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Some key takeaways from the document are that rammed earth is an ancient construction technique that utilizes compacted soil to create durable load bearing walls. It has advantages such as being economical and suitable for different climates. However, it also has disadvantages like low strength and poor water resistance.

Advantages of rammed earth construction mentioned in the document include it being a low-tech and economical construction process. Rammed earth structures also need low maintenance and are suitable for both cold and hot climates.

Disadvantages of rammed earth construction mentioned include its low strength, relatively high drying shrinkage, poor water resistance and low thermal resistance.

Building with

Rammed Earth
Marwa Dabaieh

A practical experience with Martin Rauch

Basehabitat summer school
July 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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,except in the case of brief quotations embodied in non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Author: Marwa Dabaieh

Cover design and layout: Marwa Dabaieh
Photos by the authors unless otherwise stated
Back cover photo: Philipp Steiner
Copyright 2014
ISBN 978-91-628-9221-0

This booklet is a documentation for
one week hands on workshop
experience with Martin Rauch and
his team. More information was
added to this booklet for a complete
overview on rammed earth
construction from historical
background to contemporary

Table of content
Building with rammed earth
History and background
Advantages of Rammed Earth
Disadvantages of Rammed Earth
Building methods and techniques
Soil identification and preliminary soil tests
Soil mixing
Plastering, rendering and re-touch
Rainfall erosion lines- Shrinkage- Color lines
Openings- Roof support- Quality Control
Fire Safety -Codes of practice-Cement stabilization-Costs and feasibility 23
Maintenance & Repairs- Productivity
Thermal properties of rammed earth walls

Building with rammed earth

What is rammed earth?

Rammed Earth (pise) is a natural building method that is thousands of
years old, and has been used in all of earths continents. Rammed Earth
buildings have many favorable qualities. They are low-tech construction
process and economical to build. They need low maintenance and they
are suitable for the cold and hot climate.

History and background

Rammed earth is an ancient construction
technique that utilizes only the earth to
create thick, durable walls, which can be
load bearing, low-cost, heat-storing and
recyclable. It was developed independently
in many parts of the world, and is also
commonly known by its French name Pise.
The technique of rammed earth is simply
based on compacting soil between vertical
formwork boards, which are then removed
leaving a mass soil wall. Usually this
technique is used in regions whose soil
composition is unsuitable to make sun dried
clay bricks (Keable, 1994; Easton, 1996).
Excavations in China have uncovered
rammed earth constructions dating from the
7th century B.C. as parts of The Great Wall of
China, begun more than 5,000 years ago
were built of stone and rammed earth
(Easton, 1996). Rammed earth technique
was used in the arid regions of North Africa
and the Middle East, where earth was the
only logical building material, where the
massive high walls with their small openings
protect them from the heat and dust of the

Rammed earth had been seen as a quick, easy construction technique to

build fortifications; a cheap way to build dwellings; and has been recently
recognized as a sustainable construction technique which uses only what
is available at the site. Since the 1970s the use of rammed earth has
been prompted in Europe and the United States as a sustainable
construction material. Rammed earth is based on naturally damp and
crumbly earth which is compressed into form and left to dry and harden.
It is the heaviest form of earthen building. Rammed earth structures can
therefore be loadbearing. The earth is filled into a form and compressed
in layers similar to conventional in-situ concrete. Alternatively large
rammed earth blocks can be pre-cast in molds and then assembled on
site much like brickwork on a larger scale.

Advantages of Rammed Earth

- Ramming requires little water, which can be an important consideration
in dry climates with sacristy of fresh water.

- They require few other resources like aggregates or additives to

improve their properties.
- Earth can be recycled, is easy and agreeable to work.
- Has good insulating properties if built with high thermal mass especially
for hot climate.
- Known fact earth gives off no harmful emissions.
- Good for noise reduction and insulation.
- Earth doesnt burn, so rammed earth walls are fire proof.
- Load bearing, which reduces the need for structural supports,
therefore reducing building costs. Standard 400mm thick rammed
earth walls can be used as load bearing in constructions up to four
stories high.
- Termites and other pests are of little concern to rammed earth walls.

Disadvantages of Rammed Earth

-It is labour-intensive to build, which
makes them relatively expensive.
- Some degree of carpentry skills are
needed to build the formwork.
- The ramming itself is relatively timeconsuming and hard physical work.

Building methods and techniques


Soil identification and preliminary soil site tests

In his workshop we used soil brought from outside and it already
identified with components and whether it needs other additives to
enhance its characteristics. Generally a series of field tests should be
conducted using a sample from the site taken from a depth of 0.5 meter,
to ensure that the surface organic materials are not included. Two simple
site tests can be done explained below.
The drop test
A handful of un-sieved soil was taken, moisten and made into a ball,
which was held in hand and left to dry for a few minutes before dropping
it. If the ball is broken into a few lumps that is an indication of a good
The jar test Particle size test
In order to know the proportions of different particle sizes of the soil, the
jar test could be used. That is to get a preliminary assessment of the ratio
of coarse to fine particles in the soil. Two thirds of a bottle was filled by
soil taken from the site, and water was added to fill the bottle. The bottle
is shaken till all the soil particles are suspended then it is left to settle for
a few hours. As the water cleared, you can see the formation of different
soil layers separated by clearly visible lines. The sand layer normally
settle at the bottom as its particles are heavier, then layers of silt and clay
stays on top.

Soil mixing
As it is the normal scenario with earth buildings the secrete recipe is not
known yet. The mix depends on the type of the soil available on site. So
the experience plays an important role in reaching a proper mix and
following the famous saying -Grandma know how to make pizza-.
However the agreed upon proportion onsite was:
2.5 gravel, 2 course sand and 2.5 clay
Mixing is the most essential operation to ensure homogeneity of the soil
used. After the thorough dry mix process (using drum mixture) water was
added gradually. The mixture had to be turned over while water is
sprinkled to ensure that all the particles will be moistened. The amount
of water added to the soil is very important, because if the mixture
contains little water the soil will not be properly squeezed, and with too
much water the soil becomes too wet and water will resist compaction.
Generally speaking water forms 10%-15% of the mixture, and the
mixture should look quite dry after adding it. The drop test gave an
indication of the amount of water needed to achieve plasticity, but the
site conditions also had an effect, as water evaporates while mixing
specially in hot weather.


To attain optimum results it is advised undertaking soil screening,

crushing and mixing as a one continuous process. It is important
primarily to ensure an even dispersal of moisture content within the soil
mix. Rotating-drum can be used to achieve uniform mix on site. Rotatingdrum type mortar mixers work adequately when the soil is high in sand
and gravel content but in general this is a slow procedure.
In summary soils suitable for rammed earth construction are broad. The
soil mix should include sands with sufficient clay and silt, clayey silts,
clayey gravels and gravel-sand-clay mixtures. Though soil suitability
guidance is helpful it is also very general and therefore vague. Soil
suitability test is as a must (shrinkage, strength, erosion resistance) of
individual soil samples.


Foundation design for rammed earth buildings is very similar to that for
low rise buildings. Concrete strip footing are the most common types of
footings. The size of footings depends on the type of the supported
structure and the soil bearing capacity underneath the foundation. It is
important that foundation is of sufficient depth to avoid frost underneath
and footings should be well protected from water infiltration. The ground
immediately adjacent to the base of a rammed earth wall should be well
drained. Also extended eaves and raised footings protect walls from
rainfall. Generally the installation of surface and underwater drains and
damp-proof courses are considered essentials. We used bitumen sheets
for water insulation.

Foundation after ramming

Pouring the concrete mix

Foundation formwork


Formwork in rammed earth construction is used as a temporary support
during soil compaction. Formwork can range from simple to complicated
systems and you can use plywood or steel ones. Like concrete formwork
it is required to have sufficient strength, stiffness and stability to resist
pressures it is subjected to during assembly, pouring the soil mix, and
dismantling. However, unlike concrete, rammed earth formwork can be
removed after compaction, enabling much faster re-use efficient
organization of formwork is essential to efficient rammed earth
construction. Martin Rauch, has commented that typically 50% of his site
time is spent erecting, aligning, checking, stripping, cleaning, moving and
storing formwork (Boltshauser & Rauch, 2011).


When making a choice of formwork the following general criteria should

be kept in mind:
-Strength and stiffness of the formwork to be able to withstand the
outward pressure of earth mix and to maintain the form without
excessive distortion during ramming.
-Durability, adaptability for appropriate maintenance as forms must be
able to meet the expected number of uses under normal site.
-Formwork must not be too heavy or bulky in order to avoid making
assembly and disassembly difficult and time-consuming.
-Formwork should contain smooth horizontal and vertical holes for bolts
and ties to allow easy and consistent horizontal and vertical alignment.


Any formwork system should contain

- Shutters from both sides of the form.
- Ties and bolts.

- Props or stays- the (fixed or movable) vertical posts used to brace the
- Wedges for adjustment of the formwork.
To dismantle the formwork the metal bolts should be removed slowly
and the formwork should slid upwards slightly before being removed
from the wall. The process had to be done slowly and gently so that earth
does not stick to the formwork and damage the surface. The wall is
advised to be covered by plastic sheets to protect it from direct sunshine
and rain.


The mixed moist soil was poured in the formwork creating a uniform
level of almost 15 cm, which after ramming was compressed to 10 cm. As
soon as the first layer was rammed properly another was poured to be
rammed, and so on. Both electric and hand metal rammers were used to
ram the soil. The metal were composed of a steel rod with a flat steel
plate, the weight of the rammers and the size of the plates differs to suit
the purpose for example to ram the corners.
A layer was considered to be properly rammed as soon as an echoing
sound was heard from the rammers, an indication of the compactness of
that layer. The width of the formwork enabled users to stand inside it and
ram, an advantage that ensured that all the corners and the edges were
rammed properly.


Plastering, rendering and re-touch

One of the advantages of using smooth formwork is to achieve a smooth
fair-faced surfaces. Rammed earth walls do not need plastering, it is
advisable to sponge the surface with a moist towel immediately after
dismantling the formwork. In case there were any small holes in the
walls, they can be filled by hand from the same soil mixture.
In the workshop we experimented a number of materials to render the
walls, such as clay and lime. Also casein protein was used which is a
natural materials that are dissolved in water and is easily applied to the
walls using brushes or sponges.


Disassembling the formwork carefully and gently

The tools used for the re-touch

Re-touching process


Rainfall erosion lines

Erosion breaks can be made in different ways. The main purpose is to protect
the rammed earth walls form heavy and continuous rains. The mix is 4 gravel
sand and 1/2 eco cement bag and you can add one spoon of colour power.
Erosion line can be every second or third layer.

Rammed earth as all earth building materials containing clay, swell on
contact with water and shrink on drying. Only with tests you can predict the
percentage of shrinkage. The range of acceptable shrinkage percentage
differs from one building code to another and the range is from 0.05% till 3
%. Regardless of any code requirements, the shrinkage characteristics of a
soil should be examined and incorporated into the design to satisfy the
serviceability requirement of the structure.

Color lines
Every third or fourth layer you can add a color line for decoration. One spoon
of color power is added to the mix. Add the colored layer in the edge of the
wall then pour the normal mixture on top and ram.


Arched and flat openings can be made by using block-out forms or using
structural lintels inserted inside the wall formwork are an effective
means of providing openings over modest spans up to 1.5 m. Lintels can
be formed from wood, concrete, steel (T or angle section) and stone.
Lintels require adequate bedding length to avoid bearing problems and
preferred spans not to exceed 3 M.
Roof support
For loadbearing rammed earth structure, lightweight timber are most
widely used for typical floor ceilings and for roofs. Also load-bearing selfsupported earth vaults and domes can be used. In the absence of a wall
plate the roof may be tied down directly to the wall with ties (usually
metallic), embedded within the wall. In this workshop we used metal
sheets as a shed to protect the upper surface of the wall.
Quality Control
The most common problem influencing quality of construction on site is
keeping the earth dry prior to, during and following construction.
Material selection is important to the finished quality of rammed earth.
Quality of in-situ rammed earth can be measured by strength (cylinder or
cube compressive strength), dry density, surface hardness and finish.


Fire Safety
Rammed earth can be classified as non-combustible material. A 30 cm
wall is capable of providing fire resistance of at least 90 minutes.
Codes of practice
Some countries have specific codes or standard for rammed earth
construction like in Germany. Some good literature as a references can be
used for rammed earth construction like Middleton (1992), Houben &
Guillaud (1994), Keable (1994) King (1996) and Rhlen& Ziegert (2011).
Cement stabilization
Cement can be been used but not to exceed 5% of the soil mix. Reasons
for using cement are varied, but mainly for improving durability and
strength combined with reducing risk but it is not recommended.
Costs and feasibility
According to Martin Rauch, in Europe, 1m of rammed earth cost 100
euro, that is due to the fact the labor wages are very high. Rammed earth
is more economical in developing countries in that scene.


Maintenance & Repairs

Maintenance of a rammed earth building is not more burdensome than
the maintenance of any other traditionally-built earth dwellings.
However, a rule of thumb, absence of regular maintenance can be more
damaging in earthen structures than in other building types. It is
important that a suitable maintenance schedule for rammed earth
structures is set and sustained. Water is a major agent of decay in
rammed earth buildings. Maintenance should seek to protect rammed
earth from water borne deterioration. A good boot (foundation) and a
good hat (roof) guarantee long less maintenance or repairs.
Productivity of rammed earth construction depends on several factors
like site circumstances, weather conditions, workers proficiency and
formwork system. Generally, Organization of formwork is one of the most
time-consuming in rammed earth construction. Productivity rates quoted
for rammed earth vary between 5hrs/m3 to over 25hrs/m3 (CRATerre,


Thermal properties of rammed earth walls

Rammed earth have largely been recognized with the poor thermal insulating
properties. The thermal performance of rammed earth is measured in a many
ways. The most common used ones are:
Thermal Storage
This is a measure of the specific heat capacity expressed in volume terms and
has units of J/m3 C. Houben & Guillaud (1994) claims that for rammed earth
the thermal storage is around 1830 J/m3C.
Thermal Resistance (R-value)
The R-value is a measure of resistance to heat flow through a given thickness
of a wall and is measured in m2 K/W. A 30 cm thick rammed earth wall has an
R value between 0.35-0.70 m2 K/W (Berge, 2009). Generally, the more thermal
resistance the material has the better insulating properties. Thick walls are
required to provide sufficient high thermal mass. Improved insulation
techniques are needed to increase the thermal performance of wall cross
sections. A rammed earth wall density can rang from 1700 to 2200kg/m3
(Berge, 2009).


The recent widespread use of rammed earth across the world is an
evidence to its success as a building material. Design and detailing of
these buildings has evolved and developed in recognition of the
materials low strength, relatively high drying shrinkage, poor water
resistance and low thermal resistance.


Berge, Bjrn (2009). The Ecology of Building Materials. Architectural
Boltshauser, Roger & Rauch, Martin (2011). Haus Rauch: ein Modell
moderner Lehmarchitektur = The Rauch house : a model of
advanced clay architecture. Basel: Birkhuser
CRATerre, 1982. Recommendations pour la conception des
btiments du Village Terre. Plan Construction/AGRA.
Easton, D. 1996. The rammed earth house. White River Junction,
Vt.: Chelsea Green Pub. Co.
Easton, David (2007). The rammed earth house. rev. ed. White River
Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Pub. Co
Houben, Hugo & Guillaud, Hubert (1994). Earth construction:
comprehensive guide. Londonb Intermediate Technology:
Kapfinger, Otto & Rauch, Martin (2001). Martin Rauch: rammed
earth = Lehm und Architektur. Basel: Birkhuser
Keable, Julian (2011). Rammed Earth Structures ; a code of Practice.
Warwickshire: Practical Action Pub
Rhlen, Ulrich & Ziegert, Christof. (2011). Earth building practice:
planning, design, building. 1. ed. Berlin: Beuth


Basehabitat summer school

July 2014


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