Sample Resume

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Resume Summary
I am having 16 years of experience as Principal Designer in Control and A tomation Department! Exec ting grass root pro"ects from #EED$ Design$ Engineering$ Implementation of Instr ments % Control &ystems for 'il % (as$ Po)er$ )ith Prestigio s clients % EPC companies in India and A*road *y sing international standards li+e API$ I&A$ IEC$ ,&$ I&$ $ A&ME and &hell DEP! D ring a*ove periods$ I am having hand on experience in #EED and Detailed Designing )ith sing of #ield* s Control &ystems -#C&.$ Distri* ted Control &ystem -DC&.$ Instr ment Protective &ystem -IP&.$ /i*ration Monitoring &ystem -/M&.$ #ire and (as &ystem -#(&. and Electrical Interface *y sing I#,0MCC &ignals!

EDUCATION: Diploma in Electrical Engineering $ (ovt! Polytechnic College$ ,elga m$ India -1112.


,asic % Detail Engineering of control systems incl de follo)ing activities!

Des !" E"! "eer "!

Preparation of Instr ment Index )ith P%ID! Preparation of Instr ment 3ocation 3ayo t )ith the help of piping 3ayo t and Plot Plan! Preparation of detail ,loc+ Diagram )ith the help of Instr ment I0' 3ist Preparation of Instr ment Ca*le sched le )ith the help of Ca*le ,loc+ Diagram! Preparation of instr ment 4 nction ,ox 5ermination Details and Marshalling 5ermination Details! Preparation of Ca*le 5ray 6o ting 3ayo t and 5rench 6o ting 3ayo t )ith the help of Ca*le &ched le$ Preparation of #ire and (as 3ayo t$ Instr ment Air Distri* tion Dra)ing$ Instr ment installation hoo+7 p$ Preparation of M5' -Material 5a+e7'ff. from Electrical and Pne matic Hoo+7 p! Preparation of 6elay 8iring Diagram and I#, termination Detail )ith the help of I0' 3ist! 9pdating /endor information and pdating all the necessary information in the relevant design dra)ings!

E"! "eer "! S#$%&are:

PD&72D EE76ace)ay Modeling A toCAD :;1; Microstation /<!;1!;=!;2 IN5''3& -9nder 5raining.

Inter discipline co7ordination among the 3ead Engineers and Designer of all department for getting the necessary inp ts to complete the design delivera*les!

I&' 1;;17:;;;

EMPLOYMENT (ISTORY: W##) Gr#u* CCC L%)+ Oma" Des !" C#-#r) "a%e+ C#"%r#, Sys%emFile Name:213823030.doc Page 1 of 5


C, e"%: Pe%r#,eum )e.e,#*me"% #$ Oma" (PDO) /u"e 0122 %# % ,,)a%e
Pro"ect handled>

,ah"a integrity "o* for ,ah"a area -DD. &ahama ,ooster P mp -#eed % DD. 9P& &ystem 9p gradation &o th 'man -DD. & )aihat &pare ,ooster P mp -#eed % DD.

W#r,ey Pars#"s Oma" E"! "eer "! LLCPr "3 *,e Des !"er+ C#"%r#, Sys%em-

Clinet> Pe%r#,eum De.e,#*me"% #$ Oma" (PDO) - S(ELL Mar3450116 % ,, /u"e 0122

Pro"ect handled>

Marm l$ Al+aline & rfactant Polymer Pilot pro"ect -#EED. Nimr Polymer In"ection flood facility -#EED. 6eplacement of 2 cr de shipping p mps at ?aharir prod ction station -DD@ Commissioning. PAIP;;12<7& )aihat &pare D8D P mp Pro"ect -#EED @ DD. PAIP;;16:7(ariff 8ater #lood Pro"ect! -#EED. PAIP;;11=7HP Amine 6ecirc lation P mp at Al7Noor Prod ction &tation!- #EED @ DD. PAIP;;:6176a*a* &E7: 8ell Hoo+7 p % #lo) line!-#EED @ DD. PAIP;;2;A7& )aihat Control &tation 9p gradation Pro"ect -#EED.

D ties % 6esponsi*ility> Preparation of Instr ment &ignal Diagram$ Hoo+7 ps$ Instr ment 3ocation 3ayo t$ Instr ment 5rench 3ayo t$ Instr ment Ca*le 3ayo t$ Ca*le ,loc+ Diagram$ Ca*le sched le$ Interconnection Diagram for 4 nction ,ox$ Marshalling Ca*inet$ EB ipment Ca*inet etc! Preparation of #ield* s 4 nction ,ox 5ermination Detail and #ield* s 3oop diagram! Preparation and chec+ing of signal diagram$ Interconnection diagram etc! )ith P%ID!


Lea) Des !"er+ C#"%r#, Sys%emC, e"%: 7u&a % O , C#m*a"y(7OC) Pr#8e3%s+ O3% 0119 %# De350119
Pro"ect handled>

E#01;C1 D Cr de Export #acilities at North 5an+ #arm-N5#.$ &o th 5an+ #arm % MAA E#012A; D (C7:C 5elemetry for (as and condensate Net)or+s! E#01A:6 D (C7:C Capacity Expansion #or Compression and Medi m Cr de Processing! D ties % 6esponsi*ility>

Preparing the Design 3ayo t$ Ca*le sched le and Instr ment location layo t! (C-(athering Center. EB ipment 3ocation 3ayo t etc! Chec+ing of Instr ment index )ith P%ID
Page : of 5

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/erifying the Instr ment Installation and Hoo+ ps!

FLUOR DANIEL CONSULTANTS :-;- Ne%4er,a")s+ 7u&a %

Des !"er+ C#"%r#, Sys%ems7u&a % Na% #"a, Pe%r#,eum C#r*#ra% #" (7NPC Re$ "ery Pr#8e3%)+ Se*% 011< %# O3% 0119 Pro"ects handled> M'IP D ModerniEation of '*solete Instr mentation Pro"ect in MAA 6efinery Pro"ect 8or+ 'rder 7 1;; 6ich (as In"ection &ystem for 3P 3ean (as to C7;17;1A0, 8or+ 'rder D 6A #acilities for Moist re Control % DehaEing of gas oil in MA, 6efinery -#EED. 8or+ 'rder D 66 Ne) Ethane recovery Pro"ect at MAA D &H9 Modifications -#EED. 8or+ 'rder D ,erth 2102: 7 EB ate Modification at FNPC7&h ai*a oil pier *erth 2102:! 8or+ 'rder D =1 6evie) of large Critical Machines to pgrade #%( detection % #ire s ppression systems7 MAA refinery -#EED. 8or+ 'rder D 2A D ,erth 2A 5op side Demolition! D ties % 6esponsi*ility> Preparation of Instr ment Index! Preparation of Instr ment 3ocation 3ayo t! Preparation of #ire and (as Detection 3ayo t! Preparation of Hoo+ ps! Preparation of Ca*le &ched le! Preparation of instr ment Ca*le tray layo t! &ite s rvey and data collection Doc ment retrieval from the 6efinery archives! Preparation of Demolition and Modification dra)ings and doc ments! Disc ssion and clarification )ith 6efinery Pro"ects and Plant personnel!

Te=#) " M )),e Eas%+ A=u-D4a= + U-A-EDes !"er > I"s%rume"%a% #" N#. 011? %# Se*% 011<

Pro"ect Involved>
4 *ail port Expansion Pro"ect$ &a di Ara*ia! Ga+ m Development Company$ A* 7Dha*i$ 9!A!E D ties % 6esponsi*ility> Preparing 3oop Diagrams for vario s instr ments Preparing Installation &+etch for the detectors Preparing the Instr ment 3ayo t Preparing the Instr ment Index

C4em%e@ C#"su,% "! #$ I") a L m %e)+ :a"!a,#re

Des !"er+ C#"%r#, Sys%emsMay 2AA6 %# N#. 011? Pro"ect Involved > 'il and Nat ral gas corporation limited -'N(C. $ 9ran$ INDIA Indian 'il Corporation 3imited $ ( )ahati$ INDIA P % ( Polimeros$ MEHIC' HangEho Hiangsheng Co! 3td!$ CHINA
File Name:213823030.doc Page 2 of 5


Changold Company$ CHINA 8 liangye (ro p Company 3td!$ CHINA D ties % 6esponsi*ility> Extraction of instr ment tags from P%IDIs! Preparation of P%ID )ise instr ment list ! Preparation of Instr ment loop diagrams! Preparation of instr ment location$ tray layo t$ dra)ings from eB ipment dra)ings Preparation of ca*le sched le Preparation and drafting of DC& graphics in a to cad as per process flo) diagram and chec+ing the same )ith the P%IDIs Extraction of tray and fittings M5'$ ca*le length M5' Preparation of Instr ment installation dra)ings Drafting of *inary logic diagrams for DC& and P3C 'ther delivera*les0Dra)ings as per lead engineerIs reB est

Asea :r#&" L%)+ Pee"ya+ :a"!a,#reCa) Des !"er /u,y 2AAB %# May 2AA6 8or+ed as a Design0CAD Engineer for the Math ra 6efineries 6evamp Pro"ect$ % & lf r 6ecovery 9nits Preparation of 4 nction ,ox location dra)ing and ca*le sched le Preparation of &chematic dra)ings for MCC$ PCC! Preparation of (eneral Arrangement for DC& system % marshalling Panels$ MCC$ PCC$ A,, Master piece$ Master gate$ Master vie) panels % A,, Digital Drives! Preparing Ca*le ro ting dra)ings Preparation of master data *ase Preparation of loop schematics Preparation of )iring schemes

:4ara% (ea.y E,e3%r 3a,s L%)- (E)") Mys#re R#a)+ :a"!a,#re

A**re"% 3e Tra " "! N#. 2AA? %# /u,y 2AAB 8or+ed in &ystem 5esting Department! My involvement )as in the testing % tro *le shooting of control panels li+e 5hr ster Converter$ #&&&$ DCC % EA&5 etc! 5esting % 5ro *le &hooting of instr ment control panels! &tatic Excitation EB ipment! Electronic A tomation &team 5 r*ine! 5hr ster Converter! # rnace & pervisory &afeg ard &ystem! Distri* ted Digital Control &ystem! 8or+ed in testing and tro *le shooting of instr ment0 electrical control Panels! 9nderstanding of Instr mentation0 Electrical Concepts % &tandards! 8or+ed on A toCAD 7 61A$ 612

Pers#"a, De%a ,s:

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