Course Plan Mtech 2014 Spring

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Course and Evaluation Plans of Spring Semester 2014 For M. Tech Programmes Department of ECE M.

Tech in Electronics Design and Technology Programme

2nd Semester: EL 530: VLSI Design
VLSI design is a course of M. Tech (ELDT) of ECE deptt at Tezpur University. It cover CMOS design , Basic VLSI design and CAD tools.

Sr No 1. Topics Objective layered network architecture To learn and understand OI model and point to point protocols and TCP/ IP and point to point link control links: Error detection and correction, ARQ retransmission strategy, framing, queuing theory and delay analysis To learn and understand different error correction schemes and applications in error and flow control in data communcation To learn and understand Littles theorem, analytical treatment of M/M/1 and M/M/m queuing systems, simulation of queuing systems, delay analysis for ARQ system, multi-access system




ATM, network design of a To learn ATM and a LAN system LAN system with commercially available functional units., Wireless LAN

Prerequisites of the course: Knowledge of MOSFET modelling are required. Course outline and lecture plan:
Tentative lecture 1-7 7-15 Topics Fundamentals of CMOS & BiCMOS Stick Diagram & Lay out -rules, System Design FSM Model, ASM Chart. ASIC design flow Partitioning Floor planning Placement

15-18 18-22 22-25 27-30

30-34 34-36

Routing Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 12-02-14 26-02-14 20-03-14(AN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 23-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

Mini project: For this course students must do development work related to VLSI design. They has to give presentations and demonstration of the same

Pedagogy: Teaching-learning methods to be used: Lecture and Discussion

Presentations, Quiz,

Expected outcome:
VLSI design has emerged as one of the most impact disciplines in Electronics and Communication engg. After doing this course, students will be well known about basic Analog , digital and mixed signal circuit design.

Text book:
1. Pucknell & Eshraghian Basic VLSI Desing, PHI, 1995. 2. C. K. Wong & M. Sarrafzaden An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design, McGraw Hills International Edition, 1996

EL 532: Intelligent Instrumentation

To make the students learn about the present day technologies, signal processing and devices on ntelligent Instrumentation(II). After learning the course the students will be able to Develop schemes for intelligent devices, Design the systems, Find applications.

Lesson plan:
Module 1 Topic Classical and Intelligent sensors: Definitions Learning objectives To give the review of instrumentation and background of II Sensor and transmission To give the students the Intelligence different types of intelligent instrumentation schemes Signal manipulation The students will be able to intelligence learn on Semantic transformation, Data

validation, Missing data and data restoration, Decision making, Derived information 4 5 Artificial and adaptive Intelligence Intelligent Sensor Standards and Protocols This will include the artificial intelligence techniques Students will learn about different protocols on II

Lecture Plan:
Tentative lectures 1-3 Topics Classical sensors and transducers, Smart sensors, Cogent sensors, Self adaptive sensors, VLSI-ANN sensors, MEMs , Computational sensors, Integrated intelligent sensors (ISS), Passive and active elements, AD and DA conversions, Micromachining sensors, Thermocouple and RTD signal processing-Cold junction compensation, Integrated compensating ADC, Realization of differential temperature, Temperature compensation in Resistive strain gauge sensorsIntegrated compensating DAC, Calibration of IC thermal sensors- Integrated calibration and compensation in pressure sensors, Integrated offset, gain and nonliterary compensation. Metrological intelligenceLinearization techniques, Look up table, Piece-wise linearization, Interpolation, Progressive polynomial, LMS curve fitting, PWM, ANN , Auto calibration- autozero and autorange, Offset nullification, Error and drift compensation , Ambient errors , Circuit compensationDummy circuit, Mathematical compensationIntelligent compensation, Electrical/Electronics errors, Mechanical errors, Computational Evaluation Type A, Test-I Major-I


Type A, Test-I Major-I


Type A, Test-II Major-I


Type A, Test-II Major-I

errors. 20-27 Sampling ,Digitization and AD conversion, Signal conversion, Voltage to frequency conversion, Voltage to current conversion, 420mA transmitter, Capacitance/Inductance to duty cycle, Modulation, FM, PWM Semantic transformation, Data validation, Missing data and data restoration, Decision making, Derived information Type A, Test-II Major-I


Type A, TestIII Major-II


Human intelligence, Array based Type A, Testsensors, Basic Sensor Metrics, III Major-II Signal and image features, Prognostics diagnostics and predictive Tracking, classification and discrimination, Adaptive least square models Other Intelligences- Power saving, Voltage and current regulation, Reliability, Failure detection Intelligent Sensor Standards and Type A, TestProtocols : IEEE 1451.1, Network III Major-II communication models, STIM, Lon Talk TM Protocol, Integrated SAE JI850, MI bus, FieldBus,


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lecture and discussion Presentation Quiz and class test Assignment Laboratory

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 10-02-14 24-02-14 21-03-14(FN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 21-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

BOOK SUGGESTED 1. Intelligent Instrumentation :Principles and Application, M Bhuyan, CRC Press, 2011 2. Intelligent Sensors (Handbook of Sensors and Actuators) by H. Yamasaki (Hardcover - Mar 1, 1996). 3. Smart Sensors and MEMS by Sergey Y. Yurish, Maria T. S. R. Gomes, and Maria Teresa S.R. Gomes (Paperback - May 22, 2006) 4. Data Acquisition and Signal Processing for Smart Sensors by Nikolay V. Kirianaki, Sergey Y. Yurish, Nestor O. Shpak, and Vadim P. Deynega(Hardcover - April 11, 2002) 5. Understanding Smart Sensors (Artech House Sensors Library) by Randy Frank (Hardcover - April 2000) 6. Microsensors, MEMS and Smart Devices by Julian W. Gardner, Vijay Varadan, and Osama O. Awadelkarim(Hardcover - Dec 15, 2001)

EL 534: Modeling and Simulation

Modeling and Simulation is a course in digital system design and modelling and simulation of the digital systems using hardware description language, VHDL. It covers the hardware architecture of programmable devices like PLA, PAL, CPLD, FPGA etc. The course covers the language elements and features of VHDL.

1. Introduction - To give an introduction to Hardware Description language 2. PLD - To give an overview of PLD like FPGA,CPLD and design with PLD 3. VHDL To teach modelling and simulation of digital systems using VHDL

Prerequisites of the course: Some understanding on digital circuits and digital logic
design is required.

Course outline:
Tentative lecture 1 2-5 6 7-8 9-11 12-15 16-19 20-22 23-24 25-29 30-32 33-36 37-39 To give an introduction to the subject PLD- PLA, PAL, FPGA, CPLD Introduction to VHDL language Modelling of Digital circuits in VHDL Language elements of VHDL Types of architecture design in VHDL Generics and Configuration Subprograms Overloading in VHDL Advance features in VHDL Packages and libraries Example of design of digital system CPU design ( control circuit design )

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 11-02-14 25-02-14 19-03-14(FN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 22-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

Pedagogy :

Teaching-learning methods to be used Lecture and Discussion Presentations Quiz, Documentaries Laboratory

Expected outcome: Towards the end of the course the student would be able to
design and model digital system using hardware description language, VHDL.

Text Book:
1. Digital logic and computer design, M. Mano, Prentice Hall 2. A VHDL Primer, J Bhaskar, Prentice Hall 3. R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods: Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, 2001 4. A.K, Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, 1989 5. Technical Literature & Manuals on VHDL, HDL PALSM, ORCAD, SPICE, HLD link etc.

EL 538: Advanced Electronic Devices

MOSFET Devices: Introduction to Long Channel devices and their mathematical modeling. Introduction to Short Channel devices . Short channel Devices: Introduction to Short Channel devices and their mathematical modeling. Different short channel effects: drain-induced barrier lowering and punch through, surface scattering, velocity saturation, impact ionization, hot electrons. Nano scale MOSFETs: Quantum effects and Single-electron charging effects in nano scale Si-MOSFETs. Double gate and all around MOSFETs, Nano-wire MOSFETs. Hybrid Electronic Devices: structure, Site binding Theory. Introduction, Electrolyte-Insulator-Semiconductor(EIS)

MOSFET based Bioelectronic Devices: Ion sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET), Reference Field Effect Transistor (REFET), Measurement with ISFETs. Interfacing of

Biological molecules with Electronic elements: Enzyme kinetics, Enzyme Field Effect Transistor (ENFET), Biological Field Effect transistor (BIOFET). Modeling: Modeling for short channel effects, Nano scale devices, ISFET, ENFET and BIOFET.

Tentative Topics Lecture 1-3 Unit 1: MOSFET Devices Introduction to Long Channel devices and their mathematical modeling. Introduction to Short Channel devices . 3-9 Unit 2:Short channel Devices: Introduction to Short Channel devices and their mathematical modeling. Different short channel effects: drain-induced barrier lowering and punch through, surface scattering, velocity saturation, impact ionization, hot electrons. 10-18 Unit 3: Nano scale MOSFETs: Quantum effects and Single-electron charging effects in nano scale SiMOSFETs. Double gate and all around MOSFETs, Nano-wire MOSFETs. 19-30 Unit 4: Hybrid Electronic Devices: Introduction, Electrolyte-Insulator-Semiconductor(EIS) structure, Site binding Theory. MOSFET based Bioelectronic Devices: Ion sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET), Reference Field Effect Transistor (REFET), Measurement with ISFETs. Interfacing of Biological molecules with Electronic elements: Enzyme kinetics, Enzyme Field Effect Transistor (ENFET), Biological Field Effect transistor (BIOFET). 31-36 Unit 5: Modeling: Modeling for short channel effects, Nano scale devices, ISFET, ENFET and BIOFET.

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 07-02-14 21-02-14 20-03-14(FN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 24-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

Text Books:
1. Warner, MOSFET-Theory and Design, Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. 2. Yu Yuan, Non-Classical Mosfets: Design, Modeling, and Characterization, Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing 2012.

3. Massimo Grattarola, Giuseppe Massobrio, Bioelectronics Handbook, MOSFETs, Biosensors & Neurons McGraw Hill

Reference Books:
1. Lihui Wang, Quantum Mechanical Effects on MOSFET Scaling limit: Challenges and Opportunies for Nanoscale CMOS, Vdm Verlag, 2009. 2. Ying-Ming Huang, Micro-Scale Hybrid Biological-Engineered Devices Powered by Biomolecular Motors, Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing, 2011. 3. Balkanski, Advanced Electronic Technologies and Systems Based on Low Dimensional Quantum Devices, Springer, 1997.

EL 516: Design of Fine mechanics and power devices Evaluation Scheme:

Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 13-02-14 27-02-14 19-03-14(AN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 24-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

M.Tech in Bioelectronics Programme

2nd Semester:
BE 505: Neuro-engineering
The integration of biomolecules with electronic elements to yield functional devices attracts substantial research efforts because of the basic fundamental scientific questions and the potential practical applications of the systems. The research field gained the buzzword bioelectronics aimed at highlighting that the world of electronics could be cross fertilized with biology and biotechnology. The major activities in the field of bioelectronics relate to the development of biosensors that transduce biorecognition or biocatalytic processes in the form of electronic signals. Neuroengineering, or more precisely Bio-neuroengineering which is inseparable part of Bioelectronics, is an interdisciplinary area, with the common goal of analyzing the function of the nervous system, developing methods to restore damaged neurological function & creating artificial neuronal systems by integrating physical, chemical, mathematical & engineering tools. The development of artificial circuit models that simulate the behavior of biological neuron is one of todays most promising directions of investigation in the field of neurobio and neuromorphic engineering.

Objective vis-a-vis Lecture Modules:

Modules 1 Topic Introduction Learning Objectives Biology of the neuron, Biophysical

2 3 4 5

Membrane Hodgkin-Huxley (H-H) Model Myelinated Nerve Neural modeling

6 7

Silicon model of neuron Neuronal networks

description of the action potential, Synapses Membrane transport, Membrane capacitance H-H model of membrane, Membrane currents, Cable equation Electric circuit model of myelinated nerve Linear dendritic model, Varicosities & impulse conduction, Information processing in dendrites H-H model, synapse model, simple neuron logic gates. Neuronal networks, Neural coding

Prerequisites of the course:

Basic understanding of Biology, Physiology of human body and basic knowledge of electronics is desired but not essential.

Lecture Plan:
Tentative Lecture 1 2-3 4-5 6-8 9 10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 Topics Introduction Biology of the neuron Biophysical description of the action potential Synapses: Chemical Synapse, Electrical circuit model of synapse Membrane transport Membrane capacitance Hodgkin-Huxley (H-H) Model of membrane Membrane currents Cable equation Myelinated Nerve Electric circuit model of myelinated nerve Neural modeling: Linear dendritic model Varicosities & impulse conduction Information processing in dendrites Silicon model of neuron: H-H model Synapse model, simple neuron logic gates Neuronal networks Neural coding

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 13-02-14 27-02-14 19-03-14(FN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 24-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

Class Room Lectures Presentations Seminars Assignments Group assignments

Expected outcome
After completing the course BE 522, student is expected to have the basic knowledge of the Bio-neuro-engineering and students are expected to work in the field of Bio-neuro engineering as project work or as per their interest.

Text/Reference Book
1. Grattarola, M. Massobrio, G. Bioelectronics Handbook, MOSFETs, Biosensors & Neurons; (McGraw Hill) 2. Nicholls, J. C. Martin, A R Wallace, B. G. From Neuron to Brain (Sinauer Associates) 3. Mead, C. Analog VLSI and Neural Systems (Addison Wesley) 4. Metin, A. Neural Engineering (Wiley/IEEE Press, (Vol 1-6))

BE 506: Bio medical Image Processing

BE-506 is an introductory course into the field of Biomedical Image processing for M.Tech in Bioelectronics (ECE) students. It covers mainly the concepts of Biomedical image enhancement, restoration, compression, image transforms etc.

Biomedical Image enhancement: To understand the concepts of image enhancement in spatial domain which includes several gray level transformations like image negatives, log transformations etc. To introduce the concepts related to histogram processing, use of arithmetic/logical operations and use of first and second derivatives for image enhancement. Biomedical Image restoration: To understand the concepts related to image degradation/restoration process using spatial filters like Inverse filter and Wiener filters. Image Transforms: To understand the concepts of unitary transforms and its properties, discrete Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform etc. Biomedical Image Compression: To understand the concepts of basic image compression, different challenges in biomedical image compression, some popular lossless and lossy compression techniques.

Prerequisites of the course: Some understanding of Signals and Systems and

Linear algebra will be required.

Lecture Plan:
1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction to Digital images and Biomedical image processing technology: 3Hrs. Different problems in Bio-medical image processing: 1 Hr. Enhancement in spatial domain-Basic Grey level transformation like image negative etc., Histogram processing with examples :3 Hrs. Image Enhancement using Arithmetic / Logical operations, Order statistics filters with examples: 3 Hrs.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Sharpening spatial filters, use of first and second derivatives for enhancement with examples: 2 Hrs. Image Degradation/ Restoration process using Spatial filters : 2 Hrs. Introduction to Image transforms-2D orthogonal and unitary transforms: 2 Hrs. Properties of unitary transforms: 2hrs. 1-D and 2-D DFT with example: 2 Hrs. 1-Dand 2-D DCT with examples: 2 Hrs. DST and WHT with examples : 2 Hrs. Image Compression- Redundancies and introduction to information theory, entropy with examples : 3 Hrs. Huffman coding and arithmetic coding with examples: 3 Hrs. Dictionary based Coding techniques LZ77 and LZ78 algorithms, LZW algorithms.: 4 Hrs. Lossless and lossy predictive coding with examples: 3 Hrs. Introduction to transform coding: 1Hr. JPEG baseline coding standard: 2 Hrs.

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 10-02-14 24-02-14 21-03-14(FN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 21-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

Teaching learning methods to be used Lecture and discussion Quiz Presentation Lab classes

Expected outcome:
Students passing this course will be proficient with the knowledge of basic concepts of Biomedical imaging technology, enhancement, restoration and compression techniques. They will also have a basic knowledge of Image transforms, orthogonal transforms and its properties.

Text Book: 1. J.D. Bronzion, Biomedical Engineering Handbook, CRC press. 2. A. K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, PHI 3. Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education. 4. Khalid Sayood, Introduction to Data Compression, Morgan Kaufmann

BE 508: BioMEMS & Nanotechnology

Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), an advanced product and equipment design concept, has already emerged in order to cater to the development of miniaturized products. It has become the preferred scenario for the next generation sophisticated products and equipment which are to be used to meet the aspectations of micro technology. Microdevices used for analysis and detection of biomedical and industrial reagents are under the scope of BioMEMS and finds applications in genetic screening, antibody gene expression in transgenic cells, bio-warefare agents detection etc. Another aspect of this subject is the well known technology called nanotechnology and confines to the concepts of nanosensors, nanoarrays and nanodevices. BE 508 is a broad course to provide the students detail information as far as proof of principle, concepts, design, development and applications of MEMS, BioMEMS and Nanotechnology.

Objective vis-a-vis Lecture Modules:

Modules 1 Topic MEMS Learning Objectives Origin of MEMS, Microfabrication and Micromachining, Market growth of MEMS technology, Microsensors and Microactuators, Transduction Principles in MEMS System on a Chip BioMEMS Bio, Chemo, Micro Fluidic MEMS, Chem-Lab on a Chip, DNA Sensors Nanotechnology ntroduction to Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology Materials Carbon Nanotube (CNT), Applications of CNT MEMS in E-Nose, E-Tounge, Artificial Auditory Chips, Artificial Assistive Vision Chips, Artificial Audio/ Visual Integrated Systems based on Brain Information Processing.

2 3 4

Prerequisites of the course:

Basic understanding of 1 . Elecments of Modern Biology (BT 101 of Tezpur University) 2 . Electronics of 1st Year B.E. Course (EL 221 of Tezpur University) 3 . Engineering Mechanics [Force Systems, Kinematics and Dynamics] (ME 102 of Tezpur University

Lecture Plan:
Tentitive Lecture 1 2,3 4,5 6,7 8 9,10 11 12 13,14 15 16,17 18,19 20 Topics Introduction to MEMS MEMS Sensor, MEMS Actuators MEMS Sensing Principles MEMS Actuation Principles Intelligent sensors using MEMS Micro pump Micro cantilever beam DNA Biosensors Lab-on-a chip Nanosensors Nanodevices E-Nose E-tongue

21 22 23,24 25

Artificial Auditory Chips Artificial Vision Chips Artificial audio/ visual integrated systems based on brain information processing An advanced Application of Modern Technology: da-Vinci System

Following Assigments are suggested for Spring 2013. Students may choose any one from each category: Assignment-I and Assignment-II according to their interest with prior discussion. Assignment-I 1. Simulation of Pull in Effect in MEMS capacitor using MATLab GUI. 2. Closed loop Speed Control of a DC motor using GUI in MatLAB through parallel port. Assignment-II 1. Brain-controlled switch that is activated by signals measured directly from an individuals brain. 2. Detection of Eye Blink Artifact in EEG signals. 3. Detection of alpha, beta, delta, and theta rhythms in the EEG signal.

Class Room Lectures Presentations Discussion on Assignments

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 11-02-14 25-02-14 19-03-14(AN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 22-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

Expected outcome:
After completing the course BE 508, student is expected to have the basic knowledge of the advanced product and equipment design concept, design, development and applications of MEMS, BioMEMS and Nanotechnology.

Text Book
N. P. Mahalik. MEMS. Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.

BE 518: Bioelectronics system & control

BE510 is a course into the field of control system engineering applied to bioelectronic system. It covers basic control system engineering theory , neural network and fuzzy logic control and application of this theory to bioelectronic system.

Objective: What the course seeks to do

1. To give an introduction to basic control system engineering principles. 2. To give an introduction to fuzzy logic control theory. 3. To give an introduction to application of control system theory to bioelectronic system.

Prerequisites of the course:

Some understanding of mathematical modelling Course outline Tentative lecture 1 2-4 5-7 8-12

To give an introduction to the subject Control system types and representation Mathematics of Control system theory ( system model, Laplace transform, Transfer function etc.. ) Analysis of Control system (Dynamic Response, Error and stability of control system ) Design and simulation of controllers Bode design and Nonlinear control System Fuzzy control theory and systems Neural networks and bioelectronic control systems Bioelectronic systems Some examples of Control theory applied to bioelectronic system modelling and analysis Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 07-02-14 21-02-14 20-03-14(AN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 21-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

13-14 15-16 17-26 27-30 31-32 33-37

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60

Pedagogy :
Teaching-learning methods to be used viz. Lecture and Discussion

Presentations Quiz, Documentaries Evaluation plan

Expected outcome: Towards the end of the course the student would be able to
design, model and analyse control system in bioelectronic system.

Text/ Reference Books:

1. Biosensors and Environmental Monitoring; Author: U Bilitewski,A Turner;

Publisher: Taylor and Francis.

2. Introduction to Bioanalytical Sensors; Author: A J Cunningham, Publisher:

Wiley Interscience. 3. Automatic Control System; Author: B.C. Kuo; Publisher: TMH 4. Introduction To Modern Control Systems; Author: K. Ogata; Publisher: PHI. 5. BioPhysics; Author: R Glaser; Publisher: Springr. 6. Bioelectronic Measurements, Author: Michaels, Dean A, Demarre, Publisher: Prentice Hall. 7. Physiological Control Systems: Analysis, Simulation, and Estimation, Author: Michael C. K. Khoo, Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press

BE 524: Advanced Bioelectronic Devices

Metal - Oxide - Semiconductor (MOS):MOS Structure, Modes of operation, Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field effect Transistor (MOSFET). Electrolyte Insulator Semiconductor (EIS): EIS Structure, Site binding Theory, Electrical double layer theory. MOSFET Based Bioelectronic devices: Biosensor overview, Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET), Enzyme Field Effect Transistor (ENFET), Chemical Field Effect Transistor (CHEMFET), Reference Field Effect Transistor (REFET), Immune Field Effect Transistor (IMFET), Organic Thin Film Transistor (TFT), Cell-Based Biosensors & Sensors of Cell Metabolism, Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensors (LAPS); Interfacing of Biological Systems with electronic systems, non-conventional bioelectronic devices, conducting polymer based ISFET. Modeling & Simulation: SPICE and Electrochemical models of ISFET & CHEMFET.

Tentative Topics Lecture 1-5 Unit 1: Metal - Oxide - Semiconductor (MOS): MOS Structure, Modes of operation, Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field effect Transistor (MOSFET). 6-8 9-25 Unit 2: Electrolyte Insulator Semiconductor (EIS): EIS Structure, Site binding Theory, Electrical double layer theory. Unit 3: MOSFET Based Bioelectronic devices Biosensor overview, Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET), Enzyme Field Effect Transistor (ENFET), Chemical Field Effect Transistor (CHEMFET), Reference Field Effect Transistor (REFET), Immune Field


Effect Transistor (IMFET), Organic Thin Film Transistor (TFT), Cell-Based Biosensors & Sensors of Cell Metabolism, Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensors (LAPS); Interfacing of Biological Systems with electronic systems, non-conventional bioelectronic devices, conducting polymer based ISFET. Unit 4: Modeling & Simulation SPICE and Electrochemical models of ISFET & CHEMFET.

Evaluation Scheme:
Test No. Test I Test II Major I Test III Test IV Major II Marks 25 25 40 25 25 60 Duration 30 min. 30 min. 1 hr. Assignment type 30 min. 2 hrs. Date 12-02-14 26-02-14 20-03-14(FN) Within 12th week: Apr.11,2014 23-04-14 7 week days starting from May 16,2014

Text/ Reference Books:

1. Bioelectronics Handbook, MOSFETs, Biosensors,& Neurons, Author: Massimo Grattarola, Giuseppe Massobrio, Publisher: McGraw Hill. 2. Advanced Semiconductor and Organic Nanotechnology; Author: H. Markov , Publisher: Academic Press 3. Biomaterial Science , Author: Ruddy Ratner, Publisher: Academic Press. 4. Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Author: J.D. Bronzion, Publisher: CRC press. 5. Commercial Biosensors: Applications to Clinical,Bioprocess and Environmental Samples, Author: G. Ramsa, Publisher: Wiley-Interscience. 6. Introduction to bioanalytical sensors , Author: A.J.Cunningham, Publisher: Wiley Interscience. 7. Biosensors in Environmental Monitoring, Author: U.Bilitewski,A.Turner; Publisher: Taylor Francis. 8. Biochip Technology; Author: J Cheng,L Kricka; Publisher: Taylor and Francis. 9. BioPhysics; Author: R Glaser; Publisher: Springr

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