards of Conduct. AFI 36-703, Civilian Conduct and Responsibility, and the DoD 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation, cover activities that are mandatory for civilian employees and activities that are prohibited. Employees are required to comply with standards of conduct in all official matters. Employees are expected to maintain high standards of honesty, responsibility, and accountability and to adhere to the Air Force core values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do . Required Activities. Among required activities are: furnishing testimony in official investigations and hearings consistent with protections against self-incrimination; paying lawful debts and taxes; being present for work unless authorized to be absent; complying with health, safety, and all other proper instructions regarding work; presenting a positive public image and complying with reasonable dress and grooming standards; and maintaining professional relationships with fellow workers, subordinates, and supervisors. Prohibited Actions. Prohibited actions follow the guidance in federal laws and government-wide regulations, as well as DoD and Air Force instructions. Discrimination and sexual harassment, drug and alcohol abuse, misuse of government purchase cards, misuse of government computers, vehicles and other equipment, taking bribes, conducting personal business at work, and criminal behavior off-duty that reflect adversely on Air Force employment are among the prohibited activities. The Air Force does not attempt to list all possible forms of improper conduct but warns employees that misconduct will not be tolerated. 15.69.3. Discipline: Disciplinary action is taken to correct employee misconduct or performance when the employee can control the essentials of the performance problems and has the skills, knowledge, and capacity to perform well but is unwilling to do so. Guidance is in AFI 36-704, Discipline and Adverse Actions. The Air Force goal in the area of civilian discipline is to maintain a constructive work environment. If a disciplinary or adverse action must be taken against a civilian employee, it must be done without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other factors (such as marital status or politics). Actions based on an employees inability to perform because of a physical or mental disability should only be taken when the employees disability cannot be reasonably accommodated. The employee must receive advance notice of impending actions. Disciplinary or adverse actions must be prompt and equitable and comply with the intent and letter of all governing requirements, and respect must be given to the private nature of the actions. Proper administration of discipline is a chief concern of labor organizations representing Air Force employees. Procedures governing disciplinary and adverse actions are common features of most Air Force labor-management agreements. Moreover, a basic tenet of federal labor relations law states that an employee


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who is a member of a bargaining unit has a right to union representation, upon the employees request, during an investigatory interview where the employee reasonably believes disciplinary action may result from the interview. Oral admonishment, the least severe disciplinary action, is often adequate to improve work habits or correct behavior. For significant misconduct or repeated infractions, a written reprimand may be an appropriate penalty. Written reprimands are recorded in the employee personnel record for a specified period, as directed by AFI 36-704, or an applicable negotiated labor-management contract. Suspension is a disciplinary action that may be imposed for more serious infractions when the situation indicates that a lesser penalty is not adequate. A suspension is a particularly severe disciplinary action that places the employee in a nonpay and nonduty status, usually for a specific length of time. Employees accused of serious crime may be suspended indefinitely until criminal justice is complete. For employees who have received oral admonishments, written reprimands, or suspensions and whose behavior continues to be inappropriate, or for such a onetime egregious event of misconduct, removal may occur. Like all other disciplinary actions, the supervisor must ensure it is warranted and well documented. Reprimands, suspensions, and removals must be coordinated with the CPS and the staff judge advocate (SJA) so a procedural violation or an administrative oversight does not jeopardize a valid disciplinary action. 15.70. Working Conditions: 15.70.1. Pay: Civilian employees are paid every 2 weeks. GS employee pay is expressed as an annual salary. High cost areas have higher GS pay rates. All GS pay rates in the United States include locality pay. GS pay rates overseas do not include locality pay and are approximately 10 percent lower than U.S. rates. GS pay scales normally increase in January through the legislative process. The FWS consists of wage grade (WG), wage leader (WL), and wage supervisor (WS). The FWS pay is expressed as hourly wage rates. FWS rates vary more between local areas than GS. FWS rates may also be increased annually but on an area-by-area basis throughout the year. Both GS and FWS have steps in each grade. Employees progress through the steps via longevity. The GS grades have 10 steps. Within grade or step increases start at 1-year intervals, but slow to 3-year intervals in the higher steps. FWS grades have five steps. FWS within grade increases start at 6-month intervals and slow to 2-year intervals. Pay for overtime is at time-and-a-half or 1.5 times base pay. Overtime pay for GS employees is capped at 1.5 times the GS-10, step 1, pay rate; for employees with rates of basic pay greater than the basic pay for GS-10, step 1, the overtime hourly rate is the greater of either the hourly rate of basic pay for GS-10, step 1, multiplied by 1.5, or the employees hourly rate of ba sic pay. Instead of overtime pay, an employee may receive compensatory time off for each hour of overtime worked. Work at night, on Sunday, and on a federal holiday earns extra pay. 15.70.2. Work Hours: Civilian work hours are more precisely defined and less flexible than those of Regular Air Force military personnel. Civilian work schedules are defined in such terms as administrative workweek, basic workweek, regular tour of duty, uncommon tour of duty, and part-time tour of duty. Most civilians work a regular tour of duty. Normally, this is five 8-hour days, Monday through Friday. Uncommon tours of duty (a 40-hour basic workweek that includes Saturday and/or Sunday or fewer than 5 days, but not more than 6 days of a 7-day administrative workweek) are authorized when necessary for mission accomplishment. Special circumstances permit part-time, intermittent, or special tours of duty. Installation and tenant commanders establish, by written order, daily work hours to include designated rest and lunch periods. Two types of alternate work schedules can be implemented by organization commanders. Flexible work schedules allow employees to start and end work at different times. Compressed work schedules cover 80 hours in a pay period in fewer than 10 workdays. The most common schedule has four 9-hour days each week, an 8-hour day in 1 week, and a regular day off in the other week. AFI 36-807, Weekly and Daily Scheduling of Work and Holiday Observances, covers work scheduling.


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15.70.3. Absence and Leave: Civilian employees earn 13 days of sick leave each year and 13, 20, or 26 days of annual leave, depending on their length of service. Annual leave accumulation is capped at 30 days for most GS and FWS employees. Employees working overseas can accumulate 45 days. There is no cap on sick leave accumulation. Annual leave is used for vacations and/or personal reasons and should be approved in advance of being taken, unless emergency conditions exist. Leave is charged and taken in 15-minute increments. Sick leave for medical appointments or care for a family member should be scheduled and approved in advance except in cases of emergency. Illness or injury that keeps an employee away from work should be reported to a supervisor during the first two hours of the duty day. Absence for jury duty, dismissals for extreme weather conditions, or absences excused by the installation commander are not charged to annual leave. Employees who have earned compensatory time for overtime or time-off awards should schedule absences to use that time like they schedule annual leave. Absence and leave are covered in AFI 36-815, Absence and Leave. 15.71. Unions in the Air Force: 15.71.1. Approximately 70 percent of Air Force civilian employees are covered by labor agreements between unions and installations or MAJCOMs. As such, they are members of the bargaining unit, even if they are not dues-paying union members. Unions have legal status under federal law. Guidance is included in AFI 36-701, Labor Management Relations. 15.71.2. A labor relations officer or specialist in the CPS is the usual liaison between supervisors and other management officials and union officials. The job can be full-time or part of a larger assignment. The labor relations officer speaks for management in routine communications with the union and with parties outside the Air Force who have roles in labor contract negotiations and dispute resolution. 15.71.3. A variety of union officials may act for, and make commitments for, unions. These include elected officers such as the president, vice president, and treasurer; and appointed officials such as stewards and union delegates to special meetings or projects. As part of a democratic organization, the union official may be required to present issues to a committee, such as a bargaining committee for approval. At other times, the official may have been delegated authority to make commitments. One of the duties of union officials is to raise employee concerns in the early stages of policy formulation and to resolve employee complaints. Managers should strive to work with union officials, particularly where grievances have been filed, in a professional, nondefensive manner. 15.71.4. Management and union representatives negotiate collective bargaining agreements (contracts) covering grievance procedures, use of official time for union matters, use of Air Force resources by unions such as office space, telephone, and computers, and other local or MAJCOM-wide items of interest impacting the working conditions of bargaining unit employees. These contracts bind both sides with agreements subject to interpretation by third parties outside DoD and Air Force; for example, the Federal Labor Relations Authority and/or arbitrators. Contracts do not cover pay, benefits, or other matters governed by Federal laws and government-wide regulations. However, revised Air Force instructions that differ from provisions in a contract may need to be negotiated. In recent years, civilian performance appraisal changes were not implemented at some installations until conclusion of lengthy negotiations between management and unions. 15.72. Dispute Resolution: 15.72.1. Civilian employees have a variety of avenues to resolve disputes. Labor-management contracts must include a negotiated grievance procedure that must be used by members of the bargaining unit. Most start with an option to seek resolution using outside neutral facilitators or mediators (alternative dispute resolution). Formal grievances follow two or more steps before one side decides to refer the dispute to a paid, outside arbitrator. Costs are usually shared equally by the union and management, so union decisions to pursue arbitration are not routine. Subject to challenge on points of law or contract terms, arbitrators decisions are final. 15.72.2. Supervisors, managers, and employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, or who are not members of the bargaining unit follow different grievance procedures. AFI 36-1203, Administrative Grievance System, covers the administrative grievance process. Administrative grievances are decided by Air Force officials, usually the installation commander or designee, although outside fact finders may be used at managements option. 15.72.3. A number of personnel decisions, for example, nonselection for promotion and performance recognition, are excluded from administrative grievances and most negotiated grievance procedures. Appeals of adverse actions covered by legal appeal rights are also excluded from the administrative grievance system. The Merit System


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Protection Board (MSPB) hears appeals of suspensions without pay of more than 14 days, demotions (change to lower grade), and removals. Disputes pursued as grievances cannot be duplicated as EEO complaints and vice versa. Appeals of adverse actions that include allegations of discrimination may be reviewed by both MSPB and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 15.72.4. A different route is taken to resolve union/management disputes concerning the statutory rights of either party. The Federal Labor Relations Authority investigates charges of unfair labor practice brought by either union or management. The union files most unfair labor practice charges when managers or supervisors are accused of changing working conditions or calling formal meetings without proper notice to the union. If found guilty, management may be required to revert back to the previous working condition, and the organization commander, including a wing commander, can be required to post an admission of managements wrong doing on official base bulletin boards. 15.73. Conclusion: 15.73.1. The Air Force mission requires military members to be prepared for service at all times. Force support organizations ensure Airmens families are cared for, pay and entitlements are properly addressed, an d their individual rights are secure. This chapter included information on manpower management, enlisted assignments, family care, reenlistment and retraining opportunities, benefits and services, personnel records and individual rights, the awards and decorations program, and the Airman Promotion system. 15.73.2. This chapter continued with the SNCO promotion program, manpower management, identifying how manpower requirements are quantified and how supervisors initiate changes, and using competitive sourcing to maximize cost-effectiveness, efficiency and enhance mission capability by taking advantage of services available through the private commercial sector. This chapter also introduced civilian personnel management, covering such areas as job descriptions, filling positions, training, performance, conduct, and discipline; and working conditions, EEO working conditions, and unions. SNCOs require a basic understanding of the subject areas to effectively lead.


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Section 16AOverview 16.1. Introduction. Wing support is comprised of ever-growing self-service technology, as well as men and women who ensure Airmen are ready for mission accomplishment. Programs include, but are not limited to, the Air Force Portal, military pay and allowances, leave management, LeaveWeb, military equal opportunity (EO), legal services, ground safety, risk management (RM), and procedures for prevention of and response to sexual assault. These available services help enable Airmen to focus on the mission versus personal issues. Section 16BAir Force Portal 16.2. Air Force Portal Simplifies Access: 16.2.1. In 2000, the U.S. Air Force launched the Air Force Portal to simplify access to information. The mission of the Air Force Portal is to provide ready access to the latest Air Force information, services, and combat support applications. Since it was first introduced, the Air Force Portal has changed the way we do business. Everyday this technology helps us connect, collaborate, and perform our duties in service to our nation. Access is available anytime, anywhere, from any Internet-connected computer whether at home, at the office, or deployed with a valid Department of Defense (DoD) public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate, such as a common access card (CAC). 16.2.2. The Air Force Portal provides a single point of entry to Web-based information, self-service applications, collaboration tools, and combat support systems, many without requiring a separate user identification and password. Users have access to key applications like total force awareness training, myPay, Air Force virtual education center, Air Force fitness management system, virtual military personnel flight (vMPF), LeaveWeb, Training Business Area, Enterprise-Solution-Supply and many more. On the library page, you can access online periodicals, do research, and find valuable education and training materials. The Portal is the entry point to the Global Combat Support System Air Force (GCSS-AF). The goal of GCSS-AF is to provide timely, accurate, and trusted combat support information to joint and Air Force commanders at all echelons. 16.2.3. Tremendous growth continues, with the number of registered Air Force and DoD users now over 825,000, with over 400,000 average logins per week, and serving millions of web pages per day. Its all thereinformation, collaboration, and applicationsso you can do your job, manage your career, and live your life in the Air Force. Section 16CMilitary Pay, Allowances, and Entitlements 16.3. Military Pay and Allowances. DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Military Pay Policy and ProceduresActive Duty and Reserve Pay, The Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR), and Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 65-116, Volume 1, Defense Joint Military Pay System Active Component (DJMS-AC) FSO Procedures, contain guidance on pay and allowances and related entitlements. 16.3.1. Military (Basic) Pay: Basic pay is the fundamental component of military pay. Typically, it is the largest component of a members pay. Every member is entitled to basic pay while on active duty, with some exceptions such as: during periods of unauthorized absence, excess leave, or after an enlistment expires. Annual military pay raises are linked to increases in private sector wages, as measured by the employment cost index. The annual military pay raise was capped at one-half percent below private-sector growth unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. Pay raises beginning in 2007 are to be equal to the increase in the employment cost index. Pay raises may exceed these automatic levels if authorized and funded by Congress. Grade and length of military service determine the actual rate of basic pay. Military pay date is important because it determines the length of service for pay purposes. In general, the pay date should be the same date the individual entered on active duty if he or she had no prior service before entering the Air Force. However, if the individual previously served in certain governmental agencies or enlisted under the Delayed Enlistment Program before 1 January 1985, the Air Force adjusts the pay date to reflect credit for these periods. Periods of absence without leave (AWOL), desertion, and sickness or injury due to personal misconduct will result in negative pay date adjustments.

386 16.3.2. Leave and Earnings Statement (LES).

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Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Form 702, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Leave and Earnings Statement, is a comprehensive statement of a members entitlement s, deductions, allotments, leave information, tax-withholding information, and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) information. Verify and keep your leave and earnings statement (LES) each month. If your pay varies significantly and you dont understand why or if you have any questions, consult your finance office. The LES is available electronically, and members can use the myPay system to view the LES as well as to initiate changes to selected items affecting their pay. 16.4. Military Allowances and Entitlements. Allowances are monies provided for specific needs such as food or housing. Monetary allowances are provided when the government does not provide for that specific need. For example, the quantity of government housing is not sufficient to house all military members and their families. Those who live in government housing do not receive full housing allowances. Those who do not live in government housing receive allowances to assist with the cost of obtaining commercial housing. The most common allowances are basic allowance for subsistence (BAS) and basic allowance for housing (BAH). Most members receive both of these allowances, and in many cases, these allowances comprise a significant portion of the members total pay. Other than continental United States (CONUS) cost-of-living allowance (COLA), allowances are not taxable, which is an additional embedded benefit of military pay. 16.4.1. Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS). BAS is a nontaxable allowance used to offset the cost of the service members meals . Most junior grade enlisted members assigned to single-type government quarters at their permanent duty station (PDS) are required to eat in the government dining facilities, receive BAS, and are charged the discounted meal rate which is deducted from their pay. When certified by the commanding officer or designee, members are allowed to claim reimbursement for missed meals. 16.4.2. Housing Allowances. Housing allowances are based on members grade, dependency status, and location. The location determines whether the allowance is BAH or overseas housing allowance (OHA). In some cases, members who are not able to take their families to the PDS are eligible for payment of family separation housing (FSH) allowance in addition to BAH or OHA. Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). The intent of BAH is to provide uniformed service members accurate and equitable housing compensation based on housing costs in local civilian housing markets. It is payable when government quarters are not provided. Many Air Force installations have privatized their quarters, meaning that private contractors have taken over much of the previously Air Force-owned-andoperated family housing. Members in these privatized quarters are entitled to BAH, and the rental agreement requires a rent amount equal to the BAH entitlement paid via allotment. However, some privatized housing contractors are now accepting less than full BAH as rent in order to eliminate vacant housing. Members without dependents residing in government single-type quarters are entitled to partial BAH unless the quarters (including government-leased quarters) exceed the minimum standards of single quarters for their grade. Members living in single-type government quarters who pay court-ordered child support may qualify for basic allowance for housing differential (BAH-DIFF). The LES displays the BAH rate below the heading ENTITLEMENTS, listed as BAH. The PAY DATA portion of the LES shows the BAH type and BAH dependents, as well as other housing-related data. Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA). OHA is a cost reimbursement-based allowance to help defray housing costs incident to assignments to a PDS outside the United States. Members are reimbursed actual rental costs not to exceed the maximum OHA rate for each locality, grade, and dependency status. There are two types of allowances paid under OHA: Move-in housing allowance (MIHA) and monthly OHA including a utility/recurring maintenance allowance. The location MIHA (for those who qualify) is based on the average move-in costs for members. The monthly OHA is the rent, up to the rental allowance at a PDS, plus the utility/recurring maintenance allowance. Family Separation Housing (FSH). The purpose of FSH is to pay a member for added housing expenses resulting from enforced separation from dependents. There are two types of FSH: FSH-BAH (FSH-B) and FSH-OHA (FSH-O). FSH-B is payable in a monthly amount equal to the without-dependent BAH rate applicable to the members grade and PDS. FSH-O is payable in a monthly amount up to the without-dependent OHA rate applicable to the members grade and PDS. For additional guidance, consult the Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR) at


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16.4.3. Clothing Replacement Allowance (CRA). Enlisted military members receive an annual allowance to help maintain, repair, and replace initial issue uniform items as it becomes necessary. There are two types of CRA: CRA Basic, a preliminary replacement allowance paid annually between the 6th and 36th month of active duty; and CRA Standard, an allowance that automatically replaces CRA Basic after 36 months of active duty. Entitlement to either allowance depends on the individuals entered on active duty date in his or her master military pay account. This allowance is paid on or near the anniversary date of active duty and appears on the LES opposite CLOTHING under the ENTITLEMENTS heading. 16.4.4. Family Separation Allowance (FSA). FSA is a type of allowance payable to members in addition to any other allowance or per diem to which a member may be entitled. FSA has three different categories: FSA-R, FSA-S, and FSA-T. A member may not receive more than one payment of FSA for the same period, even though qualified for FSA-R (restricted) and FSA-S (serving on ships) or FSA-T (temporary). The purpose of FSA is to compensate qualified members for added expenses incurred because of an enforced family separation. Members are eligible for FSA-R if transportation of dependents, including dependents acquired after effective date of orders, is not authorized at government expense, and the dependents do not live in the vicinity of the members PDS. FSA -S applies to members serving on ships away from the homeport continuously for more than 30 days. A member is eligible for FSA-T if the member is on temporary duty (TDY) away from the permanent station continuously for more than 30 days, and the members dependents are not residing at or near the TDY station. This includes members required to perform a period of the TDY before reporting to their initial station of assignment. 16.4.5. Station Allowances outside the United States. The aim of overseas station allowances is to help defray the higher than normal cost of living or cost in procuring housing in overseas areas. Allowances the DoD authorizes only at certain overseas locations include temporary lodging allowance and cost-of-living allowance. Members receive information regarding their specific entitlements during in-processing at the new location. Members may also receive information from their local finance office upon notification of a pending overseas assignment. 16.4.6. CONUS Cost-of-Living Allowance. CONUS COLA is payable to members assigned to designated high cost areas within the CONUS. For additional information, see JFTR, chapter 8. 16.5. Special and Incentive Pay. A number of special and incentive pays recognize certain aspects of duty, including, but not limited to hazardous duty incentive pay, imminent danger pay, special duty assignment pay, enlisted flying duty incentive pay, and hardship duty pay location. Also included are enlistment and reenlistment bonuses. 16.6. Deductions. The two general categories of payroll deductions are involuntary and voluntary deductions. 16.6.1. Involuntary Deductions: Withholding Income Tax: DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Chapter 44, outlines specific taxable and nontaxable items. All pay is considered income for federal and state income tax purposes (for example, basic pay, incentive pay, special pay, lump-sum payment of accrued leave, and separation pay). Allowances considered nontaxable on 9 September 1986 remain nontaxable. For example, BAS remains nontaxable and CONUS COLA is taxable. The LES reflects the current month and year-to-date income for social security, federal income tax, and state income tax purposes under the headings FICA TAXES, FED TAXES, and STATE TAXES in the middle of the form. Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) is responsible for ensuring the LES provides the necessary pay and entitlement information. Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Taxes. The FICA requires federal agencies to withhold FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes from the basic pay of military members covered by the Social Security Act and to pay matching FICA taxes to the Social Security Administration.


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AFPAM36-2241 Federal Income Tax Withholding (FITW). FITW is used to provide for national programs such as defense, community development, and law enforcement. The FITW complies with the Treasury Department Circular E as implemented in military service directives. A member may authorize an additional monthly amount of FITW. State Income Tax Withholding (SITW). The tax laws of the state where the member is a legal resident determine whether the member must pay state taxes. The amount withheld depends upon the state tax rate. One-time payments may also be subject to state tax. The state for tax purposes is reflected in the first column on the LES under STATE TAXES. Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH). Monthly deductions from the pay of regular enlisted members, up to a maximum of $1, are set by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) after consulting with the AFRH Board. The money helps support the United States Soldiers and Airmens Home and the Naval Home. 16.6.2. Voluntary Deductions: Military members may establish voluntary deductions such as allotments to help administer their personal finances. Each member may have up to six purely discretionary allotments covering a variety of financial obligations, such as repayment of home loans, automobile loans, and loans from debt consolidation companies. Members may also have an allotment for a personal savings program, support of family members, and payment of insurance premiums. Members may control certain discretionary allotments through myPay however, there can be no more than one discretionary allotment to the same allottee. Nondiscretionary allotments have limited uses, such as charitable contributions, child or spousal support, garnishment for commercial debts, and delinquent travel charge card debt. To allow for sufficient processing time, allotments should be requested about 30 days before the desired month. Occasionally, an allotment transaction may occur after the cutoff date for the midmonth payday. This will result in the entire amount of the allotment being deducted from the end-of-month pay. Normally, if the member is paid twice a month, the allotment is deducted in equal amounts from the midmonth and end-ofmonth pay. If the individual receives pay once a month, the entire amount is deducted from the monthly paycheck. There are certain cutoff dates that affect when allotments can be processed. Contact your local finance office for assistance. The maximum amount of Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage is $400,000 and members are covered, by law, at the maximum rate unless they decline or reduce coverage. SGLI automatically insures an eligible member against death when the member is performing active duty or active duty for training for an ordered period of more than 30 days. However, an individual may choose less coverage in amounts divisible by $50,000 or elect no coverage, but he or she must do so in writing. Additionally, family SGLI (FSGLI) covers spouses and dependent children when the eligible member also participates in SGLI coverage, including military spouses. There is a monthly deduction for spousal coverage: the amount of the deduction depends on the amount of coverage. Each child is covered in the amount of $10,000 at no cost to the member. The member may not elect to insure any child for less than $10,000. SGLI and FSGLI premiums are deducted from members military pay each month. The military personnel section (MPS) is the office of primary responsibility for administering the program. 16.7. Military Pay Schedules: 16.7.1. Regular Payments. Military members are paid on a monthly basis with the option to receive payments once or twice per month. Members receive a statement (net pay advice NPA) of the net amount pay and the financial organization to which it was sent at midmonth (if receiving a payment) and a comprehensive statement of pay, the LES, at the end of the month via myPay. These statements are created centrally by DFAS. Military members must understand the pay system has processing cutoff dates that affect updates to their pay. The cutoff date is the day when DFAS stops processing transactions against pay accounts for the current period so the regular payroll process can begin. The cutoff is necessary to compute, prepare, and transfer funds. While the cutoff dates fluctuate from month to month, they are generally around the 6th for the midmonth payday and the 20th for the end-of-month payday. 16.7.2. Local, Partial, and Emergency Partial Payments. Local cash payments are normally only authorized for overseas areas where on base military banking facilities are not readily available. Exceptions may be granted for members assigned to classified or contingency operations where the exigencies of their assignments may require local cash or partial payments. Under


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extenuating circumstances, a stateside member may receive an emergency partial payment if the payment is deemed time sensitive and required within 24 hours due to an unforeseen set of circums tances. The members commander may authorize immediate cash payments up to the amount of accrued entitlement to date when deemed appropriate to the mission. Non-cash partial payments may be made, via electronic funds transfer (EFT) and deposited into the members financial institution, normally in 2 to 3 business days. Partial payments are limited to the amount of pay and allowances the member has accrued to the date of the payment. 16.7.3. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Advance Payments. Advance payments provide members with funds to meet extraordinary expenses incident to a governmentordered relocation that are directly related to the PCS and not covered by other entitlements. A PCS advance payment is an advance of up to 3 months of basic pay, less the mandatory deductions of FICA, FITW, SITW, Air Force Retirement Home, and all known debts currently being deducted. A1Cs and below must have the approval of their immediate commander for advance pay. If the desired repayment period is greater than 12 months or the amount requested is greater than 1 months basic pay, then all members must have the approval of their immediate commander. Note: Repayment periods greater than 12 months are only approved in cases of financial hardship. 16.8. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Allowances: 16.8.1. Transportation Allowance. When military members go PCS, they may receive a variety of travel allowances. Some of these allowances include: Government-Procured Transportation. Available U.S.-certificated air carriers must be used for all commercial air transportation of persons/property when government funds the air travel. When the authorizing/order-issuing official determines U.S.-certificated air carriers are unavailable, commercial air transportation on a non-U.S.-certificated air carrier may be authorized/approved. Documentation explaining why U.S.-certificated air carrier service is not available must be provided to the traveler. Endorsements on the travel orders or government travel procurement document made in accordance with Service regulations are acceptable. Travel time for travel by government conveyance (except government automobile) or common carriers obtained by government-procured transportation is allowed for the actual time needed to travel over the direct route including necessary delays for the transportation mode used. Use of Privately Owned Conveyance. Uniformed service policy is to authorize/approve (as distinguished from permit) privately owned conveyance travel if acceptable to the member and advantageous to the government based on the facts in each case. Other allowable travel and transportation options include government conveyance or commercial carrier. Reimbursement of parking fees, ferry fares, road, bridge and tunnel tolls is authorized for privately owned conveyance over the most direct route between the stations involved. The member is also authorized a flat per diem at the standard continental United States (CONUS) rate for each PCS travel day between authorized points, up to the allowable travel time. Personally Procured Transportation. DoD policy mandates the use of the commercial travel office (CTO) for all official transportation requirements. A member who, despite the DoD policy, procures common carrier transportation at personal expense for official travel is authorized reimbursement up to the amount authorized. However, reimbursement must not exceed the cost for the authorized transportation and accommodations over a usually traveled direct route according to a schedule necessary to meet the requirements of the order. Commands/units are expected to take appropriate disciplinary action when a member and (or) an authorizing/order-issuing official fail to follow the regulations concerning CTO use. Consult the JFTR for additional information. Mixed Modes. When both government-procured and personally procured modes of transportation are used, the Air Force uses a combination of rules governed by the JFTR. The local finance office can provide specific guidance. 16.8.2. Dependent Travel. A military member receives monetary allowance in lieu of transportation and flat rate per diem for the official distance dependents travel with him or her by privately owned vehicle (POV). If dependents purchase commercial common carrier transportation, the member may be reimbursed for the actual cost of the transportation, not to exceed the cost the government would have incurred for ordered travel, and the member receives a per diem allowance for dependents. When the Air Force restricts travel of dependents to a location


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overseas, dependents may move at government expense to any place within the CONUS the member designates. With special approval, dependents may move outside the CONUS. 16.8.3. Dislocation Allowance. This allowance is paid at a rate determined by the SECDEF. It is payable to all members with dependents when dependents relocate their household goods in conjunction with a PCS. It is also payable to members without dependents if they are not assigned permanent government quarters upon arrival at the new permanent duty station (PDS). 16.8.4. Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) and Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA). A member arriving or departing PCS at a location within the CONUS may receive temporary lodging expense to help defray the added living expenses incurred while occupying temporary lodging. A member arriving or departing PCS at a location outside the CONUS may receive temporary lodging allowance to help defray the added living expenses incurred while occupying temporary lodging. 16.8.5. Shipment of Household Goods (HHG). A member experiencing a PCS move may ship household goods within certain weight limitations at government expense. Authorized weight allowances normally depend on the grade of the member and whether he or she has dependents. A member may be reimbursed for personally arranging for the shipment of HHG. Claims should be prepared and submitted according to Service regulations. The governments cost limit is based on the members maximum HHG weight allowance (that is, if the member transports HHG in excess of the authorized weight allowance, all payments are based on the authorized weight allowance). 16.8.6. Shipment of Unaccompanied Baggage. This provision refers to the portion of the PCS weight allowance ordinarily transported separately from the major or bulk of HHG and usually is transported by an expedited mode. When the expedited transportation mode is commercial air, a maximum of 1,000 pounds (net), may be transported. 16.8.7. Shipment of POV. When authorized, members may ship one POV at government expense when ordered to go on a PCS to, from, or between locations overseas. POV storage may be provided when shipment is prohibited or restricted. 16.8.8. Mobile Home Shipment. Members who own a mobile home should contact the traffic management office to arrange for its transportation. In certain circumstances, members may arrange or contract personally for the movement of the mobile home. Shipment of a mobile home is in lieu of HHG transportation. 16.9. Temporary Duty (TDY) Entitlements: 16.9.1. Per Diem. This allowance helps defray the cost of quarters, meals, and certain incidentals, Per diem rates depend on the TDY location. Travelers are paid a prescribed amount for meals and incidental expenses plus the actual amount for lodging, not to exceed the maximum lodging rate for the specific location. The rates depend on the availability of government facilities, such as quarters and dining facilities. 16.9.2. Transportation. Policy mandates that uniformed service members use available CTOs to arrange official travel. The mode of transportation used between the points designated in the travel order will determine the transportation entitlement. On the other hand, if the member receives authorization to travel at personal expense, he or she will receive a reimbursement. The member may drive a POV and be reimbursed mileage if authorized by the orders issuing authority. 16.9.3. Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable expenses include lodging taxes (United States and possessions only); tips for baggage handling at airports; official telephone calls; travel from home or place of lodging to the servicing transportation terminal by either taxi, limousine, bus, or POV; fees for travelers checks, passports, and visas; and rental vehicles when authorized on travel orders.


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16.9.4. TDY Expenses: When the TDY is completed, the traveler is responsible for electronically filing a voucher (Defense Travel System) or preparing his or her DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher, to claim reimbursement for official travel. The traveler is responsible for the truth and accuracy of the information. When the traveler signs the form (and this signature authority must never be delegated), he or she attests that the statements are true and complete and that he or she is aware of the liability for filing a false claim. All claims and attached statements shall be completed using ink, typewriter, or computer-generated forms. The member is expected to pay the amount billed from the travel card company upon receipt of the monthly statement. EFT is the mandatory means by which a travel claim is settled. Supervisors may authorize alternate methods of payment in limited situations where the traveler does not have access to an account at a financial institution that can receive EFT transmissions. Split disbursement, which permits direct payment via EFT to the travel card contractor for charges incurred on the travel card and to the cardholder for any residual amount, shall be made available to travelers as a payment option. This payment option enables travelers to elect a split disbursement for the amount of money to be forwarded to the card contractor. In cases where the traveler is TDY for 45 days or more, he or she shall file an interim voucher every 30 days and use split disbursement to pay the bill. An extended TDY trip is no excuse for late payment of the bill. 16.10. The Government Travel Card Program: 16.10.1. Purpose. The travel card program is intended to facilitate and standardize the use by DoD travelers of a safe, effective, convenient, commercially available method to pay for expenses incident to official travel, including local travel. The travel card is used to improve DoD cash management, reduce DoD and traveler administrative workloads, and facilitate better service to DoD travelers. In addition, because of the refund feature of the travel card program, the program results in cost savings for the Department. 16.10.2. Agency Program Coordinators (APC). Agency Program Coordinators are appointed in writing, act on behalf of the unit commander, and are responsible for program execution and management of the day-to-day operations for their components DoD travel card program. Each APC, in conjunction with the card contractor, maintains an up-to-date list of all current cardholders and accounts to include information such as account names, account numbers, addresses, and telephone numbers. 16.10.3. Card Use. Unless otherwise exempted, all DoD personnel are required to use the government-sponsored, contractor-issued travel charge card for all expenses arising from official government travel. These expenses include lodging, transportation expenses, local ground transportation, and rental car expenses authorized on travel orders. The cardholder, while in a travel status, may use the card for nonreimbursable incidental travel expenses such as rental movies, personal telephone calls, exercise fees, and beverages when these charges are not part of a separate room billing or meal and are reasonable. Government travel charge cardholders obtain cash, as authorized, through automated teller machines (ATM), rather than obtaining cash advances from a DoD disbursing officer. Travelers may use the travel card at a specified network of automated teller machines (ATM) to obtain cash needed to pay for out -of-pocket travel-related expenses. The card contractor assigns a personal identification number (PIN) to each cardholder, together with card issuance to permit ATM access. Note: The personal identification number (PIN) is unique to the specific card and must be safeguarded. ATM advances will not be obtained earlier than 3 working days before scheduled travel and are limited to authorized expenses exempt from mandatory card usage (meals, incidentals, miscellaneous expenses, etc.). The card contractor will charge the cardholder a transaction fee for ATM use. This includes international transaction fees made as a result of any foreign currency conversion. These charges, which appear on the cardholders billing statement, are reimbursable expenses. In addition, some banks charge a service fee for ATM access. This fee is also reimbursable. 16.10.4. Card Abuse. Commanders or supervisors will not tolerate the misuse of the DoD travel card. Cardholders who misuse their DoD travel cards are subject to appropriate administrative or disciplinary action. The cardholder will only use the travel card while in official travel status.

392 16.10.5. How to Pay the Card Company.

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The travel card contractor provides detailed monthly bills. Cardholders are responsible for payment in full of outstanding balances due in the monthly billing statement from the card contractor. Payments should be made promptly (within the current billing cycle). Military service members who travel TDY and use government credit cards must use the split disbursement feature which automatically pays the credit card vendor for credit card charges while on official travel. Cardholders must designate the total outstanding balance incurred while traveling as split-disbursement when filing their vouchers. A late fee per billing cycle may be assessed for individually billed accounts that are 75 days past the closing date of the account statement on which the charges first appeared. 16.10.6. Travel Card Considerations During a PCS. Individuals are required to use the travel card during a PCS. Credit limit increases and deferred payment options are available to accommodate the extended travel times of a PCS move. The individual is still responsible for keeping the bill current while in a PCS status. The cardholder must notify the losing APC before departing the old duty station and gaining APC upon reporting to the new duty station. The losing APC will set a future date in the card companys Electronic Access System (EAS) to deactivate the cardholders account based on PCS travel order report no later than date. The APC will also submit a transfer request to the card company so the individual is removed from that units reporting hierarchy level. The gaining APC will ensure the transfer request is processed by the card company when the member arrives so the account information can be updated. The gaining APC will also clear the deactivation date within the card companys EAS. 16.10.7. Delinquencies: Cardholders are responsible for payment in full of the amount stated on the monthly billing statement. The card contractor may also initiate pay garnishment proceedings through the judicial system against cardholder accounts over 126 days delinquent. Upon written request of the card contractor, DoD may act on their behalf and collect by payroll deduction from the amount of pay owed to the cardholder any funds the cardholder owes to the charge card contractor as a result of delinquencies not disputed by the cardholder on the government travel charge card. If the card contractor cannot initiate pay garnishment proceedings and the cardholder account is over 210 days delinquent, the card contractor will charge off the account and report the delinquency to the credit bureau. The debt will then be collected through a third party collection agency assigned by the card contractor. 16.10.8. Collection of Debts: Debts to the Federal Government. An Air Force member who owes debts to the federal government or instrumentalities of the government does not have to give his or her consent for the Air Force to collect. Generally, for debts that exceed $100, the individual must be given due process (that is, the individual must receive notification of the pending collection of a debt and be given a chance to repay the debt before any withholding action occurs). However, due process need not be completed before the start of a collection action if an individuals estimated date of separation is no t sufficient to complete collection and the Air Force would be unlikely to collect the debt. Due process may not apply when the collection action can be completed within two monthly pay periods. The Air Force may also collect debts involving any federal agency, portions of a reenlistment bonus not served, delinquent hospital bills for family members, excess shipment of HHG, loss or damage to government property, and erroneous payments made to or on behalf of the member by the Air Force. Waiver and Remission Provisions. Military members may request relief from valid debts by applying for waiver or remission of the debt. The local financial services office (FSO) has specific guidance and can provide assistance regarding these programs. Waiver of Claims for Erroneous Payments of Pay and Allowances. When a member receives erroneous pay or allowances, he or she may apply for a waiver of claims by the United States. A waiver may be granted when there is no indication of fraud, misrepresentation, fault, or lack of good faith on the part of the member or any other person having an interest in obtaining a waiver of the claim. DFAS will rule on all waivers. When filing for a waiver, the collection of the indebtedness must be started. Remission. A Regular Air Force or separated member, or his or her commander, may apply for remission of a members indebtedness to the United States. The Air Force may not remit or cancel any debt due to noncollection of court-martial forfeiture. In addition to the circumstances creating the debt and the issue of good faith on the part of the member, financial hardship may be is a factor for consideration.


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16.11. The U.S. Air Force Uniformed Thrift Savings Plan: 16.11.1. Purpose. TSP is a retirement savings and investment plan established for federal employees as part of the Federal Employees Retirement Act of 1986. Participation in the plan for uniformed service members is authorized by law. The plan offers tax-deferred advantages similar to those in an individual retirement account (IRA) or 401(k) plan. TSP contributions are taken out of pay before taxes are computed; as a result, individual tax obligations are reduced. 16.11.2. Participating in the TSP. The maximum amount a member may contribute from basic pay is 100 percent, less statutory deductions; this amounts to approximately 92 to 94 percent. Members may also choose to contribute up to 100 percent of special and incentive pays and bonuses as long as they are also contributing from basic pay. In 2012, the annual limit became $17,000. The amounts contributed within each authorized category must be stated as a whole percent. Members may control their TSP via myPay; those requiring customer assistance for TSP pay-related questions, LES interpretations, and financial issues may contact their FSO. 16.11.3. Education and Awareness. The Personal Financial Readiness is a core service of the airman and family readiness center. It offers information, education, and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families maintain financial stability and reach their financial goals. Section 16DLeave Management 16.12. Policy. As stated in AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, lengthy respites from the work environment tend to have a beneficial effect on an individuals psychological and physical status. Therefore, an aggressive leave program is an essential military requirement. According to DoDI 1327.6, Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures, all officers in command, major headquarters, and the military departments shall ensure that secondary and nonessential efforts are not imposed which may prevent an aggressive leave program. 16.13. Accruing Leave: 16.13.1. Leave accrues at the rate of 2 1/2 calendar days per month of active duty. Military requirements may prevent members from using their planned leave. Annual leave accrual is temporarily increased from 60 to 75 days until 30 September 2013. Service members may now carry over up to 75 days of accrued leave from one fiscal year to the next. The expression use or lose means that leave in excess of 75 days is lost if not used by the end of the fiscal year (FY) (30 September). In the event service members are unable to use the accrued leave in excess of 75 days prior to 30 September, due to mission requirements, approval may be requested to carry over the excess leave days (refer to paragraph 16.14). 16.13.2. The Air Force can pay members for unused leave at certain points in their careers, such as reenlistment, retirement, separation under honorable conditions, or death. By law, members may receive accrued leave payment up to a maximum of 60 days during their military careers. However, the DoD policy expresses Congressional concern that members use leave to relax from the pressures of duties and not as a method of compensation. Note: Members do not earn leave when they are AWOL, in an unauthorized leave status, in confinement as a result of a court-martial sentence, in an excess leave status, or on appellate leave under Title 10, United States Code Section 876a, Leave Required to Be Taken Pending Review of Certain Court-Martial Convictions. 16.14. Special Leave Accrual (SLA). SLA retention limits are increased. Under the new limits, SLA earned in combat zones may now be kept for 4 fiscal years; SLA earned in support of operations may now be kept for 2 fiscal years. An additional one-time SLA sell-back is authorized for enlisted service members. Under this provision, an enlisted service member may sell back up to 30 days of SLA. Such a sell back counts toward the service members cap of 60 days over a career. This provision has no termination date. Members lose any leave in excess of 75 days at the end of the FY unless they are eligible for SLA. Eligible members who lose leave on 1 October may have only that portion of leave restored that could not possibly have been used before the end of the FY. Major command (MAJCOM) or field operating agency directors of personnel or equivalents (Colonel or above) will approve SLA for their organizations. Any commander in the chain of command may deny a members request for SLA without referring it to a higher -level authority. Members are eligible for SLA if any of the following circumstances prohibit them from taking leave:


1 OCTOBER 2013 16.14.1. Deployment to an operational mission at the national level for at least 60 consecutive days.


16.14.2. Assignment or deployment for at least 60 consecutive days to unit, headquarters, and supporting staffs when their involvement supporting a designated operational mission prohibited them from taking leave. 16.14.3. Deployment to a hostile-fire or imminent danger pay area for 120 or more consecutive days and entitled to hostile fire and (or) imminent danger pay for 4 or more consecutive months. In this situation, the active duty pay system automatically carries over up to 75 days of leave. Note: In some instances, the deployment may overlap two FYs, for example, a deployment from 15 September until 14 November. 16.15. Beginning and Ending Leave. Leave must begin and end in the local area. The term local area means the place of residence from which the member commutes to the duty station on a daily basis. This also applies to leave en route to a PCS or TDY assignment. In this case, the local area, as defined at the old and new PDS, applies. The old PDS is for beginning leave; the new PDS is for ending leave. Making a false statement of leave taken may result in punitive action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Regardless of the amount of leave authorized, finance calculates leave based on the actual date of departure and date of return. General rules on charging leave are as follows: 16.15.1. Use AF Form 988, Leave Request/Authorization, for all types of leave and permissive temporary duty (PTDY) when LeaveWeb cannot be used. (See AFMAN 65-116, Volume 2, Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) Unit Procedures Excluding FSO, Chapter 7, for information concerning LeaveWeb.) (Exception: When members take leave en route with PCS or TDY travel, the FSO uses the travel voucher to determine authorized travel and chargeable leave.) Nonduty days and holidays are chargeable leave days if they occur during an authorized period of leave. If leave includes a weekend, a member cannot end leave on a Friday and begin it again on Monday. Further, unit commanders will not approve successive Monday through Friday leaves (or periods of leave surrounding other nonduty days) except under emergency or unusual circumstances as determined by the unit commander. 16.15.2. A member who is unable to report to duty upon expiration of leave because of illness or injury must advise the leave approving authority. The next of kin, attending physician, representative at the nearest medical treatment facility, or American Red Cross representative may act on the members behalf when the member is incapacitated and unable to provide notification. Upon returning from leave, the member must present a statement from the nearest medical treatment facility or attending physician regarding the members medical condition. ( Note: The unit commander evaluates the statement before authenticating the leave document.) If a member on leave requires hospitalization or quarters status, leave is not charged while hospitalized or on quarters. Chargeable leave ends the day before and starts again the day following hospitalization or quarters status, regardless of the hour of admission or discharge or release from quarters. The unit commander issues an amended leave authorization, if required. 16.15.3. The MPS and AFPC/DPWCS (Casualty Services Branch) change the members leave status to AWOL when the member fails to return to duty at the end of his or her leave period. 16.16. Extension of Leave. The member must ask, orally or in writing, for an extension of leave. The extension must be requested sufficiently in advance of expiration of leave authorized to permit the member to return to duty at the proper time if the approval authority disapproves the extension. 16.17. Recall from Leave. Unit commanders may recall members from leave for military necessity or in the best interest of the Air Force. Refer to the JFTR to determine if travel and transportation allowances apply. If the unit commander authorizes the member to resume leave after the member completes the duty that resulted in recall, a new AF Form 988 or orders must be prepared. 16.18. Types of Leave. AFI 36-3003 outlines many types of leave, such as: 16.18.1. Annual Leave. Another name for ordinary leave is annual leave. Normally, members request leave, as accruing (earning), within mission requirements. Members use annual leave to take vacations, attend to parental family needs such as illnesses, celebrate traditional national holiday periods, attend spiritual events or other religious observances, or as terminal leave with retirement or separation from active duty.


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16.18.2. Advance Leave. Advance leave is leave granted based on a reasonable expectation that a member will accrue at least that much leave during the remaining period of active military service. The purpose of advance leave is to enable members to resolve emergencies or urgent personal situations when they have limited or no accrued leave. When a member has taken all the advance leave that represents what he or she will be accruing during the remaining period of active service, unit commanders change members leave status from advance to excess leave. The FSO stops or collects, if applicable, all pay and allowances paid after the members leave status changes from advance to excess leave. 16.18.3. Convalescent Leave. Convalescent leave is an authorized absence normally for the minimal time needed to meet the medical needs for recuperation. Convalescent leave is not chargeable leave. Unit commanders normally approve convalescent leave based on recommendations by either the medical treatment facility authority or physician most familiar with the members medical condition. When a member elects ci vilian medical care at personal expense and an Air Force physician determines the medical procedure as elective by military medical treatment facility authorities, such as cosmetic surgery, the member must use ordinary leave for all absences from duty, including convalescence. When medical authorities determine a medical procedure is necessary, such as childbirth, and the member elects civilian medical care, the commander, upon the recommendation by either the medical treatment facility authority or the attending physician most familiar with the members medical condition may grant convalescent leave. 16.18.4. Emergency Leave. Emergency leave is chargeable leave granted for personal or family emergencies involving the immediate family. Unit commanders approve emergency leave; however, commanders can delegate leave approval to no lower than the first sergeant for enlisted personnel. Normally, verification by the America Red Cross is not necessary. However, when the official granting leave has reason to doubt the validity of an emergency situation, he or she may request assistance from the military service activity nearest the location of the emergency or, when necessary, from the American Red Cross. The initial period of emergency leave is usually for no more than 30 days with possible extensions of an additional 30 days. If the individual needs an extension while on emergency leave, he or she must contact the unit commander or first sergeant for approval. Unit commanders should advise members to apply for a humanitarian or exceptional family member reassignment or hardship discharge if the leave period is more than 60 days. HQ AFPC approves emergency leave if leave requested results in a member having a cumulative negative leave balance of over 30 days. The member may not request emergency leave for reasons such as attending court hearings or the resolution of marital or financial problems; the member may, however, request ordinary leave for these situations. Situations when emergency leave is normally authorized include: To visit a terminally ill person in the immediate family of either the member or the members spouse. When there has been a verified death in the members immediate family or the spouses immediate family. Because the member or someone in the members or spouses immediate family has a life threatening condition due to an accident, illness, or major surgery. Because the member is affected by a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, tornado, flood, or earthquake, and a severe or unusual hardship would result if the member failed to return home. 16.18.5. En Route Leave. En route leave is ordinary leave members use in connection with PCS, including their first PCS upon completion of technical training. Members may request advance leave when they do not have enough accrued leave to use as en route leave. Normally, the losing unit commander approves up to 30 days en route leave with any PCS move if the leave does not interfere with the reporting date to either a port or new assignment. Members who complete basic or technical training may request 10 days of leave en route if their first duty station is in the CONUS. They may request 14 days if going to an overseas assignment. 16.18.6. Terminal Leave. Terminal leave is chargeable leave taken in conjunction with retirement or separation from active duty. The members last day of leave coincides with the last day of active duty. Normally, a member does not return to


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duty after terminal leave begins. The amount of leave taken cannot exceed the leave balance at the date of separation. See AFI 36-3003 for guidance. 16.18.7. Excess Leave. Excess leave is leave members normally use for personal or family emergency situations when members cannot request advance leave. Excess leave is a no-pay status; therefore, entitlement to pay and allowances and leave accrual stops on the members first day of excess leave. A member will not receive disability pay, if injured, for time spent on excess leave. The period of excess leave will not count toward the fulfillment of any active duty service commitment. 16.18.8. Environmental and Morale Leave (EML). EML is leave authorized at overseas installations where adverse environmental conditions require special arrangements for leave in desirable places at periodic intervals. The EML taken is ordinary leave. Funded EML is charged as ordinary leave, but members are authorized to use DoD-owned or -controlled aircraft; plus, travel time to and from the EML destination is not charged as leave. Unfunded EML is also charged as ordinary leave, but members are authorized space-available air transportation from the duty locations, and travel time to and from the leave destination is charged as leave. 16.19. Regular and Special Passes. A pass period is an authorized absence from duty for a relatively short time. It starts from the end of normal work hours on a duty day and ends at the beginning of normal work hours the next duty day. There are no mileage restrictions. However, approval authorities may require members to be able to return to duty within a reasonable time in the event of an operational mission requirement such as a recall, unit alert, or unit emergency. 16.19.1. Regular Pass. A regular pass starts after normal work hours on a given day and stops at the beginning of normal work hours the next duty day. This includes nonduty days Saturday, Sunday, and a holiday for up to 3 days total if a member normally works Monday through Friday or up to 4 days for a member who works a nontraditional work schedule, such as a compressed workweek. The combination of nonduty days and a public holiday may not exceed 4 days. DoD or higher management levels may determine that a Monday or Friday is compensatory (comp) time off when a holiday is observed on a Tuesday or Thursday, in which case a regular pass may consist of a weekend, a comp day off, and a public holiday. 16.19.2. Special Pass. Unit commanders may award 3- or 4-day special passes for special occasions or circumstances, such as reenlistment or for some type of special recognition or compensatory time off. They may delegate approval to a level no lower than squadron section commander, deputies, or equivalents. Special passes start after normal work hours on a given day. They stop at the beginning of normal work hours on either the 4th day for a 3-day special pass or the 5th day for a 4-day special pass. A 3-day special pass can be Friday through Sunday, Saturday through Monday, or Tuesday through Thursday. A 4-day special pass can be Thursday through Sunday or Saturday through Tuesday or Friday through Monday. This applies to a normal Monday through Friday workweek. Passes may be taken in conjunction with leave without a duty day between the pass and leave period. The pass can be taken before or after leave, but not both. When it is essential to control authorized absences for security or operational reasons and other special circumstances, commanders can use DD Form 345, Liberty Pass, Armed Forces. 16.20. Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY). PTDY is a period of authorized absence limited to attend or participate in a designated official or semi-official program for which funded TDY is not appropriate. Commanders may not authorize PTDY in place of leave or a special pass or in conjunction with special passes. Normally, AF Form 988 is used for all types of PTDYs. See AFI 36- 3003 for complete information. 16.20.1. Authorized PTDYs. Types of authorized PTDYs include, but are not limited to: Traveling to or in the vicinity of a new PDS to secure off-base housing before the member outprocesses the old PDS. (Generally, members request PTDY after signing in at the new PDS.) Accompanying a dependent patient or military member patient to a designated medical treatment facility not in the local area when the medical authority deems it essential.


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397 Traveling to a MAJCOM or AFPC Career Development Division, either as an individual or part of a group to discuss career management or to review records. Attending national conventions or meetings hosted by service-connected organizations such as the Air Force Sergeants Association and the Noncommissioned Officers Association. 16.20.2. PTDY Not Authorized. Members are not authorized PTDYs: To search for a house in a close proximity PCS move. In conjunction with a permissive reassignment. To attend a professional military education (PME) graduation when the graduate is a coworker, friend, or military spouse. To attend a change of command or retirement ceremony. Note: The revision of Air Force policy has upgraded the status of a retirement ceremony from personal in nature to that of an official function. This official recognition of retirement ceremonies offers commanders the opportunity to fund travel for the presiding official; however, it does not fund travel for attendees who are not officiating in the ceremonies. 16.21. Post-Deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence (PDMRA): 16.21.1. PDMRA is in support of the SECDEF utilization of the total force policy. The program applies to creditable deployments and mobilizations underway on, or commencing after, 19 January 2007. 16.21.2. The SECDEF has directed establishment of programs to recognize members who are required to mobilize or deploy with a frequency beyond established rotation goals and PDMRA as a new category of administrative absence. 16.21.3. The concept of operations is to establish a yearly rotation goal of a deployment-to-dwell ratio of 1:2. That is, for every 1 year a service member of the active component is deployed he or she must have 2 years at his or her home station. The yearly mobilization-to-dwell ratio goal for the Reserve Component is 1:5 years. PDMRA earned under these conditions is considered administrative absence. 16.21.4. For the purpose of accruing PDMRA under this program, the Department of the Air Force defines criteria as creditable deployments/TDYs to the land areas of Afghanistan or Iraq. Aircrew participating in missions into, out of, within or over the area of eligibility in support of military operations, count each day of operation as 1 day of eligibility. Deployment is defined as a member TDY under contingency, exercise, and deployment orders to these locations. 16.21.5. Creditable time continues to accrue during periods of rest and relaxation (R&R), leave, and for TDYs outside of Afghanistan or Iraq of 30 consecutive days or less. 16.22. Program Administration: 16.22.1. Commanders can only delegate ordinary leave approval to the lowest supervisory level to meet the needs of the unit. Supervisors should train personnel on the requirements of the leave program and ensure they know how to use, LeaveWeb and the AF Form 988 to request leave and PTDY. 16.22.2. Before approving leave, supervisors should ensure members requesting leave have a sufficient leave balance. Also, they must ensure members provide a valid address and emergency telephone number where they can be reached. Before signing the AF Form 988, follow the units procedures to obtain a leave authorization number. Leave numbers normally will not be given earlier than 14 days prior to the leave effective date. Members on leave should use risk management (RM) principles to assess all hazards and control risks before excessive or hazardous travel, especially when traveling by automobiles. Also, supervisors should make sure the member has sufficient funds to return to duty on time. If the documentation is not processed digitally, the supervisor sends Part I with authorization number to the servicing finance office and gives Part II to the member after obtaining a leave authorization number. The supervisor retains Part III for completion after the member returns from leave. 16.22.3. When the member returns from leave, the supervisor determines how the members actual leave dates compared to the first and last days of chargeable leave reported on AF Form 988, Part I. The member signs Part III, and the supervisor certifies the dates of leave and sends Part III to the commander support staff for processing. If there is a change in the actual number of days the member took, supervisors will follow the instructions listed in Part III. Note: The Air Force adopted the current method of recording leave to prevent fraud in the leave reporting system.


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16.22.4. LeaveWeb is an Air Force system that automates the method of requesting and processing leave (in lieu of using the hard copy AF Form 988). Under LeaveWeb, the member requests ordinary leave which generates an e-mail to his or her supervisor. The supervisor approves or disapproves the leave and, if approved, sends the leave information to the unit leave monitor to validate. Once validated, the leave is sent electronically to finance. The member prints a copy of the approved leave form to hand-carry during leave. Upon returning from leave, the member completes the necessary updates in LeaveWeb and forwards the e-mail to his or her supervisor for endorsement. This electronic process reduces waste in materials as well as man-hours. Section 16EEqual Opportunity (EO) 16.23. Equal Opportunity Policy: 16.23.1. The Air Force is a richly diverse community consisting of Airmen, military and civilian, with widely varied backgrounds, beliefs, multicultural influences, and many unique life experiences. Airmen are most effective when they are working in an environment that promotes teamwork, inclusion, and mutual respect. Therefore, we must train and prepare our Airmen to view human relation issues and circumstances more broadly. This will allow them to effectively understand, engage, and defeat any potential adversary or personal situation with intelligence and integrity. 16.23.2. The EO Program proactively engages all Airmen in the pursuit of equal opportunity. The Air Force EO Program has been developed to foster and support equal opportunity, the Air Force Core Values and Airmans Creed, and must be carried out in the day-to-day actions of all personnel. The Air Force will not tolerate unlawful discrimination and unlawful harassment or reprisal against individuals who engage in protected activity. Airmen must actively make workplace professionalism a top priority and take proactive steps to prevent, correct and eliminate unlawful discriminatory behavior. Air Force EO policy compliance is a function of leadership. 16.24. Equal Opportunity Program Objectives: 16.24.1. The primary objective of the program is to eradicate unlawful discrimination. The EO office will assist commanders at all levels in conducting a continuing campaign to eradicate every form of unlawful discrimination or harassment from the workplace. In order to promote a workplace free of unlawful discrimination, to include sexual harassment, the EO office will take proactive steps to ensure all available efforts are in place (for example, human relations education, commanders calls, unit climate assessments). 16.24.2. The program also seeks to foster a positive human relations environment. The EO office will use the Human Relations Climate Assessment Subcommittee (HRCAS) tool to evaluate positive and negative factors in the local environment. Human relations education (HRE) is also provided through proactive measures to ensure all employees and management personnel understand the need for a positive human relations climate. 16.25. Unlawful Discrimination: 16.25.1. Unlawful discrimination against military members includes any unlawful action that denies EO to persons or groups based on their race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. This type of discrimination can occur in a variety of forms to include: in writing, verbal, or in a combination. Unlawful discrimination can occur on or off base. 16.25.2. Unlawful discrimination against DoD civilian employees includes any unlawful employment practice that occurs when an employer fails or refuses to hire or promote, discharges, or otherwise discriminates against any individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment; or limits, segregates, or classifies employees or applicants for employment in any way that deprives or tends to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affects his/her status as an employee because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age (40 or older), genetic information, physical or mental disability, or reprisal. 16.25.3. Unlawful discrimination can also include the use of disparaging terms regarding an individuals birthplace, ancestry, culture, or the linguistic characteristics common to a specific ethnic group. The use of terms that degrade or connote negative statement pertaining to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, genetic information, and mental or physical disability can constitute unlawful discrimination. These terms include insults, printed material, visual material, signs, symbols, posters, or insignia. 16.25.4. The operational language of the Air Force is English. Air Force personnel must maintain sufficient proficiency in English to perform their military duties. All official communications must be understood by everyone who has a need to know their content. Commanders may require Air Force personnel to use English only when such use is clearly necessary and proper for the performance of military duties. Accordingly, commanders, supervisors, and managers at all levels must not require the use of English for personal communications unrelated to official duties. 16.25.5. Although not within the purview of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Air Forces goal of maintaining a harassment-free environment for its military members and civilian employees also includes harassment


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based on sexual orientation. Leaders have a responsibility to take appropriate action to prevent and address harassment based on sexual orientation. Additional guidance can be found in Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government, and Executive Order 13160, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Race, Sex, Color, National Origin, Disability, Religion, Age, Sexual Orientation, and Status as a Parent in Federally Conducted Education and Training Programs, and the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) ( for civilian employees. Sexual orientation harassment by military personnel may be punishable under UCMJ, Article 92, and should be addressed through command channels. 16.26. Sexual Harassment: 16.26.1. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a persons job, pay, or career. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting this person. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individuals work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. 16.26.2. This definition emphasizes that workplace conduct, to be actionable as an abusive work environment, harassment need not result in concrete psychological harm to the victim, but rather need only be so severe or pervasive that a reasonable person would perceive, and the victim does perceive, the work environment as hostile or offensive. Workplace is an expansive term for military members and may include conduct on or off duty, 24 hours a day. 16.26.3. Any person in a supervisory or command position who uses or condones any form of sexual behavior to control, influence, or affect the career, pay, or job of a military member or civilian employee is engaging in sexual harassment. Similarly, any military member or civilian employee who makes deliberate or repeated unwelcome verbal comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature in the workplace is also engaging in sexual harassment. 16.27. Military Equal Opportunity Complaint Process: 16.27.1. Authorization. Only military personnel, their family members, and retirees may file military EO complaints. To file a complaint, the individual must be the subject of the alleged unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment. Third parties, to include commanders, supervisors or co-workers, may not file a complaint on behalf of another individual. The EO office will refer all third party individuals who are aware of specific allegations of military EO policy violations to their respective chain of command. The EO office will not accept military complaints from military members, family members or retirees if their concern is related to their off-base or DoD civilian employment. 16.27.2. Military Informal Complaint Procedures. The purpose of the military informal complaint process is to attempt resolution at the lowest possible level. To informally resolve unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment complaints, individuals may orally address or prepare written correspondence to the alleged offender, request intervention by a coworker, opt to use the alternate dispute resolution process, or use the chain of command (for example, request assistance from the supervisor, first sergeant, or commander). There is no time limit for filing informal complaints and no requirement for commander approval before accepting informal complaints. 16.27.3. Military Formal Complaint Procedures: The purpose of the military formal complaint process is to enable military members, retirees and their family members to formally present allegations of unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment to the EO office with the goal of attempting resolution through a complaint clarification process. Complaint clarification is the process of gathering information regarding a formal military complaint or hotline complaint to determine whether a "preponderance of evidence" exists to demonstrate that unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment occurred. The complaint clarification includes interviewing or taking statements from complainants, potential witnesses, alleged offenders and anyone else who may have


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information relevant to the case. The EO office may use information gathered from other investigations in conjunction with (but not in lieu of) their own clarification process to establish a preponderance of credible evidence. The clarification results are forwarded to the Staff Judge Advocate for a legal sufficiency review. Once the review is complete, the alleged offenders commander receives the complaint for final action, if appropriate. The entire complaint clarification process for unlawful discrimination complaints must be completed within 20 duty days. This includes 9 duty days for the EO office to conduct a clarification, 6 duty days for legal review, and 5 duty days for commander action, if required. Formal sexual harassment complaints must be processed in accordance with 10 U.S.C. Section 1561, Complaints of Sexual Harassment: Investigation by Commanding Officers . The complaint clarification process for sexual harassment complaints must be complete within 14 duty days. This includes 6 duty days for the EO office to conduct a clarification, 4 duty days for legal review, and 4 duty days for commander action, if required. Military formal complaints must be filed within 60 calendar days of the alleged offense. The installation commander may waive the time limits for good cause based on a memorandum with sufficient justification provided by the complainant and submitted through the EO office. 16.28. Civilian Complaint Process. Only Air Force employees, former employees, and applicants for employment may file civilian EO complaints. An aggrieved person can file a complaint if discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (40 and older), or disability, or if subjected to sexual harassment or retaliated against for opposing discrimination or for participating in the complaint process. Additionally, an employee can file a complaint under Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008, which prohibits genetic information discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotion, layoff, training, fringe benefits, or any other term or condition of employment. Under GINA, it is also illegal to harass or retaliate against a person because of his or her genetic information. 16.28.1. Civilian Informal Complaint Procedures: The purpose of the civilian informal complaint process is to provide for the prompt, fair and impartial processing and resolution of complaints, consistent with its legal obligations under Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1614, Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity. The objective is to seek opportunities to resolve issues at the lowest organizational level at the earliest possible time. The EO office will work with management and the staff judge advocate (SJA) in an attempt to resolve the complainants concerns. The EO office must complete the informal complaint process within 30 calendar days of the complaint being filed unless the complainant grants an extension not to exceed 60 additional calendar days. If the matter is not resolved to the complainants satisfaction before the end of the authorized period, including extensions, the complainant is issued a notice of right to file a formal complaint. 16.28.2. Civilian Formal Complaint Procedures: A formal complaint must be filed at the installation where the alleged discrimination occurred. In order for the complaint to be processed at the formal stage, the initial contact must be within 45 calendar days of the date of the matter alleged to be discriminatory or, in the case of a personnel action, within 45 calendar days of the effective date or when he or she becomes aware of the personnel action. The complaint must describe the actions or practices that form the basis of the complaint that was discussed with the EO office during the informal complaint process. The complaint must be filed with the EO director or designee within 15 calendar days of the complainant receiving the notice of right to file a formal complaint. The Air Force is required to process civilian formal EO complaints in accordance with 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1614 and Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directive (EEO MD) 110. The EEOC requires federal agencies to discharge certain responsibilities once a civilian formal EO complaint has been filed.


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401 The EO office must process all formal complaints expeditiously and make a determination whether to accept, dismiss, or partially dismiss a complaint or portion of a complaint to allow for an investigation to be completed within 180 calendar days from the date of filing. 16.29. Equal Opportunity and Treatment Incident (EOTI). 16.29.1. An EOTI is an overt, adverse act, occurring on or off base, directed toward an individual, group, or institution which is motivated by or has overtones based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex which has the potential to have a negative impact on the installation human relations climate. An EOTI may include subjects other than military members such as retirees and family members. 16.29.2. The Air Force classifies these incidents as minor, serious, or major based on: the number of participants, property damage, physical injury, assault, arson, and/or an act resulting in death. Vandalism (degrading graffiti), hate group activity, discriminatory epithets, signs, symbols, or the use of slurs based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex may be classified as an EOTI. Section 16FLegal Services 16.30. Legal Office. Legal offices ensure Air Force legal readiness through a variety of services. Legal readiness is the state of legal preparation in which Air Force members are ready to deploy, both in their personal and mission capacities. 16.31. Personal Legal Readiness. On a personal level, legal readiness involves the members awareness of the personal legal issues that may arise in preparation for or during a deployment and the remedies available to avoid or lessen any adverse effects of those issues. This is usually provided through legal assistance available to Regular Air Force members, reservists, and guardsmen on federal active duty, their dependents, and civilian employees stationed overseas and their families. Legal assistance for personal civil legal matters includes wills, powers of attorney, notary services, dependent care issues, casualty affairs, and landlord-tenant and lease issues. 16.32. Mission Legal Readiness. Regarding the mission, legal readiness involves the ability of individuals and their organizations to deal with the military-legal aspects of the operational environment. Legal readiness preparation extends from the legal assistance provided to Air Force members and their families to the individual knowledge members have of various legal issues (for example, the Law of Armed Conflict) and to the operational legal advice provided to military decision makers at all levels. 16.33. Complaints of Wrongs Under Article 138, Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ, Article 138, is another provision for protecting individuals rights. Members of the Armed Forces who believe they have been wronged by their commanding officers may request redress under the provisions of Article 138. 16.33.1. A member may use Article 138 when a discretionary act or omission by his or her commander adversely affects the member personally. Examples include acts that violate law or regulation; those that exceed the legitimate authority of the commander; ones that are arbitrary, capricious, or an abuse of discretion; or those that clearly apply administrative standards unfairly. However, the Article 138 complaint system will not provide redress for: Acts or omissions not initiated or ratified by the members commander (against whom the complaint is lodged). Complaints relating to military discipline under the UCMJ, including Article 15 (other appeal systems are provided). Complaints relating to an action initiated against any Air Force member where the governing directive for such action requires that the office of the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) take final action. Complaints against an officer exercising general court-martial (GCM) jurisdiction for failing to resolve Article 138 complaints properly. However, a complaint may be filed for failing to forward a complaint to SECAF. Complaints filed to seek disciplinary action against another.


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16.33.2. A member who believes himself or herself wronged by the action of his or her commander, before submitting a complaint under Article 138, must apply in writing through channels to that commander for redress of the grievance. A complaint (in writing) to that commander, or his or her designated representative, is sufficient. Absent unusual circumstances, the member must apply for redress within 180 days of the members discovery of the wrong for which complained. The complaint should contain all available supporting evidence. 16.33.3. The commander must send a written response to the member. If the commander refuses a properly submitted request for redress, the member may then submit the complaint directly, or through any superior commissioned officer, to the officer exercising general court-martial authority (GCMA) over the officer against whom the complaint is made. Unless there are unusual circumstances, the member must submit this complaint within 90 days of receiving the commanders refusal of redress. An intermediate commander or any other superior commissioned officer receiving such a complaint will immediately forward the file to the GCMA over the officer against whom the complaint is made. The GCMA will conduct or direct further investigation as deemed appropriate and will act based on the facts and circumstances of the complaint and any investigation. In all cases, the GCMA must inform the member, in writing, of both the action taken on the complaint and the reasons for the action. If the complaint concerns an area that cannot be resolved through the Article 138 process, the officer exercising GCM jurisdiction may refer the member to other more appropriate complaint channels for possible resolution. Consult AFI 51-904, Complaints of Wrongs Under Article 138, Uniform Code of Military Justice, for filing procedures. Section 16GGround Safety 16.34. Mishap Prevention Program: 16.34.1. Purpose. Minimize loss of Air Force resources and protect Air Force people from death, injuries or occupational illnesses by managing risk on and off duty. This program applies to all operations except where otherwise prescribed or specified in status-of-forces agreements. Continuing to meet this goal is critical to our mission effectiveness. The challenge of deployments, technologically advanced combat systems, and changing duty requirements demands strong on-duty mishap prevention programs. Off-duty mishap prevention must also adapt to meet the challenges posed by motor vehicles, sports and recreation, and other off-duty activities. Every Air Force individual has responsibilities in the Mishap Prevention Program. 16.34.2. Mishap Defined. An Air Force mishap is an unplanned event or series of events that results in damage to property; occupational illness to Air Force personnel; death or injury to on- or off-duty Air Force military personnel; death or injury to on-duty DoD civilian personnel; or damage to public or private property or death, injury, or illness to non-DoD personnel caused by DoD activities. Class A Mishap. The resulting total cost of damages to Government and other property is $2 million or more, a DoD aircraft is destroyed (excluding Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Groups 1, 2, or 3), or an injury or occupational illness results in a fatality or permanent total disability. Class B Mishap. The resulting total cost of damages to Government and other property is $500,000 or more, but less than $2 million. An injury or occupational illness results in permanent partial disability, or when three or more personnel are hospitalized for inpatient care (which, for mishap reporting purposes only, does not include just observation or diagnostic care) as a result of a single mishap. Class C Mishap. The resulting total cost of property damages to Government and other property is $50,000 or more, but less than $500,000; or a nonfatal injury or illness that results in 1 or more days away from work, not including the day of the injury. Class D Mishap. The resulting total cost of property damage is $20,000 or more, but less than $50,000; or a recordable injury or illness not otherwise classified as a Class A, B, or C mishap. 16.34.3. Mishap Prevention Responsibilities. Commanders, functional managers, supervisors, and individuals identify rules, criteria, procedures, and safety standards that help eliminate unsafe acts or conditions that cause mishaps. An effective program depends on individuals integrating mishap prevention at every functional level and being responsible for complying with applicable safety standards. Safety Office. At the installation level, the host safety staff implements the program for all Air Force units on base unless otherwise outlined in a host-tenant support agreement. The ground safety staff consists of


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career safety professionals who are first term and career Airmen who have retrained into the enlisted safety career field (Air Force specialty code (AFSC) 1S0X1), as well as Department of Air Force civilians. With the assistance of the commanders, supervisors, and individuals, the staff provides guidance that helps eliminate unsafe acts or conditions. Nevertheless, when mishaps occur, the safety staff ensures all mishaps are properly investigated and reported. Note: Mishap investigation is for mishap prevention purposes only not for punitive actions. Commanders. Commanders at all levels are responsible for developing and implementing a mishap prevention program. Installation Commanders. Installation commanders provide safe and healthful workplaces for all installation employees; ensure leadership at all levels is held accountable for enforcing safety and occupational health standards, and chair the installation safety council and/or environmental, safety, and occupational health council (ESOHC). Commanders below Installation Level. Commanders below installation level implement a safety and health program in their unit or area of responsibility. Where commanders are not authorized full-time safety personnel, they will appoint a primary and alternate unit safety representative (USR) to assist them in implementing their safety program. They also ensure a proactive mishap prevention program is implemented to include procurement and proper use of PPE, and facility compliance with applicable standards. Supervisors. Supervisors understand and enforce the safety and health standards that apply to their areas, operations, and operations involving their subordinates. They use RM techniques to analyze work environment and job tasks for hazards; the job safety analysis (JSA) will be used as part of this process. They review work processes annually, when new tasks or equipment are added, or when existing tasks change. They develop a work center specific job safety training (JST) guide on safety, fire prevention/protection, and health requirements. Supervisors will document and maintain completed training in the work area and will conduct and document monthly spot inspections of the work areas. They report all mishaps that occur in work areas, off-duty mishaps involving assigned personnel, and related subsequent employee absences to the supporting safety office and inform the civilian personnel office if a mishap involves a civilian employee. Individuals. The individual holds a vital role in preventing mishaps. A failure to intervene when a potential unsafe act is identified is a failure to protect. Every Air Force member is accountable for considering their personal safety and the safety of when participating in off-duty activities as well as during assigned tasks. Individuals are responsible to comply with all safety instructions, technical orders, job guides and operating procedures. They identify and report hazardous conditions that place Air Force personnel or property at risk; use the AF IMT 457, USAF Hazard Report, when necessary. Individuals will report personal injury, property damage and any suspected exposure to biological, chemical or nuclear hazardous materials to your supervisor as soon as practical, but not to exceed 24 hours. They immediately report to their supervisor if they believe they have a physical or mental condition that may impact safe job performance. They will use and maintain recommended and appropriate PPE for job tasks. 16.35. Human Factors: 16.35.1. Overview. Human factors (HFAC) is about people in their living and working environments and how interpersonal interactions within those environments affect human performance. HFACs have contributed to mishaps throughout the history of the Air Force. It is with a systematic analysis of root causes, the application of mitigation strategies, and the development of organizational cultures that processes can be identified to interrupt a chain of events from becoming a mishap. In order to use HFACs effectively, we must understand the different hazards that exist and how to properly mitigate risks along potential pathways to mishaps. 16.35.2. Root Cause Analysis: The Air Force uses four levels to determine the root cause of a mishap when dealing with HFACs. Organizational Influences can play the biggest role due to the organizational climate, organizational processes, and resource/acquisition management. When a unit has an increased ops tempo during a time of limited manning, Air Force members are motivated both internally and from higher headquarters to get the mission done. Depending on the culture of the organization, this could be a setup for personnel to disregard approved procedures and safety. This can be seen off duty as well in the established culture of a family or group of friends. Bending or breaking the rules may be common-place and foster an environment in


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which it is acceptable to disregard PPE requirements or posted speed limits and encourage actions which would distract from safely operating a vehicle. Adverse Supervisory Influences can stem from failure to correct known problems, inappropriately planned operations, inadequate supervision, or supervisory violations. If supervision fails to enforce standards in the workplace, unsafe acts will occur. Likewise, this level is causal if you allow someone to drink and drive or borrow your car knowing that the tires do not have the proper tread depth. Organizational and supervisory breakdowns can lead to human error, unsafe conditions, and system failure. Preconditions for unsafe acts consist of the cumulative culture of the organization combined with specific events and physical condition of workers. Latent factors include meteorological conditions, the physical condition of individuals, and other external and internal emotional personnel factors. For example, a worker could be required to work outside without the proper equipment or clothing for the weather conditions leading them to rush through a procedure. Another example would be starting leave at the end of the duty day and deciding to drive to a distant leave location without getting the proper 8 hours of rest. Lastly, are the Unsafe Acts themselves, which are the active errors or violations, made by the individual which complete the mishap event sequence. This may happen when a worker knowingly or unknowingly violates published guidance causing an unsafe act to occur. For instance, disregarding proper procedures and sticking your hand into a running lawnmower to unclog the discharge shoot. Determining how these four levels may influence a chain of events can determine root causes and, more importantly, can aid in hazard identification, risk mitigation and proactive safety prevention efforts. The deeper we look at HFACs in our work area and personal lives, the more we see the causes and contributing factors as a complex web of failures/errors and contributing failures/errors of multiple individuals as well as failures in the system. Figure 16.1 is a diagram describing the complex factors that can lead to a mishap. Every mishap has strong correlations to previous mishaps. If we know what the failures or holes are we can develop controls to minimize the risk of similar mishaps happening in the future. Figure 16.1. Complex Factors That Can Lead to a Mishap. (Adapted from Reason, J (1990). Human Error. Cambridge University Press)

16.36. Accountability. We cannot tolerate reckless behavior or unwise decisions. All Airmen must take personal responsibility and be held accountable for their actions. Supervisors will ensure military and civilian personnel understand the implications of poor decisions and the importance of compliance. Commanders will ensure personnel are aware of Air Force instruction requirements and enforce compliance. Violations by military personnel are punishable under the UCMJ and may also be considered misconduct during line of duty (LOD) determinations. Note: Safety Investigations are for mishap prevention purposes only. However, commanders may direct an additional investigation and use factual information (time, speed, weather, etc.) and information obtained elsewhere (witness statements, police reports, etc.) for disciplinary purposes (Letter of Reprimand, Line of Duty Determination, Article 15, etc.).


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16.36.1. Potential Impact of LOD Determination. A member who is injured due to his or her own misconduct stands to lose substantial benefits. If a member dies due to his or her own misconduct, the family stands to lose benefits. Regular pay, disability retirement pay, disability severance pay, veterans benefits, and survivor benefit plan payments may be reduced or lost. The service member who is permanently disabled due to injury or illness while not in the LOD faces discharge without benefits or further medical care. 16.36.2. How to Protect Yourself and Your Family. Think before you act. Driving while under the influence is obvious misconduct. You do not have to be intoxicated to be found not in the LOD. Speeding, recklessness, and failure to use PPE can result in injury and may lead to disciplinary action. Your career, your familys well -being, and most importantly your life depend on you making wise decisions. 16.37. Occupational Safety Program: 16.37.1. Supervisors are responsible for training, establishing work methods and job instructions, assigning jobs, and supervising personnel. They are in the best position to identify hazards, assess risks associated with those hazards, and correct unsafe work practices or safety deficiencies that would impede mission success. 16.37.2. One of the greatest influences on successful mission accomplishment is a highly trained workforce that recognizes the importance of safety precautions and procedures and adheres to standards incorporating the basic elements of risk management. 16.37.3. Safety training may be integrated into task performance training or conducted separately. Before any operation begins and any safety training can take place, the supervisor must determine where people may be injured or equipment damaged. A job safety analysis is used to evaluate each work task not governed by a technical order or other definitive guidance and when a new work task or process is introduced into the workplace. If unsafe and unhealthful working conditions exist, eliminate or control them through engineering, administrative controls, or PPE. Commanders must provide PPE for Air Force military members and civilian employees. The use of PPE is appropriate only if other controls are not possible or practical for nonroutine use. 16.37.4. AF Form 55, Employee Safety and Health Record, may be used to document safety, fire protection, and health on-the-job training (job safety training). Supervisors must maintain a training outline and document the completion dates of initial and refresher (as required) training. All personnel must have job safety training. 16.38. Hazard Identification and Reporting. 16.38.1. Mishap prevention begins with hazard identification. The top 10 OSHA violations are common in the Air Force as well. It is important to realize each Airman can use this list as a tool to improve safety at their worksite: Fall protection Scaffolding Hazard communication Respiratory Protection Lockout/Tagout Electrical-Wiring Methods Powered Industrial Trucks Ladders Electrical-General Requirements Machine Guarding 16.38.2. Hazard identification includes understanding and enforcing safety standards. To ensure their safety, the safety of their fellow Airmen and the resources entrusted to their care Airmen will: Stack materials so they may be easily reached but do not protrude into aisles or passageways. Keep areas around exit doors and passageways free of obstructions. Ensure the exit route leads to a public way.


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AFPAM36-2241 Remove from service ladders with broken or missing steps, rungs or cleats, broken side rails, or other defects. Ensure attachment plugs of tool and equipment cords are of dead front construction: Without live parts exposed to a person on the operating side of the equipment. When in use, fully insert plugs so no part of the prongs is exposed. Frequently check the third and/or grounding prong to ensure it is secure, especially on items unplugged frequently. Do not cut off the prong, nor use an adapter to allow a three-prong plug to fit a twoprong receptacle, since this negates third wire grounding protection. Ensure circuit breakers, disconnect switches and fuses are readily accessible to workers and building management personnel. Keep work space in front clear and unimpeded. Not tape circuit breakers in the on position. Breakers that trip frequently indicate electrical problems and shall be promptly reported and corrected. Not run cords through holes in walls, ceilings, floors, doorways, windows, etc. Only use multi-receptacle surge protectors to power computers and related equipment such as lights and or fans. Not use surge protectors nor extension cords with high current items such as coffee makers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, heaters, food preparation equipment, etc. Keep in good condition electrical outlets, switches, junction boxes, etc. and securely install cover plates. Keep outlets, switches, cover plates, etc. free of cracks or defects that could cause them to be ineffective. Ensure electrical receptacles located within six (6) feet of any water source, e.g., sinks, water coolers, water fountains, etc. are GFCI-protected. Ensure one or more methods of machine guarding is provided to protect the operator and others in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, in-running nip points, rotation parts, flying chips, power transmission apparatus and sparks. 16.38.3. Report hazards to the responsible supervisor or local agency. If the hazard is eliminated on the spot, no further action is required; sharing information with other units or agencies may prevent duplicating hazards and deficiencies elsewhere and is recommended. If the hazard presents imminent danger, the supervisor or individual responsible for that area must take immediate action to correct the situation or apply interim control measures. Report hazards to the safety office that cannot be eliminated immediately using AF IMT 457, USAF Hazard Report, by telephone or in person. Reports can be submitted anonymously. The safety staff investigates the HR. The investigator discusses the HR with the member who submitted the report (if known), the responsible supervisor or manager, and other parties involved to validate the hazard and determine the best interim controls and corrective action. 16.38.4. AF IMT 457 must be readily available to all unit personnel in the work center. The safety office must respond within 10 workdays to the reporting member on its findings, status of the AF IMT 457, and any recommendations. 16.39. Traffic Safety: 16.39.1. Traffic mishaps cause the highest number of Air Force injury-related deaths each year. For this reason, each Air Force installation must have an effective traffic safety program as part of its mishap prevention program. The goal of the traffic safety program is to prevent or reduce the frequency and severity of vehicular mishaps involving Air Force personnel and equipment. 16.39.2. In order to prevent mishaps, we must first understand the root causes, and then act on that understanding by making wise choices. The Air Force Safety Center has analyzed data and identified the top causes of fatal USAF mishaps. Reckless behaviors by the operator have accounted for over 70 percent of Personal Motor Vehicle (PMV) fatalities in the last 10 years. Reckless behaviors include: speeding or driving too fast for conditions, failure to comply with traffic laws (other than speeding), drinking and driving under the influence, and driving without appropriate protective equipment (helmets for PMV and nonuse of seatbelts for PMV). Being distracted by nondriving tasks (talking on a cell phone, texting, using a navigation device) has become more of an issue in recent years and is becoming a focus of PMV mishap prevention efforts.


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Section 16HRisk Management (RM) 16.40. Definition. Risk Management (RM) is a decision-making process to systematically evaluate possible courses of action, identify risks and benefits, and determine the best course of action (COA) for any given situation. RM enables commanders, functional managers, supervisors, and individuals to maximize capabilities while limiting risks through application of a simple, systematic process appropriate for all personnel and functions in both on- and off-duty situations. Appropriate use of RM increases an organizations and individuals ability to safely and e ffectively accomplish their mission/activity while preserving lives and precious resources. 16.40.1. RM Principles. Four principles govern all actions associated with the management of risk. These principles, continuously employed, are applicable before, during, and after all tasks and operations. Accept No Unnecessary Risk. All Air Force missions and daily routines inherently involve risk. The most logical choices for accomplishing a mission are those that meet all mission requirements while exposing personnel and resources to the lowest acceptable risk. Make Risk Decisions at the Appropriate Level. Making risk decisions at the appropriate level establishes clear accountability. Those accountable for the success or failure of the mission must be included in the risk decision process. Integrate RM into Operations and Planning at All Levels. To effectively apply RM, commanders must dedicate time and resources to integrate RM principles into planning and operational processes. Risk assessments of operations are most supportive when they are performed as a normal way of conducting a mission. Apply the process cyclically and continuously. RM is a continuous process applied across the full spectrum of military training and operations, base operations functions, and day-to-day activities and events both on and off duty. It is a cyclic process used to continuously identify and assess hazards, develop and implement controls, evaluate outcomes, and provide feedback to our Airmen to save lives and preserve combat resources. 16.40.2. RM Levels. The principles, goals and fundamental concepts of RM highlight the universal application of RM concepts both on- and off-duty. There are two primary levels of RM ( deliberate and real-time) that dictate the level of effort and scope that should normally be undertaken when evaluating risks. Figure 16.2 depicts the basic relationship of these levels and how they relate across the strategic to tactical spectrums. The controls/resources and issues shown below the RM levels are examples of resources and impacts that might apply across the planning and execution timelines. As the diagram shows, deliberate and real-time RM are interrelated when making RM decisions; they are separated only at the point where the planning phase transitions to the execution phase of the mission/activity. A strong, effective RM process involves careful and deliberative planning coupled with effective, real-time RM. This full spectrum approach ensures comprehensive risk mitigation and the likelihood of mission/activity success. Deliberate RM. Deliberate RM refers to pre-mission/activity planning and involves the full formal application of the complete 5-Step RM Process. This process can range from an in-depth planning process involving thorough hazard identification, detailed data research, diagram and analysis tools, formal testing, and long-term tracking of the risks associated with an operation, activity or system, down to normal day-to-day operations/activity planning that use the same 5-Step RM Process, but require less time and resources to complete. Generally associated with strategic-level planning, in-depth RM planning is reserved for complex operations/systems, high priority/high visibility situations or circumstances in which hazards are not well understood. In-depth RM is normally implemented well in advance of the planned system, mission, event, or activity and is normally reserved for more complex and risky efforts (such as large troop/unit movements, airshow planning, system development, tactics and training curricula development, scheduled vacations, organized camping/hiking activities, scheduled home repairs, etc.). As the situation, operation, or activity becomes less complex, familiar and/or closer to execution, deliberate RM planning becomes simplified and the focus shifts to ensuring near-term hazards and mitigation strategies are considered. Across the spectrum of deliberate RM, we must always include the experience, expertise, and knowledge of unit personnel to identify known hazards/risks and strategies to effectively mitigate risks for the specific mission, activity, or task in both


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on- and off-duty situations. Although preplanning is always desired for any situation, we must also consider how we deal with RM once we begin the execution phase of an activity. Figure 16.2. Relationship of Risk Management Levels.

Strategic In-Depth

Tactical Execution
Limited / No Time For Planning


Time Available For Planning



Real Time

Mission or Activity Success

System Safety Instructions/Guidance Documented Lessons Learned Formal Training Equipment Design CONOPs Formal Risk Assessments

Mission Planning Checklists Formal Mission Planning Review SOPs & Currency Equipment Maintenance PPE, Safety Equipment Checks

Crew, Individual RM Assessments Emergency Checklists Emergency Training CRM, MRM, Etc. Mission/Crew Changes Equipment Failure Changing Environment

Controls become resources during execution Real-Time. This level of RM is always associated with RM decisions made in real-time during the execution or tactical phase of training, operations, emergency/crisis response situations, or off -duty activities where there is normally little or no time to conduct formal RM planning. It is usually an informal, mental risk assessment that is done on the fly (for example, short-notice taskings, weather/natural phenomena driven activities, emergency responses, spontaneous off-duty activities, etc.) using basic RM process steps to identify and mitigate hazards in the new or changing situation. As time is normally constrained or limited in these situations, deliberate application of the 5-Step RM Process is impractical. In real-time situations, individuals must be able to efficiently and effectively apply RM concepts to mitigate risks. To enhance recall of critical RM steps, the Air Force has adopted an easy to remember mnemonic (ABCD discussed in paragraph 16.40.4.) to assist personnel in making sound RM decisions during real-time. It provides a description of the Air Force real-time risk management (RTRM) process that is appropriate during the execution of a mission or activity and/or time-constrained situations. 16.40.3. 5-Step RM Process. RM is a continuous, systematic decision-informing process consisting of five primary steps (Figure 16.3) that define the formal RM process primarily associated with deliberative RM planning and forms the basis for RTRM considerations. The following is a brief description of the 5-Step RM Process: (Step 1) Identify the Hazards. Step one of the process involves application of appropriate hazard identification techniques in order to identify hazards associated with the operation or activity. Hazards can be defined as any real or potential condition that can cause mission degradation, injury, illness, death, or damage to or loss of equipment or property. In the deliberative or strategic/in-depth risk analysis, unit RM experts help facilitate the formal risk assessment in collaboration with subject matter experts (SME) for the mission or activity being evaluated. This collaboration is essential in identifying all potential hazards as the SMEs normally have the greatest insight into the activity and their past experiences and lessons learned are invaluable in identifying hazards.


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Figure 16.3. 5-Step RM Process. (Step 2) Assess the Hazards. The assessment step involves the application of quantitative and/or qualitative measures to determine the probability and severity of negative effects that may result from exposure to risks/hazards and directly affect mission or activity success. Assessing hazards can be a formalized or intuitive process, but it is essential to have mission/activity SMEs vetted within this process, to provide insight on potential strategies and controls to mitigate the risks associated with a particular event. Use of a risk assessment matrix, (Figure 16.4) is recommended but not required; Risk Assessment matrix tables can take different forms and must be designed to fit the organization or situation as warranted. A matrix provides a consistent framework for evaluation and shows the relative perceived risk between hazards and prioritizes which hazards to control first. Any matrix that supports the specific application may be used. Hazard Severity: Catastrophic. Complete mission failure, death, or loss of system. Critical. Significantly degraded mission capability or unit readiness; severe injury or damage. Moderate. Minor mission degradation, injury, minor occupational illness, or minor system damage. Negligible. Less than minor mission degradation, injury, occupational illness, or minor system damage Mishap Probability: Frequent (A). Highly likely to occur. Expected to occur often to an individual, item or person, or continuously to a group. Likely (B). Likely to occur immediately or in a short period of time. Expected to occur several times to an individual, item or person, or regularly to a group. Occasionally (C). Will occasionally occur in time. Reasonably expected to occur sometime to an individual, item, or person, or sporadically to a group. Seldom (D). May occur in time. May occur sometime to an individual, item, or person, or seldom to a group. Unlikely (E). Unlikely to occur. Assumed it will not occur in a career, or occurs very rarely to a group. (Step 3) Develop Controls and Make Decisions. Step three involves the development and selection of specific strategies and controls that reduce or eliminate risk. Effective mitigation measures reduce one of the three components (probability, severity or exposure) of risk. Risk mitigation decisions must be made at the appropriate level for the identified risk. The higher the risk, the higher the decision-level needs to be to ensure that an appropriate analysis of overall costs to benefits has been carefully weighed. Keep in mind there is no cookie-cutter approach or specific standard for establishing levels of RM decision authority across the Air Force. However, leadership/decisionmakers must ensure that the levels of decision authority are aligned appropriately for mission requirements and experience levels of the personnel conducting operations/activities under their responsibility. It is possible for decision-levels to vary within a command for differing operations/activities if training requirements, mission sets or activities are divergent enough to warrant separate standards (for example, AETC, Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), etc.). Decisionmakers must ultimately choose the most mission supportive risk controls, consistent with RM principles that provide the best solution for the given hazards. Risk decisions must never be delegated to a lower level for convenience or when the situation dictates senior-level involvement; exceptions may be considered in time critical situations where delays might endanger lives, resources or equipment.

410 Figure 16.4. Risk Assessment Matrix.

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Risk Assessment Matrix

A Frequent E F F E C T O F H A Z A R D Catastrophic
Loss of Mission Capability, Unit Readiness or asset; death.

PROBABILITY Frequency of Occurrence Over Time B Likely 1 C Occasional 2 D Seldom 2 E Unlikely 3


Significantly degraded mission capability or unit readiness; severe injury or damage.


Degraded mission capability or readiness; minor injury or damage.


Little or no impact to mission capability or unit readiness; minimal injury or damage.


Risk Levels 1Extremely High 2High 3Medium 4Low (Step 4) Implement Controls. Once control measures have been selected, an implementation strategy must be developed and carried out. The strategy must identify the: who, what, when, where and costs associated with the control measure. RM is not about eliminating all of the hazards/risks. It is about carefully weighing appropriate options and managing the acceptable risk for a given mission, activity or situation. Although it possible for hazards/risks to remain consistent for a given mission or activity, it is more likely for circumstances to change over time. This change can drastically affect the overall risk factors associated with a mission or activity, causing leaders or other individuals to select alternate risk mitigation strategies than were selected in the past. This is why it is essential for leaders to remain in the loop on changes, and provide guidance on acceptable levels of risk and who can approve or deny specific actions based upon current circumstances/limitations. For mission-related controls, accountability must be emphasized across all levels of leadership and personnel associated with the action so that there is clear understanding of the risks and responsibilities of commanders and subordinates alike. There must always be accountability for acceptance of risk regardless of circumstances. Incorporate selected controls into standard operating procedures, instruction letters, orders, briefs, training, and rehearsals. Communicate selected controls to the lowest level. (Step 5) Supervise and Evaluate. RM is a process that continues throughout the life cycle of a system, mission, or activity. Leaders and supervisors at every level must fulfill their respective roles to ensure controls are sustained over time. Once controls are in place, the process must be periodically reevaluated to ensure controls remain effective and mission supportive over time. A review by itself is not enough; a feedback system must be established to ensure that the corrective or preventative action taken was effective and that any newly discovered hazards identified during the mission/activity are analyzed and corrective action taken. Feedback informs all involved as to how the implementation process is working and whether or not the controls were effective. Feedback can be in the form of briefings, lessons learned, cross-tell reports, benchmarking, database reports, etc. Without this feedback loop, we lack the benefit of knowing if the previous forecasts were accurate, contained errors, or were completely incorrect. Commanders, supervisors, and individuals must work with appropriate RM process managers, instructors, advisors, and facilitators to ensure effective RM feedback and cross tell is collected and distributed to enhance future operations and activities.


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16.40.4. Real-Time RM (RTRM) Process or ABCD Model. The 5-Step RM Process is the cornerstone of all RM decisions and lays the framework for conducting formalized risk assessments normally associated with the deliberative level of RM. Although RTRM is also founded on the 5-Step RM Process, streamlining the steps is essential in situations where risk decisions need to be made quickly and in real-time. The RTRM process or ABCD model provides individuals with an easy to remember mnemonic that walks them through the essential steps of the RM wheel to: Assess the situation, Balance controls, Communicate, and Decide and Debrief the RM decision: ABCD. This simple and easy to remember memory jogger provides individuals with a means to evaluate risks and formulate mitigation strategies in a short time and can be easily applied in both on- and off-duty situations. Figure 16.5 provides a graphic example of the relationship between the 5-Step RM Process and RTRM using the ABCD model. Figure 16.5. The 5-Step RM Process as related to the RTRM/ Assess the Situation. Assessing risk in a ABCD Model. time-critical environment typically occurs when a planned activity is already underway or when the complexity or perception of overall risk is low. Effective assessment requires the key elements of hazard/risk identification and understanding the negative effects associated with those hazards/risks. Individuals must seriously consider the activity or action in which they are about to engage and choose appropriate mitigation strategies to meet the hazards they identify. In RTRM, a complete assessment of the situation requires three stages of situational awareness (SA) in a relatively short time: (a) perception of what is happening; (b) integration of information and goals; and (c) projection into the future. Unlike strategic or deliberate RM, where there is ample time to assess potential situations, an individuals ability to discern the situation and apply available resources quickly and effectively can mean the difference between success or failure. This first step of the RTRM/ABCD model effectively combines the first two steps of the 5-Step RM Process. Balance Controls. The second step of the RTRM/ABCD model is specifically tied to making risk control decisions (step three of the 5-Step RM Process) to mitigate or eliminate the risks identified in assessing the hazards of the activity. After assessing the situation, personnel must consider all available controls (resources) to facilitate mission or activity success and how to manage them effectively. Controls/resources can vary in scope and availability from situation to situation. The better prepared individuals are prior to an activity, the more likely they will have more controls/resources available to create multiple redundancies or blocks t o effectively eliminate or mitigate potential risks in real-time. As an example, this equates to having a good understanding of the situation, being properly trained, wearing correct PPE, knowing personal limitations, and having a Wingman to support their efforts. Each of these controls/resources serves as a layer of protection and enhances a decisionmakers ability to effectively balance risk versus reward through proper preparation and understanding of the situation and options. When making these considerations, Airmen must communicate with their team and leadership to ensure all options and resources are effectively used in making a sound, yet timely risk decision. Communicate. The third step of the RTRM/ABCD model is to communicate. This communication can take various forms such as real-time communication with leadership to discuss problems and/or intentions, internal team/crew communication to discuss real-time hazards and mitigation options, or an individual internalizing their current situation and taking time to evaluate if they are heading down the right path. This step assumes individuals and/or teams carefully consider options and controls available to them in real-time situations, and that they are aware of how perception and communication skills change in unanticipated and changing environments. Perception and communication skills are adversely affected as individuals become increasingly stressed and lose situational awareness (SA). Feeling undo pressure to succeed or to continue with a plan when anticipated conditions require mid-stream changes can have similar effects on individuals and/or team members as they try to compensate. In these high stress situations, communication skills diminish as individuals channelize attention and lose awareness of the overall situation; they can experience tunnel vision and be unable to multitask effectively to deal with the changing circumstances. Understanding this, individuals


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and teams who are thrust into these situations can better prepare, anticipate, and identify if they or others are losing SA and make corrections. This awareness enables individuals to more effectively communicate with teammates and leadership in real-time situations, and allows them to take a step back and reevaluate options. Asking questions such as: Who needs to know about the situation? Who can help or assist? Who can provide backup? or Can this be done differently? are just a few examples of the considerations that must be made prior to implementing a mitigation strategy in real-time. Decide and Debrief: The final step of the RTRM/ABCD model is to make the decision to continue, modify or abandon the mission/activity based upon real-time circumstances and conditions. Unlike step 4 of the 5-Step RM Process where an implementation strategy is carefully developed and carried out through identification of the who, what, when, where and cost associated with the control prior to an activity, RTRM relies on the individual or small group taking immediate or near immediate action to mitigate risks in real-time. This aspect alone can make RTRM decisions riskier than deliberate RM decisions. Individuals must realize this and make every effort to deliberately weigh risk decisions before taking action to ensure they are selecting the best course of action (COA). Sometimes the original plan must be modified or changed to account for unforeseen issues in order to assure success. Although minor changes or modifications to a plan or strategy may be easily implemented, others may require higher authority (if available) to properly weigh the risk and determine the best COA. Accountability under these circumstances rests solely with the individuals involved in the activity and it is their responsibility to fully understand the scope and limits of their go/no-go decision and act accordingly. As such, the acceptance of risk and associated consequences needs to be taken seriously with the understanding that any adverse outcome from a selected COA may not only affect the individual, but greatly impact loved ones, coworkers, and ultimately their valuable contribution to the Air Force mission. Although the goal for any mission or activity is to operate safely and achieve success, all Airmen must consider the possibility of abandoning the mission or activity if the situation appears too risky or too costly to continue and there are no reasonable options or strategies to change/alter the circumstances in the time remaining to conduct the mission/activity. As with the formal 5-Step RM Process, both leadership and personnel involved in a mission/activity must ensure that the feedback loop or debrief aspect of the D is performed. This vital process step ensures individuals follow through and complete the ABCD mnemonic loop by identifying what worked, what did not work, and ensures documented lessons learned are disseminated. Debriefs will improve performance, mitigate risks in future activities, and are essential in completing the ABCD loop. Asking questions such as: Was our assessment accurate? Were we lucky? How well did we use the controls/resources? Was the communication effective? and What can we do to improve the events in the future? are a few examples of questions that leaders, crews/teams, and individuals can ask in debriefs to ensure future activities are improved and risks are reduced. Section 16ISexual Assault 16.41. Air Force Policies and Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Sexual Assault: 16.41.1. Sexual Assault Is a Crime. Sexual assault is criminal conduct and it violates the Air Force core values. Inherent in our core values of integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do is respect: self-respect, mutual respect, and respect for our Air Force as an institution. Sexual assault corrodes the very fabric of our Wingman culture. Therefore, we must strive for an environment where this type of behavior is not tolerated, and all Airmen are respected. 16.41.2. Sexual Assault. The following definition of sexual assault has been defined by DoD and is for education and training purposes only. This definition does not affect in any way the definition of any offense under the UCMJ. Commanders are encouraged to consult with their SJA for complete understanding of this definition in relation to the UCMJ. Sexual assault is defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Sexual assault includes rape, forcible sodomy (oral or anal sex), and other unwanted sexual contact that is aggravated, abusive, or wrongful (to include unwanted and inappropriate sexual contact), or attempts to commit these acts. Consent means words or overt acts indicating a freely given agreem ent to the sexual conduct at issue by a competent person. An expression of lack of consent through words or conduct means there is no consent. Lack of verbal or physical resistance or submission resulting from the accuseds use of force, threat of force, o r placing another person in fear does not constitute consent. A current or previous dating relationship by itself or


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the manner of dress of the person involved with the accused in the sexual conduct at issue shall not constitute consent. 16.42. Installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). The SARC implements and manages the installation-level sexual assault prevention and response programs. The SARC reports directly to the installation vice commander. 16.42.1. The SARC is the installations single point of contact for integrating and coordinating sexual assault victim care from an initial report of sexual assault through disposition and resolution of issues related to the victims health and well-being. 16.42.2. The SARC is also responsible for assisting commanders in meeting annual sexual assault prevention and response training requirements, including newcomer and orientation briefings, and will provide community education regarding available sexual assault prevention and response services. The SARC maintains, compiles, and submits reports required by Air Force and/or DoD directives. The SARC ensures available avenues of reporting sexual assault receive the widest possible publicity. These avenues include restricted and unrestricted reports, explained below in detail. 16.43. Victim Advocate (VA). Air Force VAs provide essential support, liaison services, and care to the victim. Responsibilities include providing crisis intervention, referral, and ongoing nonclinical support, including information on available options and resources to assist the victim in making informed decisions about the case. VA services will continue until the victim states support is no longer needed, or the SARC determines that services are no longer required. 16.43.1. VAs are volunteers who must possess the maturity and experience to assist in a very sensitive situation. Only Regular Air Force military personnel, Reserve, or National Guard personnel in active status, and DoD civilian employees selected by the SARC may serve as VAs. 16.43.2. VAs may accompany the victim, at the victims request, during investigative interviews and medical examinations. However, the VA and the victims whom they accompany must be made aware that the VAs presence at an interview could later result in the VA being called as a witness in court-martial or administrative proceedings. 16.44. Response to a Sexual Assault Incident. Upon notification, the SARC will immediately assign a VA to the victim. The assigned VA will immediately contact the victim. Unless VA assistance is declined, the VA will provide the victim accurate information on the sexual assault response process, including the option of unrestricted or restricted reporting, as applicable. The VA will inform the victim of the availability of healthcare, including the option of a forensic medical examination and the collection of evidence. 16.45. Confidentiality and Restricted Reporting: 16.45.1. Sexual assault is the most underreported violent crime in the military and American society. Although the victims decision to report is a crucial step following a sexual assault, reporting is often precluded by the victims desire that no one know what happened. 16.45.2. The DoD has directed the implementation of confidentiality in the form of a restricted reporting option that enables military members to report allegations of sexual assault to specified personnel, without triggering an investigation. This reporting option gives the individual access to medical care, counseling, and a VA, but does not initiate the investigative process. 16.45.3. DoD and the Air Force are committed to ensuring that victims of sexual assault are protected, treated with dignity and respect, and provided support, advocacy, and care. Our policy strongly supports effective command awareness and prevention programs, as well as law enforcement and criminal justice activities that maximize accountability and prosecution of anyone guilty of sexual assault. To achieve these objectives, we recommend prompt, complete, unrestricted reporting of sexual assault allegations to activate victim services and accountability responses. Victims should be appropriately encouraged to make unrestricted reports. However, the DoD recognizes significant barriers exist that deter some victims from reporting sexual assaults. 16.45.4. Restricted reporting is intended to give a victim additional time and increased control over the release and management of the victims personal information and to empower the victim to seek rel evant information and support to make an informed decision about participating in the criminal process. A victim who receives appropriate care and treatment and is provided an opportunity to make an informed decision about filing an unrestricted report with law


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enforcement or command authorities is more likely to develop increased trust that the victims needs are a primary concern. 16.46. Making a Restricted Report. Restricted reporting is available only to military personnel of the armed forces. Military personnel include Regular Air Force members and members of the Air Force Reserve or the Air National Guard performing active or inactive duty training in federal [Title 10] status. Members of the Reserve Component not performing federal duty are not eligible. Retired members of any component are not eligible. Dependents and Air Force civilian employees are not eligible. 16.47. Receiving a Restricted Report. Only SARCs, VAs, and healthcare providers may receive restricted reports of sexual assault. A VA who is contacted by a victim wishing to make a restricted report but who has not been assigned by the SARC to serve as the VA for that individual will not enter into a discussion of the circumstances but will immediately refer the victim to the SARC. Healthcare providers will provide appropriate emergency medical care and immediately notify the SARC to initiate the restricted reporting process. The AFI 44-102, Medical Care Management, requirement to report incidents of sexual assault to the AFOSI or other authorities, as appropriate, is expressly waived for restricted reports. 16.48. Notification to Command of a Restricted Report: 16.48.1. Within 24 hours of receipt of a restricted report of an alleged sexual assault, the SARC will notify the wing vice commander that a restricted report has been made. The SARC will provide only the following information while ensuring that the information is not sufficient to identify the victim or incident: (1) when the assault occurred, using one of the following three categories: while the victim was in military service and within the last 30 days; while the victim was in military service and more than 30 days ago; or prior to military service; (2) whether the assault occurred during the night (18000559) or day (06001759); (3) general information as to location (on or off installation); (4) number of alleged assailants; (5) number of alleged victims; and (6) nature of assault (rape, forcible sodomy, indecent assault, etc.). 16.48.2. Because non-identifying information under the restricted reporting option is intended to provide commanders with general environmental information, neither commanders nor law enforcement officials may initiate investigations based on information about restricted reports provided by SARCs. Commanders, however, may use the information to enhance preventive measures, to enhance the education and training of their personnel, and to more closely scrutinize their organizations climate and culture for contributing factors. 16.49. Unrestricted Report: 16.49.1. Any report of a sexual assault made through normal reporting channels, including the victims chain of command, law enforcement, and the AFOSI or other criminal investigative service is considered an unrestricted report. Any report of sexual assault made through the SARC, VA, or healthcare personnel by individuals not eligible for restricted reporting will be treated as an unrestricted report and forwarded to the AFOSI. 16.49.2. The SARC will be notified of any unrestricted report and will assign a VA to the individual. Details of the allegation will be provided only to those personnel who have a legitimate need to know. 16.50. Use of Information: 16.50.1. In cases of an unrestricted report of a sexual assault or information concerning a sexual assault is otherwise known, information concerning the victim and the offense will only be provided to governmental entities or persons with an established official need to know. Those who are deemed to have an official need to know in the Air Force routinely include: law enforcement; the commanders and first sergeants of the victim and the alleged assailant; legal personnel; the SARC and VA; and healthcare providers as required to perform their respective duties. The intent of this restriction is to protect the privacy of the victim. 16.50.2. Commanders notified of a sexual assault through unrestricted reporting must take immediate steps to ensure the victims physical safety, emotional security, and medical treatment needs are met and that the AFOSI or appropriate criminal investigative agency and SARC are notified. The appropriate commanders should determine whether temporary reassignment or relocation of the victim or alleged assailant is appropriate. 16.51. Addressing Victim Collateral Misconduct in Sexual Assault Cases. An investigation into the facts and circumstances surrounding an alleged sexual assault may produce evidence that the victim engaged in misconduct like underage drinking or other related alcohol offenses, adultery, drug abuse, fraternization, or other violations of instructions, regulations, or orders. According to the UCMJ, the Manual for


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Courts-Martial, and Air Force instructions, commanders are responsible for ensuring victim misconduct is addressed in a manner that is consistent and appropriate to the circumstances. 16.52. Prevention and Response for the Deployed Environment: 16.52.1. According to DoD policy, deploying members will receive training on sexual assault issues before departing for deployment. 16.52.2. The Air Force will identify trained military SARCs (and/or trained civilian SARCs who volunteer) for air and space expeditionary force (AEF) rotational support for global contingency operations consistent with requirements established by a commander of Air Force forces. Normally, each air expeditionary wing will warrant at least one SARC requirement. For deployments smaller than an AEF, deployed commanders must provide a sexual assault response capability consistent with DoD and Air Force requirements. 16.53. Conclusion. This chapter discussed some of the aspects of wing support including the Air Force Portal, military pay and allowances, leave management, LeaveWeb, military equal opportunity, legal services, ground safety, risk management, and policies and procedures for prevention of and response to sexual assault. Supervisors need to ensure their Airmen understand the value of applying the knowledge outlined in this chapter.


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Section 17AOverview 17.1. Introduction. The Air Force uniform developed slowly into what is worn today. During this evolution, the uniform design changed from one with many devices and accouterments to one with very few embellishments. The present Air Force uniform with its authorized badges, insignia, and devices is plain yet distinctive, presenting the appearance of a military professional. Wearing the Air Force uniform means carrying on a tradition one that identifies the person as a member of a historical profession, a close-knit society, quietly assured of his or her competence and professionalism. This chapter identifies the most common uniform items and combinations for enlisted members. Note: Consult AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel, for official guidance. For promotion testing, this chapter is applicable only to personnel testing for promotion to SSgt or TSgt. Section 17BDress and Appearance 17.2. Individual Responsibilities. All Air Force members in uniform will adhere to standards of neatness, cleanliness, safety, uniformity, military image, and present the appearance of a disciplined service member. Air Force members will procure and maintain all mandatory clothing items, follow local supplements and procedures, and keep uniforms neat, clean, pressed, buttoned, and properly maintained. Members will not stand or walk with hands in pockets of any uniform combination (other than to insert or remove items). While walking in uniform use of personal electronic media devices, including ear pieces, speaker phones or text messaging is limited to emergencies or when official notifications are necessary. Military customs and courtesies take precedence. (Exception: Ear pieces are authorized during individual physical training (PT) when wearing the PT uniform.) Air Force members will not smoke or use smokeless tobacco products, drink, or eat while walking in uniform. This also applies when Airmen are required to wear civilian clothes to perform assigned duties. 17.3. When to Wear the Uniform: 17.3.1. Military Duties. Air Force members must wear a uniform while performing military duties. Installation commanders will provide (at no cost) to enlisted members required organizational and functional items directed for wear. When members perform duty on other services installations, they must comply with order of dress for that service, provided their standards are not less restrictive than the Air Force. 17.3.2. Traveling. Wearing a uniform is optional when a member is departing from a military airfield on Department of Defense aircraft or U.S. government commercial contracted flights. Those who choose to wear civilian clothing will ensure items are neat, clean, and appropriate for inflight operations, the mode of travel, and the destination. Examples of inappropriate clothing include: ripped, torn, frayed, or patched clothing; tank tops, shorts, short skirts, undergarments worn as outer garment, bathing suits, and any garments which are revealing or display obscene, profane, or lewd words or drawings. The Airman battle uniform (ABU) is acceptable when traveling between military installations. 17.4. Uniform Wear Restrictions. Airmen will not wear uniform items that do not meet Air Force specifications. Additionally, Air Force members may not wear uniform items to further political activities; for private employment or commercial interests; while participating in public speeches, interviews, picket lines, marches or rallies; or at any public demonstration when the perception may exist that the Air Force sanctions the cause. 17.5. Personal Grooming Standards: 17.5.1. Hair. Hair will be clean, well-groomed, and neat. If dyed, hair will look natural. Hair will not contain an excessive amount of grooming aids, touch the eyebrows, or protrude below the front band of properly worn headgear. Exception: Hair may be visible in front of the womens flight cap.


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AFPAM36-2241 Men. Mens hair must have a tapered appearance on the sides and back, both with and without headgear. Hair will not exceed 1 1/4 inches in bulk, regardless of length, and will not exceed 1/4 inch at the natural termination point. Hairstyles that are extreme, faddish, or violate safety requirements are not permitted. Mens hair will not touch the ears; only closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck may touch the collar. The block cut is permitted with tapered appearance. Men are also authorized cleanly shaven heads, military high-and-tight, or flat-top haircuts. Men will not have any visible items in, or attached to, their hair. Women. Women must style their hair to present a professional appearance. Hair will not be worn in an extreme or faddish style, or violate safety requirements. Hair cannot extend below an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground at the bottom edge of the shirt collar, regardless of length. Hairstyles may include wear of conservative hairpins, combs, headbands, elastic bands, and barrettes. However, wear of a scrunchy is prohibited. Women may not have shaved heads, military high-and-tight, or flat-top haircuts. Minimum length is 1 inch, and hair will not exceed 3 inches in bulk. Hairpins and bands must match hair color. Long hair worn in a bun will be secured with no loose ends. When hair is in a pony tail, it must be pulled all the way through the elastic band, hang naturally downward, and not extend below the collar. Bangs, if worn, will not touch the eyebrows. Wigs and Hairpieces. Wigs and hairpieces must meet the same standards required for natural hair. They must be of good quality, fit properly, and not exceed limits stated for natural hair. Personnel engaged in aircraft flightline or inflight operations are not authorized to wear wigs or hairpieces. 17.5.2. Beards, Mustaches, and Sideburns (Men): Beards are not worn except when authorized by a commander, on the advice of a medical official, for health reasons. If authorized by the commander, members must keep facial hair trimmed not to exceed 1/4 inch in length. If granted a shaving waiver, members will not shave any facial hair. Commanders and supervisors will monitor treatment progress to control shaving waivers. Mustaches, if worn, will not extend downward beyond the lip line of the upper lip or extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from both corners of the mouth. Sideburns, if worn, will be neatly trimmed and tapered in the same manner as the haircut. They will be straight and of even width (not flared) and end in a clean-shaven horizontal line. They will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening. 17.5.3. Cosmetics (Women). Cosmetics must be conservative and in good taste and will not be worn in field conditions. 17.5.4. Fingernails. Fingernails must be clean, well-groomed, not exceed 1/4 inch in length past tip of finger, and not interfere with duty performance or hinder proper fit of prescribed safety equipment or uniform items. 17.5.5. Nail Polish (Women). When worn, nail polish will be a single color that complements skin tone. Bright red, orange, purple, black, and other extreme colors are not authorized. Decorations are prohibited, but French manicures are authorized. 17.6. Tattoos and Brands: 17.6.1. Unauthorized Types. Tattoos and brands, anywhere on the body, that are obscene or advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination are prohibited in and out of uniform. Tattoos and brands that are prejudicial to good order and discipline or of a nature that tends to bring discredit upon the Air Force are prohibited in and out of uniform. 17.6.2. Inappropriate Types. Excessive tattoos and brands must not be exposed or visible (includes being visible through the uniform) while in uniform. Excessive is defined as any tattoo or brand that exceeds 1/4 coverage of the exposed body part and those above the collarbone and readily visible when wearing an open-collar uniform. 17.6.3. Violations. Failure to observe the mandatory provisions listed below are a violation of Article 92, Uniform Code of Military Justice. Violations for the following types of tattoos and brands are as follows:


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419 Unauthorized. Any member who obtains unauthorized tattoos will be required to remove them at his or her own expense. Members who fail to remove unauthorized tattoos in a timely manner will be subject to involuntary separation. Inappropriate. Members are not allowed to display excessive tattoos that would detract from an appropriate professional image while in uniform. Commanders will use AFI 36-2903 to assist in determining appropriate military image and acceptability of tattoos displayed by members in uniform. Air Force members with existing tattoos that do not meet standards must keep them completely covered using current uniform items (for example, long-sleeved shirt or blouse, pants or slacks, dark hosiery, etc.) or volunteer to remove tattoos. Depending on the circumstances, commanders may seek Air Force medical support for voluntary tattoo removal. Members who do not comply with these requirements are subject to disciplinary action. 17.7. Body Piercing. Body piercing standards are provided below: Note: In both uniform and civilian attire, women are authorized to wear one set of earrings as described in paragraph 17.7.1. 17.7.1. In Uniform. Members are prohibited from attaching, affixing, or displaying objects, articles, jewelry, or ornamentation to or through the ear, nose, tongue, eyebrows, lips, or any exposed body part (includes visible through the uniform). Women may wear one set of earrings. 17.7.2. In Civilian Attire: Official Duty. Members are prohibited from attaching, affixing, or displaying objects, articles, jewelry, or ornamentation to or through the ear, nose, tongue, eyebrows, lips, or any exposed body part (includes being visible through clothing). Women may wear one set of earrings. Off Duty on a Military Installation. Members are prohibited from attaching, affixing, or displaying objects, articles, jewelry, or ornamentation to or through the ear (males), nose, tongue, eyebrows, lips, or any exposed body part (includes being visible through clothing). Women may wear one set of earrings. 17.7.3. Imposing More Restrictive Standards. MAJCOM/CCs may impose more restrictive standards for tattoos/brands/body markings and body ornaments, on or off duty, in those locations where Air Force-wide standards may not be adequate to address cultural sensitivities (e.g., overseas). Additionally, MAJCOM/CCs may impose more restrictive standards on those performing highly visible special mission requirements or special duty positions (for example, more restrictive standards for permanently assigned recruiters, reserve officer training corps (ROTC) cadre, Officer Training School (OTS) cadre, United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) cadre, military training instructors (MTI), military training leaders (MTL), instructors in any training environment, etc.). Note: According to AFI 36-2903, individuals are prohibited from intentionally pursuing body alterations or modifications that result in a visible, physical effect that detracts from a professional military image. 17.8. Uniform Standards: 17.8.1. Mess Dress Uniform. The mess dress is an optional uniform for enlisted personnel. This uniform is worn for social or official functions (for example, black tie events); a tuxedo or evening gown is the civilian equivalent. Nametag and headgear are not worn. Enlisted may wear the semiformal service dress if they do not have a mess dress. Refer to AFI 36-2903 for semiformal wear instructions. When in mess dress, saluting is not required. Mess dress items include: 17.8.2. Jacket. The jacket for men and women is semi-fitted, single-breasted, having a straight back with three wing and star buttons positioned diagonally on each side of the lapel. Womens jackets have a satin shawl collar and lapels. Mens jackets have a front link chain closure with button on each end while womens jackets have no front link chain closure. For both men and women, sleeves end 1/4 to 1/2 inch below the wrist. Men wear 4-inch chevrons. Women wear 3 1/2- or 4-inch chevrons. The jacket and trousers or skirt must match in shade and material. Accouterments include occupational, duty, miscellaneous badges, and command insignia. Aeronautical, space, cyber, and chaplain badges are mandatory. Miniature medals will be worn.

420 17.8.3. Trousers (Men).

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The trousers are high rise with side pockets, 7/8 inch blue striping, and no cuffs or pleats. 17.8.4. Skirt (Women). The skirt is ankle length (no higher than the ankle, no longer than the bottom of the heel). It has a one-panel front and a one- or two-panel back, is straight hanging, and has a seam on the left side split to the top of the knee. Women may also wear an A-line style without the split. 17.8.5. Shirt/Blouse. The shirt or blouse is a conventional white long-sleeved dress type with a turndown collar and French cuffs with pleats. Women may wear the long-sleeved blouse with barrel cuffs. Wearing a shirt or blouse with a military crease is prohibited. 17.8.6. Tie. Men will wear the blue satin bow tie (5 to 5 1/2 inches long). The blue satin inverted-V tie tab with selffastening tails is mandatory for women. 17.8.7. Cuff Links. Cuff links are mandatory for men; optional for women, with the mess dress uniform. They will either be silver, satin finish or highly polished with the wing and star design; silver, highly polished with the Air Force symbol; or plain silver, highly polished, commercial design with dimensions and shape similar to the wing and star cuff links. 17.8.8. Studs. Studs are mandatory for men; optional for women. They can be either pearl centered, silver rimmed, highly polished, satin finished or plain silver, highly polished, commercial design with dimensions and shape similar to the pearl centered studs. The finish must match cuff links. 17.8.9. Cummerbund. Men and women will wear the blue satin cummerbund, pleated and without design, with the open edge of the pleats facing upward. Suspenders. Men may wear suspenders. If worn, they will be solid white, blue, or black and will not be visible when wearing the jacket. Shoes. Men will wear low quarters, and women will wear pumps. See AFI 36-2903for additional shoe requirements. Boots are not authorized. Outer garments and Accessories. Men and women may wear the top coat or all-weather coat, black scarf, black gloves, blue winter cap, and black earmuffs. Women may carry handbags. Men will wear socks, and women will wear hose. 17.9. Service Dress Uniform. This uniform consists of the blue service coat and trousers/slacks or skirt (women), light blue long- or short-sleeved shirt, and polyester herringbone twill tie for men or tie tab for women. With arms hanging naturally, the sleeves of the service coat will end 1/4 to 1/2 inch below the wrist. Ensure the bottom edge of the coat extends 3 to 3 1/2 inches below the top of the thigh. 17.9.1. Mandatory Accouterments. Mandatory accouterments to be worn with the service dress coat are: U.S. Lapel Insignia. The U.S. lapel insignia is placed halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. The U.S. letters are parallel with the ground. Enlisted U.S. insignia have circles around the U.S. and officer U.S. insignias do not. Nametag. The nametag is metal engraved, brushed satin finish with blue letters; center metallic nametag on right side between the sleeve seam and the fold of the lapel. Bottom of nametag is parallel with bottom of ribbons. Ribbons. Center ribbons resting on but not over the edge of the welt pocket. Wear a maximum of four devices on each ribbon. Wear all authorized ribbons and devices.


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421 Chevrons. Center the sleeve chevron (4 inch for men; 3 1/2 or 4 inch for women) halfway between the shoulder seam and elbow when the arm is bent at a 90-degree angle. Chaplain, Aeronautical, Space and Cyberspace Badges. Chaplain, aeronautical, space and cyberspace badges are mandatory. 17.9.2. Accouterments: Badges. Air Force members are highly encouraged to wear their current occupational badge. Chaplain, aeronautical, space and cyberspace badges are mandatory; others are optional. Wear highly polished badges only, midsized or regular; do not mix sizes. (Note: The oxidized heritage wings are authorized for wear. Midsized or regular badges may be worn with the medical badge.) Center the aeronautical, occupational, or miscellaneous badge 1/2 inch above the top row of ribbons. Center an additional badge 1/2 inch above the first one. Men center the duty or miscellaneous badge 1 1/2 inches below the top of the welt pocket, and/or on the right side centered 1 1/2 inches below the nametag. Center a third badge 1/2 inch above the nametag. Women wear duty or miscellaneous badges centered 1/2 inch above the nametag and centered 1/2 inch apart. No more than four badges will be worn at one time. Tie (Men). The necktie is mandatory. A tie tack or clasp is optional. Authorized tacks/clasps include the Air Force symbol, grade insignia, or wing and star. If worn, center between the bottom edge of the knot and bottom tip of the tie. Tie Tab (Women). Wear of the blue satin inverted-V tie tab is mandatory. 17.10. Service Uniform. The service uniform consists of the light blue, long- or short-sleeved shirt/blouse, and trousers/slacks or skirt (women). 17.10.1. Short-Sleeved Shirt/Blouse. Sleeves must barely touch, or come within 1 inch of touching the forearm when the arm is bent at a 90-degree angle. The tie (men) and tie tab (women) are optional unless the short-sleeved shirt is worn with the service dress uniform. Mandatory accouterments include: 17.10.2. Nametag. Men will center the blue nametag on, but not over, the edge of the right pocket. Women will center the blue nametag on the right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 17.10.3. Chevrons. Center the 3 1/2-inch sleeve chevron halfway between the shoulder seam and bottom edge of sleeve. 17.10.4. Aeronautical, Space, Cyber, and Chaplain Badges. Aeronautical, space, cyber, and chaplain badges are mandatory. 17.10.5. Optional Accouterments. Optional accouterments include: Ribbons. Men center ribbons resting on, but not over, the edge of the left pocket between the left and right edges. Women center ribbons on the left side parallel with the ground, aligning the bottom of the ribbons with the bottom of the nametag. Air Force members may wear only authorized awards and devices when wearing ribbons. Ribbons are optional. If any are worn, all ribbons and devices must be worn. Ribbons must be clean, unfrayed, and not have a visible protective coating. Wear the ribbon with the highest precedence nearest the lapel on the top row. Ribbons are not worn on outer garments such as raincoats, all-weather coats, or lightweight blue jackets. For additional information on placement and arrangement of ribbons, see AFI 362903. Badges. A maximum of four earned badges may be worn on any blue service uniform. A maximum of two badges may be worn on the left side of the uniform above ribbons, or the pocket if ribbons are not worn. Wear only aeronautical, occupational, and miscellaneous badges in this location. Aeronautical and space badges are worn above occupational and miscellaneous badges. When more than one aeronautical badge is worn, the second badge becomes optional. A maximum of two occupational badges may be worn; the badge representing the current career field (regardless of level earned) is worn in the top position. Exception: Chaplain and aeronautical badges are always worn in the top position when wearing two occupational badges. With the


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exception of the heritage wings, wear highly polished badges only, midsized or regular size, and do not mix sizes. Note: The medical badge may be worn with midsized or regular badges. Men. Chaplain, Aeronautical, Space and Cyberspace badges are mandatory. Others are optional. Center aeronautical, occupational, miscellaneous, etc., badge 1/2 inch above ribbons or pocket if not wearing ribbons. Center an additional badge 1/2 inch above the first one. Center the duty or miscellaneous badge on the lower portion of the left pocket, between the left and right edges and bottom of the flap and bottom of the pocket, and on the right pocket between the left and right edges and bottom of the flap and bottom of the pocket. Exception: The missile badge is worn centered on the left pocket only. Women. Chaplain, Aeronautical, Space and Cyberspace badges are mandatory. Others are optional. Center the aeronautical, occupational, miscellaneous, etc., badge 1/2 inch above ribbons, or center badge parallel to the nametag if not wearing ribbons. Center an additional badge 1/2 inch above the first one. Center the duty and miscellaneous badge 1/2 inch above the nametag. Exception: The missile badge can be centered 1 1/2 inches below bottom of ribbons or on the right side 1/2 inch above the nametag. Long-Sleeved Shirt/Blouse. The collar of the shirt/blouse shows 1/4 or 1/2 inch above the coat collar, with arms hanging naturally and sleeves extended to 1/4 to 1/2 inch below the wrist. The mans shirt has two pleated pockets and convertible cuffs. The womans blouse will have a tapered fit. A tapered fit is optional for men. Military creases are prohibited. Note: The mandatory and optional accouterments are the same as the short-sleeved shirt/blouse. Exception: The tie or tab is mandatory when wearing the long-sleeved shirt/blouse. Tie (Men): The polyester or silk herringbone twill tie is mandatory when wearing the service dress uniform, the semiformal uniform, and the long-sleeved shirt. The tie must not have a design or sheen. It can be 2 or 3 inches wide and may be tapered at the center with a pointed end. The fabric can be polyester, silk, wool, synthetic, or a blend. Woven and pre-tied ties are optional. Tie Tab (Women). The tie tab is a blue inverted-V, constructed of a polyester herringbone, with selffastening tails. This tie tab is mandatory when wearing the service dress uniform, the semiformal uniform, and the long-sleeved blouse. Trousers (Men) and Slacks (Women). The trousers are trim-fitted. The slacks fit naturally over the hips for women with no bunching at the waist or bagging at the seat. The bottom front of the trousers/slacks rests on the front of the shoe or boot with a slight break in the crease. The bottom back of the trousers/slacks is approximately 7/8 inch longer than the front. The silver tip of the belt extends beyond the buckle facing the wearers left for men and right for women, with no blue fabric showing between the buckle and belt tip. Skirt (Women). The skirt hangs naturally over the hips with a slight flare. Skirt length is no shorter than the top of the kneecap or longer than the bottom of the kneecap. The silver tip of the belt extends beyond the buckle facing the wearers right, with no blue fabric showing between the buckle and belt tip. 17.11. Flight Cap. The flight cap is worn slightly to the wearers right with the vertical crease of the cap in line with the center of the forehead, in a straight line with the nose. The cap is approximately 1 inch from the eyebrows. When not worn, tuck the cap under the belt (on the wearers left side for men, and either side for women) between the first and second belt loops. Do not fold the cap over the belt. 17.12. Hose (Women). Hose must be worn with the skirt. Hose must be a commercial sheer nylon in neutral, dark brown, black, off-black, or dark blue shades that complement the uniform and the individuals skin tone. Do not wear patterned hose. 17.13. Footwear: 17.13.1. Low Quarters. Shoes are black oxford, lace-up style with a plain rounded toe or plain rounded, capped toe. Low quarters have no design and are smooth or scotch-grained leather or manmade material with an optional high gloss or patent finish. The sole will not exceed 1/2 inch in thickness, and the heel will not be higher than 1 inch (measured from the inside front of the heel). The shoe may have a low wedge heel. Plain black socks without design are worn with low quarters. Note: Women may wear hose.


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17.13.2. Pumps (Women). Pumps are authorized for wear with the blue service uniform. The pumps will be a plain black commercial design without ornamentation, made of smooth or scotch-grained leather or man-made material, high gloss or patent finish. The height of heels should be no higher than 2 1/2 inches (measured from inside sole of the shoe to the end of the heel lift). Faddish styles will not be worn (extreme toes, pointed, squared, or extreme heel shapes). 17.13.3. Black Combat Boots. The black combat boot can be worn with the service dress and services uniforms when not wearing a skirt, maternity service dress and/or maternity jumper. Laces will either be tied and tucked in the boot or tied and wrapped around the boot. No bowtie boot laces. Logos will be the same color as the boot. Boots must be black, with or without safety toe, plain rounded toe, or rounded capped toe with or without perforated seam. They may have a high gloss or patent finish. 17.14. ABUs. The ABU replaces the temperate and hot weather BDU and the desert camouflage uniform. ABUs may be worn off base for short convenience stops and when eating at restaurants where people wear comparable civilian attire. Do not wear ABUs off base to eat in restaurants where most diners wear business attire or when going to establishments that operate primarily to serve alcohol. The basic ABU configuration is ABU shirt, trousers, patrol cap, T-shirt, rigger belt, boots, and socks. The ABU is a wash-and-wear uniform. Starching and hot pressing of the ABU is prohibited. Lowheat ironing is authorized. 17.14.1. ABU Shirt. The long-sleeved ABU shirt sleeves may be rolled up. If rolled up, the visible sleeve material must match the shirt and will touch or come within 1 inch of the forearm when the arm is bent at a 90-degree angle. The ABU shirt may be removed in the immediate work area as determined appropriate by local leadership. Accouterments: Tapes. Center the U.S. AIR FORCE tape immediately above the left breast pocket. Center the nametape (last name only) immediately above the right breast pocket. Cut off or fold tapes to match pocket width. Chevrons. Center the chevron (4 inch for men; 3 1/2 or 4 inch for women) halfway between the shoulder seam and elbow when the arm is bent at a 90-degree angle. When sleeves are rolled up, chevrons do not need to be fully visible, but rank must be distinguishable. Badges. Chaplain, Aeronautical, Space, and Cyberspace badges are mandatory; Occupational Badges are optional. No more than a combined total of two chaplain, aeronautical, space, cyberspace or occupational badges will be worn on the wearers left. If authorized, the Security Forces, Fire Protection and Office of Special Investigations duty shields and the missile badge will be worn on the wearers left pocket of the ABU. No other items are authorized in this location. The duty shield or badge will be centered between the bottom of the pocket flap, bottom of the pocket and left and right edges. No badge, patch, or insignia is authorized for wear on the right pocket. Trousers. Trousers must be evenly bloused (gathered in and draped loosely) over or tucked into the top of the combat boots to present a bloused appearance. The tip of the belt may extend up to 2 inches beyond the buckle and faces toward the wearers left for men, or right or left for women. Patrol Cap. ABU patrol caps are authorized headgear for wear with the ABU. Organizational caps are not authorized. Exception: REDHORSE and CATM (on the range only). T-Shirt. ABU T-shirts are light tan/sand-colored, crew neck. Boots. ABU sage green boots are authorized for wear with all utility uniforms. Desert tan boots will not be worn with the ABU unless authorized by the Theater commander for wear only in theater. Socks. ABU sock color is sage green worn with the sage green boots. Green, tan, or black socks are authorized with the tan boots.

424 17.15. Physical Fitness (PT) Uniform.

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PT (short- or long-sleeve) T-shirt will be tucked in when worn with the shorts or running pants. The PT shorts lining may be removed, but do not modify other PT items. Short, mid and full length solid black or dark blue form fitting sportswear (i.e. spandex, lycra or elastic) may be worn and visible under PT running shorts. Jacket, when worn, must be zipped at least halfway. Socks will be white, any length, and may have small conservative trademark logos. Hats and winter caps (knit) are authorized during personal PT. Commanders determine authorized headgear during organized PT. PT uniform items are authorized for wear with conservative civilian attire during individual/personal PT or while off duty. No offensive wording, graphics or photos are authorized on any item worn with the PT gear. Bandanas and other similar headscarves and headgear are not authorized unless due to medical waiver condition. Athletic style shoes are authorized. For additional guidance, refer to AFI 36-2903. 17.16. Accessory Standards: 17.16.1. Jewelry. Bracelets (no wider than 1/2 inch) and watches must be conservative, not present a safety hazard, and be worn around the wrist. No more than three rings may be worn. Rings are worn only at the base of the finger. Thumb rings are not authorized. Necklaces may be worn if concealed under a collar or undershirt. Women are authorized to wear small spherical, conservative, round diamond, gold, white pearl or silver earrings with any uniform combination. Earrings must be worn as a matching set and should fit tightly without extending below the earlobe, except for the connecting band on clip earrings. 17.16.2. Eyeglasses and Sunglasses. Eyeglasses, sunglasses, and wraparound sunglasses with conservative ornamentation are authorized. Frames may be black or brown material or gold or silver wire. Brand name glasses may be worn with a small logo on the frames or lens, which must be of the same color. Sunglasses must have conservative lenses and frames; faddish styles and mirrored lenses are prohibited. Sunglasses are not permitted in formation, except when authorized by a commander or commandant on the advice of a medical official for medical reasons (for example, PRK or Lasik surgery). Eyeglasses and sunglasses must not be worn around the neck, or on the top or back of the head or exposed hanging on the uniform. Eyeglasses and sunglasses will be worn in the manner for which they were made. 17.16.3. Additional Items: Pencils and pens must be concealed except when carried in the appropriate compartments of the ABU. Personal digital assistants (PDA), pagers, and cellular phones must be solid or covered in black, silver, dark blue, or gray, and must be conservative. Only one PDA, pager, or cellular phone at a time may be worn on the uniform belt. While walking in uniform use of personal electronic media devices, including ear pieces, speaker phones, or text messaging is limited to emergencies or when official notifications are necessary. Military customs and courtesies take precedence. Exception: Headphones and earphones (IPods, MP3, etc.) are authorized while wearing the physical training uniform (PTU) during individual or personal PT in the fitness center, or on designated running areas, unless prohibited by the installation commander. Lanyards for access passes, badges, and common access cards must be plain, dark blue or black with silver or plastic small conservative link chains and clear plastic. Green may also be worn with the ABU. These attachments must not present a safety issue. Umbrellas must be plain, black, and carried in the left hand. Attach cases, gym bags, and backpacks are carried in the left hand, on the left shoulder, or both shoulders (must not interfere with rendering the proper salute). Only solid-color black backpacks may be worn with blue uniform combinations; solid-color black, olive drab, or matching camouflage are the only colors authorized with the ABU. A conservative manufacturers logo is allowed. 17.17. Conclusion. This chapter covered many common areas of interest in our Air Force uniforms. The information contained in this chapter is not the governing directive with regard to uniform wear. Refer to the most current edition of AFI 36-2903 for specific guidance and authority. For promotion study purposes, this chapter is germane for those testing for SSgt and TSgt.


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Section 18AOverview 18.1. Introduction. Air Force members must be physically fit to support the Air Force mission. Health benefits from an active lifestyle will increase productivity, optimize health, and decrease absenteeism while maintaining a higher level of readiness. The goal of the fitness program is to motivate all members to participate in a year-round physical conditioning program that emphasizes total fitness, to include cardiorespiratory fitness, strength and endurance, and flexibility conditioning and body composition, as well as healthy eating habits. Commanders and supervisors must incorporate fitness into the AF culture to establish an environment for members to maintain physical fitness and health to meet expeditionary mission requirements and deliver a fit-and-ready force. The annual fitness assessment provides commanders with a tool to assist in the determination of overall fitness of their military personnel. This chapter covers the fitness program, proper nutrition, substance abuse, tobacco use, suicide prevention, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), reintegration from deployment, medical care, and the Wingman concept. Section 18BPhysical Fitness and Fitness Components 18.2. Physical Fitness, Optimal Performance and Mission Readiness Being physically fit is more than just passing the AF Fitness Assessment. Adequate physical fitness levels ensure that every Airman can properly support the Air Force mission while performing at optimal capacity. The goal of the fitness program is to motivate all members to participate in a year-round physical conditioning program that emphasizes total fitness to include proper aerobic conditioning, muscular fitness training and healthy eating. An active lifestyle will increase productivity, optimize health, and decrease absenteeism while maintaining a higher level of readiness. 18.3. Physical Fitness. The five major components of fitness are cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. Warm-up and cool down are also essential components of a complete physical fitness program. 18.3.1. Aerobic fitness, synonymous with cardiorespiratory endurance, is the ability to perform large muscle, dynamic, moderate-to-high intensity exercise for prolonged periods. 18.3.2. Body composition is the relative portion of the body comprised of fat and fat-free tissue. 18.3.3. Muscular strength is the maximum force generated by a specific muscle or muscle group. 18.3.4. Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle group to execute repeated contractions over a period of sufficient time duration to cause muscular fatigue. 18.3.5. Flexibility is the maximum ability to move a joint freely, without pain, through a range of motion. 18.4. Aerobic Fitness. A successful cardiovascular exercise program should include the principles of frequency, intensity, duration, and mode. The design of a cardiovascular exercise program, based on these principles, should be incorporated with the desired end goal in mind. 18.4.1. Frequency. Frequency refers to how often one exercises. Conditioning the cardiorespiratory system can be accomplished by three adequately intense workouts per week. Airmen should do these on alternate days. By building up gradually, Airmen can get even greater benefits from working out five times a week. However, leaders should recognize the need for recovery between hard exercise periods and should adjust the training intensity accordingly. They must also be aware of the danger of overtraining and recognize that the risk of injury increases as the intensity and duration of training increases. 18.4.2. Intensity. Intensity refers to how hard one exercises. Improvements in cardiovascular fitness are directly related to how hard the exercise is performed. The minimum training intensity required in an exercise session is 50 percent of volume of oxygen (VO2) max, sometimes referred to as the training threshold. The heart rate, which corresponds to the intensity sufficient for cardiorespiratory improvement, is known as the target heart rate


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(THR). A THR of 70 to 90 percent of ones theoretical maximum heart rate (MHR) is equivalent to 50 to 85 percent of ones VO2 max. One way to determine THR is to calculate 70 to 90 percent of ones theoretical MHR using the formula in Figure 18.1. 18.4.3. Duration. Duration is the time spent exercising with the most benefit occurring in the THR zone. Low intensity exercise requires longer duration for cardiovascular improvements. The more intense the activity, the shorter the time needed to produce or maintain the training effect. 18.4.4. Mode. Only sustained activities that require a large volume of exercise and use large muscle groups will improve cardiovascular fitness. Examples are running, rowing, jogging, vigorous walking, jump rope, stationary cycling, swimming, and stair climbing. Figure 18.1. Heart Rate Formula.
220 - age = maximum heart rate (MHR) MHR x .70 = percent of MHR (bottom threshold of target heart rate [THR]) MHR x .90 = percent of MHR (top threshold of THR) As an example, a 30-year olds THR would be: 1. 220 - 30 = 190 2. 190 x .70 = 133 beats per minute (or 70 percent of MHR) 3. 190 x .90 = 171 beats per minute (or 90 percent of MHR) This individuals THR is 133-171 beats per minute. A beginner should target the lower end of the heart rate range and increase as improvements occur. To determine heart rate for 1 minute, count the pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by 6.

18.5. Muscular Strength and Endurance Training. A successful strength and endurance training program should include the principles of specificity, regularity, recovery, balance, and variety. 18.5.1. Principle of Specificity. A strength training program should provide resistance to specific muscle groups that need to be strengthened. These groups can be identified by doing a simple assessment of functional movement. The Airman slowly does work-related or functional movements he or she wants to improve upon. An example would be the Airman whose job requires them to bend over, pick up an object and place it in an overhead position. This work-related task has the functional movement of a squat and an overhead press with a weight. By incorporating these moves into a strength training program the Airman can improve strength and therefore, improve work-related tasks while reducing injuries by being conditioned in those muscles needed to perform the work. If the Airmans performance of a task is not adequate or if he or she wishes to improve, strength training for the identified muscles will be beneficial. In this way, he or she ensures maximum carryover value to his or her warrior tasks. 18.5.2. Principle of Regularity. Exercise must be done regularly to produce a training effect. Sporadic exercise may do more harm than good. Airmen can maintain a moderate level of strength by doing proper strength workouts only once a week for a short period of time if they have already established a strong baseline level of muscular fitness. However, but three workouts per week are best for optimal gains. The principle of regularity also applies to the exercises for individual muscle groups. An Airman can work out three times a week, but when different muscle groups are exercised at each workout, the principle of regularity is violated and gains in strength are minimal. Airmen should strive for exercising the same muscle group a minimum of two times each week. 18.5.3. Principle of Recovery. Consecutive days of hard resistance training for the same muscle group can be detrimental. The muscles must be allowed sufficient recovery time to adapt. Strength training can be done every day only if the exercised muscle groups are rotated, so that the same muscle or muscle group is not exercised on consecutive days. There should be at least a 48-hour recovery period between workouts for the same muscle groups. For example, the


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legs can be trained with weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and the upper body muscles on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Recovery is also important within a workout. The recovery time between different exercises and sets depends, in part, on the intensity of the workout. Normally, the recovery time between sets should be 30 to 180 seconds. 18.5.4. Principle of Balance. When developing a strength-training program, it is important to include exercises that work all the major muscle groups in both the upper and lower body. One should not work just the muscle groups in the upper body, thinking that running will strengthen the legs. Most muscles are organized into opposing pairs. Activating one muscle results in a pulling motion while activating the opposing muscle results in the opposite or pushing movement. When planning a training session, one training technique is to follow a pushing exercise with a pulling exercise that results in movement at the same joints. For example, follow an overhead press with a lateral pull-down exercise. This technique helps ensure good strength balance between opposing muscle groups which may, in turn, reduce the risk of injury. Sequence the program to exercise the larger muscle groups first, then the smaller muscles. For example, the pull-down stresses both the larger latissimus dorsi muscle of the back and the smaller biceps muscles of the arm. If curls are done first, the smaller muscle group will be exhausted and too weak to handle the resistance needed for the lat pull-down. As a result, the Airman cannot do as many repetitions with as much weight as he or she normally could in the pull-down. The latissimus dorsi muscles will not be overloaded and, as a result, they may not benefit very much from the workout. 18.5.5. Principle of Variety. A major challenge for all fitness training programs is maintaining enthusiasm and interest. A poorly designed strength-training program can be very boring. Using different equipment, changing the exercises, and altering the volume and intensity are good ways to add variety, and they may also produce better results. The Airmen should periodically substitute different exercises for given muscle groups. For example, Airmen can do squats with a barbell instead of leg presses on a weight machine. Also, for variety or due to necessity (for example, when in the field), they can switch to partner-resisted exercises or another form of resistance training. However, frequent wholesale changes should be avoided as Airmen may become frustrated if they do not have enough time to adapt or to see improvements in strength. 18.6. Flexibility Training: 18.6.1. Flexibility is an important component of any fitness program. Many activity-related injuries have their root in lack of flexibility. Think of your muscles as rubber bands. When they are cold, they are rigid and brittle. When warm, they stretch and retract more easily. Conducting a good warm-up before exercising and a good cool down upon completion will help prevent injury and reduce muscle soreness. 18.6.2. No matter what your current fitness level, you should always begin your exercise sessions with a warm-up. A good warm-up sequence is as follows: jog in place or a specified location for 1 to 2 minutes. This causes a gradual increase in the heart rate, blood pressure, circulation, and increases the temperature of the active muscles. Next, perform slow joint rotation exercises (for example, arm circles, knee and ankle rotations) to gradually increase the joints range of motion. Work each major joint for 5 to 10 seconds. Excessive stretching prior to the exercise session is not necessary and in some instances can compromise joint integrity. The joints and muscles provide a support system for the body, over stretching prior to the exercise session may loosen that support system. Stretching after the session is the preferred time period. 18.6.3. Immediately following your exercise session, stretch as part of your cool down. After exercising, when your muscles are their warmest is the best time to improve your flexibility. Do not limit flexibility exercises to cool down only. Take the time to dedicate sessions to flexibility. Stretching throughout the day is also a great idea. Stretching is one form of exercise that takes very little time relative to the benefits gained. Assume all stretching positions slowly until you feel tension or slight discomfort. Hold each position for 10 to 15 seconds during the cool down, relax the stretch, and then repeat for maximum benefit. 18.7. Body Composition. The two largest factors that contribute to maintaining a positive body composition are exercise and diet. 18.7.1. A combination of exercise and diet is the best way to lose excessive body fat. Losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is a realistic goal that is best accomplished by reducing caloric intake and increasing energy expenditure. In other words, one should eat less and exercise more. Dieting alone can cause the body to believe it is being starved. In response, it tries to conserve its fat reserves by slowing down its metabolic rate and, as a result, it loses at a slower rate.


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18.7.2. Airmen must consume a minimum number of calories from all the major food groups, with the calories distributed over all the daily meals including snacks. This ensures an adequate consumption of necessary vitamins and minerals. A male Airman who is not under medical supervision when dieting requires a caloric intake of at least 1,500; women require at least 1,200 calories. Airmen should avoid diets that fail to meet these criteria. 18.7.3. Trying to lose weight with fad diets and devices or by skipping meals does not work for long-term fat loss. Weight lost through these practices is mostly water and lean muscle tissue, not fat. Losing fat safely takes time and patience. There is no quick and easy way to improve body composition. 18.7.4. The Airman who diets and does not exercise loses not only fat, but muscle tissue as well. This can negatively affect his or her physical readiness. Not only does exercise burn calories, it helps the body maintain its useful muscle mass, and it may also help keep the bodys metabolic rate high during dieting. Fat is best utilized during aer obic exercise. Aerobic exercise, which uses lots of oxygen, is the best type of activity for burning fat. Aerobic exercise includes jogging, walking, swimming, bicycling, cross-country skiing, rowing, stair climbing, and jumping rope. Anaerobic activities, such as sprinting or lifting heavy weights, burn little, if any, fat. 18.7.5. Exercise alone is not the best way to lose body fat, especially in large amounts. For an average-sized person, running or walking 1 mile burns about 100 calories. Because there are 3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat, an Airman needs to run or walk 35 miles if pure fat were being burned. In reality, fat is seldom the only source of energy used during aerobic exercise. Instead, a mixture of both fats and carbohydrates is used. As a result, most people would need to run or walk over 50 miles to burn 1 pound of fat. A combination of proper diet and aerobic exercise is the proven way to lose excessive body fat. Local dietitians and nutritionists can help Airmen who want to lose weight by suggesting safe and sensible diet programs. 18.8. Warm-up and Cool Down: 18.8.1. The Warm-up. Before beginning any vigorous physical activity, one should prepare the body for exercise. The dynamic warmup increases the flow of blood to the muscles and tendons, thus helping reduce the risk of injury and increases the joints range of motion and positively affects the speed of muscular contraction. Airmen should do the following recommended sequence of dynamic warm-up activities for 5 to 7 minutes before vigorous exercise: Slowly jog in place or walk for 1 to 2 minutes. This causes a gradual increase in the heart rate, blood pressure, and circulation, and increases the temperature of the active muscles. Slowly rotate joints (for example, arm circles, knee and ankle rotations) to gradually increase their range of motion. Work each major joint for 5 to 10 seconds. Slowly mimic the activities to be performed. For example, lift a lighter weight to warm up before lifting a heavier one. This helps prepare the neuromuscular pathways. The dynamic warm-up increases the flow of blood to the muscles and tendons, helping reduce the risk of injury, increasing the joints range of motion, and positively affecting the speed of muscular contraction. 18.8.2. Cool Down. The following information explains the importance of cooling down and how to do it correctly. Do not stop suddenly after vigorous exercise. Gradually bring the body back to its resting state by slowly decreasing the intensity of the activity. After running, for example, one should walk for 1 to 2 minutes. Stopping exercise suddenly can cause blood to pool in the muscles, thereby reducing blood flow to the heart and brain. This may cause fainting or abnormal heart rhythm which could lead to serious complications. Repeat the stretches done in the warm-up to help ease muscle tension and any immediate feeling of muscle soreness. Be careful not to overstretch. The muscles are warm from activity and can possibly be overstretched to the point of injury. Hold stretches 15 - 30 seconds or more during the cool down to improve flexibility. Do not limit flexibility training to the cool down periods. Stretching is one form of exercise that takes very little time relative to the benefits gained, and may be done easily at home or work. Repetitive movements at work or having a more sedentary job can increase tension in specific muscle groups which would benefit from mild stretching during the course of the day.


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18.9. Unit Physical Fitness Training Program: 18.9.1. Commander-driven physical fitness training is the backbone of the Air Force physical fitness program. The program promotes aerobic and muscular fitness, flexibility, and optimal body composition of each member in the unit. Safety must be an overarching concern throughout physical training (PT) and testing. 18.9.2. The program will meet the current ability level of the members while encouraging and challenging members to progress to a higher fitness level. The 1.5-mile timed run, 1-mile walk, abdominal circumference (AC), push-up, and sit-up tests are designed to measure the effectiveness of the PT program. However, training should not be limited to these test activities. 18.9.3. The unit fitness program should incorporate the guidelines established in AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program, to develop general fitness, prevent boredom, and decrease repetitive strain injuries. Finally, the program should ensure a safe environment for training by assessing traffic patterns, use of headphones or other personal equipment, temperature, availability of water and first aid, and awareness of emergency procedures. Individual safety issues, such as medical limitations and level of ability, should also be considered. 18.10. Physical Fitness Standard: 18.10.1. The Air Force uses a composite fitness score based on aerobic fitness, muscular strength/endurance, and body composition using AC measurements to determine overall fitness. Overall fitness is directly related to health risk, including risk of disease (morbidity) and death (mortality). A composite score of 75 or greater, in addition to meeting the minimum component scores, represents the minimum accepted for health, fitness, and readiness levels. Health and readiness benefits continue to increase as body composition improves and physical activity and fitness levels increase. Members are encouraged to optimize their readiness status and posture by improving their overall fitness. Age- and gender-specific fitness score charts are provided in AFI 36-2905. Note: Meeting just the minimum component scores does not constitute the minimum points required to earn a composite passing score. Scoring the minimum component values in all components will not generate enough points to earn a composite score of 75 or greater. The minimum components are established to ensure members test adequately in all components and avoid asymmetrical fitness which is excelling in some and disregarding others. 18.10.2. Members will receive a composite score on a 0 to 100 scale based on the following maximum component scores: 60 points for aerobic fitness assessment (FA), 20 points for body composition, 10 points for push-ups, and 10 points for sit-ups. The following formula is used to determine the score: composite score = total component points achieved multiplied by 100 and divided by total possible points. 18.10.3. Members with a medical profile prohibiting them from performing one or more components of the FA will have a composite score calculated on the tested components. Exemptions. Biannually, members must complete a composite FA. Exemptions are designed to categorize members as unable or unavailable to train or test, for reasons beyond the control of the member or commander, for a limited time period as outlined in AFI 36-2905. Component Exemptions. The commander, in consultation with the exercise physiologist (EP)/fitness program managers (FPM), may grant members exemption from aerobic and muscle fitness components based on medical recommendation according to AFI 36-2905 for a time-limited period. Other FA components will still be assessed. 18.10.4. Composite scores represent a health-based fitness level. As the fitness level increases, Airmen are able to tolerate extremes in temperature, fatigue, and stress while optimizing performance in the deployed environment. Refer to Table 18.1 for fitness levels. 18.10.5. Members must have a current fitness score on file prior to deployment. Member will not be considered exempt in the deployed location until their current FA expires. If a member fails before deploying and their OPR/EPR closes out after the deployment starts, member will be marked DOES NOT MEET STANDARDS on the OPR/EPR. If they pass, they will be marked MEETS STANDARDS on the OPR/EPR. The only time exempt should be marked is if their current FA expires and they are in a deployed location where they CANNOT test or choose not to volunteer to test at locations where FA testing is available. 18.10.6. Any failures will be annotated in AFFMS and will be considered against the individual. However, if an Airman reaches the 91-day mark after the Unsatisfactory FA, but before the evaluation closes out, the Unsatisfactory score is no longer current and the evaluation will be marked "exempt." If an Airman has a current/passing score before deploying and his/her evaluation closes out after the deployment starts, the Airman will be marked MEETS


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STANDARDS. For Satisfactory and Excellent scores, deployed Airmen become exempt only when they reach the first day of the month, seven/thirteen calendar months following the previous official FA rating. Table 18.1. Scoring Chart.

A Fitness Levels Excellent (all 4 components) Excellent (3 or less components) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

B Scores Composite score > 90, all component minimums met Composite score > 90, all component minimums met Composite score > 75-89.99, all component minimums met Composite score < 75, and/or one component minimum not met

C Currency of Fitness Testing Within 12 months Within 6 months Within 6 months Within 90 days

1 2 3 4

18.11. Physical Fitness Assessment (FA): 18.11.1. Installations will develop a local plan, signed by the installation commander, for unit commanders to appoint physical training leaders (PTL) to augment the Fitness Assessment Cell (FAC) for the purpose of administering FAs. FAC augmentees will conduct FAs and designated FAC personnel will provide oversight. FAC augmentees will not test members from their own unit. The FAC will conduct the FA for all Airmen (Regular Air Force, Reserve, and Guard). Note: Where no FAC exists, FAs should be conducted by a certified PTL from another unit. Arrangements of this sort will be determined by local leadership. 18.11.2. The fitness screening questionnaire (FSQ) should be completed no earlier than 30 calendar days (90 days for Air Reserve Component [ARC]), but no later than 7 days prior to the assessment, to provide time for medical evaluation, when indicated. Note: Failure to complete the FSQ does not invalidate the FA. 18.11.3. Medical providers may recommend temporary medical exemptions for medical conditions that prevent a member from safely participating in specific physical conditioning programs or in a component of the FA. An exercise physiologist issues a temporary exemption from testing if necessary based on the recommendation of the medical provider. Assessment for participation in fitness activities should be made at each visit to prevent the member from having to return for clearance or exemption at a later date. 18.11.4. Pregnant service members will engage in physical activity to maintain cardiovascular and muscular fitness throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period according to medical provider recommendations. Exercise regimens will consist of routines that include PT and nutrition counseling. Members are exempted from fitness testing during pregnancy and for 180 days after the delivery date. 18.12. Assessment Procedures. All components of the FA must be completed within a 3-hour window on the same day. If extenuating circumstances occur (for example, rapidly changing or severe weather conditions, natural disasters, emergencies, safety issues, etc.), then all components must be completed within 5 duty days. Reserve members must be in a duty status for assessments. The body composition component for the fitness assessment is fulfilled by measuring height, weight, and AC which must be the first component assessed in the FA. The muscular fitness components (push-ups and sit-ups) may be accomplished before or after the 1.5-mile run but must be completed after the 1-mile walk. There is a minimum 3minute rest period between components. The assessment components should be scheduled to allow adequate rest for members on irregular or shift work hours. 18.12.1. Body Composition Assessment: Height and Weight. Height and weight are obtained by FAC members. AC. The AC measurement is used to obtain the body composition component score. FAC members or trained augmentees will take the AC measurement in a private room or a partitioned area. See AFI 36-2905 for the abdominal measurement procedures. 18.12.2. Aerobic Assessment. The run and walk will be performed on an approved distance course. Aerobic fitness is measured with a 1.5mile run, according to procedures outlined in AFI 36-2905. All members will complete the 1.5-mile timed run


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unless medically exempted. Members medically exempted from the run and cleared for an alternate assessment will, upon recommendation by the EP/FPM, complete the 1-mile walk, according to procedures in AFI 36-2905. Members who perform the 1-mile walk will not be allowed to run (that is, at least one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times) or the assessment will be terminated. The 1-mile walk is the only authorized alternate assessment for Regular Air Force and ARC members. Note: The member does not select the assessment method. The EP/FPM determines which assessment to use based on the members assessment history and medical recommendation. 18.12.3. Muscular Fitness Assessment. Upper body muscular strength and endurance are measured with a 1-minute timed push-up test; abdominal muscular strength and endurance is measured with a 1-minute timed sit-up test. 18.13. Ongoing Education and a Supportive Environment. Physical fitness education will be incorporated into training programs and unit PT. Ongoing commander emphasis and a supportive environment are essential to maintain force health and fitness. 18.13.1. Intervention and Support. The Health and Wellness Center (HAWC) manages the Balanced Eating, Work out Effectively, Living Longer (BE WELL) Program, which targets nutritional and exercise behavior changes necessary to improve ones health and fitness. Participation is mandatory for all Air Force members with an unsatisfactory score, and is available to all members who want to improve their fitness. 18.13.2. Environment. The installation environment will be conducive for all members to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and a community-based education and awareness program that addresses optimal nutrition, body composition, and fitness evident to all members. In addition, education and intervention programs will be available to ARC personnel. 18.14. Unit Key Players. The unit PT program success depends on many people, including the unit commander, unit fitness program manager (UFPM), PTL, immediate supervisor, and the individual. 18.14.1. Unit Commander. The unit commander promotes, supports, and ensures unit fitness program integrity and provides an environment that is conducive to healthy lifestyle choices; provides an overall work environment for a community that is supportive of optimal nutrition and fitness by providing access to facilities that provide healthy foods and encourages Airmen to participate in physical fitness during the duty day; and implements and maintains a unit PT program according to guidelines in AFI 36-2905. 18.14.2. Unit Fitness Program Manager (UFPM). The UFPM oversees the administration of the fitness program for the unit, notifies the unit commander if members fail to attend scheduled fitness appointments, and provides fitness metrics and unit status reports to the unit commander monthly. 18.14.3. Physical Training Leaders (PTL): The PTL completes the initial PTL course provided by the EP/FPM before overseeing and conducting the unit fitness program and maintains currency by receiving annual refresher course or upon change of duty station, whichever comes first. ARC PTLs at co-located bases will receive initial and refresher training from Regular Air Force EP/FPMs. Where it is not feasible for ARC PTLs to receive in person training, they will complete distance learning training as coordinated through the Air Force Medical Operations Agency and the supporting base EP/FPM. PTLs must complete basic life support and automated external defibrillator training before attending the PTL certification course. They must maintain currency while serving as PTLs.

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Individuals must maintain individual year-round physical fitness through self-directed and unit-based fitness programs and proper nutrition standards according to AFI 36-2905. Individuals must also meet Air Force fitness minimum standards and attend all required fitness program appointments. Section 18CNutrition 18.15. Nutrition. Airmen are responsible to be mission ready at all times and must recognize that food is the fuel that supports our performance and endurance. To understand how nutrients affect the body, Airmen must understand the following basic concepts: 18.15.1. Macronutrients. These are essential calorie-containing nutrients (your body needs them to operate properly) that are needed in relatively large amounts. The three main types of macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are known as the energy powerhouse, because they ar e what our bodies (especially our brains and muscles) need for fuel. The foods that provide carbohydrates are dairy (low/nonfat milk and yogurt), fruits, grains, starchy vegetables, and sweets. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as grain and cereal products, fruits, starchy vegetables, and legumes are excellent sources of fiber. Vitamins and minerals are abundant in many of these foods. We can store carbohydrates in the body (as glycogen in muscles and liver); we also need to maintain a certain amount in our bloodstream to give us energy. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple (refined sugars, fruit juice), and complex (whole grains, fruits and starchy vegetables). Complex carbohydrates take longer to convert to glucose, keeping blood sugar levels consistent and preventing an energy crash in the middle of a workout. Most sports nutritionists recommend that carbohydrates make up one-half to two-thirds of the calories in a diet. Too little carbohydrates (less than 40 percent), can cause a person to feel faint, dizzy, and weak, and cause trouble concentrating or experience low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Protein. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which are necessary to build and repair muscle tissue, grow hair and fingernails, produce hormones, boost your immune system and replace red blood cells. Animal products are not the only source of protein; plenty of vegetable-based options exist, including beans, nuts, lentils, and tofu. Low fat and nonfat dairy products are another good source of protein. Grains and vegetables also contain small amounts of protein. It is true that protein is needed for the development of muscle, but it is not true that more protein will build bigger muscles. Excess protein is burned for energy or, as a last resort, stored as glycogen or fat. Human bodies do not store protein, so adequate portions need to be consumed daily. Excess protein can lead to a host of problems, including dehydration (from frequent urination), an unbalanced diet and possibly increased calorie and fat intake. General guidelines for healthy individuals are between 0.5 and 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight depending on activity level. Because protein requirements differ by age, activity level, and gender, Airmen should consult with the installations registered dietitian or diet technician. Fats. Excessive fat can lead to weight gain, heart disease, and cancer, however, some fat is actually necessary and beneficial. Fat provides a ready source of energy, builds cell walls, transports and stores fat soluble vitamins, insulates, protects vital organs, and makes food taste better. However, there is a need to pay attention to the types of fats consumed. Less healthy fats such as trans fats and saturated fats, are usually found in commercially baked foods and animal products. Healthier fats are mono- and poly-unsaturated fats, found mostly in plant foods such as olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, avocados, and most nuts. Fatty fish such as tuna and salmon are a good source of these healthy fats, too. Body fat storage varies from person to person, based on many factors including gender (women typically store more fat than men for biological reasons). Even in a fairly lean individual, there will be a good energy source from stored fat. For example, a 150-pound person who has 10 percent body fat has about 62,000 calories stored as fat (this is why you can live much longer without food than without water). Since the body's fat storage is more than adequate to provide reserve energy, only a small amount of dietary fat is needed. In fact, a moderately low in fat diet (no more than 30 percent of total calories from fat) will not hinder performance and will promote an eating style that will be beneficial throughout life for physical performance and overall health. Fat is digested slowly and may cause digestive distress, and therefore not recommended as part of a pre-exercise snack. Fluids. Water is essential for life; the human body is made up of over 50 percent water. (The exact percentage is different for males and females and also from one person to another.) Water has no calories and is needed to transport nutrients throughout your body, while also hosting many of your bodys other functions,


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including waste elimination. Exercise places great demands on fluid replacement so that proper hydration before, during, and after intense workouts is critical. Individuals who fail to keep up with their water requirements not only jeopardize their performance, but also put themselves at risk for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and stroke. There is a simple calculation to determine water intake: divide your body weight in half, thats how many ounces, minimum, you should be drinking every day. For example, a 150 -pound person should be drinking at least 75 ounces (about 10 cups) of fluid per day. The simplest way to tell if you are adequately hydrated is the urine test. Drink enough water so that your urine is consistently pale yellow or clear, and weakly scented. In general for activities less than 60 minutes, water is the best beverage for hydration. If you are doing more than 60 minutes of continuous exercise, then you may benefit from a sports drink to replace electrolytes and carbohydrates. Other fluid sources include fresh fruit, broth-based soups, juices, milk, and fresh vegetables. 18.15.2. MyPlate. The United States Department of Agricultures MyPlate food guidance system (Figure 18.2) provides many options to help you make healthy food choices and to be active every day. It is important to remember that this is based on a standard 9-inch plate. Go to for more tools and recommendations. Dietary guidelines for Americans provide science-based advice on food and physical activity choices for better health. More recommendations can be found on or by consulting with your installations registered dietitian or diet technician. Figure 18.2. United States Department of Agricultures MyPlate Food Guidance System. 18.15.3. Calorie Intake.

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the keys to a long, successful career. The Air Force recognizes AC as one of the most specific indicators of disease risk in adults. Excessive body weight is an issue, harming physical performance and increasing the risk of consequences due to military appearance standards. Being overweight or obese increases risk of high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, breathing problems, and certain types of cancer. Weight loss should be a gradual process, 1 to 2 pounds per week is considered to be a healthy and safe weight loss goal. Start by making small and gradual changes in eating behaviors and physical activity. To do this, build a healthy base and make sensible choices while avoiding fad diets and supplements which are short-term solutions and are sometimes dangerous. Maintaining a healthy energy balance is important. Calories in need to be less than calories out to lose weight. Active individuals should never go below 1,200 calories per day (women) or 1,500 calories per day (men). Long-term weight management is not about being in control, its about being in charge! To understand why this distinction is important, consider the differences between people who dont struggle with their weight, people who are overweight, and people who are always on a diet. Small changes do add up, start by making incremental changes and commit to them for the longterm, such as eating 100 fewer calories each day (less than a can of soda). 18.15.4. Nutritional fitness. DoD is now viewing war-fighters as athletes and this requires a different nutritional approach. Performance nutrition doesnt just apply to sports nutrition; it is in the context of fueling for optimum performance across all levels of activity. What nutrition is put into your body impacts what physical abilities can come out of your body, this is the essence of nutritional fitness. Nutritional fitness is defined as having safe and the appropriate quantity, quality, choice, and timing of fuels, nutrients and fluids to sustain and optimize physical and cognitive performance, wellness and health, support environmental adaptations, accelerate healing, and protect against disease. An eating environment that makes healthy choices the easy choice, along with performance-based nutrition education, will help promote nutritional fitness and a resilient and fit force. When necessary, dietary supplements may be recommended to supplement the diet.

434 18.15.5. Performance Nutrition Basics.

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The purpose of a pre-exercise meal or snack is to provide enough fluid to maintain hydration and enough carbohydrates to maintain proper blood sugar levels during activity. A pre-exercise meal (includes some carbs, protein and fat) should be consumed 3 to 4 hours before starting the activity. This allows time for the body to digest the food. A small amount of protein before exercise may reduce muscle soreness later. Pre-exercise snacks: 30 to 60 minutes before an activity, it is a good idea to have a snack. Food and drinks should contain mainly carbohydrates since they are digested quickly and turned to energy-giving glucose. Examples are bananas or other fruits (grapes, applesauce, and peaches), graham crackers, pretzels, or dry cereal. Avoid foods with fat and fiber in a pre-exercise snack, this will minimize possibility of an upset stomach. Recovery snacks: What is eaten after exercising depends on the time and intensity of the workout. If exercising lightly for less than a half hour no snacks or meals need to be eaten. However, if the exercise routine is rigorous and lasts for more than 45 minutes, a snack or light meal will help in recovery. This recovery meal helps replenish the carbohydrates burned during exercise and puts them into storage form for later use. Adding protein to the meal or snack helps rebuild muscle tears that happen during exercise. Timing and what is eaten are also important factors to consider. A rule of thumb is to eat within 15 to 60 minutes of finishing your exercise. Examples of simple post-workout snacks include low fat chocolate milk, low fat yogurt, trail mix (cereal, nuts and dried fruit) and water, or string cheese and a fruit bar with water. Hydration should be a top priority. Recovery fluids include: juices, which supply water, carbohydrates, vitamins and potassium; watery foods such as watermelon, grapes and soups; high carbohydrate sports drinks; commercial fluid replacers and water. Determine how much water is lost by taking a weight measurement before and after a hard training workout. A good goal should be to lose no more than 2 percent of total body weight (for example, 3 pounds for a 150-pound person). Additionally, avoid drastic changes in diet before a fitness test; try out new foods during training times. 18.15.6. Use of Supplements. The use of dietary supplements has become increasingly popular among members of the military. Supplements are intended to supplement a diet, not substitute for it. They may contain vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids, or other substances and are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This lack of oversight means there is no guarantee that what you purchase is what you get. Supplements can often do more harm than good, and individuals should consult a qualified healthcare professional before taking any supplements. Climate and stress may cause different reactions to the dietary supplements, especially in a deployed environment. When considering taking a supplement, it is best to proceed with caution. The DoD has created a site called the Human Performance Resource Center that has updates on supplements and other performance nutrition information. Reliable, science-based information can be found at Visit the Human Performance Resource Center and review/use the materials provided to include free access to the Natural Medicine comprehensive database. After reviewing the information, Airmen must still consult their primary care physician or flight surgeon to get clearance on what to take and what not to take. Section 18DSubstance Abuse 18.16. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) and Demand Reduction (DR) Programs: 18.16.1. ADAPT and DR programs include substance abuse (SA) prevention, education, treatment, and urinalysis testing. SA prevention and treatment policies and programs are thoroughly integrated into every facet of Air Force core values, quality of life, and force management. These policies have been in place for over two decades and have evolved to meet changing conditions within the Air Force. Our members are held to the highest standards of discipline and behavior, both on and off duty. Individuals who experience problems related to SA will receive counseling and treatment as needed; however, all Air Force members are held accountable for unacceptable behavior. 18.16.2. The ADAPT Program objectives are to promote readiness, health, and wellness through the prevention and treatment of SA; minimize the negative consequences of SA to the individual, family, and organization; provide comprehensive education and treatment to individuals who experience problems attributed to SA; and return identified substance abusers to unrestricted duty status or assist them in their transition to civilian life. 18.17. Policy on Drug Abuse: 18.17.1. DoD policy is to prevent and eliminate drug and alcohol abuse and dependence from the DoD. Such abuse and dependence are incompatible with readiness, the maintenance of high standards of performance, and military discipline. Drug abuse is defined as the illegal, wrongful, or improper use, possession, sale, transfer, or introduction onto a military installation of any drug defined in AFI 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program. Wrongful means without legal justification or excuse.


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18.17.2. Studies have shown that products made with hemp seed and hemp seed oil may contain varying levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, an active ingredient of marijuana which is detectable under the Air Force Drug Testing Program. To ensure military readiness, the ingestion of products containing or products derived from hemp seed or hemp seed oil is prohibited. Failure by military personnel to comply with the prohibition on the ingestion of products containing or products derived from hemp seed or hemp seed oil is a violation of Article 92, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). 18.17.3. To ensure military readiness, safeguard the health and wellness of the force, and to maintain good order and discipline in the Service, the knowing use of any intoxicating substance, other than the lawful use of alcohol or tobacco products, that is inhaled, injected, consumed, or introduced into the body in any manner to alter mood or function, is prohibited. These substances include, but are not limited to, controlled substance analogues (for example, designer drugs such as spice that are not otherwise controlled substances); inhalants, propellants, solvents, household chemicals, and other substances used for huffing; prescription or over -the-counter medications when used in a manner contrary to their intended medical purpose or in excess of the prescribed dosage; and naturally occurring intoxicating substances (for example, Salvia divinorum). The possession of any intoxicating substance described in this paragraph, if done with the intent to use in a manner that would alter mood or function, is also prohibited. Failure by military personnel to comply with the prohibitions contained in this paragraph is a violation of Article 92, UCMJ. 18.17.4. All patients diagnosed with SA or dependence and entered into the ADAPT Program will be recommended for limited duty, indicating the patient is not worldwide qualified. 18.18. Policy on Alcohol Abuse. Air Force policy recognizes that alcohol abuse negatively affects public behavior, duty performance, and/or physical and mental health. The Air Force provides comprehensive clinical assistance to eligible beneficiaries seeking help for an alcohol problem. 18.18.1. ADAPT Program. AFI 44-121 provides guidance for the identification, treatment, and management of personnel with SA problems and describes Air Force policy regarding alcohol and drug abuse. 18.18.2. Drunk Driving. AFMAN 31-116, Air Force Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision , applies to everyone with military installation driving privileges. AFMAN 31-116 establishes guidance on court hearing procedures, convictions, non-judicial punishment, civilian administrative action, or appropriate punishment for violation of impaired and intoxicated driving policies. If a member has a blood alcohol percentage of 0.05 but less than 0.10, the person is presumed to be impaired. Intoxicated driving is operating a motor vehicle under intoxication caused by alcohol or drugs. There is a 1-year driving privilege suspension for driving or being in physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor 0.10 percent or greater. Note: In the United States, if a state uses a more stringent standard (for example, 0.08 instead of 0.10), Air Force units will use the lower standard. Overseas, the limit is 0.10 unless the Secretary of Defense sets a lower limit. 18.19. Identification and Referral: 18.19.1. Recognizing and Referring Personnel for Substance Use and Abuse: Each person is responsible for exercising good judgment in the use of alcohol when not otherwise restricted by public law or military directive. The Air Force reviews members drinking habits that affect public behavior, duty performance, or physical and mental health. The Air Force provides non-punitive assistance to members seeking help for an alcohol problem. In assessing potential drug- and alcohol-related problems, the supervisory role is to identify subordinates with problems early and to motivate them to seek and accept help. As depicted in Figure 18.3, many signs and symptoms of SA exist. However, the presence of these signs, though common indicators of SA, does not always substantiate an SA problem. To note all the behavioral symptoms that may suggest SA or precisely define their sequence and severity is impossible. They are exactly as statedsigns and symptoms. Do not use these signs to make a conclusive diagnosis of SA. This responsibility lies with the ADAPT Program personnel. If any of these signs are present, it may suggest a potential problem exists for the member. Talk with the member and explain why you are concerned. Fear of discussing concerns is normal, but it is important to address the concern early before the problem gets out of control. Document and discuss specific instances of unusual behavior with the supervisor, first sergeant, or unit commander. This will help expedite the care a subordinate may need. When additional professional assistance is needed, do not hesitate to document and then refer troubled subordinates to the ADAPT Program. Note: Help


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must be offered to every individual. Any time a person acknowledges an SA problem, notify the supervisor, first sergeant, or unit commander. Figure 18.3. Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse. Arrests or legal problems Concerns expressed by family, friends Denial or dishonesty about use Deteriorating duty performance Dramatic mood swings Failed attempts to stop or cut down Financial irresponsibility Frequent errors in judgment Health problems related to drinking Increased use of alcohol Memory loss Morning drinking and hangovers Suicidal thoughts or behaviors Unexplained or frequent absences Violent behavior

18.19.2. Identifying Substance Abusers. For the Air Force to have an effective SA prevention and treatment program, there must be a means of identifying service members experiencing problems with substance use. Although commanders play a major role in identifying substance abusers, members should be aware of how commanders must proceed in various circumstances. Due to the nature of the position noncommissioned officers hold within the unit, they also play an important part in the identification process. There are basically five identification methods: Medical Care Referrals. Medical personnel must notify the unit commander and the ADAPT program manager (ADAPTPM) when a member: Is observed, identified, or suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while seeking medical care. Receives treatment for an injury or illness that may be the result of SA. Is suspected of abusing substances. Is admitted as a patient for alcohol or drug detoxification. Commanders Identification. Unit commanders will refer all service members for assessment when substance use is suspected to be a contributing factor in any incident; for example, driving under the influence, public intoxication, drunk and disorderly, spouse or child abuse and maltreatment, underage drinking, positive drug test, or when notified by medical personnel. When commanders or supervisors fail to refer a member with suspected or identified SA problems, it places the member at increased risk for developing more severe SA problems and may jeopardize the safety of others and ultimately mission accomplishment. Drug Testing. The Air Force conducts drug testing of personnel according to AFI 44-120, Military Drug Demand Reduction Program. Drug testing is most effective as a deterrent if it reaches each Air Force member; therefore, all military personnel are subject to testing regardless of grade, status, or position. Inspection testing is the best deterrent presently available against drug abuse. Military members may receive an order or voluntarily consent to provide urine samples at any time. Military members who fail to comply with an order to provide a urine sample are subject to punitive action under the UCMJ. Commander-directed testing should only be used as a last resort because the results cannot be used in actions under the UCMJ, or to characterize a members service either as general or under other -than-honorable conditions if the member is separated. Inspection Under Military Rule of Evidence 313. Inspection testing is the most common method of testing in the Air Force. Drug testing is random and unpredictable. In general, an inspection is an examination conducted as an incident of command, the primary purpose of which is to determine and ensure the security, military fitness, or good order and discipline of the unit, organization, or installation. Individuals are selected at random using a nonbiased selection process. Commanders may also select work sections, units, or segments of the military population to provide urine samples. Commanders may use the positive result of a urine sample to refer a member for an SA evaluation, as evidence to support disciplinary action under the UCMJ or administrative discharge action, and as a consideration on the issue of characterization of discharge in administrative discharges. Probable Cause. Probable cause requires a search and seizure authorization from the appropriate commander to seize a urine specimen. Probable cause exists when there is a reasonable belief that drugs will be found in the system of the member to be tested. Consult with the staff judge advocate regarding procedures for determining whether probable cause exists. Results may be used for UCMJ or to characterize administrative discharges.


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437 Medical Purposes. Results of any examination conducted for a valid medical purpose including emergency medical treatment, periodic physical examination, and other such examinations necessary for diagnostic or treatment purposes may be used to identify drug abusers. Results may be used as evidence to support disciplinary action under the UCMJ, or administrative discharge action according to AFI 44-120, Table 1. These results may also be considered on the issue of characterization of discharge in separation proceedings. Self-identification. Air Force members with SA problems are encouraged to seek assistance from the unit commander, first sergeant, SA counselor, or a military medical professional. Self-identification is reserved for members who are not currently under investigation or pending action as a result of an alcohol-related incident. Following the assessment, the ADAPTPM will consult with the treatment team and determine an appropriate clinical course of action. Drugs. An Air Force member may voluntarily disclose evidence of personal drug use or possession to the unit commander, first sergeant, SA counselor, or a military medical professional. Commanders will grant limited protection for Air Force members who reveal this information with the intention of entering treatment. Commanders may not use voluntary disclosure against a member in an action under the UCMJ or when weighing characterization of service in a separation. Disclosure is not voluntary if the Air Force member has previously been: Apprehended for drug involvement. Placed under investigation for drug abuse. The day and time when a member is considered placed under investigation is determined by the circumstances of each individual case. A member is under investigation, for example, when an entry is made in the security forces blotter, when the security forces investigators log shows an initial case entry, or when the Air Force Office of Special Investigations opens a case file. A member is also considered under investigation when he or she has been questioned about drug use by investigative authorities or the members commander, or when an allegation of drug use has been made against the member. Ordered to give a urine sample as part of the drug-testing program in which the results are still pending or have been returned as positive. Advised of a recommendation for administrative separation for drug abuse. Entered into treatment for drug abuse. Alcohol. Commanders must provide sufficient incentive to encourage members to seek help for problems with alcohol without fear of negative consequences. Self-identified members will enter the ADAPT assessment process and will be held to the same standards as others entering SA education, counseling, and treatment programs. 18.20. Leadership Responsibilities. The supervisors role in the treatment process does not end with identifying and referring members. Though the supervisor is not charged with providing treatment, daily interaction with his or her personnel and the treatment team (TT) can have a significant impact on the success of the treatment efforts. Identifying individuals who need treatment is a critical first step in helping them break free of the tremendously potent cycle of denial, negativity, and increased SA. However, entering treatment is only a first step. A members SA problem did not develop overnight. It took time, as will treatment and recovery. The supervisor must remain focused on the members duty performance, attendance in the program, and maintenance of standards. One of the most critical components to a members treatment is the treatment team meeting (TTM). Commander and/or first sergeant and supervisor involvement in the TTM at key points in the patients treatment and recovery are important. The commander or first sergeant and the supervisor must be involved at program entry, termination, and anytime there are significant treatment difficulties with the patient. The primary objective of the TT is to guide the clinical cour se of the patients treatment after examining all the facts. The TT consists of the commander, supervisor, members counselor, medical consultants, other appropriate helping agencies, and the member. 18.21. Substance Abuse Assessment. The central purpose of the SA assessment is to determine the patients need for treatment and level of care required. ADAPT staff members conduct the SA assessment within seven calendar days of notification. ADAPTPMs conduct required reviews of the patients medical records and all documentation provided by the SA staff on a priority basis. Information gathered during the assessment will form the basis for patient diagnosis, treatment planning, and delivery of SA services.


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18.22. Substance Abuse Treatment. SA treatment is divided into two services: nonclinical and clinical. 18.22.1. Nonclinical Services. All active duty members involved in alcohol-related misconduct will be referred for an SA assessment. Members who do not meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence will receive alcohol counseling targeted (secondary) prevention and education. All decisions about length and number of visits of targeted prevention and education will be based on thorough assessment and determination of risk and is tailored for the individual. There will be at least one follow-up appointment of a minimum of 30 minutes duration to reassess risk, assess progress, and as appropriate, conduct a follow-up review of the educational components. If the client is assessed to be at moderate or greater risk, there should be at least two 30-minute follow-ups with progress updates. The focus of these appointments is not treatment. They are designed to be targeted (individual) prevention, education, and reassessment. In addition to the initial assessment, a required alcohol education module will be completed within 2 weeks following the assessment. The alcohol education module includes information on Air Force policy, understanding the relationship between consumption, metabolism and intoxication, and physiological effects of alcohol on brain and body. Additional counseling addressing bio-psychosocial issues identified in the assessment may be prescribed. Length of involvement will be determined based on the patients presenting problems and agreedupon treatment or behavioral contract. Individuals being processed for separation are provided appropriate medical care (detoxification) before separation. Separation action is not postponed because of a members participatio n in the ADAPT Program. 18.22.2. Clinical Services: Patients meeting the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) IV diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence will be entered into SA treatment with the level and intensity of care determined by the ADAPTPM using current American Society of Addiction Medicine criteria. The philosophy is to place personnel with SA problems in the least intensive or restrictive treatment environment possible appropriate to their therapeutic needs. Depending on the members needs, variable lengths of stay or duration of treatment are provided within an array of treatment settings. The treatment program will reflect a multidisciplinary approach to assist the patient to achieve full recovery, free of the negative effect of the SA. Treatment plans are individually tailored to meet patients needs. Family involvement is strongly encouraged. Individuals diagnosed with alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence will refrain from the use of alcohol during the initial phase of treatment and are strongly encouraged to continue to abstain during aftercare. Total abstinence is a critical treatment goal; however, because of the nature of alcoholism, relapses into drinking behavior are not uncommon and should be anticipated. A relapse by itself is not sufficient reason for program failure; however, relapses must be considered a significant threat to the patients treatment and dealt with appropriately. Involvement in self-help recovery groups (such as 12-step, rational recovery) is encouraged as an adjunct to treatment. The frequency of attendance is determined by the TT with the patient. 18.23. Detoxification Prior to Treatment. Patients being referred for inpatient treatment will be assessed to determine the level of detoxification services required. To the greatest extent possible, patient detoxification will be managed on an outpatient basis prior to inpatient treatment. Patients assessed as requiring medically managed detoxification (inpatient) will be entered into an appropriate medical facility. 18.24. Completing the Program: 18.24.1. Successful Completion. Patients will not be considered to have successfully completed treatment until they meet the DSM criteria for early full remission. Based on DSM criteria, the TT determines patient progress toward agreed-upon goals and issues as stated in the treatment plan and determines when the patient is effectively in recovery and no longer requires program resources.


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18.24.2. Failing the Program: The TT determines a patient to have failed the program based on a demonstrated pattern of unacceptable behavior, inability, or unwillingness to comply with their treatment plan, or involvement in alcohol or drug-related incidents after receiving initial treatment. The determination a patient has failed treatment is based on the patients repeated failure to meet and maintain Air Force standards (behavior), rather than solely on the use of alcohol. An individual who has failed the ADAPT Program will be considered for administrative separation by his or her commander. Decisions regarding aftercare services will be based on a current assessment of status and will include establishment of an aftercare treatment plan identifying specific goals, interventions, and means to assess interventions. 18.25. Management of Substance Abusers. The commander is responsible for all personnel and administrative actions pertaining to patients involved in the ADAPT Program, to include assignment availability, promotion eligibility, reenlistment eligibility, Personnel Reliability Program, security clearance, etc. Application of administrative restrictions should be based on the establishment of an unfavorable information file or control roster resulting from the members unacceptable behavior and not solely based on their involvement in the ADAPT Program. 18.26. The Line of Duty (LOD) Determination. A members SA misconduct can lead to an LOD determination. An LOD determination is a finding made after an investigation into the circumstances of a members illness, injury, disease, or death. The finding concludes (1) whether or not the illness, injury, or disease existed prior to service (EPTS) and if an EPTS condition was aggravated by military service; (2) whether or not the illness, injury, disease, or death occurred while the member was absent from duty; and (3) whether or not the illness, injury, disease, or death was due to the members own misconduct. The LOD determination protects the interests of both the member and the United States Government. An LOD determination may impact disability retirement and severance pay, forfeiture of pay, period of enlistment, as well as veteran benefits. Additional guidance may be found in AFI 36-2910, Line of Duty (Misconduct) Determination. Section 18ETobacco Use 18.27. Air Force Goal for Tobacco Use. The Air Forces goal is a tobacco-free force. Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of disease and death in the United States. Every year, in the United States, tobacco use is responsible for about 1 in 5 deaths (about 443,000 deaths per year; an estimated 49,000 of these deaths are from secondhand smoke exposure). 18.28. Effects of Tobacco Use: 18.28.1. Optimal health and total fitness are force multipliers and critical to the military mission. Tobacco use, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, spit tobacco (also known as smokeless tobacco or chew), and electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), is inconsistent with the Air Forces goal of a mission -ready, healthy and fit force. Tobacco use affects all bodily systems, not just the mouth and lungs. Some types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and many types of other diseases, have been linked to tobacco use. For the military member, tobacco use decreases endurance, night vision and fine motor coordination (for example, the coordination needed to hold a weapon steady), increases the risk of injuries (such as fractures) and post-operative respiratory complications, and impairs (or slows) wound healing. Additionally, the Environmental Protection Agency classifies tobacco smoke as a class A carcinogen. This means smoking causes cancer. Smoking is an obvious cancer threat to the smoker; but, more importantly, it poses a cancer threat to the individual who chooses not to smoke. Tobacco not only harms the user but can also cause cancer or contribute to cardiovascular disease in those who breathe the exhaled smoke called environmental tobacco smoke. 18.28.2. While studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health have shown a decline in cigarette smoking, the use of other forms of tobacco has significantly increased. The increased use of smokeless tobacco is based on the faulty assumption it is less hazardous. Smokeless tobacco actually contains 28 different cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). Oral cancers affect 30,000 people annually, and one person dies every hour as a result of this disease. The 5-year survival rate is very low: only 50 percent of persons are alive at 5 years after diagnosis. 18.28.3. Nicotine found in tobacco products is addictive. Nearly one-half of all smokers in the United States have tried to quit in the past year. Because of the powerful physical and psychological addiction, quitting can be a challenge. The


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longer one uses tobacco, the more difficult cessation can be. Therefore, never using products containing nicotine is the best prevention. The U.S. Surgeon General has found that nearly 100 percent of adults who smoke every day started smoking when they were 26 years of age or younger, reinforcing prevention in our younger Airmen is critical to reducing tobacco prevalence in the Air Force. 18.29. Cost of Tobacco Use to the Air Force. The significant costs associated with tobacco use are both physical and financial. TRICARE has estimated that tobacco use costs the DoD $1.6 billion annually because of increased healthcare utilization and decreased work productivity (due to smoking breaks and illness). No less significant is the fact that the cost of smoking a pack a day for a year is 1-months base pay for an airman basic. 18.30. Air Force Standards. AFI 40-102, Tobacco Use in the Air Force, expands tobacco-free environments. Tobacco use on a military installation is restricted to designated tobacco areas (DTA). Tobacco use is prohibited on military treatment facility (MTF) campuses; within 50 feet of a building entry, sidewalk, or parking lot; within 100 feet of a playground; on all recreational facilities, including athletic complexes, golf courses, and beaches, unless the installation commander designates a DTA; in all lodging rooms, lodging and unaccompanied housing (UH) common areas, and temporary lodging facility units; and family housing if serviced by a common air-handling unit. Installation commanders are authorized to designate all UH housing as nonsmoking. The Air Force prohibits all students of formal training courses from using tobacco products while in duty uniform. Not using tobacco should be the Air Force norm to promote mission readiness, health, and productivity. Commanders are expected to support Airmen trying to quit tobacco products. Installation health promotion programs offered through the HAWC provide strategies for education, motivation, and intervention to discourage tobacco use. Formal, structured tobacco cessation programs designed to assist members in breaking the addiction to tobacco products are available at the HAWC. Section 18FMedical Care 18.31. The Military Health System (MHS): 18.31.1. The MHS is a unique partnership of medical educators, medical researchers, and healthcare providers and their support personnel worldwide. This DoD enterprise consists of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, the medical departments of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and joint chiefs of staff, the combatant command surgeons, and TRICARE providers (including private sector healthcare providers, hospitals, and pharmacies). 18.31.2. The MHS is prepared to respond anytime, anywhere with comprehensive medical capability to military operations, natural disasters, and humanitarian crises around the globe, and to ensure delivery of world-class healthcare to all DoD service members, retirees, and their families. The MHS promotes a fit, healthy, and protected force by reducing noncombat losses, optimizing healthy behavior and physical performance and providing casualty care. 18.31.3. The MHS mission is to provide optimal health services in support of our Nations military missionanytime, anywhere. Key mission elements are: Casualty care and humanitarian assistance. Fit, healthy, and protected force. Healthy, resilient individuals, families, and communities. Education, research, and performance improvement. 18.31.4. The MHS vision statement focuses on: Providing premier care for warriors and their families. Creating an integrated team ready to go in harms way to meet our Nations challenges at home or abroad. Leading in health education, training, research, and technology. Building a bridge to peace through humanitarian support. Becoming a nationally recognized leader in prevention and health promotion.

AFPAM36-2241 18.32. TRICARE:

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18.32.1. Program. TRICARE is the health care program serving active duty service members and retirees of the uniformed services, their family members, survivors and certain former spouses worldwide who are registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). TRICARE is also available to ARC members and their families (benefits will vary depending on sponsors military status). As a major component of the MHS, TRICARE brings together the worldwide health resources of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and commissioned corps of the public health service (referred to as direct care), and supplements this capability with networks of civilian health professionals, institutions, pharmacies, and suppliers (referred to as purchased care) to provide access to high-quality health care services while maintaining the capability to support military operations. 18.32.2. TRICARE Mission. To enhance DoD and national security by providing health support for the full range of military operations and sustaining the health of all those entrusted to our care. 18.32.3. TRICARE Vision. To be a world-class health care system that supports the military mission by fostering, protecting, sustaining, and restoring health. 18.33. Medical Readiness. TRICARE enhances medical readiness by: 18.33.1. Promoting the health and well-being of our forces. 18.33.2. Providing preventive care and excellent medical care. 18.33.3. Enabling medics to maintain skills during peacetime for ultimate medical readiness during wartime. 18.33.4. Ensuring the ARC has access to quality medical care to promote their medical readiness. 18.33.5. Providing access to medical care for members and their families stationed away from military treatment facilities. 18.32.6. Taking care of family members at home so uniformed service members can take care of the mission. 18.34. TRICARE Regions. TRICARE is available worldwide and is managed in four separate regions: three in the United States and one overseas (that is divided into three main areas). The three U.S. regions include North, South, and West. The overseas regions include TRICARE Eurasia-Africa, TRICARE Latin America and Canada, and TRICARE Pacific. 18.35. TRICARE Plans. Several health plan options are available to TRICARE beneficiaries. Availability for each depends on the beneficiarys status and residence. The three primary healthcare options offered to eligible beneficiaries are: TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Standard, and TRICARE Extra. Local TRICARE service centers and beneficiary counseling and assistance coordinators in the medical treatment facility are available to help beneficiaries decide which option is best. Go to for additional information. 18.35.1. TRICARE Prime. TRICARE Prime is a managed care option offering the most affordable and comprehensive coverage. When the beneficiary enrolls in TRICARE Prime, he/she is assigned a primary care manager (PCM), either from a MTF or from the TRICARE network, who manages and provides most of his/her care. This PCM will refer the enrollee to a specialist for care he or she cannot provide, coordinate with the regional contractor for authorization, find a specialist in the network, and file claims on the enrollees behalf. There are time and distance standards for care including wait times for urgent, routine and specialty care. Other benefits include enhanced vision and preventive services and travel reimbursement for some specialty care. Active duty members and their families do not pay enrollment fees, annual deductibles, or copayments for care in the TRICARE network. TRICARE Prime is the only option available to active duty service members (ADSM) and enrollment is not automatic.


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AFPAM36-2241 TRICARE Prime Remote (TPR). TPR is a TRICARE Prime option for those ADSMs and active duty family members (ADFM) who live and work 50 miles or an hours drive from an MTF (in TPR -designated ZIP codes). ADSMs. ADSMs under full-time orders with a permanent duty assignment who meet TPR qualifications are required to enroll in TPR. In some cases, where geographic boundaries create undue hardship for travel, ADSMs living closer than 50 miles may be eligible for TPR. ADFMs. ADFMs residing with their TPR-enrolled sponsors are eligible for TRICARE Prime Remote for active duty family members (TPRADFM) and must enroll to enjoy the benefit. Family members enrolled in TPRADFM may remain enrolled even if the sponsor receives unaccompanied permanent change of station orders as long as they continue to reside in the same TPR location. 18.35.2. TRICARE Standard and Extra. TRICARE Standard and Extra is a fee-for-service plan available to all nonactive duty beneficiaries throughout the United States. Enrollment is not required and coverage is automatic as long as the beneficiarys information is current in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. When using TRICARE Standard and Extra, the beneficiary may visit any TRICARE-authorized provider, network, or non-network. Care at MTFs is on a space-available basis only. Referrals for any type of care are not needed but some services may require prior authorization. The type of provider seen determines which option is being used and how much the beneficiary will pay out of pocket. If visiting a non-network provider, the Standard option is being used. If visiting a network provider, the Extra option is being used. If using the Extra option, the beneficiary will pay less out of pocket and the provider will file claims for the beneficiary. See Figure 18.4 for more information. Figure 18.4. Active Duty Service Member Costs. (Note) TRICARE Annual Deductible PRIME None EXTRA SSgt and above: $150 Individual/$300 Family SrA and below: $50 Individual/$100 family Annual Enrollment Fee Civilian Outpatient Visit Civilian Inpatient Admission Civilian Inpatient Mental Health Civilian InpatientSkilled Nursing Facility Care *Fiscal Year 2009 costs Note: Rates effective 1 October 2009. Co-pays/deductibles change annually. TRICARE catastrophic cap on out-of-pocket expenses for TRICARE covered services is $1,000 per active duty family per fiscal year (deductibles, cost shares, copayments, etc.). 18.35.3. TRICARE Young Adult. The TRICARE Young Adult (TYA) program is a premium-based health care plan available for purchase by qualified dependents. TYA offers TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Standard coverage worldwide. TYA includes medical and pharmacy benefits, but excludes dental coverage. Who is eligible? If you are an adult-age dependent, your sponsors status determines whether you are eligible for TYA Prime and/or TYA Standard. You may generally purchase TYA coverage if you are all of the following: None No cost No cost No cost $0 per diem charge per admission None 15 percent of negotiated fee *Greater of $25 or $15.65/day Greater of $20/day or $25/admission $15.65/day ($25 minimum) Charge per admission STANDARD SSgt and above: $150 Individual/$300 Family SrA and below: $50 Individual/$100 family None 20 percent of allowed charges for covered service *Greater of $25 or $15.65/day Greater of $20/day or $25/admission $15.65/day ($25 minimum) Charge per admission


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443 A dependent of a TRICARE-eligible uniformed service sponsor. Unmarried. At least 21 (or age 23 if previously enrolled in a full-time course of study at an approved institution of higher learning and if the sponsor provides at least 50 percent of the financial support), but have not yet reached age 26. You may not purchase TYA coverage if you are: Eligible to enroll in an employer-sponsored health plan as defined in TYA regulations. Otherwise eligible for TRICARE program coverage. Married. Note: Consult your TRICARE handbook for enrollment procedures and current enrollment fees. 18.36. TRICARE Dental Program (TDP). TDP is a voluntary premium-based insurance plan managed by United Concordia Companies, Inc. (UCCI). UCCI offers dental coverage for a wide range of services to ADFMs, selected Reserve, individual ready Reserve members, and their eligible family members. ADSMs (and Reservists called to active duty for more than 30 days) are not eligible for the TDP. Civilian dentists provide the care under the TDP. Either the dentists or the patient may file claims. Sponsors pay a monthly premium through payroll deduction or direct billing in certain circumstances and pay a costshare for some services provided. Section 18GSuicide Prevention 18.37. Suicide Defined. Suicide is defined as the act of deliberately killing oneself, based on the victims intent and an understanding of the probable consequences of his or her actions. 18.38. Suicide Demographics. In any given year, roughly 30,000 Americans commit suicide, almost twice as many as are killed by homicide. The military is not exempt from the problem of suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among Regular Air Force personnel, following death by accidents. During 2011, 42 Regular Air Force Airmen died by suicide. This equals a rate of 12.8 suicides for every 100,000 Airmen. Additionally, 27 Reserve component Airmen and 17 civilian employees died by suicide. Within the Air Force the most common stressors seen in the lives of those who die by suicide are relationship problems, legal problems, mental health problems, financial hardship and work problems. Recent Air Force data shows that all age groups at risk for suicide, with those over 35 at equal risk to those under 24. Some of Airmen who died by suicide were barely into their careers, while others were well beyond retirement eligibility. Although all ethnic, racial, age, and rank groups were represented among Air Force suicides, men die by suicide at a rate four times greater than that of women. Each suicide represents an unacceptable loss to the family and friends of these Airmen as well as to the Air Force. 18.39. Effect on the Military. When suicides occur in the Air Force, they may generate a number of serious problems, which include: 18.39.1. First and foremost, an unnecessary loss of human life. 18.39.2. Second, distress to the victims family and military community. 18.39.3. Third, a direct impact on mission sustainability through loss of the victims skills, experience, and productivity. 18.39.4. Finally, the loss to the Air Force includes the economic value invested in the victim: the loss of anticipated services, training costs, and the cost associated with replacing the victim. 18.40. Dynamics of Suicide. Researchers studying suicide have developed a model to help us understand why someone may choose to end their lives. There are two personal perceptions that place someone at risk for suicide. The first is a perception of a lack of belongingness with or connectedness to others. This could be related to a lack of close friends or a failed marriage or dating relationship or even of a strong connection to the Air Force. The feeling that one does not belong or fit in


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anywhere can be extremely painful and difficult to live with. In our culture we must do all in our power to help members of the Air Force team feel that they do belong and are important parts of our team. The second perception that puts one at risk for suicide is the sense that they are a burden to those around them. This can often be the case when someone feels that they are depressed and weighing down those around them, or can no longer be as productive or as efficient as they would like to be. This can also occur when individuals are experiencing military or civilian legal problems that threaten their careers. In addition to these perceptions of not belonging and of being a burden to others, a final factor that leads to suicide is the development of the ability to take your own life. Committing suicide is a frightening step to take and requires some preparation. Acquiring this capability is the third important piece in the dynamics of suicide. This step can take several forms. The most common in the Air Force is the acquisition of a firearm. For others it may be purchasing rope or acquiring medications for an overdose. Making such purchases can be warning signs that should be questioned by peers, friends, or supervisors. Those who already possess the means or have training in the use of lethal means may be at more risk for suicide. It is important to recognize that anyone, no matter how well they have dealt with military or personal stress in the past, could become suicidal if confronted with stressors or problems that overwhelm their ability to cope and leave them feeling alone and a burden to others. 18.41. Suicides Are Preventable. While not every suicide can be avoided, definite steps can be taken by Air Force personnel to reduce the number of suicides. Even though individual suicides can be difficult to predict, enough is known about the context of military suicides and the risk factors associated with them that realistic and effective preventive efforts are possible and should be publicized with all the force and effectiveness of other command initiatives. Suicide is a frightening step to take; most people who consider suicide do so only after other efforts to cope with or manage their problems have failed and they feel that they have no other options. It is in this stage that individuals considering suicide may be most open to assistance and support from a wingman, friend, or professionals. 18.42. Risk Factors and Stress Indicators of Suicide. Common risk factors include severe, prolonged, or unmanageable stress; difficulty coping or functioning; lack of social support or social isolation; escalating alcohol or drug use; difficulty sleeping and feelings of hopelessness or depression. 18.43. Mental Health Problems. From calendar year (CY) 2009 through CY 2011 more than 50 percent of Airmen who died by suicide were receiving treatment for mental health concerns. Depression, along with other mental illnesses, is a significant risk factor associated with suicide. While depression may have a biochemical basis for some people, for others it may arise from conditions such as marital problems, financial difficulties, work-related problems, or substance abuse. Although identifying depression as a risk factor is important, it may be even more important to identify the basis and nature of the individuals depression. Figure 18.5 identifies some signs of distress that can help determine if someone is suffering from depression. Figure 18.5. Signs of Distress. Agitation Alcohol misuse Anxiety Apathy Avoiding recreation Constant fatigue Decreased appetite Decreased libido Depression 18.44. Legal Problems. Since CY09, 34 percent of Airmen who died by suicide were involved in legal difficulties of one kind or another at the time of their deaths. Being under investigation for a suspected criminal offense, especially if the crime is highly embarrassing, is extremely stressful. Compounding the stress is the uncertainty of what the legal outcome will be; many Airmen under investigation expect the worst. Legal problems almost always entail career problems and are often cause for administrative action by the Air Force. Thus, military members facing serious legal problems often worry about public disgrace and a very real threat to their careers, or their ability to find work after separation from the Air Difficulty coping Disciplinary problems Excessive sleeping Feeling blah Feeling guilty Feeling overwhelmed Feeling worthless Financial problems Hopelessness Increased appetite Indecisiveness Insomnia Irritability Loss of interest Low energy Low self-esteem Poor concentration Poor personal hygiene Poor work performance Relationship difficulties Restlessness Sadness Social isolation Social withdrawal Suicidal ideation Weight gain Weight loss


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Force. Depending on the crimes they are accused of, military members may be removed from their unit, or be rejected by their family and friends. This can create a sense of not belonging or being a burden to others. For some, this is simply more than they can bear. 18.45. Financial Problems. Many Air Force suicide victims were experiencing significant financial problems at the time of their deaths. Financial problems can be a sign of distress. Air Force commanders are frequently contacted concerning the financial indebtedness of their subordinates or their failure to honor financial obligations. Alert commanders often recognize this as being symptomatic of a broader pattern of ineffective coping behavior, or poor decision-making. Financial problems can also be a symptom of other problems such as gambling or substance abuse. As such, it has the potential to be another point of intervention that might collectively reduce the overall suicide rate within the Air Force. 18.46. Relationship and Work Problems. Since CY09, 54 percent of Airmen who died by suicide experienced a failed relationship in the months prior to their death; 25 percent experienced work-related problems. Many experienced both work and relationship problems. In some cases, the victims brought their personal problems to work and, as a result, added them to their jobs. In other cases, the victims took work-related problems home and added them to their personal problems. This is a particularly dangerous combination because it leaves the victim with virtually no safe haven. A healthy, happy relationship can serve an important protective function against many other kinds of stress, but when relationships fail their loss can make other stressors much more difficult to manage. Every Airman should engage with those who are experiencing relationship problems to ensure they manage the problems in a productive manner. 18.47. Signs of Distress. The risk factors noted above are factors that are internal to the person experiencing them and may not always be easily recognized by those around them. However when people are experiencing significant stress, or even thoughts of suicide, they may demonstrate signs that they are in distress. When these are observed in a fellow Airmen, friend, or family member, they should prompt you to ask about what may be troubling the person. 18.48. SuicideThe Event: 18.48.1. The Process. Although some suicides are impulsive, most are not. Typically, the idea of suicide begins as a hypothetical solution to his or her problems and gradually suicide comes to be perceived as the only solution. As this process evolves, life is seen in increasingly narrower terms until problems are seen as hopeless, and suicide is viewed as the only way out. During this process, the individual may drop hints of suicidal ideation, both verbal and behavioral. These hints may include such things as acquiring the means to commit suicide, making suicidal remarks, giving away cherished possessions, writing a will, and being preoccupied with death. 18.48.2. Communications before the Event. Many Airmen who die by suicide communicate their intention to kill themselves verbally and/or behaviorally. In some cases, these communications were clear. For example, one 19-year-old male Airman who died by suicide had been having serious marital problems. He told his coworkers he was so unhappy about his marriage problems that he was going to kill himself. Coworkers thought he was just blowing off steam and took no action. In another case, a 19-year-old Airman who was abusing alcohol and depressed over relationship and financial problems. He told a friend he was going to kill himself and that is exactly what he did the following day. In other cases, the victim communicated suicidal intentions indirectly, often in the form of goodbye statements, making preparations such as writing a will or increasing life insurance, or by making comments that everyone would be better off if he were dead. Vague allusions to suicide are easy to dismiss because of their passive nature and because many people mistakenly believe that people who talk about suicide are not likely to actually do it. Every suicidal remark should be taken very seriously; someones life may depend on it. The increase in the use of electronic communications presents another avenue for people to communicate suicidal thoughts or intentions, and new opportunities for alert wingmen to intervene. Facebook postings, Twitter, and text messages have become common ways in which those at risk for suicide have communicated their distress. 18.48.3. Self Injury. Any self-injury intended to end ones life should be treated as a suicide attempt, regardless of how severe the actual injury was. The severity of the injury is not an accurate indicator of the lethality of the intent. Actual suicides often involve a combination of high lethality in the method selected and a low probability of rescue. Suicide attempts should be interpreted as a sign of serious distress warranting immediate medical attention.


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Even when the behavior appears to be manipulative, it is still sign of serious problem that needs to be addressed. Any level of self-injury should be taken seriously and addressed by mental health professionals. 18.48.4. Time of Year. Statistics do not reflect a significant difference between the months in terms of number of suicides. Although widespread belief is that suicides increase during the holidays, no such relationship has been noted in the Air Force. 18.49. The Final Stage. For many Airmen who died by suicide, the final stage is the calm before the storm. After making up their minds to commit suicide, and having acquired the capability, they often become tranquil. Those around the victim are likely to correctly interpret this as the victim having solved his or her problems, but incorrectly assume that the solution is a positive one. Such a change in behavior or attitude should be questioned to ensure the individual is safe. 18.50. Why Suicide? To examine statistics on suicides is one thing, but to understand why an individual decides to take his or her life is another matter. The heart of the problem lies in the fact that suicide is a choice. Clearly, many victims give the matter considerable thought before they opt for self-destruction. Extreme stress can limit a persons ability to problem solve effectively and lead them to focus on suicide without being able to clearly see alternatives. Perhaps they believe the decision to die is their best choice. Perhaps they see it as their only choice. In most cases, individuals do not want to die, but want to end their current pain and distress, and they see suicide as the only option. Unfortunately, suicide is a permanent solution to an often temporary problem, and the Air Force has many resources to help people resolve problems in more constructive ways. 18.51. Military Leadership Role in Preventing Suicide: 18.51.1. Suicide is not stopped in the emergency department of a hospital. It is stopped by addressing quality of life issues on a daily basis in the unit. Many would like to hand mental health specialists the responsibility for the suicide problem, but the nature of suicide does not lend itself to this kind of approach. Instead, effectively addressing suicide requires a carefully integrated and systematic community approach that prevents the factors that contribute to suicide, and identifies, diagnoses, and treats those at risk. This community approach relies on active leadership involvement in the full range of Air Force suicide prevention activities and on the engagement of concerned wingmen when they see other Airmen at risk. 18.51.2. The military is a unique community governed by procedures and customs unlike those found in most civilian communities. An important element of leadership includes responsibility to and for subordinates along with a commitment to the mission. The military is one of the few communities to have the authority to compel behavior by the force of law. However, just as military commanders have the authority to compel behavior, they also have a corresponding responsibility for the health, well-being, and morale of their subordinates. This requirement applies all the way from the four-star generals to the front-line supervisor. Military leaders have a major moral and legal obligation for managing the welfare of their people. 18.51.3. More importantly, the obligations of leadership cannot be transferred up the chain or across organizational lines to such specialists as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, or chaplains. These specialists provide their services in support of command responsibility. Since CY09, 30 percent of the Airmen who died by suicide were seen by an Air Force mental health provider in the month prior to their deaths, but 100 percent were seen by their supervisors and peers the month prior to their deaths. This means that successful risk identification rests with the potential victims most immediate associates and his or her first -line supervisor. The supervisor is a central player in suicide prevention. He or she not only supervises the individuals work, but is also in a position to s ee any changes in behavior or performance that may signal a problem. In fact, a large part of supervision is the successful management of human resources. Open communication between Airmen and their supervisors, especially in an environment where there is genuine concern for everyones well -being, is vitally important. 18.51.4. When front-line supervisors fail, it is usually for a specific reason. For example, supervisors who are exclusively mission-oriented may not pay enough attention to the personal needs of their subordinates. On the other hand, many supervisors do care about their subordinates personal lives, but do not know how to recognize warning signs. Finally, there are supervisors who care about their subordinates problems but try to protect the m from the Air Force and fail to take the proper action when needed. For example, some supervisors tell subordinates to avoid seeking mental health assistance because it will hurt their career. There have been numerous cases when supervisors helped subordinates hide alcohol and drug abuse problems, helped them avoid installation helping services, and failed to follow human reliability standards in an effort to protect the person at risk, only to see the person take his or her own


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life, or have the problems come to light through accidents or misconduct that had a lasting negative impact on his or her career. Seeking help appropriately does not have a negative career impact. In fact, it can improve performance and enable people to avoid problems. Supervisors should engage in problems early to ensure subordinates get the help they need to maintain peak performance. 18.51.5. When risk is identified, appropriate professional resources can be obtained and applied to the problem. The Air Force has excellent helping resources whose purpose is to provide such services. Appropriate treatment will vary depending on the nature of the problem and degree of risk. Sometimes multiple approaches are needed (for example, involve psychologists, social workers, chaplains, marriage counselors, and others). Doing so requires commitment and assumption of responsibility at the command level, and dedicated competence at the support level. The Airmans Guide for Assisting Personnel in Distress provides resources to help supervisors and wingmen guide personnel to appropriate helping agencies. It is available at the following Web site: adersGuideDistress&doctype=subpage&docname=CTB_205851. 18.52. Psychological Services. The Air Force Suicide Prevention Program (AFSPP) is the Chief of Staff of the Air Forces (CSAF) program. The Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG) serves as the office of primary responsibility (OPR) for the AFSPP. 18.52.1. At the installation level, the mental health clinics typically assess individuals for whom suicide is a concern. Assessment and treatment by helping agencies such as mental health clinic are important, but the healthcare system can only act if it is aware of the problem. This means individuals at risk must either seek help themselves or be brought into the healthcare system by others. Although the healthcare system has an important role to play in suicide prevention, it does not own the problem. Suicide prevention is the responsibility of the entire Air Force community. 18.52.2. A common fear is that seeking care at the mental health clinic will have a negative impact on the persons career. A 2006 study reviewing more than 1,000 self-referred mental health cases found that in 89 percent of cases there was no contact at all between the mental health clinic and the patients unit. In only 3 percent of the cases was there any type of negative impact. Confidentiality is governed by AFI 44-109, Mental Health, Confidentiality, and Military Law. 18.52.3. Mental health providers must disclose safety (for example, suicidal or violent thoughts) and fitness for duty issues to commanders, but all other information is private. Thus, if an Airmans visit to a mental health provider is unrelated to safety and there is no mission impairment, the commander will not be contacted. Willingness to seek help when it is needed from mental health clinics, chaplains, or airmen and family readiness centers is a sign of good judgment and strength. It keeps people functioning at their best and can help them avoid problems that may occur if emotional, behavioral, or relationship problems are left unaddressed. 18.52.4. In an effort to promote help-seeking by Airmen who are experiencing legal or administrative problems, the Air Force instituted the Limited Privilege Suicide Prevention Program according to AFI 44-109. This program allows suicidal Airmen who are under investigation to receive mental health care without risk of further incriminating themselves. 18.53. Every Airmans Responsibilities. Based on a careful review of Air Force suicides, the following recommendations are offered: 18.53.1. Be aware of the risk factors for suicide. The people most likely to spot a potential suicide victim are friends, coworkers, and the immediate supervisor. They are the ones most likely to notice signs of depression or hear suicidal comments. Communicate concerns with the chain of command. Post-suicide event reviews often find that no one had the whole picture. 18.53.2. Encourage counseling for personal problems. Almost everyone goes through difficult times in life. Instead of ignoring the problem and forcing someone to suffer alone, encourage the individual to use the professional support services available on base. Encouraging early help-seeking behavior is an important part of supervision, leadership, and friendship. 18.54. Air Force Suicide Prevention Program: 18.54.1. Suicide Prevention Programs History. In May 1996, General Thomas S. Moorman, AF/CV, commissioned an integrated product team (IPT) composed of all functional areas of the Air Force. He requested General Charles H. Roadman (AF/SG) chair the 75member committee and develop suicide prevention strategies. The suicide prevention IPT quickly realized


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suicide was not a medical problem, but instead was a community problem. To establish an effective program, they designed a line program owned by the AF/CC with the USAF/SG as the OPR. The program was founded upon the concept that decreasing suicides required a community approach in which prevention and assistance were offered long before someone became suicidal. 18.54.2. AFSPP Elements. In order to combat suicide, the suicide prevention IPT developed and implemented 11 far-reaching initiatives, as published in AFPAM 44-160, The Air Force Suicide Prevention Program. Leadership Involvement. Leaders build an environment that promotes healthy/adaptive behaviors, fosters the wingman culture, and encourages responsible help-seeking. Frequent messaging from senior Air Force leaders encourages unit commander and supervisor involvement, which is critical to program success. Commanders ensure adequate resources, policy development, implementation, and efficacy. Addressing Suicide Prevention through Professional Military Education (PME). PME provides periodic and targeted suicide prevention training for Airmen, specifically oriented to the individuals rank and level of responsibility. Leaders will understand what policies and practices promote or discourage help-seeking, and develop skills to detect at-risk individuals and intervene with Airmen under stress. Guidelines for Commanders: Use of Mental Health Services. Commanders are encouraged to partner and consult with the mental health staff about the health of their Airmen to improve their duty performance. Early self-referral yields the best outcome for the individual and the unit; however, there are circumstances when commanders must order a member to the MTF for a mental health evaluation (according to AFI 44-109), substance abuse assessment (according to AFI 44-121), or family advocacy issues (according to AFI 40-301, Family Advocacy). Commanders should be aware of the legal implications of different types of referrals and consult with the legal office as needed. ARC commanders will be familiar with available mental health options. Unit-based Preventive Services. Helping-agency professionals partner with unit leaders to provide services at the worksite to increase access; encourage help-seeking; and promote familiarity, rapport, and trust with Airmen and families. These services also improve unit cohesion and effectiveness. Wingman Culture. Wingmen practice healthy behaviors and make responsible choices and encourage others to do the same. Wingmen foster a culture of early help-seeking. Wingmen recognize the signs and symptoms of distress in themselves and others and take protective action. Investigative Interview Policy (Hand-off Policy): Airmen facing criminal or administrative action are at increased risk for suicide. They can easily feel isolated from family, friends, and other social supports when needing them most. Following an investigative interview, the Air Force investigators (for example, AFOSI, IG, SF, and MEO) are required to hand off the accused directly to the members commander or first sergeant through person -to-person documented contact. The investigator will notify the unit representative that the individual was interviewed and is under investigation. When an investigating agent believes the member may present a risk of suicide, he or she must communicate that concern to the members commander or first sergeant, who will then consider making a referral for a mental health evaluation and possible placement in the Limited Privilege Suicide Prevention (LPSP) Program. The commander or first sergeant is responsible for determining the members emotional state and contacting a mental health provider if they suspect a risk of suicide. Post-Suicide Response (Postvention). Suicide impacts coworkers, families, and friends. Offering support early is associated with increased help-seeking behavior. Post-suicide responses are managed by unit leaders. Unit leaders support affected personnel through the grieving process, consulting with chaplains and mental health as needed. Care should be taken to avoid sensationalizing, glamorizing, romanticizing, or giving undue prominence to suicide. These practices are associated with suicide clusters, copycat suicides, and increased suicide rates. Following a suicide, unit leaders and helping professionals should reference Air Force post-suicide guidance. Community Action Information Board (CAIB) and Integrated Delivery System (IDS). CAIB and IDS provide a forum for the cross-organizational review and resolution of individual, family, installation, and community issues that impact the readiness of the force and the quality of life for Airmen and their families. The CAIB and IDS help coordinate the activities of the various base helping agencies to achieve a synergistic impact on community problems and reduce suicide risk according to AFI 90-501, Community Action


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Information Board and Integrated Delivery System. Emphasizing suicide prevention at the CAIB makes IDS initiatives at the wing, MAJCOM, and Air Force levels more targeted and effective. Limited Privilege Suicide Prevention (LPSP) Program. Members under criminal or administrative investigation are at increased risk for suicide. To encourage this high-risk group to seek help, LPSP Program affords increased legal protections and confidentiality. Members in this program are granted limited protection with respect to the information revealed during or generated by their clinical relationship with the mental health professional. It is important that providers, patients, and commanders understand the limited nature of LPSP protection. Information in the LPSP mental health file can be disclosed to other medical personnel for purposes of medical treatment, a members confinement military commander, for legal proceeding against third parties and to other authorized personnel with an official need to know (for example, commanders) (according to AFI 44-109). Commander Consultation Tools. Use of validated unit climate assessment tools is an excellent way for commanders to tap into the strengths and challenges within their organizations. Results from these instruments can assist commanders in choosing strategies to enhance the well-being and resilience of their Airmen. A number of assessment tools are currently available to all commanders at no cost to the unit. Some of these include the equal opportunitys unit climate assessment, the Airman and Family Readiness Centers (A&FRC) support and resilience inventory, and the Air Force culture assessment safety tool. Local IDS team members can help commanders select the best instrument for their unit. Additionally, IDS agencies can help interpret the results of the chosen tool and assist in developing a plan to leverage the strengths of our Airmen and address unmet needs within our units. Suicide Event Tracking and Analysis: Information on all Air Force suicides and suicide attempts are entered into a central database, currently the DoD Suicide Event Report (DoDSER), to identify suicide risk factors and trends. Collective analyses of useful findings are disseminated Air Force-wide for local application. This publication requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected by the Privacy Act (PA) of 1974. The authorities to collect and or maintain the records prescribed in this publication are Title 10, U.S.C., Section 136, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, and Title 10, U.S.C., Section 8013, Secretary of the Air Force . In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under Title 5, U.S.C., Section 552a(b), Records Maintained on Individuals, of the Privacy Act of 1974, these records, or information contained therein, may specifically be disclosed outside the DoD as a routine use pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Section 552a(b)(3) as follows: Statistical summary data with no personally identifiable information may be provided to federal, state, and local governments for health surveillance and research. The DoD Blanket Routine Uses published at the beginning of the Office of the Secretary of Defense compilation of record system notices apply to this system, except when stipulated. A DoDSER will be submitted on the following populations: For suspected suicides of active duty or equivalent ARC members, data collection and postsuicide assessments will be completed at the decedents installation. This review proc ess will collect and report information to comply with the DoDSER requirements, established in 2008 by the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. All active duty Air Force personnel who attempt suicide. All federalized status (Title 10 U.S.C., Armed Forces) ARC personnel who attempt suicide. Active full time ANG personnel (Title 32 U.S.C., National Guard) suspected of dying by suicide. Basic demographic data (DoDSER data fields 1-9) will be tracked on the following populations: All Department of Air Force civilian employee personnel suspected of dying by suicide. All Selected Reserve (SELRES) and traditional ARC members suspected of dying by suicide while in civilian status or during a unit training assembly.


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AFPAM36-2241 MAJCOMs, FOAs, DRUs, and the ANG have the authority to conduct additional reviews on suicides by civilians and reserve members not in Title 10 status within their commands. A DoDSER will be completed within 30 days of the date of hospitalization or evacuation, or within 60 days of the date the event was determined to be a suicide for active duty service members and 90 days for activated guardsmen and reservists For reportable events that occur in a deployed setting the DoDSER will be completed at the service members home station. 18.55. Effective Suicide Prevention. Suicide prevention is everyones responsibility. For effective suicide prevention, we need to create a culture that encourages early help-seeking behavior and develop a community that provides assistance long before someone becomes suicidal. 18.55.1. The Ask, Care, and Escort (ACE) Model. To facilitate personal engagement in suicide prevention, the Air Force has developed this very simple acronym, ACE, to help people remember the key steps. Ask. When you see or hear any of the warning signs discussed in this section, or are aware of risk factors in someones life, ask questions to learn more about the persons problems or concerns. If you have any concerns about someones safety, calmly but directly ask the question Are you thinking of killing yourself? Some people worry that such a question might put the idea of s uicide in a persons head, but this is not the case. Asking about suicide gives people permission to talk about a subject that may otherwise be difficult to bring up. Do not promise to keep thoughts of suicide a secret. It is important to share these concerns with professionals who can help the person. Care. It is important to show caring and concern for those at risk. Simply taking the time to ask about problems, and asking specifically about suicide shows caring and concern. If someone acknowledges thoughts of suicide, listen to them and allow them to share what is troubling them. Avoid judgmental statements, such as you couldnt do something so stupid or immediately trying to solve their problem or talk them out of suicide. If they have shared thoughts of suicide with you, accept that they are in distress, listen to their concerns, and begin the process of getting them help. Another way of showing concern is to attempt to remove any means of self-harm, such as weapons or medications. If a weapon is present, arrange to have it put away, preferably out of sight, or encourage the person to leave the room or house where the weapon is located. If the person will not let go of the weapon, contact emergency services for support. Escort. After asking about suicide and beginning to show concern, the final step is to escort the person to the person or agency that can provide appropriate assistance. Do not leave him or her alone, or send the person alone to a chaplain or mental health clinic as he or she may change his or her mind on the way. At most bases, chaplains and mental health professionals are on call through the command post, and evaluations can be conducted in local emergency rooms if on-base services are not accessible. If an individual at risk will not agree to go with you, you should contact your chain of command or emergency services for help to ensure the persons safety. Note: By understanding the risk factors and warning signs of suicide, as well as how to intervene with someone at risk, you can play your part in reducing suicides across the Air Force. Section 18HPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 18.56. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Components. Most individuals who experience a traumatic event do not develop PTSD. While it is common after an event to experience posttraumatic stress symptoms, the symptoms are usually transient and resolve themselves within a short period of time. For a small subset of individuals, these symptoms do not resolve and they develop into PTSD. PTSD involves six components: exposure to a traumatic event, re-experiencing the event (nightmares, flashbacks), avoidance or emotional numbing, persistent arousal symptoms (hypervigilance), symptom duration of greater than 1 month, and significant distress or impairment. 18.57. PTSD Prevalence. PTSD rates have been relatively low among total force Airmen. PTSD symptoms are four to five times more frequent with combat exposure. Certain occupations are more likely to be exposed to trauma (Security Forces, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, medics) and have higher incidences of PTSD.

AFPAM36-2241 18.58. Prevention.

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Prevention of PTSD is achieved through screening and training: 18.58.1. The Air Force screens Airmen before and after each deployment to assess whether followup for mental health concerns is necessary. 18.58.2. Deploying Airmen receive training on recognizing PTSD and how to intervene or seek treatment when necessary. 18.58.3. The installation traumatic stress response team can provide pre exposure preparation training for mission sets that have higher probability of exposure. 18.58.4. Deploying Airmen receive Airman resilience training before and after deployment which focuses on adaptation to the deployed mission, dealing with adversity, and reintegrating with family/work after the deployment. 18.58.5. At risk career fields are identified for targeted interventions, includi ng the deployment transition center, which is a 2-day reintegration program en route from the deployed location to home station for high exposure mission sets. 18.58.6. Units that have a moderate or high chance of being exposed to a traumatic event as part of their duties can enhance their psychological resilience with the following preparation principles: Engage in Realistic Training. Train using simulated or actual exposure to realistic events, such as body handling, survival training, and mock captivity training. Strengthen Perceived Ability to Cope. Discuss reasons for realistic training. Enhance personal selfefficacy by reinforcing training to competence. Teach coping mechanisms during training in order to strengthen coping skills in anticipation of actual trauma. 18.59. Treatment. Today, there are effective treatments available for PTSD. Cognitive behavioral therapy appears to be the most effective type of counseling for PTSD. The Air Force provides two forms of cognitive behavioral therapy to Airmen with PTSD: cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure therapy. There is also a similar kind of therapy called eye movement desensitization and reprocessing that is used for PTSD. Medications have also been shown to be effective. A type of drug known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which is also used for depression, can be an effective adjunct treatment for PTSD. The majority (75 percent) of PTSD patients never require a medical board. Section 18IStress Management 18.60. Stress Defined. At some point in your life, you have probably experienced stress. Long work days, increased deployments, and financial issues are just a few of the things that can make you feel stressed. The frequency of stress and the significant negative effect it can have on people and organizations make it a major concern of enlisted leaders at all levels. At the organizational level, it is important because it can negatively affect performance, organizational effectiveness, and mission accomplishment. However, on a personal level, experiencing stress over an extended period of time can lead to health problems and affect your overall quality of life. Therefore, it is important, personally and professionally, to recognize stress and learn how to manage it effectively. 18.60.1. Stress is a dynamic concept that dates back to earlier this century. According to Jerrold S. Greenberg in his book Comprehensive Stress Management, the concept of stress is based on the research of two individuals named Walter Cannon and Hans Selye. Cannon, a physiologist at Harvard Medical School, was the first person to describe the bodys reaction to stress. He identified this reaction as a response to a perceived threat that prepared the body for flight or fight. Later research conducted by Selye, an endocrinologist widely regarded as the father of stress research, concluded that the bodys reaction to stress was the same regardless of whether the source was good or bad, positive or negative. He also provided us with a useful definition of stress. According to Selye, stress can be defined as the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. The demand in Selyes definition is commonly called a stressor. 18.60.2. A stressor can be more accurately defined as any factor (demand) that has the potential to cause stress. This factor can be positive, such as getting promoted, or negative, such as getting fired. Whether the factor is positive or negative, it still causes stress. Selye labeled the stress experienced from positive factors eustress. Eustress results from exhilarating experiences and is the stress of winning and achieving. He labeled the stress experienced from negative


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factors distress. Distress is the stress of losing, failing, overworking, and not coping effectively. When you start to feel stressed out, distress is usually the type of stress you are feeling. 18.60.3. We are in daily contact with many types of stressors. For the most part, we can categorize them into two major areas: organizational stressors and extra-organizational stressors. Organizational stressors are the type of factors experienced in the work environment. For Airmen today, that could range from short-notice deployments to hazardous working conditions. Imagine how you would feel if your commander informed you that you would deploy in a week, or how you might feel if your work environment was bombarded with loud noises all day. If these types of situations regularly happen to you and you have not developed effective ways to cope with them, you could experience stress. Extra-organizational stressors are the type of factors experienced outside the work environment. Three major extra-organizational stressors are family issues, marital issues, and financial issues. Family issues can run the gamut from minor illness and conflicting roles in the family to a death in the family. Similarly, financial problems can run from the minor to the catastrophic. These types of stressors are important because while they usually occur outside of the duty section, if not properly managed, they can affect performance at work. 18.60.4. How do you know if you are stressed? Stress reactions appear in three different categories: emotional, behavioral, and physical. The key to recognizing stress is to understand what is normal for you so that you can recognize when something has changed. The combined presence of symptoms determines the degree of the problem. Indicators (Figure 18.6) may be isolated reactions or combinations among the three categories. Finally, the duration, frequency, and intensity of the symptoms could indicate difficulty in dealing with stress. Figure 18.6. Common Symptoms of Stress. Emotional Apathy Anxiety Depression Irritability Job dissatisfaction Memory problems Mental fatigue Behavioral Appetite changes Increased arguments Increased smoking Neglecting self-care Social withdrawal Substance abuse Violence Physical Frequent illness Headaches High blood pressure Increased heart rate Physical exhaustion Sleep disturbances Weight gain/loss

18.60.5. Being able to recognize the symptoms of stress is important, not only for yourself, but for your Airmen as well. The earlier you identify what stress does to your body and state of mind, the earlier you can employ stress reduction techniques. 18.60.6. Stress management programs and methods vary, but they all tend to have common goals. Individual stress management methods aim at strengthening your ability to manage stressors and the stress response. Organizational stress management methods aim more at altering potential stressors themselves. Because organizational and extraorganizational stressors are interrelated and influence each other, attention to both stress management methods is vitally important. 18.61. Individual Stress Management Methods: 18.61.1. Planning. You can reduce stress by identifying potential stressors before they cause problems. Once you identify stressors, you can develop strategies to achieve your goals while avoiding their effects. For example, if you are stressed by crowds and long lines, dont plan to visit the commissary on or just after payday. If you get extremely upset when you are recalled in the middle of the night, having the latest recall roster and procedures readily available at all times may help reduce the amount of stress you feel. While planning cant prevent stress that occurs as an event is happening, it is extremely valuable in preventing stress before a stressor occurs. 18.61.2. Time Management. Not having enough time to complete a task can be a significant stressor for some people. If time management is an issue for you, you can reduce stress by using effective time management skills and tools, like developing a task list and prioritizing tasks.


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18.61.3. Overload Avoidance. It is relatively simple for most people to eliminate, or at least reduce, the effects of overload-related stressors. For a start, identify and avoid busy work, delegate or empower others when possible, learn to say no, and attempt to negotiate unreasonable deadlines. 18.61.4. Relaxation. Relaxation can help you manage stress and stay alert, energetic, and productive. When you relax, you reduce mind and body tension. By incorporating relaxation skills into your daily routines, you can train your body to respond differently to stress. Relaxation techniques, such as meditation, reading, and listening to music, can improve your heart rate, regulate your blood pressure, and decrease your respiratory rate. If you are experiencing stress in your life, taking the time to relax can reduce the negative effects of stress on your health. 18.61.5. Exercise and Good Nutrition. Regular exercise combined with a healthy diet is an effective stress management technique. Exercise can provide an outlet for excess energy and tension caused by stress. Eating nutritious foods ensures your body has the nutrients it needs to manage stress, and helps prevent overeating. Exercising and balanced diet help your body become more resistant to the negative results of stress, such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, and frequent illness. 18.62. Organizational Stress Management Methods. As a supervisor, your management approach can help reduce your subordinates stress levels. You can begin by identifying potential stressors in the work environment and developing strategies to remove or reduce them. Here are a few examples of organizational stress management methods you can use: 18.62.1. Job Design. If you identify potential sources of stress associated with the job itself, ask yourself if there is a need for the task and if the task is feasible. If the task is not needed, work to eliminate it from the task load. If motivation is a problem, you can consider using elements of job enrichment in order to restructure the job to better accommodate the individual needs and abilities of your Airmen. 18.62.2. Improving the Work Environment. Numerous physical factors within a work environment can be potential stressors. Some of these stressors cannot be eliminated, but you may be able to reduce them. Examine such environmental factors as temperature, noise, and light levels, and make necessary improvements. 18.62.3. Improving Organizational Communication. A lack of information can be a significant stressor. Therefore, any attempt to improve communication can help lower individual stress levels. As a supervisor, you should do your best to keep your subordinates informed about anything that could impact their lives. 18.62.4. Personnel Selection and Job Placement. Having the wrong person in a job can create a great deal of stress for the individual and others. When possible, you should carefully match individuals to the positions. In the military, this might not be the easiest thing to do, but you should keep in mind the potential stress-related benefits of having content people in the workplace. 18.62.5. Substance Abuse Programs. Closely related to stress, substance abuse can have a dramatically negative effect on mission, morale, and readiness, to say nothing of peoples health and well-being. All supervisors are responsible and accountable for managing substance abusers in accordance with applicable directives. Section 18JRedeployment Support Process 18.63. Purpose. The positive and sustained care, control, and discipline of each Airman is the purpose of the redeployment support process. The goal is to ensure personnel readiness throughout the air and space expeditionary force (AEF) cycle by providing timely support for our military members and their families. Redeployment support is an ongoing process,


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not a homecoming event. The intent is to provide continuous, integrated support from the area of responsibility (AOR) to home station and to assist in the transition from the deployed environment to family life and work site. 18.64. Recovery. After periods of arduous duty and protracted periods of deployment, a lengthy respite from the deployment environment has a beneficial effect on an individuals psychological and physical status. An immediate recovery period also provides time for the returning Airman to tend to personal needs neglected during lengthy periods away from home. Each MAJCOM is responsible for establishing and publishing personnel recovery (leave, passes, attribution, and retention) policies for returning combat forces. See AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, for guidance. 18.65. Reconstitution. Although it is important to support returning forces as they transition back to their normal environment, they also must be reconstituted for further deployment possibilities, including surge requirements. This process entails planning that will return units back to full combat capability in a short time. While there is no one correct rule set for reconstitution planning, consideration must be given to prioritizing and restoring levels of consumables expended during the crisis, and recovering lost training. Every base/unit must assess its own situation based on such variables as the magnitude, duration, and intensity of a crisis, consumption rates, and the type of deployment location (fixed versus austere base). See AFI 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution , for further guidance on reconstitution. 18.66. Scope. The Air Force redeployment support process applies to deployed AOR and home stations. All personnel deployed to an AOR, to continental United States locations in support of contingencies, and to remote assignments are included. Key determinants for participation are lengthy family separation and significant family-related stressors prior to redeployment. CAIB- and IDS-helping agencies complete specified activities to support redeployed Regular Air Force, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, civilian personnel, their family members, and units during the AEF cycle. Readjustment from duty in the AOR requires structured recovery time and activities for members and families prior to leave or temporary duty. 18.67. Redeployment Support Process Timeline. Figure 18.7 provides a template for commander responses and actions, and CAIB and IDS members activities at the critical redeployment, recovery, reconstitution, and spin-up/deployment junctures. Subsequent sections provide detailed information on roles and responsibilities. 18.68. Home Station CAIB and IDS Agency Responsibilities. Figure 18.7 outlines the AEF cycle, and specifies commander and CAIB or IDS agency critical juncture activities. The AEF on line ( is a critical source of deployment information, education, and training. Figure 18.7. Redeployment Support Timeline.


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18.68.1. Personnel Readiness. Personnel readiness begins reintegration, and develops the reception station. Personnel readiness will ensure procedures are established to account for members returning from deployments. These procedures will be incorporated into installation reconstitution planning and the installation deployment plan. Returning units and individuals will inprocess with the personnel readiness function within 2 duty days of redeployment day. The personnel readiness function will update the date of return to home station for all individuals in deliberate and crisis action planning and execution segments on the date of notification of return according to AFI 36-3802, Personnel Readiness Operations. 18.68.2. Chaplain Service. Chaplain service members support personnel, families, and base populations during contingencies according to AFI 52-104, Chaplain Service Readiness. At home station following deployment, chaplain service members provide followup support, reintegration and reunion ministries, and other programs to strengthen families and enhance individual spiritual health. Post-deployment services at Air Force Reserve Command wings will be coordinated with the reserve wing deployment support program point of contact. 18.68.3. Airman and Family Readiness Center (A&FRC). The A&FRC provides mobility and deployment assistance to help single and married DoD personnel and families meet predeployment, deployment, and post deployment challenges, according to AFI 36-3009, Airman and Family Readiness Centers. Services help reduce stress and deal with separation and reintegration, increase individual and family morale and unit cohesion, and support operational readiness. A&FRCs use electronic media and hard copies to help develop reintegration educational material and provide materials support to the chaplain and mental health services in the AOR. During deployments, A&FRC staffs tailor support to commanders, units, and families; work with local school authorities and teachers to help them understand stressors unique to children of deployed military; provide myriad deployment support programs; and distribute commercial, printed materials addressing deployment. Upon request, one-on-one counseling is available. The A&FRC staff provides support to the parents and siblings of single Airmen. Post deployment assistance is linked to pre-deployment activities, particularly early intervention to educate families, single members, and units on concerns related to reintegration and reunion. The A&FRC staff monitors family coping skills, assists potential at-risk families, and collaborates with CAIB or IDS agencies to ensure smooth family reunions. 18.68.4. Force Support Squadron and Family Member Program Protocols. These protocols help bases respond to increased childcare needs during contingencies and during the Air and Space Expeditionary Force cycle, according to AFI 34-248, Child Development Centers. Childcare providers receive training on caring for children who are experiencing family separation and reintegration, or whose parents are working extended hours. 18.69. Conclusion. This chapter began with the Air Force Fitness Program. Next, it included information on exercising and proper nutrition to create a healthy lifestyle. This chapter included information on substance abuse, tobacco use, medical care, suicide prevention, PTSD, stress management, redeployment and A&FRC programs. Air Force policy is to ensure Air Force members and their families are physically fit and of sound mind and body to enhance mission accomplishment.


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Section 19AOverview 19.1. Introduction. Security applies to all members of the Air Force at all times. In certain positions, noncommissioned officers (NCO) are required to handle classified information; at other times, NCOs may be required to serve in a foreign country. Such is the diversity of security. This chapter covers information assurance, installation security, and antiterrorism (AT). These topics are essential to the Air Force mission and the security of all its resources. Along with information presented in Chapters 5, Emergency Management Program, and 6, Standards of Conduct, this information helps ensure Air Force forces are prepared to face any adversary. Section 19BInformation Assurance (IA) 19.2. Information Assurance: 19.2.1. Information assurance is everyones responsibility. Personnel at all levels must ensure all Air Fo rce information resources under their purview are protected in a manner consistent with threats and missions. Similarly, it is the duty of all personnel to accept and carry out their responsibilities to protect information and information systems by adhering to all applicable information assurance and related security policies and procedures. 19.2.2. Information assurance refers to the measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, confidentiality, authentication, and non-repudiation. These measures include providing for restoration of information and information systems by incorporating protection, detection, and reaction capabilities. Information assurance policy is based on fact-based operational risk assessments; total risk avoidance is not practical in many cases and, therefore, risk assessment and management is required. 19.2.3. The Air Force implements and maintains the information assurance program to secure its information and information technology (IT) assets. The Air Force achieves these objectives through the effective employment of its core information assurance disciplines of communications security (COMSEC), computer security (COMPUSEC), and emissions security (EMSEC). 19.3. Computer Security (COMPUSEC): 19.3.1. Definition. COMPUSEC consists of measures and controls that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems assets including hardware, software, firmware, and information being processed, stored, and communicated. Compliance ensures measures are taken to protect all Air Force information system resources and information effectively and efficiently. Appropriate levels of protection against threats and vulnerabilities for information systems prevent denial of service, corruption, compromise, fraud, waste, and abuse. 19.3.2. Information Systems. An information system is any telecommunications or computer-related equipment or interconnected system or subsystems of equipment used in the acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching interchange, transmission, or reception of voice or data and includes software, firmware, and hardware. 19.3.3. Countermeasures. Every Air Force information system has vulnerabilities (system security weaknesses) and is susceptible to exploitation (to gain access to information or disrupt critical processing). A countermeasure is an action, device, procedure, technique, or other measure that reduces the vulnerability to an acceptable and manageable level (mitigating the overall threat). 19.3.4. Threats. Not all threats to our national security are conventional in nature. Potential adversaries increasingly rely on unconventional tactics to offset our superiority in conventional forces and technology. Information operations


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(IO) and information warfare (IW) activities pose the greatest threats to communications and information systems. IO and IW attacks, including introduction of malicious codes, trapdoors, or viruses, could result in the loss of information and information system confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The loss of these key capabilities could disclose classified or sensitive information (including personally identifiable information [PII]), alter and delete mission-essential data, and destroy our communications and information systems. Malicious Logic Protection. The Air Force must protect information systems (server to workstation) from malicious logic (for example, virus, worm, Botnets, and Trojan horse) attacks. To achieve this, the Air Force applies an appropriate mix of preventive measures to include user awareness training, local policies, configuration management, and antivirus software. At a minimum, personnel must follow these preventive measures: Use antivirus software on all information systems. Scan all incoming or downloaded electronic traffic and files for viruses. Scan removable and fixed media prior to use. Report all virus attacks. Preserve any evidence in malicious logic incidents for ongoing investigations. Use government-owned computer systems for official use only. Do not surf unapproved Web sites on government-owned computer systems. Desktop and Workstation Security. This paragraph applies to all information systems used by only one individual at a time. The desktop or workstation may be operated as a standalone system or connected in a network environment. At a minimum, personnel must comply with these security requirements: Ensure user access to information system resources and information is based upon their security clearance and need to know. For access to systems and networks, use strong, two-factor authentication by combining the common access card (CAC) (possession-based) with a personal identification number (PIN) (knowledge-based). The CAC is the DoD identification card which contains an integrated circuit chip upon which public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates and keys reside. All individuals authorized a CAC will use the CAC and PIN, or an authorized alternate smart card token, to access nonsecure internet protocol router network resources. Passwords should only be used when support for CAC or other strong, two-factor authentication is not available. Protect against casual viewing of information. Place devices that display (or output) classified and sensitive information in a location that deters unauthorized individuals from reading the information. Use a secure screen saver and screen-lock any workstation left unattended. Once activated, access to the workstation requires strong, two-factor authentication. If a CAC is used for workstation access, remove it from the reader when workstations are unattended. If a secure screen saver or screen-lock is not available on the workstation, completely log off before leaving the workstation unattended. Protect the information system and data against tampering, theft, and loss. Provide protection from outsider threats by controlling physical access to the facilities, information systems, and data itself. Provide protection from insider and outsider threats by using installed security mechanisms (CAC removal lock feature, keyboard locks, secure screen savers, add-on security software, etc.) or by establishing controls for removal and secure storage of information from unattended information systems. Removable Media Control. This paragraph applies to all forms of storage media including, but not limited to, compact discs, external storage drives, and universal serial bus drives (memory sticks, jump drives, pen drives, etc.). These devices have memory storage capability and are categorized as removable media. Because of the capacity of their memory storage and their portable nature, these devices pose an increased risk of data tampering, theft, or loss. At a minimum, personnel must use these preventive measures: Safeguard, mark, and label removable media according to the requirements for the highest level of information ever contained on the media using applicable information security guidance. Restrict use of removable media containing sensitive information (to include PII) to locations that meet information protection and security policies. Contact your local security manager for additional security measures when removing these devices from secure locations. Do not store large amounts of PII (500 or more records) on these devices without proper approval as stated in current Air Force policy. The loss or theft of this much information may lead to identity theft and adversely impact our personnel.


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459 Report loss or suspected loss of removable media containing sensitive information according to applicable information security guidance from your local security manager or information assurance officer (IAO). Clear, sanitize, or destroy removable media used to store sensitive information before releasing to unauthorized personnel or outside DoD or Air Force control. Contact your local IAO for guidance and procedures. Use your local security guidance before attaching any removable media or storage device to an information system. Do not use disguised removable media or storage devices. Air Force policy defines disguised as a device designed to look like anything other than removable media or a storage device (for example, watch, pen, flashlight, etc.). Portable Electronic Devices (PED). PED is a generic term used to describe small electronic items with the capability of recording, storing, transmitting or processing information. It is becoming difficult to differentiate between these electronic devices since such examples include, but are not limited to, personal digital assistants, hand-held and laptop computers, cellular phones, email devices and audio or video recording devices. Most of these devices combine capabilities and functions together with wireless telecommunications, offering tremendous advantages for Air Force users. These capabilities and functions bring with them additional risks. Most of the preventive measures applicable to desktops, workstations, and even removable media also apply to PEDs. These additional measures help protect these devices and the information they store. Wireless-enabled PEDs must comply with requirements outlined in current Air Force wireless and wireless security policies before use. Do not use wireless-enabled PEDs for storing, processing, or transmitting classified information without proper approval, security mechanisms (encryption, etc.), and additional security measures. If you discover classified information was processed or maintained on an unclassified PED, notify your supervisor, security manager, or IAO to initiate security incident procedures. Personnel in the information assurance chain of command will determine the disposition of the contaminated PED (secure storage, destruction, etc.). Do not use wireless-enabled PEDs in areas where classified information is discussed or processed without coordination from the local security manager based upon the requirements established by information assurance personnel, the appropriate EMSEC authority, and cognizant security authority. When using wireless-enabled PEDs, operations security (OPSEC) and force protection should be considered before the adoption or implementation of any policy or procedure. OPSEC training and guidance may be obtained from your unit OPSEC manager. The Air Force prohibits connection of personally owned PEDs to the Air Force network. These devices may provide many benefits such as portability, flexibility, and increased productivity; however, since the Air Force has no control over their security features they introduce an entirely new set of risks. If an individual has a requirement to use a PED on the Air Force network, they must request issuance of a government-owned PED. See paragraphs through for additional information on any personally owned IT. Personally Owned IT (All Forms of Hardware and Software). Every Air Force member, government employee, and contractor must meet all security requirements to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our data, systems, and networks. Personally owned hardware and software present risks which may degrade the required security posture. Do not use personally owned IT to process classified information. Personally owned IT with classified information will be confiscated and sanitized or destroyed according to current Air Force policy. Using personally owned IT for government work is strongly discouraged. However, it may be used for processing unclassified and sensitive information with justification and approval. Justification must include mission requirement, government availability, and rationale as to why personally owned information systems must be used. This includes systems maintained at a residence, services accessed, and information transportation methods (modem, Web mail, and or physical media used). Approval must follow current Air Force policy requirements.


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AFPAM36-2241 Government-owned sensitive information must remain on government removable media or devices and be marked and protected according to the sensitive category as outlined in information security guidance. Do not use personally owned IT to store or process controlled unclassified information (CUI) and PII. Personally owned IT with CUI or PII will be confiscated and sanitized or destroyed according to current Air Force policy. Public Computing Facilities or Services. Do not use public computing facilities or services (Internet cafs and kiosks, hotel business centers, etc.) to process government-owned unclassified, sensitive or classified information. Public computing facilities or services include any IT resources not under your private or U.S. government control. Use of these resources to access Web-based government services (Outlook Web Access email, Web applications, etc.) constitutes a compromise of login credentials and must be reported as a security incident according to current Air Force guidance on COMPUSEC. Phishing. Air Force personnel must be ever vigilant when viewing and reading email. More and more threats are coming via emails that have embedded scripts and false links that provide access for a hacker to control the users computer or install malicious logic programs. This is a form of social engineering that our adversaries use to solicit information from Air Force members that can compromise the mission effectiveness of your organization. Emails that come from financial institutions asking for personal information should be deleted and reported to the appropriate financial institutions spam or phishing points of contact. Remember, at the minimum, users should: Never click on a hyperlink inside an email from an unknown source. Never download files attached to an email from an unknown source. Contact the sender of the email to verify if it is authentic. 19.4. Communications Security (COMSEC). COMSEC refers to measures and controls taken to deny unauthorized persons information derived from information systems of the U.S. government related to national security and to ensure the authenticity of such information systems. COMSEC protection results from applying security measures (i.e., crypto security, transmission security, and emission security) to communications and information systems generating, handling, storing, processing, or using classified or sensitive information, the loss of which could adversely affect the national security interest. COMSEC also entails applying physical security measures to COMSEC information or materials. 19.4.1. Cryptosecurity. Cryptosecurity is a component of COMSEC resulting from the provision and proper use of technically sound cryptosystems. 19.4.2. Transmission Security. Transmission security is a component of COMSEC resulting from the application of measures designed to protect transmissions from interception and exploitation by means other than cryptoanalysis. Examples of transmission security measures include using secured communications systems, registered mail, secure telephone and facsimile equipment, manual cryptosystems, call signs, or authentication to transmit classified information. 19.4.3. Physical Security. Physical security is the part of COMSEC resulting from the use of all physical measures necessary to safeguard COMSEC material from access by unauthorized persons. Physical security measures include the application of control procedures and physical barriers. Physical security also ensures continued integrity, prevents access by unauthorized persons, and controls the spread of COMSEC techniques and technology when not in the best interest of the United States and its allies. Common physical security measures include verifying the need to know and clearance of personnel granted access, following proper storage and handling procedures, accurately accounting for all materials, transporting materials using authorized means, and immediately reporting the loss or possible compromise of materials.


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19.5. Emissions Security (EMSEC). EMSEC is protection resulting from all measures taken to deny unauthorized persons information of value that may be derived from the interception and analysis of compromising emanations from crypto equipment, information systems, and telecommunications systems. The objective of EMSEC is to deny access to classified and, in some instances, unclassified information that contain compromising emanations within an inspectable space. Section 19CInstallation Security 19.6. Operations Security (OPSEC): 19.6.1. OPSEC Defined. OPSEC is a process of identifying, analyzing, and controlling critical information indicating friendly actions associated with military operations and other activities to: Identify those actions that can be observed by adversary intelligence systems. Determine what specific indications could be collected, analyzed, and interpreted to derive critical information in time to be useful to adversaries. Select and execute measures that eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the vulnerabilities of friendly actions to adversary exploitation. Closely integrate and synchronize with other influence operations capabilities and all aspects of the protected operations because OPSEC is a process and not a collection of specific rules and instructions that can be applied to every operation. 19.6.2. Purpose. The purpose of OPSEC is to reduce the vulnerability of Air Force missions by eliminating or reducing successful adversary collection and exploitation of critical information. OPSEC applies to all activities that prepare, sustain, or employ forces during all phases of operations. 19.6.3. Operational Context. Operational effectiveness is enhanced when commanders and other decision-makers apply OPSEC from the earliest stages of planning. OPSEC involves a series of analyses to examine the planning, preparation, execution, and post execution phases of any operation or activity across the entire spectrum of military action and in any operational environment. OPSEC analysis provides decision makers with a means of weighing how much risk they are willing to accept in particular operational circumstances in the same way as operations risk management allows commanders to assess risk in mission planning. 19.6.4. Implementing OPSEC. Air Force forces can be under observation at their peacetime bases and locations, in training or exercises, while moving, or when deployed to the field conducting actual operations. OPSEC methodology provides systematic and comprehensive analysis designed to identify observable friendly actions that could betray intentions or capabilities. Therefore, OPSEC principles must be integrated into operational, support, exercise, and acquisition planning. OPSEC is incorporated into day-to-day activities to ensure a seamless transition to contingency operations. The OPSEC process consists of five distinct steps: Identify critical information. Analyze threats. Analyze vulnerabilities. Assess risk. Apply appropriate OPSEC measures. 19.6.5. Sources of OPSEC Indicators. Sources of OPSEC indicators are friendly, detectable actions, and open-source information that can be interpreted or pieced together by an adversary to derive critical information. The five basic characteristics of OPSEC indicators that make them potentially valuable to an adversary include:


1 OCTOBER 2013 Associationsthe relationship of an indicator to other information or activities.

AFPAM36-2241 Signaturesthe characteristic of an indicator that makes it identifiable or causes it to stand out. Profileseach functional activity generates its own set of more-or-less unique signatures and associations. The sum of these signatures and associations is the activitys profile. Contrastsany differences observed between an activitys standard profile and its most recent or current actions. Exposurerefers to when and for how long an indicator is observed. 19.7. Information Security (INFOSEC). Air Force policy is to identify, classify, downgrade, declassify, mark, protect, and destroy its classified information consistent with national policy. Controlled unclassified information (CUI) will also be protected per national policy. DoDM 5200.01, Volumes 1 through 4, DoD Information Security Program, and AFI 31-401, Information Security Program Management, provide the guidance for managing classified information and CUI. 19.7.1. Classification. Original Classification. Original classification is the initial decision by an original classification authority (OCA) that an item of information meets the requirements for classification as specified in Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, and that unauthorized disclosure of the information reasonably could be expected to result in damage to the national security. Information will be classified at the Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential level depending upon the severity of damage that could occur. Only the Secretary of Defense, the secretaries of the military departments, and other officials who are specifically delegated this authority in writing may originally classify information. Within the Air Force, OCAs are appointed at the Top Secret-and-below levels by the Secretary of the Air Force and at the Secret-and-below levels by the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary. OCAs receive training in the exercise of this authority and have program responsibility or cognizance over the information. Security Classification Guide (SCG). An SCG documents the details of an original classification decision. It specifies items or categories of information for each system, program, plan, or project that must be classified. The SCG identifies for each item or category of information the applicable classification level, such as Secret; the reason for classification; any special-handling caveats; the downgrading and declassification instructions, declassification instructions and exemptions, the OCA, and a point of contact. Derivative Classification. Information is derivatively classified when it is extracted, paraphrased, restated, or generated in a new form. Source documents and/or SCGs provide classification guidance. Simply photocopying or otherwise mechanically reproducing classified material is not derivative classification. Within DoD, all cleared personnel who create and derivatively classify material are personally responsible for ensuring the derivative classification markings are completed according to DoDM 5200.01 and AFI 31-401. Markings. All classified information, whether hard copy or electronic, must be properly marked. Classification markings must be conspicuous as they are the principle means of informing holders of about specific protection requirements for the material. Markings are used to: Alert holders to the presence of classified information. Identify, as specifically as possible, the exact information needing protection. Indicate the level of classification assigned to the information. Provide guidance on downgrading (if any) and declassification. Give information on the sources of and reasons for classification. Warn holders of special access, control, or safeguarding requirements. Specific Markings on Documents. Every classified document must be marked to show the highest classification of information it contains. The marking must be conspicuous enough to alert anyone handling the document that it is classified. The overall classification will be identified on the front cover, if there is one; the title page, if there is one; the first page; and the outside of the back cover, if there is one. Additionally: Every classified document must show the agency, office of origin, and date of origin on the first page, title page, or front cover.


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463 Every originally classified document must have a Classified by line placed on the first page, title page, or front cover that identifies the original classification authority responsible for classifying the information it contains. Derivatively classified documents are marked Derived from and the document and date the information was derived from or the words Multiple Sources if the information was derived from more than one source. If there are multiple sources, they must all be identified on a list and attached to the document. Declassification. Information must be declassified as soon as it no longer meets the standards for classification. In some exceptional cases, the need to protect information still meeting the standard may be outweighed by the public interest in disclosure of the information. In these cases, the information should be declassified. Four separate and parallel systems can bring about the declassification of information. These are systems that: Require the original classifier to decide at the time information is classified when it can be declassified. Cause information of permanent historical value to be automatically declassified on the 25th anniversary of its classification unless specific action is taken to keep it classified. Cause information to be reviewed for possible declassification upon request. Involve a process for systematic review of information for possible declassification. Challenges. If substantial reason exists to indicate the document has been classified improperly or unnecessarily, personnel should submit challenges of classification to the security manager or the classifier of the information. 19.7.2. Safeguarding: General Policy. Everyone granted access to classified information is responsible for protecting the information and material in their possession or control. Classified information must be protected at all times either by storing it in an approved security container or facility or having it under the personal observation and control of an authorized individual. Everyone who works with classified information is personally responsible for taking proper precautions to ensure unauthorized persons do not gain access to it. Care During Working Hours. Classified material removed from storage must be kept under constant surveillance of authorized persons. Classified document cover sheets are placed on classified documents when not in secure storage. Items containing classified information must either be destroyed immediately after they have served their purpose or protected as required for the level of classified information they contain. End-of-Day Security Checks. Heads of activities that process or store classified information must establish a system of security checks at the close of each working day to ensure the area is secure. Use Standard Form (SF) 701, Activity Security Checklist, to record the checks. An integral part of the security check system is to secure all vaults, rooms, and security containers used to store classified material. SF 702, Security Container Check Sheet, is used to record such actions. In addition, SF 701 and SF 702 are annotated to reflect after-hours, weekend, and holiday activity. Control Access. A person may not have access to classified information unless determined to have the proper security clearance, need to know, and a signed nondisclosure agreement. The final responsibility for determining if a persons official duties require access to any element or item of classified information and if the person is granted the appropriate security clearance rests with the individual authorized possession, knowledge, or control of the information, not the prospective recipient. These rules also apply when safeguarding classified information: Top secret information is controlled and accounted for through Top Secret control account systems. Unit commanders and staff agency chiefs who routinely originate, store, receive, or dispatch top secret material establish these accounts and designate a Top Secret control officer (TSCO) to maintain them. All transactions for top secret material must be conducted through the TSCO. Secret information is controlled internally according to Air Force policy and as determined by unit commanders or staff agency chiefs. Receipts are necessary when transmitting the material through the United States Postal Service, or approved package delivery services, and also when an employee has been designated as a courier for hand-carrying information.


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AFPAM36-2241 Confidential information is controlled through routine administrative procedures. Individuals need not use a receipt for confidential material unless asked to do so by the sending activity. Security Incidents. Anyone finding classified material out of proper control must take custody of and safeguard the material, if possible, and immediately notify the appropriate security authorities. Any person who becomes aware of the possible compromise of classified information must immediately report it to the head of his or her local activity or to the activity security manager. If classified information appears in the public media, DoD personnel must be careful not to make any statement or comment that would confirm the accuracy or verify the classified status of the information. Personnel must report the matter but must not discuss it with anyone without an appropriate security clearance and need to know. 19.7.3. Sanctions. DoD military and civilian personnel are subject to sanctions if they knowingly, willfully, or negligently disclose classified information to unauthorized persons. Sanctions include, but are not limited to, warning, reprimand, suspension without pay, forfeiture of pay, removal, discharge, loss or denial of access to classified information, and removal of classification authority. Action may also be taken under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for violations of the code and under applicable criminal law. 19.8. Personnel Security: 19.8.1. The Personnel Security Program involves determining the reliability, trustworthiness, good conduct and character of individuals before they are assigned sensitive duties or have access to classified information. Personnel must continue to be trustworthy by complying with Personnel Security Program requirements throughout their careers. Commanders and supervisors must continually observe and evaluate their subordinates with respect to these criteria and immediately report any unfavorable conduct or conditions that come to their attention that might bear on the subordinates trustworthiness and eligibility to occupy a sensitive position or have eligibility to classified information. 19.8.2. The Commander will report all unfavorable information to the Air Force Central Adjudication Facility (AFCAF). The AFCAF grants, denies, and revokes security clearance eligibility. If the security clearance eligibility is denied or revoked, individuals are granted due process and may appeal the decision. 19.8.3. Personnel security clearances are recorded in the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). Unit security managers have access to JPAS to determine if an individual in the organization has been granted a security clearance according to AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management. 19.9. Industrial Security: 19.9.1. Policy. Air Force policy is to identify in its classified contracts specific government information and sensitive resources that must be protected against compromise or loss while entrusted to industry. AFI 31-601, Industrial Security Program Management, assigns functional responsibilities and establishes a system of review that identifies outdated, inappropriate, and unnecessary contractual security requirements. Policy also outlines and provides guidance for establishing on-base integrated contractor visitor groups. 19.9.2. Scope. The security policies, requirements, and procedures identified in AFI 31-601 are applicable to Air Force personnel and on-base DoD contractors performing services under the terms of a properly executed contract and associated security agreement or similar document, as determined appropriate by the installation commander. 19.10. Integrated Defense (ID) Program: 19.10.1. The Air Force Integrated Defense (ID) Program is the integration of multidisciplinary active and passive, offensive and defensive capabilities, employed to mitigate potential risks and defeat adversary threats to Air Force operations within the base boundary (BB) and the base security zone (BSZ). These threats include, but are not limited to, terrorist, insiders, criminals, and foreign intelligence and security services (FISS). It is critical to integrate ID efforts with other Air Force capabilities to achieve synergistic effects using an all-hazards approach. Potential hazards to an installation include, but are not limited to, chemical biological radiological nuclear-high yield explosive (CBRNE) attacks, natural and man-made disasters, major accidents, and accidental or deliberate release of hazardous materials, toxic industrial materials or chemicals (see AFPD 31-1, Integrated Defense). Integrated Defense is a fundamental battle competency for all Airmen, whether garrison or deployed. The teaming of ID forces creates a united, seamless defense stronger than the defensive efforts of individuals/or individual units. This effort ensures all Airmen are trained to defend themselves and integrate into defense operations while in garrison or deployed. Installation commanders determine the effects required of ID operations at Air Force installations based on a four-step


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process that involves: Determining and prioritizing the criticality of installation assets. Analyzing the threats and operating environment. Assessing the installations vulnerabilities to the threats. Making prudent integrated defense decisions based on the risk estimate. The integrated defense risk management process (IDRMP) is critical in order for the installation commander to make the best use of limited resources and personnel available to execute the ID mission. 19.10.2. Integrated defense is an all -Airmen program. However, Air Force Security Forces have enterprise lead in ID operations. The defense force commander (DFC) synchronizes integrated defense operations with emergency and consequence management activities articulated in applicable Air Force and DoD publications. 19.10.3. The goal of ID is to neutralize security threats throughout the BB in order to ensure unhindered Air Force operations. Through ID, commanders must: minimize mission degradation from threat activity within the BB and coordinate necessary security operations support within the BSZ when the BSZ is not congruent with the BB; minimize loss of life and injury from threat activity; and protect government property and personnel from hostile and criminal acts. 19.10.4. ID does not stand alone to protect personnel and resources; planners create an effective security program by coordinating with other DoD and Air Force programs. Furthermore, the protection and defense of air bases requires the coordinated effort of emergency management (EM), antiterrorism (AT), and other mission support function forces under the force protection (FP) umbrella. This coordinated planning provides a seamless progression of protection programs and completes the installations defense in depth picture. 19.10.5. Joint Publications define the BB as a line that delineates the surface area of a base for the purpose of facilitating coordination and deconfliction of operations between adjacent units, formations, or areas. See Figure 19.1 for an example of a BB configuration. Therefore, the BB is not necessarily the base perimeter. Rather, it should be established based upon the factors of mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, civil considerations (METT-TC), specifically balancing the need of the base defense forces to control key terrain with their ability to accomplish the mission. These measures decrease the likelihood of fratricide, prevent noncombatant casualties, and minimize damage to the property of friendly civilians. Boundaries may not necessarily coincide with the fenced perimeter, property lines or legal boundaries. Nevertheless, while tactical considerations will ideally determine ID boundaries, the DFC will strictly adhere to legal, jurisdictional, host nation constraints, commanders intent, and higher echelon orders and directives when conducting operations within the BB. 19.10.6. The base security zone is an Air Force unique concept and term to be used intraservice only. The Air Force uses the planning term base security zone to describe the area of concern around an air base and to support the establishment and adjustment of the BB. The BSZ is the area outside the base perimeter from which the base may be vulnerable from standoff threats (for example, mortars, rockets, man portable aerial defense systems [MANPADS]). The installation commander should identify the BSZ and coordinate via the operational chain of command with local, state, federal agencies (within the continental United States [CONUS]) or host nation or area commander (outside the continental United States [OCONUS]) for the BSZ to be identified as the BB. If the BB does not include all of the BSZ terrain, the installation commander is still responsible for either mitigating (through coordination with local, state, federal agencies (CONUS) or the area commander or host nation (OCONUS) or accepting the risks of enemy attack from the terrain outside the BB. The BSZ, in its simplest terms, is the area from which a threat can launch an attack against base personnel and resources or aircraft approaching/departing the base. Air-minded forces must consider the BSZ for planning constructs CONUS, OCONUS, and at contingency locations. Threats vary in the ID continuum from peacetime to wartime, regardless of the location of our installations. Optimally, the BSZ and the BB are the same, but that is not always the case. The BSZ may, for planning purposes, incorporate more geographical area than the BB. For example, there may be key terrain outside the BB from which adversaries can impact air operations.

466 Figure 19.1. Base Boundary Configuration Example.

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AFPAM36-2241 For terrain outside the BB, but within the BSZ, the DFC should coordinate with local, state, federal agencies (CONUS) or host nation or area commander (OCONUS) to conduct base defense tasks within the area. If these forces/agencies are not available due to competing requirements, then the DFC should coordinate via their operational chain of command with the appropriate area commander to conduct the base defense task. When defense forces operate outside the BB, the appropriate area of operations (AO) commander should exercise tactical control (TACON) over those forces for base defense purposes only. Joint and coalition forces entering the BB should inform the base defense operations center (BDOC) before they enter, and monitor the BDOCs communication net while operating in the area. The BDOC is the command and control center for ID operations during routine and emergency operations. The DFC will establish a BDOC to coordinate and direct, via their operational chain of command, the TACON of ID forces and supporting capabilities. All functions performed by central security control, the law enforcement desk, or other security forces control centers will be performed by the BDOC at all locations, home station and deployed. 19.11. Integrated Defense Effects: 19.11.1. Commanders execute ID with the objective of achieving nine desired effects based on the risk management process described in paragraph 19.12. Those effects are: Anticipateachieved through intelligence analysis. Deterachieved through the professional and persistent execution of security tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP). Detectachieved through a variety of screening processes and observation technologies. Assessachieved through cognizance, readiness, and awareness of all Air Force personnel and an understanding of threat TTPs. Warnachieved through standardized and reliable communications among and between units and personnel. Defeatachieved through a multitude of force applications relevant to the threat. Delayachieved through deliberate layers of defensive applications designed to progressively weaken or hinder the enemys efforts. Defendachieved through the coordinated and synchronized force application of all Airmen in a unified effort against the enemy. Recoverachieved through prudent logistics and consequence management planning.


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19.11.2. These effects are not randomly applied to any installation; instead they are deliberately achieved through innovative and reliable TTPs based on the ID risk management process and analysis. 19.11.3. The intelligence fusion cell (IFC) is an action group whereby the security forces staff S-2 (intelligence) function coordinates with subject matter experts (SME) from the Intelligence and AFOSI communities to collaborate and conduct intelligence preparation of the operational environment (IPOE); the goal being to leverage information and intelligence to support the timely identification of indicators and warnings of emerging localized threats. The IFC and its products are the primary information sources that directly support the DFC in making immediate, proactive decisions for ID planning. 19.11.4. Ideally, defense forces receive such good intelligence they are able to anticipate any and all threats. As this is unlikely, attaining subsequent ID desired effects is necessary. For instance, it would be preferred to deter a threat; but if that does not succeed, the next ideal effect would be to detect the threat. Once the threat is detected, assessment by forces occurs. Friendly forces are then warned of the threat and attempts are made to defeat, or eliminate, the threat. If the threat cannot be defeated, it must be delayed. If not possible, defensive measures must be taken to mitigate the effects of the threat. Recovery actions are then implemented to consolidate and reorganize friendly forces and restore operations. 19.11.5. IPOE is an analytical methodology that provides predictive intelligence to warfighters for use in planning and executing operations. A systematic, four-step process, IPOEs bottom line intent is to support operational decisions by providing analyzed information regarding the threat and environment in a given set of circumstances. IPOE is the primary mechanism used to achieve the ID desired effect of anticipate. It is a continuous process, enabling the commander to visualize: the spectrum of friendly and adversarial capabilities and weakness; how they are affected by a variety of environmental factors (for example, weather, light, terrain, political and social conditions); and the logical predictions of the most likely and most dangerous enemy course of action (ECOA). 19.11.6. IPOE is a continuous, four-part process that: (1) defines the operating environment; (2) describes the operating environments effects; (3) evaluates the enemy; and (4) determines ECOA. The examples below should be collected, analyzed, and applied to the tactical situation, as a minimum. Part 1. This part is comprised of comprehensive lists, dispositions, and capabilities (offensive and defensive) of tasked friendly forces and other forces (for example, host nation military and police forces, local, state, national agencies [CONUS] and host nation [OCONUS]) that contribute to the security of the installation and are available to contribute during enemy surges (for example, increased force protection conditions [FPCON]); terrain and weather (including light data); and background data on the operating environment to include history, demographics, socioeconomic data, religious groups, etc. Incident and emergency response plans should also be identified in Part 1 for later consideration during war-gaming conducted during IPOE Part 4. Part 2. Analyze the data collected in Part 1 and describe how the factors affect operations, equipment, and personnel. Whenever possible, use color-coded stoplight charts that use green, yellow, and red coding to describe aspects of operations or effects on personnel and equipment. For example, use mission capable (green), partially mission capable (yellow), or non-mission capable (red). Part 3. Collect historical data and existing intelligence analyses (for example, Defense Intelligence Agency country reports or AFOSI defense threat assessments (DTA) of the operating environment, or other reports about adversaries capable of operating in the geographic area of concern. Consider the capabilities and weaknesses of each specific group without assuming that all enemy forces collaborate. Consider and analyze the effects of the operating environment (gathered in Part 1 and analyzed in Part 2) on each individual adversary. Part 4. Consider all data collected in the previous three parts and make logical predictions of ECOAs. For each adversary assessed to be present and capable, establish a prediction of the most likely and most dangerous ECOAs. Then, through a process of war-gaming, establish friendly courses of action (COA) that would effectively meet the commanders intent in defeating the predicted ECOAs. 19.12. Integrated Defense Risk Management Process (IDRMP). The IDRMP provides installation commanders, integrated defense working groups (IDWG), DFCs and defense planners the ability to produce effects-based, integrated defense plans (IDP) by using a standardized model to identify risks and develop risk management strategies. These strategies leverage finite resources against adaptive threats to protect Air Force resources and personnel. The IDRMP identifies at risk assets and aids the IDWG in generating the criticality assessment and the risk assessment products. A risk reduction decision based on a clear understanding of what is important, the estimated threat, and how the asset might be damaged/destroyed, is then developed through a


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logical process involving asset criticality assessment, threat assessment, and vulnerability assessment. The IDRMP analyzes an installations defense capabilities and provides options to mitigate security risks, such as additional TTPs, facility hardening, technology insertion, etc. 19.12.1. The IDRMP has four main components: the risk assessment (as described above); the risk tolerance decision; COA determination; and decision and implementation. All four components are directly influenced by the evolving situation monitored through the IPOE cycle. As such, new information, assessments, or decisions can be assimilated into the IDRMP at any point, which may alter the execution of ID. These four components are performed in the following seven steps: Step 1: Develop the Criticality Assessment (CA). The CA identifies assets worthy of protection whose loss or damage would have a negative impact on the mission. Fundamental to this evaluation is the criteria used to measure asset value or consequence of loss. Typical criteria include mission criticality, impact on national defense, replaceability, monetary value, and relative (or intrinsic) value. Step 2 and Step 3: Develop the Threat Assessment (TA) and Vulnerability Assessment (VA). Threat multiplied by vulnerability determines the probability of loss (or damage) of the asset. Threats are generally considered in terms of adversaries and their tactics (for example, hackers, terrorists, criminals, protestors). To know if adversaries pose a threat requires information about their operational capability, intentions, activity, operating environment, and history. Vulnerabilities are weaknesses that can be exploited by an adversary because of inadequate security, lax or complacent personnel trends, vulnerable software or hardware, and insufficient security policies or procedures. Note: Identification and evaluation of existing threats and vulnerabilities are identified during Parts 1 through 3 of the IPOE process and may be supplemented with other documents, such as antiterrorism (AT) vulnerability assessments. Step 4: Develop the Risk Assessment (RA). Once all previous assessments (criticality, threat, and vulnerability) are completed and studied together to provide a complete picture of the risks to an asset, the RA can be developed. A quantitative measurement of risk can be determined using the following equation: risk = asset criticality multiplied by (threat multiplied by vulnerability). Step 5: Risk Tolerance Decision. At this point in the IDRMP, the commander may have enough data to enable an informed risk tolerance decision. But if information required to assess risks is deficient, a command critical intelligence requirement should be developed or modified to guide the intelligence communitys collection efforts. In todays resource -constrained environment, some risks must be accepted. However, some risks cannot be tolerated due to their frequency or severity of consequence. The installation commanders intent for ID will define the level of tolerance. For risks exceeding the commanders tolerance level, countermeasures will be developed in the next step to render these risks more acceptable. Step 6: Present Countermeasure COAs. This step presents and evaluates options for reducing risks. While risks can be alleviated by reducing the assets criticality or mitigating the threat, eliminating vulnerabilities is the area that can have the most impact on the installation commanders risk tolerance decision. At this time, the IDWG can develop various countermeasure COAs to remove or mitigate vulnerabilities and reduce unacceptable risks. An estimate of risk reduction (i.e., benefit of risk reduction) can be prepared, along with showing the costs associated with COA implementation. Step 7: Decision and Implementation. This is the most important step in the IDRMP. During this step, the installation commander selects the COAs that will bring the risks within his/her tolerance level, and directs resources to implement the decision. Closely tied with step 7 is continuous assessment. This feedback loop posits that risk management is not an event or tangible product, but rather a continuous cycle. The implementation of countermeasure COAs will sometimes change the installations risk posture in unexpected or unintended ways. By immediately identifying changes to the installations critical assets, threats and vulnerabilities, decision makers can continually refine the installations risk posture. 19.12.2. ID provides flexible planning and execution opportunities that allow owners/users of protection level 1 (PL1) non-nuclear, protection level 2 (PL2), protection level 3 (PL3), and protection level 4 (PL4) assets to become actively involved in the defense of their areas. 19.12.3. The IDRMP provides a more precise understanding of how the three risk factors of threat, vulnerability and asset criticality relate to each other at each installation. Understanding the relationships between these factors, as well as continually analyzing the operating environment, assists commanders in mitigating, accepting, and reducing risks to appropriate levels.


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19.12.4. Operationalize force protection intelligence (FPI) in order to maintain optimal situational awareness throughout the BB and BSZ. This can be accomplished for DFC through the development of a robust intelligence/information collaboration, analysis, and fusion capability. 19.13. Security Protection Levels: 19.13.1. Protection Level 1 (PL1). PL1 is assigned to those resources for which the loss, theft, destruction, misuse, or compromise would result in great harm to the strategic capability of the United States. Examples of PL1 resources are nuclear weapons in storage, mated to a delivery system, or in transit; designated command, control, and communications (C3) facilities; and aircraft designated to transport the President of the United States. PL1 security must result in the greatest possible deterrence against hostile acts. This level of security will provide maximum means to achieve detection, interception, and defeat of a hostile force before it is able to seize, damage, or destroy resources. 19.13.2. Protection Level 2 (PL2). PL2 is assigned to resources for which the loss, theft, destruction, misuse, or compromise would cause significant harm to the war-fighting capability of the United States. Examples of PL2 resources are nonnuclear alert forces; designated space and launch systems; expensive, few in number, or one-of-a-kind systems or facilities; and intelligence-gathering systems. PL2 security must result in significant deterrence against hostile acts. This level of security will ensure a significant probability of detecting, intercepting, and defeating a hostile force before it is able to seize, damage, or destroy resources. 19.13.3. Protection Level 3 (PL3). PL3 is assigned to resources for which the loss, theft, destruction, misuse, or compromise would damage United States war-fighting capability. Examples of PL3 resources are non-alert resources that can be generated to alert status, such as F-16 fighters; selected C3 facilities, systems, and equipment; and non-launch-critical or nonunique space launch systems. PL3 security must result in a reasonable degree of deterrence against hostile acts. This level of security ensures the capability to impede a hostile force and limit damage to resources. 19.13.4. Protection Level 4 (PL4). PL4 is assigned to resources that do not meet the definitions of PL1, PL2, or PL3 resources, but for which the loss, theft, destruction, misuse, or compromise would adversely affect the operational capability of the Air Force. Examples of PL4 resources are facilities storing Category I, II, or III sensitive conventional arms, ammunition, and explosives; fuels and liquid oxygen storage areas; and Air Force accounting and finance vault areas. PL4 resources are secured by containing them in controlled areas. Unit commanders are responsible to provide physical protection for PL4 resources. Security forces conduct preventive patrols in areas and provide armed response. Section 19DAntiterrorism (AT) Program 19.14. Air Force Antiterrorism Program Defined. The program seeks to deter or limit the effects of terrorist acts against the Air Force by giving guidance on collecting and disseminating timely threat information, providing training to all Air Force members, developing comprehensive plans to deter and counter terrorist incidents, allocating funds and personnel, and implementing AT measures. 19.15. Antiterrorism Training and Exercises. At least annually, commanders conduct comprehensive field and staff training to exercise AT plans, to include AT physical security measures and emergency management plans. AT training and exercises shall be afforded the same emphasis as combat task training and executed with the intent to identify shortfalls affecting the protection of personnel, assets and information against terrorist attack and subsequent AT consequence management efforts. AT an area of responsibility specific training, particularly pre-deployment training, must be supported by measurable standards and include credible deterrence and response, TTPs, and lessons learned. Additionally, the current baseline through FPCON Charlie measures shall be exercised annually at installations and self-supported separate facilities. 19.16. Threat Information Collection and Analysis: 19.16.1. Commanders shall task the appropriate organizations under their command to gather, analyze, and disseminate terrorism threat information, as appropriate. To support the commander, the Services should continuously ensure forces are trained to maximize the use of information derived from law enforcement liaison, intelligence, and counterintelligence (CI) processes and procedures. This includes intelligence procedures for handling priority


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intelligence requests for in-transit units as well as implementation of procedures to conduct intelligence preparation of the battlefield and mission analysis. 19.16.2. Identifying the potential terrorism threat to DoD personnel and assets is the first step in developing an effective AT program. Commanders at all levels who understand the threat can assess their ability to prevent, survive, and prepare to respond to an attack. A terrorism threat assessment requires the identification of a full range of known or estimated terrorist threat capabilities (including the use or threat of use of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosives and weapons of mass destruction [WMD]). In addition to tasking appropriate agencies to collect information, commanders at all levels can and should encourage personnel under their command to report information on individuals, events, or situations that could pose a threat to the security of DoD personnel, families, facilities, and resources. 19.16.3. At the strategic level, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (HQ USAF/A2) is responsible for ensuring the timely collection processing, analysis, production, and dissemination of foreign intelligence, current intelligence, and national-level intelligence information concerning terrorist activities, terrorist organizations, and force protection issues. These efforts will focus on, but not be limited to, transnational and state-sponsored entities and organizations. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) is the lead Air Force agency for collection, investigation, analysis, and response for threats arising from terrorists, criminal activity and foreign intelligence and security services. AFOSI is primarily focused on countering adversary intelligence collection activities against U.S. forces and will act as the Air Force single point of contact with federal, state, local and foreign nation law enforcement, counterintelligence, and security agencies. 19.17. Department of Defense Random Antiterrorism Measures (RAM) Program. Installation commanders shall develop and implement a RAM Program that will include all units on the installation. The intent of the RAM Program is to provide random, multiple security measures that consistently change the look of an installations AT program. RAMs introduce uncertainty to an installations overall force protection program to defeat surveillance attempts and make it difficult for a terrorist to accurately predict our actions. The RAM program shall be included in AT plans and tie directly with all FPCONs (including FPCON Normal) to ensure continuity and standardization should threats require Air Force-wide implementation. RAM times for implementation, location, and duration shall be regularly changed to avoid predictability. RAM execution shall be broad based and involve all units and personnel. Antiterrorism officers (ATO) are required to monitor, track, and analyze RAM implementation efforts. Installation commanders will develop procedures to ensure RAMs are being conducted and reported to the ATO. 19.18. General Antiterrorism Personal Protection. Always keep a low profile and avoid publicity. Avoid going out in large groups; be unpredictable. Vary daily routines to and from home and work. Be alert for anything suspicious or out of place. Avoid giving unnecessary personal details to anyone unless their identity can be verified. Be alert to strangers who are on government property for no apparent reason. Refuse to meet with strangers outside your workplace. Always advise associates or family members of your destination and anticipated time of arrival when leaving the office or home. Report unsolicited contacts to authorities and do not open doors to strangers. Memorize key telephone numbers. Be cautious about giving out information regarding family travel places or security measures. When overseas, learn and practice a few key phrases in the local language. 19.19. Home and Family Security. Your spouses and children should always practice basic precautions for their personal security. Familiarize your family with the local terrorist threat, and regularly review protective measures and techniques. Ensure everyone in the family knows what to do in any type of emergency. Restrict the possession of house keys. Lock all entrances at night, including the garage. Keep the house locked, even if you are at home. Destroy all envelopes or other items that show your name, rank, or other personal information. Remove names and rank from mailboxes. Watch for unfamiliar vehicles cruising or parked frequently in the area, particularly if one or more occupants remain in the vehicle for extended periods. 19.20. Telephone Security. Post emergency telephone numbers on the telephone and preprogram telephone numbers for security forces, local police, fire department, hospitals, and ambulances. Do not answer your telephone with your name and grade. Report all threatening phone calls to security officials and the telephone company. Attempt to ascertain any pertinent information about the caller. For example, background noise, accent, nationality, or location. 19.21. Travel Overseas. When traveling overseas, travel in small groups and try to be inconspicuous when using public transportation and facilities. Dress, conduct, and mannerisms should not attract attention and be generally similar to that worn by the


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people in the area. Avoid spontaneous gatherings or demonstrations; stay away from known trouble. Know emergency telephone numbers, local dialing instructions, and ensure family members carry a list of telephone numbers with them at all times. 19.22. Suspicious Packages or Mail. Look for an unusual or unknown place of origin; no return address; excessive amount of postage; abnormal size or shape; protruding strings; aluminum foil; wires; misspelled words; differing return address and postmark; handwritten labels; unusual odor; unusual or unbalanced weight; springiness in the top or bottom; inflexibility; crease marks; discoloration or oily stains; incorrect titles or title with no name; excessive security material; ticking, beeping, or other sounds; or special instruction markings, such as personal, rush, do not delay, or confidential on any packages or mail received. Additionally, be vigilant for evidence of powder or other contaminants. Never cut tape, strings, or other wrappings on a suspect package. If the package has been moved, place it in a plastic bag to prevent any leakage of contents. If handling mail suspected of containing chemical or biological contaminants, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Report suspicious mail immediately and make a list of personnel who were in the room when the suspicious envelope or package was identified. 19.23. Transportation Security. Criminal and terrorist acts against individuals usually occur outside the home and after the victims habits have been established. Your most predictable habit is the route you travel from home to your place of duty or to commonly frequented local facilities. Always check for tampering of the interior and exterior of your vehicle before entering it. Also check the tires and trunk for fingerprints or smudges. If you detect something out of the ordinary, do not touch it. Immediately contact the local authorities. When overseas, select a plain car. Avoid using government vehicles when possible. Do not display decals with military affiliations and do not openly display military equipment. Keep your doors locked at all times. Do not let someone you do not know direct you to a specific taxi. Ensure taxi is licensed and has safety equipment (seat belts at a minimum). Ensure face of driver and picture on license are the same. Travel with a companion. 19.24. Commercial Air Transportation Security Overseas. Before traveling overseas, consult the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide (DoD 4500.54-G, available at to ensure you know and can meet all requirements for travel to a particular country. Get an area of responsibility specific threat briefing from your security officer, ATO, or the appropriate counterintelligence or security organization prior to traveling overseas. This briefing is required prior to travel overseas and must occur within 3 months of travel. Use office symbols on orders or leave authorization if the word description denotes a sensitive position. Use military contractor U.S. flag carriers. Avoid traveling through high-risk areas. Do not use rank or military address on tickets. Try to sit in the center of the aircraft as a means of having the safest seat. Do not discuss military affiliation. Have proper identification to show airline and immigration officials. Do not carry classified documents unless absolutely mission essential. Dress conservatively; do not wear distinct military items (wear longsleeved shirts if you have U.S.-affiliated tattoos). Carry plain civilian luggage; avoid military-looking bags, or bags with logos or decals. 19.25. Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI). HUMINT is a category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources. Human resources intelligence is also called HUMINT and is the intelligence derived from the intelligence collection discipline that uses human beings as both source and collectors, and where the human being is the primary collection instrument. Counterintelligence is information gathered and activities conducted to protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted by or on behalf of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations or foreign persons, or international terrorist activities. 19.25.1. Threat Areas: Espionagethe act of obtaining, delivering, transmitting, communicating, or receiving information about national defense with intent or reason to believe the information may be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation. Subversionany action designed to undermine the military, economic, psychological, or political strength or morale of a regime. Sabotagean act or acts with intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the national defense of a country by willfully injuring or destroying, or attempting to injure or destroy, any national defense or war material, premises, or utilities, to include human and natural resources.


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AFPAM36-2241 Terrorismthe calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. 19.25.2. The HUMINT Effort: Interrogation. Interrogation is the systematic effort to procure information to answer specific collection requirements by direct and indirect questioning techniques of a person who is in the custody of the forces conducting the questioning. Proper questioning of enemy combatants, enemy prisoners of war, or other detainees by trained and certified DoD interrogators may result in information provided either willingly or unwittingly. Source Operations. Designated and fully trained military HUMINT collection personnel may develop information through the elicitation of sources, to include: walk-in sources, who without solicitation make the first contact with HUMINT personnel; developed sources that are met over a period of time and provide information, based on operational requirements; unwitting persons, with access to sensitive information. Debriefing. Debriefing is the process of questioning cooperating human sources to satisfy intelligence requirements, consistent with applicable law. The source usually is not in custody and usually is willing to cooperate. Debriefing may be conducted at all echelons and in all operational environments. Through debriefing, face-to-face meetings, conversations, and elicitation, information may be obtained from a variety of human sources. Document and Media Exploitation. Captured documents and media, when properly processed and exploited, may provide valuable information such as adversary plans and intentions, force locations, equipment capabilities, and logistical status. The category of captured documents and media includes all media capable of storing fixed information to include computer storage material. This operation is not a primary HUMINT function but may be conducted by any intelligence personnel with appropriate language support. 19.25.3. Incident Reporting. AFI 71-101, Volume 4, Counterintelligence, requires individuals who have reportable contacts or acquire reportable information to immediately (within 30 days of the contact) report the contact or information, either verbally or in writing, to AFOSI. Contact means any exchange of information directed to an individual, including solicited or unsolicited telephone calls, email, radio contact, and face-to-face meetings. Examples include: Contact for any reason other than for official duties with a foreign diplomatic establishment, whether in the United States or abroad. A request by anyone (regardless of nationality) for illegal or unauthorized access to classified or unclassified controlled information. Personal contact with an individual (regardless of nationality) who suggests that a foreign intelligence or any terrorist organization may have targeted him or her or others for possible intelligence exploitation. Information indicating military members, civilian employees, or DoD contractors have contemplated, attempted, or effected the deliberate compromise or unauthorized release of classified or unclassified controlled information. 19.25.4. AFOSI Responsibility. The AFOSI initiates and conducts all CI investigations, operations, collections, and other related activities for the Air Force. In the United States, the AFOSI coordinates these activities when appropriate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Outside the United States, AFOSI coordinates these activities with the Central Intelligence Agency and the FBI, as appropriate. The AFOSI is also the installation-level training agency for CI awareness briefings and is the sole Air Force repository for the collection and retention of reportable information.


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19.26. Protection of the President and Others: 19.26.1. As a result of a formal agreement between the DoD and United States Secret Service, individuals affiliated with the Armed Services have a special obligation to report information to the Secret Service pertaining to the protection of the President of the United States. This obligation is specified in AFI 71-101, Volume 2, Protective Service Matters. 19.26.2. Air Force members and civilian employees must notify their commanders, supervisors, or the AFOSI of information concerning the safety of anyone under the protection of the United States Secret Service. This includes the President and Vice President, the President- and Vice President-elect, all former Presidents and their wives or widows, or any foreign head of state visiting the United States. The type of information to report includes: Threats, incidents, or demonstrations against foreign diplomatic missions (embassies, chanceries, consulates) in the United States or its territories and the use or attempted use of bodily harm, assassination, or kidnapping as a political weapon. Civil disturbances which may require the use of federalized National Guard or U.S. military personnel to maintain or restore public order. U.S. citizens or residents who have renounced or indicated a desire to renounce the U.S. government and who are characterized by emotional instability, violent anti-U.S. sentiment, or a propensity toward violence. Others who should be reported are military members or civilian employees of the Armed Forces being separated or discharged or retired who are deemed a threat by a competent authority (installation or hospital commander). 19.26.3. The AFOSI is the point of contact between the Air Force and the United States Secret Service. Any information of interest to the United States Secret Service that comes to the attention of Air Force commanders and supervisors must be reported to the nearest AFOSI unit as soon as possible. 19.27. Conclusion. Security responsibility applies to all members of the Air Force at all times. This chapter covered information assurance, installation security, and force protection. These topics are essential to the Air Force mission and to the security of all its resources. All Air Force members must be versed in security principles, apply it to all aspects of their work, and be conscious of how it affects their personal lives. Proper security measures directly contribute to Air Force readiness.


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Section 20AOverview 20.1. Introduction. Getting the most out of promotion studies is very much an individual affair. No method will produce the best results for every Airman. Lack of success may have more to do with poorly developed study skills than intellectual ability. This chapter suggests methods for effective studying, but each Airman must determine what methods and strategies work best for him or her. This chapter covers effective study habits, study strategies, the military knowledge and testing system, and a learning style self-assessment instrument to help Airmen prepare for promotion exams. This information is not testable for promotion. Section 20BEffective Study Habits in Eight Easy Steps 20.2. General Information. Airmen grapple with many issues that may make it difficult to concentrate on studying. To get promoted, you must study for your Promotion Fitness Exam (PFE) or USAF Supervisory Exam (USAFSE). The key to effective studying is to study smartly. You can begin with these effective study habits. 20.2.1. Approach Studying with the Right Mindset: Many people consider studying a necessary task, rather than an enjoyable opportunity to learn, but research indicates that how you approach a task is almost as important as the task itself. Having the right mindset may help you study more effectively. Sometimes you cant force yourself to have the right mindset. During such times, you should take a study break. If you are distracted by other issues, studying will be an exercise in futility. Come back to it when youre not focused on something else. How to improve your study mindset: Decide to think positively while you study; remind yourself of your skills and abilities. Avoid catastrophic thinking. Instead of thinking, Ill never have enough time to study for this exam, think It may be a little late to start studying, but if I do it now, I can still get most of it done. Avoid absolute thinking. Instead of thinking I always mess up, the more objective view is, I didnt do very well last time. What can I do to improve? Avoid comparing yourself negatively with others. 20.2.2. Bring Everything You Need; Nothing You Dont: When you find an ideal place to study, you may bring things you dont need. For example, it may seem ideal to type notes into a computer to refer to later, but computers are a powerful distraction for many people. So ask yourself if you really need a computer to take notes, or can you make do with the old-fashioned paper and pencil. Dont forget the things you need to study for promotion (see the Enlisted Promotion Reference and Requirements catalog, to ensure you are studying the correct information. Dont waste time running back and forth to get an important book, paper, or other resource. 20.2.3. Outline and Rewrite Your Notes. Many people find a standard outline format helps them boil information down to its most basic components, and connecting similar concepts makes information easier to remember during an exam. An outline is most effective as a learning tool when you use your own words and structure because everyone connects similar information differently. Failing to outline in your own style and words may result in failure to remember important items. 20.2.4. Use Memory Games (Mnemonic Devices): Memory games, such as mnemonic devices, use simple word association to help remember pieces of information. Some people string together words to form an easy-to-remember nonsense sentence. The first letter of each word stands for a piece of the information youre trying to remember. A common military mnemonic


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device example is Be My Little General of the Air Force. The first letters of the words help you remember the general officer ranks: Brigadier, Major, Lieutenant, and General. The key to such memory devices is the new phrase or sentence you come up with has to be more memorable and easier to remember than the terms or information youre trying to learn. These dont work for everyone, so if mnemonics dont work for you, dont use them. 20.2.5. Practice, Practice, Practice. The age-old adage practice makes perfect is true. You can practice by yourself using practice exams or flash cards (depending on whats available). If a practice exam isnt available, you can make one yourself. H owever, interactive exercises available at may help you retain information from the PDG. Whatever tools you use, practice can enhance your retention of general military knowledge in the PDG. 20.2.6. Make and Stick to a Schedule: Many people plan to study when they get around to it or have some spare time. If you schedule study time the same way your duty hours are scheduled, youll find studying is less hassle in the long run. Instead of last-minute cramming sessions, scheduling the same amount of study time every day for 3 to 6 months before your promotion test will be easier and enable you to learn more of the material. Some people study every day, others once or twice a week. Frequenc y isnt as important as actually studying routinely. Even if you study one day a week for 6 to 8 months, that is better than a massive cram session a few days before the exam. 20.2.7. Build in Breaks and Rewards: If you view studying as a chore, it will be natural to avoid it. If, however, you use rewards to help reinforce what youre doing, you may be pleasantly surprised by an attitude change. Start by breaking study time into manageable components. Studying for 4 hours at a time without a break is unrealistic for most people. Studying for an hour followed by a 5-minute break and a snack may be more sustainable and enjoyable for you. Divide study time into segments that make sense and work for you. When establishing your goals, establish rewards as well. Tell yourself specifically what your reward will be if you reach your goal: Maybe I will have a special dessert tonight if..., or I will buy a new song online if..., or I will spend an extra 30 minutes gaming if... for r eaching the established goal. The point is, find a reward that is small but real, and to stick to it. Setting limits on your behavior is a method to teach yourself discipline. 20.2.8. Stay Healthy and Balanced: It may seem hard to live a balanced life, but the more balanced your life, the easier every component becomes. If you spend all of your time focused on one thing, your life may become unbalanced. When that happens, everything becomes more difficult. Maintaining a balanced life comes more easily over time, but you can work to improve health and balance by doing what you already know: exercise regularly, eat nutritious food, and get enough sleep. There are no shortcuts to good health. Section 20CStudy Strategies 20.3. General Information. Whether you are studying for a promotion test, career development course (CDC) exam, or college test, the following study strategies may help you attain your goals: 20.3.1. Stay Motivated. Studying and learning can take you far in life, yet i t can seem so hard to get around to it, and lifes constant distractions dont help. Attention. Distractions can affect your motivation to study. If you were totally isolated on a desert island, where there was absolutely nothing to do but study, youd study every word of your subject until you were completely versed in it because there would be nothing to distract you. Having so many choices meansnow more than everwe need to exert willpower.


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477 What Do You Want Out of Life? To stay motivated, you should think about why you are studying. Presumably, studying is connected to what you want out of life, so ask yourself what you will ultimately get out of those things you do to avoid studying. Your life will be what you make of it. Feed and Develop Your Mind. We live in a world surrounded by entertainment options. However, your mind needs the nutrition of study as well as the relaxation of entertainment. When you study well, you find it has its own subtle pleasures and satisfactions apart from the positive results it can bring into your life. 20.3.2. Use Time Wisely. You might have all the time in the world, but if you dont use it wisely, it wont help you to meet your goals. Procrastination is a problem for many students. The following tips may help you deal with this issue: Clear Your Schedule. Recognize that your obligations are as important as other peoples needs. Set limits to prevent or minimize interruptions. Give full concentration to your studies without feeling guilty for whatever youre not doing. Get Motivated. Create a distraction-free work area, and commit to staying there for until you meet the days study goal. If you get sidetracked, remind yourself how studying will help you achieve your goals. Prioritize. Answers to these questions may help you establish a priority list: What must be done first? When is it due? What is worth more in terms of the score? What is worth more in terms of personal, educational or career goals? Use a Daily To Do List. A to do list can help you reach your goals by helping you prioritize your daily tasks. As you complete tasks, check them off your list. Break Your Study into Chunks. Estimate how much time youll need to complete a task, and dont try to do it all at one time. Break it down so that its achievable without being overwhelming. It Doesnt Have to Be Perfect. Some people are so afraid they wont perform perfectly that they dont do anything at all. Make sure you understand your goals. Then evaluate how important your study is and what level of performance is acceptable to you. Then, just do it. When You Really Hate It, Do It First. Work on a task you really hate first, while you have more energy. Reward yourself when you complete those items on your daily list. 20.3.3. Study Environment. Once you know when and for how long you will study, commit to a time and place that meets your needs. Make that decision based on whether the environment matches your learning style. See Section 20E of this chapter for information to help you understand your dominant learning style. When establishing a study environment, consider: Time of Day. If possible, schedule your most challenging courses and most intense study sessions when you are most alert. Determine if you feel more alert and productive during the morning, midday, or evening, and schedule accordingly. Posture and Mobility. Some people prefer to sit at a table or desk (formal posture); others learn more easily sitting comfortably on a sofa or lying on the floor (informal); others need to move around when they study. Some people can sit and study for long periods of time (high persistence), while others need frequent breaks (low persistence). Recognize your posture and mobility needs when you to plan. Sound. Not everyone needs to study in a perfectly quiet environment; if you like sound when you study, try to make it an environment where the kinds of sounds wont actually be distracters. Lighting. Reading ability can be affected by the amount and type of lighting in your study area, and contrast between text and paper color. Be aware that light does make a difference, and choose a study environment that best matches your learning preferences. Temperature. You may not be able to control the room temperature, but you should be aware of your temperature preferences and dress accordingly.

478 20.3.4. Set Goals:

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AFPAM36-2241 Be a Lifelong Learner. Technological advances have occurred in exponential leaps over the past century, and the only certainty in life is change. Education is the key to preparing you for change. Your most valuable asset and skill is your ability to learn and apply knowledge gained through education. Setting Goals. Setting goals is a good way to accomplish a particularly difficult task, such as developing study skills. Setting SMART goals will have you studying like a pro in no time. SMART goals are: Specific. Once you identify what you want to work on, narrow that down to a single, specific thing. Working out one problem at a time may make it easier to reach your goal without spreading yourself too thin. I want to be a better reader is broad, so a more specific goal would be I want to improve my reading speed. Write your specific goal on a piece of paper. Measurable. You wont know if you met your goal if you cannot measure it in some way. For instance, instead of I want to improve my reading speed, a measurable goal would be I want to improve my reading speed by 10 words per minute. Action. This is where you decide how to achieve your goal. Write this part as an explanatory activity. For example, your goal might now be I want to improve my reading speed by 10 words a minute. I will do this by skimming over words like the and an. Realistic. Make sure your goals are achievable. I will improve my reading speed by memorizing every word in the dictionary is unrealistic for most people. Everyone has limits (time, resources, ability, etc.). Do not ignore limits or you may set unrealistic goals. Timeline. Set a suspense date, and make sure it is both specific and realistic for you. I will meet this goal sometime over the summer is vague. I will meet this goal by the first day of school next fall, is specific and realistic. Your timeline may be days, months or years, but must be realistic for you and your lifestyle. Section 20DMilitary Knowledge and Testing System (MKTS) 20.4. General Information. The MKTS Survey is critical to the Air Force promotion system. The results of this survey are used to revise and update the professional development guide (PDG) and to help guide the development of enlisted promotion tests. Enlisted members should use the survey results as part of a study strategy. 20.4.1. Every 2 years, staff sergeant (SSgt) through chief master sergeant (CMSgt) volunteers complete the survey electronically. Individuals are asked to rate each topic on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (extremely low need) to 5 (an extremely high need). The results affect PDG content, and identify areas important for each enlisted grade. Results are provided to the PDG managers and subject-matter experts tasked to write the next promotion test editions. 20.4.2. Survey results are available at The survey format identifies the needs emphasis of each subject area, from those that ranked with a higher needs emphasis to those with the lowest needs emphasis. Some line items may not match the PDG exactly, as the initial MKTS survey sent to the field was based on a draft proposal to revise the PDG. Section 20EKnow Your Learning Style 20.5. Adult Learning Style Profile. Adapted from Learning Style Reference Form, developed by Dr. Ray Barsch; University of Northwestern Ohio Virtual College, Learning Styles Evaluation. 20.5.1. The statements in Figure 20.1 are designed to help an individual determine his or her learning style (visual, auditory, or tactile/kinesthetic). No learning style is better than any other. However, each makes its own demands on the environment of the learner. Figure 20.2 provides scoring procedures for the statements. 20.5.2. A score that reads Visual = 33, Auditory = 24, Tactile = 19, indicates that you are a visual learner, with an auditory learning backup, and some tactile learning. Such people learn best by seeing something. If vision is obscured, visual learners can still learn through listening and tactile modes, but the major and best mode of learning unavailable.


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Figure 20.1. Learning Style Profile. Directions: Read each statement, and place a check mark in the appropriate box that best matches your feeling about that statement. Work quickly. Do not sit and ponder. There are no right or wrong answers. When finished, use paragraph 20.5.2 through paragraph 20.5.4 for scoring instructions. COMMENTS 1. I remember things better when people tell them to me than when I read them. 2. I follow written directions better than oral directions. 3. I like to write things down or take notes for visual review. 4. I bear down extremely hard with pen or pencil when writing. 5. I require oral explanations of diagrams, graphs, or visual directions. 6. I enjoy working with tools (cooking, woodworking, mechanical). 7. I am skillful and enjoy developing and making graphs and charts. 8. I like to learn something new by talking rather than reading about it. 9. I remember best by writing things down several times. 10. I can understand and follow directions using maps. 11. I do better at academic subjects by listening to lectures and tapes. 12. I handle objects (coins, keys, pencils) while studying, reading, and conversing. 13. I learn to spell better by repeating the letters aloud, not by writing them. 14. I understand a news article better by reading it than by listening to the radio. 15. I chew gum, smoke, eat, or drink while studying/working. 16. I remember something best by picturing it in my head. 17. I like to make, build, or create things as I learn. 18. I would rather listen to a good lecture or speech than read about the subject. 19. I am good at working and solving jigsaw puzzles and mazes. 20. I prefer listening to news on the radio or TV rather than reading about it. 21. I like to learn mostly by building, making, or doing things. 22. I enjoy researching an interesting subject by reading relevant material. 23. I feel comfortable touching others, hugging, handshaking, etc. 24. I follow oral directions better than written directions. 25. I enjoy learning by going places and seeing things. 26. I like to draw, color, sketch, and paint things. 27. I doodle during meetings, lectures, or while listening on the phone. 28. I enjoy listening to music. 29. I like to shape or make things with my hands (clay, ceramics, dough, etc.). 30. I read aloud (or whisper) to myself when trying to understand new written material. OFTEN SOMETIMES SELDOM


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20.5.3. A score that reads Auditory = 30, Visual = 27, Tactile = 20 indicates that you are an auditory learner with a visual backup and some tactile learning. Such people learn best by hearing or saying what needs to be learned. Auditory learners can learn by seeing the information, but their best retention occurs when they see the information and repeat it to themselves, or when they hear the material being read aloud. They may also learn very well using audio cassettes or compact disks (CD), with retention and depth of learning enhanced by visual and tactile input. 20.5.4. A score that reads Tactile = 34, Visual = 27, Auditory = 27 indicates that you are a tactile learner, with auditory and visual backup learning modes. Such people learn best by doing. They may write material they see or hear, take notes during lectures but rarely need to look at them afterwards, or find it easier to recall information if they move around or have something in their hands. Figure 20.2. Learning Style Score. Directions: Place the point value on the line next to its corresponding item number: OFTEN = 5 points; SOMETIMES = 3 points; SELDOM = 1 point. Total each column to arrive at your profile score under each heading. Arrange the column totals, from highest to lowest, on the lines below the column totals. AUDITORY Question # 1 5 8 11 13 18 20 24 28 30 TOTAL: Highest Modality: ___________ Score: ___________ Points VISUAL Question # 2 3 7 9 10 14 16 19 22 26 TOTAL: Points TACTILE Question # 4 6 12 15 17 21 23 25 27 29 TOTAL: Points

Second Modality: ___________ Lowest Modality: ___________ Score: ___________ Score: ___________

20.6. Auditory Learners. Auditory learners use hearing to process information. When given a choice, strong auditory learners will sit where they can easily hear the speaker and where outside sounds will not interfere. Some auditory learners will sit to one side, on the side of their strongest ear. Many auditory learners find it easy to understand the words from songs on the radio and announcements on public address systems. 20.6.1. Characteristics: Prefer to hear information. Have difficulty following written directions. Have difficulty with reading and writing. May not look a speaker in the eye; may turn their eyes away so they can focus on listening. 20.6.2. Learning Tips: Use audio cassettes or CDs for reading and lectures (when available). Participate in discussions, ask questions, and repeat given information. Summarize or paraphrase written material, and record the information. Discuss the material with someone else.


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20.7. Visual Learners. Visual learners need to see the big picture. They may choose a seat where they can see the whole stage or the whole screen. They may choose the back seat in a room so everything is out in front, and they can see it all. 20.7.1. Characteristics: Need to see it to learn it; must have a mental picture. Have artistic ability. Have difficulty with spoken directions. Overreact to sounds. Have trouble following lectures. May misinterpret words. 20.7.2. Learning Tips: Use visuals (graphics, films, slides, illustrations, doodles, charts, notes, flashcards) to reinforce learning. Use multicolored highlighters to organize notes. Write directions down. Visualize words, phrases, sentences to be memorized. Write everything down; review often. 20.8. Tactile Learners. Tactile/kinesthetic learners need to touch and feel things. They want to feel or experience the lesson themselves. Given a choice, strong kinesthetic learners will be right in the middle of the action. They may take things apart to see how they work and put them back together, without directions. 20.8.1. Characteristics: Prefer hands-on learning/training. Can put things together without directions. Have difficulty sitting still. Learn better when they can get involved. May be coordinated and have athletic ability. 20.8.2. Learning Tips: Make a model, do lab work, role-play. Take frequent breaks. Copy letters and words to learn how to spell and remember facts. Use a computer. Write facts and figures repeatedly. Read and walk, talk and walk, repeat and walk.

482 20.9. Conclusion.

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Effective studying does not happen overnight. It requires time and patience. Effective studying habits are learned through trial and error, and people must develop strategies that work for them. Developing effective study habits and strategies, and knowing your learning style should improve your ability to achieve your goals.

DARRELL D. JONES, Lt General, USAF DCS, Manpower, Personnel and Services




Note: Below are the references annotated within this publication; however, the complete listing of references by chapter and section are available via the following Web site: and References Chapter 1, Enlisted History USAF Enlisted Heritage Hall Chapter 2, Airman Heritage USAF Enlisted Heritage Hall Chapter 3, Organization Title 10 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 8013, 3 January 2012 DoDD 5100.01, Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components, 1 December 2010 AFDD 3-03, Counterland Operations, 11 September 2006 AFPD 10-3, Air Reserve Component Forces, 17 May 2006 Chapter 4, Air Force Doctrine, Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF), and Joint Force JP 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 8 November 2010 JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, 11 August 2011 CJCSM 3122.01A, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Volume I (Planning Policies and Procedures ), 29 September 2006 CJCSM 3122.03C, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPE)S Volume II Planning Formats, 17 August 2007 CJCSM 3150.16D, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Reporting Structure (JOPESREP), 11 October 2011 AFDD 2-0, Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations , 6 January 2012 AFDD 3-01, Counterair Operations, 1 October 2008 AFDD 3-03, Counterland Operations, 11 September 2006 AFDD 3-04, Countersea Operations, 15 September 2005 AFDD 3-05, Special Operations, 16 December 2005 AFDD 3-17, Air Mobility Operations, 1 March 2006 AFDD 3-70, Strategic Attack, 12 June 2007 AFDD 4-0, Combat Support, 23 March 2005 AFDD 4-02, Medical Operations, 21 June 2012 AFDD 6-0, Command and Control, 1 June 2007 JP 4-02, Health Service Support, 26 July 2012 Chapter 5, Emergency Management Program HSPD 5, Management of Domestic Incidents, 28 February 2003 AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management (EM) Program Planning and Operations , 24 January 2007 AFMAN 10-2503, Operations in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Environment, 7 July 2011 Chapter 6, Standards of Conduct 10 U.S.C. 888, Contempt Toward Officials Uniform Code of Military Justice Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2012 Edition) DoDI 1300.21, Code of Conduct (CoC) Training and Education , 8 January 2001 DoDD 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces, 19 February 2008 DoDD 2310.01E, The Department of Defense Detainee Program, 5 September 2006 DoDD 2311.01E, DoD Law of War Program, 9 May 2006 DoDI 5200.01, DoD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive Compartmented Information, 1 October 2008 DoD 5500.07, Standards of Conduct, 29 November 2007


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DoD 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), 17 November 2011 AFJI 31-213, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards and Off-Installation Liaison and Operations, 27 July 2006 AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards AFI 35-101, Public Affairs Responsibilities and Management, 18 August 2010 AFI 36-2906, Personal Financial Responsibility, 1 January 1998 AFI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships, 2 March 2007 AFI 51-401, Training and Reporting to Ensure Compliance with the Law of Armed Conflict , 11 August 2011 AFI 51-901, Gifts from Foreign Governments, 16 February 2005 AFI 51-902, Political Activities by Members of the US Air Force, 12 November 2010 Chapter 7, Enforcing Standards and Legal Issues 10 U.S.C. 1034, Protected Communications; Prohibition of Retaliatory Personnel Actions Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2012 Edition) AFPD 90-2, Inspector GeneralThe Inspection System, 26 April 2006 HAFMD 1-20, The Inspector General, 28 April 2008 AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion/Demotion Programs, 31 December 2009 AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program, 1 July 2010 AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, 27 February 2009 AFI 36-2907, Unfavorable Information File (UIF) Program, 17 June 2005 AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen, 9 July 2004 AFI 44-109, Mental Health, Confidentiality, and Military Law, 1 March 2000 AFI 51-202, Nonjudicial Punishment, 7 November 2003 AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, 23 August 2011 Chapter 8, Military Customs, Courtesies, and Protocol for Special Events Public Law 107-51, Memorializing Fallen Firefighters, 3 January 2001 4 U.S.C., Flag and Seal, Seat of Government, and the States, 3 January 2012 18 U.S.C. 506, Seals of Departments or Agencies, 3 January 2012 36 U.S.C., Chapter 1, Patriotic and National Observances, Ceremonies, and Organizations , 3 January 2012 DoDI 1005.06, Display of the National Flag at Half-Staff, 27 March 2008 AFI 34-1201, Protocol, 4 October 2006 AFPAM 34-1202, Guide to Protocol, 4 October 2006 AFMAN 36-2203, Drill and Ceremonies, 3 June 1996 AFI 36-2805, Special Trophies and Awards, 29 June 2001 AFI 36-2824, Order of the Sword Programs, 14 April 2009 AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, 8 September 2006 AFI 65-601, Volume 1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, 16 August 2012 Chapter 9, Enlisted Force Development AFPD 36-26, Total Force Development, 27 September 2011 AFPD 36-29, Military Standards, 29 October 2009 AFI 36-2201, Air Force Training Program, 15 September 2010 AFI 36-2301, Developmental Education, 16 July 2010 AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems, 15 April 2005 AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, 27 February 2009 AFI 36-2706, Equal Opportunity Program, Military and Civilian, 5 October 2010 AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel, 18 July 2011 AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program, 1 July 2010 AFI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships, 1 May 1999 AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, 26 October 2009 AFI 44-120, Military Drug Demand Reduction Program, 2 January 2011 AFI 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program , 11 April 2011 AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, 5 August 2011 Chapter 10, Leadership AFI 36-703, Civilian Conduct and Responsibility, 1 August 1999 AFI 36-1001, Managing the Civilian Performance Program, 1 July 1999 AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems, 15 April 2005 AFI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships, 1 May 1999


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Conflict and Conflict Management Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conflict and Negotiation Processes in Organizations, The Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Organizational Norms, The 1977 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators Chapter 11, The Enlisted Evaluation System (EES) DoD 5210.42-R/AFMAN 10-3902, Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP), 13 November 2006 AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems, 15 April 2005 AFI 36-2907, Unfavorable Information File (UIF) Program, 17 June 2005 AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports, 24 September 2008 Chapter 12, Training and Education Title 10, United States Code, Armed Forces, Section 708 Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 65, Certification: Airmen Other Than Flight Crewmembers, 1 January 2012 DoDI 1322.25, Voluntary Education Programs, 15 March 2011 AFI 36-2013, Officer Training School (OTS) and Enlisted Commissioning Programs (ECPS), 23 October 2008 AFI 36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel (Officer and Enlisted), 14 June 2010 AFI 36-2201, Air Force Training Program, 15 September 2010 AFI 36-2306, Voluntary Education Program, 13 August 2010 Chapter 13, Resource Management EO 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management , 17 February 2009 EO 13514, Federal Leadership on Environmental, Energy, and Economics Performance , 5 October 2009 10 U.S.C. 2911, Energy Performance Goals and Master Plan for the Department of the Defense DoDD 7045.14, The Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS) , 22 May 1984 Manual for Courts-Martial (2012 Edition) AFPD 32-10, Installations and Facilities, 4 March 2010 AFMAN 23-220, Reports of Survey for Air Force Property, 1 July 1996 Energy Policy Act of 2005 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Teams at Work Essentials of Management Chapter 14, Communicating in Todays Air Force AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Program, 16 May 2011 AFH 33-337, Tongue and Quill, 1 August 2004 Chapter 15, Personnel Programs 10 U.S.C. 1406, Retired Pay Base for Members Who First Became Members Before September 8, 1980: Final Basic Pay , 3 January 2012 10 U.S.C. 1407, Failure of Selection for Promotion and Involuntary Separation, 7 January 2011 10 U.S.C. 1557, Timeliness Standards for Disposition of Applications Before Corrections Boards 10 U.S.C. 2463, Guidelines and Procedures for Use of Civilian Employees to Perform Department of Defense Functions Public Law 104-262, Veterans Health Care Eligibility Reform Act of 1996 , 9 October 1996 Manual for Courts-Martial (2012 Edition) DoDI 1100.22, Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix, 12 April 2010 DoDD 1304.20, Enlisted Personnel Management System (EPMS), 28 July 2005 DoDD 1322.08E, Voluntary Education Programs for Military Personnel, 3 January 2005 DoD 1348.33-M, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards, 23 November 2010 DoDM 1400.25/AFMAN 36-115, National Security Personnel System, 7 August 2007 DoD 5400.7-R/AFMAN 33-302, Freedom of Information Act Program, 21 October 2010 DoD 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), August 1993 The Joint Federal Travel Regulation OMBC A-76, Performance of Commercial Activities AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Program, 16 May 2011 AFI 36-701, Labor Management Relations, 27 July 1994 AFI 36-703, Civilian Conduct and Responsibility, 1 August 1999 AFI 36-704, Discipline and Adverse Actions, 22 July 1994 AFI 36-807, Weekly and Daily Scheduling of Work and Holiday Observances, 21 June 1999


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AFI 36-815, Absence and Leave, 5 September 2002 AFI 36-1001, Managing the Civilian Performance Program, 1 July 1999 AFI 36-1203, Administrative Grievance System, 1 May 1996 AFI 36-2110, Assignments, 22 September 2009 AFI 36-2401, Correcting Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Reports, 10 March 2006 AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion/Demotion Programs, 31 December 2009 AFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records, 5 March 2012 AFI 36-2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing System, 24 September 2008 AFPAM 36-2607, Applicants Guide to the Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR) , 3 November 1994 AFI 36-2608, Military Personnel Records System, 30 August 2006 AFI 36-2623, Occupational Analysis, 10 September 2012 AFI 36-2803, The Air Force Awards and Decorations Program, 15 June 2001 AFI 36-2805, Special Trophies and Awards, 29 June 2001 AFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans, 1 October 2000 AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, 8 September 2006 AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen, 9 July 2004 AFI 38-203, Commercial Activities Program, 20 June 2008 Chapter 16, Wing Support 10 U.S.C. 876a, Leave Required to Be Taken Pending Review of Certain Court-Martial Convictions 10 U.S.C. 1561, Complaints of Sexual Harassment: Investigation by Commanding Officers 29 CFR Part 1614, Federal Sector Equipment Employment Opportunity DoDI 1327.06, Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures, 16 June 2009 DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Military Pay Policy and ProceduresActive Duty and Reserve Pay, February 2002 The Joint Federal Travel Regulation AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, 26 October 2009 AFI 36-2626, Airman Retraining Program, 1 July 1999 AFI 44-102, Medical Care Management, 20 January 2012 AFI 51-904, Complaints of Wrongs Under Article 138, Uniform Code of Military Justice , 30 June 1994 AFMAN 65-116, Volume 1, Defense Joint Military Pay System Active Component (DJMS-AC) FSO Procedures, 1 April 2007 AFMAN 65-116, Volume 2, Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) Unit Procedures Excluding FSO 16 March 2007 Chapter 17, Dress and Appearance AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel, 2 August 2006 Chapter 18, Fit Force 5 U.S.C. 552a(b), Records Maintained on Individuals 10 U.S.C. 136, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness 10 U.S.C. 8013, Secretary of the Air Force 32 U.S.C., National Guard AFI 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution, 7 December 2006 AFMAN 31-116, Air Force Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision9 May 2012 AFI 34-248, Child Development Centers, 1 October 1999 AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program, 1 July 2010 AFI 36-2910, Line of Duty (Misconduct) Determination, 4 October 2002 AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, 26 October 2009 AFI 36-3009, Airman and Family Readiness Centers, 18 January 2008 AFI 36-3802, Personnel Readiness Operations, 23 February 2009 AFI 40-102, Tobacco Use in the Air Force, 26 March 2012 AFI 40-301, Family Advocacy, 30 November 2009 AFI 44-109, Mental Health, Confidentiality, and Military Law, 1 March 2000 AFI 44-120, Military Drug Demand Reduction Program, 3 January 2011 AFI 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program , 11 April 2011 AFPAM 44-160, The Air Force Suicide Prevention Program, April 2001 AFI 52-104, Chaplain Service Readiness, 26 April 2006 AFI 90-501, Community Action Information Board and Integrated Delivery System , 31 August 2006


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Chapter 19, Security EO 13526, Classified National Security Information, 21 December 2009 DoDM 5200.01, Volumes 1-4, DoD Information Security Program, 24 February 2012 AFPD 31-1, Integrated Defense, 28 October 2011 AFI 31-401, Information Security Program Management, 1 November 2005 AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management, 27 January 2005 AFI 31-601, Industrial Security Program Management, 29 June 2005 AFI 71-101, Volume 2, Protective Service Matters, 17 May 201 Chapter 20, Studying Effectively No references Abbreviations and Acronyms A&FRCairman and family readiness center A&Pairframe and power plant A1Manpower and Personnel A1CAirman first class AAacademic affairs AADAirman Advancement Division AASassociate of applied science ABAirman basic; air base ABUAirman battle uniform ACabdominal circumference ACCAir Combat Command ACEask, care, and escort ACEAllied Command Europe ACMAfghanistan Campaign Medal ACNauthorization change notice ACRauthorization change request ACSagile combat support ADactive duty ADAPTalcohol and drug abuse prevention and treatment ADAPTPMADAPT program manager ADCArea Defense Counsel ADCONadministrative control ADFMactive duty family member ADPAutomated Data Processing ADRAlternate Dispute Resolution ADSCActive Duty Service Commitment AECPAirman Education and Commissioning Program AEDAutomated External Defibrillator AEFAmerican expeditionary force; air and space expeditionary force AEFIair and space expeditionary force indicator AEGair expeditionary group AESair expeditionary squadron AETCAir Education and Training Command AETFair and space expeditionary task force AEWair expeditionary wing AFAir Force AF IMTAir Force Information Management Tool AF/A4LFAircraft Maintenance Air Force Career Field Manager AF/A8PDeputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs AFASAir Force Aid Society AFBAir Force base AFBCMRAir Force Board for Correction of Military Records


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AFCAFAir Force Central Adjudication Facility AFCATAir Force Catalog AFCCAAir Force Court of Criminal Appeals AFCDAAir Force Career Development Academy AFCFMAir Force career field manager AFCYBERAir Force Cyber Command AFDDAir Force Doctrine Document AFDRBAir Force Discharge Review Board AFECDAir Force Enlisted Classification Directory AFELAAir Force educational leave of absence AFEMArmed Forces Expeditionary Medal; Air Force Emergency Management AFEMSAir Force Equipment Management System AFFORAir Force forces AFGSCAir Force Global Strike Command AFHAir Force Handbook AFIAir Force Instruction AFIAAir Force Inspection Agency AFIMSAir Force Incident Management System AFISAir Force Inspection System AFITAir Force Institute of Technology AFJIAir Force Joint Instruction AFJQSAir Force job qualification standard AFLSAAir Force Longevity Service Award AFMAAir Force Manpower Agency AFMANAir Force Manual AFMCAir Force Materiel Command AFMETCALAIR FORCE METEOROLOGY and CALIBRATION TRACEABILY AFMSAir Force Medical Service AFOEAAir Force Organizational Excellence Award AFOGAir Force Operations Group AFOSHAir Force Occupational and Environmental Safety, Fire Protection, and Health AFOSIAir Force Office of Special Investigations AFOUAAir Force Outstanding Unit Award AFPAMAir Force Pamphlet AFPCAir Force Personnel Center AFPDAir Force Policy Directive AFRAir Force Reserve AFRCAir Force Reserve Command AFRHArmed Forces Retirement Home AFRSAir Force Recruiting Service AFROTCAir Force Reserve Officer Training Corps AFSAir Force specialty AFSCAir Force specialty code AFSNCOAAir Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy AFSO21Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century AFSOCAir Force Special Operations Command AFSOFAir Force special operations forces AFSPCAir Force Space Command AFSPPAir Force Suicide Prevention Program AFVAAir Force Visual Aid AFVECAir Force Virtual Education Center AFW2Air Force Wounded Warrior Program ALSAirman Leadership School AMCAir Mobility Command AmnAirman ANGAir National Guard AOarea of operation AOAuthorizing/Order-Issuing Official AOCAir Operations Center


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AOCIAirfield Operations Compliance Inspection AOCair operations center AORarea of responsibility APCagency program coordinator ARCair reserve component; American (National) Red Cross ARMSAutomated Records Management System ASBCAir and Space Basic Course ASCPAirman Scholarship and Commissioning Program ATantiterrorism ATMautomated teller machine ATOantiterrorism officer AU-ABCAir University Associate-to-Baccalaureate Cooperative Program AUTODINAutomatic Digital Network AWACSAirborne Warning and Control System AWOLabsent without official leave BAHbasic allowance for housing BAH/BASbasic allowance for housing/subsistence BAH-DIFFbasic allowance for housing differential BASbasic allowance for subsistence BBbase boundary BBPbullet background paper BCAbusiness case analysis BCEEThomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education BDOCbase defense operations center BDU battle dress uniform BE WELLbalanced eating, work out effectively, living longer BESbudget estimate submission BMTbasic military training BOPbase of preference BPRbusiness process reengineering BSZbase security zone BtuBritish thermal unit BTZbelow the zone C2command and control C3command, control, and communications C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence CAcriticality assessment CA/CRLcustodian authorization/custody receipt listing CACcommon access card CAFSCcontrol Air Force specialty code CAIBcommunity action information board CAREERSCareer Airman Reenlistment Reservation System CASclose air support CATcombat application tourniquet CBRNchemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear CBRNEchemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive CBTcomputer-based training, cognitive behavioral therapy CCcommander CCAcontamination control area CCAFCommunity College of the Air Force CCDRcombatant commander CCMcommand chief master sergeant CCscommanders CDCcareer development course CEMchief enlisted manager CEMPcomprehensive emergency management plan CERTcredentialing and education research tool CFACCcombined force air and space component commander

490 CFCCombined Forces Command Korea CFETPcareer field education and training plan CFRcode of federal regulations CIcompliance inspection; counterintelligence CIACentral Intelligence Agency CICCCAF instructor certification CINCcommander in chief CJCSChairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff CJCSMCJCS manual CJRcareer job reservation CLEPCollege-Level Examination Program CMCCommandant of the Marine Corps CMSCase Management System CMSAFChief Master Sergeant of the Air Force CMSgtchief master sergeant CNAcomputer network attack CNAFAir Force component numbered air forces CNDcomputer network defense CNEcomputer network exploitation CNOChief of Naval Operations COAcourse of action COCOMcombatant command COLAcost-of-living allowance COMAFFORcommander, Air Force forces COMPUSECcomputer security COMSECcommunications security CONPLANconcept plan CONUScontinental United States CPcommand post CPDcore personnel document CPIconsumer price index; continuous process improvement CPOchemical protective over garment CPRcardiopulmonary resuscitation CPScivilian personnel section CPTcognitive processing therapy CRAclothing replacement allowance CROchange of reporting official CScompetitive sourcing; chief of staff CSAChief of Staff, U.S. Army CSAFChief of Staff, United States Air Force CSARcombat search and rescue CSBcareer status bonus CSMcommercial services management CTOcommercial travel office CUIcontrolled unclassified information; consolidated unit inspection CVvice commander CYcalendar year DAFDepartment of the Air Force DAFSCduty Air Force specialty code DANTES defense activity for nontraditional education support DCAdefensive counter-air DCAPESdeliberate and crisis action planning and execution segment DCSdefensive counter-space, deputy chief of staff DD MMM YYYYdate example 12 Jan 2013 DEdevelopmental education DEERSDefense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System DEROSdate eligible for return from overseas DFASDefense Finance and Accounting Service DFCdefense force commander

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DHSDepartment of Homeland Security DIEMSdate initially entered military service DISAdefense information systems agency DJMSdefense joint military pay system DJMS-ACdefense joint military pay system active component DLdistance learning DLADefense Logistics Agency DMSdefense message system DOCdesigned operational capabilities DoDDepartment of Defense DODDDepartment of Defense Directive DODIDepartment of Defense Instruction DODRDepartment of Defense Regulation DoDSERDepartment of Defense Suicide Event Report DORdate of rank DOSdate of separation DRdemand reduction DRFdisaster response force DRRSDefense Readiness Reporting System DRUdirect reporting unit DSMDiagnostic Statistical Manual DSSTDANTES subject standardized test DTAdefense threat assessment; designated tobacco area DTASdesignated tobacco areas DTMdirective-type memorandum DTRADefense Threat Reduction Agency DUIdriving under the influence DVdistinguished visitor DVRdata verification record E&Teducation and training E.G.for example EASElectronic Access System ECCemergency communications center ECOAenemy course of action ECPenlisted commissioning program ECSexpeditionary combat support EDSemployee development specialist EEOequal employment opportunity EESEnlisted Evaluation System EFMPExceptional Family Member Program EFTelectronic funds transfer EIAPenvironmental impact analysis process EMEmergency Management EMDReye movement desensitization and reprocessing EMLenvironmental and morale leave EMSEnvironmental Management System EMSECemissions security EOequal opportunity; executive order EOCemergency operations center; end of course EODexplosive ordnance disposal EOTIequal opportunity and treatment incident EPexercise physiologist EP/FPM exercise physiologist/fitness program managers EPMEEnlisted Professional Military Education EPMSenlisted personnel management system EPRenlisted performance report EPRRCEnlisted Promotions References and Requirements Catalog EPTSexisted prior to service


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EQUALEnlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing ESFemergency support functions ESOHenvironmental, safety, and occupational health ESOHCenvironmental safety and occupational health council ESOHCAMPenvironmental, safety and occupational health compliance assessment and management program ESPexpeditionary support plan ESSelectronic staff summary ETCetcetera ETSexpiration of term of service EWOelectronic warfare officer FAfitness assessment FAAFederal Aviation Administration FACfunctional account code; fitness assessment cell FAMfunctional area manager FBIFederal Bureau of Investigations FDAfood and drug administration FEAFFar East Air Forces FEDfederal FEMAfederal emergency management agency FICAFederal Insurance Contributions Act FISSforeign intelligence and security services FITWFederal income tax withholding FOAfield operating agency FOCUSFocused, Organized, Clear, Understanding, Supported FOEfollow-on element FOIAFreedom of Information Act FOUOfor official use only FPforce protection FPCONforce protection condition FPIforce protection intelligence FPMfitness program manager FRLDfull range leadership development FSAfamily separation allowance FSA-RFSA reassignment FSA-SFSA serving on a ship FSA-TFSA temporary FSGLIfamily servicemembers group life insurance FSHfamily separation, basic allowance for housing FSQfitness screening questionnaire FSSforce support squadron FTAfirst-term Airmen FWAfraud, waste, and abuse FWSFederal Wage System FYfiscal year FYDPFuture Years Defense Program GAOgovernment accountability office GCCgeographic combatant commander GCCSglobal command and control system GCEground crew ensemble GCMgeneral court-martial GCMAgeneral court-martial authority GCSS-AFGlobal Combat Support System Air Force GFMglobal force management GHQgeneral headquarters GINAGenetic Information Nondiscrimination Act GMAJCMSgaining major commands GND C2ground command and control GPSglobal positioning system GSGeneral Schedule


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GUCGallant Unit Citation GWOTEMGlobal War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal GWOTSMGlobal War on Terrorism Service Medal HAFHeadquarters Air Force HAWChealth and wellness center HD/LShigh demand/low supply HFACShuman factors HGShigh grade service HHGhousehold goods HQheadquarters HQ AFPCheadquarters Air Force personnel center HQ AFPC/DPCAir Force personnel center directorate of civilian personnel operations HQ AFPC/DPWCSheadquarters Air Force Personnel Center (casualty services branch) HQ AU/A4Lheadquarters Air University HQ USAFheadquarters United States Air Force HQ USAF/A1Mdirectorate of manpower and organization HRhazard report HRCASHuman Relations Climate Assessment Subcommittee HREHuman Relations Education HShomeland security HSCHomeland Security Council HSIhealth services inspection HSMHumanitarian Service Medal HSPDHomeland Security Presidential directive HSThome station training HUMINThuman intelligence HYThigh year of tenure other words I2Cinstallation control center IAinformation assurance IAOinformation assurance officer IAWin accordance with ICincident commander ICBMintercontinental ballistic missile ICMIraq Campaign Medal IDIntegrated Defense, identification IDEAInnovative Development through Employee Awareness IDPintegrated defense plan IDRMPintegrated defense risk management process IDSIntegrated Delivery System IDWGintegrated defense working group IEDimprovised explosive device IEMPinstallation emergency management plan IFAKindividual first aid kit IFCintelligence fusion cell IGinspector general IGOintergovernmental organization IMAindividual mobilization augmentee IMTinformation management tool IOinformation operations IPEindividual protective equipment IPOEintelligence preparation of the operational environment IPTintegrated product team IRAindividual retirement account IRRindividual ready reserve ISDinstructional systems development ISRintelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance ITinformation technology


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IWinformation warfare JCSJoint Chiefs of Staff JFACCjoint force air component commander JFCjoint force commander JFTRJoint Federal Travel Regulation JIACGjoint interagency coordination group JMUAJoint Meritorious Unit Medal JOPESjoint operations planning and execution system JOPESREPJOPES reporting structure JPjoint publication JPASjoint personnel adjudication system JPECjoint planning and execution community JQSjob qualification standard JSjoint staff JSAjob safety analysis JSAMTCCJoint Service Aviation Maintenance Technician Certification Council JSTjob safety training JTACjoint terminal attack controller JTFjoint task force KDSMKorea Defense Service Medal KSAknowledge, skills, and abilities LBpound LBSpounds LESleave and earnings statement LMMSleadership, management, and military studies LOAletter of admonishment LOAClaw of armed conflict LOCletter of counseling LODline of duty LOEletter of evaluation LORletter of reprimand LPSPlimited privilege suicide prevention LRSlogistics readiness squadron Lt Collieutenant colonel MAAGMilitary Assistance Advisory Group MACMilitary Airlift Command MAJCOMmajor command MAJCOM/CCMMajor Command Chief Master Sergeant MALTmonetary allowance in lieu of transportation MANPADSman portable aerial defense system MATSmilitary Air Transport Service MCMmanual for Courts-Martial MCPmobile command post MDmission directive MEOmost efficient organization; military equal opportunity MEOCmobile emergency operations center METLmission essential task list METT-TCmission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, civil considerations MFMMAJCOM functional manager MGIBMontgomery GI Bill MHEmental health evaluation MHRmaximum heart rate MHSMilitary Health System MImanagement inspection MIHAmove-in housing allowance MilPDSMilitary Personnel Data System MKTSMilitary Knowledge and Testing System MNFmultinational force MOPPmission-oriented protective posture


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MPEmilitary personnel element MPSmilitary personnel section MRmemorandum for record MREmilitary rule of evidence MSgtmaster sergeant MSOmilitary service obligation MTFmilitary treatment facility; medical treatment facility MTImilitary training instructors MTLmilitary training leaders MTPmaster training plan MUAMeritorious Unit Award MyEDPmy enlisted development plan N/Anot applicable NAFnonappropriated fund; numbered Air Force NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization NBCnuclear, biological, and chemical NCOnoncommissioned officer NCOAnoncommissioned officer academy NCOICnoncommissioned officer in charge NDOnuclear deterrence operations NDSMNational Defense Service Medal NFQnot fully qualified NFZno-fly zone NGOnongovernmental organization NIMSNational Incident Management System NJPnonjudicial punishment NORADNorth American Aerospace Defense Command NPAnet pay advice NRFNational Response Framework NRPnational response plan NSCNational Security Council NSInuclear surety inspection NWRMnuclear weapons related material O&Moperations and maintenance, organizational and maintenance OAoccupational analysis OARoccupational analysis report OCAoffensive counterair; original classification authority OCONUSoutside the continental United States OCSoffensive counterspace OHAoverseas housing allowance OIGOffice of Inspector General OJTon-the-job training OMBOffice of Management and Budget OMBCOffice of Management and Budget circular OODAobserve, orient, decide, act OPCONoperational control OPLANoperations plan OPRoffice of primary responsibility, officer performance report OPSECoperations security OPSTEMPOoperations tempo OSoverseas OSCoffice of special counsel, organizational structure code OSDOffice of the Secretary of Defense OSHAoccupational safety and health administration OTSOfficer Training School PAPrivacy Act PACAFPacific Air Forces PAFSC primary Air Force specialty code

496 PASpersonnel accounting symbol PAVEprecision avionics vectoring equipment PCApermanent change of assignment; post-competition accountability PCMprimary care manager PCSpermanent change of station PDApersonal digital assistant PDGprofessional development guide PDMRApost-deployment/mobilization respite absence PDSpermanent duty station; personnel data system PEprolonged exposure PECDpromotion eligibility cutoff date PEDportable electronic device PERMISSPersonnel Management Information System PERSTEMPOpersonnel tempo PFEprofessional fitness examination PFMPPersonal Financial Management Program PFRpersonal financial readiness PFWperformance feedback worksheet PIFpersonnel information file PIIpersonally identifiable information PINpersonal identification number PKIpublic key infrastructure PLprotection level PL1protection level 1 PL2protection level 2 PL3protection level 3 PL4protection level 4 PMCprofessional manager certification PMEprofessional military education POCpoint of contact; privately owned conveyance POMprogram objective memorandum POVprivately owned vehicle POWprisoner of war PPBEplanning, programming, and budgeting and execution PPBSplanning, programming, and budgeting system PRprogram review; personnel recovery PRDAPersonnel Records Display Application PSNpromotion sequence number PTphysical training PTLphysical training leader PTDYpermissive TDY PTSDposttraumatic stress disorder PTUphysical training uniform R&Rrest and relaxation RAresource advisor, risk assessment RAMrandom antiterrorism measure RAPRecruiter Assistance Program RCMrules for court martial; responsibility center manager RIreadiness inspection RICrecord of individual counseling RIErapid improvement event RIFreduction in force RIPreport on individual personnel RMrisk management RMSresource management system RNLTDreport not later than date ROErule of engagement ROMOrange of military operations ROSreport of survey

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ROTCReserve Officer Training Corps RSDLreactive skin decontamination lotion RTRMreal-time risk management S/Esystems engineering SAsubstance abuse; situational awareness SA&Dstrategic alignment and deployment SACStrategic Air Command SAF/FMB Secretary of the Air Force for financial management and comptroller SAF/IA Secretary of the Air Force for international affairs SAF/IEIassistant Secretary of the Air Force, installations SAF/IG Secretary of the Air Force, inspector general SAF/PASecretary of the Air Force, public affairs SALUTEsize, activity, location, unit, time, equipment SAMsurface-to-air missile SARCsexual assault response coordinator SATCOMsatellite communications SAVstaff assistance visit SBPsurvivor benefit plan SCMsummary court-martial SCPDstandard core personnel document SEAsenior enlisted advisor SECAFSecretary of the Air Force SECDEFSecretary of Defense SEIspecial experience identifier SEJPMEsenior enlisted joint professional military education SELRESSelected Reserve SEPWOself-inspection program for weather operations SEREsurvival, evasion, resistance, escape SFsecurity forces SFstandard form SFSsecurity forces squadron SGLIservicemembers group life insurance SIIspecial interest item SIPOCsuppliers, input, process, output, and customers SITWstate income tax withholding SJAstaff judge advocate SKTspecialty knowledge test SLAspecial leave accrual SMARTspecific, measurable, attainable, results focused, and time bound SMEsubject-matter expert SMSgtsenior master sergeant SMTPsimple mail transfer protocol SNCOsenior noncommissioned officer SNCOASNCO Academy SOARScholarships for Outstanding Airmen to ROTC SOFspecial operations force SORNSystems of Records Notice SORTSstatus of resources and training system SPCMspecial court-martial SrAsenior airman SRCsurvival recovery center SRBselective reenlistment bonus SRIDsenior rater identification SROEstanding rule of engagement SRPSelective Reenlistment Program SSgtstaff sergeant SSNsocial security number SSRIselective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

498 SSSstaff summary sheet STEPStripes for Exceptional Performers TAtuition assistance; threat assessment TACTactical Air Command TACONtactical control TACSTheater Air Control System TAFMStotal active federal military service TAFMSDtotal active federal military service date TAPTransition Assistance Program TDPTRICARE Dental Program TDYtemporary duty TEMSDtotal enlisted military service date TFCCTotal Force Contact Center THCTETRAHYDROCANNABINOL THRtarget heart rate TItraining instructor TICtoxic industrial chemicals TIGtime in grade; The Inspector General TIMtoxic industrial material TIStime in service TJAGThe Judge Advocate General TLAtemporary lodging allowance TLEtemporary lodging expense TOStime on station TPFDDtime-phased force deployment plan TPRTRICARE Prime Remote TPRADFMTRICARE Prime Remote active duty family member TSCtraining status code TSCOTop Secret control officer TSgttechnical sergeant TSPThrift Savings Plan TTtreatment team TTMtreatment team meeting TTPtactics, techniques, and procedures TYATRICARE young adult UEIunit effectiveness inspection U.S.United States U.S.C.United States Code UCCunit control center UCCIUnited Concordia Companies, Inc. UCMJUniform Code of Military Justice UFPMunit fitness program manager UGTupgrade training UHunaccompanied housing UIFunfavorable information file UMDunit manning document, unit manpower document UNUnited Nations UREunit review exercise USAAFUnited States Army Air Forces USAFUnited States Air Force USAF/SGUnited States Air Force Surgeon General USAFAUnited States Air Force Academy USAFEUnited States Air Forces in Europe USAFRICOMU.S. Africa Command USAFSEUnited States Air Force supervisory examination USCAAFU.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces USCENTCOMU.S. Central Command USEUCOMU.S. European Command USGU.S. Government

1 OCTOBER 2013



1 OCTOBER 2013


USJFCOMU.S. Joint Forces Command USNORTHCOMU.S. Northern Command USPACOMU.S. Pacific Command USRunit safety representative USSOCOMU.S. Special Operations Command USSOUTHCOMU.S. Southern Command USSRUnion of Soviet Socialist Republic USSTRATCOMU.S. Strategic Command USTRANSCOMU.S. Transportation Command UTCunit type code UTMunit training manager UXOunexploded ordnance VAVeterans administration, Veterans affairs; victim advocate; vulnerability assessment VCJCSVice Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff VGLIveterans group health insurance vMPFvirtual military personnel flight Vo2volume of oxygen WAACWomens Army Auxiliary Corps WACWomens Army Corps WAPSWeighted Airman Promotion System WEARwe are all recruiters WGwage grade WG ISPRwing information security program WLwage leader WMDweapons of mass destruction WMPwar and mobilization plan WOCwing operations center WRwar reserve WSwage supervisor WWIWorld War I WWIIWorld War II Terms AbuseThe intentional, wrongful, or improper use of government resources. Abuse typically involves misuse of rank, position, or authority. AirpowerAirpower is the ability to project military power or influence through the control and exploitation of air, space, and cyberspace to achieve strategic, operational, or tactical objectives. Air Force MembersAll active duty officers and enlisted personnel serving in the United States Air Force. Air Force PersonnelAll civilian employees, including government employees, in the Department of the Air Force (including nonappropriated fund activities), and all active duty officers and enlisted members of the Air Force. AlignmentDress and cover. AttritionThe reduction of the effectiveness of a force by loss of personnel and materiel. Capital CaseAn offense for which death is an authorized punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Chain of CommandThe succession of commanding officers from a superior to a subordinate through which command is exercised. CoalitionAn ad hoc arrangement between two or more nations for common action. Coalition ForceA force composed of military elements of nations that have formed a temporary alliance for some specific purpose. CoherentSticking together; a logical relationship of parts. Paramilitary and military measures, short of overt armed conflict, involving regular forces are employed to achieve national objectives. CohesionThe act, process, or condition of cohering: exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit. Command and Control (C2)The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission.


1 OCTOBER 2013


CompromiseThe known or suspected exposure of clandestine personnel, installations, or other assets or of classified information or material to an unauthorized person. ConflictA fight; a battle; struggle. ContingencyAn emergency involving military forces caused by natural disasters, terrorists, subversives, or by required military operations. Due to the uncertainty of the situation, contingencies require plans, rapid response, and special procedures to ensure the safety and readiness of personnel, facilities, and equipment. ContinuumA continuous extent, succession, or whole, no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division. Convening AuthorityCommanders, usually above the squadron level, who have the authority to order a court-martial be conducted. The convening authorities consult with the staff judge advocate, determine if trial by court-martial is appropriate, and refer the case to a court-martial which they have created and for which they appoint the judge, court members, as well as the trial and defense counsels. Correctional CustodyThe physical restraint of a person during duty or nonduty hours, or both, imposed as a punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice, which may include extra duties, fatigue duties, or hard labor. CounterairA US Air Force term for air operations conducted to attain and maintain a desired degree of air superiority by the destruction or neutralization of enemy forces. Both air offensive and air defensive actions are involved. The former range throughout enemy territory and are generally conducted at the initiative of the friendly forces. The latter are conducted near or over friendly territory and are generally reactive to the initiative of the enemy air forces. CoverIndividuals align themselves directly behind the person to their immediate front. Dereliction of DutyThe willful neglect of your job or assigned duties. DeterrenceThe prevention from action by fear of the consequences. Deterrence is a state of mind brought about by the existence of a credible threat of unacceptable counteraction. DistanceThe prescribed space from front to rear between units. The distance between individuals in formation is 40 inches as measured from their chests to the backs of the persons in front of them. DoctrineFundamental principles by which the military forces or elements thereof guide their actions in support of national objectives. It is authoritative but requires judgment in application. DressAlignment of elements side by side or in line maintaining proper interval. EchelonA subdivision of a headquarters. ElementThe basic formation; the smallest drill unit, comprised of at least 3 individuals, but usually 8 to 12 persons, one of whom is designated as the element leader. EndorserThe evaluator in the rating chain designated to close out the EPR. The minimum grade requirements vary depending upon the ratees grade. EspionageThe act of obtaining, delivering, transmitting, communicating, or receiving information about the national defense with an intent, or reason to believe, that the information may be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation. Esprit de CorpsDevotion and enthusiasm among members of a group for one another. EvaluatorA general reference to any individual who signs an evaluation report in a rating capacity. Each evaluator must be serving in a grade or position equal to or higher than the previous evaluators and the ratee. Note: A commander who is junior in grade to the rater will still review the enlisted performance report (see AFI 36-2403). ExploitationTaking full advantage of success in battle and following up initial gains, or taking full advantage of any information that has come to hand for tactical, operational, or strategic purposes. FileA single column of individuals placed one behind the other. Fiscal YearA 12-month period for which an organization plans to use its funds. The fiscal year starts on 1 October and ends on 30 September. ForensicRelating to, used in, or appropriate for courts of law or for public discussion or argumentation. Of, relating to, or used in debate or argument; rhetorical. Relating to the use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law: a forensic laboratory. Forfeiture of PayA type of punishment where people lose their entitlements to pay for a specified period of time. FraudThe intentional misleading or deceitful conduct that deprives the government of its resources or rights. Functional AreaDuties or activities related to and dependent upon one another. GrievanceA personal complaint, by a civilian employee, related to the job or working environment and subject to the control of management. This term also includes any complaint or protest based on either actual or supposed circumstances.


1 OCTOBER 2013


GuideThe Airman designated to regulate the direction and rate of march. Half staffThe position of the flag when it is one-half the distance between the top and bottom of the staff. HardwareThe generic term dealing with physical items as distinguished from its capability or function, such as equipment, tools, implements, instruments, devices, sets, fittings, trimmings, assemblies, subassemblies, components, and parts. Hyper-vigilanceThe condition of maintaining an abnormal awareness of environmental stimuli, post-traumatic stress syndrome, marked by symptoms like frequent nightmares and repetitive anxiety dreams, insomnia, intrusive disturbing thoughts, hypervigilance, and being easily startled. Information SuperiorityThe capability to collect, process, analyze, and disseminate information while denying an adversarys ability to do the same. Information Warfare (IW)Any action taken to deny, exploit, corrupt, or destroy an adversarys information and information functions while protecting friendly forces against similar actions and exploiting our own military information functions. InfrastructureA term generally applicable to all fixed and permanent installations, fabrications, or facilities for the support and control of military forces. Installation CommanderThe individual responsible for all operations performed by an installation. IntelligenceThe product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign countries or areas. InterdictionAn action to divert, disrupt, delay, or destroy the enemys surface military potential before it can be used effectively against friendly forces. InternetAn informal collection of government, military, commercial, and educational computer networks using the transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) to transmit information. The global collection of interconnected local, mid-level, and wide area networks that use IP as the network layer protocol. InterrogationSystematic effort to procure information by direct questioning of a person under the control of the questioner. IntervalSpace between individuals standing side by side. Normal interval is one arms length. Close interval is 4 inches. Joint ForceA general term applied to a force composed of significant elements, assigned or attached, of two or more military departments, operating under a single joint force commander. See also joint force commander. Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) The joint force air component commander derives authority from the joint force commander who has the authority to exercise operational control, assign missions, direct coordination among subordinate commanders, redirect and organize forces to ensure unity of effort in the accomplishment of the overall mission. The joint force commander will normally designate a joint force air component commander. The joint force air component commanders responsibilities will be assigned by the joint force commander (normally these would include, but not be limited to, planning, coordination, allocation, and tasking based on the joint force commanders apportionment decision). Using the joint force commanders guidance and a uthority, and in coordination with other service component commanders and other assigned or supporting commanders, the joint force air component commander will recommend to the joint force commander apportionment of air sorties to various missions or geographic areas. Joint Force Commander (JFC)A general term applied to a combatant commander, subunified commander, or joint task force commander authorized to exercise combatant command (command authority) or operational control over a joint force. See also joint force. Joint OperationsA general term to describe military actions conducted by joint forces, or by service forces in relationships (such as support, coordinating authority), which, of themselves, do not create joint forces. Joint Task Force (JTF)A joint force that is constituted and so designated by the Secretary of Defense, a combatant commander, a subunified commander, or an existing joint force commander. LogisticsThe science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces. In its most comprehensive sense, those aspects of military operations that deal with design and development, acquisition, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of materiel; movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel; acquisition or construction, maintenance, operation, and disposition of facilities; and acquisition or furnishing of services. Military StrategyThe art and science of employing the armed forces of a nation to secure the objectives of national policy by the application of force or the threat of force. Mitigation (of offense)To lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude of an offense. Multinational OperationsA collective term to describe military actions conducted by forces of two or more nations, typically organized within the structure of a coalition or alliance. See also alliance, coalition, and coalition force.


1 OCTOBER 2013


National StrategyThe art and science of developing and using the political, economic, and psychological powers of a nation, together with its armed forces, during peace and war, to secure national objectives. Nonappropriated ActivityAn activity associated with the government, but whose operation is not directly funded by the government; that is, the NCO open mess, officers open mess, and child care center. Nonappropriated FundsFunds generated by Department of Defense military and civilian personnel and their dependents and used to augment funds appropriated by the Congress to provide a comprehensive, morale-building welfare, religious, educational, and recreational program, designed to improve the well-being of military and civilian personnel and their dependents. Operational Chain of CommandThe chain of command established for a particular operation or series of continuing operations. Operational Control (OPCON)The transferable command authority that may be exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of combatant command. Operational control is inherent in combatant command (command authority). Operational control may be delegated and is the authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission. Operational control includes authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations and joint training necessary to accomplish missions assigned to the command. Operational control should be exercised through the commanders of subordinate organizations. Normally this authority is exercised through subordinate joint force commanders and service and/or functional component commanders. Operational control normally provides full authority to organize commands and forces and to employ those forces as the commander in operational control considers necessary to accomplish assigned missions. Operational control does not, in and of itself, include authoritative direction for logistics or matters of administration, discipline, internal organization, or unit training. Period of SupervisionThe number of calendar days during the reporting period that the ratee was supervised by the rater. Permissive ReassignmentA permanent change of station at no expense to the government where an individual is given consideration because of personal reasons. Individuals bear all costs and travel in leave status. Personnel Reliability (PR)A commanders determination of an individuals trustworthiness to perform duties related to nuclear weapons. PhysiologicalHaving to do with the physical or biological state of being. PrecedencePriority, order, or rank; relative order of mission or operational importance. Qualification TrainingActual "hands-on" task performance training designed to qualify an individual in a specific duty position. This portion of the dual channel OJT program occurs both during and after the upgrade training process. It is designed to provide the performance skills required to do the job. RankA single line of Airmen standing side by side. RaterThe person designated to provide performance feedback and prepare an enlisted performance report (EPR) when required. The rater is usually the ratees immediate supervi sor. Rations in KindThe actual food or meal. ReconnaissanceA mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy; or to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area. RepatriationThe procedure whereby American citizens and their families are officially processed back into the United States subsequent to an evacuation. Sensitive InformationData requiring special protection from disclosure that could cause embarrassment, compromise, or threat to the security of the sponsoring power. It may be applied to an agency, installation, person, position, document, materiel, or activity. SoftwareA set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation concerned with the operation of data processing system, such as compilers, library routines, manuals, and circuit diagrams. Special Operations (SO)Operations conducted by specially organized, trained, and equipped military and paramilitary forces to achieve military, political, economic, or psychological objectives by unconventional military means in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive areas. These operations are conducted during peacetime competition, conflict, and war, independently or in coordination with operations of conventional, nonspecial operations forces. Political-military considerations frequently shape special operations, requiring clandestine, covert, or low-visibility techniques, and oversight at the national level. Special operations differ from conventional operations in degree of physical and political risk, operational techniques, mode of employment, independence from friendly support, and dependence on detailed operational intelligence and indigenous assets. Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)The senior legal advisor on the commanders staff.


1 OCTOBER 2013


StrategyThe art and science of developing and using political, economic, psychological, and military forces as necessary during peace and war, to afford the maximum support to policies, in order to increase the probabilities and favorable consequences of victory and to lessen the chances of defeat. SubversiveAnyone lending aid, comfort, and moral support to individuals, groups, or organizations that advocate the overthrow of incumbent governments by force and violence is subversive and is engaged in subversive activity. All willful acts that are intended to be detrimental to the best interests of the government and that do not fall into the categories of treason, sedition, sabotage, or espionage will be placed in the category of subversive activity. Tactical Control (TACON)Command authority over assigned or attached forces or commands, or military capability or forces made available for tasking, that is limited to the detailed and, usually, local direction and control of movements or maneuvers necessary to accomplish missions or tasks assigned. Tactical control is inherent in operational control. Tactical control may be delegated to, and exercised at any level at or below, the level of combatant command. TacticsThe employment of units in combat; the ordered arrangement and maneuver of units in relation to each other and or to the enemy in order to use their full potentials. TerroristAn individual who uses violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve a result. TheaterThe geographical area outside the continental United States for which a commander of a combatant command has been assigned responsibility. Under ArmsBearing arms. Unmanned Aircraft System That system whose components include the necessary equipment, network, and personnel to control an unmanned aircraft. Also called UAS. WarOpen and often prolonged conflict between nations (or organized groups within nations) to achieve national objectives. World Wide Web (WWW)Uses the Internet as its transport media and is a collection of protocols and standards that allow the user to find information available on the internet by using hypertext and/or hypermedia documents.


1 OCTOBER 2013


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