Work Order For Black Masonary To D Venkatesh

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Ref No: HMRP/RR/RAJU/LOI/2038 To, RAJU Hyderabad.A.P Mobile : Kind Attn: Mr.


Date: 28/01/2014

Subject: Letter of Intent for Construction of RR Masonry Wall at Miyapur Depot, Hyderabad Metro Rail With reference to your quotation for the subject work and subsequent negotiation. We are pleased to issue this Letter of Intent in favor of you for the subject work, as per the agreed Price, BOQ and technical specifications. You are requested to start the work with immediate effect at the site. Your Scope of work is mentioned below. FINAL OFFER: All Charges for supply and Construction of RR Masonry Compound Wall as per the drawing (Cement and Sand will be supplied by SSM) including cost of Stone,transportation,Labour,Lifts,Curing etc as per the EIC Rate: Rs 1550/cum

We request you to sign the duplicate of this Letter of Intent along with its enclosures, as taken of your acceptance and return the same to us. Thanking You, Yours faithfully For SSM ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTORS G S CHAITANYA Senior Partner SSM ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Hyderabad.

Accepted by RAJU

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Encl : Annx-I & II

Annexure I to HMRP/RR/RAJU/LOI/2038 Terms & Conditions

The term contractor, referred hereafter in this Annexure refers to SSM ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTORS. The term Sub Contractor, referred hereafter in this Annexure refers to RAJU 1. SCOPE OF WORK a) The cement shall be OPC 53 grade confirming to IS12269, Water shall confirm to IRS:CBC and the sand for block masonry shall confirm to IS2116, Supplied by the company and The cement mortar both for jointing and plastering shall be CM 1:5 b) The materials required for mortar should be measured by volumetric batching by proportionately as per specification for one bag or one cum using gauge boxes (supplied by company) based on the unit weight of the ingredients. c) Then water shall be added gradually and wet mixing continued for at least three minutes. Only the required quantity of water (maximum 25 lts per one bag of cement) shall be added which will produce mortar of workable consistency, but not stiff paste. The mortar should be mixed only, which can be consumed within one and half our time after adding water in dry mix... d) The RR location should be free from debris, any loose materials and cement slurry/mortar. e) The same should be cleaned before starting of work. f) The surface of the floor should be level and rough.

g) The RR position and layout should be established and marked with red oxide paint with cotton thread as per GFC drawing. h) The dimension between two walls and diagonal should be checked and conformed as per GFC drawing before laying of first course of block units. i) j) Any openings should be marked as per drawing at floor and sill and same should be confirmed by engineer. The mixed cement mortar should be placed along with line and levelled uniformly with mason trowel, The mortar bed joint should be minimum 10 to 12 mm thickness. The mortar join should be in uniform level and thickness The horizontal/vertical joints should be racked groove of 10 mm depth, while the mortar is in green

2. MODE OF MEASUREMENT The payment will be unit rate basis at which will be assessed on actual quantities measured by the sub-contractor and verified by the Engineer at such rates as per approved work order. The sub-contractor shall prepare bills based on the measurements of work done and submit to Engineerin-charge duly signed by them or his authorized signatory for arranging payment. Payment will be based on the Certification of Head of SSM Construction Payment shall be made on satisfactory completion of work. 3. CONFIDENTIALITY Subcontractor shall not, without the previous written consent of contractor representative, use, copy, publish, disclose or otherwise deal with, nor cause nor permit your subcontractors, agents, employees, directors, advisors or any persons for whom it is contractually or otherwise responsible for, to use, copy, publish, disclose or otherwise Page 2 of 5

deal with any confidential information, otherwise than for the performance of its obligations under the subcontract, disclosure to advisors or otherwise as required under the applicable laws or local laws.

Annexure I to HMRP/RR/RAJU/LOI/2038 Terms & Conditions

4. COORDINATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS Subcontractor shall be required to cooperate and co-ordinate with the other contractors and/or subcontractors working simultaneously at site at the same premises, and shall maintain harmonious and cordial relations at all times, The Subcontractor has to protect all structures etc during the execution of the works. 5. SITE HANDOVER Separate possession of site is not possible due to the nature of the job. The Subcontractor shall work in such a way so as to cause minimum hindrance to other agencies working in the same area. 6. VARIATION IN QUANTITES The quantities shown in the bill of quantities may vary to any extent but the rates are firm and not subject to any variation on this account at any point of time. No escalation of whatsoever nature will be entertained. 7. TIME OF COMPLETION & RESOURCES Time is the essence of this contract. You shall complete all the works within specified time as per instructions given by Engineer in Charge. 8. RESOURCES You shall mobilize the required number of machinery immediately on receiving this LOI accompanied by competent resources including men, material, tools & tackles and consumables at each and every stage of work in time to adhere to the time schedule. 9. PRICE The rates shall be firm and shall not be subjected to any kind of escalation or variation for any reason, whatsoever including variation in tax, duties, surcharges, cess etc., or any amendment due to government financial policies, variation, for whatsoever is the reason till successful completion of the entire scope of works covered. The rates are inclusive of all taxes. 10. MATERIALS PROVIDED BY US All consumables required for the civil works shall be arranged by us at our own cost. Any other material ISSUED ON CHARGEABLE BASIS from our stores, will be charged at actual or prevailing market rate plus 20% (Twenty percent) towards overheads, handling charges etc., 11. LABOUR LAWS You shall comply with all statutory labor laws of the state Govt., Central Govt., and the local authorities, as applicable, from time to time at the place of work. You shall cover your staff under PF. All records to be maintained under these laws shall be maintained by you and produced to the concerned authorities as and when directed to do so. No extra payment will be made on the ground of complying with these labor laws by us. In case you fail to provide any of the above facilities, appropriate liability amount devolving on us will be deducted from your bills.

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12. PROTECTION OF MATERIALS All storage and protection of equipments/machinery & materials as well as those materials and machinery handed over to you by us, should be Debited in your bill if any damages occurred or misplaced. 13. WORKMANSHIP Any work one by you, which is found unsatisfactory to our management, should be rectified /redone as per e instructions, immediately after notifying to you. If you fail to do so, the same will be done

Annexure I to HMRP/RR/RAJU/LOI/20038 Terms & Conditions

from our end and the cost pertaining to the same will be debited to your Running Account Bills on actual basis plus 20 % overheads. 14. SAFETY You shall strictly abide by all safety standards, specification, practices, rules and regulations in construction and also the instruction of our safety Engineer at site. Your workmen at site must follow strict adherence to the said safety rules. Any kind of unsafe action or unsafe method of work by your workmen, which may lead to injury to your workmen, will be viewed seriously and penalty for the same will be levied on you for such unsafe actions. You are responsible for the safety of your staff and employees of other agencies working in your area of operation. You shall delegate the responsibility of implementation of safety rules to everyone of your staff. All safety appliances required like safety helmets, safety belts, shoes, other Safety PPE, etc., shall be arranged by Contractor on returnable basis. In the event of non-return of such materials, debit shall be done on actual cost plus 20 % over head charges. In case of safety violations / rules and precaution by any of your workman, he will not be permitted inside the site of work. Your authorized representative shall attend all safety meetings convened by site safety Engineer, and abide by his instructions and follow the site safety practices without failure. 15. TERMS OF PAYMENT a. MOBILISATION ADVANCE: No Mobilization Advance will be paid for this work. b. RUNNING BILLS Payment towards running account bills shall be made on monthly basis based on joint measurement between your representative and our site in charge of the actual extent of works carried out by you & Engineer In charge. The billing period shall be reckoned from 26th of previous month to 25th of the current month. However payments shall always be limited/ subjected to the extent of certification done by EIC c. FINAL RUNNING BILL The final bill will be certified and payments released within 3 months after the entire works covered under your scope of works, are measured and certified by Engineer In charge subjected to the approval of quality requirements. 16. DEDUCTIONS INCOME TAX: Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) @ 1% is applicable Income tax as applicable will be deducted from the bills tax as per statutory requirements. Our accounts department will issue necessary tax deductions certificate to you at the end of the financial year. Page 4 of 5

17. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event your progress is consistently found to be below the accepted pace based on the programme, and/or if the quality of works being executed by you falls below the expected standards laid down by us, in such cases, in the interest of timely and successful completion of the project and to maintain the high quality of work, we reserve the right to delete your scope of work, or, the entire balance work to be taken away from you and we shall be at liberty to get such works executed by other agencies and In such case we shall not be liable to pay any compensation or make good any damage/s or effect any other payment to you for anticipated reduction in profit or any other ground whatsoever. 18. RESOULTION OF DISPUTES All disputes or difference of opinion on account of interpretation of clauses, Technical specification etc., shall be resolved through direct and mutual discussions at site level. In the case of differences of opinion still persisting, the decision of the Project Manager will be final and binding on both the parties.

Annexure I to HMRP/RR/RAJU/LOI/20038 Terms & Conditions

19. ACCOMODATION & CONVEYANCE FOR YOUR STAFF AND LABOUR The Accommodation shall be arranged by us at our cost and extra conveyance for labour shall be arranged by you. 20. TAXES AND DUTIES All other statutory taxes and duties are included in your rates and no adjustment will be made on pricing on account of variations in prevailing Taxes and Duties.

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