Manual For Building The Rammed Earth Wall

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A project of Volqnteers inAsia, - . I CT II . _. . Manual -.for.Buil'dinu ,A Rammed Earth Wall .,, r by:'.Lydia*A .,:-and D&id J . Miller Pub1ishe.d by: -,Lydi'a A, and:I@X&J. Miller 2319'21st Avenue * Greeley, CO 80631 USA Paper-copies.are'.$ 5.00. '

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Available 'from: -' _ Lydia A.. and David J. Miller 2819 21st Avenue Greeley,..CO%O631 *uSA Reproduced by permission of the

Y. ' authors. %,



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8 David

J. Miller







~ ~i&&--~~980

by Lydia
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A. and.David-JimMiller
. e


All rights. reserved. No reoroduced or transmitted electronic or niechanicai, any . information storage % written permission of the

part. of this publication may be in any form or by any means, including photocopy, recording, or and retrieval system without the authors.






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David J. and Lydia A. Miller Post Office Box 1424 Greeley, Colorado 80632 _I -




We gratefully NEWS, Number house expertise who designed during built of 61, with J. the

acknowledge 1980, for

the magazine, the pictures walls.

THE MOTHER EARTH and story of our the

rammed Palmer f?ve

earth Boggs,

We acknowledge

Architect-Engineer-Designer, with rammed earth walls .


we built in

the years


1, TABLE OF CONTENTS" \ I FoRWARD~...........r..............................l INTRoD"dTION.......,...........:....................2 .

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HISTORY............................,...............3 RAMMED EARTH - Pise' de Terre............:...:...:4

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DESIGN. . . . . . a-.-.-;~.. . ;-;-;-I-:,-.'. _----~:';-; . .,.~,I-~;-.~~;r~,~I-~~. -USING-LOCAL MATERIALS:.:..........'...........:...4 __ --- -~ =i%-- ---RAMMED EARTH NOT EASILY ACCEPTED.........:;.......5 PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS......;.......:......:.......6 BUILDING CODES.......................-.......:....7 . SIT; SELECTi-QN..................,......,......::...8

. ,4'

, *

SOIL SAMPLE TESTS.......:.................. SOIL TESTING..........................-.

. . . . . . .8

STOCKPILING AND PREPARING THE SITE................12 MAKING A TES,T BLOCK...........:.-..................13 j STABILIZATION THEsTMPING OF SOIL.............................13 TOOL--RAMMERS.......:.................15 4



RAMMING PROCESS...................................16

THE FORMING PROCESS FOR RAMMED EARTH..............20 BUILDING THE SIDE PANELS.....-.....................20 ASSEMBLING OF FORM PANELS.........................~~ _ LEAP FROGGING--MOVING PANELS UP AS WALL RISES.....24 REFERENCES.......................................-26 i ,


FORWARD Living I,'in earth houses is extremely comfortable. They, are cool in' the summer and warm in the winter. Prior to the, days of air conditioning, adobe houses were preferred in the southwestern ",Unifed States because of their well-known quality of balancing the heat of the 'd&rywith the cool of the . nigh t.; the thicker the rammed earth wall; the greater its regulating value. he. Rammed ,earth houses have been the subject of numerous technical magazine articles, phlets by state and federal agencies, universities? b handbooks,. independent , pamphlets and many unpublished maAuscrip,ts.. We wish you to know that we not only built rammed earth houses, but we have lived in a rammed earth house since the spring.of 1945. The quality of living in a rammed earth house .must be experienced to be believed. : + , Earth has proved to be one .of the world's greatest building materials because it is: --durable and historically the longest used by man . --universally available ' ,--accessible to all who own or1 can buy,a lot or a building site --a solar-collector which stores heat. The heat is naturally transmitted to the inside of the home --a natural barrier to cold winds and forces of nature including, tornadoes, earthquakes, insects,, and rodents --not rationed --not monopolized by a;yone .This manual presents the rammed earth building method clearly as we can state it. It reflects our own experiefies-. We do not cover the technical which ~encountered. may he These consulting professionals. ' as


and engineering problems best are resolved by



.A & M University. of he came &it earliest kn our standar mud on poles wov found shelter t except his cawe. move around. He c cave was made of-earth.



most extreme 5


c conditions.



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was -'found a 'technical "available

if\learned by work dqne in 'laboratories men. It *now remains to make to the people.

this new knowledge, since World War II, by highly trained.. these new techniques

F 4

The Uni??& States of America has spent untold millions through its international agencies and the United Nations to teach'undeveloped nations how to build homes of earth. At the same time the bulletins printed are either unpublished or only by exhaustive *their exhausted and available supply search and by special duplication. \ . _ j * \\ c b _




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-Earth is the'pworld's mostrcommon building material. It 1 . is also one of the oldest; one of the most universal;.one of the most comfortable, and -one of-the most used and abused. The 1at.e George Borg, of Strasburg, France, said most of the _, 'world's people- live in earth homes.

' i

Extensive experiments'in the United States Universities. o'f Galif Prnia at Davis, Michigan at Ann Arbor, Texas A:& M. at College Station, Oklahoma at *Norman and South Dakota. State College at Brookings, have reached the conclusion that. rammed earth or adobe, properly built and planned, make high , . .- . _ quality homes. c .. 1.To these distinguished universities must be added-the -. University of Kansas, Clemson College, The Universities of Saskatchwan and Iowa and Massachussetts Institute 05~ . Technology. 'for studies and theses demonstfating the feasibility of rammed earth. b . The U. S. Department of the Army., Agricul&re Bureau of Standards, Housing %nd Urban Development thro'&gh'A.I.D.,, The Bureau. of. Public @ads, the. 8governments 0% England, Germany, France, Israel, 'Australia, New Zealand; Belgium, Poland, and the U. S. S. R.-have experimented with earth as a building material and recommend its use for housing. , has.. sponsored programs for earth 0 c ., constructions the world throughout are including the great wall of China. * -Sven Risov in his book, -Nordiske Ler Jords Huse, documented fifty rammed earth houses actually built in --Europe-from 1295 -to 1955: He includes photos of 60 homes of L rammed earth or cob 'in Denmark, France and England. Risbm als or summary of earth houses gives a history from 200. . . including Assyria, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Japan, d E Greece, Italy, Nort.h Africa, Cameroon, Guldsten, Spain, Portugal, France, Morocco, Great Britain, Ireland, Wales, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Russia, North I I a America and South.Amkrica. The United housing. _, Outstanding ,built of earth, Nations




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:, RAMMEDEARTH('(PI-SE! DE TERRE).. ._ an ,' E-- * / s ? 4 I The- following '.is * q&oted'from Endyclopedia'Brrtannica, .. i.968 rditi'on, volume 18, pages 1148, 1149: 6. I . _' I "RAMMED EART'I4 (Pise', De Terre) is a;building mateeial *esulting. f/ro*m the application of compaction of certain building used by earth the. forms of 'soils. Of rammed, civilizations iof. varying technical development, earth is the .most -durable.. After. World War ,I1 it .was technique for underdeveloped studied,',- as an economic Its 'use is limited to soi-1s with high/sand and,':, regions. being a usual proportion; low. clay contents, ' ~es.~.The mix, rious particle with ,the 's&d, graded to Y in molds by i"k ..compacted with about 10% w,dter added, _,' ,I"' ironheaded rammers 5 to 20 lb.." / 3 ': weighing (' J ' ., ' - ,, . . \ DESIGN ~ .' '7 s '1, .' , I : . I--> ,Architect-Engineer who ~designed the 3 3" and a discipleof Frank Lloyd, are built without basements, r)r hillside, are without a' All houses enjoy the/natural g single stair, step anywhere. with windows=toi,'the garden - look. All are solar orientated, and sun and face away from the stre'et. i Frank Llo$d Wright expresses accurately J. Palme.r$oggs' ideas for the rammed earlzh houses for the Millers,,quoting as c r


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! I G&sign and ch0ic~~i-l-d entirely upon the person who wants'to


t L Antimpendsbuidld with earth.





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The-use of local materials in an attempt to solve.'some of thkproblems, of housing for people is of major importance, although cost is not the primary emphasis. The higher the local materials used in these ratio of "non-manufact.ured" attempts, the more ,easily the economie,s of any community or broadly based programs for country .will, be able to support better hb^using and mqre adequate community facilities.
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Earth is nature's prqduce. 'Use of earth r r Rammed earth !,, Rammed earth Rammed earth

product. energy.


requires -. ,

no energy F .


saves is


intensive. enduring,' ,construction

is massive'and .. _ is, an accepted

- I material.

Comfort and Quiet:l* Rammed earth massive walls are excellent for. passive solar buildings, contrary to common belief, and are extremely comfortable. This is surprising\to many, and must be experienced to be believed. The comfort results from more balanced surroundings, particularly theradiant temperaturesyand humidity. c. Earth structures are. also very quiet 'due to mass, added insulation, and double glazing. .This lack of noisy and irksome :fbrnaces, compressors, fans, a?d d&ts helps contribute to peace of mind.

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Acceptance of rammed earthvs not simple,nor easy'. From J 35 years experience, we have felt the unspoken skepticism andopen criticism of engineers, lders and people generally. This, general skepticism is y described by Anthony F. Merrill in his book, The Rammed-Earth House, Harper & BroJzhers, N.Y. 1947 as follows: 11. ; "Int?odtiiing soil construction meets the opposztion of many ,coneractors, engineers, "and tra'desmen, 'who immediately reject anything new or unfamiliar. Some feel whether a new method of construction will give _' uncertain them'the same.prsfits and to others the customary method . *. of construction seems much easier. "Soil, as a material for construction is not simple. Its ap.plication is not yet -based on an exact.knowledge of all. its in spite properties of the fact- that in many Jcountries there are bui1ding.s of unstabilized soil, which .havq given* service for hundreds of years. This * _ indicates that satisfactory results can be obtained, that the soil use,d for construction is suitable -E.4r provided 'for the purpose, _that t@e work- is carried out in a ; correct manner, and that suitable.,, maintenance -is .k .assured."y . 1



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. Since the publishing of, Merrill's book much has been learned and written.. It is 'not possible in this manual to detail the progress made. Our objective is to pass on to you what we ourselves have learned so you can build the rammed earth walls.of your dream home.

,. ., 1

One reason'*for Fitzmaurice, et al "In the

PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ' resistance as follows: 7to rammed earth * is stated/by

.inspectionssmade by the author and members of adverse criticisms, were frequentlyexpressed by o-f stabilized soil houses. In very many cases these were' obviously since unjustified the houses were entirely -admirable ,and had no significant defects. It is 8 evident that there is a considerable prejudice on the part of ill-informed persons, and this needs to be eradicated if stabilized soil is to take its proper place as one of the methods of solving the'housing problem. We have -interrogated the' people concerned on -various occasions and we ar& forced to conclude%hat the oreiudice is irrational. We suspect _that in some cases i't '&as been building fostered,.. by contractors and ' people who are financially intqregted, in methods' of competitive construction. We think that this apparent prejudice is founded on the followings. 3. Earth walling is associated in the minds of the with the squalid., dilapidated,. unstabilized - A.\, people hovels which have been the normal form of housing in many parts ofthe world for generations past. % b I B. It has been noted that as soon a's a family attained a' higher level of prosperity, they immediately had builtfor them a house of brickwork or stone masonry. Some of the. earlier attempts at stabilization were not entirely Insufficient was ,known sat'sfactory: about were used.; the proce s; unsuitable soils control ,was lax. This. gave the, opponents of the aterial to work with and they were to take advantage of-it. -. If- stabilized soil isi o take the place it merits as one the methods of alleviating the world housing shortage it
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to remove this prejudice from the .minds of is necessary public and ,the author 'can see only two ways of doing this. The firstL and foremost is to ensure that stabilized soil is. first class. Get rid of cracked walls, peeling housing plasters and patches 'of eroding material only partially stabilized. It is the object of this manual to' show how-this c can be done.
l B a _


Having removed the techn%al objections' it r-emains to educate and inform the public that stabiliied'soil ?s in material and that their houses dill be -i'n no fac.t , a durable way inferior to conventional houses: Emphasi$ must be placed : and the wdrd "soil" can be kept in the "stabilization" Eickground. Perhap; some of the psychological difficulties could be removed.if a new.term could be coined. In,.France"the stabilized soil experiments after.the war were described as "beton de terre". This translates as "earth concrete" which might be shortened to, "earthcrete" or "soilcrete". Alcock refers to the psychological problem in his account of earth I technique in West Africa." Our comment' on Fitzmaurice's 'that stabilization per 'se does not answer The objective of the authors 'is t,o demonstrate that properly selected earth wil-1 build a/fine home, We have done it. Earth " homes must be presented on their intrinsic qualities. We -.-. agree that cement is *needed in the soil cement place'd on the reenforced concrete beam. fb undation $ BUILDING CODES

One Caution. In many areas, regula'tions local wfll influence what can be built,' where it can be built, and how , it. can b'e built. Building and zoning codes, permits, . .,licenses, and accepted practices vary widely from state to state' and locality to locality., To avoid wasted or illeg* .J ,effort, the the owner,'designer and builder,' \ should know 7 restrictions and,:qbligations during t.he planning'and design period. This should always be done BEFORE settling on a definite site for construction. Federal Housing Administration and Veterans kdmininstration- have refused to -approve rammed- ea'rth thrdughouf'theyears. The successful near project at Mount Olivet Gardendale,Alabama outsideBirmingham it-~ 1936 has been . i ignored. The authors visited these both homes,, vieie'd interior and exterior. We found the owners happy,. and found-. the houses in excellent condition in 1976. .. b I .,. 1 i ji 5-\ .f t * ,. j./ ...' ;' '17) .-, .i...' ,I _ .i I
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and Weld and Boulder 'Counties. in Colorado Greeley, Colorado have 'granted building code variances 'to permit all built prior to z rammed earth houses. The Miller houses, Colorado building codes of' the Weld County, the adoption and loan Savings the granting of the variances. enabled. companies and commercial banks have insurance associations, nd all made loans on the Miller built homes on their sale , , 2 resale. .I -. SITE SELECTION


\ .

house sho d provide for a rammed earth The site Possible ground water or seep ge problems adequate .drainage. digging Y as .deep as testing, will .be discove$ed by soil required and by asking former owners. .' Solar access must be substan & 'alaif the structure is to The builder must be careful include solar heating. a site not surrounded by natural obstructions, tree buildings that shut out the sun.* A standard city lot (50'~ 100') is not an ade for solar orientation. House size and style selections is lots may have large trees limited'fpr such a lot. Neighborin +youJ lot. ~ pr str,uc*tures__that would shad We were fortunat'e to acquire an acre of landthrwgh the inheritance of part of a'farm owned by' Lydia's parents. Our ,hpuse in Colorado was designed and oriented to the southeast determinesthe solar for opeimum solar benefitsiwde positioning.of a building. Above all make .the soil tests described in this to see that you have 70% sand and 30% clay and silt.


SOIL SAMPLE-TESTS and tools needed to make sample tests: . 1. A dirt auger to drill .holes in t-he ground is excellent. Post hole- diggers are also good, especially if you do not plan to go very deep. You can extend the augur type digger by adding lengths of pipe. . Equipment


.. .



2. Pick-axes, .shovel.



a steel



a long .- 41 .


3. A supply of cans or'plastic cartons large *enough to hold a % 'pound of a variety of soil samples. ' _ . : The depth to which .you are going to examine your oil will '. -k depend on how you are going to dig the soil for your house, later. If you are going to dig by-hand, you probably will not 'want to dig- more' than 3 to. 5 feet deep. If your.soil will be .dug'by machine, you wil1.w to examine the soil as deep as the mach;i,ne wi;ll dig, 10 or more feet deep. Plan where the sarth is to be the subsoil there. . First, dig out and toss' aside desert areas,, there will be little wet, tropic-al areas, the top Once you are through the top '-from different places on your Take the** soil samples by' throughout the ar'ea from which the is preferable to test -. each sample together. . *Test t!he sample soils separately for' the st,ockpile of? soil ready for
c ,

the organic or 'no topsoil be several

topsoil. In as such. In feet thick.

I auger' or other method earth1 is to be taken. It rather than' , to mix them ,in the'.same constr.uction. manner as


Send: one pound samples to 'your 'nearest Soil Testing . Laboratory for technical analytical tests to verify your "home wash pan" t st if you .have any {doubts. Professional help is always enco % raged by us. f '-5. Mother Earth asked us':'to lead -a work shop on rammed earth this coming .summer, 1980. In preparation for -the work shops, we visited,Mother Earth's EC0 Village to personally examine the site. We tested the >oil by hand and shovel-and .the.-~.wa-s~h~ pan test in the motel room (roughly).. We found the 70% sand aggregate and----30% silt and clay similar to our own tests in Greeley. We also built a test wall that is now \ weathering in EC0 Village, Hendersonville, N.C. Weso*r=ughL samples -rromCCVillage to Colorado and had the sample-s tested at the Soil Testing Labpratory at Cqlorado-Skate University at Fort'Coll&ns. The tests cost $30 for each sample. The test verified our minimum-.70% sand aggregate and gravel, 30% clay, which we had made by the wash pan test at EGO.Village. 1 0 d . I
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'I'h e Laboratory Scientist, Professor P.N. Soltanpour, ;jsked for samples of the soils used by us in Gree IeY, for our rammed earth construction. He compared the Greeley, soils with ! EC0 \i 1 Lage soi Is. soils states \;all. Scientifically, the Grecley soils and the EC0 Village are very different in composition. Professor Soltanpour that both soils will make an excellent rammed earth


TESTING but a home washpan soil is suitable for verification. be an the ,

Soils can be tested in laboratories, test can accurately determine if the ramming. If in doubt, ask for laboratory

The wa'shpan method of testing soils has proved to tccurate measure for us. You may rely on it for testing soil for your building project. -

Mix the subsoil thoroughly. Fill three one-pound coffee cans of mixed soil from different places on the site and in the stockpile and put each into a separate flat pan. Mark these pans 1, 2, and 3. Dry the earth for about four hours in a household oven until thoroughly dry. Remove sample 1 from the oven; weigh it carefully and write down the weight. Put the soil in a pan at least six inches deep and five inches in diameter (a 2 lb. coffee can will do). Put the pan underneath the faucet in a sink and let a small stream of water run slowly into the pan. Stir the dried aggregate slowly. The object is to dissolve all clay and let it run over the lip of the pan. The muddy water along with all humus, bits of foreign matter and non-sand materials will flow out with the water over the lip. When the water is clear, pour the water carefully out of the pan. What is left is the sand r sidue, the sand residue in the oven. Dry the residue weight against the original down the findings for sample 1. Repeat remaining two samples. Here is an example of wh'at : the /5X sand, data sand it is optimum. If sand Weigh it-and camp te dry weight. i-i Wr te the process foy,the might be

18 ounces 24 ounces is If 50%,

sand residue dr,ied aggregate is 70-80% fair.

the aggregate it is poor to

_ ----5-..~ ---

..___ _______. -_ ~------.-------7. --.

;;r . D -~.~._- --

I, -._1

- .

Average the. percentages of the three samples. If the of the three average samples is 60-80%, you have optimum F aggregate. If the averageis 50%, it is poor to fair In the latter situation,' you can add river run aggregate.gravel or, a comparable material such as roadbase, to bring the sand content,,up to at least 60-70%. In our work, we .brought.the sand up to 75%. r/ . .. * )> T. TESTING FOR'MOISTURE CdNTENT
, . i


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Excessive surface cracks _

moisture prevents on drying.



and 5 causes ,' /'

The proportion of moisture in the soil is important to rammed~earth. The earth should feel, damp when picked up by ._ ,,hand: Water determines the .s.esistanceof soil -" to -' the moisture, its pIasticit'y and the.ease-'with which "it .can be0 * .. used for ramming. P ,',L _ '-__ -... _ 'Take a handful of the' earth and squeeze -Iit in your hand'to form a ball. If the soil make a firm~bal& it is too dr-y f add, water to the soil until it will bind. Drop.the 1 ball- to a-firm surface from shoulder height. .If it shatters'.:'
__-__- ca--smaLl+ e-*--&he--m&-s-P;u-re+1~ i t *ati*gpt or y . l?-ly -

I 5 _3

too wet i&--does not shatter. Repetition you the ,,'l_f.e-el" of the correct moisture.

of the test


..,---On'ce the/moisture level is right (feels damp) cover the -soil heap wdth a plastic sheet. Us-e -the *hand ")feel" test _,"__-" several times .daily to make certain the.moisture percentage . A..' *remains 'at a' good l,evel$ Ten percent is the optimum moisture r " , . level. .I/ * . . . rect moisture level is one of.the main factors in . I rammed earth c-onstruction. -Too much -water make&' ' the soil sticky .and hard to ram. ,Too/,little wate,r limits the ~ .-' :,' /' ?, cohesion the soil;, I i /' '. .. The 'aggregate, should, be 'kept dry from rain, yet- kept moist;< A'heavy rain will moisten the soil too much end time will be wasted waiting for the soil to dry. : ;' ~ .. i .Anthony Merrill, in his book THE RAMMED-EARTH-HOUSEiJl. recommends -that the. builder keep the stockpile ,' moist. 3Ie \ I .' suggests if the Pile is not cover.ed,' th.e top 'of the pile 2 .~ I -- should be wetted with a garden hose,in .th'e.evening, to give a good mix in the morning. Wet soil will have greater shrinkage. a - and the walls wil-1 crack. ,,.. _ '1. : ,I * I -' J '.

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Surface.c,racks wirll not 'a.ffect the d'urabilityt.*of t.he Dry soil will appear to ram solid wall and ignored. but the particles of soil .,will not .bind properly. With a little experience, the person tamping.. wil? learn to add a a garden -little moisture spray'from a hose, sprayer or a builder quickly learns the "right sawed off broom. Also ,,the -feel" of the moisture.and texture of the soils used. -S-TO&PILING .?t : It was our experience ,that it 'was more ef,ficient to -build the stockpile at the time the.,site was leveled for . We engaged an earth mo,ving contractor who '$t i construction. one time used a,b_ulldozer and at one time used a carry-alf. The top soil was stockpiledfor use for theelawn and garden; The subsoil/was stockpiled. We..had rqcks up to several inches in diameter so it-was necessary that.the soil be'screened. On the'first house, we screened the soil by hand. The,,screen was made from a potato sorter with a 1" mesh. We used whatever went through the screen and stockpiled.the rock for rockfill underneath the concrete floor., Th.e screen was mounted at approximately a~ 60' angle on 2 x 6s. We actually used&.thescreen for all of the-houses except the Ruyle addition. . .At -the time we built the house in which we live, we had . . We' borrowed a front lift loader'. and a Ferguson- tractor. actually scree.ned the soil by dumping the earth on the screen from the -front lift loader. The rock that did,"not go through ., ' ,&the screen rolled to.fhe bottom and formed its own stockpile .and the screened earth also formed a stockpile. We teste-d the moisture of the>soil,,,by, hand '&St.-and if the soil was t_o dry; we added water withs hose as e. the stockpile was built. # // I _, (' -4 .. On the test wal$s that we built, in.1979, roto-tiller' did a better.jbb in.mixing the soil get the dry/earth mixediwith the moist-earth than a pug-mill- or concrete mixer. On the,.workshop had soil,that-was quite. dry and was lumpy. We 'actually put together 'a makeshift of +s.creen out of a double? thickness chicken wire to screenout the lumps. The first day we had to break up what lumps were -left with a shdve%,',or.~by hand. The. .L 4 second day we- had avmble a roto-till'er which did ,a very, ; : 8 .>,'.-.0 , fine Qob. ... . AND PREPARING.THF SITE : ..,


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I &I-t is important to point out that the 'stockpile'for-the * the wall, earth that goes .into 'whether it is to include be mixed cement or not, _ should in advance to -permit .any r moisture that is added to distribute itself, evenly throughout Later on in this manual we will 'repeat the 1 the ,aggregate. statement that if. during actual,ramming operations, the earth . , 'C.. .turns out to be too dry then water can be added. with a sprinkling can, a bucket -and 'a sawed off. broom, a spray- out ; of a hose or a garden sprayer filled with water. The latter is somewhat safer, since it-gives a,greater "control of the. amount' of moisture applied. I. ... : t If only a small amount of soil'cement is $0 be used, 'i-t ' might be that this can .be done by m'ixing it in the whe.elbarrow and just turning the earth and the cement &ith a shovel. Our experience indicates t&at if you have the time to .. , .i~plan it, mixing with a ro-to-tiller ! is d'e'sircble. ,44F *. 1 '. b & w .I MAKING A TEST BLOCK '. .* 5 .. < ia I \ Before beginning to ram the dctual,.wall, the s-oil.m&y be. ";: further tested by making-a test block. A simple forrn'~an:be'~;. .made by nailing 2 x 6-inch lumber'.to. make a block6Lin. x 8-in. x *16-in. The form must be boited together,.nails will' not hold. Lay .the form on 7a flat .surface and tdmp.'the soi$ into place.*4LRemove the ,form and let &he block dry. When dried, the blo,ck sh6uld not crumble, or show excessive cracks."" If the' block. test is satisfactory, the soil w:ill. surely be suitable and you may begin to build a wall. * . (7 . , . i .' ._ . I * I .STABILIZING _: g ."*. .' .. c THg SOIL i. ;' i^ ~. '.' A ._ ., i 1 We- have. built two soil cement".walls: Mixing of the properly selected aggregate is important. Mixture,in one wall was simply by the shovel and screening,methoh. One was mixed / in a: low speed pugmill, in part bya concrete mixerby a rototiller.'Observations ;indidated the d - and in part plaster puginill -worked better than ,the concrete mixer even + though it seemed to be less efficient from the point of t-he hand' labor involved. A-rototiller worked better thanei:her the pugmillr or the -concrete mixer. Here again .the time spent on the job:.depends.upon"the supervisor, the amount of hand 4 4' labor available and' the motivation of .the worker If -the owner himself is the forem;;, he wily see to. it that--the'-w.ork . -progresses. \-, , '-,, ; "., .j. .' .P c . -. \ , ' * (13) ,_ .I":, .".L ( i;,/ 0 i .--y ' 8 2' ,I /' , I .-F:. /;,-'I ._ .-',( g .* ! A. +_ . ._I .. * .', -_ I! ; 1' . _ : \_ \ -l

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., The percentage of ikement ,to be 'addeddepends upon' t;he, : :_ The higher the sand'confent, the' better,the wall. aggregate. Seventy per cent of sand, .as determined by the wash pan 'test that needs, go~.soil* .gives an aggregate cement except for, I, .foundation. High sand content plus good compaction produces, a ,.-g? wall. It is also true that whethercompaction is high quality *. operated by an air compressor, with a-backfill a low ,_ pressure 15,poun per square inch electric tampe\r, ,or by 1 -. hand, the-quality of the wall depends upon"high s nd. content "i, ; . and proper cbmpaction, * c : I The authors, know stabilization is needed in: ' rammed ea_rth if the'soil aggregate hasf'a minimum 70% sand and .0 30% clay (Sticky when'weta but hard when dry):.: 4 The-advocates-of stablilization, whether it is needed or *' . not, hav. not, by adding cement, overcome the resistance to 0 rammed earth as a build+'ng'material. d 4? I . . -. 14 *,- I .Professors R.L. Patty .,in AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER; Septe'mbe-r, ' .B - 1942, Vo'l. 23-j 9, states the:following: '.: i *t / "At least 80 pe-r cent of all soil:types, "as they'will be : found on farms over the United States, will+ be satisfactory -. for use-in rammed earth walls.* Two-thirds of these, could be used as they are ?lug up providing the outside.surface of the wall is to be protected, with-!stuc'co,or plaster. The-other one-third will need at least a small. amount of sand added, althpugh they are--to be plastered. A rec;mmended admixture of sand will make a- high percentage of these walls,good enough ~ >Jzo stand,indefinitely as bare wall. .T . .l L "Fbr farm. building ,no zadmixtures other than sand are: " necessary: The sand will make, a high quality .soil and the*. w.all may be left standing for a y&ar or two. If it begins to- . . .I* sr r:oughen tbo much, it will ju-st be right for stuccoing.. , "Cinders can be substituted for sand as an admixture to. a low quality soil, Cinders reduce shrinkage and cra.cking ,of ', ,the walP in the same way as sand, and reduce the strength,ih the sam,+z.proportion. They canarbe 'used up to, one%measure of'., I *'one of soil,if the wall is to be plastered.", ---. -_ < j
,.. i NO.

* \. . - --*w/ -.~



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' From looking at.many 'drawings and. fr-omactual experienhe we recommend--the weight ofthe handle and .head to be between '*f.; ,8! and-15 @unds. The tampers 'are constructed .of - I 1 :iron pipe fo?-thee-handles arid steel for the heads. I,.:vairy' in, size (s-eedrawing) IL It is corrue-n-i-ent-to--lhav~-v~ry--I: .. _-.__------"head sizes , --L depending on t%e size of the,,structure, shown in <he--drawing have_;.protien and' need. The three-sizes 7 . s'atisfac6ory. 1 '. . T;;i; *, The weight of hand tampers is yery important. tampe , the faster . heavier-.the can be rammed. So use the heaviest tamper your workmen can handle all day long without tiring or 4overtiring. Short work,men cannot lift hand t.ampe%s weighing-more than 15-18-pounds for veqy long 'without tiring. Experience 'has proven for ,the Millers that hand tampers weighing 8 to 15 pounds are a good average-,&or mo;t laborers. . (Ii ' & .A j ., * It is generally:.,assumed that .t"ne workers forms to do the ramming, though as a matier of them p+efef to stand: up on.. the edges of the case, the handle will have to be lpng worker 'to ;g,et- ,the tamp down into the to--op$rate' comfortably working,, inside. the form at. / the form. w _I -, 1 '. The weight of the rammer will be somewhere around 8 to 15 pounds, depending upon whether ,the person using it is by ,' nature a lifter-upper or a pusher-d,owner. If he is going -to -push down on the tamp he won'#need as much weight as he will ..if he is. just- goin to lift it up and let it fall-with its weight. own Bo f-h systems _ work well. especially interchangeably.

.-.. _

D -.

Tamping will go faster if you do not need. to tamp -around ,' _ The form is designed so that the two bottom bolts -the bolts. will .hold the form. together for tamping. This is the. only time that you need to tamp,.around,the bolts. All other.bolts and spacers are placed in,the wall as the tamped earth is I within one or,two inches of the hole. When you -get to the bpttomofthe n&t hole in the form, then stop and slip in the. spacer and- the<<'tie bolt on uprights B and C attach' the washer and tighten.;he nut . When the earth reaches within an inch or:two of-the top holes- in]Panels 3 and 4 you' are ready : for leap, frogging, described later.

1 :

I I /



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u QI Po Ll LD d dul - , ( 2 p+,, wp%l CL 3+.:


RAMMING PROCESS The proper amount of loose soil to' be put on in one layer or lift inside the rammed earth form is four inches. Layers which are placed too thick will be loose at the bottom and will cause probkems. The man working in the form spreads the earth evenly. The earth .in the corners and sides of the form should be evenly tamped first, and then the rest of thee surface evenly is tamped. A good'rammed earth wall needs to be well tamped. Ramming should be done on each layer untiol. the noise from the tamping tool changes from a dull thud to a clear, ringing sound. The strokes of the rammer will press-l.thc earth in all directions and compact all of -the earth in the form if tamped evenly. The worker should tamp from one end ,of the form to the other end. Then follow the same pat,tern aboust three times, or more, until the rammed earth rings. Pa Most 'rammed hearth tampers are the hand type, but if you want to tamp the soil fasteg, .@wo back fill tampers from- an air will compressor speed 'up the This is -job. expensive .I equipment. One man using an air tamper can tamp the amount of soil in one-half to one-third the time that he could using a hand tamper. Many types of air tampers are available. Get a light does not weigh more than 25-30 pounds. one that It should be a long stroke machine of mod&-$te feed that delivers sharp blows. A 4 x 6 inch tamping face can be used with' this type of machine. Do not use a jack i hammer. Be sure that the corners of the tampers are rounded. Grind off the corners & to % inch. *: .. A constant air pressure of approximately 70 pounds square inch is necessary. An air compressor with a free deLivery of 24 to 39 cubic .feet per minute will operate We used two back fill tampers from a 105 lb. tamper. run by a gasoline engine. compressor per air one air


The tamping should be rapid, equable, and should not be in unison; that is, the if more than one man is in the form, men must not keep time striking the earth. Heavy blows must be avoided. Heavy strokes are apt to crumble the earth rather than compact it into a hard mass.


. 1 .






ie sure that no fresh or new loose earth is put into the4 form until the previous layer is well tamped. Layer after layer is placed into the form and tamped until the tamper hitting the earth rings. *Check the moisture content often ou ram the wall.. whq$ Y ( _ When a delay occurs, as a bre k for lunch or over night, the layer must be moistened. You hh ay use a sawed off broom and a bucket of w ter, a garden spray or a hose with.a spray. nozzle. . ~~~-.~-. .-- -~--..- L The moisture of the earth should be"checked often-while ramming, both in e stockpile and as it-is put in the wall. ., i spots *discovered sti uldtiammed some more. Any soft -~ ~_ -~ --Impdrtant places to then are directly against the form, in the corners and a-i-ound the beveled strips of the endgates. We do not recommend the types, 16-18 and 20-30 pounds. -*After the bottom form is filled to the bottom of the top hole, place the sec~ond panels by lifting form 3 on top of form'1 on ne side and form 4 on-top of form 2 on the other side. This orms the second lift. the washers and space&, .slip in the .tie the acme nuts on uprights. Before any earth second-lift, the earth should be slightly the fresh earth will adhere to the earth the first lift of the form. Continue, adding the earth until the walls are raised to the . * i .~ ..- -.While -bui-ldingwa+lls; -provide -openings --at---the--proper ocations for telephone cable, door, @l*.?windows, plugs, i anchors, electrical. auflets and gas and water lines. Avoid. , the need cut. out for an electrical conduit, box or a.hole for a pipe after th?! earth wall is finished. You can cut a hole for conduit, boxes, or pipes so long as the earth is sti,ll "green'2 (not thoroughly dry). The drilling is difficult , because (.pise') rammed. earth becomes almost as solid as mncrete. -, _FOUNDATION should .



J ,put in bolt, and spin on is put into the moistened so that already tamped in lifts and tamping desired height.


the foundation immense the asphaltum to \

be in two parts. The first sS~ulX ~~a basement beam. In a house without that the bottom of the trench excavated for you pour a concrete beam,' which is to hold up be treated with weight of ,the earth wall, harden the soil. It should be engineered by a (171

c _ *
9 c

__-__.. -__.___.________._ -- . ..__-___..-

engineer to construction the proper width and. depth, and height of the ,wall. depending on the width A vapor (moisture) barrier should be placed .on top of the concrete ,or tar, are good vapor,. barriers. In our own / beam. Plastic was all concrete. home s theOfoundation

.. ! I


The second part of the foundation could be soil cement. ./The top of the soil cement part of.the foundation should be built on the concrete beam up to a point 12 inche.s above the e soil cement should again be ground level. The top of sealed with a vapor the rammed earth wall is x started. The vapor barrier ill prevent capillary at-traction of moisture into the of the rammed earth wall. lne reason ror WthFEundatlon extending 12 inches above the -Tl ground level is o"r washing against the the rammed earth' /--xx' Iffthe earth foundation were started at the ground level, the wall could *be damaged as the rain from.the roof drops on-the lawn or the patio and splashes against the earth 1 wall. 4 If the concrete beam is used in the virgin soil it should'be % again as wide. as the thickness of the wall. The' forms could then be placed directly upon the concrete beam I after the moisture barrier is installed.
( A




-- ---

The following drawing is from J. Palker 'Boggg*blueprint of in which we live. The three changes tie recomm'end a-re a vapor barrier, 2 inches of insulation on the outside of the foundation down two feet below ground level and the foundation run 12 inchks above ground level before ramming the earth, nr



0f +errace 5)ope 3 -?

Finish %

Concr& Welded

Slab b-./ire Fabrlc



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Slope Cor a+ min.



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- Place





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Exterior SLalC. 3/4


,-_ &. .. * . .. i

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--a 2

. We-have briefly traced the history o-f the experiments apd studies conducted over the years on rammed earth fogis and decribed the research done and results. We want to pass on to you our" experience so that you may make your own choice as to which form you will build or rent. Concrete forms can be rented and *used We have- used hand tampers and b'ackfill tampers-operated off of an air compressor and found either to _, be satisfactory. * r-4'. '_ . ., ",' SC---, The following zre -requirements *for. a successful fo f m: It must .be strong; it must not bend; it should be l&ght enough for one person to lift-, or not heavier than a man and his wife could lift. The form suggested is a minimum' size form for multilpurpose use. We would rather have the form a bit too strong than too light.rWhatever type of soil you use and-whatever type ol$-forrnU you use, ~'you will be surprised .that almost anything will-work with a 'little care, common sense and judgment. . . 1 0 The forms should be interchangeable, side for side and top to bottom, .which means that you would have to cut a pattern or a j,ig to place the ho.les accurately. When drilling the holes the forms 'are to be laid with tempered masonite facing each' other and--3/4" holes drilled through both forms at-once. Number the outside of the facing, pairs 1, nI 2 and 3, . "' 4. -,,,, ,,,,, ,,,. * " .I... .-.. We developed a corner- form 8' high that could. also be used a-S side panels- by drilling the holes on the same horizontal--s-pacing a-& panels. Placed opposite each other, the come? panels twill serve as side panels. As a corner, it --is' Zused. vertically. All panels are interchangeable, ? ,therefore, standardiied. B Each of us has different abilities, each of us has available different. supplies and materials. The purpose of ea ih~i1~yoUb~d~ wall de form Is io-hol-c-the If you intend to (stucco it5 t 1 en small bulges or even laiger 'ones make no' great diffe/rence. Neither do the joints nor I your objective rough $pots. is to have a smooth wall that ed to weather can be permit for a year or two while you decide what el i e you want to do with it, t 15 optimum appearance. .Our form is des,&gned to


\ ' s I




' ..,. .,


An alternative plan is to have eight ..four, would be particularly helpful organized .to help build all each other' consecut%velv J on h;lsis. ~ a mass --- -nrnd~~rtinn r-------I" I-I-L 9

t 7 ..'..G

.,' >


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The Boggs form& though they were quite heavy had two advantages. One was the wall great height forming which protected the wall until the entire form was -removed. The second was that the.end gates were the height of. the wall and assisted in the alignment both horizontally and vertically. 'ii 3 .1 BUILDING THE SIDE PANELS



To make enough panels so that the bottom panel can be leap frogged (that is panel 1 put over panel 3 in order to fill lift 4) it takes two 4' x 8" x 3/4"s plywood as well as two k" x 4' x. 8's tempered masonite. The lumber yard will -ordinarily, cut 4' x-,&L in two for you to make four 2' x' 8' panels. Y&u will also need four quarts of contact glue to bond the tempered

1 . :'

.through .through

and from


t glue should be placed ,the rough side of Contact,glue bonds . so you need three pieces of scrap o lay on the 2" x 4' plywood so-- thaws.,.,..,.,, masonite iri place_- above t$e ,,/-" one to square-each: end.'0 ' scrap lumber to .hrop,,t 27 5 the plywood with the corners e@ctl?y 1 the middle piece of scrap to/l'et the and finally the opposite end 2s the last scrap. Ee"$areful '$0 th the plywoop'before making ./' x 4s to-the plywood, and before side of the nqywoncl; yn11 TIPPET to mark the 2 x 4 with the spot tiher'e the 3/4" hole will be ~~'2 .-I drilled.' * 1 Mark the true end and the top edge of each piece. of plywood and each 2 x 4 with a red marking pencil. These will be the edges from which all.measurements will be made. ' * . --..-. ,/ Start with 'fhe.piece of plywood that has the str$<ghtest edges, usually the'mill cut edge. Lay it down flat; Mark the' truest edge red. Do the same with all the 2 x 4 plywo'&d panels. Place the one 2 x 4 on the top red marked,,edge of\ each of the two' panels or of the four panels if--'you have' _* r'oom. _.. /


/ ,/. __I_ i ,/ ,_I A .

, --* : /

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_, 1,

irst panel after we had drilled-the d t-iY'me pwtting,in the 3/4',' x l$" x k';" on the width of the wall. to get t,hem in place They got 10,sf and we foufid .it'difficult i when we, Lea"p frogged form No. .1 over form No. 3. .. 1" _, We decided to.,/&ill a hoi: in the tempered masonite 1%" '_ holds for t-he t,ie bolts. wide and 118'2 de,& before we drilled .Thg drilling of 1/8'lY.deep 5 1%" wide on masonite side is the glue the elusive .1/S" washer. in assembling, space needed/to ,'tha form. We used quick dry contact adhesive for this. We* also/drove three wide head nails on' the edge of the -(r washer,' -~. , . needs four washers ,fo~r the -over .a11 process. One bolt I:. j-ben--oTky-- tcJoTcs"neTs -~~' ~~ ued-~Zrt p&ace .zY~--~~;~-- -hel@T ." ,/remain loose for assembling. By standing panel No. 1 with the ,/ red edge up, we.Bf~o-un'd.,it e .sy to mark the edge with a pencil 4 marked. to match the masonite side 4.0 the 2 x 4 side,already and square and the chalk line, we marked Then, with a pencil the center of the holes onthe-masonite side. We started each hole by- ~~drilli-ng--a~~J --S..S. hole,-entirely through the panel. -~ .After we drilled qe 1%" x l/8" inset-for the washer, we also __ _ drilled the 2 x 4 ,side an inch deep with a 3/4" drill 'to avoid..the splinteringFinally, we turned the panel over and theId m-3/4" holes .",,'1""~~,,'I,'.,'r,r..Ir.r .d. .drilled r.II .u>l,Il.LI.II~L,." d.1411d11",, .,lIO IO .,c Id.,, A.t .a .1. I.,through 1,, ./, .,.,.,. i ..panel 'Ijp.. 1 from.,s.on,it.e, . ,_, .side. . We built panels Number 2, 3 and 4 the .same way. i 7-~~ ~~-~-. h> / ,' Tie IYfolts: The tie bait is a '5/8" bolt de" of cold rolled steel. It is 40 inches long with 10 inches of acme thread on e'ach end. Acme nuts must be used with the bolts. The 40-inch Length of the bolt adjusts to the>_pat-in-gs -of--a -12-~inc'n,~, 14 .~ Tncm7iEh or 18-&h wall. I I The innsile strength ofthe!-';ln~-bolf--rs 3-5333-pounds. ..-. . ._ __ __.___,.., \The tie bolts and nuts were built at a machine shop (special "order),. The builder should ignore trade names when purchasing the acme bolt.' The acme thread is a wide thread and holds the ' bolt .more securely.i The acme thread is commonly called a "worm gear" There are eight threads per inch. The acme automobile steering gears. thread.7 used in !< Of course all thread bolts and nuts can be purchgsed in stores. These are not !as durable' as the acme cold rolled steel, but better than ,standared all thread bolts which have finer threads. These strip easily and n,eed replacements. The acme threaded .boTt .i's durable and will la,st afor a s,longer period of time. r .:.. (21) Y_ ,' ' 1*



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: , ,.

. .. _ . II

To keep *the earth from coming ',ut.'of the forms at use a piece call an "endgate." Endg'ates,alsr,'serve as spacer blocks at the ends of the forms: so,.they sho,uld be as wide as the-walls and a means of ho.ldfngthe walls plumb. In most cases e-ndgates @ill be:u<ed?ightS7at the end.of the forms, but tvey;li should be made so they tiill,fit at any place inside the forms in case you have to ram 'short wall se%tions. Try to space endgates so .they twill be at,'least 8 inches- fromthe nearest If you do not leave enough room;"it k-i.11 be difficult 'to/r%m*the soil corr'e,ctly.' I t ,g,' * I I nr: '.a . Always nail a beveled'piece of' wood on the, endgate so that it faces the inside wall. When the e&-th is rammed in the forms, the beveled piece will* form a -groove in the end of the wall. When the next sectioh of wall,is rammed .the groove will be filled with earth to form a so'lid join; that bonds the sections,together. *
/ . ,

.--~ ..'

-> .


a r. r


barrier bver? foundation before 'setting _- _ .Vertical rows'of bolts are referred fib as Ai, B, C'and D : from right on the drawing page.


step in'assembly is to' place pane< I *opposite 1. First panel 2 with masotiite of both panels facing-in. Slip%ebolt through top ho1e.s rows B and C without spacer to simply hold c form together loosely. *;' 2, Next, *place the left endgate.. One cperson holds e,ndgate upright tihile pthe other- -slips on the- ~&ee -t-&ebolts-A. Repeat- for the opposite en~-;~-Row-~ _----t ie bottom holes rows A, B, C, and D - ~~-. 3. Pm without spacers. D 4. Place the tie bolts, washers and spacers through the middle holes o.n* rows B and C. .

5. Place all uprighGs on rows' A, B and and acme nuts and spin nuts to,leave about Pull out &he_top tie bolts rows B and C. They the way until t e earth is rammed-up to the the bottom. . '-~~~n~~~g~~s~o'~~~~~p:~~~h~ 6. One person plum edge); If it is out of plum side, drive a wedge under the &nd of$~+--%&--You + ._
.,: 1 ., -$ \> . (22)

C with7washers one inch play; willDonly be in third hole from

may need to
*-_ .~--.-s-.

. -.

_ 1 % _ . . -* n n D -. . .-- _..~

pi4.e up blocks on the ground level* to get high enough +to wedge the endgate leve.1. If the' endgate leans toward the panel 2 side, the wedge must -be placed under the ed-ge of on panels. Use wedged on panel panel 2.; Then place -level sides if needed to, level and plumb. 0 7. ,Plumbthe endgate on the o&side plywood side. Ifit' is not plumb, put wedges vertically agai'nst both ends of the tie ,bolts next to the 2 x 2s edge. If the, endgate 'leans to3ard the oppbsit& endgate, then one' of the bolt holes is . off plumb. : 8". You must then :pull out the nut, upright.,,washer and find which bolt hole is out of line. Get a rat-tail wood rasp and file out ;the hole'until the ,endgate can be pIa.ce'd plumb. . . '( .a

h.,-. . .:



9. Install, the szme way.


. --_

accurately D 11. If you DO NOT do this, alignment cannot be corrected as with lumber or masonry. Rammed earth is massive, heavy and '. cannot .be adjusted. You can only break it up, tear it-down and 'start over.
L k

endgate 2 and panels 1 :.. . ,, (' I ** ..z-It is most ...important to plumb and level panels on the first assembling for a successful wall.

plumb .,


.-. I .__ --I.'




9 :

i:: I,

a 3



I I -5

II u

I1 ma \ , 1 j- . I lQg* x-l id \ Ll II I 4 0 \. Ta$

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t 1.1 (I I

.5 i.d 3I 7 0) 2 B = :o .L .xJ .;

5 a cc 111 2 h

5 d z Lu
I e.r 1

, :,..


12" .F/lat 2x4 \




12" F

,,. _-

I ,--I



.c . 1 .

I I /

Note:. Cross blbck should be'put in as.on standard form. Holes, on 2x4s as on standard F--fern. ---.~

I ; ' I ' i I -L I I




The slip the the

l/4" x 2" iron straps over the tie bolt in hole 3" from the end of standard form sections.

1 /, r I I : I L 1 I I

Three strap iron angles are lef in place when panel-3 : laced on panel 1. At 4 I .that point, two.more strap iron angles are needed'to avoid; moving the uprights an-extra j i time. No strap iron angle I is needed for the bottom hole on the second form panel.: Short blocks the standard 'scale.

'and holes fit panel. hole


! I i: I I I c -___
_ -_ 1









-jolx'2 11~4II

extended . *





2 "x4 '# b&ce

2" on edge -sides-endgate y , 1 ,

on beveled

F n -3 ; . I L

. P

Yoke: The endgate has a,beveled 2x4 ko act as a keyway binder for the next section of the wall. 'This is extended two feet. A cross bar is placed in slots at'the too of the extende Id 2x4 to serve as a positive alignment and as a be lam. to which a.~ old-fashioned.fence stretcher may be'placed to lift rhe bottom form in -leap frog fashion. The corners are braced with 2x4 with 3/8"*~6" bolts,nuts and washers.

a, 2 D.44 .. ii \ \ , \ , \ \ I \

a, C L-4 * ___--

\ .-A-


-: ,




Tamp earth between panels 1 and 2 within three inched of of -*he fqrm, just under the tie *bolts. Put panel~s 3 and 4 in place:+Wdd bolts, washers, spacers and nuts. Leap frogging begins after panels. 3 and 4 are. filled w+th ramme* earth to the bottom of the top holes. Release all of the nuts---= --and washers.' Remove the four uprights fmm-bo+krs;i-desmth - the bolts to remain inxlac&-----1 1 - : _-- -m4-t he~----~'-"-l-'~' ~/- .--Cr&ully' slide panel, 0 n i-he t i'e b 0 1 t s a way,d_-,fr,o completed wall without twisting so-' the g~~~-$*--~~ll will not ;spai- at an? point. .I Carefully lift panel 1 and blace it against the endgate on top of form 3. Each person has one end ofform 1. Each person should have a 5/8" x 5" long bolt with a washer-and -+ nut in his pocket. Each slips a bolt through the side 2 x.2 on the eqdgate into the midd1.e of the three end holes and spins on the nut. Panel 1 is now secure,ly in,<place. Repeat the operation on the other side of the wall be removing the : nuts, washers and the up rights and finally Form 2. \ 9 I! Each has a 5/8" x 5" bolt and w'asher in his pocket. Lift form 2 and place it carefully on form 4. Fasten form 2 by'the 2 bolts, through each end of the.endgate through the. middle ' I hole on the end to hold -form 4 in plaice., You are now ready

to install,uprights

B and C.


Slip uprights B and C over the bolts 5 and 6 on-ea"ch of uprights B and G, Slip on'the'washer and' spin on the nuts and r spin them tight By hand. Repeat the same on the other'side. '. _------y -Ncinirt the tie bolts through the-gam."Do not -' insert the tie bolts and spacers on the top hole uprights B and C untif*the earth reaches the hole. c At this coint, panels 1, 2, 3, 4- and endgates are holding the rammed earth wall . .Remove paneis 1 and 2 and- you will see the first strip of rammed earth wall. Place uprights B and C onto -bolts 5 and,6 on panels 3 and 4 (both sides). j Place panels 1 and 2 on top of 3 and 4. In order to leap to bolts frog > lyou must nod place th,e bottom of the upright in holes 4,- 5 and 6. Looseiy +fasten the nuts and bolts. (Later-tofasten tightly al.1 nuts and bolts 'as when changing, a car tire.) Add uprights A and 'II... in same manner. Leap frogging is accomplished. II~-~ ---~ .-7 '3' f .i (i r (24) ! . !-,.I ! . I _' ,.

_ _~ -;------1.
A *,



hole for the leap frogging so Hole 4 is the bottom uprights B and C are set first with panels 1 and 2 on top of The insertion of the nuts and panels 3 and 4 and bolted. washers will fit exactly as they did in the first setting of are now holding panels 3 and panels 1, 2, 3 and 4. (Uprights 4 tight with panels 1 and 2 above them; This is the leap frog position.) You are moving only "two feet Panels 1 and 2 are now,; panels but holding the forms; panels 1 and 2 panels 3 and 4. Bolt together Qf described earlier. of upright at a time. 3 a$d 4 are now rammed, are leap frogged on top with the same process

It is our experience that no concrete cap is needed.on $the wall. We recommend that you insert an eye bolt 12 inches long with a 12 inch piece of reinforcing rod through the eye of the bolt. The bolt should be set in the earth 8 inches or three lifts before,tamping in the last 8 inches of earth. One bolt in the center of each 8 foot sectioneis sufficient. We have not p&vided the specifications and plans. That is beyond our abilities.. We urge you to consult one of the many good b oks on- house construction. As you know we N ourselves retained@an architect. He provided the plans and c" part -of theesupervision. - c !; This manual is writtenat those who can help themselves. We challenge you to join those of us who have become rammed earth builders .and believers.



, /

-_ --_

_ _

,_ -. 5 1

: i /


EFERENCES The First Instijtute, Passive 19/8. Forum, Solar *

P Catalog.

1. Bainbridge, ,,Dak.d Davis, Calif .,j,,,Passive *


A., Solar


BoggsG'J. Palmer, The Architecitural /' I .Commonwealth Experimental Building 3 -. Australia, Earth Wall Construction * / i,rt


1946. _ Station, NSB No. University, The volume

d ~-. ~~_ $3, *


Cooper'ative Extension Service, &olorado State Collins, Colorado. Soil Testing Laboratory. Jerusalum: edition;,

5. Cytryn Soil Construction. S., ,Science Press of Israel, 195/. * 6. Encyclopedia 1148, 1149. Britannica, ml968

Weiz'mann 18, pages


j II



9< Lee,, 1937.


0*12 -1l:'Merrill Anthony F., The Rammed Earth House:New ,1 London: Warier and Brothers Pub 1.ishers, lY4/ . 12. Middleton-; G.F;, Australian Government Building Station Bulletin, 13.:Miller, 1820-18.54. U.S. Earth-wall Construction.' Publishing S'ervice, No. 5, 1976.

10. Long, J-D., Station Bulletin



Yor $. '

'Canb elrra: Experimd tal f

Rammed Earth Buildings BLilt Thomas A.H., Department of Agriculture, August, 1926. i , a li. Vol. 23, No. '9., Patty, R.L., Agricultu.ral Engineer. 1942. (Rammed4 Sept. Earth W a 11s for Farm Buildings ~S",D. 'Exp . <! St. Bulletin r//. ' '._. b -"._.__ ------.-.__ 1 ---__ _.. 5 ~ 'Lfl

15. Risom Sven Nordcske ,OG Bagger ..;

Ler Jords

Huse Copenhagen,


16. U.S. Dep&tment of Agriculture, tion, Experiments on Rammed Earth


Farm Security AdministraConstruction. PSA Pub. 59;

.$ , ,111

17. U.S. Department of Commerce, Adobe Structures--A Status Report. \ Standards Note 934 > February 19/i,.

Preservition,of IBureau * ,

Historic .

1 18. U.S. Department of Commerce, Structual, He-at-Transfer, and Water Permeability Properties of Five Earth Wall ' Constructions. National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.: October 1, 1941. * 19. U.S. Standards

Department of C . ..rce..:.UnF.tP'd ..P Bulletin BMS 78. * . Peter. Hom~egrown Sundweylings. 1977.. *




20. Van Dresser, Lightning Press,


Fe: The Bob M D.C:; Press

21. Wolfskill, Lyle A., Dualap, Wayne' A., Galloway, Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. Washington Department of Housing and Urban Development.* 22. Wright,. 1954. Frank Lloyd, The Natural House, Horizon

*-Available 4







Material and lPrice List, Greeley, Colorado, Feb. 1980. List i.ncludes enough materials for 4 standard panels, 2'x -corner panels, brace, .and other materials 8 ' ) 2 endgates, monolithic rammed earth .wall one 8' '*high to complete section. . annotated, I of the building of the standard

B.. ,Pictures, form.


. n


Colorado Analysis: .

Univer.sity IState ' .- ,0 .


Testing I Colorado


--1 sample the Miller

of earth from Greeley, rammed-earth house. soils NC. from



--2 samples of Hendersonville, --Letter Soltanpour,

D, .

EC0 Village,



Lydia Soil-Test

Miller A. Specialist, Dec. 1946 m:

from CSU.

Prof. I


Architectural First House. 1

Forum, D

Rammed Earth,



NSB 18, Notes 'on the Science ;' of Pise' Construction, (Available'. for .p&rchase-address at 'Building, Australia Reprinted by permission. end of article).
0 > -.

NSB 13, Notes on ;the Science F+.- Earth-Wail Construction, Building, Australia (Available for puichase-address. \ end of article). 0 D

of at

. . Quantity
-.. .----_..._^_.--_.._.

MATERIAL -.A _.._. ,. -.....i

AND PRICE LIST .. .--..a -_


, .*. 1' Unit -Price

.L ..,..,,,_,.,.,.,



_ .,.....

Total Price'


2x4x8 2x2x8 2x4~10 -: a. 2x4x4 1x4~12 4x8 4x8

Hem Fir Hem Fir Hem Fir P Hem Fir Pine 3/4" l/2" AD P"lywood Tempered

$ 1.75 1.12

$42.00 .'4.48 7.90 I

4 3 8 i 5 5


.1;;; u .
21.00 Masonite a *

10s -20 40: 00


---BOLTS---LVASHERS---SCREWS 1 6 box 96
,, -ii c --

5/8x36 All Thread Course . (For Example Only) .No:.6 x 2;' Flat Head 5/8 Flat (Double setting.) 1 l/2" Washers this amount needed Threadof 40" Cold long

Bolt 3.59 1.99 for Rolled part full Steel 9.22 '5.25,' \ T m-y:-- ~59._I-_-. --=--.?-. -50 .I ; 165.9.6 189.06 form -09
* .


" 18* .i'3,. 548 - 8.Acme .I?% c ,Pn-. 1 c 10 " each end 36 ! 1" Hex 5/8 -

8 Acme'Nut ---NAILS--l L _ \.

2 lb.,:

--~ ,.~ _.-._ _=_~


I Smooth

'i Box . Box

Box (


2 lb. -2 lb.

8-Penny 16-Penny

2 lb.

6-Penvv---;7-Penny Box

-50 -. .



Desc-I-.i'ptQbn.. _'---CEMENT---GLUE--a I

Unit Price!al--. Price


2 qt. .. 1 qt. 1 ,gal; 1 qt.


Contact Pastewood Contact .Resin

Cement Filler Cement Wood Glue

4.93, 3.95 13.'95 4.50



.. ,___II ;.

Miscellaneous 1: Wood chisel Wood Chisel

11.20 6.59 4. 2.0 3.70 3.25 . 90 '-50 1.49 . 9e


.Triangle 1" l/2=!' l/4"

Wood Chisel 1 Ch'alk Line 2 2 J Carpenter's Electric Sealer 36 3/4" Thin Wall ', ,----WORK EXPENSES--Greeley Planing Mill .* -. To Plane Endgates 2x4~10 Bevel

, 1;oo 2.98 '11.88

Pencils Drill Bits







20:oo 75.00 56.00 43.00 856.99

David Atkinson Drawing and Form 16 hr. --._ 30 hr. --_ v ,At-$3.10 Typing At $3.50 Building

' a Construction Hansen :Cuplini


per hr., Craig Forms ' per hr:,.Linda and -Editing

ClosS up view of process., *


up view of panels

1, 2, 3.

Bolts withocr! spacer.


fit on outside

of &tdgate.




and washers

must be placed


df the forms.

Close up side view of endgate

in place.

End view of endgate in place. ~_ --A_-*

Beveled 2~4xlO nailed 12 wide for 12 Wall.

on center

of inside

of endgate;



the bevel, showing m


Both endgates

in place.

One end before





on top of 10 bevel,


2~4xlO plumb.



as balance


tu hold form baneIs



of &&s :

1, 2, 3, 4, endgates

and brace.

i c 2 k Y, : 8 s L < f I -c -> -3 -4 -i

4 -

3aP-l m 0 3w. I hho+*l-l u f&ua,b : H>C

s Il-2 ii j 5
L C -2 i L

r s: <

Lz L c -


_. i F i u

eY P IL -

i -4 , : 1 i -;

s: -

7 -\

C \ \ >

ib c -

! .-T-4 ; 2 Q



4 13s


4 muu

7 - 7 -J 4 -

b - w - L-I 0 L / 3 -

< c 5 -

c -

: -

r ll c c3 --T ,! C h

\ -

f -

I -I A; !, ! -iI. .I -I

1 -cc


:! -2 0

_ .i


:; .,.


C i s

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6 -

3 < a g? P L i 6 D d < -

1 -

$j -

--I -i 7 : 1(

c c . cc -

c: C - -

i 5 . ..

1 , i i 1

g IJ 7. c -



. s

l? a .

5 c . -

- b \ 2.2 L -

b , n *

/ I
i -,, ._ y, ;I : ,I , :* 1 s * .s I .c * c

_._ -


. ,Cooperative.E;l~ension
_ Colorado idrt Collins. 80523



,4 ..,I ,* .1 I



&IS i . ., A.._ TEST

' .




I ;

Mrs.. "Lydia-A!, Box 1424-..--.: CO Greeley, Oea~'.T;,fs'~

-. -.-.__.,




- I.,.

1 .-..

'( .


Y-f Enclosed please find the 'analytical results on the soil, , ,' From the soil properties. that we: samples you sent us. determined, it seems a-l.1 three samples couldobe used for rammed eart$l construction. C_!.ay~~and organic matter con* tents are low in all.soils: . !-ne insulation PropertY.(R value) of rammed earth is determi'ed mainly by its degree of porosity,,mQisture content, and Fh'ickness. As\the degree of c-ompa&ness of rammed earth increases4 its. porosity decreases and,-&s+ns-elation porperty 'lowers. The higher the moisture content of rammed earth the lower <ts insulation value. Theretfore', as rammed earth wall'ages and loses its initial moisture, it becom'es a better insulator. Obviously the thicker a rammed earth wall C' th,e higher its insulating value. We d'b not determine ea'rth wall Solar Ener and ask. th insulation-properties 'other objects. However, ch Institute (SERI) in u, can have R value value-) of rammed you may write to. Golden, Colorado of rammed earth (R

, '.



P. N. 'Professor



. wColoraqio State University


and U.S. Deparhen; _. of Agriculture

Cooperating -\




RAMMED EARTiiOne of- mans

oldesi building materials / . engineer to build a modern house. a

is used by a.Denver

7 u

* llwrc I> A jlrrwlll~i Illllrr>l 11, ralllnled CLtllll ~~h~tion, Hill) a minimum of trtrhy del.i~ll~~~ 1-l;,,. C,,lnrilll#, h<D11.VfC~llS8~L.IllP iI, II howvs. I;a.ed ~~~rt.l~ a,,, tlw idea that tlw\ 111 rilmn~f=~l earli c~~natructi~4n IIIcLII~,J,. ougl~t 111be dir1 cheap and purlly on Lim8llv Iopsoil was rrn~~nr~l II\ I~~~llrl~~~~rand ~IIII.~,II a&e*~,enl that any material as lu~~x~ and i_ m&l fur I~nll\l~llivlll .lfllll~ alIll Il,,\i,l; fri;lblv a, .01l I ould ever be ma& 111 11~~ld ;I;.3 r,tl,f. III timwof matcrials ~Ilurlag~~i. l.orms wLLc prefallrir alnl. Moisture contv~~t . was ~conlr~,llr4 tIllI: mix mu>t he ,ust m,,i.t tl~: idu 01 brrildmp a hou.-c out (11 11r11tniln dirt has an irrrsislihle lure. Aa a matter of r.notigl~ to ball in tile hand), as was the curing , 0, earth Illllbtr,,(.llllll f~roces~3 (like ~orl~r~l~. ;;i;e stre?igth of ramnlecl ~!Jld fact, rammr,l ~~llr~l .it 1 1~: eartli increases with age I. Even the intencit) reriu piw, a,.Cth,~ Spani-II nun!, merit-. \\llvrl. h&dlrd wilt1 v:ir~ an11 IIf the tamping s1r11kC ivus imporiant (a h dla\y intl:i,lipvnrr d. ill ~IIP n~w.bou>e (If IJa\ili 5lroke yields a wall five timt~i 35 strong a5 il hfiller at (;rccll~!. t:~lllrrn~lrl-rilmnl~ll cartI light 0~). C~mlpwssrd air tlammers, equi$prd and durable wall>. yivlda IKI~I~.-c~~~~, .tr,,rq with stwial lumping hea~ls. were used to eqrr~. Damm~,l &II: 111i\ twat ri~nrlucli\~it) mak0 pat1 the coil. And, in f~lrrnin~ 111~ wall, Art, (it good Ior both hot and cold .climalr+. Was takCn III keep lllc: wall rjpill:: unifr,TmlF ! -- -~ .:Altb~U& nit a> ctw~p~ as mipht at 6rztappe.w. alnhg it: vnlitc. ltr~flb. ReWrlt on well-managed jobs jt ma)* LUII .I. much a> a~lvarlvr;s ill Gtnil tll,illwrlrr~~ 70 per cent lower than con\elltllmat Irlulttl+ . wpecially wmlime cxprrir.llvc in airport. tt~:taThe limitations of rammed gut11 IY~SI~IIV ,wpy ,and dam C~NL~~IISIion .4111~li~.dtf. 08r1. \ _ firm ;i,re, Iwwewr, scwr~. Fir<t (!I all. it is nw ciderablr p6wibllilie* 1x1 enrlb ~xm~truut~,,~~ 4 ~~ssary tn use suitnhle wil--prt~f(:rahl! 70 per bcvonrl tbrw jndivBts-(i 111 thr Rwz~s IIOUS~. wnt sand and small ~ra\el tu 30 per wnt For esamplr. ltil~.StrrrJ~ltl ,>f CarIll walls ma\ clay --and it must he car~4ully sifted. miw~l. bc incrwvd by a. mtlcll 3~ 80 p-r rwnt.,accord d8111[~l~rif~d,turnpi=d and currrl. RecaII.5? i,f ,tw _ . .ing In vm nuthorily, by rrirrl~~rl.ini: wit11 wt~5..ary frlrm-work and sraffnlditlp. .I, IL venctal,l~~ fil~re. TIIP a,l~lili,,n r~l ~fn~~r~l to arld~,m eronomlc 14. build edrlb walls morn tllr wil mistllre also invreasrs it. strenglb, lban n story high. Ilearns are irrllactica!rle.ir1 nllhwgb it apparently reduce:s tbe thermal Icrra pise (altb~~ll~h rllrwnt leil.. indicate the rr+ancc of the rammed earth wall. (Asphalt pos5ihility of rr~inf~nced ~ cart11 beams of :

DESIGNER BDGGS ,,,a,,~ a hose on a new earth wall to denlonstrate Its srpr151g res,stancc to wcathmng. SOlI fro? the FxCavatlO (left above, wa* uSed to by the house at r,gtlr.

1 to many l trll<~lurec whivtl Ila\ tl vn~lured ((,I, klowe\er. centuries ,wiltI~~ut any surfnclrlg. some fir&b i. pr,,t,~b~~lesiral,l~~, and ,..rvcral types art available. (:~nlrnl sturcos ifrv ~11.. * factory but vxtwn91\c br+u~e ttlrvwlluire 4 t)llllll wtl1, rtinfon,IIl:: t,> il,,tli<,\v 3 pernlallrlll tlle wall It-elf. [Jagpa t,l;;l<twr (a IIIIICI mix of -~!llm= par,< :,l,ll 11% 11,,. s\r ,.13).) !:a5 !,ern !r.l,..l II\ ~lllllll I)llh,,ta Ilalv (:<lll~gr~ and f~lLHl,l 11, rlldhv <I 11:11111~,111~~ hlli4l. Howrwr, ,la~gu WBE ii411 p~rriidn~~nl unlit (tufter a Ifl-d;i>- rnrin; r It wds :irtvl and givrw Iwo roiltj uf lead oil paint. A trrv satisfaory .~ltcir~~t~~-~~~.~~~.----.--.-found in the addition of asphalt emulsion ln thv daggx at tlw rate of 5 gal. twr 100 lb>. of IIn &ix Ill15 yirld cc I a p~rmanenl finish with \ ,lr wilhotlt painting. Aru,rdinF tu the Departmfwt of A~ricultuw, tlw ramrod Barth wall -- ~rnay al-o Iw waled wilb soll,ium Lilicate or wittr _ parallir~ di~s~alved in benzine. Or it may be paintid with a formula of casrin slur, l&oIdiom $lo~ptlntr, lime p & and fllrmaldehyde a mix whirh ran be tinted anv color desired.








cxposel .LlbbC,I rultable for ram ,n,e* +a-iil coTIIIrt.cllo 17 bar15 .,nt, to ? !3rlr,i C,IS and gravel,

SOIL IS SIFTED through coarse mesh to remove stone.5 and debrlr. Aggregates tan range from fine sand UP to large grave1 articles ,must Dredamlnate but flnel

MIX IS DAMPENED by hand unyoke .~r(obc. SOlIS Wl,h terra ,,ise I* barely 10l5tened hay!7 clay content are nsullable clue to high s!lr1n!iage and hsqh P,ICN Of Clay

FORMS ARE OILED before use to pcrmct rc l,,Oa, as 500 a5 ranirwng IS Eolnplete.. concrete ootlng 15 scored to as~rc good w.,t,-r ArId frbt ornot bd w,tll tllc wall

EXTERIJR l,i,!,b? II ;,o/.<0. ,f., r/ T?: i: r .1 2,

SiiRinSINt or -. =:i daga.3 ..-i, (.A .%(I ,111 I, -- *mtn 3 . tsamuirr f .i, ,f ren f

Mlllcr CCmCnl x,>?er re..-r,! r :n,r A?




WINDOW ,, ,,Rdina _ ,/-Rigid



LIVING rJs*ipn.

ROOM There

CORNER #aces ,I no sash I

routt,ea,t COentlOnal

and haa sense.

t,,,,ng ,enestrat,on a, .,mph Both the louvered VentilPtlD paela Where 8, abut6

and the plarr itself are ml directly in a dressed 2 x 6 8n frame cartll walls. thll ralnr IS bolted onto a grdovc formed to receive I,


.- ZmvCmt i 1,:. /J . .I




lormed by story.h,yh case8 ot arlol ,orta. the hO6C h;rgi4 YnSal amOUnt of atorage space ,nter,or sur,:,ca, of earth wall6 arc liagpa plaslcr. waterproofed Pd then brushed w,th one coat ot 011 PA,,


s,,m,.r to ,n~,tallat,on (~h,or~n above, I

FLOORS in the ~,,,er house are accond o, (our comp,eted ho~scs. arc topped Wllh ,ntegrally.ct~larcd All labs ccrncnt



ExperImental Bullding St31on Departmenl of Construction

June 1964

The pose or rammed-earth method of wall construction consists of rammmg sultable morstened sandy loam betwee/n shutters. The dense, hard walls thus obtnined are somewhat similar in appearance to yalls of soft sandstone. Designs for earth-wall buildings closely resemble those used for other forms of construction. However, certBin peculiarities of the- material should; be taken Into consideration, particularly the low lateral strength of earth. a,factor which dicrares not only the minimum thicknesses of walls, but also the minimum widths of piers between openings for windows and doors.

periment, and test to eliminate the risk of failure and reduce the labour factor to a minimum. Careful site organisation is essential in order to achieve economical earth-wall structures. Since labour is the principal factor affecting costs, any building time that is non-productlve owing to lack of foresight in planning the work, or to any other cause, will Inevitably result in an excessive rise in the cost of the work. For greater detail, reference should be made to CEBS BltlletIn ,No. 5, Earth wall Construction. i
Footings. Footings for pi@ walls should be the 1.01. same as footings for solid brick walls of similar thickness ori the same type of foundation.

The following notes briefly outline the methods of construction recommended as a result of investigation, ex-

8 . a


wa19 --&f%i

min. 230 mm Jnder

Depth rkmlre
600 mm TiGz

according Jnd

to nature





mm External Ventilation wall brck

concrete P


t600 mm

as requlr

0 ml

460 mm


of footing

for pi& walls

WALLS Protection of wall base. Because earth wallspe 1.02. very vulnerable at the ground line to damage by theFrod2.01. Rammed-earth walls are built solid, with a ing action of stormwater and back-splash, it is important minimum thickness of 300 mm for external walls of singlethat the bases of walls should be built of material that is in itself strongly water-resistanf. This is best 8storey domestic tjuildings, and 230 mm for partition walls. The density and thickness of such walls make the use of a effected hi, using an inverted T-beam type of reinforced cavity unnecesy concrete loting, the stem of the T being continued to a minimur height of 230 mm above ground level. 2.02. Walls are built in situ, in courses between 600 mm Alternat ly, commencing from the footing, the base of and 900 mm in height, and each course is constructed by the wall , I the foundation wall may be built of brick, progressively rarhming sections about 2 m long at a time; stone, or Portland-cement-stabilised earth to the required it is unnecessary for any section to be cured before comheight above ground level. mencing the next. The newly rammed work is strong and self-supporting, and can be walked on; thus the sections 1.03. Damp-proof course. Dampproofing should be can be regarded as large masonry units made and laid in provided, and placed at svch a height as may be required the one operation. by the design of the building. Usually a convenient

.. -

.. r

position is immediately on top of the foundation wall. Most of the recognised types are suitable, but one of the more flexible types,that will molfld itself without fracture to the irregularities of its bed, is to be preferred.
Ant-proofing. Extensive enquiries indicate that I .04. termites (white ants) do not tunnel through earth wails, although they have been known to construct their galleries on the outer surfaces in search of suitable timber. If the bases .of the walls are kept clear, the galleries can be seen and broken. Continuous strip shields should be fitted . - to the insides of the foundation and sleeper walls, laid directly on the damp-proof course. Free piers should be fitted with termite caps in the usual manner.. (See also NSE No. 11; hite Ants.)


One of the advantages of earth-wall construction 3.01. is the simplicity of the equipment needed for the work. The formwork!c&d hand-rammer are comparatively inexpensive, a&d can be made by a carpenter. A type of formwork has been designed at CEBS 3.02. that can be nY6ved in a horizontal direction without being dismantled. The sides of this type lapil!O mm over the base-wZd1, and are supported by two built-in rollers, one placed in a low position d one end of the form to ride on the base-wall or previous course, and one placed in a high position at the other end of the form to ride along

I _,.._ ,..,.,,-.. _,,T~,_) _l,l>L--.-

I \


N$B No. r8







1 hmm-ciia


I.1 Y

I .I

M hnarrk -~--,. 1 .,



-Y AC, mm nrnmn ,111, ),X-r. ,,,, ,..y.I--.--, butt-jointed I----


CZtipleted footingwall,


of wall _i _


75mmdia. 300 mm 75mmX50mm

iron long, or

pipe, similar,

75mmdia. PLAN roller


of crawler


1 em-------


the newly completed section. When a section is rammed, the nuts are loosened on the tie-bolts to free thefhutters c. from the wall surfaces, and the formwork is pushedalong, supported by the rollers, until the high, roller reaches the end of the section. Finally the formwork is plumbed with a level and the nuts are tightened. An L-shaped box is required for the corners; each wall-angle is rammed as one piece. 3.03. . If the partitions are also to be of earth, a Tshaped box can be used for ramming the junctions with the exterior walls. But a considerable amount of manipulation is saved if the shell of the building is completed first,

-. -.. . . . . .

thrown in it isadvisable to roughen and moisten the compacted surface of the,previous ramming. *
__ _,,,,,,.,_. ,. ..^..

The rammer used for manual tamping should 4.02. weigh from 8 to 9 kg; it may be of metal or wood, about 1.5 m in length overall, and should have a ramming face 100 mm to 150 mm square. Suitable wooden rammers that are easily made are illustrated They are shod with wearing-* plates of mild steel 6 mm or 7 mm thick, which are screwed through countersunk holes into the hardwood blocks.

without bending, boards 40 mm thick are use6 for the sides of the formwork. The use of Oregon or similar lightweight timber will facilitate handling.

Prepared moist earth is shovetled into the form to 4.01. a depth of approximately 100 mm. This depth is important, as any more would result in incomplete compaction of the lower part of the layer due to the cushioning effect of the top stratum. The 100~mm layer is rammed until it is dense and hard, and then its depth should be approximately 60 mm. Ramming should be continued until the blows produce a ringing sound and no further impression can be made in the surface. It is best to ram along the sides of the form tirsf occasionally crossing!over; and gradually moving towards.@ centre. Layers are successively rammed in this manner GYitiHhe fm is fdled to the invert of the high roller. Before fresh eartIi%-



-i i. -..-.J of hand-rammers

A mechanisad ramming showing guide rods to rotatioh of hammer-head

device prevent

Mechanical ramming by ,ieans of a tamper 4.03. operated by compressed air has be& developed. The time required by the use of this equipmept is half that for manual ramming, and a considerable reduction in cost can be effected as a result of the elirliination of the most laborious part of the work. A full description of amachine is given in C,EBSBulletin, No. 5. The pbsitions of wooden fixing plugs for skirt4.04. ings, picture rails, architraves, door frames, window linings, fixtures, and fittings should be planned in advance, and these then placed in position as their locations are reached. A suggested type of plug with anch.qring cross-piece is illustrated. Openi gs for doors and windows may be formed by stoppin -off the formwork with shutters in the desired positions%$ $jI

6.02. fortland-cement tendering is the treatment most commonly used. Adhesion of the rendering i oproblem, however, and the characteristic shrinkage e mater/al 36 increases the risk of failure. Thk rendershotild there-. fore be well keyed to the wall by means of wire netting stapled on, or by one of several *other suitable methpds. Shrinkage .is also;&ponsible for cracking or crazing of the rendering,. and, to reduce this tendency, rich mixes sh6uld be avoided. A .mix of 1 part cement, 1 partlime, and 6 parts sand should be used. + 6.63. Viscousrriaterlals,sucnas-basedresinouscom pounds, bind well with the earth surfaces and have greater adhesive properties thm water-mixe-d materials. 6.04. TWO coats of standard-gradepaint have been used successfully for exterior surfice finishes, but it is important that a penetrating priming coat such as raw lin- 1 seed CIJshould be applied first. The greatest disadvantages o;f thisvamethod of protection are the vulnerability of the thin skin to inecdanical damagc,.and the necessiti for rey, painting every 3 to 4 years. _ 6.05. In addition to thk paints discussed above. there are several others that will provide various degrees of protect&; these include Portland-cement washes, lime washes, cement- se paints, and resin-base paints. : 9 a 6.06. The WAS may be faced with more durable yaterials such as asbestos-cement flat sheeting nailed into position, flat field-stones on edge tied or keyed to thedwall, tied brick veneer, qr terra-cotta facing tiles.. t d 6.07. Intekor surfaces. Interiorwall surfaces may be finished wi!h a great range of materials.. In ,geneyal, aRy finish noimally used in other forms of construction may equally well be applied t: earth walls, and plaster, paint, kalsomine, board lining, fibrous-plaster sheet, . and wood panelling are each satisfactory. .



100 mCn


Typical wooden fixing plug with cross-piece for anchorage





3.01. The. top&of external wallsieqpir,e protection against, darnage,acy water. k bed of mortar laid beforeplacing the wallplate will provide adequate protection. i _ 2 - ,:,,, jj\2. Wall pl+ttes &ould be attached to the tops of the w& b$ means of some form of tie. Heavy wire OJ hoop-1. iron ties may be laid across the walls at about300 mm .G : :i .:x3 3:. ., ; :; f&m the top, with the, ends left projedting each side +=- .. sufficidntly to pass up and over the plate to which they will be: stapled. A better 1. ,qthod ii tobo&..ihe plate to p3.. b J the wall, and this shoulL be &rried o)lt as fbllo~s: with a brace and. auier bit, holes-are drilled in thetop _of the wall at l-m centres, and 250-mm bolts are placed heid down in .them,.with ends protruding.75 mm. The 8 ,bolts are th$n grouted in, and mortar spread over the wall. .t I k; The wall .pl$tes, wi&,l@l,%les drilled at l-m centres, are do&: -,-i _I later set fn &&ion andr;hsl?ea ,.: ;. :. 1 _.



1. MIDDLETON, G.F. Earth Wall Construction. Bulletin, - No. 5. Commonwealth Experimenksl Building Statiq Sydney, 195.2. 2. Earth-wall Construction. Notes on the Science of Building; No. 13. Commonwealth &perimentay Building , Station, Sydney, revised 1971. i



%OTES ON THE SCIENCE OF BUILDING Compiled by the Exper$mentll Bulidlng Station ~Deperbentof Construction) and published by the Australian Government Publishing Service. Copies may be obtained from: ,ExperlmeXtaf Bulldlng Station ?, P.b. Box 30, dhatswood. N.S :W. 2067 . or by appllcatlon to: The Asslstant Dlrector (Sales 8 Dl@$lbutlon),
Australian Govnrnmanl Pklhllr


13 August


-7 1971
. . l . ,I

SfB ~---UDC

Dg 1 693.3






/ Earth -waI

GonstP~uction. : f irr


Earth-\vall construction in Australia has a history dating tion, wattle and daub, cob, and from the earliest buildings of wattle and daub and extending to two-storey contemporary dwellings and even to three!-storey blocks of flats. There are earth-wall buildings here over 100 years old that can be expected-to give many more years of se-sviceif adequate mainrenance-rs continued. The strength of earth Lvalls increases with al systems is to use a stabilised-earth material instead their age. The heavyweight construction is conducive to of natural soil. A brief summaryvof the .methods now in comfortable thermal condilions indoors particularly in I use is given in the accompanyinptable. % regions where the climate is predominantly hot and dry. There hasbeen some improvement in the methods, structural details, and equipment used in, present-day earthwall construction;so that a reliable result is ensured provided that good woxkmanship is employed and suitable earth material is used.;ihis Note compares the methods of construction and discusses the choice of soil. 9





Earth ramme, in forms into bricks *



..I :Constr~ctiol 3 n *

Over 50% sand; remainder clay and silt _, In situ

Mpinure Eq;ipment

7-10% Formwork and rammer

Stabili-x sation


1 I L I t T 1 -----

binder) ----LA.Over 50% Flayand silt; remiin&r sand and granular &aterial Sun-dried pWZlst blocks *i Over 50%;sand.; remainder clay, silt c and cement ./ Bricks, USUFJlly machi+ made Approx. 10% i

(bitumen prefefred)

(cement preferred) ,



1.02. The marked difference in method between pisi and ad e construction arises from the clay and silt conti tent, including the colloidal fraction that is required to bind the sand and granular particle7 together.. Where A , /







the clay content is less than 50 per cent it is necessary to use ramming in formwork (pise) in or er ta obtain adequate binding; but there is not x, fficient clay for its- drying shrinkage to cause cracking problems. A clay content of more than 50 per cent is needed to bind adobe blocks; but cracking in the wall is limited because the blocks are left to complete their large drying shrinkage before being built into the wail.
Soil stabilisation. The addition of gbrtIand 1.03. cement as a stabiliser to soil types that are suitable for pisi construction increases their water resistance and adds to their strength. This type of stabilised soil can also be used for the production of 4 stabilised earth bricks.

is usually resorted Adobe block constructioy 1.07. to when soils of a high clay content only are available and it would be uneconomic to transport sand to the sitet. In certain circumstances it may be advantageous to mould the blocks under cqver during winter, and stack them JO, dry out ready for building operations in summer. 1.08. The use of cement.-stabilised earth bricks in Australia is belie&d to cave been limiied to large operations involving brick-making machinery or plant. The bricks have been laid in the same way as conventional burnt-clay bricks in areas where the latter were _ not produced in quantity. *


Bitumen ip most suithble for the stabilisation 1.04. of soils for making, adobe blocks. 11 increases their water resistance and durability but not their compressive strength. ! Chpice of- method. De method of constru.ction I .os. used depends mainly bn the soil types available at the site, but is influenced by dther factors.that include local building@-laws, availability of labour, site condi. mnd the facilities and equipment obtainable. . The labour time for pi& construction in situ 1.06. compares favourably wi!h that for the double handling entailed in the moulding and stacking operations Qf adobe block structures and in the subsequent building of blocks into the walls. The absence of crack%g of pisi walls, owing to their high sand content, density, and low moisture conten! after ramming, contrasts strongly b,tith the prolific surface cracking which is charac&tic of adobe walls.

The apprdximate composition of the soil should 2.01. be ascertained first, as the type of soil available deterrnines_$e method ofconstruction that can be adopted. The final choice should be made after analysis. Earth that is found to be oiunsuitable proportions may sometimes be brought to the desirabje conditipn by adding _ sand or clay, or by mixing together two types of soil.
Soil texture. The composition of a soil A& be 2.02. gauged roughly by visual examination and by feeling its texture. The texture is determined by the combination of gravel, sand, silt, and clay, including the colloidal L fraction of the clay constituent. When the soil is dry and rubbed between the fingers, the sand particles are gritty to the touch, and the silt and fine partides adhere closely to the skin and have a silky feel wh&, \ the sand particles are discarded: Y %\ \, Soil suitable for ramming (pise) is reasonably 2.03. stable in its naltiral state, and contains enough silt and clay. to ,bind~ the sand together, but not enough to cause high shrinkage in drying. A soil having 65 to 70 ,,:per cent of sand meets-these requirements besf. _.

In the accor$panying bar-graph, the a&rage ' 2.04. equivalent diameters of the-pa?licles of a common soil are shown according to the International System of soiltexture-classification.
\ 0.0020 mm

0.026 mm

0.20 mm

w 3 2.0 mm

Common 2.05. textural groups: SAND


may be divided into these main FRIABLE



c a o, $$&,~:A i ..))l&Y 3. I G-e,*- <: I -

27 Experimental 20 years sfler pavilion of unrendhred construction adobe

* Ablxkr

Colour characteristics. c,p%Gr gives some indi2.06. ,gtion of the cbnstitution of .tl;le soil, b,ut cprov;des no more than a guide to its suitability. The main --- *. colours encountered are:





A: Black, and dark brown, indicating the presence of undesirable organic matter originating from the decay of plant or animal remains B: Ked, and reddish-brown, indicating the presence of iron, possibly unhydrated iron oxide (haematite). C: Yellow: and yellowish-brown, indicating the presence >. of some iron, possibly hydrated i aide (limonjte). D: Crey, greyish-blue, and yellow cz ottled, usually of high clay content indicating poor drainage. E: Khite. 2.01. Soils op!our A are unsuitable for earth wall construction, bLt sods of any other<olour may generally B ; be used. / 2.08. Analysis. The follo\~~ing method of physical analysis is sufficiently accurate to enable a final selection of the soil to be made. A quantity of the selected earth is pulve,rised, placed in a shallow tray or dish, arid heated in an oven to lU5C to extract moisture. A litre measure is filled with the dried earth; this exact quantity is put into a large shallow baking dish, and \vashed in repeated changes of watcr until all clay and silt have floated off and the uater becomes clear. The residue is the sand, gravel, and- granular mineral content. This residue*is dried asab fore, and replaced in $, during washing, in rethe measure. The amount removed lation to the amount of dry re-frdue, represents the proportion of clay and silt to the sand, gravel, and granular mineral present in the earth mixture.
Moisture. When the soil is prep-ired for ramming, 2.09. the moisture content should be carefully regulated. If the earth is too wet, ,,difficulty will be experienced in attaining good compaction, and the excess moisture will cause extensive surface cracks as ihe \valls dry.

will usually absorb between I 5 and 20 per cent of water by weight before becoming workable. , _ .

3.01. The main operations involved in the construction of a building such as a cottage, using the pise and adobe systems are listed below. More detailed information appears in Bullerirl No. 5 which is listed in the references at the end of this Note.
3.02. Pi@ construction. The construction of walls of rammed earth in&ludes the following operations:

Gaining soil from the borrbw:pit or the location ia>of selected soil. the soil (if necessary) by pulverising @IPreparing it to reduce any clods, and by removing any organic material,. large stones, and other unwanted .-substances present in undesirable quantities. Setting the fornwork in position, and ramming loose soil in successive layers 10 0 mm deep until it is dense and hard. Each layer compacts to about 60mm in depth. Resetting the: formwork, and repeating the ramming operations for each successive section of weal1 until an entire course is completed. Repeating (c) and (d) for each successive course of 600mm to 900 mm height until the walls are corrpleted. Stopping-off by inserting shutters across the jterior of the formwork, to provide openings for doors and windows. Providing \vall-plugs and ties for fLxing door and window frames, linings, skirtings, cupboards, and I fittings generally. Providing for the attachment of partitions, wall plhtes, and similar components. -9


Cd) (e> (0 (h)

2.10. The mcPistu;e%ontent of loose soil may be estimated by firmly pressing a handful between the two cupped hands to form a solid ball. (If the soil will not press into a ball without falling away, it is too dry.) The ball should then be heldout at shoulder height, and dropped onto,a smooth hard piece of ground. 7 he .snatI tering of theball jnto itsformer loose state indicates aconsistency cor.rect for ramming; if, however, the breakage is into a comparatively few pieces only, or into large pieces remaining unfragmented, the soil is too wet.

k-.w.JQe found that with a soil of 65 to 70 per 2.1 i: cent sand contentby-loose volume, the optimum morsture content is usually from 7 to IO per cent by weight. The test should be repeated during the ramming operations to ensure uniformity of moisture content. To obtain a workable plastic state, adobe soils 2.12. (soils containinthan 50 per cent silt and clay) require a higher propprtron of water than soils of high sand content. This/is;due to the fineness of ,the silt and clay particles, each ofwhich must become surrounded by a fdrn of ka&..befw even distribution can take place and the soil is of the proper consistency. The degree of plasticity -will depend upon the fineness and quantity of these silt and clay particles; a soil containing approximately 60 per cent clay and 40 per cent sand


a section












Adobe Construction. Adobe-block walls are built 3.03. in the same way as masonry walls. It is estimated that a team of three men can make about 300 blocks a day. For this, purpose, a fairly large area of level ground is desirable, as it is necessary to leave the freshly moulded blocks unmoved for 2 to 3 days to harden sufficiently before handling. The b1ock.s are then placed in stacks, and the moulding area cleared for-another batch. A simple mould of the bottomless, multi-unit type is necessary fo.r each team of two or three operatives. Immediately the mould has been filled, and the mud kneaded into the corners and pressed to remove air bubbles, the top is screededand struck off, and the mould lifted and placed in position for the next fdling.

Stabilised-earth bricks.- Cement-stabilised-earth 3.05. bricks tidy be laid by tradesmen in walls using mortar in the same way as with burnt-clay bricks. The initial problem, of course, is to provide the mechanical mixlng g and brick-making plant that will ensure the production of strong bricks of consistent quality.

The construction of walls of earth blocks(adobe) 3.04. involves the following operations; (a) pit of Sufficient area to ast three days suppIy,of earth

Preparation of soil by puddling in the pit and mixing in straw or other suitable binding material. (c) hloulding blocks in bottomless moulds, on level Dwelling constructed of cement-stabilisedearth bricks ground ofsufficient area to acdommodate 3 days (Norihern Territory Housing Commission) production (approximately 200, m2 in area)> (d) Stacking blocks on edge with space; between , CONCLUSION their sides so that air can circulate agd facilitate drying. 4.01. It is reasonable t-0 regard earth-wall constmction (e) Building walls - bonding the blocks as in brickas a proven method of building, but the labour content is work or masonry - 2nd building-in lintels to high and its cost may not be justified unless spare time openings, sills where required, brickwork or is utilised. Some people may use earth-wall construStion masonry fireplaces and chimneys, and all usup because of the romantic appeal of earth as a builditig building compone ts. material and others se,eonly that earth is there for the (f) Providing wall-plu s and ties for fixing frame 6, ,takingon their land. Any decision that is based on a linings t&i, wall plates, fLxtures, broad economic assessmenL however, must consider the -~~ ~_.. --1_partitioris: ~ and fittings! availabihty and cost of alternative materials and of Iabour familiar with their use. Personal preference can y (g) Arrangements for crd -w&Is, floors, services, &n be aercised with some knowledge of the costs , .P\. ~ . and roof. involved. Providink protective cQat$g to all exterior VW * (h) . suiface< and providir$.@prior finishes and , decoration. R-EFERENCES *
1. hlIDDLETON, G.F. Earth Wall Constructron. No. 5. Commonwealth Experimental Ruilding _a Sydney, 1952. 2. Pi& (RammedEarth) Construction. Xoores Science of Building. No. 18. Commonwealth / mental Building Station, Sydney. 1964. Bulle in, St %-t-J ran, on rhe EspeTj-


t . -







IGotes on the Science of Building are prodqced and distributed by the COhlhlONWEALTH / DEPARTMENT OF WORKS.-

. .

The Notes are prepared by the CQMMONWEALTH EXPERIMENTAL BUILDING STFTION, P.O. Bbx 30. Chatswood. 2067. a-18 are distrihutephy the S.tatibn and by> tl-ie COhlhlONUEALl-H BUILDING DATA SERVICE, P.O. Bpx 280vAA, SIelhoume, 3001. * 1



adobe blocks in the mould ,

Price 7 cents



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; -8

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._. .._ $

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