Vinati Organics Limited AR 2008 09

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Twentieth Annual Report 2008-09

Unique ideas. Unique results.

whats unique?

About this Report 1

About Us 4
Financial Overview 6
Managing Director’s Message 8
Our Facilities 10
Unique ideas. Unique results. 12
Awards & Accolades 18
Profiles of the Board of Directors 20
Other Key Managerial Personnel 22
Management Discussion & Analysis 24
Directors’ Report 30
Corporate Governance Report 34
Financial Statements 42
Notice 62
Corporate Information 68
About this report
Forward Looking Statements
In this Annual Report, we have disclosed forward-looking information to enable investors to comprehend our prospects and take informed investment
decisions. This report and other statements - written and oral - that we periodically make, contain forward looking statements that set out anticipated results
based on the management’s plans and assumptions. We have tried, wherever possible, to identify such statements by using words such as ‘anticipate’,
‘estimate’, ‘expects’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, and words of similar substance in connection with any discussion of future performance. We cannot
guarantee that these forward-looking statements will be realised, although we believe we have been prudent in assumptions. The achievement of results is
subject to risks, uncertainties, and even inaccurate assumptions. Should known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialise, or should underlying assumptions
prove inaccurate, actual results could vary materially from those anticipated, estimated, or projected. Readers should bear this in mind. We undertake no
obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Topics and Structure

This report combines our financial, operational and sustainability reporting and is addressed to interested users and readers from all fields. This year we
report in detail on how well the Company has performed, what has enabled us to do so and how we are going to carry forward the same into the future.
The report contains information on the detailed profile of the Company, its operations and its people, the Central Theme, the economy and the industry in
addition to the Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report and the Company financials.

The information on the financial position and financial performance of the Company is based on the requirements of accounting principles generally
accepted in India, Companies Act, 1956 and conformity to other laws and principles wherever required.

External Auditing and Validation

Our reporting is audited by a third party. Karnavat & Co. have audited the financial statements of the Company for the year 2008-09 and have stated
therein that the financial statements present a true and fair view without any qualification. The audit was conducted in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in India.
‘Unique’ is the attribute that sets
an entity apart from the throng of
faces. Our record books are filled
with the stories of the ‘unique’.
When Pasteur explored the
nebulous possibility of a vaccine
or when Columbus beheld the
New World, unique instances
came into being representing the
superlative strive to go beyond
the obvious.
So what spurs a unique action? What makes an entity unique?
In simple words, it is the ‘idea’. It is that slight nibble in the grey cells which has fascinated man to rub the flint stones together to bring forth fire
to the day when the desktop came to your room.

Vinati Organics Limited represents this very spirit. This is an organisation that thrives on the inspiration of unique ideas and enjoys the resultant
successes of its innovative solutions. It is the unique facet of the ideas that enabled Vinati Organics Limited to position itself as a powerful
entity in an industry where entry is only a mirage and merely a dream or hope to many.

Unique Products n Unique Technology n Unique Resource Utilisation n Unique Results

Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Incorporated in 1989, Vinati Organics Limited (VOL) has been operating in the
chemical manufacturing industry since 1992. The Company was co-promoted

About Us by Mr. Vinod Saraf along with Maharashtra Petrochemicals Corporation Limited.
The Company has successfully implemented technology which is available to
only few in the world. It has always focused on using a technology that is more
efficient than the previous one. This has enabled it to achieve economies of
scale. VOL produces organic intermediaries and monomers.

VOL primarily produces IBB (Iso-Butylbenzene) and

ATBS (2-Acrylamido 2 Methylpropanesulfonic Acid). Its
manufacturing facilities are located at Mahad and Lote
Parshuram, Maharashtra. IBB and ATBS contribute practically
to whole of its revenue and profits. Since domestic market for
its products is small, the Company exports bulk of its products
to USA, Europe, Asia, Middle East and China. The first
manufacturing unit was installed in Mahad, Maharashtra
in collaboration with Institut of Francais du Petrole (IFP),

Operations With a strong consumer base, which includes some of

the leading companies of the world, the Company
has attained a leadership position. Vinati Organics
is now the world’s largest producer of best quality of
Iso-Butylbenzene (IBB) and N-Butylbenzene (NBB). It
is also only the third company in the world to produce
2-Acrylamido 2-methylpropanesulfonic Acid (ATBS). ATBS is
produced in the Company’s second plant installed at Lote
Parshuram, Maharashtra based on advanced technologies
developed with the aid of National Chemical Laboratories
(NCL), Pune.
About Us, Operations & Milestones


1989: Vinati Organics Limited (VOL) established

1992: Isobutylbenzene (IBB) plant comes onstream with 1,200 MTA production capacity
1996: IBB capacity expansion to 3,000 MTA

1997: IBB capacity expansion to 5,000 MTA

2002: ATBS plant onstream with 1,000 MTA production capacity
2006: IBB capacity expansion to 10,000 MTA. ATBS capacity expansion to 3,600 MTA
2007: Started n-tertiary Butylacrylamide (TBA) production
2008: IBB capacity expansion to 14,000 MTA
2009: ATBS capacity expansion to 10,000 MTA. TBA capacity expansion to 500 MTA

Servicing the World

India, UK, USA, China, France, Germany, Belgium, Thailand,
Korea, Taiwan, Italy and many more.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Sales Rs. lacs

CAGR 41%



2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

EBIDTA Rs. lacs EPS Rs.

3,187 25.45

CAGR 45% 2,284



729 659

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

PAT Rs. lacs Dividend %


CAGR 67% 20.00


10.00 10.00

319 351

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

Net Worth Rs. lacs RONW %


CAGR 26%

2,611 2,731



2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Financial Overview

Rs. 19,050.00 lacs Net Sales

Rs. 6,490.92 lacs Net Worth
Rs. 2,512.83 lacs Profit After Taxes
Rs. 11,586.63 lacs Capital Employed
Rs. 25.45 Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Rs. 2.50 Dividend Per Share (DPS)
Rs. 65.73 Book Value Per Share
Rs. 192.92 Net sales Per Share


We have continuously worked towards

providing an enabling work environment
which encourages people to acquire
newer skills and knowledge so as to make
them more effective, productive and tuned
to the environment changes. Attracting,
recruiting and selecting, developing and
retaining talented employees have been
a thrust area to meet the needs of growth
across various units.
MD’s Message

Dear Shareholders,
Vinati Organics continued to deliver strong performance by
focusing on a niche and specialised chemical segment with a
very sound technological base in the year ended 31 March
2009. In a challenging economic environment, we grew net
sales by 30.19% to a record Rs. 19,050.00 lacs, with net profits Our People. Our Future.
increasing by 65.34%. For fourth year in a row, we increased VOL has a highly qualified, experienced and motivated workforce
our Return on Net Worth. Earnings per share for the year were and management team. Our current workforce of almost 400 is
Rs. 25.45, an increase of over 65%. Our Compounded Annual able and willing to give their best to the Company and our
Growth Rate (CAGR) in EPS was 104.64% over the last 3 years. future. They have proved this time and again in the past. We are
also implementing human resource development programmes,
The solid earnings situation allows us to continue our policy
survey of employee training, payroll/contracts.
of dividend continuity in 2008-09. For FY09, the Board has
recommended a dividend of Rs. 2.50 per share, as against Rs. We have continuously worked towards providing an enabling
2.00 per share during FY08. We feel it is imperative for us to work environment which encourages people to acquire newer
ensure that our shareholders share appropriately in our successes skills and knowledge so as to make them more effective,
and thereby make our stock an attractive long term investment. productive and tuned to the environment changes. Attracting,
recruiting and selecting, developing and retaining talented
employees have been a thrust area to meet the needs of growth
At VOL, we are not only taking steps to improve operational across various units.
efficiencies but also looking to expand. We have regularly
invested in technology and newer products as a part of the Conclusion
strategy for growth. We are going for backward integration We hope to continue on our path of sustained growth and
into manufacture of Isobutylene (IB), a key raw material for performance despite the dismal global climate. Our optimal
2-Acrylamido 2 Methyl Propane Sulfonic Acid (ATBS). Currently combination of technology and human resource is the
Isobutylene is imported from Europe and Taiwan. Thus VOL will calling card for latching on to available and prospective
be saving significant logistics costs. Capex for the above project opportunities.
is Rs. 3,800 lacs and the project is expected to go on stream by
end of FY10. We have planned to use half of the Isobutylene We thank all our stakeholders for their continuous trust and
capacity for our own manufacturing purpose while the remaining confidence. We hope that they shall continue to do so while we
will get utilised for our domestic customers needs. strive to create value for them years after years.

In addition to this we are also looking to enter into IB derivative Vinod Saraf
products. Managing Director
We are also building a pilot plant to run trials for manufacturing
Para-Amino Phenol (PAP) using a highly environment friendly and
cost-effective technology.

Recently, we have doubled the production capacity of ATBS

at Lote Parshuram.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Our Facilities

Mahad Factory

The plant was installed in technical collaboration

with Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP), France.

Factory Location
B-12 & B-13/1, MIDC Industrial Area, Dist. Raigad, Mahad-
402309, Maharashtra. India.

Products Manufactured
Isobutylbenzene (IBB), Normalbutylbenzene (NBB)
Our Facilities

Lote Factory

The Plant was installed based on breakthrough

technology developed with the aid of National
Chemical Laboratories (NCL), Pune.

Factory Location
Plot No. A-20, MIDC, Industrial Area, Lote Parashuram - 415722
Tal. Khed, Dist. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. India.

Products Manufactured
2-Acrylamido 2-Methylpropane Sulfonic Acid (ATBS), Sodium
Salt of ATBS (NaATBS), n-tertiary Butylacrylamide (TBA)

Vinati Organics’ global oligopolistic position in both of its key products

positions it on a very strong footing. Cost leadership & scale economies
in IBB and technological entry barrier in ATBS are great strategic
advantages. Going forward, the Company wants to get into only
niche products that offer technological edge or cost competitiveness
and this augurs well for its continued strategic edge.
Generic Chemical Name - Isobutyl Benzene (IBB) and save significant logistics costs. The project is
Synonyms – 2-Methyl-1-Phenyl, Propane expected to commence towards the end of FY10
and hence will contribute to growth in FY11. India
Applications – It is used for manufacturing Ibuprofen,
imported about 6,000 tonnes of IB last year. Of the
an anti-inflammatory analgesic bulk drug. It is also
8,000+ TPA capacity being set up, about 4,000
used in the perfumery industry and as a specialty
ton will be captive consumption and balance will
be for sale to manufacturers of agro-chemicals,
Vinati Organics Limited is a market leader in IBB with antioxidants, etc.
over 60% market share. Its IBB production capacity
is 14,000 TPA and FY09 production was around
Other Products
11,500 tonnes. IBB global market is growing at
1) Normal Butylbenzene (NBB)
around 5% annually, as Ibuprofen is at a mature
stage of product lifecycle. However, the Company Applications
has been growing at a little faster rate due to gain n
It is used as a speciality solvent
in market share. It is expected to gain further market n 
It is used in the synthesis of intermediates like
share this year, as production in China is going Ortho-Butyl Aniline & Para-Butyl Aniline.
down. n 
It is used for application in LCD.

2) Hexenes (C6H12)(C-6 Aliphatic

Generic Chemical Name - 2 Acrylamido 2
Methylpropane Sulfonic Acid & its sodium salt
(ATBS & Na-ATBS) Applications
n Used as a Low boiling Point Solvent
Synonyms – Acrylamido Tertiary Butyl Sulfonic Acid
n  As Thinners
Applications – These specialty monomers have wide
n  For Solvent Extractions
applications & mainly in oil-field recovery, water
In Tyre Retreading
treatment, acrylic fiber manufacturing, adhesives and

personal care products. It is used as Co-Monomer in n  As Octane Booster for Gasoline.

acrylic fiber industry, Co-Monomer in surfactants for n  For Manufacturing C-5 / C-6 Aliphatic
personal care products, in water treatment chemical Petroleum Hydrocarbon Resins
for Corrosion inhibitor silt control, in paper and pulp
as a filter aid sizing dispersant and in mining as a 3) C 10 AROMATIC SOLVENT
flocculant. Applications
The Company is focusing on increasing revenues from In Paints & Coatings, Inks, Cleaning Solvents,
this segment. ATBS global demand continues to be Environmental friendly Agrochemical &
strong. ATBS, Na-ATBS and other derivatives that the Pesticides formulations.
Company makes are monomers and are supplied to
4) N-Tertiary Butyl Acrylamide (TBA)
polymer manufacturers who then sell the polymers to
users through their distribution channels. Direct sales Applications
are only to acrylic fiber industry. The Company has n Photo.
a 15-20% market share with a capacity of 10,000 n  Monomer for cosmetics.
TPA. There are only 3 manufacturers of ATBS in the n  Monomer for Acrylic Polymers.
world. n  Adhesives.

Backward Integration into Isobutylene (IB) Forward Integration

The Company is currently in the process of setting up Vinati Organics is considering to enter into IB
backward integration project for making Isobutylene derivatives products.
(IB), which is a key input in the making of ATBS.
Currently IB is imported from Europe & Taiwan in
pressurized tanks. The project will cost Rs. 3,800 lacs
Vinati Organics Limited uses world-class, inimitable Achievements
technology. The Company is focused on products VOL has achieved a record purity level of 99.8%
with technological entry barriers. Both the plants for Isobutyl Benzene as against the prevailing
are fully computerised with modern day production international standards of 99.5% by adopting the
facilities. The Company is manufacturing products latest and most sophisticated technology and
which have a very sound technological base and backed up by our well equipped in-house R&D and
chemical composition, and are therefore niche and Personnel training center.
As Isobutylbenzene is mainly consumed by
The first plant at Mahad was installed in technical Pharmaceutical industry the Company’s main thrust is
collaboration with Institut Francais du Petrole on Production under hygienic and safe conditions.
(IFP). The Company has successfully absorbed To maintain this we have set high standards and they
this technology to emerge as the world’s largest are strictly being implemented at every stage. Thus
producer of IBB. VOL is preferred by all Ibuprofen manufacturers.
ATBS technology for the plant at Lote was VOL is the preferred source for some of the largest
developed by Pune-based National Chemicals chemical manufacturing companies which use ATBS.
Laboratory and licensed to the Company. The technology used, enables the Company to
VOL uses a novel catalyst due to which it has recover, purify and resell the waste generated from
attained a very high level of operational efficiency. the manufacturing process of ATBS.
This enables the Company to produce high quality
products at costs far lower than its peers. The
segments where the Company operates are high
value added as well as quality sensitive products.
Cost and quality objectives can be achieved only
with the help of powerful technologies.

VOL is a constant investor in technology

and products as a strategy for growth.
Vinati Organics has not only focused on investing In order to enhance eco friendliness, we are re-
in newer technologies but most importantly has also utilising the ATBS waste and making a polymer
ensured that it focuses on manufacturing products called ‘vintreat cap’.
through an environmentally friendly process, that n
Its application is as a water-reducing used in
involves avoiding polluting chemicals in the construction concrete project.
manufacturing process and treating the effluents to
make profitable by products from them. n
It can improve mixture character and the quality
of project, as cohesive agent.
The Company now recycles all residual streams and
organic wastes. The resultant products are then sold n
It can be used to mould ceramic and fireproofing
to industries that use them. The Company achieved and enhancement agent, as floating agent.
success in its initiative to minimise waste and recycle
It can be engaged in mineral separation and as
it into usable products and thus created an
bonding agent in metallurgical dust industry, as
additional revenue stream.
mixture diluents used in producing concrete.
At the Lote Parshuram plant, the Company has been
It can improve mixture fluidity, save water and
able to successfully purify and produce a marketable
by-product – Tertiary butyl acrylamide (TBA).
It can be used as agricultural additive and
emulsifying agent.

resource utilisation

Despite negative scenario in the global economies The world-class technologies used are highly
including the Chemical industry segments, Vinati efficient and cost effective. The Company has been
Organics was able to register an outstanding able to manufacture products at costs far lower
performance. The turnover for the year crossed the than some of its peers. This is one of the reasons why
figure of Rs. 20,000 lacs while at the same time the the Company’s net profit margins have improved
total income rose by over 30%. Profit after taxes despite pressures on the cost front. The Company
increased by over 65% to cross Rs. 2,500 lacs. The has benchmarked its long term contracts to oil prices,
Company’s competitive and significantly low cost to hedge itself against volatility in international oil
of manufacturing and scale economies are the key prices. In addition to this, the Company enters into
success factors here. export contracts in Indian currency and uses the
import parity price mechanism to hedge itself against
This was enabled due to the focus of the Company foreign exchange rate fluctuations.
on niche segments, good demand and operational
efficiency. ATBS is experiencing strong demand.
The share of ATBS in total sales has risen strongly
during 2008-09. Revenues from ATBS & NaATBS
increased by about 65% to stand at Rs. 7,306.74
lacs as against Rs. 4,433.47 lacs during the previous
year. The Company also generates revenues from
recycling, purifying and marketing of waste products.
However, revenue from this is not very significant.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Awards and

Certificate of Export Recognition

National Safety Award for outstanding

performance in Industrial Safety
Awards and Accolades

ISO 9001:2000 Certificate

for plant at Mahad

ISO 9001:200 Certificate

for plant at Lote Parshuram
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

1 5
Profile of the
Board of Directors
1. Mr. Girish M. Dave  2. Mr. Vinod Saraf  3. Mr. Chintaman Bhaskar Gokhale
4. Mr. Ayilur Akileswaraiyer Krishnan  5. Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja  6. Ms. Viral Saraf  7. Mr. Sunil Saraf
4 8 8. Mr. Anandkumar Tibrewala  9. Mr. Mohit Mutreja
Profile of the Board of Directors

1. Mr. Girish M. Dave, Non Executive Chairman and Director 5. Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja, Executive Director
He is an M.Com, LLB, & CAIIB graduate. He is an eminent advocate Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja joined Vinati Organics Ltd. in 2006. She is
and senior partner of well-known Law Firm, M/s. DAVE & GIRISH & CO., instrumental in securing long-term sales contracts with several MNC
Advocates, and has over 45 years experience in the legal field. The customers as well as in streamlining finance, production processes.
Company has benefited substantially from his advice and guidance and Prior to joining Vinati Organics, Ms. Vinati worked as a Consultant for
also due to his immense knowledge in the said field he has contributed to Mercer Oliver Wyman, a New York based consulting firm specialising in
the Company with a wide range of advancement in the respective fields financial services and risk management. Vinati attended the University
so as to reap the fruitful benefit in the long run. of Pennsylvania where she received Bachelors in Economics (Finance)
from the Wharton School and Bachelors in Applied Science, Biotech
2. Mr. Vinod Saraf, Managing Director and Pharmaceutical Development from the School of Engineering and
Mr. Vinod Saraf is the founder of Vinati Organics Ltd. He is a Management Applied Sciences.
Graduate from BITS, Pilani with 19 years of previous industrial experience
with Bhilwara Group, Modern Syntex (I) Ltd. and Grasim Industries Ltd. 6. Ms. Viral Saraf, Director-Corporate Strategy
As Vice President of chemical division of Grasim industries he was Ms. Viral Saraf joined Vinati Organics Ltd. in May, 2009. She graduated
responsible for identification of chemical/petrochemical projects, from University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelors in Economics, Finance
technical tie-up and feasibility studies etc. During this period he was and Management from the Wharton School. Prior to joining Vinati
involved in the implementation of the gas based sponge iron project of Organics, Ms. Viral worked as an analyst at Citi Private Bank in New York.
Grasim. Subsequently he was nominated as “Managing Director (Finance She also worked as a summer analyst at Ernst & Young and ICICI Bank
and Administration)” on the Board of Directors of Mangalore Refinery & in Mumbai.
Petrochemical Ltd.
7. Mr. Sunil Saraf, Director
3. Mr. Chintaman Bhaskar Gokhale, Director He is a Commerce Graduate from Rajasthan University. He is having rich
He is on the Building Advisory Committee of number of financial experience of 22 years. He is Director on the Board since inception of
Institutions viz. NSE, CCIL, NSDL, CARE. He has started studies in Project the Company.
Management in Building Construction at Rachana Sansad in Mumbai
and is the Director of Project Management Institute. He was a nominee 8. Mr. Anandkumar Tibrewala, Director
on the Board of Directors of number of Companies on behalf of LIC and
He is a Fellow member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
ICICI. He is on the Board of Directors of the Company since 1994 and is
He is an Associate Member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of
a member of Audit Committee of the Company.
India. He stood third on all India basis in the overall ranking in the final
He was an Associate of The Royal Institute of British Architects and also examination held by the Institute in June 1986. He has been instrumental
a Fellow of The Indian Institute of Architects. He is a former Executive in developing Back End processes for leading multinational Company in
Director (Buildings) of Life Insurance Corporation of India. He is registered India. He is involved in accounting assignments for U. K. based clients from
with the Council of Architecture and is now practicing as a Consulting India on off site basis. Mr. Anandkumar Tibrewala is a full time director of
Architect. The Company has benefited by his 47 years of experience. V-Source Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd.

4. Mr. Ayilur Akileswaraiyer Krishnan, Director 9. Mr. Mohit Mutreja, Director

He is a Chemical Engineer and has 47 years of experience in Petro Mr. Mohit Mutreja attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he
Chemical Industry. He is Director of other public limited companies namely graduated summa cum laude in Bachelor of Science in Economics
Andhra Petrochemical Limited. He was appointed as a director long (Finance) from the Wharton School and Bachelor of Engineering in
back and has vast and diversified technological and chemical expertise Computer Science. Mr. Mohit previously worked at Goldman, Sachs and
of running the manufacturing unit in such industries. Due to his commitment Co., Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. and Citadel Investment Group.
for technological advancement in continuously improving the systems Mr. Mohit currently works full-time at DE Shaw & Co. in public equities and
and procedures, he has substantially contributed to the growth of the credit derivatives.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

2 7 Other Key
Managerial Personnel
1. Mr. Nandkishore Goyal  2. Mr. Vinod Kumar Behl  3. Mr. Jayesh Assar 4. Mr. B. S. Lathi
5. Mr. R. K. Dammani  6. Mr. Mahendra Kumar Churiwala  7. Mr. Amit Thanawala  8. Mr. Gunvant S. Singhi
Other Key Managerial Personnel

1. Mr. Nandkishore Goyal, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 5. Mr. R. K. Dammani, Executive President Works – Lote Plant
He is having a degree of Chartered Accountancy with 24 years of He is a Chemical Engineering graduate with 34 years of previous
experience in Finance & Accountancy including 7 years of previous experience in various chemical & petrochemical industries like M/S
experience with M/s. Modern Treads (India) Ltd. & GSL (India) Ltd. He has Hindustan Development Corporation Cyanides & Chemicals, M/S
substantially contributed to the growth of the Company. Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd., M/S Orient Paper Mills, M/S Shree
Synthetics Ltd. and in a Swedish MNC Perstorp Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Mr. Vinod Kumar Behl, Chief Operating Officer (COO)
He graduated in Chemical Engineering with honours from Punjab 6. Mr. Mahendra Kumar Churiwala, Sr. Vice President (Marketing)
University, Chandigarh. He has 38 years of previous industrial experience He is a B.Com graduate from Calcutta University in 1973 with 30 years of
with several well known Companies like M/s. Unichem Laboratories Ltd., experience in Marketing. He has substantially contributed to the growth
M/s. Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., M/s. Armour chemical, M/s. Nocil Ltd., of the Company. He had 10 years of previous experience with Prabhat
M/s. Union Carbide India Ltd., M/s. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. & M/s. General Agencies, Calcutta and 4 years experience with Vikram Cement
Hindustan Industries, Faridabad etc. a unit of Grasim Industries Ltd.

3. Mr. Jayesh Assar, Executive President, Projects 7. Mr. Amit Thanawala, Vice President – Marketing
He is a chemical engineer with post graduation in Management. He He is a graduate in Polymer Engineering from Pune University and
has more than 23 years of experience. He has previously worked with Masters in Marketing Management from Mumbai University with 18 years
companies like M/s. Dalal Consultant, M/s. Rallies India Ltd. & M/s. Time of experience in selling and marketing of chemical and polymers. He
Technoplast Ltd. He has been associated with the Company in all projects was earlier associated with various companies like M/s. Kanoria Petro
from initial stages and contributed to their successful commercialisation. Products Limited, M/s. Remik Marketing services. He has been with VOL
for more than six years.
4. Mr. B. S. Lathi, Executive President - Mahad Plant
He is having degree in Master of Management Studies from BITS, Pilani with 8. Mr. Gunvant S. Singhi, Company Secretary cum Finance Controller
30 years of industrial experience including 14 years previous experience He holds a degree of FCA & CS with 30 years of experience in Secretarial
with Companies like M/s. Bhilwara Processors Ltd., M/s. Modern Threads & Finance including 18 years of previous experience with M/s. Ramgopal
(India) Ltd., Shree Rajasthan Syntex Ltd., M/s. Modern Suitings Ltd. & M/s. Textiles Ltd., M/s. Chembond Chemicals Ltd., Beekay Textile Mills Ltd. and
Rajasthan Spinning & Weaving Mills Ltd. M/s. Hindustan Transmission Products Ltd. He has substantially contributed
to the growth of the Company.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Management Discussion And

Economy Overview
Financial Year 2008-09 was indeed a very tough one for all economies especially large and advanced economies. The related
side effects spread to Emerging Market Economies like India and China. Inflationary conditions witnessed sharp volatility during this
period. It went upto 13% at around August, 2008 and came down to under 1% towards the end of the period.
During the year 2008-09 and also post this period, large institutions around the globe have faced high distress. Indian economy
witnessed the slowdown as well growing at around 6.7% after growing for over 9% in the preceding 3 financial years. However,
the fundamentals of the economy are still strong. During a time when economies have decelerated, Indian economy has surged
ahead. IIP figures for the first quarter of 2009-10 indicate the quick recovery of the economy. Fiscal deficit, however, still remains
a concern.

Industry Overview
Without any reservation, year 2008-09 was a tough year for the chemical industry. Prices for raw materials skyrocketed and
remained volatile throughout the year. No one in the industry forecast that oil prices would reach nearly $150 per barrel, sending
material costs soaring. Economic conditions around the world, which initially seemed weak but essentially stable, suddenly worsened
Mixed, often conflicting economic signals throughout 2008 made it hard for chemical companies to lock in medium and long-
term commitments. As the reality of a global recession became all but certain, it became increasingly difficult to pass along price
increases, particularly to clients with contracts that were fixed for six to 12 months. The rate of innovation in the chemical industry
continued to slow.

Isobutyl benzene (IBB)

Isobutyl Benzene (IBB) is manufactured out of toluene and propylene. It is an organic, aromatic, neutral, colourless liquid. It is also
known as 2-methyl-1 phenylpropene. Conventionally, isobutyl benzene is produced industrially by the side chain alkylation of
toluene with propylene using an alkali metal catalyst.
IBB is a high value speciality chemical and is a basic raw material for manufacturing Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory/anti-arthritic/
analgesic medicine for pain management. It is also used in Perfume industry.
The total demand of ibuprofen is estimated at around 22,000 tonnes globally, translating into a consumption of around 18,000
tonnes of IBB. Ibuprofen is mainly manufactured in India, China and the US. India is a net exporter of both IBB and Ibuprofen. The
world market for Ibuprofen is estimated to grow at 5-6% annually.
2-Acrylamido-2-Methylpropane Sulfonic Acid (ATBS), Sodium salt of ATBS (Na-ATBS), N-tert-Butylacrylamide (TBA)
These specialty monomers have wide applications & mainly in oil-field recovery, water treatment, acrylic fiber manufacturing,
adhesives and personal care products. It is used as Co-Monomer in acrylic fiber industry, Co-Monomer in surfactants for personal
care products, in water treatment chemicals for Corrosion inhibitor silt control, in paper and pulp as a filter aid sizing dispersant
and in mining as a flocculant.
Management Discussion And Analysis

Vinati Organics Ltd. (VOL) was established

in 1989 and manufactures specialty organic
intermediaries and monomers. It is listed on
the Bombay Stock Exchange and has over
300 employees.

Acrylonitrile and isobutylene are the key inputs for this chemical which are derivatives of petroleum crude, the price of which has
shot up globally.
A major potential application for the monomer is for EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery). With the big increase in oil prices, many major
companies are in process of developing these projects. The world demand for ATBS is growing steadily and is expected to
increase 2 to 3 fold with the production of enhanced oil recovery polymers.
There are very few manufacturers of these products world-wide. At present there are only 3 manufacturers of ATBS in the world. With
the growth of the above industries in India, these products will find new applications domestically. Demand for ATBS in India at
present is very limited. A major portion of the production in India is exported. The main destinations for exports are Europe, America
and other Asian countries.

Company Overview
Vinati Organics Ltd. (VOL) was established in 1989 and manufactures specialty organic intermediaries and monomers. It is listed
on the Bombay Stock Exchange and has over 300 employees.
VOL is the world’s largest manufacturer of Isobutyl benzene (IBB). It began commercial production of IBB at its factory in Mahad,
Maharashtra in 1992 based on technology from the renowned Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP) in France. It has since expanded its
capacity in phases to 14,000 TPA and supplies to all major Ibuprofen manufacturers in the world.
VOL is also the second largest manufacturer of 2-Acrylamido 2-Methylpropane Sulfonic Acid (ATBS) in the world. ATBS is a specialty
monomer with several applications including the manufacture of acrylic fibres, personal care products, water treatment chemical,
enhanced oil recovery chemical, etc. It began commercial production of ATBS at its plant in Lote Parshuram, Maharashtra in 2002
based on technology sourced from National Chemical Laboratories, Pune. It has since expanded its capacity to 10,000 TPA.

Performance Overview
Countering the adverse economy and industry conditions, the Company has achieved an impressive growth in sales and
profitability during 2008-09. Even though there was high input cost volatility, the Company’s profitability was protected from it due
to its efficient contract structuring.
Rs. lacs
2008-09 2007-08 % growth (Y-O-Y)
Total Income 19,582.27 15,035.96 30.24%
Profit after Taxes 2,512.83 1,519.77 65.34%
Net Worth 6,490.92 4,266.91 52.12%
Earnings per share (Rs.) 25.45 15.39 65.37%
Net Current Assets 3,359.99 3,046.19 10.30%
Gross Block 11,455.41 7,494.37 52.85%
Net Block 8,812.68 5,175.95 70.26%
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Segmental Analysis (Sales Mix as a % of total sales)

58.38 IBB

35.91 ATBS & NaATBS

5.71 Others

67.20 IBB

27.48 ATBS & NaATBS

5.32 Others

69.67 IBB


4.81 Others

Safety & Quality

As a crucial element of any organisation in the manufacturing sector, reputation is built on control over safety and quality. Vinati
Organics Ltd. always gives prime importance and top-most priority to the safety and health of employees and the protection of
the environment. We believe that all accidents are preventable and all identifiable health hazards are containable.
The Company is an ISO 9001:2001 certified Company at both its plants at Mahad & Lote, Maharashtra. The Certificate of
National Safety Award was presented to the Company for outstanding performance in Industrial Safety as runner-up during the
Performance Year 2005.

Technology & Environment

We use innovative methods for operations while at the same time reducing environmental pollution. The Company has devised
scheme to treat waste products and polluting agents and sell them to industries that can re-use them. Efforts are being undertaken
to captively use the products in the plant itself. The technology used at the plant recovers, recycles and purifies and then reuses
the products. The success lies in the fact that the Company converts a large portion of the residuaries after neutralisation into a
low-cost saleable polymer, which can be once again be used in a number of applications. While this does not add significantly
to the revenues, the major benefit is yielded in terms of significant reduction in ETP (effluent treatment plant) load both in terms of
quantity as well as the almost total elimination of organic waste.
Management Discussion And Analysis

SWOT Analysis

17 years of manufacturing experience.
World-class, inimitable technology.
State-of-art, competitive and cost-effective manufacturing.
Proximity to Mumbai and JNPT port provides great ease of logistics and access to advanced infrastructure facilities.
Environment friendly operations including waste product recycling.
Fully equipped laboratories with hi-tech advanced instruments and highly qualified technical personnel.
Commitment to manufacturing quality products using GMP as per internationally accepted norms.

The Company falls on the vagaries of currency fluctuation as it exports its products mostly.

The world demand for ATBS is growing steadily and is expected to increase two to three fold with the production of
enhanced oil recovery polymers.
Growing Export Markets.
India emerging as a global hub for pharma/agro intermediates.
The demand for the Company’s products in India (especially ATBS) is at a nascent stage and is expected to surge ahead in
the times to come.

A slowing global economy likely to have an impact on the business.

Internal Control
The Company has appropriate internal control systems for business processes, with regard to efficiency of operations, financial
reporting, compliance with applicable laws and regulations etc. to ensure that all assets are protected against losses and
unauthorized use. The Company also has an adequate system commensurate with its size and nature of its operations.
All operating parameters are ministered and controlled. Regular internal audits and checks ensure that responsibilities are executed
efficiently. No significant internal control lapses were identified.
The Audit committee of the Board of Directors actively reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems and
suggests improvement for strengthening them from time to time. The Audit Committee of the Board met four times during the period.

Human Resources
As of 31 March 2009, Vinati Organics Limited had 348 employees in comparison to 319 employees as on 31 March 2008.
We encourage employees to be entrepreneurial and think from the perspective of a stakeholder in the company. We thus promote
and compensate employees solely based on how proactive they are in taking up responsibility, the quality of their work and their
contribution to the Company.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Risk Review
Porter’s Five Forces Model of Competition

of Buyer Power
An over dependence on a handful of
customers could prove detrimental in the
Threat of event of their attrition. The Company’s strong
New Entrants client list comprises of brand enhancing
international and domestic companies. The
Cost leadership & scale economies in IBB Company’s product customisation capability
and technological entry barrier in ATBS in the specialty chemicals business has
are great strategic advantages. New entry resulted in strong customer growth and
into this segment with similar technological satisfaction.
strengths is very difficult. Low to Medium
Low Rivalry
among Existing Firms

VOL produces specialised chemical products

which requires state-of-art technology available
only to a few in the world. It has global
oligopoly in the 2 products that it manufactures.
However, there are large and established firms
in the segment. The Company has entered into
Determinants long-term contracts with its clients to counter
of Supplier Power this risk.
Low to Medium
VOL is the largest producer of IBB and second
largest producer of ATBS. In addition to this,
there are very few producers and suppliers
of the said products. So VOL enjoys an Threat of
advantageous position and as such the threat Substitute Products
of supplier bargaining is not very significant.
The products manufactured by VOL
Low to Medium are specialized chemicals used
for specific purposes. There are no
substitutes available for the products
as such.

Management Discussion And Analysis

Other Risks
a) Availability of Skilled Personnel
The Company’s success depends upon its ability to attract and retain skilled personnel. Any failure in being able to do so
would adversely affect the business and the operations.
The Company has undertaken expansion programme due to which efficient and skilled management will be the pre-requisite.
The Company is also implementing human resource development programme, survey of employee training, payroll/contracts
b) Risk of Foreign Exchange
The Company’s revenues are largely generated from exports and hence denominated in foreign currency, predominantly
US Dollars. Given the nature of business, a large proportion of the costs are denominated in Indian rupees (INR) leading to
currency exposure.
The risk is limited to the contribution margin, as the company procures raw material through imports and local purchases and
even locally sourced raw material track import parity price. Even the contribution margin is not fully exposed as long term
contracts have provision to share the forex risk
c) Economic Downturn
A downturn in the economy could adversely affect demand for the products. Chemical industry overall has been affected
during the downturn and there was a downfall in production globally.
Products of VOL are exported to a lot of countries around the world. The Company is expanding its product base at the
same time.
d) Price Risk
The main raw materials to manufacture IBB are petroleum products and hence the prices are linked to that of crude oil.
Weakening of Dollar may cause a drop in margins as most of our export orders are negotiated in this currency.
The Company has hedged itself against such risks. First, they have long term contracts in which the pricing changes regularly
as it is benchmarked to the crude prices, so they don’t suffer because of fluctuating crude. Also, their contracts mention rupee
equivalent, so even the forex loss doesn’t apply to us.
e) Quality Risk
In the Company’s specialized business erratic quality could lead to customer attrition.
The quality of product is monitored rigorously by a dedicated Quality Assurance Department and technically qualified
executives. This Department supervises quality control and assurance requirements in addition to providing technical service
to customers; certifies the sample (specifications) given by the client that will need to be developed by the Company and
provides certificate of approval for what has been produced, thus clearing it for dispatch.
f) Technology Risk
A technology-intensive business, the kind of which the Company is present in, could attract technology obsolescence and
expensive overhaul.
The Company continuously upgrades technical support used in its manufacturing, research and development facilities.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Directors’ Report
To the Members,
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting their Twentieth Annual Report on the business and operations of your Company
together with Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2009.

The summarized position of these results is given below:
Rs. in Lacs.
2008-09 2007-08
Sales and other income 20,879.41 16,539.00
Net sales up Profit before Interest, Depreciation & Taxes 3,845.06 2,935.90

by 30% Interest 328.86 325.93

Profit before Depreciation & Taxes 3,516.20 2,609.97
Depreciation & Non-cash Charges 327.44 295.36
Profit before Taxation 3,188.76 2,314.61
EBITDA up by Provision for Taxation
- Current 613.21 748.60
32% - Deferred 59.45 42.50
- Fringe Benefit Tax 8.00 8.00
Provision for earlier year W/back/Provided (4.73) (4.26)
Net Profit 2,512.83 1,519.77
Balance brought forward 3,134.06 2,211.36
Balance available for appropriations 5,646.89 3,731.13
PAT up by Capitalised for bonus shares - 239.15

65% Gratuity liability for transitional period - 11.86

Dividend 246.87 197.49
Tax on Dividend 41.95 33.57
Transfer to General Reserve 252.00 115.00
Surplus carried to Balance sheet 5,106.07 3,134.06
Directors’ Report

The performance was driven mainly due

to the growth in export sales across the
developed and emerging markets.

The Company’s operations have shown impressive growth during the year under review. The total sales during the year have
gone up from Rs. 16,135.58 Lacs to Rs. 20,347.14 Lacs, registering a growth of 26.10 % over the previous year.
The performance was driven mainly due to the growth in export sales across the developed and emerging markets. Continuous
efforts on cost optimization & research and development have resulted in increased operating efficiency. IBB sale of the
Company constitutes 60% of the global sales there by making it a market leader.
The Company’s Net profit before tax has also gone up from Rs. 2,314.61 Lacs in 2007-08 to Rs. 3,188.76 Lacs in 2008-09
registering a robust growth of 37.77%.
Your Directors are pleased to recommend a dividend of 25% i.e. Rs. 2.50 per equity share. The total outgo on dividend
account will be Rs. 288.82 Lacs (inclusive of corporate tax on dividend). The dividend is tax free in the hands of the
The project work on the proposed modernization-cum-expansion programme of ATBS project is mechanically completed. The
expansion of ATBS (2-Acrylamido 2 Methyl Propane Sulfonic Acid) Plant to increase the capacity to 10,000 TPA from 5,000
TPA has been completed w.e.f. 16 May 2009.
The Company is backward integrating into manufacture of Isobutylene (IB) which is a key raw material for 2-Acrylamido 2
Methyl Propane Sulfonic Acid (ATBS).
Currently Isobutylene is imported from Europe & Taiwan in pressurized tanks. Thus VOL will be saving significant logistics costs.
Budgetary cost for the above project is Rs. 3,800 Lacs and the project is expected to go on stream by end of financial year
We expect continued growth in operations with growing demand in the chemical industry.
The Company is optimistic about the future demand and foresees a strong and robust growth in the financial year 2009-10
across all markets driven by good performance in existing and new areas of business.
The Company achieved turnover of Rs. 20,347.14 Lacs as compared to Rs. 16,135.58 Lacs in the previous year. The net
profit after tax increased to Rs. 2,512.83 Lacs as compared to Rs. 1,519.77 Lacs in the previous year.
The properties and insurable interest of your Company like Building, Plant and Machinery, Stocks etc are properly insured.
As per the statute, two-third of the Directors should be retiring Directors. One-third of these retiring Directors are required to
retire every year and if eligible, these Directors qualify for re-appointment.
Accordingly, Mr. A. A. Krishnan and Mr. Girish M. Dave, Director retire by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and
being eligible offer themselves for re-appointment.
Mr. Anandkumar Tibrewala, Mr. Mohit R. Mutreja & Ms. Viral V. Saraf are appointed as additional directors pursuant to Section
260 of the Companies Act, 1956 and they hold office upto the date of forthcoming Annual General Meeting. The Board
recommends their reappointment.
Ms. Viral V. Saraf is appointed as Director – Corporate Strategy on the terms and conditions mentioned in the notice. This
needs ratification by the members. The Board recommends her appointment as Director – Corporate Strategy.
Members are requested to appoint Auditors for the current year and to authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Statutory Auditors M/s. Karnavat & Co., Chartered Accountants retire at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being
eligible under section 224 (1B) of the Companies Act, 1956, offer themselves for re-appointment.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

The observations of Auditors as referred to in the Auditors’ Report are suitably explained in the Notes to the Accounts.


As per the order of Central Government, M/s. N. Ritesh & Associates has been appointed as a Cost Auditor subject to the
approval of Central Government for the year ending on 31 March 2009. The Company has made necessary application to
the Government for approval of the same.


During the year under review the Company did not invite or accept any Fixed Deposits from public.

Information as per Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956, read with Companies (Disclosures of Particulars in the
Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988, relating to the above head are given in Annexure ‘A’ forming part of this report.

The Company’s Equity shares continue to be listed at BSE. We confirm that the Listing fee for the financial year 2008-09 has
been paid to them.


Pursuant to the requirement of Section 217 (2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956 and based on the representations received
from the operating management, the Directors hereby confirm that:
(i) in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper
explanation relating to material departures;
(ii) they have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that
are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31 March
2009 and the profit of the Company for the year ended on 31 March 2009;
(iii) they have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with
the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting
fraud and other irregularities;
(iv) they have prepared annual accounts on a going concern basis.


The Corporate Governance, which form an integral part of this report, are set out in a separate annexure to this report, along
with the certificate from the Auditors of the Company certifying compliance of the conditions of the Corporate Governance
as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchange. (See Annexure ‘B’ & ‘C’)
A detailed review of operational performance and future outlook of the Company is given under the Management Discussion
and Analysis report which forms a part of the annual report.

The particulars of employees as required under Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 are given as an Annexure ‘D’
to this report.


Your Directors take this opportunity to place on record their sincere gratitude for assistance and cooperation received from
Central & State Governments, banks, financial institutions, shareholders, business associates and esteemed customers for their
continued support and assistance during the year.
Your Directors also place on record their appreciation for the excellent contribution made by all employees of Vinati Organics
Limited through their commitment, competence, co-operation and diligence to duty in achieving consistent growth of the
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Vinod Saraf
Managing Director

Place : Mumbai
Date : 19 May 2009
Directors’ Report

ANNEXURE – ‘A’ - Directors’ Report

RULES, 1988

The Company is engaged in the continuous process of further energy conservation through improved operational and
maintenance practices and also undertaken effective measures to minimize energy consumption and the measures have
resulted/will result in the consumption of power, fuel and coal, ultimately resulting in savings in the cost of production.
Total energy consumption as per prescribed ‘Form A’ together with the comparative figures for the last year is mentioned hereunder:
I) Power & Fuel Consumption 2008-09 2007-08
1. Electricity
a) Purchased (MSEB)
Unit (KWH in Lacs) 104.87 86.43
Total Amount (Rs. in Lacs) 501.24 375.90
Cost per unit (in Rs.) 4.78 4.35
Unit Consumed/Kg. Of IBB 0.32 0.28
Unit Consumed/Kg. Of ATBS & SMAS 1.52 1.60
b) Own Generation
Through Diesel Generator
Units 41916 41785
Total Amount (Rs. in Lacs) 5.35 4.69
Cost per unit (in Rs.) 12.77 11.22
2. Coal
Units (Kg.) 1,166,280 –
Total Amount (Rs. in Lacs) 61.23 –
Cost per kg (in Rs.) 5.25 –
3. Furnace Oil
Units (Kg.) 656,240 821,118
Total Amount (Rs. in Lacs) 176.38 180.81
Cost per kg (in Rs.) 26.88 22.02


(i) Efforts, in brief, made towards technology absorption, adoption and innovation
The technologies acquired by the Company in the past for the production of IBB, ATBS & Na-ATBS have been fully
absorbed. The technologies have been further upgraded over the years through in-house innovation and knowledge
engineering to achieve better material and energy efficiencies.
(ii) Benefits derived as a result of the above efforts, e.g. product improvement, cost reduction, product development, import
substitution etc
Full understanding of the technology helped the Company to identify and develop schemes for the recovery of by-
products. Better process knowledge and simulation facilitated achievement of higher production volumes, quality
improvement and energy conservation.
(i) Specific areas in which R & D is carried out by the Company
The R&D unit is engaged in developmental activities such as developing alternate products and attaining better
production efficiencies.
To foster technical excellence and to maintain its leadership position, your Company continues to accord high priority
to R&D.
(ii) Benefits derived as a result of the above efforts
The Company has been successful in new products and process development, quality, safety, standard, environmental
protection measures and conservation of energy improvement.
At Mahad we recover pure NBB.
At Lote we manufacture Tertiary Butyl Acrylamide.
(iii) Future plans of action
R&D in the relevant areas of business operations will continue. Emphasis will be on adopting products and processes to
improve performance, be more environment friendly with a view to meeting customer needs.
The details of Foreign Exchange Earnings & Expenditure in Foreign Currency are given in Note No. 16 G & H of Schedule 18.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Corporate Governance Report

(Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited)

ANNEXURE – ‘B’ - Directors’ Report

The objective of your Company is not only to meet the statutory requirements of the code but to go well beyond it by
instituting such systems and procedures as are in accordance with the latest global trend of making management completely
transparent and institutionally sound.
Your Company has always believed in the concept of good Corporate Governance involving transparency, empowerment,
accountability and integrity with a view to enhance stake holder value. The Company has professionals on its Board of
Directors who are actively involved in the deliberations of the Board on all important policy matters.

(a) Composition
The Company has a combination of Executive and Non-Executive Directors. The Company has an Non-Executive
Chairman. The number of Independent Directors is one-third of the total number of Directors, i.e. 3.
None of the Directors on the Board is a Member on more than 10 Committees and Chairman of more than 5 Committees
(as per Clause 49(IV)(B)) across all the companies in which he is a Director. All the Directors have made the requisite
disclosures regarding Committee positions occupied by them in other companies.
The Company’s Board at present has 9 Directors comprising one Non-Executive Chairman, one Managing Director, one
Executive Director, one Director Corporate Strategy and five Non-Executive Directors.
The number of Independent Directors or the number of Non-Executive Directors is as per the revised clause 49 of the
Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchange.
(b) Attendance at Board Meetings and details of Membership of Directors in other Boards & Board Committees.
The Board met six times on the following dates during the financial year 2008-09 and the gap between two meetings
did not exceed four months
Date of the Meeting Total Strength No. of Directors present
31 May 2008 6 6
20 June 2008 6 2
25 July 2008 6 5
17 September 2008 6 2
27 October 2008 6 4
29 January 2009 6 6
Corporate Governance Report

Your Company has always believed in the

concept of good Corporate Governance
involving transparency, empowerment,
accountability and integrity with a view to
enhance stake holder value.

The names and categories of the Directors on the Board, their attendance at Board Meetings held during the year and
at the last Annual General Meeting, as also the number of Directorships and Committee positions as held by them in other
public limited companies as on 31 March 2009 are given below
Name Category No. of Whether No. of No. of Committee
Board attended Director- positions held in other
Meetings AGM held ships in public limited
Attended on 27 other companies
during Sep. 2008 public
2008-09 limited
Chairman Member
Mr. Vinod Saraf Promoter, Not- 6 Yes 1 – –
(Managing Director) Independent
Mr. Girish M. Dave Independent 2 No 7 – 7
(Non-Executive Chairman)* Non-Executive
Mr. C.B. Gokhale (Director) Independent 3 No – – –
Mr. A.A. Krishnan (Director) Independent 4 Yes 1 – –
Mr. Sunil Saraf (Director) Promoter, Not- 4 No 1 – –
Non -Executive
Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja Promoter, Not- 6 No 1 – –
(Executive Director) Independent

* He is the Non-Executive Chairman w.e.f. 19 May 2009

(c) Code of Conduct
The Company has laid down a Code of Conduct for all its Board members and Senior Management personnel for
avoidance of conflicts of interest. It has received from all of them the necessary declarations affirming compliance
with the Code of Conduct for the year 2009. There were no material financial and commercial transactions in which
the Senior Management personnel had personal interest, which could lead to a potential conflict of interest with the
Company during the year. The Code of Conduct is available on the Company’s website.

(a) Constitution
The Audit Committee, which was constituted on 31 January 2001 pursuant to the provisions contained in section 292A
of the Companies Act, 1956 was reconstituted as per Clause 49 of Listing Agreement for Corporate Governance on
24 January 2002 and was reconstituted on 20 May 2006. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee as stipulated
by the Board are in accordance with all the items listed in Clause 49(II)(D) of the Listing Agreement and Section 292A
of the Companies Act, 1956.
(b) Composition
The Audit Committee of the Company as on 31 March 2009 comprised the following 3 Directors of the Company
1. Mr. Girish M. Dave : Independent Director
2. Mr. C.B. Gokhale : Independent Director
3. Mr. A.A. Krishnan : Independent Director
All members of Audit Committee have good exposure to finance as well as general management.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

(c) Meetings & Attendances

The Audit Committee met four times on the following dates during the last financial year.
Date of the Meeting Total Strength No. of Directors present
31 May 2008 3 3
25 July 2008 3 2
27 October 2008 3 2
29 January 2009 3 3

The necessary quorum was present at the meetings.

Mr. G.S. Singhi being the Company Secretary Cum Finance Controller of the Company acts as the Secretary to the
(d) Terms of reference
The Statutory Auditors, Internal Auditors of the Company and the Cost Auditors are invited to join the Audit Committee
Meetings. The Audit Committee holds discussions with the Statutory Auditors on the ‘Limited Review” of the half-yearly
accounts, quarterly accounts, the yearly Audit Plan, matters relating to compliance of Accounting Standards, their
observations arising from the annual audit of the Company’s accounts and other related matters. The Committee
discusses with the Cost Auditor about his observations in the Annual Cost Audit Reports and allied matters.


The Share Transfer Committee was constituted on 25 January 2008 for approving transfers, transmission etc. It comprises of
following Directors:
(i) Mr. Vinod Saraf, Managing Director
(ii) Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja, Executive Director
(iii) Mr. Sunil Saraf, Director
Mr. G.S. Singhi being the Company Secretary cum Finance Controller of the Company acts as the secretary to the Committee.
The Committee met 12 times during the year 2008-09 for approving transfers, transmissions etc. All transfers & transmissions etc.
were approved and share certificates were dispatched within 30 days and requests for dematerialisation were confirmed
within 21 days.


(a) Terms of Reference
The Company has an independent Shareholders’ Grievance Committee, which was constituted on 24 January 2002 and
reconstituted on 20 May 2006 to look into redressal of investor’s complaints and requests like delay in transfer of shares,
non-receipt of dividend, annual report, etc.
(b) Composition
The Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance Committee of the Company comprises of the following 3 Directors of the
1. Mr. Girish M. Dave : Chairman - Independent Director
2. Mr. Vinod Saraf : Member - Managing Director
3. Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja : Member - Executive Director
(c) Meetings & Attendances
The Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance Committee met on the following dates during the last financial year.
Date of the Meeting Total Strength No. of Directors present
31 March 2009 3 3

A total number of 19 complaints were received and all of which were, redressed by the Company during the year 2008-09.
Mr. G.S. Singhi being the Company Secretary Cum Finance Controller of the Company acts as the Secretary to the
Corporate Governance Report

Managerial Remuneration
Amount in Rs.
Name Salary & Allowances Contribution Other Perquisites
to PF
Mr. Vinod Saraf 2,500,000 300,000 110,650
Managing director
Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja 2,437,500 225,000 87,418
Executive Director

Total 4,937,500 525,000 198,068


Location, date and time of Annual General Meetings held during the last 3 years

Year Location Date Day Time Number of

17th AGM Regd. Office, B/12 & B-13/1, MIDC 23.09.2006 Saturday 03.00 p.m. Nil
2006 Indl. Area, Mahad – 402 309, Dist.
18th AGM Regd. Office, B/12 & B-13/1, MIDC 29.09.2007 Saturday 03.00 p.m. Nil
2007 Indl. Area, Mahad – 402 309, Dist.
19th AGM Regd. Office, B/12 & B-13/1, MIDC 27.09.2008 Saturday 12.30 p.m. Nil
2008 Indl. Area, Mahad – 402 309, Dist.
Raigad, Maharashtra.

None of the special resolutions were put through postal ballot.

(a) Related Party Transactions
There have been no materially significant related party transactions with the Company’s Promoters, Directors, the
Management or relatives, which may have potential conflict with the interests of the Company at large. Transactions with
related parties are disclosed in note No. 7(b) of schedule 18 to the Accounts in Annual report.
(b) Statutory Compliance, Penalties and strictures
There have been no penalties or strictures imposed on the Company by the Stock Exchanges or SEBI or any Statutory
Authorities relating to capital market and listing.
(c) Compliance with mandatory/Non-mandatory requirements
The Company has complied with all the applicable mandatory requirements of the revised Clause 49 of the listing

The quarterly results, half yearly and annual financial results are published in leading English and Marathi Newspapers.
The financial results, shareholding pattern & code of conduct are displayed on


The discussion on financial performance with respect to the operational performance, review of operations, exports and
prospects have been covered in the Management Discussion and Analysis Report.
The Company has adequate internal control system with regard to purchase of stores, raw materials including components,
plant & machinery, equipments, sale of goods and other assets. The internal control system is supplemented by well documented
policies and guidelines and the internal audit report are periodically reviewed by the top management.
The industrial relations during the year continued to be cordial. The Company is committed to provide necessary human
resource development and training opportunities to equip them with the required modern skill and knowledge.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09


Mr. Gunvant S. Singhi, Company Secretary Cum Finance Controller is the Compliance Officer.


(a) Annual General meeting Date and Time Venue : 19 September 2009 at 12.30 P.M. at Regd. Office, at
B/12 & B-13/1, MIDC Indl. Area, Mahad – 402 309, Dist.
Raigad, Maharashtra.
(b) Financial Calendar
Annual General Meeting : 19 September 2009
Unaudited results for the quarter ending June 2009 : 4th week of July 2009
Unaudited results for the quarter/half year ending : 4th week of October 2009
September 30, 2009
Unaudited results for the quarter ending December : 4th week of January 2010
31, 2009
Unaudited results for the quarter ending March 31, : 4th week of April 2010
Date of book Closure : 10 September 2009 to 19 September 2009.
Dividend payment date : 29 September 2009

(c) Listing on Stock exchange : The Company’s Securities are listed on the following Stock
exchange in India
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street,
Mumbai – 400 001, Maharashtra.
(d) Bombay Stock Exchange Limited : 524200
(Physical Segment)
Demat ISIN in NSDL and CDSL for Equity Shares : INE410B01011

(e) Market Price Data

Month Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (in Rs.)

High Low
April – 2008 91.50 68.50
May – 2008 105.75 75.30
June – 2008 108.00 77.00
July – 2008 93.30 72.50
August – 2008 108.00 80.85
September – 2008 122.00 82.00
October – 2008 93.00 52.50
November – 2008 69.80 53.00
December – 2008 70.95 54.00
January – 2009 65.35 53.50
February – 2009 75.00 57.85
March – 2009 78.00 50.75
Corporate Governance Report

(f) The performance of the Company’s shares relating to the BSE Index for the year 2008–09 is given below

Vinati Share Price - Vs BSE Sensex - April ‘08 to March ‘09

20000 120
10000 60
0 0
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009

 Share Price     Sensex

(g) Share Registrars and Transfer Agents – Sharex Dynamic (India) Pvt. Ltd.

17/B, Dena Bank Bldg., 2nd Floor, Horniman Tel : 2270 2485 / 2264 1376
Circle, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001. Maharashtra.
Fax : 2264 1349
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Business Hours : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
(Monday to Friday)

(h) Share Transfer System

The Company has appointed Common Agency, name and address of which is given in the report for electronic
connectivity and to process share transfer in physical form. The transfers are normally processed and share certificates
are dispatched within 30 days from the date of receipt if the documents are complete in all respects. Requests for
dematerialization are confirmed within 15 days.

(i) Distribution of Shareholding as on 31 March 2009.

Category No. of Shares No. of share holders % of holders Total Shares % of Shares
1 To 100 1,594 17.81 98,653 1.00
101 To 200 5,672 63.39 857,182 8.68
201 To 500 1,007 11.25 340,029 3.44
501 To 1,000 401 4.48 294,592 3.01
1,001 To 5,000 215 2.40 432,725 4.38
5,001 To 10,000 26 0.29 188,819 1.91
10,001 To 100,000 22 0.25 686,516 6.95
100,000 & above 11 0.12 6,972,984 70.62

Total 8,948 100.00 9,874,500 100.00

Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

(j) Categories of shareholders as on 31 March 2009.

No. of share Voting strength No. of Ordinary

holders (%) shares
Individuals 8,769 24.04 2,374,239
Promoters 21 72.79 7,187,222
Other Companies 123 3.07 303,483
Non-Resident Individuals 29 0.06 5,656
Nationalized Banks, Mutual funds and trusts 6 0.04 3,900

Total 8,948 100.00 9,874,500

(k) Dematerialization of shares and liquidity

2,711,584 (Total shares demated with NSDL is 1,901,635 & CDSL is 809,949) of the Company’s share capital is
dematerialized as on 31.03.2009. The Company’s shares are regularly traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
as indicated in the Table containing market information.
(l) Address of Registered Office
B/12 & B-13/1, MIDC Industrial Area,
Mahad – 402 309,
Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra.
(m) Address of Plant Locations
Mahad Works
B/12 & B-13/1, MIDC Industrial Area,
Mahad – 402 309, Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra.
Lote Works
A-20, MIDC, Lote – Parashuram – 415 722,
Taluka – Khed, Dist. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra.
(n) Investor’s Correspondence Address
Mr. Gunvant s. Singhi
Shiv – Ashish, 2nd Floor,
Andheri – Kurla Road, Sakinaka, Mumbai – 400 072.

I, Vinod Saraf, Managing Director of Vinati Organics Limited, hereby declare that all the members of the Board of Directors and the
Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with the code of conduct for the year ended 31 March 2009.
I confirm that the Company has in respect of the said financial year, received from the senior management team and the members
of the board of the Company a declaration of compliance with the code of conduct as applicable to them.
For the purpose of this declaration, senior management team means the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Executive
President and the Company Secretary as on 31 March 2009.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Vinod Saraf
Managing Director

Place : Mumbai
Date : 19 May 2009
Corporate Governance Report

ANNEXURE – ‘C’ - Directors’ Report

To the Members of

We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by VINATI ORGANICS LIMITED, for the year ended
on 31 March 2009, as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the said Company with Stock Exchange.
The compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the management. Our examination was limited
to procedures and implementations thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the conditions of the
Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, we certify that the Company has
complied with the condition of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the abovementioned Listing Agreement.
We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness
with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

For and on behalf of

Chartered Accountants

Shashikant Gupta
Place : Mumbai Membership No. 45629
Date : 19 May 2009
192, Dr. D. N. Road,
Mumbai 400 001

ANNEXURE – ‘D’ - Directors’ Report

Statement of particulars of employees pursuant to Section 217 (2a) of the Companies Act, 1956, read with the Companies
(Particulars of Employees) Amendment Rules, 1975 and forming part of the Directors’ Report for the year ending March 31, 2009
employed for whole of the year.

Name Designation & nature Age Date of Exper- Gross Previous Design-
of duties (as at March (Yrs.) Joining ience Remuneration employer ation
31, 2009) received
1 Mr. Vinod B. Saraf Managing Director 59 15.06.1989 36 29,10,650/- Mangalore Managing
Refinery & Director
Petrochemicals (Finance &
Ltd. Admin.)
2 Ms. Vinati Saraf Executive Director 25 20.05.2006 4 27,49,918/- Mercer Oliver Consultant
Mutreja Wyman
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Financial Statements
Financial Statements

Auditors’ Report

1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of VINATI ORGANICS LIMITED as at 31 March 2009 and also the Profit and Loss Account for the
year ended on that date annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

2. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

3. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 as amended by the Companies (Auditor’s Report Amendment) Order, 2004 issued
by the Government of India in terms of sub-section (4A) of section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the Annexure a statement on the
matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order.

4. Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to above, we report that:

i) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our
ii) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examination of those
iii) The balance sheet and the profit and loss account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account;
iv) In our opinion, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account dealt with by this report comply with the accounting standards referred to in
sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956;
v) On the basis of written representations received from the directors, as on 31 March 2009 and taken on record by the Board of Directors, we
report that none of the directors is disqualified as on 31 March 2009 from being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section
(1) of section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956;
vi) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts give the information required
by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally
accepted in India
(a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31 March 2009; and
(b) in the case of the Profit and Loss Account, of the Profit for the year ended on that date.
(c) in case of the cash flow statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date.

For and on behalf of

Chartered Accountants

Shashikant Gupta
Place : Mumbai Membership No. 45629
Date : 19 May 2009
192, Dr. D. N. Road,
Mumbai 400 001
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Annexure to the Auditors’ Report

Referred to in paragraph 3 of our report of even date,

i) a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets.

b) The Company has a programme of physical verification of fixed assets over a period of three years which is, in our opinion, reasonable having
regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. In accordance with this programme, certain fixed assets have been physically
verified by the management during the year and no material discrepancies have been noticed on such verification.

c) In our opinion during the year, the Company has not disposed off a substantial part of the plant and machinery so as to affect the going concern
status of the Company.

ii) a) The inventory has been physically verified during the year by the management. In our opinion, the frequency of verification is reasonable.

b) The procedures of physical verification of inventories followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the
Company and the nature of its business.

c) On the basis of our examination of the records of inventory, we are of the opinion that the Company is maintaining proper records of inventory.
The discrepancies noticed on verification between the physical stocks and the book records were not material.

iii) In respect of the loans, secured or unsecured, granted or taken by the Company to/from companies, firm or other parties covered in the register
maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956:

a) The Company has not granted any loans during the year.

b) The Company has taken loans of Rs. 1,011.61 lacs during the year from three parties and maximum outstanding balance is of Rs. 1,199.14
lacs and outstanding amount at the beginning of the year and at the year end aggregates to Rs. 611.62 lacs and Rs. 611.62 lacs balance

c) In our opinion the rate of interest and other terms and conditions on which loans have been taken are not, prima facie, prejudicial to the interest
of the Company.

d) The Company is regular in repaying the principal amounts as stipulated and has been regular in the payment of interest.

iv) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there is adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of
the Company and the nature of its business with regard to purchases of inventory, fixed assets and with regard to the sale of goods. During the course
of our audit, no major weakness has been noticed in the internal controls system. There is no sale of services.

v) a) Based on the audit procedures applied by us and according to the information and explanations provided by the management, we are of
the opinion that the particulars of contracts or arrangements that need to be entered into the register maintained under section 301 of The
Companies Act, 1956 have been so entered.

b) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the transactions made in pursuance of contracts or arrangements
entered in the registers maintained under Section 301 of The Companies Act, 1956 and exceeding the value of five lakhs rupees in respect of
any party during the year have been made at prices which are reasonable having regard to prevailing market prices at the relevant time.

vi) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not accepted deposits from the public to which
provisions of Sections 58 A and 58 AA or any other relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits)
Rules, 1975 are applicable. No order has been passed by the Company Law Board or National Company Law Tribunal or Reserve Bank of India or
any Court or any other Tribunal.

vii) In our opinion, the Company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size and nature of its business.

viii) We have broadly reviewed the books of account relating to materials, labour and other items of cost maintained by the Company pursuant to the
Rules made by the Central Government for the maintenance of cost records under Section 209(1) (d) of The Companies Act, 1956 and we are of
the opinion that prima facie the prescribed accounts and records have been made and maintained. However, we are not required to and have not
carried out any detailed examination of such accounts and records.

ix) a) According to the records of the Company, the Company is regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory dues including
provident fund, investor education protection fund, employees’ state insurance, income-tax, sales-tax, service tax, wealth tax, custom duty, excise-
duty, cess and other statutory dues applicable to it.
b) According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of income tax, wealth tax, service tax,
sales tax, customs duty and excise duty were outstanding, as at 31-03-2009, for a period of more than six months from the date they became
Financial Statements

c) As on 31-03-2009,according to the records of the Company, the following are the particulars of disputed dues on account of sale tax, income
tax, customs/wealth-tax/excise duty/cess that have not been deposited
Name of Statue Nature of Dues Amount of Period to Forum where
Demand net of which amount dispute is
deposits (Rs.) relates pending
The Income Tax Act, 1961 Income Tax Demand raised u/s 143 (3) 4,807,334 A.Y. 2005-06 ITAT
The Income Tax Act, 1961 Demand of penalty raised u/s 271(1) (C) 202,560 A.Y. 2004-05 CIT (Appeal)
The Income Tax Act 1961 Demand of penalty raised u/s 271(1) (C) 1,708,630 A.Y. 2003-04 ITAT
Central Excise Act, 1944 Demand raised by Dept. alleging wrong availment 403,987 Sept 1996 to Asst.
of modvat credit and other issues. June 1999 Commissioner
Central Excise Act, 1944 Demand on valuation of by-product transferred from 370,150 Aug 2002 to CESTAT
one unit to other Sept. 2004

x) The Company does not have accumulated losses. The Company has not incurred any cash losses during the financial year covered by our audit and
the immediately preceding financial year.

xi) Based on our audit procedures and on the information and explanations given by the management, we are of the opinion that the Company has
not defaulted in repayment of dues to financial institution and bank.

xii) Based on our examination of documents and records, we are of the opinion that the Company has not granted loans and advances on the basis
of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities.

xiii) The provision of any special statute as specified under paragraph 4 (xiii) of the said order are not applicable to the Company.

xiv) During the year, Company has not dealt with or traded in shares, securities, debentures and other investments. Paragraph 4 (xiv) of the order is not

xv) The Company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from bank or financial institution.

xvi) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, term loans were raised during the year and were applied for the
purpose for which the loans were obtained.

xvii) According to the cash flow statement on the Balance Sheet date, and information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the
balance sheet of the Company, we report that there are no funds raised on short term basis have, prima-facie, been used for long term investments.

xviii) The Company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies covered in the register maintained under section 301 of
The Companies Act, 1956 and therefore paragraph 4 (xviii) of the said order is not applicable.

xix) During the period covered by our audit report, the Company has not issued debentures and therefore paragraph 4 (xix) of the said order is not

xx) During the period covered by our audit report, the Company has not raised money by Public Issues and therefore paragraph 4 (xx) of the said order
is not applicable.

xxi) Based upon the audit procedures performed and information and explanations given by the management, we report that no fraud on or by the
Company has been noticed or reported during the course of our audit.

For and on behalf of

Chartered Accountants

Shashikant Gupta
Place : Mumbai Membership No. 45629
Date : 19 May 2009
192, Dr. D. N. Road,
Mumbai 400 001
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2009

Amount in Rs.
As at As at
SCHEDULES 31 March 2009 31 March 2008

Sources of Funds
Shareholders’ Funds
Share Capital 1 98,745,000 98,745,000
Reserves & Surplus 2 550,347,355 327,946,242
Loan Funds
Secured Loans 3 448,408,702 281,701,655
Unsecured loans 4 61,161,633 61,161,633
Deferred Tax Liability 58,604,601 52,659,462
Total 1,217,267,291 822,213,992

Fixed Assets 5
Gross Block 711,281,818 640,317,797
Less : Depreciation 264,272,958 231,841,646
Net Block 447,008,860 408,476,151
Capital Work in Progress 434,259,491 109,119,084
881,268,351 517,595,235

Current Assets, Loans & Advances

Inventories 6 120,582,637 121,235,911
Sundry Debtors 7 279,167,871 220,690,453
Cash and Bank Balances 8 18,896,637 13,711,285
Loans and Advances 9 74,660,487 106,625,473
493,307,632 462,263,122
Less : Current Liabilities & Provisions 10 157,308,692 157,644,365
Net Current Assets 335,998,940 304,618,757
Total 1,217,267,291 822,213,992

Significant Accounting Policies 17

Notes forming part of Accounts 18

As per our report of even date attached

For and on behalf of
Karnavat & Co. Vinod Saraf Vinati Saraf Mutreja
Chartered Accountants Managing Director Executive Director

Shashikant Gupta G. S. Singhi N. K. Goyal

Partner Company Secretary cum Finance Controller Chief Financial Officer
Membership No. 45629

Place : Mumbai
Date : 19 May 2009
Financial Statements

Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2009
Amount in Rs.
Year ended Year ended
SCHEDULES 31 March 2009 31 March 2008

Gross Sales 2,038,296,644 1,620,185,027
Less : Inter Unit Transfer 3,583,017 6,626,964
2,034,713,627 1,613,558,063
Less : Excise Duty 129,713,162 150,304,647
Net Sales 1,905,000,465 1,463,253,416
Other Income 11 53,226,937 40,342,240
Total 1,958,227,402 1,503,595,656

Raw Materials Consumed 12 1,190,164,605 961,706,582
Decrease/(Increase) in Finished Stock 13 29,066,821 (18,190,229)
Manufacturing Expenses 14 125,491,529 90,867,779
Payments to and provision for employees 15 88,357,597 65,806,751
Administrative & Other Expenses 16 173,526,794 142,408,254
1,606,607,346 1,242,599,137


Less : Depreciation 32,506,389 29,327,805
Amortisation of Leasehold land 237,326 208,176
PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 318,876,341 231,460,538
Provision for taxation
Current 61,321,000 74,860,000
Deferred (Refer note no. 9) 5,945,139 4,249,737
Fringe Benefit Tax 800,000 800,000
For Earlier Year (W/back) provided (472,589) (426,385)
NET PROFIT AFTER TAX 251,282,791 151,977,186
Balance brought forward from last year 313,406,242 221,135,558
Capitalised for bonus shares - 23,915,000
Gratuity Liability for Transitional Period - 1,186,159
Proposed Dividend 24,686,250 19,749,000
Tax on Dividend 4,195,428 3,356,343
Transfer to General Reserve 25,200,000 11,500,000
Balance Carried to Balance Sheet 510,607,355 313,406,242

Significant Accounting Policies 17

Notes forming part of Accounts 18
Earnings per share Basic & Diluted 25.45 15.39

As per our report of even date attached

For and on behalf of
Karnavat & Co. Vinod Saraf Vinati Saraf Mutreja
Chartered Accountants Managing Director Executive Director

Shashikant Gupta G. S. Singhi N. K. Goyal

Partner Company Secretary cum Finance Controller Chief Financial Officer
Membership No. 45629

Place : Mumbai
Date : 19 May 2009
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2009

Amount in Rs.
Year Ended Year Ended
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

A. Cash flow from operating activities

Net profit before tax and extra ordinary item 318,876,341 231,460,538
Adjustments for
Depreciation 32,506,389 29,327,805
Loss on sale of fixed assets/assets discarded (47,877) 196,606
Interest paid 32,886,054 32,593,357
Non-cash charges 237,326 208,176
Gratuity Liabilty for Transitional Period – (1,186,159)
Operating profit before working capital changes 384,458,233 292,600,323
Adjustments for
Trade and other receivables (26,512,431) (73,141,845)
Inventories 653,274 (39,155,937)
Trade and other payables (335,672) 40,694,904
Cash generated from operations 358,263,404 220,997,445
Income tax paid including Fringe Benefit Tax (61,648,411) (75,233,615)
Dividend & Tax thereon (28,881,678) (23,105,343)
Cash flow before extra ordinary items 267,733,314 122,658,487
Extra ordinary items – –
Net cash from operating activities 267,733,314 122,658,487

B. Cash flow from investing activities

Purchase of fixed assets (396,570,505) (171,167,516)
Less : sale of fixed assets 201,552 58,000
Net cash used in investing activities (396,368,954) (171,109,516)

C. Cash flow from financing activities

Receipt of borrowings 166,707,047 85,959,212
Interest paid (32,886,054) (32,593,357)
Net cash from financing activities 133,820,993 53,365,855

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 5,185,351 4,914,826

Cash and cash equivalents (opening balance) 13,711,285 8,796,459
Cash and cash equivalents (closing balance) 18,896,636 13,711,285

As per our report of even date attached

For and on behalf of
Karnavat & Co. Vinod Saraf Vinati Saraf Mutreja
Chartered Accountants Managing Director Executive Director

Shashikant Gupta G. S. Singhi N. K. Goyal

Partner Company Secretary cum Finance Controller Chief Financial Officer
Membership No. 45629

Place : Mumbai
Date : 19 May 2009
Financial Statements

Schedules forming part of accounts

Amount in Rs.
As at As at
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

15,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each 150,000,000 150,000,000
150,000,000 150,000,000
Issued, Subscribed and Paid Up
9,874,500 (P.Y. 9,874,500) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each Fully Paid 98,745,000 98,745,000
Total 98,745,000 98,745,000

Capital Reserve 3,040,000 3,040,000
General Reserve 11,500,000
Add : Transfer During The Year 25,200,000 36,700,000 11,500,000
Profit and Loss Account 510,607,355 313,406,242
Total 550,347,355 327,946,242

Term loan from State Bank Of India (FCNR-B) 97,423,516 37,891,132
Term loan from Barclays Bank (FCNR) 260,520,982 72,793,901
Working capital advances from Bank 90,464,204 171,016,622
Total 448,408,702 281,701,655


1. Term loan from State Bank of India (FCNR-B) is secured by hypothecation of inventories, all the present and future book debts & other receivables,
first charge on all present and future fixed assets situated at Mahad works and Residential Buildings at Mahad and second charge on all fixed assets
situated at Lote works and personal guarantee of two Directors.

2. Term Loan from Barclays Bank is secured by first Pari Passu charge on all the fixed assets (present and future) of Lote works, and also by personal
irrevocable guarantee of the two Directors.

3. Working Capital advances from Bank are secured by hypothecation of inventories, all the present and future book debts & other receivables, first
charge on all present and future fixed assets situated at Mahad works and Residential Buildings at Mahad and second charge on all fixed assets
situated at Lote works and personal guarantee of two Directors.

4. Loans falling due within one year Rs. 1,209.81 lacs (Previous Year - Rs. 189.16 lacs).
Amount in Rs.
As at As at
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

Inter Corporate Deposits 61,161,633 61,161,633
Total 61,161,633 61,161,633

Fixed Assets
Amount in Rs.

Gross Block Depreciation Net Block

Particulars As at Additions Deductions As at Up to For the Written Up to As at As at
31 March during during 31 March 31 March Year Back 31 March 31 March 31 March
2008 the year the year 2009 2008 2009 2009 2008

Leasehold Land & Site Development 19,740,930 211,721 237,326 19,715,325 – – – – 19,715,325 19,740,930
Buildings 82,538,537 14,706,887 – 97,245,424 17,319,489 2,390,995 – 19,710,484 77,534,940 65,219,048
Plant & Machinery 513,113,904 52,702,528 – 565,816,432 200,635,544 27,920,820 – 228,556,364 337,260,068 312,478,360
Furniture & Fixtures 8,055,063 187,361 – 8,242,424 5,733,368 501,656 – 6,235,024 2,007,400 2,321,695
Office Equipments 1,633,866 127,201 – 1,761,067 701,749 82,728 – 784,477 976,590 932,117
Computers 4,788,759 331,488 – 5,120,247 2,362,127 555,549 – 2,917,676 2,202,571 2,426,632
Schedules forming part of accounts

Air Conditioners 2,414,145 218,027 – 2,632,172 1,033,845 116,759 – 1,150,604 1,481,568 1,380,300
Vehicles 8,032,593 2,944,885 228,751 10,748,727 4,055,524 937,882 75,077 4,918,329 5,830,398 3,977,069

Total 640,317,797 71,430,098 466,077 711,281,818 231,841,646 32,506,389 75,077 264,272,958 447,008,860 408,476,151

Previous Year 562,604,465 78,388,628 675,296 640,317,797 202,726,355 29,327,805 212,514 231,841,646 408,476,151 –
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09
Financial Statements

Schedules forming part of accounts

Amount in Rs.
As at As at
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

(as taken, valued & certified by the management)
Raw Materials 46,745,100 48,671,371
Stock In Process 38,852,517 15,497,225
Finished Goods 8,392,403 37,459,224
Stores, Spares & other consumables 26,592,617 19,608,091
Total 120,582,637 121,235,911

Unsecured, Considered Good
Outstanding for a period exceeding six months 13,663,449 4,999,573
Others 265,504,422 215,690,880
Total 279,167,871 220,690,453

Cash in Hand 78,740 55,532
Balance with Scheduled Banks
In Current Accounts 3,076,849 1,479,012
In Fixed Deposit Account 15,741,048 12,176,741
[Includes Rs. 15,741,048/- (previous year Rs. 12,176,741/-)] against margin money
Total 18,896,637 13,711,285

LOANS AND ADVANCES (Unsecured, Considered Good)
Advances recoverable in cash or kind or for value to be received 63,942,409 95,835,173
Income tax Deposits 8,570,796 6,070,796
Accrued Interest 540,510 429,964
Deposits :
With Government & Semi Government Departments 1,430,324 4,182,961
With Others 176,448 106,579
Total 74,660,487 106,625,473
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Schedules forming part of accounts

Amount in Rs.
As at As at
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors
Due to Small Scale Industries 358,093 185,835
Due to Others 87,781,926 86,655,755
Other liabilities 26,987,914 40,286,695
Sundry Deposits 580,545 317,345
Unclaimed Dividend 1,575,451 1,404,343
Provision for Dividend 24,686,250 19,749,000
Tax on Dividend 4,195,428 3,356,343
Provision for taxation (Net of taxes paid) 11,143,085 5,689,049
Total 157,308,692 157,644,365
Amount in Rs.
Year Ended Year Ended
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

Interest Received - Gross 1,322,067 865,032
(TDS Rs. 302,915/- Previous year Rs. 170,951/-)
Cash Discount received 769,409 463,612
Miscellaneous Credit Balances Written Back 391,789 763,306
Scrap Sales 1,247,610 1,349,200
Liability No Longer Required Written Back 402,007 58,470
Miscellaneous receipts 35,898 415,533
Gain on sale of Fixed Assets 47,877 –
Exchange Fluctuation Difference 11,546,547 –
Export Benefits/Import Entitlements 37,463,733 36,427,087
Total 53,226,937 40,342,240

Opening Stock 48,671,371 30,596,774
Add : Purchases 1,211,593,627 980,368,494
Less : Closing Stock 46,745,101 48,671,371
1,213,519,897 962,293,897
Add : Opening Stock in Process 15,497,225 14,909,910
Less : Closing Stock in Process 38,852,517 15,497,225
Total 1,190,164,605 961,706,582

Decrease/(Increase) in Finished Stock
Opening Stock 37,459,224 19,268,995
Less : Closing Stock 8,392,403 37,459,224
Total 29,066,821 (18,190,229)
Financial Statements

Schedules forming part of accounts

Amount in Rs.
Year Ended Year Ended
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

Power, Fuel & Water Charges 75,991,815 53,797,452
Stores, Spares & Other consumables 31,022,680 23,550,347
Repairs to : Plant & Machinery 3,656,447 5,501,512
: Buildings 739,413 564,171
Contractors Wages 11,119,872 6,240,436
Other Operational Charges 2,961,302 1,213,861
Total 125,491,529 90,867,779

Salaries, Wages & Allowances 79,207,819 59,104,297
Contribution to Provident & Other funds 4,971,902 4,032,435
Employees Welfare Expenses 2,027,058 1,777,480
Contribution to Gratuity fund 2,150,818 892,539
88,357,597 65,806,751

Rent (Including Leave & Licence Fees) 1,489,443 1,507,918
Rates & Taxes 906,214 662,752
Insurance 3,243,202 2,755,096
Interest on : Term Loan 8,023,214 3,375,186
: Others 24,862,840 29,218,171
Remuneration to Auditors
- Audit Fees 200,000 165,000
- Tax Audit Fees 50,000 50,000
- Taxation Matters 46,100 117,956
- Other Matters 73,767 56,600
- Reimbursement of expenses – 4,390
Freight & Forwarding Charges 96,276,892 59,623,793
Cash Discount 618,905 515,228
Selling Commission 6,542,787 5,033,863
Loss on sale of Fixed Assets – 196,606
Exchange Fluctuation Difference – 2,327,236
Royalty – 7,406,774
Other Expenses 31,193,430 29,391,685
173,526,794 142,408,254
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Schedules forming part of accounts


1. The financial statement have been prepared to comply in all material aspects in respect with the notified Accounting Standard by Companies
(Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.

2. Financial statement are based on historical cost and are prepared on accrual basis, except where impairment is made.

3. Accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company and are consistent with those used in the previous year.

The preparation of financial statement in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimate and
assumption that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of financial statement and the
result of operation during the reporting period end. Although these estimate are based upon management’s best knowledge of current events and
action, actual result could differ from these estimates.


1. Revenue Recognition
a) Revenue/Income and Cost/Expenditure are generally accounted on accrual basis as they are earned or incurred.
b) Export entitlement by the way of Duty Free License/ DEPB are recognised as income of the year on accrual basis. In case of utilisation for
own consumption for Import purpose of the same is recognised as raw material cost.

2. Fixed Assets
a) All Fixed Assets are stated at cost (net of Cenvat) less accumulated depreciation.
b) Leasehold land is amortised equally over the period of lease.
c) The carrying amount of cash generating unit/assets are reviewed at Balance Sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of
impairment. If any such indication exist, the recoverable amount is estimated as the higher of net selling price and value in use. Impairment
loss is recognized wherever carrying amount exceeds recoverable amount.

3. Depreciation
Depreciation on Fixed Assets is provided on Straight Line Method at the rates and the manner prescribed under Schedule XIV of the Companies
Act, 1956. Fixed Assets whose Written Down Value as at the beginning of the year is less than 5% of the cost are not depreciated.

4. Expenditure during construction period

All costs including borrowing costs & exchange gain or loss on foreign currency loan utilised for the acquisition and installation of fixed assets, till
commencement of commercial production, are capitalized.

5. Research & Development Expenditure

Expenditure on Research & Development is charged as expense in the year in which it is incurred.

6. Inventories
Inventories including goods in transit are valued at the lower of cost or estimated net realisable value. Finished goods and work-in-progress
include an appropriate proportion of overheads and where applicable, excise duty.
Provision for obsolescence is made wherever necessary.
Cost is determined using first in first out (FIFO) method.

7. Foreign Currency Transactions

Export/Import transactions during the year are accounted on the basis of prevailing exchange rate (as declared/assessed by Customs
Department) on the date of export/import.
The difference between the amount realized/paid and the amount already booked is accounted for as “Exchange fluctuation difference” in the
year of realization/payment.
Current assets and current liabilities,Term Loans are translated at forward cover rate, if applicable, or at the year end exchange rates. Exchange
gains and losses are fully recognised in the Profit and Loss Account and those arising on account of forward cover, if any,are amortised over the
life of the forward cover.
Financial Statements

Schedules forming part of accounts

8. Retirement Benefits
Contributions to the Provident Fund are made at a pre-determined rate and charged to the Profit and Loss Account.
Gratuity liability is defined benefit obligation and is provided for on the basis of an actuarial valuation on projected unit credit method made
at the end of each financial year. The liability so provided is represented substantially by creation of separate fund and is considered sufficient
to meet the liability as and when it accrues for payment in future.

9. Leave Encashment
Provision for Leave encashment is made on accrual basis on estimates as at the year end and is charged to the Profit and Loss Account.

10. Provision for Current and Deferred Tax

Provision for current tax is made after taking into consideration benefits admissible under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
Deferred tax resulting from “timing difference” between book and taxable profit is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that have been
enacted or substantively enacted as on the balance sheet date. The deferred tax assets are recognised and carried forward only to the extent
that there is a reasonable certainty that the assets will be realised in future.

11. Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets (AS-29)

Provision involving substantial degree of estimates in measurement are recognisied when there is a present obligation as a result of past event
and it is probable that there will be an outflow of resources. Contingent Liabilities are not recognised but are disclosed in the notes. Contingent
assets are neither recognised nor disclosed in the financial statements.


1. Contingent Liabilities not provided for in respect of

a) Counter Guarantees given by the company in respect of guarantees issued/Letter of Credit established by banks on behalf of the company
Rs. 159,095,750/- (Previous Year Rs. 127,071,885/-)
b) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on Capital Account (Net of Advance) Rs. 38,561,723/- (Previous Year Rs. 166,607,424/).
c) Disputed Excise duty demands of Rs. 11,769,958/- (previous year Rs. 8,769,222/-)
d) Disputed Income tax demands of Rs. 33,643,398/- against which a sum of Rs. 7,734,354/- has been paid (Previous year Rs. 30,184,918/- paid
Rs. 5,234,354/-)
e) i) Custom duty, other duties and interest which may arise if obligation for exports is not fulfilled against import of raw materials Rs. Nil (Previous
year Rs. 134,896/-)
ii) Disputed Custom duty (Anti Dumping Duty) demands of Rs. 176,166/- (Previous year Rs. Nil)

2. During the year Lote unit has been converted from DTA to Export Oriented Unit w.e.f. 28.07.2008 and are eligible for the benefits u/s 10B of the
Income Tax Act, 1961.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Schedules forming part of accounts

3. Details of Capital work in progress/pre-operative expenses

Amount in Rs.
Particulars As at As at
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

a) Work in progress
[Including advances to suppliers Rs. 10,506,584/- (Previous year 340,174,722 95,361,496
Rs. 52,805,144/-)]
Total ‘A’ 340,174,722 95,361,496

b) Pre-operative expenses
Opening balance 13,757,588 931,277
Add : Incurred during the year:
Testing Charges – 36,450
Technical Know How Fee 11,223,830
Exchange Gain/Loss 44,732,457
Interest 16,907,765 1,421,298
Bank Charges 2,162,500 1,800,000
Legal & Prof. Charges 7,671,543 11,413,596
Insurance charges 179,372 298,541
96,635,055 15,901,162
Less : CapitaliSed during the year 2,550,286 2,143,574
Total ‘B’ 94,084,769 13,757,588
Total (A+B) 434,259,491 109,119,084

4. Names of the SSI’s to whom the Company owes any sum together with interest if any, which is outstanding for more than 30 days are as under:
Deepson Valves & Controls
H K Industries
Leakproof Engineering I. Pvt. Ltd.
Swellore Engineering P. Ltd.
Super Mechanical Seal P. Ltd.

5. The Company has a Defined Benefit Gratuity Plan. The Scheme is funded through the Company’s own trust.

6. The Company has sought the confirmation from suppliers regarding their status under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006.
Based on the confirmations received from the suppliers:
a) No principal amount and the interest due thereon outstanding at on 31 March.
b) The amount of interest paid by the Company along with the amount of the payment made to the supplier beyond the Nil
appointed day for the year ending 31 March.
c) The amount of interest due and payable for the period of delay in making payment (beyond the appointed day during the Nil
d) The amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid for the year ending 31 March Nil
e) The amount of further interest remaining due and payable for the earlier years. Nil

7. The balance of Debtors, Creditors are subject to confirmation & reconciliation.

8. The Company is engaged in manufacturing of Chemicals, which as per AS-17 is considered the only reportable business segment.
Financial Statements

Schedules forming part of accounts

9. Related parties Disclosures (AS-18)

a) Information about related parties

Particulars Name of Related Party

i) Key Management Personnel i) Mr. Vinod Saraf – Managing Director

ii) Mrs. Vinati Saraf Mutreja – Executive Director

ii) Relatives of Key Management Personnel i) Mr. Sunil Saraf

ii) Mrs. Kavita Saraf

iii) Enterprises owned or significantly influenced by any management

personnel or their relatives i) Viral Alkalis Limited
ii) Vinati Wax Industries Pvt. Ltd.
iii) Shilpa Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
iv) Mithali Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
v) Viral Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
vi) Viral Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
vii) Suchir Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
viii) Suchir Investment & Finance Pvt. Ltd.
ix) Manan Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
x) Nishit Pharma Chem Pvt. Ltd.
xi) Kavita Organics Pvt. Ltd.

b) Information about Related Parties Transactions:
Amount in Rs.

2008-09 2007-08

i) Key Management Personnel

Managerial remuneration 5,660,568 3,792,965
ii) Relatives of Key Management Personnel
Rent 47,500 114,000
Sitting fees 30,000 30,000
iii) Enterprises owned or significantly influenced by any management personnel or their
Rent, rates & taxes 1,200,000 1,200,000
Interest paid 292,603 6,115,989
Sale of Material 125,203 128,744
Purchase of Material - Others 1,903,442 1,737,447
Loan taken 101,161,633 66,000,000
Outstanding Loan at year end 61,161,633 61,161,633
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Schedules forming part of accounts

10. Basic and Diluted Earning Per Share (AS-20)
Amount in Rs.

2008-09 2007-08

Profit after taxation 251,282,791 151,977,186

Weighted number of equity share used as denominator for calculating EPS 9,874,500 9,874,500
Basic And Diluted Earning per share (Face Value of Rs.10/- per share) 25.45 15.39

11. Accounting for Taxes on income (AS-22)

The break up of net deferred tax liability as at 31 March 2009 is as under
Amount in Rs.
Particulars 2008-09 2007-08

Deferred Deferred Deferred Deferred

Tax Tax Tax Tax
Assets Liability Assets Liability
Timing difference on account of:
Difference between book depreciation and depreciation under the Income-tax Act, 1961 59,939,549 54,019,218
Expenditure u/s. 43B/u/s. 40 A(7) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 1,334,948 1,359,756
Total 1,334,948 59,939,549 1,359,756 54,019,218

Net Deferred Tax Liability 58,604,601 52,659,462

Less : Net Deferred Tax Liability at beginning 52,659,462 48,409,725
Net Deferred Tax Liability (Asset) for the year 5,945,139 4,249,737

12. Based on exercise of impairment of assets undertaken by the management in due cognizance of paragraphs 5 to 13 of AS-28 issued by ICAI, the
company has concluded that no impairment loss is required to be booked.

13. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, the Current Assets, Loans and Advances have value on realisation in the ordinary course of business, at least
equal to the amount at which they are stated in the foregoing Balance Sheet and adequate provision for all known liabilities on the Company has
been made.

14. Managerial Remuneration

Amount in Rs.
Year Ended Year Ended
31 March 2009 31 March 2008

Managing Director
Salary & Allowances 2,500,000 1,880,000
Contribution to P. F. 300,000 212,400
Other Perquisites 110,650 84,445
2,910,650 2,176,845
Executive Director
Salary & Allowances 2,437,500 1,465,016
Contribution to P. F. 225,000 135,232
Other Perquisites 87,418 15,872
2,749,918 1,616,120

15. a) Figures of the previous year have been reworked/regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary.
b) Figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee.
Financial Statements

Schedules forming part of accounts

16. Additional information pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs 3, 4-C & 4-D of the Part II of Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956.

Particulars 2008-09 2007-08

Qty.(M.T.) Value (Rs.) Qty.(M.T.) Value (Rs.)

a) Licenced and Installed Capacity (As certified by the
Management and accepted by the Auditors)
Isobutyl Benzene
Licenced Capacity N.A. N.A.
Installed Capacity 14,000.00 14,000.00
2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid
Licenced Capacity N.A. N.A.
Installed Capacity 5,000.00 4,000.00

b) Production
Isobutyl Benzene 11,144.72 11,094.27
2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid 4,563.39 * 3,441.28 *
Sodium Salt of 2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid 4,812.00 3,509.32

c) Sales & Stocks

Opening Stock
Isobutyl Benzene 320.56 26,564,985 71.86 5,458,474
2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid 19.35 2,140,964 60.88 6,644,629
Sodium Salt of 2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid 143.05 6,918,886 21.70 1,209,388
Others 1,834,389 5,956,504
Isobutyl Benzene 11,452.42 1,187,849,326 10,845.57 1,084,382,107
2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid 2,328.36 339,736,714 1,791.11 226,706,562
Sodium Salt of 2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid 4,904.67 390,937,572 3,387.97 216,640,464
Others 116,190,015 85,828,930
Closing Stock
Isobutyl Benzene 12.86 770,479 320.56 26,564,985
2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid 8.60 853,009 19.35 2,140,964
Sodium Salt of 2 Acrylamido 2 Methylpropane Sulphonic Acid 50.39 2,443,543 143.05 6,918,886
Others 4,325,372 1,834,389

* It includes the quantity used for manufacturing of other products.

Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Schedules forming part of accounts

Particulars 2008-09 2007-08

Qty. (Kg.) Value (Rs.) Qty. (Kg.) Value (Rs.)

d) Raw materials consumed
Toluene 9,652,422 408,077,781 9,450,229 368,523,773
Propylene 7,680,099 326,890,253 7,181,028 304,925,139
Acrylonitrile 2,145,389 155,837,459 1,466,874 123,240,128
Others 322,714,404 165,604,857
1,213,519,897 962,293,897
Value (Rs.) % Value (Rs.) %
e) Total value of Raw Material, Stores, Spares & Other Consumables

i) Raw Materials
Imported 314,968,021 25.95 145,210,961 15.09
Indigenous 898,551,876 74.05 817,082,936 84.91
1,213,519,897 100.00 962,293,897 100.00

ii) Stores, Spares & Other Consumables

Imported – – – –
Indigenous 31,022,680 100.00 23,550,347 100.00
31,022,680 100.00 23,550,347 100.00

f) Value of Imports calculated on CIF basis

Raw materials 296,969,213 137,502,526
Stores, Spares & Other Consumables - –

g) Expenditure in Foreign Currency

i) Travelling expenditure 455,952 596,250
ii) Commission on sales 4,456,836 3,871,760
iii) Professional Fees 10,038,874 626,672
iv) Import of capital goods/spares 1,585,251 2,001,569
v) Others 196,167 553,576

h) Earnings in Foreign Exchange

Export of goods calculated on FOB basis 1,445,684,802 930,752,317

As per our report of even date attached

For and on behalf of
Karnavat & Co. Vinod Saraf Vinati Saraf Mutreja
Chartered Accountants Managing Director Executive Director

Shashikant Gupta G. S. Singhi N. K. Goyal

Partner Company Secretary cum Finance Controller Chief Financial Officer
Membership No. 45629

Place : Mumbai
Date : 19 May 2009
Financial Statements

Schedules forming part of accounts

1 Registration Details

Registration No. 5 2 2 2 4

State Code 1 1

Balance Sheet Date 3 1 0 3 2 0 0 9

Date Month Year
2 Capital raised during the year (Amount in Rs. 000)

Public Issue N I L Rights Issue N I L

Bonus Issue N I L Private Placement N I L

3 Position of Mobilisation and Deployment of Funds (Amount in Rs. 000)

Total Liabilities 1 3 7 4 5 7 6 Total Assets 1 3 7 4 5 7 6

Sources of Funds

Paid - up Capital 9 8 7 4 5 Reserves and Surplus 5 5 0 3 4 7

Secured Loans 4 4 8 4 0 9 Deferred Tax Liability 5 8 6 0 4

Unsecured Loans 6 1 1 6 2

Application of Funds

Net Fixed Assets 8 8 1 2 6 8 Net Current Assets 3 3 5 9 9 9

(including Capital Work in Progress)

Accumulated Losses N I L
4 Performance of Company (Amount in Rs. 000)

Turnover 1 9 5 8 2 2 7 Total Expenditure 1 6 3 9 3 5 1

Profit Before Tax 3 1 8 8 7 6 Profit After Tax 2 5 1 2 8 3

Earnings per Share 2 5 . 4 5 Dividend (%) 2 5 . 0 0

5 Principal product of the Company

Product Description Item Code No.

I S O B U T Y L B E N Z E N E 2 9 0 2 . 9 0 5 0

2 A C R Y L A M I D O 2 M E T H Y L P R O 2 9 2 4 . 1 9 0 0


S O D I U M S A L T O F 2 A C R Y L A M 2 9 0 4 . 1 0 9 0

I D O 2 M E T H Y L P R O P A N E S U L P


As per our report of even date attached

For and on behalf of
Karnavat & Co. Vinod Saraf Vinati Saraf Mutreja
Chartered Accountants Managing Director Executive Director

Shashikant Gupta G. S. Singhi N. K. Goyal

Partner Company Secretary cum Finance Controller Chief Financial Officer
Membership No. 45629

Place : Mumbai
Date : 19 May 2009
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

NOTICE is hereby given that the TWENTIETH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF VINATI ORGANICS LIMITED (the “Company”) will be held on Saturday,
19 September 2009 at 12.30 P.M. at the Registered Office of the Company, at B-12 & B-13/1, MIDC Industrial Area, Mahad 402 309, Dist. Raigad,
Maharashtra to transact, the following business:

1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Balance Sheet as at 31 March, 2009, Profit & Loss Account for the year ended on that date and
the Reports of Directors’ and Auditors’ thereon.
2. To declare Dividend on equity shares.
3. To appoint a Director in place of Shri A. A. Krishnan who retires by rotation at this meeting and being eligible, offers himself for reappointment.
4. To appoint a Director in place of Shri Girish M. Dave who retires by rotation at this meeting and being eligible, offers himself for reappointment.
5. To appoint Auditors to hold office from the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting
and to fix their remuneration.

6. To appoint a Director Mr. Anandkumar Tibrewala who was appointed additional director pursuant to Section 260 of the Companies Act,
1956 and holds office upto the date of Annual General Meeting of the Company, and is eligible for re-appointment and in respect of whom
the Company has received a notice in writing from a member under the provisions of Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 proposing his
candidature for the office of a Director.
7. To appoint a Director Mr. Mohit Rajesh Mutreja who was appointed additional director pursuant to Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956 and
holds office upto the date of Annual General Meeting of the Company, and is eligible for re-appointment and in respect of whom the Company
has received a notice in writing from a member under the provisions of Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 proposing his candidature for the
office of a Director.
8. To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification(s), the following as an ORDINARY RESOLUTION
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Sections 198, 269, 309 and Schedule XIII and other applicable provisions if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, Ms.
Viral V. Saraf be and is hereby appointed as the Whole Time Director designated as “Director - Corporate Strategy” of the Company for a period
of 5 years with effect from 19.05.2009 to 18.05.2014 on the following terms and conditions and whose appointment shall not be liable to retire by
rotation until she is occupying the position as Director – Corporate Strategy :
Salary : Rs.1,00,000/- per month.

i) HOUSE:- In case of unfurnished accommodation hired by the Company, the expenditure incurred by the Company on hiring of such accommodation,
shall not exceed 60% of the salary, over and above 10% payable by Director – Corporate Strategy if posted in Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi or Chennai
or 50% if posted at any other place.
HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE:- @ 30% of the salary.
ii) MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT:- Expenses incurred by the Director – Corporate Strategy and her family subject to ceiling of one month’s salary in a
year or 3 months’ salary over a period of 3 years.
iii) LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION:- Reimbursement of expenses incurred for the Director – Corporate Strategy and her family subject to ceiling of 1
month’s salary once in a year or 3 months’ salary over a period of 3 years in accordance with the rules of the Company.
iv) CLUB FEES:- Fees for clubs subject to a maximum of two clubs. This will not include admission and life membership fees.
v) GAS & ELECTRICITY CHARGES:- Reimbursement of Gas & Electricity Charges incurred.
vi) PROVIDENT FUND:- Contribution to Provident Fund shall be such percentage as may be allowed under respective law from time to time.
vii) GRATUITY:- It shall not exceed one half a month’s salary for each completed year of service as per the provisions of the Gratuity Act.
viii) COMPANY CAR AND TELEPHONE:- Provision of Car for use of Company’s business and telephone at residence. Use of car and telephone for
private purpose will be billed to her.
ix) PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE:- Premium not to exceed Rs.5,000/- per annum.
x) LEAVE AND LEAVE ENCASHMENT:- As per Company’s rule and regulations applicable to the Senior Executives of the Company.
xi) There will be 10% increase every year in salary and perquisites.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving effect to this Resolution, the Board be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts, deeds,
matters and things as the board may in its absolute discretion deem necessary, expedient, usual and proper.”

Notice (Contd.)
9. To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification(s), the following as an ORDINARY RESOLUTION
“RESOLVED THAT the consent of the Company be and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors of the Company in terms of Section 293 (1)
(a) and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, to the creation by the Board of Directors of such mortgages, charges
in addition to the existing mortgages/charges, hypothecation created by the Company in such form and manner as the Board of Directors may
direct on such of the Company’s movables and immovable properties, both present and future, and in such manner as the Board may direct
together with power to take over the management and concern of the Company in certain events in favour of the All India Financial Institutions
viz, ICICI, IDBI, IFCI, HDFC and such other institutions and/or Bank/s to secure the loans that may be granted by them not exceeding a sum of Rs.
500 Crores (Rupees Five Hundred Crores only), in such proportion or in individual amount/s as any one/more of the said Financial Institutions/Banks
may sanction the term loans either singly, or together, aggregating to the said sum of Rs. 500 Crores (Rupees Five Hundred Crores), together with
interest thereon at the respective agreed rates, compound interest, additional interest, liquidated damages, commitment charges, premia on
pre-payment or on redemption, costs, charges, expenses and all other monies payable by the Company to them under the loan agreement(s)
entered into between them and the Company.
“RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board of directors of the Company be and is hereby authorised to finalise the terms and conditions of the loans to
the maximum extent mentioned above and the documents for creating the aforesaid mortgages, charges and hypothecations, and to do all such
acts and things and execute such documents or writings as may be necessary for giving effect to the above resolution”
10. To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification(s), the following as an ORDINARY RESOLUTION
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 293 (1) (d) of the Companies Act, 1956 and other applicable provisions, if any, the consent of the Company
be and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors of the Company for borrowing from time to time all such sums of money which together
with the money already borrowed by the Company (apart from temporary loans obtained from the Company’s bankers in the ordinary course
of business for working capital requirement) may exceed the aggregate of the paid up capital of the Company and its free reserves, that is to
say reserves not set apart for any specific purpose, provided that the total amount of money(s) so borrowed by the Company shall not any time
exceed the limit of Rs.500 Crores (Rupees Five Hundred Crores only)

1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint another person (whether a shareholder or not) as his/her proxy to
attend and vote instead of himself/herself, but a proxy so appointed shall not have any right to speak at the meeting. The proxies in order to be
effective must be received by the Company not less than 48 hours before the meeting.
2. The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company shall remain closed from Thursday, the 10 September 2009 to Saturday, the
19 September 2009 (both days inclusive).
3. Members are requested to intimate to the Corporate Office situated at Shiv-Ashish, 2nd Floor, Andheri-Kurla Road, Sakinaka, Mumbai 400072
the changes, if any, in their registered addresses, quoting their Folio Numbers.
4. As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 facility for making nominations is available for the shareholders. The prescribed nomination form
can be obtained from the Company’s share department situated at Shiv-Ashish, 2nd Floor, Andheri-Kurla Road, Sakinaka, Mumbai - 400 072,
5. Registrars and Transfer Agents:
The Company has appointed M/s. Sharex Dynamic (India) Pvt. Ltd., 17/B, Dena Bank Building, 2nd Floor, Horniman Circle, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
as the Registrars and Transfer Agents (“R&TA”) for all aspects of investor servicing relating to shares.
6. The Company’s securities are listed at the Stock Exchange, Mumbai (Regional Stock Exchange) Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai
– 400001, Maharashtra.
7. The Annual Listing Fee as prescribed has been paid to the above stock exchange.
8. The dividend on equity shares as recommended by the Directors for the year ended 31 March 2009, if declared at the meeting, will be made
payable on or after 20 September 2009 to those members whose names appear on the Register of Members of the Company after giving effect
to all valid share transfers in physical form lodged with the Company on or before 9 September 2009 or those, whose names appear as beneficial
owners as at the end of business on 9 September 2009 as per lists to be furnished by the depositories viz. National Securities Depository Limited
and Central Depository Services (India) Limited.
Shareholders are hereby informed that after the amendment of the Act w.e.f. 31.10.1998, the Company will be obliged to transfer any money lying
in the Unpaid Dividend Account, which remains unpaid or unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date of such transfer to the Unpaid
Dividend Account, to the credit of Investor Education and Protection Fund (the “Fund”) established by the Central Government. In accordance
with Section 205C of the Act, no claim shall lie against the Company or Fund in respect of Individual amounts of dividends remaining unclaimed
and unpaid for a period of seven years from the date it became first due for payment and no payment shall be made in respect of any such
9. Members who are holding shares in identical order of names in more than one folio are requested to send to the Company the details of such
folios together with the Share Certificates for consolidating their holdings in one folio. The Share Certificates will be returned to the Members after
making requisite changes thereon.
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Notice (Contd.)
10. Re-appointment of Directors
Section 255 of the Companies Act, 1956 provides inter alia that unless the articles provide for the retirement of all directors at every annual
general meeting, not less than two-thirds of the total number of directors of a public company, or a private company which is a subsidiary of
a public company, shall (a) be persons whose period of office is liable to determination by retirement of directors by rotation; and (b) save as
otherwise expressly provided in the Companies Act, 1956, be appointed by the company in the general meeting.
Accordingly at the ensuing Annual General Meeting, Shri A. A. Krishnan and Shri Girish M. Dave, retiring by rotation and being eligible offer
themselves for reappointment. The information or details pertaining to these Directors to be provided in terms of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement
with the Stock Exchange is furnished in the statement on Corporate Governance published in this Annual Report.
Details of Directors seeking re-appointment
Particulars Shri A. A. Krishnan Shri Girish M. Dave

Date of Birth 17.07.1933 12.07.1938

Date of Appointment 27.03.1992 24.09.1990
Qualifications Chemical Engineer & post graduate in Petro Chemicals M Com, L.L.B. & CAIIB
Directorships held in other public Company 1. Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd. 1. PCS Technology Ltd.
2. PSI Data Systems Ltd.
3. Ultratech Cement Ltd.
4. Cinemax India Ltd.
5. Grasim Bhiwani Textiles Ltd.
6. Aditya Birla Retail Ltd.
7. Camphor & Allied Prod. Ltd.
Memberships / Chairman of committees of No No
other public companies.

Item No. 6
He is a Fellow member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is an Associate Member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He
stood third on all India basis in the overall ranking in the final examination held by the Institute in June 1986. He has been instrumental in developing Back
End processes for leading multinational Company in India. He is involved in accounting assignments for U. K. based clients from India on off site basis. Mr.
Anandkumar Tibrewala is a full time director of V-Source Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd.
None of the directors of the Company other than Mr. Vinod Saraf and Mr. Sunil Saraf (being relatives) are interested in this resolution. Mr. Anandkumar
Tibrewala is holding 150 Equity Shares of the Company.
Item No. 7
Mr. Mohit Mutreja attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated summa cum laude in Bachelor of Science in Economics (Finance) from
the Wharton School and Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science. Mr. Mohit previously worked at Goldman, Sachs and Co., Deutsche Bank
Securities Inc. and Citadel Investment Group. Mr. Mohit currently works full-time at DE Shaw & Co. in public equities and credit derivatives.
None of the directors of the Company other than Mr. Vinod Saraf, Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja and Ms. Viral V. Saraf (being relatives) are interested in this
Item No. 8
Ms. Viral V. Saraf joined Vinati Organics Ltd. from 19 May 2009. Prior to joining Vinati Organics Ltd., Ms. Viral V. Saraf worked as Analyst with an
Investment Strategy Team for Citi Private Bank New York, New York based Investment Portfolio Management firm and also she was worked with Ernst &
Young, Mumbai, India as a summer consultant with the Risk and Business Solutions Department. Ms. Viral V. Saraf attended the University of Pennsylvania,
where she received a Bachelor of Science in Economics (Finance & Management) from the Wharton School.
She is devoting her whole time on the Company’s day-to-day affairs as related to accounts, finance and new project, hence the Board recommends
that its action in appointing Ms. Viral V. Saraf as Director - Corporate Strategy for the Company with effect from 19 May 2009, be ratified and confirmed
by the members.
The appointment of Ms. Viral V. Saraf is proposed in order to assist Mr. Vinod Saraf in looking after the increased and wide based operations of the
Company spread not only all over India but even outside India. Having regard to her qualifications and experience and also taking in to consideration
the work, which she will be doing for the Company it is most appropriate that a person as such to be appointed and such appointment is not against
public interest and the shareholders. The terms and conditions of the appointment of Ms. Viral V. Saraf having regard to the work shouldered by her
are fair and reasonable.

In this connection Section 309 (1) of the Companies Act, 1956, provides interalia that the remuneration payable to the Directors of the Company
including any Managing Director or whole time Director shall be determined in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Section 198 and
Section 309 either by the Articles of the Company or by a Resolution or if the Articles so require by a special Resolution passed by the Company in
General Meeting. Accordingly this Resolution has been proposed in terms of Section 309 read with a schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956.
The agreement between the Company and Ms. Viral V. Saraf, providing the terms conditions of her appointment is available for inspection by the
members at the Registered Office of the Company on any working day between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.
The remuneration stated above shall be minimum remuneration in the case of inadequacy of profits or loss and is within the ceiling specified in Schedule
XIII of the Company’s Act, 1956.
Except Mr. Vinod Saraf, Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja, Mr. Sunil Saraf and Mr. Mohit Mutreja (being relatives) no other Director is interested in this resolution.
Ms. Viral V. Saraf is holding 90,000 equity shares of the Company.
Item No. 9
The Company may be required, in future, to mortgage its fixed assets and/or movable assets in favour of these Institutions and/or other such Institutions
and/or Banks for the term loans that may be sanctioned to the Company for expansion and/or diversification projects. Hence the Board recommends
passing of this resolution by the members.
None of the Directors is interested in the resolution.
Item No. 10
The Company’s present borrowing power is Rs. 200 Crores which was approved to by the members at the 19th Annual General Meeting held on 27
September 2008.
The Company is examining the possibilities of expanding its present activities and/or diversification in the other chemical products, which may require
to borrow more funds. The present borrowing powers therefore may fall short for this purpose. In view of this, the Board recommends that the proposed
resolution be passed by the members.
None of the Directors is interested in the resolution.

By Order of the Board of Directors

Gunvant S. Singhi
Company Secretary cum Finance Controller
Registered Office:
B-12 & B-13/1, MIDC Industrial Area,
Mahad – 402 309, Dist. Raigad,

Place : Mumbai
Date : 19 May 2009
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Addenda to Notice Dated 19 May 2009

11. To consider and to thought fit to pass with or without modification(s) the following resolution as an ordinary Resolution:


“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section-94 and all the other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any
statutory modification or re-enactment therefore for the time being in force) and in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the
Company and subject to other such approvals, consents, sanctions, if any, required from any authority and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed
while granting such approvals, consents and sanctions, which may be agreed to by the Board of Directors of the Company (hereinafter referred to as “the
Board”, which term shall also include any Committee thereof”), the consent of the members is hereby accorded for sub-dividing the face value of the Equity
Shares of the Company, such that the Equity Shares of the Company of the face value of Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten each) be sub-divided into five Equity Shares
of the Company of the face value of Rs. 2/-(Rupees two) each and consequently the Authorised Share Capital of the Company of Rs. 150,000,000/-
(Rupees Fifteen Crores only) would comprise of 75,000,000 (Seven Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of Rs. 2/- each with effect from the “Record Date” to
be determined by the Board for the purpose”.
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT pursuant to the sub-division of the Equity Shares of the Company, the paid up Equity Shares of the Company of the face value
of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) each, as existing on the Record Date shall stand sub-divided into five Equity Shares of the face value of Rs. 2/- (Rupees two)
each fully paid up, with effect from the Record Date”.
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the existing physical share certificates in relation to the issued Equity Shares of the Company be cancelled and the Board
be and is hereby authorised to call back the same from the shareholders, if necessary and to issue new share certificates in lieu thereof, with regard to
the sub-divided Equity Shares in accordance with the provisions of the Companies (Issue of Share Certificate) Rules, 1960 and in case of Members
who hold the Equity Shares/opt to receive the Sub-divided Equity Shares in dematerialised form, the sub-divided Equity Shares shall be credited to the
respective beneficiary account of the Members, with their respective Depository Participants and the Company shall take such corporate actions as may
be necessary in relation to the existing Equity Shares.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things and give such directions as may be
necessary, in the best interests of the Company, for giving effect to the aforesaid resolution, including but not limited to signing and execution of necessary
forms, papers, writings, agreements and documents, including giving customary representations and warranties, together with such indemnities as may be
deemed necessary and expedient in its discretion and settling any question, difficulty or doubt that may arise in this regard as the Board in its absolute
discretion may deem necessary or desirable and its decisions shall be final and binding on all the Members.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving effect to these resolutions and to effect the Sub-division, Shri Vinod Saraf, Managing Director, Ms.
Vinati Saraf Mutreja, Executive Director and Mr. Gunvant S. Singhi, Company Secretary cum Finance Controller of the Company be and are hereby
severally authorised in the name of and on behalf of the Company to :
(a) Make the relevant filings with respect to the Sub-division with the Registrars of Companies, Mumbai, Maharashtra
(b) Intimate and get Sub-division effected at Depositories.
(c) Ensure to issue fresh share certificates to the members of the Company to the extent required.
(d) Intimate and instruct (M/s. Sharex and Dynamic (India) Pvt. Ltd.), the Registrar & Transfer Agents of the Company about the Sub-division.
(e) To do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as may be in their description deemed necessary, proper or desirable in relation to the sub-division
and to settle any question, difficulties or doubts that may arise in this regard”.
12. To consider and it thought fit to pass with or without modification(s) the following resolution as a special resolution:


“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provision of Section–16 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, the existing Clause-V
of the Memorandum of Association of the Company be and is hereby altered by substituting the existing ‘Clause V’ as under:
V. The authorised share capital of the Company is Rs.150,000,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Crores only) divided in to 75,000,000 (Seven Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity
shares of Rs. 2/- (Rupees two only) each, with power to increase or reduce the capital of the company and to divide the shares in the capital for the being
into several classes and to attach thereto respectively such preferential deferred, qualified or special rights privileges or conditions as may be determined
and to vary, modify or abrogate any such rights, privileges or conditions in such manner as may for the time being be provided”.
13. To consider and it thought fit to pass with or without modification(s) the following resolution as a special resolution:


“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section-31 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, the existing Article No.4
of the Articles of Association of the Company be and is hereby altered by substituting existing 4 Article as under:-
4. The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs.150,000,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Crores only) divided in to 75,000,000 (Seven Crores Fifty Lacs)
equity shares of Rs. 2/- (Rupees two only) with power to increase or reduce in accordance with the regulations of the company and the legislative
provisions for the time being in force in this behalf and the powers to divide the shares in the capital for the time being in to other classes and attach share
capital and attach there to respectively such preferential, qualified or special rights, privileges or conditions as may be determined.

Notes: The relevant explanatory statement pursuant to Section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956, in setting out material facts relating to the special
business at item No.9, 10 & 11 of the notice as set out above is annexed hereto.

By Order of the Board of Directors

Gunvant S. Singhi
Company Secretary cum Finance Controller
Registered Office:
B-12 & B-13/1, MIDC Industrial Area,
Mahad – 402 309, Dist. Raigad,

Place : Mumbai
Date : 24 July 2009


Item No.11

Sub-Division of the Face Value of Equity Shares:

Currently, the Company has a small capital base and the number of its floating shares in the Stock Market is quite minimal as compared to peer companies
in the Industry. With a view to increase the number of floating shares and increase the liquidity in stock market, the Board has recommended sub-division of
the face value of the Equity Shares from Rs. 10/- per share to Rs. 2/- per share. After the proposed split, each Equity share holders holding one Equity share
of Rs. 10/- each in the Share Capital of the Company will get five Equity shares of Rs. 2/-each. Thus this proposal will benefit the Equity shareholders of the
Company and in turn will also be in the interest of the Company. This will also facilitate the small investors to purchase the shares of the Company.
The proposed resolution placed at Item no. 9 of this Notice, is intended to give effect to the above proposal and the Board of Directors of the Company
accordingly, commends the resolution for approval by the members.
None of the Directors of the Company is in any way concerned or interested in the Resolution except to the extent of sub-divided Equity Shares to be
issued to them in lieu of their holding of Equity Shares of the face value of Rs. 10/- each.

Item Nos. 12 & 13

Alteration to the Capital Clause of Memorandum and Articles of Association:

Consequent to the sub-division of the face value of the Equity Shares of the Company (as per item No. 10 & 11 of this Notice), it is necessary to alter the
Capital Clause of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company.
Section-16, Section-31 read with Section-94 of the Companies Act, 1956, provides inter alia, that subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956
and the conditions contained in its Memorandum, the Company may, alter its Memorandum and Articles by passing a Special Resolution at Annual General
Meeting. Accordingly, the Special Resolution at item No. 10 and the Special Resolution at item no.11 are placed before the meeting to approve the
corresponding amendments in Clause V of the Memorandum of Association and Article 4 of the Articles of Association in the manner set out in the test of
the respective resolutions, as to reflect the alteration in the Authorised Share Capital of the Company.
The Board of Directors of the Company accordingly, commends the resolution for approval by the members.
None of the Directors of the Company is in any way concerned or interested in the Resolution except to the extent of sub-divided Equity Shares to be
issued to them in lieu of their holding of Equity Shares of the face value of Rs. 10/- each.

By Order of the Board of Directors

Gunvant S. Singhi
Company Secretary cum Finance Controller
Registered Office:
B-12 & B-13/1, MIDC Industrial Area,
Mahad – 402 309, Dist. Raigad,

Place : Mumbai
Date : 24 July 2009
Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Corporate Information
Mr. Girish M. Dave, Non-Executive Chairman
Mr. Vinod Saraf, Managing Director
Mr. C. B. Gokhale
Mr. A. A. Krishnan
Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja, Executive Director
Ms. Viral Saraf, Director (Corporate Strategy) - from 19.05.2009
Mr. Sunil Saraf
Mr. Anandkumar Tibrewala - from 19.05.2009
Mr. Mohit Mutreja - from 19.05.2009

Mr. Gunvant S. Singhi B-12 & B-13/1, MIDC Indl. Area,
Mahad – 402 309, Dist. Raigad,
State Bank of India
Barclays Bank PLC
A-20, MIDC, Lote-Parashuram-415 722,
Taluka – Khed, Dist. Ratnagiri,
AUDITORS Maharashtra.
M/s. Karnavat & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Shiv-Ashish, 2nd Floor,
Andheri-Kurla Road,
Sakinaka, Mumbai – 400 072, Maharashtra.


M/s. Sharex Dynamic (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Dena Bank Bldg., 2nd Floor, Horniman Circle,
Fort, Mumbai – 400 001.


Date September 19, 2009
Day Saturday
Time 12.30 p.m.
Venue Regd. Office at
B-12 & B-13/1, MIDC Indl Area, Mahad – 402 309, Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra.

Vinati Organics Limited | Annual Report 2008-09

Registered Office: B-12 & B-13/1 MIDC Industrial Area, Mahad - 402 309, Dist Raigad, Maharashtra.


Full Name of Shareholder (in Block Letters)

Ledger Folio No.: No. of Shares held :

DP. ID – Client ID :

Name of Proxy (in Block Letters) of

I hereby record my presence at the 20th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at B-12 & B-13/1 MIDC Industrial Area, Mahad 402

309, Dist Raigad, Maharashtra, on Saturday the 19th day of September, 2009 at 12.30 p.m.

* To be signed at the time of handing over this slip. Member’s/Proxy’s Signature


Registered Office: B-12 & B-13/1 MIDC Industrial Area, Mahad - 402 309, Dist Raigad, Maharashtra.

(Regd. Folio No./DP ID – Client ID & Name of the Shareholder to be furnished below)

being a member/ members of VINATI ORGANICS LIMITED hereby appoint

of or failing him/her

of as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the Twentieth ANNUAL
GENERAL MEETING of the Company to be held on Saturday, the 19th day of September 2009 at 12.30 p.m.

Signed this day of 2009.

Affix Re.
1/- Revenue

1. The form should be signed across the stamp as per specimen signature registered with the Company.
2. The proxy form must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the aforesaid
3. A proxy need not be a member.
Shiv Ashish, 2nd Floor, Andheri - Kurla Road, Sakinaka,
Mumbai-400 072 India.

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