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Page 51, Inquiry Experiment 2.4 Subtopik: Hasil P&P: 2.

3 Memahami sistem pencernaan manusia Menerangkan maksud pencernaan, mengenal pasti bahagian sistem pencernaan,

memerihalkan aliran makanan melalui salur pencernaan dan menyatakan fungsi organ dalam sistem pencernaan Hasil Pentaksiran: B2D2 Menyatakan maksud pencernaan

B2D2E1 Memberi maksud pencernaan B3D8 Memerihal sistem pencernaan

B3D8E1 Melabel dan menerangkan fungsi organ dalam sistem pencernaan B3D8E2 Menerangkan aliran molekul makanan dalam sistem pencernaan

Aim To identity the parts of the human digestive system Materials Charts, models or tranparencies of the human digestive system Procedure 1. Obeserve the charts, models or transparencies of the human digestive system . 2. Label the parts of the human digestive system in the diagram .


Discussion 1. The breaking down of complex food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream .

2. The process of pushing the food along the alimentary canal is peristalsis . 3. The sequence of food movement in the digestive system . 4. Digestive Organ (a)Mouth (b)Oesophogus (c)Stomach (d)Small Intestine (e)Pancreas (f)Liver (g)Large Intestine (h)Vectum (i)Anus Stores faeces Removes faeces from the body Function Food is cut into small pieces/Digestion of starch Channels food to the stomach Digestion of protein begins Digestion of fat, protein and starch (carbohydrate) and absorption of food Secretes pancreatic juice containing enzymes Secretes bile to emulsify fat Reabsorbs water and formation of faeces

Conclusion The human digestive system consists of the digestive tract, gull bladder, pancreas and liver .

Page 54, Guided Experiment 2.6 Subtopik : 2.3 Memahami sistem pencernaan manusia 2.4 Memahami proses penyerapan makanan tercerna Hasil P&P : Memerihalkan proses pencernaan dalam salur pencernaan, menyenaraikan hasil

pencernaan karbohidrat, protein dan lemak Hasil Pentaksiran : B3D8 Memerihal sistem pencernaan

B3D8E2 Menerangkan proses penguraian molekul makanan dan menyenaraikan hasil pencernaan bagi karbohidrat, protein dan lemak B3D8E3 Menjelaskan proses penyerapan hasil penyerapan B5D2 Menyiasat penyerapan glukosa

B5D2E1 Menunjukkan penyerapan glukosa melalui tiub Visking melalui eksperimen

Aim To study the absorption of glucose by using a Visking tube . Problem statement How does absorption of glcose take place in the Visking tube . Hypothesis Glucose diffuses into the bloodstream through the intestinal walls of the small intestine . Variable (a) that is kept constant : Type of Visking tube (b) that is manipulated : Presence of starch and glucose (c) that responds : Presence of glucose in distilled water Materials 1% starch solution, glucose solution, Visking tube distilled water, iodine solution, Benedicts solution, thread Apparatus Boiling tube Procedure 1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram . 2. Test the distilled water for starch and glucose at the beginning of the experiment . 3. Leave the apparatus for 30 minutes . 4. Test the distilled water again for starch and glucose . 5. Record your results .

Type of food in distilled water Starch Glucose Analysis

Beginning of experiment Absent Absent

End of experiment Absent Present

1. Make an analogy between the apparatus or material used in this activity with the parts of our digestive system . Apparatus/Material Visking tube Water in the boiling tube Part in the digestive system Small intestine Bloodstream

2. Small glucose molecules diffuse through the walls of the Visking tube . 3. Starch molecules are too big and cannot go through the walls of the Visking tube . 4. Glucose molecules can diffuse through the walls of small intestine into the bloodstream . 5. The diagram below shows a part in the alimentary tract .

(a) Tick ( ) in the box provided in the diagram to show the part in the alimentary which is represented by the Visking tube . (b) Name structure X . ________________________ (c) One characteristic of the wall of structure X is one-cell thick .

(d) Complete the table below . Food Class Carbohydrate (Starch) Protein Fat Enzyme involved Amylase Protease Lipase Part of alimentary tract Mouth and small intestine Stomach Small intestine Final product of digestion Glucose Amino acids Fatty acids & glycerol

6. One other enzyme that acts on protein in the human stomach is Pepsin . Conclusion 1. The hypothesis can be accepted . 2. Glucose diffusse through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream .

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