Bodal Chemical Presn

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Corporate Presentation

September 2017
Forward Looking Statements
The information contained in this presentation is provided by Bodal Chemicals Limited (the Company) to you solely for your reference. This document is highly
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Except for the historical information contained herein, statements in this presentation and any subsequent discussions, which include words or phrases such as 'will',
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This document is for informational purposes and private circulation only and does not constitute or form part of a prospectus, a statement in lieu of a prospectus, an
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or any of its subsidiaries. affiliates and should not form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or commitment or investment decision

September- 2017 |2
No. Subject Page
1. Executive Summary 5
2. Journey 6
3. Industry Overview 7
4. Business and Key Strengths 12
5. Strategies and Way Forward 19
6. Financials 24
7. Board of Directors and Key Management Personnel 27
1. Customer Relationships 31
2. CSR Initiatives 32
3. Environmental Facilities 33
4. Consolidated Balance Sheet 34
5. Consolidated P&L 35
6. Q1 FY2018 (Standalone) Results 36

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Introduction and Key Milestones

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Executive Summary
Bodal was incorporated in 1989 by Mr. Suresh Patel

One of the leading, integrated Dyestuff companies in India

The Companys FY2017 Consolidated Financials are:

Revenues : Rs. 12,431 million
EBITDA : Rs. 2,326 million (18.7% EBITDA Margin)
PAT : Rs. 1,286 million (10.3% PAT Margin)
ROCE : 48.0%
RONW : 35.8%
D/E : 0.4

Promoter and Promoter group own 64.03% stake*

Market capitalization is Rs. 1,877 million**

As a globally competitive Dyestuff company, Bodal is keen on investing in sustainable growth

* As on quarter ending June 2017 ** As on September 18, 2017 (Source: BSE) CORPORATE PRESENTATION
September- 2017 |5
Notes: 2006
Units are manufacturing sites Listed on BSE-reverse merger 2016
Unit Nos. are as per current numbering of sites with Dintex Dye Chem (Unit I) Amalgamation:
Acquired Unit IV and Unit VI Bodal Agrotech, LABSA, Unit X
Zero Discharge Facility
Started building Unit VII 2017
World-class mega site Acquired 70%:
2008 SPS Processors, Dye Intdiates
Acquired Unit VIII Zero Discharge Facility
1989- 1996- 2011-
1990 2005 Closed Unit V, Closed Unit VI 2015
1993 2017
Converted from a 2010 Acquired 41.51%:
partnership firm to a private Backward integration: Trion Chemicals, TCCA specialist
limited company Basic Chemicals at Unit VII Zero Discharge Facility

1989 1997 2011

Started as JK Pharma Acquired Unit V Completed Unit VII
at Unit II-A Acquired Unit VI 2012, 2013
1991- 2006- Losses, Corporate Debt 2016-
1995 2002 2010 onwards
Restructuring (CDR)
Acquired Unit II-B and Unit III
2013, 2015
2004 MEEP at Unit I, Unit VII
Acquired Unit I 2014, 2015
Revenue/Profit expansion
Forward integration: CDR exit
Dyestuff at Unit I

Bodal has built over 28 years with a healthy mix of organic + inorganic growth
September- 2017 |6
Industry Overview

September- 2017 |7
Dyestuff Industry Overview [1/2]

Industries that use Dyes

Indias share in global Dyestuffs Textiles Paper Leather

16% production

Gujarat and Maharashtras share in Indian

85% Dyestuff production
Types of Dyes
Organized sectors share in Indian
50% Dyestuff production
Source: IBEF January 2016; Industry
Reactive Acid & Direct Disperse

Cotton Fabric Leather & Paper Polyester Fabric

Companys presence

Among the leading players in the dyestuff industry

September- 2017 |8
Dyestuff Industry Overview [2/2]

Challenges Actions Results*

Market Share
Environmental Shut down of Entering into Backward Dye Intermediates
norms units dyestuff integration 25% Indian**

9% Indian
Low cost Product
Forex losses Exports
imports quality
Dye Intermediates
6% Global**
Profitability Financial Complete Dyestuff
restructuring discipline hedging 3% Global

* Internal estimates ** After the acquisition of SPS Processors

The turnaround that we are proud of

September- 2017 |9
Indias Competitive Edge [1/2]

The China Situation

Stricter environmental regulations for chemical companies in China today
Largest manufacturer in China and globally was asked to shut operations recently due to non-compliance,
presenting a substantial opportunity to Indian suppliers, especially large integrated manufacturers such as
Bodal Chemicals

Effluent treatment mechanism a pre-requisite to carry on business and to receive export incentive; this has
substantially increased the manufacturing cost for Chinese firms and eradicated the low cost advantage
Full scale environmental compliance will be difficult for Chinese firms, lowering the possibility of supply at
full capacity levels. At partial utilization, their cost advantage would be eroded further
The magnitude of export incentive in China has also reduced, lowering the differential between selling prices
offered by Indian and Chinese manufacturers

Possibility of new facilities coming up is limited considering strict environmental norms and reduced margins

The world is looking at India to fulfill its Dye Intermediates and Dyestuff demand
September- 2017 | 10
Indias Competitive Edge [2/2]
Change in Indias
Relative Competitive
Metric Phase India Key Competitor Position
Then 4-6% 14-15%
Export Incentive
Now 3-4% 3-4%
Then 8-10K 8-12k
Relative Labor Cost
(Rs / month.) Now 10-12k 20-30k

Relative Unit Cost of Then 3-5 2-3

Electricity (Rs.) Now 6-8 6-8
Government regulations in China have made effluent
Effluent Treatment treatment mandatory which has substantially increased the
Cost manufacturing cost for Chinese firms and eradicated the
low cost advantage of the past

1. Ranges are approximate and as per management teams best estimates
2. Blended effluent treatment cost not quantifiable

Indias relative competitiveness has improved over the years

September- 2017 | 11
Business & Key Strengths

September- 2017 | 12
Competitive Strengths

7 1

Strong Profitability
Fully Integrated
And Financial
Business Offering
6 Product Portfolio

Promoters And
Strong Management Successful And
Team Consistent Track
Record Of Organic
And Inorganic
5 Growth

Well- equipped
laboratories, quality
maintenance and R&D 4 Strong Customer
capabilities Relationship
Located, Compliant
And Sustainable

September- 2017 | 13
Integrated Business Model [1/4] Manufacturing Value Chain
Key Raw End Use
Basic Chemicals Dye Intermediates Dyestuff Trion Chemicals
Materials Industry

P.N.C.B Para Nitro Aniline

Vinyl Sulphone + Derivatives Reactive Dyes Textiles
Beta Naphthol
H Acid
Sulphuric Acid

Sulphur Chloro Sulphonic Acid DASA Acid Dyes Leather

Water FC Acid
Oleum 65%
Oleum 23% Direct Dyes Paper
Aniline Gamma Acid

Caustic Soda K Acid

Sodium Bi Sulphate LABSA Detergent

Ice Meta Ureido Aniline

TCCA Water Treatment

Flexibility to use significant Basic Chemicals and Dye Intermediates in-house

Raw materials Bodal Chemicals Products End use industries CORPORATE PRESENTATION
| 14
September- 2017
Integrated Business Model [2/4] Manufacturing Value Chain

Examples of synergies that are being / could be exploited from multiples processes
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Integrated Business Model [3/4] Manufacturing Capacities
Contribution Annual Capacity Features


Basic Captive Power Plant and Steam generation

190,000 MT
Chemicals Centrally located, latest upgraded manufacturing facilities

Permission for treated effluent disposal of approximately 1

33,000 MT* million liters/day
61.4% Produces about 25 variants

Captive Ice Plant of 300 MTs/day
Dyestuff 27,000 MT Produces about 150 variants
Liquid Dyestuff capacity 10,000 MTPA

Notes: Contribution is % of FY2017 Revenues. All capacities are as estimated by end-Q2 FY2018
*It Includes 3,000 MTPA for SPS Processors and the Company also proposes to increase it to 9,000 MTPA by FY2018

Basic Chemicals, Dye Intermediates and Dyestuff capacity is 250,000 MTs/annum

September- 2017 | 16
Integrated Business Model [4/4] - Manufacturing Facilities
Basic Dye
Plant Location Dyestuff LABSA TCCA
Chemicals Intermediates
Unit I Ahmedabad P P P . .
Unit II Ahmedabad P P . . .
Unit III Ahmedabad . P . . .
Unit IV Ahmedabad . . P . .
Unit VII Vadodara P P P . .
Unit VIII Vadodara . P . . .
Unit IX Bharuch P . . . .
Unit X Vadodara . . . P .
SPS Processors Kosi . P . . .
Trion Chemicals Khambhat . . . . P
1. Unit V closed in FY2009, sold in FY2017
2. Unit VI closed in FY2009
3. Unit VII is one of Industrys leading integrated Plants in India; it produces substantial portion of Bodal production

Bodal has 10 manufacturing facilities with total capacity of 280,000 MTs/annum

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Environmental Facilities [1/2]
In-house Facilities at Bodal

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Multiple Effect Evaporator Plant (MEEP) Effluent Spray Dryer Plant (ESDP)

Treats low load waste water Treats high load waste water Treats high load waste water
beyond MEEP
Compliant with GPCB, CPCB norms Recovers salts - captively used/sold
Minimizes treatment cost
Capacity 500,000 liters/day Capacity 500,000 liters/day
Spray Dryers: 3x100,000 liters/day
Chemical oxidation Investment of Rs. 350 million
Incinerators : 3x125,000 liters/day
Flocculation Benefits:
Clarification Needs low steam, power
Bio-degradation by AIS * Re-use of condensed water
Tertiary Poly system Integrated Zero Discharge System
Online monitoring system
*AIS: Advent Integrated System, Advent Corporation, USA

Bodals focus on safety, health and environment is key to sustainable growth

September- 2017 | 18
Environmental Facilities [2/2]
Plant Location Zero Waste Effluent Common Effluent Multiple Effect Effluent Spray Solid Waste Treated Effluent
Discharge Site Treatment Plant Treatment Plant, Evaporator Dryer Plant Incinerator Discharge Access
(Solid+Liquid+Air) (ETP) (CETP, at GIDC) (MEEP) (ESDP) Plant VECL Canal Lit./Day

Unit I Ahmedabad . P P P P P .

Unit II Ahmedabad . P P . . . .

Unit III Ahmedabad . P P . . . .

Unit IV Ahmedabad . P P . . . .

Unit VII Vadodara . P . P P P 9,49,000

Unit VIII Vadodara . P . P P P 23,800

Unit IX Vadodara P P . . . . .

Unit X Vadodara P P . . . . .

SPS Processors Kosi P P . . . . .

Trion Chemicals Khambhat P P . . . . .

Note: VECL- Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited

Bodals Environmental Facilities Grid latest 4 sites are Zero Waste Discharge Sites
September- 2017 | 19
Strategies and Way Forward

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Growth Strategies [1/4]

Focus On High Value Business

Improving Integration Base for Speciality Chemicals

Grow Our Market Share In Existing Geographies And
Expand Operations To New Geographies

Continue to Focus on Technology Upgradation

Bodal well poised for next level of growth

September- 2017 | 21
Growth Strategies [2/4]
CAPEX in FY2017 was Rs. 482 million, in FY2016 was Rs. 251 million
Bodals emphasis is continually on
Embracing better technologies
New laboratory equipment
Expansion of production facilities
Betterment of ETP facilities

Proposed CAPEX plans of about Rs. 2,685 million

Dyes capacity expansion + Ice facilities + MEE facilities
Cogeneration Power Plant + Utility section upgrade
Thionyl Chloride Plant (forward-backward integration)
Vinyl Sulphone Plant at SPS Processors
Maintenance CAPEX

September- 2017 | 22
Growth Strategies [3/4] Key Growth Drivers [1/2]
Dyes Capacity Expansion plus Ice Plant and MEEP
Capacity expansion proposed. Bodal has strong presence in Acid base black. With the new capacity, Bodal will increase high value dyes
such as Acid brown, Acid red, Direct yellow, Direct red, Reactive blue, Reactive orange, Reactive printing dyes, and Red yellow

Cogeneration Power Plant + Utility section upgrade

Upgrade existing major Utility facilities at Unit VII. With a Cogeneration Power Plant, Bodal wishes to achieve substantial saving in energy
cost. Project will generate Power along with Steam. It will also enable uninterrupted production

Thionyl Chloride Plant (TC)

TC sits very interestingly between Sulphuric Acid and Vinyl Sulphone. Therefore, TC is a forward+backward integration project. Bodal will
build a TC Plant at Unit VII. SO3 from Sulphuric Acid Plant will be used to make TC. Then, TC will be used to make Vinyl Sulphone. Bodal
will benefit from scale, low inventory, quality supply and no transportation cost. Certain part of TC will be used in-house and balance TC will
be sold to pharma, agro and chemical industries in the vicinity. At present, there are only three major TC manufacturers

Vinyl Sulphone Plant at SPS Processors

New Vinyl Sulphone Plant. By producing both H Acid and Vinyl Sulphone, SPS will utilize effluents of the two Plants into each others
production respectively. This will generate additional revenue and reduce cost of managing effluents

September- 2017 | 23
Growth Strategies [4/4] Key Growth Drivers [2/2]
Liquid Dyes
Bodal has recently built liquid dyes capacity of 10,800 MTPA. These dyes are used by Paper industry, which orders in yearly

Trion Chemicals
Trion has recently set up TCCA capacity of 12,000 MTPA. There is significant demand for TCCA in US and other
international markets, and the domestic market

Inorganic growth
Bodal continually seeks to pursue both organic and inorganic growth opportunities. We continue to look at acquisition of
distressed assets that can be turned into productive manufacturing assets. Acquisitions could also be a means to improve
integration of our businesses, gain technology, grow market share in existing geographies or to expand operations into new

September- 2017 | 24

September- 2017 | 25
Global Revenues

South Korea
Others 31%


Thailand China
3% 12%
5% USA Turkey
6% 8%

Figures on the slide are Consolidated
Revenues for FY2017

FY2017 Revenues Rs.12,431 million with Exports to 151 customers from 41 countries
September- 2017 | 26
Financial Performance
Revenues EBITDA and EBITDA Margins PAT and PAT Margins

Revenue (Rs.million)
EBIDTA (Rs.million) EBITDA Margin (%) PAT (Rs.million) PAT Margin (%)
12,431 2,500 19.0% 10.3%
18.7% 1,400 10.5%
10,500 18.0% 1,200
9,219 2,000 18.5% 10.0%
17.6% 1,000 9.3%
1,500 18.0% 8.7%
1,000 17.5% 600
500 17.0%



200 8.0%
918 860 1,286
0 16.5% 0 7.5%
FY15 FY16 FY17
FY15 FY16 FY17 FY15 FY16 FY17
Leverage Position Interest Net Debt/EBITDA

Net Debt (Rs.million) Networth (Rs.million) Net D/E Interest (Rs.million) Net Debt/EBITDA
4,000 1.2 273 1.1
3,500 0.9
2,500 0.6 0.6
2,000 0.6 122
0.4 66






0 -
FY15 FY16 FY17 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY15 FY16 FY17

September- 2017 | 27
Board of Directors and Key Management Personnel

September- 2017 | 28
Board of Directors

Founded Bodal in 1989 as a young, first generation entrepreneur. Built Bodal Chemicals over nearly
Suresh J. Patel
three decades. Has played a number of senior roles over the years. As Chairman, continues to lead the
Chairman & Managing Director
senior management team to growth

Bhavin S. Patel 14 years with Bodal Chemicals. Heads the Dyestuff Division.
Executive Director He also leads the Liquid Dyestuff initiatives. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Science

Ankit S. Patel 10 years with Bodal Chemicals. Heads the Basic Chemicals Division.
Executive Director He also leads the LABSA initiative. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from USA

Surendra N. Shah About 3 decades of experience in industrial finance, legal matters, and project finance.
Independent Director Director since 2006. Practicing C.A., also has a Degree in Information Systems Audit

Bipin R. Patel About 3 decades of experience in the dyes and pigments industry.
Independent Director Director since 2007. He holds BA and LLB Degrees

Nalin Kumar Extensive experience in international financial services. Presently, CIO, SREI Alternate Investments.
Independent Director Independent Director since February, 2017. Mr. Kumar is BTech, IIT-Kharagpur, MBA, IIM-Calcutta

Neha Huddar Extensive experience in Finance & Accounts and CSR. Ex-Group CFO, Thirumalai Chemicals.
Independent Director Independent Director since May, 2017. Ms. Huddar is BCom, Mumbai University, and a C.A.

Bodals Board has rich and diversified experience in industry & governance
September- 2017 | 29
Key Management Personnel
Prasad H. Pujari 9 years with Bodal Chemicals. Heads Sulphur Products Division.
Head Sulphur Products Division He also heads expansion projects. He holds a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering, UDCT, Mumbai

Mayur B. Padhya 17 years with Bodal Chemicals. Heads Finance, Accounts, Internal Audit, Exports, Secretarial and
Chief Financial Officer Corporate Affairs. He is a Chartered Accountant and a Cost & Management Accountant

V. K. Shashidharan 8 years with Bodal Chemicals. Oversees process innovation, and efficiency initiatives in production &
Vice President - Technical maintenance. He holds a Bachelors degree in Metallurgy, NIT, Warangal

Bansibhai Patel 27 years with Bodal Chemicals. Oversees Units 1, 2, 3 and 4.

President Production & Technical He holds a Masters degree in Science

Rakeshbhai R. Patel 22 years with Bodal Chemicals. Oversees Units 7 and 8.

President Production & Technical He holds a Bachelors degree in Science

Ashutosh B. Bhatt 5 years with Bodal Chemicals.

Company Secretary and Compliance He holds a graduate degree in commerce from Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan

Committed senior management team long experience of growth & excellence

September- 2017 | 30

September- 2017
Customer Relationships

Our Domestic Customers Our International Customers

Hubei Color Root

Technology Company

Bansal Alkalies BASF

Archroma Huntsman

Unidye S.A. Colorantes Industriales

Maruti Dye Chem Stahl Farben

Long standing relationships with Domestic and International Customers

September- 2017 | 32
CSR Initiatives
Bodal seeks to be a responsible corporate citizen. It works through Trusts and YUVA a
renowned NGO

Bodals focus area is enhancement of rural infrastructure, promotion of education and

Providing funds for construction for drinking water pipelines
Providing contributions to various schools & universities such as CEPT University, Parul Institute of
Engineering & Technology, ARPI Science School, Gandhi Ashram Uttar Buniyadi Vidyalaya, etc.
Organizing regular health check-up camps
Contribution to construction of PVC pipeline works

Bodal also promotes sports, with contributions to

All Gujarat Sports Council of the Deaf
Promoting individual talent to represent the country in sporting events

Bodals CSR contribution was Rs. 21.5 million in FY2017

September- 2017 | 33
Environment Facilities Indias evolution & competitiveness
Little or No Growing Government Industry Complies Industry Grows;
Government Awareness About Implements with Regulations; Major Players Gain
Regulation Environmental Regulations Starts to Stabilize Market Share

1 2 3 4 5

Rapidly increasing Pressure to minimize Some businesses shut Large businesses Much of the supply is
industry sales impact on down; others suspend restore operations restored with bigger
environment operations with required players holding a
High and rising environmental majority of market
margins Government plans to Supply shock infrastructure share
implement regulations
Lack of awareness High investment to Sales start to increase Sales and exports
about environmental Sales and margins start setup environmental increase
impact to peak infrastructure for Margins - post effluent
compliance treatment cost - begin Margins stabilize
to improve
Margins impacted

Indian Dyestuff Industry is well placed for a long term sustainable growth
September- 2017 | 34
Consolidated Balance Sheet
For the year ended 31 March FY2016-17 FY2015-16* FY2014-15*
Rs. million Rs. million Rs. million
Shareholders Funds 3,592 2,345 1,814
Equity Share Capital 218 218 218
Preference Share Capital - - 250
Reserves & Surplus 3,374 2,127 1,346
Minority Interest 17 - -
Long-term Loans 78 6 862
Long-term borrowings 78 6 862
Current Liabilities
Short term borrowings 1,411 1,422 1,224
Other Current Liabilities 1,877 1,325 1,442
Total Liabilities 6,975 5,098 5,342
Non-current Assets 2,910 2,024 2,114
Fixed Assets 2,036 1,922 1,930
Investments 125 16 17
Other Non-Current Assets 749 86 167
Current Assets 4,065 3,074 3,228
Sundry Debtors 2,305 1,667 1,972
Inventory 1,308 898 779
Other Current Assets 452 509 477
Total Assets 6,975 5,098 5,342

* FY16 and FY15 financials were in lakhs and have been disclosed in million for ease of reference 11

Bodal seeks to maintain low leverage while investing in growth & profitability
September- 2017 | 35
Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
For the year ended 31 March FY2016-17 FY2015-16* FY2014-15*
Rs. million Rs. Million Rs. million
Revenues 12,431 9,218 10,500
Cost of Goods Consumed 7,973 5,706 6,579
Gross Profit 4,458 3,512 3,920
Personnel Expenses 429 368 453
Other Expenses 1,703 1,528 1,580
Total Expenses 10,105 7,601 8,612
EBITDA 2,326 1,617 1,888
Finance Cost 87 122 273
Depreciation 289 258 223
Exceptional Expenses/ (Income) (49) (68) 0
Profit Before Tax 1,999 1,304 1,392
Tax 712 445 474
Profit After Tax 1,286 859 918

EBITDA Margin (%) 18.7% 17.5% 18.0%

PAT Margin (%) 10.3% 9.3% 8.7% Note: There are regroupings done
between Personnel & Other expenses
* FY16 and FY15 financials were in lakhs and have been disclosed in million for ease of reference 11 FY15 for comparison purpose

Bodal has worked on expanding profitability along with Revenue growth

September- 2017 | 36
Q1 FY2018 (Standalone) Results
Q1 FY2018 Results: Key Financial Statistics (Standalone)
(Rs. million) Q1 YoY Growth (%)
FY2018 FY2017

Total Income
2,994.09 3,009.13 -0.50%
557.3 582.2 -4.28%
Net Profit
311.5 331.7 -6.09%
Earnings Per Share (EPS) (Rs.)
2.85 3.04 -6.25%
EBITDA Margin (%)
18.61% 19.35%
Net Profit Margin (%)
10.40% 11.02%

Notes: 1. Financials are Standalone, 2. Total Income & EBITDA include\ non-operating other income

Q1 FY2018 Results YoY

September- 2017 | 37
Thank you

Mayur B. Padhya
CFO, Bodal Chemicals Ltd.
+91 79 2583 5437
[email protected]
CIN : L24110GJ1986PLC009003

Plot No. 123-124, Phase - I, G.I.D.C.,

Vatva, Ahmedabad 382 445, Gujarat

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