Lesson - 1: Surah 1: Al-Fatihah I. SPOKEN ARABIC (2 Minutes)
Lesson - 1: Surah 1: Al-Fatihah I. SPOKEN ARABIC (2 Minutes)
Lesson - 1: Surah 1: Al-Fatihah I. SPOKEN ARABIC (2 Minutes)
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP), i.e., read the Arabic text, translate each Arabic word one-by-one, and then translate the whole sentence without repeating Arabic text. Repeat this part for 2 minutes or until you know it thoroughly.
of Allah
Peace be
Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; and Read it with others. For details on TPI for pronouns, see page A-2 at the end.
Detached/Personal Pronouns (Masculine) Please note that the following six pronouns have occurred 1295
times in the Quran (sr: Singular; pl: Plural; dl: Dual; mg: Masculine Gender; fg: Feminine Gender). Detached / Personal Pronouns he they you you all I we
No. sr. 3rd pl. sr. 2nd pl sr. dl., pl. 1st Person
Just Five minutes of your practice using TPI will make the learning of these six words (which occur 1295 times in the Quran) extremely easy!!! Also note that while practicing, dont worry about learning the terminologies. Just focus on these six words and their meanings.
the outcast.
Use 3SP. Ponder over the verses & take lessons. Remember the 7 homeworks. Don't forget to ask Allah too (8th Homework!). We will call them as 7+1 HWs.
* I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast. ------------------------1. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 2. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 4. The Master of the day of Judgment.
from Satan,
in Allah
I seek refuge
(of) Allah,
In the name
(of) the worlds. the Lord (be) to Allah, (All) the praises and thanks
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP), as explained in Lesson 1.
of Allah
and mercy
And on you
the end.
Dont forget to practrice these using TPI. For details on TPI, see page A-2 at
In the following, you will learn simple singular and plural forms. The plural of . By adding ; plural of or is , you can make plurals. Similarly, the plural of or ; plural of is or
is is
or or and so on. It
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. Ponder over the verses & take lessons.
Remember the 7 homeworks. Don't forget to ask Allah too (8th Homework!). We will call them as 7+1 HWs.
5. You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help. 6. Guide us to the straight path. 7. The path of those You have bestowed favors on them; not of those who earned (Your) warth on themselves nor of those who go astray. Guide us
we ask for help. and You alone we worship You alone
on them; You (have) bestowed favors (of) those (The) path the straight. (to) the path,
those who go astray. [and] nor of on them (of) those who earned (Your) wrath not
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Say the following: (1) when you start anything; (2) when you see something good in others.
except with Allah. (There is) no power Allah willed, whatever
In the name of Allah
Use TPI (See page A-2 at the end). Please note that the following six attached pronouns have occurred thousands of times in the Quran. Since they occur in an attached form, they can not be counted alone. Consequently, these 5 minutes of grammar part using TPI should be taken with love and excitement.
Attached/Possessive Pronouns his Lord their Lord your Lord your Lord my Lord our Lord his their your your my our Practice on pronouns He is a righteous person. They are righteous persons. You are a righteous person. You are righteous persons. I am a righteous person. We are righteous persons. No.
sr. pl. sr. 2nd pl sr. dl., pl. 1st 3rd
-- ------------
(she) and
singular feminine forms because they occur frequently in the Quran. For details on TPI for feminine gender, see page A-4 at the end. Please note that we have used right hand for showing masculine gender forms. Therefore we will use left hand for showing feminine gender forms. In a class, both the teacher and the student should practice this part together.
Use 3SP. Ponder over the verses & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
(of) the elephant? with the companions your Lord dealt how you seen Have not
And [He] sent [in] (go) astray? their plot He make Didn't
with stones Striking them (in) flocks, birds against them
eaten up (by cattle). like straw Then He made them
of baked clay.
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Say the following: (1) during the times of trouble; (2) by way of saying good-bye; (3) & (4) while taking oath.
except with Allah. and no power There is no strength
By Allah, the Great
By Allah.
(May you be) in the protection of Allah.
his book their book your book your book my book our book
Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI). For details on TPI, see page A-2.
way of life
his way of life / religion their way of life/ religion your way of life/ religion your way of life/ religion my way of life/ religion our way of life/ religion
Revision of the last lesson He is a believer. They are believers. You are a believer. You are believers. I am a believer. We are believers. (her way of life / religion) and
Person 3rd
Practice also:
(she) and
(her book)
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. Ponder over the verses & take lessons.
(the) journeys
Their safety in
(of) this
(the) Lord
and summer
(of) winter
from fear. and gave them security against hunger (has) fed them Who
In the path of Allah
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Say the following: (1) remembering Allah; (2) Seeking His protection ; (3) Asking forgives; (4) giving charity
I seek the forgiveness of Allah
I seek refuge in Allah O Allah
(i) Learn the past tense using TPI (For details on TPI for past tense, see page A-3). Please note that different verbs of the Qur'an have occurred almost 5000 times. (ii) The preposition comes 1367 times attached with the following 7 pronouns (including ). Note that prepositions may change their meanings when they come with a verb. Use TPI for this too.
Past Tense
He did. They all did. You did. You all did. I did. We did. Practice also:
for him; his for them; their for you; your for you; your for me; mine for us; our
(she) and
(for her)
Use 3SP. Ponder over the verses & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
the Judgment? denies the one who Have you seen
the orphan drives away (is) the one who Then such
So woe (of) the needy. (the) feeding And does not encourage
(are) heedless, their prayers of [they] Who
to those who pray
(even) neighborly needs / simple assistance. And withhold
do (good deeds) to be seen,
Say the following: (1) when you promise or while expressing desire to do somthing; (2) when you encourage someone to continue; (3) when you say it to show your trust in Allah; (4) in praise of anything
Glory be to Allah. I trusted in Allah.
in Allah. (i) Practice again the past tense
(Have) trust Alla wishes. If
has occurred 3026 times (alone and attached with the following 7 pronouns including ) in the Quran. It may also be mentioned that when preposition comes with a verb or a verbal noun, its meaning changes according to the verb with which it comes and the language to which it is translated. Use TPI here too.
Past Tense
He did. They all did. You did. You all did. I did. We did.
Practice also:
from him from them from you from you all from me from us
(she) and (from her)
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. Ponder over the verses & take lessons.
1. Indeed, We have granted you AlKawthar. 2. Therefore pray to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him alone). 3. Indeed, your enemy is the one without posterity /cut-off.
Al-Kawthar. [We] have granted you Indeed, We
and sacrifice (to Him alone). to your Lord Therefore pray
is the one without posterity / cut-off. he your enemy, Indeed,
Say the following: (1) When you congratulate someone; (2) In response to congratulation; and (3) when you see someone laughing.
(all) your age. (May) Allah make you laugh / happy [in] you.
May Allah bless
(May it be) a blessed one.
page A-3). Revise the paste tense forms also. (ii) The preposition attached with the following 7 pronouns including meanings when they come with a verb. Imperfect tense He does. They do. You do. You all do. I do. We do.
Practice also: (she) and
about about him about them about you about you all about me about us
(about her);
Use 3SP. Ponder over the verses & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
you worship. what I do not worship
disbelievers! O Say,
I worship. (of) what worshippers [And] Nor (are) you
you worshipped. (of) what (be) a worshipper [And] Nor (will) I
I worship. (of) what (be) worshippers [And] Nor (will) you
my religion. and to me your religion To you (be)
Say the following: (1) after the name of a Prophet; (2) after the name of a Sahabi, i.e., a companion of Muhammad, pbuh; (3) after the name of any pious person other than Sahabi; (4) at the end of duaa/prayer.
May it be so. (be) upon him.
(may) the mercy of Allah
with him. (may) Allah be pleased
(may) peace be upon him.
(i) Repeat what you have learnt of the past as well as the imperfect tense using TPI
has occurred 163 times (alone and attached with the following 7
pronouns including ) in the Quran. Note that prepositions may change their meanings when they come with a verb. Dont forget to use TPI here also. Imperfect tense He does. They do. You do. You all do. I do. We do.
Practice also:
with with him with them with you with you all with me with us
(she) and
Use 3SP. Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. Ponder over the verses & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
1. When the Help of Allah and the Victory comes, 2. And you see the people entering the religion of Allah in crowds / troops, 3. Then glorify with the praise of your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Indeed, He is Oft-forgiving.
and the Victory, the Help of Allah, comes When
in crowds / troops, (the) religion of Allah entering into the people And you see
Then glorify
is Oft-forgiving. Indeed, He and ask forgiveness of Him.
Say the following: (1) when you sneeze; (2) When you hear someone saying alhamdulillah after he sneezes; (3) when you hear someone saying yarhamukallah to you.
your condition. and correct (may) Allah guide you
(may) Allah have mercy on you.
All praise & thanks be to Allah.
(i) Learn imperative forms and revise what you have learnt of the past tense and imperfect tense forms. For TPI details on imperative forms, see page A-3. (ii) The preposition has occurred 1658 times (alone as well as attached with the following 7 pronouns including ) in the Quran.
Negative Imperative
in him in them Dont do! Dont (you all) do! Do! Do (you all)! in you in you all in me in us
Practice also:
(she) and
(in her)
Use 3SP. Ponder over the verses & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
1. Perished are the two hands of Abu-Lahab and he Perished. 2. His wealth and that which he gained did not avail him. 3. Soon he will burn in a fire of blazing flame; 4. And his wife (as well) the carrier of firewood. 5. In her neck (will be) a rope of palm-fiber.
and he perished. (of) Abu-Lahab (are the) two hands Perished
he gained. and that which his wealth availed him Not
of blazing flame; in a fire Soon will he burn
(of) [the] firewood. (the) carrier And his wife (as well)
palm-fiber. of (will be) a rope her neck In
Use 3SP. Say the following: (1) whenever things go wrong, say it instead of saying bad words like shoot, shit, etc. Say it also when you hear that somebody died; (2) when you remind oneself or others about whom to look for help.
is the one whose help is sought. and Allah (are) to return. unto Him and indeed We are for Allah
and Ineed We
(i) Learn the imperative forms and revise the past and imperfect tense forms, i.e.
(ii) The preposition has occurred 510 times attached with the following 7 pronouns (including Quran. Note that prepositions may change their meanings when they come with a verb. Negative Imperative Imperative with with him with them Dont do! Dont (you all) do! Do! Do (you all)! with you with you all with me with us
Practice also:
)in the
(she) and
(with her).
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. Ponder over the verses & take lessons.
1. Say, He is Allah, [Who is] One. 2. Allah, the SelfSufficient. 3. He did neither beget and nor is He begotten, 4. And there is none comparable unto Him.
Allah, [who is] One. (is) Allah, He Say,
is He begotten, and nor He did neither beget
the Self-Sufficient.
anyone. comparable unto Him And (there) is not
be at ease
be as a family (member)
page A-4 for details; (ii) The preposition following 7 pronouns including they come with a verb.
) in the Quran.
along with their plurals. For TPI details, see has occurred 1423 times (alone as well as attached with the
Note that prepositions may change their meanings when
on Doer
(she) and
(on her)
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. Ponder over the verses & take lessons.
(the) evil From (of) the daybreak, in (the) Lord I seek refuge Say,
when (of) darkness (the) evil And from He created; (of) that which
in the knots, (of) those who blow And from (the) evil
it becomes intense,
he envies. when (of) the envier And from the evil
Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Say the following (i) when you meet someone in the morning, after Salam; (2) when somebody welcomes you by saying (1), i.e., the response of (1).
Bright (Good) Morning!
Good Morning!
108. The digits 108 show the number II. GRAMMAR: (i) Practice 21 important forms of the verb has occurred in the Quran in its different forms. Details about the way this number is calculated of times
is provided in the workbook. Make sure to have a look at the full conjugation table for this verb, given in the appendix at the end of the book. Also learn the commonly occurring feminine gender forms in the Quran. (ii) The preposition has occurred 736 times (alone as well as attached with the following 7 pronouns including
Prepositions may change their meanings when they come with a verb. toward
toward him toward them toward you
(she) and
(toward her)
Use 3SP. Ponder over the verses & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
(of) Mankind, (The) King
(of) mankind, in the Lord I seek refuge Say,
(of) the whisperer, From (the) evil (The) God of Mankind,
whispers Who the one who withdraws after whispering
and mankind. From among Jinn
(of) mankind into the chests / hearts
Use 3SP. Say the following (i) when you meet someone in the evening, after Salam; (2) when somebody welcomes you by saying (1), i.e., the response of (1).
Good Evening!
. The (i) Use TPI, practice the 21 important forms of digits 29 show the number of times this verb has occurred in the Quran in its different forms (ii) Preposition has occurred 197 times (alone as well as attached with the following 7 pronouns including )in the Quran.
II. GRAMMAR (Verb Type 1a):
(he opened):
Note that this verb is of type 1a (as shown in the conjugation table in the workbook as
Verb Type-1a or VT-1a), i.e., . Dont be afraid of these classifications. Just remember and practice the basic table thoroughly. There are extremely minor differences in these different types of these verbs. Detailed conjugation tables for this verb is given in PART C of the workbook. All verb sheets are provided at that place.
Have a look at page A-9 at the end of this book.
(she) and
(toward her)
Use 3SP. Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 1a. Prayer before starting ablution (Wudu) ***** * In the name of Allah. (of) Allah. ***** 1b. Prayer after finishing ablution (Wudu) ***** * I bear witness that there is no god except Allah alone, there is no partner to Him; and I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is His slave and His Messenger. O Allah! Make me among those who repent and make me among those who purify themselves. In the name
(there is) no
I bear witness
to Him;
Make me
O Allah!
Muhammad (pbuh)
and make me
Note that this verb is of type 1a (as shown in the table as Verb Type-1a or VT-1a), i.e.,
that we learnt in the last lesson). Detailed conjugation table for this verb, i.e., pattern of verb given in PART C of the workbook. Also have a look at Page A-9 at the end of this textbook.
* O Allah! Lord of this perfect call and of the prayer that is established, Give / grant Muhammad (pbuh) the closeness and the virtue and raise him up to the position of glory which You promised him. ============== ***** 2. Prayer after hearing Adhan *****
(on the
Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
O Allah!
the closeness
Muhammad (pbuh)
Give / grant
* Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. * I bear witness that there is no god except Allah. * I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is the prayer. Come to I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is the Messenger of Allah. the Messenger of Allah. * Come to the prayer. * Come to the prosperity. * Indeed the prayer is established. Indeed the Indeed the prayer is established. the prayer is established. Indeed the prosperity. Come to prayer is established. * Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. * There is no god except There is no god except Allah. Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. Allah. ***** 4. Sana ***** ============== * Glorified are You O Allah, and with Your praise; and blessed is Your name; and blessed is and with Your praise; O Allah, Glorified are You Your name; And high is Your Majesty; and there is no god other than You. other than You. and (there is) no god And high is Your Majesty; 14
Note that this verb is of type 1b (as shown in the table as Type-1b or just 1b), i.e., . Dont be afraid of these classifications. There are extremely minor differences in these classes. The little difference ... in the imperfect tense, we have ... ( that is, we have u sound on instead of a sound). Note similar small changes in the imperative forms too. Detailed conjugation tables for this verb is given in the workbook. Arabic verbs are mostly of
here is that instead of type. Have a look at Page A-9 at the end of this textbook.
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
to the one who Allah has listened the Magnificent. my Lord, Glory be to
(be) all the praise. [and] to You Our Lord praised Him. ***** 6. The Adhkaar of Sujood (Prostration) *****
=============== * Glory be to my Lord, the Exalted. * Glorified are You our Lord, and with Your praise O Allah! Forgive me =============== * O Allah! Forgive me and have mercy on me and guide me and strengthen me and protect me and grant me sustenance and raise me (in rank).
Forgive me O Allah! and with Your praise; Our Lord, O Allah, Glorified are You ***** 7. Prayer while sitting between the two Sajdahs *****
and guide me
Forgive me
O Allah!
and protect me
and strengthen me
Are you
Are you
(he worshipped).
Note that these verbs are of type 1b (as shown in the table as Verb Type-1b or VT-1b), i.e., . As noted earlier, we have u sound on the second letter of the root word instead of a sound in the imperfect tense. Note similar small changes in the imperative forms too. Detailed conjugation tables for these verbs are given in the workbook. Arabic verbs are mostly of type. Have a look at Page A-9 at the end of
this textbook.
Use 3SP. Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
All the compliments are due to Allah and all the prayers and all the pure words. Peace be on you O Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be on us and on all the righteous slaves of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah; except Allah; And I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is His slave and His Messenger.
. Tashahhud *****
O Prophet,
(be) on you
and on
(be) on us
Muhammad (pbuh)
461. (ii) The words II. GRAMMAR (Verb Type 1b): (i) Practice the following 21 forms of have come 2286 times in the Quran. Others forms are given in the
workbook. Practice them using TPI: Point one finger to something near you to a book, floor, or table and say ; point four fingers in the same direction and say ;point one finger towards someone at a distance
;point four fingers in the same direction and say ; point one finger upwards, slightly bent, as if remembering someone and say ; point four fingers in the same direction and say .
and say The 21 forms of the verb (1b)
Demonstrative and Relative Pronoun this these that those the one who those who
Here again the verb is of ( 1b). As noted earlier, we have u sound on the second root letter instead of a sound in the imperfect tense. Note similar small changes in the imperative forms too. Detailed conjugation tables for these verbs are
given in PART C of the workbook. Arabic verbs are mostly of
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 9. Durood (Sending prayers on the Prophet, pbuh) *****
and on
on Muhammad
Send peace
O Allah!
as You sent peace on Ibraheem and on the (of) Ibraheem. family of Ibraheem. Indeed, You are worthy of praise, full of glory. full of glory. O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad; as You sent blessings on Ibraheem and on the family of Ibraheem. Indeed, You are worthy of praise, full of glory.
the family
and on
on Ibraheem
worthy of praise,
(of) Muhammad;
the family
and on
on Muhammad
Send blessings
O Allah!
(of) Ibraheem.
on Ibraheem
full of glory.
worthy of praise,
(plural) Come in!
with us come in!, please!, take!, help yourself! go ahead!
58 (he hit).
second root letter instead of a or u). Note similar small changes in the imperative forms too. Repeat the 21 266 (he wronged). Detailed conjugation tables for the two verbs are forms of the verb and given in PART C of the workbook. Have a look at Page A-9 at the end of this textbook.
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 10. Prayer after Durood / before the Ending Salam *****
O Allah! Indeed, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave and from the punishment of Hellfire and from the trials of life and death and from the evil of the trial of the False Christ. ============== O Allah! Indeed I have wronged myself with excessive wrongs; and none can forgive the sins except You; so forgive for me (my sins) out of Your forgiveness and have mercy on me. Indeed You! alone are the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
(the) punishment
in You
Indeed, I
O Allah!
(the) trials
and from
(of) Hellfire
Indeed, I
O Allah!
except You;
the sins
can forgive
and none
(he heard).
. Here again, the small difference is that instead of ... in the past tense, we have ... ( i.e,, in the past tense forms we have i sound on
Note that this verb type is 1d,
the 2nd root letter instead of a sound). Note similar small changes in the imperative forms too. Repeat the 518 318 21 forms of the verb and . Detailed conjugation tables for the three verbs
Two more types (1e and 1f ) rarely occur in the Quran and are not covered in this course. Have a look at Page A-9 at the end of this textbook.
Use the 3SP to learn the following. Ponder over the message & take
12. Some prayers after Salah
* O Allah! You are the peace; And from You is the peace; You are blessed O Possessor of majesty and dignity. * O Allah! Help me to remember You and to thank You and to perfectly worship You. * O Allah! No one can prevent that which You gave; and no one can give that which You prevented; And a person with high rank can not benefit (himself or another) (from his high rank) against Your will.
O Allah!
and to perfectly worship You. and to thank You to remember You Help me O Allah!
and no
You gave;
that which
No O Allah!
You prevented;
that which
Please note that almost all the special cases follow the patterns of four types that we have studied so far, i.e., 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d. In this lesson, let us study Type 1g. It is for those verbs in which
two letters of the root are repeated. For example, different forms below which follow the pattern of 1c, i.e.,
After covering the important types (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d), we will now and Type 1f
Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
13. Duaa-al-Qunoot
* O Allah! We truly ask You for help and we seek Your forgiveness and we believe in You and we have trust in You and we praise You in the best ways and we thank You and we are not ungrateful to You. And we forsake and give up one who disobeys You. O Allah we worship You only and we pray and prostrate to You. And towards You we run and we serve, and we hope to receive Your mercy and we fear Your punishment. Surely Your punishment will strike the disbelievers.
We truly
O Allah!
And we forsake
we worship
You only
O Allah!
disobeys You
one who.
we run
and we prostrate.
we pray
and to You
Your punishment.
and we fear
and we hope
and we serve,
Your punishment
Sit !
Relax !
We are learning special cases of trilateral verbs. Please note that almost all the special cases follow the patterns of four types that we studied earlier, i.e., 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d. In the last lesson we learnt the case in which root letters are repeated. In this lesson, we will learn those verbs (Type 1h) whose first letter of the three root letters is a weak letter (one of the 3 letters:
). A weak letter gets tired quickly so it does not survive in all forms of the verb (past, imperfect, imperative, etc). It either disappears or sends another weak letter in its place! The good thing is that the three weak letters support each other to overcome their weakness! Let us take
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 14. Another prayer (Duaa-al-Qunoot ) *****
O Allah! Guide me
take care of me
in what
and bless me
the evil
our Lord,
We are learning special cases of trilateral verbs. Please note that almost all the special cases follow the patterns of four types that we studied earlier, i.e., 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d. In this lesson, we will learn those verbs (Type 1i) whose second letter of the 3 root letters is a weak letter (one of the 3 letters: ). A weak letter gets tired quickly so it does not survive in all forms of the verb (past, imperfect, imperative, etc). It either disappears or sends another weak letter in its place! The good thing is that the three weak letters support each other to overcome their weakness! Let us
( it is said; the passive voice; not follow the shown here). In some cases, it just disappears as in ( say). The different forms of pattern of . Detailed tables are in the workbook. Make sure to have a look at Page A-9 at the
and gets replaced by yaa in
(Root letters:
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 1. Sayyidul Istighfar *****
* O Allah! You are my Lord. There is no god except You; You created me and I am Your slave. And I am faithful to the pledge (of devotion) and the promise which I have given to You to the best of my capability. I seek refuge in You against the evil (consequences) of that which I did (of my sins). I acknowledge for You all Your bounties on me and I confess my sins. Hence, O Allah! forgive me (my sins); indeed, none can forgive the sins except You.
except You;
(There) is no god
(are) my Lord.
O Allah!
and I (am)
You created me
in You
I seek refuge
that which
my sins.
and I confess
on me
for You
I acknowledge
except You.
the sins
O my brother ?
(is) this
What (thing)
We are learning special cases of trilateral verbs. Please note that almost all the special cases follow the patterns of four types that we studied earlier, i.e., 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d. In the last lesson, we have learnt those verbs (Type 1i) whose second letter of the three root letters is a weak letter (one of the three letters: ). Remember that a weak letter gets tired quickly so it does not survive in all forms of the verb (past, imperfect, imperative, etc). It either disappears or sends another weak letter in its place! The good thing is that the three weak letters support each other to overcome their weakness! Let us take two more examples of this type: and
) .
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 2a. Before sleep *****
I die
In Your name
O Allah!
Your punishment
O Allah!
gave us life
(be) to Allah
in You
Indeed, I
O Allah!
the foul male and female devils / evil and all malicious things.
we saw
We are learning special cases of trilateral verbs. Please note that almost all the special cases follow the patterns of four types that we studied earlier, i.e., 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d. So far we have learnt the cases where the second letter of the three root letters was a weak
Now we take the case where (1j) where the last letter of the three
) :
) :
One more example of this type is:
) :
Detailed conjugation tables for these and all other example verbs are provided in the workbook. This ends the list of different important trilateral verbs. Make sure to have a look at Page A-9 at the end of this book where all these types are summarized in just one table. In brief, we have learnt * four basic types of triliterval verbs: -1d * -1c -1b -1a
special cases 1d where the root letters are repeated, such as: -1g
three special cases where one of the root letters is a weak letter ( -1j -1i -1h
). For example
a special case where one of the root letters is Hamzah (we will learn this in the next lesson). For example -1k 24
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 5. When coming out of bathroom / toilet *****
for Allah
from me
and provided me (with) it clothed me (with) this (be) to Allah Who All praise and thanksgiving
[and] nor
from me
any power
[from] without
***** 7. At the beginning of meal ***** or if one forgets to say in the start, then
in its beginning In the name (of) Allah ***** 8. At the end of meal *****
Fed us
(be) to Allah
the Muslims.
and made us
* In the name of Allah, I trust /rely upon Allah. There is no strength and no power except with Allah. O Allah! I truly seek refuge in You lest I go astray or be strayed by others, or I slip or I am made to slip by others, or I do wrong or I be wronged, or I act foolishly or anyone should act foolishly with me.
There is no strength
upon Allah.
I trusted / relied
O Allah! I truly
and no power
or I slip
lest I go astray
or I be wronged,
or I do wrong
or I act foolishly
you ?
(WAIN?) Where
We are learning special cases of trilateral verbs. Please note that almost all the special cases follow the patterns of four types that we studied earlier, i.e., 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d. In the last lesson, we have learnt those verbs (Type 1k) whose last letter of the three root letters is a weak letter (one of the three letters: (he ordered); (follows the pattern of
letters is Hamza ( ). It is somewhat similar to the case with weak letters. Let us take an example:
Using similar approach, practice the 21 important forms of the verb are provided in the workbook.
Make sure to
have a look at Page A-9 at the end of this book. Detailed conjugation tables for the two verbs
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 10. When Entering house *****
* O Allah! Indeed, I beg of You the good of my entrance, and the good of (my) going out. and the good of my going out. In the name of Allah we entered; and in the name of Allah we came out; and on Allah, our Lord we did rely and trust . =============== O Allah! Place light in my heart, and light in my tongue, and light in my ears/hearing, and light in my eyes/sight, and light above me, and light below me, and light on my right, and light on my left, and light in front of me, and light behind me, and place light in my soul
of (my) entrance,
O Allah! Indeed, I
we came out;
we entered;
our Lord ***** 11. While Going out for Mosque *****
and on Allah,
light in my heart,
O Allah!
light in my soul
and place
(he wished).
Detailed conjugation tables are provided in the workbook. Have a look at Page A-9 at the end of this book.
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
********** 12. While entering mosque **********
and peace
and blessings
(of) Your mercy. =============== * O Allah I truly ask You from Your bounty. from Your bounty. =============== * There is no god but Allah alone, there is no partner to Him; His is the dominion and His is the praise; He brings life and causes death and He is living, He does not die. In His Hand is all good, and He is All-Powerful over everything. =============== * Glory be to You O Allah, and with Your praise; I bear witness that there is no god but You. I seek Your forgiveness and I turn in repentance to You.
the gates
for me
O Allah!
I truly
O Allah!
to Him;
but Allah
(is) living,
and He
He brings life
and His
(is) All-Powerful.
over every
and He
(there) is no god
O Allah,
Glory be to You
to You.
but You.
If you excuse me (please) !
We have completed almost all important types of trilateral verbs in their basic form. Now, let us learn the verb conjugation table for feminine gender. Detailed table is provided on page A-10 of the appendix. You dont have to learn all the forms now. Practice the following 19 important forms and make sure to make use of TPI. As noted earlier, to distinguish it from the masculine gender, use your left hand to denote the feminine gender forms.
The forms of the first person (underlined above with single lines) are same as those of masculine gender. Verbal noun also stays the same. The only odd form is that of she does shown above with a double underline. This is same as the one for you do,' for masculine gender, i.e., & .
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
*****16. When Riding *****
to us this (ride)
made subservient
to our Lord
except Him,
there is no god
to Him.
the Ever-Living,
and heal!
O Lord of mankind;
(There is) no
any sickness.
a healing
Your healing;
II. GRAMMAR (Passive Voice): The first line of the following table is given at the end of each ( verb conjugation) table in PART C of the workbook. If you know the first line, the rest of the forms are
easy to make. Please note that a wavy underline is given to each passive voice form to distinguish it from ). Make sure to active voice. The same rule applies for feminine gender forms also (for example: have a look at the tables on pages A-11 and A-12.
Attached Pronouns
Imperfect Tense
It is being done. They are being done
Past Tense
It is done. They are done.
Detached Pronouns
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 19. Prayers on visiting the sick Recite it 7 times *****
to cure you.
the Lord
the Supreme,
I ask Allah,
O Allah! Reward me
and Ineed We
in my affliction
us and you.
Peace be on you,
And we
II. GRAMMAR (Verb DF-2): Alhamdulillah, by now we have completed almost all important forms of the triliteral verb ( ). Now we will move on to the triliteral verbs with extra letters ( ). They are called as the Derived Forms (DF) of the triliteral verb. There are 9 derived forms. Please note
that the numbering for these DFs starts with 2, i.e., DF-2, DF-3, ... DF-10. Have a look at the table on page A10 in the appendix. In the grammar lessons that will follow, we will study almost all of those forms one by one. The structure of the conjugation table that you have already learnt remains almost the same. The addition that is done to the triliteral verb is carried on to almost all the entries in the conjugation table. DF-2 is . Here an extra tashdeed (
tables given in the workbook for the derived form (DF) of the triliteral Verbs
table for feminine gender is also provided in PART C of the workbook for future reference. The practice however should be focused on following 21 forms only.
Use 3SP. Ponder over the message & take lessons. Remember 7+1 HWs.
***** 22. Start of Friday Khutbah*****
due to Allah;
the evils
and against
(of) ourselves.
(then) no
Allah guides
He deflects,
and whomsoever
* My Lord! Increase me in knowledge. --------------------* Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the hereafter that which is good, and protect us from the punishement of the Fire. -------------------* Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of the might, above what they ascribe. And peace be upon the messengers. And priase to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. -------------------* The last of our cry is that all praise and thanksgiving belong to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. to Allah, (in) knowledge.
Increase me
My Lord!
in (this) world
Give us
Our Lord!
the punishment
they ascribe.
above what
the Lord
your Lord,
Glory be to
And praise
the messengers.
And peace
Of the worlds.
the Lord
(is) that
belong to Allah,
************************** With this we have completed the 3 parts on Daily Recitations. Now we will focus on Frequent Recitations.
Please note that most of what we will study in Frequent Recitations are those parts which the Prophet (pbuh) has recommended us to recite daily! So, it is strongly advised that you memorize these parts also, if you have not done so.