What Are You Going To Learn?: Mini - Lab

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What are you going to Mini - Lab

Do this with your partner
To define a square Materials: paper, scissors, a ruler and a protractor
To discover the formula
of the perimeter and 1. Draw rectangle ABCD with AB=BC=CD=AD=5 cm D C
area of a square as shown in the figure on the right.
2. Draw the diagonals of the rectangle ABCD and O
Key Terms mark the intersection of the diagonals, then name it
point O.
• square 3. Use a protractor to measure the angles below.
∠AOB =.......° ∠BOC =.......° ∠COD =.......°
∠DOA =.......° ∠OAD =.......° ∠OBA =.......°
∠OCB =.......° ∠ODC =.......° ∠OAB =.......°
∠OBC =.......° ∠OCD =.......° ∠ODA =.......°
4. What are the measures of ∠AOB, ∠BOC, ∠COD, and ∠DOA?
5. What are the measures of ∠OAD, ∠OBA, ∠OCB, and ∠ODC?
6. What are the measures of ∠OAB, ∠OBC, ∠OCD, and ∠ODA?
7. Based on the above activity, what can you conclude? Explain it.

PROBLEM 7 What are the relationship among the D C

lengths of the sides of rectangle O

ABCD on the right? A B

Because all sides of a rectangle are equal, then it is

called a square.

Critical Thinking 1. What are the measures of ∠BAC and ∠BCA?

2. What are the measures of ∠DBA and ∠ADB?

PROBLEM 8 Now try to find square objects around you.

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The properties of a square:
1. The opposite sides are parallel.
2. All of the angles are right angles.
3. The diagonals are equal and bisect each other.
4. All the sides are equal.
5. The diagonals bisect the angles.
6. The diagonals cross perpendicularly.
Based on those properties, we can say that a square is a
rectangle with 4 equal sides.

PROBLEM 9 Are all properties of a rectangle also owned by a

square? Explain. Can it be in the vice versa?

PROBLEM 10 The figure on the left is square PQRS.

S R a. List 3 segments equal to PQ .
b. List 3 segments equal to OP .
c. List all right angles in square PQRS.


PROBLEM 11 What are the perimeter and area of
the square ABCD? Explain. s


Given a square that has the length of the side of s. If P is the

perimeter and A is the area, then the formula of perimeter and area of
the square is P = 4s and A = s × s.

312 / Student’s Book – Quadrilaterals

Related to the Real World
Banana r
House 23 m
23 m
Field e
30 m t 23 m

Calculate the perimeter and area of the land used for

a. the house b. the banana field

PROBLEM 13 A square has the perimeter of 32 cm.

Calculate the area of the square.

Try This Calculate the area of a square having the

perimeter of 8 m.

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1. Determine whether the following statements are T or F (True
or False). Give your reasons.
a. Each angle in a square is a right angle.
b. Each angle in a rectangle is a right angle.
c. The lengths of the four sides of a rectangle are equal.
d. The lengths of the diagonals of a square are equal.
e. The lengths of the four sides of a square are equal.
f. The diagonals of a rectangle bisect the angles into two
equal parts.
g. The diagonals of a square bisect the angles into two equal
h. The diagonals of a square bisect each other and form right
i. The set of all squares is the subset of the set of all

2. Suppose KLMN is a square and OK = 3 cm, then

a. OL = ...... = ...... =...... = ...... cm. N M

b. KM = ...... = ...... cm
c. ∠KOL = ∠ ........ = ∠ ........ = ∠ ........ = .......°
d. ∠OKL = ∠ ......... = .....° 3 cm
e. ∠OLK = ∠ ........ = .....°
f. ∠OML = ∠ ........ = .....°
g. ∠ONM = ∠ ....... = .....° X

3. Let UVWX be a square, then

a. Because 3x − 7= ............, then x=..............
b. VX = .......
c. The length of the side of square 3x−7
UVWX is ......... 2x+5
4. In square KLMN on the left, the
length of ON is 5 cm.
a. What are the lengths of OK , OL , and OM ?

314 / Student’s Book – Quadrilaterals

b. What are the lengths of KM and LN ?
5. Let ABCD be a square.
a. Name two pairs of parallel lines.
8 cm
b. Name four lines which have exactly
the same length.
c. Name two lines which have exactly
the same length.
d. What is the length of all sides of square ABCD?

6. Open Question. Name at least five objects around

you with a square shape.

7. Drawing. Draw square PQRS whose diagonals intersect at

point O. The length of diagonal QS is 7 cm and draw diagonal
PR horizontally. Find the length of the sides of square PQRS
using a ruler.

8. Drawing. Draw the diagonals of the following squares.




a. Fill in the blanks.

EG = ..... ; PR = ..... ; and VY = ......
b. Name all pairs of parallel lines on each square.
c. Name all equal lines on each square.
d. Suppose point O is the intersection of the diagonals,
name all right angles on each square.

9. Critical Thinking. What can you

conclude about the sum of the measure of
all angles of a square?
10. Look at square ABCD on the right. O
a. If AC = 5x−19 and BD = 3x+7, find the
lengths of the diagonals.

Mathematics for Junior High School Year 7 / 315

b. If AD = 4y−15 and AB = y+6, find the
lengths of all sides.

11. Open Question. Adi has a wire of 20 cm in length. He

wants to make some squares and rectangles. How many
squares and rectangles can be made?
12. Name some common properties of a rectangle and a square.
13. Name the properties of a square which a rectangle does not
14. Does a square have exactly the same properties as a

15. Complete the following table.

No. Length of Perimeter of the Area of the

side square square
a. 11 cm .......... cm ........ cm 2
b. 15 cm .......... cm ........ cm 2
c. ...... m 36 m ........ m 2
d. ...... m 84 m ........ m 2
e. ...... km ........ km 49 km 2
f. ...... km ........ km 25 km 2

16. Calculate the perimeter and area of the following

rectangles and squares.
a. b. c. 10 cm d.
7 cm
5 cm 6 cm

6 cm 3 cm 7 cm
9 cm

17. Calculate the perimeter and area of a square having the

following length of sides.
a. 2.5 m. b. 14 cm. c. 21 dm.

316 / Student’s Book – Quadrilaterals

18. Calculate the perimeter and area of the figure below.
3 cm

3 cm
4 cm

4 cm 3 cm
2 cm

10 cm

19. In a square garden having 10 m sides, there is a

rectangular swimming pool which is 8 m long and 6 m
wide. What is the area of the land in the garden in
which flowers can be planted?
20. The area of a square is 64 cm 2 . Calculate the perimeter.
21. Calculate the length of the sides and the perimeter of a
square having the area of:
a. 144 cm 2 b. 625 m 2

22. Critical Thinking. The lengths of the sides of a new

square are 3 times longer than the original. What is the
ratio between the original area of the square and the
new one?
23. Calculate the area of the shaded area in the following.
a. 2 cm b.
3 cm 4 cm

4 cm
2 cm 6 cm
3 cm
2 cm
3 cm
6 cm
5 cm
4 cm
2 cm
2 cm
10 cm

24. Is it possible to draw a square and a rectangle that have

the same area but different perimeter? Explain your
25. Is it possible to draw a square and a rectangle that have
the same perimeter but different area? Explain your

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26. Can you calculate the perimeter of a square if the area is
given? Explain your answer.

318 / Student’s Book – Quadrilaterals

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